Mineral water "Borjomi": benefits and harm for humans. Positive qualities of Borjomi: the benefits and effects of mineral water. Indications for use of Borjomi and harm from drinking liquid

Mineral waters are extremely beneficial for human body, but before starting self-medication with this well-known healing water, it’s worth figuring out what the benefits and harms of Borjomi can be, as well as how much of this water you can drink per day. Despite hurting yourself natural waters difficult, it is simply necessary to know about contraindications and indications for the use of medicinal table waters.

Why is Borjomi considered so healthy?

As soon as you open the bottle, you will immediately understand that this is not ordinary water: although it is light, it still has a noticeable hydrogen sulfide smell. For some, this mineral water smells like a hospital, for others, it smells like iodine, but most opinions agree on one thing: they would not drink this water just to quench their thirst on a daily basis. And it is not surprising, because the specific smell is accompanied by a salty taste, which makes many people refuse to eat Borjomi. But this is before the first health problems.

The fact is that Borjomi is not intended to be consumed in the same way as you drink regular water, but it is still medicinal. And here its properties are revealed to the fullest, forcing those who just recently wrinkled their noses to buy this mineral water packages or even go to the sources.

Where do such miraculous properties come from? Like other mineral waters, Borjomi takes its strength from the depths of the earth, enriching itself useful minerals from the rock through which it passes. Since the rocks and the very nature of the sources differ in Borjomi and, for example, Essentuki or Mineralnye Vody, the water also has different composition, and also differs in smell, taste and natural carbonation. In the case of Borjomi, a source of volcanic origin travels about 8 kilometers from the depths of the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia, “absorbing” along the way the lion’s share of the periodic table from rocks encountered along the way. As a result, the composition contains:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • fluorine;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • silicon;
  • aluminum;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • sulfates.

And many other compounds with unpronounceable names, of which there are about 80 in total. At the same time, the water comes to the surface still warm, without having time to cool, which is distinctive feature Borjomi.

Manufacturers claim that the composition of water has not changed since 1830, when its use in medicinal purposes, but according to scientists, the source is about one and a half thousand years old, so Caucasian centenarians of more than one era could maintain their strength with its help.

For what problems is Borjomi useful?

So when should you take Borjomi so that it’s not too late? It turns out that this water can help cope with a whole range of problems in various systems our body.

  • Cardiovascular system

Taking mineral water inside, as well as taking baths with it, helps normalize blood pressure, strengthening and cleansing blood vessels, and also helps strengthen the heart.

  • Gastrointestinal tract

Borjomi brings perhaps the most benefit to the digestive system: it relieves heartburn by regulating acid-base balance, improves stool, eliminating constipation, regulates bile production and alleviates the manifestations of mild stages of gastritis or duodenitis.

  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder

People go to Borjomi health resorts with pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis and many other diseases that prevent normal operation vital organs.

  • Cleansing the body of toxins

It is believed that Borjomi is able to remove waste and toxins from the body, cleansing the body, which is so important for health.

Consumption of Borjomi is considered a good prevention of ARVI, and nebulizer inhalation based on it will help with already manifested symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing.

  • Restoring water-salt balance

This action is especially critical in two situations: when you have overdone it a little with alcohol and in the morning your dehydrated body signals a failure with a hangover, and when you have been exercising intensely, sweating profusely, since with sweat the body loses not only moisture, but also large number minerals.

  • Help with weight loss

Borjomi itself will not help you pay off extra pounds, and you still have to stick to the diet. But, being a diuretic, it will help get rid of swelling, stabilize metabolism, and also keep appetite under control.

  • Preservation of youth

Borjomi baths are considered beneficial for the skin, and women experienced in matters of cosmetics even use it to prepare homemade masks.

In addition, Borjomi is believed to help synthesize insulin, increase stamina and energy levels, and increase blood circulation.

It is recommended to drink Borjomi in small quantities (100-150 ml) at room temperature 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for medicinal purposes and 1-2 times a day for prevention and general strengthening of the body. Drink mineral water not in one gulp, but in small sips.

Can Borjomi cause harm?

