Menu for pregnant women. Proper diet for pregnant women at different stages

Pregnancy is a very important, exciting, responsible and at the same time wonderful period in a woman’s life. When a woman becomes a mother, she forever “joins the pregnant club” and will remember more than once how it was for her. Pregnancy, no matter what it is, is always a milestone. Life “before” the birth of the baby and with him. The mother should take care of the baby at the first signs of pregnancy. And while she and the child are one, all her decisions and actions should be aimed at the benefit of both. Walk more fresh air, relax, think about pleasant things, avoid stressful situations and, of course, eat right. From power expectant mother The development of the fetus, the course of labor and the future health of the baby depend.

A few words about the most important

Having heard the cherished words “you will have a child,” a woman begins to replenish her knowledge in the field of pregnancy and childbirth. Fortunately, now there is plenty of information and the main points are known to every girl.

If you don't take into account individual characteristics, then the duration of pregnancy is 9 months. Doctors divide this period into three trimesters.

Of course, it is stupid to say that one trimester is more important than the others. For full development fetus, for normal childbirth and the condition of the baby and mother, every moment of pregnancy is of enormous importance.

So, in the first trimester, the fetus is formed and by the end of the period it already begins to move (although the woman does not yet feel this clearly). In the second trimester, the baby actively develops all internal organs. The child is already moving well, hears the mother’s heart and the voices of the parents. IN last trimester the baby is fully formed, all organs, including the brain, eyes and even marigolds. The baby's lungs take the longest to develop. In the third trimester, the baby turns head down.

During pregnancy, or better yet in advance, a woman must refuse bad habits: smoking, drinking and Not proper nutrition. Nutritious food pregnant woman - very important factor in the development of the baby.

The influence of nutrition on pregnancy

There are legends about the taste vagaries and oddities of pregnant women. Indeed, a woman’s gastronomic preferences change during pregnancy. Sometimes the taste preferences of expectant mothers are shocking, and they are also so fickle that expectant fathers have to be patient. This is explained hormonal imbalance, a special “protective mechanism” of Mother Nature and “tricks” in the head of a pregnant woman.

The fetus gets its food from the mother's blood, so it is very important to monitor how she feeds. You should not adhere to a specific diet without a prescription from a specialist. Each doctor describes the nutrition of pregnant women by week and gives individual recommendations. expectant mother in labor, guided by her analyses.

General nutritional rules for expectant mothers

A diet for pregnant women by trimester with its own dishes and cooking technologies has long been developed.

But there are a number of principles that are recommended for all pregnant women to adhere to:

  1. The most important thing is to avoid alcohol.
  2. It is better to eat food in small portions several times a day (at least 5). It is advisable to eat slowly, chewing thoroughly, and enjoying the food.
  3. Don’t overeat before going to bed; it’s best if dinner (no matter how big it was) was a few hours before bedtime.
  4. Food should not be fatty, fried or raw. Preferences should be given boiled dishes or steamed.
  5. Everything should be present in the diet essential microelements, which can be found in meat, fish, cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits.
  6. Do not abuse sugar and caffeine.

Oxyphenylketonuria, listeriosis and many other diseases can be avoided by following proper diet. Many diseases are detected by test results, and they can be cured or prevented with the help of vitamins (both natural and pharmaceutical), but you also need to be careful with them. In such important period In a woman’s life, like pregnancy, absolutely everything matters!

What should be the diet for pregnant women? 3rd trimester

A pregnant woman's menu should be balanced, healthy, exclude allergenic foods, and at the same time not be “overloaded”. On latest dates many women are advised to eat less or eat less because the weight of the mother, baby and physical condition mothers can complicate childbirth.

Green salads with vegetable oil (or without dressing) are recommended for pregnant women. Vegetables and fruits are also very healthy, especially if they are seasonal. cucumbers, cabbage, eggplants, peppers - what a mother and her baby need. Tomatoes should be eaten with caution; they are allergens.

Dairy products should be chosen without additives and with short term storage Dairy and fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on digestive system and provide the calcium necessary for the fetus. The doctor may ask you to limit yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese and milk. prenatal period, since these are quite high-calorie foods.

Cereals are very important in the diet; it is advisable to cook whole grains rather than flakes. It is recommended to soak the cereal before cooking. By the way, there are restrictions on cereals; pregnant women are not recommended to eat semolina and white rice.

Mushrooms should not be consumed by pregnant women at all, especially in the last stages.

You need to drink whenever you want. If a woman doesn't have strong problems with swelling, you should not limit yourself to fluids. You can drink water, tea, fresh juices, milk. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks are not allowed. Coffee is not perceived unambiguously by doctors, so it is recommended to limit it, if not eliminate it.

Popular wisdom regarding the nutrition of a pregnant woman says: “You can eat everything, but a little bit at a time.” In the third trimester this “slightly” decreases greatly. Also, depending on the period, the nutrition of pregnant women will vary from week to week.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman by week of the 3rd trimester

It is important for a pregnant woman to consider several subtleties regarding her diet. The fact is that during this wonderful time, a woman needs to get as many useful microelements and vitamins as possible, and not all of them have the same benefits during different periods of pregnancy. Therefore, doctors have long compiled a diet for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. The expectant mother's menu depends on the week of pregnancy and her individual indications.

Calcium is very important for the formation of various tissues of the unborn baby, so in the third trimester it is recommended to consume foods containing calcium daily. But excess calcium can negatively affect birth process. Starting from the 34th week, the expectant mother needs to limit foods containing calcium and iodine.

Vitamin D is intended for the absorption of calcium and the prevention of childhood rickets. A pregnant woman needs to remember that it is not enough to simply consume foods containing this vitamin; to absorb it, it is necessary to walk in the fresh air under the “gentle” sun.

Sufficient consumption of foods containing iron excludes possible hypoxia fetus, and also promotes speedy recovery women in labor. Starting from the first weeks, a pregnant woman’s menu should include a variety of foods, including meat. From 34 weeks of meat products It is preferable for a pregnant woman to eat young beef or chicken.

For normal blood clotting, as well as to improve kidney function, the expectant mother needs to consume foods containing vitamin K.

Vitamin C helps improve mental state and immunity of a pregnant woman. For a baby, products containing it are important for strengthening blood vessels. But by the middle of the third trimester you need to be extremely careful with this vitamin, as it contributes to the development of gestosis.

Vitamin E will help a woman’s body better prepare for childbirth. Starting from the 30th week, products containing this vitamin should supplement the diet for pregnant women. A woman’s menu must include carrots, radishes, cucumbers and other foods rich in vitamin E.

Each woman is individual, but from about 32 weeks, it is worth limiting fluid intake, or replacing water with a decoction or green tea. This will relieve the pregnant woman from swelling. For the same reason, in the 3rd trimester, starting from week 35, it is worth limiting or completely abandoning salt consumption.


Nutritionists all over the world argue about the benefits and harms of juices, and the balance constantly changes its position. But both nutritionists and doctors agree on one thing - juices should be present in a pregnant woman’s diet in reasonable quantities.

Important note: juices must be freshly squeezed. Not packaged, but fresh vegetable or fruit juices, drunk within half an hour after preparation, will be beneficial for mother and baby.

The most famous fruit juices: pomegranate, apricot, peach, apple, cranberry.

The most affordable vegetable juices: carrot, beet, tomato.

Not the most common, but one of the most useful is birch sap. A glass of fresh birch sap is a storehouse of vitamins. If a woman is not allergic to pollen, then birch sap during pregnancy will become her the best medicine from many ailments.

By drinking several glasses of fresh birch sap a day, the expectant mother will forget about toxicosis, pressure surges and swelling. Returning to the topic “Diet for pregnant women 3rd trimester”, a woman’s menu should be enriched with birch sap, as it will promote further lactation and weight loss for the young mother. For women, thoughts about often become obsessive. After giving birth, mommy will need time and effort to restore her health and figure. Any woman wants to look beautiful, especially in her new status. Birch sap is an excellent helper for women in solving these problems.

It is important to remember that birch sap should be consumed in reasonable quantities during pregnancy. The time to “harvest” this natural gift is early spring.

Fruits in the diet of the expectant mother

The beneficial properties of fruits have long been known, each of them contains various vitamins. Interestingly, the healthiest fruits and vegetables for a person are those that grow in the region where he lives.

Fruits, berries and vegetables must be included in the “3rd trimester” diet for pregnant women. However, the expectant mother’s menu should not be overloaded even with these healthy products, since large quantities they can cause allergies. When the first signs of allergy appear, fruit intake should be stopped, since not only the mother, but also the fetus suffers. In the third trimester, doctors recommend completely abstaining from exotic fruits. Domestic, and even better homemade apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, grapes, persimmons, pomegranates, grapefruit must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman.

The most healthy fruits during pregnancy, those who are in harvest season. If the main stage of pregnancy occurred in winter and spring, it is better to eat dried or frozen fruits, vegetables and berries than store-bought fresh ones.

Meat on a pregnant woman's menu

Eating meat during pregnancy is not just important, but vital. Since only meat contains protein of animal origin, which is involved in the formation of the skeletal system and muscle tissue baby. In addition, meat contains enough iron to maintain normal hemoglobin. It will not be possible to replace meat with other products throughout pregnancy.

But it should be remembered that preference should be given to lean meat: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit or duck. Meat should be cooked, stewed or baked for a long time.

Lack of meat in the diet causes a woman's fatigue. But in the last stages of pregnancy it is recommended to reduce the amount of meat consumed.

Dishes for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

List healthy products and the number of calories is a concern for any expectant mother, even one who has not previously restricted herself in food. The interesting thing is that this diet during pregnancy is just the beginning. If after giving birth mommy prefers breast-feeding, she is on a strict diet. But this is later, and before childbirth main question, which a woman should be interested in is the diet for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester.

Pregnant woman's menu for every day of the week:


Second dinner

Banana or dried fruits

Light soup, meat and mashed potatoes, vegetable salad and compote

Yogurt or fermented baked milk

Stewed meat with mashed potatoes, bean salad and green tea

Muesli with dairy products

Sandwich with cheese and cucumber

Soup, vegetable stew, fruit drink

Cheesecakes and green tea

Steamed fish and vegetables, vinaigrette, juice or tea

Cottage cheese, apple or carrots

Green tea, a glass of juice or yogurt, fermented baked milk

Soup, fish with vegetables and juice

Sandwich with jelly or cocoa

Boiled or baked meat, rice, salad with herbs, cottage cheese, kefir

Cheese or fruit

Boiled egg, bread with butter or jam and green tea

Yogurt or fruit Milk porridge

Fruit salad

Roast beef, vegetable stew, jelly

Lazy salad and tea

Kefir or yogurt

Cottage cheese with berries or jam

Nuts, raisins or dried fruits

Borscht, baked vegetables, cocoa or tea

Salmon sandwich

Tea or fruit

Cheesecakes with tea

Salad from seaweed

Ear or fish cutlet with rice, vegetable salad, tea

Cottage cheese

Pumpkin puree soup, chicken baked with vegetables

Raisins or dried fruits

Let food bring pleasure and benefit to the woman and baby.

The essence of the diet for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

During pregnancy, women need to reconsider their daily diet. Excess body weight increases the risk of developing pathologies in a child. If a woman gains excess weight during pregnancy, dieting is necessary.

In a pregnant woman, if there is overweight body increases the risk of developing severe toxicosis, rises blood pressure, the load on the joints increases. The risk of developing fetal hypoxia also increases. Overweight women often have problems with labor, post-term pregnancies occur.

Each woman has her own specific rate of weight gain, it depends on weight, height and other parameters. Pregnant women are advised to follow a diet.

A number of general rules for the entire period of pregnancy

Eating 5-6 times a day in small portions, chewing carefully - this is ideal;

Last meal 3 hours before bedtime;

Alcohol is prohibited!

Avoid fried foods smoked food and various pickles, it is better to eat boiled, stewed, steamed or baked in the oven;

The priority is to eat only healthy foods - fruits, vegetables, cereals, vegetable oil is also useful;

We accept vitamin complexes throughout the entire pregnancy!

Menu Features for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

Firstly, you need to eat only natural products. A pregnant woman's diet should contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Daily norm Protein per day should be from 100 to 120 grams. The fat intake should be about 80 grams per day.

It is better to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. It should be remembered that the disadvantage nutrients may have a negative impact on the baby's development. Therefore, food should be varied and healthy.

A sufficient amount of iron is necessary for fetal development. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to eat seafood rich in iron and phosphorus. Phosphorus is necessary for the formation of fetal bones and nervous system.

During pregnancy, you should avoid eating large amounts of flour products, fatty foods. You should also not eat foods with added preservatives, flavors, or dyes.

Drinking coffee and red wine is contraindicated for pregnant women, as these products increase blood pressure and increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Coffee can be replaced with chicory decoction.

If you have any pathologies during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor about your diet.

Foods to eat in the first trimester of pregnancy

  • Five servings fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Six servings of fortified, whole grain breads and cereals.
  • Three servings skim milk or dairy products.
  • Two to three servings of lean meat, skinless chicken, fish, or cooked dry beans and peas.
  • Eight glasses of water.

The guidelines for eating and having a healthy pregnancy are simple and easy to follow. When, where, and how much to eat is often driven by necessity. A pregnant woman in her first trimester can choose snacks for breakfast and a big dinner if she is suffering from morning sickness, or opt for a larger breakfast and a lighter dinner in the last trimester, when heartburn is less of a problem. Be sure to avoid or limit caffeine (such as coffee, tea, and cola), alcohol, and tobacco.

More fresh vegetables and fruits, less sweets and bakery products. Nutrition should be of high quality and healthy, and not burden the stomach and cause constipation.

Losing weight during pregnancy is very risky; you need to monitor your condition every day and, if there is the slightest disturbance, seek help. medication assistance. In the first trimester, the most important organs begin to form, the brain, the heart of the baby, a woman should eat properly, saturating the body essential vitamins and minerals. Fewer bakery and confectionery, even if you really want to. It’s better to drink a glass of kefir, eat an apple, and cook porridge with milk.

The nutritional system must include all the necessary minerals and vitamins; dishes must be steamed, boiled, but not fried, using vegetable and animal fats. Less potatoes, and more greens, cabbage, radishes, turnips, cucumbers, celery. You can cook any porridge without adding sugar to it. A spoonful of honey is allowed, buckwheat will be very tasty in tandem with kefir, and rice with carrots. Definitely, fractional and complex meals!

Take care of yourself and your baby and be reasonable!

Foods that should not be consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy

The health of the unborn child depends on what you eat in the first three months of pregnancy, so give up anything that can negatively affect the development of the fetus and will not bring you any tangible benefit:

  • products instant cooking and fast foods,
  • crackers and chips,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • canned food,
  • coffee (exclude completely, as there may be bad consequences from increased blood pressure to miscarriage),
  • vinegar, pepper, mustard.

Give preference to vegetables and fruits - they are much healthier for both you and your unborn baby.

What affects weight gain during pregnancy?

Eat right and move a lot

The moment the family learns the good news about pregnancy, expectant mother they begin to feed. The husband brings sweets home, the mother brings soups and purees, and the mother-in-law brings fatty cottage cheese and milk. In the 1st trimester, more than 80% of women suffer from early toxicosis, so everything increases in small quantities.

But after 12 weeks, when toxicosis disappears, you can gain a lot of weight.

A pregnant woman should not eat for two; of course, the portions increase, but not 2 times. Our body is designed cunningly, that's all useful components even a small amount of food will go straight to the unborn baby.

After 12 weeks, weight gain is affected not only by sedentary lifestyle life and increased nutrition, swelling may appear. Check your feet to see if there are any constrictions left on them from your socks? If they are, then you will have to adjust the menu. You may also notice that in the evening it is difficult to remove the ring from your finger.

Menu for a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester

Day 1

  • Breakfast Muesli with milk
  • Second breakfast Low-fat yogurt
  • Lunch Soup with meat broth
  • Afternoon snack Vegetable salad
  • Dinner Rice with stewed cabbage
  • Before bed A glass of milk

Day 2

  • Breakfast Milk porridge (oatmeal or rice)
  • Second breakfast Sandwich with butter
  • Lunch Fish soup
  • Afternoon snack Cottage cheese - 100 gr.
  • Dinner Pasta with liver baked in kefir
  • Before bed Vegetable salad with seaweed

Day 3

  • Breakfast Cottage cheese - 100-150 g., green tea
  • Second breakfast Tea with cookies
  • Lunch Vegetable soup (pumpkin or broccoli puree soup)
  • Afternoon snack Fruit
  • Dinner Steamed chicken fillet cutlet, mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt before bed

Day 4

  • Breakfast Buckwheat porridge on milk. Any juice
  • Second breakfast Yogurt
  • Lunch Cauliflower or broccoli soup, bread.
  • Afternoon snack Apple or pear
  • Dinner Salad with tuna, avocado, tomatoes and spinach leaves
  • Before bed Cranberry juice

Day 5

  • Breakfast Bread with cheese and tomatoes. Kefir or fermented baked milk.
  • Second breakfast Orange
  • Lunch Pasta with meatballs. Vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack A handful of walnuts
  • Dinner Baked potatoes with sour cream. Herbal tea.
  • Before bed Kefir

Day 6

  • Breakfast Cheesecakes made from low-fat cottage cheese. Herbal tea
  • Second breakfast Dried apricots - a small handful
  • Lunch Vegetable soup with chicken pieces. Whole grain bread
  • Afternoon snack Grated carrots with apple
  • Dinner Green salad with soft cheese and tomatoes.
  • Before bed A glass of milk
  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with milk and apple. Juice
  • Second breakfast Banana
  • Dinner Chicken soup. Tomato salad. Tea
  • Afternoon snack Any fruit of your choice
  • Dinner Chicken cutlet with steamed vegetables.
  • Yogurt before bed

As can be seen from the menu described above, the dishes are quite simple and do not pose much complexity. You can create such a menu yourself, the main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of nutrition in the first (1st) trimester, and of course, all the doctor’s prescriptions.

Why diet during pregnancy

Following a diet in the first trimester of pregnancy is a necessity for the baby. It is at this time that the formation of the main organs and systems of the small organism occurs. Therefore, the expectant mother is advised to completely avoid foods that are too high in calories.

The amount of calories consumed depends on the trimester

A normal diet for a pregnant woman should include:

  1. 120 grams of protein per day, of which 70 grams are animal meat, dairy products, fish or eggs.
  2. 100 grams of fat, 20 of which enter the body with plant foods.
  3. No more than 400 grams of carbohydrates in the first trimester, in the second and third - up to 300 grams. You reduce the amount of carbohydrates, supplementing what you lost with proteins.

During a weight loss diet for pregnant women, food is taken 4–5 times a day in small portions. If during pregnancy before the diet you ate 3000 calories per day, the norm is reduced to 1800-2000 calories. This does not mean that you now have to go hungry.

Eat healthy, but only healthy food, but you will have to forget about sweets, fast food, sweet sodas, and fresh white bread.

Will this amount of calories be enough for a growing baby? Yes, the quantity is enough; as the baby grows in the first trimester, he only needs 100 extra calories (a glass apple juice). 2nd trimester is only 150–200 calories, for example, a glass of milk and yogurt. In the third - 300 calories per day, and this is a piece of boiled meat and kefir.

When a woman is pregnant, she needs to monitor absolutely everything: what she eats, how she feels, what her mood is and, of course, this is not easy! Today we will try to make your task easier by telling you what to eat for lunch during pregnancy, so that it is both tasty for the mother and healthy for the unborn baby. We offer simple and quick-to-follow recipes so as not to waste time on cooking, because standing at the stove for a long time is not always pleasant!

Principles of nutrition

First, let's remember general principles nutrition of a pregnant woman.

Small meals 5-6 times a day

It is especially important both in the first and last stages. In the first case, due to toxicosis, it is difficult for a woman to receive required quantity calories and small portions can be a real solution. In the second, the grown uterus compresses the remaining internal organs and the stomach is not able to stretch to its previous volumes.

You shouldn’t risk getting heartburn - it’s better to eat a little at a time, adding a couple of snacks to your usual breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Protein-fat-carbohydrate ratio

We follow the rule: eat not for two, but for two and remember that microelements, vitamins and fatty acids, obtained from food, are absorbed much better than any multivitamins.

When taking care of coloring, we do not neglect animal fats. Pregnancy is not a time when you should stick to a low-fat diet or completely switch to vegetable oils. High-quality butter and cream are extremely healthy!

Avoid pickles, smoked foods, fried and synthetic foods

Mom doesn’t need heartburn, not to mention overloaded kidneys, pancreas and liver, and the baby doesn’t need carcinogens from chips or French fries that get directly into the amniotic fluid.

But don’t think that all that remains during pregnancy is gnawing on a raw carrot for lunch, eating it chicken breast for a couple. In the end, this is not gastritis, but just motherhood!

The greatest emphasis in the menu at any time should be placed on fresh vegetables and fruits, milk protein, complex carbohydrates And low-fat varieties meat.

Other restrictions

We consume potential allergens in moderation: citrus fruits, mushrooms, nuts, red berries.

We limit spices, spice products, chocolate and completely exclude alcohol. In any case, you need to feel your body, focus on taste preferences and remember that a single use of this or that product will not cause much harm.

It is best to prepare dishes by steaming or baking in the oven. Stewed and boiled food is less healthy, and in third place is frying; the less such food in your diet, the better.

So, we have before us an impressive list of products from which we can create an excellent menu for a pregnant woman for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Once on the table of the expectant mother in mandatory fresh vegetables must be included, let's start with salads!

Sea kale salad


  • Sea kale – 200 g;
  • Cucumbers – 1 pc.:
  • Beetroot (boiled) – 150 g;
  • Quail eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil– 1 tbsp.


  1. Boil eggs and beets until tender.
  2. Chop the cabbage, if the seaweed is too long, cucumber. Peel the beets and grate them.
  3. Add some salt, add oil and mix. Cut the eggs into halves and place them on top.

Everything is ready!

Of course, this is a basic recipe and you can change the ingredients at your discretion. For example, add 100 g to this amount canned corn or defrosted peas. If desired, you can put ½ onion shredded into half rings. You just need to scald it with boiling water to remove the bitterness.

Lightly salted salmon goes very well with seaweed - for this amount it is enough to cut 2 - 3 slices into strips and red beans. For 200 g of cabbage, add 150 - 200 g of beans without liquid.

Or you can prepare a cabbage mixture: sea cabbage and white cabbage go well together. Add sweet peppers, dill, season with oil and you're done!

However, the salad can become an excellent replacement a full meal if you include the protein component: 100 - 150 g of tuna or a couple of large chicken eggs and some complex carbohydrates.

Let's prepare the following dish for lunch: salad with pink salmon and rice. Take 100 g of baked or steamed fish, mix with 2 tbsp. boiled rice, chopped egg and 200 g of seaweed. We fill everything up olive oil, salt and mix.

This salad can replace both the first and second for a future mother’s lunch.


  • Pink salmon fillet – 400 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon – ½ pc.
  • Greens - a bunch
  • Salt, spices - to taste


  1. If we have a fillet, we don’t need to do anything; if we have a whole carcass, we remove the skin, remove the bones and the head - you can cook fish soup from them. Cut the meat into portions and squeeze 3-5 drops onto each piece. lemon juice, add salt and set aside.
  2. Chop the onion into half rings, sprinkle with vinegar, cut the tomato into circles.
  3. We tear off several identical sheets from the foil according to the number of pieces of fish. Divide the onions and tomatoes into equal parts so that there is enough for each piece. Place the onion on the foil first, then the fish, and 1-2 slices of tomato on top.
  4. If desired, you can add half a lemon wedge.
  5. Wrap all the pieces well so that there are no gaps left, and bake for 30 minutes at 220°C.

Serve the finished fish with greens - salad mix, cherry tomatoes or steamed vegetables.

Or you can make vegetable risotto. We make it with water or vegetable broth.

  1. In the latter case, we will need to boil 300 - 400 g of fresh vegetables: broccoli, carrots, onions, bay leaf– Boil them in a liter of water until tender.
  2. Strain the resulting broth, add salt and leave it on low heat; we will need it boiling.
  3. We wash 1/3 cup of rice in several waters, place it in a deep frying pan or saucepan, immediately pour in some of the broth so as to cover the rice by half a centimeter, and place 2 cloves of garlic, cut in half, on top.
  4. We leave it to simmer under the lid, and move on to the vegetables: cut 1 carrot, 150 g of pumpkin, 20-30 g of leek into cubes and cut 3-4 heads of Brussels sprouts into halves.
  5. Simmer vegetables in another pan until soft. First, carrots and onions, after 10 minutes add pumpkin and Brussels sprouts, after another 10 minutes add 1/3 cup of frozen green peas.
  6. Continue adding broth to the rice as it cooks. It takes 25-30 minutes to cook and 5-7 minutes before the end, mix it with vegetables, add the rest of the liquid, let it simmer and remove from heat.

Keep the finished risotto covered for another 5 minutes and serve! As you can see, there is not an ounce of excess oil in this dish, so before serving, season each plate with 1 tsp. olive

  1. If we want dinner to cook faster, soak 1 tbsp before cooking. lentils for 1 - 1.5 hours.
  2. Pour the soaked cereal into a liter of boiling salted water and leave to cook.
  3. Meanwhile, simmer 1 chopped onion in olive oil - do this under the lid and over very low heat so that the onion does not fry, but rather stews.
  4. Scald and peel 2 medium tomatoes, finely chop and add to the onion, add spices: turmeric, coriander, cumin. If desired, add 1 tbsp. tomato paste.
  5. Keep on low heat for 10-15 minutes and transfer to a saucepan with soup.

Cook for another 5 minutes, add ½ bunch of chopped herbs, bring to a boil and serve! Before serving this soup, you can add a few drops of lemon juice directly onto the plate. The taste will be more interesting and subtle.

Pumpkin soup is also good for lunch. Potassium contained in the pulp of this vegetable is necessary for pregnant women.

Pumpkin puree soup


  • Pumpkin – 500 g;
  • Vegetable broth – 700 ml;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Cream 20% - 2 tbsp per serving plate;
  • Nutmeg, allspice, salt - to taste.


  1. Bring the broth to a boil and add the pumpkin pulp cut into pieces. As soon as it boils, add the chopped onion into half rings and cook until the vegetables become soft.
  2. Puree everything with an immersion blender, add salt and spices, let it boil and turn it off.

Serve hot with cream and crackers. You can add the first one pumpkin seeds, pouring them directly into the plates on top of the cream.

If cooking vegetable broth separately seems difficult, you can add some potatoes to this soup. This will make the taste softer and richer, and add satiety to the dish. For this amount you will need a couple of potatoes and a glass more water.

At the end, add some greens and, if desired, sprinkle with grated cheese. If cream seems too rich an addition, use natural yoghurt no additives! It perfectly replaces sour cream in hot dishes.

Cottage cheese casserole with banana

To make our lunch for a pregnant woman complete, let's prepare a small healthy dessert!

  1. Stir 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. butter until sugar grains disappear.
  2. Place 3 bananas cut lengthwise into a baking dish and fill with curd mixture.
  3. Place in a hot (200°C) oven to bake for 15–20 minutes.

Let the finished casserole stand for 15 - 20 minutes so that the hot cottage cheese sets and does not drip. Serve with berries and fruits!

Now we know what to eat for lunch during pregnancy! It's tasty, satisfying and very healthy!

Hello, dear women! Almost all of us sooner or later become mothers. But they precede this long months waiting for the crumbs, queuing in antenatal clinic, endless tests, examinations and... dreams of a healthy baby.

But did you know that most, if not all, of them are destined to come true? And you need very little for this - healthy image life, good mood and proper nutrition for pregnant women. The 1st trimester, the menu of which is discussed in this article, is considered one of the most important. Simply because it is during this period that all the organs and systems of the fetus are formed, and the fetus itself gradually develops.

And in best case scenario, so to speak, lack useful substances now in the future it may turn into a pathology for him, and at worst - become fatal.

You shouldn’t radically change your diet in the first months of pregnancy! It's much smarter to just adjust it.

Will help with this simple general rules power supply:

  • A pregnant woman's menu should be as diverse as possible and contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in required quantities. Of course, only a nutritionist can determine these amounts in each individual case. If you have the opportunity to contact him, great, if not, don’t be upset. Moreover, if before pregnancy there were no problems with overweight. After all, this means that the diet is correct and does not need changes. If they were, it needs to be reconsidered, reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates (sweets) consumed. You shouldn’t eat more than usual and eat for two in the first trimester.

By the way, if you really don’t want to count proteins, fats and carbohydrates yourself, you can simply order healthy food to your home! They will do the math for you and bring you food for the whole day from the most healthy and natural products. Very convenient! View sample menus and prices possible on the website.

  • At first it is advisable increase the portions of fruits and vegetables you eat. The latter can be filled with oil. In this form, they are not only absorbed faster, but also improve digestion.
  • Important take care of your diet. It is advisable to replace three meals during this period with 5-6. The main thing is that the portions are small.
  • We must not forget about drinking. The expectant mother needs 2 liters of fluid per day. Moreover, it can be not only water, but also fruit juices, compotes, milk or cocoa.
  • The last factor is the way food is prepared. During pregnancy better to refuse fried foods in favor of boiled, baked or steamed.

2. What should be in the diet

Proper nutrition for the expectant mother can reduce the risk of developing congenital pathologies fetus That is why it needs to be thought through with special care.

What does a pregnant woman need?

In vitamins, because they play vital role. Judge for yourself:

  1. Vitamin B9, or folic acid. Doctors prescribe it from the first days. Do you know why? He is responsible for proper development nervous system and protects the fetus from anencephaly, hydrocephalus, spinal fissures and others dangerous illnesses. It is found in nuts, legumes, apples, citrus fruits, mushrooms and greens.
  2. Vitamin E. It is also well known by many as it prevents miscarriage. You can find it in vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, liver and herbs or... in the pharmacy.
  3. Vitamin C. It not only increases the immunity of the expectant mother during pregnancy, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the placenta, and also promotes the absorption of iron, on which, by the way, the level of hemoglobin depends. But keep in mind that it is too large number Vitamin C may be harmful because Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, which is undesirable in the 1st trimester.
  4. Vitamin D Do you want to preserve the health and beauty of your teeth? Don't forget about fish, seafood, egg yolks and butter, in which it is contained. This vitamin allows the future baby not only to form a strong skeletal system, but also to prevent the development of allergic reactions.
  5. Vitamin B12. Women suffering from anemia need it. It is found in fish, eggs, meat and milk.
  6. Vitamin A. It affects the condition of the placenta and is found in eggs, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables.

In addition to them, a pregnant woman needs zinc, iron, selenium, honey, cobalt and other trace elements on which the development of the fetus depends. How not to get confused in all this diversity and enrich your body with all the useful substances?

Just make sure that there is room in your diet for all food groups, namely:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • meat and fish;
  • dairy products.

3. What a pregnant woman should not do in the first trimester

  • Fast food and semi-finished products.
  • Chips, crackers and any overly salty and spicy dishes - they violate metabolic processes in the body, causing swelling.
  • Coffee and caffeinated drinks. They increase blood pressure, which can result in miscarriage. Meanwhile, doctors still allow coffee lovers 1 cup of coffee per day.
  • Canned food, carbonated drinks.
  • Alcohol.

4. Approximate food menu for a week in the first trimester

Now let's take a look sample menu for a week, which will provide mother and baby with all the necessary nutrients: