What is more effective: Viagra or Cialis. Characteristics and comparison of Cialis and Levitra

For men, erectile dysfunction is a real disaster. If you are overtaken this disease, the doctor will most likely recommend a drug from the group of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. This family of drugs is responsible for increasing blood flow to the penis, thereby increasing potency. The most popular in this group are generics of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis.

And although the principle of action of these 3 drugs is quite similar, they have their own nuances: duration of action, dosages, contraindications, etc. To choose for yourself best option, read the features of each drug in our article, as well as a comparison of their characteristics.

Features of Levitra

Levitra is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. Levitra contains the component vardenafil, which stimulates the production of nitric oxide and inhibits PDE-5. To put it simply, all these biochemical processes are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the penis and providing improved blood access to it.

How to use

Levitra should be taken 40-50 minutes before intimacy, 10 mg each active substance at a time. You can consume no more than 20 mg per day. The effect of one dose lasts approximately 4 hours.


Let's consider in what cases the use of Levitra is contraindicated:

  • Intolerance to vardenafil or other components contained in the drug;
  • Severe heart and vascular diseases;
  • Ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Kidney or liver disease (renal or liver failure).

Side effects

Regarding side effects Levitra - they are quite rare and relatively harmless (unless, of course, we are talking about an overdose or taking a medicine with contraindications - in this case, a malfunction of the nervous or genitourinary system is possible).

Side effects that sometimes occur when taking Levitra include:

  • Pain in the temple area;
  • Temporary digestive problems;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • The appearance of areas of inflammation in the mouth;
  • Feeling nauseous.

Before you can figure out whether a particular drug is right for you, you need to find out how it interacts with the drugs you are (or have) already taken. When using Levitra, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • When used simultaneously with Erythromycin, you need to be careful: it increases the volume of vardenafil in the body by 2 times;
  • Levitra should not be taken with Nicorandil;
  • When consuming Levitra and Roinavir simultaneously, you need to reduce the amount of the former to 10 mg, since Rionavir will take longer for Levitra to be eliminated from the body;
  • It is not recommended to use the drug with Ketoconazole, because Ketoconazole increases the concentration of Levitra components by 4 times. As a last resort, you should first consult a doctor;
  • It is also not recommended to use Levitra in combination with drugs used to suppress HIV infection.

It is not recommended to use Levitra together with alcoholic drinks, but it is not contraindicated either. Price for this drug is around 300 rubles for 1 tablet.

Features of Cialis

The active ingredient in Cialis is Tadalafil. It inhibits cGMP and inhibits PDE5, which allows the penis to remain erect longer.

How to use

You need to take Cialis 30-40 minutes before sex at a dosage of 20 mg. It is not recommended to take more than 1 dose of the drug per day. The drug is effective for up to 36 hours.


One of distinctive features Cialis - a short list of contraindications. In fact, it only includes an allergy or intolerance to one of the components of the drug. Cialis is also not recommended for use by persons under 18 years of age. Cialis should also not be taken by women.

There are some diseases for which taking Cialis is not recommended, but is not prohibited. This is elevated blood pressure, diseases cardiovascular system, problems with nervous system and the presence of degenerative diseases of the retina.

Side effects

The list of side effects from taking the drug includes:

  • Painful sensations in the muscles;
  • Facial redness;
  • Swelling of the eyelids;
  • Redness of the eyes;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Headache;
  • Digestive problems.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Regarding the interaction of Cialis with other medications, the instructions are as follows:

  • It is strictly forbidden to take this drug with nitrates;
  • It is not recommended to take Cialis with alpha blockers - this can lead to hypotension;
  • Ritonavir can enhance the effect of the drug, so you need to be careful here. The same applies to erythromycin and intraconazole;
  • Aluminum and magnesium hydroxides increase the time required for Cialis to be absorbed;
  • Concomitant use of the drug with antihypertensive medications can reduce the patient's blood pressure.

When taking Cialis and alcohol simultaneously, no negative consequences should not be observed (except for some reduction in the effectiveness of the drug). The price of Cialis is around 250 rubles per tablet.

