So that nothing hurts. How not to get sick? Adviсe. Use disposable tissues

The question can be posed even more broadly. How to avoid getting sick at all? Around me, unfortunately, people are constantly getting sick. Colleagues, friends, acquaintances... And according to my feelings, more and more often. Usually these are common colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and their derivatives...

The last time I was sick, as far as I remember, was in my 5th year at university, more than 16 years ago.

This doesn't mean that I don't even get colds. Happens once or twice a year. But I eliminate them literally in one, or at most in a few days, and do not allow them to develop into something more serious.

Recently I wondered why this happens. What am I doing that others may not be doing and have sketched out a “Mental Map” on this topic. Here's what I got:

From this map I decided to make a short article of recommendations. I think that if you adopt even just a few of these recommendations and elevate them to the rank of habit, there will definitely be a positive effect.

By the way, my relatives are also sick, but lately noticeably less often. Little by little, I try to implement the points from these recommendations into their lives.

In general, I share the opinion that a person naturally can only suffer from colds. Other sores have various reasons, associated with heredity, lifestyle, way of thinking and other not always “transparent” factors.

I want to say right away that illness is not always bad. Often illness is a clear signal that something is going wrong in your life. Something is out of balance, and you need to break away from the bustle and try to understand the reasons.

Very often, illnesses appear and manifest themselves precisely because you are living incorrectly, not the optimal “your” life that you could have. You do the wrong things, achieve the wrong goals, react incorrectly to events, behave incorrectly with certain people, etc.

But if you try to work on yourself, have decided on your desires and goals, if you have “found” your internally comfortable path and follow it, if you learn to keep your emotions under control, know how to forgive people, and not focus on the negative, then in this case you will get sick you will most likely only colds. And for you, such diseases will become a completely undesirable phenomenon, since they take up time, energy, and strength.

The recommendations below will be a good preventive measure against many diseases, but primarily against colds. All of them are based on my own years of experience. Many of the recommendations may seem trivial to you, but they are all important. And the maximum effect, in my opinion, is achieved precisely by the combination of practiced methods.

1. Internal settings in order not to get sick

It all always starts in the head. This is my deep conviction :). Therefore, the recommendations here will be quite simple.

1.1. Don't feel sorry for yourself

Often illness is a manifestation of subconscious or conscious self-pity. Plus the desire for others to feel sorry for you. It is important to learn to take responsibility for your life. And translate “self-pity” into “noble anger at oneself” :).

1.2. Set yourself the goal of “Don’t get sick”

More precisely, the goal should sound like this: “I am always healthy.” Run this goal with others every day, and it will be an excellent preventive “vitamin” :)

1.3. Set yourself big goals

Those who have big and responsible goals in life have no time to be sick. Verified :)

1.4. Positive attitude towards life

It has even been proven by scientific research that optimists get sick less often than pessimists, and the illnesses themselves go away easier and faster. I think there is something to think about here. Is it possible to remake yourself if you are a “hardened” pessimist is a big question. But I personally believe that nothing is impossible.

2. Internal practices

Here I include various psychophysical systems that have a positive effect on the state of the body and its health (with proper practice). What I do regularly is yoga and qigong. For me, this is all, however, components of a traditional family martial arts school, which I have been doing for many years.

Many more similar practices can be included here. It is only important to find good school or good teacher on them. I don't recommend practicing from books.

First, start doing at least a small morning set of exercises based on yoga and qigong:

3. Hardening

It would seem that this is the most banal and well-known thing, but few people actually do it. There are many hardening methods. Just Google this topic. I practice three fairly simple ones:

1. Heliotherapy. This is actually sunbathing, sun hardening. In general, I really love the sun, we obviously don’t have enough of it in Siberia :). That's why I try to go to the sea every year. Sunlight, among other things, promotes the production of vitamin D, which is very important for maintaining immunity. Sunbathing It is not recommended to take from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

2. Walking barefoot. Very simple and effective method: outdoors in summer, indoors in winter. There are many bioactive points on the feet, plus temperature hardening occurs. Another good thing is special massage slippers.

3. Water hardening. There are a lot of techniques here. The simplest, but very effective are rubdowns and. The contrast shower method is very simple: you start with warm water, then hot, then cold, then hot again, and so alternate hot and cold several times. Finish with cold water and then rub with a terry towel. It's best to do this in the morning. Read more about contrast showers.

4. Russian bathhouse. It is very good if you have the opportunity to visit it regularly. A lot has been written about the healing effects of the Russian bath, so I won’t go into details here. I will only say that hardening here occurs, as in the case of the previous method, - on temperature contrasts.

The main secrets of any hardening system: consistency and gradualness.

4. Movement

The more you move, the healthier you will be. I have never been involved in fitness or sports in the usual sense of the word, but I think that there are undoubtedly health benefits (if you don’t go to extremes).

In general, living in modern society, we move very little. But, as a rule, we are not aware of this. Although even in the bustle of everyday life it is quite possible to fill this gap. A striking example, - walking. Walking is very useful. In addition, this best way to combat a growing belly :) But we walk very little (especially those who drive a car).

There is a recommendation to walk at least 10,000 steps every day. When I first started using a pedometer several years ago, I quickly saw that my figure was 3 times lower. I had to analyze my typical day and take action: give up the car when traveling short distances, stop using elevators, etc. I still didn’t reach 10,000, but I came close :)

It is also very good to do regular hiking through forests, mountains, parks and near water bodies. In general, where the air is cleaner :)

5. Dress adequately to avoid getting sick.

Actually the title says it all. We even have a saying in Siberia: “A real Siberian is not the one who doesn’t freeze, but the one who dresses warmly.”

