Botox - contraindications before and after the procedure. Contraindications to Botox: when to avoid injections

Despite the high safety of botulinum therapy, there are certain contraindications to Botox injections. They are associated both with the direct effect of the neurotoxin on the muscles, and with poor knowledge of the effect of its use under certain conditions. physiological conditions(for example, during pregnancy).

It is noteworthy that despite the relatively small list of contraindications themselves, they correspond to a fairly wide range of patients. For this reason, situations when Botox injections cannot be done occur quite often. Sometimes conditions that are contraindications are temporary, and sometimes the patient is prohibited from receiving such injections for years.

At the same time, not all contraindications to the use of botulinum toxins are equally strict. Among them there are absolute ones, in which therapy is prohibited in principle. Just as there are relative contraindications, which are more correctly called warnings: if they are present, injections are not prohibited, but they must be done with great caution (in such cases, the doctor must make the decision to carry out the procedure by assessing some additional factors).

Next, we will figure out how strict certain contraindications to Botox injections are, and which ones should be considered only as factors under which botulinum therapy should be carried out with increased caution.


Almost all the nuances that will be discussed below are the same for Botox and other botulinum toxin preparations (Xeomin, Relatox, Dysport, etc.). WITH high probability if there is one or another limiting factor in the patient, injections of one drug will cause approximately the same unwanted reactions, like injections of another drug.

Contraindications to botulinum therapy

All contraindications to Botox injections can be divided into two groups: absolute and relative.

The first are those that are categorically not subject to violation. They were established by various regulatory organizations (initially for the first botulinum toxin preparations they were prescribed by the FDA in the USA) and are indicated, among other things, in the instructions for use for the drugs themselves.

All absolute contraindications cannot be ignored categorically; they are listed in the instructions for the drug.

These include:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. Allergy to any of the components of the drug;
  3. Children under 3 years of age;
  4. Infectious lesions of the facial skin at the sites where the drug is supposed to be administered.

If at least one of these factors is present, the use of botulinum toxin is strictly prohibited.

Less strict contraindications (relative) and factors limiting the use of neurotoxins are:

  • Use of certain antibiotics and antidepressants;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage (including ARVI, intestinal infections, venereal diseases) occurring with severe febrile syndrome;
  • Myasthenia;
  • Severe damage to the facial nerves;
  • Constant or frequent exposure to the sun;
  • Ocular hernia;
  • Active antitoxic therapy, procedures for “cleansing” the body;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hypertension or hypotension;
  • Open wounds, sores, scratches and fresh scars on the face;
  • Cold;
  • Myopia and strabismus;
  • Tendency to keloid scarring;
  • Recent surgical interventions on the face.

If these contraindications are present, the cosmetologist comprehensively assesses the situation of a particular person, after which he makes a decision to carry out therapy or to refuse it.

If the patient has certain diseases, the doctor makes a decision on therapy, assessing all the risks and possible consequences.


There are also contraindications that cannot be clearly classified into one group or another. For example, a history of botulism is often indicated as a clear contraindication to botulinum therapy, but there are cases of successful injections with significant results without any serious consequences in patients who have previously had botulism. This is another confirmation of the fact that specific situation a particular patient should be assessed by a doctor who well understands the specifics of the action of botulinum toxin, the reasons for certain restrictions and the possible consequences of violating them.

Let's take a closer look at each of the above contraindications and find out why injecting Botox or its taxes in such cases is not recommended.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

This contraindication is one of the most strict (absolute). It was officially established in the USA in 2002 by the FDA, and it is also indicated in the instructions for use for all botulinum toxin preparations.

The reason for this ban is the lack of data on how injections of Botox or other similar drugs may affect pregnancy and fetal development. Absent full information about whether botulinum toxin is capable of intramuscular injections cause disturbances in fetal development or alter the functioning of reproductive system women.

Pregnancy is a strict contraindication to the use of Botox, since there is currently no accurate data on the effect of these injections on fetal development.

Theoretically, there is no clear danger from Botox injections during pregnancy. However, the actual safety of botulinum therapy for pregnant women has not been tested, which means there is no confidence that the injections will truly be harmless.

Specifically for the use of botulinum toxin, such contraindications are of high importance. The fact is that before carrying out any procedure and before using any pharmaceuticals the doctor correlates the benefit and significance of such a prescription for the patient, comparing it with possible risk for health.

For example, if a doctor prescribes an antibiotic, he takes a conscious risk that the antibiotic may cause digestive upset, allergies, or other side effects. However, these actions of the drug do not threaten the patient’s life, while the infection that the antibiotic helps fight can be deadly. Therefore, side effects in this case can be neglected in order to solve a more serious problem.