Features of Viagra

Viagra appeared on the pharmacological market earlier than other PDE-5s. Its main component is Sildenafil citrate, which inhibits PDE-5 and stimulates the release of nitric oxide, which helps stabilize potency (a similar principle to Levitra).

How to take

Viagra should be taken 2-3 hours before the start of sexual activity at a dose of 50 mg. The effect of taking the drug lasts approximately 4 hours. It is not recommended to use Viagra more than 1 time per day.


Contraindications for Viagra include:

  • Intolerance to Sildenafil or other components of the drug;
  • Recent stroke;
  • Recent heart attack;
  • Problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • Ulcer in the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

The most common side effects from Viagra are:

  • Hypertension and hypotension;
  • Hearing problems;
  • Anemia;
  • Vision problems;
  • Digestive problems;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Tachycardia.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Viagra interacts with certain drugs as follows:

  • It is forbidden to use Viagra in combination with nitrates (cardilate, nitroglycerin, etc.) This can lead to a heart attack.
  • Prohibited sharing Viagra with beta blockers, erythromycin and cimetidine.

Viagra cannot be mixed with alcohol, and this is one of its main disadvantages, since intimate intimacy often involves prior drinking. The price of 1 Viagra tablet is around 250 rubles.

What to choose: Viagra, Cialis or Levitra

So, which is better: Viagra, Cialis or Levitra? It is important to understand that all 3 medicines one and the same mechanism of interaction with the body, i.e. their effectiveness is quite comparable. All 3 drugs are the best in their field. However, there are nuances here.

Action speed

If we compare drugs in terms of the speed of onset of effect, Levitra wins: a man will feel its effect within half an hour. In turn, Viagra gives the same effect only after 1 hour.

Duration of action

The longest-lasting drug is Cialis. It is able to provide the desired effect for 1.5 days, while Viagra and Levitra can boast only 5-6 hours.

Admissibility of the product for the elderly

Older people often need generics. And the most important thing for them is that the medicine causes as few side effects as possible. In this regard, Viagra is the leader - nothing worse than easy It will not cause nausea or headache.

Problems with potency arise with age. Affected by lifestyle, stressful situations, misunderstanding in the family... Therefore, Cialis or Viagra from a certain time become indispensable among men.

Choosing a drug to improve the quality of sex on your own is not easy. There are so many characteristics to consider that a man gets confused and finds himself at a dead end.

Naturally, pharmacologists would not produce identical drugs under different names. Therefore, to make it easier to assimilate information, you can do comparative analysis. Please note that you should not trust online reviews (on forums, chats or review sites).

The table shows generalized comparative characteristics. This will allow you to analyze and decide - Viagra or Cialis - which is better? This type of information placement allows you to better understand the data.

Viagra is a branded drug, popular and well-known. He was the first to allow many men to return to the world of sex. A little later, Cialis went on sale, which proved to have a milder effect.

AcceptMedicines of this type are allowed only under the guidance of physicians. After consultation, the doctor will determine the medication and its dosage. This avoids complications.

What is better to take

Many men are embarrassed to turn to doctors with sexual problems or suspicions of impotence. Therefore, without examinations and visits to the doctor, the forums are full of questions: what is more effective - Viagra or Cialis?

When choosing (Cialis and Viagra), personal preference plays a role. Without a doubt this is one of the important factors However, the main thing is the state of health. Therefore, only a medical examination will decide what is best for you to take, which drug will be more effective for you and, most importantly, safer.

After the examination, the andrologist may suggest several similar means to choose from. However, only the patient himself will be able to choose the best for himself both in terms of impact and degree of manifestation.

When choosing a remedy to solve problems with potency, you should be guided by personal experience. The absence of side effects suggests that this is your “helper”.

What are the differences

The active ingredient in Cialis is tadalafil. It does not affect sperm characteristics or testosterone levels. Peculiarities:

  • effect duration 36 hours;
  • The pills should be taken 15 minutes before the intimate process;
  • It is allowed to take alcohol, medicine and food at the same time;
  • possible consequences of taking the medication in the form of severe headache, dizziness, sinus congestion, nausea;
  • daily dose – 20 mg per day;

What is the difference?

  • Sildenafil – active substance;
  • consume 30 minutes before sexual intercourse;
  • quickly eliminated from the body;
  • It is undesirable to combine with food;
  • lasts 3-5 hours;
  • forget about Viagra if problems with the cardiovascular system are identified;
  • side effects include headaches, sensitivity to light, dizziness, diarrhea, nasal congestion, nausea;
  • maximum dosage – 100 mg per day;

Features of application

Both drugs do not treat the dysfunction itself, but the obstructed blood supply to the penis. By dilating blood vessels, the active substance allows you to maintain an erection for required level. The peculiarity of the application is that their effectiveness is narrowly targeted and directly depends on the dosage regimen and regimen.

The instructions for Viagra clearly state the specifics of administration:

  1. You need to take the pill 30 minutes before the planned sexual intercourse.
  2. The initial dose should begin with a minimum dosage of 25 mg. It is not recommended to use tablets at a dose of 100 mg.
  1. There is no need to take risks and increase the number of doses per day. Only one tablet is allowed before contact.
  2. If there are deviations or health pathologies, it is necessary to reduce the dosage.
  3. Consumption above the maximum dose level is prohibited!

Contraindications and side effects

Any medication has side effects. Their appearance depends on the dosage of the medicine. Usually after using Cialis or Viagra the following are noted:

  • headache;
  • flushes of blood to the face;
  • dizziness;
  • blurred vision;
  • nasal congestion;
  • allergy;
  • convulsions;
  • tachycardia.

This is the minimum list of problems that a man may encounter. Symptoms and level of manifestations depend on the specific organism.

A serious contraindication is the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris, etc.) in the patient, for which nitrates are prescribed - nitroglycerin preparations to dilate blood vessels.

During parallel administration, the vasodilating effect is enhanced several times. The consequence of such carelessness can be both fainting and collapse.

If angina is diagnosed, it is better for the patient to use Viagra, since its effect is shorter.

Is there any difference in effect

A question that is often asked when choosing a medication is: which is stronger: Viagra or Cialis? This parameter is decisive for many.

The visible difference in the effect of both medications is only in the time of exposure: if the first acts for no more than 5 hours, then the duration of the second can exceed 30. It is quite natural that after reaching the age of over 60 years it is better not to dare such feats.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol

Cialis cannot be taken if you are taking a course of Doxazosin. You should also not prescribe this drug yourself when therapy is being implemented to treat ED. Alcohol is not prohibited. However, it can affect heart contractions and pressure changes.

Another reason for the taboo is the contraindication to sexual activity in those groups of men who have been diagnosed with heart (vascular) pathologies. It could be unstable angina, uncontrolled arrhythmia, ischemic stroke.

Viagra also has restrictions when used with medications. A course of ketoconazole or itraconazole can have a detrimental effect on the patient’s health after taking an erectile dysfunction drug.

Be sure to discuss the possibilities of simultaneous use during your consultation with your doctor. various drugs. Comparison and study of instructions will help make the task easier.

A one-time combination of antacids and Viagra is allowed. However, you should be prepared for the fact that this mixture will lead to hypotension. Experienced way doctors were unable to understand the interaction between drugs with amlodipine and the drug for potency.

Truth and myths

Viagra instantly raises the penis to a certain state - this is a myth. The purpose of this remedy is to improve blood circulation. In other words, after natural sexual desire arises, an erection occurs.

The main condition for success is that the desire must arise on its own. If it is not there, the medication is completely useless. This fact is the same for both medications.

The tablet does not treat impotence or other abnormalities. This is only the implementation of symptomatic therapy. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis and tests.

An effective drug protects against sexually transmitted infections - myth No. 2. Therefore, refusing condoms is strictly prohibited!

Myth No. 3, that Sialis, Dynamo, Ero-Life and similar drugs are aphrodosiacs, is fundamentally incorrect. These medicines are also not hormones and are not related to eastern types of medicine.

It is impossible to decide which medicine is better, stronger and more effective. Only personal experience allows you to find out the results of the impact on a specific man.


