Bullous cystitis in children - how to treat it. Clinic and treatment of bullous cystitis

Bullous cystitis - inflammatory process in the bladder, accompanied by the formation of serous vesicles on the swollen mucous membrane. This pathology occurs as a result of active division pathogenic microorganisms in the cavity bladder. During their life, dangerous toxic substances are released, which activates the process of hyperemia:

  • The mucous membrane of the bladder becomes covered with foreign microorganisms.
  • The epithelial cells gradually become deformed, causing damage to the deep layers of the bladder.
  • The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, hardens and swells, and blisters with serous fluid appear on it.

The pathological process caused by bullous cystitis affects the smooth muscle muscles of the bladder, supplied with nerve fibers. Under the influence toxic substances they are destroyed, which is why impulses cannot be transmitted to the central nervous system. This leads to severe urination problems, pain in the lower abdomen, and changes in the odor and color of urine.

Bullous cystitis is most often diagnosed in girls aged 4-12 years. It occurs extremely rarely in men due to their anatomical structure. Also, the pathology can worsen in women who for a long time were in the cold. The disease is associated with the entry of pathogenic microorganisms from the anus or vaginal opening into the bladder. The chronic form of bullous cystitis occurs against the background of serious gynecological problems developing due to hormonal or immune disorders. The most common causes of bullous cystitis are:

  • Immune disorders.
  • Kidney disorders.
  • Insufficient genital hygiene.
  • Prolonged exposure to the cold.
  • Prolonged retention of urine.
  • Deficiency or surplus of vitamins in the body.
  • Consequences of diabetes.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • The appearance of adhesions on the bladder due to surgery.
  • Circulatory disorders in the pelvis.
  • Hormonal dysfunction.

Hypothermia is the most common cause of bullous cystitis.

How does it manifest?

It is quite difficult to recognize the signs of bullous cystitis. Its symptoms are not much different from other forms of cystitis. Usually before acute attack pain, the person becomes hypothermic. Women who do not know how to dress for the weather may face the following problems:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Constant urge to go to the toilet.
  • Cloudiness and darkening of urine.
  • Body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees.
  • General weakness.


When the first signs of bullous cystitis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will send you to advanced diagnostic examination. It usually starts with a history, but a blurred picture is of little benefit. To study the picture in more detail, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • Ultrasound of the bladder and lobes.
  • Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko.
  • Urine examination according to Zimnitsky.
  • Urethral swab.
  • Bacterial culture of urine.
  • Antibioticogram.
  • Uroflowmetry - determines the speed of urine flow.
  • Cystoscopy - examination of the inner lining of the bladder.

In the future it may be necessary differential diagnosis, which is necessary to determine the chronic form of bullous cystitis.


This pathology requires complex drug treatment. It is important that the treatment regimen is selected by the attending physician. Usually to get rid of discomfort are appointed the following types drugs:

  • Antibiotics – kill all pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Uroseptics – kill infections and block their further spread throughout the body.
  • Painkillers – relieve severe discomfort.
  • Immunomodulatory - increase the body's immune capabilities.

Physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed to obtain faster results. In addition, it is necessary to observe a daily routine and adhere to special therapeutic diet. An integrated approach will allow you to get rid of bullous cystitis in the shortest possible time.

Traditional methods of treatment

There are a huge number of recipes traditional medicine, which allow you to get rid of bullous cystitis. Most often, herbs and berries are used to prepare such medicines, from which fruit drinks, decoctions and tinctures are prepared. Recipes containing the following components have shown the greatest effectiveness in the fight against this disease:

  • Pullets.
  • Cornflowers.
  • Yarrow.
  • Juniper.
  • Parsley seeds.
  • Propolis.
  • Lingonberry leaves.
  • Celandine.

You can even take decoctions from these plants as a preventive measure. Do not forget to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, wear underwear made exclusively from natural fabrics and dress according to the weather. If you start treatment with traditional methods on initial stage bullous cystitis, then you will be able to get rid of discomfort in just 1-1.5 weeks.

Before use traditional methods Treatment of bullous cystitis is necessary to consult with your doctor.


Proper nutrition is the key to a quick and complete recovery after bullous cystitis. In its importance it is not inferior to compliance hygiene procedures. It is very important to avoid foods that can irritate the urinary tract or the mucous membrane of the bladder: various spices and spices, soy sauce, garlic, onion. It is best for the diet to include:

  • Lean meats.
  • Dairy and lactic acid products.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Porridges and cereals.
  • Weak tea.
  • Still mineral water.

Infectious and inflammatory lesions of the bladder (cystitis) dominate in their manifestation among a huge number of urological pathologies. The disease is characterized by the development inflammatory reactions in the mucous covering of the urinary bladder organ, causing structural and functional disorders. By morphological changes structural tissues of the bladder walls, cystitis can manifest itself various types and forms. One of which is bullous cystitis(BC).

This form inflammatory lesion MP is not considered an independent disease. It manifests itself as a complication of the chronic form of cystitis, as a consequence of untimely examination and late initiation of treatment.

Long-term exposure to the inflammatory reaction on the bladder tissue causes the development of pathological processes, manifested by congestive hyperemia (areas overflowing with blood) and bullous edema - the formation of many cavities filled with blood serum leaking from the capillaries (serous fluid).

Swelling manifests itself in a progressive manner, which leads to disruption of the integrity of the mucous epithelium and deprives the cystic walls protective properties, which creates a risk deep defeat MP structural tissues.

Bullous lesions of the bladder tissue with the formation of many spherical cavities protruding onto the surface of the mucous lining of the bladder are diagnosed in adult patients and children. Clinical features pathological lesions are determined by gender, age and general condition patient.

Reason for the development of BC

Features of the development of BC in adults

The genesis of bullous lesions of the bladder is due to two main factors - the influence of pathogenic flora that has penetrated into the cavity of the bladder and the weakening of local immune phagocytosis, due to a number of provocative factors caused by:

  • availability renal pathologies of various natures that disrupt urinary excretion processes;
  • side effects of medications;
  • consequences surgical interventions that disrupt the processes of complete emptying of the bladder (strictures, adhesions and scars);
  • lack of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, provoking the development of venous stasis (blood stagnation);
  • bacterial, hormonal and endocrine pathologies;
  • poor nutrition and vitamin deficiency;
  • passive lifestyle.

Features of the development of BC in children

Bullous cystitis is most often diagnosed in children aged 4 and 12 years - mainly in girls, although up to the age of three, the disease affects both sexes equally. This pathology is rare in infants. Diagnosing CD in young children is difficult due to the inability of children to convey their sensations. It is possible to identify pathology only during an exacerbation of the disease.

The reason for the development of BC in children is due to:

  1. Failure of children's immunity.
  2. High transcapillary exchange (permeability vascular walls), which ensures the free distribution of toxic substances into surrounding tissues.
  3. Insufficient activity of the spleen, which acts as a filter in the body for foreign “agents” and produces antibodies against them.
  4. Accelerated metabolic processes ( metabolic processes), reducing the chance of fast recovery body.

All this explains the fact that the development of the disease in children begins during the cold season under the influence of cold. Incompletely formed immune phagocytosis (protection) reduces the level of body resistance, which promotes free penetration and active influence it is affected by bacterial and viral infections.

The signs of BC in adults and children are generally identical. Manifest:

  • severe sharp pain during voiding (urination);
  • painful sensations in the area of ​​projection of the MP (lower abdomen);
  • cloudy urine and a strong odor;
  • imperative urges with minor mictions;
  • fever, malaise and weakness.

In children ten and twelve years old, the manifestations of bullous cystitis are most pronounced and painful.

Treatment methods

Protocol therapeutic therapy cystitis with bullous tissue damage involves integrated approach Treatment includes medications, physiotherapy sessions, and diet correction.

Scheme drug therapy includes:

  1. Various forms of anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Indomethacin in the form rectal suppositories, tablets or injections. Concentrating in the affected area, they relieve unpleasant symptoms.
  2. To normalize the processes of migration and eliminate swelling of the mucous tissues, diuretic drugs are prescribed - the most popular is Furosemide.
  3. Antibiotic therapy – to eliminate foci of infection. Prescribe medications various groups antibiotics taking into account the resistance of the identified pathogen. For example – “”, “”, “Clarithromycin”, antibiotics of the cephalosparin group (selection of drugs, course and dosage are individual).
  4. In combination with antibiotics, a long course of natural uroseptics is prescribed. It can be "" or "".
  5. Effective for bullous lesions of the bladder homeopathic remedies. “Bura” helps in normalizing the processes of urination and relieves false tenesmus (urge), “Dulcamara” - relieves pain and accelerates the regeneration of affected tissues (prescribed for signs of bloody inclusions in the urine), “Digitalis” - is effective in eliminating painful conditions in the suprapubic area of ​​the abdomen .

