When Karelians need quail eggs. Quail eggs: what are the advantages and disadvantages? How to use quail eggs for medicinal purposes

The effectiveness of using quail eggs in the diet of patients was known back in ancient times. Children love this miniature creation of nature and willingly eat them. Children are attracted by the unusual colorful color of quail eggshells and their small weight, and this is wonderful because it indispensable product in baby food.

Quail eggs are tasty and nutritious and never cause allergies or side effects(diathesis) even in those people for whom chicken eggs are contraindicated.

Quail meat attracts with its tenderness, juiciness, unique aroma with a slight aftertaste of game. Products made from quail meat and eggs are a worthy decoration for any festive table, an opportunity to please and surprise your guests, as well as improve your health.

Quail eggs weigh 10 - 12 g, with a thin fragile shell and various colors. Contains more biologically active substances and by taste qualities Quail eggs are superior to those of other types of poultry.

Eating quail eggs baked, boiled, raw, fried, pickled. They are used in cooking for preparing omelettes, scrambled eggs and mayonnaise, as well as for decorating salads or hot dishes. Quail egg is a pantry nutrients and therapeutic agents.

Quail eggs are a concentrated biological set necessary for a person substances. Compared to a chicken egg, one gram of a quail egg contains more vitamins: A - 2.5 times, B1 - 2.8 times and B2 - 2.2 times. In five quail eggs, equal in weight to one chicken, the level of phosphorus and potassium is 5 times higher, and the level of iron is 4.5 times higher. Quail eggs contain significantly more copper, cobalt, limiting and other amino acids. According to the content of such essential amino acids quail eggs are superior to chicken eggs like tyrosine, threonine, lysine, glycine and histidine.

Tyrazine is known to play a significant role in metabolism and contributes to the formation of pigment that causes healthy color skin. This is why quail eggs are used in the cosmetics industry.

It is known that Japanese quail eggs are the oldest natural medicine.

Treatment with quail eggs is recognized throughout the world.

The list of diseases that can be cured (or alleviated by consuming quail eggs) is quite wide:

Diseases gastrointestinal tract, especially stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastritis;

Severe headaches;

Chronic pneumonia;

Bronchial asthma;

Tuberculosis intoxication;

Increases the body's resistance to radiation exposure;

Removal of radionuclides from the body;

High or low blood pressure;



Disorder nervous system;


Sensitivity to acute respiratory infections;

Increase sexual potency;

Pregnancy weak women passes much easier, prevents miscarriage; soften toxicosis;

Eye diseases;

For bodybuilders this unique remedy increase protein in the body, since the egg is absorbed by 80%; when taken in large quantities (more than 10 pieces) it does not cause diathesis.

Many scientists argue that due to a lack of lysozyme in the diet, we get sick so often. Where can you get lysozyme today? Rural residents can drink freshly laid eggs from domestic chickens if they are not infected with salmonellosis, tuberculosis and other diseases.

But a quail egg is much healthier. It is highly sterile, and therefore you can give small children 1-2 eggs a day, as the Japanese do. A child who eats 2 quail eggs a day has better memory, strong nervous system, sharp vision develops better and gets sick less.

Of course, everyone is interested in the question: are quail eggs the most effective treatment? serious illnesses, including cancer?

Quail eggs are especially successful in treating:

Chronic cholecystitis, bronchial asthma, heart disease, nervous system. The list of diseases can be continued, but this is not the main thing.

The main thing is that, unlike medications, eating quail eggs does not harm any organ in the human body, but provides enormous benefits.

An increased content of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids leads to their accumulation in the body, and therefore to an increase in immune defense body.

High content of B vitamins promotes improved functioning of the nervous system, a person becomes calmer and balanced.

One of the most valuable properties of quail eggs is their long-term preservation. At room temperature they can be stored for up to 30 days, and in the refrigerator for up to 60 days, with the shell intact. This happens thanks to high content amino acids - lysocin, this substance is one of the eight essential amino acids that are not produced by the human body.

Lysocine prevents the development of harmful microflora, both in the egg and in the human body. Japanese quail eggs have a positive effect on development mental abilities children.

How much to eat:

From one to three years - 1-2 eggs;

From three to ten years - 3 eggs;

From ten to eighteen years - 4 eggs;

From eighteen to fifty years old - 5-6;

From fifty years and older - 4-5 eggs.

It is healthier to eat them raw, half an hour before meals, with water or juice. Reception should be systematic, without interruptions, for 3-4 months. After just two weeks, their beneficial effects on the body begin to appear. If you are unable to drink eggs, we recommend adding them raw to the porridge. mashed potatoes or soup.

Can be prepared with fried egg. However, remember that vitamins, with a 15-minute heat treatment, are completely destroyed. The most delicious treatment was invented, of course, by the French: sophisticated aristocrats washed down warm quail broth with warmed red wine.

The contents of quail eggs help remove radionuclides from the body, increase tone, strengthen bones, improve health and stabilize work prostate gland, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, pancreas and other vital organs.

Quail eggs have no contraindications for consumption by individuals old age, because unlike chicken, they have almost no cholesterol.

Another advantage of quails is that they do not suffer from salmonellosis. Quail resistance to infectious diseases allows you to keep them without resorting to vaccination. This eliminates the accumulation of antibiotics in the body of quails and their eggs.

Quail eggs are widely used in baby food in Japan. They provide positive impact for children who are stunted. It is advisable to include raw quail eggs in the diet of sick and weakened children. The Japanese especially value the ability of quail eggs to positively influence the reproductive functions of the body.

Quail eggs were included in the diet of children exposed to radiation after the accident. Chernobyl nuclear power plant. After a certain period of time, their general condition improved, their hemoglobin levels increased, headaches and fatigue disappeared. Biochemical analysis blood did not reveal any abnormalities in its composition. The combination of a complex of biologically active substances with high dietary qualities is deservedly appreciated by those who want to improve their health. unconventional methods!

Putamen therapy

Eggshells have a wide variety of practical application. Thus, there is a well-known peasant technique for increasing the egg production of birds by adding crushed eggshells to their feed. Gardeners and gardeners use eggshells as an effective microelement and deoxidizing additive to the soil. But this is not all and not the main thing. In ancient medical books, in the composition of many healing mixtures, both the components of the egg along with the shell and the shell alone are mentioned.

The Hungarian doctor Krompecher and a group of doctors and biologists became interested in the health-promoting properties of quail egg shells.

More than 10 years of research have shown that eggshells are an ideal food that is easily absorbed by the body. As you know, calcium deficiency, especially in bones, is one of the most common metabolic disorders. These are rickets and abnormal growth of teeth in children, curvature of the spine and damaged teeth, brittle bones in older people. A calcium metabolism disorder is often accompanied by anemia, susceptibility to colds, allergies, herpes on the lips, and decreased resistance to radiation. In women, leucorrhoea, weakness of labor contractions, and atony of the uterine muscles are added to this.

It is difficult to correct calcium metabolism disorders, since the drugs used in medicine are calcium chloride, gypsum, chalk - are poorly absorbed by the body.

The most valuable shell is quail. Medical studies have shown that quail egg shells, consisting of 90% calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate), are easily digestible. At the same time, it contains all the microelements necessary for the body: fluorine, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, sulfur, and others - a total of 27 elements!

Particularly important is the significant content of silicon and molybdenum in it - our everyday food is extremely poor in these elements, but they are absolutely necessary for the normal course of biochemical reactions in the body. The introduction of crushed quail egg shells into food showed its high therapeutic activity and the absence of any side effects, including bacterial contamination.

By taking eggshells, you don’t have to worry that the excess will be deposited on your bones and joints, and you don’t have to worry about urolithiasis. If there is no need for it, it is ideally removed from the body.

The shells of quail eggs are especially useful for young children, starting from one year old, because in their body the processes of formation bone tissue occur most intensively and require an uninterrupted supply of calcium. Shell included in baby food, has an extremely beneficial effect on rickets and anemia that develops parallel to rickets.

Observed accelerated healing for orthopedic diseases such as congenital hip dislocation, osteoporosis (softening of bones). In both children and adults, the use of shell therapy has a positive effect on brittle nails and hair, bleeding gums, constipation, irritability, insomnia, hay fever, asthma, and urticaria.

Based on his research, Dr. Krompecher makes the following recommendations:

Shell prophylaxis during pregnancy is mandatory;

Extremely desirable for children from 1 year to 6 years;

Desirable in adolescence and youth (up to 19-20);

Twice-yearly prophylaxis is useful for adults to prevent spinal diseases, dental caries and osteoporosis;

Taking shell powder is especially useful at the beginning of the year, when calcium metabolism in the body slows down.

Very often parents are interested in the question: how to take the powder - on an empty stomach or after a meal?

In this case it doesn't matter. You can also add it to food at the same time. The effect will be much greater if quail powder consume with 3 - 5 drops of lemon juice, as well as fish oil, which contains a lot of vitamin D and iodine.

The Belgians pour the crushed shells with a small amount of lemon juice, citric or malic acid, let it sit, then immediately before consumption, this seasoning is mixed with crushed garlic and added to food. More better calcium and other microelements are absorbed dissolved in water.

Calcium solution getting ready as follows. Powder is poured into the bottom of the jar (based on 1 teaspoon of quail egg shell powder per 1 liter), and infused for 5 hours. This water is used for drinking and making tea, herbal infusions, coffee, soups, while we saturate our body with calcium ions and other microelements.

By the way, the shell purifies water from chlorine and heavy metals, gives it alkaline properties, which prevents acidification of the body. Powder from quail egg shells can relieve chronic stomach pain in ten days and speed up the healing of skin in areas of burns and ulcers.

Fashionistas can be given separate advice - take quail shells once a day at night, 1/3 teaspoon and 2 capsules fish oil, from November to March - both your hair and nails will be simply excellent!

The powder is produced from fresh quail eggs, from which the quails receive high-quality feed and filtered drinking water. Quail shells, separated from the shell film, preserve everything minerals, which are contained in this amazing product.

Taking powder from quail shell, absolutely without the help of medical or chemicals, you can restore your health, increase your immunity and improve your general condition without harm to your body!

Recipes for cooking quail eggs:

Raw egg drink
Take 4-5 quail eggs, beat in a glass, add fruit juice, red wine or coffee, add honey or sugar to taste. This highly nutritious drink can be consumed daily.

Fried quail eggs
Break the eggs, one at a time, into a hot, greased frying pan, fry over low heat, sprinkle with salt and finely chopped onion and pepper. Serve with fried potatoes or salad.

Fried eggs
Boil eggs hard, peel, remove film, beat 2-3 raw eggs until foamy. Soak hard-boiled eggs in beaten eggs, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil. Remove to a sieve with a slotted spoon, place in a mound, and garnish with parsley.

Beat 12-15 quail eggs with milk (3/4 cup), add salt, finely chopped onion, and, if desired, also sausage, ham, and smoked fish cut into small cubes. Melt one tablespoon of butter in a frying pan, pour in the prepared mixture, and let it curdle over low heat or in the oven. Serve hot.

Sandwiches with quail eggs
Spread thin slices of white or black bread with butter, cover them with a layer of finely chopped salted fish, and put quail eggs cut in half on top, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs and onions.

Quail eggs with rice or mashed potatoes
Boiled, fluffy rice or place mashed potatoes on a dish in the form of a circle, put eggs, boiled without shells, in the middle. Serve with sour cream sauce and tomato salad.

Quail eggs, boiled without shell
To do this, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 liter of boiling water. Break the eggs one at a time, place them in boiling water and let them curl for 2 minutes.

Quail eggs with caviar
Boil the eggs, peel and cut lengthwise into two parts. Place black or red caviar on the yolk, garnish with herbs and serve.

Salad "Russian Forest"
Cut into thin slices the fillet of boiled quail, chicken or any meat, pickled or fresh cucumbers, peeled apple, boiled potatoes and hard-boiled quail eggs. Mix, season with sour cream or mayonnaise, salt to taste, you can add lemon juice or vinegar, sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar. For decoration, make “mushrooms” from hard-boiled quail eggs and red-skinned apple pieces, stick parsley or dill sprigs between them.

Ham salad
12-15 quail eggs,
100 g sausage, ham or smoked fish,
1 pickled cucumber,
1 glass green peas,
2 potatoes,
200 g sour cream or mayonnaise,
1 teaspoon hot sauce,
salt, dill, parsley leaves.
Cut the products into small cubes, mix with sour cream or mayonnaise, add seasoning to taste. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs and grated cheese on top of the salad.

Most doctors agree that it is best to eat one quail egg on an empty stomach, a few minutes before meals. The rest are usually consumed throughout the day and until the evening, in several meals (or in the main dish). As a rule, this is their main benefit. But what to do if you can’t eat a raw egg, despite the fact that the body needs it so much? In this case, it makes sense to subject it to heat treatment.

How long does it take to boil a quail egg? On this score there is large number opinions, but they all obey the main rule: do not overdo it with cooking. That's why best option: 1-2 minutes. This is exactly the amount of time that will be enough for the testicle to acquire a ready-made appearance without losing such important beneficial substances.

For those who are interested in how exactly to consume quail product, we offer a number of recipes for all occasions.

The first recipe is hearty

If you still decide to try a raw quail egg, but can’t bring yourself to drink its contents on an empty stomach, why not use an easy trick? How long will it take you? Just 30 minutes.

  • Prepare mashed potatoes and mix them with the “innards” from the shells.
  • Add a pinch of salt or pepper to taste and your healthy breakfast ready.

Do you not like to eat potatoes, and are you on a diet at all? Then you can cook light porridge. Add some quail eggs and enjoy pleasant taste low-calorie food at least every day.

Recipe two - juicy

As you know, quail eggs can not only be eaten, but also drunk. Why not make a delicious cocktail using them in a couple of minutes?

  • To do this, take required quantity eggs (as many as your age allows), your favorite fruit juice and a spoonful of honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a mixer and you can safely consume your nutritious and delicious drink for breakfast, lunch or dinner. By the way, this glass of healthy liquid can be given to your child to drink.

Recipe three - classic

What could be more natural than an egg omelet? Not only chicken, but also quail eggs are perfect for this purpose.

  • To prepare a flavorful omelette, you will need ten eggs, some milk, cheese and herbs.
  • Beat the eggs with a whisk, then pour in 5 tablespoons of milk.
  • Place the omelette to fry and a minute before it’s ready, add some grated cheese and herbs.

Your aromatic breakfast or dinner is ready! Feel free to treat it to all your relatives, including your child, who will happily gobble it up healthy omelette from quail eggs on both cheeks.

Recipe four - medicinal

Surprisingly, quail eggs can be used as prophylactic, and medicinal. Depending on what ailment is attacking your body, you can use certain ingredients to improve your health.

  1. If you have a heaviness in your stomach, try a simple and effective recipe: Mix three quail eggs with a teaspoon of sugar and pour in 30 grams of cognac. The infusion can be drunk for several days.
  2. Maybe you have a high fever and don’t want to bring it down with medicine? Then we advise you to use a handful of quail eggs to improve your condition. You just need to prepare the product correctly.
  • Just dilute five pieces of raw eggs with a spoon of sugar.
  • As soon as the mixture turns white, you can mix it with half a glass of vodka. Drink only a couple of days. This proven product based on quail eggs will help you with short terms get rid of the fever. Although, of course, it is better not to give such products to children.

Can you eat the shell?

Very often people wonder: is it possible to eat the eggshells that remain from a quail egg? In fact, it is not only possible, but also necessary. The shell contains substances necessary to the human body, namely: calcium, fluorine, copper, phosphorus and many others. If you eat shells, you can not only follow preventive measures, but also achieve positive result in the treatment of certain diseases.

For example, if you have dry and brittle nails, use the shells of hard-boiled or drunk raw quail eggs. Simply grind it into powder and mix it with lemon juice. This drug can be taken every other day, one teaspoon at a time.

Calcium, which is found in the shell, may be useful in preventing serious illnesses, such as rickets, brittle teeth, weak bones, etc. This is why you can and should give shell-based powder to your child. Don’t forget to consume both quail eggs and the very healthy shells of this product yourself.

Video “About the benefits of quail eggs”

Quail eggs are the most valuable dietary product. They weigh only about 10-12 grams. In size, one quail egg can be compared to five chicken eggs. They are distinguished by a thin, fragile shell and a variety of colors. They contain much more biologically active substances compared to the eggs of other farm birds, and they are also superior in taste.

Many people are interested in the question of how to eat quail eggs?

Let’s answer - you can eat them baked, boiled, raw, pickled, and fried. Quail eggs are perfect for preparing egg dishes such as omelettes, scrambled eggs; They are also used to prepare mayonnaise, to decorate hot dishes and, of course, salads.

Raw quail eggs are the most beneficial. They should be consumed half an hour before meals, washed down with juice or water. They should be taken systematically for three to four months; breaks should not be taken during this period. After a couple of weeks you will notice their manifestation beneficial influence on the body.

If the thought of directly eating raw eggs disgusts you, you can also add them raw to soup, mashed potatoes or porridge. You can make them into fried eggs.

However, it should be remembered that when heat treated for 15 minutes, vitamins are completely destroyed.

There are the following standards for eating quail eggs for different age categories:

  • 1-3 years – 1-2 pieces per day;
  • 3-10 years – 3 pieces;
  • 10-18 years old – 4 pieces;
  • 18-50 years old – 5-6 pieces;
  • from 50 and older – 4-5 pieces.

It is useful to eat not only the contents of the egg, but also its shell. The shell of a quail egg is recognized as the most valuable. To prepare powder from the shell, take it, wash it thoroughly, dry it, remove the film lining it from the inside, and grind it in a coffee grinder or mortar.

Ingestion of powder from quail egg shells helps restore health, increase immunity, improve general condition. Moreover, unlike chemical drugs, all this happens without harm to the body.

Quail eggs are not only very tasty, but also extremely useful product. Each egg weighs no more than 12 grams. These eggs do not cause allergies, children eat them with pleasure. Quail eggs can be boiled, fried, pickled, or drunk raw. Quail eggs contain a lot of iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2. Lecithin, which quail eggs are rich in, can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, eggs dietary product, which is recommended for those who want to lose weight, as well as for elderly people and patients during the postoperative period.

Doctors recommend using quail eggs to treat diseases such as:

  • anemia;
  • migraines.
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • allergy;
  • weakened immune system;
  • vision problems;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • bronchial asthma.
Doctors recommend eating quail eggs for people who live in big cities and those who have been exposed to radioactive radiation, since this product is capable of removing radionuclides from the body. There is no infection in quail eggs, so the risk of contracting salmonellosis is minimal. The fact is that the quail has a body temperature of 42 degrees, thanks to which the bird is very resistant to infections. In addition, a quail egg has a strong shell, through which it is very difficult for bacteria to penetrate.

It is especially beneficial to drink raw quail eggs. To extract from this product maximum benefit, you should drink eggs correctly:

  1. Wash eggs thoroughly before eating because there may be bacteria on the shell.
  2. Break the egg and pour the contents into a cup.
  3. If desired, you can salt the product.
  4. If desired, wash down the egg with water or juice.
  5. An adult can drink 5 eggs a day, it is better to do this in the morning.
  6. Children up to three years You can drink one egg a day, preschoolers - two eggs, and schoolchildren - two or three eggs a day.
  7. If you can't drink raw eggs, add them to soup or porridge.
  8. Quail eggs are great for colds. Beat 5 eggs, add 2 tablespoons of vodka and one spoon of sugar. This medicine perfectly helps to cope with fever during ARVI.
  9. Quail eggs can replace a whole one vitamin complex. Beat 5 eggs, add a tablespoon of honey, dilute the mixture in a glass of fruit juice. This cocktail will perfectly replenish the reserves of vitamins and microelements in your body.
Do not throw away eggshells after preparing quail egg dishes. The shell contains calcium, which is perfectly absorbed by the body, and another 26 useful microelements. Simply chop up eggshells and add them to any dish.

Just yesterday, all eggs, including quail eggs, were persecuted. Egg cholesterol was almost called main reason atherosclerosis.

Today, the media are making inversely proportional efforts, rehabilitating quail eggs and even elevating them to the rank of medicine. One can only envy the reputation of the “speckled ones”. What does it really cost to “eat” a quail egg?

Unique properties of a quail egg: real and imaginary

Some say health benefits of quail eggs invaluable. Others call it exaggerated. The first recommend quail eggs for weight loss, detoxification, treatment and prevention.

The latter, under the intricate shells, see only raw materials for making omelettes. Who's right? We will trust science, which has long studied the composition of the product and shared the results with a wide audience.

Chemistry of benefits

Quail egg is a truly nutritious and dietary product. With a low calorie content (158 kcal per 100 g), it contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids - a natural “biococtail” that can compete with many nutritional supplements.

Although quail eggs are structurally similar to chicken eggs, the quantitative parameters differ and most often favor “speckled” ones.

Thus, quail contains more potassium, calcium, iron, zinc and B vitamins.

What distinguishes it from its competitor is the quality of its protein, which contains more methionine, lysine and tryptophan. By the way, tryptophan takes part in the synthesis of serotonin, the “pleasure hormone.” Eating blues and stress with quail eggs is advisable and good for your figure.

The fly in the ointment is cholesterol. There is 844 mg of it in 100 g of quail eggs, which is almost three daily doses. IN chicken eggs 2 times less cholesterol. It is consoling that the harm of egg cholesterol has been refuted, but the reputation, as they say, is tarnished.

Contents, 100 g% of joint venture
Vitamin A156 mcg17%
Vitamin D1.4 mcg14%
Vitamin E1.08 mg7%
Vitamin B10.13 mg9%
Vitamin B20.79 mg44%
Vitamin B51.76 mg35%
Vitamin B60.15 mg8%
Vitamin B966 mcg17%
Vitamin B121.58 mcg53%
Kholin263 mg53%
Potassium132 mg5%
Calcium64 mg6%
Magnesium13 mg3%
Phosphorus226 mg28%
Iron3.65 mg20%
Manganese0.04 mg2%
Copper0.06 mg6%
Selenium32 mcg58%
Zinc1.47 mg12%

About the benefits and risks

Rich nutritional composition– an advantage, but not a reason to call the product medicinal. Eggs cannot heal, but they are quite capable of maintaining health. There are resources for this.

In this connection, including quail eggs in the diet of children, the elderly, weakened and exhausted, pregnant and lactating women is a common sense recommendation.

As for the widely reported hypoallergenicity of the product, this is a myth. If there is an allergy to chicken protein, it will also develop to quail protein, since it still contains the same allergen ovomucoid.

Let’s also refute the legend about salmonellosis, which supposedly cannot be infected. They argue for this high temperature quail body, which is enough to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Salmonella, of course, is suppressed by 42 degrees, but does not kill. Salmonella dies at 65 degrees and above. Before drinking a raw egg, at least wash it well. Better yet, treat it thermally and don’t risk your health.

As for the ecological purity of quail eggs, this is true. The strong immunity of quails really allows them to be kept without vaccination. WITH high probability The eggs you buy will be free of antibiotics.

Thus, a quail egg:

  • is a “carrier” of high-quality protein and a vitamin-mineral complex and can be included in everyone’s diet (except for allergy sufferers) as a tasty, nutritious and healthy product;
  • really dietary and legally recommended for use by people with overweight suffering from disorders of fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • can provide real support for anemia, vitamin deficiency, cardiovascular diseases, diseases digestive tract, dermatological problems and even problems with potency, but is not a cure;
  • cannot be called a hypoallergenic and safe product, since it is an allergen and can cause salmonellosis.


The big question: how to eat quail eggs for greater benefits

The question of how to eat quail eggs raises no less holivars. Opinions vary widely. Drinking raw quail eggs for benefits recommended by many.

There is evidence raw protein has an anti-inflammatory and alkalizing effect on the body. Kapustin’s “disgraced” method with intramuscular injections raw egg let's omit it.

Doctors think differently. They call the soft-boiled state the ideal “consistency” of an egg. In this form, its protein is absorbed best - 98%, while the digestibility of raw protein is only 50%. And, doctors remind, salmonellosis has not been canceled.

On the one hand, there is almost absolute digestibility and safety. On the other hand, the digestibility is half, the risks of salmonellosis, but healing properties. Choose according to your taste. The main thing is to know the limit, and nutritionists call a measure 2 quail eggs for children and 5-6 pieces for adults per day.

For a snack: healthy recipes with quail eggs

Among German men, the “youth cocktail” is popular, which is prepared from 4 quail eggs and a tablespoon infused with walnuts vodka. What kind of “youth” we're talking about, It's clear. For a woman, youth is the beauty of her skin, and we are sharing a cocktail recipe for this occasion.

Youth cocktail with quail eggs for beautiful skin

  • You will need 4 quail eggs, 1 glass of milk, 1 banana and 50 g of liquid honey.
  • Mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Drink the cocktail before breakfast or instead of it for a month and share the results of your beauty experiment in the comments.

Salad with quail eggs, mozzarella and arugula

  • An original appetizer for a romantic dinner for two. You will need 10 quail eggs, 150 g mini mozzarella, 250 g cherry tomatoes, pitted olives, a bunch of arugula, pine nuts and pesto sauce.
  • Cut hard-boiled eggs, cherry tomatoes and mozzarella balls into halves. Roast pine nuts in a dry frying pan. Mix eggs, cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, olives, arugula, nuts and season with pesto sauce.

Bon appetit and good health!