Chicken breast protein. Chicken fillet

High molecular weight proteins are called chemical compounds, which consist of alpha amino acids linked by a peptide bond. Thus, a whole chain is formed from them. The amino acid composition of proteins in living organisms is encoded in DNA.

As a result of different sequences of amino acid residues, many proteins are created with different properties and functions. The most common are the twenty standard amino acids. The body can synthesize a certain amount of them. Those whose production inside the cell is impossible due to the lack of necessary enzymes are called essential.

For humans, the main way to obtain amino acids is through proteins found in food. During digestion, foreign proteins are destroyed, first entering the acidic environment of the stomach, and then under the action of enzymes (they are called proteases). Some amino acids obtained from broken down proteins are used for the synthesis of their own molecules, while others through complex chemical reactions are broken down to glucose, the main energy substrate.

It is important to understand that proteins are extremely important for normal functioning cells and the whole organism. They provide many functions:

  1. Transport;
  2. Protective;
  3. Enzymatic;
  4. Regulatory;
  5. Signal;
  6. Receptor;
  7. Motor.

Thus, proteins ensure the performance of all the most important functions for humans.

How much protein is in 100 grams of chicken breast?

One of the products that contains greatest number protein is chicken meat. It occupies a leading position due to the fact that it contains virtually no fat, only protein. For example, chicken breast contains only up to eight percent fat. There is much more protein - one hundred grams of product contains 25-30 grams of protein.

You found out how many proteins are in 100 grams of chicken breast, and what others chemical elements found in chicken meat? The approximate content of elements in one hundred grams of chicken looks like this:

  • Proteins - 23.2 g.
  • Fats - 1.8 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.5 g.
  • Nutritional value - 114 kilocalories.

In dishes from chicken meat There are trace elements and vitamins in fairly large quantities. How many vitamins are contained in 100 grams of meat (the percentage of the daily vitamin requirement is indicated in parentheses):

  • Vitamin A - 73 mcg (7%).
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.06 mg (4.5%).
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.08 mg (4.3%).
  • Vitamin B4 - 74 mg (14%).
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.85 mg (10%).
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.42 mg (23%).
  • Vitamin B9 - 4.3 mcg (1.2%).
  • Vitamin B12 - 0.62 mcg (0.25%).
  • Vitamin C - 1.85 mg (3.2%).
  • Vitamin E - 0.19 mg (1.5%).
  • Vitamin H - 9 mcg (21%).
  • Vitamin PP - 11.5 mg (54.3%).

Mineral composition:

  • Potassium - 295 mg (11.5%).
  • Calcium - 9.4 mg (1.2%).
  • Magnesium - 84.9 mg (23.2%).
  • Sodium - 62.3 mg (5.7%).
  • Phosphorus - 172.5 mg (20.4%).
  • Chlorine - 75.8 mg (3.3%).
  • Iron - 1.8 mg (9.3%).
  • Iodine - 6.9 mcg (4.7%).
  • Cobalt - 13 mcg (118%).
  • Manganese - 0.03 mcg (1.3%).
  • Copper - 74 mcg (8.3%).
  • Fluoride - 127 mcg (8.5%).
  • Chromium - 8.5 mcg (19.2%).
  • Zinc - 1.5 mcg (16.8%).

Since accuracy is important for athletes, studies have been conducted that have found that the most proteins are retained in fried meats. But when cooking or stewing, their quantity decreases somewhat. This happens because meat also contains a significant amount of water, up to seventy percent.

When frying, it evaporates, and the percentage of proteins increases, but when cooking, on the contrary, the product is saturated with new liquid. Chicken contains so few carbohydrates that they can often be neglected.

What else are the benefits of chicken breast?

As can be seen from the statistics, chicken meat is not only dietary, but also very rich in microelements, vitamins and minerals.

And this is important, because for healthy eating just a few calories. You need to get the full spectrum needed by the body substances, since electrolyte balance and the normal performance of many functions depend on them. A lack of something can be dangerous, something can only lead to fatigue and feeling unwell, but in any case, without them, the quality of life decreases noticeably.

One of its advantages is that chicken meat is easily digested and does not burden the stomach. High levels of B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the health of the skin and nervous system.

Reception features

Having so much useful properties, chicken quickly became one of the most popular dietary products. Diets based on poultry meat allow you to lose weight quickly enough without experiencing side effects, such as hunger, fatigue, irritability, poor sleep.

Chicken meat has a mild taste and therefore goes well with all kinds of vegetables, fruits and spices. This allows you to diversify your diet while keeping it quite light. In addition, she gets along well with fermented milk products, so you can safely drink kefir after eating chicken.

It is good to combine with rice dishes, which acts as a sorbent and helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

It is optimal for a person to consume approximately two hundred grams of poultry meat per day, divided into two meals. It makes an excellent dietary broth, which has a high nutritional value. It is very useful in case of illness, as it provides the body with calories and other microelements, but does not burden the weakened intestines.


Since proteins are critical for our body, we need to make sure that our diet contains enough of them. It's not difficult if you know which foods are rich in them. For example, chicken meat contains the highest amount of protein, and is practically devoid of fat and carbohydrates. This meat is also rich in other elements necessary for healthy body. And it is very easy to prepare, it goes well with many dishes and goes well with other foods.

In the next video - interesting recipe cooking chicken breast.

If you conduct a survey among people which meat is considered the most dietary, almost everyone will answer - chicken fillet. Indeed, this meat is held in high esteem by nutritionists and weight-losing people around the world. It has virtually no contraindications for use. Today we will find out how much protein is in chicken breast in 100 g and many more interesting things.