Practice and clinical studies showed that antibacterial treatment bullous cystitis is not effective in 35% of cases. This is due to the fact that with this form of damage to the urinary bladder tissues, the pathogen is already in the submucosal tissues, where antibacterial agents have practically no effect on it.

In progress drug therapy processes of disturbance of micturition (dysuria) are normalized faster than purulent accumulations in urine (leukocyturia) disappear, which explains the fact that the relief of inflammatory reactions begins with the superficial lining of the bladder, and then with its deep layers.

All this explains the need to use the following techniques for bullous cystitis:

  • Endovesical phonophoresis.
  • SMT (sinusoidal modulated currents), both isolated and in combination with Gangleron, introduced by electrophoresis, which makes it possible to block pathological impulses from the MP. Used when symptoms predominate acute delay mictions and the presence of hypertonicity of the muscle tissue of the bladder (detrusor).
  • Laser therapy, UHF and ultrasound are prescribed during latent phase inflammatory processes.
  • For the effectiveness of tissue regeneration, balneotherapy and mud therapy procedures are prescribed.

Therapeutic therapy of CD in children

BC therapy in children is aimed at relieving pain symptoms, stabilizing urination processes, and eliminating the causative agent of the infectious-inflammatory process. How earlier child examined and treatment started, the faster it will be possible to stabilize his condition and eliminate the pathology.

Drug treatment is similar to treatment in adult patients with correction age dosage and taking into account possible side effects and contraindications. In addition to the standard treatment regimen, complex therapy includes:

  1. Drip administration of antibiotics (instillation) at the initial stage.
  2. Instillation in MP of a solution of nitrogen-silver salt (silver nitrate) with increasing concentration, both isolated and in combination with Collargol or Dioxidin, which promotes improved blood circulation in the bladder tissues.
  3. Instillation of 10% Dibunol liniment with Novocaine has an antiseptic effect on inflamed lesions.
  4. Course regimens of the anti-inflammatory drug “Skin-Cap” in combination with leukocyte human interferon can be used to treat pathology in children.

Along with drug treatment physiotherapy sessions are carried out, which contributes to quick recovery. Physiotherapy for bullous cystitis in children includes:

  • a method of introducing calcium chloride into the body through electrophoresis, which helps strengthen the bladder walls;
  • instillation of “Terrilitin” or “Lidase”, which have proteolytic properties that promote mild scarring of the affected tissues;
  • simultaneous use with instillation of enemas with alternating use of a solution of chamomile and eucalyptus;
  • local exposure to galvanic currents with electrophoresis eliminates swelling;
  • galvanic currents in combination with ultrasound contribute to therapeutic effect other procedures;
  • SMT (sinusoidal modulated currents), both in isolation and in combination with electrophoresis with “ ” or “ ”;
  • wrapping and applications with ezokerite or paraffin.

As a herbal medicine that has a beneficial effect on the body, decoctions of juniper and lingonberry leaves, cranberry juice and fruit drinks.

If the body’s response to the treatment is insufficient, it may be prescribed vitamin complexes and immunomodulatory drugs.

Bullous cystitis is a rare pathology, but its course is severe and painful. Because of real possibility complete closure of the urethral lumen, treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor and carried out under his supervision. In order not to provoke chronicity of the process and unwanted complications, a full therapeutic course is necessary.

It always causes discomfort to a person and reduces the quality of life. Bullous cystitis is a stage of bladder disease when the mucous membrane containing serum fluid swells.

Children and women are more likely to experience this disease during the cold season. In 85% of cases, the disease is diagnosed in patients aged 4-12 years. Girls of primary school age are more often susceptible to pathology.

The high incidence of bullous cystitis is associated with anatomical features urinary canal. The anus and vagina are located close to the site of infection. This is facilitated by gynecological diseases, caused by immunological and hormonal disorders(vulvovaginitis, vulvitis).

Women develop this disease 8 times more often than men. It also depends on the characteristics of the female urinary system, which allows infections to enter the bladder cavity unhindered.

Symptoms and causes of pathology

The main symptoms of cystitis are:

  • pain and heaviness in the pelvic area;
  • severe pain during urination;
  • strong smell of urine and its cloudiness;
  • weakness, constant lack of appetite;
  • increase in body temperature.

There are many factors contributing to the development of bullous cystitis. The most common:

  • hypothermia and reduced immunity;
  • neglect of hygiene rules;
  • inhibiting the urge to urinate;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • taking certain medications;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • postoperative adhesions and scars;
  • stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

Diagnostic measures and treatment of cystitis

It is quite difficult to make an accurate diagnosis due to the vagueness of the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, the urologist always carefully collects the patient’s medical history. After gynecological examination women and prostate examinations in men, the following studies are prescribed:

  • laboratory and Nechiporenko;
  • and antibiogram;
  • examination of smears from the urethra;
  • STD testing;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, prostate and full bladder;
  • urofluremia (determines the rate of urination).

In the remission phase, cystoscopy is performed, since bullous cystitis can cause precancerous diseases. At the same time, a portion of the mucosa is taken for biopsy.

Pathology therapy includes the following physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • electrophoresis using calcium chloride. With its help, the wall of the inflamed organ is strengthened;
  • electrophoresis with zinc. It is possible to use Furadonin or Furagin;
  • electrophoresis with currents of supra-tonal frequency. Increases healing effect combination of ultrasound and galvanic current;
  • Application wraps are indicated for the treatment of children adolescence. Panties made of ozokerite or paraffin are used.

At severe pain the patient receives antispasmodics. After completion of therapy, it is recommended to prevent hypothermia and other factors that provoke cystitis.

Treatment with folk remedies and preventive measures

Herbal medicine includes abundant use of decoctions of lingonberry and juniper leaves. It is useful to drink cranberry juice. During the treatment period, you must adhere to a diet. A doctor will recommend it. To prevent the development of the disease in children of the first year of life, diapers should be changed on time and the child (especially girls) should be washed properly.

The water stream should flow from the front, and not vice versa.

Teenagers and adults need to follow hygiene rules and not overcool the body. It is advisable to purchase underwear from natural fabric.

When prescribed in a timely manner rational therapy Treatment can be completed within a week. But only under the supervision of a specialist can a complete recovery be ensured.

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Bullous cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. With this disease, the vessels of the organ tissues become heavily filled with blood, then extensive swelling occurs. It is caused by accumulation under the epidermis layer serous fluid with the formation of bubbles. If the disease is not treated, it will remind itself several times a year and cause a number of complications that will be difficult to get rid of.

Forms of the disease

During inflammation, acute and chronic form. The initial (primary) stage of cystitis is characterized by very noticeable symptoms that suddenly manifest themselves and appear within 3-4 days. Then the person feels better, but the disease continues to exist hidden in his body.

At this time, the epithelial cells of the bladder become increasingly deformed, worsening the condition of the organ. Disease from acute form flows into chronic stage and announces itself through relapses. Outbreaks of bullous type cystitis have a more erased course compared to its primary manifestation and are easier to tolerate. But they are dangerous because the inflammatory process, in addition to the bladder, involves nearby organs, and now the person needs to be treated for several diseases.

Cystitis - inflammation of the bladder

In a doctor's coat. Cystitis


Both adults and children suffer from cystitis. The characteristics of the pathological process in the body depend on the person’s gender, age and condition.

In adults

Inflammation with bullous edema occurs in women 8 times more often than in men. This occurs due to differences in the structure of the genital organs. Female urethra wider and shorter than the male one, so it is easier for infections to get into it.

The primary disease rarely develops in young men due to their long and narrow urethra. In most cases, cystitis occurs in men over 40 years of age against the background of other genitourinary pathologies (prostate adenoma, cancer prostate gland), i.e. considered a secondary disease.

Because of this feature, male inflammation of the bladder mucosa occurs with pain and discomfort not only in the area of ​​the urinary organ, as in women, but also in the penis and testicles, so a man suffers this disease more difficult.

In children

In 80% of all identified cases, cystitis develops in children; it is detected even in infants. Inflammation affects girls and boys under 3 years of age with the same frequency. Starting from the age of 4, girls suffer 5 times more from this pathology, which often develops in them together with urethritis. According to medical indications, the disease often occurs in children 4-12 years old.

Unlike adults, cystitis in children and adolescents can only be diagnosed during an exacerbation, because at other times it occurs secretly. Difficult to diagnose bullous disease in infants who cannot yet tell their parents what is bothering them. The most painful inflammation occurs in children aged 10-12 years.

During pregnancy

According to medical research, 10% of pregnant women suffer from primary cystitis. This is due to the fact that during gestation hormonal background a woman changes, and her immunity decreases, and it is easier for infections to penetrate into a weakened body. If a woman had problems with the urinary organ before conception, then the probability re-inflammation will be high during pregnancy.

A peculiarity of the pathology in women in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is that symptoms are more vivid and painful than in those who are not expecting a child. This is due to the fact that at this time the uterus of expectant mothers enlarges, compresses the bladder, impairing its blood supply and contributing to the stagnation of fluid in it.


The causative agent of bullous disease in adults and children in most cases is E. coli that enters the urethra; less commonly, staphylococci and streptococci contribute to the occurrence and development of infection. The inflammatory process is triggered in the body of a woman, man and child by the following reasons:

  1. Staying outside for a long time during the cold season or in rainy and windy weather (a person can get their feet wet and get hypothermia).
  2. Side effect from taking medications.
  3. Kidney diseases (congenital or acquired).
  4. Frequently recurring episodes of holding back the urge to urinate.
  5. Bacterial infections.
  6. Not proper nutrition.
  7. Sedentary work.
  8. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.

The most common cause of long-term cystitis is weakened immunity, which causes relapses more often.

Symptoms of the disease

Primary inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder is manifested by heaviness and aching or acute pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes extending to the lumbar region. The main symptom of the disease is considered frequent urination, accompanied by severe pain, and a burning sensation is felt in the urine. A person’s body temperature may rise slightly, and they feel weak in their muscles. Sometimes the urine acquires an unusual odor and darkens.

With secondary cystitis of the bullous type, traces of blood or pus appear in the urine, and the pain is less pronounced. Relapses are often subtle in nature, evidenced by frequent trips to the toilet and the inability to completely empty the bladder.


If a person notices symptoms of the disease in himself or his children, he should contact medical institution, where he or his loved ones will be given the correct diagnosis and qualified treatment will be prescribed.

Having studied the medical history, the doctor prescribes a urine test for his patient according to Zimnitsky, which consists of collecting urine from the patient every 3 hours 8 times a day. During the study of the collected material, its concentration and quantity are determined. A small volume of fluid released indicates that the swelling of the bladder is increasing, and if there is a lot of fluid, then the swelling gradually subsides.

An ultrasound of the urinary organ is performed to examine its mucous membrane. Its bright red color and vesicular structure of the edema indicate bullous cystitis. Thanks to ultrasound, doctors can examine the kidneys and genital organs for the presence of tumors and other gynecological and urological pathologies that develop together with inflammation.

Using the uroflowmetry method, the rate of urination is determined.

Blood tests can reveal pathological process in the body, because the number of red blood cells in the samples will be increased. Doctors examine smears from the urethra, bacteriological culture urine, determine whether there are STIs in the body. Women are recommended to undergo an examination by a gynecologist so that he can identify or deny the presence of diseases of the genital area.

In the remission stage of cystitis, cystoscopy is prescribed, which shows where in the bladder there are foci of inflammation.


Used to treat bullous disease medications, traditional methods, methods of physical therapy and homeopathy.


Children are prescribed to fight infection safe antibiotics(Amoxiclav, Zinnat Cedex), which are taken orally or administered intramuscularly. To remove pain antispasmodics (Drotaverine) are prescribed.

Herbal uroseptics (Urolesan, Fitolysin) are used in the remission stage of cystitis to prevent exacerbations. To normalize the microflora, children are prescribed probiotics (Hilak Forte, Acipol).

For recurrent bullous inflammation, adult patients are prescribed instillations with antibiotics and antiseptics (Dibunol, Dioxidin, Tomicide, Protargol, etc.). Medicines are administered through a catheter into urinary organ. With this method, cauterizing drugs (silver nitrate) are sometimes used. To improve protective forces the body is prescribed immunomodulators (Likopid, Immunal, Cycloferon).

Pregnant women can safely use the antibiotic Monural (orally).


Among physiotherapeutic procedures, electrophoresis with calcium chloride or zinc, Terrylitin, Furadonin, supratonal frequency currents. Along with the use of medications, patients are recommended to undergo a course of paraffin wraps.


Homeopathy is used in cases where other treatment methods cannot help a person cope with pathology. To relieve inflammation and increase immunity, people are prescribed Spanish fly, Berberis, Borax, Tiger lily, Causticum, etc. Only a good homeopathic doctor who has studied in detail the reasons for which the pathology developed can choose the exact medicine. The drugs have no side effects, so they can be given to children and pregnant women. Therapy should last at least 3 months.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine also helps speed up recovery; before using it, you should consult a doctor. If not allergic reactions and contraindications to herbal medicine, then patients can drink decoctions of bearberry, juniper leaves, horsetail and lingonberries, infusions of dill and millet seeds, which have a diuretic effect.

Chamomile herb is used not only as an infusion, but also in warm sitz baths. You can also warm yourself up using hot ceramic bricks, placing them in a bucket and sitting on it, wrapped in a warm blanket. The duration of such heating is 20 minutes; at least 4 procedures are required to achieve the desired effect. Bottles help relieve pain hot water and heating pads applied to the lower third of the abdomen.


Proper nutrition is of great importance in the treatment of bullous cystitis. IN diet menu include fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products, porridge and lean meat. People with bladder inflammation should drink plenty of fluids to prevent urine from remaining in the body. Good diuretic drinks are cranberry juices, herbal teas, infusions of rose hips, mineral waters. It is necessary to exclude fatty, spicy and salty foods, and strong coffee from the diet.

Complications and consequences

Untreated cystitis causes complications in other organs. For example, inflammation spreads to the ureters and kidneys, causing pyelonephritis. In pregnant women, this type of disease can cause miscarriage; in other women, it can lead to purulent-inflammatory processes in the uterus and its tubes and to infertility. Men may develop urinary incontinence.

If cystitis affects the deeper layers of the mucous membrane (submucosa and muscle tissue), then the bladder, deformed, will shrink and will not be able to work. The consequence of such damage to the organ will be the removal of its parts or a complete transplant.

Preventive measures

To prevent the disease from appearing in children, they need to be early years teach personal hygiene rules. At any age, you should avoid hypothermia and eat right. It is worth going to the toilet as soon as the urge to urinate appears, and not holding it in for hours. Women need to visit a gynecologist 2-3 times a year and promptly treat any detected genitourinary disorders, and protect themselves from STDs every time they have sexual intercourse with an unfamiliar partner.

At sedentary work(over 5 hours a day) it is worth getting up from your seat every hour and moving around the room or corridor for a few minutes. If any signs of urinary and urinary diseases appear, reproductive systems you need to go to the clinic, because they timely treatment could be good preventive measure against cystitis.

Source: cistit.guru

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Problems with bladder cause great discomfort and interfere full life even in childhood. One of the common diseases genitourinary system is cystitis. This disease can lead to complications such as fever or weakening of the whole body, so it is very important to notice the symptoms in time and know how to treat cystitis in children.

Bullous cystitis in a child

Cystitis is an inflammatory process of the bladder, or rather its mucous membrane. This disease is common in both girls and boys. If, when the first signs of cystitis are detected, you do not consult a doctor and start treatment, then acute cystitis will progress to the stage of bullous cystitis. This stage is characterized by the fact that the mucous part of the bladder, which contains serum fluid, swells.

The main symptoms of bullous cystitis are:

  • Heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • Pain when urinating
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet
  • Turbidity and pungent odor urine
  • Increased body temperature
  • Weakness
  • Lack of appetite

In children early age The main symptoms are crying and hysterics while going to the toilet, as well as during urination.

Causes of bullous cystitis in children

A child's body is exposed to many factors that can cause a disease such as cystitis. The most common of them are:

  1. Decreased immunity due to hypothermia.
  2. Neglect of hygiene standards, especially among girls.
  3. Restraining the urge to go to the toilet.
  4. Taking a certain number of medications.
  5. Chronic kidney diseases.

Bullous cystitis in children - how to treat it

If you notice that your child has been exposed to an illness, the best decision would be to consult a doctor. After examining the child’s body and diagnosing the test results, the doctor determines the cause of cystitis and draws up a suitable treatment program. Most often used to treat cystitis in children:

  • Antibiotics that must be taken strictly following the instructions. It is antibiotics that restore the correct balance of substances in the urine.
  • Uroseptics, thanks to which child's body all infectious agents are eliminated.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Diet to be followed during and after treatment. Most often, a diet for cystitis involves excluding all fried, smoked, sweet, spicy and sour foods from the diet. Instead, it is recommended to consume dairy and fermented milk products, fruits, vegetables and lean meats, as well as large number liquids. In addition, diuretic foods should be consumed.
  • Compliance with hygiene rules, namely frequent shifts underwear, as well as a daily shower.
  • Folk remedies are also very effective in. Doctors often recommend the use of herbs from which to make decoctions that speed up the cleansing of the bladder. To prepare decoctions, herbs such as motherwort, chamomile, birch leaves, lemon balm, etc. are used.

It is important to remember that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so you should pay great attention to the prevention of cystitis, namely, follow hygiene standards and rules, regularly take a shower and choose the right ones that are gentle on children’s skin. detergents and also strengthen the baby’s immunity.