Types of contraceptives for women. The most unreliable methods of contraception - what failed you

Contraceptives are divided into several types:

  • barrier,
  • chemical,
  • hormonal (including mechanical hormone releasers),
  • intrauterine devices,
  • sterilization.
Contraceptives are also divided into female and male.

Reliability of contraception- this is the probability of not getting pregnant within a year if you constantly (and correctly) use this contraceptive. This Not the likelihood of becoming pregnant after one sexual intercourse.

For example, a 98% reliability rate for male condoms means that if 100 women protect themselves using (properly worn) male condoms at every sexual intercourse for a year, then no more than 2 of them will have a chance of getting pregnant in that year, of which -for various failures. Of course, all such reliability calculations are only approximate.

All contraceptive methods except sterilization have limited reliability, since each method has failures. How to achieve greater security? Firstly, when using two methods of contraception at the same time, reliability increases dramatically, because it is extremely unlikely that two methods at the same time will fail. Secondly, if there is an obvious contraceptive failure such as a broken condom, you can use emergency contraception, otherwise called post-coital pills.

Barrier contraceptives

Barrier contraceptives prevent live sperm from entering the uterus. They do not have long-term effects on the body of a woman or man. These include:

  • male and female condoms,
  • vaginal diaphragms and
  • cervical (cervical) caps.
Male condom It is a thin oblong latex shell. It is put on the erect penis and protects the mucous membranes of partners from direct contact.

The condom is the most important thing at the moment a means of contraception, because correct use reliably prevents not only pregnancy, but also the transmission of infections, including HIV and hepatitis.

Disadvantages: requires a stable erection; may tear.

The use of a condom is under the control of the man, while the negative consequences in the case of misuse– unwanted pregnancy – mainly falls on the woman. Both partners are at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Many men refuse to use condoms, believing that they reduce the intensity of sensations, obviously without comparing them with the intensity of sensations a woman experiences during an abortion. In fact, there are condoms with special surfaces that improve the sensation of both partners, which are recommended even for men who have difficulty achieving orgasm.

Condoms are also used to protect against the transmission of infections during oral and anal sex.

 Reliability: 98% 

Female condom – a polyurethane tube with a diameter of 8 cm and a length of 15 cm. Placed in the vagina and protects the mucous membranes of partners from direct contact.

Like the male condom, it prevents pregnancy and the transmission of infections. 
 Can be used for weak erections. May remain in the vagina for several hours.

Disadvantages: currently not sold in Russia.
Reliability: 95%

Vaginal diaphragms and cervical caps.

Caps and softer elastic diaphragms made of various materials (silicone, latex) are used in conjunction with spermicidal ointments. They are placed in the vagina so as to prevent sperm from entering the uterus, and are removed no earlier than 6 hours after the last ejaculation. 
 Reduce the risk of transmission of certain infections. Does not prevent HIV infection.
 Can be used repeatedly (usually for 1-2 years). For selection suitable size cap or diaphragm, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Disadvantages of caps: Less effective for women who have given birth. You need to re-size after giving birth. May cause inconvenience to partners. 

Disadvantages of diaphragms: You need to reselect the size after childbirth and with a significant (from 5 kg) change in weight. May increase the risk of certain infections and inflammation of the cervix.

 Reliability: 85-95%.

Chemical contraceptives

These include vaginal creams, suppositories, tampons.

One of the easiest to use means, which also have not only contraceptive properties, but also protect against bacteria and viruses, in particular against chlamydia, staphylococcus, herpes type 2. However, this type of contraception is more suitable for people who have irregular sex life , since the antiseptic not only destroys sperm and kills some viruses, but also disrupts the microflora, which can cause vaginal dysbiosis. It is best to use these products in combination with a condom, because their duration of action is short (with the exception of tampons) and repeated intercourse requires reintroduction of the contraceptive. It is also important to remember that when in contact with soap (any alkaline environment) the active substance of the drugs is destroyed, so all washing before and after sexual intercourse is possible only with clean water.

Chemical contraceptives: Pharmatex ( vaginal suppositories, cream, tampons); "Patentex-Oval" (candles); "Nonoxynol" or "Conceptrol"; "Sterilin" (candles).

Reliability: 75-80%

Hormonal contraceptives

Nowadays only women's ones are widespread hormonal drugs for birth control. Male hormonal contraceptives exist, but are still in the research stage and are not widely used.

The principle of action of women's hormonal contraceptives is that they prevent ovulation.

Modern hormonal contraceptives come in many forms: pills (combined containing two hormones, progesterone and estrogen, as well as purely progestogenic, or mini-pill), implants(there are none in Russia) and injectable drugs . IN different means contain different doses of hormones. To choose the most suitable hormonal contraceptive, you need to contact a gynecologist and do a blood test for hormones.

Hormonal contraceptives have some contraindications and side effects. But if first-generation contraceptives could cause serious complications, then correctly selected modern means quite harmless. Contrary to popular belief, not all hormonal contraceptives cause weight gain.

Combined oral contraceptives taken every day for 21 days of the menstrual cycle; mini-pill– every day throughout the entire cycle, and it is important to take them at the same time of day.

Injections hormonal contraceptives are taken every 2-3 months. They are indicated only for women over 35 years of age who have given birth, as they may interfere with menstrual cycle. Injections do not protect against STDs.
Drugs: Depo-Provera, Net-En (Noristerat).

Reliability: 96.5-97%

Hormonal means of preventing unwanted pregnancy include: postcoital pills , or emergency contraception. They are taken after unprotected sexual intercourse and prevent the egg from maturing (and then it cannot be fertilized), or, if it is already mature and fertilized, they prevent it from attaching to the wall of the uterus. Emergency contraception is effective in the first five days after intercourse, and it is best to take it the next day. In any case, you should carefully read the instructions before using.

There are often misconceptions about the mechanism of action of postcoital pills. For example, people sometimes believe that they are "scraping out the lining of the uterus." To be frank, this is complete nonsense.

In Russia, the most widely known of these drugs is Postinor. It quite strongly destabilizes hormonal levels, so its frequent use can cause very serious complications. There are newer and safe drugs(for example, “Ginepriston”), in which the dose of the hormone is much lower. However, it is important to remember that all postcoital medications are emergency contraception and should not be used regularly. At the same time, emergency contraception has a much more gentle effect on the body than even the safest one. medical abortion. Therefore, you should not use emergency contraception as the only way protection, but if for some reason unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, and the pregnancy, if it happens, will still be terminated, then it is much better to use emergency contraception.

Reliability: 97%

Mechanical contraceptives that release hormones

These are the NuvaRing vaginal ring and the Evra contraceptive patch.

NuvaRing ring made from elastic material and when inserted into the vagina, it adapts to the contours of the woman’s body. The ring does not reduce the sensitivity of partners, does not interfere with a woman’s exercise, and does not affect blood clotting ( varicose veins veins of the lower extremities, which to one degree or another happens from birth control pills), but it does not protect against STDs.

One ring is designed for one cycle; on the 22nd day it is removed, and a week later a new one is inserted.

Reliability: 99%

"Evra" patch Small in size, it can be glued to almost any part of the body. The patch is changed every week and is not used during the fourth week of the cycle.

Disadvantages: Contraindicated for women who smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day. Safe and effective only for women between 18 and 45 years of age. Does not protect against STDs.

Reliability: 99.4%

Intrauterine devices (IUD)

Spirals can be like hormonal, so non-hormonal. But both are inserted into the uterine cavity for a maximum of 5 years, after which the IUD must be removed and a new one inserted during the next menstruation. Only a gynecologist can install the IUD.

Regular IUD prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and, therefore, developing into an embryo; it reduces the vital activity of sperm and eggs.

Hormonal IUD
Constantly releases the hormone levonorgestrel (a synthetic analogue of progestogen), which even more reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy.

Despite its popularity and ease of use, this type of contraception is quite dangerous due to the risk of ectopic pregnancy. It has a long list of contraindications and does not protect against STDs.

Reliability: 75-80%

 – one of the methods of contraception (not to be confused with castration). Sterilization involves the creation of an artificial obstruction fallopian tubes in women and the vas deferens in men. In this case, neither the ovaries nor the testicles are removed, continuing to function fully. Sterilization does not have a negative impact on a person's sex life. 

In Russia, sterilization surgery is permitted only upon written application from citizens who are at least 35 years old or have two or more children.

Reliability: 100%
(for men it reaches 100% one and a half years after surgery).

Disadvantages: performed in a hospital; the probability of restoration of fertility is not one hundred percent and is low in women; Women who regain fertility are at risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Male sterilization
called a vasectomy.
A vasectomy is performed only with the voluntary, informed consent of the man. The wife's consent is not required. The operation is always carried out for a fee.

Currently practiced in the Russian Federation surgical And no-scalpel vasectomy methods.

The surgery is performed under local anesthesia. If there are no complications, the man remains in the hospital for one day. After three to five days it may resume sex life. After a vasectomy, men need to use other methods of contraception for about three months, since during this time the semen may contain active sperm.
 Within 17 months after surgery, the patency of the vas deferens may spontaneously recover, so it is necessary to do a semen analysis for the presence of live sperm.

Currently, microsurgery methods make it possible with a reasonable degree of probability to restore reproductive function in men by restoring the vas deferens.

Scientists are also developing a method of ultrasonic vasectomy, which leads to temporary sterilization (for several months).

Female sterilization called tubal occlusion. It is carried out in a hospital and can be carried out in three ways.

Laparotomyabdominal surgery, section abdominal cavity reaches 20 cm. This method has many complications and leads to the formation of scars. By medical indications is carried out free of charge.

 Minilaparotomy It is performed through a 2-5 cm long incision under local anesthesia.

– an operation during which the surgeon makes 3-4 incisions 1 cm long and carries out all necessary procedures using special equipment and a video camera.
 In the absence of complications after laparotomy, women are discharged from the hospital on days 7-10, after laparoscopy - on days 2-3. Rehabilitation period ranges from a week to a month.

Minilaparotomy and laparoscopy are included in the list paid services. 
 Tubal occlusion is performed only with the voluntary informed consent of the patient. Spousal consent is not required.

Restoring fertility (the ability to bear children) is possible using microsurgery methods, but the success of these operations is still low. When artificially restoring fertility in women, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

About 90 out of 100 cases could be prevented. However, for some reason women do not want or cannot use contraceptives. Often patients are simply not sufficiently informed about what reliable methods of birth control are available. Today's article will tell you about them.

How to choose a contraceptive?

If your immediate plans do not include having children, then it is worth finding out what methods of birth control are available. A lot of products have now been developed for women. Some of them are based on correction hormonal levels, others relate to barrier methods. Some contraceptives may also protect against sexually transmitted infections. Some drugs are suitable only for women who have given birth, while others are preferable for those with irregular sex life.

To choose the right methods of birth control (for women), you need to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe an examination for you. After this - taking into account individual characteristics - the specialist will offer you several suitable ways. You can choose one or more of them. Next, you can learn how to protect yourself from unwanted conception.

Hormonal drugs: COCs, patches and others

What methods of birth control for women are considered the safest? Experts say that when using hormonal drugs, the chance of unexpected conception is almost zero.

There are several types. Before choosing one or another remedy, you must undergo tests.

  • Pills. There are different types: monophasic, biphasic, three-phase. Such drugs have many contraindications. They are not prescribed for diabetes, varicose veins, migraines, smoking and many diseases. You need to take the pills at the same time every day. Only in this case will the effect be expected.
  • Plasters. Hormonal drugs of this type are used less frequently. These modern methods Pregnancy protection is considered quite expensive. One patch is used for 22 days. After this there is a week break. Then the scheme is repeated.
  • Subcutaneous implants. Such contraceptives are used in cases where the use of patches or tablets is not possible. Capsules are sewn under the skin for up to several years. As a result, a woman does not have to bother with taking pills and gets rid of worries about unwanted conception.

All hormonal methods Pregnancy protection for women is based on one action. They stop the ovaries from working and prevent the release of an egg.

Barrier methods: condoms and vaginal devices

Most Popular barrier method is a condom. However, it is used by men, not women. A condom is placed on the penis before sexual intercourse. This method allows you to protect against all infections, including syphilis and HIV. Condoms are suitable for women who do not have a regular partner. They are also used as additional contraceptives. An alternative to such products would be

TO barrier agents protection can be attributed to various spermicidal contraceptives. These are candles, creams, gels or foams. They are used 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse and are effective for 40 minutes. The drugs can protect against certain infections and have a bactericidal effect. However, not all microbes die from these agents. Besides long-term use spermicides can disrupt the vaginal microflora.

Natural Methods

Most dangerous methods protection from pregnancy - calendar calculation, interrupted sexual intercourse and some others. All of them are based on the woman’s feelings and assumptions. Often, representatives of the fairer sex who prefer these options end up pregnant.

  • The essence of contact) is that the man ejaculates outside female body.
  • contraception is used by women with regular cycle. Representatives of the fairer sex calculate the timing of ovulation and during this period refrain from intercourse.

TO natural ways protection can be attributed to tracking basal temperature, studying cervical mucus and so on. Be that as it may, but this is a method of contraception not recommended by gynecologists.

Intrauterine devices

Reviews from experts about the use of IUDs say that this method of protection is proven and safe. But it is not recommended nulliparous women, since they require expansion during insertion of the device cervical canal. Intrauterine devices do not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the surface of the endometrium, even in the event of conception. Therefore, there is a guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

Reviews from some women about the IUD say that they managed to get pregnant even with the device installed. Such conception is considered pathological and in most cases ends in miscarriage.

Postcoital remedies

After the act? In such situations, modern post-coital methods of contraception come to the rescue. Drugs are produced in tablets: “Mifegin”, “Postinor”, ​​“Escapelle” and so on. They should be taken no later than three days after intercourse. The drugs are contraindicated in liver failure, smoking, thrombosis.

The action of the drugs is based on stopping the production of progesterone and separating the endometrium from the lining of the uterus. Such medications should be used only in emergency cases. They are not suitable for permanent birth control. Side effects of the drugs include nausea, abdominal pain, hormonal imbalances, and so on.

Emergency methods of contraception include the installation of an intrauterine device. It has already been discussed above. In this case, you need to meet the deadline of 5 days. If during this time you manage to carry out the manipulation, then the probability of pregnancy will be close to zero. But it is worth remembering that before such a procedure it is necessary to undergo tests. Some studies take more than five days.

Traditional methods

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also knew how not to get pregnant after intercourse. For this purpose various folk remedies and recipes. But modern gynecologists are against such “amateur activities.” The ineffectiveness of such methods has long been proven. But for general information, it’s worth talking about them.

  • Douching. Potassium permanganate is used as the basis of the solution for insertion into the vagina, citric acid and aspirin tablets. All these components are diluted in water. It is assumed that the liquid radically changes the microflora and acidity in the vagina. This is why sperm cannot survive.
  • Another “grandmother’s” method of protection is loading dose vitamin C. It has long been known that this method can bring menstruation closer. It is believed that after unprotected sex, vitamin C can prevent conception.
  • In ancient times, before sexual intercourse, women inserted a slice of lemon into the vagina. Acidic environment did not allow capable sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity.

In conclusion

Modern medicine offers couples a variety of contraceptives. They are selected individually, taking into account all your characteristics and wishes. If a woman has hormonal disease, then some medications can help eliminate it. Be sure to visit a gynecologist and choose the method that is right for you. By using contraceptives, you can protect yourself from abortion and its complications. Approach this issue responsibly and take care of yourself!

Unplanned pregnancy is an issue that worries most modern women. After all, if it has come, then a completely reasonable question arises: should I keep the child or not? When a woman decides to have an abortion, she exposes herself to enormous psychological and physical stress. Although, jar of Hearts This does not happen to all women, but this procedure is still harmful to the body. By deciding to have an abortion for the first time, young girls expose themselves to possible infertility.

Contraceptives for women will help avoid all of the above problems. There are a huge number of them. In order to choose the one that is right for you, you need to study all their types and features. Despite the century information technology, many do not know how to use it correctly and what types of contraception there are. Almost 90% of unwanted pregnancies could be avoided if women were sufficiently informed.

According to the main characteristics, contraceptives for women are divided into the following types:

  1. Barrier;
  2. Chemical;
  3. Natural;
  4. Hormonal;
  5. Emergency;
  6. Surgical.

Barrier contraception

The barrier method is a method in which a contraceptive physically blocks the access of sperm to the uterus. Fertilization does not occur because the sperm does not connect with the egg. Such contraception may include:

Chemical contraception

The chemical method is an easier-to-use contraceptive for women, which includes various vaginal suppositories, ointments, and tampons. Also protects against some viruses and bacteria. This method is not suitable for girls who have regular sex life. The substances contained in the preparations not only kill bacteria, sperm and viruses, but also destroys the sensitive microflora of the vagina. This can lead to such unpleasant consequences as dysbiosis, itching and dryness.

It is better to combine the chemical method with other methods, since its action time is limited. With each new sexual intercourse, you need to re-introduce the drug. You should wash yourself without soap, as alkali destroys everything protective properties contraceptive Reliability this method protection is relatively low and amounts to 75-80%.

Natural contraception

TO natural methods preventing unwanted pregnancy may include:

  • Coitus interruption is the least effective way, during which the penis is removed from the vagina a few seconds before ejaculation. Unreliability is due to the fact that during the act itself, even before ejaculation, the man secretes pre-seminal fluid. It contains a small amount of sperm. Another factor that determines the degree of reliability of interruption is the different reaction of the man. Some young people simply do not have time to remove the penis in time;
  • The temperature method allows you to fairly accurately determine ovulation. You need to check your basal temperature every day after sleep. To do this, insert the thermometer into anus. Before ovulation, the temperature is slightly reduced, and during it it is increased by 0.3-0.5 degrees.
  • The calendar method is that a woman, depending on her menstrual cycle, calculates favorable and unfavorable days for conception. After ovulation, the egg can be fertilized in the next 2 days. Therefore, you should not have sex a few days before ovulation and a couple of days after, since the lifespan of seminal fluid is about a week. During this time, it can remain in the woman’s body and wait for the egg to mature. This method is not reliable, especially for women with irregular cycles.
  • The Billings method allows you to determine ovulation by the consistency of vaginal discharge. During “dangerous” days they are more viscous and viscous. This method is not accurate, since mucus may be similar on any other day due to hormonal fluctuations.
  • The lactational amenorrhea method also does not provide a 100% guarantee. The bottom line is that a nursing mother cannot get pregnant at first. This occurs due to the lack of ovulation.

Hormonal contraception

Ways hormonal contraception there are a lot. They are divided into two groups:

  1. Preparations containing an analogue of the hormone estrogen;
  2. Preparations that do not contain an analogue of the hormone estrogen.

The most common hormonal contraceptives for women:

  • COCs are the most reliable contraceptive. Pregnancy becomes impossible due to suppression of ovulation. The most famous myth associated with the use of COCs is the story of overweight. Fortunately, drugs in this category have not affected weight for a long time. Some girls have an increased appetite, however, this is rare. Many believe that the risk of thrombosis increases. This is also not true if you do not have hereditary diseases associated with high pressure and thrombus formation;
  • The vaginal ring works in the same way as COCs. The method of application differs. The ring is inserted into the vagina. Next it releases required quantity hormones that suppress ovulation. This method is not very convenient, since the ring may cause discomfort to the girl or even fall out;
  • Hormonal patch very convenient to use. You just need to stick it on the skin. Hormones enter the body through the blood;

The above methods belonged to the group of contraceptives containing estrogen.

  • Mini-pills are pills that do not stop ovulation, but thicken the cervical fluid. This makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus. Mini-pill – more safe contraceptive, but less effective than estrogenic methods;
  • Subdermal implants work in the same way as mini-pills. The implant is sutured under the skin and it releases the required dose of the hormone progestogen (progesterone) for more than one year;
  • The intrauterine device immobilizes sperm. In addition to the fact that it mechanically prevents the embryo from attaching to the wall of the uterus, it also releases dosed hormones. The IUD is a common and reliable contraceptive. Installed for several years. You should visit a gynecologist once a year. The ability to bear children is restored immediately after removal. The disadvantage is the possibility of the device falling out during menstruation. Menstrual pain may intensify at first.

Emergency contraceptives

Emergency types of contraceptives for women differ in that they are used after sexual intercourse. Such contraceptives are often called “morning” contraceptives. These include:

  • Folk methods. They are very unreliable. Doctors do not recommend using them, as it is dangerous to health. Often women use laundry soap, lemon juice, manganese solution. These substances are very aggressive and can disrupt the vaginal microflora. They also simply may not have time to kill sperm, since some of the sperm enters the cervix in the first few seconds after ejaculation.
  • Hormonal pills are taken on the first day after unprotected sex. They act in the same way as all hormonal contraceptives and interfere with the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. This method cannot be used regularly; it is simply not intended for this.
  • Emergency installation of the IUD is carried out within five days after sexual intercourse. The IUD is inserted normally and can remain in the uterus for a long time.

Surgical contraception

TO surgical methods include:

  • Tubal ligation method. This method is painless and quick. The patient is given local anesthesia and a couple of hours after the procedure they are sent home;
  • When sterilizing with colpotomy access, the rectal uterine space is opened with scissors. The fallopian tube is brought out into the wound and a suture is placed. Next, the tube is tied up and the same is done with the second one.

After surgical intervention the following complications are possible:

  • Infection;
  • Bleeding;
  • Intestinal damage.

These complications are very rare.

Surgical methods are often used during caesarean section. This procedure does not worsen the condition of the mother in labor and is not noticeable. Recovery processes and lactation are not affected in any way. It is worth remembering that surgical contraception is an irreversible process. Therefore, before resorting to it, you need to think carefully about everything.

In any case, before deciding on one or another method of contraception, a woman must undergo full examination and consultation with a gynecologist. Then the chosen method will help avoid unpleasant consequences and unplanned pregnancy.

There are a lot of contraceptives. To navigate their choice, it is necessary to consider in detail the types of this assortment.

Main groups of contraceptives:

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • spirals;
  • candles;
  • barrier agents;
  • natural methods.

Hormonal drugs are considered the most effective.

Hormonal contraceptives are divided into the following types:

  • vaginal ring;
  • patch;
  • injections;
  • pills.

All hormonal preparations contain sex hormones: estrogens and gestagens. These hormones suppress the ovulation process and thicken the natural fluid that the cervix secretes. As a result, it is difficult for sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity.

In addition, the entry of new sex hormones into the body slows down the production of its own. Because of this, the egg does not mature, which means pregnancy will not occur.

Under no circumstances should you take these medications on your own. Hormonal drugs contain many contraindications. Only after medical examination, the doctor will prescribe this or that remedy.

The Nova Ring vaginal ring is a modern contraceptive for women. It is a transparent elastic ring that is inserted into the vagina.

You should start using the ring from the first day of your menstrual cycle. The contraceptive releases a certain amount of hormones for 3 weeks. After this, the woman must remove the contraceptive without the help of a gynecologist. After 7 days, the ring is reinstalled as intended.

Side effects: migraines, nausea, vaginal discharge. If such manifestations become frequent, you should consult a doctor.

This tool it looks like a regular patch. It is glued to any area of ​​the skin except the chest. The principle of its action is that the patch actively releases hormones that are absorbed through the skin.

Hormones inhibit the maturation of the egg and increase the viscosity of the fluid that accumulates at the cervix.

The first patch should be applied from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The effect of one patch is 1 week. Therefore, in one menstrual cycle it is necessary to use 3 patches, and then take a break for 7 days.

The IUD is an intrauterine device that has proven itself to be a highly effective contraceptive. It is not recommended to use this method for girls under 23 years of age. Despite its effectiveness (99%), the IUD can cause complications, including infertility.

The spiral is inserted into the uterus itself. This is done by a gynecologist after a thorough medical examination. The validity period of this device is up to 5 years.

Happens hormonal IUD(Mirena) and non-hormonal - made of plastic and copper. Copper spiral – effective remedy and has much fewer contraindications. It can be used even during lactation. However, a copper IUD cannot be used if you have chronic diseases reproductive system and inflammation.

The hormonal uterine device is the most popular among women. This drug releases certain doses of the hormone levonorgesterol into the uterine cavity, which prevents pregnancy.

Benefits of the hormonal IUD:

  • reduces discharge during menstruation;
  • long-term effect – up to 5 years;
  • efficiency 99%.

Disadvantages of the spiral:

  • age limit (from 25 years);
  • menstruation disorders;
  • contraindications for liver and heart diseases.

Contraceptive injections

This method involves injecting a woman intramuscularly with a special substance that stops the ovulation process and also changes the composition of the mucus in the uterus. As a result, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. The duration of the injection is 3 months.

However, not everything is so simple. This contraceptive can cause bleeding, headaches, and decreased libido. Long-term use of this method can negatively affect the integrity of bone tissue.

So, hormonal contraceptives are quite effective, but they have a number of side effects on the body. How can this be? If a woman has health problems and the doctor does not recommend taking hormonal medications, then you can use non-hormonal contraceptives in the form of suppositories.

Contraceptive suppositories are chemicals from spermicide. The candle is inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse and, under the influence of body temperature, melts there, creating a protective membrane inside. Thus, sperm are retained by this substance and do not penetrate into the uterus.

The candle is valid for up to 5 hours. This remedy protects not only from pregnancy, but also from the penetration of infections and sexually transmitted viruses. The main disadvantage of suppositories is their regular administration before each sexual intercourse. Long-term use of suppositories is also undesirable, since spermicide can disrupt the internal microflora of the vagina.

After sexual intercourse using a candle, you should not wash with soap, as the alkali will neutralize the chemical substance that makes up the candle. Therefore, it is better to wash with just warm water.

Safe contraceptives

Thus, having studied the listed methods of contraception, we can conclude that they have side effects because they contain hormones or chemicals. Are there really no other methods that are safer for health? This issue is especially relevant for young girls who have not given birth, who find it difficult to get pregnant after taking contraceptives.

Alternative methods of contraception:

  • interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • condom;
  • calendar method;
  • temperature method;
  • douching.

Alternative methods are not harmful to health, but their effectiveness is low.

Coitus interruptus- a fairly popular method among married couples. However, its effectiveness is 70-75%. It involves the man removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. The effectiveness of the method is reduced by the fact that during sexual intercourse a small amount of sperm is still released along with natural lubrication. And not every man can control himself during sex.

Condom– the most reliable means not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted diseases. This is especially true for those who do not have a permanent partner.

Calendar method- the simplest. It involves calculating the ovulation phase according to the calendar. To do this, you need to know the length of a woman’s cycle and the first and mark the first day of menstruation on the calendar. Count 10-11 days from this day - the beginning of ovulation. Ovulation lasts approximately 7-9 days. During this period, you should abstain from sexual relations, since it is at this time that the risk of becoming pregnant is greatest.

Temperature method involves measuring basal temperature in women different days cycle. After ovulation, it rises by 0.2°C, which indicates that it is safe to get pregnant. This method is quite painstaking - it requires daily recording of the temperature.

Douching consists of washing the vagina various solutions immediately after intercourse. To do this, you can prepare a weak solution sea ​​salt or herbal decoction. But this method is also very doubtful - after all, there will always “be” active sperm that will “have time” to penetrate the uterine cavity.

Which birth control pills are best to choose?

Oral contraceptives are divided into two groups:

  1. Combined, containing estrogen and gestagen.
  2. Mini-pills that contain only one hormone - gestagen.

How to take birth control? There is no single regimen for taking oral contraceptives, since each of them contains a different dose of hormones and is prescribed individually.

Want something interesting?

Contraindications to taking oral contraceptives:

  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • migraines;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • excess weight;
  • malignant tumors;
  • high cholesterol;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age over 40 years.

Types of birth control pills

Some of the most popular contraceptives of our time are birth control pills Yarina. They stabilize the cycle well, do not cause weight gain, and perfectly fulfill their intended purpose - to protect against pregnancy.

But this drug has a side effect: long-term use causes frequent headaches.

If such diseases are present, then these tablets should not be taken. In addition, “Yarina” gives a number of other complications: vegetative-vascular dystonia and headaches.

Jess contraceptive pills are combination drug antiandrogenic effects. This drug does good contraceptive effect, treats acne and eliminates premenstrual syndrome.

The package contains 28 tablets, which should be taken 1 per day. In addition, the pack contains a special calendar in which it is convenient to mark the days of taking the pills.

Side effects of the drug:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bleeding;
  • headaches.

The drug is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Contraceptive Regulon has several areas of application:

  • protects against unwanted pregnancy;
  • treats dysfunction of uterine bleeding;
  • stabilizes the cycle;
  • treats dimenorrhea;
  • eliminates pain during menstruation;
  • treats uterine fibroids;
  • resolves ovarian cysts.

Thus, Regulon - excellent medicine from women's diseases. Unlike previous drugs, Regulon is usually prescribed to women over 40. It helps prevent abortion and its negative consequences.

Contraceptive Lindinet - hormonal pills, which help prevent pregnancy and also stabilize the menstrual cycle. The tablets also prevent the onset of ectopic pregnancies, reduces the risk of tumors in the mammary glands. Lindinet perfectly treats acne on the skin.


  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • otosclerosis;
  • smoking;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombosis;
  • tumors of the genital organs.

There are post-coital birth control pills that are emergency contraception. This method is an “ambulance” for unprotected sexual intercourse. They are hormonal and should be taken immediately after sex.

Most popular drugs this series: Miniziston, Femoden, Marvelon. These contraceptives are widely available and are available in pharmacies without prescriptions.

Oral contraceptives are available in monophasic, biphasic and triphasic forms. The doses of hormones in each drug are different. However, the rules for taking pills are, in most cases, the same.

Rules for taking birth control pills:

  1. Before you start taking pills, you must consult your doctor.
  2. You should take the tablets at the same time every day (preferably at night or with meals).
  3. As a rule, 1 pack contains 21 tablets, which should be taken every day from the beginning of the cycle, and then take a break for 1 week.
  4. After the end of the break, on the 8th day you should resume taking the pills with a new package, if pregnancy is not planned.
  5. If one tablet was missed in weeks 1 and 2, then it should be taken immediately, and then the next one after 12 hours. The next day - according to the usual schedule.
  6. If 1-3 tablets were missed in the third week, it is better to stop taking it before your period. And after menstruation - resume the course.

When to stop taking the pills:

  1. Onset of pregnancy.
  2. Frequent headaches.
  3. A sharp increase in body weight.
  4. Increased pressure.
  5. Visual impairment.
  6. Voice change.
  7. The occurrence of gynecological diseases.
  8. 3 weeks before surgery.

Pregnancy after birth control

Many women are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant after long-term use contraceptive drugs?

The answer is simple: you can! In any instructions contraception it is indicated that pregnancy can occur in the next cycle after discontinuation of the contraceptive.

But is everything so clear?

After all, if a woman took contraceptives for a long time, then all functions of the reproductive system were suppressed. After stopping the pills, female organs are gradually starting to return to old job, sometimes even with enhanced effect. It is this fact that gynecologists often use in the treatment of infertility. A woman who cannot get pregnant is prescribed contraceptives for 2-4 months, and then discontinued to “stimulate” reproductive system perform twice as well. In most cases, this method helps. But sometimes you have to undergo 2-3 courses of such therapy.

Menstruation when taking birth control pills is quite scanty. This is due to the fact that hormonal drugs suppress biological processes female body. However, this case has its advantages. Firstly: menstruation passes very quickly while taking contraceptives and they are practically painless. Secondly, a clear monthly cycle— 28 days.

There are times when a woman wants to artificially “delay” her period. For example, when traveling to the sea. In this case, she does not take a week's break from taking the pills, but continues to take them. Then your period does not come. But this cannot be abused! After all, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted or intermenstrual bleeding may appear.

Good contraceptives are those that suit a woman individually. This means that a contraceptive should be selected by a gynecologist, taking into account all the characteristics of the individual’s body. And whether or not to take contraceptives is a personal matter for everyone.

The main thing to remember: Children should be wanted and born on time. After all, there is nothing worse than an unloved and abandoned child.

There are more than 20 methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, which differ in degree of effectiveness. What methods of contraception are the most reliable?

1. Hormonal implant: 99.95% reliability

Contraceptive implants are small ampoules implanted under the skin under local anesthesia. Every day, the implant releases a small dose of a hormone into the bloodstream, which suppresses the functioning of the ovaries and highly reliably protects against unwanted pregnancy. Validity period is from 3 to 5 years. The most famous hormonal contraceptive implants: Implanon, Norplant.

2. Male sterilization (vasectomy): 99.85% reliability

A vasectomy is a short-term surgical procedure general anesthesia, during which the doctor disrupts the patency of the vas deferens. Vasectomy should not be confused with castration: after vasectomy, the production of male sex hormones and a man’s ability to have a full erection are not impaired in any way. At the end of sexual intercourse, a man will also release ejaculate, which, however, will not contain sperm. This means that even with unprotected intercourse and sperm entering the vagina, a woman will not be able to get pregnant. Duration: After a vasectomy, a man will never be able to conceive a child again.

3. Hormonal intrauterine device: 99.8% reliability

The intrauterine device (IUD) is a very reliable method of contraception, which is installed in the uterine cavity and causes processes in it that prevent pregnancy. Hormonal IUDs, in addition to the mechanical effect on the uterus, they release small doses of hormones into its cavity, which significantly enhance contraceptive effect. Validity period: from 3 to 5 years. The most famous hormonal intrauterine devices: Levonov. Non-hormonal intrauterine devices have lower reliability (about 99.2%).

4. Hormonal injection: 99.7% reliability

After the drug is injected into the muscle, every day it releases a small dose of a hormone into the blood that suppresses the functioning of the ovaries. The contraceptive injection provides reliable protection from pregnancy for 2-3 months, after which the injection must be repeated. Despite the high efficiency hormonal injections in preventing pregnancy, this method of contraception is associated with possible side effects in the form of smears bloody discharge, cessation of menstruation, decreased sexual desire and some other symptoms reminiscent of menopause. Most famous drug: Depo-provera.

5. Tubal ligation: 99.5% reliable

The fallopian tubes are the channels through which the egg enters the uterus. It is in the fallopian tubes that fertilization of an egg with a sperm most often occurs. Tubal ligation is an operation during which the surgeon disrupts the patency of the fallopian tubes, and therefore makes it impossible to fertilize the egg. After such an operation, a woman will no longer be able to become pregnant naturally.

6. Birth control pills: reliability up to 97%

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are perhaps one of the most well-known and popular methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy. The effectiveness of birth control pills greatly depends on how responsibly the woman approaches their use. Provided that everyone is followed, their effectiveness is very high. However, even a small mistake (being late or missing a pill, taking certain medications, alcohol abuse, etc.) can lead to an unwanted pregnancy. Read about all the advantages and disadvantages of hormonal contraceptives in the article:. The most famous drugs:, etc.

7. Hormonal patch: 92% reliability

The contraceptive patch is a sticker on the skin that releases a small dose of a hormone into the blood each day that suppresses the ovaries. The hormonal patch has high efficiency and greater ease of use than birth control pills. The fact is that the patch only needs to be changed once a week (unlike tablets, which need to be taken every day). The most famous drug: .

8. Hormonal ring: 92% reliability

Hormonal ring is a small flexible device that is inserted deep into the vagina. After insertion, the ring releases a small dose of hormones into the blood every day, suppressing the work of the ovaries. The ring is not felt in any way by either the woman or her sexual partner. The ring needs to be changed every three weeks. The most famous drug: .