What is leptin in women? The hormone leptin - what is it? Adipokine functions, if elevated - what does this mean? Mechanism of action of the hormone

1 year ago

IN lately The issue of obesity is an acute issue, because not only adults, but also young children suffer from this disease. Relatively recently, scientists were able to discover a new hormone, leptin, which can also be called the “satiety hormone,” since it is what provokes the onset of obesity. Thanks to numerous studies, it was possible to establish that it is this element that helps accelerate the process of burning fat in the body of animals. Today scientists from different countries trying to develop unique medicine against obesity, based specifically on this substance.

After a meal, this element sends a signal directly to the brain that the body has been saturated and fat reserves have been replenished. Then the answer comes that you need to reduce your appetite and at the same time increase the consumption of the energy received. As a result, a full-fledged metabolism begins, and the glucose level necessary for energy production is normally maintained.

When does leptin increase?

Many people have a question: the hormone leptin is elevated, what does this mean, how to correct the situation without harm to your own health? An increase in the concentration of this substance occurs in the following situations:

  • start menstrual cycle;
  • during the onset of puberty in girls;
  • during pregnancy;
  • if artificial insemination was performed;
  • when diagnosing polycystic ovary syndrome.

Increased hormone levels: what does this mean?

Before you start looking for ways and means to lower the hormone leptin, you should familiarize yourself with the consequences of increasing its levels. Most people who are obese have an impairment in the brain's ability to detect of this element. Consequently, after a meal, fat cells report that hunger has been satisfied.

In cases where the hormone reaches the brain, but there is no response to the signal, the brain continues to think that hunger has not been satisfied. As a result, it gives the command to continue to replenish fat reserves, does not decrease appetite and disturbs the feeling of hunger. This leads to overeating. Fat cells actively produce this substance to inform the brain that it is full, which is why its concentration increases.

Consequences of elevated leptin

If the hormone leptin is elevated, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor. In cases where timely and correct therapy is not started, consequences such as:

  • has a suppressive effect on the production of insulin in the pancreas, resulting in the development of such dangerous disease, like diabetes;
  • blood clots form;
  • the elasticity of arteries and vessel walls decreases;
  • the development of various diseases associated with work and condition begins cardiovascular system.

Many women do not even realize that they are independently destroying the normal action of this hormone by following strict diets and fasting for a long time.

To bring your weight back to normal and lower leptin levels, you need to try to completely eliminate sugar, including fructose, from your diet. Sweeteners should also be banned, because they are not nearly as healthy as manufacturers claim. Despite the fact that these substances have practically zero energy value, they can increase resistance to this hormone, which should not be allowed.

Also for compliance hormonal balance important proper nutrition. Nowadays they talk about it a lot, but most women continue to confuse this concept with a diet. No, proper nutrition is not associated with severe restrictions, which, as already mentioned, can affect leptin concentrations. This includes proper distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, eating large amounts of greens, vegetables and fruits, excluding industrial canned food from the menu, and reducing salt consumption. You need to eat right all the time, gradually turning it into a healthy habit.

From work endocrine organs and the synthesis of hormones depends on the vital activity of the whole organism, general health person. Some substances are directly involved in metabolic processes and are responsible for normalizing weight. Leptin is a fat cell hormone that is related to fat storage and influences weight gain.

It is a protein compound consisting of more than 160 amino acid residues that was first discovered in 1994. Leveling it up active substance disrupts the body's energy intake and expenditure, which entails serious consequences. If you find signs of metabolic disorders, you should check your leptin level and, if necessary, take measures to normalize it.

The role and functions of the hormone

Translated from Greek, “leptin” means slender, thin. This hormone belongs to the group of adipokines. It is not produced by endocrine glands, but by adipose tissue, which consists of cytokines that transmit signals to the hypothalamus about the amount of fat deposits, their decrease and increase after eating.

Leptin can also be synthesized by other tissues:

  • placenta;
  • mammary glands;
  • gastric mucosa;
  • bone marrow;
  • liver.

Mechanism of action of the hormone:

  • after eating, fat cells begin to secrete leptin;
  • after that it enters the bloodstream;
  • enters the hypothalamus with the blood and gives a signal of saturation;
  • in response to the action of the hormone, the brain gives a signal to increase energy expenditure and reduce appetite.

The hormone also performs the following functions:

  • increases the process of thermogenesis;
  • acts on the production process;
  • stimulates the production of estrogen;
  • inhibits secretion;
  • regulates the menstrual cycle.

If leptin functions normally, it protects the body from the occurrence of abnormalities eating behavior(anorexia, obesity).

