Hard lump after wisdom tooth removal. Lump on the gum - main types, diagnosis and treatment methods

Odontological diseases associated with a pathological process in the root or gum areas lead to the formation of a small compaction in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. It is characterized as a lump on the gum.

Convexity is an indicator various conditions. Sometimes she doesn't bring special harm. Typically, a lump on the upper gum, like on the lower gum, develops gradually. At the same time, on initial stages the growth may not show any particular symptoms.

An increase in compaction, stabbing or throbbing pain, swelling and redness on the gums near the tooth indicates the progression of the infection. It becomes difficult for a person to chew and even brush his teeth.

Spontaneous disappearance of the compaction without any exacerbations indicates mild forms of gingivitis and stomatitis. The presence of a recurrent bulge or worsening symptoms requires consultation with a dentist.

When you find an unusual lump in your mouth, the question quite logically arises: “There is a lump on the gum - what is it?”

In dentistry, there are the following main types of gingival bulges that can damage the integrity of the dentition and even lead to tooth loss:

  1. Periapical or dental abscess. It is provoked by changes in the condition of the root due to the proliferation of bacteria.
  2. Periodontal (gum) abscess. Typically occurs in severe cases of periodontal disease, in which the gums recede from the teeth. As a result, deep specific “pockets” are formed. They become infected and cause bacteria to accumulate.
  3. Non-infectious education related to traumatic injury bones, hereditary and congenital pathologies. If you feel like there is a lump on your gum that doesn’t hurt, it’s most likely exostosis. In fact it represents bone tissue, which grew at the site of intervention and transformed.
  4. Oncological neoplasm. Often appears as a bleeding, painful lump irregular shape. However, there is no specific localization. Most often in such cases, a lump occurs between the gum and cheek.

Abscesses result from the formation of pockets filled with bacterial pus. Exostosis develops gradually, without causing any special symptoms. An oncological tumor includes a number specific symptoms that distinguish it from a common infection.

Main symptoms

Each type of compaction is characterized by its own characteristics.

The main ones include:

  • A dental abscess is described by patients as “a lump on the gum that hurts.” But usually the pain comes not so much from the growth, but from the causative tooth near which it arose;
  • for periodontal abscess painful sensations absent, but bulge, swelling, redness are observed;
  • a lump under the gum is exostosis. The growth is hard to the touch, the color ranges from white to light pink;
  • The initial stages of oral cancer appear as a single or multiple white spot on the cheeks or gums, which over time can transform into a painful bright red bulge.

Causes of bumps on gums

Depending on the type of compaction, the specific cause is determined dental disease.

Thus, if a lump appears on the gum, this is a consequence of one of the following conditions:

  1. Fistula- a lump with a hole for the flow of purulent masses formed near the root of the tooth. It is a consequence of granulomatous periodontitis. Blockage of the outflow is accompanied by redness, swelling of the soft tissues and pain in the area of ​​the bulge. When a fistula forms, it is necessary to determine the root cause, which may indicate the presence of periodontitis.
  2. Periodontitishard lump in the mouth on the gum. The disease occurs in a chronic form with exacerbations. It occurs as a complication of caries, pulpitis or the result of inadequate treatment, due to which the tooth canal is poorly sealed. This causes root changes and the formation inflammatory process. Lack of therapy leads to complications - granuloma and cyst.
  3. Traumatic tooth extraction and other pathologies of the jaw, after which a limited area of ​​the bone hypertrophies. This pathology a person is able to identify it independently by palpation with his own hands.
  4. Periostitis- a complication of periodontitis, characterized by the spread bacterial infection on bone tissue. In this case, the area near the seal and the causative tooth, as well as the gums, become inflamed, swell and redden. The damage affects not only the oral cavity, but also nearby lymph nodes.
  5. Hypertrophied gingivitis provokes an increase in the volume of the gums, especially the interdental papillae. The consequence of deformation may be the formation of a bulge. This condition is especially evident when there are changes hormonal levels, as a result of which it forms on the gum soft bump.

Each of these reasons requires a thorough examination and diagnosis by a dentist who will determine best method treatment.

Therapeutic measures

The answer to the question: “How to treat a lump on the gum?” directly depends on the symptoms that appear, specific reasons and neglect of the inflammatory process. Therapy may include various methods conservative or surgical treatment.