Cialis is called the second for maintaining potency. This drug is almost identical to the popular Viagra. A product based on tadalafil allows you to prolong sexual contact with a partner. As a result, vivid emotions and sensations are guaranteed.

More cheap analogue is Levitra, created on the basis of vardenafil. Its effect is milder, so you can slightly increase the dosage. This medicine can be safely taken by people with unstable blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, as well as over 65 years of age.

Generics are also produced that easily replace the action of Viagra. For example, Zidena is a cheaper option for resolving potency problems. The result of taking a generic drug is little different from others.

Erectile is famous for its even lower cost. Produced in Russia. It fulfills its mission perfectly.

Whether to overpay for a brand or not is up to you. You can buy drugs that allow you to forget about problems in sex at the pharmacy. This does not require a prescription.


The selection of therapy to restore male erection should be carried out by a doctor. Dosage and choice medicinal substance depends on many factors - the patient’s age, his desires. Personal preferences are also important, so which is better can only be decided by experience.

IN modern society Men are faced with many factors that negatively affect their masculinity. Stress, fatigue, lack of daily routine, poor nutrition, deteriorating environment and much more - all this weakens potency, and in some cases can even cause erectile dysfunction. To combat such sensitive issues and were invented to maintain a good erection medications, increasing sexual desire and increasing male potency. The most popular drugs in Russia are Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

But many people are not satisfied with the rather high prices for original drugs and then they turn to their generics. They are called generics medicinal analogues, developed on the basis of a patented medicinal formula of the original medical product.

At the same time, generics should not be confused with counterfeits - dummy tablets that do not contain any of the declared medicines and in best case scenario consisting of chalk, talc and similar fillers. And also with illegal copies - bypassing the law and patent, copying any medicine. Most of these products are produced not only illegally, but also in non-compliance with basic sanitary and epidemiological standards, and their use can lead to serious negative consequences for the health of the person who takes them.

Both Viagra and Cialis have the same effect on the human body. But there are still differences. Among them the main ones can be considered:

  • Price- the cost of Cialis is often several times lower than that of Viagra.
  • Compound- in most cases the composition is similar. The only exception is the active ingredient - tadalafil in Cialis and Viagra. At the same time, manufacturers of generic Cialis often use cheaper dyes, preservatives, additives and fillers, which most often use chalk, talc and soda.
  • Process production various forms of these drugs, judging by which one can also evaluate which is better - Viagra or Cialis, can be quite different.
  • Effect on the patient- when taking Cialis drug effect may not be much, but differ from the results of the initial drug. This may manifest itself in a change in the time of exposure of the drug to the body, as well as its interaction with various products food and drinks, including alcoholic ones.
  • Side effects and interactions with other drugs- it is impossible to say in advance exactly how this medicine will interact with others medicines what are the side effects and allergic reactions it will be able to call.
  • Appearance- the release form, colors and packaging of the drugs differ, but not much. Some tablets are presented in yellow flowers, others - in bluish ones.
  • Release form- the original brand Cialis is available in tablet form, just like Viagra.

Original Cialis is produced in the form of pale orange biconvex oval-shaped tablets in film casing and contains 20 mg. tadalafil is the main active ingredient of this drug.

Cialis and Viagra are recommended to be used directly for the time specified in the accompanying instructions before the intended sexual intercourse. It can be taken (unlike most quality drugs that increase potency) on a full stomach. At the same time, which is important, it is not prohibited to eat fatty and spiced foods, as well as take small amounts of alcohol.

The principle of action of Cialis is based on increasing natural arousal. It should be remembered that the drug is not an aphrodisiac and is not an aphrodisiac, but only enhances the erection and sexual arousal of a man. The principle of action of Viagra is similar.

The instructions for use included with Cialis and Viagra are required to be read.

It is also worth noting that many analogues of both Viagra and Cialis, tested by doctors, only confirmed the opinion of doctors that Viagra and Cialis are completely harmless drugs that can be used by anyone. And in lately The female version of the medicine is becoming especially popular.

The problem of choice is which tablets to buy for you?

Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are the main drugs intended for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. A time-tested drug is Viagra (the active ingredient is sildenafil citrate). Viagra was discovered more than 25 years ago. High scientific evidence base and extensive clinical trials Viagra is its main and far from the only advantage over other drugs. Levitra (the active ingredient is vardenafil) is a relative newcomer on the market. pharmaceutical market. Cialis (active ingredient tadalafil) - it appeared in 2003. With their recent appearance, these drugs, however, worked perfectly clinical studies. All three drugs act on the corpus cavernosum of the penis, promoting its blood supply and causing a persistent erection. The mechanism of action of the drugs is the same.

The main differences between the three drugs

Depends on many factors. For elderly patients, Cialis is preferable. For erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature - Viagra. For metabolic disorders - Levitra. - this is the most important stage in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The problem of choosing a drug depends on many factors. For elderly patients, Cialis is preferable. For erectile dysfunction of a psychogenic nature - Viagra. For metabolic disorders - Levitra. Choosing the right drug is the most important step in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

Impaired potency is an intimate problem and not everyone agrees to see a specialist just to choose a drug. At the same time, wide range medications and supplements can confuse a man. In such a situation, you have to independently understand the differences between drugs and determine what is best for you. It is especially difficult to decide in cases where several products have the same effect. In particular, this applies to such popular drugs, like Cialis and Levitra.

Despite the similar effects of the drugs, each of them has its pros and cons

Description of means

Before finding out how the drugs differ, it is important to understand their composition. Like most of these drugs, they belong to selective inhibitors. Their action is aimed at increasing the duration of sexual intercourse and stimulating an erection. It is important to emphasize that the effect is observed only if there is natural stimulation. The drugs do not cause spontaneous erection. You can see the result within 20 minutes.

In terms of effectiveness, both products are the same. The contraindications, list of side effects and mechanism of action will also be similar. It would be worth noting that there are many tools similar to those described. In particular, when figuring out which is more suitable for you, Viagra or Levitra, you need to remember that they are similar. This is explained by the fact that both drugs have absolutely the same effect and the difference will only be in the individual reaction of the body.

But, despite the same effect, there are significant differences. They relate to the duration of action. Cialis is one of the few drugs that have a pronounced effect for more than 34 hours. Levitra only lasts 8-10 hours. At the same time, this does not mean that the tablets have a more aggressive effect or cause more side effects. The duration of action is ensured by the presence of tadalafil. That is why, when making a comparison, you can be sure that Cialis is more popular than Levitra.

The difference between the drugs is the duration of their action

There are also significant differences when combined with alcohol. Cialis does not change its properties when combined with strong drinks, but Levitra can manifest itself much later if you take alcohol at the same time as the capsule.

Please note: there is a drug called Sealex. Despite the similarity of the name, it is fundamentally different from Cialis, primarily in that it is a dietary supplement containing herbal ingredients.

Cialis and its features

Cialis is used to quickly normalize erection and increase desire. Today this is one of best analogues Viagra. Its main advantages are the duration of action and quick effect. Under the influence active component there is a restoration of potency, an increase in the duration of the act and an increase in sensitivity.

Cialis helps increase male libido

The active ingredient is tadalafil. Daily dosage is 20 milligrams. This is enough for your body to respond with a powerful erection during sexual stimulation within 30-40 hours. Unlike the Sealex supplement, to achieve the effect you do not need to take courses and wait for the effect. Within twenty minutes you will notice a rush of blood to the penis and sexual desire. Therefore, it is better to take it immediately before intimacy.

The drug is more suitable for men with the following abnormalities:

  • difficulty achieving an erection;
  • problems maintaining an erection;
  • decreased desire;
  • premature ejaculation.

With the help of Cialis you can increase the duration of sexual intercourse, avoiding rapid ejaculation

The reason for such violations may be inflammatory processes, frequent stress, physical fatigue, as well as bad habits. In addition, if a man does not have the listed problems, but he notes increased anxiety after have a hard day, it is better to play it safe and use Cialis. There will be no negative consequences from this, but confidence in the upcoming sex will appear. In addition, the drug will make orgasms bright and desire expressed.

Cialis is suitable for men old age and is not addictive or addictive.

Why is Cialis stronger than Levitra?