Nutritional value of white meat

Many housewives love to cook chicken fillet. Firstly, breast meat is inexpensive. Secondly, it is easy and quick to prepare. There are a huge number of recipes for savory chicken dishes. Thirdly, this product is easily digestible and has low nutritional value.

Let's play association. Chicken breast is a protein. This is exactly what many of us think. Indeed, chicken fillet is an inexhaustible source of protein, which is necessary to maintain muscle tone and growth.

What else does chicken fillet contain? Proteins, fats, carbohydrates? All this is there, but in different proportions. If you look in reference books for the answer to the question of how much protein is in chicken fillet, then almost all sources contain the same information. In a 100 g serving, the protein concentration reaches 25 g.

It’s no wonder that athletes love chicken fillet. The calorie content of chicken breast is 86 kilocalories per 100 g of product.

Note! The calorie content of chicken dishes will increase if you add additional ingredients or nutritious sauces.

The concentration of fat in the breast is no more than 8% of the total weight meat product. But there are no carbohydrates in chicken fillet at all. This is what makes the described product so popular among people who are on a diet or want to lose excess weight.

Almost 60% of chicken breast consists of filtered water. A quarter of the mass is protein and up to 8% is fat. The rest of the mass was distributed between micro- and macroelements, amino acids, elastin and collagen.

Let's lose weight deliciously and usefully!

Nutritionists are ardent supporters of chicken fillet. This product is included in dietary ration. Firstly, chicken breast is a filling product, but at the same time easily digestible. Secondly, you can prepare a wide variety of dishes from poultry fillet. Thirdly, the meat described is very healthy.

Important! If you decide to lose weight on chicken breast, it is quite possible even for short term. Remember one thing golden rule- no salt. There is a strict taboo on this seasoning during the diet.

Chicken fillet is enriched with micro- and macroelements, so this product is of particular importance to women. If you introduce it into your diet, you will soon notice an improvement in the condition of your hair and skin, as well as strengthening nail plates. Chicken fillet is also enriched with elastin and collagen. These components are the main building blocks in building firm and elastic skin.

Note to housewives

There is nothing complicated about cooking chicken breast. Even a banal boiled bird will become a real dish and decoration for your table. If you are interested dietary options dishes, then you should pay attention to boiled or steamed poultry fillet. The calorie content of such dishes will be low, while the chicken fillet will retain all its beneficial properties.

Fillet cooked in the oven or in a frying pan has slightly more nutritional value. But even when fried, chicken fillet is very healthy. Emphasize the taste white meat You can use aromatic seasonings and spices or sauces.

Note! To avoid increasing the nutritional value of cooked chicken breast, use garlic sauce as a savory seasoning. Prepare it for basis of the lung meat broth.

If you bake poultry fillet in the oven, take care that the dish does not turn out dry. Be sure to use a sauce or marinade; you can add a little grain mustard and honey. To prepare a low-calorie treat, use a roasting bag.

Fillet in orange juice: you'll lick your fingers!

We invite you to prepare an amazing dish that will win your heart and stomach from the first bite. Chicken fillet in freshly squeezed orange juice it turns out dietary and incredibly tasty.


  • 0.3 kg chicken fillet;
  • 70 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. turmeric;
  • salt to taste;
  • 0.1 liter of freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • 1 rosemary branch;
  • 3 tbsp. l. ketchup;
  • ½ tsp. allspice;
  • 1 tsp. soy sauce;
  • 6 tbsp. l. rice cereal.



Amount of protein in 100 grams of beef. How much protein is in chicken breast, why is it recommended for use in dietary and sports nutrition

Chicken breast is an excellent dietary product that is part of many therapeutic nutrition systems. It is ideal for both athletes, leading active image life, and for people suffering from obesity and overweight. The fact is that chicken breast contains practically no fat and a lot of protein, which is necessary for muscle growth. Let's find out how much protein is in raw chicken breast and how much of it is stored when cooked.

per day for normal operation The human body needs 80 grams of protein. 100 grams of fresh chicken breast contains 23 grams. Boiled and fried - 28-29 grams, smoked this figure drops to 18 grams, and steamed breast has the same amount of protein as raw breast.

As you can see, the method of preparing this product affects the content of this element in it. And the secret that boiled breast contains more protein is simple: when cooked, chicken loses about 20% of the water it contains. And it turns out that if you put a piece of breast weighing 100 grams to cook, when finished it will weigh only 80 grams.

As for calorie content, it is 110 kcal per 100 g, fat 1.2 g.

In sports nutrition and nutritionists, protein is called protein. It is necessary for the formation and growth of muscle mass. It enters the body only from the food we eat. Therefore, it is very important that your menu always includes foods containing protein.

FYI: List of High Protein Foods:

1. meat: lean beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, venison;

2. fish and seafood: salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, shrimp, squid, anchovies, fish milk;

3. fruits, vegetables: soy asparagus, spinach, avocado, banana;

4. cereals: beans, chickpeas, soybeans, peas, brown rice;

5. nuts and seeds: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and Brazil nuts.

But let's get back to the chicken breast. So, having found out that in order to cover the daily protein requirement, you need to eat 250-300 grams of boiled breast. It is better to divide this amount into 2 doses. White chicken meat is very easily and quickly digested, is well absorbed and does not threaten weight gain. extra pounds. Therefore, you can safely eat it for dinner.

An important fact: chicken breast gives the body very little energy, so if you eat only it, you will feel a loss of strength. Therefore, it is necessary to diversify your menu by including carbohydrate foods, fresh juices, fruits and vegetables.

Many people don't like chicken breast, considering it dry and tasteless. But the only thing is that you need to prepare it correctly. Below we offer you an amazingly delicious recipe for chicken breast in sour cream.

