Healing properties and use of lotus oil in home cosmetology. Lotus essential oil - properties and uses Lotus oil properties and uses

Nut lotus is the most revered flower in Asia and the East. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans considered it sacred. According to myth, the plant appeared from unrequited love water nymph to Hercules. Existing types– American yellow, Nile white, oriental red, nut-bearing (pink lotus).

Nut-bearing lotus - description

To recognize this beautiful plant, you will need a description of the nut-bearing or nut-shaped lotus:

  • name in Latin is Nelumbonucifera. Flower of the gods, symbol of purity and wisdom.
  • Lotus family.
  • A perennial herbaceous amphibian plant - a native of Asian countries with a tropical climate: India, Japan, China. In Russia it can grow in the Far East.
  • Has dense dark green large leaves, reaching a diameter of up to 1/2 meter. The plant has a long spiny stalk. A pink flower appears on the peduncle in July-August. The root is large, branched, overgrown. The fruit ripens in a box.
  • The Far Eastern nut-bearing variety of flower is an endangered species that had to be included in the Red Book of Russia.

What does a lotus look like?

The shape of the plant is very similar to a water lily, but only very large. It has beautiful large, floating leaves and a huge stem. Pink flowers can be up to 30 cm in diameter. The dense, flat and fleshy petal has a rough surface. Thanks to this, the plant always manages to look clean in numerous photos - the water simply rolls off the leaf, carrying away all the dust and dirt. A flower grown on muddy soil represents purity.

The nut-bearing lotus plant has a powerful rhizome. The foliage rises above the water in dense blades or lies on the surface. The plant is covered with a waxy coating, this is the secret of purity. Particularly interesting are the seeds, which can be stored for a very long time. In appearance, they resemble dark olives the size of a hazelnut in a strong peel. The strength of the seed is important for long-term storage. There are cases when scientists found a capsule fruit that was more than 1000 years old, and the nuts sprouted.

When the lotus blooms

The lotus blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. The peak occurs at the end of July - beginning of August. You can see this spectacle in the photo or by going to the Astrakhan colonies, where the flower (Astrakhan) multiplies. The largest plantations of these plants are located in the Caspian Sea, in the delta of the Volga River. Entire excursions come to see the colorful blooms - tourists really like the colonies of flowers on the water. Interesting fact: one bud lives only three days from birth to wilting.

Types of lotus nutbearer

There is not only one variety of this plant on the territory of Russia. There are the following types of lotuses:

  1. Caspian. The flower grows near the Volga delta. It differs from the Asian species in that it is smaller in size and resistant to cold.
  2. Far Eastern. The flower grows in the Far East. Tolerant to cold, but dies when the soil freezes strongly.
  3. American. Homeland of the plant - South America. Flowers yellow. Thanks to cultivation, it has spread widely throughout Russia.

Where does the lotus grow?

The lotus plant grows in slow-moving silty waters that warm up well and is a property of temperate tropical climate zones. Partially propagated by knotty rhizomes. The population requires above-zero temperatures, and the reservoir is not subject to freezing. Warmth is one of the conditions for preserving a relict species. The genus might have ceased to exist if not for the efforts of people to preserve this flower. For Russia, a plant is a decoration Far East. Residents of other regions of the country can see the flower only in the photo.

How to grow lotus at home

Growing lotus at home is a completely doable task. To do this, it is necessary to create certain conditions. The algorithm for growing a flower from a seed is as follows:

  • You can use sandpaper and a file to open the shell. The top should be filed. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the seed.
  • After the seed is visible in the small sawn hole, the nut is placed in a small transparent vessel with water. It needs to be changed every day.
  • In two to three weeks, the first shoots will appear, which after a while will turn into long stems with leaves.
  • As soon as the roots grow, it is time to replant the plant. For seedlings, you need special soil (a mixture of sand, peat and black soil), which is placed at the bottom of a pot with holes.
  • Place the sprouts loosely on the surface, straighten the leaves.
  • Prepare a large aquarium. Place a pot of seedlings at the bottom and fill with water so that the leaves can be on the surface. This is necessary for the plant to begin to grow and bloom, to prevent rotting.
  • Don't forget about lighting - the flower loves a lot of light.

Lotus propagation

In place of the flower, a fruit appears - a kind of conical basket. Up to twenty seeds “sit” in the cells, looking like hard, brown nuts in a dense shell. When ripe, the fruits fall out of the basket into the pond. Propagating lotus seeds takes time. The relict population is restored mainly by replanting rhizomes. The shells of the nuts are so strong that even in favorable conditions the seed can lie dormant for a long time.

Properties of lotus

Nut lotus has a number of beneficial properties. The plant contains flavonoids, which can improve the functioning of many human organs; it is used to treat a number of diseases. The beneficial properties of lotus can be briefly listed; it has:

  • diuretic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor;
  • antispasmodic;
  • vascular strengthening;
  • wound healing.

Lotus flower

Lotus flowers rise more than a meter above the pond on tall, fleshy stalks. The bright petals quickly change color throughout the day (from crimson to pale pink). The plant loves it very much sunlight and blooms at sunrise. The flower is extremely beautiful, exudes pleasant aroma. The seeds ripen in the fruit-box (similar to the bell of a watering can). The nuts fall to the bottom of the reservoir, where they are stored under a layer of silt.

Lotus leaf - properties

The beautiful plant has green leaves up to 40-50 cm in diameter, which effectively lie on the surface of the water. The healing properties of lotus leaves have been known since ancient times and are widely used by healers. Contained in lotus useful substances, have an antiseptic effect, increase blood clotting, relieve cramps, and the decoction heals wounds. The leaves are collected during the summer, cut into small pieces and dried. They prepare decoctions, teas and tinctures, make powders and add them to food.

Lotus fruits - beneficial properties

Lotus seeds are the most useful part of the plant (they treat heart disease, decoctions can remove feelings of fear and relieve insomnia). Traditional medicine is full of descriptions of recipes on how to use fruits to prepare infusions for liver ailments, intestinal disorders, and stomach infections. Information from eastern treatises will tell you how to cure pneumonia, asthma, and ulcers. There are no diseases that are not covered wide range actions of seeds.

Application of lotus

Indian healers believed that with the help of this flower one could lift a person out of depression. At all times, the plant has been used as a cosmetic product. A mixture of finely chopped petals and plant oil smoothed the skin of the face and restored youth. Many peoples consumed seeds, nuts and lotus roots as food. Where is lotus used? modern world:

  1. Medicine. A flower has many useful components. Tanning, antiseptic, astringent, wound-healing, diuretic properties have made this plant indispensable in pharmaceuticals.
  2. Cooking. The leaf powder is used as an aromatic seasoning.
  3. Religion. It is believed in many cultures to be a powerful means of cleansing the soul. The energy of the flower is capable of defeating witchcraft.
  4. Cosmetology. Many skin and hair care products contain various extracts from the plant.

Applications of lotus oil

Lotus oil is widely in demand in cosmetology. A magical elixir is obtained from flowers collected before dawn. When harvesting, it is important not to damage the plant, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. The oil has a rejuvenating, smoothing and regenerating effect and is included in many creams and face masks. Massages and body wraps are popular.

Lotus in cooking

Eastern people They have come up with many options for eating the plant. All parts are suitable for culinary processing - starch, sugar, butter are extracted from it, and flour is made. Cooking lotus root is a real art; this delicacy is served as a side dish, and lovers of sweets make marmalade from the roots. Nuts are especially tasty - they are eaten fresh or caramelized.