In the case of Botox injections in cosmetology, the situation is such that even a minimal risk does not allow the doctor to use this remedy on a pregnant woman. The use of botulinum toxin in the fight against wrinkles has no significance for the health and life of the patient, and even the hypothetical risk for fetal development associated with its use is a reason to refuse injections. Since today it is not known whether botulinum toxin can affect the development of the fetus, pregnancy is a strict contraindication for its administration.


The same principle is relevant for many other contraindications to Botox injections: if there is at least a minimal risk from the procedures, it is wiser to refuse them, at least for a while.

The same is true for breastfeeding: doctors do not know for sure whether botulinum therapy in the mother can affect the condition infant, and therefore such injections are not given to nursing mothers.

Due to the lack of data on the effect of Botox on the condition of the newborn, the administration of botulinum toxin injections to nursing women is strictly prohibited.

At the same time, menstruation and premenstrual syndrome is not a contraindication to Botox injections, although in general it is believed that it is better to wait until they are completed and only then do “beauty injections”.

Children under 2 years old

Here we are not talking about cosmetology, but about therapeutic use botulinum toxins: they are often used in complex therapy Cerebral palsy, strabismus, cervical dystonia and others neurological diseases in children.

Botulinum toxin for the treatment of strabismus in children under 2 years of age is prohibited for use.

Previously, the age limit for such procedures was set at 12 years. It was believed that more early age Injecting a child with a neurotoxin is dangerous. However, after numerous studies, the permitted age was lowered to 2 years. However, the decision to use the drug in a child is made only by a doctor, assessing the condition and possible risks.


It is clear that in cosmetology Botox is not used in children at all - this is not necessary, since even in adolescents, wrinkles do not yet develop due to very elastic skin and the absence of prolonged reflex contractions of the facial muscles. The need for injections to eliminate wrinkles usually arises no earlier than 25 years of age, when age restrictions these procedures are no longer available. Simply put, when Botox is really needed to eliminate wrinkles, you can already inject it.

A relative contraindication to botulinum toxin injections is also age over 60 years.: the results of injections in older people are less predictable and there is a risk of developing facial asymmetry. Moreover, for such patients, the possibility of using botulinum toxin is assessed by the doctor individually based on the severity of wrinkles and work characteristics. facial muscles and other parameters.

History of botulism as a contraindication to Botox injections

As noted above, this contraindication is not strict, and it has its own specifics.

It is believed that after suffering from botulism, the patient may develop immunity to botulinum toxin, due to which the active substance of Botox or other analogue drugs will be neutralized immune system, and the procedure will not produce results.

In fact, it is known that botulism almost never leaves immunity due to the very small amount of toxin that affects the body. The amount of neurotoxin in poisoning that can trigger an immune response will almost certainly kill the victim.

Therefore, even after suffering from botulism, botulinum toxin injections are likely to be effective. Even if an extremely rare situation arises and immunity is formed, this will only lead to the fact that the injection will not produce results. This situation does not pose a danger to the patient’s health, and therefore it is unreasonable to consider a history of botulism as a contraindication to botulinum therapy.

Allergy to the drug

An allergy to the drug is another strict contraindication to its use. If you are allergic either to botulinum toxin itself or to any auxiliary component, it is possible to develop severe complications, up to anaphylactic shock with fatal outcome. Therefore, if you have the slightest manifestation of an allergy to Botox (or an analogue), you cannot inject the drug.

The presence of an allergy to botulinum toxin or another component of the drug refers to strict contraindications to botulinum therapy, since the health risks in this case greatly exceed its benefits.


Over the entire history of the use of botulinum toxin in cosmetology practice, 98 cases of death from complications after procedures have been officially registered. The vast majority of them (more than 80 cases) are associated specifically with the development of allergies.

Most often, allergies occur to botulinum toxin itself, as the most active antigen. The likelihood of signs of hypersensitivity to auxiliary components - albumin, gelatin, associated proteins - is much less, but also exists.

If you are allergic to botulinum toxin, any of its medications are contraindicated. If you are allergic to any of the auxiliary components it is possible to select a drug that does not contain an allergen and which, therefore, will not cause a hypersensitivity reaction.

Acne, facial rashes and skin infections

For various infectious skin lesions at the sites where the drug is supposed to be administered, botulinum toxin injections can lead to increased symptoms and complications of the disease.

