The genetic program of aging of the body (or how to stop old age). How to slow down the aging process of the body

Aging is a natural and irreversible process. Scientists have been trying to find a recipe for centuries eternal youth. Gradually, science accumulates knowledge about entropy processes and learns to extend the active period of life. But a lot in preserving youth depends on the person himself.

Why do we grow old

Our body exists due to constant cell renewal. They are able to divide and create new generations of their clones. But this still does not stop the aging process. Why?

During the reproduction of copies in a cell, the division of the chromosome, which carries genetic information, occurs. But not all parts of the chromosome are capable of division.

At the tip of the DNA carrier there is a small region called a telomere. It plays an important function - it prevents other chromosomes, viruses and proteins from sticking to the chromosome, which protects the genetic information of the cell.

With each chromosome division, the telomere is mechanically shortened. In older people, this area is critically small. Cells that have completely lost their telomere are no longer able to reproduce their copies and therefore simply die.

This is the cause of aging - the body stops renewing itself.

Why does our body age unevenly?

Recent research by American scientists has established an interesting fact. It turns out that our body ages very unevenly. For example, the biological age of the mammary glands is always greater than the general biological age of their owner. The difference is 2-3 years.

But the cardiovascular system is younger than other organs of the body. And a whole 8-10 years younger. The reasons why this happens remain unclear to scientists. If rapid aging skin can be explained by direct contact with the environment, then age-related fluctuations in the chest and heart remain a mystery.

According to numerous scientific observations, it is known that genetic data play an important role in slowing down the aging process.

Children of centenarians usually live and remain active longer than their peers. But even more important is the right lifestyle.

Sport and physical activity rejuvenates the body

People who constantly and a lot of sports look much better than their peers who prefer a passive lifestyle. Sitting at work or lying down as a rest gives a signal to the muscles that they are not needed.

No load muscle fibers gradually atrophy. The body becomes decrepit. Blood supply deteriorates, which automatically brings with it problems in the nutrition of all organs and tissues.

Therefore, if you want to look younger, start playing sports. Observations on cardiovascular system and lungs of elderly people who started training in old age, revealed that sport rejuvenates these organs. They are significantly updated after just six months of regular physical exercise.

Aerobic exercise is especially beneficial for the lungs, heart and blood vessels. This includes running, swimming, jumping rope, cycling and even brisk walking. It is important to push the limits of your body's endurance. Then his strength will grow, and his youth will last longer.

How to save joints

The good condition of the joints is maintained thanks to technically correct loads. Dangerous for joints incorrect positions, and lack of activity. You need to carefully monitor your posture. A varied, balanced diet is necessary.

After 40 years include different natural jellies in your diet. Bone decoctions from fish or meat - best dishes for the prevention of joint diseases.

How to stop skin aging

The skin ages quickly due to an unhealthy lifestyle. She is greatly influenced by bad habits like smoking and alcohol.

At any age they will help to renew and improve the condition of the skin contrasting douches and diet with a large number B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Mental work helps slow down the aging process

The brain is the most mysterious human organ. The most studied and the most unstudied. It would seem, what does he have to do with youth? But it also has the most immediate thing. People who work out a lot and for a long time intellectual activity, remain active to unimaginable limits.

It is not uncommon to encounter scientists, lawyers, and teachers who, at a very advanced age, are not only still working, but are heads of huge organizations.

But what to do those of us whose profession does not require significant mental effort? Save clear head Constant exercise will help you have a healthy memory. This could be the solution logical problems, mathematical or physical examples.

Card games will be extremely useful. Bridge and preference named by scientists as the most rejuvenating games. They are far ahead of even chess.

Probably the leading role here is played by a combination of mental work and communication with playing partners. So play for your health, have fun and stay younger.

How to eat to stay young

  • How older man becomes, the smaller the portions should be. After 40 years, you need to gradually reduce the amount of meat and fat you consume. Vegetable dishes form the basis of the diet. Nuts, seeds, and unrefined vegetable oils are added.
  • Fiber. Contained in vegetables, fruits and cereals. Insoluble dietary fiber cleanses the intestines and makes them work at full capacity. Fiber contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Buy ready-made fiber and take it according to the instructions. Change it from time to time. This month – oatmeal, next – wheat, and then flax, etc.
  • Water. One and a half, two liters of water per day is the required norm. Our body constantly suffers from dehydration and therefore ages quickly. Water cleanses and nourishes tissues. Water is beautiful skin, good mood and vitality.
  • B vitamins are involved in all vital important processes. They are responsible for the cleanliness of blood vessels, heart function, nervous system and much more. If their quantity is insufficient, a person loses his taste for life. Contained in offal, mushrooms, meat, legumes, green vegetables, and some cereals.
  • Fractional meals in small portions. Keeps the stomach in its natural size and allows the digestive tract to fully process foods and absorb nutrients.
  • Less sugar. Sugar promotes inflammatory processes and washes out of tissues healthy vitamins. It removes B3 - the vitamin of beauty, clean blood vessels and healthy nerves.
  • Less harmful and more healthy fats. Margarine, animal fats, full fat milk And butter It is advisable to consume as little as possible. Lard repression is not necessary. It contains essential amino acids And good cholesterol. Include more in your diet fatty fish, sunflower, olive, flaxseed and other vegetable oils.
  • Eat in moderation, but enough. Under no circumstances should you go hungry. Whether you want it or not, eat at least three times a day. All components of a healthy diet are required: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Consume more complex carbohydrates: whole grain cereals, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables. Eat less soft wheat pasta, potatoes, and white rice.
  • Include antioxidant foods in your diet. Antioxidants bind free radicals that destroy our body and remove them out. They can be found in colorful foods: carrots, beets, citrus fruits, apricots, cherries, tomatoes, green vegetables, melon...
  • Replace whole fat milk with low-fat fermented milk products.
  • All types of teas, coffee beans, herbal teas– excellent antioxidants and rich vitamin complexes.
  • Meat is also needed. This is the main supplier of protein.

