Pantohematogen in various preparations: instructions for use. Pantohematogen liquid - description and instructions for use


Dear readers, today I want to introduce you to the Altai pantohematogen. Perhaps the information will interest you. This remedy can be used to strengthen the immune system, and to increase hemoglobin in human blood, and for many other health problems.

My blog guest Nikolai Kuvykin, manager of the Siberian deer breeding farm in Altai, will talk about pantohematogen. I give him the floor.

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina’s blog. Today I want to tell you about our Altai pantohematogen. It has long established itself as an incredibly healthy remedy that can solve such a wide range of problems that many find it hard to believe. And he is also one of the most effective means to increase hemoglobin.

A little history

Pantohematogen is a product known since ancient times. It is made from animal blood. It was used by ancient people for their health. The first records of the use of deer carcass parts in medical purposes dates back as far as 168 BC. Regarding Russian history, then they learned about the value of antlers and blood in the 60s of the 18th century. The first moral books appeared in Altai in 1872. And then ours has already connected official medicine. The drugs “Pantocrine”, “Cropanol” and some others were created.

Pantohematogen Altai. Species

Pantohematogen is available in two forms. There is pantohematogen liquid, without alcohol with pleasant taste raspberries Dry pantohematogen is also available in capsules.

How does pantohematogen help with anemia?

One of the main functions of pantohematogen: solving the problem of low hemoglobin. It effectively combats the symptoms of IDA ( iron deficiency anemia), which on at the moment affects almost 2 billion people worldwide (according to World Organization Healthcare). By replenishing iron deficiency in the body, the product increases hemoglobin. People suffering from anemia experience a significant increase in vitality, usually after 2 weeks of use.

Most often, women suffer from anemia, and pantohematogen allows you to solve this problem without side effects and intestinal problems.

Pantohematogen Gorno-Altai – a natural source of iron

The main component of pantohematogen is the blood of the Altai deer. This is a noble deer, famous throughout the world for its antlers (horns).

Pantohematogen contains large number iron, amino acids and microelements beneficial for humans and helps to activate the body’s protective reserves and increase resistance to viral and infectious diseases.

Pantohematogen. Application

I would like to tell you what health problems can still be treated with pantohematogen.

Other beneficial properties and functions of pantohematogen:

  • The product is famous for its tonic effect and is often used by athletes to improve adaptation to stress and difficult conditions.
  • Acts as an immunostimulant, helping to increase protective forces body and resistance to infectious diseases. Use pantohematogen and forget about colds!
  • Pantohematogen makes it easier to bear stress, is especially useful for neuroses and perfectly normalizes sleep.
  • Helps normalize mental and physical performance, including in schoolchildren, students and mental workers, helps accelerate recovery and healing processes after extensive injuries, fractures, surgical interventions, burns, serious illnesses and blood loss.
  • Pantohematogen significantly helps slow down the process of natural aging, activating energy and metabolic processes in old age.
  • Pantohematogen in sports practice helps to increase sports, general and special performance, increasing speed and strength, helping to speed up rehabilitation after sports injuries, sub-extreme loads, and, most importantly, does NOT contain doping components.
  • Pantohematogen is a proven aphrodisiac that helps stimulate sexual activity in both men and women at any age.

Pantohematogen: instructions for use

If we're talking about about liquid pantohematogen, then adults are recommended 1 tablespoon per 50 grams. water 2 times a day in the morning and evening during meals - daily.

If pantohematogen is in capsules, then you should follow the instructions specific product. For example, dry pantohematogen from the Sibir maral breeding farm is taken one capsule twice a day with meals.

Choose only high-quality pantohematogen

Many manufacturers cheat and mix main component with various additives. This allows you to leave the volume of the capsule the same, but reduce the amount of pantohematogen itself to reduce the cost of the product. But there are also exceptions.

For example, the Altai maral breeding complex “Siberia” produces exclusively pure pantohematogen and sells it without intermediaries. It is this unsurpassed quality that allows this farm product to compete with pharmaceutical giants.