In particular, contraindications are:

  1. Acne with severe hyperemia;
  2. Herpes on the lips, forehead (more rare form) or near the eyes;
  3. Stye on the eye;
  4. Rosacea and rosacea of ​​various etiologies;
  5. Psoriasis;
  6. Various dermatitis;
  7. Numerous papillomas, moles and nevi.

In the presence of a pronounced inflammatory process Botox injections are not performed on the face.

The severity of certain skin lesions should be assessed by a doctor immediately before the procedure. According to standards, injections are carried out into the muscles at completely healthy skin and the absence of signs of inflammation and infectious lesions.

Deviation from these norms is possible in exceptional cases at the discretion of the doctor. For example, for herpes on the upper lip, the doctor may give injections in the area between the eyebrows or the muscles on the forehead. And vice versa - with acne on the forehead, injections into the nasolabial folds may be acceptable, but the final word still remains with the doctor.


This contraindication to the use of Botox is also relative, and the doctor makes the decision to perform injections after examining the patient and studying his medical history. In this case, much depends on the stage of the cancer, the location of the tumor and the therapy performed.

Thus, during chemotherapy, severe course illness and taking powerful drugs medicines Botox cannot be injected. At the same time, in case of illness early stage, for the treatment of which an operation is being prepared or is being carried out conservative treatment(for example, for skin cancer not on the face), botulinum toxin therapy may be acceptable.

Here it is important to soberly assess the need for cosmetic procedures with developed oncology. If we are talking, for example, about a pathology at an early stage, easily treatable or surgical removal, then botulinum therapy may be acceptable. In case of severe diseases, for which the outcome of treatment is unknown, and the pathology itself significantly affects the patient’s condition, the additional burden on the body during botulinum therapy may be completely inappropriate.

Taking certain types of antibiotics and antidepressants

Botox injections are contraindicated when taking antibiotics and antidepressants, the side effects of which include weakening of neuromuscular conduction. The use of such drugs has an effect similar to the effect of Botox injections - relaxation of the facial muscles, reduction in the severity of wrinkles.

If botulinum toxin is administered simultaneously, two reaction options are possible:

  1. Excessive relaxation of muscles and the formation of various facial defects, a “waxy” face, asymmetry of muscle contraction - if the Botox injection complements the effect of the medication;
  2. Or, on the contrary, it is possible that the results from using Botox will decrease due to the fact that the cosmetologist, assessing muscle contraction and the severity of wrinkles, will see not the real picture, but a picture weakened by the action of the antibiotic. Therefore, if a patient actually needs to inject, say, 20 units of Botox, it may be that due to muscle relaxation caused by the drug, the esthetician will decide to inject, for example, 12 units. When the antibiotic is stopped and its effect on the muscles is completed, full muscle contraction is restored and it turns out that the Botox dosage was insufficient, and the wrinkles are largely preserved.

This is true for antibiotics from the groups of aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines and lincosamides, some antidepressants and a certain set of other drugs. The list of such drugs includes more than 300 items (including blood anticoagulants), and their effect on the results of Botox injections can be different. Therefore, when coordinating the procedure with the doctor, it is necessary to inform him what medications were taken shortly before the visit or continue to be taken, and the specialist, taking this information into account, will decide on the possibility of injections.

Myasthenia gravis

Myasthenia gravis ( muscle weakness) at certain stages may be a clear contraindication to botulinum therapy due to the risk of developing severe muscle paralysis. With myasthenia gravis, neuromuscular conduction is initially impaired, which is why the muscles themselves are weakened. If this condition is also strengthened by Botox, then complete paralysis with serious complications is possible - ptosis, drooping cheeks, the “waxy face” effect and other unpleasant consequences.

At the same time, upon completion of treatment for myasthenia gravis or in stable remission, the cosmetologist may decide to inject Botox in small quantities into the most problematic areas. In any case, he must know that the patient has myasthenia gravis.

Ocular hernia

Despite the relative safety of this pathology, Botox is contraindicated for it due to increased symptoms and an increase in the “bags” themselves. This contraindication applies only to injections into the corners of the eyes and around them, that is, into those muscles whose tone provides “tightening” of the hernia itself and prevents it from increasing in size.

If this contraindication is neglected, the “bag” under the eye can increase significantly after injections.

At the same time, injections into other facial muscles for an ocular hernia are not contraindicated. With this defect, you can get rid of nasolabial, glabellar and frontal wrinkles.

Relative contraindications

There are also restrictions on the administration of botulinum toxin in the following cases:

It is also not recommended to inject Botox while simultaneously performing a facial massage - increased blood circulation can provoke increased diffusion of the toxin into the tissue and an excessive effect from the procedures, including various complications.

