This is real: we treat paraproctitis without surgery using affordable means. Instructions for use. Traditional methods of treatment

Diseases can not only be dangerous, but also cause a lot of inconvenience, conservative treatment paraproctitis involves promptly contacting a doctor at the first symptoms. The disease itself can cause many complications, in which case surgical intervention will be inevitable. Treatment with traditional methods is also applicable, but only under the strict guidance of a proctologist.

What is paraproctitis?

Paraproctitis - purulent inflammation fatty tissue around the rectum. The disease occurs in acute and chronic forms. Occurs due to pathogenic microorganisms entering the mucous membrane through:

  • anal fissures;
  • vessels, capillaries, ducts, nodes;
  • blood (hematogenous route);
  • nearby organs in which the leak occurred inflammatory process;
  • damaged mucous membrane.

Paraproctitis has pronounced symptoms. For acute form characterized by severe pain, fever, frequent urination, the formation of a purulent fistula with an outlet through which the outflow of purulent masses occurs. If it is difficult for the pus to escape, new cavities form.

When is it possible to avoid surgical intervention in the treatment of paraproctitis?

Treatment of paraproctitis without surgery is quite possible. Of course you need to understand that traditional medicine and drug treatment will not cope with the severe form of paraproctitis; also, in the chronic form, only surgery can completely get rid of the disease. If the patient comes with the first symptoms, when not we're talking about about purulent fistula, then conservative therapy applicable. If there is no effect, the proctologist will decide on surgical intervention to avoid septic complications.

How to treat the disease?

Surgical intervention - optimal method treatment of the disease.

Treatment of chronic paraproctitis without surgery is impossible; new purulent “bags” will appear again and again. For both cases of the disease, the most effective method The treatment that will get rid of the disease forever is surgery, but it is not always allowed. For example, if paraproctitis was detected in a child or with concomitant infectious diseases. In this case, there are methods complex therapy that will help cure the disease.

Conservative treatment

IN in rare cases Proctologists prescribe antibiotics to cure the disease. But until the canal and mucous membranes are cleaned, they are simply ineffective. IN postoperative period, or in initial stages they can be used to destroy paraproctitis pathogens. The main effect of drugs for paraproctitis:

  • decreased body temperature;
  • decreased dynamics of suppuration;
  • prevention of the growth of new focal bags.

Commonly used antibiotics:

  • "Amikacin";
  • "Gentamicin";
  • "Metronidazole"

Ointments, creams and suppositories

WITH for preventive purposes and in the postoperative period, ointments and suppositories can be prescribed:

Vishnevsky ointment is good at drawing out pus from an abscess.
  • Vishnevsky ointment for paraproctitis is prescribed very carefully, as it has a “pulling” effect and can intensify the inflammatory process. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, and also promotes fast healing. The ointment is applied to a bandage and applied to the wound, then a compression bandage is applied and kept for about 8-12 hours. This procedure should be repeated until complete recovery.
  • Ichthyol ointment for paraproctitis - an indispensable tool. She has antiseptic properties and improves blood circulation. It is also used as an anesthetic during the postoperative period when the nerve endings are sensitive to any irritant. After the compress, you need to wipe the wound dry and treat it antiseptic solution and leave it alone for a while.
  • "Levomekol" contains antibiotics, has antiviral properties and promotes rapid tissue regeneration. For paraproctitis, this remedy is considered one of the most effective and affordable.

Suppositories for paraproctitis:

  • suppositories with propolis;
  • ichthyols;
  • "Relief";
  • "Proctosan";
  • "Ultraproct";
  • "Anuzol".

Enemas for paraproctitis

Sage is used to prepare medicinal enemas.

Enema, like physical therapy, acts as helper method- cleared anus from leftovers feces and are destroyed pathogenic microorganisms. This procedure is performed after permission and examination by the doctor. For microenemas, medicinal herbs are used:

  • "Yarrow";
  • "Chamomile";
  • "Calendula".

To prevent paraproctitis, you should not get carried away with laxatives and enemas - bowel movements should occur according to natural urges.

Sequence of the procedure:

  1. Prepare a warm herbal solution.
  2. Lie on your left side, bringing your knees at chest level.
  3. Lubricate the enema tip with Vaseline and insert it into the anus to a depth of 5 cm.
  4. Carefully inject the contents of the syringe.
  5. Tighten your buttocks.
  6. Stay in this position for several minutes after the procedure.

Paraproctitis is an infectious and inflammatory process of the connective tissue around the rectum, caused by various types of bacteria. basis effective treatment This pathology is the use of antibacterial agents to destroy pathogenic (disease-causing) pathogens. Antibiotics for paraproctitis used from different groups, as well as in the form of various dosage forms. These drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor based on the severity of the disease. pathological process.

Causes of the disease

The main reason for the development of the inflammatory process connective tissue surrounding the rectum is the vital activity of various pathogenic bacteria. The most common representatives of such microorganisms are staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, and streptococci. Their penetration into connective tissue tissue most often provokes a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane lower sections intestines (rectum) with the development of cracks and erosions. Can also be a complication hemorrhoids, especially at stages 2-3 of the development of the pathological process.

Paraproctitis - treatment with antibiotics

The use of antibacterial agents is the basis etiotropic therapy infectious and inflammatory pathology of perirectal connective tissue tissue, which is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacterial pathogens diseases. For this purpose they are used various types such medicines, the choice of which is carried out by the attending physician. Independent use of these drugs can cause the development of resistance in pathogenic bacteria, as well as various complications, in particular the formation of a pararectal abscess - a cavity limited by a connective tissue capsule filled with pus.

Paraproctitis - symptoms and treatment with antibiotics

The main manifestation of inflammation of the connective tissue around the rectum is the development of pronounced pain in the field of pathological process. In this case, the pain often intensifies during the act of defecation or when the person’s body is sitting, and can also have a pulsating character. Properly selected treatment with antibacterial agents can significantly reduce the intensity of disease manifestations, which is evidence of its effectiveness.

Paraproctitis - what antibiotics to take?

The choice of antibiotics is made by the doctor based on the suspected pathogen infectious process(empirically) or obtained data bacteriological research with determination of the sensitivity of the isolated pathogen to the main groups of antibacterial agents. Today the following groups are most often used:

  • Semi-synthetic penicillins.
  • Cephalosporins.
  • Macrolides.

They can also be used in various dosage forms. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, these may be suppositories with antibiotics for paraproctitis, tablets or capsules, as well as the parenteral form of the drug (injections).

If, based on clinical, laboratory and instrumental research was determined which antibiotics to use, their dosage and the duration of the course of their use are determined by the attending physician. Independent and uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents is fraught with the subsequent development of complications.

Paraproctitis is a very serious disease. Cure it using only medicines, rarely succeeds. It is possible to get rid of this disease once and for all only through surgery. Therefore, antibiotics for paraproctitis are not used as the main therapy. Appointed similar drugs only in some cases.

When are antibiotics used?

There are several situations in which antibacterial therapy may be required:

  1. Inability to perform surgery. For example, when a patient, in addition to paraproctitis, has other serious chronic diseases in the acute stage. In such a situation, the operation is postponed for some period and conservative therapy is prescribed, which may include antibiotics.
  2. The patient does not have the opportunity to see a doctor. For example, if a person is far from a hospital, he can use topical antibiotics to slow down the process.
  3. In the postoperative period. Local dressings are always used for daily dressings. antibacterial agents in the form of ointments.
  4. The presence of severe inflammatory processes after surgery. Antibacterial drugs can be used if severe inflammation in the rectum, perirectal tissue or wound area persists for some time.
  5. High temperature in the postoperative period. On the first day after surgical treatment a rise in body temperature is considered normal. However, if it stays above 38 for a long time, action must be taken. IN similar situations The condition of the wound is assessed and its contents are examined. After this, if necessary, suitable antibacterial agents are prescribed. If antibiotics are used earlier, this will not make it possible to accurately determine what is happening to the patient.
  6. During complex operations for excision of a fistula. These include excision with suturing of the sphincter or reduction of a flap of intestine.

For paraproctitis, systemic antibiotics can be used, these are tablets or injection solutions, or local ones - suppositories, ointments. Each type of these drugs is necessary to solve different problems.

Systemic antibiotics

Systemic antibacterial agents reach the site of infection through the blood. Such antibiotics for paraproctitis are usually used only after surgical interventions, if there is severe inflammation, temperature, etc. The need to use a particular drug is determined after bacteriological culture, through which the flora that caused the infection is established.

  • For anaerobic flora, Metronidazole can be prescribed orally or intravenously. It is often combined with Amoxicillin. Other agents active against this flora are cephalosporins and penicillins.
  • For aerobic flora, aminoglycosides are usually used intramuscularly. These are Gentamicin, Netilmicin, Tobramycin, Kanamycin, Amikacin.

Broad antibacterial agents, for example, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, can also be used. For oral administration, Carfecillin is suitable, intravenous or intramuscular - Azlocillin, Ticarcillin, Carbenicillin.

Local antibiotics

Such drugs are treated only at the site of their application. Local antibiotics are used both after and before surgery. Such remedies prevent bacterial complications and speed up healing. For paraproctitis, ointments or suppositories can be used.

The first ones are usually prescribed for processing postoperative wound during dressings. The latter are more often used when it is impossible to perform an operation, in preparation for surgery, or in the absence of the opportunity to seek medical help.

Antibacterial suppositories:

  • Proctosedyl. In these candles as the main active substance Framycetin acts. It is active against streptococci, Klebsiella, staphylococci, pseudomonas, enterobacteria and other microorganisms. In addition, the product contains painkillers and hormonal components.
  • Olestesin. Antibacterial action The drug provides sodium sulfonamide etazol, and this substance also has an antifungal effect. In addition, the drug contains anesthesin, which has an analgesic effect, and sea ​​buckthorn oil, which has anti-inflammatory, healing and hemostatic properties.

Antibacterial ointments:

  • Levosin. This combination drug, which includes chloramphenicol, methyluracil, sulfadimethoxine and trimecaine. The drug has antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Fuzimet. The ointment uses fusidine and methyluracil as an antibiotic, which is also included in its composition and has a regenerating effect.
  • Levomekol. Chloramphenicol provides the ointment with an antibacterial effect, while methyluracil promotes rapid healing and tissue restoration.

After surgical intervention regarding chronic or acute paraproctitis Dressings with such ointments must be carried out daily for at least 3 weeks. First, the wound is treated with any antiseptic solution, for example, hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. After which it is dried and applied to the wound surface. thin layer ointment. Next, the wound is closed with gauze folded in several layers.

When using antibiotics for paraproctitis, it is worth remembering that using only these drugs it is impossible to completely cure the disease. Of course, such drugs can somewhat reduce the inflammatory process, but they cannot directly affect the contents of the abscess. Moreover, using antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription can only worsen the situation.

Video: Elena Malysheva. Symptoms and treatment of paraproctitis

Since paraproctitis is an inflammatory process with acute or chronic course in the cavity of the perirectal tissue, then a antibacterial therapy. Regardless of the fact that antibiotics are the basis of such drug treatment, they are almost never used for paraproctitis.

There may be the following reasons for prescribing antibiotic treatment for paraproctitis:

  • After the operation for large quantity increased body temperature is observed over time - from 38 degrees and above. In this case, the condition of the wound is assessed and its contents are examined for bacteriological culture. Only after such procedures can antibiotics be prescribed, otherwise this may blur the picture of the patient’s condition.
  • During the rehabilitation period, inflammatory processes in the wound site, in the cavity of the perirectal tissue and rectum may persist. In this case, taking medications will help in quick disposal from these processes.
  • After surgical plastic intervention in the treatment of paraproctitis with rectal fistula. Such operations include: excision of the fistula with reduction of a flap of the rectal cavity and excision of the fistula while suturing the sphincter.

The above applies to drug treatment paraproctitis with systemic antibiotics. Before prescribing such drugs, it is necessary to carry out bacteriological culture. After the examination result is obtained, the advisability of prescribing medications for paraproctitis is determined.

Depending on what infection caused the pathogenic condition, various groups funds. The duration of treatment for paraproctitis with systemic antibiotics is a maximum of a week.

In addition to the use of systemic antibiotics for paraproctitis, which reach the infected site through blood vessels, apply and local medicines in the form of ointments, creams and powders. This kind medications used in the treatment of paraproctitis in the postoperative period. They help speed up healing and prevent bacterial complications.

What antibiotics should I take for paraproctitis?

Metronidazole is used if anaerobic microflora is observed. It is an antiprotozoal drug and has no effect on aerobic bacteria. The medicine should be taken orally at a dosage of 7.5 mg/kg at an interval of 6 hours, or administered intravenously at 15 mg/kg initially and at 7.5 mc/kg at the same interval as in the case of oral administration. This antibiotic is often used in combination with Amoxicillin.

Video: A non-surgical method for treating paraproctitis EXISTS

In the case of an aerobic source of infection, aminoglycosides are used, administered intramuscularly. It is possible to use several generations of antibiotics:


For the prevention and treatment of pancreatitis, our readers advise

  • The first is Streptomycin, Neomycin, Kanamycin.
  • The second is Gentamicin, Tobramycin and Netilmicin.
  • The third is Amikacin. This group goes well with penicillin group. They have oto- and nephrotoxicity, which affects the ears and kidneys, but side effects are easily reversed after use has ended. The most effective is an aminoglycoside.

In addition, semisynthetic penicillins, which are drugs with a broad antibacterial spectrum, can be prescribed. In the case of oral administration in tablets, intramuscular or intravenous administration, Ampicillin and Amoxicillin can be used. Also for intramuscular and intravenous administration Azlocillin, Ticarcillin and Carbenicillin are used. For oral administration Carfecillin will do.

Video: Antibiotics for sore throat - how not to harm

For local treatment For paraproctitis, antibiotic medications such as:

  • Levomekol is combination ointment with the presence of an antibiotic - chloramphenicol and a regenerating agent - methyluracil. Levomekol has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing effects. It is worth noting that Levomekol for paraproctitis is the most effective ointment.
  • Levosin is a combination ointment that has the same composition as Levomekol, only sulfadimethoxine is added to it. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

As you can see, antibiotic treatment for paraproctitis is prescribed only in the postoperative period.

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Among diseases in the field of proctology, paraproctitis ranks fourth. Pathology is a chronic inflammatory process occurring in the perirectal tissue. The disease can be cured only if surgical intervention, it is impossible to completely get rid of inflammation through therapeutic means. Antibiotics are used for paraproctitis, but not as the main method of treatment.

Paraproctitis is a rather unpleasant disease

In this article you will learn:

The feasibility of using antibiotics

Treatment of paraproctitis with antibiotics, as a rule, is carried out only if indicated. Experts do not recommend using anti-inflammatory drugs unless prescribed by a doctor, since the effect of antibacterial therapy will not follow. In addition, medications can affect the overall clinical picture, which will lead to difficulties in diagnosis.

The pathology cannot be treated therapeutically. Antibacterial therapy is allowed only after diagnosing the disease and determining a treatment regimen. Antibiotics for inflammation can alleviate the patient’s condition, but will not stop the development of the pathological process.

Since the disease has chronic form and only lends itself surgical treatment, then taking antibiotics as monotherapy is not advisable.

When are medications indicated?

Antibiotic drugs are indicated for patients with paraproctitis if there are corresponding symptoms or concomitant pathologies requiring anti-inflammatory therapy.

For parapraktitis, in some cases, antibiotics are indicated

Indications for taking antibiotics:

  • Lack of access to a doctor. In a situation where the patient cannot temporarily visit medical institution, medications can help slow down the process and reduce the intensity of symptoms.
  • Contraindications for surgery. Surgical intervention is not performed if the patient has serious concomitant diseases chronic type, in the acute stage.
  • Postoperative period. After surgery, dressings are regularly performed, requiring treatment of the wound with an antibacterial external agent to prevent infection.
  • Inflammatory process after surgery. In cases where inflammation inside the rectum persists after surgery, antibiotics help suppress it.

If the fever does not subside, you also need to take antibiotics
  • Long-term storage elevated temperature bodies. When the temperature rises above 38 degrees for several days, the infection in the body may progress, which is stopped by antibacterial agents.
  • Concomitant development of a fistula with subsequent removal. When performing two operations together, it is advisable to take antibiotics, since the risk of wound infection is much higher.

The main purpose of antibiotic therapy for paraproctitis is to prevent infection of the body. For this reason, drugs of this group are used more often in the postoperative period for the purpose of prevention.

Types of drugs for local treatment

During the treatment of paraproctitis, antibacterial agents local application more often used after surgery. In the postoperative period, wound treatment with ointments and anti-infective prophylaxis are recommended. rectal suppositories. Ointments for paraproctitis with antibiotics are presented in the table.

Drug nameActive ingredientProperties and pharmacological action
FuzimetFusidic acid, dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidineFuzimet prevents the spread of infection and enhances the regeneration process
LevosinTrimecaine, dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, chloramphenicol, sulfadimethoxineLevosin has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-infective effects
IchthyolIchthammolIchthyol ointment for paraproctitis has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and accelerates wound healing
LevomekolChloramphenicolLevomekol for paraproctitis prevents suppuration and inflammation of wounds, increases the rate of regeneration
Vishnevsky ointmentXeroform, tar, castor oilVishnevsky ointment for paraproctitis has an antiseptic effect, reduces swelling and promotes tissue healing

Apply ointments during the dressing process for three weeks.

Levomekol ointment can be used to treat wounds.

Suppositories for paraproctitis in adults are prescribed by a doctor in case of preparation for surgery, inflammation of the rectum after surgery, or in case of contraindications for the procedure. surgical method treatment. Rectal suppositories for paraproctitis are presented in the table.

Candles can only be used as prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication rectal suppositories unacceptable without appropriate evidence.

Antibiotics for general treatment

In cases where the inflammatory process, triggered by an infection, begins to spread throughout the body and progresses quickly enough, systemic antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Antibiotics are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The treatment regimen is individual.

Amoxiclav is a proven broad-spectrum antibiotic

Depending on the indications, first, second or third generation drugs are prescribed. Their names are presented in the table.

For systemic antibacterial therapy, the following is also prescribed:

  • Ampicillin;
  • Azlocillin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Carfecillin.

Metronidazole is also often prescribed for the treatment of purulent and inflammatory diseases

Metronidazole for paraproctitis can be used simultaneously with Amoxicillin and other drugs penicillin series. If treatment with Metronidazole does not provide positive result, prescribe a course of more strong antibiotics: Carbenicillin or Cefuroxime.

Contraindications and side effects

Antibiotics have a strong effect on the body. First of all, they disrupt the work gastrointestinal tract. Paraproctitis is a disease of the rectum, so the risk side effects regarding the functions of the gastrointestinal tract above.

An adverse reaction during therapy may appear as:

  • allergies;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • headaches.

From this video you will learn how to take antibiotics correctly so that problems do not arise.