Which foods have the highest potassium content? Potassium in food - a list of foods rich in potassium. Potassium in plant foods

The existence of the body is impossible without potassium. This microelement is responsible for the exchange of water and salt and acid-base environment. It also supports the functioning of the heart, its rhythm, muscle and nerve activity.

In addition, potassium stimulates the production of beneficial elements and reduces swelling. It also has an anti-sclerotic effect, which protects blood vessels and cells from the accumulation of sodium salts. Needed by the body for support physical strength, energy and endurance.

To avoid health problems, it is imperative to know all the products containing high content potassium

List of foods rich in potassium

The body must have a 1:2 balance of sodium and potassium for its normal functioning. Daily potassium intake prevents chronic fatigue and overwork. To replenish potassium in the body, you need to consume more foods plant origin. Most of all it can be found in melon, watermelon, potatoes and, most importantly, bread. It is present a little less in soybeans, beans and peas.

Oatmeal and millet should always be present in the diet. Fresh vegetables (cabbage, beets or carrots) are considered an excellent source of potassium. An adult should receive 2 grams of this microelement per day. In a freshly prepared glass carrot juice- 0.8 grams of potassium.

What other foods contain potassium? In addition to vegetables, potassium is found in many fruits, namely bananas, grapes, kiwi, apples, avocados, and oranges. Also, do not neglect dried fruits, which contain quite a lot of this microelement. Freshly squeezed juices and vegetables should be a regular part of a person's diet. In addition, honey and apple cider vinegar contain potassium and make excellent salad dressings.

You should constantly eat:

  • parsley
  • garlic
  • black or red currants
  • asparagus
  • nuts
  • cucumbers
  • tomatoes
  • broccoli
  • spinach

Potassium, in addition to plants and vegetables, is found in animal products, so there must be meat in the diet.

Now it’s worth talking about in what form it is better to consume the products listed above. Berries, vegetables and fruits should be consumed in fresh and you shouldn’t store them for a long time, a maximum of one or two days. Foods of plant origin must be consumed during their natural ripening. You need to cook by steaming and avoid prolonged heat treatment and frying, which destroy many beneficial microelements and vitamins.

Products should be washed in running water and avoid soaking. Soaking has a detrimental effect on potassium content and other beneficial microelements and vitamins.

Potassium plays a very important role in the body, so you should not neglect proper nutrition.

What role does potassium play in the body?
Potassium salts are necessary for the normal functioning of all our soft tissues: blood vessels, capillaries, muscles and, especially, heart muscle, as well as cells of the brain, liver, kidneys, nerves, endocrine glands and other organs. Just as calcium is indispensable for our bones, teeth and nails, that is, for all hard tissues, so potassium is necessary for all our soft tissues. It is part of intracellular fluids (50% of all water in our body is potassium).

Together with sodium, potassium regulates water balance in the body and normalizes heart rhythm. (Potassium acts inside the cells, and sodium directly outside). The functions of nerves and muscles are affected by disturbances in the sodium-potassium balance. Hypoglycemia ( low level blood sugar) leads to potassium loss, as does long-term or severe diarrhea, heavy, prolonged periods, excessive sweating.

Potassium salts help remove excess water from the body, help eliminate swelling, urine retention, and are necessary in the treatment of ascites (dropsy).

Potassium is an anti-sclerotic agent, as it prevents sodium salts from accumulating in blood vessels and cells. The competition between potassium and sodium in the body is continuous.

Potassium in the body promotes mental clarity by improving oxygen supply to the brain, helps eliminate toxins and toxic substances, helps reduce blood pressure, and also helps in the treatment of allergies. Potassium is essential for optimal energy, nerve health, physical strength and endurance.

The main role of potassium is to maintain normal functioning cell walls. This is achieved through a harmonious balance with sodium. Potassium is found inside cells and sodium is found outside. The second main responsibility of potassium is to maintain concentration and physiological functions magnesium, an essential heart nutrient; If your blood levels of one of these minerals are low, the levels of another will likely be low as well.

