Consequences of smoking cigarettes for women. About the dangers of smoking on the female body

Despite the fact that the world is actively fighting smoking, the number of people dependent on nicotine is not decreasing. At the same time, a completely negative trend is noted. Over the past decade, there has been an increase in the number of women smoking. In addition, there is a decrease in age limits.

Even very young girls begin to get involved in cigarettes. This is facilitated to some extent by public opinion. After all, if in the middle of the 20th century. smoking woman called negative reaction people around, today no one is surprised to see a young mother with a cigarette, leading her baby by the hand, or a pregnant woman.

Causes of tobacco addiction

According to psychologists and sociologists, the increase in the number of women smokers is associated with the following:

Their lack of awareness about the dangers of tobacco to health;
- active advertising of cigarettes.

At the same time, experts considered young girls and women to be the most promising group of future smokers of all the people inhabiting our planet. It is in their minds that the image of a “lady with a cigarette” is most easily formed, which is characterized by independence, self-sufficiency and irresistibility.

However, for those who are able to soberly assess the situation, it becomes unclear how all of the above qualities can be consistent with psychological dependence from nicotine, daily spending of money on cigarettes, and also with the constantly deteriorating condition of the body?

So, what should lovely ladies know about smoking?

Effect of tobacco

Addiction to cigarettes negatively affects everyone's health. However, the harm of smoking for women is especially great. Indeed, according to the results of numerous studies, the body of representatives of the fairer sex is more susceptible to tobacco than men. This suggests that the risk of various pathologies in female smokers is several times higher than in non-smokers. This has been confirmed by numerous studies.
What is the harm of smoking for women and the effect of tobacco on their body?

Negative consequences for appearance

It's no secret that every person who prefers to look good must certainly lead healthy image life. The harm of smoking on a woman’s body is that beauty and a cigarette are incompatible concepts. Those ladies who want to always be attractive simply need to forget about tobacco. After all, those representatives of the fairer sex who do not have a harmful addiction to nicotine look much younger than their peers who carry packs of cigarettes in their purses.

The harm of smoking for women is the negative impact of tobacco on the skin, which is why it simply begins to lack oxygen. This leads to the fact that the aging process on a woman’s face begins ahead of time. What happens then?

1. The harm of smoking for women (see photo below) is that nicotine leaves a very noticeable mark on the skin.

For smokers, the signs of aging occur in complex ways and become noticeable to others very quickly. Skin aging occurs due to the cessation of production of natural proteins, collagen and elastin. Her surface layer gradually begins to acquire a yellowish-gray tint. At the same time, the face, despite all efforts, seems unkempt. In addition, smoking leads to the body losing vitamin C, which is responsible for skin elasticity. This is why it becomes thin, dry and flabby.

2. A woman who smokes gets her first wrinkles very early. Moreover, they are five times more noticeable than in non-smokers. Early wrinkles caused by a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood due to nicotine entering the body. At the same time, the skin lacks the nutrition it needs, and it begins to deform.

3. The harm from smoking cigarettes for women is also expressed in the appearance on the face. acne and comedones. This happens because there are microscopic particles in the smoke inhaled by smokers. They settle on the skin and clog its pores. This leads to disruption of the process of sweating and saturation of skin tissue with oxygen, which provokes the occurrence of inflammation and blackheads. In addition, under the influence of nicotine, vitamin E is destroyed in the body, which is responsible for the health and cleanliness of the skin. Passive smoking carries the same danger.

4. Over time, smokers develop rosacea. This phenomenon is characterized by a noticeable capillary mesh on the skin. It occurs due to the fact that under the influence of nicotine the blood vessels are noticeably weakened. Their walls become thinner and less elastic, which is why congestion occurs in the circulatory system.

5. The harm of smoking for women is expressed in the occurrence age spots. Of course, with age, this phenomenon affects almost every person. However, in smokers such spots are more pronounced in nature and appear much later. more. This happens due to general deterioration a condition of the skin that loses its ability to reflect harmful influence sun rays.

6. Smokers can also be identified by dark circles under the eyes. They arise due to severe constriction of blood vessels due to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the skin tissue. The harm of smoking is especially harmful for women after 40 years of age.

The effect of nicotine on the oral cavity

The yellowness of the tooth enamel also gives away women who smoke. In this case, there may also be an unpleasant odor from the mouth. The harm of everyday smoking for women is also obvious.

