Antibiotics for hormonal contraception: be vigilant. What weakens the effect of hormonal contraceptives

How does smoking, alcohol and antibiotics affect contraceptive effect tablets, does it reduce their effectiveness? Every woman, before choosing for herself this type contraception, should be aware that, despite the almost 100% reliability promised by the manufacturer this tool, sometimes an unwanted pregnancy does occur. And this happens not only with violations in the contraceptive regimen. But also in the fact that, in addition to it, some chemical or plant matter, which reduce the effectiveness of the hormonal drug.


Let's start with alcohol. Is it possible to take alcohol with birth control pills or are they completely incompatible? If you look at the instructions for any hormonal contraceptive, then nothing will be said about alcohol. However, this does not mean that drinking large amounts of alcohol and birth control pills are compatible. Everything should be in moderation. Including drinking alcohol, and not only by women taking contraceptives. It's simply unhealthy.

And alcohol reduces effectiveness birth control pills It really can if it provokes vomiting or diarrhea within 2-4 hours after taking the next pill. If this happens, then you need to take another tablet, since the first one, most likely, did not have time to be completely absorbed. In general, many women, knowing that a stormy event awaits them, for example, a New Year’s corporate party, postpone taking pills to the morning, and then this situation they are not in danger.
Women who wear the NuvaRing ring or the Mirena spiral do not have to worry about diarrhea and vomiting, since hormones from them do not pass through the digestive system and enter directly into the blood.


Is it possible to smoke while taking birth control pills or should you not? Smoking is bad habit, which you need to get rid of. And especially for those who take combined oral contraceptives. And the point is not that smoking reduces the effectiveness of hormonal pills, this is not true. However, this combination can sometimes be deadly for a woman.

After all, cigarettes themselves increase the risk venous thrombosis(formation of a blood clot in the veins). Another plus is that contraceptives increase this risk due to the fact that they contain the hormone estrogen (in conventional combined ones).

Birth control pills and smoking are a particularly bad combination when a woman has already crossed the 35-year mark, when the risk of any cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes, is increasing. They are better off choosing non-hormonal contraception, such as condoms or an intrauterine device.

But this doesn't suit many people. Are there really no birth control pills for women who smoke? There are no such people. However, when the patient categorically insists that the doctor recommend a hormonal contraceptive, it will be a single-component drug. That is, mini-drinks. It contains only progestogen. Estrogen is not included. Therefore, for women over 35-40 years of age, these types of drugs are safer. But, of course, they also have disadvantages. They consist of spotting that appears outside of menstruation, as well as the inability to “transfer” your menstruation (this can be done when taking combination drugs).

A middle-aged woman who smokes and takes oral contraceptives is usually monitored particularly closely by doctors. Once every six months she should visit a doctor and preferably donate blood. In addition, monitor your blood pressure levels yourself.

As for thrombosis, its first sign is usually swelling of one limb. If you notice that one of your legs is very swollen, you need to urgently visit a doctor and check the condition of the veins.

Antibacterial agents

Is it possible to take birth control and antibiotics at the same time? Yes, sometimes such a need may arise. In this case, you should not interrupt the use of contraceptives, at least if the drug package is not completely taken. This may lead to unwanted pregnancy and uterine bleeding.

Antibiotics and oral contraceptives can be taken together, but only under one condition - during the entire administration of the antibacterial drug, as well as 7-10 days after the end of its administration, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives as additional protection.

If you don’t play it safe, the statement that you can get pregnant while taking birth control and antibiotics at the same time is absolutely true... The instructions for hormonal contraceptives usually contain groups of drugs that can reduce their effectiveness. But it is advisable to take additional protection when taking any antibacterial agents systemically.

By the way, not only birth control pills and antibiotics can cause an unwanted pregnancy, but also many other drugs that are taken for neurological diseases. And also herbs, for example, St. John's wort.

Is it necessary to have an abortion if, while taking antibiotics and oral contraceptives Is there a pregnancy? Modern doctors in the vast majority of cases they say no. If the drugs have severely damaged the embryo, the pregnancy will simply stop developing, or spontaneous miscarriage. If everything is fine, then the woman is subject to routine gynecological observation. Screenings and ultrasounds are prescribed in a timely manner.

A bacterial infection while on birth control can make some women a little nervous. This is because you may have heard about the ability of antibiotics to reduce the effect of hormonal oral contraceptives. This is primarily due to increased metabolism of estrogen in the liver, which may result in insufficient estrogen to prevent pregnancy.

But in fact, not everything is so scary, and very few antibacterial drugs can lead to this. But there are a number of other medications that also increase the chance of getting pregnant by reducing the effect of birth control pills.

Is it true that antibiotics make birth control pills less effective?

Exists large number information that antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. This is also usually warned about in the instructions for the drugs themselves (contraceptives and antibiotics). In fact, manufacturers are simply playing it safe or relying on older research.

Almost all antibiotics do not affect contraception. The only* types of drugs in this group that are now thought to interact with hormonal contraception and make it less effective are antibiotics like rifampicin. They can increase the production of enzymes in the liver that increase the breakdown of estrogen from the pills, thereby reducing their levels in the body and the effectiveness of the birth control pills themselves. This may lead to unwanted pregnancy.

* – In addition, there is also an antibiotic called griseofulvin, the mechanism of its effect on the effectiveness of birth control pills has not been fully studied. But this antifungal drug, therefore described at the end of the article along with other medicines.

Simply put, the effectiveness of birth control pills can only be affected by antibiotics such as rifampicin, rifabutin. And also an antifungal antibiotic griseofulvin. The rest are not.