Let's start with the fact that, despite the availability of Borjomi and the ability to buy it without a prescription in any supermarket, it should be treated as a medicine, and not as a means of quenching thirst. Accordingly, replace ordinary water with mineral water, hoping that this will make you healthy person illogical and even dangerous. While ordinary water we need about 1.5-2 liters per day, the recommended dosage of Borjomi is no more than 0.5 liters per day, and then directly when treating a problem, and not for the purpose of prevention or general strengthening of the body.

It turns out that the benefits and harms of Borjomi greatly depend on correct dosage, but what can happen if you drink too much of this mineral water?

  • Borjomi causes an alkaline reaction in the stomach, which in the long term can lead to erosion of its walls and serious problems gastrointestinal tract.
  • For existing exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers and gastritis, Borjomi will no longer help; moreover, it can provoke a worsening of the situation, so it is better to consult a doctor in advance about its use.
  • Pregnant women should also not rely on this mineral water, except sometimes to combat nausea and heartburn, which often occur during pregnancy.
  • Borjomi should also not be given to small children without consulting a doctor: yes, it will help improve bowel movements or calm the tummy, but it is difficult to determine on your own how much water to give the baby and not harm his sensitive digestion.

You can really get the maximum benefit from Borjomi if you use it according to the recommendations and adequately assess the safety of taking medicinal table water specifically for your illness and in your case.

Borjomi is a truly legendary mineral water, which is credited with almost miraculous properties. It is believed that it helps treat literally everything, from a common runny nose to poisoning. Its popularity began quite a long time ago, and has not faded to this day, despite the abundance modern analogues and pharmaceutical medicines. What explains such a stunning demand?

In what cases can it be used?

Sodium hydrocarbonate water, whose homeland has been the city of Borjomi for 1500 years, has the following readings for use:

  • prolonged gastritis with any level of acidity;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • kidney, liver and gall bladder diseases;
  • excess weight;
  • diabetes and various disorders in metabolism;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • “female-style” diseases;
  • diseases of the respiratory and nervous system.

The composition of the water is varied and rich, which makes the water itself suitable for the comprehensive healing of any organism, preventing intestinal diseases and strengthening the immune system in general. The composition of the healing Borjomi water is balanced and unique, which allows you to drink it like ordinary table water, but not every day, otherwise the body may not withstand such a vitamin and mineral “attack”.

Indications for the use of Borjomi mineral water may be as follows:

  • The activity of the stomach is brought back to normal: its excretory function is optimized and mucus is more actively separated;
  • The acidity level decreases;
  • Carbon dioxide baths based on this water are beneficial for diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels: blood circulation increases, myocardial contractility improves, pressure in the arteries decreases and it becomes easier to endure physical activity;
  • The benefits of Borjomi also apply to the kidneys: this water has the ability to dissolve and remove urates and uric acid stones, the diameter of which does not exceed 0.7 cm.

Rules of use

To fully experience the positive effects of mineral water, first of all, you need to know how to drink Borjomi correctly. It should be warmed to room temperature or heated in a water bath, drunk only warm and half an hour before meals. The volume of each serving should not exceed 150 g, and they should be drunk slowly, but in large sips.

Use during pregnancy

Since Borjomi- this is water from high content minerals, its benefits and harms may vary depending on the characteristics of the body and its current condition.

For example, during pregnancy you should not abuse it, and doctors themselves advise drinking no more than a glass a day.

And that’s all, because such a liquid contains salts, which the body spends a lot of time and energy processing.

Borjomi helps to get rid of such unpleasant phenomena, like heartburn and nausea, which are considered almost standard during pregnancy. To avoid bloating, carbon dioxide must be released from mineral water.

Is it possible for children?

It is better not to give Borjomi to very young creatures, and all because of the same mineral composition. In general, doctors recommend using this water for constipation and food poisoning, increased secretory activity and other problems with the children's gastrointestinal tract. This is explained by the fact that mineral water has a mild laxative, cleansing and diuretic effect.

Moreover, children who are diagnosed with impaired stomach function or the digestion/excretion system of food receive vouchers to sanatoriums and health centers, where treatment is based on the use of Borjomi.

It is clear that they drink it under strict medical supervision, in small portions and no more than three times a day. It depends on what type of gastritis the child has, whether he should take mineral water before or after meals. At home, its volume is calculated as follows: 4 ml of liquid per kilogram of weight.