Heavy smokers often suffer from inflammatory processes in the gums and tooth loss.

The effect of nicotine on hair

The harm of smoking for women also lies in the loss of health of her curls. Hair suffers from nicotine no less than facial skin. After all, in this case there is a lack of oxygen. At the same time, the disadvantage nutrients experience hair follicles and scalp. Of course, this leads to weakening of the hair and dullness. In addition, smokers' scalps become dry. It begins to peel off and pockets of irritation appear on it. Over time, hair loses its elasticity, becomes brittle, begins to split and fall out. Heavy smokers begin to notice the appearance of gray hair very early.

Nicotine is no less dangerous for a woman’s internal organs. Let's take a closer look at its negative impact.

Digestive system

What is the harm of smoking to the gastrointestinal tract? Heavy smokers are more likely to develop intestinal inflammation and gastritis. They often suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers.

During the process of smoking, a more intense secretion of saliva occurs in a person's mouth. It absorbs part of the nicotine contained in cigarette smoke. Together with saliva, this toxic substance enters the stomach, irritating its mucous membrane. Similar phenomenon provokes increased secretion of gastric juices, which increases acidity.

Numerous studies have proven that smoking leads to spasms of blood vessels located in the walls of the stomach. In this regard, the central nervous system stops receiving signals about hunger. Appetite is artificially suppressed. This factor, as well as violation metabolic processes leads to weight loss. Many smoking women We are happy about this effect. However, it should not be compared to healthy weight loss.

Respiratory system

Under the influence tobacco smoke In the organs responsible for the supply of oxygen to our body, various nonspecific diseases begin to develop. The harm of smoking to the body of women is quite great. Exposure to tobacco smoke, which contains a wide range of toxic substances, leads to pathological changes respiratory organs. In this case, the mucous membrane atrophies, in the lower and upper tracks are developing inflammatory processes, which subsequently take on a chronic nature, and also lose their elasticity of the alveoli.

It is worth noting that almost 80% of patients suffering from chronic bronchitis, are experienced smokers. In addition, such people have a high risk of developing emphysema, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchiolitis and pneumosclerosis, as well as malignant neoplasms in the lungs.

The effect of cigarettes is sometimes compared to the effect of a strong poison, since the mortality rate for those who suffer from this addiction is nine times higher than for those who prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is worth remembering that intoxication in representatives of the weaker half of humanity occurs much faster than in men. This is due to the fact that in the female body there are more active metabolic processes, which makes the harm caused by tobacco smoke more obvious.

Heart and blood vessels

The harm of smoking on a woman’s body is manifested in the constant narrowing of blood vessels, which leads to increased blood pressure. Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed after every cigarette smoked. Constant exposure to nicotine forces the heart to work harder, which significantly exceeds the capabilities of this organ. However, he is trying to adapt to the situation. As a result, there is an increase muscle fibers, increasing the volume of the heart. In smokers with 3-5 years of experience, such changes become noticeable during examination.

Negative changes also occur in blood vessels. They begin to lose their elasticity, and the resulting atherosclerotic plaques make their walls more brittle and fragile. All this leads to a decrease in blood flow activity, and the heart begins to receive less of the amount of nutrients and oxygen it needs. Arises serious risk development of heart attacks, strokes and other pathologies.

Nervous system

Nicotine is a neurotoxic poison. Its negative impact on the body is also manifested in the disruption of the harmonious flow of electrochemical processes occurring in nervous system, which causes the death of neurons.

Initially, cigarette smoke has a stimulating effect on a person. But soon this effect is replaced by depression, which is caused by vasoconstriction. Smokers are more likely to suffer from fatigue and neurasthenia. In this case, a vicious circle is formed. A hard-working smoker begins to smoke more and more often, trying to fuel his body. As a result, he becomes even more overtired.

People exposed to the negative effects of nicotine experience sleep disturbances and memory disorders, decreased performance and headaches. They are more often diagnosed with “polyneuritis”, “radiculitis”, “neuritis” and so on. In heavy smokers it is possible frequent change moods. It is also related to the effects of nicotine.


