What is beef tripe and how to properly give it to your dog. Beef tripe for dogs - benefits and recipes

New dog owners often wonder how to pamper their pet. Sausages and frankfurters are not allowed. Cheese - in small quantities. But the pet doesn’t like bread crumbs.

As a result, the owner takes the wallet and goes to the pet store. There's a lot you can pick up there: pig ears, dog bones, legs of lamb and even beef tripe. All these goodies are packaged in transparent packaging. And they cost the same as half a kilo of fresh meat.

By the way, what is beef tripe for dogs? The best and healthy treat, according to the pet. We will talk about it in the article.

What is this?

Section of a cow's stomach. It is where the initial digestion of grass, hay and silage occurs. Such a department cannot be small. It holds up to 50 kg of feed. Elastic, easy to stretch.

Appearance of the scar

What is beef tripe for dogs? This is a treat. But appearance it leaves much to be desired.

Imagine a pale pink piece of meat with hair on it. inner surface. In fact, this is not wool, but lint. The villi are used to digest food. May be light brown. Or they may appear almost black.

This part of the stomach is slimy to the touch. The smell is worth talking about separately.


How to cook beef tripe for dogs? There is a joke among experienced dog handlers that you can only treat a scar while wearing a gas mask.

This is not true, of course. Seasoned dog breeders do without gas masks and wet gauze on their faces. But the smell from the tripe is really terrible. Those who were adults in the hungry 90s remember canned food produced in friendly Bulgaria. When they were opened, they looked like they were made from old insoles and shoe laces. This smell is hard to forget. Tripe smells almost the same as those canned foods.

Despite this, dogs like it. This is not only a tasty delicacy, but also the benefits of tripe are enormous.

Useful properties

What are the benefits of beef tripe for dogs? It contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements. By offering tripe to a pet, the owner will significantly save on various vitamin supplements. Because everything you need is already in this by-product.

So, vitamins:

    PP or niacin. Contributes beautiful view the animal's fur, its shine.

    B 1. Participates in metabolic processes in the animal’s body.

    B 2. Especially good for puppies and young dogs. Promotes growth, prevents inflammatory processes in the dog's body.


    Phosphorus is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Its deficiency causes bone diseases.

    Potassium contributes to the proper functioning of muscles and nerves.

    Magnesium is healthy nervous system and animal bones.

    Sodium maintains the body's water balance.

    Sulfur helps improve the condition skin and pet hair.

    Iron is responsible for normal level hemoglobin.

    Iodine normalizes the functioning of the pet's pancreas.

As we see, scar in its value can replace expensive vitamin complexes.

Where to buy and what is the price?

Beef tripe- a treat for dogs that they really like. Where can I purchase this product? At the market in meat stalls. But there is one little trick here: the tripe is not laid out on the counter. This is due to its appearance and smell. It often happens like this: the owner sees that there is no scar on the display case and leaves. And you need to ask about its availability. This product is stored in the refrigerator. The seller will cut as much as needed.

How much does the treat cost? From 70 to 100 rubles per kilogram. Price categories vary by region.

Cleaned tripe

What is beef tripe for dogs? As we found out, this is the most delicious delicacy. You can buy it ready-made. More precisely, purified.

How does the cleaning process work? First it is washed warm water. Then they are placed in a special drum. Under the influence of boiling water and steam, the fibers become soft. They can be easily removed using a special disc. The villi are cleaned off, the remains are washed off with boiling water.

After the procedure, clean, light pieces are obtained. They have almost no smell. This tripe is boiled and stored frozen.

Unrefined product

Experienced dog breeders They prefer to feed their pets with unpeeled tripe. How is it better? It contains maximum useful components, vitamins and minerals. Its appearance and smell pale in comparison to the benefits for your pet.


But some dog breeders prefer to boil the tripe. How to cook it correctly?

