Comparison of Viagra Cialis and Levitra. Which is better: Viagra or Cialis (expert advice). The best Viagra for men

The stronger sex has its weaknesses and erectile dysfunction is one of them. A class of highly effective medications has been developed that are aimed at eliminating sexual problems in men. To achieve the desired result you need to know that better than Cialis or Levitra, Viagra or other drugs.

Generics of Viagra

Medicines are conventionally divided into originals and generics. Viagra, the original drug for treating sexual problems in men, appeared in 1998. Five years later, the American company Eli Lilli released Cialis, the first generic version of Viagra. Two years later, the German pharmaceutical corporation Bayer repeated the result and created its own drug to improve erections in men - Levitra.

All drugs: Cialis, original Viagra or later, are used to eliminate sexual problems and treatment erectile dysfunction. How medications will manifest themselves in a particular case and what is best to use depends on the body’s reaction.

By pharmacological action Generics are analogues of the first original drug. The difference is in the indifferent filler substances. For manufacturers, this is an opportunity to save on research; for consumers, this is reasonable prices for medicine.

Foreign and Russian pharmaceutical companies release large number new drugs, the main property of which is to improve potency. Kits made up of several generics have appeared on sale, so that men can choose for themselves the drug that works more effectively and is better suited.

Which generic is better

Men find it difficult to distinguish temporary difficulties from a more serious problem. Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a delicate topic; many are embarrassed to voice it or deny it altogether. The decline in erectile function begins gradually with general weakness, lethargy, difficulty performing sexual intercourse. There is a decrease in libido or premature ejaculation.

Viagra is one of the best medications for improving erection. The active substances dilate the arteries located at the entrance to the penis. The effect occurs a certain time after taking the medicine, a good erection appears and the possibility of normal sexual intimacy appears.

If we compare how Levitra and Cialis work, the result depends on sexual stimulation, the duration of treatment with Levitra and Cialis, the age and health of the man.

In case of obesity and related diseases, special medications cannot be replaced with a drug to enhance potency. Cialis and Levitra will not get rid of the disease, and uncontrolled stimulation will cause undesirable consequences. Increasing the dose or systematic use of stimulants negatively affects work prostate gland.

How can generics differ? Regardless of what is used, the more familiar Viagra or the fast-acting drug that is 10 times more effective than Levitra or the "weekend pill" Cialis, the drugs are effective only with psychological or physical sexual stimulation.

Unlike the drug Viagra, Cialis has a longer therapeutic effect. The product continues to work for 36 hours and is absorbed much faster. An erection occurs with any sign of sexual stimulation.

Sexual activity is spontaneous, so it is important to know how quickly the drug will begin to work. Cialis or Levitra works within 15–30 minutes. Viagra – in an hour.
Men with heart disease are better off using medications short term actions - Levitra or Viagra.

Which is better? Cialis, which in terms of the expected result is as effective as Viagra or a drug that can be taken during a romantic dinner with not a large number alcohol Levitra. Which generic is more suitable is decided individually.

Medicines to stimulate erection should not be taken by minors. Alcohol or smoking abuse negatively affects the quality of sexual activity. Medicines have their own characteristics and contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor before use.

The better Levitra

Through spongy tissue reproductive organ men, pass through arteries and veins. An erection occurs when sexual contact. Under the influence of nerve impulses, blood flow to the penis increases. The valves of the veins close, the outflow of blood stops - an erection occurs.

Physiological or psychological factors interrupt impulses and disrupt the system, erectile dysfunction develops. The reason is the narrowing of small vessels and poor blood filling of the reproductive organ.

Viagra is time-tested and acceptable daily use. Cialis, which differs in the duration of its effect, or Levitra, which appeared later, are aimed at eliminating unstable potency. What is better removed from the body and solves erection problems?

Action Comparison active substance Viagra - sildenafil (minimum dose 50 mg) as well as Cialis - tadalafil (20 mg) and the main substance of Levitra - vardenafil (10 mg) shows that the higher active influence the main substance, the better the erection.

An increase in the concentration of inhibitors in smooth muscle cells increases blood flow to the cavernous bodies. The medicine initiates and maintains an erection when blood enters under pressure and prevents its outflow. Levitra differs from Cialis in its increased effect on inhibitors at low concentrations in the blood plasma, therefore it is eliminated from the body faster.

Inhibitors act directly on the muscles of the penis, facilitating the relaxation of blood vessels. Differences in the biochemical activity of the drugs were confirmed during studies. A comparative analysis showed that the lower the content of the active substance in one tablet, the fewer side effects.