The ability of leptin to reduce insulin may also have negative consequences for the body. The higher the leptin level, the higher the likelihood of developing insulin resistance and. An increase in the satiety hormone negatively affects the condition of blood vessels. They become less elastic, which increases the risk of thrombosis.

Note! If the leptin level is normal, then the glucose concentration is within the range optimal performance for energy production and metabolic processes. Most of the hormone in the blood is observed after eating and during sleep. If the body experiences a feeling of hunger, leptin synthesis is significantly reduced. Therefore, the substance is also called the satiety hormone.

The level of the substance in the blood

The concentration of the substance in the blood may vary depending on the person’s age and gender. Before puberty, the hormone levels in girls and boys are approximately the same.

After puberty they begin to differ significantly. This is due to several factors:

  • women have more fatty tissue than men;
  • participation in leptin synthesis.

In females aged 15-20 years, the norm of the substance is 32.8 ng/ml, deviations in one direction or another are permissible in the amount of 5 ng/ml. In men of this age, the norm is about 17 ng/ml with a deviation of no more than 10.8 ng/ml. From age 20 normal indicators are gradually decreasing.

Reasons for increased hormone levels

99% of overweight people have elevated leptin. To determine it, you need to take a blood test in the morning on an empty stomach.

For more accurate clinical picture More research should be done:

  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • kidney tests;
  • lipid profile;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • measurement .

The hypothalamus may not perceive leptin under the influence of various factors:

  • excess acceptable standards fatty acids in the blood;
  • chronic inflammation in the body;
  • excessive amounts of sugars and carbohydrates in the diet;
  • absence physical activity, physical inactivity;
  • debilitating emotional turmoil;
  • sleep disturbance.

Since most of the listed factors are observed in obese people, a closed system is obtained: overweight leads to leptin resistance, which in turn contributes to weight gain.

Physiological hyperlaptinemia is observed during menstruation, during pregnancy, during menopause, and is temporary.

Treatments for elevated leptin

Unfortunately, medications There are no drugs that can normalize leptin levels. Therefore, it can be reduced only by correcting nutrition and lifestyle, and eliminating provoking factors. Most effective way keeping the hormone concentration normal and controlling its synthesis by fat cells means maintaining weight within the BMI range.

Nutritional Features

The nutrition program should not be aimed at reducing the level of leptin itself, but at eliminating the body’s resistance to it.

Main principles of eating behavior:

  • Eat in small portions. Last meal 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Eliminate sugar and salt from your diet.
  • Consume no more than 1500-2000 kcal per day. Leave no more than 20% for dinner daily value food.
  • Reduce the amount of fat contained in fatty meat, baked goods, cream, sour cream. Can be consumed in small quantities vegetable oil(coconut is especially useful), nuts, fish.
  • The menu should be based on cereal crops and vegetables. They contain fiber, which is necessary for the normal digestion process.
  • Minimize consumption simple carbohydrates, include more protein compounds.
  • Avoid foods with different flavors.

It is not advisable to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners. Despite zero energy value and lack of calories, they can increase leptin resistance. It is better to replace sugar with fructose.

Physical culture

  • swim;
  • ride a bike;
  • dance;
  • run.

It's good if you have home exercise equipment. For the weight loss process to be effective, classes must be continuous and last at least 40 minutes. The room where the training takes place must be well ventilated.

Interval training burns fat well - more intense loads with alternating speeds. Such workouts last about 15-20 minutes.

Lifestyle correction

You need to accustom yourself to constant active image life. Try to go to more fresh air, walk, take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Sleep also affects leptin levels. It is necessary to provide the body good rest at least 8 hours a day. Before falling asleep, you need to ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time.

If a person suffers overweight- this is a significant reason to check the level of leptin in the blood. Both a deficiency and an excess of a substance are very undesirable for the body. To ensure that the hormone is always normal, you should monitor your body mass index. Best ways staying slim means watching your diet, leading active life, get enough sleep and ensure emotional stability.

More in the next video useful information about the functions of leptin, as well as how to maintain normal levels of the hormone:

The hormone leptin is produced by white fat cells. In other words, it is also called the satiety hormone,” “appetite control hormone,” “calorie burner hormone.”

How does leptin work?

After eating, fat tissue cells send leptin to a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, signaling that the body is full and its fat reserves are replenished. In response, the brain sends a command to reduce appetite and increase energy expenditure. Thanks to this, normal operation occurs and is maintained. optimal level glucose for the production of vital energy.

What does it mean if the hormone leptin is elevated?

