Which candles restore moisture microflora. How to restore vaginal microflora: classical and folk remedies. How to restore microflora after thrush using Bifidumbacterin

Thrush, or vaginal candidiasis, causes a lot of inconvenience, and even after treatment leaves negative consequences - severe violation microflora. This is often ignored by women and is not accompanied therapeutic measures. The pathology does not leave the body by itself; it later provokes complications and threatens infectious inflammations in the mucosa.

Vaginal suppositories help to effectively get rid of dysbiosis. From the article you will learn which suppositories are best to use to restore vaginal microflora under different circumstances, as well as how to avoid the recurrence of thrush.

When to use suppositories to normalize microflora?

Treatment strategy vaginal dysbiosis can be roughly divided into three stages:

  1. getting rid of pathogens pathogenic microorganisms;
  2. balancing vaginal microflora;
  3. strengthening and constant maintenance of immunity for the purpose of prevention.

It makes sense to take it for restoration of vaginal microflora only after you have holistically cured of thrush and got rid of pathogenic bacteria.

The normalization process after treatment takes from 3 weeks to a month. The period depends on the degree of impairment and the state of the woman’s immunity. Good restorative results after thrush show vaginal suppositories.

How do vaginal suppositories work?

Violation of the vaginal microflora means a violation of the pH level.

Suppositories for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush are probiotics, with lactobacilli and certain bifidobacteria in the composition.

Lactobacilli produce necessary acids and reduce the pH level to normal (3.5-4.5), at the same time blocking the possibility of thrush reappearing. Bifidobacteria support immunity.

It is impossible to say for sure which candles are universally suitable for everyone. Their effect on the body is individual: drugs that work for one woman may not work for another, regardless of whether the candles are expensive or cheap. The reason for this may be the duration and nature of the infection.

Any infection destroys the upper epithelial tissue. The same process is observed after taking antibiotics. When a probiotic enters the vagina, the walls of which have been damaged by infection, there is nothing for it to attach to. As a result, the remedy turns out to be useless.

Manufacturers of suppositories found a solution: they began to add additional substances to the composition that regenerate epithelial tissue so that the probiotic would gain a foothold and restore the microflora. When choosing a drug, you need to take this nuance into account and carefully study the composition.

Effective suppositories for restoring microflora

Let's look at the best effective vaginal suppositories for dysbiosis, recommendations for their use, as well as contraindications. Below is a list of vaginal suppositories recommended by doctors to combat dysbiosis.

Bifidumbacterin, analogue - Lactobacterin

One of the most effective drugs in gynecology. Suitable for pregnant women. Quite quickly brings the bacterial balance to normal indicators. They are prescribed both for treatment and for the prevention of microflora disorders after thrush. It should be used for 5-10 days.

Features of Bifidumbacterin. The drug proved to be reliable and harmless. High concentration bifidobacteria allows you to quickly displace candida fungus and cleanse the body of its consequences. These suppositories are suitable for both vaginal and rectal use, therefore they are recommended for intestinal dysbiosis.

[w] Contraindications. In parallel with treatment with Bifidumbacterin, it is not recommended to take antibiotics. Before you start using the drug, check for allergies to substances in the composition. You cannot treat yourself without the supervision of a doctor. If candidiasis is not detected in the body and suppositories are used incorrectly, there is a possibility of gardenellosis or vaginosis.

Vagikal, or analogue - Laktogin

Effective and gentle on the body(thanks to plant substances in the composition) phytocandles. The course of treatment after thrush is 10 days. Suitable for pregnant women.

Features of the drug. The composition includes calendula flowers, they help relieve inflammation. The product exhibits antioxidant properties, perfectly heals and regenerates epithelial tissue.

Contraindications. Apart from personal intolerance to the components, there are no serious warnings.

Nystatin, or analogue - Polygynax

Remedy with high performance efficiency. They restore the vaginal environment well. It is prescribed after thrush and to prevent relapse. Course - 14 days.

Features of the drug. Before starting a course of treatment, the doctor must make a preliminary diagnosis of the discharge that is bothering the girl. This is important because it determines further treatment. If you start taking Nystatin without first identifying that the bacteria in the body are insensitive to the drug, the pathology will begin to progress.

The main purpose of the 40 beneficial bacteria in this organ is to produce lactic acid, which is responsible for maintaining an acidic environment. It is the microflora with an acidity of 3.8-4.5 pH that protects female body from pathogenic bacteria. Violation of such acidity entails dysbacteriosis or bacterial vaginosis. But acidity can also be restored with the help of healing traditional medicine.

How can a woman suspect the presence of this disease? Its symptoms may be discharge, or rather a change in it. With dysbacteriosis, they become white-yellow with an unpleasant odor rotten fish. Bacterial vaginosis also causes itching, pain during urination, sexual intercourse, burning, and vaginal dryness. If a woman does not pay attention to such symptoms, then the absence timely treatment will lead to transition acute form dysbiosis into chronic or to the following complications:

  1. Endometritis. Inflammation of the uterine mucosa usually leads to impaired reproductive function.
  2. Adnexit(inflammation of the ovaries).
  3. Colpitis. He is accompanied purulent discharge, increased temperature, cramps and pain at rest.
  4. Cervicitis. Typically, inflammation of the cervix causes severe pain during sexual intercourse.
  5. Cystitis. Infection of the urinary ducts leads to problems with urination.

At home, therapy with folk remedies is aimed at restoring healthy vaginal microflora. This is the use of such treatment options:

  1. Soda + iodine. It is necessary to cool a liter of boiling water, dissolve a tablespoon in it baking soda and 50 drops of iodine. This medicinal liquid should be poured into the bath. You need to take such baths for ten days.
  2. Honey + kefir. You can make your own tampons from sterile gauze, or you can buy ready-made hygienic ones at the pharmacy for treatment. They are soaked in a mixture of kefir (it is better to take homemade yogurt rather than a store-bought product) and honey until completely soaked. Such tampons should be placed deep into the vagina at night after hygiene procedures. The course of such treatment takes 10 days. The only limitation to the use of this method of restoring microflora is an allergy to bee products.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil. It should be used for therapy in a similar manner. Tampons with a high-quality product healing power put every evening for 10-12 days.
  4. Chamomile. To use medicinal plant An infusion is prepared from a tablespoon of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water. Under the lid, the product is prepared for an hour and filtered. A course of douching with chamomile lasts 14 days. This should be done in the evening and in the morning. Such douching is useful and how preventive measures when freezing.
  5. Whey. Douching with serum will also bring undoubted benefits for restoring the vaginal microflora. You need to take a homemade product, heat it and dilute it one to one with boiled water. You need to douche every evening before going to bed.
  6. Potentilla herb. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of two tablespoons of dry raw materials and half a liter of boiling water. The product is prepared for 40 minutes under the lid, filtered, and applied in the form of douches.
  7. All of the above activities should be carried out against the background of general strengthening of the immune system. And onions, garlic, and propolis can help with this. They should be included in the daily menu throughout the course. local treatment. It also needs to be enriched with dairy products and vitamins.

    After restoring the vaginal microflora, many women wonder whether the problem can return again. Yes, it can. And in order to minimize the likelihood of relapse in the future, every woman needs to take care of herself. This means visiting good gynecologist once every 6 months, even when nothing bothers you. It is also recommended to use for intimate hygiene special soap containing lactic acid. There are many such products in the pharmacy chain today. You also need to avoid casual relationships, unprotected sex, wearing tight synthetic underwear. During the cold season, women should keep their feet warm, avoiding freezing.

Doctors call a disease in which the vaginal microflora is disrupted vaginal dysbiosis (dysbiosis). Its symptoms do not cause much concern, but if left untreated, the disease can lead to the development dangerous infections. In restoring the microflora, candles come to the aid of women. How to use this product correctly?

Types and reasons

Vaginal dysbiosis most often occurs in two types:

  • gardnerellosis - characterized by a predominance of gardnerella;
  • candidiasis (thrush) - the predominance of fungi of the Candida type.

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of dysbacteriosis:

  • excessive hypothermia and weakened immunity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • climate change during travel;
  • infectious diseases;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • failure to maintain intimate hygiene;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

These are not all the factors that can lead to microflora disruption. If a woman's immunity is good condition, dysbiosis is not scary. Otherwise, antibiotics and suppositories may be prescribed for treatment to restore the microflora in women.

Symptoms and diagnosis of the disease

Quite often, vaginal dysbiosis occurs without symptoms. In some cases, the following signs of the disease may be observed:

  • copious yellowish-white discharge;
  • bad smell;
  • feeling of dryness, itching and burning in the perineum.

The symptoms themselves are not dangerous, but the bacteria can infect the cervix and vagina.

In order for a doctor to diagnose dysbiosis, the patient will have to undergo several types of tests:

  • PCR diagnostics for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • culture for sensitivity to antibacterial drugs;
  • microflora smear.

Based on the test results, the cause and treatment methods for dysbiosis can be determined.

General strategy

Therapy for dysbiosis can be carried out in three stages:

  • elimination of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • restoration of beneficial microflora;
  • strengthening the immune system.

If thrush and other sexually transmitted infections are detected, suppositories to restore microflora in women can be prescribed only after pathogenic microorganisms have been suppressed. In this case, treatment is carried out with antibiotics and antifungal drugs.

If pathogenic flora has not been detected, but dysbiosis is present, the course of treatment with antibiotics is either not prescribed at all or is reduced to 5 days. In most cases, treatment is carried out with local antiseptics, which are administered using baths and tampons. Such measures are much more effective, since many bacteria are not susceptible to antibiotics.

The general restoration of microflora takes about 3-4 weeks. During this time, the patient also undergoes a course of strengthening protective forces with the help of immunomodulators. This is necessary because decreased immunity of the vaginal wall promotes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

After taking antibiotics, women often develop thrush, which also has to be treated. Only after completing the full course can we talk about restoring the microflora.

Vaginal suppositories for restoring microflora are probiotics that contain lactobacilli. Such suppositories are prescribed after treatment with antibiotics for sexually transmitted infections, thrush, or regeneration of microflora in the case of dysbiosis and the absence of pathogenic microorganisms.

However, such remedies will not always be effective, since infections have a detrimental effect on epithelial tissue. That is why manufacturers add substances to the preparations that help restore the epithelium so that lactobacilli can gain a foothold in the vagina.

The principle of action of suppositories for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush is quite simple. They are designed to reduce the pH level to 3.4-4.5. Lactobacilli produce acids. To prevent thrush from developing again due to a decrease in pH levels, special substances in the preparations come into effect.

Bifidobacteria contained in probiotics stimulate the immune system and have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to drink bifidobacteria while undergoing treatment, as a result of which the risk of recurrent thrush drops sharply.

Preparations for restoring microflora

  • Vagikal (analogue of Laktogin)

These are phytocandles that effectively and gently restore microflora and suppress pathogenic microorganisms. The product contains calendula flowers, which are a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Vagical is an excellent antioxidant that promotes healing and restoration of the structure of vaginal epithelial cells. You can use the drug for 10 days.

These are suppositories with lactobacilli to restore microflora. The composition also includes the hormone estriol. Thanks to the lactose it contains beneficial bacteria begin to actively reproduce. Estriol restores vaginal tissue. Despite the presence of a hormone in the composition, the drug is absolutely harmless to health. It should be used within 6 days, but if necessary maximum term may be two weeks. Introduce suppositories before bedtime. After the course of treatment, it can be repeated after a couple of weeks.

  • Bifidumbacterin (“Lactobacterin”)

Thanks to great content ascorbic acid successfully normalizes acidity and suppresses pathogenic bacteria. Suppositories are administered before bedtime, the course of treatment is 6 days, but if necessary, it can be extended to several months.

The suppositories are aimed at strengthening the immune system and restoring microflora. One course is 10 days. For full recovery you need to take 2-3 courses, taking tests between them.

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves differently in women. Generally, this state characterized by a violation of the ratio normal microflora organism and opportunistic.

In adult women, most often with dysbiosis, there is a decrease in lactobacilli in the body and an increase in E. coli and staphylococci.

Important to know! For successful treatment it is important to identify this pathology on early stage development and prevent its progression. To do this, you should first understand the causes of dysbiosis, and then apply complex treatment diseases.

Causes of vaginal dysbiosis in gynecology

  • Large quantity sexual partners and lack of contraception or use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Hormonal disorders associated with abortion, menstrual disorders, long absence of sexual intercourse, dysfunction thyroid gland, as well as any disorders of the ovaries.
Dysbacteriosis in gynecology is quite a common phenomenon; it affects about 75% of women
  • Improper personal hygiene – frequent douching, untimely tampon change, abuse of antimicrobial agents.
  • Stress, nervous breakdowns, excessive fatigue.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Climate change, hypothermia.
  • Chronic vaginal infections.
  • General decrease in the body's immunity.
  • Intestinal diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Smoking, taking drugs, overuse alcohol.

Pay attention! This is not full list reasons characterizing dysbacteriosis. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves differently in women, depending on individual characteristics body. Therefore, the causes of the disease, according to information from gynecological reference books, may be different.

Provoking factors for the occurrence of vaginosis


In addition to the main causes of dysbiosis, it is important to determine the provoking factors of the disease. These include bacteria, the type of which will help determine the identified symptoms of the disease in women.
The main types of bacteria that cause vaginosis:

  • Streptococci and staphylococci;
  • Gardnerellas;
  • Mycoplasma and ureaplasma;
  • The causative agent of thrush is Candida fungus;
  • Clostridia, Klebsiella, Corynebacterium;
  • Escherichia coli.

When bacteria are present in small quantities, they are harmful to health, but when they multiply and spread, they cause illness.

The main symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis in women

Vaginosis can occur for a long time without any visible symptoms, however as the disease worsens, the following is observed:

  • Vaginal dryness– this condition is very clearly noticeable during sexual intercourse and can give a woman very unpleasant sensations. This condition means the transition of dysbiosis to the pelvic organs. These symptoms can lead to irritability and loss of interest in sex.
  • Discharge. Dysbacteriosis in gynecology is also characterized by such symptoms in women as increased clear discharge V initial stage. With the development of the disease, namely an increase in the number of staphylococci and E. coli, they acquire pungent odor and become greenish.

Symptoms bacterial vaginosis in women they may not appear for a long time. Therefore, it is important to regularly undergo gynecological examination
  • Itching and burning. If vaginosis is aggravated by thrush, it appears white coating on the walls of the vagina, itching and burning are possible.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. At long term Dysbacteriosis may cause pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, and in an aggravated form, frequent painful urination may occur.

You should know! There are no initial stages of vaginosis visible signs inflammatory process.

Ignoring vaginal dysbiosis for a long time can lead to more serious illnesses and significant deterioration general condition health.

Symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis in girls

According to the accepted data of modern gynecology, symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis in girls can appear at any age.

The main reasons for the development of the disease in adolescents:

  • hypothermia;
  • mistakes in personal hygiene, most often misuse tampons and gels for intimate hygiene;
  • weak immunity;
  • poor diet, lack of rest and fresh air, stress;
  • hormonal imbalance during puberty.

In most cases, until adulthood, the main symptoms of the disease are itching and burning in the groin area. Discharge and a specific odor appear in older girls.

If you suspect the development of this disease The child should consult a doctor to determine the causes and treatment program.

Diagnosis of vaginal dysbiosis

Standard diagnosis of dysbiosis includes:

  • gynecological examination;
  • microflora smear;
  • polymerase chain reaction analysis;
  • vaginal seeding.

Before taking a smear, it is important to abstain from sexual intercourse, use of vaginal suppositories and douching for several days.

A smear is taken before the start of treatment and at the end of it.

A PRC analysis must be taken to determine the causative agent of the infection and the number of bacteria in the body. In turn, taking a culture helps determine the properties inherent in the pathogen. It is also necessary to determine the body's sensitivity to antimicrobial agents.

Vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy

Quite often, dysbiosis in gynecology is characterized by the presence of similar symptoms in pregnant women:

  • discomfort and itching in the vagina;
  • an abundance of discharge that has an unpleasant, sometimes pungent odor.

Dysbacteriosis can be caused by stress caused by worry about the child, excessive fatigue, poor nutrition. The most common reason is hormonal disorders which lead to decreased immunity.

Self-medication is prohibited during pregnancy, all procedures must be agreed with the attending physician so as not to harm the baby.

Comprehensive treatment of vaginal dysbiosis

To achieve positive result it is necessary to stop the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, after which the presence of beneficial microorganisms in the vagina should be increased.

To consolidate the result, you need to strengthen the body's immunity. Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis consists of taking prescribed medications and therapy to restore normal microflora. Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Drug treatment

Let's highlight Some drugs that help treat vaginal dysbiosis and restore microflora:

Drug, price Method of administration Cause
Tiberal (price about 700 rubles)A week twice a day, 500 mlDestruction of pathogenic microorganisms
Tinidazole (pack about 45 rubles)3-4 tablets per day, 6 days
Clindamycin ( approximate price 600 rubles)Per day from 600 to 1800 mg three times a day, for a weekAgainst staphylococci and E. coli
Terzhinan (price from 350 rubles)1 tablet in the evening in the vagina, 10 days
Essentiale forte (price from 700 rubles)2 capsules, three times a dayRecovery process

Doctors warn that taking medications that were not prescribed by a specialist can negatively affect the functioning of the body and worsen overall well-being.

Microflora restoration therapy

Violation of the vaginal microflora is directly related to a woman’s immunity, so during treatment it is necessary to pay enough attention to strengthening the immune system.

Most often, restoration of microflora takes no more than 1 month. After completing the course, a re-examination by a specialist is required. If the disease is not in an advanced state, the use of immunomodulators is sufficient for treatment.

In more difficult cases, for example, to restore microflora after thrush, it is necessary to take products containing lactobacilli and a component that restores epithelium.

Drugs that promote recovery normal environment vagina:

Preparation Directions for use
GynoflorFor a week, one tablet into the vagina before bedtime
LaktoginFor women over 18 years old, one capsule, 10 days
Ecofemin1 capsule twice a day. Take from two weeks to a month
LactobacterinTen days, one vaginal suppository before bed

A recovery course of medication should be discussed with your doctor.

Possible complications of vaginal dysbiosis

If the disease is not treated for a long time, complications are possible, which include:

  • endometritis– inflammation of the uterine cavity;
  • vaginitis– inflammation of the vaginal walls;
  • cervicitis- development of the inflammatory process of the uterus;

  • development of cystitis as a result of bladder infection;
  • adnexitis- inflammation of the appendages.

Most often, the first signs of the onset of the development of such diseases are caused by the appearance of burning and itching, as well as an increase in the amount of discharge.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of vaginal dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis in gynecology. Application folk recipes for the treatment of identified symptoms in women
Name Ingredients Recipe Reception
Douching - no more than 15 minutes. Normalization of the body's condition1. Chamomile and plantain1 tbsp. spoons of herbs, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strainIn the morning and before bed
2.Oak bark1 tbsp. spoon, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for three hours, strain, coolDuring the week at night
3. Bird cherry1 tbsp. spoon per 400 ml of water, boil, cook for 20 minutes over low heat, strain and coolOnce a day for a week
Therapeutic sitz baths (waist-deep) – have a calming effect and relieve inflammation1.Oak bark250 gr. collection insist in cold water four hours, boil, add to bathDaily for 20 minutes
2.Flower honey2 tbsp. spoons of honey diluted 500 ml hot water and add the mixture to the bath20 minutes every two days
Tinctures to strengthen the immune system1.Quince, cherry, garlic, lemon and applesMash the cherries, grate the quinces and apples, finely chop the lemon, squeeze out the garlic. Mix all the ingredients, pour in 1.5 liters of water, close and let it brew for 30 minutes, then strainFour times a day, 100 ml
2. Dried rowan, honey, onionPour 2 tablespoons of berries into 400 ml of water, cook for 25 minutes, add 2 tablespoons of honey and grated onionOne spoon 4 times a day
3. Purslane leaves, egg whiteGrind leaves and mix with egg whiteDrink three times a day, course 15 days

One should not neglect the fact that in order to improve the effect of treatment, the above methods should be introduced into daily diet fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

You should take vitamins E and C, which have positive impact on the balance of microflora.

Using traditional methods treatment, consultation with a qualified specialist should not be neglected. This will help you get better treatment.

According to modern gynecology, dysbiosis, regardless of the identified symptoms in women, is not transmitted during sexual intercourse and does not relate to venereal diseases. However, it must be treated immediately when the first symptoms are detected.

Useful videos about vaginal dysbiosis from doctors

Dysbacteriosis in gynecology. Symptoms in women:

Bacterial vaginosis, its consequences and treatment:

Dysbacteriosis is a pathology that can be prevented. Just follow the steps listed above. Although vaginal suppositories are considered harmless to the body, it is better to catch it in time, stop the disease and not resort to their use.

This disease is not characterized by other obvious indicators. In the case when additional symptoms are added to the above set, this indicates the onset of an inflammatory or infectious process. These include:

  • burning in the perineal area;
  • problems with urination;
  • itching of the external genital area and vagina;
  • increased vaginal dryness.

If signs of dysbiosis appear (leucorrhoea of ​​different colors and consistency, unpleasant odor, vaginal dryness, pain, itching and burning in the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule and during urination), you should consult a gynecologist.

First you need to find out the causes of the disease. The examination includes:

  1. 1. Determination of medical history.
  2. 2. Examination on a gynecological chair.
  3. 3. Taking smears for bacterial culture, examining microflora for sexually transmitted infections.
  4. 4. Blood sampling for hormones.

After identifying the factors contributing to the development of the disease, the following activities are carried out:

  • elimination of pathogens and associated complications;
  • colonization of the vagina with beneficial microorganisms;
  • consolidation of the result with the help of immunostimulating drugs.

Dysbiosis is often observed after treatment for thrush or taking antibiotics.

If dysbiosis is caused pathogenic organisms(viruses, bacteria) or increased proliferation of opportunistic microflora, for example, a fungus of the genus Candida, then antibacterial therapy is first prescribed.

For factors not related to pathogenic influence, medications are immediately prescribed to restore healthy vaginal flora.

Traditional medicine

Violation of the vaginal microflora means a violation of the pH level.

Suppositories for restoring microflora after treatment of thrush are probiotics, with lactobacilli and certain bifidobacteria in the composition.

Lactobacilli produce the necessary acids and reduce the pH level to normal (3.5-4.5), at the same time blocking the possibility of thrush reappearing. Bifidobacteria support immunity.

It is impossible to say for sure which candles are universally suitable for everyone. Their effect on the body is individual: drugs that are effective for one woman may be useless for another, regardless of whether the candles are expensive or cheap. The reason for this may be the duration and nature of the infection.

Any infection destroys the upper epithelial tissue. The same process is observed after taking antibiotics. When a probiotic enters the vagina, the walls of which have been damaged by infection, there is nothing for it to attach to. As a result, the remedy turns out to be useless.

Manufacturers of suppositories found a solution: they began to add additional substances to the composition that regenerate epithelial tissue so that the probiotic would gain a foothold and restore the microflora. When choosing a drug, you need to take this nuance into account and carefully study the composition.

First of all, the gynecologist examines the smear for flora and finds out whether the patient needs antibacterial and antifungal medications. If bacteria or fungi are identified that need to be killed, antibiotics or thrush medications may be prescribed. If the tests are normal or dysbiosis occurs after treatment of other diseases, proceed to the second stage.

The second stage is very important, since during it the vagina is colonized with living bacteria. This must be done because your own beneficial microorganisms died while taking medications or due to infection.

To restore the natural flora of the vagina, vaginal suppositories are used, which contain lactobacilli, but their use can only be prescribed after complete cure from thrush! Most often, doctors prescribe Bifidumbacterin, Acylact and Lactobacterin suppositories to their patients. They contain living stamps that normalize the balance of beneficial microorganisms.

Another suppository medication that can be obtained as a prescription from a doctor includes loading dose vitamin C. Increased acidity has a detrimental effect on bad bacteria, cleanses the vagina and improves local immunity. This drug is called Vaginorm S, but before using it you should also make sure that there is no candidiasis.

There can be many causes of dysbacteriosis in gynecology. These include:

  • a decrease in the general immunity of the body as a result of freezing has a detrimental effect on the vaginal flora;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • a sharp change in climate often serves as a factor in the acute phase of dysbiosis;
  • long or uncontrolled reception antibiotics;
  • non-compliance with the rules for using tampons during menstruation, their careless insertion and non-systematic replacement form favorable environment for anaerobic dysbiosis in women;
  • illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • disruptions in the hormonal sphere due to irregular sexual activity or irregularities in the menstrual cycle, any trimester of gestation and postpartum recovery, termination of pregnancy, menopause;
  • various infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvis;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • violations of personal hygiene rules.

There are also ways alternative medicine, which are also designed to restore vaginal flora. But you should not make a decision on your own; consult your doctor first. The doctor will be able to advise on the effectiveness or, conversely, the uselessness of the measures used. Some of the most popular methods that offer traditional medicine:

  1. Tampons with sea ​​buckthorn oil. A tampon soaked in oil is inserted at night and removed in the morning. This method is very effective, because sea buckthorn concentrate has a pronounced bactericidal and wound-healing effect. Treatment course lasts at least 10 days.
  2. Cotton swabs with an acidic medium and honey panacea. After melting 1 tbsp. honey, moisten a cotton-gauze swab in the prepared solution. The next day, a tampon with kefir liquid is inserted. The method is only suitable for people who do not have allergic reactions for honey The course of treatment is 10 days.
  3. Syringe from a decoction of string. Prepare the decoction of the string, filter and cool. Use it warm for daily douching. The course of treatment is unlimited - until all symptoms are eliminated.