You cannot take medications to improve erection simultaneously with nitroglycerin. These groups of drugs potentiate each other's action. Reception with fatty foods leads to the combination of fat with Cialis or Viagra, absorption is impaired, and the onset of erection is delayed indefinitely.

Compared to Viagra, alcohol and food intake do not affect the effectiveness of Cialis, but weaken its effect. Levitra acts the same regardless of the time of meal or alcohol intake.

For a long time, Viagra was considered as a symptomatic remedy in the same way as Cialis. How to solve the problem of long-term sexual dysfunction. What is better to take if long-term treatment is necessary? Reviews from many men have shown that the drugs are equally effective when used regularly.

What is better for continuous use and targeted treatment of serious sexual problems? Viagra, which is effective for 4 hours or a generic, one tablet of which is designed for 36-hour action - Cialis? Cialis is more effective in restoring erectile dysfunction.
Levitra should not be used simultaneously with nitrates. Fatty foods and alcohol do not affect the action of Levitra. Viagra is best taken on an empty stomach.
At long-term treatment Viagra and Cialis are better suited. If the drug is not used regularly, then use Levitra.

Impaza or Levitra, what to choose

Impaza – medicinal product for the treatment of impotence and vegetative nervous disorders in men. Lozenges improve the quality of sex, increase blood flow to the reproductive organ, and guarantee a long-lasting erection. The medicine is produced in Russia, so prices for the drug are lower than those of foreign analogues.

Impaza differs from Cialis in that nitroglycerin cannot be taken together with Cialis. At simultaneous use Blood pressure is greatly reduced. Together with Impaza, nitrates do not cause side effects or negative consequences.

For a single dose of Impaza, take 2 tablets an hour or two before sexual intercourse. Do not swallow tablets with food. When treating potency disorders, it is recommended to take the drug in a course, daily or every other day for 12 weeks.

Course use of the drug consistently increases the positive dynamics in the treatment of sexual disorders.

Impaza does not interact with nitrates (nitroglycerin) and, compared to Levitra, not only increases, but also treats erectile dysfunction with long-term use.

According to statistics, male sexual dysfunction is getting younger. The age of patients is not the reason for the decrease in potency, which is important to understand with minor changes. Diseases accumulate with age. Therefore, do not delay visiting your doctor. After the consultation, you will know for sure whether Impaza or Cialis or other generics are more suitable.

What is the difference between Vizarsin

Vizarsin is an analogue of Viagra. The main active ingredient is sildenafil. Absorption of the tablet begins after 14 minutes, taken on an empty stomach. When choosing pills to increase erection, you must remember that they cannot be combined with vasodilator drugs. How does Vizarsin differ from its analogues? The difference in effect is not significant, but the price of Vizarsin is almost two times lower.

Vizarsin, which has the same properties as Viagra, or a drug more long acting Cialis shows a delayed effect with simultaneous food intake. Therefore, keep in mind that it is better to take these medications on an empty stomach. To achieve a satisfactory result, psychological or physical sexual influence is required.

Visarsin or Cialis, as well as other drugs, are intended for the treatment of sexual disorders. They return men to normal sex life and guarantee good reviews. The desired effect is in effect. for a long time. Tablets can be taken as needed or in a specific course.

Take medications according to your situation, health condition, and doctor's recommendations. The remedies really work and help solve the problem today.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Sexual activity is an important indicator men's health. Any dysfunctions and disorders are perceived by men as extremely difficult and sometimes critical, so doctors advise undergoing an examination and choosing medications to maintain sexual health. And due to the wide variety of sexual stimulants, it is difficult for men to decide which is best to choose.

The choice should definitely be based on the testimony of the attending physician, as well as on the composition and principle of action of the drug. And if earlier sexual dysfunctions were treated with Viagra and its close analogues, today the pharmacological industry is full of proposals - the German drug Levitra, Russian analogue Viagra Sildenafil, natural remedy Alicaps and much more.

Features of drugs for the treatment of male potency

The most popular and world-famous drug for i is Viagra. Today, experts have created many new drugs that can be a worthy alternative Viagra is expensive and not always available. All erectile function stimulants can be divided into several groups:

  • synthetic drugs with fast and strong effects, for example, Viagra, Sildenafil, Dynamico, Levitra and Cialis;
  • homeopathic medicines containing natural ingredients sexual stimulants, for example, Impaza;
  • biologically active additives to maintain sexual health with plant and animal components in the composition, for example, Sealex, Vuka-Vuka, Alicaps, etc.

There are also many preparations in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes, the composition of which saturates the body with all useful resources for the full functioning of the entire body and reproductive system. The most popular synthetic stimulants today, as they provide a strong and stable effect, dietary supplements and homeopathic medicines are more often used to prevent problems of this kind.


