What is more effective: aspirin or paracetamol? Which is better: Paracetamol or Aspirin

Both aspirin and paracetamol act to relieve pain and reduce fever, but they are active in various areas body, and have various additional benefits. Aspirin also reduces inflammation and provides anticoagulant effects, whereas paracetamol does not produce these beneficial effects. Which drug is more effective depends on the patient and the situation. Both drugs are easy to find in any pharmacy, and consult about the most suitable one in specific situation patients can see their doctor for the drug.

Also known as acetaminophen, paracetamol is a prostaglandin inhibitor, and it acts by limiting the production of cyclooxygenase, chemical substance, which the body uses to send pain signals. Aspirin is also a prostaglandin inhibitor, but it affects other substances such as thromboxanes.

Both aspirin and paracetamol block pain signals and make patients feel more comfortable.

Paracetamol acts mainly on pain receptors in the central nervous system and block signals before they reach the brain. Aspirin acts locally, at the site of pain, preventing the formation of pain signals. It also reduces inflammation, if any occurs. Both drugs reduce fever in patients with fever.

Aspirin is often more harsh on the gastrointestinal tract than paracetamol, which may be a cause for concern among patients with stomach problems.

Both aspirin and paracetamol can be potentially harmful to the liver if taken in large quantities. Patients should be careful with the dosage and timing of these medications to ensure they are taking enough of the drug without compromising the liver. In case of overdose it is required medical care in hospital conditions.

When such problems occur, How headache, paracetamol may be more appropriate treatment option because it blocks pain and allows the patient to feel more comfortable without causing side effects from the outside gastrointestinal tract. Aspirin maybe the best option, if the patient also has inflammation, since this drug eliminates the cause of the pain and blocks the signals at the same time. Therefore, patients choosing between aspirin and paracetamol should consider whether they want the drug to have anti-inflammatory properties or not.

Aspirin can be taken for extended periods of time as a measure to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Such aspirin therapy should only be carried out under medical supervision. In addition, it is important to consider that the drug will not affect pain or inflammation, but will only reduce the likelihood of blood clots. To relieve pain, you will need to use more high doses drug.

Both drugs, paracetamol and aspirin, have a good antipyretic effect. However, in addition to effective reduction temperature these drugs have absolutely various properties, which must be taken into account in order to understand what medicine in this particular situation it will be best to reduce the temperature.

Strictly speaking, regarding the properties of paracetamol and aspirin, it should be mentioned that they are not the same in their effectiveness in reducing temperature. Aspirin is much more effective and faster in reducing fever compared to Paracetamol. However, there are other aspects to the action of these drugs. If a person is not interested in any other aspects of the action of these medications, he can take any drug.

But if we take into account other aspects of the action of paracetamol and aspirin, then each drug will be better suited for a particular case. Firstly, paracetamol is considered the safest antipyretic drug in the world. Therefore, paracetamol is approved for over-the-counter use and self-use at high body temperatures.

Aspirin reduces better elevated temperature body, but may be a dangerous drug. Real danger drugs containing Aspirin is that they act on the same types of liver cells as some viruses that cause colds. As a result, liver cells are exposed to cumulative and very powerful negative impact simultaneously from Aspirin and viruses. Under the influence of aspirin and viral toxins, liver cells are destroyed, and severe and dangerous disease, which is called Reye's syndrome. This pathology classified as complications of Aspirin.

Reye's syndrome is very serious illness, the mortality rate from which reaches 80–90%. Thus, using Aspirin to reduce fever carries a certain risk. But Paracetamol does not have such risks. Therefore, the choice between Paracetamol and Aspirin, in addition to comparing their effectiveness, has another aspect - the degree of risk. Aspirin is better at reducing fever, but can be fatal. dangerous complication, and Paracetamol copes worse with fever, but is completely safe and does not lead to death even with an overdose. That is, the choice is between effective, but dangerous drug and less effective, but completely safe.

It is precisely because of the likelihood of developing Reye's syndrome that Aspirin is not recommended for use to reduce fever during viral infections. To reduce the temperature accompanying viral infections, it is recommended to use Paracetamol preparations. And for any bacterial infections, for example, sore throat, pyelonephritis and others, Aspirin is completely safe and can be used as the most effective antipyretic agent.