Lotus in medicine

The properties of the medicinal nut-bearing lotus have been known to medicine since ancient times. The Egyptians, ancient Greeks and Romans greatly revered this flower. Lotus in folk medicine found wide application. Medicinal properties allow it to be used in the following cases:

  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver;
  • an indispensable plant for heart ailments;
  • skin diseases, snake bites and long-healing wounds;
  • remove seeds with decoctions anxiety states;
  • tea helps relieve insomnia;
  • decoctions of the stems are used by gynecology;
  • A drink is made from the rhizome, useful for neuroses and convulsions;
  • some species are able to fight cancerous tumors;
  • the aroma of the flower gently removes from deep depression, raises the tone of mental strength;
  • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system.

Video: signs of nut-bearing lotus

Essential oil Lotus is incredible scented oil, which works well in perfumery and aromatherapy, bringing healing and good thoughts. Try it for bath and body scenting, or using the scent for meditative purposes. The aroma of flowers is strong and persistent!


Lotus Oil has medicinal properties, which make it effective for health and beauty. From an aromatherapy perspective, Lotus oil can be used to reduce anger and other negative impacts on the mind and emotions.

The aroma is soft, honeyed, intensely floral, reminiscent of ripe fruit, with a bit of a spicy, green top note.

Possessing a rich composition, lotus ether is endowed with mass healing qualities:

  • Tonic– gives energy, improves mood and brain function.
  • General strengthening– increases protective forces.
  • Relaxing– relieves stress and nervous tension.
  • Cardiotonic– normalizes heart function.
  • Anti-inflammatory– disinfects, relieves inflammation.
  • Painkillers– relieves pain and spasms of various types.
  • Cleansing and moisturizing, which is good for the skin.
  • Rejuvenating.

Lotus is a strong aphrodisiac that enhances libido and sexual attraction between partners if you fumigate it in the bedroom using an aroma lamp.

Medicinal properties

  • antiseptic
  • astringent
  • carminative
  • calming
  • menstruation stimulant
  • expectorant
  • antipyretic
  • hypotensive
  • slimy
  • sedative
  • stimulating
  • gastric
  • tonic

Lotus essential oil has astringent, antipyretic, sedative, menstruation stimulating, expectorant, and hypotensive properties.

  • Relieves anger and negative emotions. Removes bad energies. It is also used to treat weak sexual function in men and leucorrhoea in women.

Improves skin elasticity.

The ancient Romans used it in compresses and plasters to help with respiratory problems and asthma.

Do not apply pure to the skin or take orally.

Cosmetic properties

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles while maintaining a healthy appearance.

Moisturizes and increases elasticity. Evens out complexion, eliminates fine wrinkles, lightens brown spots.

Lotus has traditionally been used in Eastern cosmetology in the form of extract and oil. Dry extract is a powder made from lotus leaves and flowers. IN cosmetics ah, it is often used as a cleansing, stimulating and refreshing component for whitening, getting rid of age spots. Lotus extract contains vitamin C, nufarin, nelumbin, armenavine and mineral compounds. Lotus oil is sacred to Hindus. They believe that it can clarify the mind, promote selfless love, prosperity, and open the heart chakra. This is a rare and expensive type of oil that is extremely highly valued.

Has a softening, soothing, intensely moisturizing effect. Helps with problems with oily, combination skin, eliminating acne and tightening pores. Has a biostimulating effect, activates processes on cellular level, slowing down aging and preventing the formation of wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and elastic.

A wonderful relaxer. It helps cope with depression, gently relieves nervous tension and stressful conditions.

The components of lotus oil are proteins, iron, linoleic acid, vitamin C, B, and phosphorus. The soothing and cooling properties of this essential oil improve skin texture and condition.

Lotus oil price

The most popular producers of essential oils are Indibird (India) and Adaris (Kuwait). On average to obtain 1 kg. 100% natural essential oil is required from 100 kg of plant raw materials, so the prices for essential oils are quite high. The price of lotus essential oil is about 1500 rubles per 10 ml. And the cost of the absolute is around 390 rubles per 1 ml.