Regardless of whether it is a natural or synthetic medicine for impotence, experts insist that such drugs must be taken taking into account indications and contraindications. The following phenomena are considered significant reasons for taking tablets and capsules:

  • decreased libido and sexual attraction to the opposite sex;
  • weak and unstable erection;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • and inability to have prolonged sexual intercourse;
  • insufficient penis size during arousal;
  • lack of spontaneous and morning erections;
  • small quantity and low quality of ejaculate.

Any sexual disorders of physiological or psychogenic etiology require timely treatment. Only medical specialist data-driven complex diagnostics patient.

Operating principle

The main thing that shows the effectiveness, safety and appropriateness of any of the previously mentioned drugs for potency is their composition and principle of action. Viagra contains sildenafil, Levitra contains vardenafil, Cialis contains tadalafil, and Sildenafil is the drug of the same name and an analogue of Viagra.

The principle of action of all these synthetic components is as follows:

  • dilation of veins and constriction of arteries to quickly achieve an erection and prolong the state of arousal;
  • release of nitric oxide, which is responsible for the duration and fullness of an erection;
  • acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which improves the quality of erection, and also increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, thereby increasing.

If we look at the drugs Levitra, Cialis and Viagra, their components prolong the effects of nitric oxide molecules, increasing blood flow to the external genitalia. The difference in the principle of action lies in the duration of the effect, in addition, each body perceives one or another component in the composition of the tablets differently.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Expert on family relations. Family psychologist.

Regardless of what components the selected drug consists of, Viagra, Levitra, and other sexual stimulants will only work during sexual stimulation.

Comparison of the best means to enhance potency

So, to the top list the best means for potency and erection, several synthetic drugs were used - Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and Sildenafil, as well as natural preparations Sealex, Alicaps and many other supplements. Advantageous differences can be identified by several indicators - the principle and mechanism of action, composition, method of application, indications and contraindications and other important criteria.

According to the active ingredient

The first thing you need to know when choosing a drug for potency is the types of active components of the tablets. Both indications and contraindications, as well as the principle of operation of the product and its effectiveness, directly depend on the main component of the substance. The main components of the listed drugs are the following:

  1. Viagra– the composition contains the components sildenafil citrate, which inhibits PDE-5 and releases nitric oxide, helping a man achieve an erection. The effect of the substance occurs 30-60 minutes after taking the tablet and lasts 3-4 hours.
  2. Levitra– this drug contains the substance vardenafil, as is the case with the previous drug we're talking about about phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. After taking the tablet, vardenafil begins to act faster than sildenafil or tadalafil, maintaining the effect for about 10 hours.
  3. Cialis– drug latest generation, which contains the active ingredient tadalafil, which begins to act 15-20 minutes after taking the tablet and can maintain the effect for up to 36 hours.
  4. Alicaps– a food supplement that contains natural substances: extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Damiana leaf, creeping palm, as well as vitamin B5 and zinc. This drug must be taken on a regular basis to ensure a cumulative long-term effect.

The Russian analogue of Viagra, Sildenafil, works on the same principle, as it contains sildenafil citrate. Synthetic components have a faster effect on the body, but have high risks side effects, which cannot be said about the dietary supplement Alicaps.

By purpose

In general, all of these drugs Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Sildenafil and Alicaps suggest similar indications for use. They are prescribed to combat any erectile disorders. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra act as quick but temporary erection simulators.

Cialis is recognized as an innovative drug in comparison with analogues, since it can be used as a course for constant control over erection and potency. The purpose of Cialis is also to complex treatment prostate adenomas. Alicaps is a drug with a wide range of uses; in addition to stimulating erection, it is used to increase testosterone, improve the quality of ejaculate, prolong sexual intercourse and enhance orgasm.

Mechanism of action and duration

To determine which drug is better from the presented leaders in demand and expert recommendations, it is also important to compare their principle of action and its duration. Namely:

  • Viagra– the effect occurs an hour after taking the tablet and lasts about 3-4 seconds;
  • Levitra– the effect occurs 15-20 minutes after taking the tablet, lasting 8-10 hours;
  • Cialis– the effect of the drug occurs 15-30 after taking the tablet and can last about 36 hours;
  • Alicaps– the stimulating effect can be observed 1-2 hours after taking the capsules; during therapy, the effectiveness of the drug gradually increases.

The mechanism of action of synthetic stimulants involves two effects - acceleration of blood circulation in the pelvic area, as well as relaxation of the smooth muscles of the penis, all this contributes to maximum and long-lasting erection. In addition to these therapeutic results, natural dietary supplements promise prevention genitourinary pathologies and hormonal imbalance.