After rhinoplasty, Botox is administered no earlier than a month later, when the regeneration of nasal cartilage tissue is completed.

In general, various diseases with pronounced symptoms are warnings for Botox injections. For example, botulinum therapy should be carried out with great caution in multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, digestive disorders, infectious diseases. Even with chronic diseases, you need to inform the doctor about them before the procedure, and he will then decide whether to give injections.

“The first two times I did Botox and Dysport, the second was cheaper. The third time I decided to save a little more and put on relatox. The doctor said that relatox itself is cheaper, plus it is more effective and less of it is required, in the end the price should be 30-40% cheaper than Botox. So, the drug didn’t take at all. There was not even any weakening of the wrinkles, although with Botox and Dysport they were completely smoothed out. Plus, the injections made my face itch wildly - this had never happened before. I knew that when you are sick and take antibiotics, you can’t give injections, and so I specifically waited a week after a sore throat. But it didn’t work..."

Lyudmila, Cheboksary

What can replace Botox if it is contraindicated?

With most contraindications to the use of Botox, it is automatically assumed that in this case other botulinum toxin preparations are also contraindicated (Dysport, Xeomin, Relatox, Neuronox, etc.), as well as the so-called mesobotox, that is, the injection of botulinum toxin not into the muscle, but into the skin.


The so-called “nanobotox” has nothing to do with botulinum therapy, since it is a special cream for application to the skin. Accordingly, the contraindications for its use are completely different than for Botox injections.

If Botox is contraindicated for a particular patient, in some cases he may be prescribed some other procedures that, to one degree or another, will provide the effect of eliminating wrinkles. For example:

  • Reinforcement of skin and muscles with gold threads is a procedure aimed at eliminating dynamic wrinkles, but does not allow eliminating the smallest of them;
  • Biorevitalization, which can be used to eliminate wrinkles caused by skin loss of moisture and hyaluronic acid. And although this procedure does not give a result completely similar to botulinum therapy, its effect in the fight against wrinkles is generally similar;
  • Injections of individual peptides that have an effect similar to Botox;
  • Contour plastic surgery with injections of hyaluronic acid (synthetic gels).

These procedures do not always achieve the same effect that Botox provides, but sometimes they can replace it. However, it should be remembered that such manipulations also have their own contraindications, which also need to be taken into account before starting facial plastic surgery.

Useful video about the main contraindications to the use of Botox

A specialist explains: when and in what cases Botox injections should not be done

Botulinum toxin therapy in for cosmetic purposes 10 years ago it was prescribed mainly to women over 45 years of age, with clear indications for the procedure. It is becoming increasingly popular among young people, but they try not to think at all about whether there are contraindications to Botox before and after the procedure. Test your knowledge about beauty injections in our article.

Botox - contraindications and consequences

The active component of the drug is type A - hemagglutinin, which causes temporary muscle paralysis by blocking signals going to nerve endings. There are many small muscles on the face, where wrinkles form in places where they are tense. The cosmetologist injects a dose of serum calculated taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient at the points corresponding to the greatest muscle activity. After the introduction of the toxin, the muscles stop contracting, the skin smoothes out and becomes more even.

Doctors say that the drug, which contains a dangerous toxin, acts for at least several days, after which it is naturally eliminated from the human body without harming it. The effect of blocking nerve impulses lasts longer - until they full recovery. Despite the apparent simplicity of the effect, there are contraindications and limitations for using the serum. By ignoring them, the patient will receive consequences along with smoothing out wrinkles varying degrees severity: from minor to severe.

This occurs due to the fact that toxins, distributed in circulatory system, have an impact on the entire body. The doctor performing the procedure will definitely warn you that afterward you may observe:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • malaise;
  • the appearance of edema, bruising, swelling in the injection area;
  • nausea.

These consequences after injections are the most common, although the majority of women report a mild degree of discomfort. But there are diseases and conditions that aggravate the effect of botulinum toxins on the body - they are included in the list of contraindications.

Contraindications for accompanying Botox injections

Botulinum toxin therapy has relative and permanent (absolute) restrictions on its use. The first include: pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, alcohol intoxication, inflammation, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Beauty injections are prohibited for persons taking the following: medicines: drugs of the antibacterial group, anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, painkillers, nootropics and tranquilizers.

Absolute contraindications are:

Restrictions from cosmetology also exist. This local reactions(scarring on atypical type), ptosis, local skin irritation. In patients with atonic skin caused by age-related changes, the appearance may deteriorate (the skin will sag even more and become flabby).

