Children's soothing syrup bunny. Bunny syrup, soothing for children - instructions for use

From the moment a child is born, parents strive to eliminate illness, stress, and serious experiences from the child’s life. This happens because they understand that negative phenomena in a person’s life, and especially in children, do not pass without leaving a trace. Each family has its own methods and techniques to maintain the child’s mental balance. Someone does this through confidential conversations, compliance with Creating conditions for a reasonable combination motor activity child with quiet games, dosed watching of TV shows is also given positive result. But sometimes you still have to use special drugs to eliminate the symptoms of restless behavior of the baby. One of these remedies is the medicine “Hare”. The syrup has very different reviews and recommendations for use. But first you need to figure out who it is intended for.

Who is the “Hare” syrup intended for?

No matter how hard parents try, it is impossible to completely eliminate stress and fears from a child’s life. Their causes can be any events in the baby’s life, for example, the first days of attending kindergarten, the mother going to work and related changes in the child’s life.

Adaptation to school life also does not always go smoothly - an unusual environment, new team, the first negative mark in the notebook and many, many other events that can cause strong emotions in the child and even affect his mental state in the future.

Children's syrup "Hare" can help with recovery mental state irritable, excitable, unbalanced children. If a child has sleep disorders and is haunted by fears, then this drug can be used here too.

But a mandatory recommendation is to first visit a doctor. Only he can prescribe medications to treat such serious deviations in the child’s behavior. The product “Hare” (syrup) has both positive and negative reviews from doctors.

Composition of the drug

You need to know that syrup is not a medicine, but belongs to the category of biologically active food additives.

Barberry fruits, motherwort, caraway seeds, valerian rhizome, chamomile flowers are components this tool. As well as mint leaves and hawthorn flowers complement the composition of the “Hare” preparation. The syrup, which comes with instructions, has herbal composition. But this does not mean that you can neglect consultations with specialists, since a complex of herbs can have strong effect on the human body.

Except herbal ingredients, the syrup contains vitamins “C” and “B6”, which makes it even more useful.

How the drug works

The dietary supplement "Hare", thanks to a unique combination of herbs, has a calming effect on the body and can become good remedy to support the child during difficult periods of his life.

Valerian rhizome in the syrup plays the role of a soothing component nervous system for neuroses, nervous excitement, insomnia. Has an antiseptic effect.

Mint leaves have an antispasmodic effect.

Cumin fruits in combination with other herbs included in the syrup have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Chamomile flowers exhibit anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and sedative effects.

Hawthorn petals improve sleep and reduce the excitability of the nervous system.

How to take the product

Most children love juices, compotes, and syrups, so there are no problems with taking the “Hare” drug.

It is consumed during meals, dissolving 1-2 teaspoons in any liquid. You can take it 3 times during the day. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

The product is contraindicated for children under three years of age. The syrup has the greatest effect on children aged 3 to 6 years.

“Hare” syrup, the price of which is 150-170 rubles, is available to families with low financial resources. Due to the cost of the drug and its effective effect on the body, it is highly popular as a

How often children's whims drive parents to white heat. Exhausted by endless and, at first glance, causeless hysterics, moms and dads simply don’t know what to do. The child is hysterical or whining, eats and sleeps poorly, does not want to be away from his mother for even a minute, exhausting both himself and his parents. Baby bunny soothing syrup will be a real salvation in such a situation. It is recommended for use for hyperactive children, for children suffering from increased anxiety both fears and quality prophylactic in various stressful situations for the child, be it the start of kindergarten or school, a change of environment, increased physical or mental stress, or difficult periods in the family (quarrels or divorce of parents). "Hare" syrup is intended for children starting from the age of three.

Soothing syrup "Hare": composition

The basis of the syrup is fructose, which significantly reduces the risk of allergic reactions and spoils children's teeth much less. The syrup does not contain alcohol or artificial colors, which makes it an optimal preparation for children prone to allergies. Since ancient times, the medicinal herbs included in its composition have been famous for their calming effect, and their combination ensures maximum effectiveness of the “Hare” medicine.

The soothing syrup hare contains only natural raw materials:

  • mint leaves – increase blood circulation in the capillaries, relieve pain and soothe, have a diuretic effect;
  • Valerian rhizomes - have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular activity, calm and help get rid of insomnia;
  • lemon balm herb - relieves nervous tension during insomnia, headaches, neuroses;
  • motherwort herb – has a sedative, cardiotonic and hypotensive effect;
  • chamomile flowers - help cope with cramps, soothe, relieve pain, relieve spasm from brain vessels and have an immunostimulating effect;
  • hawthorn flowers – have a sedative effect and gently dilate blood vessels;
  • caraway fruits – have a calming effect;
  • barberry fruits - used as an appetite stimulant, have an antipyretic and diuretic effect;
  • Vitamin C – helps the body better absorb proteins, iron and a number of vitamins, takes part in metabolic processes and increases protective forces body;
  • vitamin B6 – takes part in the absorption of proteins, amino acids, lipids and nucleic acids.

Medicine "Hare": contraindications and method of use

"Hare" syrup should not be given to children who do not tolerate its components well and to children under three years of age. Before starting to use the syrup, you should consult your pediatrician.

Children from the age of three are given the drug 1-2 teaspoons with meals. Before taking, the syrup must be dissolved in liquid - tea, compote, juice, etc. The duration of treatment is 14 days.

As their child grows up, most parents are faced with the problem of children's whims and hysterics. The child constantly whines, screams, refuses to eat, does not want to go to bed, and if he sleeps, he does not want to get up, and requires the mother’s presence every minute. With his behavior, the baby greatly exhausts not only himself, but also all the relatives who surround him. A real salvation in the current situation can be the “Hare” children’s syrup, which will not only calm the baby, but also give the parents’ “tight” nerves a break.

The drug is prescribed by doctors for:

  • hyperactive children;
  • kids who are constantly worried about something and are afraid of something;
  • prevention of stressful situations.

Composition and active substances of the drug

Children's syrup "Hare" consists exclusively of natural raw materials. Thanks to fructose, which is the basis of the drug, the risk of allergic reactions is reduced to a minimum, and children's teeth deteriorate less. The syrup contains no alcohol or artificial colors, so it can rightfully be called the best option for those children who are prone to allergies. "Hare" for children is a combination of several types medicinal herbs with a calming effect, which together give maximum effect. The basis of the drug:

  • fruit syrup;
  • mint leaves;
  • hawthorn;
  • barberry;
  • valerian roots;
  • caraway;
  • Melissa;
  • chamomile;
  • motherwort (see also:);
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin B6;
  • citric acid.

Operating principle

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Thanks to a carefully selected combination of wild and medicinal herbs, which people have used for centuries to improve the health of the body, “Hare” syrup effectively performs the function sedative. It contains only natural ingredients, enriched with vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, essential oils, etc. That is why the drug can easily replace vitamin complexes.

Let's take a closer look at how the syrup components act on the child's body:

  • fruit syrup, due to its taste characteristics, greatly facilitates the intake of dietary supplements (cherry-apple juice, fructose, pectin);
  • mint leaves improve blood circulation, relieve pain and soothe;
  • Valerian roots have a beneficial effect on endocrine system, calm, help in the fight against insomnia;
  • lemon balm helps relieve nervous tension;
  • motherwort calms the nervous system, normalizes blood pressure, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • chamomile flowers are natural immunostimulants, fight seizures, have an analgesic and calming effect;
  • hawthorn ensures smooth dilation of blood vessels and has a calming effect;
  • cumin has a sedative effect;
  • barberry improves appetite, relieves fever, and has a diuretic effect;
  • vitamin C facilitates the absorption of proteins, iron and a number of vitamins, participates in metabolic processes;
  • vitamin B6 helps to quickly absorb proteins, lipids, amino and nucleic acids;
  • citric acid improves taste and strengthens the immune system.

Syrup "Hare" has a good natural composition

When is Hare syrup used?

There are many different situations, in which doctors prescribe the soothing syrup “Hare”. Among them:

  • treatment of insomnia;
  • fight against neuroses;
  • withdrawal unpleasant symptoms in restless children who are constantly naughty;
  • upcoming mental stress;
  • maintaining the body during periods of stress;
  • assistance in adapting to the new environment(entry to kindergarten or school);
  • as additional source vitamins C, B6 and dietary supplements.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, which comes with the “Hare” syrup for children, the drug should be given to the baby three times a day during meals. In this case, a single dose should be 1 (5 ml) or 2 (10 ml) teaspoons (depending on the degree of complexity of the problem and the age of the child).

Ideal if single dose dilute the syrup with something tasty: juice, compote or rosehip decoction (at least 100 ml).

You need to take the drug for about two weeks. Since the effect of this sedative is cumulative, it is not recommended to interrupt the course of treatment.

Are there any side effects and contraindications?

Soothing syrup “Hare” has only a few contraindications:

  • age up to 3 years;
  • individual intolerance to dietary supplement components.

Regarding side effects caused by the drug, there is no clear answer regarding their existence or absence. Soothing syrup "Hare" is food additive, not medicine. That's why everyone unwanted effects caused by the drug are not studied or described.

The natural components that make up the syrup quite often cause allergic reaction in a child (and in childhood the risk of this is too great!). If this occurs, you should stop taking the drug and immediately seek advice from a specialist.

Before you start taking any drug, you need to consider that each child may have his own individual reaction to it. The nervous system in children is so sensitive that the same substance can both excite it and inhibit it. That is why parents, after their baby takes “Hare” drops, should carefully monitor his behavior.

Latin name:
ATX code:
Active ingredient: vegetable
substances, vit. B6, C, magnesium lactate
Manufacturer: Alkoy, Astromar (RF)
Release from the pharmacy: Over the counter
Storage conditions: at temperatures up to 25 °C
Best before date: 12 months, open fl. – 10 days

Hare syrup is a combined soothing drug from the “Country of Health” line, intended for children from 3 years of age. Contains a complex of plant extracts (herbs, fruits, flowers), minerals and vitamins. The combined effect of the components is manifested in a mild effect on the body of overly excitable and nervous children.

Soothing syrup is not a medicine. The dietary supplement helps relieve tension, tearfulness, normalize sleep and at the same time compensate for the lack of useful substances in children with a mobile psyche.

Indications for the use of the herbal medicine are:

  • Excessive excitability and nervousness
  • Whims
  • Tearfulness
  • Poor sleep, trouble falling asleep
  • Facilitating adaptation to unusual conditions (getting used to kindergarten etc.)
  • Increasing the body's resistance to high emotional stress and stress.

In addition to using syrup to calm the baby, soothing syrup can be used to replenish the child’s body with useful substances: ascorbic acid (for ages 3-7 years), magnesium (for ages 7-14 years).

Composition and form of the drug


  • Magnesium lactate
  • Aqueous solutions of dry extracts of thyme, chamomile, fennel fruit, lemon balm, oregano, peppermint
  • Citric acid
  • Vitamins C and B6

Auxiliary: syrup based on sugar or fructose, apple and cherry juice; purified water.

Bioadditive in the form of syrup with the characteristic smell of fruit juices and contained phytocomponents. The liquid is dark brown, transparent. During storage, sediment may form, which is characteristic feature the presence of natural substances. The soothing syrup is packaged in dark bottles of 50-250 ml. The package contains 1 container, instructions for use.

Medicinal properties

Price: fl. (100 ml) – 199 rub.

Calming effect baby syrup due to a carefully composed composition of the mixture medicinal plants rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and others healing substances, which have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

Thyme (oregano) extract is used to relieve nervous tension, eliminating spasms and pain. Often used to eliminate the effects of stress and treat neurasthenia.

Chamomile extract has a mild sedative effect, which relieves nervous excitement and also stimulates immune system, dilates blood vessels, relaxes smooth muscles. As a result, the process of falling asleep is facilitated, the number of night awakenings is reduced, and night rest is lengthened.

Peppermint extract (leaves) contains organic acids and esters, menthol, and trace elements. Soothes, relieves pain and discomfort. It is part of many drugs for the treatment of insomnia, neuroses, and mental lability.

Melissa leaf extract has a milder effect on the nervous system than mint. Removes increased anxiety, excitement, intensity of emotional experiences.

Fennel (fruit): plant substances eliminate flatulence, have choleretic, antispasmodic and sedative effects. It is used to eliminate neurasthenia, increased excitability of the central nervous system, insomnia, and skin lesions.

Magnesium lactate and vitamin B6 enhance each other's effects. the combination of substances promotes calm, eliminates temper, improves cognitive function and behavior.

Ascorbic acid strengthens blood vessels, strengthens the immune system, activates oxygen absorption and metabolic processes. Indicated for high psycho-emotional and physical stress.

Soothing syrup Hare: instructions for use

A dietary supplement for hyperactive and excitable children can be given from 3 years of age.

Take the drug Hare syrup with a calming effect, according to the instructions for use, for 2 weeks. It is recommended to give the syrup in diluted form: mix immediately before use with water, compote, juice or tea. Before diluting with liquid, the bottle of syrup must be shaken several times to loosen the sediment.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Children's syrup Zaichonok is not intended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Clinical studies effects on fetal development and health infants were not carried out.

Contraindications and precautions

Soothing syrup for children should not be used if:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to the contained components
  • Under 3 years of age.

Cross-drug interactions

The manufacturer did not provide information. If the child is receiving therapy with other drugs with sedative effect, then parents should clarify the possibility of combining the Hare dietary supplement with medications.

Side effects

The manufacturer positions Hare syrup as a hypoallergenic product. Therefore, the drug is usually well tolerated by children and does not cause negative reaction body. However, it can be assumed that, like any drug, it can provoke individual manifestations in especially sensitive children.


The manufacturer did not provide data.


By set active ingredients and impact on children's body Hare syrup has no analogues. To select a medicine with similar action, you need to contact a pediatric specialist.

Possible replacement options: Ascorbic acid+, Ascorbic acid, Calcium gluconate.

NPF "Materia-Medica" (RF)

Price: table d/rass. (40 pcs.) – 237 rub.

A drug based on an antibody to the brain-specific protein S-100, obtained from the blood of calves. Produced in the form of lozenges for children from 3 years of age. The natural component of the medicine has a sedative and anti-anxiety effect. Improves the resistance of the child's psyche to increased psycho-emotional stress.

The medication is used to treat neuroses, neurotic disorders with concomitant excitability, anxiety, uncontrollable behavior, impaired attention, ADHD.

The treatment regimen is determined individually.


  • Natural remedy
  • Normalizes NS
  • Normally perceived by the body.


  • Doesn't always help.

Fruit syrup (92.7 g), aqueous extract from a mixture of dry raw materials: barberry and caraway fruits, hawthorn and chamomile flowers, mint leaves, lemon balm and motherwort herbs, valerian rhizomes (7.3 g); vitamins C (70.5 mg) and B6 (1.1 mg).


Recommended for restless, capricious children. During the period of adaptation to kindergarten and schoolchildren during periods of increased educational loads.
Recommended as a biological active additive to food - an additional source of vitamins C, B6, flavonoids, organic acids, microelements.

Pharmacological action

The pharmacological effectiveness of the syrup is due to a carefully selected combination of extract from a mixture of medicinal and wild plants, which have long been used by humans for healing. The syrup contains components rich in vitamins, minerals, essential oils, flavonoids and other valuable biologically active substances (BAS).
Motherwort grass contains sugars, glycosides, alkaloids, essential oil, provitamin A, ascorbic acid, tannins and dyes, bitterness, and mineral salts. It has a sedative, hypotensive and cardiotonic effect.
Valerian rhizome contains up to 3-5% essential oil, isovaleric acid, bornyl isovalerianate, borneol, borneol esters of formic, butyric and acetic acid, pinenes, sesquitertenes, alcohols, as well as a number of alkaloids, glycosidic compounds, valepatriates, tannins, resins, ketones, starch and organic acids. It has calming and cardiovascular-improving properties. Used for diseases accompanied by nervous excitement and insomnia.
mint leaves pepper contains essential oil enriched with terpene alcohol menthol, tannins, flavonoids, and trace elements. It has a calming, analgesic, diuretic effect, and enhances capillary blood circulation.
Melissa herb contains essential oil, gum, organic acids, flavonoids, carotene, vitamin C, bitterness, resins, microelements. It is used as a sedative for insomnia, an analgesic for headaches and neuroses.
Hawthorn flowers contain flavonoids (quercetin, quercitrin), carotenoids, acetylcholine, choline, essential oil and other organic compounds. They are used as a mild vasodilator and have a sedative effect.
Chamomile flowers contains essential oil consisting of the main biologically active substance– chamazulene, flavonoids, coumarins, sitosterol, choline, carotene, ascorbic acid, isovaleric and other organic acids and polysaccharides. They have a calming anticonvulsant and analgesic effect; dilates the blood vessels of the brain, relaxes smooth muscles. Chamomile glycopolysaccharides have immunostimulating properties.
Cumin fruits contain fatty oil, proteins, flavonoids (quercetin), tannins, as well as large number essential oil containing strong-smelling compounds (limonene, carvone, etc.). Are part of many medicinal fees, including sedative.
Barberry fruits contain organic acids, sugars, pectin substances, ascorbic acid. They stimulate appetite, quench thirst, and have a diuretic and antipyretic effect.
Vitamin C participates in many metabolic processes, increases the body’s resistance to external influences and infections, maintains the strength of the walls of capillary vessels, promotes the body’s absorption of proteins, iron, and a number of vitamins.
Vitamin B6 participates in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids.


Individual intolerance to product components. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Directions for use and doses

Children over 3 years old: 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day during meals, with food, after dissolving in liquid (tea, juice, compote, etc.).
Duration of treatment: 2 weeks.
The maximum recommended dosage contains vitamins: C - 20 mg (30% of AUL *), B6 ​​- 0.33 mg (16% of AUL).
*AUP - adequate level of consumption per day

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding +25 °C

Manufacturer: Alkoy-Holding LLC