Do you use drugs for potency?


By method of administration

If we compare the synthetic potency stimulants Viagra (Sildenafil), Levitra and Cialis, all of these drugs should be taken shortly before sexual intercourse, namely:

  • Viagra- the optimal dose is 50 mg, taken 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse;
  • Cialis– the optimal dose is 20 mg, taken 30-40 minutes before sexual intercourse;
  • Levitra– the optimal dose is 10 mg, taken 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse.

The drug Alicaps is food additive, which means it takes things a little differently. The optimal dose is 1-2 capsules, which can be taken 1-2 hours before intimacy, as well as daily even without sex. Viagra and Levitra are not used constantly, but as needed, while Cialis and Alicaps can be used daily.

By efficiency

Most strong drug In terms of the speed of onset of the effect and its duration, Cialis is considered to be an innovative drug of the latest generation. Levitra is different good performance quality and minimal risk of side effects. The third place is occupied by drugs analogues Viagra and Sildenafil. Alicaps and Sealex are a mild agent that must be used in a course.

By side effects

There is no point in choosing between Sildenafil and Viagra, since they are 100% copies. If we consider the list of possible side effects, experts approve Alicaps and Sealex, as they are absolutely natural remedies, which can occasionally cause only allergic reactions.

Experts give second place to Levitra, it is less toxic than Viagra and has fewer contraindications. If we compare the drugs Viagra and Cialis, statistics say that the first option is much less likely to cause negative consequences taking pills. This causes high cost Viagra.

By price

Knowing how expensive Viagra is, many people wonder what is better than Viagra in terms of cost and effectiveness. The cost of one Viagra tablet is 900-1400 rubles, depending on the dosage. The price of Levitra is 800-1300 rubles, and Cialis – 2000-2500 rubles. The Alicaps food supplement will cost from 700 to 1500 rubles, depending on the number of capsules. The leader in the price rating is considered to be Russian Sildenafil, the price of which is 350-500 rubles.

Which drug should I choose?

Some men, when choosing potency stimulants, prefer products without side effects, others care about effectiveness, and for some, the determining factors are the manufacturer and price. To facilitate the selection process, experts offer comparative analysis several popular drugs.

Viagra or Cialis

The distinctive characteristics of the drugs Viagra and Cialis are the manufacturers. The first product releases American brand Pfizer, the second is the American company Eli Lilly and Company. Viagra causes side effects much less frequently, while Cialis retains its effect longer and can be used daily. Both drugs are expensive, but Cialis is much more expensive.

Sildenafil or Viagra

Comparing both drugs is the same as asking which Viagra is better for men. Sildenafil is best substitute Viagra, but only Russian production. The only significant difference will be the price, since a domestically produced product will cost half as much.

Viagra or Sealex

Viagra is an imported brand drug high quality And fast way impact. Sealex is a food supplement with natural composition, which involves course therapy for sexual disorders. Viagra is trusted by millions of men, and Sealex does not contain toxic components that cause side effects. One tablet of Viagra costs on average 900 rubles, Sealex 300-500 rubles.

Alicaps or Vuka-Vuka

According to the principle of action and composition, Alicaps and Vuka-Vuka are considered analogues, since they are intended for the prevention and treatment of sexual disorders. Both remedies also prevent pathologies genitourinary system and in particular the prostate, if used as a course. The price of Alicapsa is 1200-1500 rubles, Vuka-Vuka - 500 rubles.

Vuka-Vuka or Viagra

Many experts claim that Viagra is the best when choosing drugs for potency. Compared to the Vuka-Vuka dietary supplement, synthetic stimulant much stronger in terms of strengthening an erection, but Viagra gives only a temporary effect, and Vuka-Vuka after completing a month's course suggests a long-term effect after stopping the pills. And the cost of a course of dietary supplement therapy is half the price of one Viagra tablet.

Viagra or Dynamico

Dynamico and Viagra are analogues in composition and principle of action, as they contain sildenafil citrate. Accordingly, the indications, contraindications and dosages for both drugs are similar. But Dynamico is considered a generic Viagra from a different manufacturer (Teva Corporation in Israel), which means that the difference between them lies in the price. The price of one Dynamiko tablet is 200-300 rubles.

Viagra or Impaza

When comparing these two tools, there are several things to note: distinctive features– classification (Viagra synthetic drug, Impaza homeopathic remedy), principle of action, method of application, effectiveness (Viagra gives a one-time effect, Impaza - cumulative) and toxicity. Viagra is taken occasionally to strengthen an erection, while Impaza is taken as a course of treatment to cure sexual disorders. Impaza – Russian drug at a price of 400-500 rubles.