Cold inhalations

Borjomi is useful not only for gastrointestinal diseases, but can also be used in therapy. For example, to eliminate a cough, carbon dioxide must be released from it, and then mixed with heated milk in a 1:1 ratio.

To organize inhalations, gases are also released from the water, and the water itself is heated to +50 degrees. Next, you need to steam over the container as you would over boiled potatoes.

Weight loss effect

The beneficial readings of water also apply to people who are obese. They need to drink as much mineral water as possible, which will cleanse their body of toxins and affect lipid metabolism.

In order to lose weight, you can organize fasting days on Borjomi, or simply drink it in unlimited quantities, first releasing carbon dioxide from it. The fact is that the latter stimulates the production gastric juice and as a result, provokes appetite. It’s clear that you won’t be able to lose weight with mineral water alone if you don’t reinforce its effect physical activity and diets.

But starting the morning with a glass of Borjomi means helping the body quickly cleanse itself of toxins.

All types of mineral waters have a beneficial effect on the human body, but before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to learn about their positive and negative effects. Despite the safety of mineral water natural origin, you need to know how to drink Borjomi correctly and how much you can drink per day.


When is the best time to drink the drink? Borjomi water does not belong to the group of medicines. It is a medicinal table, which indicates the possibility of use in for preventive purposes, but it cannot be used on an ongoing basis. During a relapse of chronic pathological processes, it is better to exclude this type of treatment. It is necessary to drink water correctly, following the advice of your doctor. This can be done when the severity of symptoms is reduced. This product widely used in practical activities various areas medicine. Most often prescribed as part of complex treatment gastrointestinal pathologies. Chronic gastritis, ulcers and other disorders are not all the processes for which Borjomi mineral water is prescribed to an adult. This water can be purchased at every pharmacy.

In nephrological practice, Borjomi is prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of the bladder, kidney stones, reversible processes in urinary tract. This product helps a lot complex therapy excess weight, diabetes mellitus second type, poor cross-country ability bile duct and liver pathologies. Experts often prescribe Borjomi to their patients for preventive purposes. With complex therapy of cholecystitis and disruptions in the functioning of the gallbladder, positive trend. The effectiveness of using Borjomi has been proven by numerous independent examinations.

Main indications for use:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • increased intestinal irritability;
  • problems with bile excretion;
  • liver diseases;
  • excess body weight;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • inflammation of the urinary tract;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

Gastrointestinal therapy

It is better to consult your doctor about all indications and restrictions. Borjomi is usually recommended in recovery period after surgical intervention, various pathological disorders in the small and large intestines of an adult. I start therapy with a small volume of liquid. Borjomi is heated before use. It is recommended to consume it about an hour before meals and immediately after waking up in the morning. To prevent the laxative effect, Borjomi is taken in small sips. With systematic use, inflammation in the stomach decreases and intestinal motility is restored. Borjomi has a beneficial effect on the outflow of bile and also has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas. But you can't drink it in acute stage, it does harm.

Treatment of liver pathologies

Patients and specialists speak quite optimistically about taking mineral water for these diseases. The course of treatment is characterized by good dynamics. As a naturally occurring supplement, it has a positive effect on the body. But most of all beneficial effects the digestive organs are affected. Borjomi is prescribed for inflammation of the gallbladder and hepatitis. The liquid is consumed after heating 1 hour before meals continuously. 1.5 cups is enough. You don't need to drink a lot in the morning on an empty stomach. With stones in bile duct the volume is increased. This treatment is superior even to drug therapy.

Treatment of the urinary system

For pathologies of this organ system, mineral water is often prescribed, but it is important to make sure that there are no restrictions from the heart, stomach and endocrine system. Then preference is given to products with a low salt concentration.

Mineral water has the following effects:

  • restores the formation of primary urine;
  • Helps get rid of swelling and excess fluid;
  • creates favorable environment to get rid of pathogenic microflora.

With prolonged use, the removal of sand begins and the creation of favorable conditions to neutralize stones. In this case, Borjomi should be consumed 2.5 glasses up to 8 times a day in between meals. If this is too much for someone, then you can reduce the volume. Mineral water is drunk warm before and after meals.

For diabetes

The remedy is not suitable for the treatment of this serious pathology. An endocrinologist prescribes it only for fairly mild stages of diabetes. The most effective use of this water is when accompanying pathologies. In some diseases, Borjomi helps restore water balance, reduce thirst and normalize the functioning of the pancreas.