Why stress accelerates aging of the body

Stress competes for first place in premature aging poor nutrition and wins on all fronts. Women know that if you get too nervous in the evening, you will get extra wrinkles in the morning. Nerves are deposited in other places as well. The cardiovascular and hormonal systems are especially affected.

External aging due to excessive worries is, of course, sad, but the destructive effect of stress is not limited to this. Negative experiences increase the likelihood somatic diseases. Stomach ulcer, diabetes, allergies, asthma- the list can be continued for a long time. Stress causes the body to wear out faster.

Therefore, if you want to live long, learn to deal with stress:

  1. You need to get rid of stress factors in a timely manner. The job doesn't suit you - change it. People only call negative emotions- stop communicating. You should not forgive anyone for mistreatment, not even relatives. Everyone who takes out their anger on you devalues ​​you, demands that you sacrifice important interests and needs for their sake - unnecessary for you.
  2. Learn breathing techniques relaxation. They are the easiest to learn and help to overcome acute stress.
  3. Rest. Once again, get enough rest. Even the heart is at rest twice as long as it works. Always give yourself time to recover.
  4. Get yourself a hobby and pets. A hobby helps you turn your head off from everyday thoughts and brings a lot of pleasure. Pets are a source of positivity and energy that is always at hand.
  5. Walk a lot and drink water. Walks and others physical exercise saturate the blood with endorphins, and water flushes out stress hormones.
  6. Communicate a lot with positive people.
  7. Dose out the negative information coming from the TV screen.
  8. Think positively: the glass is always half full, not the other way around.

Face and posture - how to maintain youth

We determine a person's age by their face and posture. Good news the fact that many unpleasant and upsetting things are reversible. Flabby cheeks, wrinkles, hunched shoulders - everything can be corrected:

  • Ruthlessly remove from your life everything that works against you. A tyrant husband, a drunkard or a reveler is included first on this list.
  • The diet should contain vitamins B, E, A, C and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
  • Restore correct posture. Distortions in the spine, a “widow’s” hump below the back of the head impair the innervation and blood supply to the muscles of the face, neck and skin.
  • Engage the muscles on your face. It is they, and not the skin, that are responsible for a clear, beautiful contour and the presence of most wrinkles. To do this use Asahi massage and special gymnastics - Facebook building or face culture.
  • Contrast washing will “wake up” the skin and increase blood circulation.
  • Use the three cosmetic pillars: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, focusing on your skin type.

Follow the tips given in the article and always be young and beautiful!

How would you change your life if you knew that over the next 25-30 years the aging process could be significantly slowed down, and in the future even stopped? Do you think this is fantasy? Perhaps, but backed by research and scientific developments.

Thousands of scientists (including our experts), doctors and even businessmen devote all their time and energy to finding a solution to the problem of aging. And they are sure: a significant extension of life is a matter of just a few decades.

Today, the record for life expectancy belongs to the French woman Jeanne Calment (1875−1997), who lived 122 and a half years. Throughout her life, Zhanna did not deny herself anything and maintained great feeling humor. The phrase “I only have one wrinkle, and I’m sitting on it!” belongs to her. She attributed her longevity to her habit of drinking wine and olive oil. We think the list of foods, drinks and hobbies that explain longevity will soon expand significantly - according to the US Census Bureau, the number of people living over a hundred years has doubled over the past decade, and the number is projected to grow by more than 10 over the next 50 years. once!



  • ALEXEY PEREGUDOV, director of the Institute of Biology of Aging.
  • ALEX ZHAVORONKOV, Director of The Biogerontology Research Foundation (England), Director of Aging Research|Portfolio, USA. www.
  • DAVID ZARLING, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Colby Pharmaceutical Company, USA.


Experts are still arguing about what aging is and whether it is a disease. IN in general terms It is clear to everyone that aging means wrinkles, joints losing flexibility, sexual problems, loss of interest in life, illness, and finally, death. But all of the above are the consequences of aging. It would seem that it makes no difference, because they are the ones who are worried. But it is precisely this point of view that is erroneous, because it does not lead to a fight against the main cause (to confirm: the whole modern medicine built on the treatment of diseases), but with what precedes it.

There are several causes of aging; they interact, exacerbating each other and suppressing the body's ability to self-heal. These include irreversible changes occurring in molecules, cells, tissues, and organs. Errors accumulate in chromosomes; protein molecules, such as collagen, become cross-linked, lose their shape and do not function to the required extent; There are more and more toxins in the body, and they are not utilized by the body. Therefore, fighting aging turned out to be as difficult as fighting a many-headed dragon - if you suppress one harmful process, others will remain.



