The main causes of prostatitis in men. The main causes of prostatitis in men

Prostatitis symptoms and treatment in men are signs of inflammation of the seminal (prostate) gland. Prostatitis is manifested by frequent urination mixed with blood, pus in the urine, pain in the penis, scrotum, rectum, sexual disorders (erectile dysfunction, early ejaculation, etc.), and sometimes urinary retention.

Possible abscess formation prostate gland, inflammation of the testicles and appendages, which threatens infertility. Ascending infection leads to inflammation upper sections genitourinary system(cystitis, pyelonephritis). Prostatitis develops when an infectious agent penetrates into the prostate tissue from the genitourinary system (urethra, bladder) or from a distant inflammatory focus (pneumonia, influenza, sore throat, furunculosis).

Prostatitis - causes, signs, symptoms and treatment

There are a number of risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing prostatitis. Very often, prostatitis appears due to infection and bacteria. But it is difficult for bacteria to affect the prostate gland, so there are other reasons. The strength of the prostate gland decreases, its secretions stagnate, and the venous ducts become clogged; therefore, bacteria have a bad effect and cause this disease.

If a man is under forty years old, we can conclude that the disease was caused by viruses such as Trichomonas, chlamydia and ureaplasma. But if a man is over forty, most likely the problem is conditionally pathogenic bacteria; they are in our body from the moment of birth, but only manifest themselves during a decline in immunity. The body's defenses may be reduced due to streptococci, E. coli and staphylococci.

Symptoms of prostatitis

Symptoms of prostatitis in men vary depending on the type of disease and have a specific severity in acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial, non-bacterial and prostatodynia.

The last of these diseases does not belong to the types of prostatitis and has a specific treatment, however, inexperienced urologists often confuse prostatodynia with inflammation of the prostate gland, as a result, the treatment turns out to be ineffective, while the consequences of the disease worsen.

To avoid mistakes, including with the classification and treatment of prostatitis, sometimes it makes sense to undergo examination by several doctors, in different medical institutions. Remember - prostatitis symptoms and treatment and others genitourinary diseases men - this is not a matter in which you need to hesitate or save on your health!

Men should also know that asymptomatic prostatitis also exists. Inflammatory process With it, it does not manifest itself in any way for the time being, but it can be suspected by the presence of leukocytes and bacteria in the urine. Making a diagnosis will require additional tests.

Local symptoms of prostatitis

The main symptom among this group is pain. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Painful sensations in nature can be: pulling, pressing, cutting, bursting and aching. The intensity and sensation of pain can be unbearable and barely noticeable. The main place of concentration for everyone pain is the perineum and groin area of ​​the abdomen.

Minor symptoms among the local group are considered to be urinary disorders. The first sign of this type of disorder is frequent urination, which is especially typical at night. Very often, with this development of events, the pressure and diameter of the stream of emitted urine significantly weakens. In some cases, complete urinary retention is observed.

Depending on the size of the inflammatory process, inflammation can spread and involve organs adjacent to the prostate. These organs include: the bladder, rectum and urethra. In this regard, there is a high probability of symptoms: urethritis, cystitis or colitis.

Signs of prostatitis in men

  • During defecation there is a bad sensation;
  • During bowel movements, urethral viscous discharge is observed;
  • Too much fast process ejaculation;
  • A burning sensation is felt in the urethra and perineal area;
  • Significant problems with potency;
  • Emptying the bladder becomes problematic and intermittent;
  • Against the background of the general health situation, psychological depression appears;
  • The process of urination becomes frequent and painful;
  • Rapid onset of fatigue throughout the body;
  • The erection process at night becomes protracted;
  • Threads are observed in the urine.

I would like to immediately note the point that the listed signs of prostatitis, as a rule, do not occur all at once. In general, the disease has a rather variable clinical picture even in one patient at different time points, and a group of patients does not have the same medical histories at all. These were described signs of prostatitis in men, which can be observed visually and felt in the body due to discomfort and pain.

Treatment of prostatitis

Today, many different methods of treating prostatitis are used, which are most easily divided into traditional and non-traditional. Traditional modern treatments include the use of drug therapy, massages and physiotherapeutic procedures. These measures official medicine recognized as the most effective and safe for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

All treatment methods, both traditional and non-traditional, improve blood circulation in the gland to normalize its nutrition and oxygen supply. Normal blood flow leads to a decrease in inflammation and reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria both in the prostate itself and in the tissues surrounding it.

Traditional drug treatment is an integral measure in the complex of procedures in the fight against prostatitis. For this purpose, drugs are used, including antibiotics, specific antimicrobials(if a pathogen is identified, prostatitis symptoms and treatment), alpha-blockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Relieving pain is one of the primary tasks in the treatment of prostatitis, since it is pain that causes the greatest discomfort to the patient. For this purpose, alpha-blockers are used, affecting the sympathetic part of the central nervous system. Under the influence of such drugs, the smooth muscles in the genitourinary system relax and pain during urination is significantly reduced.

What drugs are used to treat prostatitis?

The psychological aspect is no less important in the treatment of prostatitis, since constant pain and problems in the sexual sphere negatively affect the general well-being and psychological state of the patient. Competent psychotherapy has long been effectively used in the complex of traditional treatment of prostatitis all over the world.

Prostate massage is a mandatory part of treatment, regardless of the form of prostatitis and the stage of its development. Pressing on the damaged area improves blood circulation and allows you to squeeze out the secretion with pathogenic flora into the urinary canal, from where it is excreted with urine flow. Some experts are beginning to doubt the effectiveness of such treatment, citing as an argument the possibility of bacterial infection of other organs of the genitourinary system.

While such theories are only looking for confirmation clinical studies, prostate massage is a mandatory procedure in the treatment of all types of prostatitis. Physiotherapeutic procedures include different types of heating of the prostate gland to increase blood flow in it.

Microwave heating is most often used. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Non-traditional treatment methods have long been regarded by many patients as more effective, safe and inexpensive compared to drug treatment. Any ways alternative treatment It is better to first agree with your doctor so as not to cause harm with such obviously dangerous recipes as treatment with kerosene, hydrogen peroxide or acid.

Here are the recipes based on therapeutic effects herbs, fruits and roots may well deserve attention. Do not forget that the choice and effectiveness of alternative methods of treatment is very individual - what helped one patient may not help another and may even worsen the condition.

Treatment of prostatitis. How to treat prostatitis?

Acupuncture is another unconventional method treatment that came to us from Tibet. Impact on biologically active points in the lumbar region in Tibetan medicine is considered one of the cornerstones in the treatment of prostatitis. This procedure causes virtually no pain, so it is unlikely to cause any harm.

A set of physical exercises in the treatment of prostatitis can be used not only by those who have already been diagnosed with prostatitis, but also for preventive purposes. For example, a five-minute morning perineal massage will help get rid of congestion, which is the most dangerous risk factor for the development of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.

During the day, you can do one more exercise to increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. To do this, you need to stand up to your full height, put your feet together and squat down to one third.

In this position, you need to alternately move your knees for five minutes. At first, this exercise may be difficult. But after several repetitions, even an untrained person can easily cope with it.

Symptoms, causes and treatment of prostatitis.

The use of biologically active additives (BAS) by official medicine is still being questioned, but alternative medicine I really welcome the use of such complexes. The fact is that such drugs do not have a direct effect on the prostate gland, but they increase the level of resistance of the body as a whole, activate metabolic processes and improve the general condition.

This action makes dietary supplements a good choice as an additional health booster. Recent treatments using homeopathy, hypnosis and bioenergy therapy are very popular, however, the latter two are too easy to challenge. Here's the treatment homeopathic medicines quite worthy of consideration.

