Causes of unilateral swelling of the throat. What to do if your throat is swollen

When swelling of a person's throat develops, it becomes difficult for him to breathe.

Swelling of the throat occurs as a result of many reasons. And its main symptom is difficulty breathing.

develop this pathology It can happen to anyone, regardless of age. Faces most prone childhood, allergies.

Causes of edema

We can highlight the following most common reasons, in which swelling of the throat appears.

The development of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat, larynx, due to exposure to an allergen on the body.

The most common allergens are:

  • food products (honey, citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs);
  • medicines;
  • animal waste products;
  • cosmetics;
  • plant pollen;
  • bites of various insects.

As a result of ingestion of the allergen, swelling of the tongue, throat, and larynx develops. This type is characterized by an acute onset and rapid progression of the disease.

Help should be provided as quickly as possible to prevent the development of complications.

Inflammatory reaction of the throat, larynx as a result of exposure to viruses or bacteria. With subsequent swelling of the mucous membranes. Also, the inflammatory process can spread to the root of the tongue.

Edema of the larynx developed as a result of mechanical impact on the mucous membranes:

  • damage to the mucous membranes as a result of injury;
  • in the presence of a foreign body in the lumen of the larynx;
  • after tracheal intubation, swelling of the tongue and pharyngeal mucous membranes often occurs;
  • when eating hot foods.
  • Compression of the lumen from the outside with an abscess of the neck, paratonsillar region.
  • Tumor formations of the larynx and tongue.
  • Fluid retention with subsequent development of edema of the larynx and tongue in cardiovascular and renal pathologies.

With these pathologies, laryngeal stenosis develops. Clinical manifestations depend on the degree of stenosis.

Clinical picture

An allergic disease accompanied by edema has an acute onset. At food allergies Swelling of the tongue may occur first, and then of the larynx.

There is no increase in body temperature. There may also be swelling of the soft tissues of the neck.

In the presence of viral or bacterial inflammation, there are signs of intoxication of the body and symptoms characteristic of damage to the nasopharynx.

  • Increased body temperature from 37.0 to 39.0 degrees;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Aches in bones and muscles;
  • Headaches;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Sore throat;
  • Runny nose in the presence of damage to the nasal mucosa;
  • Cough. At the beginning of the disease, the cough is dry, and then it becomes productive;
  • Upon examination, inflammation can be detected (swelling, hyperemia, granularity) back wall pharynx, mucous membranes of the tongue, tonsils (for sore throat).

After prolonged tracheal intubation during complex operations tissue swelling may occur. It appears as a result of prolonged pressure on the mucous membranes.

Regardless of the cause, edema and stenosis are characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Pain when swallowing;
  • Soreness and discomfort along the back wall of the nasopharynx and in the neck area;
  • Dryness of mucous membranes when swallowing food;
  • Lowering the timbre of the voice;
  • Hoarseness of the voice may be replaced by a complete absence of voice (aphonia);
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Paroxysmal cough, “barking” cough.

Later, as the stenosis increases, the patient begins to complain that it is difficult for him to breathe.

It is difficult for him to breathe because the lumen of the respiratory tract is narrowing, and the damage to the mucous membranes is increasing.

The patient lacks oxygen, this manifests itself in the form of:

  • Increased shortness of breath;
  • Breathing becomes noisy, sometimes with a whistling component;
  • Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle appears, distal phalanges fingers;
  • The skin turns pale;
  • The appearance of severe tachycardia;
  • Anxiety in human behavior.

When the patient is not provided timely assistance, the acute lesion increases and the patient not only finds it difficult to breathe.

He may lose consciousness, and a complete lack of breathing may develop. If help is not provided, death is possible.

Diagnostic Basics

Diagnosis is based on a thorough examination and questioning of the patient. To assess the severity of edema and stenosis of the vocal cords, laryngoscopy is performed.

In the presence of an allergic reaction, symptoms of damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes may also be present (conjunctivitis, rhinitis, local swelling of the mucous membranes of the tongue).

IN general analysis blood allergy eosinophilia. For viral infection characterized by an increase in ESR.

Bacterial damage is characterized by leukocytosis and an increase in ESR. Laryngoscopy can also reveal the presence of a foreign body.

Therapeutic actions

When the first signs of the disease appear, you must immediately contact a specialist.

If the patient has difficulty breathing or has a paroxysmal “barking” cough, be sure to urgently call an ambulance medical care.

Treatment of children younger age and persons with severe stenosis is carried out in a hospital setting. Since self-treatment can lead to the development of complications.

All treatment must be carried out strictly as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist.

Whenever allergic edema treatment only in a hospital setting, regardless of age.

Before the ambulance arrives, the patient must be given first aid. For allergies, first aid consists of eliminating exposure to the allergen as quickly as possible.

If you are allergic to medicine or food, you need to give enterosorbents; they prevent further absorption of the drug.

  • Polysorb;
  • Smecta;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Enterosgel.

To reduce swelling, you can apply ice to the neck area.

Regardless of the cause of the stenosis, help should be aimed at relieving swelling and thereby relieving the stenosis.

Treatment with antihistamine drugs is mandatory: Cetrin; Zyrtec; Suprastin; Loratadine.

The use of these agents reduces swelling of the mucous membranes. Injection treatment with these drugs is started by the ambulance team.

If the patient viral infection antiviral treatment is mandatory:

  • Arbidol;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Ingavirin;
  • Kagocel.

In case of bacterial infection, treatment with antibacterial drugs is mandatory.

Most often, the following drugs are prescribed for pathology of the upper respiratory tract:

  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanate;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Zinnat;
  • Levofloxacin.

Also in severe cases, prescription hormonal drugs. Treatment of stenosis is carried out using the following drugs:

  • Prednisolone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Depending on the severity of symptoms, they can be used intravenously or intramuscularly.

Physiotherapeutic treatment helps relieve tissue swelling and reduce coughing. Inhalations come to the rescue.

You can perform inhalations with the following means:

  • Saline solution 0.9%;
  • Berodual, it helps eliminate spasms and improves breathing;
  • Hormonal drugs (eliminate inflammation).

You can also do the following as distraction measures:

  • Mustard plasters on the chest;
  • Hot foot baths.

In severe cases, when it is impossible to eliminate spasm or tissue swelling, doctors perform a tracheotomy. An incision is made in the neck in the trachea area, a tube is inserted and breathing is restored.

To prevent the development of serious complications, it is necessary to promptly seek medical help and promptly treat nasopharyngeal diseases.

Subject to availability allergic diseases avoid contact with allergens. If the patient consults a doctor on time and receives necessary therapy, the prognosis will be favorable.

The formation of various inflammatory or other processes in the body can lead to such an unpleasant and even dangerous pathology as swelling of the throat. Such a deviation does not apply to independent diseases and is always secondary symptom any violation. It is important to understand in time what to do in case of swelling of the throat, to diagnose and eliminate the pathology, since swelling provokes a narrowing of the larynx and can lead to suffocation.

Edema of the throat is a pathology that forms on the loose submucous membrane of the larynx due to a number of different reasons. In this case, the swelling can be limited in nature, in other words, it swells small part tissues of the throat, and manifest itself as diffuse swelling. The latter option refers to life-threatening pathologies, since in this case the lumen of the pharynx narrows to such an extent that a person may die from lack of air.

According to its origin, the disease can be either inflammatory or non-inflammatory inflammatory type. In the first case, changes occur due to infectious diseases attacking the body. So, sore throat often affects swelling of the throat. But in the second, swelling can cause abnormalities in the functioning of organs, allergic reactions and other violations.

Even when the throat quickly swells, there may be various reasons for this. The factors influencing the formation of laryngeal edema include the following, the most common:

It has been noted that most often swelling of the throat develops as a result of processes inflammatory in nature, but, of course, it is important to remember that pathology in general cannot appear without any reason. Therefore, first of all, you will need to undergo medical diagnostics aimed at identifying the factors that caused the disease. Only the elimination of primary diseases will eliminate the occurrence of such a problem forever.

Symptoms of swelling in the throat

If swelling of the throat begins, its symptoms and treatment vary somewhat depending on the nature of the cause that caused the pathology. But there are a number common features, the occurrence of which should immediately prompt a person to seek medical help. Since the process can continue to develop, leading to an increase in the area of ​​edema and suffocation.

First of all, we should highlight a number of initial symptoms occurring regardless of the nature of the edema. It could be like infectious process, so an allergy or other disorder in the body. So, primary signs Laryngeal edema include:

  • pain when swallowing,
  • pain in the neck when turning the head,
  • headache, fever, weakness,
  • voice changes, hoarseness,
  • swollen neck and facial area,
  • swelling, grittiness, redness and swelling of the back of the throat,
  • bouts of dry cough.

Symptoms and treatment of throat swelling vary somewhat depending on the nature; it can be either an infectious process, an allergy or another disorder in the body.

The appearance of the above symptoms should already prompt a person to consult a doctor. During the examination, the specialist will determine probable reasons and prescribe the necessary treatment. If the edema begins to progress, the signs will become more obvious and at the same time the pathology can lead to serious complications and health problems.

Signs of progressive laryngeal edema:

  • severe intoxication: chills, fever, high temperature,
  • tearing pain in the throat, the mucous membrane looks swollen,
  • sore throat combined with a strong dry cough,
  • complete loss of voice
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath,
  • pale and bluish skin,
  • increased heart rate,
  • cold sweat,
  • obsessive fear of death, accompanied by panic.

It must be remembered that the increasing swelling of the throat during a cold leads to the fact that it becomes not only difficult for a person, but also painful to breathe. At the same time, less and less oxygen enters the body, circulatory failure develops, pressure drops, and brain hypoxia occurs.

Treatment of edema

First of all, when the first signs of throat swelling appear, you should visit medical institution to understand how to relieve throat swelling. After a thorough inspection and possible analyzes The specialist will understand how to relieve swelling of the throat, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy. Of course, treatment involves healing primary disease, which provoked the pathological condition of the throat, as well as eliminating the tissue swelling itself.

For inflammatory processes preceding the development of edema, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed. The drug amoxicillin is often prescribed, which helps relieve swelling of the throat during sore throat. It must be remembered that amoxicillin is potent substance and only a specialist can prescribe it to cure tonsillitis or relieve throat swelling in a child due to the presence of a number of contraindications. At the same time, in order to successful treatment The doctor takes a swab from the throat to test sensitivity to antibiotics.

When it is necessary to treat swelling of the throat, it is recommended to irrigate the mucous membrane with some kind of antiseptic (based on streptocide, chlorophyllipt); children can gargle with herbs or a salt solution with the addition of iodine. Plus, you should drink a complex of immunoregenerative drugs and humidify the air in the room where the patient lives as often as possible.

If tissue swelling progresses so much that a person has obvious difficulty breathing, then there may simply not be time to independently visit a doctor. In this case, you should call a team of doctors as quickly as possible and direct forces to provide first aid. To alleviate the patient’s condition, it is recommended to take the following actions:

  1. To facilitate the access of air into the patient’s lungs, for example, you need to remove your tie or unbutton your collar.
  2. Bring the patient into a sitting or semi-sitting position.
  3. If swelling is caused by any allergen, its effect on the body should be stopped.
  4. Place a strong nasal spray into your nose.

Further activities to finally remove painful symptoms, can only be undertaken by a specialist. Both medications and surgery. The latter will be required in case complete absence access of oxygen to the body, and the main method is considered to be emergency tracheotomy. The operation involves making an incision in the throat area and inserting a small tube into it to restore breathing. After which subsequent treatment is prescribed.

In addition, there are general rules necessary to perform in the process of healing the disease. Doctors recommend the following activities:

  1. Stick to a diet. The food should be sufficiently liquid, of vegetable origin and at room temperature. Additives in the form of spices and vinegar are prohibited.
  2. Limit fluid intake.
  3. Reduce physical activity.
  4. Talk less.

Medicines for swelling in the throat

Treatment of swelling in the throat in the early stages involves taking various types of medications. How to treat a throat depends on the nature of the pathology. Most often, after examination and diagnosis, specialists prescribe the following medications:

  • antibacterial medications, such as penicillin (amoxicillin) or streptomycin,
  • antihistamines: diphenhydramine, tavegil, pipolfen,
  • corticosteroids, such as prenisolone,
  • diuretics: veroshpiron, furosemide,
  • antioxidants, antihypoxants,
  • administration of glucose and ascorbic acid intravenously,
  • sedatives, tranquilizers,
  • oxygen,
  • inhalation with a solution of adrenaline, hydrocortisone and ephedrine hydrochloride.

Treatment of throat edema involves healing the primary disease that provoked the pathological condition of the throat, as well as eliminating the tissue edema itself.

It is important to remember that swelling of the throat is quite dangerous pathology, requiring immediate appeal see a doctor. With a proper examination and identification of the cause, treatment with appropriate medications is prescribed and the disease can be successfully overcome. Whereas a neglected condition can cause complications and even lead to death.

Often inflammatory processes accompanied by swelling of the larynx. How to relieve swelling of the throat, what are the causes of the symptom, methods of its diagnosis and treatment.

It is known that swelling of the throat is rarely independent disease. Most often, it indicates the development of various pathological processes in the human body. Moreover, this condition is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to suffocation with a rapid increase in swelling and narrowing of the lumen in the larynx. In this case, you need to know how to relieve throat swelling in order to quickly restore breathing. In the treatment of throat edema it is used as medicinal methods, and ways traditional medicine. In order to find the most effective treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes of the pathological condition.


May cause swelling various factors, both inflammatory and non-inflammatory in nature. To understand how to relieve throat swelling, you should analyze possible reasons appearance unpleasant symptom. So, soreness and swelling in the throat can be caused by:

  • laryngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane oral cavity;
  • purulent inflammation base of tongue;
  • allergic reactions to medications, food;
  • abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, organs cardiovascular system;
  • problems with blood circulation in the pharynx as a result of excessive compression of the lymph nodes;
  • mechanical damage during surgery, burns of the mucous membrane.

To assign the correct and effective treatment When there is swelling in the throat, you should know not only the causes, but also the main symptoms of the disease.


Among the main signs of edema are:

  • pain when swallowing saliva and food;
  • dryness, sore throat;
  • noisy breathing;
  • difficulty breathing as a result of increased swelling and narrowing of the throat;
  • hoarseness leading to complete loss vote.

As the pathological process worsens, swelling increases, shortness of breath appears, pale skin, rapid pulse, and a feeling of panic may occur.

Upon visual examination, thickening of the epiglottis is noticeable in the area of ​​​​swelling, and swelling can also spread to the arytenoid cartilages.

Swelling caused by inflammatory processes is characterized by pronounced redness of the mucous membrane and dilation of blood vessels. Whereas non-inflammatory edema is not accompanied by hyperemia.


If the patient experiences a feeling of constriction and pain in the throat, he should receive immediate assistance to quickly relieve swelling of the throat and restore breathing.

Important! If first aid for laryngeal edema is not provided on time, there is a risk of complications, the development of asphyxia and suffocation.

How to treat swelling of the throat? Before qualified medical assistance is provided, you can reduce swelling on your own.

Treatment in a hospital is primarily aimed at carrying out procedures that will relieve swelling and restore breathing. In this case, treatment can be carried out both conservatively and using surgical intervention.

Conservative therapy includes a set of measures aimed at quickly normalizing the patient’s condition and restoring full breathing. The following drugs are used for this:

  • antiallergic drugs;
  • antibiotics (Augmentin);
  • corticosteroids;
  • diuretics (Furosemide);
  • intravenous administration of vitamin C, calcium gluconate and glucose to support the body;
  • sedatives and tranquilizers (Apaurin, Diapam).

Also used as treatment are inhalations of adrenaline and hydrocortisone, and oxygen masks are used.

If conservative methods no treatment given positive result and the swelling not only does not decrease, but continues to progress, you should know what to do if the throat is swollen in this case. Most often, doctors resort to emergency surgical measures - tracheotomy. This is an incision in the throat where a tube is inserted to allow air to enter unhindered. respiratory tract.

During the entire treatment period, certain precautions should be taken, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • follow a diet - eat exclusively warm food in liquid or puree form, completely eliminating any seasonings and spices;
  • exclude intense physical activity, fast walking;
  • reduce the load on the ligaments and speech apparatus.

Treatment with folk remedies

If swelling of the throat does not cause severe discomfort and breathing difficulties, you can try to reduce discomfort at home using alternative medicine methods.

  1. Gargling with solutions baking soda(1 teaspoon per glass warm water) and decoctions medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile, calendula. If you are not allergic, you can add a few drops to the soda solution. essential oil, for example, eucalyptus. It is necessary to repeat the rinsing procedure several times a day until the swelling, itching and pain in the throat.
  2. Reduce swelling caused non-communicable diseases, will help cold compress, applied in the throat area. It could be a heating pad with cold water or pieces of ice wrapped in a towel.
  3. Inflammation and swelling in the throat area can be reduced with carrot juice and honey. It is necessary to consume the freshly prepared solution three times a day, at least 100 ml at a time.
  4. Withdraw excess liquid from the body and reduce swelling with the help of rosehip decoction, which has a pronounced diuretic effect. To do this, brew a tablespoon of rose hips in a liter of boiling water, leave for several hours and drink half a glass throughout the day.

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Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.

Usually, when an infection - viral, microbial or fungal - enters the throat area, swelling occurs. Most often this occurs with sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and pharyngomycosis.


Inflammation of the larynx, or laryngitis, usually accompanies all colds and some infections, it occurs as a symptom in the following diseases:

There is swelling varying degrees severity, in some cases there is swelling of the uvula. In addition, symptoms such as soreness, dry cough due to irritation are noted. inflamed area throat, voice change, fever, pain.

If treatment for laryngitis was started in a timely manner and in full, then recovery occurs within a week. But when the process is running, it becomes chronic.

Treatment is as follows:

  1. Complete peace and silence for several days.
  2. Avoiding alcohol, smoking and foods that cause irritation (spicy, smoked, cold and hot).
  3. Drinking enough liquid. Very healthy to drink warm milk with honey and soda.
  4. It is very good to treat laryngitis with rinsing. The easiest way to relieve the symptoms of inflammation and discomfort is to frequent use soda solution . To do this, take half a teaspoon of soda per glass of water. You can add the same amount of salt and a few drops of iodine to this solution.
  5. It is recommended to treat swelling due to laryngitis, including the uvula, using ginger decoction. To do this, the root needs to be finely chopped and then boiled in a small amount of water for about 10 minutes. This decoction has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and promotes rapid recovery.
  6. It is useful to eat a teaspoon of honey several times a day or add it along with a slice of lemon to a herbal anti-inflammatory decoction.


Signs of pharyngitis also occur with colds in the throat and some infections. This disease is acute and chronic course. When examining such a patient, swelling of the entire mucous membrane and uvula is noted. The pain intensifies with swallowing movements, and the transition to chronic stage during the atrophic process, it is accompanied by a dry cough and a change in voice timbre. If the form of pharyngitis is catarrhal or hypertrophic, then the patient notes the sensation of a foreign body that does not actually exist.

Mucus accumulates in the throat, which is difficult to clear when you try to cough. And irritation leads to the urge to vomit.

  1. Syrup of garlic and honey will help treat pain.. You need to make a paste from the garlic and put it in an enamel bowl. Then add buckwheat honey, which should lightly cover the garlic. Place on low heat and heat until smooth. If the syrup is too thick, you can thin it a little clean water. Take one small spoon every hour. Pain and swelling will decrease significantly.
  2. Dissolve a tablespoon in 500 ml water sea ​​salt without fragrances or additives and rinse every hour.
  3. Herbal treatment involves drinking tea made from rosehip and yarrow petals at night (1:2). Brew a teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of hot water.


Traditional medicine offers the following treatment in this case:

  1. The symptoms of the disease will go away if you use propolis tincture. To make it, you should take 100 grams of medical alcohol and 30 grams of crushed propolis. Insist for two weeks. Use to rinse the tonsils, palate and uvula for a sore throat (1 teaspoon of tincture per glass of water) up to 5 times a day.
  2. You can simply chew a small piece of propolis in your mouth. At the same time, a burning sensation occurs, and this indicates that the product is having its effect.
  3. Also, for swelling of the throat during a sore throat, a compress of cabbage leaf. To do this, take a mature head of cabbage, tear off a leaf, and apply it to the throat overnight.


This phenomenon occurs as a result of damage to the throat, palate and uvula by a fungal infection. Swelling in this case occurs as a reaction to inflammation; often the patient complains of a foreign body in the larynx. Most often, there are no symptoms and the disease is detected accidentally during examination.

  1. Dilute a spoonful of baking soda into a glass of warm water and rinse with this solution five or six times a day.
  2. Three times a day, gargle and drop propolis tincture diluted with water into your nose, the recipe for which is given above. Continue the procedures for a month.

In the presence of an allergic reaction, exposure to a number of substances, irritation of the larynx of a mechanical or thermal nature, swelling also develops. Mostly, this condition is associated with a risk to human life, therefore, in case of such violations, you should immediately go to the hospital for examination and immediate assistance..

Before the doctor arrives, the only thing that can help in this case is applying a cold compress directly to the neck, and as a distracting procedure, steaming the legs, or mustard plasters on the calf area.

Swelling in the area of ​​the larynx, trachea, palate, tonsils and uvula is not separate disease. This is just a symptom that may indicate a number of pathological conditions of different nature. Sometimes treatment is needed immediately, especially when symptoms begin suddenly and progress quickly.

One of the most threatening phenomena for people is the pathology associated with laryngeal edema. Its occurrence is characterized by a narrowing of the lumen, which poses a direct threat to life. Edema of the larynx sometimes develops very rapidly and can result in suffocation. Therefore, this condition requires urgent hospitalization.

This pathology is not an independent disease, but a symptom of a number of diseases. There are non-inflammatory and inflammatory forms. Laryngeal edema most often affects young males, but, of course, both children and adults of both sexes are found among patients.

The reasons for the development of the disease in many adults include the following factors:

  1. The presence of acute and chronic diseases. The former include influenza, scarlet fever, diphtheria, typhoid, measles and others, and the latter include tuberculosis or syphilis.
  2. The occurrence of infectious and inflammatory diseases that are localized in the throat area and the space near it - laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis,.
  3. Appears as a complication after surgery in the throat and neck area in general.
  4. Injuries of various origins.
  5. Having allergies.
  6. Cardiovascular diseases, as well as pathologies of the liver and kidneys.
  7. Development after X-ray examination radiation therapy near the neck.
  8. Pathologies in organs adjacent to the larynx.

U small child swelling of the larynx sometimes occurs as a reaction to very hot food. Many of the above reasons are also relevant for children.

It must be remembered that laryngeal edema is a condition that requires an urgent response to its occurrence.


When a spasm or foreign body appears, the opening in the throat can narrow in an instant. This occurs acutely when inflammation or an allergic reaction occurs. Chronic happens if there is a tumor. Danger this state depends on the speed and degree of narrowing of the laryngeal lumen.

If swelling of the larynx occurs of an inflammatory nature, then the person is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • sore throat that gets worse when swallowing;
  • feeling of the presence of a foreign object;
  • change in voice timbre.

When the edematous area expands towards the aryepiglottic folds and mucous membranes of the arytenoid cartilages, a feeling of suffocation appears.

General signs of acute pathology:

  • barking cough;
  • hoarseness;
  • swelling of the facial surface and a change in its color to bluish;
  • wheezing nature of breathing.

At chronic edema throat, the phenomenon of stenosis may not be so pronounced, because the body adapts to gradual narrowing respiratory lumen and gets used to the lack of oxygen.


An otolaryngologist makes a diagnosis based on examination, medical history, and the patient's description of where the pain is. Finding out what caused the narrowing of the glottis is more difficult. Sometimes the doctor notices that a neoplasm has appeared under the hyperemic mucosa or that a foreign object is located.

In order to find out the causes of the pathology, endoscopy and indirect laryngoscopy are performed. Children undergo video microlaryngoscopy.

The procedures are performed very carefully, as some of them may be accompanied by even greater difficulty breathing and laryngeal spasm. In this case, asphyxia occurs and, accordingly, death.

Doctor after initial examination decides which organs need to be examined to determine the underlying cause of the disease. An x-ray of the throat is ordered and chest, computed tomography of the mediastinal organs, bronchoscopy.

Types of edema

Edema of the larynx occurs infectious nature and non-infectious. The first of them occurs more often than the second. They occur due to hypothermia, overstrain of the vocal cords, as well as after injuries, including too hot food and toxic gases.

Due to stenosis of the throat, angioedema or angioedema sometimes occurs. This is a condition of allergic origin, when other nearby parts of the body swell. Its danger lies in its rapid development.

Allergic swelling occurs due to substances such as iodine-containing medications, medications, which contain vitamin B, food products with chemical additives, household chemicals. Insect bites, hepatitis or diseases can also lead to this condition. endocrine system. In this case, most likely, the person is genetically predisposed to such a reaction.

Treatment of laryngeal edema

Because children best chance encounter laryngeal stenosis, then most often the first first aid provide it to them. It is the same for both children and adults. To do this you need:

  1. Call an ambulance as soon as possible. During phone call You need to inform the dispatcher about laryngeal stenosis in the child, because in this case they are obliged to relieve the swelling within the next hour.
  2. Calm down and try to calm the child, because excitement can increase swelling of the laryngeal tissues.
  3. Give him anti-allergy medicine. There is a high probability of swelling reduction after taking the drug.
  4. Increase the humidity level in the room. To do this, you need to turn on the humidifier or use steam.
  5. Do inhalation with alkaline agents (saline solution or Borjomi water). These substances relieve cough during stenosis.
  6. Soaring or rubbing your feet is a distracting procedure.

After the ambulance arrives, you need to know that hospitalization must be mandatory, since this condition is extremely life-threatening for the patient.

Drug treatment

In order to decide how to treat swelling of the throat, the doctor needs to know the causes of the disease, and based on this this method may be medical or surgical. Therapy for laryngeal stenosis should be aimed at restoring a person’s unobstructed breathing.

When your throat is swollen, then drug treatment carried out using the following medications: antibacterial drugs wide range actions, antiallergic (antihistamine), diuretics and corticosteroids. The doctor chooses medications based on the diagnosis. In case of edema of infectious origin, antibiotics are used, and in case of allergic edema, antihistamines are used.

If after taking medications the swelling does not decrease, then surgery is performed. To do this, a tracheotomy is performed - at the beginning of asphyxia, the larynx is dissected and a cannula is inserted into the operated area. This allows you to restore the respiratory process.

You need to know that with throat stenosis, doctors advise limiting fluid intake, not talking loudly and refraining from heavy physical activity.

Folk remedies

Laryngeal edema is a very dangerous condition, which can quickly worsen, so it cannot be treated at home, since a patient with such a symptom must stay in a hospital.

Swelling of the larynx (throat) is a symptom that signals abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

The location of edema is most often the submucosal loose tissue of the larynx. It includes:
vestibular or aryepiglottic folds;
space under folds;
surface of the epiglottis from the side of the tongue.

Edema can be of inflammatory or non-inflammatory origin
Inflammatory edema is caused by a toxigenic infection, non-inflammatory - various diseases, which are based on allergic processes, metabolic disorders, etc.). In the first case, the exudate contains large number blood elements (erythrocytes). In case non-inflammatory edema tissues and fibers are saturated with serous contents, they are separated by accumulations of liquid transudate.

Edema can have different properties:
limited swelling - slight increase in tissue;
diffuse (diffuse) edema - the larynx narrows to such an extent that it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe.

In case of diffuse edema, there is an immediate threat to human health and even life, so you should seek medical help immediately!

Most often, the larynx swells in men 18–35 years old.
Less commonly, laryngeal edema occurs in older people or children.

The main causes of acute swelling of the throat

Purulent (inflammatory) processes in the pharynx, the space around the pharynx, the root of the tongue, tonsils on the palate, tissues of the floor of the mouth, cervical spine(chondroperichondritis, subglottic laryngitis, acute laryngotracheobronchitis);
inflammation of the perichondrium or cartilage of the larynx;
infectious diseases acute (measles, scarlet fever, typhus, influenza, etc.);
bacterial infections(diphtheria, epiglottitis, peritonsillar and occipital abscess);
chronic infectious diseases (tuberculosis, syphilis);
laryngeal tumors (benign or malignant);
injury (mechanical - when hit by a foreign body, swallowing an object or due to surgical intervention, chemical);
foreign body;
pathological processes in neighboring organs and systems (tumors of the esophagus, mediastinum, thyroid gland, phlegmon of the neck, retropharyngeal abscess);
ingestion of excessively hot food (especially in children) – burns occur and the tissues become inflamed;
consumption of alcoholic beverages;
consequence x-ray examination or radiotherapy of organs located in the neck area.

Non-inflammatory causes of throat swelling

Cardiovascular diseases;
circulatory disorders at the local level resulting from compression of the veins, lymphatic vessels;
kidney disease;
phlegmonous laryngitis;
allergy - severe sensitivity to certain products, medicines, external factors(plant pollen, animal hair, dust, other irritants).

Edema laryngitis (inflammatory swelling of the larynx)

This pathology is most often located in the vestibule of the larynx, in children - in the subglottic space. The occurrence of such edema is mainly associated with toxins produced by streptococci.
Edematous laryngitis occurs more often in weakened patients with general diseases (diabetes, vitamin deficiency, uremia, cachexia) or in patients who suffer from infectious diseases (influenza, scarlet fever).

The inflammatory process may have different shapes:

The first two varieties, as a rule, are viral or allergic in nature. They go away quickly with adequate therapy. The other two forms are characterized by the addition of a bacterial infection.

The lumen of the larynx may narrow due to swelling of the tissues and due to the accumulation of thick and sticky mucus.

Such stenosis can also be complicated by the presence of hemorrhagic crusts, pus, necrotic and fibrous deposits.

Clinical manifestations of throat edema

Over time, the lumen of the larynx or trachea can narrow in various ways:
lightning fast (foreign body entry, spasm);
acute (allergic processes, infectious diseases);
chronically (develops against the background of a tumor).
The clinical picture depends on how much the lumen of the larynx is narrowed and how quickly the stenosis develops: the faster this happens, the more dangerous the stenosis.

Signs of edema of inflammatory origin:
sore throat;
worsens when swallowing;
feeling of a foreign body in the throat;
change in voice (hoarseness);
"barking" cough;
breathing is difficult;
shortness of breath, first of the inspiratory type (inhalation is difficult), then of the inspiratory-expiratory type (inhalation and exhalation are difficult);
noisy breathing (with whistling);
cyanotic (bluish) tint to the complexion, later the face turns pale;
the patient is restless, tossing about;
When swelling passes to the mucous membrane of the arytenoid cartilages, aryepiglottic folds, and subglottic space, acute laryngeal stenosis may develop. Stenosis shows a severe picture of suffocation, such a condition is life threatening.

A laryngoscopic examination reveals swelling of the laryngeal mucosa (parts: soft palate, uvula, tonsils). Edema has the appearance of a watery or gelatinous swelling. The epiglottis is sharply thickened; elements of redness are possible. The pathological process moves to the arytenoid cartilages.

With the inflammatory origin of edema, reactions of varying severity are observed, the vessels of the mucous membrane are injected, and the mucous membrane itself is hyperemic. With non-inflammatory origin of edema, hyperemia, as a rule, is not observed.

In severe cases, if there is no normal help, the patient may die from asphyxia.
With mild or moderate severity swelling can last from one hour to a day. When acute period subsides, pain in the larynx, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing still remain for some time.

Allergic edema

Allergy swelling is caused by a number of factors. The body can react to food, medications, ordinary household dust, and accumulations of animal hair.
If the irritant penetrates through the respiratory tract, stenosis is located in the area of ​​the epiglottis and laryngeal tissues. If the allergen enters the body through the esophagus, the reaction will appear in the area of ​​the arytenoid cartilages.
Allergic swelling in the throat area is dangerous, since it is generally lightning in nature. This state of affairs is a threat to life, since it is fraught with suffocation.

Quincke's edema

Angioedema is an acute swelling of the mucous membrane, skin and subcutaneous tissue which is caused by an allergic reaction.

More often angioedema appears on the face. It can spread to the arms and chest. Moreover, the distribution is often asymmetrical. Swelling may appear, for example, only on one half of the body. Swelling may also affect half the face and half the neck, but may also affect all areas. Swelling can affect the stomach, esophagus and intestines.

The most dangerous is angioedema of the larynx.

Above the swelling, the skin usually has a normal natural appearance, but there is swelling or a vesicular rash. There are weak painful sensations upon palpation. Swelling may last from several hours to several days.

Basic symptoms of Quincke's edema:
tension in the area of ​​edema;
swallowing food is difficult;
breathing is difficult;
the tongue is swollen;
partial loss of voice;
when swelling spreads to the eye area, vision deterioration occurs.

Angioedema of the larynx develops rapidly. In just one hour, swelling can spread completely to the face, neck, chest, and arms.

Therefore, at the first the slightest symptoms or if there is suspicion, you should call an ambulance.
May develop within a few hours following symptoms:
swelling of the neck veins;
loss of consciousness;
severe shortness of breath(suffocation).
In life-threatening conditions, tracheotomy is indicated.

Swelling of the throat due to tonsillitis

If a sore throat is not cured in time or tolerated on your feet, a complication may arise - swelling of the larynx. Edema may result from either follicular tonsillitis, or necrotizing tonsillitis. As a rule, the swelling does not extend to the area beyond the entrance to the larynx, but it can involve vocal cords and the area below them. Edema develops quickly and can cause asphyxia.

In order to prevent complications of a sore throat, you need to consult a doctor at the first appearance of pain when swallowing, if you feel short of air, or if your voice changes.

Swelling of the tongue in the throat

In the mouth on soft palate there is a cone-shaped process called the uvula.
Swelling of the uvula is caused by the following factors:
infectious diseases;
allergic reactions;

To determine the cause of swelling of the appendix, you need to consider general condition person. If the cause is an allergy, then only the tongue cannot be swollen - then other reactions will appear: general swelling of the throat, swelling of the extremities, rash, etc.

If the swelling of the uvula is caused by an infection, then the body temperature will be elevated and there will be discomfort in the throat when eating.

If the appendage is swollen due to injury from a bone or other sharp object, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if there is swelling

First, clearly find out what could have caused such a tissue reaction.
If the stenosis is the result of an allergy, then you must first remove the allergen, take an antiallergic drug and seek help from a medical facility.

If the swelling of the throat is caused by a sore throat, then this indicates that pathological process has already entered an advanced stage. Will be required antibacterial therapy. You cannot self-medicate.
If swelling of the throat is caused by injury, then in this case, you need to be examined by a specialist, because injury is dangerous due to wound suppuration and sepsis.

The conclusion is this: in case of swelling of the throat, in any case, it is necessary to provide medical assistance, and the sooner the better.

Laryngeal stenosis, as a rule, develops very quickly, so any delay or self-medication is fraught with very serious consequences for the health, and even the life of the patient. If you have serious breathing difficulties, only medical professionals can provide assistance.


Diagnosis of edema is generally not difficult. The characteristic laryngoscopic picture and varying degrees of respiratory impairment make it possible to correctly identify the disease. It is much more difficult to understand the causes of pathology. Sometimes the swollen, hyperemic mucous membrane covers a tumor that is in the larynx, or a foreign body.
In addition to indirect laryngoscopy, in some cases it is necessary to perform bronchoscopy, x-ray of the larynx, chest, and possibly some other studies.


First restore external breathing. Treatment must be provided in a hospital setting. From the degree of severity clinical manifestations The choice of treatment methods – conservative or surgical – depends.
The patient should be given a semi-sitting or sitting position.

Conservative therapy

Used in compensated and subcompensated stages of airway stenosis.

Conservative therapy:
antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin, etc.);
antihistamines(pipolfen, suprastin, diphenhydramine, tavegil);
corticosteroids (hydrocortisone, prednisolone);
inhalation (adrenaline solution + ephedrine hydrochloride solution + hydrocortisone);
calcium gluconate, glucose, ascorbic acid– intravenously;
fast-acting diuretics (furosemide, bumetanide, hypothiazide, veroshpiron);
antihypoxants and antioxidants;
sedatives and tranquilizers (sibazon);
foot baths (hot);
mustard plasters to the calf muscles.

Drug destenosis (elimination of symptoms acute stenosis, improvement of breathing) consists precisely in the simultaneous administration of antihistamines, corticosteroids, and dehydration agents.

Surgical treatment

If conservative therapy does not lead to an effect, if decompensated stenosis appears, an immediate tracheotomy is needed - this is an operation to excise the throat, during which an orifice is formed. A cannula is inserted into this opening to allow breathing.

In case of asphyxia, restoration is carried out external respiration(conicotomy), then tracheotomy.

General activities:
diet: liquid and semi-liquid food plant origin, room temperature, without spices, vinegar, or other seasonings;
fluid restriction;
gentle voice mode;
limiting physical activity.

For swelling of the larynx, which is caused by general diseases and intoxications, place with measures for the rehabilitation of respiratory function and together with drug therapy carry out the necessary treatment of the underlying disease that caused the swelling.