Treatment of ulcerative stomatitis with granulations in cats. Symptoms, causes and treatment of stomatitis in cats Can a cat have stomatitis?

Stomatitis is an inflammatory process that develops on the mucous membrane in oral cavity. Cat stomatitis can be chronic or acute form, be of secondary or primary origin.

Causes of stomatitis in cats

The causes of stomatitis vary significantly depending on its origin.

Thus, the factors for the development of primary stomatitis are:

  • mechanical damage to the oral mucosa;
  • thermal irritants (feeding hot food);
  • chemicals (poisons, irritating drugs, household chemicals, etc.).

The development of secondary stomatitis is usually preceded by:

  • some infectious diseases, for example, plague;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract and liver ( diabetes mellitus, gastroenteritis);
  • allergic reactions;
  • metabolic diseases and vitamin deficiency (One example of such stomatitis is a lack of vitamin C, manifested by a disease such as scurvy. Another no less shining example secondary stomatitis, which develops as a result of vitamin deficiency - pellagra ( long absence in the cat’s diet vitamin PP and tryptophan protein).);
  • An important role in the appearance of secondary stomatitis is played by factors such as caries.

Signs of stomatitis in cats

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of stomatitis.

Symptoms of stomatitis largely depend on the inflammatory process, which occurs:

  • catarrhal,
  • vesicular,
  • ulcerative,
  • phlegmonous,
  • diphtheritic,
  • gangrenous.

Most often, stomatitis begins with catarrhal inflammation, which is characterized by:

  • increased;
  • increased thirst;
  • Chew carefully while eating; if there is severe pain, the cat may even refuse to eat.

If you examine your pet's oral cavity during this period, you will notice severe redness mucous membrane and gray plaque on her.

Another sign of the onset of the development of stomatitis is, which appears as a result of the decomposition of saliva, exfoliated epithelium and mucus under the influence of pathogenic microbes.

As already mentioned, the precursor to stomatitis of any nature is catarrh, which is usually benign. After eliminating the cause, the oral mucosa quickly recovers and heals.

Otherwise, when therapeutic measures are taken late or the wrong medications are prescribed that do not have the desired effect, catarrh develops into other more serious forms with the formation of ulcers, vesicles, aphthae, etc.

  • Ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity begin with the gums: ulcers form around the teeth, the gums become swollen, and their color acquires a bright red, and in some places a bluish tint.
  • There is a disgusting smell coming from the mouth.
  • A characteristic sign of ulcerative stomatitis is bleeding of the gums when touched, which makes the act of chewing by a cat almost impossible due to excessive pain.
  • The decaying tissues involve more and more new foci in the process, to the point where the inflammation spreads to the jaw bones.
  • Teeth become loose and fall out easily.

If left untreated, the animal may die as a result of sepsis.

A severe form of stomatitis is considered gangrenous, which is characterized by:

  • severe decay of the mucous membrane and tissues of the cheeks, tongue, gums;
  • complete absence appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • the appearance of swelling in the lips;
  • foul odor from the mouth;
  • enlargement of submandibular lymph nodes;
  • depression of the general condition of the cat.

How to treat stomatitis in a cat?

First of all, when treating stomatitis, it is necessary to determine the cause that led to this pathology, eliminate it, and only then engage in drug therapy.

The second point is feeding. During the period of illness, it is better for the cat to give liquid food to relieve pain during chewing. It could be:

  • beef or chicken broth;
  • pureed soup;
  • porridge;
  • milk.

It is advisable to infuse all liquids using a syringe, which must be done extremely carefully so as not to cause unnecessary pain to the animal.

The affected oral mucosa must be treated with disinfectant solutions:

  • 1% baking soda;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Furacilin.

Irrigation of the mouth can be done using a small rubber bulb (syringe).

If there are ulcers and other defects of the mucous membrane, they are smeared with:

  • Lugol's solution with glycerin;
  • methylene blue solution.

If there are a lot of ulcers and there is inflammation in the lymph nodes, then it is best to continue treatment along with a course of antibiotics (oxytetracycline, erythromycin and others). The use of vitamins plays an important role in rapid recovery.

Prevention of stomatitis

Preventive measures boil down to:

  • periodic examination of the oral cavity for the presence/absence of diseased teeth or their chips;
  • timely detection of diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • nutritious feeding;
  • preventing the provision of hot food.


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Stomatitis can be divided into two types - catarrhal and ulcerative. The most common type is catarrhal stomatitis. It does not cause deep mucosal defects. Ulcerative stomatitis is accompanied by swelling and bleeding of the animal’s gums, as well as the formation of deep ulcers. You should know that in especially severe cases, the disease can lead to tooth loss and necrosis of the jaw bones.

Among the main causes of the disease are injuries to the gums from sharp bones or other objects. Other reasons may be food that is too hot or frozen, changing teeth, or accidental exposure to chemicals in the animal’s mouth. active substances or external medications - as you know, they carefully lick their fur. Also, stomatitis can be just one of the symptoms of a more serious disease - for example, leukemia, feline viral immunodeficiency or renal failure. If signs of this disease occur, it is strongly recommended to visit a veterinarian and have all necessary tests. Based on the examination results, the doctor will prescribe the most appropriate treatment for the animal.

The main principles in the approach are suppression of the inflammatory process and daily careful hygiene oral cavity. One of the most reliable and effective drugs for the treatment of stomatitis is Traumeel. It's medicinal homeopathic remedy, available in the form of tablets, solution, ointment and drops for oral administration. It is recommended to take the drug in a course, which can range from 1 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the disease. As a rule, they start with intramuscular injections, and then move on to drops for internal administration, which are added to the animal’s drinking water.

