What time do babies start teething? When does a child start to cut his first teeth and in what order do they appear: teething schedule. Medicines taken by mouth to relieve pain

The first year of a baby’s life is wonderful and, undoubtedly, the most anxious time for parents. Moments of joy are replaced by anxiety when unusual symptoms or changes in the child's behavior. This is especially true during the teething period. In some cases, this time passes quite calmly, but much more often it is accompanied by a complex of unpleasant manifestations. To distinguish normal phenomena during this period from signs of disease and to help the baby, you need to know all the stages, symptoms and conditions.

Timing and stages of teething

In medicine, only approximate dates for the appearance of the first teeth in infants are presented. It is not possible to calculate this period absolutely accurately, since it is individual for each child.

Vimania! There is no need to worry if teeth erupt earlier or later than the established time - most likely, this is the individual norm of the child.

However, there are a number of factors that influence this process. These include:

  • heredity. Often, close relatives have similar timing of dentition formation;
  • calcium level in the child's body. A big role is played by the baby’s nutrition, which should be rich in vitamins and minerals, including this microelement for correct formation and body growth. It must be taken into account that receiving nutrients carried out before the birth of the child, during its intrauterine development. The formation of baby teeth occurs at 3-4 months of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important that calcium reaches the baby not only after birth, but also at the stage of intrauterine formation of his body;
  • climatic conditions. It has been observed that children living in hotter environments erupt teeth earlier;
  • gender. It was revealed that girls are somewhat ahead of boys in this matter.

As for the timing, the norm is that the first tooth appears in infants between the ages of five months and one year. Such a wide interval additionally indicates the presence of an individual norm for each child. The most common timing of teeth appearance is shown in the following table.

Table. Approximate dates teething in babies.

Types of teethAge period, months.
Lower central incisors (2 teeth)6-7
Central incisors from above (2 teeth)8-10
Lateral incisors from above (2 teeth)9-12
Lateral incisors from below (2 teeth)11-14
Front molars from the side ( top first molars) - 2 teeth12-15
Front molars from the side (lower first molars) - 2 teeth12-15
Fangs (4 teeth)18-22
Posterior molars from the side (upper and lower second molars) – 4 teeth24-32

Teething occurs in stages. Usually the lower incisors appear first, followed by the upper ones after a while. However, here too there are individual differences, so do not worry if there is a violation of the order and other teeth erupt first. When the baby reaches one year, the next 4 lateral incisors usually appear. The first molars (molars) are cut around the age of one and a half years, and by the age of two the child’s fangs have erupted. By the age of three, the second molars (molars) appear. This completes the process of teething. Their number by the age of three years is 20 pieces.

On average, the first tooth appears at the age of seven months. However, even a significant delay in meeting deadlines is often the norm for children. Usually by the age of one year the baby has at least one tooth. There is no need to worry about timing and appearance; these indicators do not affect “quality”.

Video - How a child cuts teeth

Teething symptoms

In some cases, the period of teeth appearing passes quite calmly or with minimal symptoms of illness. Basically, this time is associated with a whole complex of symptoms, which can be difficult to distinguish from manifestations of diseases. Usually the first unpleasant signs of this period occur at the age of 4-8 months of the baby.

Your baby is teething - symptoms

The main symptoms of teething include:

Attention! Sometimes, several weeks before the appearance of a tooth, a tooth appears in the eruption area containing a liquid of a transparent or bluish color. There is no need to worry - this is not pathological phenomenon and you don’t need to touch it, just watch. It is opened and the liquid is released only in case of excessive growth.

Video - What are the signs of teething

Warning signs

Signs of the eruption of the first teeth in babies are similar to the symptoms of many diseases, so it is important to monitor them and, in some cases, seek treatment. medical care. Signs of concern include:

Attention! This age period(after 6 months) the child loses immune protection received from the mother, since even with continued breastfeeding her antibodies are no longer present in the milk. Your own immunity is just beginning to manifest itself.

The child's slight malaise, irritability, tearfulness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, swelling and looseness of the gums usually indicate the period of teething and do not pose any danger. If symptoms increase and new ones appear, you should consult a doctor to rule out diseases with similar symptoms.

Relief of teething symptoms

How to help you survive the difficult time when your first teeth appear? pharmaceuticals, so traditional methods. The choice of symptom relief depends on their intensity, degree of discomfort, individual characteristics body.

Among the pharmacological methods there is a wide variety of specialized drugs:

  • most often used dental gels with an anesthetic (“Kalgel”, “Detinox”, “Kamistad”, “Cholisal” and others). They do not affect the process of teething, but they can reduce pain due to lidocaine and menthol in the composition. The effect lasts about 20 minutes, they can be used no more than five times a day, not exceeding three days. Allowed for children as young as 4 months;

Important! The child must be monitored during use. Allergic reactions may occur.

Answers to the question: “What to do?”

QuestionExpert opinionPhoto
Increased salivationIf saliva has irritated the skin around the mouth and chin, you can take advantage of the drying effect of creams containing zinc. Moreover, such a cream is most often found in a baby’s medicine cabinet and is used to prevent diaper rash.
MoodyFeed your baby breast milk on demand - this will calm the baby and reduce his irritability. Offer your baby a dryer or cracker to “scratch his teeth.” Carry in your arms more often - the vertical position favors the outflow of blood from the site of inflammation, thereby reducing the severity of symptoms
Increased body temperatureIt is worth reducing the temperature by using antipyretics containing paracetamol or ibuprofen. They also have an analgesic effect. Don't forget about non-drug methods temperature reduction: cool air in the room, drinking plenty of fluids, light clothing
Loose stoolTreatment this symptom carried out only after consultation with the doctor observing your child. And in the case of vomiting, increased regurgitation, frequent (more than 3 times a day) and profuse loose stool with an admixture of mucus or blood, a decision on a medical examination should be made immediately
Nasal dischargeIf you and the doctor observing the child have come to the conclusion that the cause of the runny nose is teething, then you can limit yourself to simple rinsing nose from accumulated mucus, if desired, using one of the children's aspirators to remove “snot”

Traditional methods

Non-drug ways to relieve teething symptoms are usually used when mild degree discomfort; in particular, this includes:

The following traditional methods should not be used for safety reasons:

  • finger pressure on the eruption area. This will not speed up the process of tooth emergence, but may provoke increased pain;
  • treat the gums with undissolved soda, and also pick them out. In this case, there is a risk of infection;
  • give your baby stale bread, cookies, carrots. This method is an alternative to teethers.

Important! Using this method is dangerous for the child's life. Without strict supervision, he may choke on crumbs. It is preferable to use teethers.

Effective combination folk ways facilitating the manifestations of the described period with pharmacological agents. However, complete disappearance of symptoms will occur when a small white tooth appears above the surface of the gum.

Video - Baby's first teeth

Teething is a special stage in the development of a baby, which sometimes even frightens parents. The fact is that it can be difficult for adults to understand why a baby is acting restless. Some of the symptoms that he is teething are reminiscent of infectious diseases or poisoning.

Usually, children's first teeth appear at about six months of age, but they can appear at 2 months or even a year. This is also considered normal. In addition, for boys this process begins a little later than for girls. Since the teeth bother the child during the period of their appearance, the baby becomes very capricious, his temperature rises, and diarrhea may appear.

When babies start teething, everything associated symptoms appear 3-5 days before their appearance. In order not to confuse these signs with signs of other diseases, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the details of this important event for the baby.

The initial stage of teething: signs with photos

All children are different, so their teeth do not cut in the same way. Still, some symptoms that the baby will soon become “toothy” can be called:

Children's teeth grow in different ways. Some babies disturb the peace and quiet of all family members 2 months before the first tooth cuts. Others have the first baby tooth may be a surprise for parents. They discover him by accident, since no one thought that the child was teething.

The main symptom is swelling of the gums

Evidence of the imminent appearance of a tooth is swelling of the gums. This can be seen with the naked eye. You just need to look into the baby’s mouth and feel a small ball (tubercle) on the gum.

Swelling of the gums will cause constant desire the child scratch them. At this stage of teething, he doesn’t care what he puts in his mouth - he can chew a pacifier, clothes, a blanket, a towel, toys, his fingers, or his mother’s breast while feeding.

There are cases that where a tooth should appear, a hematoma forms, which is an accumulation of blood. If the baby feels well, then it can be considered a variant of the norm. After the tooth appears, it goes away on its own. If an infection gets into the resulting wound, an abscess or abscess may appear on the gum. Over time, they will also go away on their own, and if not, this may cause an increase in temperature. Then you will need to urgently consult a dentist.

Teeth should erupt in approximately the same order for everyone (we recommend reading:). The two lower incisors appear first, followed by upper incisors. There should be 4 of them. They come out two at a time with an interval of about two months. Next, the next two lower incisors are cut, after them the molars of the upper row come in, followed by the lower ones. Then the upper “eye” teeth, and a little later appear lower canines(we recommend reading: ). Next, the lower molars appear, or, as they are also called, the rear “chewing” teeth. The rows of baby teeth are completed by two upper molars - the rear “chewing” teeth.

By the age of three, a child should have all 20 baby teeth. By five, they gradually give up their place to the regulars. The process of erupting fangs - the so-called “eye” teeth - is especially difficult. They got their name from optic nerve, near which they are located. Because of this, fangs bring babies a lot of tears.

Rhinitis and cough

Many parents are interested in the same question: can teething cause a cough and rhinitis? Yes, it can. The reason for this is salivary glands babies, who in a few weeks, and sometimes even months, produce many times more saliva than usual. Since the baby does not yet know how to swallow, saliva accumulates in the throat and the child begins to cough. This helps him get rid of accumulated secretions in the respiratory tract.

During teething due to active work There is more mucus in the nasal glands than usual. The baby develops a runny nose, which should end in 3-4 days. The mucus has a transparent and liquid consistency. To alleviate the child's condition, you can rinse his nose. If the baby has cloudy white or greenish mucus from the nose, there is a strong and frequent cough that do not go away within 3 days, this is a good reason to see a doctor.


Many people know that high temperature is defensive reaction body to any pathogen. During teething, the body reacts to inflammation of certain areas of the gums, in the area of ​​​​which bioactive substances are produced. The child’s body temperature rises to 37-38°C and lasts up to 2 days. Afterwards, she returns to normal and the child’s condition stabilizes.

If the baby’s body temperature has exceeded 39°C, this may indicate that there is some kind of infection in the body. This is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

Diarrhea and poor appetite

During teething, the baby begins to drool heavily. The child constantly swallows them, as a result of which intestinal motility accelerates. This causes diarrhea with watery stools. The number of bowel movements should not exceed six times a day. After 2-3 days, the stool should return to normal.

Poor appetite or its complete absence are symptoms of a teething baby. The gums become painful, and eating food becomes a challenge for the baby. During this period, the child’s weight gain stops and the immune system weakens, which can become a threat to any disease.

If the baby is natural feeding, it is easier for him to endure this condition. Do not deny him an extra portion of milk.

Age - about 6 months

At what months does a child begin to feel that his teeth will soon begin to cut? The answer is not clear. All children develop teeth in different times(more details in the article:). Optimal age- from 3 months to a year, but most often this happens at about 6 months.

At 3-4 months, toddlers begin to drool profusely, and adults mistakenly perceive it as evidence of the imminent “birth” of the first tooth. In fact, during this period the baby’s salivary glands simply begin to work more actively, and the child does not yet know how to swallow saliva. The main sign of the eruption of the first teeth is white spot on the gum (see photo), as well as its swelling. The baby becomes irritable, sleeps poorly, refuses to eat and tries to bite everything that comes into his hands.

General condition of the child

During the period of teeth growth, the baby experiences a kind of stress. He had not encountered this kind of pain before, so there are changes in his behavior. He begins to be capricious for any reason, because due to pain in his gums, everything around him irritates him. For the same reason, he eats poorly or refuses to eat at all, and this leads to stopping or losing weight. Due to swelling of the gums, the baby may have a fever, which further aggravates his condition. Excessive salivation can cause a runny nose and cough, which should go away on their own within 2-3 days. Diarrhea is also associated with excessive drooling. A rash may appear around the mouth and chin.

The process of teething can drag on for a long time, so you should not count on the fact that after the appearance initial symptoms The baby is about to cut a tooth. The main thing during this period is to be patient and also pay as much attention to your little one as possible.

How to distinguish teething from infection?

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Quite often, parents cannot distinguish the process of teeth appearing in a child from a common cold or infection. The reason is the similarity of symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • elevated temperature;
  • diarrhea.

How to find out which of them are considered normal and which are a sign of a disease? How to understand that teeth are being cut? Let's figure it out.

All these symptoms appear 2-3 days before the tooth comes out, but not earlier. Otherwise, it should be regarded as the presence of some kind of disease: viral, bacterial, intestinal infections, etc.

First aid for a baby up to one year old

Pain is always stress for the body, let alone small child who is teething. In children who are not yet one year old, nervous system gets depleted very quickly, getting increased load. Those who are older endure this process much easier.

To make these “dental” tests easier for your child, you need to know the following:

During this difficult period for your little one, spend as much time as possible with him, carry him in your arms and do not refuse him breast milk. This will calm him down and relieve the unbearable pain.

Pain reliever for babies

When teething is very painful, the child needs to be helped using painkillers. Such drugs reduce the risk of infection and relieve inflammation.

They contain a child's dose of paracetamol. Under no circumstances should children be given medications containing aspirin and analgin.

One of the most effective drugs are:

  • gels (for example, Holisal, Kalgel, Baby Doctor “First Teeth”, Kamistad Baby, etc. (we recommend reading: ).);
  • drops (eg Dentinox) (we recommend reading:);
  • ointments for gums (eg Traumeel S).

In addition to these medicines, they are also used homeopathic medicines which also help the child cope with painful sensations during the teething period. The only big disadvantage is that they can cause allergies, since they contain medicinal herbs and plants.

Local gels and ointments

For local anesthesia ointments and gels are used, which are based on benzocaine, lidocaine or choline salicylate. These drugs do not affect the process of teething. Thanks to lidocaine and menthol, which are included in their composition, they relieve painful sensations.

Usage similar drugs may cause allergic reaction Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the child’s behavior.

Dental gels and ointments have a short-term effect. Their effect lasts from half an hour to an hour. It is permissible to use them no more than 5 times a day for three days, but no longer. The most popular of them are Kholisal, Kamistad and Kalgel.

Traumeel ointment is commonly used to treat diseases oral cavity(eg stomatitis). It can also relieve inflammation and ease signs of baby teeth emerging, improving your child's overall well-being.

Traditional methods of relieving the condition

You can alleviate the condition of a baby during the period of growth of baby teeth with the help of traditional medicine. There are so many ways. Let's look at some of them:

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

There are a number of cases in which you cannot do without the help of a doctor:

  • when one tooth of a pair has erupted, the next ones appear, but the second one does not (pairing violation);
  • there are no rudiments of teeth (edentia), when the baby is in his second year and not a single tooth has appeared;
  • the newborn was born with teeth;
  • before taking any medicine to relieve pain during teething;
  • if rhinitis, cough, fever and diarrhea continue for more than three days and become complex;
  • when vomiting occurs, which is accompanied by diarrhea.

There is a joke about mothers, they say, with the first baby everything is washed, ironed, boiled 10 times and every sneeze is controlled, and with the last one - “if the child ate from the cat’s bowl, then this is the cat’s problem.” This is of course an exaggeration, but in some ways the author is right. Mothers of the second or third child are much calmer about the development of their children, they do not panic if the baby does not want to crawl, or is six months old, but there is still no tooth - the pioneer. Sometimes it happens that the appearance of the first incisor is indicated by knocking on the spoon during feeding. But young mothers, having become parents for the first time, usually focus on norms, look for them, and constantly try to compare their child with the neighbor’s baby. At what months do children’s first teeth erupt and in what sequence do “nightmares” grow? It’s worth understanding in more detail.

In Soviet times, it was believed that the norm for a baby to cut its first tooth was six months of age. Modern pediatricians are more democratic and limit this period to 4 to 8 months. The star of Belarusian pediatrics, Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, emphasizes the individuality of each baby. There are cases when a baby is born with a couple of teeth, and there are babies who have not even developed their first “bite” even at one year old. The most important thing is that this is not a reason for parental panic; at most, professional advice is required. He will calm mom down. This is all he can do at this stage of development of the masticatory apparatus. As Dr. Komarovsky says, there is simply no pill to start teething.

Significant factors influencing the rate of appearance of the first teeth include:

  • Heredity. If the baby was pleased with the first white miracle at 3 months or, on the contrary, shows a toothless smile when 10-month-old peers already have 4-6 teeth, then genes may be to blame. It’s worth asking how many months your mom or dad had their teeth done.
  • difficult pregnancy and premature birth. In premature babies, the timing of teething coincides with their biological age, and not with the date on the birth certificate.
  • The specifics of the climatic zone of residence and nutritional characteristics. The growth of teeth is directly affected by the amount of dairy products consumed and vitamin D produced under the influence of sun rays. The kids have artificial feeding the process may be delayed.
  • Infections. Transferred to infancy Illnesses such as pneumonia can also delay the appearance of the first incisors.

“Precursors” of teeth and eruption schedule according to norms

Agree, mothers of children in their first year of life tend to explain every runny nose, diarrhea, and fever with the imminent appearance of another tooth. The baby may experience symptoms that are considered to be dental precursors:

  • Whims and crying for no apparent reason
  • Anxious dream
  • Decreased appetite, upset stool
  • Trying to put everything in your mouth
  • Fever
  • Cough and runny nose
  • Increased salivation

At obvious symptoms ARVI should be shown to a pediatrician rather than diagnosed on your own. Even if the edge of the tooth really appears and the gums are swollen, you should not put your hands into the baby’s mouth. It can cause an infection in the inflamed mucous membrane, causing thrush or stomatitis.

Typically, there are several stages during which a baby’s baby teeth appear. There is nothing to worry about if some of them change places for your child. In some babies, the fangs grow first or the order of appearance of the upper and lower incisors is reversed.

  1. 6-8 months – central incisors from below
  2. 8-9 months – central incisors from above
  3. 9-13 months – lateral incisors
  4. 12-15 months – pairs of small molars (2 above and 2 below)
  5. 16-20 months – fangs
  6. 24-30 months – large molars are the most posterior molars.

It turns out that by the age of 2.5 years, a baby’s jaws should be decorated with 20 teeth. Teeth do not erupt in 2 days; this painful process can take from 1 week to 2 months.

There is no clear answer to the question of which teeth break through most painfully. In one baby, only the lower incisors have difficulty sprouting, while the rest erupt quite calmly. There is no way to ask the baby which tooth came out of the gum more painfully. But there is an assumption that the most painful are the eye fangs (upper), their roots are located close to facial nerve. Large molars, due to their size, injure the gums more during eruption than thin incisors.

Statistics show interesting facts: girls become “toothy” faster than boys in the first child in the family physical development, including the growth of baby teeth, outstrips the development of subsequent children. Children of more mature parents cut teeth faster than babies of young married couples.


Only a specialist can determine the pathology of the development of the first “biters”. There are several types of deviations from the norm:

  • Intrauterine eruption. When the baby is born with “tooth”, the mother is offered unpleasant procedure- remove the newborn’s incisors so that he cannot injure his nipples when breastfeeding. The measure is quite harsh, because the child will remain without front teeth until he is 6-7 years old. This is when it is time for permanent teeth to emerge.
  • Delayed eruption. We begin to talk about deviations in the formation of teeth only if the central incisors do not appear until 1.5 years of age.
  • Extremely rare congenital anomaly– edentia. The child does not have dental buds initially; they did not appear at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus under the influence of any factors.
  • Hematomas during eruption. In most cases they pass without leaving a trace. It is extremely rare that a formation can grow quickly, which requires medical intervention.

Memo for parents

The process of the first teeth appearing is very unpleasant, but it cannot be avoided. Parents can help the baby cope with pain and discomfort. Cutting is not a disease, so walks and games are necessary and important, they will distract the child from unpleasant sensations. If your immune system is weakened, your mother should avoid crowded places to reduce the risk of contracting an infection. Simple measures will help you cope with the appearance of teeth more easily:

  • Special pharmaceutical toys – teethers with a corrugated surface – will help you “scratch” your gums. Ideal option- with gel inside, it needs to be kept in the refrigerator so that the baby can cool it later sore gums. It is better not to use the hemp and dryings beloved by grandmothers if there is at least one tooth. There is a risk that the baby will choke on a bitten piece.
  • Children under 3 years old should not be given candy or other sweets. They are great at eating tasteless foods because they don’t yet have taste preferences. It's amazing how much broccoli and cauliflower puree can be consumed with pleasure.
  • Oral hygiene begins as early as possible; it is easier to prevent the occurrence of caries than to later persuade the child to treat a tooth. Silicone finger brushes have been invented for the little ones.
  • Temperature during eruption rarely rises above 37.5 degrees Celsius. If she has crossed the threshold of 38 degrees, then antipyretic drugs can be used. They will bring down the temperature and relieve pain.
  • Pharmacies offer a wide range of pain-relieving gels for gums based on Ledocaine. Consultation with a physician is required before use.
  • Grandmother's herbal methods are so early age It's better not to use it. Allergic reactions are possible.
  • At painful teething It’s better to forget about vaccinations for a while.

When baby teeth appear, the main function of parents is not just to observe, periodically looking into the baby’s mouth, but to surround him with maximum care. To think not about whether he fits into the norm, but to help this defenseless baby cope with unpleasant sensations and, if necessary, correct deviations in a timely manner. Important role plays in the formation of the chewing apparatus of the baby proper nutrition nursing mother and complete complementary feeding of the baby. Two years will fly by unnoticed - instead of a charming toothless smile, a white-toothed one will appear.

A few months after the birth of the child, a difficult period of teething begins for him. Experienced parents know how many problems this natural process can bring. During the teething period, the baby is not only capricious, but also has a weakened immune system, which is fraught with infection. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish the symptoms that appear when a child is teething from signs of a disease that needs to be treated.

Symptoms when a child is teething

It can take about two months from the beginning of the active formation of a tooth to its appearance on the surface of the gum. You can notice the preparation of a child’s body for the appearance of teeth by the following signs:

Immediately before the crowns emerge on the surface of the gums, the symptoms intensify and new signs are added:

  • Signs reminiscent intestinal infection: frequent regurgitation and diarrhea, in some children - constipation.
  • Symptoms suggestive of a respiratory infection include cough, runny nose and fever.
  • Sometimes a rash appears on the cheeks.
  • Immediately during teething, blood appears on the gums.
The appearance of lower incisors and molars is accompanied by less noticeable symptoms. If they climb upper teeth or fangs, the discomfort may be more excruciating due to their anatomical features.

Teething order

There is no strict order according to which a child’s teeth should erupt. Each baby's body is unique, so each child's teeth may be cut in a different sequence. But most often, eruption occurs according to this pattern:

  1. Central lower incisors.
  2. Central upper incisors.
  3. Lateral incisors.
  4. Fangs.
  5. First molars.
  6. Second molars.

The teeth located in the front come out first, the back ones cut last. If your baby’s teeth do not come out in the same sequence as those of his peers, you should pay attention to symmetry. For example, when one of the canines erupts prematurely, the second canine should appear immediately after it.

At what age do children start teething?

All children have teeth that get into at different ages– there is no clear standard. Average babies can boast of their first incisors already in the seventh month of life. In some infants, teeth come out just 3 months after birth and even earlier - newborns are sometimes born with several teeth. Some infants begin to experience the moment of eruption of the first incisor closer to one year.

Babies whose mothers take vitamins and minerals in the form of medicines. The same phenomenon occurs with hormonal imbalances. IN late age The dentition is formed due to a lack of nutrients and certain diseases. But there is no need to panic ahead of time; late teething can be a hereditary feature, although it is still necessary to show the baby to the doctor.

In total, a child has twenty baby teeth erupting, and all of them should come to the surface by the age of 2–3 years. Parents can keep a teething calendar to compare their child’s data with the average and contact a pediatric dentist if they are behind or ahead of schedule.

Deviations and their reasons

If a child’s teeth “come out” differently than they should, parents should notice this in time. Some of the deviations require treatment, others require more careful monitoring of the baby’s health.

Problem Possible reasons What should parents do?
Delayed eruption of primary teeth. Weak immunity, vitamin deficiency (possible rickets), hormonal imbalance, poor nutrition, late start of complementary feeding, lack of baby tooth buds. Visit your pediatrician regularly to monitor your development and weight gain. It is necessary to introduce complementary foods in a timely manner. At long delay teething, it is necessary to take tests for hormones and the presence of vitamin deficiency, and also take an x-ray of the jaw.
One of the teeth has erupted, but the symmetrical one has not. Absence of tooth bud. Contact your dentist for an examination.
The first teeth come out very early. Action vitamin preparations, used during pregnancy, hormonal imbalance in the child’s body. Contact your pediatrician and get the appropriate blood tests.
When teeth are being cut, the child becomes very capricious and loses weight. Infection, weak immunity. Contact your doctor for examination and correction of your feeding regimen.
Increase in temperature. A characteristic symptom of teething or infection. If you have a severe fever, call a doctor and use a children's antipyretic.
Teeth come to the surface with destroyed enamel. Enamel hypoplasia. Contact your pediatrician to prescribe treatment for infection, endocrine or metabolic disorders.

Causes of abnormalities that develop during pregnancy

All tooth buds must be correctly formed during the period of intrauterine development. If during pregnancy the fetus is affected negative factor, teeth may not form at all, or their tissues will not be strong enough to perform their functions. This leads to:

  • Alcoholism and smoking in pregnant women.
  • Self-medication.
  • Use of dangerous drugs and antibiotics.
  • Poisoning.
  • Metabolic and endocrine disruptions.
  • Severe toxicosis.
  • Rhesus conflict.
  • Past infections.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Insufficient stay on fresh air.

Symptoms and signs of teething and diseases: differences

When the first child appears in the family, parents have difficulties in distinguishing normal symptoms eruption due to illness. There are certain signs that can help you understand how your baby is feeling.

Symptom During teething In case of illness
Increased salivation. Drooling is caused by itching in the mouth. The gums where the teeth come in are red, but there is no plaque on them. The phenomenon may be accompanied by the appearance of plaque on the tongue and gums (with thrush) or white spots on the mucous membrane (with stomatitis).
Cough. Wet, lasts a couple of days and is provoked by increased salivation. Wet or dry, lasts more than two days, may make breathing difficult.
Runny nose. Short-lived, often appears during the formation of the upper teeth, the discharge is transparent. Lasts more than 3 days, the discharge becomes yellowish or greenish over time.
Temperature. Lasts a couple of days and rises to 38 °C. Easily knocked down by children's antipyretic. It may not decrease when using a regular antipyretic, but may increase to higher levels.
Diarrhea. Happens up to 3 times a day, the stool does not have foreign impurities. The stool is frequent (more than 3 times a day), very loose, watery, with mucous or bloody impurities. Often accompanied by intense abdominal pain.

Knowing these features, you can figure out how to act in a given situation. But you still need to see a pediatrician so as not to miss the onset of the disease and cure it in time.

A child is teething: what to do and how to help your child

It is difficult for a baby to tolerate the discomfort caused by teething. But parents can help their child when he is teething:

The first teeth are always associated with children's whims and the worries of parents. If a baby is teething, mothers and fathers should treat him patiently, because at his “young” age the baby is very worried. severe discomfort, especially if you have a runny nose, upset stomach and frequent nausea. You should regularly examine the baby's mouth so as not to miss the development of complications or delayed eruption and, if necessary, begin treatment on time.

The birth of a baby is an indescribable joy for new parents, but the baby’s health problems are frightening and alarming. A serious and difficult period in a child’s development is the period when the first teeth appear.

The baby becomes restless and the body temperature rises. Don’t be afraid of these symptoms; you need to properly help your baby survive this difficult period.

Formation and development of teeth

The laying of teeth begins at the 6th week of intrauterine development of the baby and ends when the first tooth erupts.

Step-by-step diagram of teething.

The development of a baby's first teeth involves various tissue elements. The development of teeth begins from rudiments, which are formed with the help of mesoderm and ectoderm.

Tooth germs have main components:

  • enamel organ (formed by epithelial lining);
  • papilla (forms mesenchyme);
  • tooth sac (mesenchyme envelops the enamel organ).

So that the child has healthy teeth, future mommy should eat quality food, namely, regularly include fish meat in your diet; it is rich in fluoride, which protects mother’s teeth from falling out during pregnancy.

When does a child get his first teeth?

Possible during teething inflammatory processes or infections. The child feels discomfort in the mouth and constantly pulls something there.

The baby's first teeth erupt at six months of age, but if they are late, this is also part of the norm. Teeth have the ability to grow in pairs, that is, they grow in twos or four at a time.

Because of this feature, the gums become inflamed, causing discomfort and pain.

If work is disrupted endocrine glands your baby, the first teeth appear much earlier than expected (a month, sometimes two), in history there have been cases of children being born with a pair of teeth already present.

The timing of the eruption of the first teeth does not in any way affect their durability, and in the future the milk teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth in due time.

If the child suffers from illness of various etiologies(the most common option is rickets), then until 12 months the baby will not have a single tooth. In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary.


E.O. Komarovsky says that your baby’s first teeth erupt in the following sequence:

  • First of all, the lower incisors should appear in the center in half a year;
  • The upper incisors appear at 8 months;
  • Incisors, which are located on the sides of the central ones at the top - at 10 months;
  • Lower ones - when the baby reaches one year old;
  • Between one and 15 months of age, the first molars will appear;
  • Fangs will erupt no earlier than the 17th month, in some children at the 20th month;
  • By the end of 24 months, the second molars will appear.

First signs

The first signs of teeth appearing are whims for no reason and excessive salivation.

There are a number of signs when the first teeth begin to emerge:

  1. The gums become inflamed and swollen. If they touch the gum, the child will be in great pain, he cries and screams. There are night pains that bring discomfort to the baby;
  2. The baby loses interest in food and decreases appetite;
  3. Excessive irritability of the baby;
  4. The main symptom of the appearance of teeth is profuse and constant salivation, which is accompanied by a wet cough;
  5. There is congestion in the nasal sinuses, but the discharge from the nose is transparent, without admixtures of pus and blood;
  6. At night, body temperature rises to 38C°. If the temperature rises higher, consult a doctor immediately;
  7. The baby’s desire to chew on everything that comes his way, from his toys to the bars of the crib;
  8. Your baby may develop symptoms of body intoxication – stool disorders and vomiting;
  9. Before the first tooth is about to come out, a white line appears at the eruption site.

How to help and what to do when teeth start to come out?

You must be prepared for this difficult period, have enough patience, it will be difficult for everyone, both the child and loved ones.

First of all, it is necessary to relieve the child’s pain as much as possible.

To do this, you can use homeopathic medicines: Dentokind or Dantinorm Baby are homeopathic medicines that effectively relieve pain and also prevent the appearance of dyspeptic disorders; they can be used regardless of how many months teeth come out. Dental gels provide excellent pain relief:

  1. Pansoral “First Teeth” is a herbal medicine based on chamomile. Contraindicated in children under six months of age.
  2. Cholisal - perfectly relieves signs of inflammation and has an antiseptic effect. Use with caution, may cause allergic reactions.
  3. Baby Doctor "First Teeth". Relieves pain in a very short time.

Let your child also chew on specialized teethers; they are safe, easy to clean and sterilize. When a child chews actively and frequently, teeth erupt faster and easier. There are teethers that are filled with water and stored in the refrigerator; the pleasant coolness on the gums relieves pain well.

Traditional methods

If you are a supporter of traditional medicine, use the tips that our grandmothers used:

  • During this period, the baby needs to feel the warmth and care of mom and dad. Carry him in your arms more often, cradle him, caress him, especially at night, when the pain intensifies;
  • Distract your baby from pain with games, walk in the fresh air in the company of other children;
  • Lubricate the place where teeth begin to creep in with a small amount of honey, which is wonderfully soothing. But before using honey, ALWAYS do a skin test for allergies. To do this, apply a drop of honey to the inner surface of the baby’s forearm, leave for 15 minutes, if there is no redness, honey is safe for the child;
  • Teethers will replace refrigerated objects (spoon, pacifier and others);
  • To avoid irritation of the skin around the baby’s mouth, it must be wiped with vegetable oils;
  • Productively relieves inflammation by rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile, which also has a calming effect;
  • To calm the baby, you need to put him to the breast more often;
  • Wrap index finger Using a sterile bandage previously soaked in peroxide, carefully massage the gums. This good way relieve inflammation.

The most painful time does not last long, after a couple of days all symptoms will disappear, the baby will calm down and restful sleep will return.

In most cases, when teeth come out, the help of a pediatrician is not required.

A temperature higher than normal that lasts for more than a day is a reason to call a doctor.

But you must immediately call a doctor or ambulance in the following situations:

  • The child’s body temperature is above 39C°, continues to rise and remains high numbers for a long time.
  • The baby is worried about long and obsessive cough more than a week, with the discharge of purulent, “rusty”, foamy sputum, in large quantities accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • IN stool baby presence of mucus or blood, frequent diarrhea.
  • Change in the color of stool, the appearance of a sour, sweet, fetid odor;
  • The stool is not formed, watery.
  • The appearance of rashes and spots on the skin.
  • Discharge of cloudy liquid from tear ducts eyes, swelling of the eyelids.
  • A baby's runny nose lasts 3-4 days or more.
  • The discharge from the nose has become purulent, greenish in color, or mixed with blood.
  • The child suffers from constipation for more than a week.
  • Sores or a “cheesy” coating appeared on the child’s oral mucosa (which indicates the onset of candidal stomatitis).
  • There are spots on the enamel of new teeth yellowish color, the tooth is “shrouded” in a black border.
  • If, when the child reaches the age of one year, there is not a single tooth.

Very often, symptoms of diseases such as acute respiratory infection, work disorders digestive system, is taken as the beginning of teething. Parents should be very attentive to their baby so as not to miss a dangerous infection.