Initially, men understood only the drug Viagra as a stimulant of erection and potency. Due to the large availability of analogues and generics today, the logical question has become what kind of good Viagra can be for men without side effects and at an affordable price? The best and inexpensive analogue Sildenafil is considered to be Russian-made. The above comparative characteristics will help men narrow down the choice of drug to maintain sexual activity.

Sexual satisfaction is a very important part of life for any person, and no problem is perceived as painfully as failures in the intimate sphere. Especially when it comes to men, who often make their masculinity dependent on victories on the personal front. However, in our age of stress and increased loads It’s so difficult to maintain your health and please your loved one in bed.

IN recent years Doctors are increasingly diagnosing fairly young representatives strong half humanity diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. And they immediately warn patients that these words are not a sentence at all. After all, there are numerous drugs on the market that can help cope with unpleasant problem and completely establish a normal sex life.

Usually the choice of men falls on Levitra or Cialis. Today we will tell our readers what is better and what characteristics should be taken into account when purchasing such drugs.

Brief characteristics of drugs for erectile dysfunction

Pharmacies sell many drugs that promise men incredible result and sensations after their use. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to choose among them, because even sexologists usually leave the choice to the patient, simply recommending certain means. In addition to original drugs, medications for erectile dysfunction are represented by a large number of generics of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. They are produced mainly by Indian pharmaceutical companies, which supply their products at much lower prices than European brands. However, the composition of these drugs is almost identical, which confuses most buyers who dream of finding the most effective and inexpensive remedy.

So, what is better - Levitra or Cialis? We will try to answer this question for readers in the article, but for now we will briefly describe both drugs.

Experts believe that the mechanism of action of these drugs is similar. They strengthen an erection, allowing sexual intercourse to be complete and, in many cases, prolonging it. This happens due to the dilation of blood vessels and a rush of blood to the penis. Many patients write in reviews that when taking these drugs they observed not only an improvement in quality intimate life, but also an increase in the size of the penis. Of course, this effect was not observed in all men, but such cases are not so rare.

Levitra and Cialis are called PDE5 inhibitors, which act only in cases of sexual arousal. This fact must be taken into account when purchasing the drug. Without sexual stimulation and caresses of your beloved woman, you will not get the desired effect.

Doctors, when prescribing drugs for erectile dysfunction, usually focus on age and psychological state patient. However, even experts cannot unambiguously determine which is better - Levitra or Cialis. After all, when purchasing a medicine, it is necessary to take into account many individual factors, which we will now discuss.

Drug selection criteria

Patients cannot fully evaluate and analyze the composition of medications for erectile dysfunction, but they know exactly what they want to get for their money. Therefore, the criteria for choosing a medicine that most men adhere to may look like this:

  • speed of action;
  • duration of exposure;
  • permissibility of use with food and alcoholic beverages;
  • drug dosage;
  • reception frequency;
  • side effects;
  • cost of medicine.

To help patients decide, manufacturers began to produce drug test kits. They contain two or three tablets of the most popular drugs. The cost of such a set starts from eight hundred rubles, and it is in great demand. After all, this option allows you to practically choose the most suitable remedy for yourself. But those who do not want to risk their health should read our article and do a comparative analysis of tablets based on these characteristics.

General features

Comparisons of Levitra and Cialis are made quite often, so it was not difficult to highlight the similarities of these drugs. They are presented in a small list below:

  • Action only in the presence of sexual arousal. This fact We have already mentioned it, but we will repeat it anyway. The pills become effective only if there is a sexual partner.
  • Taking medications. Both medications must be taken a few minutes before sexual intercourse.
  • Disintegration of active substances. Liver enzymes help process and break down the ingredients in Levitra and Cialis, so people with liver disease should not take these medications.

It is worth mentioning that the drugs we describe have several similar contraindications. Usually the doctor talks about them, but still we could not help but list them:

  • blood pressure problems;
  • parallel use of Erythromycin and drugs of the same group;
  • violations of the structure of the penis.

I would also like to note that, despite the similarity, the medicines also have a number of differences. In addition, Levitra is a drug that appeared on Russian market not so long ago, unlike Cialis. However, this did not prevent it from becoming a very popular drug, which is currently being sold out much more actively than the famous Viagra.

Differences between drugs

Both medications are used to increase potency, but they act on the body slightly differently. And this is noticed by all men who have used samples of drugs to combat erectile dysfunction.

The effect of Levitra is not only to enhance erection, but also to suppress premature ejaculation. In this case, the desired result is achieved after the first dose and has a prolonged effect.

"Cialis", if we rely on reviews from men, is designed for long-term use. Despite the fact that it gives results even with a single use, a noticeable effect will only be achieved with regular use. It is worth keeping in mind that the drug begins to act approximately half an hour after administration. And the effect itself lasts for 36 hours.

"Levitra": instructions for use, price and reviews

Many men think this product one of the best in his group. They are attracted by the rapid onset of the effect (within twenty minutes after administration). One tablet is enough for several sexual acts, because the effect lasts for at least ten hours.

With a single dose, the drug strengthens an erection, and regular use completely eliminates problems in the intimate area and increases the number of sexual acts. At the same time, Levitra is suitable for patients of any age.

Most often, this drug is prescribed in cases where erectile dysfunction is caused by for the following reasons: stress, poor nutrition, bad habits and so on.

One tablet contains 20 milligrams of the active substance (vardenafil). The package usually contains ten tablets. Their cost ranges from one and a half thousand rubles.

The drug combines well with alcohol and food; it is better to take the tablet approximately 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Judging by the reviews, Levitra can be taken twice a week. The product is also suitable for occasional use healthy men. In this case, it prolongs sexual intercourse and enhances sensations during it.

Side effects

Most men, when purchasing a drug, are primarily interested in reviews, price and instructions for use. Levitra also has a number of side effects, which you also need to know about before starting to take the pills.

Despite the fact that they are extremely rare, experts advise always focusing on them. The main side effects of Levitra are headaches and dizziness. Sometimes they can manifest themselves in redness of the skin, increased blood pressure, nausea and temporary visual disturbances.

"Cialis": description of the medicine

Cialis for men has been sold in Russia for quite some time. The active substance of the drug is tadalafil, which is loved by patients due to the minimal number of side effects and duration of action.

It is noteworthy that it goes well with any food and drink. This also appeals to the consumer, because a man may not have to think about what exactly he can eat before taking a pill.

It is worth noting that side effects this drug much less than the previous one. However, it is Cialis that causes stomach cramps more often than its analogues.

On average one tablet medicine costs about three hundred rubles. In pharmacies you can purchase packages in which one, five and ten tablets are packaged. Each buyer chooses himself required quantity pills, given that you can take them no more than twice a week.

Medicines for women

Among the generics of Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, you can also find drugs for women. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Sometimes ladies need drugs that will help them relax, enhance sensations and achieve orgasm. Women's Cialis is manufactured in India and contains the same tadalafil as in tablets intended for men. However, here its dosage is reduced to ten milligrams.

It relaxes smooth muscles and promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs. This affects the sensations during sexual intercourse.


Women's Cialis has a number of contraindications. These primarily include pregnancy and circulatory problems. Also, you should not combine taking pills with alcohol, in this case it is contraindicated. The list of contraindications also includes cancer.

There are cases when patients are intolerant to the active substance of Cialis. This also serves as an obstacle to taking the drug.

A few words about generics

The drugs we describe have a large number of generics, which are sold in all pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. For example, patients often replace Cialis with analogues made in India, such as Erectafil, Tadadel, Tadaga and others.

Judging by their effectiveness, we can say that they are no worse than the original, but the cost of the tablets is two or even four times less than the branded drug. Therefore, many men switch to taking generics so as not to overpay for the brand name.

What to choose: drawing conclusions

What is better - Levitra or Cialis? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because men make their own choices, focusing on their own preferences and capabilities. But experts can advise choosing a drug only based on your goals.

If you need to stay in shape for a long time, then choose Cialis and its analogues. And if you plan to take the pills for a long time, it is better to purchase Levitra.

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Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are the three most popular drugs in the world for the treatment of erectile dysfunction..

Although they are used for the same problems, there are significant differences between these drugs.

Let's figure it out.

How do Viagra, Cialis and Levitra work?

Viagra is original drug, containing the active ingredient sildenafil.

Accordingly, Cialis contains tadalafil, and Levitra contains vardenafil.

All of them represent one therapeutic group - phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE-5).

This group of drugs is intended to expand blood vessels penis. This leads to sharp increase its blood supply, strengthening and prolonging erection. All PDE5 inhibitors begin to act relatively quickly.

Duration of action is the key difference:

Viagra is taken as needed. The effect of sildenafil occurs within 30-60 minutes, and usually lasts up to 3-5 hours.

Levitra starts to work faster than Viagra, but the duration of action is approximately the same as that of sildenafil.

An equivalent dose of Cialis continues to work for up to 36 hours. This is an ideal "weekend choice", but be aware that the side effects will last just as long.

Side effects and drug interactions

Levitra, Viagra and Cialis are very similar in their chemical structure and action, have similar side effects and interactions.

For example, manufacturers do not recommend combining PDE5 inhibitors with grapefruit juice– the latter reduces the activity of drugs. In addition, it is undesirable to combine them with nitrates (nitroglycerin, nitrosorbide). But there are also special instructions.


Side effects of the blue pill include headache, abdominal discomfort, flushing, nasal congestion, nausea, diarrhea, temporary color blindness and blurred vision. Any medications used to treat pulmonary hypertension may not work well with Viagra, causing your blood pressure to drop too much.

A recently published study suggests that Viagra increases the risk of melanoma (skin cancer). True, the figure increases by less than 4%.

The drug is used with caution in case of anatomical deformations (curvature) of the penis, severe cardiovascular diseases, predisposition to bleeding. Viagra and its analogues are not recommended for men prone to priapism.


Classic side effects of Cialis: headaches, flushing and nasal congestion, decreased blood pressure, dizziness and chest pain.

Taking Cialis is associated with a large number problems than Viagra. Tadalafil cannot be combined with new drugs for hypertension - guanylate cyclase stimulators (riociguat). This is fraught with collapse.

It's no secret that erectile dysfunction is a frequent companion to prostate diseases. Patients with chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma should not take Cialis when treated with alpha blockers (omnic). It is also recommended to avoid a range of antibiotics and antifungals.

Before prescribing Cialis, the doctor may inquire about the state of the cardiovascular system, the presence of liver and kidney diseases, stomach ulcers, and anatomical deformations of the penis.

The main thing that should not be forgotten is that the effect of tadalafin lasts up to a day and a half, and its side effects can last the same amount of time!


Dizziness and headache, flushing and nasal congestion, dyspepsia and abdominal discomfort, back pain, color blindness– these are the most common side effects of Levitra.

Like other PDE5 inhibitors, vardenafil is not recommended for men with severe cardiovascular disease. It's not about the medicine: sexual activity is put to the test sick heart. Contraindications are similar to Viagra and Cialis.

Levitra, like Cialis, is not combined with guanylate cyclase stimulants and is used with caution against the background of other antihypertensive drugs, antifungals and antibacterial drugs. Alpha blockers such as Omnic (tamsulosin) are not recommended together.

Very rarely, Levitra, Viagra and Cialis can cause sudden, reversible loss of vision in one or both eyes, and hearing loss. In these cases, do not hesitate: immediately consult a doctor for advice!

Viagra, Levitra or Cialis: Which is Best for Me?

It would seem that men's problems are similar.

In reality, our bodies react differently to the same medicine, and the root causes of erectile dysfunction are different.

Cialis is the only drug of the trio recommended by the FDA for men with prostate adenoma. Patients with adenoma (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH) can safely choose Cialis. Bonus: tadalafil makes urination easier and increases urine flow.

Cialis can be taken daily to be ready for sexual stimulation at a moment's notice. Tadalafil gives sexual freedom unattainable with short-acting drugs.

Viagra and Levitra are more convenient drugs for those who have sex rarely and irregularly. It is enough to take a pill an hour before intimacy, and the next day all the effects disappear without a trace.

Of the features of Levitra, it should be noted that it is better absorbed when taken with fatty foods. It's becoming key factor, if a man has a romantic dinner planned.

Viagra, Levitra or Cialis?

As you can see, each drug is good in its own way. Often, only trial and error can answer the question.

And don't forget to consult your doctor!

Konstantin Mokanov

Viagra 100 mg

Sildenafil citrate 100 mg


Each tablet contains: 100 mg Sildenafil
Action time: up to 4 hours
Onset of action: after 30-40 minutes
Active ingredient: Sildenafil (Sildenafil)

Cialis 20 mg

Tadalafil 20 mg


Each tablet contains: 20 mg Tadalafil
Action time: up to 36 hours
Onset of action: after 20-40 minutes
Active ingredient: Tadalafil (Tadalafil)

As you know, a man’s self-esteem and peace of mind are directly related to his potency, i.e. his ability to perform an act of sexual intimacy with a loved one. Unfortunately, by the age of forty, 5% of young people feel a decrease in sexual activity, but are inclined to explain its occurrence external reasons. And by the age of 65, up to twenty percent of men suffer from impotence.

In the event of any violations or failures, a man begins to get nervous, which leads to even more irreparable consequences in relationships with family and friends, in terms of career growth. After all, only a small number of those who sought help have a decrease in potency associated with medical indicators ( diabetes mellitus, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, neurological diseases), and other reasons are the absence of a sexual partner or mental and emotional state. There are several recommendations that will help restore strength: reducing the dose of nicotine and alcohol, healthy eating, weight loss, refusal of anabolic steroids. But if a problem arises, you need not to isolate yourself, admit its existence and consult a doctor. Currently, many people hear the names Viagra and Cialis, which will help solve the problem of impotence.

Cialis, the main component of which is tadalafin, which has the property of dilating blood vessels and thereby filling with blood and increasing the size of the penis. This drug has been prescribed as a treatment for erectile dysfunction since late 2003. Developed by American biotechnology firm ICOS and approved by the FDA.

Viagra, the main component of which is sildenafil, was developed by Pfizer in the USA, tested and launched into mass production as a medicine for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in the spring of 1998. This drug has been on the medical market longer, has been better studied and is popular among 16 million people in the world. At the same time, it also showed itself as a good stimulant, due to the relaxation of the muscles of the penis, increasing the flow of blood in the penis, which leads to an improvement in erection and increases the time of sexual intercourse.

That is, the principle of action of Cialis and Viagra is almost the same.

Cialis tablets are orange in dosage of 5 ml, 10 ml, and 20 ml, used regardless of food intake half an hour before intimacy. Viagra - tablets blue, resembling a diamond crystal, in dosages of 25 ml, 50 ml, and 100 ml, they must be taken before meals, half an hour before sexual intercourse. If Cialis is used on average in an amount of 10 ml per day, regardless of food intake (even alcohol is allowed in small doses), then the Viagra figure is 50, preferably before meals and drinking alcohol is unacceptable, which confuses lovers of traditions. Maximum permissible norm Cialis 20 ml, Viagra 100 ml.

There are cases of reducing the dosage of Cialis to 5 ml, Viagra to 25 ml active substance. Soft action the first is blurred, creating a feeling of naturalness, physiological processes in the human body are not violated, there is no need to force events, the duration of action is up to 36 hours. Viagra acts almost instantly, starting from a quarter of an hour, which is why its duration suffers up to 5-6 hours. There is an effect of rapid necessity and short-term action.

What is the meaning behind the concept of erection?

She steps in certain moment sexual development young man and fades away in old age. From a moral point of view, an erection should accompany the tender feelings experienced by a man in an intimate setting with the woman he loves. From the point of view of medical science, it appears only when in the male body the vessels responsible for filling the penis with blood are relaxed and dilated, allowing maximum quantity blood. And the vessels through which blood leaves the genital organ are compressed and do not allow blood back through. This is how an erection occurs.

The mechanism operates by producing and releasing nitric oxide in the penis, catalyzing the formation of auxiliary enzymes, which gives impetus to the accumulation of the enzyme cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), which is responsible for increasing and decreasing the diameter of blood vessels. The more this enzyme accumulates and the longer it is active, the better the man’s penis is filled and the longer the erection lasts. Talanadine, which Cialis consists of, prevents the rapid destruction of cGMP, which determines its duration of action.

The effect of sildenafil, which dominates in Viagra, is slightly inferior to the components of Cialis, which speaks in favor of a more modern drug. But sildenafil reduces blood pressure pulmonary artery with her arterial hypertension. And since sexual intercourse implies an increase physical activity on the body, this often leads to increased blood pressure. In case of existing vascular and heart diseases, it is imperative to consult your doctor before using stimulants. There should be no place for false embarrassment or other personal inconveniences.

Like any other dosage forms, stimulants have their own characteristics. Viagra users note a gradual, but not time-consuming, restoration of the penis to its natural size. Cialis lovers notice erections certain time after intimacy, which leads to some inconvenience.

Regarding adverse reactions the effects of Viagra and Cialis are also similar: headache, redness of the face, upset stomach, dizziness. Viagra slightly blurs your vision. But the symptoms stop over time, so patients do not give up their favorite medications. No addiction was observed in patients to these tablets. IN modern world The problem of allergic reactions to any drug is very acute: skin rash, itching, breathing difficulties, sneezing and coughing, swelling.

If they occur, you should stop taking the medicine. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before starting use. These drugs should not be combined with grapefruit, a list of certain drugs containing nitrates in itself similar drugs; It is better to reduce the consumption of nicotine and alcohol-containing products. In this regard, it wins modern drug Cialis.

According to statistics, treatment in the case of the use of Viagra over the past years has cured up to 80% of those who sought help. However, currently in the American and European markets dosage forms Viagra gives way to first place to its rival: doctors prescribe Cialis to half of the patients and only twenty percent - the popular Viagra, considering it a temporary stimulant that needs replenishment from the outside. This is a natural process: medical science does not stand still, new drugs are already replacing modern Cialis. And although the old, proven drug still wins in terms of price, many people immediately think about the price-quality ratio.

I would like to remind you once again that stimulants are medications, so you should start taking them only after consulting a doctor.