Constant farts cause. Constant gas in the anus: causes and how to get rid of it

Have you ever been in an elevator, completely embarrassed and trying to hide the fact that you just farted? People around you wrinkle their noses, look around to try to find the culprit who just "let one rip" and quickly jump out of the elevator when they reach the next floor. In this post, we will teach you how to get rid of farts.

Farting can be unpleasant, but it's something you have a lot of control over. If you want to know how to stop farting, good news is that there are several simple ways take control of your gases.

How to get rid of farting: why do we fart?

Farthing is something natural, although it can be avoided. There are several reasons why you fart:

  • did you eat certain products that were negatively impacting your gut bacteria. The result is a buildup of gas that can only escape through your digestive system.
  • You are lactose intolerant, which causes lactose to ferment in the intestines and cause gas to build up.
  • You have too many bacteria in your colon. Bacteria break down your food, but the breakdown of the food you eat causes intestinal gas to build up.
  • You swallowed a lot of air, for example when chewing chewing gum or baking soda with carbonate.
  • You smoke. causes you to take in more air into your body than usual, and gas may enter your esophagus or stomach. If there is too much gas in your intestines, there is only one path that can take the gas.

Why do you fart smell bad?

Did you know that not all farts smell bad? Perdicants are composed primarily of odorless gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen and methane. Many times, farts do not smell at all, and this is because your body expels these odorless gases.

On the other hand, when you have strong gas smell, it is the result of small amounts of potent gases such as hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans. These harmful compounds are produced in your gut when your food is broken down, primarily from foods high in sulfur such as meat, eggs, cheese and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage.

How to get rid of farting quickly

The good news is that you can control your farts, but the bad news is that you may never be able to stop farting altogether. It's just a natural part of your body's digestion and won't go away. However you can control it:

Avoid Sugars

Sugar will be broken down faster by bacteria in the intestines, which means that when food is digested, more selection gas If you want to reduce the gas your body produces, reduce the amount of sugar you eat. This includes fructose, lactose and sorbitol.

Reduced carbonation

Baking soda won't make you fart uncontrollably every now and then, but it will cause your intestines to fill up with air more than they should. Beer is the worst for your gases, as it is the most carbonated of alcoholic drinks, is filled with high glycemic carbohydrates and has a strong impact on your digestive system. If you can cut down on sodas, you will notice that your perfection problem has reduced significantly.

Be careful with starch

Starch can cause intestinal gas when it is digested in the intestines. Rice is one of the best starches, which can be eaten if you have problems with gas, as the body is very easy to digest. Wheat in particular will be harder on your intestines.

Take probiotics

Probiotics are food additives containing live, healthy bacteria and yeast. They have numerous health benefits and help restore the natural balance of gut bacteria. This helps to better eliminate gas, bloating and indigestion.

Stop chewing gum

Chewing gum will cause you to swallow much more air than you should, and this can cause it to come off and get out of control. It may be time to give up chewing gum, at least until you get a handle on your perfection problem.

Quit smoking

Smoking will also cause you to swallow air and you can quit smoking to get rid of your perfection problem.

Use an anti-cancer drug

Activated charcoal capsules come in handy if you want to prevent bloating and gas buildup in your stomach and intestines, and you should consider taking them if you know a food will cause gas problems.


Excessive gas production, especially when the gas has an offensive odor, is usually the result of poor digestion. Improving your digestion will improve many various areas your general condition health and will be one of the first things to consider when you are ready to make positive changes in your life.


Why do we pass gas, what does it consist of, and what foods are most likely to cause gas in the intestines?

Flatulence is the result of the production of a mixture of air and gases in the gastrointestinal tract, which are by-products digestion process.

Here are these and other facts about what all people do several times a day.

1. Gases in the intestines consist of:

59 percent from nitrogen

21 percent hydrogen

9 percent carbon dioxide

7 percent methane

4 percent oxygen.

2. The average person passes gas about 14 times a day, forming about 0.5 liters of gases.

3. Gases in the intestines ignite.

4. At the moment of formation, the gases reach a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and exit at a speed of 11 km per hour.

5. You you won't be able to choke on your own gases, being in an airtight chamber, since the concentration of gases is not high enough

6. Hydrogen sulfide is a substance that gives gases bad smell. Products with high content sulfur foods such as beans, cabbage, cheese and eggs are the main culprits.

7. Most gases in the intestines are formed from swallowed air(nitrogen and carbon dioxide) and they are almost odorless. The bubbles of such gases are large and can produce a loud sound.

The process of digestion and fermentation leads to the formation of various gases. Such gas bubbles may be small, silent, but odorous.

8. Man releases gases even after death.

9. Termites are considered champions of releasing gases.. They produce more methane than cows and polluting equipment. Other animals that are famous for their flatulence: camels, zebras, sheep, cows, elephants, Labrador retrievers.

10. Legumes actually cause flatulence. The human body cannot digest certain polysaccharides. When these complex carbohydrates reach lower sections intestines, bacteria begin to feed on them, forming a lot of gases.

Products that cause gas

Vegetables: broccoli, white cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, onions, peas, radishes

Legumes (beans, peas)

Fruits high in sugar and fiber: apricots, bananas, melons, pears, prunes, raisins, raw apples

Foods high in carbohydrates: wheat, wheat bran

Carbonated drinks, beer, red wine

Fried and fatty foods

Sugar and sugar substitutes

Milk and dairy products

Not all of these foods cause gas, and you may find that only certain ones affect the excess gas in your intestines.

How to get rid of gases in the intestines?

As already mentioned, a person cannot completely get rid of gases in the intestines, since this is a natural process in the body. However, if you suffer from excessive flatulence, there are several ways to reduce gas.

1. Review your diet

Limit consumption of foods that cause increased gas formation. Best eliminate foods one at a time and keep a diary to find out who the main culprit is.

If you start eating more foods high in fiber (which helps better digestion), you may notice that the amount of gas in your intestines has increased. It may take several days or weeks for your body to get used to the new diet. If not, contact a specialist.

Thermal processing of food helps reduce the amount of certain substances that cause increased gas formation. But you should prefer steaming instead of boiling if you want to retain more vitamins.

2. Drink between meals

If you drink water with meals, you are diluting digestive juice, and food is not digested as well. Try to drink water half an hour before meals.

3. Eat and drink slowly

When you eat quickly, you swallow a lot of air, which also leads to increased gas formation.

4. Watch your habits

Habits such as smoking, chewing gum, and drinking through a straw can fill your stomach with excess air.

5. Avoid artificial sweeteners

Sorbitol and other sweeteners used in “sugar-free” products also worsen the condition because they are digested by gut bacteria, which produce gas.

In addition, they can help you the following means:

Mint contains menthol, which has antispasmodic effect on digestive tract and softens flatulence.

Cinnamon and ginger reduce gas formation, calming the stomach.

Activated carbon helps reduce the amount of gases as it has absorbent properties.

Yogurt and other foods with probiotics lead to balance intestinal microflora, reducing gas formation.

Medicines containing simethicone, reduce bloating and discomfort with increased gas formation.

Excessive gas formation in the stomach and farting - what to do and how to treat it? These are the questions asked by many people who have had to deal with this phenomenon. Can cause increased gas formation various pathologies organs gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract) or dietary errors. In most cases, making adjustments to your diet will help get rid of the problem, but if eliminating certain foods does not help, you should seek help from a doctor. Read more about the treatment of flatulence and we'll talk in this article.

Gas formation in the stomach and farting - what to do

What factors contribute to increased gas formation? In fact, there are several groups of reasons for the development of this phenomenon, including poor nutrition, leakage various diseases and availability bad habits. Let's consider each of these groups separately.

Poor nutrition

As practice shows, most often flatulence occurs due to dietary errors. There are certain foods whose regular consumption leads to the formation of gas:

  • mushrooms;
  • prunes;
  • grape;
  • onions;
  • soybeans, beans, peas and other legumes;
  • apples;
  • different types of cabbage (cauliflower, white cabbage, etc.);
  • peaches.

Increased gas formation can also occur as a result of excessive consumption of fatty foods. The fact is that it is poorly processed, overloading the digestive system. Carbonated drinks, which contain a lot of carbon dioxide, can also cause bloating. There are many factors to consider, including how you eat your food. The formation of gases may be due to the fact that a person smoked or talked while eating, or ate too quickly, while swallowing air along with food.

Note! Often the cause of flatulence is an abnormality of the jaw or the inconvenience of dental structures (dentures). In this case, consultation with a dentist is required.

Pathologies of the digestive tract

The development of gastroenterological diseases is often accompanied by symptoms such as painful sensations in the stomach, attacks of nausea, and excessive gas formation. The most common pathologies in this category include colitis, enteritis, etc.

But there are other pathological deviations:

  • swallowing excessive amounts of air while eating. As a rule, this is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system(CNS). As a result, quite a lot of gases accumulate in the patient’s intestinal cavity or stomach;
  • in a patient malabsorption syndrome;
  • disturbance of intestinal motility, which leads to stagnation of food lumps, due to which the fermentation process is activated in the organs of the digestive system;
  • the presence of other problems that prevent the normal removal of gases from the patient’s body. It's about about tumor development, hard stools and other pathological conditions;
  • a large amount of pathogenic microflora accumulates in the intestines.

A serious deviation in the process of excretion and adsorption is accompanied by the accumulation of gases in the organs of the digestive system in the form of foam. As a rule, this process is accompanied by deterioration of absorption useful substances due to poor enzyme activity. This phenomenon further aggravates an already difficult situation.

Other factors

Other reasons can lead to excessive accumulation of air in the digestive system:

  • wearing orthodontic structures;
  • anomalies of the dental system;
  • development of diseases of the ENT organs;
  • excessive consumption of beer or other highly carbonated drinks;
  • drinking alcohol or smoking directly while eating;
  • frequent conversations while eating;
  • regularly overeating or eating quickly.

Only following all the recommendations of your doctor will help eliminate the problem and reduce the amount of gas in the stomach. It is important to understand that self-medication may not only not help cope with the problem, but also greatly aggravate this process . Therefore, at the first signs of flatulence, you need to contact a specialist.

Characteristic symptoms

Increased gas formation in the stomach may be indicated by the development of some symptoms accompanying this disease. These include:

The main symptom is an increase in waist size

Note! Although flatulence is not a disease, it may indicate the development of serious diseases, affecting organs Gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if increased gas formation has been bothering you for several days, you should definitely visit a doctor for a diagnostic examination.

Diagnostic features

Visit a doctor at the first symptoms pathological condition required for timely detection illness and prescription of a course of therapy. This will significantly speed up the healing process. The first thing the doctor does when diagnosing is to conduct a visual examination of the patient and palpation abdominal cavity. He then refers the patient for laboratory tests.

TO diagnostic procedures with increased gas formation include:

  • endoscopic examination;
  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • biochemical and clinical analysis patient's blood.

How to treat

If the problem was caused by any disease, then, first of all, therapy should be aimed specifically at eliminating it. For this purpose, medications and a special diet are used. Some people also use traditional medicine that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Pharmacy drugs

Drug treatment involves taking different drugs. But not all of them will be able to help in a particular case, so self-medication is highly not recommended. Below are medicines, which are most often prescribed for flatulence.

Table. Drug treatment increased gas formation.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

Effective medicinal product, available in tablet form. Prescribed to patients over 5 years of age. It has several contraindications, including internal bleeding, intestinal obstruction or individual intolerance individual components of the drug.

As active component This drug is alverine citrate. It is available in capsule form and is therefore not suitable for small children. The drug has myotropic properties, thanks to which it effectively fights flatulence and other disorders of the digestive system.

An excellent medication, available in the form of tablets or suspension. Includes medicinal substance domperidone, which has an antiemetic effect on the body. Drug dose or duration treatment course may vary depending on the patient's age, condition or individual characteristics. All these nuances are determined by the attending physician. Despite everything positive qualities, Motilium has several contraindications, including internal bleeding and liver pathologies.

An excellent medication that comes in tablet form. As a rule, it is not used in treating patients childhood, but in in rare cases doctors make an exception. Depending on the severity of flatulence, the dosage of the drug may vary. Contraindications include chronic and acute pancreatitis.

An adsorbent drug used in medicine to cleanse the body of gases and toxins. Available in powder form for suspension. As an active component of this medication silicon dioxide appears.

Thanks to the content of simethicone this drug has a positive effect on the mucus covering the organs of the digestive process. This leads to the release of gases contained in this foam. Prescribed in preparation for abdominal surgery, for dyspepsia and flatulence. Contraindications include individual intolerance to certain components of the drug.

To treat gas, doctors may also prescribe anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, or carminatives. As a rule, they are part of a complex, so they are taken together with other drugs.


Regardless of the prescribed drug, the patient must comply with special diet. It involves limiting the amount you consume junk food. As a rule, those foods that contain large amounts of coarse fiber are excluded from the diet. Below is step by step instructions, compliance with which will speed up the healing process.

Step 1. Don't get carried away fatty foods, or better yet, stop using it. The fact is that the digestive system takes much longer to break down fatty foods, which is what causes flatulence. First of all, this applies to fast food and deep-fried dishes.

Step 2. There is a whole list of foods that can cause increased gas formation. These include onions, cabbage, broccoli and legumes. Monitor how your body reacts to these foods and replace them with others if necessary.

Step 3. Reduce the amount of fiber in your diet. We are talking about bran, whole grain bread and other products that contain large amounts of fiber.

Step 4. Do not overuse dairy products, as consuming them in large quantities can lead to lactose intolerance, which results in increased gas formation in the stomach. Therefore, limit the amount of sour cream, cheese and milk in your diet.

Step 5. Limit the amount of salt. Large quantity salt in the menu can cause the body to begin to retain water, resulting in flatulence. By giving up salt or limiting its amount, you can not only prevent the development of flatulence, but also stabilize blood pressure.

Also try to always chew your food thoroughly and not talk while eating. All this, as well as eating too hot or cold food, can lead to increased gas formation.

Folk remedies

As a complement to traditional methods Many people use folk remedies for treatment. They consist exclusively natural ingredients, therefore, traditional medicine does not adversely affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. They also have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

To the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of flatulence include:

Even though all these products contain exclusively natural ingredients, before treatment you should definitely consult a doctor. This will avoid serious consequences.

Prevention measures

Step 1. Do it regularly physical exercise. It's no secret that increased physical activity will not only get your body in order, but also improve the functioning of your digestive system. You don't have to sweat every day gym, you just need to ride a bike a few times a week, go dancing or swimming. In general, try to choose for yourself what you like.

Step 2. Limit the amount of carbonated drinks. All of them contain large quantities of carbon dioxide, so their excessive consumption often leads to increased gas formation. We're not just talking about champagne or beer, even regular soda excessive consumption may violate metabolic processes in the body. In addition, such products, as a rule, contain a lot of sugar, which negatively affects the figure.

Step 3. Give up bad habits, in particular smoking. Cigarette smoke negatively affects not only the lungs, but also other human systems and organs (intestines, liver, kidneys, heart, pancreas, esophagus, etc.), in addition, when smoking a person swallows a lot of air, which can lead to flatulence .

Step 4. Get a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep negatively affects the body, causing severe stress, which can cause problems with the digestive system. To do this, you need to sleep at least 8 hours, and if you regularly expose your body to intense physical activity, then the duration of sleep increases to the recommended 9-10 hours a day.

Sleep well

Step 5. Avoid stressful situations by taking time to relax. The fact is that during stress, the body synthesizes special hormones that worsen digestive processes. Therefore, it is very important to be relaxed before eating. If you have a stressful job, change it. Regular meditation or yoga also helps. Living a stress-free life will help prevent the development of not only flatulence, but also other, more serious diseases.

Video - How to get rid of flatulence

IN modern society It is customary to constantly follow rules that do not contradict the comfort of others. One of these rules is to restrain yourself while farting. The loud sound is quite unpleasant, and the smell from the gas is even worse! Therefore, the topic of flatulence is classified as classified. In fact, it is important to understand the reasons for this state of our body.

Why does a person fart many times a day?

Farting is a consequence of gas formation in the stomach and intestinal obstruction. Excess air mass pushes air through the anus, and the person suffers from frequent flatulence, for example, at night or in the morning.

  • nitrogen – 59%;
  • hydrogen – 21%;
  • carbon dioxide – 9%;
  • methane – 7%;
  • oxygen – 4%;
  • a lot of enzymes with an unpleasant odor - 1%.

The average speed of gas release from the intestines is 3 m/sec. It is noteworthy that both men and women fart a lot and equally. The only difference is the level of education.

Note! Gas formation and flatulence do not arise from the air. This is a direct consequence of what we eat. Foul smell is hydrogen sulfide, which means that the more products with this enzyme a person eats, the heavy load will go to his intestines. Ultimately, this results in the release of gases into the air.

Numerous programs about health broadcast that farting is possible and even necessary. But we are taught from childhood that we should fart public places- uncivilized. In these conditions, it is important to understand what causes frequent flatulence and how to avoid awkward situation? It has been scientifically proven that if a person gets rid of gas pollution inside the intestines, it will make his life easier.

Why do people fart a lot at night?

Constantly farting at night is not at all a normal state of affairs. As a rule, a person does not sleep alone, and if he is tormented by gases, then the people around him suffer from this.

We all love to eat before bed. As a result, our digestive system is forced to work and remove waste even at night. Let's figure out what affects gas formation.

Products that, when consumed at night, can lead to frequent flatulence:

  • legumes;
  • broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and other vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • dry grains (bran and flakes);
  • mineral waters and carbonated drinks;
  • dairy products;
  • products containing lactose;
  • diet food and sweets.

Consumption of products from at least one group is guaranteed to lead to nighttime “cacophony.” Well, if you combine several categories, then get ready for a lot of farting.

Foods that relieve the digestive system before bed:

  • rice porridge;
  • chicken, turkey and other lean meats;
  • green or black tea;
  • regular bread croutons.

So, if you want to reduce the level of flatulence, then do not overuse foods from the first list, but rather include a constant light meal in your diet before bed. Then you won't be making loud farts all night.

Interesting fact! The Germans are not shy about farting often and shamelessly even during table meals, considering gas formation a natural process.

Why does a person fart a lot in the morning?

Flatulence can haunt us even after sleep, for example, in the morning or at lunch. This is due to reasons occurring inside the body:

The passage of many consumed products is based on the elasticity of the gastrointestinal tract. Violation of peristalsis leads to morning collapse in the form of frequent passing of gas.

Thus, it doesn’t matter when a person farts - at night or in the morning - the main thing is to eliminate the causes constant gas formations and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

One of the most unpleasant phenomena One of the things that can happen to people in public is that they can't stop farting, or, more formally speaking, passing gas. When this happens, it is not only indecent, it is also an indicator that in the body there is at the moment there is some problem. Farting once or, in vulgar terms, “farting” is still normal, but when the problem begins to occur too often, it is necessary to in detail figure out what to do about it.

Mechanisms underlying the problem

Although people usually call this problem nothing more than “farting” or “farting”, all of this has scientific names. “Blowing the winds” is based on two mechanisms:

How are gases formed?

IN healthy body a certain amount of gas is constantly contained, and quite a lot, something like a liter. Some enters the body from the outside when a person swallows air, which he does, for example, while eating or talking. But this, if considered as a percentage, is only a small part of the total accumulation of gases in the body. The largest volume is formed already inside, in the large intestine when digestive processes. It can be up to 75% of the total volume. For example, bacteria in the large intestine produce methane, fatty acids When they break down, they release carbon dioxide, legumes can release hydrogen, and so on.

Diet-related reasons

To understand how to stop farting frequently or even constantly, you must first understand what causes excessive flatulence. And most often it’s about the food a person eats.

The main reason that a person starts farting too often is the consumption of foods that cause increased gas formation. These may include:

  • Dairy products. They contain lactose, which most people cannot digest normally.
  • Carbonated drinks. Kvass, beer, champagne, and also lemonades increase flatulence. It's all about the gases contained there, as well as the yeast. Lots of such drinks - and the situation gets worse.
  • Legumes. Peas and similar products increase the amount of hydrogen produced during digestion, which makes the problem worse.
  • Products with a lot of coarse fiber. Apples, brown bread, potatoes, cabbage, radishes, radishes and similar products when consumed in excess large quantities may lead to increased gas formation.
  • Products in incorrect combination. Sometimes individual foods, even if you eat a lot of them, may not cause any problems for a person, but in combination they can complicate the digestion process, causing the amount of gases released to increase significantly. This is, for example, white bread with soup, potatoes with sausages and a number of other equally negative combinations.

Other reasons

Self-remediation methods

When you know why farting may occur, you need to take measures to eliminate the problem and understand how to get rid of it. The easiest way to solve the problem is with aerophagia. Here is the treatment - you just need to change your eating behavior, stop talking while eating, eat food in smaller pieces and chew it better.

If the problem is that you eat one of the foods that makes you fart/fart due to the fact that it is not quite adequately accepted by your body, just reconsider your diet. Limit the consumption of those products that were indicated in the points above. Also try to reduce (but not completely eliminate) the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, such as baked goods, sugar, and protein foods, such as lamb, goose, pork and mushrooms. Then the problem should gradually recede, you will stop farting so often.

Also try to get enough sleep, spend time physical activity and so on. Better your health means less chance of the problem getting worse and less need for treatment.

Other methods of elimination

However, sometimes it happens that you cannot stop farting on your own and get rid of it - sometimes the reason is quite serious illness Gastrointestinal tract. This can usually be determined by the presence of side symptoms:

  • blood in stool;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain and other abnormalities.

In this case, it is necessary not to take any medications on your own, not to resort to treatment at home, but you should go to a therapist or a gastroenterologist, who will prescribe an examination for you, and then treatment - you will take tablets for flatulence, other medications, or do therapeutic procedures to get rid of this problem.

But the main thing is not to panic if you start farting excessively. In a healthy adult, flatulence can occur up to 10-18 times a day, and therefore there is a chance that everything is fine with you and nothing needs to be done.