First of all, the uncleaned scar should be rinsed well. It may contain stones, grass residues and even nails. In general, everything that a cow could treat herself to during her lifetime.

After careful processing, the section of the cow's stomach is cut into small portions. Approximately 100-200 grams. Required quantity portions are placed in a saucepan, poured cold water. You can add a little salt. Bring to a boil.

How long should you cook beef tripe for dogs after the water boils? From one to three hours. Until the product becomes soft. The tripe is then cooled and can be fed to the dog.

Some people prefer to freeze boiled tripe. When needed, take it out of the freezer, defrost, pour boiling water over it and treat your pet.

How to give?

How to give beef tripe for dogs to your pet? Here opinions differ. Some owners feed their dogs with it every day. And someone insists that it is impossible to treat an animal with tripe every day. Proponents of this theory prefer to offer the product to their pet no more than three times a week.

Required quantity

How much beef tripe should you give your dog? It is believed that for every ten kilograms of a dog's weight there are 100 grams of product. Thus, if a pet weighs 30-40 kilograms, then he can be given 300-400 grams of tripe at a time.

Sample menu for a dog

We figured out how much to cook beef tripe for dogs, how often to give it and in what quantities. Let's now compose weekly menu taking into account the needs of the animal. The menu is presented in table form.

Day of the week Morning Evening
Monday Cottage cheese with kefir Rice porridge with minced chicken (or chicken, or beef, or turkey)
Tuesday Vegetable stew with beef tripe Porridge "Druzhba" (rice and buckwheat in equal proportions) with sea fish. Boil the fish and remove the bones
Wednesday Vegetables with egg Boiled tripe mixed with beef meat
Thursday Cottage cheese with kefir Buckwheat with vegetable oil and chicken (or minced meat, or turkey, or beef)
Friday Rice with fish Oatmeal with beef tripe
Saturday Vegetable stew with egg and beef Cottage cheese with kefir
Resurrection Rice with chicken necks Porridge "Friendship" with vegetables and vegetable oil

What should the owner know?

    Eggs are given raw or boiled no more than twice a week.

    The fish is boiled and the bones are removed. It is advisable to give it to a dog sea ​​fish.

    Meat allowed is chicken, turkey, beef, chicken, turkey or beef by-products. It is very good to feed your pet rabbit meat. But given its price, only someone who breeds rabbits can afford it.

    Cheese cut into small cubes is used as a delicacy. As an option - crackers from white bread. Without spices and salt, of course.

    Vegetables and porridge can be slightly salted when cooking. Meat is given raw or boiled.

    For large breed dogs, foods containing protein should be at least 500 grams per day.

  • We found out what beef tripe is for dogs. This is not only a storehouse of vitamins, but also a wonderful delicacy. Dried tripe is used as a delicacy.

How to cook dried tripe?

There are two ways. The first is to dry it in microwave oven. The tripe is finely chopped and placed in a bowl. Place in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. Place a glass of water next to the bowl to remove the smell. After the delicacy has acquired the desired dryness, pour the tripe into cold water for 1-2 minutes. This is done to eliminate the smell emanating from the dog treats. Place the bowl from under the tripe in the same place - under cold water. The microwave oven is wiped with citric acid.

Then the tripe is removed from the water, dried and placed in a jar.

The finished tripe is stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

The second method is less extreme. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and line with parchment paper. Finely chopped tripe is poured onto the paper. Dry for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally. The oven door can be left ajar.

Then pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator.

Is it possible for puppies?

What is beef tripe for dogs? This is a tasty treat (from their point of view). Can puppies have it? Is it possible to feed little pet scar?

As already mentioned, the issue of regular feeding of this product is controversial. Someone gives tripe to the dog every day. Someone treats their pet three times a week, in very small quantities.

As for puppies, they can be given the product at six months of age. But in a very small volume, as a treat. You cannot feed with tripe all the time. This is fraught with harm to the pet’s body and can cause stomach upset.