Respiratory system therapy

Sometimes this mineral water is drunk to treat the respiratory system. It is actively used for chronic diseases bronchi, laryngitis and other pathologies. You need to consume 1 glass warm water. The minimum amount to consume per day is 3 times, but you can increase the frequency if desired. When treated with this water, inflammation processes in tissues are neutralized, which has a beneficial effect on sputum separation and cough reduction. Useful elements contribute general strengthening body, which speeds up recovery.


Borjomi can be taken to prevent the development of certain diseases, but you should not drink it every day all the time. It is enough to use it in small courses. Thanks to its almost neutral composition, the water does not provoke the formation of salt deposits. It is better to drink water for medicinal purposes in small volumes. This drink quickly relieves stomach heaviness and helps neutralize heartburn.

It is better not to give mineral water to small children. Their stomach acidity is different from that of an adult.

Water norm per day

So how much Borjomi can you drink per day? Admission rules:

  1. If the acidity of the gastric juice is reduced, you should take 150 ml of water once a day.
    For preventive purposes, one glass is enough.
  2. It is better for children not to take risks and give preference traditional therapy. It may be harmful for them. In all other cases, it is enough to drink 100 ml.
  3. The number of doses should not be more than 3. Children's fluid volumes should be several times less than adults. If the child is under 3 years old, it is better to limit yourself to one drink of water or completely exclude this liquid from the diet.

Limitations and mineral composition

Like other supplements, mineral water is prescribed taking into account individual characteristics patient. It is allowed to drink for prevention. But this type is not suitable for all people. For some pathological processes it can be harmful. Contraindications for taking Borjomi are not too strict, but they still need to be taken into account. Pathology during an exacerbation is a limitation for the use of this remedy. Otherwise, such treatment can provoke the development of edema, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, and metabolic dysfunction.

The composition of Borjomi is unique, the number of ions varies between 5.0 and 7.5 g/ml. This is a natural volcanic spring that stretches for 8 kilometers. During this path, water absorbs a sufficient proportion of microelements. Contains:

  • potassium ions;
  • sodium compounds;
  • fluoride anions;
  • calcium salts;
  • aluminum salts;
  • hydrocarbonates;
  • metal sulfates.

It is important to follow the recommendations for the time of drinking mineral water. If you drink it before eating, gastric juice is produced, and an hour before eating, the feeling of hunger is dulled. You shouldn't do this more often. It is also dangerous to give it to babies. In pathological processes gastric tract take water at room temperature, this helps remove pain syndrome and spasms. But for this it needs to be taken correctly and regularly. You need to drink liquid in small sips.

Before purchasing this drink, you must carefully study the label. It must be correct. It indicates the source, the number of the Borjomi well and detailed chemical composition. The container of the original mineral water is made of glass. For medicinal purposes, only high-quality water is used.

Borjomi mineral water is not so much about saturating all the cells of the body with moisture, but rather about providing them with important chemical elements, necessary for the body person, for example, natural salts.

Borjomi provides positive impact on gastrointestinal tract: secretory function the stomach improves, and intestinal function is normalized. This mineral water is also known as good folk remedy for heartburn: it reduces the level of acid that occurs in the stomach. Doctors recommend using Borjomi for people suffering from gastritis.

Special carbon dioxide baths using Borjomi provide beneficial influence to work cardiovascular system person. Regular use of these baths helps increase blood circulation, which improves contractile function the main cardiac muscle - the myocardium. As a result, a person becomes more resilient to physical activity. It has been noted that some people experience a decrease in blood pressure after taking such baths.

Borjomi water also has a beneficial effect on one of the main filters of the body – the kidneys. The use of this product helps to dissolve uric acid stones with a diameter of no more than 0.7 cm. “Borjomi” has a positive effect on liver function: its use helps to increase animal starch - glycogen, which regulates both the activity of the liver itself and blood sugar levels.

Mineral water has invaluable benefits and people who are overweight. Doctors recommend that such people consume a lot of fluid, and Borjomi can become an indispensable assistant here: the fact is that the product forms adenosine triphosphoric acid, which is converted into energy during breakdown. Borjomi also has a positive effect on lipid metabolism in the human body. All this helps to cleanse it of accumulated toxins.