How does nicotine affect this main body human psyche? Over time, this harmful substance turns into a kind of stimulant for the brain. Initially, nicotine speeds up the passage of nerve impulses. But then the brain’s need for rest kicks in. All its processes begin to slow down greatly. After getting used to tobacco, the brain stops working independently, requiring a “dose”. Moreover, if a person does not have the opportunity to smoke, he begins to show anxiety and severe irritability, becomes inattentive and cannot concentrate.

Sense organs

They also get their negative dose of nicotine. Heavy smokers will certainly notice impaired sense of smell, taste, hearing, as well as decreased visual acuity.


A woman who smokes 10 cigarettes a day runs the risk of becoming infertile. This happens due to the fact that over time there is an accumulation of toxic components of tobacco smoke in the egg. This reduces her ability to fertilize. After some time, under the influence of aromatic, polycyclic hydrocarbons from tobacco smoke, the egg dies.

Very often, smokers experience irregular menstrual cycles and even absence of menstruation. More often they have unusual and unusual healthy women vaginal discharge which are sometimes accompanied by bleeding. These women experience menopause earlier than usual. This is also due to the effects of toxins contained in cigarette smoke.

Smoking and pregnancy

Numerous scientific research It has been proven that women who are addicted to cigarettes are less likely to give birth healthy child. The negative impact and harm of smoking for pregnant women is undeniable. In addition, at expectant mother who prefers not to deny herself a cigarette, miscarriages are possible. Fetal death occurs due to oxygen starvation. After all, red blood cells lose their ability to supply oxygen to the placenta due to the fact that the walls of its vessels are narrowed by nicotine.

What other harms of smoking are for pregnant women? They are 5 times more likely to give birth to stillbirths. But even if a healthy child is born, the baby will invariably have problems a little later. First of all, they will consist of disturbances in the body's metabolic processes. This will cause the child to lag behind his peers in development, for example, in slow growth.

In the old days, cigarettes were an unacceptable taboo for women. Let there not be research available to us today several centuries ago, and modern equipment, which is now in every hospital, and yet the truth was known.

All layers of society - both educated aristocrats and simple peasants knew that a woman is a mother and nurse, a continuator of the family and a keeper of the hearth. It cannot be said that none of the women smoked in past centuries - there are many paintings of charming, mysterious women with long cigarette holders, but this was rather the exception to the rule.

However, at the beginning of the twentieth century everything changed. Along with the revolution, the term “feminism” appeared, which brought not only positive changes in the lives of girls, but also permissiveness, including smoking. Today in our country every second girl under 30 and every third woman over this age smokes.

It should be noted that a great influence on the growing number smoking girls fashion is having an effect - television shows beauties deftly holding a cigarette between their lips, and young people strive to repeat this. The harm of smoking for women is not voiced. The fashion for smoking young ladies is a degradation of society! It's time to find out how nicotine affects a woman from the inside!

The effect of smoking on the body of a young girl

Few people care about the harm from smoking cigarettes for women. Numerous surveys prove modern generation not at all concerned with how nicotine affects the body. In fact, it's time to open your eyes and find out about such terrible diseases caused by smoking:

  • damage to the heart and lungs everyone knows about smoking, but it wouldn’t hurt to repeat it - every cigarette you smoke shortens your life expectancy by several hours and increases the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • Lung cancer is a worthy reward for a bad habit, isn’t it?
  • infertility is an unpleasant “imprint” on the reproductive system of a smoking woman.

This information is not a well-kept secret, but, nevertheless, not everyone knows about it. If you don't have a child yet, be sure to read it!

It is a well-known fact that there are two and a half times more infertile women among smokers than among non-smokers. Why is this so? All the cigarettes you smoke accumulate in their most toxic form in your egg.

The longer you smoke and the more cigarettes you pass through your lungs every day, the less able you are to conceive naturally. More and more in demand today artificial insemination IVF and insemination, and these procedures are not only unnatural, but also very expensive.

  • Women who take birth control are especially at risk hormonal drugs and at the same time they smoke - such a mixture has a negative effect on the heart and can cause a heart attack even at a young age. Most sane doctors would never prescribe oral contraceptives to a girl who smokes, lest they later become responsible for her death.
  • If a woman who smokes conceives, there are problems with the implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus - most often it simply cannot attach, and a miscarriage occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy.
  • If the egg is implanted, then there is a high percentage that the fetus will experience physical abnormalities due to nicotine, and cigarettes can also cause the death of an unborn child.
  • Children born to women who smoke often have metabolic disorders, they cry a lot and are more sick than other children.