As already stated, better drug due to the fact that the effect of its use lasts for 34-40 hours. In response to arousal, a powerful erection appears. It is worth noting that this is practically the only drug that has such a pronounced effect. Please note that in comparison, supplements such as Sealex only begin to work after a week of regular use.

An important advantage of the drug is that, provided the dosage is followed, it does not cause any negative consequences and is easily tolerated by men. Alcohol does not affect the effect of the drug in any way. In addition, it does not increase the likelihood of developing side effects from tadalafil.

The main advantage of the drug is its duration of action.

The effect of the drug is due to tadalafil. The substance relieves spasms and causes relaxation of the muscle tissue of the penis. Due to this, the blood supply to the organ improves, which ensures a stable erection. In addition, the component inhibits the production of an enzyme that provokes early ejaculation. Due to this, the drug eliminates premature ejaculation, but neither the sensitivity nor the severity of the erection decreases from this. A man is confident in his abilities and has better control over the time of orgasm.

Features of Levitra

Levitra's properties are no less than effective drug. It also increases desire and strengthens erections. At the same time, the duration of the act increases due to the delay of ejaculation. The effect is achieved through vardenafil. The substance acts in exactly the same way as tadalafil:

  • relaxes smooth muscles;
  • causes a rush of blood;
  • strengthens erection;
  • extends the act;
  • increases sensitivity;
  • makes the orgasm more vivid.

In addition to improving erection, Levitra is used for prostate diseases

The drug is used for erectile dysfunction. It will also be effective in cases of decreased libido, low self-esteem, psychological disorders erections. In other words, it is better to take Levitra in cases where there is a possibility of a fiasco associated with a psycho-emotional state.

Important: Levitra is often prescribed in combination for the treatment of prostatitis, adenoma and infertility in men.

To achieve the effect, 20 milligrams of the active substance is enough. After a single use, there is an improvement in the blood supply to the penis, the release of testosterone, and the amount of sperm increases. As for side effects, they appear only when the dosage is exceeded. This is why it is better not to take pills again within one day. Levitra, like Sealex, can be used by men of all ages, provided there is no individual intolerance.

Why is Levitra more effective than Cialis?

Let's try to understand what Levitra is all about better than Cialis. Let's start with the fact that the product is one hundred percent safe, provided that the recommendations are followed. Secondly, if a man has a reaction to the drug, the symptoms will be mild and quickly passing.

The filling of the cavernous bodies with blood improves after taking Levitra

If we make a comparison, it is important to emphasize Levitra's ability to absorb serotonin. Due to this, spasm is eliminated blood vessels penis, which means it becomes possible to delay the moment of ejaculation. With this drug, a man has the opportunity to increase the duration of sexual intercourse by an average of three times. In addition, there is increased secretion production, increased testosterone release, and increased sensitivity.

When taking Levitra, an increase in the size of the penis is observed due to the relaxation of the walls of the cavernous bodies, which means they are better filled with blood.

Special instructions

Having found out exactly how both drugs work, it is impossible to say for sure that one is better than the other. This is explained by the fact that each product has its own characteristics. For some, the effect of Cialis appears much faster than that of Levitra, while the latter acts more gently and does not cause deviations.

Like other drugs with similar effects, if you have heart pathologies, you should avoid taking Cialis and Levitra

One thing is certain:

  • it is prohibited to combine drugs for simultaneous use;
  • tablets should be used with caution in cases of severe hypertension;
  • it is prohibited to use when ischemic lesions hearts;
  • cannot be used for pathologies in the stage of decompensation.

It is also worth noting that capsules for erection often cause psychological dependence. A man begins to feel that without drugs he will not be able to achieve a stable erection, which further aggravates the situation. In this regard, dietary supplements have more advantages. Of course, you will have to take them for a long time, but there will be no side effects. In addition, many drugs, for example Sealex, have no contraindications at all.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that both Cialis and Levitra are used only to enhance erection. None therapeutic effect they don't provide. Therefore, when common problems in this regard, it is better to see a doctor and choose a treatment that will help eliminate the dysfunction.

In the video, the doctor will talk about the treatment of erectile dysfunction: