How to calculate the day of ovulation if the cycle is irregular. Calculation of a personal ovulation calendar. Detection using special tests

This article is for informational purposes only. If you discover symptoms of any disease or feel unwell, consult a doctor first! The tips in this material can help you in emergency situations when it is not possible to contact qualified medical personnel.

Ovulation is a process that occurs once during the female period. menstrual cycle. A mature egg is released from the ovaries and awaits fertilization by a sperm. The most favorable time The day after ovulation is considered for conception.

  • The process of ovulation itself;
  • How to calculate ovulation yourself;
  • About what affects ovulation.

Thanks to the knowledge gained, you will be able to control the menstrual cycle, determine the days of ovulation after menstruation and plan a pregnancy.

What happens during ovulation

The female body has many unique features, including the functioning of the reproductive system. Female reproductive cells, which are called eggs, are formed in girls during intrauterine development. The ovaries serve as a “storage chamber” for eggs.

After puberty, girls undergo a menstrual cycle, during which the egg regularly matures; when it has not been fertilized, at the end of the cycle it is released with menstrual blood.

The menstrual cycle is a biological process that repeats with a certain rhythm and prepares a woman’s body for pregnancy. For the average woman, from the 1st day of her period to the 1st day of her next menstruation, it takes not exactly a month, but 28 days. Cycles that last 21 to 36 days are considered normal.

Hormones and the three phases of the female cycle

Hormones are responsible for all processes that occur in the reproductive system, the main ones are:

  • FSH - follitropin or follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • Prolactin;
  • Estrogen or estradiol;
  • LH - lutropin or luteinizing hormone;
  • Progesterone;
  • Androgens.

If all a woman’s hormones are normal, then ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

First phase

The first day of the menstrual cycle is considered the day the period begins, and the entire period of the cycle is usually divided into three phases:

  • Follicular;
  • Ovulatory;
  • Luteal.

The follicular phase is the time leading up to ovulation. On the very first day of vaginal discharge, a follicle begins to mature in the ovaries. A follicle is a fluid-filled sac in the ovaries that contains an egg. Under the influence of the hormones FSH and LH, which are produced by the pituitary gland, from the first to 7-8 days, several follicles mature in the right and left ovaries. After 7-8 days, and in a long cycle (menstrual cycle, which lasts over 30 days) after 11-12 days, one main one is determined - the dominant follicle, which continues to grow, and the rest regress.

During the period of growth dominant follicle under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the mucous membrane of the uterus thickens, which prepares to receive an egg fertilized by sperm. A follicle that has reached a diameter of 7-10 mm is considered dominant; every day it increases by an average of 2 mm; by the middle of the menstrual cycle it should grow to 22-24 mm and burst, releasing the egg.

The second phase of the cycle is ovulation

Around the middle of the cycle, a mature female sex cell ready for fertilization. The lifespan of the egg, i.e. The time at which fertilization can occur is considered to be 24 hours after the follicle bursts and ovulation occurs.

Spermatozoa that have reached the uterus will be viable for up to 5-7 days. If sexual intercourse does not occur on the day of ovulation, but even 3-5 days before the release of a mature egg, the likelihood of conception is very high.

If fertilization does not occur, the female reproductive cell does not meet the male reproductive cell - the sperm, then the egg, together with the epithelium, leaves the walls of the uterus in the form menstrual flow.

Third phase of the menstrual cycle

Luteal phase or phase corpus luteum occurs after ovulation. The luteal phase lasts 12-14 days before the start of your next period. If fertilization has occurred, the luteal phase supports the production of progesterone, which ensures the fixation of the fertilized egg in the walls of the uterus. In case of failure and an unfertilized egg, the endometrium - the inner mucous membrane of the uterus - dies, progesterone and estrogen decrease and bleeding begins. With the coming menstrual bleeding a new follicle begins to mature again, which will lead to new ovulation.

Ovulation period and its calculations

If a woman controls her menstrual cycle, she can easily calculate the days of ovulation and plan a pregnancy. There are several ways to calculate and determine ovulation:

  • Maintaining a calendar;
  • Measurement basal temperature;
  • Ovulation test;
  • Monitoring folliculogenesis.

Every woman can choose the right method for determining auspicious days for conception, which will be convenient for her, starting from the simplest, but less accurate, and ending with an ultrasound examination method with 100% accuracy.

Women's calendar

The simplest, but not the most precise method calculating ovulation count keeping a calendar critical days. Gynecologists recommend that everyone keep a calendar in which the first day of menstruation must be marked every month. When 3-4 dates for the start of menstruation are marked on the calendar, you can count average duration cycle.

The figure shows the calendar of a woman whose cycle is stable and lasts 28 days. In order to calculate the day of ovulation, you need to calculate the middle of the cycle:

The 14th day after the start of menstruation is expected to be the day of ovulation.

Fertile days - days favorable for conception as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse are considered 3 days before ovulation and 2 days after.

Women's smartphone apps

Our mothers and grandmothers kept pocket calendars, today it has become much easier to control the menstrual cycle with the help of applications for your smartphone. You can choose any convenient program and download it in a couple of minutes and completely free. There are a lot of functions in such modern applications; they will not only tell you the period of ovulation and safe sex, but will also help you monitor your mood, the amount of discharge, mark sexual intercourse, and more. Various options will help you customize the application so that it is as useful as possible for you, and even notifies you of upcoming ovulation.

Interface of the smartphone application “Women’s calendar”

Basal temperature and its measurement

Basal temperature is the most low temperature, which is measured after continuous sleep for more than 6 hours, at rest. This method of determining the day of ovulation after menstruation is more accurate than women's calendar. Regular measurement of basal temperature allows you to recognize:

  • The phase of the menstrual cycle and the onset of ovulation;
  • Fertilization, attachment of the egg;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Inflammation in the reproductive system.

To analyze basal temperature, all measurements are entered into a graph, where the vertical axis is degrees, and the horizontal axis is the day of the menstrual cycle in order.

  • During menstruation - 37°C;
  • After graduation bloody discharge decreases to 36.3°C;
  • Until the middle of the cycle, 36-36.6°C is considered normal;
  • During the ovulatory period, the temperature should be within 37.1-37.3°C for three days;
  • It stays at 37.1-37.5°C and begins to decrease 3 days before the new period;
  • If fertilization fails, then before menstruation it drops to 36.9-37°C;
  • With successful fertilization, the temperature level does not fall below 37°C.

Your temperature may differ by several points, but a difference of at least 0.4°C is considered normal. different phases cycle.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

In order for your basal temperature chart to be as informative and reliable as possible, you should follow these rules:

  • Measure your temperature regularly, without skipping days, for several months in a row. Data from one month of measurements will not provide objective information; only by analyzing three or more basal temperature graphs can accurate predictions about your cycle be made.
  • Measurements are taken daily at the same time morning time. If the time differs by more than half an hour from previous measurements, the data obtained is considered unreliable.
  • The temperature is measured immediately after waking up. A woman should not get out of bed or make sudden movements. This temperature must be measured in the calm state after continuous sleep for at least 6 hours.
  • Measurements are taken rectally. The thermometer is left in the anus for 5 minutes. There are options for measuring in the mouth or in the vagina, but the classic and recommended method is rectally. With other measurement methods, the degrees differ from those that we showed in the measurement chart.
  • Use the same thermometer for measurements, because an error of one tenth of a degree will affect overall assessment information.

Thus, an increase in basal temperature in the middle of the menstrual cycle is a signal that the egg has matured and begins its movement from the ovary to the uterus. The median is a temperature of 37°C, a spike in temperature of 0.4°C and that it rose above 37°C a clear sign ovulation.

Ovulation test

Pharmacology has developed convenient home tests so that women can determine the onset of ovulation with great accuracy. Such tests are recommended for women who have not been able to get pregnant for more than six months in order to predict the day of ovulation and increase the chances of conception.

Tests to determine ovulation determine the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. LH peaks when the egg leaves the follicle.

Types of tests

There are several types of ovulation tests:

  • The test strip is a regular paper strip that must be immersed in urine for a few seconds. On such a test there is a pink control mark; depending on the concentration of LH in the urine, a second colored line will appear; the closer its shade matches the control, the greater the concentration of the hormone. These tests usually involve 5 paper strips. They are recommended to start every other day from the 11th day of the cycle. One colored stripe or a very pale stripe means that the test is negative and ovulation has not occurred. As ovulation approaches, the second stripe should become brighter, and at the moment of ovulation the color intensity should match the control stripe.
  • Jet test. A more optimized version of the ovulation test, but the principle of operation is similar to the strip test. This test must be placed under a stream of urine; there is no need to immerse it in urine.
  • Digital test. Such tests determine the day of ovulation with 99% accuracy. Unlike the previous two options, this test determines the presence of the LH hormone in saliva. By shape this test It resembles lipstick and is reusable. The principle of operation is the same as in a microscope; the test shows the concentration of LH in dried saliva. Before performing the test, please read the instructions carefully because in this test it is important not to drink or urinate 2 hours before the test.

Important! Pharmacy tests for ovulation are considered twice as reliable as determining this important day using the women's calendar.

Symptoms and sensations

Some women claim that they feel the moment of ovulation. This is quite possible, because the follicle bursts when the egg is released and this may be accompanied by a slightly painful sensation. By observing yourself, you can identify several more symptoms of ovulation:

  • Bloating and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • A drop of blood on underwear as a result of a ruptured follicle;
  • Vaginal discharge has become more profuse and resembles egg white by consistency;
  • A surge of hormones. You may feel increased libido, a change in mood, and how your breasts become fuller.

When for a long time If you are unable to get pregnant, calculating the time of ovulation can significantly increase the chances of a successful conception. If a woman’s biorhythms are normal and reproduction is in healthy condition, then anyone can make the calculation. But how to calculate ovulation when irregular cycle? Various kinds Deviations and health problems in the female genital area can lead to characteristic malfunctions that cause irregular periods and other disorders.

The concept of a cycle: norm and irregularity

Which cycle is considered normal from a gynecological point of view and how to calculate it? It is necessary to count the number of days between menstruation, starting from the first day of the previous menstruation to the beginning of the next. The average is approximately 27-30 days, which is considered normal, but a cycle of 21-35 days is considered only a minor error.

If the result obtained is lower or higher than those indicated with an error, then gynecologists classify such a cycle as irregular. In cases where the day of the onset of menstrual flow changes monthly, the cycle is also considered irregular. If the cycle is irregular, then the woman is usually worried about serious hormonal disorders. As a result of this, ovulation can happen on absolutely any day, even during menstruation. Sometimes the egg leaves the follicle twice a month, or does not mature at all.

Causes of cycle disorders

The female body is a rather fragile structure, so any factor can provoke menstrual irregularities. Among gynecologists, disruptions in the cycle are often considered as a sign of most gynecological and extragenital pathologies.

The female cycle is controlled hormonal substances secreted by the ovaries or pituitary gland. In the first phase of the cycle, follicle-stimulating hormone predominates, which controls follicular maturation. Under the influence of estrogens, the production of luteinizing hormone increases, the concentration of which becomes maximum during ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, then the content of estrogen and progesterone drops to minimal values, and natural rejection of the endometrium occurs.

All causes of irregular periods can be divided into:

How to calculate ovulation

In young girls who have normal regular cycle, the calculation of safe days acts as a guarantee of the safety of sexual intercourse, a kind of panacea for unplanned pregnancy. When does menstruation come? different days, then calculating ovulation with an irregular menstrual cycle becomes sufficient challenging task. In fairness, it is worth noting that without dangerous days cannot be considered as a 100% guarantee against pregnancy, because in every body physiological processes proceed differently.

Even a trip to the sea can be a factor that disrupts your periods. normal schedule. What can we say about infections, “female-style” colds, and numerous stresses that plague most women almost every day. Therefore, it is quite difficult for such ladies to calculate ovulation. Although some women manage to sense the onset of ovulation based on specific symptoms.

General signs

There are many ways to determine ovulatory period. But by listening carefully to the body during the period falling in the middle of the cycle, you can feel the release of the egg from the ovary. Some women feel worse for no reason on this day. Just changes at work hormonal system cause a feeling of mild, insignificant discomfort.

Girls also note that during the period of ovulation they experience pain, their breasts swell and become hypersensitive. But most a clear symptom is painful sensations, which are localized in the lower abdomen. Such pain is observed only on one side, which is caused by rupture of the follicle. How to determine ovulation by pain? For some women, this process takes minutes and goes unnoticed, while for others, the release of the egg is accompanied by pain for 1-2 days. This is exactly the time when the cell moves along the fallopian tubes. And some ladies do not experience any pain at all.

The ovulatory period is accompanied by hormonal surges, which certainly affects the female emotional sphere. Such hormonal surges can provoke sudden changes in mood, when a woman experiences waves of irritability and tearfulness. Taste preferences may also change. Favorite dishes suddenly become unattractive and even tasteless, and pleasant aromas dishes may cause a nausea-vomiting reaction. All this is due hormonal changes, characteristic of the ovulatory period.

Also characteristic feature Ovulation is a sudden increase in sexual desire. When the body has prepared for conception and the egg is waiting for a quick sperm, the body in this way tells the woman that the time has come. Nature itself tries to tell a woman favorable period for conception. The strongest attraction is observed on days 13-15 of the cycle, when ovulation occurs. Some women experience similar sudden sexual urges during menstruation, which is also associated with hormonal fluctuations.

If the method of determining by symptoms can be called questionable, then there is a more reliable method for determining ovulation. IN pharmacy points you can buy a special test system consisting of five strips. These strips are similar to pregnancy tests and operate on similar principles. But only in the case of a test system, the content of luteinizing hormone is detected in the urine. For maximum accuracy, certain recommendations must be followed:

How to correctly calculate ovulation if the menstrual cycle is not constant? It is necessary to carry out calculations and measurements with test strips over a period of 5-6 months. The results should be entered into a table. Then, based on the measurements obtained, make a calculation and determine the expected date.

Basal temperature

Measuring indicators rectal temperature refers to less reliable and accurate methods of determining the day a female cell leaves the follicle. To put the method into practice, you need to purchase a regular non-electronic thermometer and prepare a table for entering data. Every day after waking up (right in bed), it is necessary to take measurements and enter them into a lined table.

If there are signs of a cold, general temperature jumped, then the measurement can not be carried out, because the result obtained will be uninformative. Factors such as alcohol, insomnia, cigarettes, or intestinal disorders, headaches and stress. Therefore, when taking measurements, it is necessary to clarify the presence of problems. Measurements are not taken on menstrual days. It is recommended to keep such a calendar for several months (at least 6).

Based on the combination of graphs, you can calculate the day of ovulation. How? The cycle is divided into two stages: follicular and luteal. At the follicular stage, follicle formation occurs, and temperature readings do not exceed 37°C. Before the release of the female cell, the basal temperature drops sharply, and by the onset of ovulation it rises sharply to 37.4-37.6 ° C. Then comes the luteal stage, during which the temperature drops again, not exceeding the 37-degree limit. On the basal measurements chart, ovulation will look like a cardiogram jump. If there was no ovulation, then there will be no such jump.

Ultrasonic method

The most reliable method for determining ovulation is ultrasound diagnostics. There is no need to calculate anything here. The essence of the technique is to dynamically perform an ultrasound of the ovaries, preferably with a vaginal sensor. The first diagnosis is carried out on days 6-7 of the cycle, then on days 9, 14 and 21, 28. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe other days for the study; this is especially common with irregular periods. Such measurements make it possible to determine for sure whether the egg in the follicle has matured, whether the ovulatory process has occurred, and when menstruation occurs.

According to analyzes

Another method for determining ovulation is to biochemical research blood. There is also no need to calculate anything here. A woman must donate blood to check her hormone levels. You will have to do this several times.

Attention! Tests must be taken on days 6-7 and 18-22 of the cycle.

This technique is used quite rarely, more often in order to understand whether the patient is ovulating or not. If during the tests it was revealed increased concentration FSH and LH, this indicates the approach of the ovulatory period. If in the middle of the second stage of the menstrual cycle the level of progesterone increases, this indicates that ovulation has recently occurred.


There are many methods for determining: keep an ovulation calendar according to basal measurements, test strips, laboratory diagnostics by blood and ultrasound examinations, external signs, the woman’s well-being and so on. But ultrasound diagnostics is considered the most reliable for irregular menstruation.

Today, many websites offer to use an online calculator to accurate calculation ovulation. But this method is most preferable for women whose cycle is enviably regular.

In almost everyone's life married couple The moment of planning a child comes. A woman is preparing for pregnancy, planning the timing of conceiving a child, and... Some people succeed the first time, others - after 3-4 months or later. The most best time for conceiving a child, this is the period of ovulation, which occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and the time of its occurrence can be calculated. When the cycle is regular, calculating the day of ovulation is quite simple - it occurs 12-15 days before the start of the next cycle. But what if the cycle is not regular, for example, one lasts 35 days, the second - 28, and the third - 31? How ovulation is calculated in an irregular cycle and what methods give the most accurate result - this is discussed in our article today.

Causes of irregular periods

A woman’s body is a rather fragile thing, and fluctuations in the menstrual cycle can be influenced by many factors.


The most common cause of cycle disruption in most cases is stress. Problems at work, at home, constant lack of sleep, and even severe overwork in long period- and now the body is under stress, and the cycle fails.


Infectious and non-communicable diseases internal organs, both in the sexual sphere and in others, can also cause an irregular cycle. Therefore, it is very important to do before planning a pregnancy full examination body - it can reveal hidden diseases, and possibly normalize the cycle.

Sudden weight fluctuations

Too much sharp fluctuations weight leads to restructuring of the body, and reproductive system also does not stand aside. Therefore, if a woman plans to lose weight, she should remember that this may affect the menstrual cycle.

Hormonal imbalance

The causes of hormonal imbalance can be both the above reasons and diseases thyroid gland. In case of hormonal imbalance, it is not recommended to plan pregnancy until the hormonal levels return to normal.

Methods for determining ovulation during an irregular cycle

There are several methods by which you can determine when ovulation begins. With an irregular cycle, it is somewhat more difficult to determine, but nevertheless possible. For a more accurate determination, it is better to use several methods at once.

Calendar method

The most popular and accessible, but not the most accurate method in the case of irregular cycles. The menstrual cycle consists of two periods: before ovulation, when the egg matures, and after ovulation, when the body prepares for a new cycle, since fertilization has not occurred. If the cycle is irregular, then data for the calculation is needed last six months. You need to subtract 14 units from the longest and shortest cycles. Between these days you can expect ovulation. It should be noted that in this case the difference between the longest and longest short cycle should be no more than a week.

Laboratory blood test method

This method involves taking a test to determine the level of progesterone in the blood. With this method, blood is donated several times per cycle. Progesterone gradually increases and remains high until the next cycle.

Determination of ovulation: using test strips

Ovulation test

This method is similar to the method of determining pregnancy using test strips, only the test strips in this case will be for ovulation. They respond to luteinizing hormone, which begins to be produced two days before ovulation and allows the mature egg to be released. As is the case with hCG, which is produced by the body during pregnancy, if a woman has diseases in which this hormone increases, then this method won't work.

Basal temperature tracking.

Not very comfortable, but relatively exact way determine the time of ovulation - tracking basal body temperature. A day before ovulation occurs, body temperature will drop, and after 6-12 hours it will rise by about half a degree. This method has only one, but very significant drawback - you need to measure body temperature every day for at least three to four cycles at the same time of day under the same conditions - preferably in the morning, without getting out of bed.

Ultrasound of the ovary

This method belongs to the category of “visual”. In the first half of the cycle, the follicle in the ovary grows, and when it reaches about 2 centimeters, it breaks through and the egg begins to descend through the tube into the uterus. On the day of ovulation, you can usually see a small gap in the ovarian capsule. This method is the most accessible and accurate. Ultrasound also evaluates the growth of the endometrium - it is its quantity and presence that determines the possibility of egg attachment.

Determination of ovulation : using ultrasound

Visual signs of ovulation

In addition to the above methods, we can note the peculiarities of the body’s behavior during the period of ovulation. Firstly, vaginal discharge during this period they change their characteristics. The mucus becomes more slippery and viscous, and its quantity increases. Secondly, pain may appear on the side of one of the ovaries (alternating ovaries every month is completely unnecessary; it is impossible to predict in which of them the egg will actually mature), and the chest may also hurt. Thirdly, some women experience a slight decrease in the overall tone of the body before ovulation. During and after it, on the contrary, as a rule, there is a general uplift, energy, etc. And fourthly, others individual characteristics which any woman can observe in herself, because no one knows herself better than ourselves.

There are a number of reasons Irregularity of the menstrual cycle. The main difficulty of this period is, which is very important for successful conception. does not last long and with an irregular cycle this moment is very difficult to determine. It should also be taken into account that such a cycle can be a symptom of a disease that must be eliminated before conception.

Many women have regular discharge, which means that the time between menstrual discharge is constant.

About an irregular cycle we should say:

This phenomenon not considered critical and does not require visiting a doctor (if the deviation is no more than 3 days).

Causes of failure

Unpredictability of periods creates difficulties in determining ovulation. A woman cannot calculate the day of her desired conception. The main causes of menstrual irregularity can be identified.

External problems

These include:

  • Severe stress.
  • Overvoltage of any kind.
  • Neuroses.
  • Climate change.
  • Strict diets or fasting.
  • Bad habits.
  • Irregular sex life or its complete absence.

All violations are easily explained. Before ovulation, estrogen was responsible for the functioning of the hormonal system; after ovulation, progesterone was responsible.


These factors are much more difficult to deal with. Basically, these are diseases. Cycle disorders are caused by infectious, somatic diseases, and also inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs. Tumors and endometriosis may be to blame. The body during this period is weakened and cannot.

Negative effects of medications

Usually this is hormonal agents(not only). Because of them, menstruation is scanty and short. Incorrectly selected drugs influence its duration and characteristics of its course.

You should know that the Postinor cycle, used as a emergency contraception. Delay ovulation antidepressants and blood thinners.

Sometimes it's my fault intrauterine device. Naturally, abortions influence changes in the cycle.

Is it possible to calculate the date of ovulation if you have an irregular cycle?

When a woman has such a cycle, then determine exact date Ovulation is quite difficult. Calculation by calendar is ineffective, and measurements of basal temperature provide only an approximate result. Most accurately identifies the day of desired conception ultrasound scanning, although you should not give up other methods.

Detection using special tests

In the female body during maturation luteinizing hormone comes to the fore. Diagnostic tests are based on its definition. Sometimes two strips are enough to get the desired result.

Necessarily attention should be paid on cervical fluid. It becomes larger, and its consistency is similar to egg white.

During ovulation, it opens wider and becomes much softer. By the way, if you place a finger in it, you will notice that the temperature in the vagina has increased.

Women who actively engage in sports notice that during ovulation the body becomes flexible, and training is more effective, as you feel a surge of energy.

Increased ability to work, and the desire for intimacy also increases.

Laboratory blood diagnostics

Analysis carried out in the second phase(one week after detection of ovulation symptoms). The amount of progesterone in the blood is examined. This hormone is produced in the ovary, and its main purpose is to prepare female body to pregnancy.

When ovulation occurs, the hormone content in the blood is 0.45 - 9.45 nmol/l.

Blood is donated definitely in the morning and on an empty stomach. There should be at least 8 hours between the analysis and food intake.

Saliva analysis

Not only will they help determine ovulation. It has been noticed that if a layer of saliva is applied to a glass surface, then after drying, a pattern resembling a fern leaf appears in this place. This is the so-called arborization phenomenon. He talks about the imminent release of the egg. This phenomenon is due to specific hormonal levels women these days.


There is no more reliable way, but you will have to conduct the study for a month with short breaks. For the most accurate result, ultrasound is performed with a vaginal sensor. The study is done every 3 days, starting from the 9th day.

Reference! Only ultrasound monitoring can confirm the presence of a condition in which a mature egg is not released.

Ultrasound allows you to monitor changes occurring in. When ovulation occurs, the size of these bubbles increases to a maximum. It expands to 20 mm. Then it bursts and the egg is released.

Possibility of getting pregnant and planning the sex of the child

Fickle cycle is not an obstacle to desired pregnancy, but due to the unpredictability of favorable days, it is difficult to predict the period of conception. That is why it is impossible to predict the gender of the child. But you can try, there are certain recommendations for this.

If parents want a boy, That sexual contact It is better to do it on the day of ovulation or on the eve of this date.

This is explained by the fact that Y chromosomes move faster than X. Excessively acidic vaginal microflora negatively affects Y chromosomes; they remain in it for no longer than 2 days.

An important role in conceiving a boy is played by contact posture. It should ensure deep penetration of sperm.

Mutual orgasm is desirable, in which the acidity of the vaginal environment decreases, it becomes alkaline. Such an environment does not have an aggressive effect on the male sperm set.

A girl's planning is different. X chromosomes are slow and can live in the vagina for over 3 days. Therefore, it is advisable to have sexual intercourse 3 days before ovulation.

When choosing a pose, you should consider that the sperm should not penetrate deeply. By the way, female orgasm optional. In this case, the vaginal environment will remain acidic, which will cause the death of the Y chromosomes.

Some women calculate the day of ovulation in order to get pregnant safely, while others, on the contrary, want to avoid conception. Since ovulation is the process of the release of a developed egg from the ovary, which is fully prepared for fertilization, this period is the only favorable one for pregnancy.

This means that a woman who wants to become a mother needs to have an active sex life at this time. And that girl who does not yet want to have a child should abstain from sexual intercourse during these dangerous days or use reliable protection. How to calculate ovulation so as not to make a mistake? Ovulation can be calculated in many ways. Let's consider each method in detail.

Feelings during ovulation

Sometimes women feel the days of ovulation, since at this time some changes occur in the body:

  • A woman may feel slight pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Vaginal discharge increases.
  • Ovulation also affects sexual desire, which becomes much stronger than on ordinary days.

Calendar method

In order to use this method, you need to study your body well and know everything about your own menstrual cycle. At the same time, it is important to keep a calendar and mark the days of your menstruation there. Data for the past six months will be useful for the calculation. As a rule, the menstrual cycle lasts 27-32 days. You should count on the calendar how many days have passed since the first day of the past Women's Day before the current ones. This number will tell you how long your cycle lasts.

If during the calculation it became clear that the interval between menstruation is the same all the time, this means that the cycle is regular and this method is suitable for calculating the day of ovulation.

Now you need to look at your calendar entries and determine the shortest cycle that occurred within the last six months. From this number you need to subtract 18. The resulting number is the day from which the suitable period for conception begins. Next, you can find out which day of the cycle is the last favorable day. From the longest cycle you need to subtract the number 11. Now you know how to calculate the day of ovulation using the calendar method.

But it’s worth remembering that the shift in ovulation days can be affected by anything: health, stress, taking certain medications, lifestyle changes, etc.

Basal temperature

How to calculate the ovulation period based on basal temperature? Ovulation has little effect on a woman's body temperature. Therefore, this method can be used to determine the days of ovulation. This reliable way unlike the calendar one, the data will be more accurate. On the day of ovulation, when the egg is released from the ovary, the body temperature is slightly reduced. And after this day, the temperature, on the contrary, rises and remains at the same level until the first day of the next women's days.

You need to measure your temperature from the first day of your next period. So, immediately after you open your eyes in the morning, without getting out of bed, place the thermometer in anus, approximately four centimeters. Thus, the temperature should be measured strictly at the same time every day. All data must be recorded. Before ovulation, the temperature, if the woman is healthy, remains at the same level - 36.6.

As soon as there is a decline, even a small one (36.3), this means that it was on that day that the ovary released a mature egg. And the next day it will happen sharp increase temperatures up to 37 degrees – exactly given time is the best for fertilization. However, we should not forget that an increase in temperature can occur as a result of any disease, or due to lack of sleep or alcohol consumption.

Such observation must be carried out three to four cycles in a row. If, after a long check, a woman sees on the schedule that ovulation always occurs clearly on the same day of the period (for example, on the fourteenth or fifteenth day of the cycle), then she can be sure that this method is suitable for her. The best time for pregnancy is usually considered to be from the tenth to the nineteenth day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, that is, the day of ovulation itself, 5 days before its onset and 3 days after it are taken into account. Accordingly, the safe periods are up to the tenth day of the cycle and from 10 to 28 days.

Test strips

Today, to calculate ovulation there is also modern methods. Such strips are sold at any pharmacy; they are very similar to pregnancy tests.

Test strips detect the most suitable days for conception. They respond to the content of gteinizing hormone in the urine. Large quantity This hormone appears in the urine 24-36 hours before ovulation. That is, when the test becomes positive, this indicates that the favorable moment has come for pregnancy.

However, it is important to know that if ovulation occurs in the morning, and the test is done in the evening, then it is likely that by that time the level of the hormone will have already decreased and the strip will show negative result. The level of the hormone LH, which is necessary to determine ovulation, remains in the urine for only 24 hours. As a result, the conclusion suggests itself - it is better to do the test twice a day so as not to miss this moment.

When using the test, it is important to follow some recommendations and rules:

  • The test must be performed at the same time every day.
  • You can choose any time between ten in the morning and eight o'clock in the evening.
  • The first morning urine is not suitable for testing.
  • Reduce fluid intake 1-3 hours before the test.
  • Testing will not make sense if the woman is taking medicines, which contain LH.

Be sure to follow all manufacturer's recommendations contained in the instructions. Results can be assessed 1-30 minutes after testing. Upon expiration given period It is not recommended to take the results into account.

The result could be:

  1. Positive - the test line is very bright, the color is similar to or darker than the control line.
  2. Negative result - one test line is much lighter than the control line.
  3. Error in execution - there is no control line on the test.

An ovulation test can sometimes be a false negative. Why could this be? There are, as always, several reasons: in the body of each woman during ovulation, an unequal amount of the LH hormone is formed, testing times are different, ovulation tests are different, which means they may have different sensitivity, different concentration urine (affects the amount of fluid you drink).

All this makes it difficult to determine favorable days, which is why you will have to adapt to ovulation tests for some time. At first, it is better to combine them with rectal temperature measurement, the calendar method, and monitor the nature of cervical discharge.

Disadvantages of tests

Carrying out such tests requires significant costs. material resources, since they need to be carried out over a week or even more. If testing is carried out once a day, then there is a risk of missing the moment of ovulation. In addition, with an irregular cycle, you cannot completely rely on test results.

We calculate by allocations

How to calculate the time of ovulation by discharge? Discharge is cervical mucus that changes during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, every day you should keep notes about the nature of such discharge. Swipe away anterior wall vagina to the back. The mucus will vary in consistency (elastic, thick, sticky), color (white, yellow, transparent) and texture (dry or wet). On the day when ovulation occurs, the discharge is the most transparent, has an elastic and slippery structure.

How to calculate ovulation if your cycle is irregular?

If the cycle is irregular, then only ultrasound monitoring of follicle growth can help. Of course, if you only need accurate results. You can rely on the method of measuring basal temperature, but still, due to the shift in the cycle, it will be more difficult to do this, and the result will be unreliable.

The first examination must be done on the seventh day of the cycle, the second on the eleventh. When an ultrasound shows that the follicle has reached a size of 20 mm, this means that ovulation will soon occur. This method will also help to find out whether the follicle has ruptured or whether the egg has been released. If a gap occurs, a corpus luteum will form in its place.

If suddenly there is no rupture, then this is unovulated follicle syndrome; such a deviation must be treated. Now you know how to calculate ovulation if your cycle is not regular. Any other methods in this case may give a false result.

How to calculate ovulation online
