Analogs of Neuromultivit and real reviews, price, instructions. Neuromultivitis - vitamin complex or medicine

The drug Neuromultivit - what is it used for and the essence of the mechanism of operation of the drug? What is its cost in the pharmacy and are there any analogues?

Instructions for use

By its type, the drug is a multivitamin complex. Basic working substances:

To stabilize Neuromultivitis and improve the functioning of basic substances, the drug contains excipients. These include:

Available in the form of tablets, which are coated with a special film. Sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. The price of Neuromultivit may fluctuate from 250 to 400 rubles depending on the pharmacy. Each pack contains the same number of blisters.

Indications for use

Why is Neuromultivit prescribed? Basic indications will be diseases of the nerves in the central and peripheral systems:

With such dysfunctions, B vitamins are often lacking. Such complexes help to significantly restore this deficiency and support normal functioning. nervous system.

The only contraindication to the use of Neuromultivit is individual intolerance any components of the product.

Many patients are interested in what is better: Neuromultivitis or for neurological diseases.

In terms of their composition, these products practically do not differ from each other and are equally effective.

Interaction with other means and factors

When undergoing treatment with this drug, it is important to consider its compatibility with other pharmacological drugs. In such a situation, it is important to consider that:

Alcohol and tobacco can dampen the effect of therapy and harm the cells of the nervous system, so it is better to avoid them during therapy. Patients are also often prescribed a diet (its principles are individual for each patient).

Which is better: Neuromultivit or Milgamma? - in terms of working with diseases of the nervous system, Neuromultivit is more suitable.

How to consume it correctly?

This drug is prescribed to patients of any gender and age. The tablets should be taken orally after meals, do not chew, you can wash it down with a little water. The following dosages should be observed:

The specialist can prescribe individual rhythm treatment. This happens especially often when specific forms neuralgia. Doctors do not recommend taking Neuromultivit during lactation and pregnancy, as its effect in such cases has not been thoroughly studied and the drug can be harmful.

Large doses of this drug should not be used for more than 4 weeks in a row.

Similar drugs

There are similar products to Neuromultivit. It’s hard to say that the analogues are cheaper in comparison; they are approximately the same in cost.

Some prototypes are almost completely identical, while others have a different set of basic components. The most popular analogue is Neurobion; read the comparison of drugs in.

Preparation Active ingredients Price
Vitaxon Up to 270 rubles
Complex В1в6В12 Pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin Up to 600 rubles
Pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin 350 rubles
Neurol Pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin About 200 rubles
Neurorubin Pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin 320 rubles
Neovitam Pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin 200 rubles
Nerviplex-N Pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin Less than 200 rubles
Neurobex and Neurobex Forte Pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin 230 rubles
Vitaxon Pyridoxine, benfotiamine 400 rubles
Neuromax Pyridoxine, benfotiamine Up to 350 rubles
Milgamma Pyridoxine, benfotiamine Up to 1500 rubles
Combigamma 300 rubles
Combilipen Pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin, lidocaine 500 rubles
Unigamma Pyridoxine, benfotiamine, benfotiamine Up to 700 rubles

Neuromultivit analogues have almost completely identical indications for use and dosages for adults and children. Almost all analogues are also available with a prescription.

To improve the functioning of the nervous system.

Composition and release form

Vitamins are available in tablet form.
One tablet contains:
  • 200 mcg cyanocobalamin,
  • 200 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride,
  • 100 mg thiamine hydrochloride.

Pharmacological action

Thiamine (or, as it is also called, vitamin B1) is used by the body to obtain the required amount of energy from the food consumed; for the synthesis of lipids and proteins. Thiamine indirectly participates in the transmission of nerve impulses that carry out the process of voluntary muscle contraction.

Pyridoxine (or vitamin B6) needed as a catalyst chemical reactions. It is part of many enzymes; stimulates the synthesis of the “hormone of happiness” - serotonin. Without serotonin, the body’s vital functions are impossible - with its deficiency, sleep and appetite are disturbed, and the emotional background worsens. In case of niacin deficiency, pyridoxine can partially compensate for this deficiency. Pyridoxine also regulates the effect of sex hormones on the body.

Cobalamin (or vitamin B12) is important factor tissue regeneration and cell growth. Because it affects the synthesis of myelin, which covers the processes nerve cells, then the nervous system suffers from its deficiency. Without cobalamin, hemoglobin is not produced. Hemoglobin plays the most important role in human life - it transports oxygen to tissues and organs.


  • Hypovitaminosis ( deficiency in the body of B1, B6, B12).
  • Polyneuropathy, radicular syndrome, neuritis, neuralgia, lumbago, sciatica, plexitis, nerve paresis, intercostal neuralgia.
  • Recovery period after surgical interventions; after previous infections; after psycho-emotional overload.


  • Individual overreaction to vitamins.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the use of the drug is not prohibited, but you should consult a doctor about the dosage of the drug, since a large dosage will negatively affect the development of the fetus. This multivitamin preparation was not created specifically for pregnant women.

Only a doctor should prescribe a multivitamin to a child, because it contains enough large doses vitamins, which, if administered incorrectly, can cause an overdose.

Side effects

The drug rarely causes adverse reactions. Rarely may occur allergic manifestations, angioedema, urticaria.

Instructions for use and dosage

The duration of the multivitamin course is one month. Daily dosage– 3 tablets. Daily intake The drug should be divided into three parts.

Milgamma, Pentovit

Milgamma is a vitamin preparation that contains B vitamins. It is used not only in for preventive purposes, but also as complex therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for neuropathies, etc. This drug is very good, but compared to Neuromultivit it has one drawback - it cannot be prescribed to children.
The same goes for the drug Pentovit– it also contains B vitamins, but is not prescribed to children. But Pentovit contains more vitamins than in Milgamma and Neuromultivit.


Neuromultivit, 20 tablets in a blister - 4 - 6 dollars.


  • Sana-Sol,
  • Vitabex,
  • Beviplex,
  • Triovit,
  • Polybion,
  • Pikovit,
  • Decamevit,
  • Milgamma,
  • Benfolipen,
  • Unicap,
  • Folibert,
  • Vitacytrol,
  • Multi-tabs,
  • Multivita plus,
  • Jungle Kids,
  • Vectrum Junior,
  • Revit,
  • Pentovit,
  • Combilipen,
  • Rikavit.


Anya, 24 years old.
My baby was prescribed these vitamins - he often cries and seems to have small convulsions. The doctor said that he will outgrow this, but he just needs to support his nervous system. I've been giving him pills for almost a month now.

Sana, 23 years old.
Before a session, when you need to learn quickly and well large number material, you just need to support your memory. Therefore, several times before the winter sessions I took a course of Neuromultivit. I became less nervous and generally felt better.

Victor, 34 years old.
My daughter was recently diagnosed with high intracranial pressure; she had poor blood flow from the cervical vessels. Plus loads at school. All this affected the child’s condition - she often had headaches and became irritable. Now I see that after taking multivitamins, her memory has improved, and she no longer complains of headaches.

Evgenia, 30 years old.
I have health problems and often have to see an endocrinologist. In addition, I am severely underweight, and this is not because I eat poorly. The doctor prescribed Neuromultivit as a supportive medication. After it, I even gained a couple of kilograms in the fall, which is very good!

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Julia, I understand you perfectly. After all, the doctor also prescribed Neuromultivit injections to me. Also in combination with NSAIDs. He explained that with my illness, B vitamins (in therapeutic dosage), are simply necessary, as they have a positive effect on nervous tissue. Indeed, I felt much better already in the first week of injections. And now the pain has not returned at all, although the course has already been completed quite a long time ago. By the way, these injections do not contain lidocaine. Anyone who is allergic to it will understand what I mean.

I didn’t take pills, but Neuromultivit injections, which the doctor prescribed to me in combination with NSAIDs. So to speak, to strengthen them, since these injections contain B vitamins in a therapeutic dosage. So I feel good, the course is over. I achieved the long-awaited remission.

Really an excellent drug. I took it as prescribed by the doctor, first took a two-week course of Neurodiclovit, my back pain went away and that’s the main thing. And then I took Neuromultivit for a month, so the double effect helped me, I’m very pleased.

Like everyone else, I can’t say anything bad, there are only advantages, especially since there is a complex and a double effect! neurodiclovitis and neuromultivitis, there is pain relief and inflammation relief and vitamins, for the back, for the neck, I’m talking about my case, very short terms the pain goes away and the condition immediately improves

Neurodiclovit, as I already wrote, quickly relieves pain and inflammation at the very beginning of administration, since it contains vitamin B12, which accelerates the effect of the drug. Neuromultivitis goes like long recovery, when the acute pain phase has already been removed. Thanks to it, even chronic pain goes away and does not bother you in the future, but this is subject to the right attitude towards your health and lifestyle. Don't get sick! ;)

How soon does the effect of treatment with such a regimen occur?

I agree about initial appointment Neurodiclovita. I had exactly this regimen when my neck was twisted (the pain was hellish, shooting), and in order to quickly relieve the pain, the doctor prescribed Neurodiclovit to take for a couple of weeks, it relieves pain very well + already contains B vitamins. And then, as support, I followed I drank Neuromultivit - these are purely B vitamins themselves for nutrition and restoration of the nervous system.

It was specifically prescribed to me to help with the main therapy of NSAIDs - neurodiclovitis. It dealt with inflammation and provided good pain relief, while neuromultivitis was already restoring nervous tissue and also acted slightly as an analgesic. The manufacturer is the same, at least the packaging is similar. I began to sleep better, pain and discomfort They didn’t bother me in my back when I was lying down. And my mood has improved, my family has already noticed this.

An excellent vitamin preparation, I treated neuralgia with it at the beginning of the year as prescribed by a neurologist and the pain still doesn’t bother me anymore. The drug is well tolerated, no side effects I didn’t, but what harm can vitamins do?

Good vitamins. Was nervous breakdown after the divorce.. My face became numb (half). It's terribly scary. Neuromultivitis returned everything to normal. It restores the nervous system very well - that's a fact!

My father was prescribed Neuromultivit when he sedentary work, he is a truck driver and has chronic back pain. Literally two weeks later, pain syndrome decreased, I no longer needed to take painkillers. It hurt, but it was tolerable; by the third week they actually didn’t feel any pain, and he could again drive the truck for six to eight hours without a break. When the course ended, my back no longer hurt. The neurologist advised me to drink one more chicken in another six months so that the results would be permanent.

On the fourth day of taking Neuromultivit, an epilepsy attack occurred. I'm not a drug addict, I had no head injuries. Because of what? I'm 44 years old.

From this medical article you can read: medicine Neuromultivitis. The instructions for use will explain in what cases the tablets can be taken, what the medicine helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Neuromultivitis, from which you can find out whether the medicine helped in the treatment of polyneuropathy, neuritis and lumbago in adults and children. The instructions list analogues of Neuromultivit, prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

A pharmacological preparation based on B vitamins used in the composition complex treatment diseases of the nervous system, is Neuromultivitis. Instructions for use recommend taking the tablets for hypovitaminosis of B vitamins, for neuritis, neuralgia, radicular syndrome, lumbago, sciatica, intercostal neuralgia.

Release form and composition

Neuromultivit is available in tablets coated film-coated. Each tablet contains 100 mg of vitamin B1, 200 mg of vitamin B6 and 0.20 mg of vitamin B12, as well as excipients.

Neuromultivit injections are not given.

Pharmacological action

Thiamine hydrochloride at the stage of phosphorylation in the body is transformed into cocarboxylase (a coenzyme of the enzyme systems). Vitamin B1 or thiamine is used in the body for the synthesis of proteins and lipids, as well as for the production of the required amount of energy from ingested food. Thiamine is also extremely important for proper operation nerve impulses involved in the process of voluntary muscle contraction.

The second component of the drug Neuromultivit, the instructions for use inform about this - pyridoxine hydrochloride (or vitamin B6) is needed by the body as a catalyst for certain chemical reactions. He is integral part many enzymes, and also acts as a stimulator of serotonin synthesis, called the “happiness hormone”.

The importance of pyridoxine lies in the fact that it can partially compensate for the lack of niacin in the body. It is also necessary for the synthesis of individual neurotransmitters, in particular dopamine, norepinephrine, adrenaline, histamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Pyridoxine is also indispensable for the correct influence of sex hormones on the human body.

What does Neuromultivit help with?

Indications for use of the drug include:

Instructions for use

Neuromultivitis should be taken orally after meals, without chewing, and with water. It is recommended to take 1 tablet 1-3 times a day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually (usually 2-4 weeks). According to reviews, Neuromultivit has an effect within 1-2 weeks after administration.


  • childhood;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • erythremia (Vaquez disease), erythrocytosis, embolism (blockage) by a blood clot blood vessel(for vitamin B12);
  • aggravated peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum(for vitamin B6; taking it for this disease can provoke an increase in the acidity of gastric juice);
  • diseases of an allergic nature (for vitamin B1);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects

  • skin reactions in the form of itching and urticaria;
  • tachycardia;
  • nausea.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

Significant clinical trials There have been no studies on the use of Neuromultivit in pregnant and lactating women. That's why this drug not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug is contraindicated in children.

Special instructions

Drug interactions

According to the instructions, Neuromultivit reduces the effectiveness of antiparkinsonian drugs (levodopa). It should be taken into account that taking ethanol alcohol sharply impairs the absorption of thiamine (vitamin B1).

Analogues of the drug Neuromultivit

A complete analogue in composition is Milgamma compositum. Multivitamin complexes containing elements of group B include the following drugs:

  1. Pikovit.
  2. Multivita plus.
  3. Polivit Baby.
  4. Watering for children.
  5. Jungle.
  6. Vibovit Baby.
  7. Multi-tabs HZ.
  8. Revit.
  9. Vibovit Junior.
  10. Pregnavit F.
  11. Pentovit.
  12. Unigamma.
  13. Triovit Cardio.
  14. Decamevit.
  15. Rikavit.
  16. Combilipen tabs.
  17. Vitasharm.
  18. Kaltsevita.
  19. Vectrum Junior.
  20. Revitalize-ADS.
  21. Vitacitrol.
  22. Vitamult.
  23. Multi-tabs Baby.
  24. Heptavit.
  25. Hexavit.
  26. Polybion N.
  27. Neurogamma.
  28. Aerovit.
  29. Tetravit.
  30. Vitabex.
  31. Alvitil.
  32. Pikovit forte.
  33. Sana-Sol - Poly vitamin complex.
  34. Vetoron.
  35. Multi-tabs B-Complex.
  36. Antioxycaps with iodine.
  37. Stressstabs 500.
  38. Benfolipen.
  39. Neurotrate forte.
  40. Gendevit.
  41. Stress formula 600.
  42. Angiovitis.
  43. Undevit.
  44. Makrovit.
  45. Endur-B.
  46. Foliber.

Vacation conditions and price

The average price of Neuromultivit (tablets No. 20) in Moscow is 609 rubles. In Kyiv you can buy medicine for 145 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - for 1920 tenge. In Minsk, pharmacies offer the drug for 14-15 bel. rubles Dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.

Neuromultivitis - pharmacological agent, containing B vitamins, indicated for use in pathologies of the nervous system.

What are the composition and release form of Neuromultivit?

The active ingredients of the pharmaceutical product Neuromultivit are represented by the following vitamins: cyanocobalamin - 200 micrograms, thiamine hydrochloride in an amount of 100 mg and pyridoxine hydrochloride, the content of which is 200 mg.

Excipients of the drug: hypromellose, macrogol 6000, povidone, titanium dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, talc.

The medicine Neuromultivit is available in tablets white with darker inclusions. Sold in packs of 20 pieces. Dispensed by pharmacies upon presentation of a prescription.

What are the effects of Neuromultivit?

All active substances of the drug contribute to the normalization of the nervous system, both central and peripheral. Total therapeutic effect from all three vitamins is more than three times the effectiveness of each individual active substance.

Thiamine is a stimulant of metabolic reactions occurring in the nervous system. Provides. It influences the processes of electrical impulse transmission, participating in the reactions of neurotransmitter biosynthesis.

Cyanocobalamin is involved in the processes of synthesis of nucleic acids, stimulates regeneration reactions and renewal of biological tissues, normalizes lipid composition nerve tissue, improves mental abilities patient.

Pyridoxine is required for normal functioning nervous system, since it acts as a coenzyme in the formation of neurotransmitters (dopamine, norepinephrine, gamma-aminobutyric acid). In addition, vitamin B6 regulates metabolic processes, occurring in most tissues and organs.

All components of the Neuromultivit drug are water-soluble compounds and, as a result, they do not have the ability to accumulate. An overdose of the drug is unlikely. However, exceeding the recommended dosage will not affect the severity of the pharmacological action.

The use of the drug helps improve functional, eliminates painful sensations, normalizes the patient’s mental abilities, improves sleep, increases tolerance physical activity, prevents the development of serious complications neurological pathology.

When taken orally, absorption processes active substances flow into small intestine. The biological transformation of vitamins occurs in the liver. Excretion occurs in stool and urine. As the dosage increases, excess active ingredients are excreted in the bile.

Indications for use

Reception vitamin preparation Neuromultivitis is indicated in the following cases:

Trigeminal neuralgia;
Intercostal neuralgia;
Shoulder pain syndrome;
Radicular syndrome;
Polyneuropathy of various etiologies and pathogenesis;
Osteochondrosis with neurological symptoms.

It is necessary to focus attention on an important circumstance. The drug is not a conventional multivitamin indicated for the treatment of hypovitaminosis. This is a medicine for the treatment of neurological pathologies.

Contraindications for use

The instructions for use prohibit taking Neuromultivit (tablets) in the following cases:

The patient's age is 18 years or less;
Increased sensitivity to pharmaceutical components.

In addition, pregnancy and lactation.

Application and dosage

The dosage of the drug should be selected by the attending physician. The effective dose of the medicine is in the range from 1 to 3 tablets per day. To prevent irritation of the gastric mucosa, it is recommended to take the pharmaceutical product after meals.

The duration of therapeutic measures depends on the opinion of the specialist, but in any case, treatment should not last more than 4 weeks, especially if patients take significant amounts of the drug.

Side effects

Taking Neuromultivit tablets can provoke the development of the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, heaviness and bloating, loose stool or constipation headache, dizziness, allergic reactions on the skin.

Special instructions

Treatment of neurological patients with this drug is not recommended in combination with multivitamin pharmaceuticals. Sharing representatives of these groups of pharmaceuticals creates the preconditions for the development of overdose.

The drug may reduce the antiparkinsonian activity of the pharmaceutical drug levodopa. To adjust the dosage, you need to consult your doctor.


Neurorubin, Nerviplex, Neurotrat forte, Neurobex, Vitaxon, . Analogs can be used only after prior consultation with your doctor, since there may be a discrepancy between contraindications and dosages.


Treatment of pathology of the nervous system should be carried out under the close supervision of an experienced specialist, with mandatory compliance integrated approach, consisting of the following activities: taking medications recommended by the doctor, rational nutrition, complete exclusion of smoking and alcohol abuse, a good night's rest.

In addition, it is important to avoid working at night, and it is also necessary to periodically visit your doctor to adjust the dosages of medications taken.

Be healthy!


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I told who needs to drink them and who doesn’t, and there we were talking about multivitamin complexes for general strengthening body. Today I want to talk about a more specialized drug. This is neuromultivit, a complex of B vitamins.

Composition of neuromultivit

The drug contains three vitamins: B1, B6 and B12, and their dosages exceed therapeutic ones.

Who is Neuromultivitis indicated for?

This is a specific vitamin complex that is intended primarily for treatment, not prevention. B vitamins are “nerve” vitamins, so they are usually taken by those who have problems with their nerves - both literally and figuratively.

Groups of people who need neuromultivitis:

  • Suffering from neuropathies, neuralgia, including intercostal and trigeminal nerves
  • Sufferers radicular syndrome due to compression of nerve endings in the spine
  • Those who suffer the most various syndromes with symptoms of pain in the neck, shoulders, shoulder blades, lower back
  • Nervous individuals with depression or other borderline conditions(anxiety, neurasthenia, panic attacks)
  • Suffering from hair loss and slow growth

Remember that for any of these conditions, neuromultivitis is prescribed only as part of complex therapy, with other drugs. By itself, it will not give any effect, except perhaps in case of hair loss.

Neuromultivit dosage

It is usually prescribed 2 tablets per day, but three are possible. If you are taking Neuromultivit without a doctor’s prescription, then I strongly do not recommend that you take more than one tablet per day! Still, the dosage of vitamins in the drug is quite high, and it may not have the best effect on you. in the best possible way, causing hypervitaminosis. In any case, before taking the drug, I highly recommend that you consult your doctor.

You need to take Neuromultivit for about a month. Repeated courses are possible 2-3 times a year.

Side effects of neuromultivitis

Not all of them are indicated in the instructions, but I have heard about them more than once from other people. Some people experience headaches. Nausea often occurs if you take the drug on an empty stomach. It must be drunk after a meal, and it should not be a small snack, but a full meal. There may also be slight discomfort in the first days, which then goes away. In general, neuromultivit is well tolerated. However, I do not recommend drinking it at night - you may not fall asleep.

Neuromultivitis: patient reviews

I myself have taken this drug more than once and I can say that I don’t particularly feel its effects on myself, but I become a little more cheerful. For neuralgic pain there is no effect unless additional analgesics are prescribed.

Many girls take Neuromultivit for hair loss, noting that the drug is no worse special complexes for hair from other manufacturers that cost a lot of money. The effect is noticeable quickly. I haven’t tested this on myself, my “shedding” does not respond to drugs, it either goes away on its own or is eliminated with special shampoos.

Neuromultivitis: reviews from doctors

Here all doctors are divided into two categories: some prescribe it even with hints of some kind of neurology, others say that the drug is useless. In fact, naturally, the truth is somewhere in the middle - the drug helps, but only in combination. If its cost seems too high to you, then you can not accept it with a clear conscience; it will not make any special difference.

Neuromultivit analogues

There is an inexpensive one domestic analogue- pentovite. However, the dosage of vitamins in one tablet is negligible, and therefore, in order to get required quantity vitamins, you have to take 6 tablets a day. And neuromultivita - only one. So personally I prefer the latter.

There is also combilipen and milgamma, which is very loved by many neurologists. They are usually prescribed in injections. The first drug is significantly cheaper. However, injections of B vitamins are such a painful action that I do not advise you to get carried away with them. It is better to take the drug in tablets, and this is even indicated in the instructions.

Bottom line

Neuromultivit is a good drug that works well in combination with others. You can drink it separately only to improve the condition of your hair. Its cost, however, is not the most affordable, but many still prefer it over domestic pentovit. Personally, I drink it in courses a couple of times a year, because nervous diseases- this is my everything.