Rescuer ointment (balm): instructions and indications for use for various skin lesions, composition, analogues and reviews. What is rescue ointment used for and what does it help with?

IN childhood abrasions, bruises, small wounds, diaper rash and other skin problems are not uncommon. A balm called “Rescuer” has proven itself well in their treatment. It is actively used by adults, and a product is produced specifically for children, the packaging of which states that this “Rescuer” is for children.

Release form and composition

"Children's Rescuer" is a product of the Lumi company and is produced in the form of a balm, but is often called an ointment. The consistency of the medicine varies: from margarine-like with slight granulation to a creamy semi-liquid. These are all variations of normal appearance.

Only the product in which the separation of fractions into a dense clot and an oily liquid is detected is spoiled. This “Rescuer” should be thrown out.

The balm is sold in aluminum tubes containing 30 grams of product. Its composition includes the following ingredients:

  • melted butter;
  • oil, which is produced near the resort of Naftalan;
  • lavender essential oil;
  • chamomile oil extract;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • calendula oil extract;
  • vitamin E;
  • beeswax;
  • vitamin A;
  • essential oil tea tree;
  • olive oil.

There are no artificial flavors or dyes in “Spasatel” for children.

It should be noted that the manufacturer also offers other products called “Rescuer”.

  • Original balm “Rescuer”. The composition of this medicine, which is usually used by adults, is very similar to the drug for children, but it does not contain chamomile extract.
  • Thermal balm “Rescuer Forte”. The main difference of this product is its warming effect, which is in demand for myositis, injuries, acute respiratory viral infections, and radiculitis. It is caused by components such as capsaicin, rhodiola and calendula extract, turpentine oil and other substances.
  • Aerosol "Rescuer". The main ingredient of this foam is D-panthenol. This product also contains essential oils, sea buckthorn oil, vitamins, peptides, plant extracts and other substances. The aerosol is convenient to use for first aid for burns, frostbite or wounds.

Operating principle

The components of “Rescuer” are able to soften the skin and eliminate the inflammatory process, thanks to which the product helps eliminate redness and irritation. In addition, treatment with balm reduces the risk of scarring and reduces painful sensations. Thanks to milk fat, beeswax and vitamins, the product protects the skin from any harmful effects, such as sun rays, low temperature, strong wind or bacterial attack.


"Children's Rescuer" helps to get rid of the following skin problems:

  • small wounds;
  • severe dryness;
  • diaper rash;
  • abrasions;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • insect bites;
  • bruises;
  • chapping of the skin;
  • bruises;
  • sprains;
  • dermatitis;
  • hematomas;
  • suppuration.

In addition, the balm can be used prophylactically, for example, if you need to provide protection from the sun or frost. In addition, thanks to the softening effect, “Rescuer” for children can also be used for massage.

At what age is it prescribed?

The manufacturer claims that "Children's Rescuer" is safe even for infants, but before using it in children, it recommends consulting a doctor and be sure to check the baby for hypersensitivity (apply a little balm to a small area of ​​skin).

Other products from the “Rescuer” line can also be used in childhood, but it is better to use the balm that has the word “children” on the packaging, since its formula was created specifically for young patients.


It is not recommended to treat deep and long-term non-healing wounds which have become chronic. "Rescuer" is also contraindicated in case of trophic changes. It should not be used if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients in the balm.

Side effects

After the first application of "Children's Rescuer" or several uses of the medicine, some small patients may experience an allergic reaction to any component of the drug. It usually manifests itself as a rash, redness, itching, and other unpleasant symptoms, when they appear, further use of the balm should be abandoned.

Instructions for use

To apply the product to the desired area of ​​skin, use any convenient way For example, you can lubricate the surface simply with your hand or a cotton pad.

To increase the effectiveness of the balm, the treated skin is covered with a bandage.

A new layer of balm should be applied as needed, as often as required, using the drug until complete healing.

Terms of sale and storage

You can purchase "Children's Rescuer" at a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor. Average price one tube costs 200 rubles.

To ensure that the effectiveness of the balm components does not decrease, the drug must be protected from freezing or heating, as well as from the action of moisture on the contents of the tube. The manufacturer advises putting the “Rescuer” package in the refrigerator, but it can also be stored at room temperature. During storage, the tube should always be tightly closed. If the aluminum shell is damaged, the drug should be discarded.

If there are children in the family, home medicine cabinet There must be a Rescuer ointment: for the little ones - for diaper rash, for older boys and girls - for abrasions, burns, scratches, and other skin damage. The product contains neither antibiotics nor hormones, which could narrow the range of its use. The Rescuer's effectiveness is high even without these components.

Can this product be used for children?

For the Rescuer does not exist age restrictions . They begin to use it already in the maternity hospital - they care for the skin of a newborn, heal postoperative sutures at mom's.

The ointment is used to treat diaper rash and other skin problems, but the age of unintelligent patients requires caution - the child should not touch the lubricated areas of the skin with his hands, and then rub his eyes with them or put them in his mouth - this is still a remedy for external use.

At this age, no other problems arise when using the Rescuer.

Composition and release form

The rescuer is released in the form of a balm, although this product is often called ointment. A tube in a cardboard package contains 30 g of the drug.

Children's and adult form"Rescuer", almost identical in composition, but in the children's version, manufacturers do without dyes and flavors, which enhances the safety of the product.

Balm Rescuer-forte unlike the usual one, it is intended for treatment deep wounds, radiculitis, restoration of sprained ligaments.

Cream Rescuer (unlike ointment) contains artificial components(chlorhexidine, bigluconate), therefore can be used for children from one year of age.

All ingredients in Spasatel baby ointment are natural. Here is its composition:

Properties and effect of the drug

The composition of the drug is selected in such a way that it allows you to solve the whole range of problems without requiring any additional medications.

If a child is injured or burned, the Rescuer:

When used to treat dermatological diseases, this remedy eliminates irritation, rashes, and itching. If the skin is dry or flaky, it moisturizes it.

Indications and contraindications

Rescuer is one of the few truly universal tools. It is used both as an “Ambulance” for the victim in some everyday circumstances, and as a medicinal product for the treatment of skin diseases.

Indications for use:

  • diaper rash;
  • wounds, cracks and abrasions (with or without suppuration);
  • burns (including sun, chemical);
  • bruises;
  • sprains;
  • various forms of dermatitis;
  • acne and pimples;
  • insect bites;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes.

The balm can also be used in for preventive purposes for skin care of newborns, which can suffer when using diapers, as well as dry, problematic skin that is prone to irritation.

Contraindication - individual intolerance ointment or some of its components (for example, bee products).

Those with chronic skin diseases should not use the Rescuer: they require special treatment. A categorical taboo on the drug - trophic ulcers.

Instructions for use

If there are no contraindications, Diaper rashes that appear on the baby’s body are lubricated thin layer balm every time a diaper is changed. If the help is preventive, one procedure per day is enough (we’ll tell you about other ointments for the treatment of diaper rash).

When Rescuer is applied to the problem area in a thick layer. When the medicine is absorbed into the skin, the procedure is repeated. The duration of treatment depends on how large the affected area is and how quickly treatment was started. The procedures are carried out as many times as necessary for final recovery.

The balm is not addictive, so if necessary, it is even possible long-term treatment with this drug.

How to use correctly (procedure)

Before applying the balm, you need to clean the wound. The medicine is squeezed into the very center of the damaged surface; this should not cause pain, since the ointment does not contain alcohol. If the damage is superficial, Rescuer can be rubbed into the skin with gentle movements.

The treated surface is covered with a bandage with some insulating material or plaster. There are several such procedures: when the effect of one ends, the next one is carried out. Each time, give the skin a “rest” from the ointment and patch for 15-20 minutes.

When it should help, what to do if it doesn’t help

A Rescuer is usually expected to provide quick results, just like an Ambulance. And not in vain.

It suppresses painful symptoms within 5-15 minutes. In case of diaper dermatitis, it relieves redness within a day (if the disease is not advanced). From the consequences mosquito bites gets rid of it in a few hours.

If your feet are worn out, your arms and legs are scratched, two days is enough to get your skin in order.

In cases where the remedy was ineffective(the balm acts differently on different organisms), you will need to consult a doctor.

He will not offer an analogue to the Rescuer (the same universal natural remedies no), but can recommend Dioxyzol (antiseptic), Actovegin (for the treatment of purulent wounds), Astroderm (effectively regenerates tissue), (wound healing medicine).

Side effects, overdose, interactions

A side effect from using the Rescuer may be an allergic reaction, which will manifest itself in the form of hives, swelling, and redness of the skin. No cases of overdose have been recorded.

Regarding interactions with other medications, the danger is posed by the combination of balm with disinfectants – iodine ( alcohol tincture), hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green.

Between the components of these drugs there may be chemical reactions which will be dangerous to the skin. Experts do not recommend using Rescuer simultaneously with glucocorticosteroid ointments - this reduces the effectiveness of the balm.

Cost in Russia

The cost of the drug ranges from 130 to 140 rubles. for 30 years Minimum possible - 95-100 rubles. You can purchase the balm both in a regular pharmacy chain and online.

If you are faced with a price of about 200 rubles, then most likely they are offering you a 75 g tube (such packaging is rare).

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To avoid fakes, pay attention to the packaging: it must indicate the manufacturer's logo - LUMI LLC.

To ensure that the drug is ready for use at any time (its shelf life is 2 years), store it in the refrigerator - at high temperature the contents of the tube become liquid.

When purchasing medicine for your home medicine cabinet, read the instructions for its use. so that in an alarming situation you can use it wisely.

Doctors and parents value Rescue Ointment for its safety for young patients. Made only from natural ingredients, which does not contain preservatives or alcohol, it works effectively in the most alarming situations - when a child has been burned or injured.

It is important that the medicine is always at hand in your home medicine cabinet. This remedy increases local immunity and can be used to treat skin diseases.

Using Bruise Rescuer can reduce swelling skin, reduce the intensity of bruising and pain. With regular use, the first symptoms disappear within a few hours, and the bruise itself disappears after 4–7 days, depending on the severity of the damage.

Composition and release form

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the restoration of the protective and regenerative functions of the skin. Under the influence active ingredients The regenerative ability of subcutaneous structures is enhanced. Thanks to this action, rapid healing of abrasions, scar tissue, and inflammatory foci occurs.

The use of Rescue Balm normalizes all biochemical processes in tissues, activates the antibacterial properties of lymphatic fluid and blood, which makes it possible to quickly eliminate any pathological foci.

The composition of the drug is exclusively natural, based on a combination various oils and Naftalan oil. This combination not only accelerates the healing of bruises, but also resolves deep hematomas with bruises, scratches, and wounds. The ointment contains the following components:

  1. Naftalan refined oil. The component has a pronounced antiseptic effect and relieves pain.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. A valuable component of any drug that allows you to quickly and safely treat many skin diseases.
  3. Tea tree oil. The product's esters have antibacterial properties and help with purulent wounds, infectious processes.
  4. Turpentine. The substance helps improve local immunity, enhances the regenerative abilities of the skin, increases resistance to negative impact.
  5. Beeswax. Creates a kind of protective film on the skin that prevents penetration pathogenic bacteria, softens bruises.

The Rescuer ointment also contains ghee to soften the skin, calendula extract, vitamins A and E, which are responsible for the regeneration of skin cells, and lavender oil.

The drug is sold from pharmacy chains without a prescription in 30 ml tubes.

Important! The highlight of the Rescuer cream is the combination of many oils and naftalan oil included in the composition. These components have long been used in medicinal purposes, thanks to its broad-spectrum effects on various skin diseases.

Indications for use

Safety and naturalness medicinal composition ointment makes it universal remedy For local application. Highlight the following readings for use:

  • deep and small wounds;
  • scratches, abrasions;
  • calluses;
  • dry skin;
  • frostbite and burns;
  • bruises, deep hematomas, bruises;
  • dermatitis of any nature;
  • diaper rash and bedsores;
  • scars, scars, fibrous tissue;
  • bruises, sprains, injuries;
  • infectious skin diseases;
  • pimples, blackheads.

The rescuer is effective against exacerbations of eczema and prevention of excessive dryness of the skin.

Pay attention! Used to treat insect bites in children and adults, as well as when exposed to various negative factors. The natural components in the ointment make it possible to use Spasatel ointment for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Instructions for use of ointment

Rescuer cream is applied only to thoroughly washed and dry skin. To enhance the therapeutic results, you can warm the skin slightly with dry heat (for example, by applying a warm towel for a few minutes). In the presence of open wounds, scratches or abrasions, mandatory antiseptic treatment with alcohol or non-alcohol compounds is recommended. In case of inflammation, it is enough to first wash the skin with soap and pat dry with a paper towel.

For therapeutic effect A medium layer of application is sufficient. The thick cream heats up under the influence of the skin and spreads, creating a special protective film. The activity of the main components of the drug begins under the film. To improve therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use fixing compresses. To do this, just apply a thick layer of cream to the bruise, apply gauze pad with parchment paper so that the fatty base of the cream is not absorbed from the bandage or gauze, secure with adhesive tape. The composition can be left overnight.

Changing the dressing is necessary when the cream is completely absorbed into the skin. It is important to give the skin a “rest”, so it is better to leave the application of compresses for the night, and keep the skin open during the day.

For newborn children, it is recommended to apply to the genital area when severe irritation, diaper dermatitis. In this case, application is important after every wash and diaper change. 3–5 applications of Rescuer cream per day are enough.

Contraindications and side effects

The rescue cream is not used for trophic changes in the skin, as well as for long-term inflammatory lesions. The main contraindications for use are:

  • allergic reactions to the components in the Rescuer (typical for fair-skinned people, newborns and pregnant women);
  • intolerance to honey and bee products (if you are allergic to honey, then allergic reactions may occur when applying the ointment);
  • purulent smudges from inflammatory foci, weeping wounds of an infectious nature.

The product is used only locally. If a rash, itching or burning appears in the area of ​​application, it is important to stop using remedy. In case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse with water.

Special side effects Compared to the use of Spasatel balm, it does not stand out, thanks to the absolute naturalness of all components in the composition of the drug.

You cannot simultaneously use Rescuer ointment with other disinfectants that contain hydrogen peroxide and iodine-containing components. This combination can cause negative effects on the skin.

Efficiency medicinal ointment The lifesaver is reduced when used simultaneously with hormonal agents(local drugs – glucocorticoids).

Ointment Rescuer – medicine, which has a regenerating effect. It is used to treat wounds and burns. The drug contains only natural ingredients. According to the instructions, the Rescuer is intended for therapy mechanical damage deep tissues.

Rescuer ointment is a product made from natural ingredients that has a regenerating effect and is used to treat wounds and burns.


Rescue ointment is produced in tubes of 30 g. On the packaging the drug is called a balm, but among patients it is often called an ointment. The rescuer has a fatty thick consistency yellow. When interacting with the skin, the balm becomes liquid, so it is easier to apply and absorbs faster. It effectively heals wounds, relieves inflammation and pain, and regenerates the skin.

The ointment contains the following components:

  1. Naftalan oil refined. Has antiseptic and anabolic effects.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. Accelerates the healing of wounds of various origins.
  3. Tea tree oil. Is natural antibiotic, which has an antiseptic effect. Helps with infections and purulent wounds.
  4. Lavender oil. Has antispasmodic and analgesic effects.
  5. Turpentine. Has a bactericidal and immunostimulating effect. Widely used for the treatment of joint and muscle pain.
  6. Calendula oil extract. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Vitamins A and E. Promote skin regeneration.
  8. Beeswax. Creates a layer on the skin that prevents the negative effects of external factors.
  9. Melted butter. Relieves irritation and softens the skin.

Balm Rescuer is used to treat the following conditions:

  • skin lacerations;
  • abrasions;
  • bruises;
  • sunburn;
  • burns of chemical and thermal origin;
  • diaper rash in bedridden patients or newborns;
  • and secondary type infections;
  • dermatitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • insect bites.

The simultaneous use of Spasatel balm and disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide and alcohol solution Yoda. They can provoke chemical reactions that negatively affect the skin.

The effectiveness of the balm is reduced when using creams and ointments that contain glucocorticoids.

The price of Rescuer ointment varies between 160-180 rubles. You can buy the product at any pharmacy without a prescription.

How to use Rescue Balm?

At thermal burns Apply the product to the damaged area light movements. After 10-15 minutes, the pain will subside, after which the damaged area of ​​skin must be covered with a sterile bandage. If the wound is large or contaminated, rinse it gently with running water. It will reduce pain, but will slow down the healing process.

For treatment, just apply the balm to inflamed area massage movements. Thanks to the natural ingredients in the ointment, it is safe to use on mucous membranes.

For bruises and abrasions, Rescuer balm relieves pain, restores the skin and eliminates swelling.

Use Rescuer ointment effectively due to its strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Natural ingredients help to accelerate the smoothing of existing scars and scars on the skin. The skin is renewed and takes on a healthy appearance.

Insect bites cause serious discomfort to people, causing itching, swelling and irritation. All unpleasant signs can be eliminated with the help of Rescuer balm.

According to the instructions for use, Rescuer ointment can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Despite everything beneficial properties, the balm has a number of contraindications:

  • individual sensitivity to components;
  • the presence of chronic wounds on the skin;

During clinical trials experts have not identified side effects from patients using Rescuer ointment.

What are the differences between Spasatel balm and Spasatel-Forte ointment?

The composition of Spasatel-Forte ointment does not contain naftalan oil. IN this means contains other components with a unique composition:

  1. Oily extract of red hot pepper. Has a warming effect.
  2. Methyl nicotinate. Increases blood flow during frostbite and sprains.
  3. Fir oil. Has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. Used to reduce inflammation and pain.
  4. Siberian ginseng extract. It is a general immunostimulant.
  5. Eleutherococcus extract. Increases blood flow and promotes activation of cellular metabolism.

The main difference between Spasatel balm and Spasatel-Forte ointment is that it is used for the treatment of superficial wounds. It has no warming effect. Spasatel-Forte ointment is used to treat deep skin lesions. It is effectively used for therapy for sprained ligaments, and also as a warming drug for severe coughs.

Both drugs are produced in Poland pharmaceutical company. It also produces a third type of medicine - Children's Rescuer. It contains the same ingredients as Rescuer balm. The difference is that the composition does not contain dyes or flavors.

Differences between ointment and cream

Spasatel ointment is a Polish medicine, and Spasatel cream is produced by a Ukrainian company. Both drugs have similar packaging, but various compositions. The distinctive components of the cream are dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine. They have similar properties as the components of the Rescuer ointment.

Pay attention! Rescue cream should not be used to treat children under 1 year of age.


You can replace Rescuer ointment with the following medications:

  • Bepanten ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Boro-plus cream;
  • Panthenol;
  • Mephenate;
  • Septalan and others.

Bepanten ointment

The active substance in Bepanten ointment is dexpanthenol. It is provitamin B5. This component stimulates the restoration of the skin and mucous membranes. It normalizes metabolism in cells, accelerates mitosis and increases the strength of collagen fibers. The ointment is quickly absorbed into the skin, moisturizes and regenerates it.

Bepanten ointment - normalizes metabolism in cells, is quickly absorbed into the skin, promotes its hydration and regeneration

Bepanten, unlike Rescue balm, has a weak anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it can be used on any area of ​​the skin. Like Rescuer ointment, Bepanten is approved for treatment by pregnant and lactating women. It can also be used for acne on the face.

Bepanten ointment costs from 430 to 470 rubles per 30 g package.

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment is an anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic agent with an anticoagulant effect. It is prescribed for injuries, superficial limbs and for the treatment of hemorrhoidal veins. Active ingredient the drug contains sodium heparin.

Unlike Rescue Balm, Heparin ointment cannot be used to treat children. It is also contraindicated when open wounds and availability purulent processes.

The price of the drug is 55-70 rubles.

Cream Boro-plus

Boroplus cream, like Rescuer ointment, contains only natural ingredients, namely:

  • sandalwood;
  • aloe;
  • turmeric;
  • ginger lily and others.

Thanks to them, the product is effective for any dermatological diseases. It quickly eliminates skin burning, nourishes and moisturizes it. The cream is prescribed for and. It can also be used when increased sweating in order to eliminate unpleasant odor sweat.

Boroplus cream - consists exclusively of natural ingredients, eliminates skin burning, nourishes and moisturizes it

Boro-plus cream has an antifungal effect, protects against purulent processes and frostbite, promotes accelerated healing abrasions and burns. It is used for insect bites, as it helps eliminate itching and inflammation. Boro-plus can be used by men after shaving as it relieves irritation and moisturizes the skin. The cream also helps with chapped lips during the cold season. It also prevents the appearance of cracks and wounds on the lips.

Pay attention! The cream can be used to treat skin irritations in children.

The drug is contraindicated for people allergic to the components.

The price of Boro-plus cream is 90-120 rubles per package of 25 g and 130-150 rubles per package of 50 g. The country of origin of the drug is India.

For thermal damage to the skin (burns and frostbite), the balm is generously applied directly to the affected surface of the skin. Under the influence of body temperature, the consistency of the balm changes from paste-like to a thick flowing mass (since the dropping temperature of the balm is 36°C). This allows you to distribute the balm over the entire damaged surface without touching the painful areas. Painful sensations will stop 5-15 minutes after applying the balm. Then, the damaged area can (depending on the size of the damaged surface) be covered with a bandage with an insulating layer, which helps achieve a faster healing effect without the appearance of blisters and scars.
To remove painful shock, for very severe burns, especially in cases where the affected area is heavily contaminated, it is recommended to rinse the burn area with cold running water. However, it should be borne in mind that exposure to water significantly inhibits subsequent healing processes.
At traumatic injuries skin (including for bruises, bruises, abrasions, etc.), the balm should be applied directly from the tube to the damaged surface and covered with a bandage with an insulating layer that prevents the balm from being absorbed into the bandage, for example, a plaster or a compress (depending on the size of the traumatic surface).
During the healing process, it is recommended to take short breaks from using the balm and open the damaged area, allowing access to oxygen.

It is very important to apply the balm as soon as possible if the skin is damaged - this will significantly reduce the healing process in time.


As stated above, Spasatel® / Ratovnik® balm is a drug whose safety has been confirmed by the results of numerous tests conducted in accordance with modern international requirements and standards. However, like any other drug whose action is based on natural ingredients, Spasatel® / Ratovnik® balm, very in rare cases, may cause allergic reaction. Therefore, you should use the balm with caution in cases where it contains ingredients that can cause you an allergic reaction.


The drug is packaged in an easy-to-use plastic (laminated) tube with a capacity of 30 grams, which has several degrees of protection against counterfeiting. The tube is packaged in a cardboard case with instructions for use attached.


The balm should be stored at room temperature, i.e. at 15-25°C. Storing the balm in a cool place will significantly extend the shelf life of the drug.
It should be noted that the consistency of the balm (like any other fat-based preparation) directly depends on the temperature environment. Those. in winter conditions its consistency is hard - it is difficult to squeeze the balm out of the tube. In this case, you should hold the tube with the balm in your hand for a short time. On the other hand, in the summer heat, the consistency of the balm will be a thick flowing mass, which may even flow out of the tube.

Regardless of the ambient temperature, as well as the consistency of the balm, its healing properties do not change.