Effective folk remedies for treating prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies: the most effective recipes

Urologists say that sooner or later one in five men gets prostatitis. If you ignore the symptoms of this disease, complications such as adenoma and difficulty urinating often occur. Effective folk remedies for treating prostatitis can cure this disease without side effects, which cannot be said about pharmaceutical drugs. Having familiarized yourself with the methods of natural influence on the prostate gland, you will be able to use them correctly, without harm to your health.

Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds

In the treatment of prostatitis, pumpkin seeds have been used since ancient times, which can be called an effective and affordable folk remedy. The composition contains an increased amount of zinc, which every man needs, regardless of age. We suggest you learn two ways to treat with pumpkin seeds.

Treatment of prostatitis with pumpkin seeds

You will need to eat 30 seeds daily before meals. This will be your daily dose of zinc. Take half a kilogram of seeds, then carefully grind through a meat grinder. Remember that the seeds should not be fried. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect will not be achieved. Add two hundred grams of honey. Stir the prepared solution. Now you can make small balls from honey and pumpkin seeds.

They can be stored in refrigerators, but place ten pieces in advance. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. The balls must reach room temperature before using them. Half an hour before meals you need to eat one small ball once or twice a day. It is very important to chew and suck the pellets well. They should be swallowed after two to three minutes. These traditional methods of treating prostatitis have a strong therapeutic effect, so one course per year may be enough.

Treatment with parsley

Parsley is a special plant, because it is characterized by a variety of beneficial and healing properties. Parsley helps relieve inflammation and normalize sexual functions. Of course, this herb is used for cooking variety of dishes, because she has pleasant taste.

Treatment of prostatitis with parsley

In fact, the main purpose of parsley is to use it in treatment, because it contains large number vitamins, minerals. For example, one hundred grams of parsley contains two daily requirements for vitamin A. Vitamin C is four times more than lemon. Parsley contains inulin, which is a natural analogue of insulin. Inulin allows you to regulate blood glucose and ensure the presence of favorable microflora in the intestines.

Parsley can be used to prepare medicinal products to speed up the recovery of men suffering from prostatitis. Take one tablespoon of parsley juice three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The seeds also turn out to be beneficial.

Take them and grind them into powder. After this, four teaspoons of parsley seed powder should be poured into one glass boiled water and let it boil for fifteen minutes. IN mandatory Cool the prepared product. Take it four to six times a day, one tablespoon.

Medicine made from celandine and hemlock

In the treatment of prostatitis, you can use a tincture made from celandine and hemlock (be careful, as hemlock is poisonous). Take 0.5 tablespoon of each herb and pour the mixture with 100 grams of alcohol. The product will need to be infused in a dark container for ten days.

Treatment of prostatitis with celandine and hemlock.

Then strain the infusion. Drink the product every morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the intake schedule. During the first thirty days, you will need to add one drop per dose to a glass of water or milk. Once the thirty days have expired, the countdown process should begin in reverse. Thus, by the sixtieth day you can return to the 1st drop.

Some traditional methods of treating prostatitis require a specific regimen that must be followed to achieve the desired effect.

Wormwood therapy helps with almost all inflammatory diseases of the genital tract, including prostatitis, killing the pyogenic infection. To carry out a full course of treatment, 100 g of dry wormwood is enough. It is rubbed with your hands, at the same time grinding it as finely as possible, and then sifted through a colander. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment.

The herb that passed through its holes will be taken inside in dry form, and the one that remains unsifted will be useful for preparing a decoction for douching the urethra. The bitterness of dry wormwood, passing through the human gastrointestinal tract, has a cleansing effect on the body, ridding it of infectious agents.

Is it necessary to treat prostatitis with wormwood?

Sequence of treatment:

In the first 3 days, every 2-2.5 hours you need to swallow a pinch of dry wormwood, moistening it with saliva and washing it down with water. The frequency of taking wormwood does not depend on food intake. During this period, you should not take a break between taking dry herbs, even overnight.

In the next 4 days, wormwood is not taken at night, but during the day it is drunk 5-6 times a day. In the evening of every day you need to do wormwood microenemas. To prepare them, take 1 tsp. with a hill of dry wormwood. Pour a liter of boiling water, cool the infusion to 40? C, filter, pour 100 ml. Half of this volume is injected into the anus at night. There is no need to be afraid of the urge to defecate, there will be none.

The second half (50 ml) is injected into the urethra. This is not very easy to do - you need to press the edges of the urethra to the tip of a miniature syringe, and sharply inject its contents. If this procedure is performed correctly, the wormwood decoction will reach the bladder.

After 3-4 days, with chronic or latent prostatitis, the release of old pus will begin. The broth should not be too cold or hot, the most best temperature– body temperature. Douching with microenemas is repeated for 7 days.

Throughout the entire course of treatment, a strict diet is required, without which the wormwood treatment will not have the required strength:

  1. The amount of bread is limited (up to 200g); it is allowed only in dried form;
  2. Allowed products: cereals, vegetables and fruits, nuts, sunflower oil;
  3. Excluded animal food, protein, fish, eggs, sweets, dairy products;
  4. You cannot drink alcohol or smoke.

During this course of treatment, there may be an exacerbation of hidden ailments, a feeling of weakness, and the appearance of joint pain. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Douching can be continued for longer than 7 days, until the signs of prostatitis are completely relieved. WITH for preventive purposes Polynotherapy can be carried out in spring and autumn.

Treatment with garlic

Regular consumption of garlic is useful for maintaining immunity, replenishing the lack of vitamin C in the body, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing the risk of developing tumors, relieving inflammation, and restoring male potency. There are many recipes based on garlic. Let's look at a few of the most popular ones.

Treatment of prostatitis with a folk remedy - garlic

Garlic balls.


  • 500 g honey;
  • 5 garlic heads;
  • 5 lemons.

First, thoroughly chop the garlic until a paste forms. Do the same with lemon, after removing the seeds. Mix garlic, lemon and honey thoroughly, make balls (about 2 by 2 cm) from the resulting mass, and place in the refrigerator. Eat 1 piece before meals. Garlic tincture: 450 grams of peeled garlic heads, pour 500 ml of alcohol, put in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks.

Take the tincture daily, 20 drops in the morning and evening. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Garlic milk drink 200 ml of milk is placed on the stove, heated and one tablespoon of chopped garlic is added. Bring to a boil, let it brew for 20 minutes. The broth is filtered through cheesecloth and drunk two tablespoons after meals during the day.

Treatment with dill

Dill has bactericidal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. To improve erection and restore reproductive function, it is useful to take an infusion prepared from 200 ml of boiling water, a bunch of dill and a spoon of honey. Herbal collection Suitable as a soothing, anti-inflammatory folk remedy for prostatitis.

Is dill good for prostatitis?


  • Dill;
  • Melissa;
  • Horsetail;
  • Stalniki;
  • Buckthorn;
  • Juniper.

One spoon of each component (except juniper - 3 spoons). Place in a vessel, add 0.5 liters of water, and place on the stove. After boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes. The broth is infused for 1.5 hours, cooled, and filtered. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Drink 100 grams 3 times a day before meals.

Hazelnut for prostatitis

Hazel bark or its leaves are often used as a medicine against prostatitis. You can use these products separately or alternate them. But brewing the bark and leaves together will not work, because... the former must undergo longer processing.

Hazelnut for prostatitis

To cook healing infusion, pour a tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water. Cover the vessel with a lid, wrap it well with a towel, and then leave for about half an hour. The resulting amount of the drug should be divided into four doses and drunk per day.