Photo Manufacturer Volume Price Description
Lotus essential oil India Indibird 5 ml. 1323 rub. A great relaxer. Effectively helps fight depression and nervous tension. Has a strong sedative effect.
Pink lotus absolute Adarisa, Kuwait 1 ml. 390 rub.

The initial notes of the perfume will greet you with an intense, sweet, floral sound with characteristic caramel notes.

In the train you will be enveloped in the necessary and light veil of a tremulous floral extravaganza, enchanting and delicate.

Blue lotus absolute Adarisa, Kuwait 1 ml. 450 rub.

This incense is the most delicate and lightest of all the lotuses presented in the "Adarisa" line.
Its aroma is the same floral, but more calm, smooth and touching.
Like the rays of the first summer sun, it warms and lulls with its melody.
It is not intrusive, without pronounced bright notes, very feminine.

White Lotus absolute Adarisa, Kuwait 1 ml. 420 rub. Initially, its aroma will greet you with strong, pungent, watery and earthy notes. However, a little later it will open up into a gentle and calm floral-fruity bouquet with a pronounced sweetish-skin tone, without being cloying at its core.

Varieties of lotus and their aroma

White Lotus- In Vietnam and India it is national flower. A true treasure. White Lotus Absolute is wonderful to include in lip balms, aromatherapy, lotions, creams, cosmetics, soaps and personal care products.

Blue Lotus is an alluring floral masterpiece originally from Sri Lanka. This Fragrance is an eruption of flowers from distant exotic worlds full of hypnotic charm. This is a cocktail of exotic floral aromas. The scent exudes a bold, waxy warmth comparable to Frangipani with a heavy dose of lychee and papaya. Backed by an exotic rainbow of wet, lush greenery reminiscent of the scent of morning dew that adorns the celestial tiara.

Pink Lotus- Rich, sweet floral aroma. Blends well with: tuberose, jasmine, neroli and rose.


Lotus essential oil is a powerful aphrodisiac. Lotus energy presents a very unique vibration: a playful, sensual scent that opens the heart, third eye and allows inner wisdom to shine through. The aromatic and energetic notes are completely unique - they improve your mood and clear your mind.

Very concentrated, can be used in small quantities in base oil for massage.

Can be used for aromatherapy, promoting sexual desire, ecstasy and euphoria. Lotus will speed up blood circulation. This is a great help for meditation, opening the chakras. Removes negative emotions and thoughts.

A few drops can be added to the base oil to create massage oil. Good for tantric massage, stimulates sexual desire and passion. Added to teas and cocktails. Used in perfumes, bath oils, shower gels, potpourri and hair treatments or face masks, incense, room freshener, scented candles and other aromatic products. When used during meditation, it can help enhance spiritual growth. Calms, gives a better idea of ​​understanding and forgiveness.

How to use

  • 0.5-5% diluted in base oil for massage
  • 3-5 drops in the bath
  • Inhalations
  • Perfumery


IN Ancient Egypt, the lotus was a symbol of sexuality, euphoria and ecstasy. The Egyptians also believed that the aroma of Lotus played a big role in the meditative, spiritual rituals of the Egyptians, Mayans, and many other ancient peoples. Lotus essential oil was known in Egypt as a symbol of the universe, fertility and sexuality.

Blends well with essential oils: frankincense, lime, neroli, bergamot, oud, rosewood, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, geranium, sandalwood and rose.


Name Applications of lotus oil
Rejuvenating mask

Lotus and lemon essential oil – 2 drops each, orchid essential oil – 3 drops, with green tea and collagen. After such a mask, you will be ready for any event that is significant to you.

Anti-wrinkle cream Place 2 drops of oil in your palm and mix with a single serving of night or day cream. Eliminates fine wrinkles and makes the skin fresher and more hydrated.

For the perfume on oil based take 10% lotus oil to 90% base oil - jojoba, avocado, grapeseed oil or apricot kernel– odorless. Alcohol based - 20-30% lotus oil and 80-70% pure ethyl alcohol. Use only a glass container with a tight lid. Lotus belongs to the middle note or heart note (evaporation rate is medium).

Aroma Spray Oil – 8 drops, water (preferably melted, frozen and thawed) – 100 ml. Mix in a spray bottle. Shake thoroughly before use. Great way keep your face hydrated and fresh throughout the day. Do not use simultaneously with perfume to prevent mixing of odors.
Massage oil

Essential oil 2 ml, olive oil - 100 ml. Or 5-6 drops per 10 ml.

Oil burner Add 2 drops of oil to the aroma lamp water.
Aroma bath

Mix 5-7 drops of oil with a spoon of honey or milk and add to the bath.

Legends of the Lotus

"The lotus is the most beautiful flower, whose petals open one after another. Grows in dirt. In order to grow and receive wisdom, you must first have dirt - the obstacles of life and its suffering. ... Dirt does not speak of the common ground that people share, no matter what our stations are in life. ...Whether we have it all or we have nothing, we all face the same obstacles: sadness, loss, illness, dying and death. If we strive as human beings to gain more wisdom, more kindness and more compassion, we must have the intention to grow like a lotus and open all the petals one by one. »- Goldie Hawn

Country Legends and myths

Many of the gods and goddesses of Hinduism are associated with the Lotus flower, for example the goddess of prosperity, Lakshmi, is usually depicted as sitting on top of an open lotus flower. Similarly, Brahma, the god of creation, is depicted as emerging from a lotus.

It is very interesting how the open flower and unopened lotus bud shapes are related to human traits. The unopened bud represents the soul that has the opportunity to open itself and open itself to divine truth.


In Ancient Egypt there were two main types of lotus, white and blue. In addition to this, another type, the pink flower, was introduced into Egypt sometime towards the end of their civilization. If you observe many hieroglyphs, it is easy to see that blue Flower is often depicted.

This plant is associated with rebirth. This is due to the fact that the lotus is drawn into the water at night, and appears fresh in the sun the next day. Therefore, the Egyptians associated the lotus flower with the sun, which also disappears at night to reappear in the morning. Therefore, the lotus became a symbol of the Sun and creation. In many hieroglyphs, the lotus is depicted as emerging from Nun (primordial water) bearing the name of the Sun god.

The flower is also associated with death, and the famous Egyptian Book of the Dead is known to include spells that are capable of turning a person into a lotus, thus allowing resurrection.

Another interesting fact about the lotus flower - it was used as a symbol for the unification of the two Egyptian kingdoms, that is, the bonding of upper and lower Egypt. For a long time, the lotus was used in the hieroglyphs and art of upper Egypt, while the Papyrus plant developed in lower Egypt.


An ancient Greek legend tells of a young nymph unrequitedly in love with Hercules. Once upon a time there lived a young nymph. The beauty spent all her nights at the bottom of the lake, and with the sunrise she surfaced and washed herself in the pink dawn. One early morning Hercules came to the lake to wash himself. His beauty struck the nymph so much that she could not take her eyes off him. Hercules left without looking at the beauty, but she remained looking after him and could no longer sink to the bottom, turning into a beautiful flower.


The Chinese believe that the lotus symbolizes purity, long life, humility and honor. The Chinese have a special passion for lotuses. Appreciation for the lotus has resulted in a unique Lotus Culture.

“The leaves of the green stem stretch and form a green pool with rounded edges. The flower comes out on the surface of the water, like a very graceful beautiful woman comes out of the bathroom."

Ancient Chinese Poem

Lotus in nature

  • The lotus can not only reach 49 inches in height, but it spreads 10 feet horizontally (width).
  • The flower can reach 8 inches in diameter. Lotus is either pink, blue or white colors. The petals are shaped like a cross. They are arranged in several layers. The lotus flower protrudes several inches above the water. This flower is known for its wonderful scent.
  • The flower opens in the morning and closes at night. He was a symbol of the sun, rebirth and creation...
  • The lotus uses rhizomes to anchor itself to the ground. The rhizome is buried in the mud or sandy floor.
  • The leaves are shaped like lobes. They can reach 20 inches in length.
  • Some of the leaves are in the water, while others float on the surface of the water. The leaves are equipped with air pockets (inside the tissues) that maintain buoyancy.
  • The lotus produces seeds in a circular pod located in the center of the flower.
  • The seed can remain viable (able to germinate) long period time. One type of lotus seed was able to germinate into a plant after 1,300 years of dormancy.
  • The dried lotus flower pod is very decorative and is often used in flower arrangements. The petals are also used for decorative purposes.
  • Unlike other flowering plants, the lotus can maintain a stable flower temperature.

Photo gallery

Lotus oil is a truly unique gift from nature, which helps not only to effectively care for the skin of the face and body, but also to normalize the internal emotional state. Do you agree that its name alone instills in us spiritual harmony and peace?

Flower of beauty and harmony

In the East, it is believed that this simple product gives strength and instills the energy of abundance into our subconscious. Those who practice meditation with aromatherapy can hardly deny this fact.

It is important to know that lotus essential oil has long been used not only for relaxation or for cosmetic purposes, but also as a medicine.

With its help they normalize respiratory functions, which is especially important for people with chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

If you want to feel its miraculous effect on your own health, simply take a course of inhalations by adding a few drops of essential oil to the water.

But still, the most popular this product became in home cosmetology. Its softening and restorative properties help women combat a variety of problems, ranging from dryness or dehydration to... age-related changes. Its use is especially relevant for those with problematic and oily skin. The oil has the best effect on it: deeply cleanses, refreshes, tones, evens out the structure and microrelief, moisturizes and nourishes without unwanted “greasy.”

The range of beneficial properties of lotus oil is truly rich and extensive, so if you decide to use it, you are guaranteed to be on the right track, because such a valuable thing definitely cannot become unnecessary garbage in your home.

Valuable properties of lotus oil

Lotus oil is extracted from its white, red or blue petals. The shade of this amazing flower depends on its origin. For example, lotuses blue color“live” mainly on the Nile River, and the white lotus with wide petals came to Egypt from Persia. In general, the beneficial properties of the oil do not vary in any way depending on the type of flower.

What is so special about lotus oil?

As you already understand, there are plenty of options for using lotus oil. But how to use it in home cosmetology, and why is it remarkable as an effect on the skin?

Lotus oil is suitable for any type of facial skin as it has a complex effect. Its main effect is to enhance local tissue metabolism. This promotes gradual rejuvenation, adequate nutrition and reliable protection epidermis from the influence of free radicals.

Lotus oil in cosmetology

The properties of lotus oil on the skin are truly fantastic. In this section we will provide you with a partial list of what this product will provide to your skin.

So, lotus oil:

  • Deeply moisturizes and nourishes;
  • Powerfully cleanses, refreshes and tones;
  • Activates metabolic processes in tissues and cells;
  • Helps increase firmness, elasticity and natural turgor of the skin;
  • Effectively soothes and softens thin, sensitive and dry skin;
  • Slows down the aging process;
  • Eliminates sebaceous plugs and releases comedones from the pores;
  • Evens out tone and microrelief;
  • Lightens (relevant for women with freckles and hyperpigmentation problems);
  • Stimulates and regenerates cells;
  • Reduces the number of inflammations and sanitizes their foci;
  • Cures acne;
  • Minimizes the appearance of post-acne scars.

The use of oil in cosmetology is not only useful, but also pleasant. The product has a thin and delicate structure, is easy to apply and spread over the surface of the skin, is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue. However, it is not recommended to use a concentrated product - it is important to dilute it with water or base oils (the second option is preferable).

Using lotus oil, you can do rejuvenating facial massages, for example, “Asahi”. When using it, the result will come faster and will be prolonged.

Water lilies captivate everyone with their delicate beauty, amazing color and magical aroma: it is not for nothing that they are considered sacred plants.

They not only please the eye, but also bring benefits, especially lotus essential oil, extracted from the petals of lotus flowers. This essential oil is used not only for aromatization, but also to improve the health of the body and eliminate problems with hair and skin.

Description of the essential oil

Oil extracted from flower petals is obtained from blue, red and white lotus, differing in where they grow. As a result, each oil has its own shade and aroma. From several centners of raw materials only a few milliliters of ether come out, so quality oil without impurities is very expensive.

The color of the rather viscous product ranges from light yellow to dark brown. The essential oil exudes a sweet floral scent, shaded, depending on the raw material used, by herbal, spicy, leathery and fruity notes.

Lotus oil can be stored in a hermetically sealed dark glass bottle for at least 5 years.

Composition of lotus ether

Lotus essential oil contains many valuable substances:

  • Flavonoids such as quercetin and luteolin.
  • Sitosterol steroid.
  • Vitamin C.

  • Tannins.
  • Alkaloids such as isoliensinine and niferin.
  • Palmitic acid and other substances.

All of them give this product many useful properties, useful for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Properties and uses of lotus oil

Possessing a rich composition, lotus essential oil is endowed with a lot of healing qualities:

  • Tonic– gives energy, improves mood and brain function.
  • General strengthening– increases the body's defenses.
  • Relaxing– relieves stress and nervous tension.
  • Cardiotonic– normalizes heart function.
  • Anti-inflammatory– disinfects and relieves inflammation.
  • Painkillers– relieves pain and spasms of various types.
  • Cleansing and moisturizing, which is good for the skin.
  • Rejuvenating.

Lotus oil is a strong aphrodisiac that enhances libido and sexual attraction between partners if you fumigate it in the bedroom using an aroma lamp.

Applications of lotus oil

Based on the description of its properties, lotus ether is used in the treatment of many ailments:

  • Respiratory diseases;
  • Spasms, pain and cramps;
  • Intestinal disorders;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;

  • Stomach ulcers;
  • Depression;
  • Edema of any location and origin;
  • Diseases of the genital area;
  • Kidney and liver diseases.

In cosmetology, lotus essential oil is used to treat acne and dermatitis and is used to get rid of fine wrinkles.

Here are some recipes for using lotus ether in folk medicine:

Stress, fatigue, nervous tension

Taking a bath:

  • Mix 6 drops of essential oil with 30 ml of olive, almond or peach oil.
  • We take a bath of warm water.
  • Combine 5 drops of the oil mixture with a glass of hot milk and pour into the collected water.

Take a relaxing bath for 20 minutes. A mixture of lotus ether and neroli (5 drops each) plus 3 drops of frankincense oil has the same effect. Add it to the bath, mixing with a handful sea ​​salt.

Respiratory diseases

Add to a bowl with hot water 4 drops of lotus oil and do inhalation, inhaling the steam, covered with a towel.

Such inhalations lift your spirits well and add optimism.

Use of lotus oil for cosmetic purposes

Knowing about the cleansing, anti-inflammatory, tonic and other properties of lotus essential oil, you can use it to get rid of various problems with skin and hair.

Anti-cellulite massage

If there is an “orange peel”, we fight it by mixing:

  • Jojoba oil (peach, almond) – 15 ml.
  • Lotus, tangerine and mint essential oil – 3 drops each.

Using massage movements, rub the mixture into areas of the body affected by cellulite, moving from the legs to the chest. We repeat the procedure every three days.

Cleansing scrub with lotus oil


  • Rice flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Cream – 1 tsp.
  • Lotus essential oil – 2 drops.

Using circular movements, gently cleanse the skin of the face and neck with an oil scrub. The skin will be evened out and get rid of impurities and dead cells.

Nourishing mask for wrinkle prevention

  • Mix the yolk with 1 tsp. lotus ether and 1 tsp. honey
  • Apply the product liberally to the face, except for the skin around the eyes and lips.
  • After 20 minutes, wash with warm water.