Is it possible to give aspirin to a child? This question has become of interest to many parents quite recently. After all, no one had doubts about this drug before. Everyone took it if it was necessary to bring down the temperature. But medicine alone does not stand still. Scientists began to conduct various studies that cast doubt on the benefits of our current remedy. So can children be given aspirin? We will try to answer this question further. In fact, if you figure it out thoroughly, you shouldn’t have any problems or doubts.

In the old days

The most common manifestation of almost any disease is the body. At some point it may become too high. To bring down the temperature, everyone was given aspirin. Whether it's a child or an adult, it doesn't matter. The dosage was just different this drug. And very quickly the body temperature returned to normal. Accordingly, the patient's condition improved.

Aspirin is universal remedy temperature reduction. IN pure form it can be found in any pharmacy. It is not very expensive, every citizen can afford it. But few people thought about the benefits of the drug.

Doubts after research

"Can children have aspirin?" - this question began to worry parents relatively recently. As already mentioned, such a widespread and famous drug scientists put it. They began to conduct various studies that pointed to the questionable health benefits of the drug.

Indeed, aspirin quickly brings down a high fever. But at what cost? Scientists, after conducting research, came to the conclusion that aspirin is a toxic substance. And it must always be taken with extreme caution. And for everyone: both adults and elderly people. But should you give aspirin to your child?

Danger is near

Each parent must answer this question independently. After all, only legal representatives are responsible for the life and health of the child until adulthood.

At a temperature they used to give it constantly. More precisely, as soon as the body warmed up to approximately 38.5 degrees. If the body allows such an increase in temperature, it means that it is not able to cope with the disease.

It has already been said that scientists have cast doubt on the drug in question. But how exactly? Why was the most common aspirin so surprising to modern doctors? Research has shown that children who were given this medication, are more susceptible - toxic damage brain. Also general condition the child is seriously deteriorating. Yes, the temperature goes down, but it may be replaced by side effects in the form of headaches or stomach pain, vomiting and dizziness. In general, no one is immune from intoxication of the body. And therefore, more and more often the question began to arise about how necessary aspirin is for children. Is it possible to give it or is it better to abstain from this medication?

Main component

It has already been said that only each parent of an individual child can answer this question. He decides for himself how to treat. You may give aspirin to your child unintentionally. How does this happen?

The thing is that aspirin is the main component of most antipyretics. You can find it in both children's and adult medications. No wonder, because aspirin fights any temperature perfectly! Therefore, if you decide not to give your child this component, carefully study the composition of any medication. Maybe aspirin will be found in it!


There is no need to panic if your child is suddenly given our remedy today. It all depends on the age of the minor. After all, since some certain point the drug does not bring special harm. Let's find out when it becomes not dangerous for the baby.

Can a child (one year old) take aspirin? Doctors do not recommend giving this drug to newborns. However, up to 12 months, babies develop very actively, and their immune system is not yet sufficiently developed. And for any drugs it may not be too much good reaction body. In any case, aspirin is a heavy drug. It is not given to newborns under any circumstances. Only as a last resort, only if it saves the baby from death.

Middle age

Can a child really take aspirin? After the first year of life, a newborn begins, as practice shows, to get sick more often. Often illnesses are accompanied by an increase in temperature. What should parents do? Is it worth choosing any special remedy to reduce the temperature or can you just give an aspirin tablet to the child?

After a year, aspirin is also not recommended for use. If you occasionally give this drug to a minor, nothing dangerous will happen. After all, aspirin saved everyone from high fever for a long time. And no one talked about the dangers of this medication. Yes, you shouldn’t give aspirin to your child often. Not even recommended for adults frequent use, what can we say about children! But nothing bad will happen from one tablet/sachet of the drug.

However, try not to get carried away. After all, aspirin is strong active substance. And you should not give it to your child often. It is better to limit yourself to Panadol. This is the most suitable solution. At least, that's what many doctors think. Give aspirin only when the temperature either rises sharply or is not interrupted by anything. Save this medication for emergencies.

Green light

So when can you give aspirin to a child without it being dangerous to his health? Doctors do not recommend giving this medication to minors under 14 years of age. It turns out that until the child has reached the status of a teenager, it should not serve as an antipyretic for him. But after 14 years, you can use the drug in the same way as adults do.

In general, aspirin is not prohibited. This is a time-tested means of reducing fever. If you have given it to your child and have not noticed any side effects, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Many children grew up healthy but took aspirin. Yes, it is indicated for newborns only to save life, and for persons under 14 years of age it is prescribed only if necessary. But this is not a reason to panic if, instead of Panadol, the child was given acetylsalicylic acid. Just carefully monitor the condition of the minor and do not give him any more third-party means of reducing his temperature.

The local general practitioner categorically does not allow the use of aspirin for colds to reduce fever, offering paracetamol instead. It's about about an adult patient. The doctor says that acetylsalicylic acid has a detrimental effect on the walls of blood vessels, and over the years they become thinner, leaving much to be desired. Is this really true?

Comments: 14 »

    Regarding aspirin, the local doctor is probably right. True, there is no need to be categorical about this. Aspirin does not act on the walls, but on the blood clotting system (reduces it), but many pests that cause colds produce toxins that increase vascular permeability and even cause hemorrhages. From this point of view, paracetamol is safer. I advise you to take a closer look at analgesics last generations, eg. nimesulide(nise).

    It depends on the temperature. If the temperature is less than 39.0, then it is better to refrain from taking antipyretics altogether. If it is still more than 39.0, you need to take 1 tablet of paracetamol and check the temperature. If this does not help, then you need to take a stronger antipyretic.

    If paracetamol does not help you, try to bring down the temperature with analgin. It lowers the temperature well and for a long time, acetylsalicylic acid is less effective. As for side effects, all NSAIDs have them to one degree or another.

    Paracetamol is the safest antipyretic drug, aspirin actually thins the blood (this property has even found application in cardiology), nimesulide is a fairly powerful NSAID, but its safety is still questionable (use in children is prohibited in developed countries). If paracetamol is ineffective, the best option Ibuprofen will be used (Nurofen, Ibuprom, Imet).

    In light of the current wave of colds, the whole family has been, as they say, given away. The temperature was over 39. The doctors advised everyone, including my 4-year-old son, to take the following cocktail. Paracetamol + analgin + no-spa. Adults take one tablet in total. Children naturally need a smaller dosage. It brings down the temperature very well, and in addition it also makes you sweat. Please note. And don't get sick.

    I do not agree that aspirin is generally contraindicated. You don’t have to use it, but if all else fails, then aspirin is inappropriately needed. Generally contraindicated for adults. You can also reduce the temperature with an alcohol compress.

    It is generally contraindicated in large doses. And so it is even recommended after 55 years, one fourth of the tablets every day.

    Temperature is defensive reaction body! Before 39, don’t take anything at all, alcohol solution you can wipe the body (cooling effect), underwear should always be dry, drink more fluids (at a cold temperature!!!) juices, fruit drinks, tea!!! And if we talk about pills. then, as already said above, the best thing is an analgin tablet!

    At viral infection Paracetamol or Ibuprofen are very good at reducing fever. It is very good to drink a decoction of raisins, rose hips and linden. I don’t agree about wiping with an alcohol or vinegar solution. Alcohol (vinegar) penetrates the body through the skin, and intoxication is added to the disease.

    To relieve fever, it is best to take a tablet of paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid helps thin the blood, in adults with high hemoglobin Prescribed to take half a tablet once a day after meals.

    But we are trying to bring down the temperature with raspberries. both safe and useful.

    You can’t be so categorical about aspirin. Favorite folk remedy for colds, raspberries contain the same aspirin. Another thing is that for some people aspirin is contraindicated, then other medications must be used. In general, in any case, you should try to relieve the fever using a non-medicinal method: for example, rubbing the body with vodka or vinegar.

    Tatyana, do raspberries also help lower the temperature? I know that viburnum brings down fever better than any pill. You need to eat 2-3 berries and the fever will go away.

    Aspirin lowers the temperature very strongly - by 2 tens of degrees. it's dangerous.
    Vodka is an elemental poison no longer used in medicine. Only alcoholics and illiterate people describe its “medicinal” properties. Wiping lowers the outside temperature - and the temperature internal organs raises 2 times - therefore such methods and advice are extremely dangerous.
    Paracetamol should be alternated with another antipyretic - every 4 hours.
    If the temperature does not subside after 40-50 minutes, then call an ambulance - they give an injection of paracetamol + diphenhydramine + noshpa - or slightly other variations.
    Nise is possible, but we must not forget what is related to the inhibition process (if you read the instructions correctly).
    We don’t have doctors, that’s why such questions appear on the Internet. It is advisable to duplicate them to the Ministry of Health - let them answer if their personnel are wasted.
    Don’t get sick and don’t advise something you’re not sure about. This is life, not a counterstrike.
    03 is the safest and most reasonable option. Also, when calling a doctor at home, turn on the recorder and write down everything - from calling by phone to the doctor’s advice at home. If treatment is inadequate, contact the insurance company’s website.

Antipyretics are currently widely available on the market. Advertising promises us a miraculous cure for the flu and other colds; just take a pill or dissolve a beautiful bag of powder in water and the next day you will be provided with health and vigor. Let's figure out if this is really so and what is behind symptomatic medications for flu and colds.

First, let’s immediately outline the temperature range at which it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs:

  1. For an adult who has caught a cold or flu, this is 38.5 degrees Celsius or higher
  2. For a child, pregnant women or people who cannot tolerate high temperatures, this bar can be reduced to 38 degrees or above this value
Now we have some framework from which we can build. At temperatures below those indicated, you may feel bad, the suffering seems prohibitive, but think about it, is it really that bad? It may be better to tear yourself away from the monitor and just lie down, which will improve general health in case of illness.

In fact, to lower the temperature in children (and adults too), you can use a couple of simple techniques, which I call physical ways to lower the temperature. They do not imply the use of drugs or other chemicals - pure physics, when a heated body, when moisturized, begins to give off heat well to the external environment.

So, the first thing is to wipe the patient’s body with water (not cold or ice-cold, but just cool), the water can first be diluted in half with vodka or ordinary 6% vinegar can be added in the proportion of a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water. Using a sponge, you can wipe the body of a feverish child or adult with these solutions. The effect, I assure you, will be stunning - minus 0.5-1 degrees on the thermometer will be recorded immediately. Although it will not be too long, who is stopping you from repeating the procedure after a while.

Secondly, at a temperature like this, the brain simply boils. Here, too, you can resort to cooling, which will lower the temperature and provide an outlet for your sore head. You can put it on your forehead, soaked in cool water a rag or napkin. You don’t have to add vinegar or vodka and keep it on your head for a long time, wetting it periodically.

The above procedures must be performed not in a draft. It is better to close the balcony or window for a while, calmly dry the patient, wait until he dries a little and put him for ventilation, having first covered him well with a blanket, or move with the patient to another room.

Third, there is no need to dress warmly or cover the patient with duvets or blankets. On the contrary, clothes should be light, easily absorb sweat, made from natural materials, and should fit loosely. The blanket should also be a standard thin one. Let normal heat exchange with the environment occur; do not “cook” the sick person under a layer of blankets and feather beds.

From the same opera, the fourth axiom is that at high temperatures you should not give a person raspberries (they usually give tea with raspberry jam or a decoction of it), the body, when consuming hot food, warms up even more and the condition and well-being of the person with a fever can only worsen. Also, you should not steam your feet in mustard (mustard foot baths) as this also warms up your already heated body.

As a practitioner, I only advocate these methods of reducing temperature; they are very effective and only help to relieve excess temperature. Indeed, at high temperatures, a whole cascade of cellular reactions is launched in the human body, which ultimately leads to the formation human interferon, a very valuable protector that helps destroy viruses. This is not some artificial drug supposedly containing interferon, but its real one and therefore especially valuable. For this reason, you can endure the symptoms in mandatory accompanying a cold or flu.

But there are times when the temperature reaction becomes pathological, plus individual intolerance require third-party intervention and the use of antipyretic drugs. Below and we'll talk about the most popular of them.

Paracetamol. This is a drug that has analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effects. It acts indirectly through the centers of thermoregulation and pain. In my experience, it is a very effective medicine, it does not contain additional chemical dyes and preservatives, which is the problem with branded temperature powders, the main component of which is paracetamol - this is both, and, and. In this case, you overpay for additional components In the composition of medications that are not needed at all, the active ingredient is still paracetamol.

It is better to use the one in tablets (for children, suppositories are preferable) in a dosage - for adults and children over 12 years old - 500 mg once, daily dose up to 4 grams (from experience I will say do not bring it to such figures, paracetamol has a very narrow therapeutic window and toxic disorders in the liver can develop, any medicine must be taken on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor). Children 6-12 years old are prescribed in a dosage of 250-500 mg, 1-5 years old 120-250 mg, from 3 months. up to 1 year – 60-120 mg up to 4 times a day.


  • expressed
  • chronic alcoholism
  • hypersensitivity to paracetamol
Now let's look at paracetamol derivatives.

Ibuklin. Combination drug containing + . Due to its good tolerance by most patients and decent therapeutic effect In terms of reducing fever and getting rid of fever, I recommend this drug to patients myself. Available in tablets.

The dosage used in adults is 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Do not use for ulcers and gastritis of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy and breastfeeding, liver and kidney diseases, chronic alcoholism.


Panadol. A very popular drug in the past, which still produces good sales today. It comes in the usual form of film-coated tablets. Much loved by mothers children's Panadol having convenient forms release in the form of a suspension for oral administration. Although, if it’s the same paracetamol, then why pay more?


Coldrex. I found two forms of release: Coldrex in tablets and Kodrex HotRem - powder for preparing a solution.

The drug serves to reduce temperature, reduce pain, and also relieve nasal congestion. Contained within it chemical compounds they allow you to do this.

Children over 12 years of age are allowed to take no more than 3 sachets per day. Do not use in adults and children for more than 5 days.

It has a large number of contraindications for use:

  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • diabetes mellitus
  • arterial hypertension
  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • chronic alcoholism
  • children under 12 years old
Should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is better to consult a doctor.


Coldact. Extended release capsules. Refers to symptomatic drugs for the treatment of colds, flu and acute respiratory viral infections. Eliminates pain syndrome, fever and rhinorrhea.

Used in dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age - 1 capsule every 12 hours for 3-5 days.


There are also many contraindications:

  • severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries
  • arterial hypertension
  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • diabetes mellitus
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • severe diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, bladder
  • peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum
  • pancreatic diseases
  • difficulty urinating with prostate adenoma
  • blood system diseases
  • chronic alcoholism
  • children under 12 years old
Not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Tylenol. There is nothing to say here - this is a regular one, with the same effects, indications and contraindications, in a variety of branded packaging:
  • capsules
  • syrup
  • effervescent powder for the preparation of oral solution (for children)
  • rectal suppositories (for children)
Efferalgan. Also a regular plus excipients. Available in:
  • syrup for children
  • suppository for rectal use(candles)
  • effervescent tablets for preparing a solution


Theraflu. Often confused with, but it is absolutely different medicines. Used as a symptomatic drug for colds. Helps in the fight against high temperature, chills, headache and muscle pain, coughing, sneezing,.


Available in powder form for dissolution in water. It is necessary to dissolve the contents of the package in a glass of boiled water hot water and drink it hot. Can be taken every 4 hours if necessary, but not more than 3 doses per day.

Contraindications for the drug Theraflu are made up of the contraindications of the active ingredients of this drug and include:

  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • diabetes mellitus
  • heart disease (myocardial infarction, tachyarrhythmias)
  • arterial hypertension
  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • prostatic hypertrophy
  • chronic alcoholism
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • children under 12 years old
  • pregnancy and lactation


Rinza And Rinzasip. The differences between both drugs are in the form of release and, to a lesser extent, in the composition of the active ingredients.

Rinza is a tablet for oral administration that eliminates the symptoms of a cold or flu (fever, pain, rhinorrhea), which includes:

Dosage – 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. Maximum dose– 4 tablets. The course of treatment is no more than 5 days.

Rinzasip is a powder for preparing a solution and then taking it orally, it also eliminates cold symptoms (fever, pain, rhinorrhea), the composition includes:

Dosage: adults and children over 15 years old, 1 sachet 3-4 times a day, but not more than 4 sachets per day. The course of treatment, as for tablets, is no more than 5 days.

Like any compound drugs, Rinza and Rinzasip have a large number of different contraindications, which are obtained by summing up the contraindications of each chemical substance that these drugs consist of:

  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • thyrotoxicosis
  • diabetes mellitus
  • heart disease (myocardial infarction, tachyarrhythmias)
  • arterial hypertension
  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • prostatic hypertrophy
  • chronic alcoholism
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • children under 15 years old
  • pregnancy and lactation
Aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects, and also inhibits platelet aggregation, that is, it reduces blood clotting.

NOT to be taken as a symptomatic remedy for. Due to increased permeability vascular wall with this disease, taking aspirin together can cause bleeding. Both adults and children should NOT take aspirin for influenza. In children, in addition, taking salicylates can cause a dangerous complication accompanied by encephalopathy and fatty infiltration of the liver.

Contraindications to taking aspirin are:

  • erosive and ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, erosion of the stomach and intestines)
  • hemophilia
  • hemorrhagic diathesis
  • dissecting aortic aneurysm
  • portal hypertension
  • vitamin K deficiency
  • liver and/or kidney failure
  • I and III trimesters of pregnancy
  • lactation period
  • increased sensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid and other salicylates
The dosage is individual. For adults single dose varies from 40 mg to 1 g, daily - from 150 mg to 8 g; frequency of use - 2-6 times a day.


Nurofen. The main active ingredient of Nurofen tablets for oral administration is 200 mg and excipients for weight. Also produced effervescent tablets to dissolve in water.

It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

For adults and children over 12 years of age, it is used in a dosage of 200 mg 3-4 times a day, the maximum initial dose is up to 400 mg 3-4 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 1200 mg.
Children from 6 to 12 years old - 200 mg 4 times a day. The child's weight must be more than 20 kg to allow the use of Nurofen.


  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute phase, incl. peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, Crohn's disease
  • severe heart failure
  • severe arterial hypertension
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • hemophilia, hypocoagulable states
  • leukopenia
  • hemorrhagic diathesis
  • severe liver and/or kidney dysfunction
  • hearing loss, pathology of the vestibular apparatus
  • III trimester of pregnancy, lactation
  • lactation period (breastfeeding)
  • children up to 6 years old
  • hypersensitivity to ibuprofen or to the components of the drug.
Analgin. The active substance is a pyrazolone derivative. It has an antipyretic, analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory agent. Used for pain of various origins, as well as fever caused by infectious and inflammatory diseases.

May be found under the names: Baralgin and Trialgin. The main active ingredient in these tablets is the same sodium metamizole.

Dosage regimen. Adults are prescribed 250-500 mg orally or rectally 2-3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 1 g, daily dose is 3 g. Single doses for children aged 2-3 years are 50-100 mg; 4-5 years - 100-200 mg; 6-7 years - 200 mg; 8-14 years - 250-300 mg; frequency of administration - 2-3 times a day.
IM or IV slowly for adults - 250-500 mg 2-3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 1 g, the daily dose is 2 g. In children, it is used parenterally at a dose of 50-100 mg per 10 kg of body weight.


  • kidney and liver dysfunction
  • glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
  • blood diseases
  • hypersensitivity to pyrazolone derivatives
In my practice, I do not use it in any form, since the production of analgin that currently exists on the planet (mainly in India) is aimed at our market. In some countries of Europe, the USA, Japan and Australia, this drug is not used or is prohibited due to the development of a serious complication - agranulocytosis (a blood disease accompanied by a decrease in the level of neutrophils (neutropenia)), which can lead to fatal outcome. So forget about the usual analgin tablet, there is wide list drugs that are less harmful and freely available.

Thoughtless use of packaged and tasty symptomatic remedies from colds and flu already leads to negative consequences, which can include sudden bleeding, poisoning, and all because people forget that behind the beautiful bag there is a medicine that can also be overdosed. For example, the above combination drugs have a maximum daily dose - usually 3-4 sachets per day. Not 10 bags, as careless comrades like to put in themselves and their loved ones; as soon as the temperature rises, they immediately reach for the bag. Where is the body’s fight against the disease? If he gets lazy, then it’s a lost cause and some terrible complication may arise. And when, due to a complication that has arisen, an ambulance arrives on call, the “self-healers” cannot even associate these manifestations with taking the miraculous bags for fever, which significantly worsens the situation of the sick person.

It is also worth remembering that when taking a multicomponent drug, you cannot take other drugs in parallel. medicines, containing in their composition the same as this drug. For example, you cannot take pure and multicomponent drugs containing paracetamol together.

My opinion as a doctor is this: it is better to use monocomponent (one active ingredient) medications. Then, in the event of the development of pathological reactions, you can always understand what caused this reaction and adequately deal with the complication that has arisen. Also, if you take one drug, the body will need much less effort to break down and absorb it than symptomatic powders and tablets overloaded with preservatives, dyes and other useless substances. Energy will be useful to him in the fight against flu and colds. Especially you should not use multi-component antipyretic and symptomatic drugs in therapy for children, they can be especially harmful to their body.