How to buy pantohematogen?

order pantohematogen

I thank the blog guest for the information. I also had an article on the blog about how you can increase hemoglobin. In it I share my proven recipes. You can read them here

There are periods in life when the body is overcome by weakness, loss of strength, dizziness and other ailments. In this situation, people try the most various means: vitamins, immunostimulants, sports, hardening, etc. Liquid pantohematogen “Gorno-Altaisk” will help improve health and restore vitality. Reviews about it say that after taking the drug, you feel an extraordinary surge of strength, energy appears, and all tasks are completed much faster.

Characteristics of Altai balsam

The deer antlers - the substance on the basis of which this balm is created - are unique. They have miraculous properties. Heals the body. It has long been considered the best adaptogen, and antler blood cures many diseases.

Pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" liquid (reviews claim that it not only restores strength, but also improves and stimulates potency) is a biologically active food supplement. Contains this active substance, as a dry pantohematogen, which is obtained from the blood of deer during the period of active growth of antlers in animals. During production active substance passes special treatment low temperatures, dehydration and sterilization technologies.

Release form and composition

Pantohematogen "Gorno-Altai" liquid (reviews show that it restores the body in the most difficult everyday situations) is packaged in glass bottles of 100 and 250 ml, which, in turn, are enclosed in cardboard box one bubble at a time. The balm comes with instructions for use.

The composition of the drug includes: pantohematogen in dry form, sugar, water, iodocasein, iron, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate. For every 100 grams of product there are 9-12 mg of iron and 160-240 mcg of iodine.

Effect of balm on the body

Pantohematogen "Gornoaltaisky" liquid (reviews note that it is a reliable assistant for iron deficiency) effectively increases immune system body. Strengthens health in cases of severe exhaustion, weakened condition, and anemia. Helps to regain strength during cardiovascular failure, serves as a secondary means of saturating the body with iron and iodine.

The balm is prepared from donated blood Altai deer (deer), obtained during the cutting of antlers (unossified young antlers of deer) during the period of their active growth. This event takes place according to a specially designed scheme. They take the strongest individuals and pump out two kilograms of blood from each. This process does not cause any harm to the animals.

The blood of the deer includes many useful substances. It's eighteen essential amino acids out of twenty-two possible ones that occur in nature. There are various macro- and microelements, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, silicon, sodium, nickel. Contains glutamic acid, lipids, enzymes, propylene and glycine, nitrogen, enzymes and many other valuable substances.

Pantohematogen is incomparable tonic. Increases positive qualities blood, improves its composition, increases hemoglobin, gives tone and energy. Daily norm balm contains up to 80% of human daily dose gland. In addition, the drug increases immunity, so people who use it get sick less often than others, even during an exacerbation. colds. The advantages of the Altai remedy include a rejuvenating effect, which reduces biological age person.

It has been scientifically proven that the active components that make up the antlers and the blood of these animals in the best possible way influence diseases genitourinary system. Stimulate potency, cure prostatitis, increase women's fertility, restore menstrual cycle, accelerate the treatment of uterine fibroids.

The balm has a positive effect on a person’s intellectual abilities. Improves memory and performance brain activity. Reduces nervous tension.

Doctors often advise taking pantohematogen after surgery, if serious injuries, during a serious long-term illness. In this case, the drug stimulates cell regeneration, promotes rapid tissue healing, and accelerates the fusion of bones and tissue. An indispensable balm will be in the off-season, when sudden change temperatures, weather changes, poor ecology and poor quality nutrition. Under heavy mental and physical stress, it increases stress resistance and a person’s defenses. Has antiparkinsonian properties.

Indications for use

Pantohematogen balm "Gorno-Altaisk" (250ml) is used as active additive to food. Helps saturate the body with iodine and iron during periods of lack of these substances in the body. Shown in for preventive purposes, in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases. Is good auxiliary with asthenia, hypotension, severe physical and mental stress. The result is obtained in complex combination with other drugs in the treatment of impotence.

Contraindications and side effects

Pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" liquid (doctors' reviews say that it is indispensable for vitamin deficiency) should not be taken if:

  • intolerance to the ingredients included in the dietary supplement;
  • diabetes mellitus varying degrees heaviness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • excessive excitability;
  • malfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The product should not be used by children under the age of fourteen.

The drug is available without a prescription, but despite this, you should consult a doctor before using it, since the drug in some cases can cause allergies. Therefore, persons predisposed to similar phenomena, the first time you need to take the drug with extreme caution.

How to use pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" liquid

Reviews (the price of the balm is quite reasonable) speak of the effective effect of the dietary supplement on the body’s immune system.

According to the instructions, the drug should be taken for two weeks. For children age category over 14 years of age and adults, the Altai remedy is prescribed two teaspoons, which should be diluted in one glass of liquid (tea, water, juice or other non-alcoholic, non-hot drink). The resulting solution must be taken three times a day. The last dose is taken four hours before bedtime. 3-4 such courses can be conducted per year.

Analogues of non-alcoholic balm

People left only positive reviews about pantohematogen “Altai bouquet. Gorno-Altai". Currently available for sale similar means, which belong to the group of pantohematogens. What they all have in common is the presence of deer blood in the balm, extracted from the antlers at the time of their growth. These are the drugs:

  • "Gift of Altai";
  • "Lunar Altai";
  • "Narine";
  • “Pantohematogen – bio”;
  • "Two lines";
  • “Altai little deer” for children;
  • "Altai-Seligor".

All these and other drugs are similar in the presence of such a substance as pantohematogen, and differ in the components they contain additional elements- This various vitamins, herbal and fruit extracts. The range is expanding with preparations containing deer blood in powder form or in capsule form.

Cost of the drug

Pantohematogen "Gornoaltaisky" is a highly effective and inexpensive drug. So, 250 ml can be purchased for 150-200 rubles, and 100 ml for 90-150 rubles. The price varies depending on the outlet.

You can also buy the product on the official website of the Altai Bouquet company, where 100 ml will cost 95 rubles, and 250 ml - 165 rubles. A delivery fee will also be added to this cost, but despite this, there are constantly various promotions and discounts, so the purchase can be profitable. The minimum order amount is 400 rubles.

To begin, the client must register in the online store and choose a delivery method convenient for him. Calculate the tariff. If the conditions are suitable, you can begin placing your order. For orders over 4 thousand rubles, delivery by Russian Post will be 150 rubles. In addition, the company gives the opportunity, if necessary, to return the product within ten days from the date of purchase. In this case, delivery fees are not refunded.

The balm is also sold in pharmacies and branded stores.

Storage rules and expiration date

Non-alcoholic balm "Gorno-Altaisk" has a shelf life of one year. It should be stored in a dark, cool place out of reach of children at a temperature of 8-25°C.

Balm “Pantohematogen”: reviews

The instructions (the price, according to a survey of most people, is quite low for a product of this level) should be carefully studied before starting a course of treatment. Do not neglect contraindications.

The drug helped many women recover after childbirth when other iron-containing products did not help. After just a week of use, the tests changed to better side, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increased. Liquid Pantohematogen became a good help during the period of vitamin deficiency. Reviews from customers and doctors in this case indicate the effect of the drug, which within a few weeks put people back on their feet: it gave them back strength, energy, vitality, and good, long-lasting sleep.

Many athletes use the balm for recovery vitality after long competitions, to increase performance. It is only noted positive result, and men also claim improved potency. Antler baths containing the same active ingredient can also help in this matter.

Students often drink through the course before taking exams. They note that intelligence increases, the brain works faster and better, and memory improves.

Women note that after taking the drug, their hair stopped splitting and falling out, their nails became stronger, and their skin condition improved. Gone premenstrual symptoms, the cycle returned to normal. Even after severe fatigue and after a short sleep the ladies easily lay down and got up. We were cheerful for several days in a row.

There are very few negative reviews, and those for whom the drug was not suitable spoke about exacerbation of chronic diseases, abdominal pain, feeling unwell and dizziness.

Pantohematogen is an amazing drug that can restore strength in a few days, recharge the body with energy and restore impaired health. At certain indications it cannot be discounted, but you should not prescribe it yourself. It is necessary to consult a doctor before using it.

Will get rid of men's problems, change life for the better and raise self-esteem Pantohematogen from impotence. Created on the basis of the antler blood of the Altai deer, the drug quickly restores all cells, systems and organs of the body, tones it and relieves inflammatory reactions.

The natural product has a positive effect on the male genitourinary area, especially when there are disturbances in its functioning caused by the action toxic substances, age-related changes And past illnesses. Helps with any form of sexual impotence, and no matter what it is caused by - stress or chronic fatigue, bad habits or being overweight.

What is Pantohematogen

This natural product in the form of syrup effective action not only with impotence, but also with other pathological conditions:

  • disorders of urination and spermatogenesis;
  • reduced immunity;
  • infertility;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • disruption of the endocrine and hormonal systems;
  • inflammatory and congestive phenomena in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • degenerative changes in the prostate;
  • anemia;
  • depression and chronic fatigue;
  • general weakness.

When used regularly, by the end of the course of therapy, the drug increases potency and libido, increases the quantity and quality of seminal fluid, strengthens erections, makes orgasms longer, activates the body's internal resources, relieves chronic fatigue syndrome, normalizes testosterone levels and blood pressure, increases vitality, mental and physical activity.

What are the advantages of Pantohematogen?

No drug for potency has such a complex effect on the body as Pantohematogen. The medicine tidies up the genitourinary, nervous, hormonal, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems.

In addition, most men who have already been lucky enough to try the drug say that it does an excellent job:

  • does not cause allergic reactions and digestive disorders;
  • does not provide harmful influence on the cardiovascular system;
  • has a minimal list of contraindications;
  • has a prolonged effect;
  • It's inexpensive.

What is included in the natural concentrate Pantogematogen for impotence

The drug formula contains 2 powerful bioconcentrates:

  • native blood of Altai maral antlers;
  • red root.

Antler blood of the Altai deer makes nerve endings more sensitive, conducts impulses better, which in turn allows you to receive unearthly pleasure from sexual intercourse. The component restores all mechanisms of sexual function, immunity, increases hemoglobin levels and restores strength after heavy physical exertion.

The red root contains substances that also restore the functions of the reproductive system, prevent the development of impotence, bacterial, viral and inflammatory processes. Red root concentrate has beneficial effect on prostate gland, reduces the risk of developing tumors and cancers.

Method of using Pantohematogen

Quality certificates for the drug Pantohematogen

The concentrate has several domestic quality certificates in its arsenal, which it received after clinical trials, where he showed amazing results.

There are periods in life when the body is overcome by weakness, loss of strength, dizziness and other ailments. In this situation, people try a variety of remedies: vitamins, immunostimulants, sports, hardening, etc. Liquid pantohematogen “Gorno-Altaisk” will help improve health and restore vitality. Reviews about it say that after taking the drug, you feel an extraordinary surge of strength, energy appears, and all tasks are completed much faster.

Characteristics of Altai balsam

The deer antlers - the substance on the basis of which this balm is created - are unique. They have miraculous properties. Heals the body. It has long been considered the best adaptogen, and antler blood cures many diseases.

Pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" liquid (reviews claim that it not only improves and stimulates potency) is a biologically active food additive. Contains such an active substance as pantohematogen dry, which is obtained from the blood of deer during the period of active growth of antlers in animals. During the production process, the active substance undergoes special treatment at low temperatures, dehydration and sterilization technologies.

Release form and composition

Pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" liquid (reviews show that it restores the body in the most difficult everyday situations) is packaged in glass bottles of 100 and 250 ml, which, in turn, are enclosed in a cardboard box, one bottle at a time. The balm comes with instructions for use.

The composition of the drug includes: pantohematogen in dry form, sugar, water, iodocasein, iron, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate. For every 100 grams of product there are 9-12 mg of iron and 160-240 mcg of iodine.

Effect of balm on the body

Pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" liquid (reviews note that it is a reliable assistant for iron deficiency) effectively improves the body's immune system. Strengthens health in cases of severe exhaustion, weakened condition, and anemia. Helps restore strength during cardiovascular failure, serves as a secondary means of saturating the body with iron and iodine.

The balm is prepared from Altai donor blood obtained during the cutting of antlers (unossified young ones during the period of their active growth. This event takes place according to a specially developed scheme. The strongest individuals are taken and two kilograms of blood are pumped out from each. This process does not cause any harm to the animals.

The blood of deer contains many useful substances. These are eighteen essential amino acids out of the twenty-two possible that are found in nature. There are various macro- and microelements, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, silicon, sodium, nickel. Contains lipids, enzymes, propylene and glycine, nitrogen, enzymes and many other valuable substances.

Pantohematogen is an incomparable tonic. Increases the positive qualities of blood, improves its composition, increases hemoglobin, gives tone and energy. The daily norm of the balm contains up to 80% of the human daily dose of iron. In addition, the drug improves immunity, so people who use it get sick less often than others, even during periods of exacerbation of colds. The advantages of the Altai remedy include a rejuvenating effect, which reduces a person’s biological age.

It has been scientifically proven that the active components included in the antlers and blood of these animals have the best effect on diseases of the genitourinary system. They stimulate potency, cure prostatitis, increase women's fertility, restore the menstrual cycle, and accelerate the treatment of uterine fibroids.

The balm has a positive effect on a person’s intellectual abilities. Improves memory and brain function. Reduces nervous tension.

Doctors often advise taking pantohematogen after surgery, for serious injuries, or during a serious long-term illness. In this case, the drug stimulates cell regeneration, promotes rapid tissue healing, and accelerates the fusion of bones and tissue. An indispensable balm will be in the off-season, with sudden temperature changes, weather changes, poor ecology and poor quality nutrition. Under heavy mental and physical stress, it increases stress resistance and a person’s defenses. Has antiparkinsonian properties.

Indications for use

Pantohematogen balm “Gorno-Altaisk” (250ml) is used as an active food additive. Helps saturate the body with iodine and iron during periods of lack of these substances in the body. Indicated for preventive purposes, in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases. It is a good aid for asthenia, hypotension, and severe physical and mental stress. The result is obtained in complex combination with other drugs in the treatment of impotence.

Contraindications and side effects

Pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" liquid (doctors' reviews say that it is indispensable for vitamin deficiency) should not be taken if:

  • intolerance to the ingredients included in the dietary supplement;
  • diabetes mellitus of varying severity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • excessive excitability;
  • malfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The product should not be used by children under the age of fourteen.

The drug is available without a prescription, but despite this, you should consult a doctor before using it, since the drug in some cases can cause allergies. Therefore, persons predisposed to such phenomena should take the drug with extreme caution at first.

How to use pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" liquid

Reviews (the price of the balm is quite reasonable) speak of the effective effect of the dietary supplement on the body’s immune system.

According to the instructions, the drug should be taken for two weeks. For children over 14 years of age and adults, the Altai remedy is prescribed two teaspoons, which should be diluted in one glass of liquid (tea, water, juice or other non-alcoholic, non-hot drink). The resulting solution must be taken three times a day. The last dose is taken four hours before bedtime. 3-4 such courses can be conducted per year.

Analogues of non-alcoholic balm

People left only positive reviews about the pantohematogen “Altai Bouquet. Gorno-Altai". Today there are similar products on sale that belong to the group of pantohematogens. What they all have in common is the presence of deer blood in the balm, extracted from the antlers at the time of their growth. These are the drugs:

  • "Gift of Altai";
  • "Lunar Altai";
  • "Narine";
  • "Pantohematogen - bio";
  • "Two lines";
  • “Altai little deer” for children;
  • "Altai-Seligor".

All these and other products are similar in the presence of a substance such as pantohematogen, and differ in the additional elements they contain - these are various vitamins, herbal and fruit extracts. The range is expanding with preparations containing deer blood in powder form or in capsule form.

Cost of the drug

Pantohematogen "Gorno-Altaisk" is a highly effective and inexpensive drug. So, 250 ml can be purchased for 150-200 rubles, and 100 ml for 90-150 rubles. The price varies depending on the outlet.

You can also buy the product on the official website of the Altai Bouquet company, where 100 ml will cost 95 rubles, and 250 ml - 165 rubles. A delivery fee will also be added to this cost, but despite this, there are constantly various promotions and discounts, so the purchase can be profitable. The minimum order amount is 400 rubles.

To begin, the client must register in the online store and choose a delivery method convenient for him. Calculate the tariff. If the conditions are suitable, you can begin placing your order. For orders over 4 thousand rubles, delivery by Russian Post will be 150 rubles. In addition, the company gives the opportunity, if necessary, to return the product within ten days from the date of purchase. In this case, delivery fees are not refunded.

The balm is also sold in pharmacies and branded stores.

Storage rules and expiration date

Non-alcoholic balm "Gorno-Altaisk" has a duration of one year. It should be stored in a dark, cool place out of reach of children at a temperature of 8-25°C.

Balm “Pantohematogen”: reviews

The instructions (the price, according to a survey of most people, is quite low for a product of this level) should be carefully studied before starting a course of treatment. Do not neglect contraindications.

The drug helped many women recover after childbirth when other iron-containing products did not help. After just a week of use, the tests changed for the better, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increased. Liquid Pantohematogen became a good help during the period of vitamin deficiency. Reviews from customers and doctors in this case indicate the effect of the drug, which within a few weeks put people back on their feet: it gave them back strength, energy, vitality, and good, long-lasting sleep.

Many athletes use the balm to restore vitality after long competitions and to increase performance. They note only a positive result, and men also report an improvement in potency. Antler baths containing the same active ingredient can also help in this matter.

Students often drink through the course before taking exams. They note that intelligence increases, the brain works faster and better, and memory improves.

Women note that after taking the drug, their hair stopped splitting and falling out, their nails became stronger, and their skin condition improved. Premenstrual symptoms went away and my cycle returned to normal. Even after extreme fatigue and short sleep, the ladies easily lay down and got up. We were cheerful for several days in a row.

There are very few negative reviews, and those who did not like the drug spoke about exacerbation of chronic diseases, abdominal pain, poor health and dizziness.

Pantohematogen is an amazing drug that can restore strength in a few days, recharge the body with energy and restore impaired health. For certain indications, it cannot be discounted, but you should not prescribe it yourself. It is necessary to consult a doctor before using it.

Another article about unique medicinal properties antler products. Today - about pantohematogen. The topic is very capacious, so there will be a lot of letters. If you are too lazy to read everything, just go through the sections of the article and look for information that is important to you. This article essentially has it all! If I missed something, ask in the comments.

What is it

The first question that arises when a person hears the word pantohematogen for the first time is – what is it?

Pantohematogen is the most powerful adaptogen of all known, the basis of which is the donor blood of deer. According to its breadth therapeutic effects on the body it is significantly superior to all other adaptogens of animal origin.

Adaptogen is (excerpt from Wikipedia):

A drug of natural origin that can increase the body’s nonspecific resistance to wide range harmful effects physical, chemical and biological nature.

Pantohematogen is a real storehouse of rare amino acids and microelements, which has powerful healing properties. preventive properties. After reading the article to the end, you can see for yourself!

The most powerful and, accordingly, expensive, is considered to be the Gorno-Altai pantohematogen. That is, simply put, it should be based on the donor blood of Gorno-Altai deer.

The medicinal properties of pantohematogen, regardless of the form of release, allow it to influence not just one problem, but comprehensively - stimulating and improving the functioning of all vital functions. important systems body.