List of antibiotics that will not affect hormonal contraceptives (although the instructions for the drugs may indicate):

  • Tetracycline: used for acne, dental infections, Lyme disease
  • Ciprofloxacin: infections urinary tract, some ear infections, pneumonia
  • Penicillin: streptococcus throat, dental infections, upper infections respiratory tract, ear infections
  • Flagyl (metronidazole): vaginal infections, some infectious diarrheas
  • Others such as doxycycline and ampicillin.

Scientists have studied the simultaneous use of these antibiotics and contraceptives, and it was found that they do not change the effectiveness of contraception.

There are only some rare situations where an antibiotic actually interferes with contraception. If you have tuberculosis or meningitis and are taking rifampicin or rifabutin, birth control pills, patches, and rings may be less effective. You need to tell your doctor if you are using oral contraceptives and are prescribed rifampicin. You will likely be on an antibiotic for about 6-9 months to fight TB, and your doctor may suggest changing it. If you decide to continue using your current medications, it is important to use another form of contraception while you are taking it.

After finishing the course of taking these antibiotics, you will need to continue to use help for another 28 days alternative methods contraception other than pills.

The reason why women need to be careful about taking certain medications when it comes to birth control is that some of them affect the production and metabolism of hormones in the body. Birth control pills are designed to prevent ovulation by changing or stopping the hormonal process. Rifampicin is a drug that changes the metabolism of hormones, and taking it may cause ovulation and therefore the possibility of becoming pregnant.

Although most antibiotics do not affect the effectiveness of drugs used to protect against unwanted pregnancy, it will always be more effective to use additional protection. If you need additional information about these products, just ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Why then do manufacturers sometimes warn about other antibiotics in their instructions?

As stated above, only very small amounts of antibacterial drugs can actually reduce the effect hormonal contraceptives, enhancing the production of enzymes in the liver that break down estrogens. These are antibiotics such as rifampicin or rifabutin. But you can also sometimes find in the instructions for birth control pills a warning about other more common antibiotics, for example, penicillins and tetracycline. The same can be said for the antibacterial drug itself. This information differs from the evidence-based recommendations used by health care professionals today.

Most likely, manufacturers are reinsuring themselves in this way. Because in addition to increasing estrogen production in the liver, antibiotics could theoretically kill bacteria that convert inactive chemicals into active estrogen, and therefore could interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills. Although it has not been proven that unwanted pregnancy can occur this way, drug manufacturers warn that antibiotics may reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.

Other medicines that may affect hormonal medications

If you are sick and need to see your doctor for medication, be sure to tell him everything you are taking, including birth control pills. The specialist needs to know about any medications, herbal remedies and prescription drugs. When you get a prescription for a new medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist at the pharmacy if there are any drug interactions with contraceptives to be safe.

Here are some of the drugs that may interfere with hormonal contraception, including the pill:


Griseofulvin is an antifungal oral antibiotic that is used to treat fungal infections of the skin, body, hair/beard, or nails. The reason this medication interacts with birth control medications is unknown, but the effects may be serious. Concomitant use may not only reduce the effect of birth control pills and lead to pregnancy, but also cause breakthrough bleeding and irregular menstrual cycles. When your doctor prescribes these medications together, your dose of birth control pills may need to be changed or replaced with another form of contraception. The effects may last up to one month after you stop taking griseofulvin.

Medicines with St. John's wort

This herb is taken for depression or anxiety and studies have shown that it can reduce the levels of hormones that the body receives from the pill. This may cause spotting and/or ovulation. It is very important to use a back-up method of contraception if you use this method.

Epileptic drugs/mood stabilizers

Drugs such as Tegretol, Phenytoin, Primidone, Topamax, and Lamotrigine may reduce the effectiveness of birth control. Additionally, hormones may reduce the effectiveness of these medications, and you may be at greater risk of having a seizure or mania. Although, according to a 2010 study, the effect of oral contraceptives on seizures is controversial.

Make sure you discuss the use of epilepsy medications and contraceptives with your doctor to avoid drug interactions. The doctor will need to know what you are using hormonal agents so that he can control the dose of the drug to prevent attacks.

Antiviral/HIV drugs

HIV medications may reduce the effectiveness of the pills in preventing unwanted pregnancy. These include Darunavir, Nevirapine, Lopinavir, Tipranavir, Fosamprenavir and Nelfinavir. There are other HIV medications that will not affect the effects of birth control pills. Make sure you use a back-up birth control method while you are being treated for HIV.

How to increase the effectiveness of contraceptives?

  • When you get a prescription for antibiotics, ask the pharmacist at the pharmacy if there are any medications that make birth control pills less effective.
  • Use another method of contraception during antibiotic therapy. If you use spermicide and a membrane, the effectiveness is almost 100%.
  • Take birth control pills at the same time every day. Follow your doctor's recommendations.
  • Do not skip pills and follow the instructions to catch up on the missed dose.
  • If your method of contraception is an IUD, make sure you check for it every month. If you cannot detect it, you need to use another form of contraception and see your doctor as soon as possible.
  • If you have had unprotected sex, you can contact your doctor or pharmacy within 72 hours

Do antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills? This question has puzzled many women. The latest medical research data gives a clear answer - YES. Antibiotics can change the intestinal flora and reduce the absorption of hormones.

Many of them are enzyme inducers, which leads to an increase in the number of enzymes. The more enzymes that destroy a contraceptive, the faster its activity in the blood will decrease.

Many women have unplanned pregnancies while taking birth control and antibiotics. It turned out that the latter change the mechanism of action of many drugs and make birth control pills less effective.

If you are taking antibiotics and contraception together, you should protect yourself with condoms or other methods (suppositories, interrupted coitus, spermicidal ointments, etc.). Be sure to pay attention to the section of the instructions for your medication "interaction with other medicinal substances"OK should not be washed down with tea, because it contains tannin, which forms a poorly digestible compound with contraceptives. When “supported” by an antibiotic, it will further reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

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Be careful large doses vitamin C can absorb estrogen. Therefore, do not drink together with contraceptives. ascorbic acid. Paracetamol and many others have the same effect. anticonvulsants. The break between such drugs should be at least two hours.

The effectiveness of contraception can be reduced not only by taking birth control pills and antibiotics together. Antidepressants, paracetamol, herbal teas containing St. John's wort, many antifungal and chromium-containing medications, grapefruit juice and citrus itself can reduce or eliminate the effect of the contraceptive.

Each pregnancy prevention product has its own formula of reliability. As a rule, the reliability of the formula is very high. But if you add some random term to it, the effect can be reduced many times over. The reliability of hormonal contraceptives is 90-99%, the reliability of the combination of antibiotics and contraceptives%.

If you had to take antibiotics and birth control pills, then, despite the unsuccessful combination of drugs, it is recommended to finish the pills to the end of the package. During this cycle, it is advisable to additionally protect yourself with a condom or other barrier agent.

Antibiotics and oral contraceptives can be a dangerous combination. Simultaneous use of antibiotics from the group of cyclosporins (Rifampicin, Griseofulfin, Rifabutin, Tetracycline) and Postinor increases the harmful effects of both drugs on the body. The liver, biliary tract and reproductive system women. In addition to reducing contraceptive effect you risk making money serious complications, especially if you already have health problems.

Now you know what reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, and you can avoid unwanted pregnancy. Use your knowledge in practice and be happy!

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Hormones and antibiotics

Jenna Barclay is my favorite nutritionist, whose opinion on healthy eating I trust completely. In this article, she shares her views on hormones and antibiotics that we take in everyday life, as well as the consequences they have.

The most important thing is to remember that the body knows how to keep itself in optimal condition and how to heal itself if necessary. When we feel not in the best possible way, this is a sign that we are not giving the body the ingredients it needs to function properly.

Most often, we ourselves disrupt the functioning of the body by eating anti-nutrient foods that remove useful substances and energy from the body. As a result, we feel worse and worse. If we consume large amounts of these substances, then we upset the balance in the body, and it has to work hard to maintain this balance. The more energy we expend trying to remove antinutrients from our bodies, the further we move away from having a healthy body.

Hormones and antibiotics are the two most well-known anti-nutrients, and they are more common than we think, such as birth control pills and antibiotics for infections. They represent quick ways solutions to problems, so there is always a temptation to accept them, but in general this is only a short-term help. There is not enough research into the long-term effects of these pills, and they have been linked to cancer and other chronic diseases. When taking contraceptives, the body often loses the ability to regulate the menstrual cycle, and stopping the next cycle can sometimes require months of waiting. It's the same with antibiotics - they may make you feel better, but they interact with the body's immune system and increase the chances of getting sick again.

In addition, the reception of such chemicals undermines our immunity, internal balance, metabolism and the body's ability to burn fat. You may avoid illness, but you will suffer from mood swings and be prone to weight gain.

But this is only half the problem. Even if we do not take any of the above, there is a chance that these elements will still enter our body through food. Most animals raised and fed for slaughter or for milk and eggs are injected with steroids and hormones to speed up growth. And then they are fed antibiotics so that they do not catch any disease from other animals.

The only one effective way solving all our problems is a holistic approach. Eat fresh, unprocessed foods to help your body heal itself. Opt for organic animal products to avoid taking unnecessary hormones and antibiotics through your diet.

Hormones and antibiotics

Working with patients. I periodically encounter the fact that they are afraid to take and use drugs containing antibacterial agents and a hormonal component. I'll start with a simple one - Antibiotics. Are they harmful? If they are prescribed wisely by a doctor, then the risk of their consequences is minimized, but if you refuse to take them, they can lead to disastrous consequences. Availability bacterial infection, this is one of the indications for prescribing antibiotics. If you refuse to take it, in turn, the process can develop into bacteremia and even sepsis. Moreover, having appointed bacteriological research, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic even before receiving the results if he considers the condition to be severe or life-threatening. Another indication for prescribing antibacterial drugs: any operation, be it the appendix or tooth extraction. For what? For any surgical intervention there is a risk of developing suppurative processes and these drugs are needed to avoid them.

Now let's talk about hormones, which patients are so afraid of. Yes, indeed, by prescribing hormonal drugs on your own you can cause trouble, but if a doctor does it, then there is a need for it. So, external remedies: ointments, creams, gels containing cotricosteroids. They are usually prescribed for severe allergic reactions manifested on the skin, eczema, and other dermatoses occurring with severe itching. Today, many combination drugs have appeared, due to which the range of their use has expanded significantly. Usually, the prescription of external medications is combined with oral medications of non-hormonal origin, but in especially severe cases, adrenal cortex medications are also prescribed internally, and refusal to take these medications can lead to serious consequences. A trivial example: a patient was admitted to the hospital with single vesicular rashes on the torso. Upon examination, a diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris was made; the prognosis was of this disease not favorable, the state of stability is maintained with the help hormone therapy throughout life. The doctor’s task is to select adequate doses and minimize side effects. Naturally, this was announced to the patient. Despite the fact that I am also involved in non-traditional practices, I never undertake to treat patients with such problems with their help, but people who are not entirely knowledgeable in medicine especially like to do this. So we found such a grief homeopath. She gave us some herbs and promised that everything would go away and that we could stop taking hormones – the result? A week later, the patient was taken to the same hospital, but her body was already completely covered with wounds, blisters, and looked more like a living wound, she could not help but sing, not sit and suffered from pain throughout her body, the condition was extremely serious, it was 70% of the body was affected and initially, it was not clear whether the doctors would cope. Yes, this story ended more or less happily, but the doses that were now prescribed turned out to be several times higher than the original ones, since at that moment there was already talk of saving the patient’s life. About ointments. There are certain schemes on how to properly withdraw from drugs so as not to get the so-called “Withdrawal Syndrome”. Hormone therapy is carried out not only in dermatovenerology, but it is also actively used in other branches of medicine. So, for example, gynecology is a hormonal imbalance. If there is a slight change in the levels of sex hormones, you can try to do without it, but if the indications of hormones in the body are significantly changed, then there is no need hormonal correction cannot be avoided; the situation is also the same in the absence of ovulation. By the way, these are hormonal contraceptives latest generation, are the most effective and actually give a 100% guarantee; moreover, they do not change hormonal background, and also help in some cases in solving infertility problems. Endocrinology. Now, unfortunately, there are a lot of people with diseases thyroid gland, and if they are also accompanied by hormonal imbalance, then you cannot do without hormones. Namely, a deficiency or excess of certain thyroid hormones can lead to fatigue, irritability, pressure fluctuations, changes in heart rhythm, even heart pain and many other symptoms. With adequately selected hormone therapy, these symptoms can go away. But lastly: you can’t do without hormones with such severe conditions How toxic shock, Quincke's edema and convulsive conditions, but naturally, the doctor should prescribe all these drugs, since he prescribes certain drugs and draws up a treatment regimen so as to avoid as much as possible side effects of these drugs. Dermatovenerologist Elena Yurievna Ovsienko.

About antibiotics and hormones

Sorry it's late, but better late than never. You know, when you don’t have a “light” in any place, you put everything off and put off the long-planned letter. And what I wanted to know from you was not a specific question-diagnosis, but some reasoning on the topic.

I am interested in such things as the attitude of people and DOCTORS towards antibiotics and hormones. Why do doctors love these drugs, and ordinary people afraid of them like fire? I don't understand this. After all, how many diseases were started precisely thanks to our panic fear before AB and hormones? And how many nasty things have been cured thanks to AB or hormones ONLY. I would very much like you to express your opinion on this issue. Because, for example, I don’t believe it when mommy writes: “Oh, what a horror! Your child is so small, and he has already been prescribed macropen (penicillin, erythromycin, etc.). Your doctor is an ass, kick him in the face and don’t engage in such nonsense. In 10 years as a child, I have NEVER treated AB pneumonia, although it was prescribed, and nothing, everything is wonderful, the child is alive and well. “I don’t believe in such things, for the life of me. And phrases that irritate me - your doctor is a fool, he doesn’t know what he’s prescribing.

If you don’t trust your doctor, why go to him; If you trust, why do you ask and listen to people who don’t, unlike a doctor?

a) honey education;

b) sufficient knowledge and

c) the experience of a practicing doctor.

I would really like to understand the meaning of such common phrases as: “irrational use of AB”, “untimely administration of AB”, “excessive administration of AB”, etc. etc. After all, a doctor, prescribing, for example, for otitis, an AB of the corresponding series, knows that it will concentrate precisely in the Eustachian tube, and this drug will kill the causative agents of otitis, for example. I understand that medicine is not mathematics and science is quite approximate, but still we are not swallowing some new, untested clinical trials medicines for everyone known remedies, well studied, as a rule, and having positive reviews, etc. What then can be expressed as “untimeliness”, “irrationality”, “redundancy”? And under what other conditions being equal can it “shoot”?

All this, in principle, also applies to hormones. Why torture the child and yourself by curing atopy not with Advantan, for example, but by raising it. oil, cat and it doesn’t help (this is all for example). Isn’t it easier to apply advantan to the rash a couple of times to prevent a secondary infection and calmly look for the cause of the allergy than to shout: “Guard! You will heal the child” and throw all your energy into an ineffective fight against the manifestations of the disease, and not against its causes.

I also “like” phrases like: “Don’t put your child in early age for hormones and antihistamines, but go straight to a homeopathic wizard and swallow pellets of strange origin for the rest of your life. It will provide you with virtual immortality.” Sorry for the confusion. The child is sleeping, I’m in a hurry to write. Otherwise he’ll wake up and we’ll go outside again (Lord, I’ll probably live there soon!).

Best regards, Olga

Let's start with antibiotics. The fundamental essence of the issue is that any medical drug has its own clear indications for use. There are indications - what is there to be afraid of or not to be afraid of - common sense tells you what to apply.

My daily practice does not exactly confirm your statement that ordinary people are afraid of antibiotics like fire. Moreover, antibiotics are often used without a doctor, by these very ordinary people. And in a situation where the doctor does not prescribe, these same ordinary people very often become indignant. For me, as an actual practicing doctor, the use of antibiotics for the slightest sneeze is a very big problem. And if on one side of the scale we put “how many diseases were started precisely thanks to our panicked fear of AB”, and on the other “how many diseases became chronic, how many people could not be saved due to premature or unjustified prescription of AB” - that’s the second cup for me it will be more weighty.

Who will argue about whether it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics for pneumonia, meningitis, scarlet fever, and sore throat. But with ARVI? At acute bronchitis, which is almost always viral? Quite often the prescribed antibiotic does not antibacterial therapy, and psychotherapy for relatives and insurance for the doctor: relatives calm down knowing that they are allegedly using effective medicine, and the doctor is confident that if complications arise, it will in no way be his fault - he did everything he could and prescribed antibiotics. Illustration. The child fell ill on Sunday. Snot and temperature 39. On Monday they started taking ampicillin. On Wednesday it was no better - the temperature was 38. They started injecting cefazolin. On Saturday he was no better - he was coughing and his temperature was rising. They took an x-ray. Pneumonia was diagnosed. Now we need to treat. The question is - what? For this is not just pneumonia, but pneumonia caused by bacteria that survived ampicillin and cefazolin. Those. If they didn’t give anything (because antibiotics weren’t needed - an acute onset with snot is a clear ARVI), then they could calmly drink the same ampicillin syrup from Saturday and cure pneumonia. Now it turns out that we need to buy something more expensive and more serious. But there is no money for this “more serious” stuff. We need to go to the hospital, etc. etc. During my work in the pediatric intensive care unit, the worst thing was when such a child was admitted, who was first treated by his mother and father, then by the local doctor, then by district hospital, and then they decided to send her to the regional department - but there was nothing left to treat - they had already tried everything, and that was the end of it. The otitis media you mentioned can be perfectly treated with the popular (cheap, non-toxic, effective) antibiotic amoxicillin (syn. flemoxin, ospamox). But otitis media is almost always a complication of ARVI. Will amoxicillin be effective if prescribed before otitis, at the very beginning of ARVI? Of course it won't. The main misconception is that people are sure: since amoxicillin treats otitis and pneumonia, then if you prescribe it at the very beginning, then there will be no otitis or pneumonia! But this is far from true. The cause of otitis media is impaired ventilation of the ear cavity due to blockage eustachian tube. The cause of pneumonia is impaired ventilation of the lung area due to blockage of the bronchi with viscous sputum. We cannot kill all bacteria at once. And there are a great many of these bacteria in the nasopharynx. If we prescribe amoxicillin before then, we will get pneumonia or otitis media caused by bacteria that will survive. Amoxicillin has no effect on staphylococcus. Do you think that as a result of such “timely antibiotic therapy” it is good to get not just pneumonia, but staphylococcal pneumonia, which is more difficult to treat and causes complications many times more often? The question is rhetorical. But not prescribing an antibiotic does not mean “not treating,” because treatment is completely different and completely concrete actions, they are described in the chapters about otitis media and pneumonia, I will not dwell on this. "

I would really like to understand the meaning of such common phrases as: “irrational use of AB”, “untimely administration of AB”, “excessive administration of AB”, “irrational use of AB”. Rationality in antibiotic therapy lies in the fact that there are recommended (optimal) treatment regimens for diseases for which the causative agent is known. Scarlet fever - penicillin, whooping cough - erythromycin, typhoid fever- chloramphenicol, etc. There are recommendations for empirical drug selection before the pathogen can be isolated (if it is isolated at all). So, when treating pneumonia, they take into account the age of the child, the place where the pneumonia arose, and theoretically the doctor knows that pneumonia is caused by certain microbes in a newborn, and by others in a three-year-old. Home pneumonia is usually caused by pneumococcus, while hospital pneumonia is usually caused by other bacteria. Deviation from scientifically based schemes is a sign of irrationality. It is not rational to treat scarlet fever or domestic pneumonia with rovamycin or claforan - but penicillin is quite rational. One of the manifestations of irrationality (extreme) is the wrong choice - you cannot treat home pneumonia with gentamicin, because it does not act on pneumococcus. It is incorrect to treat whooping cough with penicillin, because penicillin has no effect on the whooping cough bacillus. It is not correct to treat measles, rubella, mumps, ARVI, etc. antibiotics, because it viral infections, antibiotics cannot help at all. “untimely prescription of an antibiotic” A specific bacterial infection was not recognized in a timely manner, so it was not prescribed. But at this point everything is not so clear and no one in their right mind would delay taking antibiotics when obvious signs bacterial infection - sore throat, meningitis, scarlet fever, etc. But it is precisely the threat of being accused of untimely prescription that leads to the fact that antibiotics are much more often prescribed prematurely or not at all. 3rd day of ARVI. Baby is 5 months old. Upon inspection, there is a scream throughout the entire house. Can a doctor, listening to a screaming child, be sure that the lungs are clean? It can't. And in a couple of days, an ambulance will arrive at night, take you to the hospital, they will take an x-ray there and so tenderly and collegially they will notice what you have done to the child, how difficult it will be to save you, if only 2 days ago. A wonderful way to immediately dot the i's - in any case, we are not to blame, your doctor did not recognize it in time. And no one can prove that there was no pneumonia then; if he didn’t prescribe it, it’s his fault. And they will assign it to everyone. "overprescription of AB" Special case irrationality - injections instead of sweet syrup, three drugs instead of one, ceftriaxone instead of ampicillin, etc. The bottom line. Antibiotics are serious, highly effective medicines. When it’s on point, and skillfully. If not relevant, then: - the risk of allergies, the risk of complications of antibiotic therapy (dysbacteriosis, specific complications- hearing loss when using gentamicin, etc.), the risk of the emergence of resistant bacteria - this is relevant both for the individual patient and for society as a whole. Each of us has a chance of getting seriously ill - getting into an accident, getting pneumonia and ending up in the hospital. And it will be very great if at this moment we do not at least think about the fact that we are allergic to penicillin group, which (allergy, of course) we developed out of the blue by swallowing ampicillin when we had a runny nose. For me personally, the concepts of “pneumonia” and “resistant bacteria” are not empty words at all. At the age of 29, I myself earned lobar pneumonia. And when the best laboratory in the city isolated streptococcus, staphylococcus and E. coli from my blood, which were resistant to almost everything, then I, as a doctor, was well aware of my prospects. And when I now look at the X-rays of my own lungs taken then, I still don’t fully understand why, after two months of half-life, God still allowed me to stay in this world. And hormones, during treatment allergic dermatitis- This is ostrich therapy. Influencing the effect without understanding the cause.

“Isn’t it easier to apply advantan to the rash a couple of times to prevent a secondary infection from occurring and calmly look for the cause of the allergy.” Nobody bothers you to look for these reasons before Advantan, during and after. Only when it becomes easier does the intensity of the search for some reason decrease. And you can’t even imagine what kind of secondary infection develops precisely against the background of hormones, and what terrible microbes cause it. Therefore, there are clear indications for hormones - intense itching, rapid increase in allergy manifestations, etc. And feeding him oranges and at the same time smearing his cheeks with advantan - do you think this doesn’t happen? What a calm search for reasons there is. Summary: all the “folk thoughts” you quoted are just oral folk art. I generally cannot understand what right a certain neighbor or friend has to comment on the treatment of your child and give advice on this matter. This is your child, and it would be just great if your child had a doctor who is not afraid of his patient’s mother, treats him as he would treat his own child, and treats his own rationally. And this is the main thing that I would like to wish you. All the best to you. Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich

Hello, Evgeniy Olegovich!

Thank you very much for your answer. You know, in my opinion, people are divided into two camps - those who consider antibiotics a panacea for all ills and drink them indiscriminately (in this group, unfortunately, there are doctors) and those who fear them like fire and under no circumstances They are trying to delay taking AB further and further. That's what I asked about the second ones. The first ones - God bless them, everything is clear here and the logic (is it?) is, in principle, quite clear. But the second ones terribly surprise me. Because after all, there are people who treat pneumonia with a cold shower and stuff their ears with geranium leaves for otitis media. It is in this case that I would like to know where the legs “grow” from, because all sorts of horror stories about AB are spread by doctors and paramedical figures, because, for example, such information is not available to me due to my professional background. unsuitability in this area and, accordingly, I cannot judge this, much less disseminate any information.

“Who will argue about whether it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics for pneumonia, meningitis, scarlet fever, and sore throat. But with ARVI? For acute bronchitis, which is almost always viral? Quite often, a prescribed antibiotic is not a means of antibacterial therapy, but psychotherapy for relatives and insurance for the doctor: relatives calm down, knowing that they are using a supposedly effective medicine, and the doctor is confident that if complications arise, it will not be his fault - he has done everything, that he could and prescribed antibiotics.” This question has been bothering me for a long time. It is no secret that many doctors prescribe AB for ARVI specifically for the purpose of PREVENTING bacterial complications. I always thought that problems should be solved as they arise, but no. The last time, to my question: “How can we avoid getting otitis media, pneumonia, etc. again?”, the doctor answered: “If the temperature is above 38 degrees. If it lasts for more than three days, then you need to start taking AB.” This offended me somewhat, but I did not argue with him. Although, the doctor is quite respected, young, progressive and far from a fool.

“Rationality in antibiotic therapy lies in the fact that there are recommended (optimal) treatment regimens for diseases for which the causative agent is known. Scarlet fever - penicillin, whooping cough - erythromycin, typhoid fever - chloramphenicol, etc.” Well, this question has been bothering me for a long time. Because using the example of our teacher. the doctor may doubt the presence of this very “empirical choice”, because To any question about antibiotic therapy, I always get the same answer: “We’ll take sumamed.” The first time I managed to avoid this, I was perfectly cured with Rulid, in the second ARVI we were also threatened with drinking sumamed within three days (for what indications, on what grounds, it is not clear). You see, my sobs about - this doctor said this, and this kind of thing - are in no way incriminating in relation to specific doctors, because I respect both one and the other and I like them both. Apparently they complement each other in my particular case. But the thing is that these stories of mine are not something special. This is ordinary everyday life for many, many doctors and parents in the territory former Sov. Union. And the saddest thing is that it is almost impossible for non-medical parents to obtain reliable, competent and well-presented information about ABs and their use. And about hormones. In principle, I did not mean hormone therapy for atopy, etc. specifically. I am generally interested in this topic. Hormones are used to treat a lot of diseases. After all, it’s no secret to anyone (maybe I’m wrong) that at the moment the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs are. hormonal ointments. Is that true? And there are indications when you can’t do without the same notorious Advantan. But they don’t give this. For example, we didn’t have anything super terrible in this sense (I’ll spit three times). But I saw on the street, on children. the playground has creepy faces of small (usually up to 1.5 years old) children, their hands, ears. It was impossible to look at them without shuddering - one continuous crust of purple color, wet or, on the contrary, dry. When asked “how do you deal with this”, I almost always received the answer “We bathe in chamomile and string.” But you see - it doesn’t help, you see that it’s only getting worse - no, they are intimidated by hormones thanks to or teaching. doctor or various publications and broadcasts. I’m not saying that we all need to be treated with AB and hormones, but that it would be nice to be more relaxed about these methods. Patients should not paint an enemy in every tube, or vice versa, should not swallow/smear themselves indiscriminately, and doctors and officials should give the population calm, balanced information without horror films and embellishments. The summary of my message is this. Last time I simply didn’t formulate my question, I became blurry again. And the essence of my question was the following: are antibiotic and hormonal therapy really so terrible, scary and harmful for human body as some patients and even doctors believe. Is it really true that such “bombing” is used to treat a patient almost on his deathbed, and even more can be done before that? easy means? Although, in principle, I received the answer - diagnostics is probably the most sore spot our medicine with you. Am I right? Thank you for your attention.

Best regards, Olga

Let’s highlight the main thing: “Are antibiotic and hormonal therapy really as terrible, scary and harmful to the human body as some patients and even doctors believe. Is it really true that such “bombing” is used to treat a patient almost on his deathbed, and before that, easier means can be used? "

And to summarize: not terrible, with proper and rational use it is very effective and practically safe. The most difficult thing is the above-mentioned “competent and rational”. But this is a separate topic. And there really are a lot of unnecessary fears. A typical example is the attitude of the “broad masses” towards the same hormonal contraceptives - how can you convince people that taking pills for 10 years is less harmful than having one abortion? It is very difficult to fight these rumors and fears in our country, first of all, because everyone considers themselves an expert, but this is half the trouble. A the main problem the fact that many people consider themselves entitled to give valuable instructions to others - neighbors, acquaintances and passers-by. And it is almost impossible to fight this.

All the best to you. Komarovsky Evgeniy Olegovich

Compatibility of antibiotic and hormonal tablets.

For a prolonged ARVI, my therapist prescribed me to take Augmentin. At the same time, being examined by a gynecologist, I was diagnosed with an endometriotic cyst of the right ovary, and was scheduled for hospitalization next month for laparoscopy. Moreover, from the 1st day of menstruation, Regulon was prescribed. Is it possible to start using Regulon in parallel with Augmentin? Are Augmentin and Regulon compatible?

Good afternoon, Ekaterina! Yes, you can take the drugs together, but in some cases antibiotics can reduce the contraceptive effect and healing effect Regulona. Therefore, while taking the medication, it is better to additionally use other methods of protection. But as a stage before surgical intervention, you can drink Regulon, regardless of taking Augmentin. All the best!

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Antibiotics have been found to reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Some women got pregnant because they were sick and took antibiotics at the same time they took the pill, because they didn't realize that this could change the way the pill worked.

Antibiotics for hormonal contraception: be vigilant

Birth control pills are considered one of the most effective types contraception. When they first appeared in the 1960s, they changed the lives of women who could now, for the first time in history, have sex just for pleasure, without having to deal with high risk pregnancy. Women began to choose the size of their family. Fewer children born to each woman means she has more career options. But when using this contraceptive, you should remember some features.

Why do antibiotics affect birth control pills?

Antibiotics change intestinal flora and affect the body's ability to absorb hormones. More of the active ingredient is lost during bowel movements, and breakthrough bleeding and pregnancy may occur.

Examples of antibiotics that may affect the tablets include amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, and tetracycline. Other antibiotics that are also enzyme inducers, such as rifampicin and rifabutin, are powerful and render the tablets ineffective. These types of medications can increase the amount of enzymes in the body. They are known to be enzyme-inducing and may interfere with hormonal contraception. Enzymes in the body do not return to normal balance for several weeks after taking this type of medicine, so doctors advise the use of other methods of contraception.

Enzymes are proteins that control chemical reactions in the body, and they can speed up the processing of tablet ingredients. The less active ingredients will be in your blood. This is why pregnancy can occur if no other method of contraception is used.

What else can reduce the effectiveness of the pills?

  • Anticonvulsants such as phenytoin and carbamazepine.
  • HIV drugs such as Norvir.
  • Take ulipristal acetate tablets the next morning.
  • Taking herbal medicines, for example, from depression. There have been several reports of pregnancy in women taking St. John's wort.
  • Diarrhea and/or vomiting

If you have been taking an enzyme-inducing antibiotic, an alternative, non-hormonal method is needed four to eight weeks after you stop treatment. Apart from those mentioned above, all other antibiotics are non-enzyme inducing.

Hormonal contraception is one of the most commonly used methods of preventing pregnancy today. The effectiveness of this method of protection is more than 99%. But only on condition that the pills are taken in accordance with all existing rules. However Not everyone knows that the effect of oral contraceptives can be weakened by some medications and herbs. You need to be especially careful when taking antibiotics and over-the-counter medications. The risk of unwanted pregnancy may increase from the wrong combination of medications.

All women should be aware that the effectiveness of hormonal contraception is reduced by most oral antibiotics. Most depressing effect on hormones the following drugs:
Amoxicillin. It is most often used for infections of the respiratory system, urinary tract, as well as inflammation of the middle ear and tonsils.
Tetracycline. Used primarily for treatment acne and skin infections.
Rifampicin. Prescribed for the treatment of infections wide range, including tuberculosis and diseases caused by staphylococci

Other antibacterial drugs also do not have the best effect on the effect of hormonal contraception. Therefore, during treatment with antibiotics, it is imperative to use additional methods protection. And it wouldn’t hurt the doctor to know what hormonal pills you accept.

Be careful, paracetamol!

You should also pay attention to most medications that are taken at the slightest sign respiratory diseases. It turns out that the well-known and widely used paracetamol can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.

This happens most often when the recommended daily dose medicines. Remember that the maximum dose of paracetamol per day is 3000 mg (6 tablets of 500 mg). But already at 1500 mg, the effectiveness of hormonal contraception decreases.

In this regard, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions for taking medications for flu and colds. Paracetamol is often found in these medications available without a prescription. If you see that you will have to take more than 1000 mg of paracetamol per day, do not rely on the effectiveness of birth control pills: use additional ways protection.

The effectiveness of hormonal contraception can also be negatively affected by:
Antidepressants and anti-stress medications that can be bought without a prescription.
Herbal medicines and preparations containing St. John's wort. Why? This plant contains components that stimulate the liver's functions to break down drugs and remove them from the body. This also applies to hormones.
Herbal teas for weight loss. They increase intestinal motility and interfere with the absorption of drugs.
Medicines used to treat fungal diseases.
Grapefruit and its juice. Twenty years ago, scientists discovered that substances present in grapefruits affect how the body metabolizes certain medications. In particular, hormonal contraception becomes useless if the pills have been taken grapefruit juice or if the grapefruit was eaten less than 2 hours or 2 hours after taking hormones.
Chromium-containing drugs that are used for weight loss. Chromium impairs the absorption of components of contraceptive drugs. It is best to take chromium medications at least four hours before taking the tablet.
Activated carbon and other sorbents can also interfere with the absorption of drugs and, thereby, reduce the effectiveness of the tablet. Care must be taken to ensure that the break between the use of the sorbent and hormonal drug was at least four hours.

Now you know what reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, and you can avoid unwanted pregnancy. Use your knowledge in practice and be happy!

Antibiotics interfere with hormones

Be careful, paracetamol!

What else should you pay attention to?

Home Birth control pills

Birth control pills and antibiotics

Birth control pills and antibiotics

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The effect of smoking on the body:

  1. blood clotting increases
  2. the movement of blood through the vessels and veins is hampered

Additional information

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Is it possible to take antibiotics and birth control pills at the same time?

Antibiotics interfere with hormones

Amoxicillin. It is most often used for infections of the respiratory system, urinary tract, as well as inflammation of the middle ear and tonsils.

Tetracycline. Used primarily to treat acne and skin infections.

Rifampicin. Prescribed for the treatment of a wide range of infections, including tuberculosis and diseases caused by staphylococci

Be careful, paracetamol!

This happens most often when the recommended daily dose of the medication is exceeded. Remember that the maximum dose of paracetamol per day is 3000 mg (6 tablets of 500 mg). But already at 1500 mg, the effectiveness of hormonal contraception decreases.

What else should you pay attention to?

The effectiveness of hormonal contraception can also be negatively affected by:

Antidepressants and anti-stress medications that can be bought without a prescription.

Herbal medicines and preparations containing St. John's wort. Why? This plant contains components that stimulate the liver's functions to break down drugs and remove them from the body. This also applies to hormones.

Herbal teas for weight loss. They increase intestinal motility and interfere with the absorption of drugs.

Medicines used to treat fungal diseases.

Now you know what reduces the effectiveness of hormonal contraception, and you can avoid unwanted pregnancy. Use your knowledge in practice and be happy!

Birth control pills and antibiotics

Theoretically, additional drugs may alter the metabolism of synthetic hormones in the blood, thereby altering their effectiveness. Antibiotics may interfere with the metabolism of estrogen (the active ingredient in birth control pills). In this case, the effectiveness of the contraceptive may decrease, and there will be a need to take backup methods of contraception, such as condoms. You should use additional contraception while you are taking antibiotics and for the first week after you stop taking them.

Antibiotics that reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives: rifampicin, and to a lesser extent, penicillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, tetracycline, minocycline, metronidazole and nitrofurantoin.

Phenytoin and barbiturates also reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives and may cause bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle.

Tips for women who must take antibiotics while using birth control pills

Birth control pills and antibiotics

There are two types of packaging with combined contraceptives: 21-day pack followed by a week break and 28-day pack, the last 7 tablets of which do not contain hormones. If you are taking antibiotics, then in the case of a 21-day package, you should not take a 7-day break; you must immediately start the next package. In the case of a 28-day package, you should not drink 7 inactive tablets (no hormones, they are a different color), but you should immediately move on to the active tablets from the next package.

Antibiotics can interact with birth control pills, making them less effective. You should use additional contraception during and after antibiotic therapy (for at least another week)

If you have been prescribed antibiotics for more than two weeks, you may need further advice. Your doctor should be able to provide it.

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Birth control pills and smoking

* Estrogen containing #150; These are combined contraceptive drugs that contain the hormone estrogen. It is also contained in the Evra hormonal patch and in the Nuvaring vaginal ring.

The effect of smoking on the body:

  1. rises blood pressure
  2. the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle increases
  3. short-term vasospasm occurs
  4. blood clotting increases
  5. the movement of blood through the vessels and veins is hampered

Side effects of estrogen-containing birth control pills

  1. blood clotting increases
  2. the movement of blood through the vessels and veins is hampered

Factors that provoke the formation of blood clots:

Therefore, if you are over 35 years old and you fall under at least one item on this list, then you need to choose a contraceptive that does not contain estrogen.

Contraceptives for women who smoke

If birth control pills contain ethinyl estradiol, estradiol valerate or estradiol hemihydrate, then you this drug contraindicated. Also cannot be used as contraception. hormonal patch Evra and Nuvaring vaginal ring.

Women who smoke can take birth control pills without estrogen (called progestin-only birth control pills or mini-pills). These include: Lactinet. Charosetta. Exluton and Microlut.

There are other methods of hormonal contraception for women who smoke #150; This hormonal IUD Mirena. which is installed in the uterine cavity for a period of 5 years. Or the hormonal implant Implanon. It is injected under the skin and provides reliable contraception for up to 3 years.

If you have irregular sex life, you can use non-hormonal contraceptives: contraceptive suppositories or creams, regular intrauterine device or a condom.

Additional information

While taking birth control pills, smoking woman must undergo an annual test to check blood clotting (coagulogram). To prevent increased blood clotting, drink enough fluids (1.5 #150; 2 liters per day), especially in hot weather. More physical activity, less fatty, fried and sweet. To thin the blood, you can eat onions, garlic, cherries, cranberries, blueberries and ginger. On the recommendation of a doctor, they can be prescribed special drugs, blood thinners.

And the most best way avoid harmful effects on circulatory system and other organs #150; is to quit smoking using e.g. effective technique Allen Carr The easy way quit smoking.