It is allowed to brew the raw material several times, but to achieve the most pronounced effect it is better to use fresh bark or leaves each time. The duration of treatment with this infusion is usually 7 days.

Chestnuts against prostatitis

Chestnut shells show good results in the treatment of prostatitis. What is needed is the outer part of the chestnut that is covered with needles. The treatment is quite simple - brew the raw material instead of tea leaves and drink it like regular tea.

However, it is worth considering that chestnuts have the property of causing a feeling of hunger and increasing appetite, and therefore those men who have problems with overweight. To avoid this side effect, use chestnut infusion for microenemas. Do similar procedures twice a week using 250 milliliters of liquid.

Chestnuts against prostatitis

At the beginning of autumn, when chestnuts acquire brown, you need to collect those that ripen best. The peel needs to be peeled and finely chopped. In the evening, pour 3 tablespoons of powder into 600 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, the product must be filtered, placed on water bath so that the volume of liquid decreases a little more than three times (to about 200 ml).

The finished product is consumed three times a day in the amount of 30 drops. The medicine must be taken until it runs out. For complete recovery, it is recommended to take three courses with breaks of two months. Store the infusion in the refrigerator. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment.

Propolis against prostatitis

If prostatitis has progressed to chronic stage, then it is recommended to use propolis for its treatment. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which, moreover, has an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. It can be used either independently or in combination with other medicines traditional or folk medicine.

Propolis for prostatitis

Propolis extract has the most pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, evaporate 40 grams of propolis in 200 milliliters of alcohol. Now combine 0.1 grams of the resulting extract with cocoa butter in the amount of 2 grams. Form a suppository and insert into the anus at night. You need to repeat the procedure every day for a month, after which take a break for 4-6 weeks. Courses must be repeated until complete recovery.

Aspen against prostatitis

A fairly common remedy used to treat prostatitis is aspen bark. It is very important that it is collected in right time when the juice has just begun to stand out. It is necessary to obtain raw materials before the buds have yet blossomed. Usually this is the second half of April. When cutting the bark, pay attention to the fact that its thickness should not exceed 5 millimeters.

Aspen bark for prostatitis

After you have collected the bark, you need to dry it slightly; this can be done in the oven or in natural conditions. When everything preparatory work When completed, grind 100 grams of bark and place it in a half-liter glass jar. Pour 200 grams of vodka or alcohol here and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. When the specified period of time has passed, the infusion should be strained well.

You need to take aspen infusion three times a day. Dilute 20 drops in a quarter glass of water or any other liquid. You need to take the medicine before meals. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. The course of treatment is about two months.

Herbs for prostatitis

Many people mistakenly believe that the disappearance of prostatitis symptoms indicates complete healing, however, this is not the case. If the cause of the disease is not eliminated, a relapse may soon occur. Medicinal herbs are an effective lever in the fight not only against external manifestations, but also against the main cause of prostatitis - the inflammatory process. Since ancient times, a huge number of recipes have come down to us.

Celandine has been successfully used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Collect young sprouts of celandine, squeeze the juice from them and dilute pure alcohol in equal quantities. If the problem strikes you during the cold season, then dry herbs from which you need to dilute a 10% solution will also work to prepare the medicine. Since celandine belongs to the category of poisonous plants, it must be taken according to a certain scheme. Start with one drop per 50 grams of water, gradually increasing the dose to 30 drops by the end of the month.

The most effective herbs for prostatitis

Quite often, radiola rosea is used against chronic prostatitis. Take dry roots and grind them into powder. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting powder into a glass of water and heat in a water bath for an hour. Now strain the broth and drink half a glass every morning and evening.

Despite the fact that parsley is quite effective remedy to maintain men's health, as for prostatitis, it is better to take it in combination with other herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, namely valerian root, hawthorn and lingonberry. They need to be mixed in equal proportions and infused in boiling water. After the solution is filtered, it should be drunk twice a day in the amount of half a glass.

Cloves are also effective in the fight against prostatitis. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Pour half a teaspoon of ground spice into a glass of boiling water and leave for about half an hour. You can also prepare a tincture by pouring the raw material with 200 milliliters of alcohol. It is worth taking such a remedy in the same way as celandine - gradually increasing the dosage.

Perhaps the only drawback of treating prostatitis with herbs is its duration. This process can take from one to six months. But if we talk about the benefits, it is worth noting the high effectiveness and safety of herbal preparations for health. If you use alcohol tinctures as medicine, make sure that you do not have other diseases that exclude the possibility of such therapy. It is also worth noting that you can use herbs either individually or in combination.

What drugs are used to treat prostatitis?

So, how to treat prostatitis in men? Prostatitis symptoms and treatment! A specialist, based on the condition of a man’s body, can prescribe one (or more) of the following forms of drugs:

  1. Injections. Promote rapid penetration of the drug into the body, stimulate the immune and vascular systems. The most popular injection agent is Prostatilen;
  2. Instillations. With this type of treatment, the medicine is administered by the doctor directly to the destination site;
  3. Pills. Most often, treatment of prostatitis with tablets involves the use of antibacterial drugs that have a wide spectrum of action. Especially in cases where the specific causative agents of the disease have not been identified;
  4. Suppositories for rectal administration. Such drugs improve metabolism;
  5. Microclysters. They are considered a folk method. Herbal infusions and decoctions are used as medicines; they are based on temperature and medicinal effects. It is carried out before bedtime, the prostate gland after the procedure should not be overexerted and overcooled;
  6. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – prevent the development of inflammatory reactions;
  7. Alpha adrenergic blockers - have a similar effect by blocking alpha adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic nervous system.

Each drug for prostatitis has its own distinctive characteristics and may be suitable for one patient and not for another. The most effective medicine for prostatitis is a remedy specially selected by the doctor for the patient, taking into account his individual characteristics and the characteristics of the course of prostatitis.

The diagnosis of “prostatitis” (prostatitis symptoms and treatment) often strikes a man like a bolt from the blue. How to treat? Which suppositories are better for prostatitis? How long will it take to be treated? Will there be any consequences of the disease after recovery? These are the very first questions that arise in the patient’s mind.

Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe treatment. For prostatitis, it usually includes medication, massage, and physiotherapeutic procedures. The doctor will most likely prescribe antibiotics and rectal suppositories. The latter are very effective in treating prostatitis.

Which suppositories are better for prostatitis?

The prostate gland is located in close proximity to the rectum, so the medicine very quickly begins to act on the diseased organ. In addition, when used rectally, the medicine does not pass through the liver, is not destroyed there and acts on the prostate gland in the required concentration.

Suppositories, depending on the composition, can have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory and antibacterial effects. There are also complex preparations.

What suppositories are best for prostatitis? Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Currently, you can find a huge number of similar drugs in pharmacies.

  • Suppositories with diclofenac. Diclofenac suppositories may have different names. As a rule, the manufacturer adds some additional substance to the existing suppository formulation, changes the name, and begins wide production of the medicine. Therefore, you should not fall for abstruse names. All such suppositories have the same active ingredient - diclofenac. Suppositories with diclofenac for the treatment of prostatitis It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Contraindications include diseases of the rectum, blood, stomach ulcers, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, liver and kidney diseases. Usually suppositories for prostatitis with diclofenac in a dosage of 100 mg are prescribed one per day at night. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Diclofenac is also prescribed for other diseases in orthopedics, gynecology, and surgery. These suppositories for prostatitis are a very good, inexpensive and time-tested remedy;
  • Papaverine suppositories. This medication belongs to the category of antispasmodics, that is, drugs that relieve muscle spasm. It relaxes the muscles of the genitourinary system. Suppositories with papaverine are used not only in urology, but also in other areas of medicine. They have an analgesic effect and also have a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the prostate. Like any other drug, suppositories with papaverine have side effects: nausea, drowsiness, constipation, sweating, decreased blood pressure. The contraindications for this drug are as follows: 1) Adrenal dysfunction; 2) Tachycardia;

    3) Hypothyroidism;

    4) Chronic renal failure.