5.1. Dress appropriately for the weather, even if you are driving. Practice shows that someday, for sure, something will happen to the car and you will freeze to death. And running to and from the car itself is quite enough to cause a cold.

5.2. Don't show off. Health is more important than image. Moreover, you can dress warmly and stylishly.

5.3. Don't rush to get rid of your hat in the spring, especially when the snow has not yet melted.

6. Home and life

Here are some healthy home habits that will keep you healthy.

6.1. Frequent ventilation of rooms.

6.2. Fairly frequent cleaning, both dry and wet.

6.3. Supports optimal temperature for sleep (18-20 degrees Celsius).

6.4. Maintains optimal air humidity of 45-55%.

6.5. Air purification and ionization using specialized equipment.

7. Disease prevention

Here I included all the measures, the regular use of which is an effective prevention of many diseases.

7.1. Eat good honey. I eat a little less than a teaspoon every morning. Remember that honey added to very hot water loses most of its healing properties.

7.4. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Give preference local products, especially those sold at granny markets, or brought from neighboring countries where there is not yet a widespread dominance of chemicals and GMOs (Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Tajikistan, etc.).

7.5. Use it oxolinic ointment, especially during periods of peak incidence (as a rule, these are transition periods in the fall and spring).

7.7. Try to provide yourself with more positive emotions. Read positive news. In general, imbue yourself with more positivity.

7.8. Read about proper nutrition and introduce recommendations into your life. Do not eat before bed (or better after 19-00). Ideally, keep fasts and fast. In essence, we are what we eat and what we breathe :)

7.10. Wash your hands often. And upon arriving home and before eating - always be sure.

8. Quick relief of cold symptoms

If “bullshit has happened” and you feel like you’re starting to get sick, it’s time to quickly stop the process.

I have identified several non-drug effective methods for myself:

8.1. Garlic in the nose. As soon as the first signs of a runny nose begin, I usually insert pieces of garlic into my nose at night. Pieces of garlic should be wrapped in a small piece of bandage or gauze so as not to burn the mucous membrane. As a rule, if done in time, one night is enough to completely eliminate the symptoms. Garlic is also very useful to consume internally. Just not before important meetings.

8.2. Three plates of honey. The method is used at the first symptoms of a sore throat. The method is very simple, although comical :). Take a regular flat, clean plate and grease it thin layer honey. After this, you need to lick all the honey from the plate. During this process, the entire throat will be generously lubricated. After this, do not drink or eat anything for an hour. Three of these on plates a day, and cold symptoms are gone.

8.3. Gargling with a solution of salt, soda, iodine. The method is good both for the first symptoms and for already quite advanced conditions. Actually, this solution in some way imitates sea water. I prepare it this way: for a glass of water - about one tablespoon sea ​​salt, half a teaspoon of soda and a few drops of iodine until the water turns a light brown color. Rinse - the more often the better.

8.4. Brewing rose hips. Buy a good, not old rosehip and steam it with boiling water in a thermos overnight. For greater effect, the berries can be crushed. Drink at least 3 glasses throughout the day. Can .

8.5. Raspberry. Raspberry - excellent natural antibiotic. You can use a proven one grandma's recipe - raspberry jam. But it’s even better to buy fresh or frozen raspberries (you can also use dried ones) and brew them. That's all for me! Don't get sick!

Do you have anything to add? I will be glad to receive any feedback and comments.

Sergey Borodin, 2014

This and other topics are discussed in more detail in my books in the series "The Phoenix Code. Technologies for changing lives."

And colds”... Just think about these words. Does the flu really look at the calendar and think: “Uh, it’s already December. It's time to start spreading the infection"? Of course not.

In fact, we are constantly attacked by pathogenic microorganisms. The only thing that changes is the environment around us, which we create ourselves. We ourselves are “entering the flu and cold season” because we are nervous, eat a lot, drink a lot, smoke, and don’t get enough sleep.

Despite the popular belief that holidays invigorate and improve tone, it is precisely holidays that can cause stress. We often travel long distances to see family and friends, and long trips there is nothing pleasant. We get stuck in traffic jams, jostled on trains, or even spend many hours at airports due to flight delays. And even if you are lucky and safely take your seat on board the plane, your neighbor may turn out to be some asshole who will be coughing and blowing his nose the whole way. Having patiently endured the ordeal of such unpleasant surroundings, your prize is to finally reach your destination, where you will spend the next week discussing politics with your father-in-law or your wife's brother and sleeping on a sagging mattress. In this state chronic stress you are unlikely to benefit from rich holiday lunches and dinners with large quantities sugar and alcohol. Research shows sugar may suppress immune system within five hours! And alcohol drunk the night before during a night's sleep suppresses the natural production of the regenerating hormone, growth hormone (GH).

It's not the flu season's fault. It is we who put ourselves in conditions favorable to viruses and bacteria, when they easily defeat us and make us sick.

Immunity is your friend

Everyone knows that the immune system plays a key role in preventing disease. However, the impact of stress on immunity is often not taken into account.

In the Paleolithic era, if you encountered a bear, you would go into a state called "fight or flight." In preparation for an imminent attack, your body would quickly produce the stress hormone cortisol, as well as adrenaline and norepinephrine, which mobilize the body's glucose reserves and promote its entry into the blood. Since everything was extremely simple in the Paleolithic era, sudden stress could have one of three consequences: the following consequences:
Would you kill a bear?
Would you run away from a bear?
You could be his breakfast

When a stressful situation ends, the level of cortisol in the body soon decreases to normal levels. An encounter with a bear is an example severe stress, and our bodies are well equipped to protect against such stress.

However, today, stressful situations are very varied and can sometimes last for weeks or even months. This could be a job you don't like, a divorce procedure, daily driving in public transport, or your daily workouts twice a day. The form of stress does not matter. The body will react the same to any stressful situation. But, unlike an encounter with a bear, which lasted only a few moments, our body does not know how to cope with prolonged stress.

Long-term stress leads to chronic increases in cortisol levels . In turn, when increased content cortisol over time, the level of secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) begins to decrease in the body. It is found in the cells of the mucous membrane and is the main component that protects our body from pathogenic microorganisms. A (SIgA) is also a reliable indicator of immune system activity. When the level of immunoglobulin A (SIgA) decreases, the protective capabilities of the immune system are reduced and it is in a suppressed state.

Remember the old children's video game "Pac-Man" ( Pac Man). In the immune system, the body's macrophages are like Pac-Man, and bacteria and viruses are like ghosts. When your immune system is suppressed, Pac-Man is easy to defeat. The ghosts win and destroy the organism - the game ends! Can we avoid such an end?

A little prevention

We all know how important injury prevention is. If you are injured, it is no longer possible to continue training. Without training you cannot progress. This means that your job of building up muscle mass is interrupted. Or worse, you begin to lose the muscles you worked so hard to build. The same thing happens with illness. During illness, it is impossible to continue training and develop the body!

The most powerful tool that keeps our immune system in working order is sleep.. You should devote a third of your life to sleep! With intense training and lack of sleep, you deprive your body of the ability to recover.

Research shows that lack of sleep negatively affects the immune system, weakening it protective function, and the body becomes easy prey for diseases. This powerful recovery tool should not be underestimated.

Here are some recommendations on how to make your sleep deep and healing:
1. Dim the lights. Bright light stimulates the production of cortisol at night. This excites the body and interferes with the production of melatonin. You should also say no to the computer. The screen of a modern computer or cell phone shines brighter than a flashlight! “Dim the lights” applies to all types of artificial lighting!
2. Be sure to relieve tension before resting at night. Chamomile tea or a warm bath with salt will best help you unwind and prepare for a good rest.
3. Before going to bed, you can take a sedative, for example, vitamin complex ZMA. Zinc and magnesium are very important minerals for our body, they help improve the duration and quality of sleep.

What to do when you get sick?

Let's say you trained for eight weeks and everything went well. Then, in the last four weeks, a lot of things have come at you at once. At work I had to complete an important project, so I had little sleep. Then the holidays began, you ate a lot of sweets - more than usual. And they also drank more than usual. On top of everything else, you had to deal with your sister’s children, who for some reason always have green snot.

This morning you woke up with a sore throat, a runny nose, and your whole body aching as if you had gone five rounds with Mike Tyson the night before. You're sick, but should you skip your workout?

It all depends on the seriousness of your situation. Sometimes exercise can be just what the doctor ordered. But there is also a risk of increased catabolism and loss of precious strength and muscle mass.

A very good rule: if you have pain all over your body, fever and feel as if death is already nearby, listen to your body and skip the workout.

If you just have a runny nose or a sore throat, but you are full of energy, you can go to the gym and do a light workout.

To support the immune system and reduce the time of illness, take the following drugs:
Vitamin C
Vitamin D

Vitamin C

You need to support the body and give it what it needs to quick recovery and return to training. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a very important drug for the immune system. During illness, it is best to take ascorbic acid every three hours in small doses (25-50 mg) - this is approximately how long it stays in the body.


We all know very well how important glutamine is for increasing muscle mass and for restoring the body. In addition, glutamine is also essential for the functioning of the immune system. It is considered a "conditionally essential" amino acid, although it could easily be considered one of the essential amino acids.

There is an interesting scientific article about burn patients and their immune systems. Such patients have no skin, i.e. there is no barrier to prevent bacteria from entering the body. Therefore, among such patients there is an extremely high infectious morbidity. The material described medical experiments with large doses of glutamine to increase the activity of the immune system. Research shows that lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils - all defense elements of the immune system - consume very large number glutamine as an energy source.

Remember your condition during your last illness. Most likely, you had no appetite, especially on protein food, she seemed completely unattractive. And if before your illness you resembled a hungry predator, then your malaise has turned you into a picky vegetarian. This is a sign that your gastrointestinal tract(GIT) is under threat.

The fact is that digestion plays a role in the health of the immune system. vital role. To nourish the cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa, a huge amount of glutamine is needed. In fact, the GI tract steals glutamine from your muscles to feed your stomach cells!
Therefore, if you are weather dependent, or have gastrointestinal disorders, start increasing daily intake glutamine. Take at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. You should take glutamine in the morning, afternoon and evening before bed. Evening reception is especially important since the immune system is very active at night, during sleep.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is observed everywhere. This is very sad, because diseases are associated with a lack of this vitamin. cardiovascular system, diabetes, hypertension and many others chronic illnesses.

Vitamin D is also very important for the immune system. This vitamin has been proven to support immune system stability. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. In most cases, vitamin D deficiency in the body is caused by insufficient sun exposure. Very often they are simply afraid of getting skin cancer. These are unjustified fears. But there is an opinion that this is precisely the drawback sunlight causes the development of melanoma. Research by Edward Gorham has shown that ultraviolet rays protect us from malignant melanoma.

Those who are not afraid sun rays, also very often experience a lack of vitamin D. The fact is that sunscreens are to blame. Protective creams and lotions block beneficial ultraviolet light, which stimulates the formation of vitamin D in our body.

Every minute you are in the sun between 10:00 and 14:00, your body produces 1000 IU of vitamin D. And 20 minutes of sun exposure during these hours will enrich your body by 20,000 IU. This is quite doable for those who live in a favorable climate zone and have the opportunity to walk without a shirt. But what about those who are not so lucky?

First, you need to know the level of vitamin D in your body. This simple test can be done by your doctor or even by yourself at any medical laboratory.

The optimal level of vitamin D 25OH (vitamin D reserve) is considered to be 40–60ng/ml. To reach this level, most people would need to take 5,000 IU of the vitamin per day. Those who engage in sports exercises should increase the dose to 10,000 IU, according to Dr. James Cannell, a vitamin D specialist. This is exactly what it should be prophylactic dose for every person.

Vegetables, fruits, calories

In addition to the well-known vitamins, there are hundreds more various substances that our body needs. All of them are available only in fresh and natural products. During a cold you need to mandatory gorge yourself on vegetables and fruits, even if you have no appetite. Spinach, cabbage, onion, garlic, parsley, etc. The more varied the better!

The problem is that vegetables are low in calories, which are essential to fight germs. If you have a fever, your energy consumption increases! Fluid consumption also increases. All this needs to be replenished in advance so that the body has all the resources. Force yourself to eat! Must be tomorrow, lunch and dinner for sure.

By the way, lowering the temperature is a very bad practice, but beneficial to sellers of antipyretic drugs. By lowering the temperature, you greatly interfere with the body's ability to fight the disease.


As you already understood, maintaining your immunity in excellent condition not that difficult. Of course, there is no limit to perfection; you can always do additional hardening, yoga or other practices, and then you will completely disappear from the sight of bacteria and viruses. They will die on the approach!

If you are sick, do not rush to poison yourself with antibiotics. Not all illnesses require medication. It’s better to use the tips from the article. In this case, after illness your immunity will become stronger.

Do you have any tried-and-tested recipes on how to avoid getting sick or how to get better faster? Share in the comments.

Good luck and health to everyone!

Flu– this is one of the dangerous diseases during which the bronchi are affected, as a result of which complications arise. If treatment is not started promptly, the flu can develop into pneumonia.

Cold – occurs due to hypothermia of the body, caused by cold. This usually occurs in winter, when the nasal cavity cools.

As you know, colds are most common in autumn, winter and spring.

At this time, the body needs to adapt to changing air temperatures. That's why it's especially important to dress for the season. For example, in the fall you need to wear light and at the same time enough warm clothes, and primarily for those coming from the south after a vacation. In damp, cold times with significant fluctuations in air temperature, it “raises its head” mixed infection, mostly viral - influenza, parainfluenza, acute adenoviral diseases.

How to prevent diseases?

For that so as not to get sick, it is necessary to isolate patients from people. Suppose there are two children in a family, first one gets sick, and then the other. Parents, as a rule, are no longer afraid to leave this second child with the first: after all, both are sick. And they can additionally infect each other with “their” viruses. And everyone will be sick much longer, and the likelihood of complications will increase.

As you know, many infectious diseases have been eliminated, but there are no significant changes in the fight against influenza. This is explained by the fact that viruses of types A, Ar, B and C are different in themselves and also change their individual properties. And since it is unknown which type of virus will cause the greatest number of diseases, it is not possible to prepare the necessary anti-influenza vaccines and serums in advance. They have to be updated systematically.

The difficulty of fighting the disease also lies in the fact that doctors do not have specific medications for treatment. This does not mean that they are not being sought; on the contrary, more and more new anti-flu drugs are being proposed. They passed preliminary tests and killed viruses under experimental conditions in a test tube. But in a living organism there are other conditions for their action. That's why, even after many clinical tests, it has not yet been found reliable means fight against influenza.

What methods can be used to prevent the spread of influenza infection?

As soon as an outbreak of the disease begins, doctors, using a rapid diagnostic method, can determine the true culprit of the disease. Having discovered influenza viruses, epidemiologists warn workers of children's institutions and hospitals about the need for quarantine. This measure significantly reduces the spread of influenza.

The patient should be isolated if possible. This is necessary because the patient’s mucus, sputum, and saliva are most contagious in the first four days. Millions of virus particles enter the surrounding air and are a source of infection.

A person who has contracted the virus must follow the regimen recommended by the doctor and strictly observe hygiene rules. He needs to be given separate dishes, a handkerchief, a towel, and linen. Dishes are disinfected by boiling. The patient's skin can be wiped with cologne, and hands should be washed with soap several times a day.

If a patient has a high fever and decreased appetite, he will benefit from easily digestible food, drinking plenty of fluids– tea with raspberries, lemon, fruit syrups and juices, compotes, apples, grapes.

Many people think about what to do to avoid getting sick ? You can write a lot, but you need to know the most important points to protect yourself.

  • Before going outside, you need to lubricate the nasal cavity oxolinic ointment. You will create an obstacle to bacteria;
  • Avoid places with large crowds of people (supermarkets, shops, markets, buses, subways, etc.);
  • Ventilate your apartment or house. The cold repels the flu, and fresh air has a good effect on health;
  • Try not to interact with people who have the flu. Make him wear a gauze bandage.

How to avoid getting a cold

To avoid catching a cold, you need to strengthen your immune system. If you feel the first symptoms of a cold, you need to take medicines, which will help the body overcome viruses. Symptoms appear as follows: sore throat, headache, weakness, runny nose.

How to avoid getting sick in winter

The key to health in winter is warmth. Remember, the body should not be overcooled.

  • Don't forget to dress warmly before going outside. Wear a hat and don't forget about your feet. They love warmth;
  • When outside, breathe through your nose. The air passing through the nose is cleared of dust and heated;
  • Wash your hands with soap after going outside;
  • Carry an antiseptic with you that will help you disinfect your hands anywhere in the city;
  • Wash the clothes you wear to work and your children wear. kindergarten or school. Clothing collects germs that can cause viral illness;
  • Walk outside more and breathe fresh air;

By following basic rules, you will have less risk of getting sick or catching a cold. Let's consolidate what was said above and remember.

  1. Wash your hands after going outside. A lot of germs collect on your hands;
  2. When sneezing, cover your mouth with a tissue or hand, then wash your hands;
  3. Avoid crowded places. It is easiest to catch the flu in a crowd;
  4. Disinfect common areas (toilets, sinks, kitchen);
  5. Spend more time outdoors. It is easier to get sick indoors than outdoors;
  6. Rinse your nose saline solution. After cleaning your nose, drop the solution and clean it well;
  7. Try to strengthen your body when you are healthy. But you need to start gradually. Wipe with a towel soaked in cool water, gradually moving to a contrast shower;
  8. Ventilate the room you are in every day;
  9. Monitor the humidity in the room. It should be 50-60%;
  10. Do wet cleaning in the house;
  11. When meeting people you know, try to avoid shaking hands and kissing on the cheek;
  12. Strengthen your immune system. In summer, try to eat more vegetables and fruits, and in winter you can buy vitamins at the pharmacy;
  13. Don't refuse the flu vaccine. This will help your body fight viruses better;
  14. When outside, try not to touch your face with your hands;
  15. Try to avoid contact with sick people;
  16. Use utensils and things that belong only to you;
  17. Try to rest more, then your body will be full of strength and will be able to reject bacteria.

But it happens that the symptoms have already caught you. You can buy medications at the pharmacy and take them, or be treated with traditional methods.

How to cure a cold or flu using traditional methods

In order for a cold to not be terrible, you need to be able to fight it regardless of the time of year and weather conditions.

Compresses at night help with coughs. Cabbage leaf Place in boiling water for two minutes, remove, coat with honey and place on chest. You can also put it on your back. You should wear a tight-fitting T-shirt over the top. Three to five nights of this treatment and the cough goes away.

It is also useful to eat two or three ripe persimmons a day when coughing, and drink hot tea at night, adding sunflower oil(1 tbsp. spoon for 1 tbsp. tea).

At high temperature and sore throat will help you potato. Grate two raw tubers with peel on a coarse grater, add 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar and place on cloth or gauze folded in several layers. Place a cold potato compress on the forehead, and after 30 minutes the body temperature drops by 3-5 degrees. Do exactly the same compress on throat, just heat the potato pulp a little, apply it to the throat and warm it. Keep it on all night.

Children over 10 years old sore throat you can rinse with juice onions And boiled water(in proportion 1:1).

At the first sign of the flu, cologne will help you. Before going to bed, you need to completely undress. The heart area should not be touched. Thoroughly rub the rest of your body from the top of your head to your fingertips with triple cologne. Cover yourself with a warm blanket and do not open until the morning. And in the morning there will be no trace of the flu.

Winter is approaching, which means that flu and colds will soon start plaguing people in droves. It would seem that the same story has been repeated for many years: a person knows what to do in order not to get sick, dresses warmly, drinks hot tea with lemon as a preventive measure, but no, no, and he “gets caught” with a cold.

And it’s okay if this disaster happens in winter, but when the disease overtakes you somewhere in the summer, on vacation, it’s doubly offensive. Many have probably already gotten used to the idea that at least a couple of times a year they will have to lie down with a fever and runny nose. I was one of them until I learned not to get sick.

By “illness” I mean a cold or flu that prevents you from working/studying as normal. The last time I was sick was January 20, 2012, that is, almost 2.5 years ago. That day I made a strong-willed decision not to get sick anymore. Lasted a year, then another, and now next year I'm getting ready to celebrate my third year without colds and flu.

To understand how to deal with diseases, first consider the causes of their occurrence.

Why do we get sick

  1. Stress. According to statistics, the most sick days occur on stressful Mondays. Least of all - on Friday. On Friday a person feels an emotional uplift before the coming weekend, but on Monday he feels the full weight of the upcoming working week- It is at this time that the likelihood of getting sick increases. Sooner or later, constant stress will force a person to take sick leave.
  2. Internal protest. Are you tired of work or has it become unbearable to travel to classes in the morning? Or maybe you want to finally relax, but the vacation is far away? There is a way out: the subconscious mind itself will turn on the necessary mechanisms so that you are more often exposed to the wind, cold and air conditioners and thus can get sick.
  3. Lack of attention. You want the people around you to start giving you oranges, giving you Coldrex, feeling sorry for you and inquiring about your health every day. This is pleasant for everyone, but it is nothing more than a way of manipulation.
  4. Extreme cold. This type of cold is hard not to notice, because it is clearly felt by every cell of the body. The first instinct when you feel extreme cold is to immediately warm up.
  5. Slight cold. A striking example is an imperceptible draft or a treacherous air conditioner nozzle, which quietly but systematically, minute by minute, takes away your heat - this is one of the most dangerous types of cold.

How to deal with the above causes of disease

  1. You can fight stress at work either by revising your attitude towards work (be simpler, don’t take everything to heart), or by changing your job.
  2. In the case of internal protest, it makes sense to pump yourself up good reasons go to work (motivation) or, again, change jobs and do something more enjoyable. In addition, it may be that you are fed up with everyday life. In this case, it makes sense to deliberately take a vacation for at least a couple of days and emotionally invigorate yourself with the help of a little travel and communication with interesting people.
  3. If you lack attention, then you shouldn’t pretend to be a martyr. It will be much more productive to go out with friends to some event: you will spend much less time and get your dose of social capital. The more often you go out in public, the less you will want to get sick. And if you fall in love, even more so.
  4. Severe and mild cold require different approaches. It is easier to prepare for severe cold than for mild cold because it is more noticeable and tangible. It is impossible to ignore it: when you are shivering and your teeth are tap-dancing, you will either urgently look for a way to warm up, or make a strong-willed decision to endure. This is the secret to fighting extreme cold.
  5. A slight cold is like a frog being quietly simmered over low heat. In order not to fall for this most insidious type of cold, you need high level consciousness. You need to learn to feel your body and notice the slightest uncomfortable manifestations around you. You shouldn’t be a hero and endure a slight draft or an insufficiently warm blanket. A slight cold can catch you by surprise when you are sleeping and have no control over your sleep conditions. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare in advance for possible scenarios cold weather and pack an extra blanket or bring an extra sweater. It’s better to sweat than to freeze. To increase your chances in the face of a slight cold, you should not only do your “homework” on insulating with sweater blankets, but also add a reminder to your “cache” in your head that the wind is blowing and you can’t relax. That is, even when you are sitting somewhere in an office at an important meeting, you must “book” the thought of cold in your head. When you remember about the cold and are aware that it exists and that it affects you, you already increase your chances of not getting sick by 50%.

Prevention will save the world

It is much easier not to get sick if you regularly perform simple but effective actions:

  • Toughen up. Even a couple of minutes cold water at the end of the daily morning bath can already work wonders.
  • Get dressed. Risk areas that require attention first: back, chest and neck.
  • Sleep. This is very important point, since lack of sleep leads to feeling unwell and decreased immunity.
  • Drink hot drinks. It doesn't matter if it's coffee, tea or just boiling water. An extra glass of something warm will not only remind your body that it is being taken care of, but will also allow you to more accurately identify sources of cold by contrast.
  • Take a hot shower. Even if you're not cold. It's never a bad idea to warm your back and neck.

Shock measures: take revenge on the cold

It happens that you find yourself in severe frost, while you are aware of the danger of getting sick, but, as luck would have it, there is not a joule of warmth nearby. In such cases, even a glass of hot tea is not able to cover the “damage” caused by the cold. In such a situation, you need, as before, to keep the thought of cold in your head. It doesn't matter that he won the battle, because you can still win the war!

Take revenge on the harsh winter by taking a good steam in the shower while simultaneously pouring hot tea with lemon down your throat. Dress yourself in everything you have, cover yourself with all the blankets you can get, and go to bed. And sleep as much as you want without getting up at the sound of an alarm clock. It’s better to sleep through work, but be healthy, than to heroically be at the office on time, but with the onset of illness.

And for a snack - a recipe for health from integral yoga guru Sri Aurobindo

"The only disease is lack of consciousness. For more late stages, when inner silence is firmly established in us and we are able to perceive mental and vital vibrations even on the periphery of our periphery, we will be able to feel the vibrations of illness in the same way and divert them before they can enter us. If you are aware of this surrounding self of yours,” Sri Aurobindo wrote to a disciple, “then you will be able to grasp the thought, the passion, the suggestion or the force of the disease and prevent its invasion of you.”

What ways do you know that help you not get sick?

On the eve of the cold seasons, the next waves of acute viral epidemics respiratory diseases, each of us thinks about how to avoid getting the flu. It turns out that getting around the disease is not so difficult, the main thing is to know what ARVI is, what medications to take in order to avoid getting the flu and take basic precautions.

First of all, in order to curb the “enemy”, you need to know him in person. In this case, the enemy is viral infection, which attacks people and epidemics occur. Influenza is one of the types of acute viral respiratory infections, other types are also dangerous: corona-, rota-, entero-, para-, rhino-, adenovirus and others. Most often we worry about how not to get infected with the flu, not realizing that it can be a common cold that does not pose a particular threat, if not important reasons. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference in these two diseases, which seem to be very similar in symptoms, and to know what to do to avoid getting the flu.

Every person should know the basic rules for flu prevention

An important step when dealing with the flu is to visit a doctor, as this disease is fraught with consequences. A cold goes away within 7-10 days if the body has immunity and there are no chronic, complex diseases. Common symptoms that cause confusion include:

  • cough - dry or productive (with sputum);
  • increase in temperature;
  • runny or stuffy nose;
  • chills, fever.

A cold, or as it is called in medical circles, acute respiratory infections, does not require drug treatment. The main thing is to protect the body from hypothermia in time, be at rest and increase immune strength with the usual rules:

  • refusal bad habits- smoking, alcohol;
  • active lifestyle - playing sports (swimming, running, race walking);
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • include in the diet foods containing vitamins, microelements, and minerals;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day, including juices, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas etc.

If you follow the above list and find out from your doctor what you need to take to avoid getting the flu, your internal potential will be strengthened and your body will not be susceptible to constant colds.

Flu symptoms differ in their sequence, which is worth paying special attention to.

Flu: historical facts about the disease

Billions of microorganisms live in the air around us. Among them there are those who are the culprit of ARVI. Scientists at given time identified more than 250 types of microorganisms that can cause a particular disease in humans. Unlike modern medicine, in past centuries the most powerful healers could not overcome this disease and didn’t know what to do to avoid getting infected.

Hippocrates was one of the first to describe influenza and its symptoms.

Discoveries of ancient healers

Hippocrates also described a disease, from the symptoms of which one can understand that the flu has always been rampant and devastated the lives of millions of people. According to the chronicles, there are more than 18 epidemics that crossed not only the borders of states, but also continents. Among them is a mass pestilence at the beginning and end of the 16th century, described in detail by doctors of those years. But the causes of the disease could not be explained; people did not know what to drink to save themselves from the disease. This is how a strange hypothesis arose that the flu was caused by a visit to sunny Italy, the Germans believed that it was all to blame sauerkraut, cucumbers, etc. But they could not understand that the disease occurs precisely in the cold seasons. Today, the hypothesis about the cause of the flu due to the stars lining up in a parade of planets seems completely insane, as a result of which the established name “influence” arose, that is, influence, influence from the outside.