A little medical knowledge.
Potassium is one of the main intracellular cations. In the human body, about 98% of potassium is found inside tissue cells. All tissues are characterized by a certain concentration ratio between potassium and sodium, which is found mainly in the extracellular environment.

The total potassium content in the human body is 160-250 g. Daily requirement for an adult in potassium, with a required minimum of about 1 g, it is 2-3 g per day, and for a child - 16-30 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Due to the lack of ability to deposit, significant fluctuations in potassium content in the human body immediately affect the intracellular state.

Potassium performs the following functions:

Potassium content norm:
  • in the blood - 38.4-64.0 mmol/l,
  • in plasma - 3.4-5.3 mmol/l,
  • in erythrocytes - 79.8-99.3 mmol/l.
Determination of potassium content is carried out using a plasma photometer.

Hypokalemia occurs in the following cases:

  • at insufficient content potassium in the daily diet,
  • with increased excretion of potassium in the urine,
  • with hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex and anterior pituitary gland,
  • with primary and secondary aldosteronism,
  • with increased secretion of antidiuretic hormone,
  • when using corticosteroids,
  • when using potassium-depleting diuretics,
  • when administering large amounts of liquid that does not contain potassium, with vomiting and diarrhea,
  • with diabetes mellitus.
Hyperkalemia is observed in the following cases:
Source: vkrovi.ru

How does potassium deficiency manifest in the body?
Potassium is essential for healthy cells, nerves, normal contraction muscles and much more. If you have muscle pain, swelling in tissues due to bruises, bites and bruises as a result of ruptured capillaries, any tumors - potassium will always help you, which can be easily introduced into the body by rubbing into muscle tissue apple cider vinegar(it absorbs well without any pressure). You can add honey to apple cider vinegar. Do not forget to lubricate any inflammation and swelling with honey or apple cider vinegar.

In people who often drink coffee, like sweets, alcohol, and also use diuretics, the level of potassium in the body is low. Watch your diet, increase your intake of green vegetables and take enough magnesium to restore mineral balance.

Potassium value for cardiovascular system, is likely explained by its interdependence with magnesium. At reduced level potassium, there is a greater risk of life-threatening arrhythmias, heart failure and stroke. Potassium is so closely associated with the heart that its blood levels can accurately predict the likelihood of problems heart rate. Weakness and fatigue may be the most common indicator of a lack of potassium in the body.

To support normal level potassium in the blood, I advise you to drink small sips of this “kvass” every day between meals: for 1 glass boiled water add 1 teaspoon each of honey and apple cider vinegar.

Products containing potassium
According to D. Jarvis, apple cider vinegar and honey are the foods richest in potassium.
Main sources of potassium: spinach, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, parsley, asparagus, horseradish, dandelion, garlic, black currants, bananas, cabbage, grapefruits, radishes, tomatoes, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, all legumes, lentils, peas, beans, beans, rye bread, oatmeal, kiwi, potatoes, avocado, broccoli, liver, milk, nut butter, citrus fruits, grapes. There is a lot of potassium in fish and dairy products.

Inorganic potassium salts are sulfate (alum), chloride, oxide and carbonate. Organic potassium is represented by gluconate, citrate and fumarate. Can be purchased separately as potassium gluconate in dosages of almost 600 mg.

Some numbers
The potassium content in the adult human body is 160-250 g. A large proportion of its content is found in the spleen and liver. The daily requirement for this mineral is from 2 to 5 g. When playing sports, as well as during intense physical activity, the need for potassium increases significantly. In addition, excessive sweating and taking diuretics help remove potassium from the body.