The procedure cannot be repeated if less than 12 weeks have passed since the date of the first injection.

IN postoperative period Botulinum therapy is prohibited. Avoid taking it if you feel unwell, have decreased tone, or are extremely tired. As a contraindication, doctors recommend refraining from a horizontal position, so you won’t be able to lie down and rest for 4-6, or better yet, 6-8 hours.

Consequences of violating restrictions

What happens if the above restrictions are violated? The consequences are divided into several groups:

  • No result

It is associated with treatment with antibiotics (treatment is stopped three weeks before injections) and alcohol intake. Too frequent beauty trips (without maintaining a 12-week interval) cause the formation of antibodies, and the drug stops working. In some cases, it is associated with menstruation.

  • Feeling worse

Deterioration in health, mild or serious, is possible if a number of restrictions are violated. For example, if you do this, severe swelling, nausea, and vomiting are possible.

  • Allergic reactions

The serum can cause allergies, although such a reaction from the body is rare. The risk is higher in patients who have already demonstrated an allergy when taking protein drugs. There is an opinion that an allergic reaction is caused by the procedure while taking antibiotics.

  • Short-term muscle dysfunction

Caused by antibiotic therapy, which enhances the effect of botulinum toxins. In the presence of diseases of the neuromuscular system, difficulty breathing and swallowing are possible, especially with impacts in the lower third of the face and neck. The drooping of the eyelid accompanies the area near the eyes.

  • Tissue hyperreaction

Medicines that thin the blood and hemolytic diseases contribute to the formation of bruises at the sites of serum injection. This condition is temporary, but nevertheless unpleasant.

Sooner or later, wrinkles appear on every woman’s face, which is due to inevitable age-related changes in the skin. However, you should not despair about this, since for facial rejuvenation modern cosmetology offers many techniques of varying complexity, effectiveness and cost. Particularly popular among them are the so-called “beauty injections,” the essence of which is to inject botulinum toxin (Botox) into certain facial muscles, blocking their activity. Before undertaking such a procedure, it is important to find out the contraindications and all possible negative consequences.


The effect of Botox on the body

Botulinum toxin, or botulinum toxin, is produced during the life of the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and is one of the most toxic substances. When it enters the human body, severe toxic damage(botulism) nervous system, mainly dorsal and medulla oblongata, disruption of muscle innervation, development of acute respiratory failure. If you fail to apply in a timely manner medical care exists high probability lethal outcome.

How does Botox work?

Botulinum toxin preparations used in cosmetology and medicine (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) contain highly purified and weakened botulinum toxin type A, the local use of which in strictly controlled therapeutic doses is not dangerous. Despite the concerns of many people, they do not cause addiction or muscle atrophy and do not have any systemic action on the body.

The injection of small doses of botulinum toxin into a muscle causes its temporary paralysis or persistent relaxation by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle. muscle fibers. As a result, wrinkles formed due to work facial muscles, are smoothed out. About six months later, after Botox is removed from the body and muscle functions are completely restored, the woman already gains the ability to control her facial expressions. She loses the habit of actively using the muscles into which the drug was injected (furrowing her eyebrows, squinting her eyes), which serves to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Interesting: The ability of botulinum toxin to eliminate facial wrinkles was discovered in 1982. During his treatment of people suffering from strabismus and blepharospasm, it was discovered that transverse wrinkles on the forehead in such patients were smoothed out.

When to use

Botox injections are also used for excessive sweating(hyperhidrosis) of the armpits, palms and feet. They block the transmission of nerve impulses to the sweat glands, which significantly reduces or stops sweating while maintaining normal thermoregulation.

Depending on the nature of the problem, places for botulinum toxin injection may be accumulations of facial wrinkles in the areas between the eyebrows and in the forehead (vertical and horizontal folds on the forehead), around the eyes (crow's feet) and mouth (nasolabial folds), as well as armpits, palms and feet with hyperhidrosis.

In medicine, botulinum toxin preparations are used for diseases accompanied by severe muscle hypertonicity, convulsions and pain syndrome caused by muscle spasm. These include some types of headaches and migraines, cerebral palsy, strabismus, consequences of stroke, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, torticollis, muscle spasms in the back, shoulder girdle, urinary disorders and others.