Conservative methods

For granulomatous periodontitis, the following manipulations are performed:

  1. Relieving the period of exacerbation by creating conditions for the outflow of pus by opening and cleansing the canal.
  2. Prescribing antibiotics (penicelin, erythromycin) to neutralize bacterial inflammation.
  3. Rinsing the mouth with saline solution.
  4. Diagnostic measures (x-ray, orthopantomogram) to find out the condition of the root system of the tooth near which a lump has formed on the gum.
  5. Medicinal and chemical treatment of canals. If the cause of periodontitis lies in a poorly sealed canal, then it should be gradually unsealed and hermetically buried again.
  6. Filling of dental canals. If a granuloma is present, the dentist should try to fill it completely.

Hypertrophied gingivitis can also be treated conservatively.

Instructions for carrying out therapeutic measures foresees:

  1. Removing tartar and plaque to prevent secondary tissue damage.
  2. Antiseptic treatment of gums.
  3. Applying disinfectant and anti-inflammatory lotions.
  4. Prescription of agents that stimulate soft tissue regeneration.

Surgical methods

Some reasons for which a lump appears on the gum require surgical intervention.

These include:

  1. Cyst due to periodontitis. At the same time, under local anesthesia the gums are dissected. Mechanically part of the bone, the root tip and the cyst itself are removed. After this, the resulting cavity is filled with artificial bone. The wound is sutured.
  2. Exostosis. Bone spur often creates many difficulties when chewing food, making and using dentures. Therefore, it often requires the removal of hypertrophied tissue.
  3. Periostitis is one of the complex conditions in which a lump appears on the gum. Treatment consists of cutting the gums under local anesthesia, installing drainage and prescribing antibiotics. On average, inflammation is eliminated in 3-4 days.

The price of therapeutic services depends on the complexity of the disease and the required manipulations.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many people are concerned about the question: “What to do if a lump appears on the gum?” The main thing is to establish the cause of the disease, but it is difficult to determine at home. Therefore, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible for examination and diagnosis.

However, in some cases you can alleviate the condition at home:

  1. Dissolve soda and salt, taken in equal proportions, in boiled, cooled water. TO ready solution For rinsing, you can add a few drops of iodine. The remedy is effective for symptoms of suppuration, hyperthermia and redness.
  2. To eliminate pus in a condition where a lump has appeared in the gum, it is recommended to use a solution of honey mixed with salt. The proportion is 2 to 1.
  3. For gingivitis, a variety of tinctures and mouth rinses are used. In particular, they use brewed oak bark, chamomile and calendula, as well as juice from Kalanchoe leaves. You can also lubricate the areas where the seal has formed, oil solution sea ​​buckthorn and chlorophyllipt.

If within three days of self-medication the condition does not improve or, on the contrary, becomes more complicated, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Sometimes a lump forms on the gums that resembles a lump. They may not bother you at all for some time. Although, as a rule, the reason for this pathological process appears much earlier. Lump on the gum - not much serious problem. However, if it is not eliminated, then very dangerous disease. Before starting treatment, it is advisable to find out the cause of this manifestation.

Root causes

Bumps may appear on the gums various reasons. However, the most common of them is insufficient care oral cavity. Because of this, plaque forms on the teeth. It also settles on the gums. Plaque causes caries and tartar. Moreover, it becomes a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, which cause various ailments, including purulent bumps.

Most often, bumps appear on the upper gum. They cause a lot of trouble. Seals on the gums make themselves felt over time with significant discomfort, terrible stabbing pains. But sometimes the lump is not felt at all. Although this does not mean that the infection does not multiply in the body.

Purulent bumps can signal chronic periodontitis. Such seals are distinguished by the fact that they periodically disappear and then appear again. The sizes of such neoplasms are always different. In addition to the appearance unpleasant pain bleeding gums increases, as well as tooth mobility. If symptoms have already appeared, you should immediately contact a medical facility to prevent the development of a dangerous disease.

Bumps on the gums can be either infectious or non-infectious. In the latter case, compaction occurs due to gum injuries or the use of potent medical supplies. Infectious bumps appear due to reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, which release toxins into the blood during their life processes.