Pantohematogen is capable of:

  • Stimulate and
  • Increase the body's resistance to viral infections
  • Stabilize vegetative homeostasis, resulting in the formation of increased adaptogenic reactions to any stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase performance
  • Raise mental activity(it can also be increased using)
  • Accelerate healing processes after burns, injuries and fractures ()
  • Slow down the aging process
  • Activate the production of leukocytes in the blood
  • Restore hormonal levels ()
  • Strengthen sexual desire and reduce the risk of developing male and female diseases
  • Improve the condition of the cardiovascular and digestive systems ()
  • Improves metabolic processes in the body

We can talk for a long time about the medicinal properties of pantohematogen, so it’s better to list the health problems for which its use is indicated.

There is a whole list of diseases for which this drug is recommended:

  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Sexual disorders: impotence, decreased libido, etc.
  • Memory impairment
  • Chronic fatigue and overwork
  • Depression
  • Diseases of the reproductive system
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Obesity of varying severity
  • Varicose veins
  • Ischemia
  • Arterial hypotension
  • Violation of central, peripheral and microcirculatory circulation
  • Stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers)
  • Low immunity
  • Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, dermatitis, trophic ulcers etc.)
  • (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoporosis, etc.)

In addition, courses of treatment with pantohematogen will be useful:

  • For athletes
  • People suffering from headaches when the weather changes
  • Schoolchildren and students before taking exams, Unified State Exams, etc.
  • Patients who have undergone major operations
  • For pensioners
  • People living or working in unfavorable environmental conditions
  • People working in hazardous enterprises associated with chemistry, radiation, etc.

Chemical composition of pantohematogen

If we talk about the composition of pantohematogen, then we need to consider first of all the chemical composition of the blood of the Altai deer, since it is the dominant component in this preparation.

You can find out the composition from the table below. And so the following composition is usually written on the labels:

Liquid pantohematogen:

  1. deer blood (may have different percentages)
  2. sugar syrup
  3. flavoring (can also be different)
  4. ascorbic acid

The composition can be very different, depending on the manufacturer and its price. Ideally, pantohematogen in capsules should consist of 100% powder from donated deer blood. This option is the best, but at the same time expensive.

If the price doesn’t scare you, then below I’ll tell you where you can buy one. In the meantime, the promised table with chemical composition donor blood of the Altai deer, which makes up a high-quality pantohematogen.

What kind of pantohematogen is there and which one is better and more effective?

You can usually find 2 types of this drug on sale:

  1. liquid
  2. solid (capsules)

In principle, if it is of high quality and contains a large amount of undiluted donated deer blood, then it doesn’t make much difference which one to use.

It’s just that liquid is absorbed into the bloodstream better and faster, while capsules are more convenient and habitual to take. It is also worth noting that the liquid has a very specific taste, which many will not like (in fact, this is why flavoring is added to it).

The problem is that it is almost impossible to find out how much real deer blood is in a particular pantohematogen. What is written on the labels is almost never true. What to do and how to determine how high quality the product will be?

I will express my personal opinion! Usually in such cases I always focus on price. For such products, by definition, it cannot be low! Because the production of antler products is very costly and expensive.

So if you want quality, be prepared to pay for it! This is a truth that is difficult to doubt. Remember the saying about the miser who pays twice? The same rule applies here!

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How much does 100% pantohematogen cost and where to buy one?

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Instructions for use

Liquid pantohematogen is usually used according to the following scheme (if anything, there is always an annotation):

  • Orally, along with food, adults - 15 ml (1 tablespoon) 2-3 times a day, children over 12 years old - 10 ml (1 tablespoon) 2-3 times a day.
  • The course of treatment is up to 20 days. After this, a break is required, after which you can resume taking it.

Pantohematogen in capsules is used according to the following scheme:

  • Adults and children over 14 years of age - 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals.
  • The course of treatment is 30 days.
  • It is better for children under 12 years of age not to take pantohematogen capsules.


Contraindications include:

  • Age up to 12 years
  • Pregnancy and lactation period
  • Individual intolerance
  • Hypertension ()
  • Heart failure
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus
  • Severe forms of kidney damage

During the entire period of use of pantohematogen, only a few cases of side effects were identified. The most common are minor redness of the skin.

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