Product Potassium, mg per 100g:
Yeast 2000
Dried apricots 1880
Black molasses 1760
Wheat bran 1160
Kishmish 1060
Raisin 1020
Pine nuts 780
Almond 780
Parsley 760
Peanut 760
Sunflower seeds 710
Brazil nuts 660
Jacket potatoes 630
Garlic 620
Avocado 450
Walnuts 450
Fried trout 410
Bananas 400
Canned tuna in oil 260
Yogurt 250
Carrot 170
Oranges 150
Whole milk 140
Apples 120

How to prepare foods to preserve as much potassium as possible for the body?
All fruits and most vegetables contain tens or even hundreds of times more potassium than sodium. Therefore, the importance of increasing the proportion of these foods in our diet should be obvious to each of us.

Oranges, bananas and baked potatoes have long been recognized sources of potassium. Therefore, include them regularly in your daily diet.

Melon is another excellent source of potassium. Include it in your menu more often. For variety, you can drink its juice or make puree from it - the pulp of this fruit is quite tender.

The potassium content in watermelons is very high. Take full advantage of the ripening season of these fruits and eat as much of them as possible. Again, for variety taste sensations You can make juice or puree from them - peel them and that’s it.

Legumes such as kidney beans, lima beans and lentils also contain a lot of potassium and protein. All legumes make wonderful soups.

You Can Boost the Potassium Content in Soups homemade, if you add parsnips, rutabaga, potatoes or pumpkin to them.

Always add grated carrots to your homemade salads and sandwiches to further increase the potassium content of your diet.

Avocado fruits contain a lot of potassium and serve as an excellent addition to various salads and sandwiches. In addition, avocado contains high-quality protein and fatty acids that are very important for the body.

By drinking freshly prepared juices from fresh vegetables, you will not only experience true pleasure, but also supply your body with a significant amount of potassium. For example, one glass of freshly prepared carrot juice contains approximately 800 mg of this element.
You can mix several types in a mixer fresh fruit and make yourself a potassium-rich breakfast or snack. Such aromatic puree will be an unrivaled “potassium cocktail” to meet the body’s needs for this element.

To preserve in food maximum quantity potassium, it is recommended to steam them or boil them in a minimum volume of water.. Under no circumstances consume potassium in the form of any chemical compounds or dosage forms: this will cause irritation digestive tract, and when large doses it can even become life-threatening.

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, dietary fiber and potassium - that is, the most important components in the battle against cellulite.

Every day you should definitely eat fruits at least 3-5 times and vegetables at least 4-6 times. This is not at all difficult to do if you carefully read the “planning ideas” diet" For example, one or two glasses of freshly prepared fruit or vegetable juice can be counted as one or two vegetable salads.

As a general rule, it is best to buy the freshest fruits and vegetables from stores. Always choose firm, limp fruits. They should not have any damage or areas that are soft to the touch.

Buy only as much fruits and vegetables as you can eat in the next day or two.
In order to save all valuable nutrients, we recommend storing all plant-based products in a cool, dry place.

Never peel or cut fruits and vegetables unless you intend to eat them immediately.

Neither fruits nor vegetables should ever be soaked in water. We only recommend rinsing them thoroughly and cleaning them of dirt under running cold water.

It is recommended to cook vegetables until they become soft, but in no case should you overcook them so that the fruits lose their natural shape. The best way to cook vegetables is to steam them or fry them in oil with constant stirring.

Eat only ripe fruits. Try to preface each meal with a snack of some kind. raw foods— fresh vegetable salads, fresh fruits and fresh fruit salads.

What role does potassium play in the human body, what foods are rich in it chemical element and for what diseases are they recommended to be used?

To preserve health and maintain vitality must be regularly supplied to the human body from environment oxygen, water and nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as trace elements and vitamins. Among the inorganic chemical elements, one of the most important is potassium, about which we'll talk in this article.

Potassium (along with sodium and chlorine) regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, maintains osmotic pressure and acid-base balance, ensures the normal functioning of cells and tissues, organs and systems. Foods rich in potassium are especially necessary for uninterrupted operation cardiovascular system, musculo-ligamentous system, brain.
How much potassium should be consumed daily through food? From three to five grams per day.

Large quantity Potassium is found in foods of plant origin. These are, first of all, apricots and plums (including dried apricots, dried apricots, prunes), grapes and apples, potatoes and legumes (beans, peas, soybeans). There is a lot of potassium in milk, seaweed, buckwheat, nuts, berries, and seafood. By regularly including these foods in your diet, you can easily provide your body with enough potassium.

If necessary, as prescribed by a doctor, you can take various medicines, containing potassium (often it comes in combination with magnesium, less often - together with other macro- and microelements).

You can find out more about the potassium content in basic foods in the table below:

As you can see, products. rich in potassium are not uncommon, so providing the body with this important chemical element for health is not so difficult.

If necessary, the doctor may prescribe short term the so-called potassium diet, recommended for hypertension, heart failure, kidney disease with edema, as well as when taking diuretics medicines. This diet involves eating foods rich in potassium and limiting sodium salts in the diet (the ratio of potassium to sodium should be at least 8:1 and no more than 14:1). In this case, the daily amount of potassium supplied from food ranges from 5 to 7 grams per day. Most often in daily ration include potassium-rich foods such as dried apricots and prunes, raisins, potatoes and cabbage, and peaches, milk and cottage cheese, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge with sunflower oil.

Potassium is important biogenic element, responsible for the adequate course of most biochemical processes in the human body. During scientific research It was found that deficiency of this substance has negative impact on the work of the heart, nervous, excretory and skeletal systems, on muscle function and internal organs. For this reason, doctors recommend carefully ensuring that potassium enters the body in sufficient quantities along with food.

The role of potassium in the body

IN human body potassium performs a number of biological functions:

  • helps maintain acid-base and water-salt balance;
  • ensures the stability of the composition of intracellular fluid and is one of its most important components;
  • takes part in the process of transmission of nerve impulses;
  • maintains normal blood pressure;
  • activates the work of a number of enzymes;
  • participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolic processes;
  • activates the process of supplying the brain with oxygen;
  • takes an active part in intracellular metabolism;
  • influences heart rate;
  • participates in the process of converting glucose into energy;
  • provides bioelectrical activity of cells;
  • maintains osmotic pressure within normal limits;
  • prevents problems related to kidney function;
  • removes excess fluid from the body, eliminates swelling;
  • helps increase endurance and physical strength;
  • creates optimal conditions for the normal functioning of the urinary system;
  • helps cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • increases muscle tone, is responsible for normal work smooth muscles.

Potassium intake standards

Normally, an adult's body contains about 250 g of potassium. In order to maintain this volume at a constant level, it is necessary to include in the diet foods containing this substance in sufficient quantities every day. Recommended daily norm Potassium intake in the body is:

  • for children – 650–1700 mg;
  • for adults – 1800–2200 mg;
  • for women during pregnancy – about 3500 mg;
  • for athletes and people experiencing severe physical activity– up to 4500 mg.

The daily need for potassium depends on the climate in the place of residence, body weight, physical activity man and his common physiological state. At profuse sweating, taking diuretics, prolonged diarrhea and vomiting, the consumption rates of this substance increase sharply.

What foods contain a lot of potassium?

The richest food sources potassium are considered:

  • legumes, cereals;
  • dried fruits and fruits;
  • green;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables;
  • fish and seafood;
  • chocolate.

More detailed information about potassium content in food products presented in the table.

Product names Potassium content (mg per 100 g)
Tea brewing 2480
Dried apricots 1878
Cocoa powder 1689
Coffee beans 1588
Soybeans 1376
Wheat bran 1157
Bean 1063
Chickpeas 967
Prunes 912
Raisin 859
Pistachios 822
Beans 810
Almond 808
pumpkin seeds 804
Spinach 773
Peas 728
Hazelnut 712
Dried figs 686
Lentils 670
Walnuts 662
Peanut 648
Sunflower seeds 602
Dates 591
Poppy 586
Chanterelle mushrooms 563
Pine nuts 559
Potato 553
Dried bream 534
Truffles, champignons 529
Cashew 528
Cilantro 522
Salted mackerel 519
Sesame seeds 496
Fresh boletus 465
Milk chocolate 460
Halibut 450
Avocado 448
Parsley 441
Fresh boletus 440
Celery greens 439
Pollock 424
Salmon 422
Smelt 391
Sorrel 388
Ocean sardine 386
Buckwheat core 381
Brussels sprouts 372
Kohlrabi 368
Peaches 361
Oatmeal 361
Banana 357
Coconut pulp 352
black currant 348
Beef 336
Oatmeal 334
Liver 322
Pork 321
Fresh lamb 311
Apricots 302
Kiwi 298
Tomatoes 292
Corn grains 286
Beet 286
Squid meat 282
Apples 279
Red currant 276
Garlic 262
Green onions 259
Green peas 259
Gooseberry 255
Grape 254
Radish 252
Goose meat 243
Rabbit meat 241
Turnip 237
Eggplant 237
Carrot 236
Cherries 234
Raspberry 224
Green salad 219
Plum 215
Cauliflower 211
Wheat cereal 209
Bread 208
Barley groats 203
Persimmon 203
Mandarin 202
Pumpkin 202
Jerusalem artichoke 199
Orange 198
Kalina 196
Grapefruit 196
Black Eyed Peas 194
Yogurt 191
White cabbage 184
Cranberry 181
Cheese "Roquefort" 179
Onion 176
Cherry 172
Pearl barley 171
Sauerkraut 168
Chicken fillet 167
Lemon 164
Red bell pepper 162
Strawberries and strawberries 159
Pears 158
Grape juice 152
Meat 151
Milk 144
Full-fat kefir, yogurt 142
cucumbers 140
Eggs 138
Semolina 132
Apple juice 119
Melon 117
Hard cheeses 115
Cottage cheese 111
Rice 99
Sour cream 94
Sea kale 88
Caviar 78
Watermelon 62
Bee honey 52
Blueberry 52
Mayonnaise 37
Butter 16
Lard 14
Mango 12
Margarine 9

When drawing up a nutrition program, the purpose of which is to provide the body with the required amount of potassium, it is recommended to include in the daily diet the maximum maximum list of products of plant origin. In order to avoid significant losses useful substances at culinary processing food, you need:

  • reduce the duration of heat treatment of dishes as much as possible;
  • try to eat as many fresh vegetables, berries, herbs and fruits as possible;
  • give preference to steaming;
  • bake vegetables as often as possible without peeling them first;
  • boil foods in a minimum amount of water;
  • Avoid soaking legumes and grains before cooking.

Features of potassium absorption

Absorption of potassium that enters the body with food occurs in small intestine. The biological availability of this substance (that is, its ability to be absorbed) reaches 95%. In the course of specially conducted studies, it was proven that the presence of vitamin B6 and neomycin promotes the absorption of potassium. At the same time, factors preventing the natural assimilation of this useful element, are:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • taking laxatives, some hormonal drugs, diuretics;
  • insufficient magnesium content in the body;
  • abuse of coffee, sweets;
  • following strict diets;
  • stressful situations.

Potassium, present in the cells of the human body, is replaced by sodium, cesium, rubidium and thallium.

Causes and symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body

The main factors contributing to the formation of potassium deficiency in the human body are recognized:

  • lack of nutrients from food;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • intensive sports activities, participation in sports competitions;
  • engaging in heavy mental work;
  • adherence to strict diets, unprofessional approach to compiling a daily diet;
  • disturbance of potassium metabolism;
  • increased sweating;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • prolonged vomiting;
  • disruption excretory system(dysfunction of the intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs);
  • nervous breakdowns, stressful situations, constant state of mental overstrain;
  • increased excretion of potassium under the influence of diuretics, laxatives and hormonal agents;
  • insufficient supply of the body with vitamin B6;
  • increased concentration in the body of sodium, cesium, thallium, rubidium.

Symptoms that suggest potassium deficiency are:

  • nervous exhaustion;
  • depression;
  • general fatigue, increased fatigue;
  • muscle weakness;
  • disturbances in the urinary system;
  • weakening of the body's immune forces, increased susceptibility to infections;
  • adrenal dysfunction;
  • increased fragility of nail plates;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart (heart failure, arrhythmia, etc.);
  • dry skin, its tendency to peel;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hair fragility;
  • dyspnea;
  • weakening of the intestinal muscles;
  • nausea.

The consequences of a prolonged lack of potassium can be reproductive failures, inability to conceive and then bear a child, ectopia of the cervix, inflammatory lesion And peptic ulcer stomach.

Causes and symptoms of excess potassium in the body

The toxic dose of potassium for adults is 6000 mg, and the lethal dose is 14 g. Excessive intake of this substance into the body is most often caused by the following reasons:

  • illiterate approach to diet planning;
  • long-term, uncontrolled use medications And food additives containing potassium;
  • disturbance of potassium metabolism;
  • pathological conditions arising from insulin deficiency;
  • improper redistribution of potassium in organs and tissues;
  • pathologies accompanied by massive release of potassium from cells;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the sympathoadrenal system.

The main signs indicating excess potassium intake into the body are:

  • excessive excitability, high irritability;
  • constant feeling of anxiety;
  • excessive sweating;
  • muscle weakness;
  • cardiovascular disorders (heart rhythm disturbances, etc.);
  • colic and other intestinal problems;
  • skeletal muscle paralysis;
  • increased urge to micturate.

If symptoms of potassium deficiency or excess are detected, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the diet. If there is no effect from diet therapy, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible with a complaint of hypo- or hyperkalemia and undergo the course of treatment prescribed by him.

Potassium is one of those trace elements, along with sodium and chlorine, that every cell of our body needs. Without potassium, work would be impossible cell membranes. The human body contains at least 220 grams of potassium, most of which is found in cells. That's why daily norm Potassium intake for a person is 3-5 grams. You can get this microelement by eating foods containing potassium. In our article we will tell you in detail which foods contain potassium.

Potassium regulates water-salt metabolism and the balance of alkalis and acids. Without this element, our muscles, including the heart, cannot function normally. It is also necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, for the functioning of our brain.

In addition, this useful microelement protects blood vessels from accumulation harmful salts sodium, helps eliminate waste and toxins.

Maintaining the balance of magnesium and potassium in the body plays a particularly important role, so do not forget about foods containing magnesium and potassium.

What are the dangers of potassium deficiency?

Potassium does not stay in our body for long. Over time, this trace element is washed out of our bodies. Stress, alcohol, intense physical activity and excessive consumption of sweets - all this can speed up its leaching. Its loss is also caused by rapid loss of fluid from the body through diarrhea, vomiting and profuse sweating.

If you don't eat foods rich in potassium and don't get enough of it, potassium starvation can occur. What are its symptoms?

  • Chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion;
  • Muscle pain;
  • Convulsions;
  • Gap small vessels, bruises

Note that a severe overdose of potassium can cause much more harm than its deficiency. Having discovered these symptoms, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy and buy drugs containing potassium. It is better to take them only as prescribed by a doctor.

Simple Products, as rich in potassium as possible, you can always eat. At proper nutrition potassium will not be too little, but not too much (if they provide the average daily requirement: 2-4 grams per day).

If you do not take special potassium preparations, but limit yourself to potassium-containing foods, then you will not be in danger of overdosing. So don't be afraid if you find yourself with too much potassium in your diet.

Products containing potassium: list

The main question of our article is where is potassium found most? Foods richest in potassium are usually of plant origin. The most potassium is found in apple cider vinegar and honey. Plant foods rich in potassium are wheat bran, yeast, dried apricots, cocoa, raisins, peanuts, parsley. But this is only the beginning of the list of useful products!

Rich in potassium fresh berries and vegetables. Products and fruits containing potassium include lingonberries, currants, carrots, radishes, zucchini, cabbage, garlic, pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, red beets, beans, peas, watermelons, oranges, melons, bananas.

Some types of nuts (almonds, peanuts and pine nuts) are also not far behind. Dried fruits (prunes, figs, raisins, dried apricots) and even millet porridge also contain potassium.

This microelement is found in products of animal origin: salmon, cod, tuna, eggs, liver, milk, beef and rabbit meat. Include dietary varieties of meat and fish in your diet, this helps better absorption of this microelement.

Foods containing potassium and iron

People suffering from a lack of iron in the blood must know where potassium and iron are found. This will help not only increase hemoglobin, but also improve the condition of the blood and cleanse it.

Products containing potassium and iron include: sesame and sunflower halva, pork liver, dried apples and prunes. These are also high in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins.

Foods containing potassium and sodium

Foods rich in potassium and sodium are very important for the human body, as they complement each other. If we talk about which foods contain potassium and sodium, then these are beets, seaweed and carrots.

Let us draw your attention to the fact that it is important to monitor the amount of their consumption, since our body does not need sodium as much as potassium. Therefore, the amount of foods with sodium and potassium should be limited.

Products containing potassium and phosphorus

As is known, phosphorus - necessary element for our body, since it is part of the bone, muscle tissue, blood, as well as proteins and nucleic acids. Phosphorus accelerates the absorption of calcium and is involved in almost all metabolic reactions in the body.

Foods rich in potassium and phosphorus include milk, eggs, whole grains and legumes (especially beans and peas).

Products containing potassium and iodine

A very popular compound in medicine is potassium iodide. It contains inorganic iodine and is used for disease prevention thyroid gland. Products containing potassium iodide are primarily iodized salt. Per ton of salt contains up to 25 grams of potassium iodide.

Foods rich in potassium and vitamins

Vitamin B2 plays an important role in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as in normal functioning our body. Pine nut, mackerel, rose hips and spinach are foods rich in potassium and vitamin B2. Large amounts of potassium and vitamin B2 are also found in mushrooms, especially honey mushrooms, champignons and boletus.

How to properly consume foods with potassium

Time, soaking, heat treatment does not help preserve this important microelement. The best way Get enough potassium by eating fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't keep them in the refrigerator for a long time - buy as much as you can eat in two to three days. It is also believed that fruits and vegetables are high in potassium when they are served during their ripening season. In winter, “live” vegetables and fruits can be replaced with dried fruits.

If there is a lack of potassium, there is one very simple recipe that will allow you to quickly return to normal: you need to dissolve a teaspoon of honey or apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink small sips between meals.

Foods that contain potassium: table

We present to your attention potassium-containing products: the table is very simple, so you can quickly create your own diet, including potassium and other elements. The table shows animal and plant products rich in potassium.

Name Potassium content (in mg per 100 g of product)
Tea 2480
Dried apricots 1800
Cocoa and coffee beans 1600
Wheat bran 1160
Raisin grapes 1060
Raisin 1020
Almonds and pine nuts 780
Parsley and peanuts 760
Peas and sunflower seeds 710
Jacket potatoes 630
White mushrooms, walnuts and avocado 450
Banana 400
Buckwheat 380
Brussels sprouts 370
Peaches and oatmeal 362
Green meadow, garlic and yogurt 260
Orange, grapefruit and red carrots 200
Pearl barley 172
Milk and chicken eggs 140
Apple juice, melon and wheat cereal 120
Rice grains and Dutch cheese 100