Quail eggs. Quail eggs, their benefits and harm

For a long time in Russia quail eggs were considered a delicacy and were used in preparing dishes exclusively on festive and special occasions. But this product has been known for more than one millennium - the first culinary recipes with his mention appeared in Ancient Egypt , and Chinese monks began to practice the use of eggs in medicine.

Over time, more domesticated quail breeds were developed that were capable of carrying large eggs, which today are freely sold in large supermarkets and attract the attention of gourmets with their unusual appearance: miniature size and spotted shell color. Why are quail eggs so beneficial?

Chemical composition of quail eggs

Despite the fact that quail eggs are 5-6 times Less than chicken, they contain the same amount of substances beneficial to the body, which include:

Studies have shown that this product is superior to chicken eggs in potassium content 5 times, iron – more than in 4 , B vitamins – almost 2 times. It is also worth noting the large amount of phosphorus contained in (225 mg) and sodium (142 mg).

Nutritional value of quail eggs 100 g product:

One egg weighs on average 13-18 g, contains easily digestible protein and many essential acids, which makes it valuable for a healthy diet.

Useful and medicinal properties of quail eggs

An undeniable advantage when consuming eggs is their almost complete safety from the point of view of salmonellosis infection. The fact is that the bird’s body temperature is 43 °C, and the activity threshold pathogenic microorganisms total 40 °C, this explains the inappropriateness of using antibiotics and various feed additives and makes the product healthier.

Regular consumption of eggs contributes to:

  • improvement of amino acid, carbohydrate, fat and metabolism;
  • normalization of nervous system functions;
  • eliminating dysfunctions of the digestive system;
  • harmonious development child's body;
  • strengthening the retina and restoring vision;
  • activation of enzyme complexes and the production of antibodies;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of heart rate;
  • regulation of neuromuscular activity and reduction of muscle weakness;
  • strengthening bones, teeth, hair and nails;
  • improving brain activity;
  • normalization of hematopoietic processes and blood clotting;
  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • improving potency in men;
  • normalization of the function of the respiratory and genitourinary systems;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the functioning of the endocrine glands;
  • increasing the regenerative abilities of body tissues.

The substances and minerals included in the composition help reduce allergic reactions, eliminate fatigue, reduce depressive syndrome and inhibition of processes of excessive excitation of the central nervous system and make beneficial properties Quail eggs are particularly impressive.

Application in healthy and dietary nutrition

The elements contained in the product help to more successfully stimulate the digestion process, help remove waste and toxins, improve intestinal microflora and restore the activity of digestive enzymatic complexes. The presence of quail eggs on the table affects the successful removal of toxins and radionuclides. As is known, good job intestines - the first step on the path to a slim figure.

How are quail eggs prepared and what are they used with?

Eggs are used in all possible ways processing:

  • cheese;
  • fried;
  • boiled;
  • baked;
  • pickled.

Cuisines from many countries can please you many recipes with this product, including confectionery and flour products, but it is more rational to use it with a minimum of accompanying components.

When preparing salads and main courses, try to combine eggs with light ingredients:

  • (parsley, dill, sorrel, arugula);
  • ( , ( , ), );
  • low-fat cheeses or feta cheese;
  • cereals;
  • diet bread.
They are also combined with low-fat olives, some. When dressing dishes, give preference to those with or sour cream. Do not use mayonnaise - it will ruin the taste and make the dish very high in calories.

The product satisfies the feeling of hunger well, nourishes and saturates with energy. Due to their high content of valuable protein, quail eggs are used in sports nutrition.

Consumption standards

One egg contains from 20 to 25% from the daily norm of cholesterol, so there are a number of restrictions on the use of this product.

How and in what doses should you take quail eggs?

Adults are allowed no more than two eggs daily, if the product is not constantly present in the diet single dose can be adjusted.

Pregnant and lactating women the intake is recommended according to the same principle, because in small quantities the waste product of quails is useful for the harmonious development of the fetus and enhancing the lactation process.

Children who are allergic to chicken eggs, fish or seafood products eggs are introduced into the diet from the age of five, starting with a couple of eggs per week. It is important to give your child a heat-treated egg to avoid unpleasant and hazardous consequences for health.

Harm and possible adverse effects

Quail eggs are a product for 98% hypoallergenic, the remaining 2% comes from individual intolerance. But there are still groups of people who should approach their use with caution:

  • people suffering from atherosclerosis;
  • with high blood cholesterol;
  • with chronic and severe diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

There are fewer negative consequences from the abuse of quail eggs than from chicken eggs, and in case of overeating they can be observed.

A quail egg is five times smaller than a chicken egg and weighs only 9–12 g. But, despite such a miniature size and negligible weight, it is a storehouse of biologically active substances. However, in addition to the benefits, quail eggs can also cause harm. And people have known about this since ancient times.

Quail eggs contain much more vitamins, amino acids, microelements and other useful components than chicken eggs. For example, there is 170% more vitamin A, 450% more iron, 500% more potassium and phosphorus, and 600% more B vitamins.

Table: chemical composition of quail egg per 100 g of edible part

Nutrient Quantity
Calorie content 168 kcal
Squirrels 11.9 g
Fats 13.1 g
Carbohydrates 0.6 g
Water 73.2 g
Ash 1.2 g
Vitamin A, RE 483 mcg
Retinol 0.47 mg
beta carotene 0.08 mg
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.11 mg
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.65 mg
Vitamin B4, choline 507 mg
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.12 mg
Vitamin B9, folates 5.6 mcg
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.9 mg
Vitamin RR, NE 3.1 mg
Niacin 0.3 mg
Potassium, K 144 mg
Calcium, Ca 54 mg
Magnesium, Mg 32 mg
Sodium, Na 115 mg
Sera, S 124 mg
Phosphorus, Ph 218 mg
Chlorine, Cl 147 mg
Iron, Fe 3.2 mg
Cobalt, Co 14 mcg
Manganese, Mn 0.03 mg
Copper, Cu 110 mcg
Molybdenum, Mo 2 mcg
Chromium, Cr 14 mcg
Digestible carbohydrates
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 0.6 g
Essential amino acids
Arginine 0.66 g
Valin 0.88 g
Histidine 0.29 g
Isoleucine 0.53 g
Leucine 1.03 g
Lysine 0.89 g
Methionine 0.38 g
Methionine + Cysteine 0.6 g
Threonine 0.61 g
Tryptophan 0.17 g
Phenylalanine 0.63 g
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine 1.12 g
Nonessential amino acids
Alanin 0.62 g
Aspartic acid 1.06 g
Glycine 0.39 g
Glutamic acid 1.67 g
Proline 0.39 g
Serin 0.9 g
Tyrosine 0.49 g
Cysteine 0.23 g

Their calorie content is low - 168 kcal per 100 g of product, i.e. one egg contains 14–16 kcal.

Quail eggs contain a huge amount of biologically active substances

Is there cholesterol in quail eggs?

There is a myth that quail eggs have no cholesterol at all. It's not true, it's there. Moreover, it is more than in chicken, the amount is 670 units. However, lecithin contained in large quantities in quail eggs, neutralizes the negative effects of cholesterol.

Video: quail vs chicken eggs

Useful properties

Because quail eggs nourish the body useful components and have the ability to remove heavy metals, toxins and others harmful substances, immune system becomes more resilient. That is why they are recommended for absolutely everyone: men, women, elderly people, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, and even allergy sufferers. Quail eggs are hypoallergenic.

When eating quail eggs:

  • the functioning of the central nervous system is regulated;
  • hematopoietic processes are stimulated;
  • facilitates the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • the risk of cancer is reduced;
  • joint pain goes away.

In addition to the eggs themselves, you can also eat their shells, which are 90% calcium carbonate and contain 27 more useful components. This form of calcium is easily absorbed by the body.

At the same time, there should be no fear that excess calcium will be deposited in the joints or bladder- it will simply be eliminated from the body. Therefore, quail eggshells are good to use for fractures to accelerate bone healing.

In cosmetology

Not only in theory, but also in practice, it is confirmed that quail eggs strengthen hair, make it smooth, silky, and shiny. By consuming the product and using it as a mask, you can improve the condition of the skin, refresh it, and give it healthy looking and shine.

For sports

For people involved in bodybuilding, it is important to get plenty of protein. Quail eggs contain 12–14 g of protein per 100 g of product, i.e. its content is quite high. And iron and zinc help muscles recover quickly after physical activity. Therefore, quail eggs must be included in the diet of an athlete who strives for ideal body contour.

For a beautiful figure

Nutritionists include quail eggs in the diet of people who want to lose weight. overweight. The product is also used for complex treatment obesity. A diet has been developed based on quail eggs. If you exercise moderately during the period of weight loss, the results will be high.

Video: quail eggs and their effects on the body

Harm and contraindications

Quail eggs can be harmful to health only if their consumption is uncontrolled. This can lead to indigestion or even poisoning.

The list of contraindications here is small. They should not be used in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • liver and kidney diseases, in which animal protein is excluded;
  • the appearance of allergic reactions (extremely rare cases).

Quail eggs: benefits for children

The benefits that this product will bring to the child’s body cannot be overestimated. Children who regularly consume quail eggs develop much better and are ahead of their peers in mental and physical development.

Vitamin D in eggs prevents the appearance of rickets, and phosphorus stimulates mental development. In children, memory improves and the functioning of the central nervous system is normalized. They become more collected, attentive, concentrated. In Japan, for example, it was introduced government program, according to which every schoolchild should eat 2 quail eggs for breakfast.

Quail eggs have a positive effect on the mental and physical development of babies

Since quail eggs are hypoallergenic, you don’t have to worry about diathesis in your child.

At what age can you start eating quail eggs?

The baby can become familiar with this product at 6–7 months. In this case, only a quarter of the yolk can be given to the baby. The mother should carefully monitor the baby. If no allergic reactions occur ( skin rashes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.), then the portion of the yolk can be increased.

By the end of the second week after the start of complementary feeding, you can already give the whole yolk. This portion is stored until one year of age. During this period, hard-boiled quail eggs are a good prevention of rickets.

After 1 year and up to 5 years, a child can eat 1-2 pieces along with protein.

If a child is allergic to fish or dairy products, it is recommended to introduce quail eggs into the diet no earlier than the age of five.

For children 5–10 years old, the daily portion of quail eggs is increased to 2–3 pieces, and for schoolchildren 10–18 years old - up to 4 pieces per day.

Should I serve it raw or hard-boiled?

Eggs can be given to children boiled. How long should you cook eggs to ensure that all the beneficial components are preserved as much as possible? The time should be no more than three minutes. Eggs are also good to add to mashed potatoes or porridge.

How to feed a baby?

Raw quail eggs are contraindicated for children under 1 year of age, as they can cause increased gas formation and bloating in the child.

Quail egg shells for children: application

Children who are one year old can be given quail shell. Its composition is similar to the composition of tissues of bones and teeth.

The shell is prepared like this.

  1. It should be filled with water and put on fire.
  2. The water should boil, boiling time is 5 minutes.
  3. After this, the water is drained and the shell is refilled. cold water and put on fire.
  4. Again you need to bring to a boil and boil for another 5 minutes.
  5. Again, drain the water, let the shell cool, remove the film from it, pour apple cider vinegar and leave for a day in a dark place.
  6. After 24 hours, drain the vinegar, dry the shells and grind twice in a coffee grinder.

The finished powder can be consumed at any convenient time, before or after meals. The main thing is to do this regularly.

The effect of taking shells will be greater if you add lemon juice or fish oil to it. For children: take 0.5 tsp. powder and combine with 5 drops lemon juice. You can also add the powder to cereals or soups.

Video: quail eggs for children (Komarovsky’s opinion)

Breastfeeding period

In the first months of life, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed. Therefore, a nursing woman should carefully introduce any product into her diet. After all, the baby may experience colic, diarrhea, and rashes.

According to experts, quail eggs can be consumed already in the first month after the birth of a child. At the same time, many nutritional components will enter the mother's milk. However, you should be careful: you can first eat 1 egg and watch the baby for 2 days. If the child does not experience any negative symptoms, the dose can be gradually increased to 4–5 pieces per day.

Consumed raw

In its raw form, any product retains absolutely all useful components. Therefore, drinking raw quail eggs is beneficial.

To solve various problems With your health, you can take a health course with raw eggs for 3-4 months.

You need to drink 2 pieces daily. 30 minutes before meals, washed down with juice or water.

Standards for consuming raw quail eggs:

  • age 3–10 years - 3 pcs./day;
  • age 10–18 years - 4 pcs./day;
  • age 18–50 years - 6 pcs./day;
  • age after 50 years - 5 pcs./day.

According to observations, after 2 weeks you can see positive result from eating raw quail eggs.

Another advantage is that they do not contain salmonella, a harmful microorganism (for reference: 90% of chickens are infected with salmonellosis). The quail's body has high temperature- 42 °C, and salmonella cannot exist in such an environment; it dies at a temperature of 40 °C.

However, pullorosis, a type of intestinal infection, is common in quails. It can be found on the shell. Infection rarely gets inside the egg, since the shell has a finely porous structure and a very dense film. But before using it, you need to wash it thoroughly with soap or soda solution.

Eating raw eggs saturates the body with many beneficial components.

Treatment with quail eggs


Diabetes mellitus

At mild form quail eggs are used as a treatment for severe forms- as an addition to the main therapy. The following mixture is prepared daily: the juice of 1 lemon is mixed with 5 quail eggs. The composition should be drunk in three doses 30 minutes before meals. After 3 days you should take a three-day break. The duration of such therapy is 1 month and allows you to reduce blood sugar by 4–5 units.


Quail eggs contain lysicime, which penetrates into cancer cells and destroys them. Therefore, it will be useful to drink 4-6 eggs every day for 40 days on an empty stomach in the morning. You can make a cocktail from 100 ml of milk, 5-6 eggs, 1 tsp. honey and a pinch ground cinnamon. All ingredients should be mixed with a blender and the drink should be drunk in the morning 30 minutes before meals.

Gastritis, ulcer

If a person suffers from an ulcer or gastritis, then he is recommended to drink 3 quail eggs daily on an empty stomach with a glass of water. Egg shells are good for stomach diseases: 1 tsp. powder with 10 drops of lemon juice should be taken before bed.


The patient should drink 3 eggs in the morning on an empty stomach for the first 3 days, and then 5 eggs. During the entire course, the patient should drink only 120 eggs.


Quail eggs help fight this disease. You should drink it every morning on an empty stomach for 20 days. raw eggs. For fragile women, 5 pieces are recommended, and for larger ones - 6 pieces.

For eye health

Quail eggs contain a substance called lutein, which can be called a natural shadow for the eyes and which protects them from bright light. IN modern world people spend the lion's share of time in front of computer screens, tablets, and phones. Every year there is less and less lutein in the body, and accordingly, vision deteriorates. If you eat 1 egg daily in the morning on an empty stomach, then after 5 weeks the concentration of this useful substance increases by 30–40%.

For atopic dermatitis

To prevent the disease, you need to take the following mixture for 40 days: mix 1 egg with 1 tbsp. l. honey. The resulting product should be consumed 3 hours before meals. The specified portion should be divided into two doses. After forty days, a break of 2 weeks is required. After which you should repeat the course again.

For the liver

The amino acid lysozyme, contained in quail eggs, removes harmful substances, waste and toxins from the liver, helps restore normal function organ. However, for those liver diseases where protein consumption is prohibited, eggs should not be eaten. In some cases, for example, with hepatitis C, you can drink 5 eggs daily on an empty stomach. This course of treatment lasts 20 days.

For atherosclerosis

Despite the fact that the cholesterol contained in eggs is compensated by lecithin, experts recommend refraining from consuming the product if atherosclerosis is diagnosed.

For diarrhea

Eating quail eggs for diarrhea does not have any drastic effect on the situation.

Gallbladder treatment

Patients with cholelithiasis should not use the product, because when contracting gallbladder they will experience severe pain. But people with chronic cholecystitis eggs can help if you take 2 of them. daily on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals with a glass of water.


When treating bronchial asthma, the same regimen and course duration is used as for atopic dermatitis.

Arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism

To treat these diseases, you can prepare the following ointment: 5 quail eggs need to be poured into 100 ml vinegar essence for 48 hours. During this time, the shell should completely dissolve. The resulting product must be mixed with 100 g butter. It is recommended to apply the prepared ointment to sore spots in the evenings.

Cosmetology recipes for women

The protein contained in quail eggs helps tighten the contours of the face and refresh the color, while the yolk makes the skin soft. Quail eggs are used in many face masks.

Mask for dry skin


  • quail egg yolk - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

The yolks should be ground with vegetable oil and apply to cleansed skin. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week. The full course consists of 20 procedures.

Anti-greasy mask

The mask cleanses the skin well, normalizes the production of sebaceous secretions, and has a slight whitening effect.


  • quail egg white - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

All ingredients need to be mixed. Apply the resulting composition to the skin in a small layer and allow it to dry. Apply the next layer. After 20 minutes, the mask should be washed off cool water. It is recommended to use the product 1-2 times a week for a month.

Hair strengthening mask

The positive effect of taking eggs internally can be enhanced by using them externally in the form of hair masks. At the same time, the curls become silky, shiny, smooth and manageable.


  • olive oil - 180 ml;
  • honey - 60 ml;
  • quail eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • fir essential oil - 3–5 drops.

All the listed ingredients must be mixed. The resulting composition should be rubbed into the roots and distributed throughout the hair. It is recommended to wrap your head in cellophane and a towel for 3 hours. Then the curls need to be washed with shampoo.

Quail eggs for weight loss

Due to the fact that quail eggs improve metabolism and saturate the body with useful components, this product promotes weight loss. In a week of the quail diet you can lose 3 kg. The following menu for one day is offered.

Table: sample menu for one day

Benefits for men

There is no scientific evidence that quail eggs affect male potency. However, there is an established opinion that this product restores self-confidence to men, because eggs contain a lot of protein, which is involved in the synthesis of necessary hormones.

You can find many recipes using quail eggs to solve this problem. For example, the Youth cocktail is very popular.


  • quail eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sparkling unsweetened water - 100 ml;
  • cognac - 25 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

All components are thoroughly mixed. The cocktail is ready to drink. According to reviews, a positive result is noticeable within a few days after starting treatment, and sperm motility increases.

Quail egg is an excellent dietary product food, actively displacing traditional chicken from store shelves. This is explained by the fact that quail eggs are rich in micronutrients necessary modern people in a time of advanced technology, sophisticated taste preferences and numerous denatured semi-finished products. One product contains important vitamins and microelements due to their high nutritional value.

Calorie content of quail eggs

How many kilocalories are in quail eggs depends on the form in which you consume them:

  • the calorie content of 100 g of raw quail eggs is 168 kcal;
  • the calorie content of one boiled egg weighing about 9-10 g is 14-16 kcal;
  • calorie content of raw quail egg 1 pc. - about 17 kcal;
  • calorie content of fried quail eggs without oil per 100 g is 185 kcal.

A standard serving of 5 boiled quail eggs contains 70 kcal, and one large chicken egg contains 75 kcal. Thus, while on a calorie-restricted diet, one serving of small eggs contains up to 4-5 percent of the daily calorie content, that is, the product is considered dietary.

Nutritional value

We have figured out how many kilocalories are in quail eggs, and now let’s move on to the nutritional value of the product. A serving of five eggs contains about 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat (total 1.5 grams saturated). Saturated fats help increase cholesterol concentrations, so do not overuse them, despite the low calorie content of boiled or raw quail eggs.

Chemical composition

Regular consumption of eggs fills the body with important choline and vitamin A. The first is needed to maintain the health of cell membranes and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin A is also useful: improves vision and immune defense.

One serving of quail eggs contains almost 120 mg of choline and about 244 IU of vitamin A. These amounts replenish daily norm by 23% and 8% respectively.

Regardless of the low calorie content of quail eggs, raw or boiled, they contain many trace elements and essential amino acids. The product contains two and a half times more vitamins than chicken eggs. Therefore, face masks made from quail eggs are very useful.

Let's consider energy value product per 100 grams:

The concentration of potassium, phosphorus and iron in quail eggs is four times higher than chicken eggs. Small testicles contain cysteine, lysine, tryptophan, methionine, aspartic and glutamic acids.

Hello my friends!

Quail eggs, these tiny spotted creations of Nature.

I've been looking at them for quite some time.

Although I always intuitively felt that these were not ordinary eggs, but some special ones, as if the Power in them was different, not the same as in chicken ones.)))

Having carefully studied the information, I realized that this is true: they have much more benefits than chicken eggs.

But their most important advantage is that they do not cause any allergic reactions in those people who are allergic to chicken eggs.

But that's not all.

Let's take a look at what the value of these spotted eggs is and why they are so useful for our body

From this article you will learn:

Quail eggs - beneficial properties and methods of use

Quail eggs are not just a complete protein product like chicken eggs.

It turns out that quail eggs are much superior to chicken eggs in terms of protein content!

And in general their composition is very impressive!!!

What is included in quail eggs?

In addition to the high protein content, they contain a large number of essential and beneficial substances for the body. water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, and fat-soluble vitamins E, A and D, as well as fats and carbohydrates.

In addition to these minerals, quail eggs are quite rich in calcium, zinc, cobalt, manganese and copper.

There are also essential amino acids such as methionine, lysine, glycine, tyrosine, tryptophan and others.

The calorie content of quail eggs is 168 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of quail eggs

What are the benefits of quail eggs:

  • The need to use quail eggs in their diet, first of all, is for those adults and children who are prescribed dietary nutrition according to various indications: for diseases of the pancreas, for diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines. For such diseases, it’s not just possible to eat quail eggs, you SHOULD eat them, completely replacing chicken eggs with them in your diet.

Nutritionists even have a specially designed nutrition program - a diet based on quail eggs, which shows quite good results when used.

  • These eggs are great for recovery period after illnesses, in postoperative period, when the body is weak enough, in order to quickly recover completely and completely.
  • Quail eggs contain the amino acid lysozyme, which is considered a natural antiseptic, and that is why they are recommended for those people who have diseases internal organs, skin, bones, joints and mucous membranes of an inflammatory nature.
  • For people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, these eggs are simply necessary in the diet, since they contain very easily digestible protein, which is very important, and they also contain in sufficient quantities precisely those minerals and vitamins that can significantly improve their functioning. heart and strengthen blood vessels.
  • As doctors assure us, eating quail eggs instead of chicken eggs is an excellent prevention of future problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  • Quail eggs are especially useful for older people, as they are quite nutritious and contain a lot of calcium, and this is very important in the prevention of diseases such as osteoporosis, in order to avoid fractures.
  • There are a huge number of people who are allergic to chicken eggs. At the same time, by consuming quail eggs, these people can not only avoid unpleasant consequences in the form allergic reaction, but it is also great to strengthen your health in general and make your body less susceptible to various types of allergies. Individual intolerance to quail eggs exists, but it is quite rare, literally SINGLE cases have been recorded.
  • Be sure to eat quail eggs if you often experience emotional stress, if you have a fairly high level of physical activity, if you often feel overwhelmed, weak, exhausted for no reason, when you have no moral and physical strength. In all these cases, feel free to include these wonderful tiny “Health Capsules” in your diet, you will feel much better in just a couple of weeks!
  • It has been proven that quail eggs improve the condition of bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus and even with tuberculosis.
  • The amazing rejuvenating properties of these eggs could not go unnoticed by medical scientists, and numerous studies speak for themselves: the tyrosine contained in quail eggs has a positive effect on the process of skin cell renewal, and quail eggs can (and should) be used for this purpose not only inside, but also outside.
  • Despite the fact that the calorie content of quail eggs is slightly higher than that of chicken eggs, they are recommended for everyone who wants to lose weight, and competent nutritionists always advise using quail eggs rather than chicken eggs in their weight loss diet.

And here I am once again convinced that the matter, after all, is not always just about calories. By the way, so to speak, taking this opportunity, I would like to wholeheartedly advise you on this matter to read the book “It’s Not About Calories” by Jonathan Baylor, Many people will be able to find a lot of interesting and practically useful things in it.

  • Quail eggs are very important in the nutrition of children! In order for a child to grow well and develop harmoniously, his body needs a large amount of energy and various nutrients. The nutrients contained in quail eggs do an excellent job of this function and help the growing child’s body strengthen bones, muscles, improve learning ability, reduce fatigue and have a rather positive effect on nervous system.
  • Since quail eggs do not cause allergies, they are recommended to be used as a complete protein product in the nutrition of children who suffer from various dermatitis and dermatoses, and also have very sensitive skin.

Quail eggs and salmonellosis – where is the truth?

Do not be afraid of salmonellosis when eating quail eggs - this is almost 99.9% impossible!

Everyone knows that the danger of contracting salmonellosis always exists when consuming chicken eggs in your diet.

The same cannot be said about quail eggs.

Moreover, these eggs can (and should!) be used without fear in your diet in raw form, both for adults and for children.

Quail eggs are an organically pure product!

Of course, in order for quail eggs to be 100% organic, at least several criteria must be taken into account.

But still, the fact that quails are very rarely vaccinated, and they are almost never added to their food medicines, due to their high resistance to various diseases, and also rarely use hormones to accelerate their growth, suggests that the eggs of these birds are much more “clean” than the eggs of chickens.

That is why dietitians and nutritionists strongly recommend refusing to eat chicken eggs in favor of quail eggs.

By the way, various kinds of allergies in the body can just be a manifestation of the use of animal food, which contains medications that are fed to animals and birds during the process of raising them!

Quail eggs for men:

  • The benefits of quail eggs for men are due to the balanced content of a sufficiently large amount of protein in an easily digestible form, as well as many biologically active substances, vitamins, minerals, micro and macroelements and amino acids.
  • It is known that men are much more likely than women to suffer from atherosclerosis. Despite the fact that quail eggs contain no less cholesterol in quantity than chicken eggs, they do not increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and this is a proven fact.
  • Therefore, men should definitely include quail eggs in their diet on a regular basis; this will have the most positive effect on their health. cardiovascular system, will regulate the metabolism in the body, improve the functioning of the male nervous system and have a positive effect on the processes of healthy hematopoiesis.
  • In quail eggs, along with high content squirrel high quality, there is an optimal set of all essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own, and sufficient great content phosphorus and zinc, so replacing chicken eggs in your diet with quail eggs is an excellent and reasonable decision for every man, regardless of age! Numerous studies support this change, and are confirmed by the experience of many thousands of men who have improved their health by eating quail eggs on a regular basis.
  • In addition, there is evidence that quail eggs are quite a powerful aphrodisiac, so their consumption helps maintain sexual desire men on high level at any age.

What are the benefits of quail eggs for women?

Quail eggs for women:

  • The female body is unique, and for its healthy functioning it requires certain biological active substances. Quail eggs contain vitamins A and E in fairly large quantities, which are rightly called “female” vitamins. Being the most powerful antioxidants, they have exceptional ability help the process of cell regeneration, and are able to withstand any possibility of cancer of the genital organs and mammary glands of a woman.
  • The composition of quail eggs has a positive effect on the nervous system, prevents stress, nervous breakdowns and depression. The benefits in this regard will be relevant for both men and women, but it will be more useful for women, due to their emotional nature.
  • Folic acid in quail eggs helps maintain healthy hormonal levels in women of all ages, and is especially important during pregnancy and lactation.
  • It is imperative to consume quail eggs during a woman’s pregnancy and breastfeeding. The content of high quality protein, vitamins, minerals (especially calcium) will most favorably affect the health of pregnant and lactating women, as well as the health of the future or already born baby.
  • It has been proven that when consuming quail eggs, pregnancy itself is much easier, manifestations of toxicosis become weaker, the risk of tooth decay and deterioration in the quality of hair, skin and nails during pregnancy are reduced. During breastfeeding, the use of quail eggs in the diet will increase the flow breast milk and will make it of higher quality in composition.

Face masks with quail eggs

Women can use quail eggs for more than just food.

We have a great opportunity to care for facial skin and hair with the help of these “Beauty Capsules” by adding them to homemade formulations.

And here everything is extremely simple: in those mask recipes that involve the use of chicken eggs (yolks, whites or whole eggs), you need to replace chicken eggs with quail ones. Considering that quail eggs are smaller in size than chicken eggs, the replacement is made on the basis that approximately four quail eggs (maximum five) are one chicken.

Everything else remains unchanged - the method of preparing the mask, the application technique, and the duration of its effect on the skin (hair).

From my personal observations, I can say this: I am absolutely sure that the quality of masks made from quail eggs is an order of magnitude higher than that of their “chicken” counterparts.

This is evidenced by the final result after I used masks based on quail eggs.

And this is quite logical, since you and I already know that the content of “beauty vitamins” (A, D and E) in quail eggs is much higher, and the quality of the protein itself (if the egg is used together with the protein) is much higher.

How to cook quail eggs?

In fact, it’s as simple as shelling pears.

Everything is exactly the same as with chicken eggs, but you should take into account that they cook faster due to their small size.

Quail eggs are boiled, fried, protein shakes are prepared based on them, and even pickled.

They are added to porridges, soups, purees and sauces.

In absolutely any dish where chicken eggs are supposed to be used, you can safely use quail eggs.

From my own experience, I will say that dishes with quail eggs are much tastier than with chicken eggs, and this applies to both the white and the yolk.

And the yolk of quail eggs is ESPECIALLY delicious, and various sauces and homemade mayonnaise based on quail eggs are simply wonderful, be sure to try it, friends, you will love it!

And considering that quail eggs are not only tastier, but also much healthier than chicken eggs, I think that I have now become a fan of them for a long time.

The most important thing when preparing dishes with quail eggs is to take into account that one chicken egg is equal to 4-5 quail eggs.

And, of course, it is necessary to wash them thoroughly before use, no one has canceled this either, since, despite their environmental friendliness, they are still sold in the store unwashed, and it is not worth exposing yourself to danger again.

It is very useful to eat raw quail eggs, especially on an empty stomach, it gives real HEALING effect, and is recommended by nutritionists as a treatment and prevention of many diseases of internal organs.

A few raw quail eggs on an empty stomach in the morning guarantees both adults and children good health And excellent health during the day!

You can eat quail eggs raw not only on an empty stomach, they can be used in preparing delicious and healthy protein shakes.

Cocktails based on raw quail eggs - healthy, tasty and incredibly nutritious!

Friends, you already know that I am a big fan of all kinds of cocktails and smoothies. I believe that this type of liquid nutrition is very healthy and tasty.

I prepare a variety of cocktails and smoothies: from fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, and add greens, seeds, grains, nuts and various superfoods in the form of spirulina, chia seeds and chlorella, and now quail eggs too.

For this very reason, and given the health benefits of this product, I now consider them a true and MUST have superfood for regular consumption.

Cocktails made from raw quail eggs are incredibly tasty, nutritious and can perfectly satiate you for a long time.

For those who are trying to lose weight or for those who are trying to maintain it, protein shakes based on raw quail eggs are a real godsend!

Men add these protein shakes into your diet to gain muscle mass.

Women - to preserve muscle mass (this is especially true after 35, since at this age accelerated loss of muscle mass begins, and over the years this process only gains momentum) and to improve the quality of skin, hair and nails, as well as to maintain hormonal levels in a healthy state.

Cocktails with quail eggs are wonderful and very healthy food for both adults and children!

By consuming such cocktails for breakfast, you can significantly increase your energy level, reduce body fatigue, and remove constant weakness and drowsiness.

After training - best way replenish the body necessary vitamins and quality protein!

Since cocktails are prepared very simply and quite quickly, they are perfect as a snack. They can be prepared in advance - this is another undeniable advantage.

Drinking such a cocktail for dinner is a smart decision that will reduce the time you spend at the stove tenfold, and, at the same time, fill your body with ALL the necessary substances.

Cocktails made with quail eggs are a COMPLETE dish with good quality ingredients, nourishing and tasty, and at the same time very easy to digest!

If you consume dairy products, you can add cottage cheese, milk, kefir and yogurt to your cocktails.

For better absorption and high-quality satiation, protein shakes should be drunk very slowly, enjoying them and enjoying every sip. In this case, you can get much more benefits than if you drink them quickly.

Friends, I offer you my tried and tested recipes for cocktails containing quail eggs.

Choose, try, experiment, change components to your taste, add other ingredients, and find those solutions that will become your favorite.

To make cocktails you will need any blender: you can use either an immersion blender or a blender with a bowl, whatever is more convenient for you, do so.

The preparation technology is simple: the necessary components are prepared and blended in a blender.

I don’t write exact proportions, as it all depends on your taste.

The amount of products can be completely different and due to the fact that some people like thicker cocktails, while others prefer thinner ones, so I’m just giving you ideas and giving you freedom of creativity:

  1. Orange cocktail: beat quail eggs + Orange juice+ kiwi fruit. You can use grapefruit juice (for weight loss - absolutely fire!), or you can combine them, it will be very tasty!
  2. Milkshake (I use plant milk and dairy products for plant based, and you choose what you want): for dairy products, take milk, yogurt, whey, cream, sour cream, kefir and fermented baked milk, combine them to your liking, add raw quail eggs. Can be sweetened with honey or pre-soaked dried fruits.
  3. Banana milkshake: milk or yogurt or kefir + quail eggs + banana. You can add honey or dried fruits. But for those losing weight, just a banana is better
  4. Cereal shake: milk + eggs + oatmeal + honey. You can add fruit and bran for fiber.
  5. Buckwheat cocktail: sprouted or soaked green buckwheat + sweet apple (for those losing weight - green “seven” type) + juice or water + quail eggs. Sooo delicious!

That is, as a liquid base for such cocktails, we take juices or milk (vegetable or cow) and add quail eggs there. Fruits, vegetables and grains take longer – your choice.

It would be very good to enrich such cocktails with greens (especially spinach and parsley), sunflower seeds, chia, nuts, dried fruits, sprouted green buckwheat, flax seeds, and various superfoods.

Be sure to add spices to cocktails: this will enhance the beneficial properties of cocktails, make them more easily digestible and more tasty. Use cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, etc. for this purpose.

That's all for today, my dears.

I hope that this information will be useful to you, and you, like me now, will give preference to these “Beauty and Health Capsules” in your diet and personal care.

Write in the comments, do you use quail eggs for food? What are your favorite recipes?

Do you make masks based on these wonderful “spotted helpers”?

Share the article on your social networks. networks and with your friends and employees, spread this information further, let it benefit other people too!

Alena was with you, See you soon!

🙂 Today we’ll talk about useful and harmful properties chicken and quail eggs.

The egg is the basis of life. Everything is contained within it by nature itself. necessary substances for the formation of the embryo and development of the embryo. This fact alone puts the egg on the Olympus of beneficial properties for humans. Vegetarians use eggs as a protein supplement to their diet.

The benefits and harms of all eggs have been discussed and debated for a long time, and the debate leans one way or the other, depending on the results of new research. And thank God, eggs as a product have been rehabilitated and can be eaten every day, of course, if you are not concerned about losing weight. In any case, 4-5 eggs a week are absolutely healthy!

Composition of eggs (chicken, quail and other poultry eggs)

Eggs contain water, proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, macro-microelements:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids(Omega-3),
  • folic acid;
  • choline- improves memory and promotes transport and withdrawal, strengthening the heart muscle;
  • lecithin- , brain function, promotes the production, is building material for cells.
  • biotin (vitamin H (B7) – rare vitamin who participates in carbohydrate metabolism and interacts with insulin.
  • leucine- improves activity, participates in protein synthesis, restores muscles after physical activity.
  • The egg contains almost all the elements of the periodic table in the form of trace elements that are so necessary for us to ensure the vital functions of the body: they are especially rich in potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron.

In one chicken egg contained 14% Daily Protein Value for humans .

The calorie content of chicken eggs is 155 - 160 kcal/100 g.

Composition and comparative characteristics chicken and quail eggs

The table shows that quail eggs contain more vitamins and microelements.

By weight, one chicken egg (50 - 70 g) contains from 4 to 6 quail eggs (10-12 g).

Quail eggs beneficial properties

Features of quail eggs

Quail eggs deserve special attention. Their attractive appearance, reminiscent of sea pebbles, alone makes quail eggs a selective product for children. They are not only tasty and very healthy for the child’s body, but also do not cause diathesis and do not have any side effects.

Quail eggs contain a special substance tyrosine, involved in the formation of skin pigment and giving it a healthy appearance. This property of eggs determines their use in the cosmetics industry.

Quail eggs are rich lysozyme- an enzyme that has the ability to dissolve harmful bacteria, thereby providing immunity and increasing human health. Lysozyme cleanses the kidneys and liver in the body. In addition, thanks to it, the protein in the shell of quail eggs is preserved for a long time and does not deteriorate, and after time it simply dries out. The shell of quail eggs is thicker than chicken eggs, so eggs can be stored twice as long as chicken eggs.

And finally, it has been scientifically proven that quail eggs cannot be infected with salmonellosis, for the reason that the body temperature of quails is 42 degrees, which does not allow salmonella microorganisms to survive. This opinion was recently confirmed by the host of the “Live Healthy” program E. Malysheva. Moreover, it has been established that quail eggs are practically sterile.

Thus, it turns out that quail eggs are even more useful than chicken eggs.

The calorie content of quail eggs is 168 kcal/100 grams.

Available traditional methods treatment and healing of the body. So the following intake of quail eggs is recommended:

Treatment with quail eggs

There are good results in the treatment of diseases such as

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiac ischemia;
  • liver diseases and chronic cholecystitis;
  • in the fight against obesity and weight loss;
  • rickets and dystrophy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diathesis and various diseases skin.

The benefits of eggs for dietary nutrition, for children, men and women

  • Chicken and quail eggs are a natural dietary protein product, easily digestible up to 98%, used in human nutrition since ancient times. Quail ones are especially useful.
  • Beneficial substances, such as amino acids contained in eggs and involved in the construction and formation of organs, allow the yolk to be used in children's nutrition infancy. Once upon a time, complementary feeding began at 3-4 months, today doctors have slightly delayed the period to a later date and recommend starting from 10-12 months.
  • Eggs have a low calorie content and at the same time are quite nutritious, so they can be used in dieting and weight loss. So, one egg is only 80 kcal and 13% protein!
  • For men eggs indispensable product, help to increase muscle mass so necessary for them in physical work.
  • Eggs are stored quite well and for a long time - they are indispensable on the road, as a snack at work, and thanks to their satiety, they are loved by people. Eggs are an irreplaceable product and, as we see, are useful for all categories of the population from children to the elderly.

To get rid of the problem of short stature, researchers suggest early age eat at least one egg a day. According to scientists, this is enough for the child to begin to reach upward.

The researchers conducted their experiment in Ecuador. Here, according to scientists, the country is not rich, so at an early age children do not receive required quantity nutrients needed for growth.

160 children took part in the program. At the start, their age was 6-9 months. Half were given one egg per day, the control group remained on a normal diet. Six months later, the results were compared, Gazeta.ru reports.

It turned out that children who received one egg daily had virtually no problems with growth and normal development, while in the control group the children remained expectedly less developed.

According to pediatricians and researchers, eggs contain a variety of nutrients. Children who do not receive the required amount clearly have pronounced delays V physical development. This problem is especially relevant for poor countries.

Eggs are a product available almost all over the world, and also inexpensive. Daily use Eating eggs to children can at least partially compensate for the lack of all components necessary for growth, which children must receive from food during development and adulthood.

Eggs can be consumed in any form, from raw (if you are confident in their quality, to boiled, fried, or as an addition to salads)

Choose eggs with white or brown shells

Everything is at your discretion. There is no particular sensitive difference between white and brown eggs; their composition is approximately the same. The color of the shell determines the color of the hen. White chickens lay white eggs, and motley chickens lay brown eggs.

Scientists have only found that brown eggs contain more omega-3 than white eggs. Although this difference is insignificant. In addition, there are opinions that brown ones have slightly less cholesterol than white ones. This is all provided that the chickens are kept in the same conditions and eat the same food.

The strength of the shell is often determined by the age of the chicken. The older the bird, the stronger the shell. And very often, adjusting nutrition increases the strength of the shell.

So when choosing eggs, you should not be guided by color, the deadline is more important when they were taken down and what they fed the birds, that is taste qualities eggs

Useful properties of eggshells

There is a lot of discussion about the benefits of eggshells. Doctors consider it useless and poorly or completely indigestible by the body. However, artificial calcium preparations are prescribed to everyone, and yet eggshells are natural. It is formed inside the body of a chicken, quail or other bird, therefore this fact alone suggests that it is more beneficial than any calcium-containing drug or dietary supplement with it. In addition, people who take shells indicate good result in treatment.

I assume that this is another conspiracy between doctors and pharmaceutical companies, who will buy drugs if eggshells are available to everyone for free.

The shell of poultry is 90% calcium carbonate, the rest consists of no less useful 27 microelements: iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, sulfur, silicon, copper, fluorine, molybdenum. Silicon and molybdenum are rarely found in other products, and calcium carbonate from the shell is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Therefore, eggshells and quails and chickens - important source these elements. You can use it in food, if you have a lack of calcium, by rinsing it well with water, drying it and grinding it in a coffee grinder. It is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to the crushed shells. However, it is important to know that the body actually experiences a calcium deficiency, otherwise it may be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and cause harm to the entire body.

It is better to start taking eggshells gradually with a small dose at the end of a teaspoon, working up to 1/2 teaspoon for an adult per day. Better reception Exercise in the morning, immediately after drinking a glass of water, to avoid constipation. You can divide the portion into two times: in the morning and before lunch.

Harm to eggs

1. It was precisely because of the contents in the egg that nutritionists attacked it. But as a result of new research, it has been established that although the yolk of an egg contains cholesterol, it is thanks to a special enzyme lecithin, which not only compensates for, but also removes fats from the body. Scientists have determined that there are 1.5 times less harmful saturated fats than healthy unsaturated fats.

2. Egg is an allergenic product. However, allergies most often occur in children aged 5-7 years. That is, the occurrence of an allergy to eggs in adults is unlikely. Therefore in childhood You should limit your child’s consumption of eggs or always monitor the body’s reaction to this product.

3.Egg is enough high-calorie product. His calorie content is 155 kcal per 100 gram of product or 75 -80 kcal in an egg. On the one hand, this is good, but for people who care about their weight - negative factor. For such categories, it is important to limit consumption to 1 egg per day. This is what nutritionists recommend, but there is no clear evidence that eggs are harmful. In addition, it was found that poultry farm workers who often use this product a lot did not show any health abnormalities at all, and if they did, then no more than other people.

  1. Possibility of infection Salmanellosis. There is no need to eat untested eggs. All eggs sold in stores undergo quality control. In addition, all chickens on farms are vaccinated. Quails are not subject to vaccination, but usually due to their young age (quails begin laying eggs at the age of 45-55 days). And yet, if you are not sure about the quality of the eggs, you need to cook them longer, at least 10 minutes.
  2. However no need to overcook eggs, it is known that the longer the egg is boiled, the harder it will be to digest.

So, as we see, the beneficial properties of eggs are much greater than the harmful ones. However, we must remember that all these beneficial properties apply to poultry eggs. Many producers, in pursuit of quantity, stimulate the egg production of chickens through various chemical additives, antibiotics and the wrong feed. One can only guess what quality these eggs are, which you and I, of course, eat.