There is an opinion that Borjomi helps well: it reduces intoxication of the body by retaining liquid in it. Doctors say that this mineral water also helps with colds: it creates alkaline environment in the body in which pathogenic microflora dies.

Mineral water "Borjomi". Harm

As is the case with any other mineral water, “Borjomi” cannot have an exclusively positive effect on the human body. Doctors warn that harm from Borjomi may occur as a result of systematic and overuse this water in unlimited quantities.

Mineral water is considered an inexhaustible source good health And many years life. But you should drink it only by following certain rules so as not to harm your health. Most often when feeling unwell choose Borjomi water, which has very good advertising. But before using it, you need to figure out how to drink Borjomi correctly and how to distinguish a fake from the original, as well as what its beneficial qualities are.

Useful properties and contraindications

Mineral water contains more than 80 minerals and chemical elements beneficial to humans. The unique chemical composition means that Borjomi mineral water has the following indications for use: :

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with stool;
  • excess weight;
  • for the gland and gallbladder, kidney diseases;
  • urinary tract problems;
  • ridding the body of toxins and waste;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • to restore water balance in the body;
  • normalization metabolic processes after overeating.

The benefits of mineral water are manifested in the fact that when it enters the body, an alkaline reaction occurs, which is beneficial for many people.


Borjomi water cannot be used for constant drinking. If you consume it excessively, you can bring harm rather than benefit to the body. The recommended dosage for therapy can be calculated by the doctor for no more than 30 days. Drinking this water on your own can lead to:

  • disturbances in the alkaline balance;
  • problems of the body's metabolic systems;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • problem in the functioning of the digestive system.
  • ulcer in an acute stage;
  • chronic dysentery;
  • helminthiasis;
  • heart problems;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

The benefits and harms of Borjomi for the body depend solely on the purpose and duration of use. Children should be given mineral water only in prescribed doses and after consulting a doctor.

How to take Borjomi for medicinal purposes

Mineral water can be used to combat colds. To do this, you should drink half a glass of this liquid three times a day before meals. Downgrade high temperature, and you can also improve your well-being by preheating Borjomi to 40 degrees.

For cough

Mineral water is an excellent reliever, has an expectorant effect and promotes the separation of sputum. The recipe, proportions and how to prepare Borjomi with cough milk, as well as how often you can drink this remedy, are described below. For healing drink you will need:

  • 250 ml mineral water;
  • 250 ml milk.

The liquids must be combined and heated. Divide the resulting volume into three parts and drink in three approaches during the meal. Not too much good taste the drink can be eliminated by first releasing the gases from the drink. At severe cough You can add a little honey to the drink or butter. This is how they film painful sensations and the sputum comes out better. If there is no water, as a last resort it can be replaced with a solution baking soda, which is also capable of creating an alkaline environment.

For inhalation

In addition to oral administration, Borjomi can be used for inhalation. To carry out the correct procedure, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the water bottle should be opened and left overnight to remove the gas;
  • Heat the liquid to 35 degrees and pour it into the device for inhalation;
  • The procedure should be carried out 3 to 4 times per knock, lasting 10 minutes;
  • For therapy to be as successful as possible, at least 10 manipulations should be performed.

You can enhance the effect of mineral water using decoctions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort and others. medicinal herbs. Inhalations should not be done when elevated temperature body, after eating and physical activity.

With Mukaltin

Children can also treat a cough with milk and mineral water, but it is better to check with your pediatrician about the dosage. The taste of the drink should be improved with natural honey. For cough therapy in children, there is a slightly different recipe based on mineral water. It will require:

  • 1 tablet Mucaltin;
  • 50 ml Borjomi.

Tablet medicine dissolves in water and is taken three times a day. The liquid must be slightly warmed up. This treatment method is also suitable for adults. But you should take 2 tablets three times a day, and increase the amount of water to ½ or 2/3 glass.

In order for the benefits of water to be greater, it should be purchased in pharmacies and trusted stores. The expiration date must be correct. The bottle should be plastic, slightly tapered at the bottom and have a white or transparent cap. The colors on the label should be bright, and back side should be full information on native language importing country about the product. Having chosen a quality product, you should remember to use it correctly. Maximum daily norm Mineral water intake should not exceed three glasses.