Let's summarize

The main purpose of the article is to tell the reader what beef tripe is for dogs, what beneficial properties it has, how to feed it to the animal, how to cook it correctly, and in what quantities to offer it to the pet. Let's briefly recall each point:

    Tripe is a healthy treat.

    It is rich in protein, essential vitamins and microelements.

    The issue of regular feeding is controversial. Some feed, some don't.

    For every ten kilograms of dog weight, they give one hundred grams of tripe.

    Unpeeled tripe is much healthier than peeled tripe.

    It can be boiled. To do this, cut into pieces and cook for one to three hours.

    If given raw, then first freeze it for three days. Then the required portion is thawed, scalded, cut into pieces and given to the dog.

    Tripe can be used as a treat. To do this, it is dried either in the oven or in the microwave.


Tripe is a cheap and healthy product. Its cost is no more than 100 rubles per kilogram. And the benefits are much higher than from a complex of expensive vitamin preparations for dogs.

Beef tripe is a good addition to your dog's diet. In the article I will talk about its benefits. I’ll figure out at what age it can be given to a pet. How much to cook and how to cook. I will also give some examples of tripe recipes.

Scar is upper section cow's stomach. It looks like a big bag. It undergoes the initial stage of digesting grass and hay.

This organ must accommodate up to 50 kg of animal food, therefore it has thick elastic walls covered with villi that ensure the digestion process.

Tripe is a treat for dogs

The color of the bag varies from light green to brown and black. It doesn't look appetizing at all. Added to the frightening appearance is a disgusting smell that scares off most dog owners.

There are purified and unrefined versions available.

The purified one looks and smells much more acceptable, but it is the unpurified one that retains the villi and stomach mucus that is considered beneficial.

Can I give it to a dog?

The question arises: is it possible to give this dubious by-product to your beloved pet and why.

The benefits of scar for animals

Breeders say that it contains a huge amount of enzymes and microelements that are incredibly beneficial for the dog’s body.

It contains a natural source of a complex of vitamins, which owners buy in the form of capsules in pet stores.

The rumen itself is part of the animal's digestive system.

It is best given in its raw, unrefined form. The tripe is washed, cut and given to the pet.

If you decide to serve a treat in this way, it is better to first freeze it for 3-4 days as processing and only then give it to your pet.

For owners who decide to cook tripe, there are some tips:

  • It is better to cook in parts rather than whole. This way it will cook faster. Boiling a whole tripe can take 3-4 hours.
  • Many dog ​​owners drain the water several times to get rid of the nasty smell.
  • It is better to use separate dishes for cooking, since it will be extremely difficult to remove the smell of manure from the surface of the pan.

If you decide that you will feed your dog raw tripe, it must first be frozen

Dog owners' opinions

There are two cardinal different opinions. Some dog breeders are ready to feed this cheap and useful product your pet every day. Others say other by-products, such as liver, lungs or heart, are more beneficial and refuse to expose dogs to worms.

Most breeders prefer to stick to the golden mean - from time to time pampering their charges with properly processed scar.

Beef tripe is not suitable for daily feeding.

It can only serve as a food additive and does not replace meat or good nutrition dogs.

At what age should it be given?

You can add it to your puppy’s diet starting at 4 months. At first, it is better to alternate between raw (frozen) and boiled options.

Unpeeled beef tripe

Veterinarians advise giving small portions no more than two to three times a week.

Adult dogs can be given this by-product at the rate of 100 grams per 10 kg of the pet’s weight. Animals with dental problems should only be given crushed product.

How much and how to cook

There are many recipes that your pet will like.

The simplest option:

  • defrost;
  • cut into small pieces (about 3 by 3 cm for a medium breed dog);
  • scald with boiling water;
  • put in a bowl without additives or pour a spoon vegetable oil.

Do not forget that tripe cannot be used as the main feed, replacing meat and other products with it

Many dog ​​breeders prefer to add various vegetables to the tripe:

  1. The first option involves adding grated raw carrots and one egg (chicken or quail) to raw (frozen and scalded) or boiled.
  2. The second option is to mix the raw or boiled variety with finely chopped cabbage, cucumber and herbs. You can pour a spoon of vegetable oil on top of the dish or add capsules fish oil. Pumpkin and apple will also be good additions to the product.
  3. The product can be given in combination with meat (for example, beef). Various chopped vegetables are added to this mixture: broccoli, green beans, carrot. In general, any vegetable mixture will do. This option can replace one full meal for your pet.

Beef tripe is a controversial product.

It's no secret that dogs are very fond of offal, such as beef tripe. Four-legged animals are ready to eat it both boiled and raw.

But when heat treatment this delicacy loses most useful properties Therefore, it is often given raw. But how correct and safe is this? Let's figure it out.

Beef tripe (tribal) is a part of the cow's stomach in which the greens eaten by the animal are digested.

This offal has a specific appearance - dark green, slimy to the touch. Interior The stomach is covered with bristles, which vaguely resembles wet fur. The color of the inner coating ranges from marsh to black-green.

Behind the unattractive appearance lies a storehouse of useful microelements, minerals and vitamins. The rumen contains approximately 95-97% proteins, up to 4% fat, but there are no carbohydrates, i.e. This is a high protein product – excellent “ building material” for dog muscle tissue.

In addition to the large amount of protein, this delicacy is famous high content vitamins (group B, PP, H) and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iodine, iron, etc.)

This combination of microelements makes it possible to replace expensive dietary supplements and vitamins used in a pet’s diet with rumen.

Reference. In its raw form, this product contains large number enzymes that improve digestion and heal the dog’s intestinal microflora, but only in small quantities. In excessive quantities, the effect can be the opposite - stomach upset.

Offal can be purchased at the market and in the supermarket. It is sold in both unrefined and processed forms.

To cleanse the stomach, shake it vigorously (so the internal “lint” becomes more pliable) and rinse thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining food. After this, the tripe is placed in a drum to be treated with steam and boiling water. Then the thin top films are scraped off.

The treated stomach is almost white or light gray, with a slight specific odor. It does not require additional manipulations from the dog's owners. Owners of four-legged animals can only cut into small pieces required quantity tripe and place in your pet's bowl.

Harmful properties

Although this product contains a large amount useful substances and has long been used to feed tailed friends, there are still skeptical dog owners. They believe that rumen feeding can lead to negative consequences.

They argue that in the stomach of a cow there are pathogenic bacteria leading to pet diseases (helminthiasis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, etc.).

No one can guarantee that Burenka ate organic grass and that toxins and other harmful substances that can provoke inflammation of the pancreas have not accumulated in her stomach.

There is also a risk of disruption of the protein level in the dog’s body, if, for example, the animal is on a protein mono-diet, i.e. on monotonous feeding.

But there are those who consider this product an indispensable and very important component of a dog’s diet. They say that the main thing is to observe moderation and caution, then you don’t have to think about the negative consequences.

So, if a raw tripe is frozen or doused with boiling water 2-3 times, then infection, for example, with helminths, will be reduced to a minimum. And if you follow the quantitative norm, then you don’t have to worry about protein levels or pancreatitis.

Reviews from veterinarians

The veterinary community also has no consensus. Veterinarians say that a lot depends on individual characteristics dogs, its immunity and how “domesticated” and pampered the animal is.

For example, Shih Tzu, Tibetan spaniel, Russian toy are small and “capricious” dogs. It is better not to give such delicacies to such breeds in order to avoid indigestion. As a last resort, they can be given finely ground tripe, no more than 10% of the total feed portion and no more than once a week.

There are also large breeds dogs that are prone to diseases gastrointestinal tract, For example Great Dane. In such pets it is impossible to predict the reaction to tripe, so it must be given as carefully as possible.