For as long as humanity can remember, the dream of eternal youth has existed. Immortality was sought by the hero of the ancient Sumerian epic Gilgamesh, Chinese Taoists, medieval Arab and European alchemists, and conquistador expeditions set sail in search of the source of eternal youth.

But we often hear that fighting aging is unnecessary and even harmful. Reasoning: this will lead to overpopulation on the planet, and a cure for aging, if it appears, will be available only to the rich. It is not difficult to refute each point.

Thus, Russia now has to fight not with overpopulation, but, on the contrary, with population decline. In general, fluctuations depend on only one factor: the average number of children per woman. If there are more than two, the number of people increases, if there are fewer, the number decreases. Let's add to this argument: the level intellectual development population is growing, which, in turn, will lead to conscious control of the human population.

Of course, radical life extension will require expensive and integrated approach and will initially be available to the rich. But the desire to use these technologies will give impetus to the search for a more democratic solution. And they will find him! As happened with a car, a TV, a mobile phone - they were also luxury items.


Yes, there are not many non-aging species in nature, but they do exist. And the very fact of their existence can serve as proof that extinction is not an inevitable process. Moreover, such species were found among different representatives fauna: shellfish, fish, turtles, whales. And they not only live long, but also remain active and able to produce offspring throughout their lives.

Over the past ten years, scientists have been able to increase the lifespan of worms, flies and mice by 10, 3 and 2 times, respectively. The human and mouse genomes are approximately 85% identical (and most new drugs are tested specifically on them), hence it can be assumed with some degree of probability that much of what prolongs the life of mice will also work in humans. And not at all in such a distant future.

An ancient old woman complains to the doctor:
- Doctor, help, I have shortness of breath.
The doctor, after listening to her and not finding any signs of shortness of breath, clarifies:
- When exactly does it happen to you?
- Only when I catch up with the departing tram...


The reputation of biogerontology suffers greatly from unfounded sensations and quack elixirs. From time immemorial traditional healers and shamans prepared potions, potions and creams to prolong youth. Need I add that their products have always been in great demand?

Today, the industry of dietary supplements, which promise youth and good health, is approaching the pharmaceutical industry in terms of annual turnover. To attract buyers, cosmetics manufacturers widely use the concept of “anti-aging”, although it does not have a significant effect on the aging process, rather it is aimed at its individual consequences.

Substances with significant therapeutic potential must undergo a series of clinical trials. The responsibility is too great. That is why, although the test results of Skulachev’s ions (these ions carry an antioxidant load) were positive and were even approved by Russian regulatory authorities for use in cosmetology, before releasing the product to the wide market, V.P. Skulachev and his group decided to conduct larger studies to identify side effects effects.


The lion's share of research in the field of aging takes place in laboratories in the USA, England and China. The United States is the undisputed leader and annually spends billions of dollars on research in the field of biotechnology, medicine and aging. For example, the US National Institute on Aging (NIA) spent about $1.3 billion in 2008. About $700 million of this budget went to research grants. The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) also provides funds for scientific research in the field of oncology, cardiovascular system, central nervous system, metabolism and aging. In 2008, $30 billion was spent on this work.

Of course, if you become interested in the issue of longevity, it is necessary to monitor scientific research in this area. In modern gerontology (the science of aging), the English scientist Aubrey De Gray is very popular, who formulated an engineering approach to the fight against aging. Its anti-aging program - Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) - includes the following areas:

  • removal of unwanted cells;
  • prevention of mutations in mitochondria;
  • cleaning cells from intracellular and extracellular debris;
  • replenishment of cell loss;
  • prevention chromosomal mutations;
  • getting rid of extracellular cross-links.

The gerontologist is confident: if the funding required for his development continues in the proper amount, then with a 50% probability in 10 years he will be able to almost completely slow down the aging of mice, and after another 15 - of humans. Agree, it sounds optimistic!



It is too early to make specific recommendations on anti-aging treatments and medications. Many of the new treatments that work great in cells or animals may not work in humans or even have side effects. But biogerontologists are confident: very soon there will be procedures that will work for sure and will become a real breakthrough both for science and for society as a whole.

However, it is necessary to prepare for the biogerontological revolution now, in order to at least live to see it, and, at maximum, to benefit from its fruits. To do this, you can give some tips.

1. It is very important to have inner confidence that within several decades aging can be stopped and the body can be significantly rejuvenated.

2. It is advisable to be interested in biogerontology and learn to use specific terminology in order to distinguish marketing techniques from real therapeutic procedures and medicines.

3. Take care of your health now, and not wait for the first signs of aging to appear.

4. Quit smoking completely and limit alcohol consumption.

5. Correct balanced diet using multivitamins can add several years to life expectancy and improve its quality. Today you can limit your calorie intake and use intermittent fasting. But without initiative and abuse! You should consult your doctor first. Excessive thinness is accompanied by a decrease in both immunity and a decrease in the production of sex hormones. People who are underweight have a significantly higher mortality rate than those who are considered overweight. In addition, limited nutrition (diet) often does not allow the body to receive all the necessary vitamins, minerals and some other substances, which directly leads to accelerated aging. Various mono-diets are especially harmful.

6. Some positive result They can give you a Russian bath and a contrast shower (but again after consultation with a doctor, as there may be contraindications). Periodic heating and cooling increases the expression of proteins responsible for damage repair and helps get rid of damaged cells.

