Fordyce granules in women: photos, causes, treatment. Why do Fordyce granules appear on the lips and how to treat them

The reasons for the development of pathology have not been fully studied to this day. These granules are also known in medical terminology as “seborrheic cysts.” They do not pose a risk to human health. Cysts are not transmitted through household or sexual contact. Their presence only causes cosmetic inconvenience.

With seborrhea, the patient's sebum composition changes and stagnation occurs in the sebaceous glands, but with seborrheic cysts such changes are not observed. Therefore, it would be more correct to call the granules sebaceous rather than seborrheic. With seborrhea, stagnation in the ducts of the sebaceous glands causes the formation of cysts, which are very similar to the rash associated with Fordyce's disease.

Scientists have proven that puberty can trigger the formation of a rash. The sebaceous glands are located very close to the top layer of the skin, which leads to the appearance of small, light-colored rashes. At birth, a child’s sebaceous glands have a certain location, but at the time of puberty, the functional activity of the sweat glands increases under the influence of hormones and, as a result, sebum production increases. Such changes are visually manifested in the form of Fordyce granules.

Doctors identify another reason that can provoke the disease - hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland ducts. Fordyce granules are formed due to narrowing of the lumen in the sebaceous glands. As a result of this, the secret sebaceous gland accumulates, which subsequently leads to the growth of formations.

TO causal factors Fordyce's disease can be attributed to:

  • injury to the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • bad habits.

Many dermatologists are convinced that the formation of seborrheic spots can be caused by the development of an adrenal tumor or a hormonal disorder.

2 Types of granules

Fordyce granules come in 2 varieties. They may present as pearly papules or Fordyce's disease. Seborrheic spots or papules on the penis are considered normal. Pearlescent papules are observed in 30% of the male half of the population. As a rule, dense nodules form mainly at a young age. This rash does not cause discomfort and does not harm health. Seborrheic spots are not sexually transmitted.

The reasons for their formation are still not fully understood. Dermatologists identify 2 possible causes. Their appearance may be caused by excessive growth of the epithelium of the sebaceous glands of the penis. Or pearly papules can be caused by fibroplastic proliferation (growth) of areas of the upper layer of skin on the head of the penis.

As a rule, pearlescent papules appear in adolescents aged 13-17 years, when the amount of androgens in the blood sharply increases in the body. In countries where circumcision is practiced, the likelihood of seborrhea spots appearing on the penis is very low. This is due to the fact that during such a procedure, secretions and smegma, which irritate the epithelium of the penis and provoke the growth of areas of the epithelium, are more easily released.

Fordyce disease differs from pearlescent papules in that it is diagnosed only in women. Seborrheic spots form in the apocrine glands. This arrangement is due to the structure of the female urethra. Fox-Fordyce disease can be caused by endocrine disorders. The rash may be on the pubis, perineum, or labia majora. In some cases, small light-colored formations may be found on women's nipples or in the armpits.

Sometimes the rash can cause itchy skin, which can get worse during menstruation. Without treatment, the rash disappears spontaneously at the age of 40-45 years.

3 Symptoms and diagnosis

Fordyce granules appear most often on the lips. The rash is small, the nodules feel quite dense to the touch. They may have a white or yellowish tint. As a rule, such rashes are numerous and each nodule does not exceed 2 mm in diameter. They protrude no more than 1 mm above the surface of the skin.

These nodules most often do not cause any discomfort. Therefore, seborrheic cysts are considered to be only a cosmetic defect. But if there is skin itching or burning in the area of ​​the rash, doctors do not recommend scratching it. This will lead to the formation of wounds through which infection can enter. To avoid complications and worsening of the condition, you should consult a doctor when the first discomfort appears.

Many people make a grave mistake and try to get rid of nodules on their lips on their own by squeezing them out. It is strictly forbidden to do this, since when squeezing out the nodule, the thick yellow liquid does not completely come out. It is not possible to completely get rid of the rash this way. The only result that can be achieved by squeezing out the nodules is pinpoint bleeding around the edge of the lips. Such bleeding can further lead to the formation of a hematoma and significantly worsen the situation.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out during examination of the patient. To get complete clinical picture rash, the doctor takes a smear or performs a biopsy. Based on the results of the examination, other rashes similar to seborrheic cysts are excluded, for example, eczema, molluscum contagiosum, lichen ruber or neurodermatitis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor can prescribe treatment. If the rash is not accompanied by itching or burning, then no treatment is performed. In medical practice, there have not yet been recorded cases where Fordyce granules could degenerate into malignant tumor or cause great harm to human health.

Treatment is carried out only if the rash causes any discomfort in a person.

4 Traditional treatment

Drug treatment of the pathology is carried out with antihistamines and gels that relieve itching and burning. Retin-A cream has proven itself very well in the treatment of Fordyce granules. This drug is developed on an oil-water basis. Apply the drug to clean, dry skin in a thin layer 2 times a day. The cream should remain on the skin for at least 5-6 hours, after which the remaining product can be washed off with warm running water.

Small nodules soften under the influence of the cream and fall off on their own. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the scale of the lesion and the discomfort caused by the rash. After 2-3 procedures, a positive effect occurs. Full recovery occurs no earlier than 3-4 months.

Retin-A cream may cause side effects such as swelling, flaking, redness of the skin, blistering, or an allergic reaction. The drug is intended for external use. If it gets on the mucous membrane, the drug should be washed off generously with warm water.

Retin-A can come in the form of a lotion or solution. In this case, the drug should be applied to the affected areas of the skin using a cotton swab in the morning and evening.

Surgical treatment to remove seborrheic cysts is performed quite rarely, since it is considered very traumatic and painful.

Surgical operations leave scars on the skin and reduce the cosmetic effect to zero. Currently in progress surgical intervention not necessary as there are other effective treatments for Fordyce granules.

If drug treatment turned out to be ineffective, doctors use radical methods of treatment. Nodules can be removed using cryotherapy, electrocoagulation or laser therapy.

During cryotherapy, nodules and spots are removed under the influence of liquid nitrogen. It may take several sessions to completely eliminate the rash. After cryotherapy, small scars remain on the skin.

Electrocoagulation is considered a less traumatic procedure. In this case, the granules are removed under the action electric current high frequency.

Laser therapy is considered no less effective. During the procedure, the nodules are affected laser beam, which burns formations from the inside. The disadvantage of this procedure is its high cost. Radical ways Treatments are carried out under local anesthesia. Upon completion of the treatment session, the patient can go home the same day.

A few days after carrying out the above-described treatment methods, the granules become covered with a crust, and after some time they fall off. It is not recommended to pick off the crust or tear off the nodules yourself, as this can cause pinpoint bleeding and leave scars on healthy skin.

5 Traditional methods of therapy

Get rid of it with folk ways Treatment for seborrheic cysts is only possible if they are used in combination with drug therapy. At home, you can relieve inflammation in the armpits or genitals using a collection medicinal herbs or essential oils.

If the rash is accompanied by itching, you can prepare a soothing decoction based on chamomile flowers. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 200 ml water. Place the contents on the fire and bring the broth to a boil. Cool and strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Wipe the rash area with the decoction 2 times a day.

An infusion of St. John's wort and calamus root has a calming property. To prepare the recipe you need to take 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort and crushed calamus root. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the herbal mixture. Use the resulting raster to wipe the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

Will help neutralize the burning sensation essential oils fir, tea tree, grapefruit or lemon. Apply oils to clean, dry skin before bed. You can treat the rash areas with mustard oil 2 times a day. This procedure will help eliminate pain and relieve inflammation.

If during treatment the nodules darken and become yellow-gray or brown, then there is nothing to be afraid of. This means that the body is fighting the infection. Over time, the skin brightens and returns to its original appearance. If the rash has formed on the genitals, then during the treatment it is necessary to pay special attention rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to change your underwear frequently. During treatment it is better to abstain from sexual relations.

If the bubbles rupture on their own, then in order to avoid infection, it is necessary to treat the affected areas with an available antiseptic, for example, iodine, hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green.

You can get rid of rashes on your lips using an onion. To do this, you need to bake a small onion with honey in the oven. Apply the bulb to the affected areas as a compress for 15-20 minutes.

You can use jojoba oil in home treatment. Apply oil to spots and knots 2 times a day. This procedure can be carried out until the rash disappears completely. This method of treatment shows quick results with small granules.

You can prepare an ointment based on fir oil, honey and mummy tablets. To do this, melt 50 g of honey in a water bath. Then grind 5 mummy tablets in a coffee grinder to obtain a powder. Add powder to honey, a couple of drops of fir oil and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the rash areas twice a day.


The small rash in the form of whitish white dots is known under various names: Fordyce disease, Fox-Fordyce granules, Delbanco disease, seborrheic cysts. In fact, it is not even a disease, but rather an unpleasant cosmetic defect, which is expressed in the appearance of benign neoplasms in the tissues of the sebaceous glands. Most often, the rash forms in places where the skin is thin (lips, armpits, genitals).

Dermatologists classify Fordyce granules as a disease that does not cause complications, does not bother, does not cause harm to health and is not transmitted to another person. Moreover, this disease occurs in 35% of the female and 60% of the male population of the planet.

Reasons for appearance

The exact reasons for the appearance of Fordyce granules have not yet been established. Dermatologists are inclined to believe that changes in the tissues of the sebaceous glands are provoked by a combination of several factors:

  • injuries to the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • narrowing of the ducts, which leads to the accumulation of skin secretions and clogging of the glands;
  • hormonal changes in the body, excess production of androgens (puberty, hormonal imbalance, adrenal tumor, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • lack of personal hygiene.

Symptoms and signs

Fordyce granules on the lips look like dense small nodules of white or yellowish white. The diameter of such a “nodule” does not exceed 2 mm, and the height – 1 mm. In most cases, the rash is completely painless, occasionally accompanied by a feeling of itching. In such cases, the main thing is not to scratch the rash to prevent wounds from forming and becoming infected.

When pressing on the nodules, a thick liquid is occasionally released yellowish color. But such a procedure is categorically not recommended: you cannot get rid of the rash this way, and you can easily get pinpoint bleeding with hematomas around the lip border. Regular injuries to the delicate skin of the lips cause various inflammations and the appearance of scars, much more noticeable than Fordyce granules.

Diagnosis and treatment

Fordyce granules on the lips are not dangerous in themselves, no cases of malignant degeneration of formations were found. The disease has quite characteristic external symptoms and is easily diagnosed, but if there is the slightest doubt, smears and a biopsy should still be taken. For extensive rashes, you should differential diagnosis to exclude diseases such as neurodermatitis, eczema and molluscum contagiosum.

Although treatment is not always required (some patients do not even see a doctor without experiencing pain and discomfort), it is almost impossible to completely get rid of Fordyce granules. All alternative methods granule treatments have not yet been found effective.

Antihistamines and soothing gels will help relieve itching (in in rare cases the doctor may prescribe ointments with glucocorticoids). It is possible to stop the spread of the rash with the help of Retin-A or jojoba oil - regular use of these products prevents the appearance of new nodules. And you can only get rid of existing granules with the help of cosmetic surgery (laser, electrocoagulation, cryotherapy). But such methods are ineffective - they only remove external manifestations, and the lip border will soon again be “decorated” with unaesthetic nodules. However, such granules are successfully masked by lip tattooing, although this is rather a feminine way of solving the problem.

But there is also a comforting prognosis - after 30 years, the granules smooth out and gradually dissolve. Dermatologists believe that this is due to a natural age-related decrease in the production of sebaceous gland secretion and hormones.

Fordyce granules (or seborrheic cysts) are sebaceous glands that stand out above the skin level and look like small nodules (this is shown in the photo). Granules can form on the lips, around the nipples, and also on the genitals.

Fordyce granules are not a disease; their presence does not cause significant concern and does not affect general condition health. Also, the granules are not infectious and are not transmitted in any way.

We point out that the causes of Fordyce nodules have not yet been precisely determined. As noted above, Fordyce granules are otherwise called seborrheic cysts.

However, the granules have nothing directly to do with seborrhea, since their formation is not accompanied by changes in the composition of sebum and blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts.

It is believed that the underlying cause of Fordyce's formations is puberty, since the granules begin to develop mainly in adolescence.

The appearance of Fordyce's nodules is explained by the assumption of an atypical location of the sebaceous glands: they are located quite close to the upper layer of the skin.


If you carefully study the photo with Fordyce's nodes, you can see formations resembling millet grains in appearance, which are located on the lips, around the nipples, or on the skin of the genitals. As a rule, the rashes are quite numerous, but they do not cause any physical discomfort, much less pain.

If you press on the Fordyce granules, a white secret liquid, moderately thick, will begin to be released from them.

If the pressure is intense, slight bleeding may occur, followed by the formation of a hematoma.

How to treat?

Let us point out once again that Fordyce granules do not cause any physical discomfort. For this reason, treatment is not necessary at all. At the same time, being located on the lips, the granules interfere from an aesthetic point of view (this is clearly demonstrated by the photo).

How is small Fordyce lesions treated?

Removing existing Fordyce lesions and preventing the formation of new ones is possible using Retin-A cream or jojoba oil.

These products are applied directly to the place where the Fordyce granules are located. It is advisable to repeat the procedure 3-4 times throughout the day. The result will be noticeable, but it must be taken into account that it is not possible to eliminate Fordyce granules that formed a long time ago.

The granules located along the border of the lips can be disguised through permanent tattooing.

Radical treatment is also possible, involving the complete elimination of Fordyce nodules. In this case, treatment may be as follows:

  • cryotherapy. With this method, treatment is carried out by exposing Fordyce granules directly to liquid nitrogen;
  • electrocoagulation. This treatment involves removing formations using high-frequency currents;
  • laser therapy. Removal occurs using a laser.

The use of any of the listed methods initially entails the formation of crusts at the site of the removed cysts, which eventually fall off on their own.

In the rarest, one might say exceptional, cases, surgical intervention is used. But this method is quite traumatic and is associated with the formation of scars.

It should be noted that granules can also be removed using traditional medicine. One of the most effective ways is to use a special ointment, which is prepared as follows:

  1. 50 g of honey is heated in a water bath;
  2. mumiyo tablets ground into powder (1 g) are added to honey;
  3. You should also add a spoonful of boiled water to the mixture and leave in a water bath for 3-4 minutes.

Before applying the ointment to the Fordyce granules, these areas should be treated with fir oil: it is applied for 10 minutes and then washed off.

The ointment is also applied to the granules for 10 minutes. After approximately 12 treatments, the granules will disappear. But after about six months they usually appear again.

Thus, Fordyce granules, being an unpleasant cosmetic defect (and this is noticeable in the available photos), do not pose a health hazard. Therefore, their treatment is a matter that can be resolved exclusively by the carrier of the granules.

Fordyce granules(seborrheic cysts) are sebaceous glands that stand out above the skin level in the form of small nodules. Such granules can be located on the lips, on the genitals, and near the nipples.

The granules were named in honor of the scientist Ji. A. Fordyce, who first described these cysts.

Fordyce granules are not a disease, they do not cause the slightest concern, and cannot in any way affect the general state of health. They are not contagious and cannot be transmitted through any contact, including sexual contact.

Fordyce granules develop during adolescence.

The reasons that cause the formation of Fordyce granules are currently unclear. Although they are called “seborrheic cysts,” the granules have nothing to do with seborrhea. It would be more correct to call them sebaceous gland cysts, in which there is neither a change in the composition of sebum characteristic of nor a blockage of the sebaceous gland duct.

Since the formation of Fordyce granules is usually observed in adolescence, the main reason for their appearance is puberty. The appearance of seborrheic cysts should not cause concern, as this is considered one of the normal variants.

In people who develop Fordyce granules, the location of the sebaceous glands is not quite typical; they are located closer to the upper layer of the epidermis. Therefore, cysts appear during the period when sebum production occurs especially intensively.

Congenital cysts can also lead to the formation of seborrheic cysts. When the intensity of sebum production increases due to the narrowing of the duct, the secretion is not removed, but accumulates, forming a cyst.

Clinical picture

Fordyce granules resemble millet grains in appearance and are small and dense nodules located on the skin of the genitals, near the nipples or in the area of ​​the lip border. The rashes are most often numerous, they do not cause pain or cause any discomfort. Very similar nodules also form in diseases such as.

When you press on the nodule, a little thick white secretion may come out of it. With intense pressure, pinpoint bleeding and hematoma formation may occur.

There are two forms of Fordyce granules, these are:

  • Fox-Fordyce disease;

The appearance of pearly papules on the penis is not a sign of disease. Such papules are observed in about a third of men aged 14 to 30 years. Their presence does not cause harm to health, they are not contagious, and do not lead to complications.

Pearlescent papules appear during puberty.

This type of seborrheic cyst appears during puberty, and among peoples who practice circumcision, pearlescent papules are extremely rare. This is probably due to the fact that after circumcision, the removal of smegma and skin secretions is facilitated, so the growth of the sebaceous glands is not observed.

Fox-Fordyce disease causes the appearance of similar papules, only in women. The clinical picture is absolutely identical to pearlescent papules. In women, Fordyce granules appear in the locations of the apocrine glands - in the armpits, on the pubis, in the perineum, near the nipples on the chest. Sometimes Fordyce granules manifest themselves as mild itching, which may intensify in the period before the onset of menstruation.

The course of Fox-Fordyce disease is long, it usually goes away on its own by the age of 35-40.

Diagnostic methods

There are no specific diagnostic methods for determining Fordyce granules. A simple examination is usually sufficient to make a diagnosis. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the presence of diseases that have similar symptoms.

Seborrheic cysts must be differentiated from: skin lesions.


Since Fordyce granules do not cause any discomfort to patients, it is not necessary to treat them. Moreover, with age, as the intensity of the sebaceous glands decreases, they become less noticeable.

Squeezing Fordyce granules is contraindicated.

However, seborrheic cysts can create a serious cosmetic defect, especially if they are located on the lips. Therefore, the patient may want to get rid of them.

Under no circumstances should you try to remove Fordyce granules yourself by squeezing. It is impossible to get rid of rashes in this way, but there is a risk of inflammatory process and scarring, which is especially undesirable if Fordyce granules are located on the lips.

Information about the possibilities of therapeutic treatment of seborrheic cysts is currently quite contradictory. To prevent the appearance of new cysts and remove newly appeared granules, it is recommended to use jojoba oil or Retin-A cream.

These products are applied to the granule locations several times a day. However, to get rid of long-formed granules therapeutic methods fails.

Advice! If Fordyce granules are located along the border of the lips, then it is sufficient to successfully disguise this cosmetic defect by applying permanent tattooing along the contour of the lips.

As a radical treatment measure, we can recommend removing the granules using:

  1. Cryotherapy - granules are removed by exposing them to cold (liquid nitrogen).
  2. Electrocoagulation. In this case, high frequency currents are used to remove granules.
  3. Laser therapy. Using this technique, the granules are removed with a laser beam.

When using the methods described above, crusts first form in place of the removed granules, which after a while fall off on their own, leaving healthy skin underneath.

Surgical removal of seborrheic cysts is used extremely rarely, since this method is traumatic, so there is a risk of scar formation at the site of the granules, which will reduce the cosmetic effect of the operation to zero.

Treatment using traditional medicine methods

Mumiyo in tablets can be used for treatment.

If you want to get rid of Fordyce granules, you can use the recommendations traditional healers. To carry out the procedure you need to stock up on:

  • mumiyo in tablets;
  • honey;
  • fir oil.

First you need to prepare the ointment. Heat 50 grams of honey in a water bath, then add powder obtained from mumiyo tablets to it. The tablets can be crushed or ground in a coffee grinder. For the specified amount of honey you need to take 1 gram of mumiyo, that is, 5 tablets weighing 0.2 grams each. The mixture should be diluted with one spoon of boiled water and heated in a bathhouse for about 3 minutes. Pour the resulting ointment into a container that can be tightly closed.

Treatment of Fordyce granules should proceed as follows:

  1. Fir oil is applied to the location of the granules, wait 10 minutes and rinse off.
  2. Then the granules are lubricated with the prepared ointment, the composition is kept on the skin for 10 minutes, then washed off. It is enough to carry out 12-15 procedures. The effect of this treatment lasts for about six months, after which the granules appear again. In this case, the course can be repeated.


There is no way to prevent the formation of Fordyce granules, since seborrheic cysts are not considered a disease, but are a normal variant.

White spots on the lips under the skin are not always signs of illness. If they do not cause discomfort or itch, most likely this is a common cosmetic defect. Let's look at the main reasons for the appearance of white spots and consider methods of treating them.

White dots on the lips under the skin - what are they?

In dermatology, white spots under the skin of the lips have many names: Fox-Fordyce granules, seborrheic cysts, Fordyce's disease and Delbanco's disease. But is this a disease? According to the generally accepted decision of doctors, Fordyce granules are the norm, are not contagious, and do not cause complications in the functioning of the body. Such formations most often occur in the male half of humanity, but according to research, 35% of women are also susceptible to this disease.

Fordyce granules on the lips: causes and symptoms

The causes of white spots on the lips are still not fully understood. It is assumed that they appear as a consequence of such pathologies and external factors:

  • blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • period of puberty;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hyperplasia of sebaceous streams;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • smoking;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • soft tissue injuries.

Seborrheic cysts on the lips look like small dense pimples white or yellowish in color and slightly raised above the surface of the skin. They can be localized not only on the lips, but also on the genitals, nipples and armpits. The only discomfort a person experiences from such a disease is moral.

White dots on the lips under the skin: treatment methods

There is still no treatment that would give a 100% guarantee of the disappearance of Fordyce granules on the lips. All existing methods are mostly prevention with a short-term effect.

Medical intervention

Good clinical results have been shown by such drugs as Retin-A and jojoba oil. They prevent the formation of new granules and eliminate existing ones.

Many modern clinics offer to get rid of Fordyce disease using methods such as:

  • laser removal;
  • microcurrent electrocoagulation - exposure to alternating current on the affected areas of the lips;
  • cryotherapy - removal of white spots using liquid nitrogen.

All methods are absolutely painless and are performed under local anesthesia, but in 90% of cases relapse is possible after 3-4 years.

Another way to get rid of this unpleasant cosmetic defect can be lip tattooing. This simple procedure can be done in any beauty salon.

In medicine, there are also cases where white dots under the skin of the lips went away on their own due to age-related changes in the body.

Under no circumstances should you try to squeeze out white dots. It is impossible to get rid of them using this method, and the result can be the occurrence of inflammatory processes and the formation of scar tissue.

Traditional methods

It is also worth noting that treatment of white dots on the lips under the skin with folk remedies gives certain results. Let's look at the most effective methods:

  • Compress made from coltsfoot leaves and aloe. It needs to be applied 2 times a day. You will be able to achieve visible results in about a week.
  • Lamb fat. It must be melted in a water bath, applied to white spots and massaged for 30 minutes. The procedure must be done daily. The effect is achieved after the second use.
  • Propolis oil. It should be applied to the lips 2-3 times a day. It is sold at any pharmacy.
  • Shilajit-based ointment. The mummy tablet should be crushed in a mortar and mixed with melted liquid honey. Apply to the affected lip area for 10 minutes. Before applying the ointment, you can treat the granules with fir oil.
  • Onions. It needs to be coated with honey and baked in the oven. Used as a half-hour compress. To achieve certain results, you need to complete about 5 sessions.
  • Olive oil: 1 tsp. mix with 1-2 drops of vitamin E and jojoba oil and apply to whiteheads for 20 minutes. The mixture should be washed off with warm water.

Garlic-based ointment for the treatment of Fordyce granules:

  1. Peel 3 cloves of garlic and pass through a press.
  2. Add ½ tsp. vegetable oil and mix well.
  3. Apply to the affected area of ​​the lips using a cotton swab for about 1 month.

It is important to know that all of the above methods do not treat whiteheads under the skin, but only make them less noticeable.

Special recommendations for preventive measures There is no way to prevent the appearance of Fordyce granules on the lips. The only advice a dermatologist can give is to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and get rid of the harmful habit of smoking.

As it turned out, Fordyce granules cannot be considered a special disease, but rather, it is an ordinary cosmetic defect within normal limits. So is it worth removing whiteheads? medically or use folk remedies, it's up to you to decide. Or maybe you need to wait a little and after a while they will disappear on their own? Be healthy!

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Fordyce Spots, or cysts as they are otherwise called, are hyperplastic sebaceous glands that tend to form in those areas of the body where the skin is thinnest and most delicate. Most often they are localized on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity (in particular on the cheeks), on the lips, in the groin, directly on the genitals and on the nipples.

Such changes in the sebaceous glands were first described by the American dermatologist and syphilidologist John Addison Fordyce back in 1896. Hence the name that has now become generally accepted for them - Fordyce granules. True, carried out research scientists belonged to seborrheic cysts that formed on the lips and on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Modern doctors are increasingly faced with cases of cysts on the genitals.

Formations are considered one of the variants of the physiological norm, since they:

  • Completely benign;
  • Do not harm health;
  • Not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms;
  • Not transmitted during sexual contact or any other way.

This is why patients turn to specialized medical institutions only in cases where visible sebaceous glands (prominent sebaceous glands) represent a serious cosmetic defect and become a reason for a person to be dissatisfied with his appearance.

Fordyce granules: causes of occurrence

Despite the fact that the second name for Fordyce granules is seborrheic cysts, a violation of the neuroendocrine regulation of the function of the sebaceous glands and, as a consequence, excessive sebum secretion is by no means the cause of the appearance of these formations. For this reason, the name itself is considered not entirely correct (it would be more correct to use “sebaceous gland cysts”) and is the result of a somewhat erroneous translation.

The exact reasons that provoke changes in the sebaceous glands have not been identified at the moment. However, most doctors, based on the results of pathomorphological studies of tissues, believe that the prerequisite for the occurrence of cysts are various types of congenital disorders of the development of the sebaceous glands, leading to their displacement into the upper layer of the skin or to a change in their normal location (the location of the sebaceous glands in the area of ​​​​the border of the lips is considered abnormal , on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, etc.).

Another cause of Fordyce granules is considered to be hyperplasia of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, which provokes the appearance of cystic formations in them. Simply put, Fordyce granules develop in people who have excessive narrowing or blockage of the excretory ducts of the glands, accompanied by the accumulation of secretions (sebum) in them. By the way, it is quite possible that a change in the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, characteristic of seborrhea, can also potentially cause Fordyce granules, since it causes obstruction (blockage) of the glands and, as a result, a disruption of the normal outflow of secreted sebum.

Sebaceous gland cysts first appear in humans during adolescence, when the process of puberty begins, that is, approximately in the range from 13 to 17 years. Thus, it can be assumed that the process of formation of Fordyce granules proceeds in accordance with the following algorithm: during the period of intrauterine development in the fetus, for one reason or another, the formation of the sebaceous glands is disrupted; when the child reaches a certain age, under the influence steroid hormones, which are produced by the sex glands (the so-called androgen hormones), the glands begin to increase in size and actively produce sebum, resulting in their visualization.

Characteristic features of Fordyce granules

Externally, sebaceous gland cysts resemble small nodules (or papules) the size of a millet grain. As a rule, such rashes are numerous, widespread and not accompanied by pain (either at rest or when pressing on them). When pressing on the formation, in some cases a very small amount of liquid may be released from it, having a white-yellow tint and a rather thick consistency. However, more often than not, attempts to squeeze the contents out of Fordyce granules end in small dots and development in the area of ​​skin surrounding the damaged papule.

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Doctors are categorical in their prohibitions on self-removal of Fordyce granules, since this, firstly, is very painful, and secondly, provokes inflammatory processes and scarring of the skin. This is especially true in cases where the cysts are localized in the lip border area.

Types of Fordyce granules

There are two types of sebaceous gland cysts. The first is pearlescent penile papules. The second is Fox-Fordyce disease.

Pearly papules on the shaft of the penis are considered as one of the variants of the physiological norm. Approximately one third of the male population in the world has this type of formation. age group from 14 to 30 years. It is noted that they are practically never found among representatives of nationalities who practice circumcision. Doctors suggest that this is due to the fact that circumcision greatly facilitates the process of discharge of smegma and secretions located in the skin of the glands.

Fox-Fordyce disease, unlike pearlescent papules, occurs in the vast majority of cases (up to 90%) in women. This variety of Fordyce granules results from damage to the apocrine sweat glands, which are somewhat connected to the genitourinary system. Quite often, formations appear on one particular area of ​​the skin, and their clinical manifestations are in many ways similar to the symptoms inherent in neurodermatitis. The process stretches for for many years and, as a rule, spontaneously stops after forty years.

Treatment of Fordyce granules

Unfortunately, there are currently no effective methods for treating Fordyce granules. The use of jojoba oil and Retina-A is recommended as a means to restrain the further development of the process. These products help remove Fordyce granules that are already present and prevent the formation of new ones. Similar drugs are able to act predominantly on fresh cysts.

Video: Penile Pearly Papule Treatment / Fordyce Spots on Penis / Electrical Removal Of Genital Spots

Laser removal of Fordyce granules is performed at the request of the patient if they represent a serious cosmetic defect, but in four out of five cases the process recurs. The main methods of removal are electrocoagulation or cryotherapy.

Treatment of Fordyce granules large size, as well as formations classified as outdated, is carried out through their surgical removal. In this case, the skin over the papule is opened, the wen itself is peeled out, and the bleeding is stopped with the help of an electrocoagulant. The edges of the operated area are sutured with special materials.

Fordyce granules or seborrheic cysts are the sebaceous glands that appear in the form of light pimples on the skin of the genital organs (labia, penis), in the groin, on the nipples, in the lip area, on the mucous membrane of the mouth.

The name of the granules comes from the name of the scientist J. A. Fordyce, who described these cysts in 1896.

Fordyce granules do not cause harm to human health, are not transmitted through any type of contact (including sexual contact) and are generally considered a normal variant. In most cases, patients seek help only if seborrheic cysts represent a cosmetic defect.

Causes of Fordyce granules

The causes of Fordyce granules are still not clearly understood.

There is also no connection with seborrhea; the name “seborrheic cysts” is rather a translation defect. It would be more correct to call Fordyce granules sebaceous gland cysts. With seborrhea, patients experience a change in the composition of sebum, which leads to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct and the formation of a cyst similar in appearance appearance onto Fordyce granules.

Puberty usually gives rise to the appearance of seborrheic cysts. The main opinion of scientists is that the cause of Fordyce granules is that the sebaceous glands in these people are located somewhat ectopically (closer than normal to the upper layer of the dermis and epidermis) or abnormally: on the border of the lips, oral mucosa, etc. . From birth, a child has peculiarities in the structure and location of the sebaceous glands. During puberty (13-17 years), under the influence of sex hormones (mostly androgens - male sex hormones), the activity of the sebaceous glands increases: sebum production increases, which leads to the visible appearance and is the cause of Fordyce granules.

This group of people also has hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland ducts. In connection with this, cysts often form in them (due to narrowing of the lumen of the duct and obturation with sebum). The secretion of the sebaceous gland is not excreted, but accumulates inside the cyst, which leads to an increase in the size of the Fordyce granule and a visible cosmetic defect.

What do Fordyce granules look like?

Fordyce granules look like small (approximately 1-2 mm) yellowish specks or yellow-white papules (small nodules) located near the border of the lips, on the oral mucosa, in the area of ​​the shaft of the penis, or on the skin of the labia majora. Cysts are painless and often numerous. When pressing on the granules, a small amount of thick yellow-white content may be released, after which pinpoint bleeding occurs with the formation of a hematoma around the previous element.

Types of Fordyce granules

There are 2 types of Fordyce granules:

  • pearly penile papules;
  • Fox-Fordyce disease.
  • Pearly penile papules are a normal variant. According to various authors, they occur in 30% of young men. They do not cause harm to health, are not sexually transmitted, and do not cause complications. In medicine this problem has been little studied due to doctors’ lack of awareness of the presence of this manifestation. Effective treatment not offered.

    The reason for the appearance of this type of Fordyce granules is also not clear. Some authors consider the cause to be excessive proliferation of the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the glands of the penis. Others are inclined to think about fibroplastic proliferation of areas of the epithelium of the glans penis.

    Pearly penile papules appear during puberty and indicate a sharp increase in androgens in the blood. Among peoples who practice circumcision, the incidence of these papules is extremely low. This is due to the fact that increased amount secretion and smegma, which irritate the epithelium of the penis due to their physical and chemical properties and cause fibroplastic proliferation (growth), are more easily released during hygiene procedures.

    Fox-Fordyce disease is an analogue of pearly papules, only in women. Her clinic is absolutely identical to the clinic of pearly penile papules. The lesion is localized in the apocrine sweat glands and is associated (to some extent) with the genitourinary system. Endocrine origin is suspected. Localization of the rash: on the pubis, in the armpits, on the perineum, on the labia majora and around the nipples. It appears more often than moderate skin itching, worse during menstruation. The course of the disease is long, often spontaneously resolving by the age of 40.

    Read also:

    What is it necessary to differentiate Fordyce granules from?

    Fordyce granules, as well as their varieties (pearly penile papules and Fox-Fordyce disease) must be distinguished from:

  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • lichen planus;
  • chronic focal eczema.
  • None additional methods diagnostics for making a diagnosis except external examination and exclusion of other diseases is not required.

    Currently all information about successful treatment Fordyce granules are controversial and anecdotal.

    Jojoba oil and Retin-A cream are used. When used, fresh Fordyce granules are removed and the formation of new ones is prevented.

    Old Fordyce granules are treated more successfully by laser cauterization: electrocoagulation or cryotherapy. Surgical removal Fordyce granules are practically not used, but they are the most radical method. Self-removal of Fordyce granules by squeezing is absolutely unacceptable. Such “treatment” can lead to the formation of inflammation with further scarring of the skin.

    Around the border of the lips, cosmetic treatment of Fordyce granules consists of permanent tattooing, because in some cases, this localization is a cosmetic defect.

    By the age of 30, most elements lose their brightness and prominence and become less noticeable. This is due to the extinction of the activity of the sebaceous glands and a decrease in the level of sex hormones.

    Why do Fordyce granules appear on the lips and other parts of the body, how to treat them at home

    1 Causes of pathology

    The reasons for the development of pathology have not been fully studied to this day. These granules are also known in medical terminology as “seborrheic cysts.” They do not pose a risk to human health. Cysts are not transmitted through household or sexual contact. Their presence only causes cosmetic inconvenience.

    Scientists have proven that puberty can trigger the formation of a rash. The sebaceous glands are located very close to the top layer of the skin, which leads to the appearance of small, light-colored rashes. At birth, a child’s sebaceous glands have a certain location, but at the time of puberty, the functional activity of the sweat glands increases under the influence of hormones and, as a result, sebum production increases. Such changes are visually manifested in the form of Fordyce granules.

    Doctors identify another cause that can trigger the disease - hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland ducts. Fordyce granules are formed due to narrowing of the lumen in the sebaceous glands. As a result, the secretion of the sebaceous gland accumulates, which subsequently leads to the growth of formations.

  • injury to the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • bad habits.
  • Many dermatologists are convinced that the formation of seborrheic spots can be caused by the development of an adrenal tumor or a hormonal disorder.

    2 Types of granules

    Fordyce granules come in 2 varieties. They may present as pearly papules or Fordyce's disease. Seborrheic spots or papules on the penis are considered normal. Pearlescent papules are observed in 30% of the male half of the population. As a rule, dense nodules form mainly at a young age. This rash does not cause discomfort and does not harm health. Seborrheic spots are not sexually transmitted.

    The reasons for their formation are still not fully understood. Dermatologists identify 2 possible causes. Their appearance may be caused by excessive growth of the epithelium of the sebaceous glands of the penis. Or pearly papules can be caused by fibroplastic proliferation (growth) of areas of the upper layer of skin on the head of the penis.

    As a rule, pearlescent papules appear in adolescents aged 13-17 years, when the amount of androgens in the blood sharply increases in the body. In countries where circumcision is practiced, the likelihood of seborrhea spots appearing on the penis is very low. This is due to the fact that during such a procedure, secretions and smegma, which irritate the epithelium of the penis and provoke the growth of areas of the epithelium, are more easily released.

    Fordyce disease differs from pearlescent papules in that it is diagnosed only in women. Seborrheic spots form in the apocrine glands. This arrangement is due to the structure of the female urethra. Fox-Fordyce disease can be caused by endocrine disorders. The rash may be on the pubis, perineum, or labia majora. In some cases, small light-colored formations may be found on women's nipples or in the armpits.

    Sometimes the rash can cause itchy skin, which can get worse during menstruation. Without treatment, the rash disappears spontaneously at the age of 40-45 years.

    3 Symptoms and diagnosis

    Fordyce granules appear most often on the lips. The rash is small, the nodules feel quite dense to the touch. They may have a white or yellowish tint. As a rule, such rashes are numerous and each nodule does not exceed 2 mm in diameter. They protrude no more than 1 mm above the surface of the skin.

    These nodules most often do not cause any discomfort. Therefore, seborrheic cysts are considered to be only a cosmetic defect. But if there is skin itching or burning in the area of ​​the rash, doctors do not recommend scratching it. This will lead to the formation of wounds through which infection can enter. To avoid complications and worsening of the condition, you should consult a doctor when the first discomfort appears.

    Many people make a grave mistake and try to get rid of nodules on their lips on their own by squeezing them out. It is strictly forbidden to do this, since when squeezing out the nodule, the thick yellow liquid does not completely come out. It is not possible to completely get rid of the rash this way. The only result that can be achieved by squeezing out the nodules is pinpoint bleeding around the edge of the lips. Such bleeding can further lead to the formation of a hematoma and significantly worsen the situation.

    Diagnosis of the disease is carried out during examination of the patient. To obtain a complete clinical picture of the rash, the doctor takes a smear or performs a biopsy. Based on the results of the examination, other rashes similar to seborrheic cysts are excluded, for example, eczema, molluscum contagiosum, lichen ruber or neurodermatitis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor can prescribe treatment. If the rash is not accompanied by itching or burning, then no treatment is performed. In medical practice, there have not yet been recorded cases in which Fordyce granules could degenerate into a malignant tumor or cause great harm to human health.

    Treatment is carried out only if the rash causes any discomfort in a person.

    4 Traditional treatment

    Drug treatment of the pathology is carried out with antihistamines and gels that relieve itching and burning. Retin-A cream has proven itself very well in the treatment of Fordyce granules. This drug is developed on an oil-water basis. Apply the drug to clean, dry skin in a thin layer 2 times a day. The cream should remain on the skin for at least 5-6 hours, after which the remaining product can be washed off with warm running water.

    Small nodules soften under the influence of the cream and fall off on their own. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the scale of the lesion and the discomfort caused by the rash. After 2-3 procedures, a positive effect occurs. Full recovery occurs no earlier than 3-4 months.

    Retin-A cream may cause side effects such as swelling, flaking, redness of the skin, blistering, or an allergic reaction. The drug is intended for external use. If it gets on the mucous membrane, the drug should be washed off generously with warm water.

    Retin-A can come in the form of a lotion or solution. In this case, the drug should be applied to the affected areas of the skin using a cotton swab in the morning and evening.

    Surgical treatment to remove seborrheic cysts is performed quite rarely, since it is considered very traumatic and painful.

    Surgical operations leave scars on the skin and reduce the cosmetic effect to zero. Currently, surgery is not necessary because there are other effective treatments for Fordyce granules.

    If drug treatment is ineffective, doctors use radical methods of treatment. Nodules can be removed using cryotherapy, electrocoagulation or laser therapy.

    During cryotherapy, nodules and spots are removed under the influence of liquid nitrogen. It may take several sessions to completely eliminate the rash. After cryotherapy, small scars remain on the skin.

    Electrocoagulation is considered a less traumatic procedure. In this case, the granules are removed under the influence of high frequency electric current.

    Laser therapy is considered no less effective. During the procedure, a laser beam is applied to the nodules, which burns the formations from the inside. The disadvantage of this procedure is its high cost. Radical treatment methods are carried out under local anesthesia. Upon completion of the treatment session, the patient can go home the same day.

    A few days after carrying out the above-described treatment methods, the granules become covered with a crust, and after some time they fall off. It is not recommended to pick off the crust or tear off the nodules yourself, as this can cause pinpoint bleeding and leave scars on healthy skin.

    5 Traditional methods of therapy

    It is possible to get rid of seborrheic cysts using traditional methods of treatment only if they are used in combination with drug therapy. At home, you can relieve inflammation in the armpits or genitals by collecting medicinal herbs or essential oils.

    If the rash is accompanied by itching, you can prepare a soothing decoction based on chamomile flowers. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 200 ml water. Place the contents on the fire and bring the broth to a boil. Cool and strain through cheesecloth or a sieve. Wipe the rash area with the decoction 2 times a day.

    An infusion of St. John's wort and calamus root has a calming property. To prepare the recipe you need to take 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort and crushed calamus root. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the herbal mixture. Use the resulting raster to wipe the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

    Essential oils of fir, tea tree, grapefruit or lemon will help neutralize the burning sensation. Apply oils to clean, dry skin before bed. You can treat the rash areas with mustard oil 2 times a day. This procedure will help eliminate pain and relieve inflammation.

    If during the treatment the nodules darken and become yellow-gray or brown, then there is nothing to be afraid of. This means that the body is fighting the infection. Over time, the skin brightens and returns to its original appearance. If the rash has formed on the genitals, then during the treatment process it is necessary to pay special attention to the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary to change your underwear frequently. During treatment it is better to abstain from sexual relations.

    If the bubbles rupture on their own, then in order to avoid infection, it is necessary to treat the affected areas with an available antiseptic, for example, iodine, hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green.

    You can get rid of rashes on your lips using an onion. To do this, you need to bake a small onion with honey in the oven. Apply the bulb to the affected areas as a compress for 15-20 minutes.

    You can use jojoba oil in home treatment. Apply oil to spots and knots 2 times a day. This procedure can be carried out until the rash disappears completely. This method of treatment shows quick results with small granules.

    You can prepare an ointment based on fir oil, honey and mummy tablets. To do this, melt 50 g of honey in a water bath. Then grind 5 mummy tablets in a coffee grinder to obtain a powder. Add powder to honey, a couple of drops of fir oil and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the rash areas twice a day.

    And a little about secrets.

    Have you ever had problems with Itching and irritation. Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you have a lot of experience. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

    Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? Is it possible to endure? How much money have you already spent on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end them! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an interview with Elena Malysheva. in which she reveals in detail the secret why itchy skin and how to deal with it. Read the article.

    What are Fordyce granules and is treatment required?

    Fordyce granules (Fox-Fordyce disease) are sebaceous glands that appear as light pimples on the skin surface of the groin, genitals (on foreskin and labia, on the testicles), on the lips, nipples, and oral mucosa. They are also called seborrheic cysts. Experts assure that the disease is not transmitted through contact, does not harm health and is not considered a serious pathology, but is considered the norm.

    Owners of Fordyce granules are usually forced to go to the doctor by a cosmetic defect, which, as can be seen in the photo, they present, especially on the lips. Seborrheic cysts come in two varieties: Fox-Fordyce syndrome and pearlescent papules on the shaft of the penis and on the foreskin. The latter option is considered normal and is observed in a third of young men. The syndrome is an analogue of the previous form, only it is female in nature, that is, it is observed on the labia, pubis, around the nipples, armpits, and lips.


    Although Fordyce granules are called seborrheic cysts, there is nothing in common between these pathological conditions. Seborrhea is manifested by characteristic changes in the composition of sebum, as a result of which the sebaceous glandular ducts become clogged and cysts similar to the disease appear. And with this pathology, the composition of sebum does not change at all, so it would be more accurate to call them nothing more than cysts of the sebaceous glands.

    In general, the causes of the formation of Fordyce granules on the labia or testicles have not been definitively identified, while the causes of epididymitis are bacterial infections. The impetus for their formation is usually puberty. In addition, the disease can develop against the background of congenital hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands. With increased sebum production, the gland ducts narrow and the resulting secretion cannot come out, as a result of which the accumulation of secretion forms into a cyst.

    According to another assumption, the reasons for the formation of seborrheic cysts on the lips and other places are due to the atypical location of the sebaceous glands, when they are located closer to the upper epidermal layer. That is why, during periods of intense sebum production, typical signs of the disease appear on the lips, foreskin, testicles and labia.

    Experts say that the formation of such granules is often influenced by factors such as smoking, neglect of hygiene and hormonal disorders. An interesting fact is that such Fordyce granules are found extremely rarely in men practicing circumcision. Experts associate this phenomenon with the simplification of the removal of skin secretions and smegma, as a result of which the sebaceous glands do not have a tendency to pathological growth.

    Clinical manifestations of seborrheic cysts

    Looking at the photo, it can be noted that Fordyce granules are similar in appearance to millet grains and they are usually formed in numerous clusters. Similar nodules can be found on the lips, foreskin, testicles, etc. As a rule, such nodules do not cause physiological discomfort, only a cosmetic defect if localized on the face. When pressed, a thick secret white mass is released from it. After which slight bleeding may begin and a hematoma may form. Doctors do not advise squeezing out seborrheic cysts, as there is a risk of infection and subsequent inflammation of the granules, and then scar formation.

    In general, the pathology does not cause any noticeable discomfort in its owners, although an unpleasant itching sensation may occur. In women, this phenomenon may increase in intensity during menstrual bleeding. The main condition for burning Fordyce granules is to refuse to scratch them, since scratching may cause some infection to get into the microwounds, which will aggravate the condition. Judging by the photo, Fordyce granules have small sizes(about 0.1-0.2 cm). The disease formation syndrome lasts for a long time, but, according to doctors, after 40 such nodular rashes spontaneously disappear.

    There is no specific diagnosis for seborrheic cysts. For an experienced doctor, a visual examination of the rash is usually enough, as well as excluding pathologies that have similar symptoms(for example, molluscum contagiosum, neurodermatitis, lichen ruber, chronic eczema, etc.). If a specialist finds it difficult to make a diagnosis, a biopsy or smear may be required.


    According to experts, if Fordyce granules do not cause any discomfort or inconvenience, then their treatment is not a mandatory measure. In addition, observations show that such problems disappear spontaneously by about 40 years of age, or become less noticeable. If the disease causes a cosmetic defect, for example, when it is localized on the face, treatment becomes necessary.

    Self-treatment of seborrheic cysts by squeezing is ineffective and is fraught with complications of inflammatory processes and scar formation. And scars, especially on the lips, will be more noticeable than the Fordyce granules that preceded them.

    Treatment with medications is usually not used because there is no reliable data on the effectiveness of such therapy. Patients are often advised to apply Retin-A cream or jojoba oil to the affected area. Similar treatment very successfully eliminates fresh rashes and prevents the occurrence of new ones. If such pimples formed a long time ago, then effective method will be deleted.

    Removal is carried out using cryotherapy, laser removal or electrocoagulation. But observations have shown that over time, Fordyce granules form again in most patients. Sometimes permanent makeup (tattoo) is applied to the area around the lips. In very rare cases, removal of such rashes is carried out surgically.


    Attention, more photos 18+

    Fordyce disease

    Fordyce granules on the lips are rarely recognized as a full-fledged disease, preferring to classify the pathology as a cosmetic defect. Often, a small scattering of neoplasms appears in those areas of the body where the skin is as thin and rich as possible a large number sebaceous glands.

    They become clogged with excess sebaceous secretions, causing psychological rather than physical discomfort. Doctors assure that the disease is not contagious, is relatively easy to treat and does not provoke any complications in terms of general health.

    Where do Fordyce granules on the lips come from?

    If you believe the statistics, Fordyce's disease is quite common, especially among adolescent boys. At least once in their lives, it is diagnosed in 35% of all women in the world, and 60% of men.

    The most interesting thing is that doctors do not know the true causes of gland blockage; they only assume that this is a consequence of the combined influence of the following factors:

  • smoking;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene;
  • narrowing of the ducts, which provokes stagnation of skin secretions and blockage of the glands;
  • injury to the excretory ducts;
  • hormonal changes in the body, in particular, excessive production of androgens.
  • Symptoms of the disease

    Blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands is noticeable by the formation of small, whitish or yellowish nodules, the diameter of which does not exceed a couple of millimeters.

    Abundant rashes do not itch or itch, do not hurt and do not cause any discomfort other than psychological. But all this is true for the case when a person does not try to get rid of tumors at home by squeezing them out, cauterizing them and combing them.

    Treating Fordyce granules by squeezing them out is not a safe solution to the problem. No, there won’t be more of them, and they won’t develop into a malignant tumor either, but they will leave behind numerous hematomas and scars, inflamed scars and other “beauty”.

    Traditional therapy

    If you start the disease, relying on its safety, the nodules often remain for life, even if, in the end, their treatment was started. In such a situation, all that remains is to rely on the power of permanent tattooing, masking the nodules located along the contour of the lips.

    Complete elimination of formations is possible thanks to salon procedures such as:

    • cryotherapy, according to which areas of blocked ducts are treated with liquid nitrogen, in other words, frozen;
    • electrocoagulation, in which the treatment of Fordyce’s disease, “located” on the lips, is carried out through local exposure to high-frequency currents;
    • laser therapy.
    • Please note that any procedure leads to the appearance of crusts, which dry out and fall off as the tissue heals. It is extremely rare that nodules are removed surgically, which leaves unpleasant-looking scars on the lips.

      Drug treatment

      Seborrheic cysts, which doctors consider as a consequence of quitting smoking, stop spreading thanks to constant treatment of the affected areas of the skin with jojoba oil or a drug called Retin-A.

      Dermatologists “reassure” patients with this diagnosis by the fact that after the age of thirty, the nodules resolve on their own, which is explained by a decrease in the intensity of the secretory activity of the glands and the stabilization of hormonal levels.

      Treatment of Fordyce granules at home

      Treatment carried out at home and not involving the use of medications is considered by doctors to be ineffective. Again, each person’s body reacts to folk remedies in its own way, so you can try to get rid of the problem at home. There will definitely be no harm from treatment with traditional methods.

      The most popular home remedies for Fordyce disease are:

    1. apply an onion baked with honey in the oven to the affected area, lubricate the nodules with the juice released when preparing the “medicine”;
    2. for 10 min. apply fir oil to the tubercles;
    3. make an oil tincture of propolis and treat your lips with it three times a day;
    4. crush the mummy tablet, mix with a teaspoon of liquid honey, and for 10 minutes. Apply to affected areas of skin.

    Over the past few years, the number of cases of diagnosing this disease has increased several times. Moreover, it applies to both a person quitting smoking and someone who is not at all familiar with cigarette smoke. Most likely, it’s time to add poor ecology and poor quality of food consumed to the causes of pathology.

    Despite this prevalence, they are still in no hurry to classify the disease as serious, developing a specific treatment regimen or special medications for it.

    Fordyce granules on lips

    Minor rash in the form of whitish white dots is known under different names: Fordyce disease, Fox-Fordyce granules, Delbanco disease, seborrheic cysts. In fact, it is not even a disease, but rather an unpleasant cosmetic defect, which is expressed in the appearance of benign neoplasms in the tissues of the sebaceous glands. Most often, the rash forms in places where the skin is thin (lips, armpits, genitals).

    Dermatologists classify Fordyce granules as a disease that does not cause complications, does not bother, does not cause harm to health and is not transmitted to another person. Moreover, this disease occurs in 35% of the female and 60% of the male population of the planet.

    Reasons for appearance

    The exact reasons for the appearance of Fordyce granules have not yet been established. Dermatologists are inclined to believe that changes in the tissues of the sebaceous glands are provoked by a combination of several factors:

  • injuries to the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • narrowing of the ducts, which leads to the accumulation of skin secretions and clogging of the glands;
  • hormonal changes in the body, excessive production of androgens (puberty, hormonal imbalance, adrenal tumor, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • lack of personal hygiene.
  • Symptoms and signs

    Fordyce granules on the lips look like dense small nodules of white or yellow-white color. The diameter of such a “nodule” does not exceed 2 mm, and the height – 1 mm. In most cases, the rash is completely painless, occasionally accompanied by a feeling of itching. In such cases, the main thing is not to scratch the rash to prevent wounds from forming and becoming infected.

    When pressing on the nodules, a thick yellowish liquid is occasionally released. But such a procedure is categorically not recommended: you cannot get rid of the rash this way, and you can easily get pinpoint bleeding with hematomas around the lip border. Regular injuries to the delicate skin of the lips cause various inflammations and the appearance of scars, much more noticeable than Fordyce granules.

    Fordyce granules on lips

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Fordyce granules on the lips are not dangerous in themselves. no cases of malignant degeneration of formations were found. The disease has quite characteristic external symptoms and is easily diagnosed, but if there is the slightest doubt, smears and a biopsy should still be taken. In case of extensive rashes, differential diagnosis should be carried out to exclude diseases such as neurodermatitis, eczema and molluscum contagiosum.

    Although treatment is not always required (some patients do not even see a doctor without experiencing pain and discomfort), it is almost impossible to completely get rid of Fordyce granules. All alternative treatments for granules have not yet been found effective.

    Antihistamines and soothing gels will help relieve itching (in rare cases, the doctor may prescribe ointments with glucocorticoids). It is possible to stop the spread of the rash with the help of Retin-A or jojoba oil - regular use of these products prevents the appearance of new nodules. And you can only get rid of existing granules with the help of cosmetic surgery (laser, electrocoagulation, cryotherapy). But such methods are ineffective - they only remove external manifestations, and the border of the lips will soon again be “decorated” with unaesthetic nodules. However, such granules are successfully masked by lip tattooing, although this is rather a feminine way of solving the problem.

    But there is also a comforting prognosis - after 30 years, the granules smooth out and gradually dissolve. Dermatologists believe that this is due to a natural age-related decrease in the production of sebaceous gland secretion and hormones.

    What are Fordyce granules, symptoms, treatment

    Origin of seborrheic cysts

    Not currently unified theory the origin of Fordyce granules, however, there are assumptions as to the reasons for their occurrence:

    Therapy at home

    Self-treatment of the disease is possible using traditional methods. Their use is painless. It is most effective to use traditional methods in initial stage formation of granules.

    To get rid of cysts, cream for external use “Retin-A” based on retinoic acid is applied with a finger or a cotton swab to a previously cleaned area of ​​skin in a thin layer and left for 3-4 hours or overnight. When processing closed granules, it promotes their transition to open forms, which then heal without scarring after the keratin plug breaks through. The product prevents the appearance of fresh formations. Avoid contact of the cream with mucous membranes.

    Another recipe requires more careful preparation. You need to make your own ointment. One or two grams of dry mummy in the form of tablets or powder should be mixed with a tablespoon of heated honey and a tablespoon of clean boiled water. Before applying the resulting ointment, the skin is treated with an antiseptic.

    Surgical methods

    More radical methods of removing Fordyce granules are laser surgery, cryotherapy or electrocoagulation treatment.

    Laser surgery is a method of performing operations that involves removing or cauterizing small areas of tissue with minimal damage.

    Cryotherapy literally translates as cold treatment. The effect of this procedure is based on the body's reactions to hypothermia of the outer layer of skin.

    The most common method for removing cosmetic skin defects is electrocoagulation, or electrodestruction. The essence of the method is the excision of tissue with an electric knife and simultaneous coagulation of blood vessels, which promotes the formation of a thin crust and rapid healing of the wound, and prevents the appearance of a rough scar. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not cause pain.

    Seborrheic cysts may smooth out or completely disappear by the age of 30-40. Dermatologists believe this is due to age characteristics the body, since the amount of hormones and the formation of sebum are reduced.

    Girls can get rid of such a cosmetic defect with lip tattooing, but this method is not suitable for everyone.

    To avoid rapid relapses, you should follow the rules intimate hygiene, use linen made from natural fabrics, such as cotton. However, it is difficult to enter a state of stable remission for long years.

    White spots on lips

    Many adult men and women have discovered some white formations on the skin of their lips. As a rule, they do not cause discomfort to the owner and are not visible to the interlocutor, but you always want to know the reasons for the white formations on the lips of an adult. Many doctors believe that changes in the oral cavity are a direct reflection of internal diseases and pathology of internal organs. For example, whitish plaque can be caused by gastrointestinal dysfunction, helminthic intoxication or metabolic disorders.

    Causes of formations on the lips

    Treatment of the disease

    Oral candidiasis

    If the reason is internal changes in the body (digestive problems, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, pregnancy), then you should contact highly specialized doctors. When the problem is eliminated, its symptoms, which include various rashes in the mouth, will also disappear. If you have a lack of iron, add more green vegetables and fruits, garden herbs, biological supplements And vitamin complexes. You can take special women's vitamins, which have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

    If the white spots on the lips are temporary and caused by changes in the skin, smoking, dry lips in winter, etc. then treatment may be local in nature.

    For example, disturbing points can be lubricated with D-Panthenol or Vaseline to speed up healing and soften the area.

    You can also secure a fresh cut of Kalanchoe or aloe to the area using a plaster. Leave the natural compress for several hours, then replace it with a fresh one. Perform treatment for a week, 2 times a day.

    Under no circumstances should you lubricate white spots with iodine or brilliant green, alcohol, or peroxide. These drugs dry out the mucous membranes greatly and can cause severe burns and even the formation of unsightly scars.

    If white stains and inclusions appear against the background of hypothermia, drying out and cracking of teeth, then before going out into the cold you should lubricate your lips with wax, aloe juice or hygienic moisturizing lipstick.

    Sometimes small pimples on the skin of the lips, resembling wen, quickly resolve after massage with a toothbrush or fingers. In this case, you can use fatty essential oil - coconut, olive, flaxseed, grape, castor, etc. The oil will also help quickly heal cracks and wounds around the lips.

    People who smoke often complain of the appearance of whitish or yellowish spots in the mucous membrane of the lips. As a rule, they are not accompanied by other symptoms and do not bring discomfort to the owner, however, they have an unaesthetic appearance. You can remove such a cosmetic defect using whitening masks based on lemon, cucumber or clay. Mineral cosmetics also effectively combat them.

    Laser therapy is sometimes used to treat white rash on the lips. Doctor with help laser radiation polishes the skin and seals the capillaries, making the procedure bloodless, painless and very fast (up to 5 minutes).

    From cosmetic procedures Chemical peeling and scrubbing with natural acids are also effective.

    If the appearance of dots is associated with chronic processes, they grow, increase in volume, gain fluid, burn, itch and cause discomfort, then only a doctor can help get rid of the disease. Do not get carried away with traditional and home medicine, but make an appointment with a specialist as soon as possible.

    Fordyce disease

    As we mentioned earlier, Fordyce's disease is not fully understood by medicine. The white spots on the lip in this case are called “granules”, and the nature of their appearance is unknown. There are only factors that may provoke the occurrence of pathology.

    In this case, formations on the mucous membrane do not cause discomfort, do not itch, burn, cut, hurt, crack, or cause peeling, irritation or drying out of the mucous membrane. In medicine, this disease is considered almost normal.

    Whitish granules are not transmitted by contact through a carrier or household appliances, that is, the pathology is not contagious. There were also no cases of intoxication or complications associated with the disease.

    The only drawback of Fordyce's disease is the aesthetic appearance of the spots, as well as the slight discomfort that occurs in special cases.

    Statistics indicate that more than half of men and a third of women suffer from this disease. In females, the granules resemble semolina, which appears in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the lips. In men, they are located on the lips, but can appear on the mucous membrane of the penis, resembling papules in appearance. But even this arrangement of whitish formations is not considered by doctors to be a disease.

    So why do these white spots on the lips occur? Doctors call it the most main reason disruption of the structure of the sebaceous glands. The glands normally lie far under the skin and are not visually noticeable. But sometimes they change position, moving closer to the epidermis. This is accompanied by a violation of their functions; skin secretions are produced many times faster and in large volumes. When it accumulates on the surface of the pores, the glands shrink and small cysts of sorts appear - those light spots that we see on our lips.

    More than half of men and a third of women suffer from Fordyce disease

    What factors contribute to this process:

  • hereditary predisposition(the glands are initially shifted closer to the epidermis, so sebum is produced in large volumes and leads to the formation of Fordyce granules);
  • puberty(at this age there is a change in hormonal levels, which can provoke the appearance of formations on the mucous membrane);
  • diseases(some pathological processes can cause a narrowing of the sebaceous ducts, which causes sebum to accumulate and block the gland);
  • area injuries, impacts, damage, plastic and others interventions (can also change the functioning of the glands);
  • smoking .
  • Treatment of Fordyce granules

    As we found out, whitish nodules on the lips are a purely cosmetic pathology. Their diameter is up to 2 mm. The disease is rarely accompanied by pain or discomfort, but sometimes the owner may experience itching, tingling and dryness of the area, which goes away on its own within a couple of days.

    First of all, you should contact a dermatologist who will conduct a visual examination and send you for additional tests and research, after which he will prescribe the most effective and prompt treatment. In some cases, a biopsy of mucosal tissue is additionally prescribed, this is especially true if there are multiple points on the lips and the skin surface of the entire body. Sometimes the appearance of granules is caused by eczema or molluscum.

    Unfortunately, effective way There is no way to get rid of Fordyce granules, so unless they cause physical discomfort, they are left alone.

    In some cases, they are referred to remove points using laser or cryotherapy, however, they do not exclude the reappearance of granules. Helps relieve itching, burning and scratching antihistamines, soothing decoctions, ointments and gels. Retin-a and fatty essential oils (castor, peach, jojoba, shea, etc.) are often prescribed.

    Fordyce granules on the lips are formations on the skin that look like small white pimples. In addition to the face, they occur on the genitals and armpits. In 1896, Fox Fordyce first described the strange, small white or yellowish papules that appear on people's lips, genitals, or armpits. The pathology was named after him - Fordyce granules. What they are and how dangerous they are, we will consider further.

    Causes of Fordyce granules on the lips

    Small whitish spots on the mucous membranes of the lips are more common among representatives of the stronger sex. The manifestation worsens during puberty. Fordyce granules do not exceed 1 mm in diameter and are located flush with the mucosal surface. Sometimes there is a slight protrusion above the epidermis.

    This pathology occurs in both men and women. In the stronger sex, papules form on the lips and around the head of the penis. In the fair half of humanity - on the labia, mouth and nipples. In the axillary area, the granules resemble a nodular rash.

    Skin lesions cannot be called a disease and are considered normal by many experts. Fox Fordyce granules cannot be contaminated and do not pose a risk to human health.

    The only disadvantage is the aesthetic side, and only this encourages patients to get rid of tumors on the mucous membrane or skin.

    Some doctors call this pathology a seborrheic cyst, but these rashes have nothing to do with this serious illness like seborrhea. A more precise formulation of Fordyce granules is a cyst. With seborrhea, there is a dysfunction of the sebaceous glands and a change in the composition of the secretion. Sebum is secreted too abundantly and the surface of the skin becomes oily. As a result, the ducts become blocked and pimples, pustules, and acne appear. Apparently, Fox Fordyce granules were mistakenly called seborrheic cysts, since their appearance is also associated with the work of the sebaceous glands. Changes in the skin during puberty are especially noticeable, as are the manifestations of oily seborrhea.

    Neither scientists nor doctors have been able to identify the real and exact cause of the formation of whitish spots on the lips. There are several versions of their occurrence, but most experts tend to think that this pathology is caused by the sebaceous glands being too close to the surface of the epidermis. And the period of their occurrence was adolescence, since it was at this time that the body undergoes restructuring with a sharp hormonal surge. Changes in the background and level of sex hormones in the blood affect the secretion of sebum, and ectopic sebaceous glands become more noticeable in certain areas of the body.

    Others possible reasons education small spots on the lips they count:

    • bad habits, in particular smoking;
    • neglect of hygiene rules;
    • narrowing of the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
    • mechanical or chemical trauma to the upper layer of skin, which causes damage to the sebaceous glands.

    Men are more susceptible to the formation of Fordyce granules than women. As a percentage, the difference is 60% to 40%. A feature of light-colored small spots on the lips and other parts of the body is the asymptomatic appearance and course of the pathology. They do not hurt, do not itch and do not increase in size over time. As a rule, multiple formations of granules are observed, and patients seek to remove them purely because of a cosmetic skin defect.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    For staging accurate diagnosis An external examination of the affected area is sufficient for a dermatologist. Although Fordyce granules are not a contagious disease and do not pose a danger to human health, it is still worth contacting a specialist to differentiate the disease. Sometimes rashes are mistaken for manifestations of more dangerous skin ailments:

    • molluscum contagiosum;
    • focal eczema;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • lichen planus.

    If the doctor rejects all suspicions and the rash turns out to be Fox Fordyce granules, then there is no need to treat them.

    The effectiveness of all methods for removing Fordyce granules is questionable, since recurrence of tumors in the same place is often observed after a short period of time.

    To get rid of granules on the lips, use the following options:

    1. To disguise whitish spots along the edges of the lips, they resort to permanent tattooing.
    2. Used to treat rashes pharmaceutical drugs"Retinol A" or "Differin". Both drugs are intended for local application. The composition of the creams is aimed at renewing the epidermis layer and regenerating metabolism in skin cells. Exfoliation of dead cells provokes the exposure of clogged sebaceous glands and the release of secretions to the outside.
    3. Darsonval for facial skin is exposure to high-frequency current pulses. The technique serves to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and even helps get rid of acne.
    4. Cryotherapy is characterized by the treatment of neoplasms with liquid nitrogen. The method is used to get rid of many skin formations, in particular warts, papillomas, and condylomas. After exposing the papule to low temperature ( liquid nitrogen capable of reaching -195 o Celsius), the neoplasm cells are destroyed and die. Small wounds covered with a crust remain at the site of the procedure. After the scabs spontaneously fall off, healthy, young skin remains.
    5. Laser removal is considered an expensive method, but the most effective in the fight against benign neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes.

    Many people try to get rid of papules by trying to squeeze them out. This action is not safe: in addition to the possible formation of micro hematomas on the lips due to the tenderness and sensitivity of the tissues, there is a possibility of infection and the appearance of an inflammatory process at the site of the lesion.

    Using traditional methods

    In order to get rid of light spots around the mouth, they resort to treatment with folk remedies at home. In cosmetology wide application found jojoba oil. It helps cope with the signs of aging, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The oil can remove various defects such as:

    • inflammation;
    • acne;
    • acne;
    • redness;
    • peeling;
    • acne;
    • various skin diseases(eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).

    Another way to combat papules on the lips is a mixture of 1 g mumiyo (tablets), 50 g honey and 1 tbsp. spoons of hot water. Before lubricating the resulting mixture, lips are treated with fir oil while warm. The procedure must be repeated regularly every day for two weeks.

    Warm lamb fat is also used. A small amount is melted in a water bath and rubbed into the skin.

    Garlic juice is often used for skin growths. Lubricate the lips with freshly squeezed liquid from half a clove and leave to act for several minutes. The procedure is repeated until the papules completely disappear.

    Can they occur after lip augmentation?

    In medical practice, I have encountered complaints from clients of beauty salons where lip augmentation surgery with hyaluronic acid was performed. The dissatisfaction consisted in the appearance, often at upper lip, “yellowish spots”, which were not observed in patients before the procedure.

    The fact is that these same “yellowish spots” are nothing more than Fordyce granules. But the reason for their appearance was not the operation at all - it only enlarged the tumors, since the area of ​​their localization also increased. And the granules were there before, only they were barely noticeable to their owners.

    Therefore, before you decide to cosmetic procedure It is worth paying attention to the condition of your lips before.

    Experts have noticed a significant reduction in spots or their complete disappearance without therapy in patients who have reached 35-40 years of age. They claim that this is due to a decrease in the functionality of the sebaceous glands due to a decrease in hormone levels in the blood.

    Fordyce granules or seborrheic cysts are the sebaceous glands that appear in the form of light pimples on the skin of the genital organs (labia, penis), in the groin, on the nipples, in the lip area, on the mucous membrane of the mouth.

    The name of the granules comes from the name of the scientist J. A. Fordyce, who described these cysts in 1896.

    Fordyce granules do not cause harm to human health, are not transmitted through any type of contact (including sexual contact) and are generally considered a normal variant. In most cases, patients seek help only if seborrheic cysts represent a cosmetic defect.

    Causes of Fordyce granules

    The causes of Fordyce granules are still not clearly understood.

    There is also no connection with seborrhea; the name “seborrheic cysts” is rather a translation defect. It would be more correct to call Fordyce granules sebaceous gland cysts. With seborrhea, patients experience a change in the composition of sebum, which leads to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct and the formation of a cyst, similar in appearance to Fordyce granules.

    Puberty usually gives rise to the appearance of seborrheic cysts. The main opinion of scientists is that the cause of Fordyce granules is that the sebaceous glands in these people are located somewhat ectopically (closer than normal to the upper layer of the dermis and epidermis) or abnormally: on the border of the lips, oral mucosa, etc. . From birth, a child has peculiarities in the structure and location of the sebaceous glands. During puberty (13-17 years), under the influence of sex hormones (mostly androgens - male sex hormones), the activity of the sebaceous glands increases: sebum production increases, which leads to the visible appearance and is the cause of Fordyce granules.

    This group of people also has hyperplasia of the sebaceous gland ducts. In connection with this, cysts often form in them (due to narrowing of the lumen of the duct and obturation with sebum). The secretion of the sebaceous gland is not excreted, but accumulates inside the cyst, which leads to an increase in the size of the Fordyce granule and a visible cosmetic defect.

    What do Fordyce granules look like?

    Fordyce granules look like small (approximately 1-2 mm) yellowish specks or yellow-white papules (small nodules) located near the border of the lips, on the oral mucosa, in the area of ​​the shaft of the penis, or on the skin of the labia majora. Cysts are painless and often numerous. When pressing on the granules, a small amount of thick yellow-white content may be released, after which pinpoint bleeding occurs with the formation of a hematoma around the previous element.

    Types of Fordyce granules

    There are 2 types of Fordyce granules:

    • pearly penile papules;
    • Fox-Fordyce disease.

    Pearly penile papules are a normal variant. According to various authors, they occur in 30% of young men. They do not cause harm to health, are not sexually transmitted, and do not cause complications. In medicine, this problem has been little studied due to doctors’ lack of awareness of the presence of this manifestation. No effective treatment has been proposed.

    The reason for the appearance of this type of Fordyce granules is also not clear. Some authors consider the cause to be excessive proliferation of the epithelium of the excretory ducts of the glands of the penis. Others are inclined to think about fibroplastic proliferation of areas of the epithelium of the glans penis.

    Pearly penile papules appear during puberty and indicate a sharp increase in androgens in the blood. Among peoples who practice circumcision, the incidence of these papules is extremely low. This is due to the fact that an increased amount of secretion and smegma, which irritate the epithelium of the penis due to their physicochemical properties and cause fibroplastic proliferation (growth), is more easily released during hygiene procedures.

    Fox-Fordyce disease is an analogue of pearly papules, only in women. Her clinic is absolutely identical to the clinic of pearly penile papules. The lesion is localized in the apocrine sweat glands and is associated (to some extent) with the genitourinary system. Endocrine origin is suspected. Localization of the rash: on the pubis, in the armpits, on the perineum, on the labia majora and around the nipples. It often manifests itself as moderate skin itching, which intensifies during menstruation. The course of the disease is long, often spontaneously resolving by the age of 40.

    What is it necessary to differentiate Fordyce granules from?

    Fordyce granules, as well as their varieties (pearly penile papules and Fox-Fordyce disease) must be distinguished from:

    • molluscum contagiosum;
    • neurodermatitis;
    • lichen planus;
    • chronic focal eczema.

    No additional diagnostic methods are required to make a diagnosis other than an external examination and exclusion of other diseases.

    Treatment of Fordyce granules

    At the moment, all information about the successful treatment of Fordyce granules is contradictory and unconfirmed.

    Jojoba oil and Retin-A cream are used. When used, fresh Fordyce granules are removed and the formation of new ones is prevented.

    Old Fordyce granules are treated more successfully by laser cauterization: electrocoagulation or cryotherapy. Surgical removal of Fordyce granules is practically not used, but is the most radical method. Self-removal of Fordyce granules by squeezing is absolutely unacceptable. Such “treatment” can lead to the formation of inflammation with further scarring of the skin.

    Around the border of the lips, cosmetic treatment of Fordyce granules consists of permanent tattooing, because in some cases, this localization is a cosmetic defect.

    By the age of 30, most elements lose their brightness and prominence and become less noticeable. This is due to the extinction of the activity of the sebaceous glands and a decrease in the level of sex hormones.