Attention! You need to introduce tripe into complementary foods, like any other product, in small portions and gradually.

If, after getting acquainted with this treat, the dog behaves as usual, there is no disturbance in stool, vomiting or bloating, then you can slightly increase the portion and after a couple of days please him with the treat again.
The norm is several small pieces per week. This amount will be enough to normalize the functioning of the dog’s stomach.

If after a meal the dog becomes ill, for example, he feels sick or has diarrhea, then it is necessary to take prompt measures and provide qualified assistance.

  • Provide your pet with enough liquid (water, milk).
  • You can give to a pet a weak solution of potassium permanganate or activated carbon.
  • After poisoning, have a fasting day.

These actions will help normalize digestion and eliminate negative consequences. Remember that feeling unwell the pet may be not only due to a weak stomach, but also due to poor quality of the product. When purchasing tripe, make sure the seller is honest, check the documentation and visually assess the freshness of the offal.

Special cases

Do not forget about puppies, pregnant and lactating individuals, their bodies also need potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and others nutrients. So is it possible for these categories of pets to eat beef tripe?

For pregnant and lactating women

Moreover, in further treatment Antibiotics may be used, and this is dangerous for the fetus or newly born puppies, which will receive a dose of the medicine through their mother’s milk.

For puppies

Babies can be given tripe from 4 months; for a weak caudate stomach, the processed version is better suited.

Important! You need to finely chop or grind this complementary food in a blender and give it in a small portion (about 10% of the total food portion), no more than 2 times a week.

With age, the frequency of rumen feeding can be increased, up to 3 times a week. It is worth alternating between boiled and raw stomach.

For the elderly

It is recommended to give tripe in this form to older pets who have difficulty chewing. They require a dose of approximately 100-200 g. (depending on the size of the dog), approximately 2-3 times a week. This amount will be enough to improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.


Tripe is a product that should undoubtedly be present in the diet of your four-legged friend. However, it is worth remembering that this offal is very specific and the wrong choice can lead to dire consequences, for example, making the dog lethargic and suffering from helminthiasis.

To keep your pet healthy and happy, make sure the product is high quality and fresh. Don't skimp on your pet's health.

Dog breeders add beef tripe to their pets’ diets as a additional source Enzymes vital for a dog that the animal’s body cannot produce on its own. Signs of a lack of such substances in dogs are their eating of feces, carrion, and rot. Regular feeding with cow stomach normalizes digestive system dog. Beef tripe is beneficial for dogs in any form, but greatest benefit brings an additive to the food of a raw product.

What a natural product should look like

The cow's stomach is a kind of bag, which consists of four sections. The first, largest, is called the “scar”. Its color varies from light green to brown-black. It emits a stinking smell of feces and rot. Such goods can be bought exclusively in markets.

Beef tripe, raw, unprocessed

IN retail chains Only processed scar is supplied. It is white-gray in color, without food residues, gastric film and does not have a pronounced repulsive odor.

What are the benefits of a raw stomach?

The smelly and slimy inner layer of tripe contains food debris, microorganisms and necessary for a dog substances. The secret is that some specific elements contained in tripe are vital for dogs. A pet can only get them from the outside; his body does not produce them. Therefore, in its raw form, the tripe will have medicinal value and be a source of substances such as:

  • bacteria (lipolytic, lactic acid, cellulolytic, etc.);
  • essential fatty acids;
  • trace elements and minerals (selenium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, etc.);
  • vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, etc.);
  • tissue growth stimulants;
  • amino acids.

For this purpose in wildlife predators first eat the entrails of their victims. The nasty smell of raw tripe will only confuse the dog's owner, but will cause delight and delight in the dog. increased salivation. For dogs, beef tripe is a treat.

How much tripe should I give my pet?