Contraindications to drug administration

Before performing “beauty injections,” even though they are considered safe, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist. Contraindications for Botox, regardless of the injection site, are:

Except general contraindications There are restrictions on performing Botox in certain places. For example, botulinum toxin injections in the facial area are contraindicated if you have had plastic surgery or there is pronounced gravitational ptosis of tissues. When facial skin sagging, the injection of botulinum toxin can negatively affect the appearance and further aggravate existing problems. It is impossible to correct facial wrinkles with Botox in the area of ​​the eyes and bridge of the nose if there is a high degree of myopia (more than 6 diopters), or hernias in the upper and lower eyelids.

Compatibility of Botox with drugs

Botox cannot be combined with the use of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, and certain medications that affect neuromuscular transmission processes and increase intracellular calcium concentration. These include muscle relaxants, antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, tetracyclines, macrolides, lincosamides and others. Their combined use leads to an increase in the effect of botulinum toxin. There should be a break of at least two weeks between injections and taking these drugs.

If shortly before the procedure a woman took antipyretics based on aspirin or ibuprofen, then the likelihood of hematoma formation at the injection site increases, since these drugs thin the blood.

Advice: If it is necessary to correct wrinkles in several areas of the face, it is not recommended to inject botulinum toxin into all places at once, as this risks making it look like a wax mask.

Video: What is the danger of “beauty injections”

The use of Botox during pregnancy and lactation

Botox is contraindicated for pregnant women due to the lack of clinical trials, confirming its safety for both the expectant mother and normal development fetus The same applies to nursing mothers.

During the period of pregnancy and birth of a child, a woman’s head is occupied with completely different problems and rarely does anyone think about fighting wrinkles. Very often, a woman’s appearance during this period changes slightly under the influence of changes hormonal levels, therefore, it is better to take care of yourself after it has stabilized and returned to its original state, that is, after the end of lactation.

Possible complications

Sometimes after Botox, women experience discomfort in the injection area, dizziness and headaches for several days. The following local complications are possible:

  • drooping eyebrows;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages;
  • soreness and numbness;
  • hematomas;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • spasm of the eyelids;
  • mobility impairment upper lip and corners of the lips;
  • inflammation due to infection;

For women with active and expressive facial expressions, Botox injections can lead to the formation of new wrinkles in other places. After the loss of mobility of some muscle groups, their functions are taken over by others. When injections are given to reduce sweating, there is sometimes a slight increase in sweating in other areas of the body.

Decrease listed undesirable consequences possible using massage and physiotherapeutic methods. This correction usually takes 1–2 months.

Important: The danger of intoxication and the development of botulism when administering Botox in cosmetic or medical purposes absent, since toxic doses are thousands of times higher than therapeutic ones.

Considering that over time Botox is gradually completely eliminated from the body, then all the effects caused by it unpleasant consequences are reversible. Complications, as a rule, arise due to incorrect selection of the dose and injection sites, low-quality botulinum toxin preparation, or the woman’s failure to comply with the cosmetologist’s recommendations after the procedure.

Prevention of complications

Botox will help reduce the likelihood of complications. correct behavior after the procedure and compliance with some restrictions.

Several hours after the procedure, the drug is distributed in the tissues, therefore, in order for it to be correct, for 4 hours you should not take a horizontal position of the body and tilt your head forward or backward. During this period, you need to actively move the muscles into which botulinum toxin was injected.

Within 5–7 days after Botox, any contraindications are thermal effects on the face area. It is forbidden:

  • visit a sauna or steam bath;
  • be in direct sunlight;
  • sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium;
  • take hot baths;
  • dry hair with a hairdryer with a hot stream of air;
  • rub and massage the injection sites.

Also undesirable are intense physical activity, stimulating blood flow to the head.

For several days after the procedure, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach with your face buried in a pillow, perform peeling or apply warming masks. It is undesirable to use alcoholic drinks. Alcohol dilates blood vessels and increases blood circulation, which can increase the risk of bruising, increase swelling at injection sites, and also allow the drug to penetrate beyond the injection area into other areas of the face.

Video: Cosmetologist about Botox injections

Performing Botox at home

Today many dear salon treatments You can do it yourself at home. However, Botox is not on their list.

Correcting wrinkles in this way allows you to achieve good results, only if it is performed by a qualified cosmetologist who has undergone appropriate training, received a license and has sufficient experience in this field. To give a botulinum toxin injection, it is not enough just to be able to perform subcutaneous injections, it is important to know the anatomy of the facial muscles and understand what consequences can result from an incorrect choice of injection site or an inaccurately calculated dose.

Before performing the procedure, the specialist takes into account individual characteristics the patient’s facial expressions and calculates where and how many units of botulinum toxin to inject so that the face retains its natural appearance at the end of the procedure.

At independent execution Injections have a very high chance of resulting in an asymmetrical or “doll-like” face, unable to express any emotions.

In addition, only cosmetologists who are constantly involved in this procedure have the opportunity to purchase a high-quality drug from a well-known trademark directly from the manufacturer. If you try to buy Botox on your own, there is a possibility of getting a fake.

Consequences after Botox: what doctors are silent about, side effects from the procedure

based on 6 reviews

Do you want to experience the effects of Botox injections, but are you afraid of the consequences and complications? Have you heard a lot of scary information about the terrible side effects of this procedure? Do you want to know all the details that clinic specialists keep silent for advertising purposes? We will tell you the most interesting information on this hot topic.

What information will you find out:

What is Botox

Botox injections are prescribed only after thorough examination body

A drug called Botox consists of botulinum toxin A, obtained from anaerobic bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It is a nerve poison that causes paralysis muscle tissue when penetrating inside its structure, however, due to low concentrations, it is not capable of causing harm to health. As a result of such actions, the muscle and the surrounding surface of the skin completely relax, which leads to the effect of smoothing and disappearing wrinkles.

Over the course of several months, this toxin is completely eliminated from the patient’s body naturally, and neuromuscular connections are restored.

Botox injections are prescribed only after a thorough examination of the body in order to identify all the patient’s contraindications. In addition, a competent specialist must correctly assess the initial state of the facial muscles in order to exclude the possibility of immobility in certain areas of the face.

The skin surface requiring correction must be pre-treated with an antiseptic solution, as well as anesthetic drugs local action(if necessary). After the procedure is completed, the patient can return to his work duties and lead a normal lifestyle.

What are the contraindications for use?

If such a procedure is performed by a qualified specialist with necessary knowledge and solid experience, side effects, as a rule, do not occur.

However, there are known cases of serious complications caused by many factors.

The doctor is obliged to warn his patient about the list of contraindications to the use of Botox in order to avoid dangerous consequences and significant side effects. This list includes a ban on the procedure in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • glaucoma diseases;
  • the presence of infectious diseases in the body;
  • the presence of immunological disorders;
  • individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the presence of dermatitis and other diseases of the epidermis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • presence of diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • taking antibiotics and anticoagulants;
  • presence oncological processes in the body;
  • epilepsy diseases;
  • the presence of foci of inflammation in the area of ​​manipulation;
  • atony of the facial muscles (age-related weakening of muscle tissue);
  • weakened immune system of the body.

At the age of 45–50 years, many women experience atony of the facial muscles associated with age-related loss muscle strength, therefore, additional administration of Botox in this case will lead to even greater weakening, as well as sagging due to the resulting paralysis.

The drug Botox has been in the service of medicine for many years, during which it has repeatedly undergone thorough testing and clinical studies on the subject possible appearance complications. During these experiments, the following facts were established:

  • Botulinum toxin used for injections is used in very small dosages, and therefore is not capable of causing botulism;
  • in case of individual allergic reaction– intolerance to the drug, a rejection reaction may occur, requiring therapeutic manipulation;
  • V large quantities cases after using Botox the following were observed: skin redness, swelling, inflammatory reactions.

What reasons can cause side effects?

The most common causes of complications after the Botox procedure are considered to be medical errors

The consequences of using Botox are conditionally divided into 3 groups, depending on the root cause of their occurrence:

  1. Unqualified actions of a specialist/doctor.
  2. Ignoring compliance special rules by the patient himself.
  3. Individual reaction of the body to botulinum toxin.

What mistakes can a doctor make?

The most common causes of complications after the Botox procedure are considered to be medical errors. They are:

  • injection of the drug into inappropriate areas of the face that respond inadequately to the process of complete relaxation, resulting in asymmetry of the oval and contours;
  • selection deviations correct dosage, that is, with a smaller amount of botulinum toxin administered, there will be no visible effects from the manipulation, while a slight excess of the dose can turn the face into a motionless mask;
  • ignorance or ignoring the rules for subcutaneous/muscular diffusion, which can provoke migration of the drug to neighboring facial tissues, leading to their ptosis (drooping). Known cases of local accumulation active substance under the skin in the eye area, which leads to swelling and local overdose;
  • incompetence of the specialist who performed the procedure with gross violations, which may result in: omission upper eyelid, distortion of facial expressions and facial expressions, drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes due to impaired blinking, bags in the eye area, swelling of the face, asymmetric changes in proportions, paralysis of the circular muscles of the oral region, leading to difficulties while eating;
  • non-compliance temperature conditions storage of the drug, leading to the loss of its basic properties.

In the process of metabolic removal of botulinum toxin molecules, most side effects are eliminated, but there are known cases of long-term accumulation of the drug, which can bring a lot of trouble and disappointment.

What can patients do wrong?

A large proportion of problems and complications are associated with patients ignoring the conditions of the rehabilitation regime and the strict regulations of actions that must be observed. They are:

  • the need to hold the head level and refuse a horizontal position during the first hours after the manipulation;
  • prohibition on prolonged bending of the body associated with lowering the head down;
  • excluding any procedures associated with an increase in skin temperature (baths, saunas, massages, sports events);
  • prohibition of drinking any alcoholic beverages;
  • avoiding rubbing the face, especially in the eye area and injection sites;
  • taboo on taking special medications (for example, strong antibiotics).

What may be the individual reaction of the body?

Capable of causing rejection/intolerance reactions associated with the individual susceptibility of the body. They are divided into 2 main groups. The first is associated with the emergence of complex inflammatory reactions formed at the sites of drug administration, and the second includes hypersensitivity reactions to the toxin, expressed in severe swelling and the development of anaphylactic shock.

In order to prevent such complications, it is necessary to first test for the body's sensitivity to the Botox toxin, and also categorically not to carry out manipulation during the course of acute infectious diseases and weakening of the immune system.

Possible long-term consequences of the procedure

For a long period of time, it was believed that Botox drugs did not have long-term side effects, but through careful research it turned out that this was not the case.

It is known that in some cases complications may appear in the patient after a long period of time has passed since the procedure was performed, without any pain. These consequences may include:

  • total change and disruption of facial expressions caused by redistribution of muscle load and motor activity separate zones;
  • atony, general weakness the entire muscular system of the face;
  • loss of elasticity and the appearance of excessive dryness of the epidermis as a result of trophic changes occurring in the tissues.

In most cases, the above complications are rarely eliminated and are practically impossible to correct.

In addition, complications from the use of Botox may occur in the form of:

  • spasm of the eyelids;
  • drooping eyebrow arches;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • impaired lip mobility (when it is inserted deep under the skin);
  • headaches;
  • severe swelling of the places where the drug was administered.

Unpleasant sensations and side effects are possible in cases of rapid injection of botulinum toxin under the skin, as well as repeating the procedure more than once a year.

What are the disadvantages of Botox?

This drug requires professional training from the specialist who administers it and does not tolerate amateurs who are engaged in such a business solely to increase personal profits and do not care about the consequences for each patient.

The identified disadvantages of the drug include:

  • inability to eliminate deep-lying wrinkles;
  • low effectiveness in relation to folds located in the chin and cheeks, associated with their non-facial nature;
  • limited validity period of the procedure, lasting in each case individually - from 3 to 6 months from the date of execution.

Video: The first Botox - author's review! Shock!

Only by carefully assessing all the pros and cons can you resort to Botox injections. We wish you success!

Some people worship Botox, others condemn it, some can live without it their entire lives, and others cannot imagine their existence without it. So what is Botox, an investment in beauty or an enemy for the body? The site answered these questions Irina Voitenko, leading cosmetologist of the Rivoli brand, and Marina Ratkevich, cosmetologist at the Petrovka-Beauty clinic.

What is Botox

Botox is trade name a drug that is created on the basis of botulinum toxin type A, a complex protein and the strongest poison known organic toxins. Studying the toxin back in the pre-war years, scientists discovered that it can release acetylcholine from the nerve endings of a neuron, this process leads to muscle relaxation. Thanks to this targeted action, after many tests it was decided to use the drug in ophthalmology for the treatment of strabismus.

How Botox began to be used in cosmetology

Botox came into cosmetology with light hand ophthalmologist Jean Carruthers. One of her patients, who regularly treated blepharospasm, told Jean that she noticed how her wrinkles in the bridge of her nose smoothed out after the injections. Carruthers suggested that this was an effect of relaxation of the facial muscles.

The popularity of Botox these days

After some time, the drug became one of the main anti-aging fighters in aesthetic medicine, and the first article on its use for the benefit of beauty appeared in the journal Dermatological and Oncological Surgery in 1990.

Now the drug is used everywhere to combat facial wrinkles. Some people regularly get injections, while others have a negative reaction even to the word Botox.

Negative examples of stars who are overly keen on injections only add fuel to the fire. For example, some believe that after using Botox, Nicole Kidman became like a doll. And the face of Madonna, who is an adept plastic surgery, often looks swollen and tired.