If you want to give birth to a healthy child and still smoke, give up cigarettes no earlier than six months before you are likely to conceive. Better yet, think about it right now! You also need to remember about the harm passive smoking for pregnant women.

Smoking is dangerous to your health

We do not believe in the meaning of the inscriptions on cigarette packages or treat them with irony. Why is smoking dangerous for a woman who has already successfully realized herself as a mother?

Every cigarette you smoke narrows your blood vessels. The more often you smoke, the longer the blood vessels remain in an unnaturally narrowed state throughout your life.

This leads to rapid wear and tear of the heart muscle - the blood circulation process through such vessels is much slower, and therefore the heart has to work more intensely, pumping liters of blood. This is a very simple and intelligible explanation that shows why cigarettes are dangerous.

If you think that every time you light a cigarette, you are getting closer to the movie images of actresses or models, then you are deeply mistaken. Girls from TV screens thoughtfully and carefully monitor their appearance. Yes, they can smoke - but only by imitating the process on the screen.

Nicotine poisons internal organs, slows down metabolic processes, disrupts the rate of removal of toxins from the body. After three years of regularly smoking one cigarette a day, the skin changes its natural color to gray, after five years deep wrinkles and dark deep circles appear under the eyes. Girls who smoke, as a rule, look several years older than their peers.

Also, cigarettes do not spare hair and nails. Even naturally healthy hair acquires a yellow tint and becomes dry and split. Nails lose their elasticity and “delight” you with layering and brittleness, and teeth become irreducibly yellow.

The constant companions of a smoker are the disgusting smell of tobacco smoke and an unpleasant odor from the mouth. Do you still think smoking is beautiful?

"Tales" about smoking

  • The term “light” cigarettes was coined by marketers. There are no light cigarettes, and what is in the box labeled “women’s” or “light” is just a clever move.
  • Women who smoke are slimmer than non-smokers. Many women skip meals and replace them with nicotine. Think about our body, which instead of a serving of salad or boiled chicken receives tobacco smoke and a dose of poison.
  • Smoking cigarettes helps us concentrate. It's just a myth! Just like the fact that smoking calms you down. This is simply the action of the effect of constricted blood vessels, which you already know what leads to.
  • Quitting smoking is easy - you just have to want it! Well, why are you still smoking then?

Very educational video about women's smoking


Change your life - quit smoking! Let you smell fresh and you will amaze men with your beauty, rather than “smelling” of tobacco smoke and looking much older than your age. It's never too late to quit smoking - so start taking action today!

If previously it was mostly men who smoked, now cigarettes are becoming a companion all over the world. modern woman. Representatives of the fair sex believe that their problems go away with smoke rings. Stylish smoking accessories create an image for beauties. Girls with this bad habit can be found everywhere. Many people don’t even think about how huge it is for women.

The smoking girl is the ideal of the new generation

Despite warnings from the Ministry of Health, public organizations, and television advertising, the number of women smoking is growing every day. They are not afraid of mortality and oncological diseases. Knowing the consequences of an addiction, girls follow fashion and smoke, considering themselves independent, successful and sexy.

Advertising has no effect on stubborn women

Means mass media are doing everything possible to show how enormous the harm of smoking is for women. 30% of Russian women took their first puff at the age of 12. Public organizations I'm just shocked by these statistics. They do everything possible to ensure that women lead a healthy lifestyle. People with this habit are informed about what awaits them after indulging in cigarettes. The harm of smoking for women is enormous. It has been scientifically proven that this habit causes diseases and cardiovascular system. Smoking provokes development hereditary diseases. Lung cancer predominantly affects smokers. Because of this bad habit developed countries About half a million women die.

Why do women smoke?

The reasons why women smoke may vary. But mainly the following are distinguished:

  1. With the development of emancipation, representatives of the fair half of humanity adopt male habits.
  2. Advertising imposes an image of sexy and happy woman with a cigarette in his hands.
  3. The desire to hide your self-doubt and gain independence.
  4. Smoking is a unique way of reacting to stressful situations.
  5. Poor living conditions, life shocks, and an unsuccessful marriage force women to pick up a cigarette.
  6. Many girls who smoke believe that it will be easier for them to meet the man of their dreams in this way.

What happens to women who smoke?

The effect of smoking on women is detrimental, it quickly changes them, and not in better side. A woman's skin begins to turn yellow and age due to lack of nutrients. Rotten teeth brittle hair- consequences of a bad habit. You can recognize a smoker by unpleasant smell from the mouth. He will be the first to be defeated viral diseases. The immunity of a girl who smokes is reduced, making it difficult for the body to fight infections. The state of health is gradually deteriorating, the strength is leaving. It becomes increasingly difficult to climb stairs due to shortness of breath. Acquired vegetative-vascular dystonia interferes with a full lifestyle. Women who smoke have problems with their menstrual cycle.

Only 35% of all women with this bad habit decide to get rid of it. The rest are gradually destroying their lives. Because of this bad habit, not only the woman suffers, but also her children. Some women who smoke cannot conceive at all. They often have miscarriages, and many suffer from infertility.

What harmful substances are contained in a cigarette?

Quantity harmful substances in cigarettes reaches more than 4 thousand. One of the most dangerous carcinogens is tar. It has a negative effect on the bronchi and lungs. It causes lung cancer, oral cavity and larynx. Because of this component, smokers begin to cough and develop chronic bronchitis.

Cigarettes contain many toxic gases. The greatest danger is posed by interaction with hemoglobin, carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to tissue cells. This is the cause of oxygen starvation.

Resin causes the death of smokers, leaving its particles in the human respiratory tract. It causes cancer and other lung diseases. Due to the fact that the lungs lose their ability to filter, immunity decreases.

Amount of nicotine in cigarettes

Nicotine belongs to drugs that stimulate the brain. It is addictive. If the dose is not constantly increased, it can lead to depression. Initially, nicotine excites, then depletes. As a result of its daily use, the heart rate increases and blood pressure rises. If you quit smoking, withdrawal symptoms will last 2-3 weeks. The person will become irritable and restless and have trouble sleeping.

60 mg nicotine - lethal dose which can kill a person. How much nicotine is in a cigarette? Exactly 60 mg of this substance can be contained in 50 cigarettes. If you smoke them right away, it is inevitable. Despite the fact that a person does not smoke this amount, nicotine gradually destroys the body.

How much nicotine is in a cigarette? This figure varies. It depends on the brand of the manufacturer. Usually the amount of nicotine in one cigarette is indicated on the side of the pack. Depending on this, they have different softness and taste, and have different effects on humans. Low rate nicotine is considered to be 0.3 mg in one piece. Most cigarettes contain 0.5 mg. There is also a dosage of 1.26 mg of nicotine. Domestic cigarettes contain more of this substance than their foreign counterparts.

The effect of smoking on pregnancy

Every sane woman should understand that she should not smoke during pregnancy. Girls with this bad habit are born weak premature babies with low weight, who subsequently get sick more often. Getting used to nicotine in the womb, the little man in the future may become heavy smoker with criminal tendencies.

The harm of smoking for women is already enormous, and even during pregnancy, it is generally destructive, especially for the child himself. Harmful toxic substances contained in cigarettes penetrate the placenta to the baby. The child receives more harmful substances than the smoking mother herself and experiences oxygen starvation. His delicate organs are not developing well. There is a risk of a poor pregnancy outcome. IN in rare cases Absolutely healthy babies are born. They often lose weight and lag behind in mental development. These children are often restless and hyperactive. These children are sometimes aggressive and deceptive. They have high risk manifestations of autism.

It should be noted that those who smoked during pregnancy may have children with facial clefts - cleft lip or

Children of such mothers are more likely than others to suffer from diabetes or obesity by the time they reach adulthood.

Boys born to mothers who smoke have smaller testicles. Their sperm count is 20% lower.

Children take bad example in mothers who smoke. They develop bad habits earlier than their peers.

By quitting smoking, a beautiful lady can start new life, always remaining beautiful, young and happy. It's never too late to stop, you just have to want to.

Probably every person on Earth knows about the dangers of smoking. Negative Impact proven on the body medical organizations- deterioration of the cardiovascular system, the risk of developing lung and larynx cancer, general damage to the respiratory system - all this is inevitable. But for women, tobacco use causes more visible and visible harm.

Let's try to figure out what exactly is the harm of smoking for women. Probably every person on Earth knows about the dangers of smoking. The negative impact on the body has been proven by medical organizations - deterioration of the cardiovascular system, the risk of developing and general damage to the respiratory system - all this is inevitable. But for women, use causes more noticeable and visible harm.

Woman and smoking

A girl who picks up a cigarette can forget about natural beauty. The condition of the skin worsens, bruises and bags under the eyes appear, the aging process accelerates, and early deep wrinkles appear. The reason for this is oxygen starvation resulting from smoking. About yellow teeth, brittle, peeling nails, unpleasant odor from hair and breath are not worth mentioning once again - after several months of using tobacco this is inevitable.

Development risk serious illnesses lungs, heart and blood vessels or the onset of blindness in women is 2-3 times higher than in males. And the combination of smoking and taking oral contraceptives increases the risk of myocardial infarction by 20 times. Smoking contributes to an earlier onset of menopause. But greatest harm A woman harms her health by smoking during pregnancy.

Pregnant woman smoking

According to statistics, smoking is very common among pregnant women - more than 50% of expectant mothers smoke cigarettes, and 25% smoke continuously throughout the entire 9 months. Those who were able to give up cigarettes during pregnancy, for the most part, return to this habit after childbirth and the end of breastfeeding.



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Tobacco smoking is real social problem. The danger of this addiction is that it affects not only adult men, but also the younger generation. We were no exception beautiful ladies who are happy to take puffs, despite the fact that it is quite real for women. But there were times when smoking was an exclusively male activity. Ladies with cigarettes were rarely seen; they caused a real shock among society. However, in the struggle for equality, the habit of smoking a cigarette or two was also instilled. Already in 1924 Philip Morris launched Marlboro specifically for women.

The reason women are addicted to tobacco

Smoking and female body– for many, incompatible concepts. However, the facts prove otherwise. Scientists and psychologists began to understand the causes of this addiction. And it turned out that the increase in the number of smokers is associated with:

  • Insufficient level of information about the dangers of cigarettes for women.
  • Active promotion of cigarettes and the “beautiful” life that supposedly accompanies a smoker.

Marketers have directed all their arguments specifically at the fair half of humanity. Women's smoking is actively promoted. The secret is that in the minds of the fair half, the image of an exquisite lady with a thin cigarette is more easily formed.

It is associated with independence, success, irresistibility and self-sufficiency. In pursuit of all this, ladies can become addicted to a negative habit. Instead of a beautiful and respectable life, there are only disadvantages of smoking for women.

Negative consequences of smoking for women: just the facts

Negative influence smoking on a woman’s body largely echoes the harm that every cigarette smoked causes a man. A lady is guaranteed to spoil her health, lose her attractiveness, and acquire several chronic diseases, will voluntarily join the risk group of smokers who are at risk of lung cancer. The harm of smoking on a woman’s body is simply enormous. The German gynecologist Bernhard, after conducting research (about 6,000 women took part in it), determined that:

  • 96% spontaneous miscarriages is associated precisely with the habit of smoking, even in interesting position.
  • 42% of smokers cannot get pregnant at all - they suffer from infertility. Among non-smoking women who also took part in the studies, pathology was observed in 4–5%.
  • 30% of premature babies are born to smokers.

The influence of cigarettes on the female body cannot be underestimated. Simply inhaling tobacco smoke already leads to drying out respiratory tract, the emergence of foci of inflammation. In an interesting situation, such an activity is fraught with spontaneous miscarriage.

Attention! It has been proven that a cigarette smoked three years before conception will have a negative impact on the processes of conception, gestation and childbirth. The consequences of smoking in women are always negative. However, the sad thing is that an innocent child will suffer. It is women who smoke who most often give birth to children with developmental anomalies and low weight.

What does a cigarette do for a woman?

The consequences of smoking for women “give” hoarse voice And characteristic cough, yellow plaque on the teeth and bad breath. for women after 40 years of age even more - such ladies age faster than others, their skin is pale, it is dotted with wrinkles, and they are presentable appearance It’s impossible to even call it a stretch. How does smoking affect a woman's health? Only negatively – it:

  1. Accelerates the aging process of the skin and the whole body.
  2. “Reward” with infertility - all reproductive processes will be reduced.
  3. Increases the risk of stillbirth.
  4. Will hit menstrual cycle, will lead to constant pain lower abdomen.