It is recommended to add tripe to your dog's diet so that its content is 1/4 of the total food per day. Experienced dog breeders adhere to the ratio of 100 g of tripe per 8 kg of pet’s weight. You cannot feed your dog daily and constantly only tripe, but it can replace one feeding per day.

It is necessary to take into account the breed of the dog - for German Shepherd and Pekingese portions will be different. To a large dog you need about 300 grams, small breeds 70 is enough.

It must be remembered that raw tripe often causes the appearance of worms.

First, the outer and inner films are removed, then the lint is removed with a knife. The initially treated stomach is soaked in water for at least five hours. The water changes hourly. The treatment is complete if there is no mucus and the product does not stick to your hands. In meat processing plants, the rumen is treated with special chemical compounds, which partially remove the odor and paint the scar a more pleasant white color.

Tripe raw, cleaned

The tripe is boiled for at least three hours. When boiled, it can be given to adult dogs and puppies in any quantity. Before serving, cut it into portions 3–5 cm long and 2 cm wide. After processing, the smell and taste of the product will still be pleasant to the pet, but there will be much less benefit in it than in raw food.

Beef tripe is very healthy for dogs. It replaces a bunch of medications from the veterinary pharmacy. Let's try to figure out how to prepare this delicacy four-legged friend, and in what quantity to give.

What is beef tripe for dogs, price, where to buy, reviews, benefits and harms, beneficial properties

Tripe is called beef stomach. It is covered inside with villi brown, which produce enzymes to digest grass.

Tripe is sold in two types: untreated and processed, cleared of lint. The first one is unpleasant in appearance with a sharp disgusting smell, but this is exactly what is useful for the animal. The processed scar is clean and white, without a pungent odor.

The cost of 1 kilogram of unpeeled tripe on the market ranges from seventy to 90 rubles. It is usually not put on the counter, so you need to ask the sellers who sell meat about availability.

Owners who feed their dog tripe from the age of five or six months say that this product replaces huge number medical supplies and multivitamins. In addition to complete protein, the rumen contains digestive enzymes, beneficial bacteria, a complex of vitamins and microelements that a dog needs. An animal that eats raw tripe has a beautiful shiny wool, excellent health and strong immunity.

How to process fresh beef tripe for dogs

Pre-raw tripe for dogs must be processed:
- rinse well;
- divide into portions;
- put it in the freezer.

Before your dog eats the treat, it should sit in the freezer for three days. The frozen stomach is taken out of the freezer, doused with boiling water, and cut into small pieces. When it cools down, give it to the dog with porridge and vegetables.

Tripe for dogs recipe, how to prepare and give, from what age, stomach, how long to cook

Puppies are fed tripe for six months, monitoring their well-being. If a new dish causes gastrointestinal upset in a dog, stop giving it temporarily until it grows up.

It is advisable not to cook the tripe, but to give it raw, having frozen it in the freezer for three days. If you use cooking, then put the tripe in boiling water; when it boils, turn it off immediately.

Boiled tripe is given with porridge, raw tripe is given with fresh vegetables. Fresh tripe is cut into pieces about two centimeters in size and mixed in a bowl with different vegetables: shredded white cabbage, grated pumpkin or carrots, fresh finely chopped cucumber. Season the mixture with vegetable oil, add pieces fresh meat(beef), scalded with boiling water.

Tripe for dogs as a treat for training

If training takes place daily, then using the scar as a reward during training will not work. You cannot feed your dog tripe often.

Tripe for dogs contraindications, dosage per day

The rate of beef tripe per day is 100 grams per 10 kilograms of body weight. It is given no more than two or four times a week, replacing one feeding with this dish.

Continuous feeding with tripe is contraindicated, as this can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Tripe for dogs, dried or through a meat grinder

Dried tripe from a pet store contains flavorings instead of nutrients. It is useless for dogs and is just a teething toy.

At four months, puppies are given processed tripe, finely chopped and passed through an electric or manual meat grinder. Tripe can be given in the same form old dog who no longer has teeth.