If you use such a mask once a week, the skin will smooth out, become tightened and elastic and will not become covered with wrinkles ahead of time.

Lotus rejuvenating mask

  • Mix 2 drops of lemon and lotus ether, 3 orchid ether and 1 tsp. sesame oil.
  • Heat the mixture for steam.
  • Apply to the skin.
  • After a quarter of an hour, wash with warm water.

The product removes fine wrinkles and promotes skin cell renewal.

To nourish and rejuvenate the skin, it is useful to add a few drops of lotus ether to creams and lotions: it will make it young and elastic, nourish it with vitamins and minerals, and prevent it from aging prematurely.

Lotus essential oil for hair

Nourishing and strengthening mask

  • Combine 3 tsp. avocado oil with 9 drops of lotus essential oil.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair and its roots for a couple of hours, covering your head with plastic and wrapping it in a towel.
  • Wash off the mask using shampoo.

With such a mask, your hair will become stronger, filled with health and radiance.

And if there are problems with nail separation and brittleness, add 5 ml of peach, olive or almond oil 5 drops of lotus essential oil and regularly rub into the base of the nails. They will become strong and stop delaminating.

Contraindications to the use of essential lotus oil

Like any other essential oil, lotus essential oil has contraindications for use. They cannot recover in such situations:

  • During pregnancy.
  • When breastfeeding.
  • Children under 6 years old.
  • If you are allergic to the components of the oil.

When used externally, contact of etherol with the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose is unacceptable: if this happens, immediately rinse them with warm water.

Lotus oil price

Cost of 10 ml of product in different cities is:

  • In Barnaul – from 180 to 1323 rubles;
  • In Krasnodar – from 135 to 470 rubles;
  • In Krasnoyarsk – from 135 to 1550 rubles;
  • In Moscow - from 115 to 1550 rubles.

In online stores and online pharmacies, purchasing lotus oil will cost from 142 to 1647 rubles. The purer the etherol, the more expensive it is.

Now it’s clear what beneficial properties Lotus essential oil has, and what recipes are used to heal the body both inside and outside. The main thing before treatment chronic illnesses Get advice from your doctor to avoid complications.

The beautiful lotus flower has been known in the east since ancient times as a magnificent medicinal plant. Since ancient times, this plant has been used in oriental medicine and cosmetology, and all parts of the plant were valued, from delicate flowers and seeds to lotus roots. IN ancient China white lotus was considered the most valuable cosmetic ingredient, noble oriental beauties they were ready to part with a whole fortune for the opportunity to use lotus-based potions.

Composition and properties of lotus

Lotus extract is biologically rich active substances, including several types of flavonoids, such as nelumboside, quercetin, isoquarcetin and others, as well as leukoanthocyanidins, alkaloids, organic acids, fats, peptides and carbohydrates.

Lotus has a pronounced softening and moisturizing effect, its extract effectively soothes and refreshes the skin, improves blood microcirculation, stimulates cell activity, perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin.

Lotus oil deeply moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, slows down the aging process, tones the skin, makes it firmer and more elastic. Lotus oil stimulates skin regeneration, soothes sensitive skin, relieves irritation and inflammation, helps narrow pores, treats acne. This miracle remedy also effectively eliminates itching and heals the skin.

Lotus in cosmetology

IN modern cosmetology lotus oil and extract are used to create cosmetics intended to care for different types skin. Lotus cosmetics contain:

  • Cleanses and whitens the skin;
  • Moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • Soothes and relieves irritation;
  • Tones and strengthens the skin;
  • Smoothes wrinkles and slows down the aging process;
  • Softens the skin and makes it more elastic;
  • Eliminates acne and heals damaged skin;
  • Relieves inflammation and soothes itching;
  • Gives the skin a healthy color;
  • Gives hair shine and strength.

Lotus-based preparations are suitable for daily care for the problematic and oily skin, have a calming effect on sensitive skin, restore the tone of tired skin and fight the signs of aging of aging skin.