7. Regular but moderate exercise. After thirty years, women's muscles begin to lose mass. Exercises with light dumbbells will help partially compensate for this loss, as well as burn some of the calories consumed.

8. Regular mental activity also helps to increase life expectancy and prolong youth. It is known that university professors live longer and retain a sharp mind into old age.

9. High levels of psychological stress can negatively affect life expectancy. Therefore, it is better to maintain a positive perception of the world and just a good mood. Optimists live longer!

10. Finally, in order to prolong youth, you can simply fall in love. Love lifts your spirits and gives you additional motivation to increase your life expectancy!


If you think about it, most of these tips have been well known for a long time. So good that they are usually forgotten about. Meanwhile, following these simple rules can give us up to 10-15 additional years of healthy life! And there... scientists will certainly win the long-awaited victory over the aging process, and a new stage will begin in the history of mankind.


What are the currently most researched strategies for increasing life expectancy, sometimes several times, in model organisms (as scientists elegantly call the worms, flies and mice they conduct experiments on)?

  • Changes in the signaling pathway of insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1 - insulin/IGFR1). This system plays very important role in many life processes, regulates growth processes and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Caloric restriction. Regular fasting (restricting calorie intake by 30−50%) consistently adds up to 40% to the life of worms, 25% to flies and significantly prolongs the life of mice. Similar effect observed during short-term fasting, when the studied organisms fast every other day. Today, many scientific laboratories and pharmaceutical companies are developing pharmaceuticals that target the insulin/IGF-1 system and mimic fasting.
  • It is widely known that mitochondria (the so-called energy factories of cells, containing, in particular, respiratory and other redox enzymes) produce large amounts of free radicals. The use of free radical scavenger antioxidants has also been shown to increase lifespan in some model organisms.

Tatiana Borisova

The aging process starts from the moment of birth. Its manifestation is imperceptible at first, but still inevitable. The desire to stop the aging process is natural for humans, but, unfortunately, it is not yet very feasible. The experience accumulated by mankind, supported by experiment, allows us to only partially control its development.

Already 25-30 years you can notice the first manifestations of the onset age-related changes. It is impossible to stop biological aging, but it is possible to qualitatively change its course by slowing down the intensity of development

Tales about rejuvenating apples, rejuvenating baths and elixirs of youth are evidence that the question of how to stop aging and prolong youth has been of interest to humanity for a very, very long time. By building hypotheses and conducting experiments, modern scientists, although they could not give a complete answer to why the body becomes decrepit, were able to discover the factors that trigger the process and affect its speed and intensity of development.

Among the biological reasons for the development of decrepitness, scientists identify:

  1. Formation of excessive amounts of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules of converted oxygen. Their source is oxidative processes: cellular respiration and nutrition, environmental effects and the body’s response to infection. The destructive superactivity of free radicals is caused by the deficiency of one electron, which forces it to react with surrounding molecules, destroying them. This starts a chain reaction, the main danger of which is the lack of resources in the body to neutralize free radicals, in other words, a deficiency of antioxidants.
  2. Hormonal imbalance caused by an excess in the body of bioactive substances that cause aging - the hormones insulin and cortisol and a lack of anti-aging hormones - somatotropin growth hormone, the hormonal antioxidant melatonin, male and female sex hormones testosterone, progesterone and estrogen.
  3. Biological life of a cell or control of the process of division by telomeres. Telomeres are sections at the end of a DNA chain that shorten each time a cell duplicates. The P16 gene is responsible for their length. Having exhausted the division resource, the cell ages and then dies. Inhibition of P16 activity makes it possible to lengthen the cell's biological clock. By removing or blocking the P16 gene, you can make them immortal. Science does not know how to do this.

Peculiarities of manifestation of age-related changes

The development of age-related changes does not have a single, clearly defined time schedule. U different people these processes take place in different terms, moreover, even in one person aging various organs occurs with varying intensity.

This is interesting! A woman’s mammary glands age faster – their biological age is always a couple of years lower older than age their owners, and the biological age of the heart is 8 years less

The normal process of age-related decrepitude can be accelerated by the influence of any disease. Since human body is a complex interdependent system; the failure of one organ has a significant impact on all others.

Changes in the body caused by age-related decline may not be related to health problems. An aging body simply accumulates fatigue, unable to cope with the impact of internal and external factors. That is why decrepitude is a gradually increasing and, unfortunately, irreversible process.

The gradual deterioration of the body is indicated by:

  • a periodic feeling of lethargy and apathy;
  • decreased physical capabilities, weakening of muscles;
  • decreased libido, vision, speed of thinking;
  • development of osteoporosis, arthritis, weight gain;
  • hair loss, graying;
  • loss of skin elasticity, formation of wrinkles.

Physical activity as a way to slow down decrepitness

Physical inactivity is the main reason for the weakening of the muscles of the body, the atrophy of their functions, and the development of processes of physical decrepitude. As studies conducted at Brigham Young University (USA) have shown, intensive physical activity can slow down these processes cellular level. Accordingly, than more load on muscles, the slower the biological aging of the body develops.

As calendar age increases, the decrease in the intensity of physical activity is compensated by its duration. That is, in order to slow down the development of aging in older people, the duration of low and moderate intensity physical activity should be increased.

Walking, swimming, dancing, jogging, skiing, jumping rope, cycling, yoga and other types of physical activity help:

Physical activity has a positive effect not only on the body, but also on the skin of the face. A daily 20-minute exercise stimulates the skin's production of hyaluric acid, and a 40-minute exercise stimulates the production of eleidin, which can give it freshness and radiance.

Maintaining your body in good physical shape allows you to slow down the processes of decrepitude by expanding its physical capabilities and reducing the impact on it physiological stress during the work process

Mental activity and positive attitude

The brain, like muscles, requires regular training. Brain cells that are not involved in the thought process weaken, atrophy and die, which is the result of a decrease in concentration, deterioration of thought processes and memory. After reaching the age of 25, a person is capable of losing about 10,000 brain neurons every day. According to neurological research, memory is better preserved in those who read and write a lot.

The following have a negative effect on cognitive properties:

  • low physical and mental activity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • diabetes;
  • loss of interest in life, low social activity.

Making your brain work by being creative, reading, learning languages, solving crosswords and logical riddles, playing bridge and preference, and being socially active is an effective way to counteract the decline in intellectual and emotional abilities.

The ability to cope with stress plays an important role in preserving the body’s internal resources and inhibiting the aging process. Nervous overload and chronically depleting energy levels reduce the body’s protective functions. Optimism and goodwill are not only a condition for maintaining mental activity, but also help cope with stress.

No less effective methods of reducing voltage are:

  • meditation;
  • breathing exercises;
  • sports and walks;
  • water procedures;
  • switching attention, which can be achieved by listening to music, audio books, communicating with pleasant people.

Filming nervous tension and increase the amount of endorphins in the blood: laughter and regular sex. Both of these factors, while bringing pleasure, will slow down the aging process.

Features of nutrition and water regime

One of the effective ways to stop human aging is nutrition. To neutralize the effects of free radical oxidation-substitution mechanisms leading to cell degradation, it must be balanced in proteins, vitamins, fiber, minerals, rich in antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids. IN daily diet Vegetables, herbs, fruits, sea fish, poultry, dairy products, olive oil, and unrefined cereals are welcome.

An anti-aging diet involves reducing or completely eliminating the use of:

  • Sahara;
  • trans fats;
  • flour products;
  • refined products;
  • semi-finished products, fast food;
  • alcohol.

Reducing caloric intake is one of the best preventive measures prolongation of youth, as it leads to normalization metabolic processes and overall improvement of well-being. With increasing chronological age, the volume of portions should decrease.

Reducing calorie intake helps slow down aging up to 20 years and, on the contrary, consumption harmful products, accelerates their development by 5-10 years

Water is important participant metabolic processes taking place in the human body. It maintains electrolyte balance, affects thermoregulation, promotes the removal of toxins and saturation of the blood with nutrients and their delivery to cells. It has been proven by science that daily use 2 liters of water effectively resists wear and tear of the body as a result of dehydration, accumulation of toxins, and loss of cellular fluid.

Lifestyle as a method of influencing the processes of senescence

Calendar age is not a sign of old age. Rather mental and physical condition, as well as lifestyle indicate serious age-related changes.

Stopping aging, as well as protecting against age-related diseases, prolonging youth, will allow compliance with the following conditions:

  1. Maintaining normal weight. Obesity accelerates the aging process and the development of inflammatory processes. Frequent fractional meals and physical activity allow you to regulate your weight, bringing it back to normal.
  2. Exception bad habits. Smoking is the source earthy color faces, early wrinkles, unpleasant odor from the mouth, hysterical cough, the cause of lung cancer and many chronic diseases. Alcohol addiction has no less detrimental effects on the body, causing psychological dependence and premature aging. Exception - moderate consumption red wine, which saturates the body with antioxidants.
  3. A routine that combines activity with complete rest. Sleep deficiency leads to metabolic disorders, which affects well-being, performance, complexion, and the appearance of circles under the eyes. A normal 7-hour sleep normalizes female hormonal levels, as well as the functioning of all organs.
  4. Walkthrough preventive examinations will allow timely identification of pathological manifestations of an inflammatory nature and treatment of them.

Hormone therapy, specially prescribed by an endocrinologist, taking into account individual characteristics body.

Vitamin therapy, taking antioxidants, immunostimulants, infusions medicinal herbs– another method that allows you to resist age-related changes in the body. In order for their use to be as effective and efficient as possible, it must be supervised by a doctor.

Being the basis of health, lifestyle has a huge impact on the development of the aging process. Compliance certain rules makes it possible, if not to stop old age, then to significantly slow down its pace.

Features of facial skin aging

Every day, facial skin is exposed to the negative effects of many factors. Long time the aging process remains invisible due to the fact that every 28 days the skin goes through a renewal cycle, replacing dead cells with new ones. In your youth, it’s enough just to have a good rest and sleep so that your skin regains its freshness and radiance. But over time, the situation changes, the skin’s regenerative reactions slow down, fatigue accumulates, and signs of aging become more and more obvious. The problem of how to stop skin aging is becoming more and more urgent, reaching a critical point by 35-45 years. Any fight against skin aging is only an attempt to push the deadlines back as far as possible, as well as to smooth out the manifestation of decrepitude as much as possible.

Aging processes can be divided into 3 categories:

  • biological - caused by irreversible natural processes inherent at the genetic level. Age-related degradation changes affect the skin as an organ, just as they affect all other organs and systems. The manifestation of age-related changes on the skin is often the result of dysfunction of individual organs;
  • mechanical – caused by mechanical stretching of the skin due to active facial expressions, the habit of squinting, rubbing and touching the face with hands, due to the presence of jaw defects, as a result of weight fluctuations;
  • environmental – caused by environmental influences – ultraviolet radiation, smoke, air pollution, climatic conditions.

Oxidative processes caused by the action of free radicals formed in the body under the influence of the above factors lead to early aging of the skin. In 90% of cases, the cause of premature loss of skin elasticity and turgor, reduction of melanocytes and disruption of water balance is photoaging - a process caused by the influence of UV rays on the skin. As a result of its influence, the skin loses its elasticity, becoming dry, hard, sagging, and covered with a network of wrinkles.

As a result of aging, the regenerative abilities of the skin decrease, it becomes thinner, becomes more sensitive, heals and recovers poorly

How to slow down facial skin aging

The appearance of age-related changes on the skin is caused by a decrease in the amount of sex hormones and the loss of collagen in the skin.

Compliance with the following conditions will significantly slow down the aging of facial skin:

  1. Comprehensive care, selected according to skin type and age requirements, including cleansing, moisturizing, protecting, and restoring effects. Required condition maintaining youthful skin is the use cosmetics with UV filters. As an addition to basic care, massage that improves blood microflow in the skin, peeling that stimulates the production of natural collagen, and other procedures that have a rejuvenating effect will also be effective.
  2. Stable weight. Maintaining weight at the same level prevents stretching of the skin, helping to maintain its elasticity, whereas rapid weight loss negatively affects skin tone.
  3. Use large quantities water is an effective safe remedy from early wrinkles. Preventing body dehydration helps maintain skin healthy appearance.
  4. High-quality nutrition, rich in natural antioxidants, amino acids, dietary fiber and other vital nutrients helps maintain youthful skin. Love for sweets, semi-finished products and " fast food“leads to loss of skin elasticity and weakening of collagen fibers.

The decrepitude of the body depends on the influence of many factors - genetics, lifestyle, diseases, attitudes of consciousness. Taking daily care of your skin and health may not stop, but significantly slows down the development of the aging process, allowing you to prolong your youth.

Today we are publishing another selection of answers to questions from our readers.

Alexey Markelov, 35 years old, economist from Samara: - It’s already hot outside, and in our department a lot of people are sniffling, coughing, sneezing. Moreover, doctors do not state allergies. In addition, for some unknown reason, we want to sleep, as if we are not sleeping at all at night. It feels like there is not enough energy. This has never happened before. Maybe it's some kind of virus after all?

The fact is that many people experience similar symptoms, those who have dark relatives with the opposite polarity. When they lack energy, they take it from the light ones through the connection of subtle related bodies and matrices. Relatives with minus energy take up to 70% of energy. If a person is at work, of course, he immediately feels deprived of energy and becomes sleepy. This is a classic example.

Moreover, dark vampire relatives can be wives, husbands, parents, grandmothers, grandfathers and others. Even if you and your husband (wife) live in different apartments, different cities, countries, if you and he (her) have been divorced for a long time - it doesn’t matter.

Dark hierarchs use your connections, which were once sealed with negative documents, or you were in intimate contact with him. In order to have enough energy, the dark ones will do anything. They can locally change your life time. That is, to “lower” you into the past, when you did not have a divorce, and use your energy. The law is not written for them...

How can you help yourself in this case? If you lived in the Pleiades constellation, you could fix everything with a thought form. And here - if your energy was stolen from you without permission, the thought form is unlikely to work. But you can try if your karmic vessel is not full. Try to say that you do not give your energy to anyone and disconnect all dark relatives from yourself.

Is it really that bad and there is no way out? In this regard, it is interesting to find out how many energy sources the dark ones have and how many light ones have them. Maybe they are dark, completely poor and unhappy?

Don't worry about them. They always had much more of these sources than the light ones. In addition, they have the initiative to take energy from the light ones at any time they want. Light people have no such right. Light people, by definition, cannot vampirize. And the dark ones also take (steal) energy. Through the exchange of matrices of karmic vessels, organs, systems and anti-souls. Everything works for them.

The bright ones sometimes have no idea that they are paying for the sins of others with illnesses. And matrices that are not yours sometimes remain in your organs for 10-15 years, and you don’t understand why your heart, spine, head, lungs, kidneys hurt... Alas. This month, for the first time in many years, there was a phenomenon where only one human civilization of one polarity could be observed, as it was supposed to be.

For a certain time (somewhere around 18 hours a day) everyone was white and fluffy. The same laws applied to everyone. In practice, if you are not a bioenergetics specialist, it was difficult to determine who was light and who was dark. Everyone had the same energy, their chakras worked the same way. But, unfortunately, after such a phenomenon something else immediately followed - the black hierarchs united their forces and began to take revenge on the light ones. They really didn’t want to lose power and all their advantages accumulated over years, centuries and millennia.

But since such a phenomenon can exist on the planet, in the galaxy and in the Universe, when only a bright civilization lives - there are no anti-souls, anti-matter and, in principle, anti-world, it means that this may well take hold both informationally and in everything else - energetic and material plan. Why not? Then goodbye to wars, crimes, drug addiction, diseases, witchcraft, black magic and, in general, all evil taken together and nurtured in due time. Our planet has never lived such a life, but we want it so.

We have already written more than once that the hierarchs of the dark civilization remade man so that he would have a short life and would not think about the reorganization of the world, its polarity and the role of man on Earth. It was drummed into him all the time that he had come to build a house, give birth to children and grow trees. This is the limited role they proclaimed. And so that a person does not live for a long time, as before - hundreds of years, the dark ones, even in childhood, included a bunch of programs for the light people to reduce life expectancy due to diseases, improper functioning of organs and systems.

In addition, when the number of people on Earth grew, the dark ones decided: they had no reason to live long. Over the course of a long life, a person will always have a question - why do I live here? And the opportunity, of course, to evaluate your life, correct something, remember, and work on mistakes.

So is aging an artificial process or a natural one? - This question is asked by Olga Petrovna Voloshina from Novokuibyshevsk.

Scientists believe that this is a disease caused by insufficient functioning of all vital organs, failures in various systems, as well as in DNA at the cellular level. So is it possible to stop aging? And also whether it is possible to reverse the biological clock - these questions interest everyone. Let's try to answer them. As has been noted more than once, light and dark are arranged differently. It was recently discovered that the light people received the deepest zombification from the dark ones in DNA and RNA.

We mean witchcraft, various rituals of black magic aimed at a closer union of people of different polarities: wife and husband, mother and son, sisters and brothers, various relatives up to the 3rd generation, which were mentioned above. In the monads of dark people there are still programs for connecting the DNA of the dark and the RNA of the light, the RNA of the dark and the DNA of the light. If you depict this connection graphically, you get a cross.

That is, crossed DNA and RNA of dark and light people strengthen the connection with each other. In addition, there is a connection of the matrices of dark and light relatives, so that at any moment, if there is a lack of energy, the dark one is nourished by the matrix of the light one. The connection of subtle related bodies has already been discussed earlier. All this magic is designed to depersonalize the individuality of parameters, structures physical body and thin structures.

It must be borne in mind that the low-frequency energy of a dark person is fueled by high-frequency bright man, and the latter, having connected with low-frequency energies, begins to collapse. They stick to him various diseases, he loses strength (of soul and body).

That is why it was said that a bewitched person lives 30-40 years less than someone who does not have an energetic connection with a dark partner and dark relatives. In principle, it is, of course, possible to increase life expectancy, but in conditions of flourishing black magic, when deep defeat cells at the genetic level, programs to turn off aging as such will not give the desired effect.

When a person’s karmic vessel is often full, when in different ways the will is suppressed, the soul, spirit, monad are affected, when a person is fixated on material values, sexual pleasures, then there is hardly any point in increasing life expectancy to demonstrate vices and pleasures. Extending life under current conditions is like a gift from fate. And we still need to think carefully about who is worthy of such a gift.

Rich people can always buy the elixir of youth for a lot of money, but will they be able to use this product? There are big doubts about this. The dark hierarchs tried to ensure that there was no high life expectancy on Earth. Even what was programmed by the Creator of the Universe (140-150 years) has sunk deep into oblivion.

Because all fair people at the age of 12-15 suffered damage to the intercellular space or tissue fluid from which cells receive nutrients in exchange for waste products.

In the period from 39 to 43 years, all fair-haired people had the aging gene turned on, which actively plays its role. The exception to the rule is dark people; their aging gene does not work; the mechanism of aging in dark people is completely different. Conventionally, it can be designated as follows: each person from the dark egregor, who received an antisoul instead of a soul, receives a certain “bag” of evil energy. In order to receive all the necessary benefits, dark man must spend all this energy on creating evil. As soon as this “bag” is depleted (like shagreen skin), it is considered that the person has completed his program.

As an exception, any honored dark person can receive an additional “bag” of evil energy. But this rarely happens. As for fair-haired people, they have an additional aging program in one of the brain glands. Disabling the aging process has become possible only for those people who have pure karmic vessels and no connection with dark people, whose parameters of spirit, soul and monad are in order. There are 25% of such people on Earth (light). In the future, their share will increase due to the transmutation of organs, systems and subtle structures.

When the aging process is turned off, stem cells are turned on, (partially) pranic nutrition is introduced, and appropriate thin bodies, the chakras responsible for rejuvenating the body are turned on, the rejuvenation gene itself is turned on, the frequency of the body increases, and work is also underway with the energies of transmutation, regeneration and rejuvenation. Naturally, DNA, RNA, and blood are completely purified. In addition, on the eve of this process, the black substance in human organs and systems is completely annihilated. The process of stopping aging and rejuvenation is a return to what a person once possessed. His self-healing system worked 100%, but it was turned off by dark hierarchs.

There is nothing supernatural in the issue of stopping aging; other planets and civilizations of the constellations Orion, Pleiades, and Sirius possess this knowledge. All chemical processes, passing through the body, they regulate thoughts. If planet Earth moves towards evolution, no one will need the elixir of youth. Self-healing processes will be available to everyone.

KOLOSYUK Lyubov Leontievna


How to stop the internal clock?

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  • "Skin is like a diagnostician. Look at your skin and you will see a reflection of your health."

Cosmetic treatments stop working on skin after age 40 because internal state skin cells begin to deteriorate sharply. And the reason for this process is increasing changes in hormone levels. Skin cells are saturated with hormonal receptors, especially on the skin of the face and neck. It is the neck and face that first feel the onset of old age. Fine wrinkles, sagging, pigmentation - these unpleasant phenomena inexorably say that youth is leaving.

Why does youth disappear?

Until recently, it was believed that the internal mechanisms of aging and aging under the influence of external factors (stress, unfavorable environment, free radicals - cell destroyers, solar radiation, etc.) play approximately the same role in the wear and tear of our body. However, research in recent decades has convinced scientists that the entire set external influences on the body does not exceed 30% in the causes of aging. The main violin in the inexorable process of extinction is played by decline. hormonal levels, which begins to increase from about 40 years of age.

Mother Nature took care of us until about this age. By the age of 40, we must already fulfill our main natural function - to leave and raise offspring; our further fate, from the point of view of Nature, is no longer so important.

Each person has his own supply of sex hormones. Gynecologists are well aware that women, for example, have very different level hormones. One can easily become pregnant at 45 years old, while the other has hormone levels that allow her to conceive a child only until she is 30.

Therefore, a woman, choosing hormonal methods contraception, you should think twice: after all, by artificially suppressing the level of hormones, it significantly shortens its period of youth and beauty! Very often, in women who are addicted to hormonal contraception, cosmetic problems with the skin of the face, neck and hands appear after 30 years!

After all, without a normal hormonal background, an outwardly attractive and youthful appearance cannot be preserved. Androgens and estrogens control skin thickness, specific density, subcutaneous fat thickness, chemical composition, skin elasticity, its ability to stretch! By the way, the lack of androgens and estrogens is also the cause of age-related diseases such as osteoporosis and periodontal disease!

If the drop in the level of sex hormones occurs like an avalanche, then blooming woman in six months you can literally turn into an old woman! For many, this fact becomes a real life disaster!

How to recognize a drop in hormone levels? Cosmetic signs.

The first sign is the appearance of severe dry skin. At some point, after every wash, bath or shower, the skin becomes so dry that you want to constantly apply moisturizer. The elasticity of the skin decreases, longitudinal wrinkles appear. After all, estrogens control the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity. Less collagen means more sagging skin, more wrinkles and more visible pores.

Skin regeneration slows down. Healing of wounds and abscesses occurs very slowly. After all, in youth, a skin cell develops for 28 days, and in old age this period doubles. A clear sign of decreased levels of hormones (androgens) is sagging triceps and the appearance of folds on the knees. If you are about 40 and these signs appear, then it’s time to sound the alarm - your hormone levels are decreasing too quickly!

The same sign of decreased hormones can be frequent freckles, poor condition of nails and scalp hair.

Hair often appears on upper lip. This is not happening at all because the level has increased male hormones. This level of women's has fallen too sharply. Temporary imbalance gives rise to “whiskers”.

But the most unpleasant thing is that the face begins to “float”, and the contours of the face and body become deformed. The lips decrease in volume, and a so-called “purse-string” mouth appears. The contours of the nose and eyes become distorted, they become dull and sad. Often the faces of women with low level sex hormones become very similar, even if they are separated by decades!

This period is the most difficult in a woman’s life. She has to say goodbye to her old way of life forever and get used to a new body and face.

And the decrease in hormone levels is not limited to cosmetic results. Knocking after them overweight and problems with the cardiovascular system.

What to do? How to stop the aging process?

Firstly, do not be upset when you discover the first signs of a drop in your sex hormone levels. Once you know, you are already warned and can take countermeasures. If you remained to live in ignorance, then a sudden blow of fate in the form of catastrophic changes in appearance could strike you with extraordinary force, like that woman who grew old in six months.

Secondly, remember that you are quite capable of resisting the inexorable clock ticking your life.

The main thing that a woman can and should do after 40 is to help her body produce sex hormones.

Why produce? - you ask. If hormones have such a direct effect on the youth of the body in general and the skin in particular, then if their production is insufficient, the simplest solution is to introduce artificial hormones from the outside. No, friends, it won’t work: by receiving hormones in the form of injections, our body reduces the already small amount of hormones produced independently: hormonal dependence is formed. This dependence is fraught not only in itself (after all, injections must be done every day!), but also possible complications, the most severe of which is oncology.

Therefore, you will have to limit yourself to helping your body.

The simplest and most important thing is not to reduce the intensity of your sex life. After all, if hormones are still in demand in your personal life, they will continue to be actively produced by your body! Also try to maintain a high level of physical fitness.

Second, help your body with vitamins that directly affect the production of sex hormones. First of all, this (in Latin - tocopherol - life-bringer), as well as B vitamins (especially folic acid), vitamins A and C.

Vitamins E, A (also beta-carotene) and C are also antioxidants, which means they prevent the destruction of cell membranes by free radicals - eliminating the remaining 30% of the causes of aging. Vitamins A, C and E are also rightly called cosmetic - after all, they help our skin remain elastic, hair strong, eyes shiny.

It is clear that with age the need for additional intake of these vitamins is only increasing. Therefore, it is worth focusing on multivitamin formulas with a high content of these vitamins.

By following these simple rules, you can prolong your youth for many years, postponing the onset of the autumn of life to the maximum possible extent. Your skin, eyes, hair will continue to radiate the power of life, and every birthday will remind you not of your defeat, but of your victory. Victory to the power of knowledge and strength of spirit!

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