This is only part of the harm from smoking cigarettes for women. Heavy smokers with a decent amount of experience face much more serious problems.

The effect of nicotine on the female body is an inexhaustible topic for research. Every year, new problems are discovered that smokers have to face. The lungs and heart muscles will be affected first. The blood vessels will not be left out, and therefore you should expect surges in blood pressure and an increase in the load on the heart muscle.

It is important to understand that normal functioning the heart muscle is restored 25 minutes after smoking a cigarette. If the body is not given a break, smoking 10–20 cigarettes a day can significantly weaken the immune system and cardiovascular system.

Statistics and numerous studies prove real harm smoking on the body of girls and women. The price for such a habit is too high. You need to put your own health of all systems and organs on the altar of addiction:

  • Nasopharynx and larynx, oral mucosa. There is a high risk of developing cancer.
  • Gastrointestinal tract - you can quickly develop ulcers, inflammatory processes, tumors.
  • Respiratory systems - trachea, bronchi, lungs suffer. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis become a frequent companion of a smoker.
  • Vascular system – development of stroke, thrombosis, atherosclerosis.
  • Skeletal system – osteoporosis is guaranteed.
  • Pancreas – development of pancreatitis, cancer.
  • Genitourinary system - numerous inflammatory processes, miscarriages, dysfunction of the ovaries, kidneys, infertility, etc.

But that’s not all. The negative impact of smoking on the female body affects not only physical level, the psyche suffers. Often smokers are ladies suffering from depression and stress, and hysterics. But the worst thing for many is the loss of beauty.

Female beauty and smoking

A long-term smoking habit does not go unnoticed. The harm of smoking for women will be visible to the naked eye. The first signs of aging in a heavy smoker appear quite quickly. A lady who voluntarily takes a cigarette is ready to part with her beauty. Negative influence Nicotine's effect on a woman's body manifests itself almost immediately in:

  1. The so-called cigarette skin. Cigarette smoke will block the production of natural proteins - collagen and elastin. They are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes an unpleasant yellowish-gray shade, looks unkempt and quite tired.
  2. The appearance of premature wrinkles, which are characteristic of chronic oxygen starvation. The skin quickly deforms, which leads to early wrinkles.
  3. Acne and acne. This is due to the fact that the smoker’s pores are blocked, smoke prevents normal cell renewal, sweat release and oxygen saturation of the integument.
  4. The manifestation of a network of capillaries is rosacea, which occurs as a result of the weakening of the walls of blood vessels by the vapors and poisons of burning tobacco. Venous stagnation leads to the appearance of a capillary network.
  5. Yellow teeth are a clear harm from smoking to the female body (in addition to bad breath). A smoker's gums are constantly inflamed, and the chances of losing teeth increase by the age of 40.
  6. The appearance of age spots - in smokers they appear quite early, and in large quantities.

Additionally, a woman may lose hair due to premature aging body. Even the most light cigarette leads to deterioration of health and loss of beauty.

The future is in danger!

A woman is always a symbol of motherhood. The harm from cigarettes for women is also associated with infertility. The desired pregnancy and the health of the baby are an undeniable motivation for the fair half of humanity to quit bad habit. Among dangerous consequences smoking cigarettes for women can also be noted stillbirth baby. If a careless mother does not forget about cigarettes during pregnancy, she may lose the child or give birth to a baby with health problems. You need to quit smoking at least 1.5–3 years before conception. This time should be enough to at least somehow restore lost health.

The longer the dependence on nicotine lasts, the greater the harm of smoking for girls.

An expectant smoking mother, even if pregnant, has every chance of giving birth to a premature baby weighing up to 2.5 kg.

The child will be restless, often unviable, and at risk of sudden infant death. It is not uncommon for a child to develop pathologies; he may suffer from metabolic disorders, obesity or diabetes.

Hormonal problems

Smoking also poses a danger for women in that it seriously inhibits the production of hormones - estrogens. But the liver works more actively to rid the body of hazardous substances and connections. This also entails a decrease in production female hormone. As a result, the woman gets enough painful menstruation and cycle disruption. This also negatively affects the condition of the breasts and genitals. Smokers also have another problem - early menopause, which always begins earlier than the average standard period.

Common myths about girls and women smoking

Many ladies don’t even try to think about the dangers of smoking for women. They reassure themselves with the most common myths and stories.