If there is stomatitis on the tongue. How and with what to treat stomatitis on the tongue in adults. Treatment of stomatitis in the tongue using traditional methods

Stomatitis is considered a childhood disease, but at least 20% of adults experience painful ulcers and pimples in the mouth. Moreover, they can appear not only on the mucous membrane of the gums, the inside of the cheeks and lips, but also on the tongue. Why does stomatitis occur on the tongue, and how to quickly get rid of it?

As with other forms of stomatitis, viruses or bacteria, fungi, weakened immunity, and injuries are to blame for its occurrence on the tongue.

But just one reason is not enough, because normally millions of bacteria live on the mucous membrane of the tongue without harm to humans, and lysozyme, a component of saliva, is a powerful antiseptic. Sores and ulcers appear only when several factors coincide, for example, reduced immunity, trauma and bacterial infection.


The surface of the tongue covered with papillae is great place for the reproduction of bacteria and viruses. Normally, constantly secreted saliva neutralizes them.

But if the activity salivary glands is insufficient, as with diabetes or dehydration, the number of microorganisms increases sharply. The result active life bacteria becomes a coating on the tongue and, subsequently, wounds.

Even with normal operation salivary glands, the balance of microflora composition may be disrupted due to the use of antibiotics or weakened immunity. In this case pathogenic bacteria also grow quickly and lead to the formation of stomatitis.

Stomatitis on the tongue also occurs due to viral infection, in 90% of cases – a virus herpes simplex.

It manifests itself in the form of many small painful blisters, which gradually merge into one blister, turning into erosion. The temperature is higher, and the symptoms of intoxication are more acute than with other forms of the disease.

Herpetic stomatitis indicates that the immune system is extremely weakened. This disease often takes chronic form and periodically worsens with colds, hormonal changes and stress.

Candidiasis usually does not affect adults. Its appearance on the tongue means that protective forces the body is extremely weakened.

Frequent relapses may indicate, for example, diabetes, tuberculosis, HIV. Characteristic symptoms– white cheesy coating on the tongue, under which inflamed plaques form, dry mouth, very bad smell and cracks in the tongue.

Video: stomatitis

Poor oral hygiene

The reason for the uncontrolled growth of bacteria and microorganisms that cause stomatitis may be insufficient oral care. Infrequent or improper brushing of teeth, dirty hands or food almost certainly lead to inflammation of the tongue.

Video: oral hygiene

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Language in oriental medicine considered a “health card.” It can be used to determine the state of many body systems.

So, frequent relapses may be symptoms of gastrointestinal problems: peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis.

If rashes appear more often than once a year, it is necessary to undergo examination by a gastrologist.

Worm infestation

Rash on the tongue is a symptom helminthic infestation. In this case, they are of a repeating cyclical nature - once a month or 40 days.

Video: helminthic infestations


Stomatitis can be caused by chronic injuries that occur when wearing braces or using incorrectly selected dentures.

The tongue can be injured by the edges of broken teeth or too hard food with sharp edges - chips, crackers, cereals, candies. Stomatitis on the tip of the tongue occurs due to constant biting due to malocclusion.

Bad habits

This disease is true friend heavy smokers. According to statistics, it occurs among them more than 1.5 times more often. Another bad habit that provokes stomatitis is nail biting. At the same time, billions of microorganisms enter the mouth, which can be dealt with immune system unable to.

Video: bad habit of biting nails


With careful adherence to hygiene rules and the absence of bad habits chronic recurrent stomatitis may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Moreover, the allergen may be contained in food, or external environment, and oral care products. In this case, you need to change toothpaste and carefully monitor your diet.

Video: what is an allergy?

Impact of harmful substances on the body

Ulcers on the tongue occur when the body is poisoned harmful substances, and this impact can be either one-time or permanent. Toxins enter with water, with vapors of low-quality varnishes and paints, and when using a number of building materials.

Stomatitis accompanies workers at fertilizer production plants and those who are forced to constantly work with aggressive cleaning agents.


In adults it rarely begins acutely. It is characteristic of him low-grade fever And mild general malaise. Temperature above 38 degrees and acute intoxication occur only with herpes infection.

Photo: Herpetic stomatitis on the tongue

The tongue becomes acutely sensitive, a white or light yellow coating appears on it. Another development of the disease is possible: a slight redness or thickening appears on the tongue, which quickly develops into swelling

If treatment is left untreated, after 1-2 days ulcers with smooth edges and a clearly defined halo appear, swelling of the tongue develops, and the epithelium begins to peel off.

Stomatitis is accompanied by bleeding gums, bad breath, increased or, conversely, decreased functioning of the salivary glands. At this stage, the pain is so severe that the patient has difficulty talking and eating.

How to treat stomatitis on the tongue

The initial stages of stomatitis are quite treatable self-treatment home remedies or drugs purchased at the pharmacy. If there is no relief after 2 days, then you need to visit the dentist to clarify the diagnosis and select stronger remedies.

In adults

The choice of how to treat this disease depends on what caused it.

In any case, the approach to treatment should be comprehensive.

For pain relief, a gel with lidocaine is used, for example, Dentinox, Lidochlor, Kamistad. Some complex products for the treatment of stomatitis, such as Cholisal, Hexoral spray, already have an anesthetic effect.

It is not advisable to use lozenges for resorption, as they can further injure the mucous membrane of the tongue.

Depending on the type of stomatitis, a specific remedy is selected to combat the cause:

  • For herpetic stomatitis, Oxolinic, Acyclovir or Zovirax ointments are effective. Additionally, immunostimulants Immunal, Cycloferon, Viferon are used. It is useful to drink general strengthening vitamin complexes.
  • To relieve inflammation and faster healing cracks and ulcers – Cholisal, Solcoseryl Denta, oil solutions of vitamins A and E,
  • WITH bacterial infection you can fight with solutions with chlorhexidine, furatsilin, Miramistin or ointments with metronidazole, for example, Metrogyl-Denta. It is convenient to use sprays with an antiseptic effect - Chlorphilipt, Hexoral. Their stream can even reach the root of the tongue.
  • Antifungal local remedies- Miconazole gel, Nystatin ointment, Clotrimalol cream. They are most effective when combined with rinsing. alkaline solution, for the preparation of which dilute 1 tablespoon of soda in a glass warm water. Rinse your mouth and apply local remedies 3-4 times a day, always before bedtime.
  • For allergic stomatitis, general-spectrum antihistamines are used - Zyrtec, Claritin, Tavegil, Fenistil drops.
  • If stomatitis on the tongue accompanies gastrointestinal disease, endocrine system, then you need to treat the underlying disease in parallel.
  • A proven way to speed up the healing of tongue ulcers is applications with Actovegin gel, calendula ointment.
  • Most best way prevention of recurrence of stomatitis on the tongue in the future - oral care, timely treatment caries and other foci of infection. During times of decreased immunity, illness, or pregnancy, it is recommended to replace regular toothpaste with a toothpaste containing chlorhexidine, and be sure to use a mouth rinse, for example, Miramistin.

It is more convenient to lubricate wounds and ulcers on the tip of the tongue with gel or ointment, and in the far part with a cotton swab dipped in a solution.

In children

Treatment in children is carried out according to the same scheme as in adults: pain relief, combating the cause of the disease, accelerating healing.

The difference is that children cannot use a number of drugs. So, antifungal ointments replace with rinsing soda solution, ointment with acyclovir - oxolinic.

Stomatitis in children develops faster and is more acute, so you should not hesitate to see a doctor. Both children and adults during the period of illness need to be given increased attention oral hygiene, brush your teeth after every meal and use an antiseptic mouthwash.

Every person’s tongue has a film that protects the body from viruses and infections. If irritation of this film occurs and it becomes permeable, they begin to penetrate through it. various bacteria and viruses - the oral cavity becomes inflamed.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the tongue and soft tissues in the mouth is called stomatitis, from Greek word"mouth". Most often, children are susceptible to this disease, but in recent years Stomatitis on the tongue in adults is not so rare. Treatment of stomatitis on the tongue in an adult is not always easy.

Today on the women's website “Beautiful and Successful” we will talk about the causes of stomatitis in adults, the treatment of which directly depends on what causes the inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Causes of stomatitis

Before choosing the best way to treat tongue stomatitis in an adult, let’s find out why it appears and what its main symptoms are.

Depending on what causes the inflammation, stomatitis is divided into several groups, and the treatment of one type of stomatitis differs from the treatment of another.

  • Fungal stomatitis in the mouth of an adult is caused by the proliferation of Candida fungi on the tongue. This type of stomatitis differs from others in that the tongue is covered with a white coating and small painful ulcers in the mouth. Often occurs after taking a course of antibiotics. It is treated with antifungal drugs.
  • Viral (herpes, herpetic, herpes simplex) stomatitis is caused by a virus that is present in the body of almost every person. Under favorable conditions, the virus begins to multiply and damage the mucous membrane. Herpes stomatitis on the tongue of an adult is characterized by blistering rashes containing liquid inside. At first it is transparent, but over time it turns yellow and becomes thicker. This type of stomatitis is treated with antiviral drugs.
  • Stomatitis can cause aphthae to appear on the tongue. This type of stomatitis in adults is called aphthous stomatitis - we talked about it in more detail.
  • Stomatitis can also be caused chemical burn, when mouth ulcers appear due to chemical irritants, and be a consequence radiation sickness– radiation stomatitis.

Since in life we ​​most often encounter stomatitis of types 1 and 2, in this article we will focus on questions about how and how to treat stomatitis in adults of viral and fungal origin.

Fungal (candidal) stomatitis

Candidal stomatitis (fungal) is caused by the proliferation of Candida fungi on the tongue. Its main difference from aphthous and herpes is that a white yeast coating appears on the tongue. It is also popularly called thrush. This type of stomatitis is easily transmitted through household and sexual contact from person to person.

How does it manifest?

  1. In the mouth, redness appears on the mucous membrane, which eventually swells and begins to cause discomfort.
  2. After a couple of days, a white coating, looks similar to curd mass or sour milk.
  3. Then wounds appear on the tongue in the form of ulcers.

How to treat?

The goal of treatment is to strengthen the immune system and have a local (local) effect on the infected area. If mouth ulcers are very painful, you can and should take painkillers (anesthetics) before starting to treat them. Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Trimecaine are suitable.

Since this type of stomatitis is caused by the proliferation of a fungus, it is necessary to treat fungal stomatitis on the tongue of an adult with antifungal drugs. We offer you an introductory list of medications and recommendations on how to cure this type of stomatitis. Before you start treating stomatitis, be sure to consult your doctor.

  • The oral cavity for candidal stomatitis is irrigated with any antiseptic. Solutions of furatsilin, potassium permanganate, rivanol, etc. are suitable for this. You can even use hydrogen peroxide. Do this as often as possible - every 3-4 hours. After treatment, the affected area is treated with antifungal drugs.
  • At mild form For stomatitis, you can irrigate the oral cavity with a soda solution or borax with glycerin.
  • Levorin solution or 5% levorin ointment, which is used to treat the oral cavity, is also suitable for treatment.
  • If you find this drug, you can treat the oral cavity with blue (2% methylene blue solution)
  • Iodinol, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, will help quickly cure stomatitis on the tongue of an adult.
  • Some people recommend sucking caramel with dekamin.
  • Antifungal ointments Nystatin, Nizoral and Diflucan are effective in our time.

The oral cavity should be treated with antifungal drugs for several more days after the stomatitis has disappeared from the tongue.

Herpes stomatitis

Another type of stomatitis in adults is herpes. The appearance of ulcers on the tongue is caused by the multiplication of the virus. This type of stomatitis is also contagious and is transmitted from person to person by everyday means. You can pick it up anywhere.

How does it manifest?

Unlike candidal stomatitis, there is no white plaque in the mouth with herpes.

  1. On initial stage the person feels general malaise and loss of strength.
  2. In some cases, the temperature rises. Swelling of the mucous membrane in the mouth appears. Swallowing becomes painful.
  3. After 2–3 days, rashes appear on the tongue. Please note - herpes stomatitis under the tongue in an adult and on the tongue appears only in these areas. If you find ulcers on your gums, then we're talking about about gingivitis, and if the rash affects not only the gums and tongue, but also the inside of the cheek, then a diagnosis of gingivostomatitis is made. These diseases can be considered a type of stomatitis, because the treatment prescribed is virtually the same.

How is it treated?

Treatment of this type differs from the treatment of candidiasis and aphthous stomatitis.

To completely get rid of herpes stomatitis, you must be treated with antiviral drugs - Acyclovir, Zovirax, Famciclovir, Valtrex and the like antiviral drugs are perfect for this.

It is better if a doctor selects a treatment regimen, but we offer you ways to cure stomatitis in an adult, which we found on the forums. Only you can decide whether to use them or not.

Treatment recommendations from those who have cured stomatitis

  • I dissolve Lysobact 3 times a day and take acyclovir.
  • I wipe my mouth with furatsilin solution and apply honey.
  • The best way to treat stomatitis in an adult is Infogel.
  • Malavit treats stomatitis well. Apply to the wound. It hurts a lot, but it helps.
  • You can rinse with a decoction of oak bark. You can put it in your mouth and walk like this for a few minutes, then spit it out.
  • Helps with stomatitis bay leaf, just not dried, but fresh. You need to chew it throughout the day, and the stomatitis goes away.
  • Hexalize tablets help with stomatitis. They say that stomatitis goes away as if by hand.
  • I treat it with antiseptics (stomatidine or rotokan, chlorhexidine or givalex). I take antimicrobials – Cholisal (Kamistad or Vinilin). And also Viferon to increase local immunity. To heal the wounds, on the 4th – 5th day I begin treatment with sea buckthorn oil.
  • Rinse your mouth raw chicken protein, divorced boiled water(stir 1 egg white in half a liter of water). P After rinsing, the mouth should be lubricated with antiviral ointments. For example, Shostakovsky balm, which will speed up the healing of wounds.
  • If stomatitis under the tongue in an adult does not go away for a long time, try to get rid of it with the help of garlic. The garlic needs to be chopped, mixed with sour cream and placed in the mouth for 3 - 4 minutes. Chew the mixture for several minutes and then spit it out. They say that many were only able to cure stomatitis that did not go away for a long time.
  • Also help with viral stomatitis Oxolinic ointment, Interferon ointment, Tebrofen ointment.

Treatment of stomatitis under the tongue and on the tongue in an adult can be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  2. Treat the oral cavity with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Mix Vinilin with Kamistad gel (can be replaced with Analgin, Streptocide) and roll the resulting mixture in your mouth for 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse your mouth with Iodinol throughout the day.
  5. Take Lizobact 3 – 4 times a day.
  6. You drip Interferon onto your tongue.

Main active substance in this scheme - Vinilin. The condition improves the next day. By the way, the drugs for the treatment of stomatitis in this recipe are affordable.

How to treat the oral cavity with stomatitis?

Irrigate your mouth as thoroughly as possible. If the wounds have affected the entire oral cavity, and stomatitis on the root of the tongue in an adult does not go away for a long time, try to treat the oral cavity as often and deeply as possible, including the tonsils.

  • You can treat the oral cavity with stomatitis with ointments and oil solutions, which we talked about above. To do this, the finger is wrapped in a bandage or gauze, and then the oral cavity is wiped. If there are dried wounds around the mouth, they are soaked, the crusts are removed, and then treated with ointment. Soak the wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or oil.
  • There are also medications for stomatitis that are sprayed into the oral cavity. They are certainly more convenient to use.


Since the nature of stomatitis is different, there is no uniform advice on how to avoid this disease. Sometimes it is contagious, sometimes it is not. It is important to avoid contact with sick people and maintain good hygiene.

Please note that if an adult often has stomatitis on the tongue for a long time, it is worth getting tested for iron deficiency. Perhaps your frequent stomatitis will go away if you take iron supplements. You can also take a bacterial culture test from oral cavity.

Now you know some of the features of stomatitis and can choose the right treatment.

Stomatitis is a pathology of the oral mucosa. Often the inflammatory process is localized on the surface of the tongue. If stomatitis affects only the tongue, the disease is called.

The disease manifests itself in appearance and causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient.

There are a lot of possible reasons, it’s difficult to determine a specific one.

The doctor often evaluates the condition of the tongue general condition health. may proceed as independent disease or be a symptom of a serious pathology (disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, oncology or other disease).

Various factors can cause the disease:

In most cases, it is impossible to independently detect the cause of stomatitis in the tongue. To do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination and take the necessary tests.

If painful ulcers appear on the surface of the tongue, you should consult a dentist or therapist.

Possible types of violation

Depending on the cause of appearance, they are classified into the following types:

How does the disease manifest itself?

The manifestation of tongue stomatitis depends on the stage and type of disease. Among the main symptoms that occur most often, it is worth noting:

  • formation, erosion or aphthae (with aphthous stomatitis);
  • redness;
  • swelling of the tongue;
  • pain;
  • discomfort and burning.

Sometimes increased salivation may appear, and with candidal stomatitis, on the contrary, dry mouth occurs. This type of disease is also characterized by a cheesy coating.

The acute form of aphthous stomatitis may be accompanied by fever and loss of strength.

It is difficult for a person with damage to the tongue mucosa to speak, chew and swallow food due to pain and discomfort. Scars appear at the site of deep ulcers.

In most cases, it affects not only the tongue, but also other parts of the oral cavity: internal sides cheeks, gums, surface under the tongue and so on.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of a disease begins with collecting a medical history of the patient, who tells the doctor about the symptoms and characteristics of the disease.

To assign effective treatment, the doctor needs to determine the cause of stomatitis in the tongue. To do this, swabs are taken for analysis. A blood test is also required.

Sometimes additional clinical trials. For example, if a patient has allergic stomatitis, it is necessary to determine the allergen. IN in rare cases examination of the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract and other systems and organs.

Complex of therapeutic measures

Treatment of stomatitis on the tongue requires integrated approach. The main goals of therapy are to eliminate symptoms and causes occurrence of the disease.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe medications that accelerate the healing process of ulcers and restoration of the mucous membrane. Required condition The treatment for stomatitis is to follow a diet.

The patient needs to avoid spicy, sour, salty and solid foods. You should also avoid eating food that is too hot or cold.

Pain relief is the first priority

Since stomatitis is accompanied by pain, which causes a lot of inconvenience for the patient, the doctor prescribes anesthetic drugs local action:

  • Anestezin;
  • Lidocaine Asept;
  • Lidochlor;
  • Hexoral tabs and others.

Medicines with anesthetic are available in the form of gels, ointments, lozenges, and sprays. Some of them not only relieve pain, but also have an antiseptic or anti-inflammatory effect.

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents

To get rid of stomatitis, which manifests itself as ulcers on the tongue, it is imperative to take anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs, regardless of the cause of the disease.

  • Inhalipt spray;
  • Stomatidin;
  • Eucalyptus M;
  • Kameton;
  • Evkarom;
  • and others.

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic medications used to treat stomatitis are available in the form of sprays, ointments, tablets or lozenges, mouth rinses, and so on.

Depending on the form of the disease, the following may also be prescribed:

  1. If a patient has stomatitis, the doctor must prescribe antivirals(Acyclovir, Zovirax, oxolinic or interferon ointment).
  2. To eliminate fungal form of the disease requires taking antifungal drugs (Mycozone, Levorina, Dactarina).
  3. In case of allergies It is imperative to take antihistamines (Cetrin, Tavegil, Loratodine).

They also prescribe drugs that speed up the healing process of wounds (Shostakovsky balm, etc.).

Sometimes it is necessary to strengthen the immune system (for herpetic or fungal stomatitis), therefore immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral complexes, and sedatives are prescribed. Sometimes it is necessary to treat concomitant diseases.

Providing assistance at home

The principle of treating stomatitis on the tongue at home does not differ from medication. If you treat ulcers of the mucous membrane at home, then use rinses, as well as lotions and homemade ointments.

For rinsing, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • sage

These plants have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic properties. To reduce inflammation and restore the mucous membrane, the affected areas of the tongue are lubricated with aloe or Kalanchoe juice.

You can also rinse your mouth with a solution of furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or iodine, alcohol tincture propolis.

But lubricating ulcers with brilliant green or iodine is not recommended, since they easily irritate the mucous membrane.

You can treat stomatitis at home only if it proceeds easily and without complications. If the temperature rises, the ulcers increase, or the disease manifests itself with new symptoms, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed.

Possible complications

Many people believe that stomatitis is not a dangerous diseases. But, like any other disease, stomatitis on the tongue can cause complications that arise when neglected treatment or its absence.

A complication of catarrhal stomatitis is its overflow into a more severe form - ulcerative-necrotic. If the disease is not treated, the damage to the mucous membrane spreads to soft fabrics and bones. Damage to the gums is fraught with the development and loss of teeth.

Also, the disease can become chronic and become more complicated by the onset or gangrenous inflammation.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of developing the disease, you should follow simple preventive measures:

Stomatitis on the tongue causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. In addition, if the disease is not treated, it will develop into more severe forms and complications will arise.

Treatment requires an integrated approach. Please note that only a doctor can determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment after examination and clinical studies.

Previously, it was believed that stomatitis is a disease that occurs only in childhood, but in lately adults are encountering it more and more often. Stomatitis manifests itself as characteristic pimples and ulcers not only on the gums, palate and cheeks from the inside, but also on the tongue. The appearance of stomatitis on the tongue is quite unpleasant phenomenon, which you need to get rid of as quickly as possible.

Reasons for the development of stomatitis on the tongue

If a person begins to constantly suffer from stomatitis on the tongue, then he should mandatory It is recommended to contact the clinic for full examination body. The main cause of the disease is all sorts of disorders that occur in different systems ah and organs. The causes that cause stomatitis on the tongue in adults are characterized by: individual characteristics. The most common causes of stomatitis on the tongue in adults include, in the following order:

  • the action of harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi;
  • mechanical injuries to the oral mucosa;
  • galvanism (the appearance of this condition is due to the use of metal instruments during dental prosthetics);
  • old age (from 60 years).

The disease often develops in cases where the patient’s body contains any chronic disease. Stomatitis directly on the tongue often occurs together with xerostomia, which may indicate the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, anemia, dehydration, etc. The mouth often becomes dry in patients taking separate groups medications (we recommend reading:).

Stomatitis in the mouth at times indicates serious disorders of the digestive system that need to be treated urgently. The condition described sometimes indicates heart problems, cancerous tumors, problems with the hormonal system.

Factors that provoke stomatitis may also be of a dental nature. Caries, periodontitis and poor hygiene oral cavity.

Signs and forms of the disease

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The first sign of stomatitis on the tongue is the appearance on its surface yellow plaque, having a stable density. Moreover, it occurs both at the root and at the tip of the tongue. Initially, the patient does not even understand what is happening, since apart from the plaque, nothing else bothers him. At this stage, almost no one begins to treat the disease. Here we need as much as possible fast response patient to the disease, otherwise it will develop progressively.

The surface of the coating on the tongue, which is white or slightly yellow, is the optimal environment where pathogenic microorganisms multiply at an incredible rate. It is these microorganisms that can cause problems and complications of the disease.

Following the plaque, swelling of the tongue suddenly appears, causing significant discomfort. Next inflamed areas become covered with painful blisters and red spots (we recommend reading:).


Catarrhal stomatitis is considered the most common today - its photo can be seen in the article. His appearance has no severe symptoms however, it is always characterized by soreness and swelling of the tongue. During the period of eating, the patient feels increased discomfort, as the pain becomes quite severe.

The surface of the tongue is often covered with a coating that is hard to miss. Long-term practice shows that the appearance of this form of stomatitis is often caused by malfunctions gastrointestinal tract. Somewhat less common following reasons appearance of catarrhal stomatitis:

Treatment of the described form of the disease should begin with a visit to the doctor, who will prescribe the patient additional examination different systems and organs, as well as effective medications. At home, you can only use rinses with antiseptic solutions.


This form of stomatitis, which appears on the tongue, can develop either independently or as a result of the appearance of other problems in the body. The disease is provoked by infections, problems with cardiovascular system, disruptions in the digestive system.

Main symptom ulcerative stomatitis on the tongue of an adult is a rapid increase in the patient’s body temperature, which is accompanied by general weakness. In this case, numerous ulcers appear on the tongue, preventing the patient from eating normally.

A complicated form of the disease is Vincent's ulcerative-necrotizing stomatitis. It is always difficult and long to treat.


Aphthous stomatitis differs from other forms of the disease in that it is characterized by the appearance of aphthae on the tongue. These ulcers spread on the inflamed surface, either singly or in multiples. The most common causes of canker sores are infections. viral in nature, allergic reactions and hereditary predisposition. The symptoms of the disease are not much different from other forms of stomatitis - increased body temperature and painful lesions in the oral cavity.

Principles of treatment of different types of stomatitis

Regardless of the form of the disease, its treatment should be maximally aimed at completely eliminating the original source inflammatory process. For example, if stomatitis appeared against the background of old caries, then before treatment you need to take care of eliminating the carious process.

This also applies to infectious diseases, as well as intestinal diseases - for effective elimination stomatitis on the surface of the tongue should be eliminated first. In therapy against stomatitis, it is important to use effective means of a local nature.

In the process of treating a disease that has appeared in the mouth of an adult, it is extremely important to prevent irritating effects on the inflamed mucosa. That is, you need to temporarily say goodbye to excessively salty, peppery, coarse and hot foods.


Allergic stomatitis on the tongue is also called prosthetic stomatitis if it occurs in an adult. As you can understand from the name, this form The disease is characterized by a common allergy to removable dentures made of plastic. In particular, allergic reactions occur to certain ingredients contained in this plastic. Doctors very often use too many allergenic components in the manufacture of prostheses, which shows their unprofessionalism.

Treatment allergic stomatitis first of all, it requires eliminating the root cause of its occurrence, and also accurate diagnosis diseases. Treatment for the disease should include antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. Can be more effective antiseptics, used for rinsing the mouth.


Candidal stomatitis is also called thrush. The symptoms of this disease cannot be confused with anything else - the affected tongue is covered with a white, cheesy coating, which sometimes has a characteristic sourish odor. In the first stages of candidal stomatitis, plaque on the tongue is very easy to scrape off, which cannot be said about the progressive stage - the plaque is scraped off with great difficulty, and underneath there is a red, inflamed surface.

Most often, this form of stomatitis on the tongue occurs as a result of excessive use of antibiotics, which seriously disrupt the microflora of the oral cavity. After establishing accurate diagnosis The doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs. Gargling with herbal decoction also gives good result. To find out what it looks like candidal stomatitis, you can see the photo for the article.

Herpetic (viral)

Herpetic stomatitis manifests itself in different cases, due to:

Treatment herpetic stomatitis you need to start as early as possible, because after a few days it will no longer be effective. For this purpose, antiviral agents are used, such as general action, and local.

Use of folk remedies

In the treatment of stomatitis on the tongue, it is often used folk remedies- they can be used even at home with others medicines. Before use traditional medicines In this way, you should consult your doctor.

Propolis tincture with alcohol is perfect for relieving inflammation. It’s surprisingly simple to prepare: for 100 grams of boiled, cooled water you need to take 1 teaspoon of tincture. You should rinse your mouth with the resulting solution no more than 3 times a day. More efficiency this tool can be achieved by rinsing with a solution of hydrogen peroxide - they must be alternated.

Plants such as aloe and Kalanchoe have excellent properties. They are probably on almost every windowsill. In therapy against stomatitis on the tongue, aloe and Kalanchoe juice is used, which must be carefully squeezed from the leaves and rinsed with it in the mouth as often as possible. In addition, the leaves of the above plants can simply be chewed if the juice cannot be squeezed out from them.

Greater effectiveness in the treatment of stomatitis on the tongue can be ensured by all kinds of medicinal plants, from which you can make decoctions. They should be poured with boiling water, chilled and rinsed with their mouth. The following plants are used for these purposes:

  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • mint.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent stomatitis, it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist - the accumulation of tartar, as well as gum disease that is not treated in time, can cause the development of the disease. Oral hygiene must be of high quality and timely. We should not forget about such methods of disease prevention as:

  • healthy nutrition;
  • taking vitamins;
  • hardening;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases.

Stomatitis on the tongue is the most common type of this infection, which appears at the base of the tongue, under the base, and also at its end. The resulting lesions cause ulcers, blisters and rashes.

The photo shows stomatitis on the tongue:

The formation of inflammation in the tongue occurs due to:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • fungi (in particular, candida);
  • tongue injuries;
  • allergic reaction (because surface layer The tongue is covered with papillae and constantly interacts with provoking factors).

Most often, the infection develops with low immunity, and therefore manifests itself in the elderly and infants.


Stomatitis on the tongue in children and adults occurs as a result of a number of reasons. Typically, tongue infection occurs in the following cases:

Important! Sometimes the formation of stomatitis on the tongue is not an isolated form of infection, but a systemic complication of a complex disease.


Doctors do not know exactly how the disease is formed. But they say infection occurs because the immune system reacts to new molecules that are usually foreign. As a result, lymphocyte cells are captured and inflammation is formed, which provokes stomatitis.


Glossitis, i.e. inflammation of the tongue is contagious. It is transmitted anaerobically or by contact. You can become infected:

  • using a towel and other hygiene products for the carrier of the infection;
  • when kissing, sneezing, coughing;
  • during a conversation with an infected person.

At-risk groups

As we said earlier, the main risk group includes people with reduced immunity, infants and the elderly.

In addition, the following are often infected with stomatitis:

  1. doctors (in particular, dentists);
  2. food industry workers;
  3. farmers, due to constant contact with animals and birds.


The disease in question has several varieties:


This species is caused by fungi from the genus Candida. Popularly this type is simply called thrush. Distinctive feature- a white coating on the tongue, and sometimes other parts of the mucous membrane, which can be easily removed if desired. A bright red inflamed surface is visible under the plaque.

Candidal stomatitis on the tongue and throat


At catarrhal form The disease causes damage to the surface layer of the tongue. Inflammation manifests itself in the form of swelling, white and yellow spots, salivation increases. Education possible unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.


At ulcerative form Initially, the entire mucous membrane is affected, and in addition, the temperature rises and the lymph nodes become inflamed.


Aphthous stomatitis is the most severe form; the exact cause of this type is difficult to determine. To identify the causative agent of the infection, it is necessary to consult a specialist who, during the examination, determines the cause of the formation.

The main difference between this type is the presence on the tongue and other places of the oral cavity of aphthae, wounds with a red border, filled with white, yellowish or gray contents.

Aphthous type

Sometimes aphthous stomatitis can develop with:

  • poisoning of the body;
  • various leukemias;
  • immunodeficiency, as a result of which a malfunction occurs in the body.


Symptoms manifest as a pronounced burning sensation and rashes on the tongue, of a painful type.

Characteristic education:

  • pustules;
  • erosions.

Other characteristic features:

  • swelling;
  • hyperemia;
  • plaque;
  • loss of taste;
  • increased salivation;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • constant and rather long-lasting headaches;
  • swelling in the tongue, so severe that the person cannot speak clearly (he begins to have difficulty breathing);
  • intoxication;
  • apathy.

At in serious condition abscesses begin that affect the mucous membrane of:

  • gums;
  • sky;
  • lips.

Stomatitis and herpes

In stomatitis and viral herpes similar symptoms, so they are sometimes confused. But experts know the exact manifestation of the diagnosis of stomatitis. Therefore, always consult a doctor!

Herpes (left) and stomatitis (right)


The main goal is to eliminate the cause of the infection.

  1. Doctors most often prescribe topical medications, anti-inflammatory drugs for candidiasis, antifungals, antihistamines for allergies, etc.
  2. Immunomodulatory drugs are also prescribed.
  3. Symptomatic therapy is often used, for example, antipyretics are prescribed for elevated temperatures.
  4. Prescribed rinses antiseptic solutions(strictly after meals).
  5. Painkillers are often used in children, as they have a harder time with pain in the mouth, are capricious a lot, and refuse to eat.
  6. In addition, it is necessary special diet, which should be gentle. Prescribe bland food, do not add sugar, salt, or spices to food. The form of the dishes is porridge and puree. Food should not be hot or cold, as this can cause injury to the mucous membrane and serious inflammation will occur.

Important! You can cure stomatitis on the tongue at home, but you must regularly come to the doctor for examination.

Additional techniques

  • It is recommended to rinse your mouth four times a day with boiled water at room temperature. This procedure should be carried out immediately after eating.
  • Pain is relieved using a solution of hydrogen peroxide in water. It is prepared in the ratio: one teaspoon to one half of water. Do not swallow the solution under any circumstances!
  • Stomatitis on the tongue in adults and children is often treated using propolis.

Prevention is also important:

  • Careful oral care.
  • Pregnant women and people with reduced immunity are recommended to use toothpaste that contains chlorhexidine.
  • Prescribe rinses with medicinal herbs antibacterial action.
  • Particular attention is paid to food.