Such compactions can be acute or chronic. Acute ones are easier to cure. But only surgery. Often such neoplasms appear after the installation of a prosthesis. They make themselves felt by pain under the crown. This phenomenon is possible when using low-quality materials and insufficient treatment of the tooth surface with antiseptics. The lump in this case is soft and hurts periodically.

If such a neoplasm appears pain syndrome, then there is a possibility of flux development. Only a qualified doctor can eliminate it. It is important to quickly get rid of the pus that accumulates in the damaged gum. Otherwise, it will penetrate the blood and cause infection.

Lumps on the gums always indicate dental disease. Therefore, it is important to regularly visit the dental office in for preventive purposes. The doctor will be able to detect in a timely manner various ailments, prevent their development and keep teeth healthy.

Features of treatment

IN in rare cases the lump bursts on its own. This is due to excessive accumulation of pus. As a result, a certain hole is formed on the gum. Pus flows down it directly into the oral cavity. The doctor must promptly eliminate the root cause of suppuration. However, it is better not to lead to such a situation. It is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of hardening on the gums.

Medical actions for the treatment of cones are as follows:

  • The dentist opens the seal on the gum. Then the pus is pumped out of it.
  • If inflammation occurs due to periodontitis, then the pulp is removed from the diseased tooth. Then the corresponding canals are treated and filled.
  • TO therapeutic method treatment is resorted to if a crown or filling is removed. This allows the canals to be filled again. This method is often practiced. It makes it possible to place the crown correctly.
  • If the canal is poorly sealed, only at the very top of the tooth root, then use surgical method. The doctor makes a small hole directly in the gum. This allows him to trim the top of the tooth from the root to the place where the canal is securely sealed. This procedure allows you to avoid redoing the crown.

In some situations therapeutic treatment combined with surgical technique. However, this is only relevant in the most advanced cases.

Traditional healers recommend using some home remedies when bumps appear on the gums. For example, salt water. In combination with medicinal herbs it will minimize the inflammatory process. To prepare the solution, take iodized or sea salt (4 tbsp). Then it is stirred in warm water(1 l) and leave for an hour. Before starting the rinsing procedure, the product is heated. Rinse your mouth every four hours. It is better to perform the procedure after eating. To obtain maximum effect, a small amount of herbs is added to such a solution, which have a powerful antiseptic effect. These include calendula, yarrow, chamomile and eucalyptus.

In addition, overcome the bump by initial stage solutions containing alcohol will help inflammation. The most common way is to simply rinse your mouth with vodka. However, you need to be careful with this procedure. To avoid burns to the mucous membrane, it is advisable to rinse the oral cavity twice a day - upon waking up and before going to bed. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it will remain in the mouth for a long time. bad smell.

An alternative would be to use alcohol tincture. To prepare it you need horseradish and vodka. The first ingredient (300 g) is carefully grated on a fine grater. Then pour vodka (500 ml). To enhance the antiseptic effect, add a pinch of salt to the resulting product. The composition is placed in a dark place and left for three days. When the product has infused, it is diluted with a small amount of water before rinsing. The procedure is carried out every three hours. The duration of treatment is five days.

Another way to remove bumps on your gums is garlic tincture. To prepare it, take garlic (5 medium heads) and pass it through a press. Then the lemon (5 pieces) is thoroughly peeled and grated. Then the resulting composition is mixed and poured with vodka (700 ml). They insist for five days. After this, rinse the mouth with the resulting product every four hours for three days.

Before using such recipes, it is better to consult your dentist.

It often happens that a person notices a problem already when a lump has formed on the gum, although the disease itself began much earlier. We will try to help you understand both the causes and the possible options treatment.


Most often the reason various diseases gum is poor hygiene oral cavity. Plaque, which settles on teeth and gums, is a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, which not only cause caries, but are also the cause of most diseases, which include a purulent lump on the gum. At the same time, a lump on the upper gum is a little more common and causes more trouble than on the lower gum.

A hard lump can show itself to be strong sharp pains. However, it also happens that nothing bothers, hurts or causes discomfort, but the infection constantly enters the blood and causes general intoxication of the body.

A lump with pus may be one of the manifestations of chronic periodontitis. The peculiarity is that it appears from time to time and each time a different size. In this case, the patient suffers from constant pain in the teeth increased bleeding gums, tooth mobility and other unpleasant symptoms. If you encounter one of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact your dentist, since periodontitis is very insidious and dangerous.