Clean your mouth regularly with antibacterial treatments cats antiseptics. A solution of chlorhexidine, Lugol, iodinol is suitable. Several times a day, it is necessary to irrigate the oral cavity with decoctions of raspberry, mint, sage or chamomile leaves. A decoction of oak bark heals well deep ulcers. To lubricate ulcers, drugs such as 1% solution of dioxidine, iodine-glycerin, fosprenil or sea buckthorn oil are suitable. In especially severe cases, antibiotics are prescribed. However, it should be remembered that they should only be prescribed by a professional veterinarian.

Make sure that you cats There was always fresh drinking water. Do not give your animal hard food - try to feed pureed soups at room temperature. Introduce phytomins into your diet for teeth and bones. Make sure your cat gets enough vitamins.

Not always even experienced owners can identify the inflammatory process on early stages, thereby allowing complications to arise and acute course diseases. This problem can be attributed to ulcerative stomatitis in cats. It leads not only to inflammation of the gums, but also to damage to the mucous membranes of the entire mouth: tongue, cheeks and palate. Even the smallest scratch can become a source of infection, especially if the immune system is weakened.

Stomatitis in cats is a disease caused by viruses, which gives the pet unpleasant pain in the mouth. In severe cases of the disease, there is a risk that the animal may lose one or more teeth. Therefore, it is important to identify stomatitis in the early stages and provide your pet with qualified veterinary care and proper care. It is worth noting that this disease can progress to more serious stages, thereby provoking the development of leukemia. This is especially true for cats with reduced immunity.

In the initial stages, the animal's gums are affected, becoming bright red and, in some cases, bluish in color. Over time, they begin to bleed and severe pain appears when chewing, and damage to the mucous membrane spreads throughout the animal’s mouth. In the absence qualified assistance and maintaining immunity, stomatitis can be fatal.

An attentive owner is obliged to notice the first signs of the disease as early as possible. If ulcerative stomatitis in cats is detected in the early stages, treatment will be quick and simple.

The first signs of stomatitis in a cat:

  • The amount of saliva produced increases;
  • Thirst increases;
  • Appetite disappears, the process of chewing food becomes longer and more difficult;
  • Appears bad smell from the mouth, which indicates increased microbial activity;
  • The mood and desire to play disappear;
  • The animal sleeps for a long time and becomes very apathetic;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck;
  • The mucous membranes of the mouth swell and acquire a red tint, and also acquire a white-gray coating.

If there are several symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Causes of stomatitis

The main reason causing development stomatitis in cats is poor oral hygiene or its complete absence. Problems such as caries, plaque in the mouth and tartar, combined with a weakened immune system, give impetus to the development of serious pathology.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons that increase the risk of developing this disease:

  • Mechanical damage caused by gnawing tubular bones, solid food or hot food;
  • Damage chemical nature, leading to a burn to the oral cavity: getting shampoo, bleach, or acid into the mouth;
  • Infections;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Allergy;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the owner wants to treat stomatitis in cats on his own, then it is still necessary to contact a specialist to correctly diagnose the type of disease and identify the possible consequences of this problem.

Types of stomatitis

There are several types of stomatitis, which only a veterinarian can determine. To increase the effectiveness and speed of treatment, correct diagnosis of the disease plays a huge role.

Types of stomatitis:

  1. Primary (catarrhal) is the first stage of the disease, preceding all other types of this disease. With it, the gums swell and acquire a specific shade. This type of stomatitis can be easily treated at home.
  2. Ulcerative (secondary) – appears in the absence of treatment of the primary stage of the disease, characterized by the appearance of ulcers and swelling in the animal’s mouth. If left untreated at this stage of the disease, severe complications can develop.
  3. Phlegmonous - characterized by the presence of pus in the cat’s oral cavity, which can provoke sepsis.
  4. Gangrenous stomatitis in cats is the most dangerous form of the disease, in which teeth fall out, rotting of the oral tissues occurs and the temperature increases. Gangrene can lead to the death of a pet.

Even with the most mild stage stomatitis in an animal, it is necessary to show it to a veterinarian. Self-medication can lead to loss of time, development serious complications and irreversible processes in the cat’s body.

Treatment and prevention

Let's figure out how to treat stomatitis in a cat correctly. The first action of the owner when detecting wounds and changes in the color of the mucous membrane in the animal’s mouth should be to contact a veterinarian, because it is very difficult to independently determine the type of disease and possible complications, especially when a little kitten got sick. If the cause of the disease is not determined and eliminated, then even effective treatment methods may not provide positive result.

In any case, if you have stomatitis, you need to change your cat’s diet: replace solid food with liquid or semi-liquid food. It is best to give the animal broths, cereals or milk.

If symptoms of stomatitis are detected in cats, treatment should be comprehensive.

Stages of treatment:

  1. Disinfection of the oral cavity with solutions of furatsilin, peroxide, soda or potassium permanganate.
  2. Treatment of wounds and ulcers of the mucous membranes in the animal’s mouth by special means, for example, a solution of methylene salt or glycerin Lugol.
  3. Subject to availability large quantity ulcers and seals in the lymph nodes cannot be avoided without the use of antibiotics, which are taken in courses. To do this, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Erythromycin, Oxytetracycline and others in appropriate dosages.
  4. To maintain the cat's immunity, vitamins and nutrients are prescribed.

To prevent stomatitis and its complications, it is necessary to periodically examine the cat’s oral cavity to identify diseased teeth, chips or wounds on the mucous membranes. You should also promptly treat your pet for gastrointestinal diseases and provide him with good nutrition. It is important to remember that hot food can also cause stomatitis, so its temperature should be carefully monitored.

Stomatitis in cats is the most common lesion of the oral mucosa.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Stomatitis in a cat is detected by examining the oral cavity. More technological methods (taking tissue samples, studying bacterial cultures) are not provided, since main feature stomatitis - the presence of ulcers, vesicles, rashes, gum inflammation, tissue damage. With proper and timely identification of symptoms of stomatitis in cats, the treatment will pass with minimal consequences, the disease will not develop into chronic form, other pets will not be infected (if the disease is infectious).

However, as stomatitis develops in a cat, symptoms may include the following:

  • lethargy, depression, refusal to eat and/or drink;
  • digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation);
  • temperature changes in both directions;
  • fever, tremor, convulsions;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • smell of rotting breath;
  • tissue necrosis.

All these symptoms reduce the quality of life of the animal and put it in danger.


A number of factors can cause ulcerative stomatitis in cats and its other varieties:

  • infections - bacterial, viral, mycoplasmic, fungal, etc.;
  • rough food that damages the mucous membrane of the mouth (bone fragments, dry food), too hot and too cold food, contact with aggressive reagents (alkali, acids), toxins on the mucous membrane;
  • dehydration caused by poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, insufficient water intake, persistent fever, excessive urine production, significant blood loss;
  • dirty feeding dishes;
  • bite defects, tartar, caries;
  • the use of medications that reduce salivation;
  • deficiency of vitamins or microelements caused by an unbalanced diet or impaired absorption;
  • weakened immunity, autoimmune reactions;
  • malignant tumors in the neck, throat and nose;
  • changes hormonal levels(pregnancy, puberty, recent sterilization, etc.);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • illnesses digestive tract and genitourinary system, diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions to food components or various chemicals (even shampoo residues on wool), side effects of chemotherapy;
  • exhaustion of the body, emotional stress.

Depending on the causes of stomatitis in cats, symptoms and treatment will vary.

Treatment of stomatitis in cats

Once stomatitis is identified, you may need biochemical tests blood and urine, oral culture, etc. This is necessary to determine the disease, which may result in stomatitis in cats - treatment otherwise will not bring results. Symptomatic treatment Ulcerative stomatitis in cats and other types of stomatitis is selected individually.

In severe cases it is carried out surgical removal anesthetized tissue, tartar, decayed teeth under local or general anesthesia. The doctor prescribes a number of procedures and medications:

  • antibiotics: intended to eliminate infection or prevent postoperative complications. Amoxiclav, Lincomycin, Metronidazole, Claforan are usually prescribed. The form of admission is determined by the doctor;
  • antiviral, antifungal - if the cause is a corresponding infection - levorin;
  • rinsing or spraying the mucous membrane with antiseptic and wound healing agents: Actovegin (Solcorexil), decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, etc.;
  • local treatment of the mucous membrane after rinsing - applying gels and solutions using a tampon to the affected areas. Dentavidin, Lugol, Cholisal, Metrogil-denta are used;
  • antihistamines - must be prescribed to avoid allergic reactions. An example would be Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolfen;
  • general strengthening - Actovegin, multivitamin complexes;
  • painkillers and antipyretics - as needed.

Only a professional can determine how to treat stomatitis in a cat - prescribing drugs for people is dangerous, since these drugs can cause unexpected consequences in the animal’s body.

Stomatitis is a very common disease that affects cats regardless of gender, age or breed. It is characterized by inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, and in severe cases - total loss teeth and inability to eat solid food. In fact, the animal becomes disabled.

Stomatitis can occur even in small kittens up to six months old. Lack of calcium in the body, stressful situations, lack of in the diet essential vitamins and microelements - the most typical reasons diseases of children. It is possible that they can become infected from the mother cat.


Often it is the inappropriate care of the cat and the inattention of the owners that becomes the reason for the development of this unpleasant disease. To prevent such diseases in cats, it is necessary to periodically visit the clinic.

If for some reason this cannot be done, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene, brush teeth, monitor the cat’s diet and periodically, through an external examination, identify the symptoms of such an unpleasant and quite painful disease for the cat. Let's take a look at it primary causes. They can be divided into four categories.

  1. Mechanical (various injuries to the oral cavity - damage from sharp objects, for example, fish or tubular bones, sticks, as well as when changing teeth).
  2. Thermal (too hot, or vice versa, cold food).
  3. Chemical (household chemicals, products used to wash the pussy, or even medications that cause severe irritation to the mucous membranes).
  4. Biological (imbalance of microflora in the oral cavity, resulting in damage to the mucous membrane).

It must be taken into account that with age, stomatitis in a cat can be a consequence of caries or tartar deposits. In any case, it's not worth doing self-treatment and buy the first drugs you come across at the pharmacy, this can lead to complications and additional costs.

There are also a number of " secondary symptoms”, which are a little more complex and take longer to identify.

  • Lack of vitamins (in particular, vitamin C, PP and tryptophan protein).
  • Hormonal imbalance in the animal’s body, metabolic disorder.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver and other organs.
  • Various allergic reactions.
  • Gastroenteritis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Various infectious diseases (distemper, parvovirus, panleukopenia).

Features of ulcerative stomatitis

Often, if not detected in a timely manner, catarrhal stomatitis in cats can quickly develop into ulcerative stomatitis. Small, red inside ulcers appear on the gums of the affected pet.

Over time, they increase in size and cause severe problems for the cat in the form of pain, tooth loss, bleeding from the gums, and the inability to eat.

The cat's thirst also increases, and putrid smell from the mouth becomes increasingly stronger due to reproduction various bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Drooling slightly alleviates the pet's suffering, but it is necessary urgent treatment with the help special medicines, appointed by a specialist. The next stage of stomatitis occurs in an even more severe and dangerous form for the pet.

The main reason causing the development of stomatitis in cats is poor oral hygiene or its complete absence. Problems such as caries, plaque in the mouth and tartar, combined with a weakened immune system, give impetus to the development of serious pathology.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons that increase the risk of developing this disease:

  • Mechanical damage caused by gnawing tubular bones, hard food or hot food;
  • Damage of a chemical nature leading to a burn to the oral cavity: getting shampoo, bleach, or acid into the mouth;
  • Infections;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Allergy;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the owner wants to treat stomatitis in cats on his own, then it is still necessary to contact a specialist to correctly diagnose the type of disease and identify the possible consequences of this problem.

Stomatitis in cats is a disease of the oral cavity in which inflammatory processes affect the mucous membranes. As the disease progresses, inflammation can affect not only the gums, but also the tongue, lips, buccal mucosa, upper and lower palate. This disease is quite often diagnosed in veterinary practice in cats. various breeds And age groups, and especially in those animals whose owners do not pay due attention to the oral hygiene of their furry pet.

Stomatitis in cats occurs in acute and chronic forms; it can be of primary or secondary etiology (origin), when a relapse occurs after treatment. The causes of the disease have a wide variety of etiologies.

Causes of stomatitis in cats:

  • mechanical damage, trauma to the oral mucosa;
  • thermal, chemical irritations;
  • diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, gastroenteritis);
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • wrong taste;
  • congenital endocrine pathologies;
  • disruptions in liver function, liver failure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • taking certain pharmacological drugs;
  • disruption of metabolic processes in the body.

An important role in the development inflammatory disease there are problems with teeth, caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, which often arise in the absence of oral hygiene, deficiency macro-microelements, vitamins, and also for the reason age-related changes. Therefore, stomatitis is often diagnosed in older cats.

Inflammation of the oral mucosa in cats can be caused by poisoning with potent toxins, chemicals, pesticides, household chemicals, toxic fumes, vapors.

Primary stomatitis in cats may be caused by improper food temperature. Animals should absolutely not be fed either too hot or cold food. Before giving your pet food, warm it to room temperature.

Secondary stomatitis in cats develops due to systemic, functional disorders and pathologies. For example, vitamin deficiency, diabetes mellitus, tartar, violation metabolic processes, gastroenetritis lead to the development of this disease in animals.

A number of factors can cause ulcerative stomatitis in cats and its other varieties:

  • infections - bacterial, viral, mycoplasmic, fungal, etc.;
  • rough food that damages the mucous membrane of the mouth (bone fragments, dry food), too hot and too cold food, contact with aggressive reagents (alkali, acids), toxins on the mucous membrane;
  • dehydration caused by poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, insufficient water intake, persistent fever, excessive urine production, significant blood loss;
  • dirty feeding dishes;
  • bite defects, tartar, caries;
  • the use of medications that reduce salivation;
  • deficiency of vitamins or microelements caused by an unbalanced diet or impaired absorption;
  • weakened immunity, autoimmune reactions;
  • malignant tumors in the neck, throat and nose;
  • hormonal changes (pregnancy, puberty, recent sterilization, etc.);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • diseases of the digestive tract and genitourinary system, diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions to food components or various chemicals (even shampoo residues on wool), side effects of chemotherapy;
  • exhaustion of the body, emotional stress.

Depending on the causes of stomatitis in cats, symptoms and treatment will vary.

Stomatitis in cats occurs due to various kinds damage:

  1. Mechanical - when eating foods with sharp edges (bones, crackers, fish fins), when bitten during fights, often appears due to teething;
  2. Thermal - eating too hot or frozen food, even from too cold water;
  3. Biological - malocclusion teeth affected by caries, the presence of tartar on them;
  4. Chemical - licking off irritating chemicals, washing powder, shampoo, etc.

The appearance of stomatitis also occurs for other reasons:

  • If any foreign body gets into the oral cavity;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Consequence of leukemia;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Allergy to certain types of foods;
  • Weakened immunity.

Why do cats develop a disease that leads to tooth loss? According to statistics, the main reasons for such problems are furry pets, are: lack of correct and regular oral hygiene procedures. As a result, mustaches develop caries, tartar and plaque.

The root of the problem can also be mechanical wounds from eating hard foods or spicy foods, such as bones. When a pet tries all sorts of chemicals (shampoos, soaps, acids, etc.), the oral mucosa is also damaged, and burns and poisoning may occur.

Eat individual breeds cats (British, Scottish, Maine Coon and Sphynx) that are genetically predisposed to this disease, so owners of such beauties should inspect their mouths more often.

Stomatitis in a cat is the result of exposure to some irritants of different nature and origin.

  • Mechanical factors: trauma to the oral cavity, for example, from accidentally swallowing sharp objects or from eating long bones, when the chance of gum damage is very high.
  • Thermal factors: stomatitis is often the result of feeding your pet food that is too hot.
  • Chemical factors: burn of the oral mucosa by vapors of toxic substances, potent medicines, medical antiseptic solutions high concentration or household chemicals.
  • Biological: opportunistic microflora, which is normally found in the mouth of any cat, but under favorable conditions (cracks, injuries, foreign or excessively dirty objects entering the mouth) begins to multiply intensively, “corroding” the mucous membrane.

Types of disease process

There are several types of stomatitis, which only a veterinarian can determine. To increase the effectiveness and speed of treatment, correct diagnosis of the disease plays a huge role.

Types of stomatitis:

  1. Primary (catarrhal) is the first stage of the disease, preceding all other types of this disease. With it, the gums swell and acquire a specific shade. This type of stomatitis can be easily treated at home.
  2. Ulcerative (secondary) – appears in the absence of treatment of the primary stage of the disease, characterized by the appearance of ulcers and swelling in the animal’s mouth. If left untreated at this stage of the disease, severe complications can develop.
  3. Phlegmonous - characterized by the presence of pus in the cat’s oral cavity, which can provoke sepsis.
  4. Gangrenous stomatitis in cats is the most dangerous form of the disease, in which teeth fall out, rotting of oral tissues occurs and the temperature increases. Gangrene can lead to the death of a pet.

Even if the animal has the mildest stage of stomatitis, it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian. Self-medication can lead to loss of time, the development of serious complications and irreversible processes in the cat’s body.

Stomatitis in cats, depending on manifestations, location, intensity inflammatory processes classified into:

  1. Catarrhal. The most common form of the disease.
  2. Ulcerative. With this form, small ulcers form on the surface of the palate, tongue, mucous membranes of the lips, and gums. A very dangerous, painful form of inflammatory disease.
  3. Papillomatous. Small pustules filled with clear liquid form on the mucous membranes of the lips and tongue.
  4. Phlegmous. An advanced stage of the disease in which formation occurs under the mucous membranes. purulent exudate. The development of sepsis and viremia is possible if treatment is not prescribed.
  5. Gangrenous. The form of stomatitis, which provokes the development of necrotic changes in tissue, provokes the gradual “death” of the mucous membrane.

According to the nature of localization, stomatitis can be focal or diffuse. Regardless of the form, stomatitis can lead to irreversible consequences, so treatment should begin in the initial stages of the inflammatory disease.

Each form of stomatitis has its own symptoms. The intensity of symptoms depends on age and general condition of the body pet, immunity, root cause.

Symptoms of stomatitis:

  • loss of appetite, refusal to feed;
  • increased salivation (salivation);
  • depression, drowsiness, apathy, decreased physical activity;
  • increase in body temperature by 1-2 degrees, chills, fever;
  • strong thirst;
  • unpleasant putrid odor from the mouth;
  • convulsions, tremors;
  • swelling, redness of mucous membranes;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • deterioration of tooth enamel;
  • bleeding gums;
  • swelling of the lips, tongue;
  • violation respiratory functions, shortness of breath.

Upon careful examination of the cat’s oral cavity, you can notice with the naked eye that the oral mucosa is thickened and very hyperemic. On the surface of the tongue, gums, and at the base of the teeth, multiple red blisters, small oozing, non-healing ulcers, aphthae, and vesicles are noticeable.

On initial stage The disease develops catarrhal inflammation, which, if appropriate measures are taken in a timely manner, quickly passes, since the pathological processes proceed benignly. With proper therapy, the mucous membrane quickly heals and is restored.

Ulcerative lesions develop from the gums and gradually spread to healthy tissue. A very painful form of stomatitis that provokes severe bleeding gums, pain on palpation. If treatment is not prescribed, the inflammation will progress to bone tissue, jaw bones. A cat may lose many teeth or lose them completely.

The most severe, fatal dangerous form Stomatitis is gangrenous, the main symptoms of which can be called:

  • strong foul odor from the mouth;
  • enlargement and tenderness of the submandibular and regional lymph nodes;
  • profuse salivation;
  • severe depression;
  • profuse catarrhal-purulent discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • decay of the mucous membranes of the lips, gums, tongue;
  • complete refusal of food.

This stage can provoke sepsis, viremia, and cause fatal outcome pet

Depending on how the disease progresses, stomatitis can be acute and chronic, and depending on its origin - primary and secondary.

The nature of the lesion in the oral cavity may indicate what kind of stomatitis the animal has: catarrhal, ulcerative, gangrenous, aphthous or pustular.

Catarrhal and ulcerative forms of stomatitis can be successfully treated with medications. In case of gangrenous disease, surgical intervention may be necessary: ​​this form is classified as advanced, in which other organs are affected. Unfortunately, even a surgeon cannot guarantee that an animal will fully recover after surgery and be able to return to its full life. The owner must be prepared for the fact that his pet will have to undergo long-term treatment, antibiotics, and long-term rehabilitation.

Experts divide stomatitis into several types:

  1. Catarrhal (primary) – the most light form illness. The lesions in this case are minor and with timely treatment the disease goes away quickly.
  2. Ulcerative (secondary) - in most cases it occurs as an advanced form of primary stomatitis, when the pet develops ulcers and swelling on the mucous membranes of the mouth, which is accompanied by pain and burning. In this case, the pet often opens its mouth and rubs its muzzle with its paws; it stops licking the fur, because it is unpleasant for her.
  3. Gangrenous - when teeth fall out, the tissues inside the mouth begin to fester, the temperature rises and the inflammatory process intensifies every day. Very dangerous situation for health four-legged friend, which requires immediate examination by a specialist and proper therapy.

If you put off going to the doctor for a long time, the disease can develop into a chronic form, then the therapy will give only temporary results, because stomatitis will bother the mustache when for the slightest reason(change of diet or season, stress, etc.).

There are several options for classifying inflammation:

  1. In its course it can be acute or chronic.
  2. According to the nature of the process: catarrhal, ulcerative and gangrenous; diphtheritic, vesicular and phlegmonous forms are less common.
  3. Primary or secondary origin.

Symptoms of stomatitis in cats

Stomatitis in a cat is detected by examining the oral cavity. More technological methods (taking tissue samples, studying bacterial cultures) are not provided, since the main sign of stomatitis is the presence of ulcers, vesicles, rashes, inflammation of the gums, and tissue damage. With proper and timely identification of the symptoms of stomatitis in cats, treatment will take place with minimal consequences, the disease will not become chronic, and other pets will not be infected (in the case of an infectious nature of the disease).

However, as stomatitis develops in a cat, symptoms may include the following:

  • lethargy, depression, refusal to eat and/or drink;
  • digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation);
  • temperature changes in both directions;
  • fever, tremor, convulsions;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • smell of rotting breath;
  • tissue necrosis.

All these symptoms reduce the quality of life of the animal and put it in danger.

With any form of stomatitis, it becomes difficult for a cat to chew. She tries to choose softer pieces, eats slowly, carefully so that the food does not fall on sore spot, often rests. In addition, due to the inability to independently care for its coat, the cat loses attractive appearance and quickly becomes untidy.

The main symptoms of catarrhal stomatitis are: profuse salivation, slow chewing of even soft food, severe thirst.

In the cat's mouth, there will be noticeable redness and swelling of the mucous membrane due to venous stagnation. As the inflammatory process progresses, saliva is released more and more. While eating, a distinct slurping sound can be heard. The tongue is covered with a grayish coating. The animal's mouth smells bad.

Ulcerative stomatitis is characterized by the fact that with it the cat can hardly eat due to severe pain. Ulcers appear around the teeth, gums swell and bleed heavily. Blood begins to flow even from a slight touch to the animal’s gum. Eating semi-liquid food becomes impossible. Teeth become loose and fall out one by one. There is a heavy odor coming from the mouth.

Gangrenous stomatitis is, first of all, high temperature, extreme depression, complete loss of appetite and strong stench. Saliva continuously flows from the animal's mouth, and swollen lips are visible. With this form of the disease, the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue, gums, and cheeks rapidly disintegrate.

Aphthous stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of bubbles with a yellowish liquid in the cat’s mouth, pustular stomatitis is characterized by the same bubbles containing pus.

In turn, the symptoms of the disease depend on the type of stomatitis, however, veterinarians distinguish catarrhal, vesicular, ulcerative, phlegmonous, diphtheric, gangrenous groups of symptoms.

Thus, the development of the disease is most often accompanied by a catarrhal inflammatory process, which is accompanied by increased thirst in the animal, increased salivation, caution when eating, painful sensations, as a result of which the animal refuses to eat. Also, owners often notice that it begins to emanate from the animal’s mouth. bad smell, and if they manage to look into the oral cavity of their pet (this should be done extremely carefully), then they can see small ulcers on the mucous surfaces.

If at this stage of the disease no measures are taken to eliminate the source of inflammation, the disease begins to progress - ulcers and vesicles already form on the mucous surfaces. As a rule, ulcers are initially localized in the gum area, the gums themselves become swollen, the mucous membranes become red and, in places, bluish, and the bad breath intensifies.

Tissues that disintegrate involve nearby tissues in inflammatory processes and the inflammatory process spreads to the bones, teeth begin to loosen and fall out.

In its advanced form, stomatitis can lead to sepsis, which results in the death of the pet.

The picture of inflammation will vary depending on the nature of the disease and the stage of the disease. Often the process begins with the catarrhal form of stomatitis; in cats it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • severe salivation (salivation),
  • thirst,
  • careful intake of food, in some cases even refusal to eat,
  • limited areas of the mucous membrane are red and covered with a grayish coating.

Granulation form

In the absence or improper treatment the process worsens and develops into ulcerative stomatitis in cats. As a rule, changes are first observed on the gums and areas of the mucous membrane at the base of the tooth:

  • gums become very swollen
  • acquire a red-violet hue,
  • they bleed if you touch them,
  • A putrid odor is heard from the mouth.

Under the influence of microbes, tissues disintegrate and ulcers form. Their edges and bottom consist of dead cells, while healing is impaired, normal granulation tissue reborn and acquires pathological form. In addition to wounds, grayish-white nodules appear on the mucous membrane. They may be dense or filled with liquid. In this case, the process in a cat will be called ulcerative stomatitis with granulations.

Gangrenous form

As already mentioned, another name for the gangrenous form of stomatitis is noma. This is the most severe stage of the disease, which is characterized by progressive lysis of cells of the mucous membrane, as well as other adjacent tissues (gums, tongue, cheeks). The following signs are characteristic:

  • lack of appetite,
  • feverish condition,
  • profuse drooling,
  • swollen lips,
  • there is a foul odor from the mouth,
  • The lymph nodes in the neck area are enlarged and painful.


It is only possible to determine that a cat has stomatitis veterinary specialist, after the diagnostic examination. The veterinarian takes into account the medical history, symptoms, and conducts a general examination of the four-fingered patient. They take swabs from the oral cavity, pieces of tissue affected by inflammation, and smears from the mucous membranes.

IN mandatory to make a diagnosis will be carried out differential diagnosis, which will help to establish the root cause that provoked the development of this disease. If, in addition to inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, other symptoms are noticed, a series of biochemical and serological tests are performed. laboratory research.

How to treat stomatitis in cats at home

Treatment of stomatitis in a cat requires integrated approach. Thorough disinfection of the cat’s oral cavity with a three percent peroxide solution or a one percent soda solution. It is recommended to do this several times a day, after the next meal.

Ulcerative stomatitis is treated at home with Lugol mixed with glycerin or with methylene blue. It is possible to use ointments prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, antiviral and antifungal drugs are used. Even if the root cause is not bacteria, taking antibiotics is necessary in any case.

Vitamins are also necessary for a cat, but they cannot completely cure stomatitis. Here's an observation good specialist gives a chance for recovery. With correct, timely and permanent treatment your cat will return home faster and enjoy life.

If catarrhal and ulcerative types While stomatitis can be cured with medication, gangrenous stomatitis requires surgery. With such an advanced form, bacterial damage to other organs is possible.

In this case, even surgery does not guarantee that the animal will fully recover and be able to live old life. There will be a huge number of antibiotics, surgeries and a long rehabilitation period.

Stomatitis in kittens and its treatment

Toddlers are also at risk of the disease. Lack of calcium, stress, poor nutrition- these are a few of the reasons that cause stomatitis in kittens. Weakened immunity, improper care, lack of oral care and preventive examinations can also aggravate the baby's condition.

Make sure there is no plaque when changing teeth, prevent various wounds from appearing, and give your baby calcium. Then he will grow into a beautiful, adult cat or a sweet, healthy kitty who will live a long and happy life.

Let's figure out how to treat stomatitis in a cat correctly. The first action of the owner when discovering wounds and changes in the color of the mucous membrane in the animal’s mouth should be to contact a veterinarian, because it is very difficult to independently determine the type of disease and possible complications, especially when a small kitten is ill. If the cause of the disease is not determined and eliminated, then even effective treatment methods may not give a positive result.

In any case, if you have stomatitis, you need to change your cat’s diet: replace solid food with liquid or semi-liquid food. It is best to give the animal broths, cereals or milk.

If symptoms of stomatitis are detected in cats, treatment should be comprehensive.

Stages of treatment:

  1. Disinfection of the oral cavity with solutions of furatsilin, peroxide, soda or potassium permanganate.
  2. Treatment of wounds and ulcers of the mucous membranes in the animal’s mouth with special means, for example, a solution of methylene salt or glycerin Lugol.
  3. If there are a large number of ulcers and seals in the lymph nodes, there is no way to do without the use of antibiotics, which are taken in courses. To do this, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Erythromycin, Oxytetracycline and others in appropriate dosages.
  4. To maintain the cat's immunity, vitamins and nutrients are prescribed.

To prevent stomatitis and its complications, it is necessary to periodically examine the cat’s oral cavity to identify diseased teeth, chips or wounds on the mucous membranes. You should also promptly treat your pet for gastrointestinal diseases and provide him with adequate nutrition.

Treatment methods should be prescribed by a veterinarian, based on the results of a comprehensive diagnostic examination. To achieve a positive result, it is very important to determine the root cause. Only after this can you carry out drug therapy. Treatment for a sick cat is selected on an individual basis.

Cats are prescribed anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antibacterial drugs, special gentle therapeutic diet, vitamin therapy. Basic healing techniques are aimed at relieving pathological inflammatory processes, healing affected areas, removing pus from the mouth in gangrenous, ulcerative forms of the disease.

The affected oral mucosa is treated with disinfectant, antiseptic solutions: 3% hydrogen peroxide, weakly concentrated soda solution, a decoction of chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, lemon balm. For sanitation, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin, herbal infusions, which have an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect. Used for irrigation of the oral cavity insulin syringe, a small syringe.

Traumeel, Lugol, Dentavidin, glycerin solution, blue, boric acid, medicated creams, ointments, gels based on Metrogil.

In advanced, severe cases, cats are prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy, restorative therapy, and immunostimulants.

During treatment, it is very important to carefully monitor the standing of your pet and follow all the recommendations of the treating veterinarian. Food should be liquid and warm. At the same time, in order not to further injure the affected mucous membranes, you will have to feed the cat meat for some time, chicken broth through a syringe without a needle. Rough, solid food is completely excluded from the diet. Dry food is replaced with canned food.

To normalize the general condition and stimulate recovery processes, sick animals must be given vitamin-mineral complexes and enzyme agents.

Duration therapeutic therapy depends on the form and stage of stomatitis. Treatment is carried out until the animal’s physiological state is completely normalized and all symptoms, both primary and secondary diseases, are relieved.

Once stomatitis is identified, biochemical blood and urine tests, oral culture, etc. may be required. This is necessary to determine the disease that may result in stomatitis in cats - treatment otherwise will not bring results. Symptomatic treatment of ulcerative stomatitis in cats and other types of stomatitis is selected individually.

In severe cases, surgical removal of anesthetized tissue, tartar, and decayed teeth is performed under local or general anesthesia. The doctor prescribes a number of procedures and medications:

  • antibiotics: intended to eliminate infection or to prevent postoperative complications. Amoxiclav, Lincomycin, Metronidazole, Claforan are usually prescribed. The form of admission is determined by the doctor;
  • antiviral, antifungal - if the cause is a corresponding infection - levorin;
  • rinsing or spraying the mucous membrane with antiseptic and wound-healing agents: Actovegin (Solcorexil), decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, etc.;
  • local treatment of the mucous membrane after rinsing - applying gels and solutions using a tampon to the affected areas. Dentavidin, Lugol, Cholisal, Metrogil-denta are used;
  • antihistamines - are prescribed necessarily to avoid allergic reactions. An example would be Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolfen;
  • restoratives - Actovegin, multivitamin complexes;
  • painkillers and antipyretics - as needed.

Only a professional can determine how to treat stomatitis in a cat - prescribing drugs for people is dangerous, since these drugs can cause unexpected consequences in the animal’s body.

When diagnosing stomatitis in a cat, the first thing to do is to exclude hot and cold food from its diet, give food in a warm semi-liquid form, and provide it in sufficient quantities drinking plenty of fluids room temperature.

In the case when the appearance of stomatitis is provoked by the ointment with which you treat the cat from skin disease, you need to put a special collar on the animal that prevents the licking of the fur.

If it is not possible to take your pet to the veterinarian in the near future, this does not mean that you cannot help him yourself.

If stomatitis has just begun, irrigation can significantly alleviate the animal's suffering. Teaspoon baking soda or three percent hydrogen peroxide per glass of water - proven home remedy. The use of a light pink solution of potassium permanganate can bring good results. You can irrigate your cat's mouth using a syringe without a needle or a baby syringe.

If the cat flatly refuses medication treatments, you can replace them with folk remedies - a decoction of chamomile or oak bark.

The greatest effect will be achieved if you use these and other remedies, supplementing them with vitamins purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.

Treatment for stomatitis will be most effective if it is carried out by a veterinarian. Tests (blood, urine) and mouth swabs can accurately diagnose the disease. If stomatitis is a manifestation of any infection, then it must be treated first.

Sores and other lesions in the mouth will need to be treated special drugs, which are prescribed by the doctor, Traumeel, Dentavidin and Lugol work well. To remove pain You can lubricate or spray the affected areas with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile, oak bark).

At gangrenous form illness, your pet may need surgery to completely cut out the overly affected areas in the mouth.

The owner of a sick pet should pay attention to its diet. Food should be served to your pet in puree or liquid form and room temperature. Dry food should be replaced with mousse or canned cat food.

Therapy issues

How to treat stomatitis in a cat will depend on the stage pathological process and the degree of its manifestation.

First of all, pay attention to feeding: food should be liquid! This can be broths, soups, cereals, milk, etc. Perhaps this is one of those diseases when a pet can and should be force-fed. For these purposes, a syringe or catheter is used, through which food is carefully poured into the mouth.

The second stage of treating stomatitis in a cat will be sanitation or disinfection of the mucous membrane. For these purposes, use solutions of ordinary baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, boric acid, potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc. The mouth is washed with a syringe or dispenser spray, like in Miramistin bottles.

Ulcers and pustules are lubricated with astringents and disinfectants: Lugol, methylene blue.

In the presence of large affected areas or obvious inflammation of the lymph nodes, the use of antimicrobials. Before their appointment, they carry out laboratory test rinsing from the mucous membrane to identify the pathogen and perform an antibiotic sensitivity test.

You can often hear the question: is it possible to use catozal for stomatitis in a cat? In principle, this drug is never superfluous for any disease. After all, its main effect is aimed at toning the body and increasing its resistance to pathogenic agents. The drug will be especially useful for complicated forms of the pathological process.

Prevention of stomatitis

Uncomplicated preventive measures done on time will save your cat’s health, as well as nerves and finances. Get your pet used to brushing their teeth small age, so as not to scare him when he grows up.

Special brushes and paste can be purchased at a pet store. Never brush your teeth with human toothpaste! The fluorine it contains will harm the animal. Pay attention to nutrition, feed the cat non-solid food at a moderate temperature.

Produce regularly external inspection mouth for damage. Get vaccinated on time. If you have several cats, then if one of them gets sick, immediately isolate it! Remember, stomatitis is contagious!

Stomatitis is also dangerous for humans. Wash your hands after each contact, do not let your pet eat food from other people's bowls. But there are cases when the disease is difficult to identify due to problems with immune system, due to diseases of the stomach or intestines. Try to identify them in the early stages. Give your cat vitamins and watch his appearance.

To prevent the development of stomatitis in their beloved cat, owners must systematically monitor the teeth and oral hygiene. cats should have their teeth brushed once a month to avoid the appearance of tartar and caries, which often lead to the development of stomatitis.

Do not give your pet raw fish, chicken bones, since bones can injure the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and gums. Food from the refrigerator, as well as drinking water, should be warmed to room temperature. Monitor the quality of your diet and support your cat’s immunity. If the animal is kept on natural food, you should definitely give vitamin and mineral supplements and multivitamins.

If you notice your cat has bad teeth, contact veterinary clinic where they will be treated or removed. Your cat's teeth need to be examined at least once every two weeks.

Pay close attention to habits, behavior, general condition pet At sharp deterioration condition of your furry pet, take the animal to a veterinary hospital for a preventive examination.

To ensure that your cat never experiences stomatitis, you should follow a few basic rules:

Train your cat from the very beginning early age to regular (at least once every two weeks) brushing of teeth. Buy a special brush and paste for her at the pet store. Remember that human toothpastes are completely unsuitable for animals due to the fluoride they contain.

Stomatitis is a contagious disease! If you have several cats, the sick one will have to be kept in strict isolation. Train your cats to eat only from their own bowl. Wash your hands thoroughly hot water with soap after each contact with a sick animal, otherwise you may become infected yourself.

In order to eliminate the possibility of your pet getting stomatitis, you should try to eliminate the possibility of situations that could cause the development of this disease. Do not feed your animal too cold or hot food, give it bones, limit your pet’s contact with household chemicals, medications, chemicals, take care of oral hygiene, brush your cat’s teeth.

Video of a cat brushing its teeth

Today we talked about stomatitis in representatives of the cat family, about the types of this disease, its forms, symptoms, causes, treatment methods and methods of prevention. We hope that our recommendations and advice will help keep your pet healthy.

Have you ever encountered a situation where your cat developed stomatitis? How did you treat the animal? What do you think caused stomatitis in your pet? Share your experience with us.

  1. Regular inspection of the mouth of the mustache.
  2. Daily brushing of teeth.
  3. The pet needs to be given vitamins for teeth and bones (if it is on a natural diet).
  4. You should not give your pet sharp bones that can scratch the mucous membrane.
  5. The cat should not have access to any household chemicals.
  6. The temperature of cat food before consumption should not be too hot or, on the contrary, too cold.

If the animal begins to behave differently and ulcers are found in its mouth, you should take your pet for examination to a specialist.