Many people who are obese have problems with how the brain recognizes the hormone leptin. This means that after a person has eaten food, fat cells send a message to the hypothalamus that hunger has been satisfied. Leptin reaches the brain, but does not receive a response. The brain continues to “think” that the feeling of hunger is present and gives the command to continue filling fat reserves - the appetite does not decrease, the feeling of hunger continues, and the person begins to overeat. Fat cells continue to produce leptin to reach the brain. As a result, the level of leptin in the blood increases.

In what cases does leptin increase?

Scientific studies have shown that leptin levels may be elevated in the following cases:

  • during menstruation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during menopause;
  • with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
  • after artificial insemination;
  • during puberty in girls.

What are the dangers of elevated leptin hormone in the blood?

was discovered not so long ago. An increase in its concentration in the blood is fraught with the development of serious cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus.To normalize weight and prevent obesity, it is extremely important to restore sensitivity to this hormone.
Protein breakfast

However, doctors do not recommend completely giving up carbohydrates. These substances, as well as proteins and vitamins, are necessary for normal metabolism and the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. It will be enough just to give up fast food, sweets and soda, or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Products containing zinc

Anyone who wants to lose weight effectively needs to include foods with high content zinc As you know, zinc plays an important role in maintaining normal immunity. But its functions are not limited to this. A lack of zinc in the diet contributes to the development of insulin resistance and decreased sensitivity to leptin. This threatens not only an increase extra pounds, but also development diabetes mellitus second type.

The body of the left laboratory mouse does not produce leptin, as a result of which it developed obesity.

VitaminDand magnesium

To restore sensitivity to leptin, the body needs vitamin D and magnesium. The main source of vitamin D in the body is ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which the vitamin is synthesized. Therefore, walks in sunny weather will only benefit you.

Vitamin D in tandem with magnesium counteracts the development of type 2 diabetes and also improves sleep quality. As you know, a healthy 7-8 hour sleep is necessary for normal metabolism. Constant lack of sleep leads to a decrease in leptin and an increase in ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite.

Omega-3 fats for slimness

Another component in the diet to restore sensitivity to leptin is polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. They not only help restore sensitivity to leptin, but also prevent the development of atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. Thus, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the concentration bad cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the appearance of cholesterol plaques.

Large quantities are found in sea oily fish, walnuts, flaxseed and olive oil.

Arkady Galanin

Leptin is a peptide class hormone responsible for regulating energy metabolism and body weight. The main effect of leptin is anorexigenic, that is, the hormone increases energy consumption by cells, reduces hunger and suppresses appetite.

Leptin is the main mediator that mediates the connection between the hypothalamic-pituitary system and adipose tissue. Due to the fact that leptin is responsible for encoding the genomes responsible for obesity in fat cells, low leptin levels are accompanied by the development of obesity.

Elevated hormone leptin is considered one of the pathogenetic factors of T2DM (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus type 2).

With genetic deficiencies of the hormone leptin, development is observed pathological forms obesity, treatable only with exogenous administration of this hormone.

It should be noted that with obesity, increased leptin can also be observed in women and men. In this case, the hormone leptin is increased due to an increase in the mass of adipose tissue and the development of resistance (immunity) to its effects in adipocytes (adipose tissue cells).

The main effects of leptin are:

  • regulation of appetite (the hormone is responsible for the feeling of fullness after eating and reducing the feeling of hunger);
  • stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system;
  • increased blood pressure (blood pressure);
  • acceleration of heart rate;
  • regulation of thermoregulation processes;
  • participation in the regulation of menstruation in women ( sharp decline leptin levels in women lead to the disappearance of ovulation and the cessation of menstruation);
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • preventing the development of obesity;
  • decreased insulin synthesis;
  • participation in the formation of nerve mediators;
  • stimulation of norepinephrine release;
  • stimulation of the body’s adaptation to fasting (under conditions of fasting, the hormone leptin reduces the synthesis of thyroid hormones and helps reduce the intensity of energy metabolism in cells);
  • acceleration of the synthesis of glucocorticoid hormones
  • stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones (due to this, normally during puberty the level of leptin in the blood increases), etc.

What are the dangers of high or low leptin levels?

High levels of leptin in the blood sharply increase the risk of developing coronary disease heart, vascular thrombosis lower limbs, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.

This is due to the fact that when elevated level the hormone leptin causes a sharp decrease in elasticity vascular walls and active thrombus formation begins (leptin stimulates blood clotting).

Also, high levels of leptin in the blood lead to the development of cell resistance to the effects of insulin, contributing to the development of insulin-resistant forms of type 2 diabetes.