Research by Germans, British and French

This has happened in the history of mankind; epidemics were worldwide and, according to scientists, occurred at least 3-4 times. After strange discoveries about stars and pickled vegetables, more progressive ones began to arise, related to magnetic field planet, precipitation, air quality. Some even suggested a connection between influenza and cholera. And finally, at the end of the 19th century, German scientist Richard Pfeiffer made a historical discovery by isolating a rod-shaped bacterium from the sputum of a sick person. French and German doctors joined the research and jointly put an end to it, confirming the hypothesis. The identified pathogenic microorganism was named Pfeiffer bacillus. The only downside is that scientists never figured out what to drink when in contact with a sick person and the infected continued to die.

Spanish Flu from China

One of the most terrible pandemics in human history was the disease that covered the world in 1918, when the First World War ended. World War. It is not clear why it was called the Spanish flu if the beginnings were identified in China. Infection occurred mainly in port cities, and this also happened in the United States. Apparently, the infected sailors spread the terrible disease around the world, reaching the shores of Italy, Spain, then all of Europe, Russia, etc. According to unofficial data, this pandemic has killed about 40-50 million people worldwide. Scary virus“acted” suddenly: in the morning a person became infected, and by lunchtime a high temperature rose and by the evening, not knowing what to drink to recover, the patient died. If you managed to overcome the illness in the first days, then it was impossible to escape from complications. The most common causes were pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis, and others. dangerous consequences, with which the human body was unable to fight.

The Greatest Discovery

The terrible Spanish flu seriously frightened scientists, and they decided to do more research. There was an urgent need not only to seek salvation, but also to take precautions and preventive measures that could save a person’s life. Doctors began to wonder why, if the flu occurs due to one virus, the consequences of the Spanish flu were so dire. The answer was received only in 1931, when the American Shop Richard, studying the disease in pigs, discovered that it was not a bacterium, but a virus that was the culprit of the disease. In 1933, scientists from London confirmed the idea by discovering the type A virus. Just this year, another epidemic began and young English doctors managed to test their vaccine on animals. But none of them, neither snakes, nor rodents, nor pigs and other vaccinated representatives of the fauna, ever got sick. This is how a panacea was discovered, and now we know what to take to save ourselves from viruses. But there is a problem that haunts us to this day. Every 2-3 years, viruses mutate and develop resistance to vaccines, so new types of vaccines have to be developed. Later, viruses of type B and C were discovered. B infects only the human body, more often children, does not cause pandemics, epidemics and is more easily tolerated. C is not a threatening type, does not cause epidemics and is tolerated without complications.

How do you get the flu: causes and symptoms

The influenza virus is one of the most common types diseases and causes outbreaks of epidemics. To distinguish the condition from a cold, you need to know how infection occurs and the mechanism by which the disease spreads throughout the body.

  1. Viruses enter through the respiratory tract. Having settled on the mucous membrane of the larynx and nose, they multiply and create colonies. For this reason, a sore throat and runny nose (or congestion) occur.
  2. Depending on the state of immunity, after a few hours or a couple of days, the temperature rises sharply, up to 39-40 degrees or higher. This is due to the introduction of the virus into the epithelium and bloodstream with damage to internal organs, which causes intoxication.
  3. The neglected form is characterized by the addition of such signs as:
  • severe headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;

Treatment for influenza cannot be started

Important: in cases where red dots in the form of a rash or convulsions appear on the body, immediately seek emergency help; it is possible that a bacterium has joined the virus, causing serious illnesses: meningitis, pneumonia, encephalitis, tracheitis, etc.

What to do to avoid getting the flu

Most of us do not want to “catch” an infection and receive a powerful blow to the immune system and the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, it is important to follow basic rules that will protect us as much as possible from the attack of deadly viruses.

  • To avoid getting the flu you need to be immunized. At the beginning, we briefly talked about the discoveries made by American, German and English scientists. Many years in the making effective drug Scientists from all over the world fought, and it was found. Therefore, one cannot ignore the banal vaccination that is carried out in every medical institution. Thanks to one vaccination, you can not worry about infection for at least six months and go to work, study, or travel on public transport without fear.

Vaccines are often refused due to reports of isolated cases of complications after vaccinations. The problem can be caused by just a few factors:

  • vaccination in a questionable institution;
  • lack of a certificate for the drug;
  • lack of preliminary examination by a doctor.

The effect of vaccination has its own timing. Over time, the antibodies introduced into the human body disappear, and the part that remains is not able to protect against the virus. Therefore, you need to get vaccinated regularly.

Caution: The vaccine may cause a serious allergic response, especially if the person has a persistent allergy to chicken eggs. Immunization is also contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and during exacerbation of chronic diseases.

  1. What should you do to avoid getting the flu? - harden up! Strong immunity is already the key to minimizing infection with influenza and other infectious diseases. To do this, it is necessary to accustom the body to temperature changes. It is better to start hardening in the warm season. Gradually water your feet with cold or hot water, starting with your feet. During the second procedure, water higher and so on. Contrast shower- stand under streams of either cold or hot water for 15 minutes twice a day. After the procedure, dry thoroughly with a towel. After about 2 months, start dousing with cold water.
  2. Healthy eating. Immunity, as is known, is formed in the intestinal tract. Bad job liver, stomach, kidneys and other organs directly affect the condition internal forces. How cleaner body from waste, toxins, the better the metabolism and metabolic processes. Consumption of smoked, fatty, fried, salted, canned, and fast foods disrupts the functions of important organs, which weakens the immune system and makes a person vulnerable.
  3. What to eat to avoid getting the flu? Porridge is useful fermented milk products, fish, steamed meat, baked vegetables, fruits, nuts. Chicken and fish broth, purees, dried fruits, and citrus fruits provide excellent protection against infections.
  4. Don't take a bunch of medications to avoid getting the flu. Many drugs are based on chemicals, which have a detrimental effect on the liver, intestines, kidneys, genitourinary, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  5. The main thing you need to do to avoid getting infected is to give up bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco are the main destroyers of the walls of blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, brain, heart, genitourinary, nervous, endocrine and other systems. In addition, by inhaling smoke into the lungs, a person clogs the passages, blood circulation is disrupted, and stagnation occurs, leading not only to a decline in the immune system, but also to the development of fatal cancer.

What to do to avoid getting the flu

Besides useful actions to strengthen the body, it is also important to ensure that you do not catch the disease during epidemics. Often, even with a strong immune system, the virus can be very insidious.

  1. Limit contact with a sick person.
  2. Take a course of vitaminization.
  3. Wear a cotton-gauze bandage. There is no need to have complexes about this. Most of us would happily wear a mask, but are afraid of looking ridiculous. But thanks to the protection of the nasopharynx from the penetration of viruses, you can not only bypass the flu, but also be saved from dangerous complications.
  4. How to avoid getting infected with ARVI at work? This requires a team approach. Few people know that the virus “loves” dry, stagnant air and multiplies in it in geometric progression. Regular ventilation, humidification, treatment of the room disinfectant will minimize the risk of infection.
  5. How to avoid getting infected by a flu patient in the same apartment. First of all, the sick person should be isolated in a separate room. The rest should wear a cotton-gauze bandage and take a number of medications that strengthen the immune system. The infected person’s room must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned. disinfectant solution. To avoid getting sick next to someone with the flu, you should not eat or drink from their dishes, or share towels or hygiene items. For prevention purposes, you need to clean not only the infected person’s room, but the entire house, and regularly ventilate it.
  6. To avoid getting the flu while studying, try not to contact the sick person and convince him to take sick leave. In this case, there is not only a threat of infection, but also a danger of consequences for the sick person. ARVI on the legs is fraught with serious consequences.

Contact with the sick should be avoided

What to take to avoid getting the flu

It is important for anyone experiencing the first symptoms of the flu to seek medical advice. specialized assistance. The disease should be stopped in the first stages to avoid complications.

What medications to take to avoid getting the flu

  • Antiviral agents - Amantadine, Remantadine.

Important: taking antibiotics is strictly prohibited, since they only affect bacterial infection. Their appointment is provided in case of complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, meningitis, etc.

  • What to take after contact with a sick person. To stimulate the immune system, drugs based on interferon are prescribed - Viferon, Kipferon, Immunal, Aflubin. Thanks to their action, the body produces its own proteins that strengthen the immune system.
  • The main pills to avoid getting sick are vitamin C. Ascorbic acid in combination with other trace elements and minerals, it can strengthen the body’s strength significantly and minimize the risk of infection.
  • What to anoint your nose with. Regular oxaline ointment brings excellent results. During an epidemic and in cold seasons, you need to lubricate the wings and sinuses of the nose. Viruses are not able to penetrate inside, lingering on the mucous membrane. The drug contains a powerful antiviral component that destroys pathogens. If not of this medicine, Vaseline will do, even sunflower oil. The method also helps with contact with a sick person and reduces the chances of infection.
  • What to drink. Replenish supplies useful substances To strengthen the immune system, herbal teas from linden flowers, chamomile, with raspberries (leaves, berries, stem), currants, lemon, and oregano will help.

How to avoid getting the flu: prevention

It is necessary to prepare for the attack of not only infectious, but also other types of diseases from childhood. Everything that is laid down in the first years of life will be reflected in the future on human health.

  1. Breastfeed your baby for as long as possible. Mother's milk contains a whole range of substances that strengthen the immune system and protect the child from all types of diseases.
  2. For prevention, so as not to get sick with the flu in a more complex form in adulthood, send your child to kindergarten from early childhood, or, as a last resort, attend clubs and matinees. Many refuse this, since the child catches the same flu in crowded places. But we should not forget that surviving an acute respiratory viral infection gives the body a set of antibodies that can save its life in the next epidemic.
  3. What to drink to avoid getting the flu. Water is the source of life, and for the body it is also the main purifier. Regular drinking of at least 2 liters a day for adults and 1 liter for children will allow you to get rid of toxins in a timely manner and maintain metabolism and metabolic processes at an optimal level. Filled with the necessary amount of moisture, the cells regenerate uninterruptedly, and their internal potential is strengthened. As a liquid, not only healthy herbal teas and decoctions are suitable, but also milk, fruit drinks, compotes, and uzvars.
  4. Sports activities. It is not necessary to become a winner of championships, the main thing is to get rid of physical inactivity. Movement activates all processes, improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and blood circulation. At the same time, cell renewal occurs, which contributes to the regulation of the functioning of internal organs and systems.
  5. Avoid stress. Immune and nervous system are closely interconnected. With excessive stress on the psyche, the brain does not have time to redirect the immune system to fight ARVI, due to which it is not possible to reduce the chances of infection or mild illness.
  6. Eliminate excessive mental and physical activity, otherwise any type of virus will settle in the body, weakened by excessive energy consumption.

Try to have more positivity in your life

And most importantly, more positive. Pleasant impressions positive emotions, according to scientists, strengthen the immune system. After an exhausting, monotonous working day, not only physical but also mental rest is needed. It’s better to spend it walking with your loved ones, breathing in fresh air. Experienced doctors strongly recommend getting a dog and taking it for walks every morning. Of course, this method does not apply to persons with allergic reaction on animals, but in other cases, this is a great opportunity to start and end the day with positive thoughts and active movement.