All past lives. Remember your past life through meditation. Travel, ease of learning foreign languages

Anyone can step beyond reality and remember past lives. Using proven techniques, you can find the key to your subconscious and look into the past.

Experts from the site have found out exactly how you can remember your past lives. To do this, it is important to remember dreams and listen carefully to your feelings. Use five ways to better understand your purpose and remember what is hidden in your memory.

1. Dreams

Sleep allows us to rest and recuperate. During dreams, people often receive certain signs and tips that can protect them from troubles in reality or show them the path to happiness. In a dream, you can also learn about your past lives. To do this, it is important to train your memory and learn to remember any dreams in detail, and it is better to keep a diary so as not to miss a single clue. Tune in to the fact that you will be able to see your past, and go to bed every day with this thought. Of course, you won’t get all the information right away, but over time you will increasingly see clues that will help you understand who you were in a past life.

2. Reflection in the mirror

You can use not only mirrors, but also any other reflective surfaces that you like best. Some saw past lives in the reflection of water and glass balls. You need to focus on what you want to see and let your imagination run wild. First, you should clear your mind of thoughts about problems and matters. Think about what you want to see, and then the pictures of your past life will appear on the surface.

3. Clock

Clocks measure the passage of time and help remember past events. Choose watches with large dials to quickly focus on the desired thought and lift the veil of secrecy. Focus on the ticking hand or listen to the ticking of a clock to immerse yourself in a form of hypnosis. Remember events in your life that brought you closer to solving the mystery, for example, a feeling of déjà vu. Over time, you will be able to immerse yourself in vivid memories that will help you find exactly the door of memory that hides your previous incarnations from you.

4. Letter

A fairly popular way is to focus on the thought of a past life. Sit comfortably, take a piece of paper and a pen. Think about what you would like to know, and your mind will help you reproduce what you want on paper. Do not be alarmed if, after such a session, symbols unknown to you remain on the sheet of paper. With constant practice, you will be able to decipher each of them and learn everything you want.

5. Habits

The right way Finding out a past life lies within ourselves. It is important to study your habits and preferences, listen to your feelings and thoughts. Often people unconsciously strive to some place, not knowing that consciousness strives to where it was best in the past. For example, many are drawn to certain cities, and some furnish their homes with antique items from a certain era. Such clues cannot be ignored, because they directly point to events from past lives.

Finding out past lives is also important in order not to repeat previous mistakes. With the help of numerology, you can get rid of karmic knots and begin the path leading to prosperity and well-being. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.08.2018 01:22

It is believed that a person's past life can influence a person's present. You can find out your past with...

The life we ​​are now living in our bodies is far from the only one in the series of our incarnations, and there is a large trail of previous incarnations behind it. And many people, convinced that reincarnation exists, would like to remember who they were in their past life.

Some out of idle curiosity, and others understanding the depth and importance of gaining this experience. So how do you remember past lives?
Method 1. SLEEP
In order to remember your past life in a dream, some preliminary preparation is necessary. Namely, you need to learn to remember your dreams well. Otherwise, you may see your past life in a dream, but what is the use of this if in the morning you cannot remember anything? Each of us sees dreams, several times a night, but usually all the information about our dreams quickly disappears, and by lunchtime there is no trace left of them. To prevent this from happening, you need to keep a Dream Diary.
Before you go to bed, you need to give yourself a clear instruction that when you wake up, you will remember your dream. You can repeat this phrase several times, or to be sure, you can also write it on paper several times so that it is firmly embedded in your memory. And when you wake up in the morning, lie in bed for some time without moving, trying to scroll through your memory everything that you just dreamed about and immediately write down the dream in your Dream Diary.
You will need two weeks of such training and then you can try to dream about your past incarnations. In the same way, before going to bed, set yourself the mindset that today you will see a dream about your past life and go to bed. The next morning, do not try to analyze, it is important to simply write down the message of your dream to the smallest detail. You may even need a few nights to regain the overall picture of who you were in your past life.
This method is suitable for those who practice out-of-body experiences or lucid dreams (we can call them by the general term - Phase). There are many ways to enter the Phase state. You can use the method that is most familiar and easy for you. After you find yourself in the Phase, you can imagine a door in front of you (as a normal way of moving yourself in space), behind which is your past life. And then just go into it. The main thing is to simply accept that what you see behind this door will be an episode of your life. It could be anything. Some obvious things (for example, a sword fight at a knight's tournament), and something incomprehensible, abstract (for example, a white spot).
However, if you look closely you can see what it is white spot has some outline. As you delve deeper into this memory, you will realize that this white spot, for example, is a horse. And suddenly remember that this is your favorite horse, and at the same time you yourself are an English nobleman late XIX century. There is no need to try to analyze and doubt. Just look at the images that come to you. When you have examined this episode enough, you can move to another and explore this life further.
However, if you don’t have a crystal ball lying around, an ordinary glass of water will do just fine for your purposes. The only difference here is that there will not be that aura of mystery and mysticism that when working with a ball. So, take a glass (it should be a simple round one, without a pattern) and fill it with water. Then place it somewhere 70 cm from you, sit comfortably and start looking at the glass. The task here is to relax your body, if possible, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the desire to see your past life. After a few minutes, you will notice that the water in the glass will become cloudy, and a little later it will acquire a pale blue color. Continue to fix your attention on the glass and your desire. The main thing is that your mind remains calm and relaxed. After some time, pictures of the past will begin to appear before your inner gaze and some realizations will come.
Method 4. MIRROR
This method is very similar to the previous one, where a glass of water was used. Here you need to take a mirror and position it relative to yourself so that you cannot see your reflection, but only the reflection of the wall. It is advisable to darken the room a little.
Sit comfortably, take a few breaths, relax your body and mind, and begin to peer at the mirror surface. Very soon you will see a light cloud of fog in the central part. Keep watching him and soon the memories will begin to come. You can see your past life directly in the mirror, or in front of your inner screen, just be aware of it. We are all different and memories come to us in different ways.
Method 5. CLOCK
You need to lie down and relax to the sound of a clock ticking next to you. For this purpose, you can simply watch your breathing a little. When you have relaxed your body enough, direct your attention to the events of your past, where you also heard the ticking of a clock. After observing this episode for a while, then move your attention to another event where the clock was also present and consider it. After looking through several episodes of your life, wish to see your past life, where you heard the ticking of a clock. And just watch the sensations and images that come to you.
Remember all the abilities and talents that you possess. And choose one among them that you will now look for in your past life. Once you have decided, sit back, close your eyes and begin to remember.
Remember what this ability is, how exactly it manifests itself in you, remember all the times when you were praised for this talent and you felt proud. Observe the episodes that pop up in your memory. And when you carefully examine one of them, you can try to remember an even earlier episode associated with your talent, and an even earlier one...
You will be surprised what different and perhaps even forgotten memories will come to you, and upon careful examination they will acquire more and more details. And when you look at the earliest events, try to remember how this talent of yours manifested itself in your past life.
+Take your time, just while in meditation let these memories come. You may not succeed the first time, but remember that having seen your past life once, you can easily remember your other past incarnations! I hope that the methods presented here will help you remember your past lives and find a new you. Good luck to you on your Path!
© Elena Shuranova

Have you ever thought about where you came from and what happens after death? Have you ever wanted to know who you were in past lives? Many people think that remembering a past life is very difficult. Meanwhile, remembering a past life is as easy as remembering yesterday. Often our subconscious mind itself gives us the necessary clues. In this article I will talk about 10 proven methods how to remember your past life.

1. Spontaneous memories of past lives

The keys to past lives are in the current life. If you take a close look at your individual characteristics, talents, hobbies, character traits, characteristics of the family in which you were born, you will certainly understand that only you have such a “set” and no one else.

Explore your individual characteristics on the following topics:

  • What did you like to do as a child, what activities or games brought you joy and pleasure?
  • Your chosen occupation, hobbies
  • Your character traits and behavior
  • Your talents, abilities, inclinations
  • What admires you about other people
  • What irritates you in other people, what do you not accept?
  • Favorite books and films, favorite characters that fascinate you
  • Countries and cultures you particularly like
  • Historical era and events that attract your attention
  • Fears and phobias or addictions that you have, perhaps since childhood
  • Injuries, illnesses, especially unexpected ones

Start focusing and thinking why do you like it or not like it, or why you have this trait or talent. Then, quite possibly, this will become an impetus for spontaneous memories of past lives.

2. Travel

Travel to other countries may trigger spontaneous memories of past lives.

How does this happen? Under the influence of new impressions that involve all channels of information perception. After all, you see new objects, people, architecture, hear unfamiliar speech, smell smells, try local cuisine, etc. All together these sensations leave an unforgettable impression. But if your past life was somehow connected with this situation, then it is likely that you have recognition, recollection or strong emotions associated with this place.

For example, I haven't been to Italy in this life, but I was a gladiator in a past life. I understood this long before I remembered my life as a gladiator. And I realized this when I found myself in the ruins of a gladiator arena in the northern part of England. This arena remained after the invasions of the Roman Empire in the 4th-5th centuries AD.

And here I am standing in the middle of this arena. Unforgettable sensations! I never imagined that any arena could evoke such strong and incomprehensible sensations, indescribable excitement. An amazing mixture of different feelings. And everything turns upside down inside. I was surprised by such strong feelings that being in this place aroused in me, because I had never been interested in gladiators before. It was only when I learned to remember my past lives that I understood why I had such a reaction.

3. Movies or books

Films and books work in the same way as travel, because here too all channels of perception are involved. You very quickly become drawn into the plot and the description of the setting, the characters, the description of everyday details, furnishings and other details, and everything seems interesting to you. You kind of immerse yourself in that environment everything seems very familiar and familiar.

I had such a “recognition” when I came across a book as a child.” Last days Pompey.” I read the book avidly, although for a child there were quite complex and boring things in it, but I read everything with interest. All the details excited me - descriptions of people's clothes, descriptions of the houses where they lived, what they ate, what they did during the day. Even the description of local routines and other “boring” things, but all this excited me. I recognized all this, it was clear to me.

Also, when you watch a movie or read a book, you can feel sympathy for some hero or associate yourself with some hero. At the same time, there may not be similar circumstances in your current life, but you know exactly how you would behave in such conditions. This may also indirectly indicate what one of your past lives was connected with.

4. Dreams

When you think intensely some problem that you need to solve, your subconscious mind works on this problem even at night while you sleep. It happens that the answers to this problem already exist in a past life, then you can see excerpts from that past life in a dream. Thus, the subconscious gives you a hint and reminds you of what has already happened to you.

At the same time, Reviewing a past life in a dream is very different from ordinary dreams. The difference is that you relive this moment of that life and it feels very real, as if you are not dreaming, but living in this moment.

If you consciously focus your attention on the request to remember a specific past life in the moment just before falling asleep, then it is likely that you will remember exactly that life in a dream. An example request could be: “I want to remember my past life, in which I...:

  • solved such and such a problem"
  • coped with such and such a situation”
  • learned something"
  • was a strong/kind/leader/writer/artist/commander/clergyman/clairvoyant/…”
  • or created such and such a problem for yourself in your current life”
  • another option

5. Deja vu

"Déjà vu" in French means "already seen." E then oh the feeling that is being experienced in the present moment has already happened to you in the past and you even know what will happen in the next second. At the same time, everything inside you freezes and you feel a touch of something magical, magical. At the same time, déjà vu lasts no more than 10 seconds...

People who have experienced déjà vu usually remember these moments well and treat them as something unusual.

Doctors claim that déjà vu is an inexplicable, but rather harmless, memory error. At the same time, two areas of the brain are simultaneously turned on - the perception of signals from the present and long term memory. But they have no answer for why this error occurs.

Psychologists they say that déjà vu is work of the subconscious. During deja vu, you remember options for solving situations that the subconscious has already calculated for you.

Regressionologists they say that déjà vu is memory of past lives. Because in a moment of déjà vu, you remember places or people from past lives. In addition, your Soul, before incarnation, made a plan for your life. You remembered a piece of this plan in a moment of déjà vu. Therefore, déjà vu is a hint from your Soul that you are moving along the path you planned.

6. Strong emotions, fears or attachments

Strong emotions or fears may be the key to past life memories. This is especially true for those emotions and fears that do not have visible reasons in current life.

For example, you are afraid of dogs, but you have never been bitten by a dog or had any unpleasant situations with dogs. Or you feel a strong, inexplicable passion for slot machines, etc. but no one in your family has such habits, etc. Or you have met a man in your life, in relation to whom you feel such strong emotions that you have never experienced before for any other man and you do not understand what is happening, because you always managed to keep your head “cold” even in your youth. These are just a few examples.

Things like that stand out from the general picture and at first glance they seem “not typical” for you, are usually easily explained through viewing past lives. It's kind of reminding you that you've already done it.

Another example from life

One day I became emotional about snow, about snowfall. I love snow, but then one day everything changed. The emotion was so strong and unpleasant that I decided to go to an immersion session. Then I remembered my past life, when I was madly in love with a White Guard officer. Our love ended tragically, but at the moment of the dramatic denouement it was snowing and at that moment I connected the snowfall with the circumstances of his death. Thus, snow for me after that life became not just snow, white and fluffy, but a reminder of the death of a loved one. And this already evokes completely different emotions. When I looked at that life and understood what I associated snow with, the emotion about snowfall disappeared.

We remember at the Soul level what we do not want to repeat, what was painful once. And when we understand what exactly is behind this emotion or fear, it immediately becomes easier and this knot is untied.

7. Tarot cards, astrology, fortune telling

Some types of fortune telling or horoscopes can tell us what happened in past incarnations. For example, from, one can see the problems and programs that a person had in past lives. But it is not clear under what circumstances.

Fortune telling methods can be different, even on coffee grounds. But here it is important fortuneteller's ability connect to information flows containing the necessary information. Therefore, the ability of the fortuneteller to correctly tune in to the client is important here.

At the same time, someone tells you about your past life, but you yourself do not see it, you cannot feel the sensations that accompanied you in your past life.

Therefore, you do not eliminate any blocks, vows, oaths, vows, curses that you may have given in that past life. Therefore, they continue to influence you even if you already “know” your past life.

8. Reiki sessions

During Reiki sessions, spontaneous memories of past lives. These are individual situations that are related to the occurrence of a specific disease with which the Reiki healer works in a session. Healing these situations leads to healing of the disease.

At the same time, the person being healed does not see his entire past life, but only those moments that are related to this disease. At the same time, he does not understand what the Soul planned for that incarnation and whether it fulfilled its tasks then.

9. Arrangements according to Hellinger

The work happens in the same way as on family constellations according to the Hellinger method. Starting with individual generic constellations, you can gradually move on to working on past incarnations. But this method requires a lot of persistence.

10. Reincarnation

– this is the most an accessible and universal way to remember your past life.

Reincarnation techniques are very simple and effective, so they allow you to activate the deep layers of memory. Thus, you can easily obtain information about early childhood, about birth, about past lives. Moreover, this method is easy to learn and accessible to almost everyone.

Characteristics of the Reincarnation method:

  • You themselves look at your past lives and no one tells you about your past lives
  • you have a consultant guide who guides you safe paths according to your memory
  • you remember all my life from beginning to end. In addition, you will be able to remember the Soul’s plan for that incarnation and whether it was fulfilled. And also what kind of waters you made at the Soul level
  • in addition, you will be able to remember your experience of life between incarnations
How to learn to remember past lives using the Reincarnationist method:

1. In the first year of the Institute of Reincarnation, you can learn to remember past lives on your own.

2. With the help of an experienced guide-consultant, you will learn to remember your past lives. In addition, viewing your past life will help you eliminate some problem in your life. In the future, you will be able to independently remember past lives and communicate with your Spiritual Guides.

Alexey Sysoev

TOhow to remember past lives.

AnnaMiolayProsvirkina, who helped me understand a lot, and without whom this book would have been impossible.

Preface. I always wanted to remember past lives, but I found it difficult, however, I continued to be interested in the topic from time to time. I found that any information on this matter does not give a clear understanding, but what should I do to remember? The books I came across about hypnosis or reincarnation were interesting, but quite similar. In some, the authors described their practice of hypnosis, the patients they helped, and the like, implying that one could only remember with the help of an experienced hypnotherapist. Others talked about meditation, regression exercises, boiling it all down to the fact that you just lie down, close your eyes, and you will be happy. But it's all to no avail. It was fun to try some exercises, however, it did not bring any concrete results. I couldn't remember any past life. It became more and more obvious to me that the “close your eyes and it will come” trick does not work for everyone. Something else is needed. Some kind of ability to tune in, maybe a special state of trance, which I obviously don’t know how to enter, or a predisposition to such things is generally necessary. All this made me give up all hope of ever remembering at least one past life. But one day, everything began to change. I was interested in history, it occurred to me to look for familiar places and events, just to imagine where and how my past lives might have taken place. This gave the first timid push, I felt vague memories, or even rather suspicions, and then one after another it started the whole chain, which became the beginning of a new stage in my life that lasted five years, during which I managed to learn a lot about the mechanism of memory and the world around . I began to gradually remember life after life, and I realized that there were many opportunities to awaken my memory without going into any kind of trance, without doing regression exercises and other such things. It is simple, lies on the surface and is accessible to everyone. Having come a long way, looking back, I began to understand what the first steps should be for anyone who would like to remember, but does not know how. I decided to write some brief instructions, accessible and understandable, which would tell how any person who understands little about esotericism can begin to really remember their past lives, without meditation and other complex nonsense. There will be nothing superfluous here; I will not create examples from life or describe some people whom I helped to see the light. I won’t mention myself or my life at all, why do we need that? There is no need to increase the number of pages in vain; it is better to spend them on what you will really need. This book is just a small reference book for a beginner, where, without further ado, the first steps and general information about reincarnation will be outlined step by step: why people usually don’t remember how old we all really are, why we are reborn, and the like. Chapter 1. Recallpast lives is very simple. Nothing in the Universe appears or disappears just like that. Even today's physics speaks about this. A spark of reason, once arising, cannot after some time go out without a trace - this contradicts the very principle of the existence of our world. It would be pointless. Why would something appear only to disappear? The light of the mind arises, travels from one form to another, becoming more complex and developing. The fact that our bodies are mortal gives the impression that after the death of the body, there seems to be nothing more to be. But this is an illusion. Our body is simply a way for us to appear in this world of matter in order to explore it, play a game, express ourselves and learn certain skills. Matter is convenient because it is static. Having played the game you want, we leave this reality to rest, comprehend the experience gained, and return for new game already in a new quality. I will not use the term "soul" here. This is a narrow concept, too associated with religion and religious ideas. Instead of soul, I will say essence or being, which is basically the same - it implies our immortal self, which is embodied in the physical body and exists outside of it, being reborn. For ease of understanding, when I say “essence,” you can imagine it as a soul. But keep in mind that the soul is not something incomplete and incorporeal. We are not ephemeral spirits imprisoned in bodies, we are entities that manifest part of ourselves in the dense world, in a dense body. But we are not our body, it is only ripples on the water, from the power of our thoughts. Why we don't remember? Usually, our memory is blocked. This is not a conspiracy, not a punishment, and not a rule of some higher power. We block ourselves. For convenience. What do you do when you want to focus on something necessary and important? You try to abstract yourself from the outside world so that nothing bothers you. You want to forget today's worries, put other things aside, and completely immerse yourself in your current important activity, be it a work project, homework, or just writing a story. You don’t want anything to disturb you or distract you from an important activity, do you? The same principle applies to our lives. We are born with a purpose and a desire to express ourselves in some role and experience some experience. Life begins with a blank sheet of paper, as if nothing happened before and nothing will happen after. This makes it easier to focus on this game, to completely immerse yourself in its joys and problems. Simpler is the key concept here. Easier than that who does not know how to do otherwise. We all emerge one day and begin our journey of growth, development and complexity. However, for now, we, who are now living on this planet and being reborn in the cycle of reincarnation, are at initial stage development. Some have seen a little more, some have seen a little less, but on the whole, on the scale of the Universe, we are young. There is a lot we can’t do and a lot we don’t know about ourselves. Therefore, most people are simply not ready to suddenly remember. This will disorient them and confuse them. Others don't want to remember because it would bother them. However, this does not mean that remembering is impossible or that it is harmful. Nothing of the kind. If you want to remember, you will remember. There is no prohibition, no rule, no law. The main obstacle to remembering your past experiences is yourself and your ideas, nothing more. Why do meditations and techniques work in books, but not in reality? Meditation is effective and works, but only when a person is prepared. The authors of such books are counting on an audience that already has experience in meditation, or is diligent enough to practice the exercises regularly and work on themselves. They don't take into account that not everyone is ready for such things. It is believed that if a person does not understand how to do it, then he does not need to. It seems to me that this approach is wrong; everyone can be helped in their quest for knowledge and development. People are different, everyone has their own psychological characteristics. Some people have a visual type of thinking, and when they close their eyes, it’s not difficult for them to start seeing something, while others have tactile or auditory thinking, and it’s not so easy for them. In addition, meditation will not help if you have an unconscious block against past lives. You can then sit in the lotus position as long as you like and catch visions, but nothing intelligible will come of it. You may be presented with something, but you may not be ready to interpret it correctly, to accept it as a past experience. Your brain will simply refuse to believe and think about it. There are cases when people fall into the right state and see everything as in a film, clearly and clearly, but not everyone is given this and is not so necessary. The main myth that I would like to destroy is that remembering a past life is possible only in some kind of deep trance, under hypnosis, or, at least, sitting in a soundproof room with eyes closed and meditating intensely. This is all nonsense. I remembered more than a dozen lives, literally on the go. While studying everyday affairs, or in general when walking along a noisy street. The trick is to start thinking about it, and try, without telling yourself that it is impossible. Catching clues by the tail in a chaotic cloud of thoughts and pulling out the chain link by link. We will also consider meditations, methods of invoking images, and methods of working in dreams, but as an addition. I will offer several ways, without stopping at any one, everyone will be able to choose something that will really work in their case. Where to start? First of all, you must understand that all the obstacles are within yourself. Think, listen to yourself. What might be stopping you? Maybe there's something bothering you about the idea of ​​remembering? You need to think calmly and ask yourself different questions. Don't worry that you won't succeed. Actually, the whole process of remembering is a gradual weakening of blocks and seeping through obstacles. Step by step we will move towards the goal. Relax, let yourself go. Tell yourself: this is my path, I really want to remember, I want to know about my entire past, I want to be a complete, self-aware being. This will fill me with new understanding and give me additional support and knowledge. You really have to want to remember. Think about what drives your interest in reincarnation? Just curiosity? It's not strong enough. Now you are a part of yourself, small and closed in a small world. And this is not right, you deserve more. You must want to finally find out what you are, why you are here, and want to see your entire past, your other states, decisions, victories and defeats. The next argument for your sleeping “I” is that this knowledge is not just a fun adventure, it will help you see the scale of the world, feel like an immortal being walking through time and before whose eyes history is being made, and centuries fly by in a series of moments. Your worldview will be completely turned upside down. You will understand that wars and conflicts are empty fuss. Realize that the experience of dozens of lives will be revealed to you, just imagine what it is like. Centuries filled with events! How can you not want to remember this? After all, these are your lives, and the events of your lives. This experience will make you wiser and calmer, allowing you to better understand what is happening now. You may find out that you often make the same mistakes, and in this life you follow the same path, but when you see this, you can turn onto a better road. You need to feel that your desire to remember is not just curiosity, but a conscious desire to understand yourself, and what you were and will become in the future. Your desire to finally remember the past must be truly conscious and sustainable. It must be a real desire to remember. I'm not saying that without this, moving on is completely pointless. But understanding and conscious desire helps to tune in to the right mood. You can spend ten minutes on this over breakfast or reflect on the week, however you want. I am here only to show the way, but how and how long you go is your business. Do not initially perceive the task as something difficult. Let's play this like a game. Forget what you've heard about this before. That it is difficult to remember past lives, that this is not given to everyone. Don't think about it. We'll just play fun games with your own mind and imagination, and something will work out anyway. Chapter 2. What story do you like? People often ask you what you love? What books, films, stories and plots do you like? This is a simple question that anyone can answer. Have you ever wondered why you like these particular films, books and stories? Everything is not accidental, and there is a reason for it. If you start to notice yourself, you will see that you often feel a kinship with certain characters, some situations seem familiar to you, you like certain historical eras, there are things that are especially close to you. And all this is true, these are tips. They are around, they are in you, and you just need to learn to see them. Right now you will find the place and time of one of your past lives and you will be surprised how simple it is. You can think of this as your first exercise, although I won't call it that. We are not in a lesson to understand some complex discipline, we are simply playing with our mind to learn to understand it and discover its possibilities. Countries s . Think about which countries have you always liked? Go through the options, you will almost immediately discover that there are two or three countries that immediately come to mind and are somehow attractive, once you think about it. What associations arise when you think about each of them? Every thing evokes associations and countries are no exception. Each of them is associated with a certain time, era, and evokes certain images and sensations. All this flashes fleetingly through my head. For example, some people associate America with the Wild West, cowboys and so on, while others associate it with something else, trains, the beginning technical progress in the 19th century. Everyone has different associations. You may think that everyone will think the same thing you think when they hear the name of a particular country, but if you ask anyone, you will see that a certain country means something different to different people. Their associations may be similar to yours, or may differ in detail. For example, you associate America with cowboys and Indians, but your friend associates it much more with Indians, forests and war; the third, feeling the closeness of the topic, will think first of all about the quiet life in towns and black slaves. The fourth will generally tell you that he personally has always associated America not with cowboys, but with the War of Independence and Lincoln. Let's take France for another example. Some people will immediately think of medieval castles. Others will be surprised how France can be associated with something like this; they will rather imagine palaces and magnificent outfits rather than rude castles. Still others will think that what lovely villages there are, there in France, with an almost ancient way of life. Everyone’s associations are so different, but why? It seems that we all look and read the same thing, we have similar ideas about the world, but countries mean something different to everyone. And not just countries, but many things in general. All this comes from the subconscious, from the eternal memory of your being. You live without paying attention, without realizing your interests and attractions, but in vain. Just start paying attention, thinking, asking yourself, where does this come from, and why do I like it? I will not hide that we are influenced to a certain extent by both our childhood impressions and the films we watch. Some generally accepted ideas about countries, times and eras. And not all associations and sensations can be unambiguously attributed to a past life. But we will gradually learn to separate these layers from the true echoes of the past. France, for example, among other things, everyone also associates with Eiffel Tower . And this is understandable, the tower is a common image for everyone, but there are also personal, special ideas and associations, and that’s what we need. In any case, it cannot be said that this is a pure coincidence if you were interested in something as a child or if something particularly impressed you. For example, you saw some historical film about France, and you remembered it very much, so now this country is associated with that film. You may say to yourself, well, of course, what kind of echo of the past is this? I just saw enough of all these costumes and events in the film, so I always think about it, it’s worth hearing about such a country. You see, you are always unconsciously drawn to what is familiar to you and evokes emotions. You would have passed this film by, if not for something that found an echo in your soul. Therefore, any associations are important, and you should not immediately discard sensations without really understanding them. So let's get back to our mental game. Let's highlight one of these countries that you have always liked, to start with. It is important that you associate it with past eras and things from the past. Because everyone has a country that they simply like, in its modern form and not connected with the past. This is easy to check. Think about this country, what comes to mind first? What associations, what pictures? If there is something from the past, and it evokes feelings in you: joy, sadness, interest - then this is what we need for our experiment. Focus on this country and your associations. You will immediately begin to imagine something, just catch these images, echoes of emotions, sensations. Everything this country cries out for. Don't try to imagine life there right away. Wait, you'll just use your imagination and get confused. Capture images and sensations. Now you will analyze what kind of associations they were and what they are connected with. You will immediately find that this country, as in the examples above, is associated with a certain historical period and certain things. Perhaps different periods and symbols. Your mind may be initially skeptical. You tell me, what if I just like England, then I certainly lived there? And if, thinking about this, I imagine 19th-century steam locomotives and people in ancient clothes, is this an image from a past life? Yes, this is just taken from the ceiling and far-fetched! So you can declare any random thought as an image from a past life! Wait, let's figure it out. Firstly, I did not claim that literally everything that arises in the head is necessarily echoes of the past. I warned that we are influenced to a certain extent by ideas instilled in the media, school, culture, and society. Try to highlight personal impressions, especially things that are significant to you. Secondly, everything that was presented to you during this experiment still has something behind it. Feel where the emotional response is? What causes strong feelings? This is your guide and lantern, in the chaos of ideas, imagination and fragments of images. Of course, if you just like England, this in itself may not mean anything. And I’m not saying - you like England, great, you lived there. I mentioned that having decided on a number of countries that you have always liked, you need to ask yourself, which country do you like? The same as now, or in the old days too? Many people like, for example, Japan. Because there is anime, robots and generally interesting. But these are modern associations. And such interest is caused rather by what this country is like now. If you have always liked something from Japan’s past: wooden houses, paper sliding doors, samurai, culture, nature. Then we can already talk about the possibilities of life here, in one of the centuries, and maybe in several. In our incarnations, we always gravitate toward cultures and places close to us, which is why there are series of births in certain parts of the world. We alternate incarnations for variety, but everyone has certain preferences. And the trick of trying to identify favorite countries is precisely what helps to find such favorite places. It’s easier to start with this, because there are countries where we actually lived more than once and we have a lot in common with them. Therefore, you just have to think about this country, start actively catching the emotional wave, you can immediately discover a lot of interesting things, or immediately remember some kind of life. Also, I am not saying that if, thinking about England, you imagined steam locomotives, then this is necessarily a past life. But it's quite likely that she is. Otherwise, why steam locomotives? Does it evoke any feelings? Have you been interested in old steam locomotives before? What do you know about this? After all, another person, thinking about England, will imagine not steam locomotives, but something else. Having clung to such an association, you may discover in yourself that yes, you have always liked steam locomotives, you suddenly remember that as a child you played with trains and imagined yourself as the driver of an old steam locomotive. At this point, slap yourself on the forehead and finally open your eyes - you were a steam locomotive driver, and most likely in England in the 19th century! You say, well, it can’t be. This is just a random association, everyone plays trains, but I’ll tell you for sure, I personally haven’t played steam locomotives, and I’m not very familiar with it. We don’t have random associations in our heads; everything has a reason. And if you can't find specific reason in your present life, your childhood, then where does it come from? Now you can’t believe that it’s all so simple, associations and random thoughts point to past lives, but that’s exactly how it is. Your entire being, your “I,” is built from what you were, what you experienced in other lives. This experience does not disappear anywhere, it lives in you, you are the result of this experience. Understanding this, you will understand that such random associations contain meaning, references to past activities, events, and experiences. Sensational films and fiction have instilled in us the idea that if life is remembered, then in one fell swoop, like an insight from above, like a color film with all the details. We do not think that this may come to us in half-hints, unclear echoes. And yet, we are full of clues, you just need to tune in to this different approach to the topic of reincarnation, when you do not wait for insight and a color film, and do not rush to understand yourself, your interests, passions and attractions. And the window gradually opens. You see, that's how it works. Interest in the country and the associations it evokes is only a clue, a guideline by which everything else can be pulled out. And this is not an obsession, not a pull by the ears. You will feel it yourself, catching the emotional response. The person from the example, who was presented with steam locomotives, is able to check everything himself. If he really remembers that he played with trains and was always interested in it, then he himself will feel that there is something here. If steam locomotives somehow don’t mean anything special to him, and it doesn’t evoke any ideas, doesn’t attract other associations, then it means something is wrong. Need to check other topics or other countries. Therefore, of course, everything here is ambiguous, and at the first stage you can make a mistake. But this is just the first step. This is an experiment, a game to show you how easy it is. Take it and at some point think about the countries and times that attract you. And ask yourself, why this particular country and this particular time? Why do I like this? And immediately there is a result, something happened immediately. You have caught a bunch of associations and impressions, this has already given you clues. As a result of such a game, you will learn that a number of countries and eras really mean something special to you. They evoke associations with certain things, professions or events. This is already something from which you can build further, and it’s better than fruitless attempts to sit in the lotus position and try to see yourself as a resident of Atlantis. This knowledge is inside you, and the clues lie on the surface, woven into your interests, preferences, favorite stories and types of characters. The example with countries is one of many options. You can start with anything. Plot s . Remember which films, books, or computer games you are carried away. Do you live with the idea that your interests are an accident? This is wrong. Films, books and games can be united in one word: plots, life stories. And more characters. Favorite stories and characters that give you a feeling of closeness and understanding. If someone likes films about pirates, spies, Indians and the like, this is for a reason. Don't be afraid to get creative. No one will punch you in the eye for making a mistake and thinking that you were a musketeer in a past life, but in reality you were not. You will either realize the mistake over time, or it will not play any special role. If you find something real in this way, a clue to some kind of life, you will most likely feel it, but maybe not right away. Try to get excited about it, think about it more. If you suspect you are a musketeer, find something about it on the Internet, read it, discuss it with friends. Imagine yourself as a musketeer. If the topic begins to captivate you, then you are on on the right track. At some point you may feel that yes, this is yours. It happened to you and evokes some emotions. Sometimes, suddenly, images and sensations may come that evoke strong emotions, the experience of some kind of joy or sorrow. These are echoes of memories from past lives. If the topic does not fascinate you, you cannot imagine yourself in such a role, then perhaps you were not a musketeer. Try with other roles and images. Browse through your favorite stories and characters. You will definitely find something. Don't forget that modern culture may romanticize some, let's say, professions, such as pirates, appealing to incorrect ideas. Trying to imagine yourself as such an overly operetta-like pirate like Jack Sparrow will naturally not work, so it’s a good idea to learn more about the topic. The musketeers, too, were not at all engaged in searching for treasures and participating in the intrigues of the court. You need to understand such things and stick to something real. If you are interested in some things, but feel that you don’t know much about it, read something, or ask someone who does. You should also understand that just because you always liked Darth Vader, it doesn't mean you were anything like him. Although you can test yourself here, ask yourself why you like him so much. If you have always been interested in the strategy and tactics of war, economics, and management issues, then it is quite possible that you could have something to do with this. Not a dark lord, but simply a lord, the governor of some town, for example, or a military leader. At this stage, do not be afraid to make mistakes, do not be afraid to consider any options and possibilities. We must learn to simply remember. Give yourself permission to do everything. Someone who does not know how to see must first be taught how to do this, and only then explain to him how to distinguish one object from another and focus his gaze, right? In a word, learn to listen to yourself and analyze your thoughts, preferences, and sympathies. Look back over your favorite movies or books to see what stories, characters, or themes attract you. Choose something from there, as I gave the example with the musketeers, and just think about it, imagine. Ask yourself, what do you know about this? Read about it, watch films on this topic. If it doesn't work, move on to something else. Something should still work out here too. Childhood games . What did you play as a child? For some, this may be the most effective search direction. In childhood, we always remember who we are; echoes of other worlds and lives lived are still alive in us. Children know more than adults. In our children's games, we recreate familiar situations of the past. You will be completely amazed if you remember and understand some games that were important to you in childhood, special ones that you repeated in one way or another. What he played tells me a lot about a person. This will tell you a lot about yourself too. If you remember some games that were special and important to you in childhood, which you repeated in one way or another, and carefully analyze the plot and situations, you will be completely amazed where all this could have come from. Try to look at this as echoes of events from past lives, and everything will fall into place. Someone might argue that this is some kind of nonsense, we all play the same games, boys play soldiers, girls play dolls, what conclusions can we draw here? The fact that we play the same games is another myth. You just ask around and find out a lot of new things that everyone is playing different games. Even the statement about soldiers and dolls is incorrect. I know girls who were not interested in playing with dolls. Again, some people like to play pirates, but for others it wouldn’t even occur to them. You will be surprised how much variety there can be and how some people's games clearly point to past lives. I was told how people used to play shipwreck and death by dehydration as children. Has it ever occurred to you to play something like this? And some children constantly played in prison, assembling some kind of house or climbing into something. In this makeshift prison, they - attention - played at how they were dying of hunger there. Not bad, right? Look for such strange games in your childhood, they will tell you a lot. Of course, there are some stereotypical games that are played always and everywhere. However, everyone has their own preferences and individual games. Even toy soldiers can be played in different ways, everyone brings something different to the game. Your vision. And this vision of the situation will give you a hint. Just to give an example: someone plays toy soldiers, organizing a small detachment like special forces, someone builds entire armies on the carpet and fights battles according to almost all the rules, and someone likes to storm castles with these soldiers. Others, having all kinds of soldiers among their toys, always used them not as soldiers, but gave them names, endowed them with personalities and played with them at things completely unrelated to the war. Of course, if you loved playing with soldiers as a child, this in itself cannot unambiguously indicate that you were some kind of commander, but the very fact that you were really interested in this and you devoted time to this indicates involvement in wars. Even then you can say to yourself that you were a soldier and took part in battles. If there are any clearly repeated elements, such as the capture of castles, sieges of cities, then you also took part in something like that. Toy soldiers are just an example, girls can also remember what and how they played, what theme was repeated, what they liked most. Again, someone played with love dolls and family life, for some, these dolls went on a hike, climbed mountains, or even solved a murder in a particular city. Remember all your toys, and what you played with them, how you played with other children - there are clues in all of this. If you have children of your own, pay attention to what they play. This will give you a rewarding experience. You may not remember or see anything unusual in your games, but watching others, you will immediately discover elements that you yourself have not done, and have not heard of anyone else playing like that, so you will see in in your child’s games there are elements that seem to have nowhere to come from except from past lives. Other methods . I brought three simple ways start: countries, stories, childhood games. These are examples of how you can find clues within yourself and learn to see where you are and where you are coming from. You can use any one or all of them in any order. The main thing is that the method is close and understandable to you. The country method is effective for people who are familiar with geography and more or less familiar with history. For others, it may not be very close and understandable. Analysis of plots will be quite effective for almost everyone, as will memories of childhood games. But there are people who feel too busy to read fiction books and can't remember the last time they watched a movie in a way that was interesting. There are also people who do not remember their childhood well, or it is unpleasant for them, so it will be difficult for them to tune in and remember their childhood games and things that were of great importance to them then. But the methods listed are not the only ones. The main thing here is to understand the principle that the answers are in you. You need to bring them to the surface, find out what you like in the world around you and why, what things captivate you, what scares you. Learn to notice your thoughts. You can, for example, just read something on history and try to understand which historical period you like best. You can think about what professions you liked. Have you always thought about a music career, but it didn't work out? Perhaps you were involved with music in the past, which is why you are still attracted to it. Have you always been interested in alchemists? Could have been one. There is also a rather funny method that I often used in the beginning. It's looking at things different periods. On their design. I liked looking at cars. That is, find pictures of cars from the sixties on the Internet, for example, and look. How do you like them? Do they seem something alien and incomprehensible, or are they quite familiar and cute? Look at the cars of the fifties. Look at the very first cars. You can also look at what televisions from different decades, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators and other household appliances looked like. The point here is that the things that you use all the time and see every day on the street are the most familiar and recognizable. If you lived in a previous life at the beginning of the 20th century, then the cars of these years should seem more attractive or familiar to you than those of a later time, also with some other things: furniture, utensils, clothes. This may suddenly trigger a vivid memory. You may remember driving in such a car, or enjoying tinkering with the engine. Or that you had such a TV, and you clearly imagine what the image looked like on it, how the channels were switched. You may find that this is all interesting and familiar to you. At first, objects may seem old, archaic and strange. Without any special sensations. But you need to get your eyes used to it. There are a lot of ways you can come up with your own. No one knows better than you what will help you remember. Think of it as a simple fun game. These techniques will help you relax and prepare. Understand that there is a lot hidden in you that you have never noticed and that it never occurred to you to think about. You may have never wondered why you like this or that. Games introduce you to the fact that it's all easy and achievable, remember, find the answer, just reach out and start thinking about it. This will give you clues and point you in the direction. If you have long heard about reincarnation and wanted to remember something, tried at times, it seemed to you that it was impossible, then even such light hints about past lives will become a discovery for you and will inspire confidence that this is possible and achievable. But we are only at the beginning of the journey, let's go further, there will be more incredible discoveries. Chapter 3. Preparation. You are careful gold diggers. So, we figured out how you can simply find the search directions. This is an analysis of your interests, thoughts, emotions. For some, games with countries and plots may have already caused quite interesting results . Some people haven't yet. I know people for whom this was enough to evoke images or sensations, and a fairly clear idea of ​​the time of one of their lives and the circumstances of their biography. But here the main enemy comes into force - it is yourself. Your blocks and filters. These people who saw something sometimes simply could not believe that it was something real. For example, they thought, well, that’s great, of course, but is it really all that simple, did I really live in Italy in the 17th century and was/was a merchant? Just because I like Italy and is associated with trade and this time? And because I like that movie? All this looks more like some kind of imagination or just an accident. Drive such thoughts away. Some distrust, a desire to check and confirm is necessary, but a little later, for now we need to learn to see at least something. I do not deny that there may be inaccuracies, because these are still only hints and guesses, and not real vivid memories. However, in order to come to real memories, you cannot immediately discard and deny everything, thinking that this is an accident or a play of the imagination. If it’s just imagination, then so be it, it won’t evoke vivid memories, that’s all, and if it’s not an accident or imagination, then by working with it, you will see more and you yourself will understand that this is reality. Imagine a gold digger who, seeing something shiny in the sand, would say: “No, it’s hardly gold, more like some kind of sparkle,” and would not take out this grain to take a closer look, for fear of being disappointed. Don't be like such a gold digger. You can’t figure out what glitters in the sand until you take it out and take a closer look. I myself am now surprised how often before, thinking that it was very difficult to remember a past life, I used to ask myself - who could I be, I wonder? I had fleeting impressions that I could live there or there. These seemed like random thoughts. Something that just came to mind, and of course, I didn’t even think about taking such impressions seriously. Imagine my surprise later, when I discovered that these frivolous, fleeting guesses pointed in the right direction. It also still amazes me how I didn't see all these clues in my life. Why didn’t you pay attention and draw conclusions? After all, if I had at one time just paid attention to how I played as a child, what characters I came up with, it would have become obvious to me who I was in most of my past lives. Therefore, remember, we today are woven from our past; by studying yourself now, you will find out who you were before. Different types of perception . All people are divided by type of perception. Visual thinking and images are to some extent characteristic of all people, because the eyes are an integral part of us. However, some have better developed auditory perception, others have better tactile perception. Yes, you’ve probably heard similar phrases: “visual memory”, “sound memory” - it’s all from there. But this applies not only to memory, but also to thinking. For some it is visual, for others it is tactile or auditory, and there are also mixed types. Depending on which type you gravitate towards, this is how you will perceive the information that pops up in your subconscious. Someone will see vivid visual images, pictures or even films, someone will catch snippets of conversations, or some sounds, music or something else. Still others will perceive everything with abstract sensations, thoughts, without seeing specific pictures. You can read about types of thinking somewhere separately, if you’re interested, I’m not very good at it. For example, in my opinion, there are no purely “tactile” people, so memories will not roll over them solely with sensations of how they were hit in the face in some tavern near Paris in the 14th century. It’s just that some people gravitate more towards sounds, while others will remember past lives with emotions and feelings that yes, they lived there and there, remember their feelings, but not see bright pictures with medieval landscapes. I say this because a person who is purely focused on sound will not get the desired results if he stubbornly tries to see images. At the same time, catching sounds or some other sensations, he may think that this is something wrong, it’s not right, because it is written that there should be images. Don’t think like that, you need to use the capabilities of your thinking and what is typical for you. The literature on meditation and visualization methods does not take this point into account. Exercises are often offered purely for visual learners. Non-visual people have problems trying to repeat such exercises exactly. So that you and I do not have such problems, keep this in mind. But I don’t encourage you to determine your type of thinking; it’s not always obvious. It’s not so important whether you know exactly what your type is or not, just do what is closest to you and what works best. In describing some methods and exercises, I will often say the phrases “imagine”, “imagine” and so on. You just need to understand it less clearly and adapt it for yourself. Imagine not with pictures, but as you are used to. For example, maybe for some it will be more effective not to look at the design of cars from different decades, but to listen to music from the period of interest or listen to the language of the country of interest. By the way, everyone should do this. Although I gravitate toward visual thinking, music has often helped me. It’s also true that for visual learners, it is necessary not only to read about historical periods in order to awaken their memory, but also to watch. On cities, on clothes, on weapons and the like. How it works memory . Have you ever tried to remember something? I mean simple everyday things. Something from childhood, the events of a certain memorable day. How does this work? At first it seems to you that you have already forgotten everything, doesn’t it? I don’t remember anything offhand, but if you are with friends and tell them about this memorable incident, you still want to remember, and you turn it over in your memory this way and that. You tell what you remember, and as the story progresses, you suddenly begin to find that more and more details emerge. Pay attention to this point. As soon as you started thinking about it, replaying it in your memory and talking about it, something seemed to open up in your head. One event by association leads to another. If this evening with friends turns out to be a long one, and you talk for a long time, discuss these events with them, it’s as if you are becoming more and more immersed there. Details and events emerge as insights. At the end of the evening, you may find that you have remembered a lot, and as vividly as if it were yesterday, although at first it seemed that everything was forgotten. If it was a day or an incident from childhood, you, as a result, could remember many other similar childhood events, and generally remembered a huge layer of the past, simply by touching on it, and discussing it for a long time with friends. That's how it works, you know? It's the same with past lives. Memories are not stored somewhere in the brain, they are a past state of our being that can be tuned into spontaneously or intentionally. Remembering our childhood or past life, we simply tune in to our “I”, which is now in that period of time. Hypnosis does the same thing, only it makes you more stable. Since this is more of a process of attunement than of memory, it happens gradually, like a dive, and depends on the persistence and duration of your thoughts about it. First, you remember passages, something in common, and continuing to think about it, you begin to tune in to the right period, to that other state of your “I”, to those thoughts and feelings, to that environment. This process is also similar to dream recall. Everyone knows the situation when they dreamed interesting dream When you wake up, you remember in some detail, but then time passes and an hour later, you remember almost nothing, and by the middle of the day, everything is completely forgotten. And if you try to remember, it’s like a blank wall, as if everything has been erased. Something may be spinning, some fleeting association, an image, something like that, but it’s like a nimble fish, you can’t catch it and examine it. But, I think, it’s also familiar to many, how, wanting to still remember this interesting dream, you turned it this way and that in your head, and suddenly it was as if you grabbed hold of this nimble image, and with an instant insight you remembered this key detail, and it automatically pulled out many details . It's an amazing feeling. You don't remember anything at all, in your memory white sheet, and within a minute the dream completely blossoms in my head. This applies to past lives as well. You have a feeling of complete emptiness, just some kind of fleeting fidgeting image that you caught using my recommendations. And you just have to think about it, turn it around in your head, try to break through this membrane. This image will be the key. Just like with dreams, if successful, an instant insight can occur, and a flower blooms in the emptiness, it’s as if a dam is broken, and a series of memories of a whole life roll over you. Every person, starting to remember something, is carried away by his thoughts there, sometimes he even wants to close his eyes. This is a switching of consciousness from one perception to another. As with any tuning, the main thing is to learn to catch the wave, and for this you need to turn on your radio from time to time, try to tune in to certain frequencies, then it will do it better and better. You, the radio receiver, keep this image in your head. Information collection, immersion . Ever been interested in history? It's time to throw away prejudices that it's boring, lazy and the like. If you intend to remember the past, it is quite logical to find out more about that past. I’m not saying that this is absolutely necessary, but it helps, firstly, to immerse yourself in the topic, get carried away, tune in, and secondly, it expands your window there. Our life today may be far from what was then familiar and familiar to us. Now you may not be interested in this at all, and as a result, it will not occur to you to look in this direction, and unclear impressions will not say or remind you of anything until you immerse yourself in the subject and awaken your memory about it. Watch more and read more. You might see an old tower in a photograph, hold your gaze, and suddenly it dawns on you that you always looked at the spire of that tower when you went to school in the 19th century. Or imagine you had the life of some kind of Celt BC. Do you know anything about how these Celts lived and what they did? Not from fantasy, but from more or less reliable sources? If not, then your head is empty in this direction. How then can you remember such a life if there are no clues, ideas, you will have nothing to start with. There is nothing in your life right now that would remind you or give you a hint. When you think of life in the forest, something may flash to you, and it may be fragments of the life of such a Celt, but since you know nothing about the Celts now, you will not be able to identify these images. You won't understand what it is and where it comes from. And a person who read something about this, or at least saw films, pictures from some encyclopedia, could immediately, based on special details, understand - yes, these are Celts! This is just an example, but it shows why it is useful to have at least a basic knowledge of history. Education in Western countries is structured in such a way that very little is given to the history of other parts of the world: Asia, Central America, Africa. Each country strives to give children basic knowledge about the history of its country and region, so it turns out that we usually have an idea about the history of Europe, that in Antiquity there was a rise in culture, cities were large, with complex architecture, there was science, and in the Middle Ages there was a decline . We, in general, can imagine what a medieval city might have looked like, and even more so, we all know what the streets of Paris or London looked like in the 19th century, what people wore, and their lives. But not everyone will be able to say without hesitation what happened in China while Napoleon went to conquer Russia in 1812. And even more so, few will have ideas about what happened there in the 15th or 16th centuries, what the cities were like, and whether the level of development and technology was high. What about Korea, Japan or Indonesia? Meanwhile, life there is no less eventful than in Europe in all centuries. Their wars, rulers, outstanding people. There are entire civilizations that are either not mentioned at all in our textbooks, or only a few words are written about. Khmer Empire, Indonesian states, African states. Therefore, there are a huge number of blank spots in our heads, and we need to fill them in so that there is something that can push the memory in that direction. Chapter 4. Catch the wave, tune in. Submissions on a given topic . After experimenting and exploring what interests you, you have already discovered that you like certain countries and associate them with certain things. Also, you noticed that you like certain plots and characters, and there are things that have always interested you related to the historical past. You can already work with this. Now we move directly to remembering a specific life. This is usually what lies on the surface. It's not necessarily the life that was right before this one. This could be life in the 19th century, or even a thousand years ago. The first thing you remember is something that seems close to you today, and at the same time, something that has become bright, interesting and memorable for your being. Although there is no rule here, someone can remember, on the contrary, something quite ordinary and in no way, it seems, fits the definition of bright and memorable. I'm just talking about probabilities. It is more likely to remember something vivid, or something that evokes the strongest feelings. Something that was always in the back of your mind. While playing the games I suggested, you could have an insight, you remembered something, and you feel that it all happened; We even saw some pictures of the events. Then it's better to focus on it, think about it, don't miss the thread. Once you get distracted, you yourself won’t notice that, in a strange way, interest in this life fades away, you forget to pursue it further, and as a result, you most likely won’t remember anything else until you catch the wave again, or you’ll have to make an effort some work. If so far there have been no such insights, but only guesses and unclear sensations, well, we will work with this further. After all, something already exists; work with the threads you find. Choose what lies on the surface and evokes the greatest emotional response. Country, era, theme or something else. For example, after applying the method with countries, you have an assumption that you lived in 19th century France. You have also already decided what you associate this time with. Let's say European wars. Imagine this! No, you don’t need to sit in the lotus position, just dream about it, imagine different scenes. Soldiers on the march, what their uniforms look like. Maybe you have an interest in the political events of that time? Imagine all this. You can sit in a chair and close your eyes, you can not close them and do it on the way to work or while doing something else - there are no rules here. Imbued with this time, think about it every day. Don't forget this one main principle: starting to think, you open the window and tune in to the “radio broadcast” of your past life. Even if it seems that there is no point yet, continue. Play it like a game. Make it captivate and captivate you. You have a thread, you need to hold it in your hands. Scenes presented at random may themselves prompt you to imagine something brighter than another, perhaps there will be an emotional response somewhere. If nothing happens, try to specify the sensations. Continuing the example above, imagine yourself as a simple soldier, imagine the life and life of such a soldier. Then imagine yourself as an officer or general. We need to visualize different situations and circumstances, and try to feel what is closer and more familiar to you for this surroundings. Read about this period and the wars of that time to learn more. Look for something close, appealing to emotions, a personal connection. Famous battles, important stages. Feeling some vague echoes, seeing fragments of scenes, or reviving emotions, focus on it, hold it before your eyes, think about it. Remember what I wrote about the work of memory. You need to tune in to that “I” that is there, in the past, which feels and sees all this. If you feel that something is causing you sadness, think, figure out what and why it’s upsetting. If joy is the same. Perhaps you associated France of that time not with wars, but with something else, the development of trade or science, imagine that. I give examples that are close to me, but for you it may be something completely different, your own countries and your own topics. I was often associated with wars, so this will also creep into my examples. Don't let all this confuse you. If you have an affinity for the Middle Ages with the Arab world or the Ottoman Empire, focus on that. If war is alien to you and of little interest, think about peaceful professions and events. I'm just describing the principle. If it was not the method with countries that helped you more, but other methods, and you still haven’t decided on a specific country, but simply realized that sea travel is close to you, for example, work with it in the same way. Imagine things related to sea travel, think about it, find out more about it. When was the Age of Discovery, where did they sail, what kind of ships were they, etc. There is nothing complicated about this either, you just need to start thinking about these things and imagining situations, places, people and the like that are close to you. What could be simpler? If it doesn't work with one thread, take another. There is fog all around you, but the threads are scattered everywhere. I taught you to see them, learn to follow them. Processing sensations . Be patient, take your time. Just play it all like a game, you will explore yourself and your thoughts. After all, the results are there, albeit in the form of hints, guesses, half-feelings. Of course, you don’t believe it yet, it’s too unclear. But you have to start somewhere. It is important to notice these hints and half-guesses here. Get into the habit of tracking your thoughts and the images or emotions that arise in your head. It may seem to you that something has presented itself, or it has not even presented itself visually, but some feeling has arisen, a thought that it seems that you were a fisherman. It arose when you thought about the sea and some country; it seemed familiar to you. When you think about it, it's easy to imagine the life of such a fisherman. Or a soldier, or an Italian courtesan. The fisherman is an example, you will have something of your own. These are not some kind of insights, semi-trance visions, but simply such fleeting images in reality, sensations, or easily arising imaginary pictures. The mistake of many involved in reincarnation is expecting instant insight; it still doesn’t come, and people simply don’t notice how their memory slowly awakens. This appears in the form of fleeting sensations, the memory of the past begins to stir, not yet boldly, carefully, seeping through a dull membrane, but beginners do not pay attention, considering this some kind of random thoughts, a play of the imagination, because this does not seem powerful a recurring memory of a past life. So, don't expect such instant insight. I have the opinion that, most likely, not every person is capable of experiencing such vivid rolling memories, and even more so, closing their eyes, seeing a past life like in a film. This is possible, but this must be achieved through the stages described above. If a person is internally developed, ready to understand things that do not fit into the framework of standard ideas, then it is easier for him to begin to remember through insights and real experiences, in another case, everything is gradual. As I wrote in the first chapter, everything here depends on you, on your readiness. All we will do in this book is to increase your readiness. Therefore, for some, such insights will begin to occur very quickly, as soon as they play the games I suggested, for others, they will not, everything has its time. What I am saying now is that you should not expect such a result instantly, and you should not expect that only such a result will be a sign of success. At first, you need to work with unclear sensations in order to grasp a thread, an association, and only then the possibility of insight arises. You need to pump yourself up, thin out this membrane that protects blocked memories, learn to see at least the pieces. Therefore, do not be disdainful of what appears to be mere imagination. This may indeed be just imagination, but it may also contain real reflections of the past. The same example with a fisherman (or a soldier, a courtesan, whatever), think about why it seems so easy to you? After thinking and imagining more, you may find that you somehow know specific details, like how the bottom of a boat slides on the sand when you pull it ashore, or the feeling of a net in your fingers, or how the sun burns when you fish in the open all day . These can be truly amazing details that you realize you couldn't have heard or read about somewhere. These are clear indications that this is not just a trick of the imagination, but something else. Even if everything is not clear and clear, even if this is not a vivid memory, not knowledge gained in some kind of trance or dream, nevertheless, look, you feel it. Where is it from? Where do these details come from, the sensations of detail, the feeling of closeness and echoes of some elusive emotions? Learn to trust yourself. You really were this fisherman or the one who introduced himself to you. To improve your results, keep thinking about it. Try to remember what else you know about fishermen in ancient times, imagine it. Try to think about your home, your family. It may seem to you that not even you, but such a fisherman should have a daughter who was always waiting for him on the shore. Again, this may seem like just a trick of the imagination, or a fragment of some book, but try to spin it further. How old is she, what was she like? The main enemy here is neglect, self-distrust, the conviction that all these are some kind of fantasy games. By discarding such sensations and images, you are discarding clues. Let this imaginary daughter really be something wrong. After a while, you will remember that you just saw a similar film, but exploring the chain of associations and understanding this, you suddenly discover that, after all, someone was waiting for you on the shore, a wife or some girl whom you, the fisherman, loved. Or maybe the idea with your daughter was not wrong, and you, having twisted this thought in your head this way and that, will actually remember, emotionally, a certain daughter of yours who was waiting for you on the shore. But the important thing is that there would be no result if you treated it with distrust, not wanting to think about it, imagine further, or being afraid of making a mistake. What if it's all a figment of my imagination, how will I know? Don't be afraid to make mistakes, time will judge you. If you made a mistake, then as you continue to live your life, trying to imagine, you yourself will understand where and what was not accurate or correct. And this will not be a disappointment - on the contrary, it will be joy that you figured out this puzzle. At first there will always be unclear sensations and images; by grasping at them, thinking about it, you will move on, gradually experiencing increasingly clear sensations and strong emotions. It's like breathing on frozen glass. At first it seems that there is nothing there behind the patterns, you start to look closely, and something seems to be glowing and moving, but you can’t see it. And if you stop and breathe on the glass, the ice begins to melt, and the picture becomes clearer. Here you stand, breathe on the glass, and see more and more clearly what is behind the glass. It’s important to start looking closely here, you know? And you need to understand that, just like when looking through frozen glass, until you melt it, everything will seem unclear and blurry. But unclear and blurry does not mean fantasy. A real memory, when it visits you, you will not confuse it with anything, you can believe me. It will come over you in a torrent, you will be overwhelmed by feverish thoughts - oh God, I remember this! On the one hand, it will be a familiar feeling, like a memory of a vacation trip last summer, but on the other, a little strange, like something very distant, deeply forgotten. Which you literally didn’t remember at all all this time. Imagine if, remembering everything you did during the week, you suddenly discover that there was one day on which you went somewhere and did something and forgot about it completely. It will amaze you absolutely unbelievably. The whole day fell, and there were so many events, how could it be forgotten? The memory of a past life will also amaze you, because you will remember not just one day, but years. Maybe in fragments, maybe not all, but these will be years, people, events. Sometimes this memory can be very emotional. You will simply be overwhelmed by emotions, you can remember how you loved someone or how you lost someone, victories or defeats. All this will be such a strong experience that you will laugh or cry. You can then walk around for a week under the impression. If, while working with unclear images, you make a mistake, and some pictures turn out to be a play of the imagination, then it’s okay, you just won’t come to such insight, emotions and impressions won’t arise. Please note that everything is not clear here yet. Over time, you yourself will understand that it was a play of the imagination, or it will remain some kind of unclear impression that may or may not have happened. But this does not mean that if sensations and scattered images did not lead to the experience of a memory, then this definitely did not happen. There are lives that are easy to remember, others will never be remembered, except for some initial sensations. It’s a completely normal situation if, while thinking about this fisherman, you didn’t catch anything more than the feeling that you were such a person. They didn’t see either their daughter or their wife, they didn’t understand where he lived, in what country and for what time, and what else happened in his life. Don't despair, try again later. You may also feel that there is no interest in this, the life of a fisherman did not contain any special events. Try with something else, this happens too. There are lives that are not memorable, or you today have changed too much compared to how you were there, you have gone far in your ideas and interests, so you simply cannot tune in to a fisherman. You can throw it away or try to remember from time to time if you are still interested. Perhaps something will come up over time. Our subconscious knows how to cleverly protect us from the memories of some lives, according to various reasons. Because he feels guilty for what he did there, or there was something that you would like not to remember. And you need to notice this about yourself. That yes, there is something here that constantly seems to lead me astray. Like interesting images arose and interesting life, but as if by some kind of obsession you forget to take care of this life all the time, being distracted by something else. Or when you think, laziness arises or your thoughts are confused, or it seems that it’s hard and you want to quit. But it’s useful to notice this and not let these blocks play around. It is better for development and understanding to try to remember everything and dig up such old problems in order to figure out what and when you did wrong. Then you won't do it again now. However, this already applies to the advanced level of work with reincarnation, and in the first stages it is better not to resist, this will only slow you down. Remember what is remembered and what you are ready to remember. But when you already feel confident, then tackle these tough nuts. From them you can learn a lot of interesting, although sometimes unpleasant, things about yourself. When you caught the wave . Now about that instantaneous insight. How to trigger this? Here you need to catch a bright emotion, grab onto something. If, while imagining something and working with sensations, you feel something in a certain place and time, just continue to think about it. Let the sensations be unclear, let something elusive flash by, just think, turn it around in your head, get carried away by it. Feel the emotion. If there is some echo of something pleasant, exciting, or some other feeling: forgotten love, adventure, joy or resentment. It could be anything, just grab onto the feeling and the images it evokes and keep thinking. It’s good if this caught you, not so much in a calm environment, but in such a state, deep in thought, when you are driving and looking out the window, or walking, thinking, or doing something mechanically. This is a suitable state. Think about the swirling images, continue to feel this captured emotion. And at some point, the window will open. If you have a penchant for visual thinking, you will directly see, with your inner eye, like a vivid memory of a forgotten dream, clear, coherent and complete pictures. Moments from the past, or a machine-gun burst of facts, events. You will feel emotions, clear and bright. This is a special moment, you will not confuse it with anything else. You'll catch a wave. It will be an incredible experience, you will understand that it is true, it really happened to you - you remember it. At the moment of such a state, it is important to take advantage of it, and wherever you are, whatever you do, try to take a few minutes, immerse yourself in memories and remember as much as possible. Life, events, people. It’s more difficult to catch the wave again, and for me, for example, it often happens that I can no longer tune in like this and remember more about that life. All that remains is what was seen in such insight. Although this is not a rule, I know people who then, for another month, while they are interested in this particular life, catch the wave, from time to time, extracting more details. This may or may not happen - don't worry. Such things often arise spontaneously, when you don’t expect them at all. But to trigger this, it is important to start. It is important to grab onto something, continue to think and return to this place and time with your thoughts. Get carried away so that you are interested, so that you want to think about it, feel emotions and return to them again and again, relive them. Then the membrane will wear out, you will slowly but surely begin to sway, and the film will burst at one point. But nothing will happen if you throw everything halfway, constantly think that nothing is working out and will never work out. Or force yourself all the time. You see, it must be sincere, it must be inspiration. If you are a strong-willed person and just tell yourself, well, from ten to eleven I sit down and think about past lives, I imagine intensely, then it’s unlikely that anything will come of it either. This should happen at will, at convenient moments when you yourself want it. This should become a lifestyle. It is not necessary to devote all your time to this, but you must always remember your intention, that now you are remembering past lives, you are walking along this path. You don’t know when you will come, but there is no need to rush, and you will come. Return to this once a week, once a month or once a year - whatever. You just need to not forget about it. Chapter 5. Additionalinformation. Clusters. There's almost nothing around us random people. All your friends, family, and just the people around you were there with you. You knew them in a past life, they, just like now, were your friends, relatives or acquaintances. If you have friends or loved ones in your life to whom you are especially attached and feel like you have known them for a thousand years, then this can literally be the case. You have really been with them for a thousand years, or even more, in different roles, in different situations, living, being born, dying and being born again. All people are connected to each other, one way or another. What is similar is attracted to what is similar, and on the path of rebirth of an entity, one is drawn to creatures similar to oneself. This can be observed in life too. Place several strangers in a place for a long time, and they will begin to group together according to interests and different qualities. The path of reincarnation here can be compared to school. You come to first grade and find friends among your classmates. Besides the fact that it’s more fun for you, you, one way or another, help each other with your studies. Some people understand mathematics better and can explain it to others, while others understand humanities. It is easier and more natural for us to be reborn as a group than alone. I call such groups a cluster. This is just a convenient word for me, reflecting a heterogeneous community of entities with different types connections. You can call it whatever you want. Such a cluster tries to stay close, during rebirths and between them. But just like in life, when you have a group of friends, you don't spend all your time together. You can go somewhere alone, or with one or two friends from that group, but not with the whole crowd. You may have some friends who are not known in this company or are not well known. This model can be transferred to a cluster. In some lives you spend time with most of these friends, in others you spend time with only one or two. In third lives, for some reason, you may even find yourself with people from a neighboring cluster. A cluster is a complex formation with many connections. Inside there is a smaller circle of people with whom you are especially close and almost constantly together. There is an outer circle with whom your connection is not so strong, but you meet each of them in certain lives, from time to time. Not necessarily from the close people around you now, absolutely everyone is part of your cluster. No, there may be those with whom you have never crossed paths before. You could only have a couple shared lives and that was a long time ago, but now you have incarnated in this capacity simply for a certain purpose, for which such a role is most convenient, and this is the person who suits you now, like a father, mother, brother or sister. You can communicate with someone every day, but he has nothing to do with your cluster, and a random fellow traveler on the bus, with whom you didn’t even talk, but simply, for example, met your eyes, may, on the contrary, turn out to be your close friend, but just now you decided to share one life, albeit in the same city. A cluster is a moving thing and everything is not clear. We can only talk about general principle, from which there are exceptions. As a rule, close people are part of the inner circle, those with whom you are usually always reborn, and everyone else is the outer circle, which, also in other lives, one way or another influenced your destiny and development. How to determine who is who? No, you can only feel it. If you feel that you understand a person well, as if you have known him for a long time, it is likely that he is from your cluster. If you feel an inexplicable sympathy for a person whom you do not know at all, but sometimes meet by chance here and there, most likely he is from your cluster, and in other lives you were friends. Not all entities in your cluster are close to you in a positive sense. There is also a negative one. There are people who, when incarnated, become your relatives or very good friends. But in life there are also those who oppose you. Your enemies. And everyone has their favorite enemies. These are entities that are very suitable for you with their qualities to play the role of an antagonist. They also become part of your group, and also help you learn, playing their negative role in your life. But the enemy is a vague concept. There is no need to take it literally. The world around you is filled with endless humor - those who were your worst enemy in one life may turn out to be an entity close and dear to you, with whom you are now very friendly, and have been friends in almost all lives. Are you surprised why that is? But it’s interesting to fight with a friend in a computer game and see who wins, right? Our incarnations are, in a sense, the same as computer games. There are different situations in which we play different roles, and it can be convenient for your soul mate to play the negative role, and not some stranger and distant person. A cluster of united beings is a moving structure, just like in life, when your group of friends changes over time. Someone is no longer interested in you, someone is no longer interested in you, new friends appear, old ones disappear, or you maintain relationships with them, but don’t see each other as often. Don't worry too much about this. I’m telling you just for information, so that you can roughly imagine that the people around you are not random, and are connected to you, both by a common past and by many invisible connections. Mentors. I often came across information about mentors, guardian angels and all sorts of entities that teach us outside of physical reality and look after us during incarnations. For me, this question is not completely clear - does anyone have such a permanent and personal teacher, superior in experience by a couple of steps? I look at such cases differently. Rather, you and your cluster are connected with such a teacher-being, you are his kind of creation, and he is a part of you that has gone ahead. But one thing is clear here: when we live our next life, people from our own cluster help us. These could be friends or loved ones who are not with us now, in this life, but were nearby in other lives. They can send us mental advice in difficult situations, signs and the like. It is quite logical that outside of physical reality they in some form help us develop. In each cluster there are more experienced and older entities; it is natural for them to look after the younger ones. The task of all kinds of mentors is to help a person develop. Recommend what would be useful for you to try during your next incarnation, point out mistakes, help you find the right path and not stray from it. Get others interested. To further push your memory and stimulate processes already running in your mind, it is very useful to talk about past lives with someone else. It helps to get in the mood. When you simply discuss some historical event or assumption about your past, you get carried away and immersed. Remember how you told your friends a story from your childhood. When you started telling your story, you remembered something in less detail, but as you told it, more and more details emerged. People close to you and friends can really help you remember past lives, because they themselves were part of these lives. Therefore, it is important to try to interest them in this and remember together. This is an incredible tool, I would never have remembered many lives if not for the clues that were born as a result of dialogue with people from my cluster. Firstly, an emotional attitude towards a person can serve as an additional thread for you. Secondly, your friend himself can remember something, and by discussing it together, you will restore all the events of the past. Even if you haven’t remembered anything specific yet, still involve your friends and acquaintances, it will be more fun for you. Sit somewhere and just fantasize as a couple, what kind of association you evoke from each other, who you might have been in the past, whether you knew each other, and so on. You may find an unexpected result during such a game that both of you have been close to some topic for some time, and you feel the same events there or something like that. Of course, imagination can come into play, so you shouldn’t take everything for the truth thoughtlessly. Work, look for associations, check. The guideline is an emotional response or a certain feeling that this is something real, that it happened. Or that you, independently of each other, without any prior agreement, represent the same thing. However, don't be surprised if your friend, while showing interest in remembering past lives, keeps forgetting and getting distracted. There are people who don’t want to remember - it’s too early for them. They will instantly forget everything you tell them on this topic, quickly lose attention, and get distracted. It looks amazing when you come across something like this. It’s as if the person in front of you is sitting under the influence of some kind of eye-averting spell. You can, of course, awaken something in such a person, especially if he himself expresses great interest, but the result will not be great. And I’m not even sure that it’s worth resisting and trying to open their eyes; the universe still won’t allow you to teach someone who was created to crawl to fly. For the same reason, you should not be afraid that by telling someone about his past life (if you remembered him in the past), you will damage his mind or cause confusion. If he is not ready for information, he, firstly, simply will not believe you, and secondly, he will not take it seriously, and will forget in five minutes. However, if you are sure that the person is clearly not ready to hear something, or it is inappropriate for your current relationship, then you really shouldn't. Be that as it may, it is very useful to try to interest someone around you in this; together it will be easier to remember. If you are embarrassed to discuss past lives with others, then talk about it lightly, as a game or experiment. But in principle, we are in the twenty-first century, people are able to perceive the topic of past lives without hysterics. No one will hit you in the forehead for the phrase: “Do you believe in past lives? I read about some methods, you can try. Let’s play an imaginary game...” You can always find a way to talk about it neutrally. Atlantis. It's time to talk seriously about an issue that often comes up on the topic of reincarnation. I have visited websites and read forums dedicated to information about past lives, and it’s simply amazing how many of us are residents of Atlantis, Lemuria, all sorts of ancient magicians, and so on. I don't want to say that our world is much more boring, and none of this is true. No, our world is amazing, there are many secrets and mysteries in history, but let's carefully understand everything, do not disdain a rational approach, soberly assess the situation and learn to separate flies from cutlets. Let's start with what is Atlantis? The word itself. Do you know where it came from? It was invented by the well-known Greek philosopher Plato. If you have read some of Plato’s works, you know that he was interested, among other things, in models of the structure of society and the state. According to one version, Plato talked with Egyptian priests and they told him about a certain ancient state V Atlantic Ocean. But it is much more likely that it was some kind of legend, known to everyone, about a certain civilization in ancient times. Plato simply took this idea and, based on it, wrote about an amazing state that he called Atlantis. He could invent half of it, depicting some kind of utopian project of his, he could accurately describe everything that he understood as an ancient resident. We don't know. With Atlantis, we must always keep in mind this fact that the source of this whole story about a round city in the sea is an ancient utopian who could have taken it from ancient legends, or he could have made it up. In addition, Plato did not talk about the technomagic, amazing technology and other things that Atlantis was crammed with in our time. Where does all this come from? Ancient knowledge filtered through guardians and mediums, or collective fantasies? It's not clear at all. However, I think some such state existed. Legends don't grow out of nothing. There was something behind all this. I did not remember lives clearly connected with Atlantis, although the world of that time seemed vaguely familiar to me. I can only add to this that many thousands of years ago, in the Atlantic Ocean, opposite the Strait of Gibraltar, perhaps somewhere in the Azores area, there was something. It could have been an island, it could have been a floating base or something else, and there lived an advanced civilization for that time. But at that time they also had unique technology in the Mediterranean and other parts of the planet. It is quite possible that the “Atlanteans” eventually blew something up and sank, or someone blew them up, and legends about this reached the Ancient World and disappeared into local legends. But the state was definitely not called Atlantis, and hardly resembled the mediocre fantasy that was invented about it. Therefore, if it seems to you that you lived in Atlantis, then think about what signs you used to determine this, and why are you so sure that this place was called exactly by the word invented by Plato? It’s very easy to mistake strange images and memories, or simply something you didn’t know before, for some legendary country, especially if you subconsciously want it. Imagine an enthusiastic girl who, glowing with ecstasy, reports that she lived in Atlantis, and vividly remembers how she sat on the shore in white robes under the blow of a summer breeze, painting some jug with some ocher. But is it possible to sit on the seashore and paint a jug only in Atlantis? Why did she get it? This girl could be the banal daughter of a potter in Ancient Greece, and I just saw a scene from that life, how I painted pots on a summer evening. But being fascinated by ancient secrets, and having little idea about the history, clothing of people and their activities in Ancient Greece, it is easy for her to mistake what she saw for the legendary Atlantis. If you see yourself sailing on an electric glider to a round city, then I don’t know what to tell you. Think for yourself what it could be. I cannot say that this is a figment of your imagination - this planet has great story, and many of us have lived here for a very long time. Therefore, only your feelings can tell you what you see. But don't try to grab hold of beautiful picture, considering this to be true, without having inner confidence in it. I have some such unusual memories, but this is something that I do not know for sure, whether it is a play of the imagination, or something real. Therefore, I simply treat this calmly, as something that was possible, but which cannot yet be verified, which means it is stupid to consider it an immutable truth. Lemuria, the Continent of Mu, the asuras, the nephilim - all of this existed in some form. But these things are now surrounded by a bunch of conjectures and inventions; you shouldn’t immediately associate all your visions with something like that, simply because you like the idea itself. We must try to understand everything and understand where everything comes from. Our age and wisdom. Since we are talking about Atlantis and the past of the planet, it is worth touching on our age as creatures. You will be surprised, but everyone living now is most likely more than a couple of hundred years old. Many are already thousands or millions. Every person should think about the fact that you and I have seen the entire history of the Earth, we were its participants and creators. Everything around us, with all its good and evil, was made by us, and not by some mythical ancestors. Despite our age, we are not that wise. Our development as beings is not measured in years, and depends on many complex things that I do not undertake to explain in this book. Lives lived, the experience gained in them, of course, is deposited in us, making us wiser, but everything is individual, someone will live once and understand something important, and someone will have to experience something similar a hundred times. It must also be taken into account that for every thousand years earthly history account for less physically lived. Depends on how many lives there were in these centuries and what their duration was. There are developed entities with a great understanding of life, and there are undeveloped ones who do not understand themselves or the world around them. An undeveloped, very young entity is often distinguished by wildness, superficiality of judgment, and inability to perceive something new that lies beyond the boundaries of their ideas. We all know such people, they are around us. They live in the moment, they have no thoughts, they are completely fascinated by the game and the role they play. They are often aggressive, cruel, petty and indifferent, but not because this is how underdevelopment is expressed, but because they are like plasticine, they completely absorb the environment in which they find themselves. In some literature they are called white souls, because they are like a blank sheet of paper in which the world around them writes its reflection. But our world is not ideal, there are many dirty puddles, where these white souls gather in packs, because it is black paint that paints best and brightest on white. They are not born bad, but they are told that the world is cruel, and they themselves become cruel and unhappy. Undeveloped entities are not only such when the environment turns out to be favorable, they can radiate love for all living things and compassion. They will be polite, they will help people, but not because they want it, but because it is necessary - that’s how they were taught. They can be smart in the human sense, that is, well-read, have a lot of memorized knowledge, can count well, or have a career in business, but at the same time understand absolutely nothing about this knowledge and have no deep judgment about anything. They are like children who will play the game they were taught to play. They may be bad children, but we need to love and educate them. They are distributed evenly among us so that they can learn from us and develop. There are not too many of them, because then the world would plunge into chaos. When this planet was attacked dark times Apparently, there were more of them. And there are not too few of them, because they need to study somewhere, and this reality is balanced, we are all not very developed here, we are an excellent testing ground for undeveloped souls. A place where it is no longer hell, but not yet heaven, because in darkness one cannot know light, and in light one cannot know darkness. Life after life, these entities grow, learn more about themselves and about the world, they develop. Period between lives . I am trying to keep statistics and identify some standards, for example, how long the period between lives is usually. You've probably heard this information, the numbers always vary. When I was just starting to become interested in the topic of reincarnation, I read somewhere that the period between reincarnations is three hundred to four hundred years. This was a major mistake that confused me, and later I realized that this period is much shorter and does not depend on any standard or rule at all. The period between lives averages from one to two years to twenty. However, it may generally be only a few months or thirty to forty years. But, as a rule, this is only a few years - not tens or hundreds. I cannot insist on the exceptional accuracy of these figures; I take them from my experience, from the experience of people I know, and from different cases that I have read or heard about. But as I already said, there is no standard or law of the Universe here. Theoretically, nothing affects this period at all, except for the need to conveniently fit your reincarnations into the time scale available in our reality. The common belief that the soul needs to rest after a long life and prepare for the next incarnation is meaningless, because outside the physical world there is no concept of time. In this interval, the entity really comprehends the experience it has experienced and prepares for the next one, but it can do this for at least hundreds of years in our understanding, while incarnating again, it can easily return in the same month or year in which it died. It is difficult to determine what determines how many years will pass in the physical world before the entity is born again. If a person died young, then most likely he will be reincarnated faster; it is also true that if a person did not have time to realize something important for himself, he returns almost immediately. Sometimes they pass long periods, and why - one can only guess. The answer most likely lies in our being's habit of thinking in terms of time, and even after death, being attached to the passage of time on Earth. Therefore, feeling that life was interrupted early, and wanting to return as soon as possible, the entity places itself at a point in time as close as possible to the one that was the end of the past life. It’s also true that if we want some time to pass in our reality, an entity can only be reborn after dozens of years. It matters what kind of life and where it will take place. There is a need to tie it to certain world events, to certain milestones and stages in the history of the selected country. In addition, as I mentioned above, there is your cluster and your connections. If we are reborn together with certain people, we need our lives to coincide in one way or another, so the time of incarnations is adjusted relative to the entire cluster and the people directly involved in your future life. Chapter6 . Was I a king or famous person? Usually in books about reincarnation they write about it like this: don’t even think about it. If you imagine that you were Richard the Lionheart, then go and sleep it off. Also, authors involved in hypnotic regressions, when describing the cases they encountered, also like to say that they never came across a single emperor. But I think even if they did get it, they wouldn’t write about it. Because their entire book would immediately arouse mistrust. People are not inclined to believe it; such things are always a joke. But let's take the issue seriously. These people lived before, and just like all of us, they are reincarnated, born again as different people. This means that some of them live somewhere now. Rulers, generals, famous scientists. Now they are different people, they can live a simple life, just like you, without remembering their past. They may be closer than you think. It could be your neighbor, or your friend, it could be yourself. Why are they Not born again significant ? First, look at the world around you. What is he like? Notice how our century differs from previous ones. Our civilization has changed, science and technology have developed, culture has developed, and relationships between people have changed. Life has become different, we have become different. And those people also became someone else, found their place in this world. The concept of wealth, power, fame are important only in this reality, in the material world. Beyond it, for us, as immortal souls, all this is nothing more than an abstraction. A person is not born in order to take over the whole world, not in order to earn all the money in the world or leave a mark on history, even more so. No. We learn and develop here. We learn to be, to realize ourselves, to understand the world around us and to find happiness in it. Every rich person, when born, discovers that money is not everything. Every ruler experiences the burden of power. As people live their lives, they change. Generals get tired of wars, rulers get tired of ruling. People don't tend to play the same role; there's little point in that. Therefore, a king can be born a baker, just to live without worries doing what he loves, and great commander become a boring clerk to express yourself in this. It is worth mentioning that each entity has preferences determined by a system of representations. Someone often chooses the life of a soldier or one associated with war, someone trades, someone has a craving for land and rural life. Therefore, people with a predisposition to governing countries, economics and global issues really follow this line one way or another. If not again a ruler, then involved in politics. However, preferences allow for variation. Such a person does not have to realize himself as a king in order to express this predisposition. He can become a history teacher, and also deal with issues of politics, war and economics, but only in countries that have become history. People are different and see the realization of themselves in this world differently; it is impossible to say for them who they must be born in this century. We love variety and diverse experiences. Let’s say if you love a certain genre of books or films, you don’t read or watch only that. Sometimes you are interested in something new. Sometimes you like something from a completely different genre. This is also true for our incarnations. Having some preferences and predispositions, people do not play the same role all the time. How can a great person become ordinary? There is also a belief in society that if a person was some kind of great ruler or commander, then if he was born in our time, he cannot possibly turn out to be an ordinary person. He must be either a president, or a general of some army, or, at worst, a billionaire. Because once a person has gone down in history, he is unusual, and cannot be ordinary. Not every king is great just because he is a king. History is full of completely random people who were simply lucky to find themselves in right time V in the right place. The monarchy has always been hereditary, there were plenty of kings in Europe, and most of them were completely mediocrity. If we consider a person so incredible that he is remembered for centuries... Well, there are entities that have great energy and a predisposition to apply it globally. But it all depends on the chosen role, time, and accompanying factors. This personality wanted to express himself in order to change something, and it exploded across the entire planet. In another place and time, such entities have no need to carry the world on their shoulders; their energy is directed in a different direction, towards other interests. This person may also be passionate and powerful about his occupation, but if he is a librarian and collects books, then naturally the consequences of his activities are not so noticeable on the planet than when he was an emperor who captured half the world. Do you see how things are not clear-cut here? If suddenly a war or a cataclysm happens, something may awaken in this librarian; such cases also happened when people who did not stand out in any way suddenly stood at the head of everything. But if there is no war, they simply live, enjoying a simple life. They need it, they may have reasons for it. Your familiar baker, who in fact was once a king who left a mark on history, will not stand out in any way outwardly. You can talk to him every day and find that he may be smart and insightful, but he also loves to bake bread and is interested in that more than anything else, and there are a lot of people like that. He does not think about great things, because his current life is not devoted to this, he may not understand politics or military affairs, because he does not need it for this life. Now he realizes himself as a baker. These individuals can repeat similar incarnations from time to time, this is logical and natural for them. It is not a well-known fact that Napoleon Bonaparte claimed that he remembered himself as Alexander the Great. And this is quite realistic, they are similar. However, this entity has had other reincarnations. What kind of lives are these? Are there always geniuses of war? Are there always emperors? Of course not. Think about such a notable personality who lived and was reborn centuries before and after, sometimes completely unnoticed by history. This happens to all historical characters. Sometimes they return to the stage of history, sometimes they prefer silence and a view of the audience. Therefore, you should not perceive reincarnation and fate so one-dimensionally, thinking that ordinary people now could never have been great in the past. We do not know how complex and diverse this can be arranged. And you shouldn’t discount the possibility that you or someone you know could turn out to be a person from a history textbook. People remember such things, but they are afraid of themselves, afraid that this may not be true, that they will laugh at them, that these are some kind of glitches. This point is usually missed in books, it is not talked about, but it is important for people to understand that this really happens. It cannot but be, because historical figures also live and are reborn. Fantasy. Naturally, I do not exclude the problem of wild imagination here, and, as with Atlantis, I warn that it is easy to make a mistake and wishful thinking. I don’t at all encourage you, if you suddenly just thought that you were Caesar, to immediately believe in it and burst with pride. In any case, it’s not worth bursting with pride, it’s stupid, remember what I said that all this matters only for the current reality, and outside of it no one will be impressed that you spent a couple of lives as someone’s emperor. At the first stage, when we were just trying to evoke at least some memories and images, it was not so important to analyze whether it was a fantasy or not. But when you have already begun to remember and easily evoke images, this already becomes important. Of course, no one will give you a hard time because you imagine yourself to be the emperor, and even of Atlantis, but this will confuse you, being surrounded by such delusions and fantasies will bring absolutely no benefit, and will only interfere with your ability to remember something. real. It is not so difficult to determine whether you were some kind of historical character or not. Open the biography of this character and read carefully. First, ask yourself, what feeling does this person and all his activities evoke? If you like him to the point of delight and admire him, this is already a clear sign that you missed the mark by a wide margin. Because people usually don’t admire themselves, except in particularly difficult cases. If you were some kind of king or commander, then he may be pleasant to you, close, you will feel some kind of kinship. But having studied his actions and decisions, along with mental approval and understanding, you will also clearly see where it was not ideal and where it was downright stupid. Even if this man was significant and did a lot of good, and all historians vied with each other to sing his praises, you, if you were him, will feel like no one else what was behind all his actions and decisions. You may not remember it with vivid images, but you will feel that this was because, and this is because. You will also understand and be familiar with the situation and circumstances of this person’s life. If he was a king, the political situation will be clear and familiar to you. With which countries there was enmity, with which there was a shaky alliance. The names of ministers and assistants will be familiar. Reading about them, or looking at their portraits, it will seem to you that you can easily imagine what this person was like, how he looked and smiled, or, on the contrary, always walked gloomily. Everything like that. People often make mistakes because they simply really like a certain character and historical period. They mistake this feeling of delight for memory. But I say again, if you were this person yourself, you are unlikely to have any admiration for his personality. Rather, just an understanding of his actions and thoughts. There is another reason for confusion. Let's say you were some kind of general, somewhere. Nothing special, just a general in some war, one of many, and now, reading about some famous commander, all this will seem familiar to you. Of course, your life was similar, and the view of a soldier, a commander, is close to you. You can get confused and think that you were this famous commander, when in fact you were another person who was not so famous. Or another example, you were a learned person, somewhere in Italy in ancient times. They studied science, got a part-time job with some rich aristocrat, taught his children, or did some work for him. And now you are reading about Leonardo da Vinci, and you feel the similarity, the closeness of the situation, because he was also involved in science and worked for various rich people of that time. But many did this educated people a very common fate at that time. Having a similar life and being a person of the same type, type of activity and occupation, it is easy to get confused, carried away by some historical character. But here it’s also not difficult to figure it out and catch yourself making a mistake. You just need to study the biography of this person in more detail. If this is not you, you will find something there, some actions and decisions that will not be internally clear to you and will not be close to you. You will understand that this was not with you, you would have acted differently, you would have said the wrong thing, and so on. It’s more difficult when there is almost no information about a historical character. Some short article describing the main stages of life in two or three paragraphs, or even less - just a mention that there was such a king, if we are talking about a king, he ruled then. That's all. Here only an adequate approach and inner knowledge can help you. Inner knowledge. I often use this phrase, “inner knowing.” But what is it? This is your compass, which you just need to be able to listen to. He will always tell you whether you are going the right way. It's a special feeling inner feeling correctness and knowledge that this is so and not otherwise. When you know that the sun will rise tomorrow, that the snow is white and the sky is blue. You know that this is how it can be and it cannot be any other way, because you feel this way. And the same feeling arises when you remember something real, or feel that your assumptions are correct. Including seeing yourself in some famous person. You may not see bright images from the past and don’t remember clearly, like with your memory, but you just feel about something that it was like that. Let's say you see images of a fantasy city and you think it's Atlantis, but you feel unsure, asking yourself if it was real? And you feel that you don’t know the answer, or you doubt it. Then most likely it could just be imagination. If you decided that you were somehow famous person, they even found some similarities and some details speak in favor of the correctness of the assumption, but again you feel insecure, you cannot tell yourself, yes, this is reality, and not my fantasy, then you should perceive it as something vague, do not make hasty conclusions. But distinguish the difference between a discovery that simply surprises you, and you think - it can’t be, no, this couldn’t happen to me, how? And a feeling of obvious uncertainty when you don’t know yes or no. Because the first case is different, there you are simply stunned, you don’t believe yourself, your inner “I” says: “Yes, this is so.” And you answer him: “Oh, well? How?” In the second case it is different. Your “I” doesn’t tell you anything, on the contrary, you try to convince it, but it remains silent in response, or says - I don’t know. Know how to separate these two internal dialogues, I want to teach you to feel inner confidence, and not at all cause uncertainty in everything. There is also no need to be scared or shy away from the feeling of obvious uncertainty. When you see something and feel neither yes nor no. Just put it on the shelf, maybe someday you will see something else, or get more information, and then you will be able to answer for yourself accurately. The Right Attitude . If you suddenly discovered that you ruled entire countries, were a commander, a famous scientist or a rich man, and now you live a simple or even poor life, you may think that you were punished for something, but this is not so. You chose this life and you had a reason for it. You wanted to learn something about yourself and the world around you. Remember what good happened to you in today's life, remember what you learned, you will understand that all this is not useless, not a punishment, it made sense. You need to ask yourself why you are here, and what can you give to this world in this capacity? Or maybe the world itself gave you the opportunity so that you could finally give something to yourself through this life? In such a situation, you should not blindly and painfully desire the former greatness, the previous achievements, think that this is your goal, to become again the same as you were there, and think that now you are a failure, since you could not achieve the same success. Just sit down and talk to yourself, do you really need this repetition, maybe the new situation opens up some new horizons? Follow your heart, just do what you like, follow the plans that are natural and achievable for you today. This advice is suitable for anyone who feels that their past life was better than now, even if it was not associated with historical figures. We've all had lives that could be better than this, and it's worth taking it in stride. With this chapter I wanted to show that, in principle, there is no law prohibiting you from being some famous historical figure. They are the same people, they are reborn the same way, and they can live simple lives, any person can have such an amazing past that he does not remember now. Don't shy away from it if you feel something like that. Just calmly search for information, read, if you really were this person, you will feel it. But, also, people are often subject to fantasies, so you shouldn’t forget about this either and listen to your inner compass. Chapter7 . Expanding views. Perceptions determine not only our current lives, but also what we can or cannot remember. If you don't imagine something, how will you remember it? How do you associate with such an experience? If it seems to you that it is impossible, or very difficult, then how will you awaken your memory? Can you imagine yourself as a different gender? A terrible poor man or, on the contrary, a rich man? If it is difficult or has never occurred to you, then you will not remember such lives. Change of gender and situations. How can you expand your ideas? Play another mental game from time to time. She can be quite funny. Imagine yourself in other states. For example, if you are a man, then imagine yourself as a woman, if a woman, then imagine yourself as a man. Don't be afraid, this won't change your orientation. You can imagine anything. If you are a man, try to imagine what it would be like to walk in a skirt or dress, how such a body behaves when walking and moving. Imagine how you put on makeup and line your lips. What, is it funny already? I said the game was fun. Try to think like a woman. Already at this stage it may seem to you that all this is not so far away, and even familiar. You may discover that when you look at the world and things through a woman's eyes, everything looks somehow different. Such a game helps you begin to understand women, and the world in general, more deeply, as if from two angles at once. I just ask you, don’t get carried away, otherwise you will start to like it too much and will be tempted to buy a dress. Based on what first comes to mind, what associations and images arise, you can already begin to draw conclusions about your possible past in such a form. Some will almost clearly see dresses that are quite modern, from the mid-twentieth century, while others will primarily think about the magnificent dresses of past centuries. And maybe he’ll even remember how uncomfortable it was to walk in them. Play with different options and eras, try to imagine some women's lives. If you are a woman, then by analogy imagine yourself as a man, in a man’s body, in men’s clothing. Try to think like a man and look at the world. Then imagine different purely male lives. In both options, it is important not to limit yourself only to those lives and destinies that first come to mind and seem more likely and natural, but also to try to imagine something completely unusual and uncharacteristic of you. This is how you can try on something else, thereby understanding and seeing how it could have happened to you and remember if it really happened. Imagine different lives, play out your entire biography in your mind, from birth to death. Or some individual scenes. Observe yourself, what did you want to imagine and why? Does any fictitious fate seem particularly realistic, touching your soul? Maybe something similar happened to you in one of your past lives, and by replaying it in your head, you will remember in more detail where and what. No one will judge you if you simply play out even the wildest options in your head, like a courtesan or a Nazi soldier. Such exercises are useful in themselves because they allow you to develop an understanding of other points of view and look at the world in a completely different way. If you have had such an experience, it also needs to be remembered and understood, and not pushed into the corners of the subconscious. Imagine lives on other continents and times and countries never heard of before. Try unusual roles and professions. When reading a book or watching a movie, imagine yourself in the shoes of all the characters, trying to understand the situation from the inside, through their eyes. Imagine how you would behave if you were like them. If at first I talked about searching on the surface, about the countries that first come to mind, about stories and roles that are close and familiar, now we need to expand the search. Think about countries you know little about, take an interest in eras that seem foreign, play out unusual roles in your head in an unusual environment. Make up a story about yourself. If you invite each of us to write a story or novel, he will write something characteristic and close to himself. Provided that such a person does not try to imitate any genre or copy something exactly, then the plot will be built on the basis of ideas and subconscious experience gained, including from past lives. This effect can be used to identify certain behavioral patterns, cravings for certain roles and situations. Having seen with your own eyes how seemingly spontaneously invented stories, which no one forces you to invent, turn out not very rosy in places, with certain difficulties and discoveries, you will clearly see that we choose our past and future lives ourselves. The text always carries an imprint. Especially written spontaneously, by chance, on a wave of emotional sensation. This is the same game with plots when you remembered what books and films you liked, what situations and characters, but now you can create plots, situations and characters yourself. It's quite interesting and effective method self-analysis, if you know how to apply it. No, I’m not saying, sit down and write a book or a story, it would take a long time, and not everyone has the perseverance, desire and simply the ability to write some kind of plot texts. But you can conditionally describe some life, some character, without details. Or not even write, but simply imagine and play out a certain plot in your head, stage by stage. This can become an additional tool to awaken your memory and remember some lives and situations that were not revealed to you before. You can take some kind of life that you have already groped for earlier, but where you can’t remember anything except some scraps or general information, and, having thought it through, add it or imagine it mentally. In general, this is exactly what I proposed to do when making “presentations on a given topic” in the fourth chapter, with the exception that there you are not trying to think and compose, but simply calling up images and interpreting them. Here the approach is different and requires an adequate attitude to the resulting result. You must understand that you are now thinking and inventing. This is not what actually happened, this is what the imagination generates. However, every writer knows that at some stage, when you are writing a novel, you stop thinking through the plot, putting events like rails, sleeper after sleeper, it suddenly begins to write itself, the text flows easily, the characters come to life, some situations arise... then unexpected. You should start, get carried away, this effect will arise on its own. But then, you need to be critical of the text, and understand that this is hardly an accurate description of your life. Some are made up, some are embellished, some are taken from the movie you watched last week. However, there are references, hints, some special situations about which you will immediately feel that this is something real, that it happened. If not in the life you set out to remember, then perhaps in some other life. I repeat that all this can be done without resorting to writing, but simply imagine, like a film. Not necessarily at one time. We imagined part of it while driving to work, then continued on the way back from the same place. It's actually quite interesting. Don't try to immediately analyze every detail, but just imagine until the story blossoms, and then you can study what happened and what is strange there. This simple game also helps expand your understanding. When you imagine not yourself, but a certain character, it is easier to consider controversial situations, too unusual or contrary to basic concepts. If you find it difficult to imagine yourself as a different gender, or in unusual roles, start with fictional characters. Try to understand how they look at the world, their motives for their actions, their mistakes. The world behind invisible walls . Having a narrowed circle of ideas, you will never see anything beyond it. A person who finds it difficult to imagine the very situation when he would be aware of himself here and now, and at the same time remember himself in another time, hundreds of years ago, as a different person, will not remember past lives. You will not understand or feel that you are something more than you are now, or even than a chain of reincarnations, until you begin to think, try to understand yourself and simply imagine something that you have not imagined before. To become something more than just a person, you must first be able to imagine and understand it. Move in steps of assumptions into your circle of certain things. Reincarnation is usually understood as lives coming one after another - each in its own century, but what if time is just an illusion and does not exist? Then, all lives are simultaneous. And you are an entity that has many facets of your self, existing in different times, living thousands of lives. Has this ever occurred to you? Just imagine. What if future lives can be “remembered” in the same way as past lives? Has this ever occurred to you too? They don't talk about it, it seems impossible and strange. But if time is an illusion, and all states are simultaneous, future experience can be just as easily associated as the past. Imagine this too, future lives can be realized, just like past ones. How many of your incarnations can there be here and now? What if there is more than one? Maybe you have another body, you are living another life right now on another continent, and that is also you? This is quite difficult and strange to imagine, isn’t it? And yet, there are people who live “now” in more than one instance. The world around us is a much more amazing place than it seems, and we are much more complex and unimaginable creatures than we see in the mirror. There are a lot of invisible walls around that do not allow you to go further. It is difficult to expand your ideas, but little by little, by pulling out loose bricks, you can destroy the shell surrounding your “I”. Chapter8 . Meditative methods. Of course, this book is about how to remember past lives without resorting to meditation, but I should also mention them, at least briefly to complete the picture. It's pretty effective tool, which in a sense is even easier when you manage to plunge into at least a light trance. Images and visions appear more clearly, stay in front of your eyes longer, and are less influenced by current thoughts. You are seeing a pure manifestation of the subconscious. Trans and semi-trans . The meaning of the effect is that usually while awake, your mind is constantly occupied with some thoughts, it is difficult in such conditions to catch the wave and remember something. When you close your eyes and abstract from all the thoughts, worries and bustle of life, then you open your consciousness to other things, begin to look inside yourself. You calm down, the noise of thoughts subsides, the world around you dims its brightness, and in this state you begin to notice that every thought is accompanied in some way, that some fragmentary visions always flash before your mind’s eye, like ripples on water. People, scenes, snippets of conversations, landscapes. Sometimes these are pieces of memories from yesterday, last week, last year or childhood, and sometimes something strange, different. In this state, it is easier to keep your attention on some fragmentary image, but as soon as you look closely, it unfolds, begins to live, plays out before your eyes. But even here you need to be able to concentrate, direct your attention to the right direction, otherwise thoughts smoothly flow away somewhere, and you can sit like this for an hour in some kind of incomprehensible half-asleep, or naturally fall asleep. Of course, such meditation will not bring results. This is the difficulty of meditation. It’s easy to close your eyes and float peacefully in your thoughts, but it’s difficult to keep your attention on the subject of meditation, to cause a concrete result, and not just a ripple of insignificant fragmentary images. What is trance anyway? In fact, we constantly fall into a small semi-trance throughout the day. When you are driving, looking out the window, lost in thought, you are already in a semi-trance. You can even go into a semi-trance just by listening to someone explain something to you. This is a state of peaceful thoughtfulness, slight self-absorption, common and familiar to us. But real trance is the same, but more deep state. That is, to achieve trance during meditation you do not need any special skills or abilities. You just need to sit or lie down (the lotus position is not at all necessary) and enter this generally familiar state of thoughtful absorption, but make it deeper. Clear your head of thoughts and immerse yourself in silence. But if you sit and think: “don’t think,” then it turns out that you are still thinking. The thought in my head is spinning and getting in the way. It's easier to focus on breathing. When you simply notice your even inhalations and exhalations, you actually stop thinking, the mind plunges into a contemplative emptiness. However, trance and clearing the mind of extraneous thoughts is only half the battle. Next, you need to pay attention to the images that arise and direct them to the desired topic. Maybe start by imagining something to start the process. This is where the recommendations from the chapters above will also come in handy. To get started, you can imagine some scenes from your expected life, catch sensations, and after a while the film will begin to play out before your eyes on its own. Don't forget about emotions and emotional response. If a scene or object arises that evokes an emotion, focus on that. Feel this emotion more vividly by playing the scene, immersing yourself in it. Essentially, methods without meditation, all these games with the mind, what I proposed to do with with open eyes, during normal activities, this is also immersion in a light trance, so excellent results can be obtained even with a not deep trance. You can just lie down, close your eyes, and even if it’s light around and there’s not complete silence, if it doesn’t distract you, you can easily enter a shallow trance, see images and work with them. Available in books and on the Internet different ways tune into the right mood or help the memory with some preparatory imaginary scenes. Focus on your breathing, or imagine your body relaxing from head to toe. You can imagine flying, or turn on light soothing music. Preparatory imaginary scenes can also be anything. For example, imagine how you enter a magical forest, house, or somewhere else, someone meets you there and tells you something, you can ask him about past lives, or simply see scenes in some magic mirror. I treat this with some disdain. This is all nothing more than a way to push yourself in the right direction, but all these special effects are completely unnecessary. It is enough just to enter a light trance, focus on the images and emotions of your past life. To imagine that some old man on a stone in a magical forest is telling you about your lives is nothing more than crutches for the mind. But, of course, to a certain extent, it entertains and does no harm, so you can have fun, just remember that this is nothing more than a game that helps you get in the mood. Dream. In addition to meditation, it is worth mentioning sleep work. Before going to bed, lying in bed, close your eyes and tune in to some bright emotion from a past life of interest, or play out scenes, hold this feeling while falling asleep. You may dream of a whole episode from a past life, some events. Or an abstract dream that does not directly show your past life, filled with modern surroundings, but woven from past events, with the participation of people you really knew. The last type of dream about a past life is not always easy to distinguish from an ordinary dream. Many people have such dreams spontaneously, without any additional settings, remaining misunderstood and unnoticed. In order for anything to work out with dreams at all, you must either have a predisposition to see vivid dreams and be able to remember them, or learn to do so. Try to remember in the morning what you dreamed about, write it down, analyze it. Try to induce dreams on a given topic, learn to include full consciousness during sleep in order to induce lucid dream and so on. Look, many books have been written about this separately. Chapter 9 We choose our lives ourselves. Speaking about past lives, I often made it clear that a person incarnates in one country or another not by chance, has preferences, and these preferences affect the circumstances of the chosen life. It may not be clear how this is so, because it is usually believed that such things are decided for us somewhere from above, but this is not so. Each person chooses where he will be incarnated, under what circumstances and from what he will die. But, attention, this does not mean that life is thought out and planned to the smallest detail like a movie. Something is planned in advance, and something is formed completely unconsciously, by beliefs and ideas. That is, if you are now sick with something, or live in circumstances that you strongly dislike, then, of course, you cannot say that you, so to speak, of sound mind and good memory, took it and asked for all this to be provided for yourself. No. But nevertheless, you and your thoughts are responsible for this. We actually plan some things in advance and consciously together with related people from the cluster, along with those who teach and help. We can quite consciously, wanting this, choose our place of birth, occupation, sometimes even key points life. In some places, our decisions are, one way or another, influenced by friends and mentors, recommending some more difficult lives for developing important qualities or solving problems. Or a desire for a certain experience is born within us. Many other things arise spontaneously, from our thoughts, beliefs and the like. All this is not easy to explain in a nutshell. Every person's life is controlled by how we look at the world, what we expect from it and what we think about every thing in it. These are our ideas. This is the prism through which we see the world, and not only see, but also build ourselves in accordance with what we see. Based on beliefs, attractions to certain ideas, we embody each of our lives in this reality. Imagine, you are released into endless space, filled with many things: joyful and sad, scary and, conversely, pleasant. But you don’t know how to control the flight, you are simply carried somewhere. Wherever you look, it carries you there. What you think about, you are drawn there. If you think about sad things, you are attracted to sad planets and nebulae, you think about joyful things, and you find yourself in those conditions. You are oversaturated with joy, you are immediately spontaneously carried away to a place where there is not only joy. You don’t stop and think: well, now I want this and I’m flying there. You may not even realize what you want, you just experience some kind of unsettledness, dissatisfaction, and you are already being carried to those places where, according to your idea, something will await you that will compensate for this unsettledness. You and only you are responsible for everything that happens to you. When you are carried here and there in this space, who is to blame for this? What higher powers? Nobody forcibly attracts you anywhere, you yourself are attracted, and you don’t notice it, this is the main tragedy of creatures like us, swamis, living in this world. That's why we learn and know. So, we really choose our life ourselves when we incarnate in this world, but we cannot say that we are always fully conscious. And yet, each of you must understand that you chose the life that you have now. You chose many difficult circumstances in it consciously and voluntarily, no matter how strange it may sound. Everything in your life had a reason or purpose. How do they arise? bad lives? How do people voluntarily change? good lives to the bad ones? Entities are usually driven by a desire to develop, a desire to express themselves more fully, to reveal their abilities, to try new experience. Overcoming difficult obstacles and trials, in the minds of many, is the path to development; this really gives a lot, although other options are possible. Be that as it may, the desire to develop, and the desire for challenges as a means of development, pushes people to try, to set conditions and tasks that are more diverse and more difficult. The strong and brave may go to extremes to make a breakthrough, level up with a net, while others move in a balanced way, trying different things gradually. Something you really have to experience to understand what it is. Love, separation, loss. Victories and defeats. Paint alone cannot paint a picture of the world, so each of us carefully or carelessly tries on different states. Living a life where there is only love, you will not feel the fullness; love is perceived more acutely when parting. Having lived lives full of love, we feel the artificiality and refinement of this, and next time we want a brighter love, emphasized by separation, or at least small obstacles, so that it is not so flat, to live life brighter and fuller. And having been born again, we forget everything that happened and just live like the first time. We fall in love, we suffer when parting, we think why everything is this way, who punished us, we don’t remember that we ourselves chose this, and this is the only way we can live brighter and fuller. The same applies to any other areas of our incarnations, therefore lives and destinies are different, people themselves choose most of these difficulties, but simply do not remember how and why they decided to do this, live, overcome difficulties, learn lessons from their experiences, or simply curse fate , but are developing. All this leads to development, to full self-expression, and they do it again and again. It may seem incomprehensible how one can voluntarily choose difficulties for oneself, but look, we are surrounded by many people who spent their entire youth in struggle and trials, and in old age, having achieved a lot, found prosperity and peace of mind. Each of them, talking about the past, as a rule, does not feel regret, understanding that it was sometimes very difficult, but recognizing that all this gave him a lot and made him who he has become now. They would not want to change anything, and would even voluntarily repeat this path. We can live and think that everything is bad, but after living life, we understand how much it has given us. Slipping into negativity . We are young on the scale of the Universe and do not know how to manage thoughts and feelings at the proper level, so sometimes we are simply carried away in the wrong direction or drawn into negative situations that we did not consciously choose. Young beings are tossed around like chips in the waves of the ocean; we do not know how to choose a direction and fully understand what is happening to us and why. But, as I said, there are mentors, or more experienced friends, who help you move at the appropriate speed and in a comfortable direction, but they are not free over your ideas, so overlaps are not excluded. People are not always driven by the desire to develop. The understanding that everything is growth and development comes with experience, but at first, every being simply lives mindlessly, trying to embody only one condition: to live most fully, to express oneself fully and to receive satisfaction from such expression. An undeveloped entity, of course, will not pretend to be an ascetic in order to comprehend some other experience or become better. But the desire to gain full self-expression and happiness will still force them to change situations, to look for comfortable conditions, which means moving one way or another. They can live dozens of lives in wealth, fame and have everything they want, but such lives do not bring them satisfaction. When you have everything, you don’t need to become anything, such a life is boring and everything gets boring. In addition, undeveloped beings are wild, do not know how to understand themselves and the world around them, and even living in conditions where they have everything and no problems, they make them for themselves. Not understanding people, they quarrel and get offended, suffering from this, and perceive any nonsense as misfortune. developed man, who has learned the frailty of material things, simply will not make a problem because of a stain on a cloak or a scratch on an expensive chest of drawers, but some undeveloped individual, living in all respects carefree happy life, can perceive such a trifle as the tragedy of the day, become very upset, fall into hysterics or frenzy. This is an exaggerated example, there may be something else, essentially insignificant, but from which it will make a problem. Quarrels with relatives or that everyone hates him because of money. Without feeling the joy of living in abundance, he will want other states, simply wanting to feel happy. And having found happiness, he suddenly decides that something is missing anyway, now it’s boring - everything is too calm. In addition, he will constantly be influenced by his environment, different ideas and opinions, but he still does not know how to form his own. He will begin to spontaneously develop systems of ideas that may turn out to be strange or negative. He may decide that being too calm is bad, and that all sorts of rules and conventions also only lead to misfortune, then, in another life, he will become a robber. So he will go his own way, developing. Not being able to understand the complex structure of the world, himself, and feel that there are reincarnations, there are his other selves, he will often not remember what brought him specifically to this life, he will be dissatisfied with it and will curse fate and the gods who they threw him here. Although, he did it himself, somewhere consciously, thinking that it would be good for him, somewhere completely unconsciously, following the lead of mass ideas, negative ideas. This is how it turns out when a person is free in everything, not limited by either God or higher powers, who could live any kind of life, even as a rich man, even as a king, turns out to be an evil beggar robber in the forest, embittered by fate and not understanding why his life is like this, while others have it better. People often quietly slip into extremely negative situations, seemingly without consciously choosing it, and without trying to portray themselves as an enlightened ascetic seeking trials. For example, you were rich, but you were not happy, you caused suffering to your loved ones, and after life you naturally felt that somehow this was all wrong. Wealth brought nothing. Then maybe poverty is better? At the same time, you are pushed by a feeling of guilt for causing suffering to your loved ones - and this assures you even more that yes, being poor and a simple person, you will not be so biased and arrogant towards people. Nobody made you think that way. It’s just how your ideas developed, perceiving everything that way. I was rich - I was unhappy. So wealth is evil. I don’t want to say that happiness is in wealth, and we must strive for this, and life without large income is definitely wrong. Not at all. This is just a simple example that everyone can understand, it shows how these deep basic beliefs are formed, and how beliefs are then formed into a belief system that determines other lives. Here you are not driven by something higher, you are not an enlightened monk who pushes himself through difficulties in order to gain insight. Everything is quite simple, in this case you are driven by the desire to simply be happy. Not receiving what was expected from rich life, you decide to do the opposite. Nobody forced you, you didn’t work off any karma, you just wanted to embody yourself more fully and brightly, that’s all. Having started such a poor life quite well, and really having seen the small joys of a simple life, you, not remembering your choice and the reason for all this, can look with envy at those who live better; worry too much about your situation, decide that this is a punishment, and end up feeling burdened and suffering for no real reason. But you won’t be able to somehow improve your financial situation, because you still have a subconscious memory - wealth is bad. You will hate the rich and all signs of prosperity, believing that the truth is in simple work. This idea will push you away from any opportunities to improve your situation. Even if life gives you a chance to change something, internally you will be wary of moving in that direction, feeling that this will lead you to prosperity and again to the situation that you wanted to avoid by choosing a simpler life. But, not being able to understand yourself, and not remembering the past, it will seem to you that everything is the other way around. That you desire prosperity with all your soul, but some evil forces do not allow you to achieve this, dooming you to a poor life. As a result, you will live your life without seeing what you chose it for. You forgot to enjoy simplicity and develop the qualities of a better relationship with people; instead, you became confused in feelings, envied the rich, suffered from poverty, thereby increasing your poverty and unhappiness beyond what was necessary. A belief system guides choice. Right is not right - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you determine it based on your deepest beliefs. But once you find yourself in such a life, you don’t remember how you made this choice, you don’t understand the situation, not seeing that your ideas continue to build this life and all its events, you slide into more negativity than originally planned. The lesson could have been beneficial, but it became too difficult and taught nothing. Suffering and hardship are not the path to enlightenment . I wrote above that different situations are necessary for development. That sometimes you need obstacles and difficulties. This is true to some extent, but I ask that you treat this idea with great caution. A strange and dangerous delusion dominates our world, which has become the basis mass system representations. That only hard work leads to results, that only through trials and obstacles is the truth learned. Reasoning in this vein will lead us in the wrong direction. By misunderstanding the need for every being to develop, one may come to believe that lives full of unhappiness and suffering are necessary and inevitable. I have come across such an opinion in quite intelligent literature that literally, in order for a person to reach a certain level of development, he must experience all imaginable and inconceivable suffering, so he will turn into the coolest ascetic monk, who will not care about anything, and who will know all the wisdom of the world. But let's figure it out. We were not created to suffer. The idea of ​​having to live through all sorts of misfortunes over and over again completely contradicts all logic and the very meaning of existence. I described above what is the meaning and goal for every born being - to express oneself as fully, joyfully and receive satisfaction from this self-expression, and through this move forward, develop, become more complex, and grow. If a creature suffers, it means that the condition is not met, it does not express itself fully, but is suppressed and squeezed, and this suffering, on the contrary, is a signal that something is wrong, this is the wrong path, we need to change states, try something else. Of course it is important for full development set yourself tasks, experience some kind of resistance, obstacle in order to know your strength, but this does not mean creating hell on earth for yourself. Is there a difference between going in for sports to strengthen your body, running in the morning and enjoying the process, and lifting a huge barbell and falling under its weight? In the first case, you choose what you can do, run, exercise with weights, feeling their tangible weight with your hands, and enjoying this feeling of muscle tension, warming up a stiff body. Although it is work, and there is pain in the muscles, it is pleasant, as a process of warming up and strengthening. In the second case, you fall under the unbearable weight, perhaps breaking your arms or getting a hernia. You will not strengthen your body this way, but quite the opposite. It's hard to argue with the fact that difficult situations and trials, teach each person a lot, but only because many of us are not able to understand it in any other way. We can gain the necessary experience and understand the situation, not only by testing it on ourselves, but simply by being able to look around and learn lessons for ourselves. For example, a misfortune happened to a friend, and while you help him, you see how he is forcing all this on himself, and you understand what the way out should be. Or you can lead yourself into such a situation and experience misfortune for yourself. The choice is always yours. There are entities that really like to give themselves difficult tasks. Going to extremes. However, these creatures are quite experienced and know what they are doing. Without complaining or suffering, realizing that they themselves have set such a task for themselves, so they simply “pump the muscle”, receiving from this a kind of pleasure and the joy of the fullness of being. This is partly caused by ideas that are not working properly. A person believes that he must be stronger than the whole world, more stable than a stone, so he strives to train himself as much as possible, going to extremes. But why? Every being is given power by knowledge, not by power itself. It's their choice. You should not think that our world is filled with suffering, and development comes through pain. This is completely wrong, and first of all, the entity needs to be able to experience the world through love and goodness, strive for happiness, and choose difficulties consciously, exploring them with joy, as a way of the most complete self-expression, receiving satisfaction from the obstacles overcome. Chapter10 . Multireality. This chapter will contain a little reference information. What will be said here will be new, strange and incomprehensible to many. But I must mention this, without this the topic of reincarnation will be somehow incomplete. I’ll just go over the main issues, without going into detail, without chewing, without proving, those who need to will understand, those who don’t need to will pass by. Why are we born into this world? To learn to manage your thoughts, the capabilities of your self. Express yourself through matter. I repeat: do not suffer, do not get sick, do not go through punishment - these things happen as a result of the inability to understand your belief systems and change them. We learn to embody ourselves, keeping our “I” from disintegrating in the boiling sea of ​​diversity, learning not to fall into whirlpools and learning to realize our consciousness split into myriad states in order to become united. What are we? Simplified - the thought of God. Once upon a time there was Nothing, which became Everything. Physics calls this event the Big Bang. Some huge super being suddenly thought - I exist! This thought gave birth to the Universe. Desires beyond being, embodied in everyone possible forms, in all times and spaces. This superbeing in some literature is called the Source; it can be called God. We are pieces of his mind generated by him, we embody his desire to be. Being its smaller parts, we are not aware of ourselves as the Source; our consciousness is still small and scattered. Just as the atoms of our body do not realize that they are part of something larger, so man does not realize that he is a part emanating from the Source. However, the result of our journey is to realize that our “I” comes from the Source. Everything has consciousness, a stone, an atom, but on its own level. Each consciousness is a product of the Source, a certain spark, a thought. Each such spark tends to grow and become more complex, until one day it becomes aware of itself as something. This is also how the essence of a person arises, such as you and me. However, at first, the entity is a simple group of thoughts, just learning to live, realize itself, and think. Like a child who discovers that he has arms and legs, that they give him some new opportunities - with their help he can walk and create, but while he is a child, he does not know how to control his arms and legs, this skill comes to him over time. So is man. Having realized himself, he still does not know how to control his self. A world beyond reality . Imagine you suddenly find yourself in a place where you seem to remember that you have some kind of “I”. But, also, you simultaneously capture with your other “I”: which is now, which was a second ago, and which will be only in a second. This will already confuse you extremely, and if you constantly begin to spontaneously switch between them, and see yourself here and there, and the world around you constantly changes, as soon as you think about something, then you will be completely at a loss. In that place, as soon as you are afraid of something, the object of your fear immediately grows and expands, but you will not understand that you are creating it with your thoughts. This is what our real reality looks like, outside the world in which we exist now, and there we return with the onset of death or when we fall asleep. Remember your dreams, this is the same place. We get there not only after death, we are, in fact, constantly there, and as soon as we close our eyes here, we begin to see the world there. Remember what the world of dreams is like? There everything is constantly changing, there you have many lives in different places, you can be in one place, a second later in another, and each time you forget where you were just what. That reality is constantly reacting to your subconscious thoughts. If you want peace, you will find yourself in a peaceful place; if you think there are monsters here, they instantly appear. The world beyond the current reality is a sea of ​​potential, in which every consciousness can realize itself in any way. But people like us are still too inexperienced, we don’t know how to control our thoughts so that we don’t get carried back and forth, we get confused in our simultaneous states, we don’t understand that they are all part of our “I”, and we still don’t know how to create monsters whenever we are afraid. Our reality is a place of learning. What should we do with people like us? Learn. Create a special area, with special laws, which will be arranged in such a way that it will be more convenient and safer for us to study. To begin with, in this area, every thought should be embodied slowly. There must be solid matter that changes slowly. So that monsters generated by the thoughts of students do not arise instantly, so that everything is tied to certain basic laws, so that only certain things can arise, others would become impossible. Further, in such a region there must be linear time. So that the past, present and future occur sequentially, and each entity within perceives its state sequentially. Create a sort of system of shelves onto which the entity can conveniently arrange all of its “I”s and perceive each one separately. Screen-projector system. In fact, the entity is not located within this specially created reality. This reality is like a white canvas, with given parameters, on which we are asked to draw all our “I’s”, to see that there are many such “I’s”, to perceive them in order, and to see how our thoughts and belief systems affect this special slow motion the world of plastic matter. This can be imagined as a white screen with a drawn timeline, and we are a projector that shines on it, creating some kind of picture. What does a person mean when he says “I”? He says I, to himself, about his body, which is here in this world. But the physical body is just a picture created by a projector on a canvas screen. Our real “I” is a projector, and the picture is its projection. That is, a physical body created in the world of matter and from matter is a manifestation of our self, shining here. What is the soul? This is a beam of light emanating from the projector and forming a body image on the screen. That is, the soul is also not exactly our self, but its light. Summarizing the above, the world of this planet is a special educational reality, which is like a white screen-canvas, and we are like a kind of projector that shines onto this canvas with the light of our essence or soul, into this world, forming a picture on its surface - a physical body, living a life. A timeline is drawn on this canvas to make it more convenient for us to perceive the events occurring in our projection, analyze them and learn. What does the reincarnation system look like in this analogy? Our self-projector sends one ray - our soul - but this ray creates many pictures on the canvas-screen. Since a line is drawn on the screen, meaning the passage of time, then all these multi-colored points of your incarnations are displayed on the line - this is a property of this screen, this is how it was created. If there were no lines, there would be just dots. In fact, everything at the same time. You are a projector, shining at one moment - now, with one beam, but for those who live on the screen, all the points go one after another according to the line. One in the 10th century, another in the 15th, a third in the 21st, and by the way, in the twenty-fifth and thirtieth, and all subsequent ones, there are also points, the embodiment of your self. Thus, reincarnations exist all at the same time. The past and the future are just an illusion of our reality created for convenience. It's just a line on the canvas. We are multidimensional beings. But think about it, the described system shows that there is no difference between the past and the future, everything is at the same time. This means that one can also “remember” future lives. I mentioned this in the chapter on expanding ideas, but now I will explain in more detail to show you new horizons. Memories of past lives are not stored in our brains, or our genes, and they are not in our soul. These are not memories at all. This is simply the ability to sometimes spontaneously perceive your other states, which actually exist simultaneously and now. But we live in a world where there is a concept of time, we are very accustomed to it, it is difficult for us to think without using the past and future, therefore, seeing that the impressions that visit us are located behind on the drawn time line - we think of it as the past . The idea that reincarnation is a chain of lives coming one after another is simply an illusion convenient for our consciousness. Perceiving the events of yesterday and the day before yesterday as those that have passed, disappeared forever and no longer materially exist is also a convenient illusion. The history of our civilization has not sunk into oblivion. Rome is flourishing now, and right now the Byzantine Empire is falling, too, but for the current moment, something is located, as it were, in the past, and something, as it were, in the future. On other shelves. Feeling that you are something more and wanting to understand and realize it, you will, first of all, delve into the past, thinking that you have forgotten something. And if you dig around, you will really find it. It won’t occur to you to think about the future and delve into it, and you don’t even know how to do it. And this is done in exactly the same way as remembering past lives. In addition to the potential opportunity to see your future lives, there is another phenomenon that is rarely mentioned and then distorted. As I have already shown, all our lives are simultaneous, and they simply seem to be a sequence, and they do not seem to intersect. What if this is also possible, that some past lives occur in the same time at the same time? It seems to us that it is impossible for one life not to end and another to begin. You always, when thinking about the past, do not even admit such a thought. You think that if I lived in England in 1739 as a merchant, I certainly cannot end up in China in the same year as a fisherman. It will also never occur to you that now, you can simultaneously live on another continent as a different person. Looks crazy, doesn't it? Why is this impossible? Re-read the metaphor with the screen-projector system, and that time is an illusion, and you will understand that there is no law that would make such tricks impossible. It seems that there is no need for such a bifurcation, but this is only for those who are too accustomed to linear time. There are people who are completely ordinary, just not so attached to it. They are able to understand time as a convenient illusion that can be discarded in order to extract more opportunities from each age and time. And there can be quite a lot of such people. But not all of them are fully aware of what they are doing, because the focus is not so simple anyway, and it is even more difficult to clearly realize this day after day by both “I”, incarnating in our world of ordered reality. Just as it is easier for most people to reincarnate without remembering or realizing past lives, living as if for the first time, completely focusing on one life. There can be more than two such “bodies”, the limit is only in the ability of the creature. If you look at this without taking into account that everything is happening at the same time, and time is just an illusion, then duality will look like one person having two bodies, living in different places. different lives . But that's not true. These are not two bodies, these are two reflections of yourself in the current reality. The only difference between the past incarnation and the parallel one is that the past is placed by our consciousness in the conditional past, having become accustomed to positioning everything on a time scale and nothing else. We are not surprised that we have another “I”, with our own body and even a different character, in another century, because this is more understandable and familiar. It’s in the past, so everything is fine. Imagine the screen-projector system again. The light of your soul, falling on the screen, creates points; they glow on the surface simultaneously, located on a line one after another. Not being able to think apart from this line, you perceive these points as part of the line, a linear sequence. If we are the light coming from the Source, what prevents this light from shining anywhere and creating as many points as desired on one interval of a line segment, or on the side of it? You can't see anything else if you only look at the line and what's on it. If, while dealing with the memories of past lives, you feel strange things, that some lives seem to fall at the same time, or, living now, sometimes you feel that perhaps there is another you somewhere, do not be afraid and perceive it as an ordinary past life simply existing in this same century. Our world is amazing, and many things are possible in it that most people cannot even imagine. You can even accidentally or intentionally meet such a second self and shake his hand, and do not think that the Universe will immediately explode at the same time. And that's not all, our reality screen is not just a white canvas, it is multi-layered. Consists of several thin films. When the beam hits a certain point in a certain place on the time line, it splits, creating a point on each layer. These are numerous options for the current moment. That is, you have multiple options at every second of time. Simultaneously with your current self, there are many other variations that go into infinity. A simple example: have you always dreamed of being an artist, but it didn’t work out? On the other layer you are the artist. You were sitting at the table and dropped your pencil, but managed to catch it? There are layers where they didn’t make it, or where it also rolled under the sofa. In fact, there is no difference between these layer options. There is no main thing for which the rest are simply non-existent options. Each variation is the main one, in each there is your “I”, you live in an infinite number of variations, some of which are extremely different from the current one. But, as with lives, in our reality, everything is sorted into shelves so as not to be confused. And at one moment “now” you perceive only one variation, others are not realized in the current moment, they seem to not exist. We can switch and choose at any time, but this is a separate large and complex topic. Try to realize what you are if, at just one moment in time, fans of variations of your actions and decisions emanate from you in all directions, and they are all a reality that your “I” experiences simultaneously. And there is a past and a future moment, where there are the same fans. And to top it all off, past and future lives with their fans of moments every second of existence. Journey of the Point of Awareness . What is a projector itself? I wrote above that it is you, your real “I” is there, so to speak. But it’s not just you, it’s the place where the ray of your soul shines... Haven’t you guessed it yet? Yes, this is the Source. This can be confusing, can't it? The source is God, this super being, and you ask, how can my “I” end up there? Am I God? I don’t recognize myself as a super being! And that's right. Who do you consider yourself to be? yours physical body. You think that you are this same picture-dot on the screen that appears when the ray of the soul hits the screen at a certain place on the line. What does it take to see other points on the canvas screen? You need to rise above him at least a little. Then you will become aware of your many other states. You will learn about your past and future lives. If you go higher along the beam, you can see even more, but imagine what picture is revealed for the projector itself, which shines on the screen? He sees the entire screen with all its points, he sees the entire Universe. It all depends on where your point of awareness of yourself as “I” is located. at the moment. Where the point is, there you are, and where you are, that is what you will become. Have you heard the expression “all men are brothers”? It is true that we all come from the same Source. We are him, his numerous “I”s, scattered, and having forgotten where our true beginning is, and considering ourselves as something separate from other similar “I”. It's quite difficult to imagine. Look at some past life of yours that you remember. You were a slightly different person there, a different appearance, a different name, a completely different life. But you definitely feel that it is you, and not someone else. Now imagine, this is not all the past, it’s all at the same time. This is one of your “I”s that is not somewhere in the past, it lives there now. And this other you is not aware of the connection with the current you. Isn't it a funny situation? You and him are one and the same. You know that he is you, and you know his whole life, but he does not suspect your existence, he lives his own life. Your point of awareness is higher on the beam than his. You see the big picture, you understand yourself as a more complex being, which includes him and others who are part of you, like your past lives, and his point of awareness is on the plane, and he does not see all this. But at the same time, you are one and the same, and you understand this perfectly well. We have the same relationship to our higher selves and through them to the Source. He is aware of us all, but we are aware only of ourselves. While you think that you are someone who lives only here and now, you consider yourself a flat point on the screen, although, in fact, you are a ray of light coming from the Source that falls on this screen, and a picture is displayed there - it She fascinated you so much that you began to associate yourself with her, not noticing the rest. As you ascend the ray, you become more complex and complete in your awareness. When you begin to understand reincarnation and remember past lives, it turns out that you rise above the screen, seeing other points of your "I", it becomes part of you and your experience. You become something more and see further. When your point of self-awareness rises even higher, and you do not need to be reborn on Earth, you will become aware as a part of yourself and some other people who are now just a friend, brother or lover to you. The closeness and kinship of souls is not an accident, but more high level such souls flow from one center. Having developed further, you will become all people and will realize yourself as something integral, all destinies, the entire history of the Earth, this is you, and such a point of awareness is already very close to the Source. And having risen to where the Source itself shines with rays, you will see the entire screen and the whole picture on it, you will become everything, you will become the Source. The goal of every being is to experience all the diversity of life, to understand all the diversity of oneself, to raise one’s consciousness to levels closer to the Source, one day realizing oneself as it. To do this, we need to learn to see all of our “Selves” in the past, future and variations of the present, be able to associate with these states, understand them as part of our being. Be able to understand yourself and your thoughts, your belief systems, and the fact that they influence the surrounding reality. Understand that we ourselves build our lives based on beliefs, attractions to this or that. All people and everything that exists are just reflections of yourself in the mirror of reality, and you are the Source.

Is it really that easy step over the edge of reality and find out your past lives?

Until recently, one could say with confidence that this is quite difficult and requires great strength and skills.

Of course, this requires some practice and self-confidence, and in some cases you cannot do without an assistant.

But now we can safely say that there are keys available, opening up the space of past lives.

8 Ways to Open the Door to a Past Life

1. Sleep.

Every day we fall into a state of sleep. Some of us say we don't dream or remember them. But a lot of people say amazing stories about your dreams. So why is it not possible through this state, when a person gets into direct contact with his subconscious, access memories of past lives ? Of course you can!

First you need to train your memory a little. To do this, every time after waking up, consciously remember what you saw in your dream. Better yet, write down everything you remember. Not only will this be a kind of “warm-up” for your brain, but it can also open up your understanding of the signs that often come in dreams.

After such training (practice for about one or two weeks), you can begin traveling to a past life.

When you go to bed, tell yourself that you will see him tonight and remember him when you wake up. It is not necessary that the information will come overnight. This could be a series of dreams in which you learn something new. It is necessary to write down everything that you dream about - this way you will get a complete picture of your past life. After you have considered everything you want, take a break and allow yourself to sleep normally for a while, without the intention of seeing a past life.

2. Reflection.

For this method you will need some kind of reflective surface. And here you can choose what you like.

This could be an ordinary mirror, a glass of water or a glass ball.

Using a glass of water, you need to fill it to the brim. When using a mirror, you need to position it so that some light surface, for example, a wall, is visible in the reflection. Your reflection shouldn't be there.

Mentally say the intention that you want to see the events of your past life, and peer into the reflective surface of water, a glass ball or mirror.

3. Hypnosis.

This is considered to be the most “scary” and complex method. In fact it is also one of effective ways self-knowledge, and some people resort to hypnosis in order to find out what is considered to be the most reliable information.

To avoid worry about such a deep method of working with the psyche, you need to contact a trusted specialist. This way you will save yourself from unnecessary fears and will be able to immerse yourself in the space of your past incarnations.

4. Clock.

Using an item that measures the passage of time, you can also travel to a past life. You will need a watch with a large enough face.

To perform the first method of travel, you need to sit in a comfortable environment and place a watch next to you. Then just listen to the ticking of a clock and imagine some situation in your life where you were watching the clock hand.

“Move” to this episode and continue to watch how the hand on the clock moves. And then, listening to the progress of the clock next to you and remembering the events associated with them, by your intention, go on a past life exploration. Just watch where the clock episode takes you.

Another way is to place a clock in front of your eyes and watch the clock hand. Then you need to close your eyes and imagine the same clock on the internal screen. Now imagine how first the big arrow disappears, then the small one. Then, one by one, “remove” all the numbers from the dial. And... forward to the past!

5. Letter.

It's pretty interesting way travel to past lives. By working in this way, you will be able to immerse yourself in the study of your incarnations without outside help, but it requires some practice. Most people, when starting to experiment, reproduce undecipherable figures and letters. However, over time, the writing becomes more and more legible.

To work you will need paper, pen or pencil. Sit comfortably at the table, your elbow should form a ninety-degree angle.

Think about how you wish about one of your previous existences. If desired, you can either think about a specific past incarnation, or rely on chance.

Holding a pen or pencil loosely in your hand, place it on the paper and wait for it to start moving. Sit quietly and watch what happens. Best results happen when there are no thoughts or expectations in your head.

6. Akashic Chronicles.

The Akashic Records are a complete archive of records of everything that has ever happened in the Universe. This is a kind of collective memory, the Library of the Universe, which contains the lives and stories of all events that once happened or were planned for us in the future.

Every thought, feeling or action is reflected there, and If desired, you can access events of interest.

You need to think in advance about what exactly you want to know. You need good reasons to visit the Akashic Records; you should not perceive this journey as something entertaining or curious. This is a serious task and you must approach it with the right attitude. Most often, such an important journey requires practical skill in working in some other way to study past lives.

For the dive itself, you need to prepare a comfortable environment for yourself in which you can fully relax.

This, in turn, can be done independently using meditation. And through your intention, concentration on the inner screen, you can go into the study of your lives.

7. Spiritual guide.

It is also a very valuable and interesting way to explore your past lives. It allows you not only to get into your past life, but also.

You also need to sit in a comfortable environment, relax and allow yourself not to think about anything. Just express your mental intention - invite your Spiritual Guide into the space of the internal screen.

When a certain image comes to you, you can get acquainted with it, find out its name and ask to take you to a past life.

8. Reincarnation.

This is a method that anyone can master. The Institute of Reincarnation has proven that 9 out of 10 women can remember past lives within one hour under the guidance of an experienced consultant. For men, the statistics are slightly different, but also very good.

The advantage of the method is that training is carried out in an easy and playful way, without complex terminology, in a language that even a child can understand. And with this apparent simplicity, results are achieved that are difficult to believe for a person who hears about such meditative practices for the first time.

Reincarnationism was appreciated both by those who are interested in self-knowledge, esotericism, various spiritual directions, and professional psychologists who saw limitless possibilities method for solving psychological problems, such as fighting depression, healing traumatic situations, helping in moments of crisis such as divorce, job loss, change of residence and moving to an unfamiliar country.

The head of the institute, Māris Dreshmanis, pays special attention not even to the memories of other incarnations, but the space between incarnations, the Spiritual World.

You may have read the books of the famous American hypnotherapist Michael Newton, “The Journey of the Soul” and “The Destination of the Soul.” These books describe in great detail, Our Soul returns Home!

Training is carried out year-round, there are 3 sets throughout the year, since 1 course lasts 4 months. After it ends Certificate of Practice of Reincarnation is issued, only during the 1st year, some students remember more than 40 incarnations.

The second course lasts the same 4 months, you can acquire the profession of Reincarnation Consultant, much attention is also paid to business processes and marketing.

In the third year, Trainers are trained.

As you can see, there is more than one way to understand the space of past incarnations. The skill of traveling to past lives can also be acquired using other methods, such as thetahealing, dianetics, NLP, regression hypnosis, shamanic travel and others.

When Maris Dreshmanis is asked how his method (RosPatent certificate No. 537258) differs from similar ones, he answers like this:

In our time of the Internet, it is most convenient to explain in modern terms. Each of you’s computer is connected to the Internet using wires or wifi. But to view information you use different browsers, for example, google chrome, firefox, windows explorer, opera, safari.

Reincarnation is a browser with which you connect to the Universal Internet. Which browser to use is up to you, because you choose the most convenient one for yourself.

In order for those of you who are encountering such information for the first time to try out how it works and how safe it is, the Institute of Reincarnation regularly holds various events, for example, reincarnation marathon, during which many people gain their first experience.

Every 22nd day of the month is held Reincarnist Day, at which both teachers and students speak, every year on May 22 an industry conference “Reincarnation” is held, at which masters from different countries share their knowledge and experience.

You can watch more than 2000 videos.

Do you want to REMEMBER your Past Lives?

Then register now for Reincarnation Marathon , during which you will learn to remember your Past Lives.

The Institute of Reincarnation Studies has proven that 9 out of 10 women can remember Past Lives within 1 hour.

More than 600 people from all over the world have already activated the memory of the Soul with the help of reincarnation, and the institute has trained 123 certified consultants who help solve problems using reincarnation tools.