    This drug is already a classic in medicine and costs around 100 rubles. The very fact that suppositories with papaverine are often prescribed to pregnant women indicates their absolute safety;

  • Vitaprost suppositories. Increased sweating is a side effect of using candles. These suppositories are a relatively recent development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry. They are unlike other remedies for the treatment of prostatitis in that they contain bovine prostate extract. The suppositories have an intense anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. They reduce swelling in the prostate gland, improve microcirculation, which is important for eliminating inflammation in the prostate gland. But their main advantage is the speed of action. Patients noted significant relief within a day after starting to use the suppositories. The fact is that the prostate gland in men is equipped a large number nerve endings. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Therefore, even a slight pathology in this organ will be felt very painfully by a man. Other advantages of suppositories are that they practically do not change the chemical composition of blood and urine and significantly reduce the risk of developing chronic prostatitis. This drug has a drawback - the price: 10 suppositories cost about 500 rubles.

    Vitaprost has analogues. The most famous of them is Prostatilen. Prostatilen additionally includes zinc compounds and vitamin E. Zinc compounds prevent the development of prostate cancer, have a beneficial effect on sperm formation and increase libido. Vitamin E increases sperm activity and protects healthy cells;

  • Candles with bee products. Beekeeping products are an extremely useful assortment for the human body. That's why pharmaceutical companies We thought about why not use this in the treatment of prostatitis. Propolis is a component of suppositories for prostatitis. One of these recent new products from pharmacists is Prostopin suppositories. They include propolis. Thanks to this, prostopin acts on the body no worse than an antibiotic: it relieves inflammation, destroys viruses, fungi, and bacteria. This is very important if the cause of prostatitis is an infection. In addition to propolis, the candles contain beeswax, royal jelly, and pollen. This information is very captivating, since recently everyone has become accustomed to being treated only with chemistry. I am glad that there are almost no contraindications. These candles are not suitable only for people who are allergic to bee products. Price this drug is about 580 rubles for 15 candles;
  • Ichthyol suppositories. These suppositories contain ichthyol and vitepsol. This is an anti-inflammatory drug that has a local anesthetic effect, restores blood circulation and vascular tone, and has a positive effect on metabolism. Ichthyol suppositories help with both acute and chronic prostatitis. They significantly improve sperm quality. This medication has two significant advantages: the absence of side effects and a fairly low price (within 100 rubles). Thus, suppositories must be present in the treatment of prostatitis. They're filming painful sensations, destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses, have an immunostimulating effect, improve blood circulation in the prostate, and relieve inflammation.

What drugs for prostatitis should you choose, how to find them effective candles? You should seek answers to these questions only with your doctor. You should definitely inform your doctor about your financial readiness to buy good, even expensive, candles. At the very beginning of treatment, if inflammation of the prostate gland is not yet completely advanced, it makes sense to use suppositories with natural additives.

But this too should only be decided with the attending physician. The best thing you can do in this situation is to visit your doctor and ask him questions about specific medicinal names. The main thing in this case is not to do harm, because it concerns men's health. If there is no improvement within a certain time, the doctor is obliged to change the treatment regimen. It is possible that you will have to purchase other candles. You also need to be prepared for this.

What happens if prostatitis is not treated?

Neglecting treatment for prostatitis can result in serious problems for a person. Most often, complications are associated with further spread of infection. In this way, inflammation of the seminal vesicles develops, the so-called vesiculitis, as well as colliculitis - when the inflammatory process affects the seminal tubercle.

In addition, they may develop various diseases prostate gland. For acute prostatitis high probability formation of an abscess, after which in most cases a scar remains on the prostate. Prostate stones and cysts are also often diagnosed, which are also a complication of the disease.

Untreated prostatitis also affects the sex life of men, because it can cause many dysfunctions. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. More often we're talking about about erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. All this leads to a decrease in sexual desire and, as a result, to psychological problems. In more severe cases, the disease can also lead to infertility.

Complications of prostatitis. What happens if you don't treat it?

Non-infectious prostatitis causes the following complications:

  • Premature ejaculation;
  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Mental disorders, apathy;
  • General fatigue and weakness;
  • Weak sensations during sexual intercourse.

In addition, if you do not treat it and let it go, then ultimately you can “earn” yourself infertility and impotence, because this is still an inflammatory process. With the infectious form, everything is somewhat different.

Consequences of non-infectious prostatitis

First of all, you need to understand that there are two types of prostatitis - infectious and non-infectious. They also have subtypes, but are no longer so important for the study of complications. It is depending on the main forms of prostatitis that the consequences differ.

The non-infectious form of the disease causes erection problems. During sexual intercourse, the sensation will gradually weaken. Another consequence is ejaculation that was premature. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. In addition, the man is constantly in apathy, he feels weak and constantly tired, which leads to mental disorders. In addition, if this disease is not treated, the risk of developing impotence and infertility increases.

  1. Violation of potency. Problems with potency are the most common consequences of advanced non-infectious prostatitis. This phenomenon causes various forms. For example, ejaculation is impaired or erection itself becomes impossible in this state. Also, due to the fact that treatment is delayed, sexual desire may disappear altogether. The situation is explained by the fact that in this area the functioning of the receptors, which should be responsible for sexual stimulation and further ejaculation, deteriorates. In addition, they also influence hormonal background, because what level hormonal substances male type decreases due to prostatitis. Quite often, the consequence of such violations is impotence, and it develops both at the physical and psychological levels;
  2. Prostate sclerosis. This is another serious consequence. When prostatitis is advanced, the functioning of the prostate gland is gradually inhibited (prostatitis symptoms and treatment). Because of this, it can become denser over time or, conversely, decrease. After such irreversible changes, the prostate will no longer be able to perform its functions;
  3. Urinary disorders. Very unpleasant phenomenon Acute urinary retention occurs if the bladder is already full and urination does not occur. In this case, urgent medical intervention. Another type of urinary disorder is the presence of severe pain during urination. It will also be accompanied by burning and stinging;
  4. Nervousness, depression. An invariable companion of advanced prostatitis is changes in the psychological state of the patient. He constantly feels tired. Weakness, irritability, nervousness, and intimate disorders appear. All this will lead to the appearance depressive state, nervous breakdowns and other neuropsychiatric disorders;
  5. Infertility. Another heavy one side effect Prostatitis causes infertility. When the disease is advanced, it develops in 40% of men. This is explained by the fact that due to pathological phenomena, not only the quantity of sperm gradually decreases, but also its quality deteriorates. Gradually, the gland produces less and less secretion, and because of this, the activity of sperm decreases, so that fertilization gradually becomes impossible.

Consequences of an infectious form of prostatitis

Infectious prostatitis will not occur for the same reasons as the non-infectious form. The main factor in this case is how the infection comes from outside. It is this that will provoke the development of prostatitis. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to blame the sexual partner.

Bacteria can be located in other places. For example, you can catch a bacterial infection in a body of water. They are most dangerous in large cities, where lakes in the summer turn into drainage pits - garbage, mud and dirty water. In addition, there are many other places where you can become infected.

The infection itself will not cause much harm to the human body, but the development of prostatitis may well contribute to this. There are also some reinforcing factors. For example, this is sedentary work, intimate problems. Tightened genitals also increase the risk of developing prostatitis.

The infectious form has a certain difference - it develops very quickly. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. If infertility develops from a non-infectious form, it will take a very long time. Moreover, during this time the patient either does not receive treatment and ignores all symptoms, or the therapy itself is chosen incorrectly. But with the infectious form, things are different. A little discomfort will quickly develop into something new.

  1. Cystitis. Cystitis develops in both women and men. He appears and disappears periodically. This disease is quite insidious. Usually a complex of drugs is prescribed, after which the symptoms quickly disappear. But in fact, cystitis simply subsides, and after a while it reminds itself again. When compared with other complications, cystitis is generally easy to treat. This disease can be identified by pain in the genitourinary area when urinating. So, together with prostatitis, this disease is invisible. Therapy should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor - you cannot self-medicate, because there is a high probability that the disease will simply become chronic latent;
  2. Vesiculitis. Another consequence of the chronic form of prostatitis is vesiculitis. This serious disease is characterized by inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Long-term abstinence acts as an auxiliary factor in the development of vesiculitis. As a result, one or both testicles are affected. More often, the lesions affect both organs, but the development of the disease is uneven on both sides. This disease has many symptoms, so as soon as at least one of them is detected, you urgently need to tell the doctor about it. Firstly, a man may feel unpleasant pain in the pelvic area, and it is deep and gradually moves to the sacrum area. Secondly, pain occurs during erection and ejaculation. Thirdly, blood clots will be found in the seminal fluid. This needs to be addressed urgently, especially if other symptoms of vesiculitis do not appear. Thirdly, pus can be found in seminal fluid and urine. In addition, urination becomes more frequent. To treat vesiculitis, classical therapy is prescribed. It is imperative to take antibiotics and get a massage. In a more advanced form of the disease, suppuration appears in the seminal vesicles. Then you cannot do without surgery. If you ignore diseases for a long time, then there is a risk of infertility;
  3. Prostate abscess. An abscess is a consequence of inflammatory processes in the prostate. This is a very serious problem for a man. This pathology can be provoked various factors. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. For example, this applies weak immunity, colds. Some chronic infections inside the body can also have an effect, and they are not even related to the genitals. Long-term abstinence also increases the risk. Congestive processes in the pelvic area are also very dangerous. Symptoms of an abscess appear immediately. The patient's body temperature rises. He feels weak and lethargic. Then problems with consciousness and delirium appear. Constantly suffers from either chills or fever. The intensity of sweating increases. All this time, the patient suffers from pain in the scrotum, perineum and sacrum. Such severe inflammation can lead to other severe complications, such as impotence or infertility. Don't delay going to the doctor. An abscess is similar to gangrene because... causes tissue necrosis. And in this case it will only help surgery. It is best to take care of your health and start treatment at an early stage, then the risk of falling under a scalpel is very low. If a man develops inflammation, then it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of complications. To do this, you need to consult a doctor as soon as the first signs of prostatitis appear. The more advanced the patient’s condition, the longer and more difficult the treatment will be. In addition, it is better not to forget about preventive measures. Must be combined healthy image life, eat right and do special physical exercises. Then there will be no health problems.

Prevention consists, first of all, of regularly monitoring your health and promptly identifying existing problems. Since the disease often appears as a result of untreated infections of the genitourinary system, first of all, you need to pay attention to this aspect.

If any symptoms appear, you should see a urologist. To protect yourself from infection, it is also recommended to use contraception and limit your sex life to relationships with one partner. In the prevention of prostatitis, the correct lifestyle is very important.

Effective prevention prostatitis

It has long been noted that most often this disease bothers those who spend most of their time in a sitting position. Therefore, office workers and drivers are the first to be at risk. Doctors recommend doing more often hiking, load the body with physical exercise.

But sudden changes temperatures, or prolonged overheating and hypothermia, are not desirable. In addition, you should pay attention to your diet. It should be as diverse as possible. Constipation should not be allowed, as in this case the prostate is compressed and blood flow in the organ may worsen.

A healthy diet significantly reduces the risk of disease. When preventing prostatitis, the basis of nutrition should be foods that are beneficial for the whole body, and especially for the representative gland. The diet should include low-fat varieties of fish and meat, porridge, fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits and dried fruits, seafood, honey, juices and compotes.

Limit, and in the case of a chronic form of the disease or a period of its exacerbation, completely abandon alcohol, carbonated drinks, fatty and smoked foods, baked goods, garlic and onions, mushrooms, and offal. Prostatitis symptoms and treatment. Mark Twain joked that the only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you don't like.

However, there is a large grain of truth in this joke. Prevention of prostatitis by following the principles of a healthy diet and limiting yourself in the foods you consume will help you avoid the disease and the complications associated with it.

Video “Prostatitis symptoms and treatment”

Prostatitis “gets younger”. If earlier this disease was diagnosed in men over 50, today young men are increasingly turning to a urologist. In about a third of cases, the disease is diagnosed in men age group 20–35 years old. Knowing what causes prostatitis, everyone can promptly prevent the development of this disease.

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A little anatomy

To understand what causes prostatitis, you need to know the functioning of the prostate gland. The prostate is located between the bladder and the pelvic diaphragm. This gland is the most important organ that ensures the reproductive functionality of the male body.

Functions of the prostate:

  • secretion of a component of sperm that ensures the viability of sperm;
  • synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • ensuring the release of sperm.

The synthesis of prostaglandins promotes blood supply to the penis. In addition, these substances take part in the production of testosterone. The prostate also acts as a valve that prevents urine and semen from mixing during sexual arousal.

Thus, if the prostate gland is malfunctioning, there is a deterioration in the reproductive function of men.

Due to the peculiarities of its location and structure, this organ is vulnerable to the action of pathogenic bacteria that affect the urinary tract. This explains what causes prostatitis.

Types of disease

Prostatitis is classified by reason of development. There are infectious and non-infectious inflammations of the prostate gland.

TO infectious inflammations include prostatitis caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria.

Non-infectious prostatitis develops against the background systemic violations work of the whole organism. This disease may be caused by natural aging of the body, which is accompanied by an increase in the size of the prostate gland.

Reasons for the development of infectious inflammation

Infection of the prostate occurs in an ascending or descending manner, depending on which prostatitis appears. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the prostate from the urethra or through infected urine. Prostate inflammation can also be caused by intestinal infections. Pathology often develops as a result of urological infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

Causes of viral prostatitis

The viral form of the disease is caused by:

  • cytomegaloviruses;
  • simplex viruses;
  • influenza type A and B;
  • human papillomavirus (HPV).

Cytomegaloviruses that provoke the development of prostatitis include herpesviruses, which can long time be present in the human body without any characteristic symptoms.

A typical example of a simplex virus that causes the development of prostatitis is the virus herpes simplex. Simplex viruses manifest themselves as genital inflammation, including damage to the urethra. Infection can also be caused by the Epstein-Bar virus.

Interesting fact: what causes prostatitis depends on viral diseases suffered by a man in childhood, since herpes and measles viruses remain in the body forever. Under the influence of a number of factors (decreased immunity, systemic diseases) activation of the “dormant” virus and infection of the urethra is possible. Through the bloodstream, the infection enters the prostate, causing an acute inflammatory process.

Causes of bacterial inflammation of the prostate

Infection of the prostate gland occurs through the hematogenous, lymphogenous or urethral route.

Approximately 20% of cases of prostatitis are caused by bacterial inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease is provoked by opportunistic microorganisms that are part of the microflora of the human body:

  • coli;
  • staphylococci and streptococci;
  • salmonella;
  • Klebsiella;
  • enterococcus

For the development of bacterial inflammation of the prostate, predisposing factors are necessary, which include decreased immunity, hypothermia, and metabolic disorders. Infection of the urethra with E. coli and fecal enterococcus can occur when unprotected anal sex, and then along the urethral route affects the prostate gland.

Bacterial prostatitis can also be caused by chlamydia and trichomonas. This form of infection is typical for men who tend to neglect contraception.

Disruption of the prostate gland always affects a man’s reproductive function and the quality of sexual life, regardless of what causes prostatitis and the type of disease.

Fungal infection

- This is one of the rarest forms of disease. In most cases, the causative agent is yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. This representative of yeast-like fungi is part of the healthy human microflora. Under the influence of a number of factors, the population of the fungus increases and the genitals, urethra and prostate become infected.

Factors predisposing to the development of fungal prostatitis:

  • decreased immunity;
  • long-term antibacterial therapy;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

A feature of this form of the disease is considered to be a latent course. In most cases, inflammation is asymptomatic, which makes diagnosis difficult, since the patient is unaware of the presence of the disease.

Non-infectious inflammation

More than 70% of all cases of prostatitis are a non-infectious form of the disease. The main predisposing factor in the development of the disease is lifestyle - an unbalanced diet and bad habits. The disease worsens in older age as a result of natural aging of the body and a slowdown in metabolic processes.

Congestive prostatitis

Congestion in the prostate gland appears primarily due to irregular sexual activity. Seminal fluid retention provokes swelling and inflammation of the organ.

Another reason is poor circulation in the pelvic organs. This may be due to a number of factors, including:

  • old age;
  • lack of stress and sedentary lifestyle;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • smoking.

Cardiovascular pathologies are often observed in old age. The walls of blood vessels lose their elasticity, blood circulation is impaired, including in the pelvic organs. The same happens with sedentary work and lack of physical activity.

Smoking accelerates the depletion of the walls of blood vessels and leads to impaired blood pressure, which affects blood circulation. As a result of a bad habit, blood stagnation may occur in the pelvic organs, which can lead to inflammation of the prostate.

Congestion and sexual activity

Despite the fact that non-infectious inflammation of the prostate gland is considered a disease of older men, this form of pathology is also quite common in young patients. The main reason stagnant processes in this case is sexual behavior men.

The disease may be caused by the lack of regular ejaculation and regular interruption of sexual intercourse. Long periods abstinence has a negative impact on health. The lack of regular ejaculation leads to stagnation of seminal fluid, which provokes a disruption in the production of prostate secretions.

Regular interruption of sexual intercourse leads to the fact that the seminal tract is not completely emptied. At the same time, secretion production does not decrease. Over time, this develops into inflammation of the organ. The accumulation of secretions causes insufficient emptying of the prostate lobes. Incomplete emptying increases blood flow to the gland, which increases the risk of inflammation.

Prostate inflammation and testosterone

Hormonal imbalances can occur at any age. This can lead to the development of inflammation of the prostate gland. Although the prostate does not produce sex hormones, its activity is regulated by testosterone. With any deviations in the hormonal background of a man, the prostate gland reacts with stagnation of secretion. Thus, an increase in testosterone production leads to thickening of the prostate secretion. Because of this, the prostate lobules will not be completely emptied during ejaculation, which over time will lead to stagnation and further inflammation.

Any endocrine disorders must be promptly diagnosed and corrected with appropriate therapy, otherwise it will negatively affect the function of not only the prostate, but the entire body as a whole.

How to recognize the disease

In addition to the cause of development, what kind of prostatitis happens depends on the symptoms and nature of the course. There are acute and chronic forms of inflammation. The acute form of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • weakness and general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the urethra.

The patient feels constant urge to urination, which persists even after visiting the restroom. The pain syndrome can cover the entire perineum and be diffuse in nature, without clear localization. As a rule, the pain intensifies after defecation and urination.

In the chronic form of the disease, there are no acute symptoms, which makes it difficult timely diagnosis. Patients may experience short-term episodes of perineal pain. Light discharge from the urethra is possible, especially in the morning. Chronic prostatitis affects a man's sexual activity. In this case, premature ejaculation or an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse is possible.

IN clinical manifestations The pathology from which prostatitis occurs does not matter, since the symptoms and nature of the course are equally manifested in infectious and non-infectious forms of inflammation.

A characteristic feature of the disease is weak urine pressure. This is the first symptom that you should pay attention to and consult a specialist.

Prognosis and prevention

You can get rid of prostatitis once and for all, but only with a timely diagnosis. Treatment should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. Self-medication or use traditional methods forbidden. The treatment regimen is selected by the urologist individually for each patient. Complex therapy includes not only taking medications, but also changing habits and lifestyle.

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Knowing how prostatitis manifests itself and what causes the disease, you need to follow simple rules to prevent the disease:

  • Physical activity will prevent the development of stagnation and poor circulation. Regular exercise is recommended for men. The most useful types of physical activity, from the point of view of male physiology, are running, walking with long strides, volleyball and football.
  • A balanced diet normalizes hormonal levels, prevents excess weight gain and provides the body with essential vitamins and microelements. The diet is not strict and consists of limiting the consumption of salty, fried and spicy foods.
  • Since infectious forms of inflammation of the prostate can be provoked by sexually transmitted diseases, it is necessary to always use contraception.
  • Regular sex life- This is an important preventive measure that will avoid the occurrence of stagnant processes. For support normal operation prostate gland, a middle-aged man should have at least 2 sexual intercourse per week.

Interestingly, a large number of sexual acts per day can negatively affect health. With frequent ejaculation, the prostate gland may not completely empty, and the production of secretions increases, which can cause inflammation.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

The acute stage of the disease, unfortunately, is very short-lived and quickly turns into chronic. In the article we will talk about the causes of prostatitis, describe the symptoms of the disease and methods of its treatment.

Varieties of the disease

There are two main types of prostatitis depending on the causes that caused it - infectious and non-infectious (stagnant). The first occurs as a result of the action of viruses or bacteria. The development of congestive prostatitis is caused by stress, a sedentary lifestyle, overwork, smoking, sedentary work, and the like. The non-infectious form of the disease is quite easy to cure if you reconsider your outlook on life.

Depending on the stage of the disease, acute and chronic prostatitis are distinguished. There is every chance of getting rid of a disease that occurs for the first time without a trace, but an advanced form can lead to serious consequences for a man. Often, representatives of the stronger sex waste precious time and lead to the fact that the inflamed tissue of the prostate gland changes irrevocably and ceases to function properly. If you do not pay attention to the pathological process for a long time, almost the entire prostate will undergo such changes, which is fraught with impotence.

Causes of prostatitis

As a rule, the disease develops due to:

  • venereal infection;
  • exposure to bacteria;
  • dental diseases (caries);
  • hypothermia;
  • mental stress (stress);
  • in rare cases - muscle tear when lifting weights.

Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Venereal infection

The presence of such an infection often makes itself felt. In addition to itching and pain, men notice ulcers on the head of the penis, discharge from the urinary canal, etc. similar manifestations. Good urologist knows how to deal with such ailments, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of money on treatment, and it will take a lot of time to go to the doctor.

Bacterial infection

Bacteria are the most resistant organisms to any influence. For some people, these causative agents of all kinds of inflammation have long become familiar companions. Meanwhile, streptococci and staphylococci are the worst pests for humans. This pathogenic flora must be combated.

Dental diseases

In the presence of caries, the bacteria that we just talked about spread throughout the body. Therefore, if your teeth hurt, it is likely that after some time you will encounter a disease such as chronic prostatitis.


In this case, an acute form of the disease may develop, which can be quite easily cured by prescribing antibiotics and several sessions of prostate massage. But, unfortunately, men often do not immediately consult a doctor. Prostatitis pain, which may have been tormenting for some time, gradually disappears. The erection deteriorates slightly, but this is often attributed by men to fatigue and the like. They go to a specialist only when serious problems begin with erection, and the duration of sexual intercourse becomes indecently short. But precious time is lost; at this stage, inflammation in the prostate gland is already becoming chronic. As a result, the man becomes a patient of the urologist for a long time.

Overvoltage and stress

Any stressful situation can cause the development of a stagnant process in the prostate gland, which can be compared to an inflammatory process. It should be noted that both in the case of stress and in the case of a sexually transmitted infection, the symptoms of prostatitis very quickly become chronic (similar to the situation with hypothermia).


If you have acquired a chronic form of the disease, exacerbations will occur quite often. And almost a breath of wind can provoke them. To a healthy man in order to catch inflammation of the prostate, it is necessary to overcool the pelvic area, and for a patient with chronic prostatitis, even a small cold is enough to aggravate the disease. Symptoms of the disease can also recur after a single alcohol abuse, due to seasonal weakening of the body, in case of slight fatigue, due to unrealized erection, as a result of sedentary work, due to irregular sex life, even due to constipation... In general, you won’t have time cough, and the disease immediately reminds you of itself. Prostatitis is an insidious disease, so you cannot delay treatment!


Inflammation of the prostate first manifests itself as severe pain in the lower abdomen during urination (sometimes the discomfort persists constantly). Other symptoms of prostatitis are pain in the scrotum and perineal area, deterioration of erection, and a reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse. They can appear one at a time or several at a time.

Another symptom occurs: after ejaculation, a nagging pain appears in the head of the penis, which goes away after about half an hour. Regardless of the cause of prostatitis, it is often the very first symptom of the disease.

When the disease has already entered the chronic stage, additional signs appear: an increased urge to empty the bladder, although little urine comes out, weakening of the stream when urinating, and the like.


A urologist rarely has difficulty making a diagnosis. At the first stage, the doctor asks the patient about existing symptoms and conducts a general examination. The urologist also performs a rectal examination of the prostate, during which prostate secretions are taken. This is an unpleasant and often quite painful procedure, but the diagnosis of prostatitis cannot be done without it. In addition, transrectal ultrasound may be required.

In the laboratory, they culture the prostate secretion and urine to determine the sensitivity of the flora to certain antibacterial agents. This information is necessary to prescribe effective therapy. If you start treatment before prostatitis has been diagnosed, it may turn out to be useless, and in some cases it even leads to the transition of the disease to a new, even more severe form.

Antibacterial therapy

Treatment will depend on the cause of prostatitis. If the disease was caused by viruses or bacteria, first it is necessary to eliminate the infection, and then eliminate the pathological process in the prostate gland. Bacterial lesions are treated with antibiotics. Their use is also required if the cause of prostatitis is hypothermia. If you are stressed, in addition to using medications, you may also need therapy for neurosis: relaxing massage, electrophoresis, taking vitamins.

The next stage is the direct treatment of prostatitis. Doctors often prescribe prostate massage, although many urologists doubt the correctness of such actions. If the doctor does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but immediately begins treatment for prostate inflammation, negative consequences are possible. In addition to various procedures, general strengthening medications are prescribed, which eliminate congestive processes in the prostate gland.

When prostatitis is treated, success largely depends on the patient himself. Since the prostate is poorly supplied with blood, it is necessary physical activity. Men who at least do exercises have an order of magnitude greater chance of recovery than those whose favorite pastime is lying on the couch.

As a rule, the urologist prescribes the following drugs to get rid of the disease: “Prostatilen”, “Prostamol Uno”, “Vitaprost”, “Prostan” and the like.

Every man should understand that it is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. The specialist will be able to select the most effective medicines, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Folk remedies

Do herbs help? Many people prefer to be treated for prostatitis using traditional medicine. People turn to the experience of previous generations because they believe that folk remedies do not have a toxic effect on the body and do not cause side effects. In addition, they show their medicinal properties. However, it must be borne in mind that the effectiveness of traditional medicine depends on the nature of the origin of the disease.

If congestive prostatitis occurs, such treatment can be effective. In the case when the disease is caused by bacteria (streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc.), natural antibiotics can help, but they will have to be taken for a very long time and at the same time restrictions on diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption will be required. If inflammation of the prostate is caused by a sexually transmitted infection (chlamydia, mycoplasma, etc.), treatment with folk remedies will be practically useless.

Herbs will not be able to completely relieve you from prostatitis, but since this disease has inflammatory nature, and most plants have anti-inflammatory properties, they should be used in treatment and taken as part of preparations. The most effective for this disease are pharmaceutical chamomile, narrow-leaved fireweed, calendula, St. John's wort, meadowsweet, birch leaves, strawberry leaves. The collection should contain plants that relieve spasms: dandelion leaves, flaxseed, mint. Herbs such as clover and sweet clover cleanse blood vessels and improve blood composition, and the better the prostate gland is supplied with blood, the more effective the treatment will be.

The most popular traditional medicine used for prostatitis is chamomile infusion. It is advisable to take it orally three times a day (half an hour before meals) half a glass. And preparing the infusion is very simple: pour one tablespoon of crushed flowers or one filter bag into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for thirty minutes. After this, the liquid must be filtered. The infusion is good for 24 hours, so there is no point in preparing it for future use.

Prevention of prostatitis: drugs, lifestyle

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to abandon everything that harms the body. The presence of alcohol and cigarettes in your life should be minimized. Blood circulation in the prostate gland worsens if a person leads a passive lifestyle. You need to protect yourself from stressful situations, try to get hypothermia and catch colds less often - for this you should strengthen your immune system and take vitamins. Physical overwork is also fraught with health problems - playing sports is good, but in moderation.

Additional measures may be taken various drugs for the prevention of prostatitis. They counteract inflammatory processes in the prostate and blood stagnation in the pelvic organs. Most urologists recommend taking the following medications: Indigalplus, Prostatilen, Prostamol Uno, Metronidazole.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

A diet for prostatitis must be followed. Congestion in the pelvic organs is aggravated by fatty foods and seasonings, as well as salty foods. Your diet should include fresh vegetables, herbs, and pumpkin seeds. It is advisable to completely abstain from alcohol, especially beer.

In conclusion

When the prostate gland becomes inflamed, more and more tissue cells are affected every day. If you start treatment in a month, the result will be worse than if you start it right now. So don't delay! Remember: health is the most precious thing we have.

Prostatitis is one of the most common urological diseases in men after 30 years of age. Every representative of the stronger sex knows what prostatitis is, and everyone hopes that the unpleasant disease will bypass him.

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which can be treated not only with medications, but also with some time-tested folk remedies. In turn, the prostate gland or prostate is a glandular-muscular organ in men, which is located in the area of ​​the bladder and controls urination, and also secretes a special secretion, which gives the sperm a liquid consistency.

Depending on the origin, the disease can be bacterial or non-bacterial, and according to the nature of its course - acute or chronic. Acute prostatitis is most often caused by gram-negative bacteria and is easily recognized and treated with antibiotics.

The main symptoms of prostatitis include pain, difficulty and painful urination, sexual disorders. The symptoms are very unpleasant, so prostatitis should be treated when the first signs are detected.


The main cause of prostatitis is the penetration of infection into the gland, which is largely facilitated by the location of the prostate in the pelvis.

Basic routes of infection into the prostate:

  • descending - the infection enters the prostate gland with urine.
  • ascending - the infection enters the prostate gland through the urethra.
  • hematogenous - the infection enters the prostate gland through the bloodstream.
  • lymphogenous - the infection enters the prostate gland through the lymph flow.

The main causes and risk factors for the development of prostatitis in men:

  • sedentary lifestyle, absence physical activity(stagnation of blood in the prostate gland).
  • disturbances in the normal rhythm of sexual activity - irregular sex, prolonged abstinence.
  • hypothermia in childhood, adolescence or adulthood (especially the corresponding part of the body).
  • sexually transmitted diseases (, gardnerellosis or).
  • Another reason may be trauma to the tissues and organs of the pelvis.
  • reduced immunity in boys, young men and men.
  • unbalanced diet (fried, fatty, sweet food makes up 70% of the diet). Excessive use alcohol.

All of these conditions can both contribute to the penetration of microbes into the prostate gland and lead to stagnant processes, a deterioration in the blood supply to the pelvic organs, which in turn leads to an increase in the number of microorganisms and the progression of inflammation. In this regard, it is necessary to cure prostatitis on time, then complications will not bother you.

Signs of prostatitis in men

Frequent urination with weak urine pressure and pain during the process, a rise in body temperature, burning in the perineum, painful bowel movements are the first signs of acute prostatitis in men. You should also pay attention to the following clinical symptoms:

  • intermittent and difficult urination;
  • violation of the erection mechanism;
  • the appearance of a burning sensation in the urethra and perineum;
  • frequent imperative urge to defecate;
  • lingering discharge from the urethra;
  • floating fibers in urine;
  • prolonged erections, accelerated ejaculation;
  • manifestation of orgasm in an erased form;
  • increased general fatigue of the body;
  • anxiety, mental depression;
  • significant decrease in potency.

It is worth noting that in the chronic form of prostatitis, symptoms may not appear at all, or additional symptoms may be added.

Symptoms of prostatitis

In most cases, acute prostatitis begins with symptoms of increased body temperature to 39-40 ° C, fever and chills. Urination is difficult and painful. Swelling of the prostate gland develops, which can cause acute urinary retention. In addition, pain in the perineum that radiates to the groin area is also quite noticeable.

As for, in rare cases it becomes the outcome of an acute process, however, as a rule, primary chronic prostatitis develops with erased symptoms. The chronic form differs from the acute form in that it occurs without pronounced signs, that is, latently, without noticeable symptoms.

During the period of exacerbation of prostatitis, patients are bothered by symptoms of pressure in the perineum and anus, dull pain radiating to the sacrum, perineum, rectum, groin area.

Signs of chronic prostatitis for men:

  • significant deterioration of erection;
  • decreased libido;
  • weakening of the stream when urinating;
  • aching pain in the perineum, sacrum, rectum;
  • discomfort and burning sensation in the urethra;

Sometimes patients neglect the symptoms of prostatitis, relying on the presence of prostate adenoma. This should under no circumstances be allowed, since treating adenoma is fundamentally different from how to treat prostatitis.


What happens if prostatitis is not treated with antibiotics and other means? The following complications await you:

  • decreased potency;
  • infertility;
  • exhausting pain in the perineum;
  • depression, etc.

To prevent the consequences of prostatitis, you need to pay more attention to your health, be promptly examined and treated by a urologist.

Treatment of prostatitis

In case of severe intoxication or suspicion of a purulent process, hospitalization is indicated. Patients with uncomplicated acute prostatitis are treated by a urologist or andrologist on an outpatient basis.

To cure prostatitis, you need to adhere to a whole complex special events, which successively replace each other. which are prescribed first of all - antibiotics, especially when it comes to the infectious origin of the disease.

Drug treatment consists of prescribing the following medications:

  • antibacterial drugs - treatment is carried out to destroy the infection;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve inflammation, which is characteristic of this disease;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • drugs that relieve spasm of the urethra;

As an additional measure, prostate massage is often prescribed. It promotes accelerated recovery and reduces pain. According to reviews, this is very useful procedure. Surgical intervention is recommended if the genitourinary canal is narrowed and removal of prostate adenoma is required.

How to treat prostatitis comprehensively? Everyone uses it for this possible methods, appoint:

  • diet, lifestyle changes;
  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • prostate massage and exercise therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment;
  • folk remedies for prostatitis
  • treatment of concomitant pathologies;
  • psychotherapy.

Also, do not forget that treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies gives good results only in combination with the main therapy. Therefore, it is recommended not to self-medicate at home.

Treatment with antibiotics

Antibiotics are necessary for acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis, even those with few symptoms, and also as trial therapy for the non-infectious nature of prostatitis, as test therapy. Therefore, before starting a course of therapy, it is necessary to undergo an examination and establish the type of pathogen.

Drug treatment of prostatitis includes the use of various antibiotics with a wide range of actions:

  1. Macrolides (Zitrolide, Fromilid,).
  2. Tetracyclines (Doxycycline).
  3. Penicillins (Augmentin, Flemoklav, Flemoxin Solutab).
  4. Cephalosporins (Suprax, Kefadim, Cefspan).
  5. Fluoroquinolones (Ciprinol, Ofloxin, Eleflox, Zanotsin, )

It is worth remembering that the treatment regimen is prescribed strictly by a specialist, where the use of antibiotics occupies one of the leading links in the chain.

How to treat prostatitis at home

Treatment of prostatitis at home is advisable in the chronic form. At the same time, treatment with folk remedies can help increase the body’s overall resistance and relieve pain.

  1. Take 2-3 g of dry, powdered orchis tubers, soak in a small amount of water, then pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Then leave for 30 minutes, strain and take half a glass three times a day.
  2. Marshmallow root decoction – 40 grams, pour 200 milliliters of water and boil for half an hour, take 60 milliliters with food 3 times a day.
  3. Propolis extract helps a lot. It is obtained by evaporating 40 grams of propolis in 0.2 liters of 96% alcohol. Make suppositories from 0.1 grams of extract and 2 grams of cocoa butter and administer them rectally once a day. The course duration is 2-3 months, with monthly breaks.
  4. Celery decoction – 20 grams, pour 200 milliliters of water and boil for 12 minutes, drink 100 milliliters 3 to 4 times a day.
  5. Traditional medicine recommends using the seeds of some plants as auxiliary elements. Pumpkin seeds will be the healthiest, as they will enrich your body with linoleic acid and zinc. If you decide to end prostatitis, eat poppy seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

In addition, treatment with folk remedies implies a complete abstinence from alcohol.

Suppositories with propolis for prostatitis

For the treatment of prostatitis in initial stage You can use special candles with propolis, which you can make at home yourself.

To do this, take 50 g of crushed propolis and pour 50 mg of 96% ethyl alcohol. Infuse in a secluded place for 2 weeks, remembering to shake daily. After the expiration date, the propolis infusion is evaporated in a water bath until it acquires a brownish-yellow color and softens to the consistency of honey.

At the same time, melt 20 g of cocoa butter in a water bath and mix with 1 g of the resulting propolis. 10 are made from the resulting mass rectal suppositories and stored in the refrigerator. One suppository is administered rectally at night every day. Duration of use is 30-35 days. It is recommended to take 3-4 courses with an interval of 30-60 days between them.