At the same time, low levels of leptin in the blood lead to disorders metabolic processes in tissues and is accompanied by the development of obesity. With genetic deficiencies of the hormone leptin, severe obesity is observed, which is practically uncontrollable by diet.

Such forms of obesity are treated by administering exogenous forms of the hormone leptin.

What does a leptin test show?

This analysis shows the level of the hormone leptin in the blood, and also allows you to assess the risk of developing obesity, cardiovascular pathologies, thrombosis and insulin-resistant forms of diabetes mellitus.

Indications for analysis of leptin levels

The analysis is performed when:

  • suspected presence of genetic leptin deficiency;
  • insulin-resistant forms of type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • the patient has metabolic disorders;
  • body weight deficiency of unknown origin;
  • violation of reproductive function, combined with a pathological decrease or increase in body weight;
  • blood clotting disorders with a tendency to active thrombus formation;
  • high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • menstrual irregularities of unknown etiology;
  • pronounced atherosclerotic damage to the vascular bed, etc.

How to test for leptin levels in the blood

Blood sampling should be carried out in morning time, strictly on an empty stomach.

Before collecting material, avoid smoking, physical or emotional stress, drinking coffee, tea, medications, etc.

Before blood collection, you are allowed to drink still water.

Normal leptin levels

Normally, leptin levels change with age. It should also be noted that the leptin level in women is higher than in men (this is due to the distribution of adipose tissue).

The hormone level is determined in ng per milliliter.

Normal leptin values ​​by age are presented in the table:

What does it mean if the leptin hormone is elevated, and how to fix it?

Increased levels of leptin in the blood can be observed in obesity and insulin-resistant forms of type 2 diabetes.

Also, normally, leptin levels increase during puberty (this is due to the fact that this hormone stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones).

Reasons for decreased leptin levels in the blood

Low levels of leptin in the blood can be observed in genetically determined forms of obesity, accompanied by congenital deficiency leptin, anorexia, fasting, etc.

Causes of obesity

Except high level leptin or its genetic deficiency, obesity can develop due to:

  • endocrine pathologies (hypothyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, etc.);
  • genetic disorders accompanied by a predominance of aerobic metabolism in cells and an economy of carbohydrate and lipid compounds;
  • long-term stress ( nervous tension accompanied by an increase in the level of glucocorticoid hormones that stimulate the formation of fatty deposits);
  • deficit physical activity;
  • chronic sleep deficiency and fatigue;
  • unbalanced diet, overeating, frequent snacking on the go, abuse fatty foods, fast foods, products containing easily digestible carbohydrates, excessive consumption sweet and flour, etc.
  • treatment with steroid drugs;
  • brain tumors, skull injuries, empty sella syndrome.

Why is obesity dangerous?

The development of obesity is accompanied high risk occurrence:

  • cardiovascular pathologies (atherosclerotic vascular lesions, strokes, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmias, etc.);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • osteoporosis (due to increased load on bone tissue);
  • osteochondrosis (due to increased load on cartilage tissue);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • ovarian dysfunction in women, etc.

Treating High and Low Leptin Levels

In cases of genetic leptin deficiency, obesity is treated by administering an exogenous leptin preparation.

Obesity accompanied endocrine pathologies, requires treatment of the underlying disease. In this case, treatment is prescribed by an endocrinologist.

An important role in the treatment of obesity is also played by normalizing sleep and rest patterns, increasing the level of physical activity and normalizing diet.

Physical activity must be balanced. Excessive physical activity is strictly contraindicated. Effective swimming, cycling, walking, breathing exercises, dancing, yoga, etc.

It should also be noted that strict diets and fasting are fraught with serious consequences for the body and do not lead to the expected results. Because such diets only worsen metabolic disorders.

The diet should be balanced, containing large number plant food. All products are recommended to be consumed boiled, baked, stewed or steamed. Eating raw fruits and vegetables is also beneficial.

Fatty, fried, high-carbohydrate foods, flour and confectionery, soda, etc. It is recommended to exclude it from the diet altogether.

Useful lean fish. Additionally, it is recommended to increase drinking regime(in the absence of contraindications from the cardiovascular system or kidneys, you must consume at least two liters of fluid per day)

Plays an important role psychological support patient. If necessary, mild sedatives are prescribed, herbal teas(in the absence of allergies to herbs), etc.

For leptin deficiency caused by weight loss, it is also recommended balanced diet and changing your daily routine.

Gaining missing mass should be achieved by gradually increasing the caloric content of the diet. At the same time, calorie content increases healthy products(cottage cheese, boiled chicken, fish, etc.).

You should eat more often, but in small portions.