You will need:

  • Chicken fillet without skin - 300 gr.
  • Sour cream 100 g, if you are on a diet, take low-fat sour cream.
  • Onion 1 small head.
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Wash the breast, remove the skin if there is one, trim off excess fat and boil. You don’t need to cook it for long, only 15-20 minutes, otherwise you will overcook it and the meat will turn out tough and tasteless. Fry the onion in vegetable oil(preferably olive) until beautiful golden color.

Cut the finished breast into cubes, place in a saucepan, add onions, sour cream, spices and mix thoroughly. Add some water and simmer over low heat. When almost all the water has boiled away, the dish is ready. Add a side dish of fresh vegetables or steamed and enjoy the great taste.

By the way, this is the perfect lunch. And most importantly, this dish contains 70 grams of protein, which is practically the daily requirement for an adult.

Video on the topic of the article

There is no doubt that our body needs protein like air. This is what every cell consists of. Without protein, muscle growth will not occur, since they simply will not have it. building material, that’s why it’s so important for children. But adults should not forget about proper diet. Our body is renewed every day, and for this, the cells consume protein, which must be supplied with food every day.

Best Source of Protein

There is still fierce debate about this. Some argue that it is imperative to consume products of animal origin and, as proof, they cite figures on how much protein is in beef. A significant part of bodybuilders eat specially selected meat and fish products. Others, on the contrary, believe that meat can be eaten only once or twice a week, and even then in small portions. Let's try to find out today which product is most suitable for replenishing protein reserves in the body.

Briefly about the main thing

Nuts, grains, legumes - they all contain a certain amount of protein. This is precisely what all vegetarian menu theories focus on. However, a plant and a living organism are very different from each other. It is logical to assume that this fact will play a leading role. After all, all products that come from animals have a fibrous structure. This is logical, since meat is muscle tissue. Accordingly, by eating the muscles of another creature, we thereby nourish our own.

But the meat of certain animals is not the same in terms of enriching our body with protein. The tougher the product, the less protein you can get from it. Therefore, wild meat is a delicacy, but not a priority. It’s not for nothing that today we decided to find out how much protein is in beef. This type of meat is the most common, it is always on sale, and it is not difficult to prepare.

Beef is large meat cattle, which is specially fattened on farms for slaughter. Quality depends on a large number of factors: age and type of feed, content and sex of the animal. Even if we consider the carcass of one animal, the meat on it will not be the same. Those where the most are located strong muscles, will be the most severe. Accordingly, when talking about how much protein is in beef, it must be understood that the body still has to extract and absorb it.

The most valuable are the dorsal and thoracic parts obtained from immature bulls and heifers. This is quality meat pink color, has pleasant smell and soft fibrous structure. But there should be practically no fat or films in it. These parameters do not affect how much protein is in beef, but they largely determine the degree of its absorption by the body.

Calorie content

This point is directly related to the topic of our body. High content Refractory fats are a risk factor as they increase cholesterol levels in the blood. This is the problem with lamb, which is not recommended to be eaten too often. It should be noted that if you are offered a piece of beef with a good layer of yellow fat, it means that it is a fairly old animal. It will take up to three hours to boil it until tender. As a result, it will be difficult to calculate how many grams of protein are in beef, since the protein is partially destroyed during heat treatment.

Young tender meat, especially steamed in the form of cutlets, is completely free of any shortcomings. This is the most low calorie product, the fat content of which is minimal. For every 100 g there are approximately 187 kcal. This is relatively little, so this product can be consumed in moderation even by people who suffer from obesity.

Nutritional value

If we compare how much protein is in 100 beef and other types of meat, it turns out that the first comes out as the absolute leader. No other source will provide the same amount. So, a small piece contains 21-25 g of pure protein. For comparison, pork and lamb contain only 15 g/100 g of finished product. The content in the beloved tuna, herring and trout will be similar.

But that’s not all that can please you. Even knowing how much protein is in 100 grams of beef, it’s a good idea to study what you get besides it. Together with protein you get 315-334 mg of potassium, 60 mg of sodium, 9 mg of calcium, 21 mg of magnesium, 198 mg of phosphorus, 2.6 mg of iron. This is not counting B vitamins. Collagen and elastin proteins occupy 2.6% of the total mass of the product.

Useful properties

No other product provides your body with as much healthy protein as the protein in 100g of beef. This is the main supplier in our modern realities. When cooking young meat, no more than 2% of protein is lost. Everything else is used by the body almost completely. To make this process even better, the softest part of the carcass is used. Regular consumption of this meat helps cope with fatigue. Beef is very useful for iron deficiency anemia. And for those who high cholesterol, prescribe a diet with daily consumption of boiled red meat. In this case, in a few weeks the indicators decrease by 20%, which is an excellent result.

How much meat should you eat every day?

This question is the source of the most heated debate. Some believe that no more than 50 g, others cite figures of 400 g or more, others believe that no more than 150 g, and then only twice a week. In fact, this variable depends quite a lot on the person himself. For an adult and a child, the numbers will be different; during pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman needs much more protein and iron, which means you need to increase your meat consumption.

However, the average dose that your body can handle just fine is 200 g of young boiled meat per day. Let's remember how much protein is in 100 grams of beef. That's right, about 25 g. That is, from such a serving you get 50 g of high-quality protein.

Protein intake standards

Will this be enough for the body to function properly? Let's watch. On average, a person consumes 1.5-2 g of protein per kilogram of weight per day. At high loads, this figure may change, but then calculations are carried out individually. That is, for an average person weighing 60 kg, up to 120 g of protein per day is required. We have already looked at how much protein is in beef meat. That is, the 200 g given as an example cannot cover all needs. However for daily ration this will still not be enough.

Add two eggs to your breakfast for another 26 grams of pure protein. What else can you include in your diet? Of course, fermented milk products. One serving of cottage cheese will give you 25 g of protein, which is very easily digestible. In addition, you can cook legumes as a side dish, which are also valuable sources of protein. Just 100 g of boiled peas will give another 23 g of protein. As you can see, this is enough for a day. But we didn’t even count milk, whole grain cereals, butter, nuts and did not take into account other foods consumed.

Instead of a conclusion

Beef is a valuable source of protein. Of all natural products Red meat is the leader in nutrition. In addition to protein, it contains a huge amount of various minerals and B vitamins. Daily use eating high-quality young beef contributes to the normal functioning of all organs and systems and the restoration of the body to cellular level. At the same time, the average daily norm is approximately 200 g, which corresponds to 50 g of protein.

Proteins are high molecular weight chemical compounds that consist of alpha amino acids connected to each other by peptide bonds. Thus, a whole chain is formed from them. The amino acid composition of proteins in living organisms is encoded in DNA.

As a result of different sequences of amino acid residues, many proteins with different properties and functions are created. The most common are the twenty standard amino acids. The body can synthesize a certain amount of them. Those whose production inside the cell is impossible due to the lack of necessary enzymes are called essential.

Proteins as the basis for growth and vital activity

For humans, the main way to obtain amino acids is through proteins found in food. During digestion, foreign proteins are destroyed, first entering the acidic environment of the stomach, and then under the action of enzymes (they are called proteases). Some of the amino acids obtained from broken down proteins are used to synthesize their own molecules, while others are broken down through complex chemical reactions into glucose, the main energy substrate.

It is important to understand that proteins are extremely important for the normal functioning of cells and the entire body. They provide many functions:

  1. Transport;
  2. Protective;
  3. Enzymatic;
  4. Regulatory;
  5. Signal;
  6. Receptor;
  7. Motor.

Thus, proteins ensure the performance of all the most important functions for humans.

How much protein is in 100 grams of chicken breast?

One of the foods that contains the highest amount of protein is chicken. It occupies a leading position due to the fact that it contains practically no fat, only protein. For example, chicken breast contains only up to eight percent fat. There is much more protein - one hundred grams of product contains 25-30 grams of protein.

You learned how many proteins are in 100 grams of chicken breast, but what other chemical elements are contained in chicken meat? The approximate content of elements in one hundred grams of chicken looks like this:

  • Proteins - 23.2 g.
  • Fats - 1.8 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.5 g.
  • Nutritional value - 114 kilocalories.

Chicken dishes contain trace elements and vitamins in fairly large quantities. This is how many vitamins are contained in 100 grams of meat (the percentage of the daily vitamin requirement is indicated in parentheses):

  • Vitamin A - 73 mcg (7%).
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.06 mg (4.5%).
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.08 mg (4.3%).
  • Vitamin B4 - 74 mg (14%).
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.85 mg (10%).
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.42 mg (23%).
  • Vitamin B9 - 4.3 mcg (1.2%).
  • Vitamin B12 - 0.62 mcg (0.25%).
  • Vitamin C - 1.85 mg (3.2%).
  • Vitamin E - 0.19 mg (1.5%).
  • Vitamin H - 9 mcg (21%).
  • Vitamin PP - 11.5 mg (54.3%).

Mineral composition:

  • Potassium - 295 mg (11.5%).
  • Calcium - 9.4 mg (1.2%).
  • Magnesium - 84.9 mg (23.2%).
  • Sodium - 62.3 mg (5.7%).
  • Phosphorus - 172.5 mg (20.4%).
  • Chlorine - 75.8 mg (3.3%).
  • Iron - 1.8 mg (9.3%).
  • Iodine - 6.9 mcg (4.7%).
  • Cobalt - 13 mcg (118%).
  • Manganese - 0.03 mcg (1.3%).
  • Copper - 74 mcg (8.3%).
  • Fluoride - 127 mcg (8.5%).
  • Chromium - 8.5 mcg (19.2%).
  • Zinc - 1.5 mcg (16.8%).

Since accuracy is important for athletes, studies have been conducted that have found that the most proteins are retained in fried meats. But when cooking or stewing, their quantity decreases somewhat. This happens because meat also contains a significant amount of water, up to seventy percent.

When frying, it evaporates, and the percentage of proteins increases, but when cooking, on the contrary, the product is saturated with new liquid. Chicken contains so few carbohydrates that they can often be neglected.

What else are the benefits of chicken breast?

As can be seen from the statistics, chicken meat is not only dietary, but also very rich in microelements, vitamins and minerals.

And this is important, since calories alone are not enough for a healthy diet. It is necessary to obtain the entire spectrum of substances the body needs, since electrolyte balance and the normal performance of many functions depend on them. The lack of something can be dangerous, something can only lead to fatigue and poor health, but in any case, without them, the quality of life is noticeably reduced.

One of its advantages is that chicken meat is easily digested and does not burden the stomach. High levels of B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the health of the skin and nervous system.

Reception features

Having so many beneficial properties, chicken quickly became one of the most popular dietary products. Diets based on poultry meat allow you to lose weight quickly enough without experiencing side effects such as hunger, fatigue, irritability, and poor sleep.

Chicken meat has a mild taste and therefore goes well with all kinds of vegetables, fruits and spices. This allows you to diversify your diet while keeping it quite light. In addition, it gets along well with fermented milk products, so you can safely drink kefir after eating chicken.

It is good to combine with rice dishes, which acts as a sorbent and helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

It is optimal for a person to consume approximately two hundred grams of poultry meat per day, divided into two meals. It makes an excellent dietary broth, which has high nutritional value. It is very useful in case of illness, as it provides the body with calories and other microelements, but does not burden the weakened intestines.


Since proteins are critical for our body, we need to make sure that our diet contains enough of them. It's not difficult if you know which foods are rich in them. For example, chicken meat contains the highest amount of protein, and is practically devoid of fat and carbohydrates. This meat is also rich in other elements necessary for a healthy body. And it is very easy to prepare, it goes well with many dishes and goes well with other foods.

The next video contains an interesting recipe for cooking chicken breast.

It is known that chicken breast is a dietary product; it is often recommended to be included in therapeutic diets and diet plans for weight loss. This is meat perfect nutrition for athletes and other people who lead an active lifestyle, it is also suitable for those who suffer from excess weight and obesity.

Chicken breast contains a lot of protein, and there are practically no fats or carbohydrates in it. We will tell you in the material how much useful protein and other components this product contains.

Where else is protein present?

In sports nutrition, protein is a necessary ingredient, and it is also called protein. Thanks to proteins, you can form and build muscle mass. Also, proteins should be present in any dietary menu, they are very important for the body, so you need to make sure that your diet always contains products containing them.

Plenty of squirrels contained in the following products:

  • in meats such as chicken, turkey, lean beef, rabbit and venison;
  • in fish and seafood - tuna, squid, anchovies, salmon, sardines, mackerel, shrimp, etc.;
  • in vegetables and fruits - bananas, avocados, spinach and soy asparagus;
  • in chickpeas, peas, brown rice, soybeans, beans;
  • in pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • in different nuts - hazelnuts, walnuts and brazil, almonds.

Amount of protein in chicken fillet

So, how much protein is there in 100 grams of chicken breast? It is known that for the normal functioning of the body 80 grams of protein is enough. Chicken breast contains them differently depending on the cooking method:

  • fresh breast contains 23 grams of protein per 100 grams of product;
  • the content of this component in boiled or fried breast is 28 grams;
  • the amount of protein in smoked chicken fillet is reduced to 18 grams.

We are convinced that the amount of protein in chicken fillet directly depends on how exactly you prepare it. This is explained by the fact that during cooking meat loses about 20 percent of water. Accordingly, in boiled meat there will be more protein per 100 grams, since weight is lost.

In order to provide yourself with the daily protein requirement, you will need to eat about 300 grams of boiled chicken breast, it is better to do this in 2 doses. White chicken meat is digested very quickly and well, is perfectly absorbed and does not cause weight gain. You can eat boiled breast even in the evening and not be afraid for your figure.

But remember that chicken breast provides very little energy, so if you eat it without anything, you will experience a loss of strength over time. Recommended diversify protein menu foods containing carbohydrates:

  • freshly squeezed juices;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

The value and components of chicken fillet

Along with the question of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, many are interested in how many calories are present in the breast. Thus, the calorie content of this product in its raw form is 110 kcal per 100 grams and may differ depending on the method of its preparation.

It is also worth noting the content of chemical organic compounds in this product. And the key The components of this meat are as follows:

  • water – about 60 percent;
  • protein – 25 percent;
  • about 8 percent fat;
  • the remaining percentage is divided among elastin, collagen, amino acids and protein compounds.

Chicken breast has virtually no fat or carbohydrates. The amount of fat in it is 1.9 g per 100 grams, and carbohydrates are 0.4 g, respectively.

This type of meat is universal dietary product and all thanks to the large amount of protein and low content fats, as well as a minimum of calories. And it’s also very many minerals and vitamins, useful for immune system. So, this type of meat contains the following components:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C and PP;
  • choline, beneficial for the kidneys and liver;
  • potassium in large quantities, regulating blood pressure;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • chlorine;
  • phosphorus, etc.

How to cook chicken breast?

Chicken meat can be prepared in the following ways:

  • bake in the oven;
  • fry;
  • cook;
  • stew;
  • steam it.

Fried fillet The least healthy and the most high-calorie, however, it is the easiest to prepare. Some people beat the breast before frying, others do not. Fry the meat for 4 minutes on both sides; season and add salt if desired.

But it will take longer to cook or stew the breast. Boiled chicken is eaten raw extremely rarely; it is mainly used as a component for salads.


Some people don't like chicken fillet and consider it tasteless, but the taste of this product depends on how it is prepared. For example, you can prepare a tasty and nutritious dish based on fillet in sour cream. To do this, prepare:

  • 300 grams of chicken fillet without skin;
  • 100 grams of sour cream, optional low-fat;
  • one onion;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Wash the meat and remove any skin if there was any in the first place. Then remove excess fat and cook. You need to cook for about 15 minutes, no longer, so that the meat is not overcooked and is not tough. Fry the onion for olive oil until golden brown.

Cut the boiled breast into pieces and place in a saucepan, add onion, sour cream and spices, mix everything well. Add water and simmer over low heat. When almost all the water has boiled away, the chicken will be ready. It can be served with a side dish of fresh or steamed vegetables.

This dish is delicious and contains 70 grams of protein, which amounts to daily norm for an adult.

If you want to cook chicken roast, then boil the breasts for 30 minutes, then cut and stew along with vegetables.

At the end you can add a sauce based on the following ingredients:

  • garlic;
  • cream;
  • green.

The roast cooks in just 40 minutes.

If you want to cook delicious chicken fillet in the oven, it is recommended that you cook it in advance. marinate for 2 hours. For this, you can use sauces and dressings that contain a minimum of carbohydrates, which, accordingly, will prevent you from gaining extra pounds.

As you can see, chicken breast is a rich source of protein, as well as a tasty, healthy and low-calorie dish from which you can prepare a huge number of tasty and healthy dishes.

In this table, products are arranged by category. The first column indicates the amount of protein in the products, the second - fat, and the third - the calorie content of the products.

Chicken eggs- the number one product for the athlete. The protein content in these products is very impressive. Besides, egg white, is considered ideal in its structure and digestibility.

Boiled meat. Meat is the main source of animal protein. In terms of benefits, boiled or steamed meat is healthier, since in this form it contains more useful substances and less unhealthy fats. Chicken breasts and lean beef are the most popular among athletes. Chicken breasts rich in protein and contain almost no harmful fats. This is a dietary product. Beef it combines a set of useful components such as zinc and iron, which are useful not only for the body as a whole, but also have positive impact for the production of testosterone, so necessary for an athlete and any other person.

Product for 100 g. Squirrels Fats Calorie content
Veal 30,7 0,9 130
Kura 25,2 7,4 170
Turkey 25,3 10,4 197
Rabbit 24,6 7,7 175
Beef 28,6 6,2 170
Pork 20 24,2 298
Mutton 22 17,2 243

Fried meat. The meat is usually fried in oil, which adds extra calories. In addition, in a frying pan, for example, all the fat that drains from the meat comes into contact with it again, which is not very good from a dietary point of view. Great solution in this situation - an air fryer, where the meat is perfectly fried, and saturated fats flow into a special tank. Again, the calorie content here may vary depending on the frying method you use. Also, the fat content in steak and similar products may vary depending on the cooking recipe. The table shows average values.

Product for 100 g. Squirrels Fats Calorie content
Beef 28,8 16,8 254
Steak 24,9 11 214
Beef Stroganoff 17,9 14,3 228
Beef liver 23,1 10,2 227
Kura 26,9 11 207
Turkey 26,2 13,6 226
Pork 23,1 30,9 375

Boiled fish. Fish, unlike meat, contains less fat and is not as harmful. At the same time, fish contains a sufficient amount of protein and other substances beneficial to the body.

Product for 100 g. Squirrel Fats Calorie content
Pink salmon 23,1 7,9 163
Flounder 17,9 3,4 104
Pollock 17,7 1 78
Sea bass 20,1 3,7 111
Zander 21,4 1,4 98
Cod 18,1 0,7 79
Hake 18,5 2,3 95
Pike 21,4 1,4 98

Seafood. Seafood, like fish, contains large number protein and almost no fat. Seafood is an excellent food for an athlete.

Fried fish. Fish, even fried, does not contain much fat. But again, it all depends on the preparation. If you fill the pan halfway with oil, the number of calories will naturally increase.

Product for 100 g. Squirrel Fats Calorie content
Flounder 18,6 8,5 166
Carp 18,9 11,2 191
Pollock 15,9 5,2 127
Sea bass 21,1 9,8 187
Zander 17,9 5,3 138
Cod 15,8 5 123
Hake 16,3 6,5 135
Pike 17,8 5,9 138

Caviar. Caviar is a product from which a new living organism subsequently appears. And, naturally, it contains a huge amount of not only protein, but also all other vital components.

Product for 100 g. Squirrels Fats Calorie content
Red caviar 31,7 13,8 251
Black caviar 28,7 9,8 205
Pollock caviar 28,4 1,8 131

Low-fat dairy products. When choosing dairy products, you should pay attention to the fat content. I think we don’t need extra fat.

Product for 100 g. Squirrel Fats Color content
Skim milk. 3 0,05 31
Kefir is low fat. 4,3 1 49
Yogurt 1.5% fat 5 1,5 51
Cottage cheese is low fat. 18 0,6 88
Cheeses: low fat. 25-30 190-255

Medium fat dairy products.

Product for 100 g. Squirrels Fats Color content
Milk 3.2% fat 3 3,2 58
Kefir fat. 3 3,3 56
Cottage cheese semi-fat 16,7 9 55
Low-fat cheesecakes. cottage cheese 19,1 3,2 160
Half-fat cheesecakes. cottage cheese 17,7 11,4 223
Low-fat casserole. cottage cheese 17,7 4,3 171
Half-fat casserole. cottage cheese 16,5 11,8 232

Fatty dairy products. It is better to avoid such products.

Product for 100 g. Squirrels Fats Color content
Milk 6% fat. 3 7 85
Cream 10% fat. 3 10,1 119
Cottage cheese fat. 18% 14 18,2 231
Cheeses and cottage cheese. masses 7,2 23,2 340
Cheese eyes. 8,5 27,9 408
Condensed milk without sugar (7.5%) 7 8,5 141

Legumes. The so-called beans are also quite useful product, although legumes do not contain much protein. Because of this, it is a vegetable protein, which in its structure differs from animal protein and is also necessary for us.

Nuts. Nuts are an excellent source of vegetable protein, but are quite high in calories. Therefore, you should not overuse nuts.

Product for 100 g. Squirrel Fats Calorie content
Almond 18,7 57,8 650
Cashew 25,3 53,7 634
Hazelnut 16,2 67 708
Walnuts 15,7 62,1 701
Peanut 26,4 4,3 552
Pistachios 20,6 48,61 611
Chestnuts are hot. 3,3 2,3 183
Coconut nuts 3,5 33,6 381
Pumpkin seeds 24,6 46,1 581
Sunflower seeds 23,1 49,6 611
Pine nuts 12,1 61,1 630

Porridge. We do not consider cereals as a source of protein. They have their own advantages. Porridges and cereals are an excellent source of carbohydrates to provide your body with energy for training and building muscles.

Product for 100 g. Squirrels Fats Calorie content
Rice porridge on water, viscous 1,5 0,1 78
Buckwheat porridge crumbly 6 1,7 163
Buckwheat porridge on water is viscous 3,3 3 90
Millet porridge crumbly 4,8 1,2 135
Millet porridge on water is viscous 3,1 0,8 90
Oatmeal from ‘Hercules’ in water is viscous 3 1,4 84
Pearl barley porridge 3,2 0,4 106
Oatmeal on water is viscous 3,1 1,8 88
Wheat porridge on water 3,3 0,3 92
Barley crumbly porridge 3,5 0,4 108
Sticky barley porridge 2,4 0,3 76
Rye bread 6,6 1,2 190

Vegetables. From the point of view of protein content, of course, vegetables cannot boast of their presence in the required volumes. For this reason, it is a first-class source of vitamins.

Product for 100 g. Squirrels Fats Calorie content
Green peas 5,1 0,2 74
Cabbage 1,9 0,1 28
Cauliflower decoction. 0,1 0,3 27
Zucchini 0,8 1,9 41
Green onion (feather) 1,4 - 20
Onion 1,5 - 42
Carrot 1,4 0,1 35
cucumbers 0,8 0,1 12
Sweet pepper 1,4 - 27
Greens (parsley, sorrel, dill, lettuce, etc.) 1,6-3,8 0,4 17-50
Radish 1,3 0,1 22
Turnip 1,6 - 28
Boiled beets 1,9 - 50
Tomatoes 1,2 0,2 32

Fruits. Fruits and vegetables are primarily carriers of vitamins.

Product for 100 g. Squirrels Fats Calorie content
Apricot 1 0,1 42
Cherry plum 0,3 - 28
Pineapples 0,5 0,2 50
Bananas 1,6 0,1 50
Cherry 0,8 0,5 53
Pomegranate 0,9 - 53
Pears 0,5 0,3 43
Peach 1 0,1 44
Plums 0,9 - 44
Persimmon 0,6 - 54
Cherries 1,2 0,4 51
Apple 0,5 0,4 46
Orange 0,9 0,2 40
Grapefruit 1 0,2 36
Lemon 0,9 0,1 33
Mandarin 0,8 0,3 41
Cowberry 0,8 0,5 44
Grape 0,7 0,2 66
Strawberry 0,9 0,4 35
Cranberry 0,6 - 27
Gooseberry 0,8 0,2 44
Raspberry 0,9 0,3 43
Red currant 0,7 0,2 40
Black currant 1,1 0,2 39

Mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms, given to us by nature itself, are not only tasty, but also healthy. Although the protein content in them is also not high.

Protein, also known as protein, is the main building material in human body, and also one of the main macronutrients. Proteins are divided into animal and vegetable.

Why does the body need protein?

It functions as a building material for tissues and replenishes energy reserves.

Protein is not able to be stored “for later”; its reserves constantly need to be replenished. Protein deficiency leads to loss of your own protein tissue. Generally accepted daily norm protein ranges from 0.8 to 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. But this figure is only relevant for ordinary people, athletes and people involved in fitness, due to their loads, need much more protein.

What foods contain protein?

Animal Protein Sources


White meat

Chicken breasts are perhaps the record holder for the ratio of protein to fat - for 170 grams of meat there are only 3 grams of fat and about 40 grams of protein. Naturally, we're talking about about chicken meat, steamed or boiled. 100 grams of both chicken and turkey breasts contain 22-25 grams of protein.

Rabbit meat is also rich in protein. 100 grams contain 22-23 grams of protein and very little fat - usually no more than 10 grams. Rabbit meat is healthy and has a good taste. The only drawback of rabbit meat is the difficulty in preparing it.

Offal. Chicken, turkey and rabbit livers, kidneys, hearts, stomachs practically do not differ from meat in the amount of protein they contain - 100 grams of offal contains about 15-20 grams of protein. There is only one “but” - they contain almost 12% fat. This great option for those who save their money.

Red meat

Lean beef contains a large amount of proteins, vitamins B3 and B12, iron, and zinc. However, there is one caveat: such meat contains a lot of dietary cholesterol and saturated fats. 200 grams contain 33 grams of protein and 300 kcal. The downside of “marbled beef” is its price; in today’s realities, it is much more profitable to buy chicken or turkey.


Quail eggs, due to their size, are a poor source of protein. Goose and duck eggs contain a large amount of fat. Therefore, the egg white of chicken eggs is the most in demand in the sports environment, it contains the necessary and essential amino acids necessary for building muscle tissue.

The bulk of the protein is contained in the “protein” chicken egg. An average-sized egg contains about 7 grams of protein, of which only two are contained in the yolk.

Cottage cheese and dairy products

If you are aiming to consume a large amount of protein, but have some difficulty digesting milk, do not despair. There are a wide variety of other easily digestible dairy products that provide adequate amounts of protein.

Low-fat cottage cheese is considered a rich source of protein - just 100g contains 17-18g of protein. Since this protein is absorbed quite slowly, cottage cheese is eaten at night, thereby providing the body required quantity amino acids. There is an important nuance, the use of cottage cheese in large quantities slows down metabolism and if the metabolism is already slow, then it is recommended to eat no more than 100-120g of this dairy product per day.

There is not very much protein in yogurt and kefir - only 3-3.5 grams per hundred, but these products can perfectly act as additional sources macronutrient.


White fish

White fish (pollock, whiting, cod or hake) are a valuable source of protein. The leanest variety of such fish contains up to 20 grams of protein per 100 grams of product, despite the fact that its calorie content will not exceed 80 kcal.

White fish is perfect for those who are counting calories or following a diet. It is recommended to buy this fish fresh, but if this is not possible, then give preference to dry frozen fish.

red fish

An excellent source of proteins and healthy fats that support immunity and have a positive effect on cardiovascular system. For example, just 100g of Atlantic salmon contains 30g of protein, 9g of fat (of which 3-4g are monosaturated fats).

Unlike white fish, red fish is higher in calories - 210 kcal per 100 g of product. Red fish contains a large amount of vitamin B12, which takes part in metabolism.

The best sources of animal protein:

Product name

Amount of kcal per 100g

Amount of protein per 100g

Amount of carbohydrates per 100g

Amount of fat per 100g

Beef (regular fillet)

Cottage cheese (5%)

Vegetable Protein Sources


Among plant food legumes are the absolute champions in protein content - red lentils, white and red beans contain from 22 to 25 grams of protein. Legumes are an excellent source of magnesium, iron, folic acid and potassium.


Nuts are rich not only in vitamins and fats necessary for our body, but also differ high level protein content. Cashews are rich in protein - up to 26g of protein can be found in it. Next come hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts(see article on our website) – per 100 g of product there is from 15 to 18 g of protein.

Pine nut lovers should know that their favorite delicacy is not lacking in protein - 100g of pine nuts contains 11g of protein


Mushrooms are often called forest meat and, as it turned out, completely justified. They contain necessary for a person a set of micro and macroelements. In their composition, mushrooms are very similar to vegetables, only they contain many times more protein.

IN fresh mushrooms the protein content reaches 2-5% of the total mass of the mushroom, and in dried ones - 16-25%. The richest in protein are champignons, boletus mushrooms and porcini mushrooms. The main sources of protein in mushrooms are bottom part hats.

Cereals and porridges

Cereal products are a cheap source of protein. For example, in buckwheat and oatmeal contains approximately the same amount of protein - about 12g. 100g of foreign grains such as bulgur and couscous contains the same amount of protein as buckwheat.

The best sources of plant-based protein:

Product name

Amount of kcal per 100g

Amount of protein per 100g

Amount of carbohydrates per 100g

Amount of fat per 100g

Fresh champignons

Style Summary

When composing your diet, try to avoid monotony of products, alternating animal proteins and plant origin. Excess protein is harmful, as is a diet that lacks other nutrients. The key to success lies in a balanced diet.

Chicken breast is an excellent dietary product from which you can cook variety of dishes. It contains less fat compared to thighs, drumsticks and wings. Despite this, she taste qualities practically no different from other parts of the bird. Chicken fillet is an indispensable food for athletes, as it contains everything necessary for organizing a healthy human diet.

For people on a diet and for athletes, it is this product is most suitable because it contains maximum quantity animal protein. How much protein is in chicken breast? fresh, and how much is retained after cooking?

Nutritional value

Per 100 grams of fresh breast there are only 110 kcal, which account for 1.2 g of fat. As for protein, given quantity The product contains at least 23 grams of a food element. A person needs 80 grams of protein per day for normal functioning of the body; therefore, to meet the daily requirement for this substance, it is necessary to consume only 300 grams of the product.

Knowing how many grams of protein are contained in chicken fillet, athletes and dieters can calculate the required daily amount of this product. The breast is ideal option for those people who want to reduce their body weight without harming their muscle mass. It should be noted that after cooking, the amount of animal protein in the product changes:

  • For 100 grams of boiled breast there are at least 28.8 grams.
  • When frying, the amount of this food element varies within the same limits.
  • When smoking, the indicators drop to 18.0 grams.
  • When steamed it is 23.6 grams.

Many people wonder why raw chicken contains less protein than boiled chicken. Everything is quite simple, but this does not mean that this element taken from the water. The thing is that the raw product contains 20% liquid, which is lost during cooking. It turns out that a 100 gram piece of fillet after cooking weighs about 80 grams, which leaves the same amount of protein.

The benefits of chicken breast

Animal protein is an essential element that, together with fats and carbohydrates, forms the triad of proper and healthy nutrition. It is proteins that are responsible for building cells involved in metabolic processes.

In dietetics, these elements are called proteins, which is translated from Greek as “taking first place.” The inclusion of protein foods in the diet plays a leading role, since this element enters the human body only from food.

White meat is not used as a source of energy, since this product has low energy value. Despite this, it is the breast that is an indispensable source of protein, which is used as a building material for muscle structures.

Among other things, this product includes a huge amount of valuable nutritional elements and microelements. This is why chicken breast is indispensable product, restoring the physical capabilities of the body after past diseases or training.

Distribute 250-300 grams of chicken breast per day over two meals. This product is absorbed quite easily, so you should not be afraid of gaining overweight after using it even in the evening. White look meat contains virtually no fat, which has a beneficial effect on health.

The chemical composition of chicken breast includes a large number of compounds organic type, which have a positive impact on internal organs and human systems. White meat contains 7-9% protein compounds and amino acids, elastin and collagen.

The most the best option Chicken breast is cooked by boiling or steaming cooking. This is how it is possible to preserve the maximum amount of valuable components of this product. Baking in foil is also allowed, which makes ready dish more juicy and tasty. It is recommended to consume this product with a vegetable side dish, which allows you to replenish the body’s needs for vitamins and microelements. Vegetables also contain fiber, which is necessary element to maintain normal intestinal functions.

With frequent consumption of chicken meat, a large amount of unnecessary fiber accumulates in the body, which can be removed with the help of fiber. That is why it is important to correctly create a menu when dieting and wanting to gain weight. muscle mass. Otherwise, there are high risks of developing undesirable consequences.