  • Infectious - the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and the release of toxic substances as a result of their vital activity.
  • Non-infectious - taking potent medicines, as well as in case of injury.

A lump on the gum can be either acute or chronic. If acute form diseases can be cured quite simply, then with chronic course the disease may require surgical intervention.

Some patients complain that some time after tooth replacement, a lump appeared on the gum, and unpleasant pain appeared under the crown. painful sensations. This, unfortunately, happens if the dentist used low-quality materials and did not treat the tooth surface thoroughly enough. disinfectants. In this case, a soft lump may form, which periodically hurts. Contact your dentist immediately for appropriate treatment.

If the lump hurts, this may indicate a developing gumboil. In this case, a visit to the dentist cannot be postponed even for one day, since the pus accumulated in the gums should be delete immediately so that it does not get into the blood and cause blood poisoning.

As we see, the disease always indicates the development of some dental disease. Systematic visits to the dentist every six months will allow you to recognize the disease by early stage and carry out a quick and effective treatment without removing the diseased tooth or surgery.


Even though there are many folk ways treatment, we do not advise taking risks and would recommend giving preference to treatment by an experienced dentist. Folk remedies can be auxiliary. However, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of accumulated pus in order to prevent blood poisoning, and no folk remedy has such power. Of course, each patient has the right to decide how to treat a lump on the gum, but one should not forget about the possible consequences.

Reasons and prescribe appropriate treatment. If you seek help in a timely manner, you can not only avoid surgical intervention, but also save the diseased tooth.

After the abscess on the gum has been opened and the pus has drained, you can use folk remedies for rinsing the mouth - decoctions of chamomile and calendula, yarrow, horsetail, solution baking soda or ordinary table salt, as well as other means, of which there are quite a lot. And an experienced doctor will always advise you on effective auxiliary therapy for a speedy recovery.

A lump-like lump may form on the gum. There can be many reasons for this formation. Let's try to figure out what a lump on the gum might be.

It should be noted right away that you shouldn’t even try to make a diagnosis yourself. If you find any lump, swelling, or hardening on your gums in yourself or your child, you need to see a dentist, because now you will see for yourself how many options there are possible reasons and diagnoses can be found in an ordinary lump.

Inflammation in the gums

A lump in the gum area may be the result of an inflammatory process. A lump located in the upper or lower jaw, quite hard in density, and when pressed painful, may indicate a chronic inflammatory process in the area of ​​the apex of the tooth root. A lump can also be a result of inflammation in the place where the roots of the tooth connect. Accurate diagnosis possible only after an x-ray or computed tomography.

Fistula inside the gum

Lump on gum may be the vestibule of a fistula exit. Outwardly, it may look like this: the gum first turns red, then begins to thicken, turning into a small bump with a white point in the form of a point. The diameter of such a cone can be approximately 5 mm and the height is 2-3 mm. If the lump looks like this, then most likely it is a fistula. A focus of infection has formed inside the gum, which, as it grows, seeks a way out in the form of a fistulous tract. A white dot at the end of the lump indicates that the passage is opening to allow pus to escape.

In this case, you can give yourself first aid by periodically rinsing your mouth with a good hot solution of soda and salt (half a spoon of soda and salt per glass of water). This solution serves as a good antiseptic and extractive agent. But only a professional can understand the reasons why the fistula appeared and prescribe appropriate treatment for the gums so as not to recur.

Chronic periodontitis

A lump on the gum can be caused by chronic form granulating periodontitis. Between the tooth and the alveolar process of the jaw there is connective tissue- periodontium. Inflammation of this tissue can cause a fistula that finds its way out. Since the pus comes out, you may not feel any pain. The doctor will determine the course of treatment and it may not necessarily be tooth extraction; often, in this case, the tooth is filled and the problem is solved positively.

Inflammation of the periosteum (flux)

A lump in the area of ​​the tooth root with suppuration, which very quickly develops into gumboil, or in medical terms, periostitis. With this disease, the periosteum becomes inflamed. External manifestation disease - a lump forms on the gum in the area of ​​the tooth root, then the accumulated pus begins to make its way through the bone tissue and tries to break out, and first a lump appears on the gum.


A lump on the gum may be a sign of a cyst. Such a bump can reach a diameter of up to 1 cm, has a dense structure, and does not hurt. However, there is always an unpleasant odor in the mouth. A final diagnosis can only be made based on x-ray. Correct diagnosis And thorough examination will help you understand what needs to be done: remove the tooth or possibly treat it.


Fibropapiloma is a benign formation that looks like a lump on the gum. Such a tumor can only be removed surgically.

Baby tooth being cut

Lump on a child's gum may be evidence of cutting baby tooth. In young children, teething may begin with the appearance of a white bump or white spot on the gum.

A molar is being cut

If a white bump on a child’s gum is found in age period, when baby teeth begin to change to molars, then most likely this is what causes such a bump. However, you should still consult a doctor. If the formation of a lump was accompanied by increasing pain, then perhaps this could indicate chronic inflammation baby tooth. The doctor will take the necessary picture - an orthopantogram, from which the diagnosis will be clear.

Inflammation near the root of a baby or molar tooth

This inflammation is accompanied by suppuration. The cause of the appearance of an abscess is most often advanced caries. A lump forms at the tooth where inflammation begins near the roots. From the carious cavity, the infection first penetrates into the pulp, then through the root canals into the bone tissue at the apex of the tooth root. At this point it begins to develop purulent inflammation. The accumulated pus seeks a way out in the form of a fistula, which extends to the gum mucosa. A fistula is an opening through which accumulated pus comes out. A cyst forms in the same way. In this case, the bumps cause pain when pressed. What is typical is that when inflammation subsides, the fistula can close, and when inflammation activates, suppuration resumes.


A lump on a child’s gum can also be a consequence of a traumatic hematoma. Small children have a tendency to put toys in their mouths and chew something hard, and there is a high probability of injury to the gums, which may result in the formation of a hematoma. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the child. If the lump begins to shrink within a few days, then it is a hematoma.

As you can see, there can be a huge number of reasons for the appearance of bumps on the gums. Some bumps are less dangerous, some are more dangerous, and some require immediate treatment. The fact is that suppuration in the cones can contribute to general intoxication of the body. Periodically occurring purulent bumps indicate a weak immune system, vitamin deficiency, unbalanced diet or improper hygiene of teeth and gums. Also, bumps or may indicate the presence systemic diseases, infections in the body - all this requires immediate intervention from professional doctors.

Why is the help of a dentist necessary?

If you find a lump on your child’s gum in the area of ​​a baby tooth, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such a lump may indicate periodontitis developing in a baby tooth. Such a disease in mandatory requires surgical removal tooth If this is not done in a timely manner, systematic, prolonged suppuration at the apex of the root of the affected baby tooth will cause the death of the molar rudiments. The likelihood of such an outcome is very high, and therefore, if you see a lump on the gum, you should not self-medicate.

If there are other reasons for visiting a doctor if a lump is detected. A lump on the gum is usually the result of an internal infection and accumulation of pus. An infection that is not treated in time begins to spread and penetrate into submandibular lymph nodes, causing inflammation there too. In addition, pus from the gums will inevitably enter the oral cavity and spread the infection to the tonsils, which will contribute to the occurrence of chronic tonsillitis, and this means colds.

The oral cavity performs important functions in the human body. Any neoplasms or problems in this area should alert a person. The most common problem people come to the dentist with is a lump on the gum. Let's try to understand what education can mean and how to cope with it.

There are many reasons why it appears; it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. Swelling of the gums may indicate a serious pathology that requires immediate intervention doctors

Possible reasons for the appearance

Before starting treatment for a ball on the gum, it is necessary to identify the root cause of its appearance. Characteristic signs indicate a number of problems that are characterized by the formation of a lump.

Inflammation of the gum tissue

The causes of gum inflammation can be varied. Often the problem lies in the gum itself. Poor oral hygiene, mechanical damage, untreated hard and soft mineral plaque lead to an inflammatory process of the tooth root and nearby tissues, which is chronic. The ball can be located on the upper or lower part of the jaw, accompanied by dull ache upon palpation, a dense, hard structure.


Mechanical damage to the gum tissue (bites, bruises) can manifest as swelling and redness of the affected area. Typically, such a cone has a burgundy tint with reddish tints. No need to worry the hematoma will go away on its own. Do not load your jaw with solid food, and refrain from drinking alcohol.

Intragingival fistula

Pathology manifests itself severe pain without pressure, the lump is completely filled with pus. Often the tumor is localized on the gums upper jaw. Infectious process continues to develop, even if the problem does not cause any discomfort to the patient.

The body, noticing the accumulation of pus in the gum, tries to get rid of it - it forms a fistulous outlet. The problem requires immediate attention from a dentist. Characteristic signs: a small part of the gum is swollen, turns pink, and the inside is visible white dot. When pressed, a dense, sometimes hard tissue is felt.


It is a benign formation formed as a result of constant mechanical damage(prosthesis, chipped tooth, etc.). Appearance: a hanging lump over the gum, perhaps almost the same color as it or a little darker, closer to a bluish tint. The ball is quite impressive - 3 cm in diameter.


Variety benign formations, no does not pose a threat to human health, may cause aesthetic discomfort to the patient. It is impossible to cope with the problem on your own; surgical intervention by a specialist is required.


A similar situation also occurs in adults – during the appearance of wisdom teeth. The process is quite unpleasant, almost always accompanied by pain, elevated temperature, general weakness. Often during this period, a hood appears over the gum, in which bacteria accumulate, and the tissue begins to fester.

The inflammatory process requires compulsory treatment, assistance in the eruption of wisdom teeth. Contact a specialist to prevent serious complications.


To identify the cause of gum swelling, use computed tomography, radiography, visual inspection, palpation. Each method has its own characteristics, which one to choose The doctor decides exclusively.

Rules and methods of treatment

The specific course of therapy depends on the cause of the ball on the gum. After carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures the doctor will prescribe necessary medications, will conduct dental procedures(pumps out the pus, seals it carious cavities teeth, will eliminate other things). Only by eliminating the root cause of the lump can you completely get rid of the problem.

Folk remedies and recipes

In almost all cases, a ball on the gum tissue means the presence of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, which is not difficult to cope with with natural decoctions and products. Many folk recipes will help eliminate pathogenic microflora and give fresh breath.

Important! Folk recipes cannot be used instead of going to the doctor, replace it with it drug treatment. The products are auxiliary measures to eliminate lumps on the gums.

List of proven recipes:

  • healing mixture. Ingredients: tablespoon honey, 10 g sea ​​salt, mix all ingredients thoroughly, rub into the gum tissue. Repeat the therapeutic manipulations every day before going to bed for 15 days, the positive effect is noticeable after a couple of sessions;
  • Kalanchoe. The plant has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, heals wounds, strengthens tooth enamel. Before use, thoroughly rinse the Kalanchoe leaf, remove its peel, and chew it thoroughly, preferably on the side of the cone. It is allowed to use the juice of the plant: rub the product into the gums with massage movements;
  • rinse your mouth with herbal infusions. Use chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot, sage, celandine. For a liter of boiling water, take 100 g of dry raw material, boil for 10 minutes, strain, after an hour you can use it. Carry out procedures no less than three times per day for two weeks or until the desired result is obtained;
  • pine needle rinse. Pour two tablespoons of raw material with a glass of boiling water. Ready product Use as a rinse after every brushing. The needles contain phytoncides, perfectly disinfect the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and give unprecedented freshness to the breath;
  • oak bark Prepare healing decoction: 100 g of raw material per 800 ml hot water, boil for half an hour, strain, rinse your mouth every day in the morning and evening;
  • healing rinse. Add a tablespoon to a glass of calendula decoction lemon juice. The product perfectly disinfects the mucous membranes of the mouth, eliminates unpleasant aroma, pain associated with the appearance of a lump on the gum.

Such treatment does not replace a trip to the dentist, but perfectly complements prescribed drug therapy.

Preventive measures

Simple tips will help prevent the appearance of lumps on the gum tissue and other dental problems:

  • regular sanitation of the oral cavity is an integral part healthy teeth, gums. Do not skip morning and evening procedures, use dental floss; (Read the address for more information about oral sanitation);
  • consume foods rich in calcium, vitamins B, C, PP.

Preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. Visit your dentist's office regularly preventive measures will protect you from the appearance of formations on the gum tissue. Keep an eye on your oral cavity; the slightest negative changes are a reason to consult a doctor. Be healthy!

Video about a ball on the gum or an abscess: