Do not smear the wound with brilliant green! Convenient modern antiseptics. What is an antiseptic

Antiseptics and disinfectants

Irina Kuchma, KhMAPO

Antiseptics for the prevention and treatment of local infectious diseases ( purulent wounds, burns, bedsores, ulcers, boils, etc.) have been used since ancient times. Hippocrates and Ibn Sina, Paracelsus and Galen used balsamic ointments, wine and apple cider vinegar, lime, formic acid and various alcohols.

The term “antiseptic” (anti against, sepsis putrefaction) was first used by the English scientist I. Pringle in 1750 to designate the anti-putrefactive effect of mineral acids.

Scientifically substantiated, developed and implemented antiseptic methods for treatment purulent diseases and prevention of sepsis, German obstetrician I. F. Semmelweis, Russian surgeon N. I. Pirogov and English surgeon J. Lister. Semmelweis used bleach to disinfect hands (1847), N. I. Pirogov used solutions of silver nitrate, iodine, and ethyl alcohol to disinfect wounds (1847-1856). A revolution in surgery was made by J. Lister with his work “On a New Method treatment of fractures and ulcers with notes on the causes of suppuration" (1867). Based on the teachings of Louis Pasteur about the microbial origin of purulent and putrefactive processes, Lister, in order to destroy microorganisms, disinfected the air by spraying a solution of carbolic acid in the operating room. The surgeon's hands, instruments and the surgical field were also disinfected with 25% solutions of carbolic acid. This method allowed us to dramatically reduce the number postoperative suppuration and sepsis. According to Lister's definition of antiseptic these are measures for destruction using chemicals pathogens of purulent diseases in wounds, objects of the external and internal environment that come into contact with the wound.

Currently, antiseptic drugs are considered to provide antimicrobial effect on microorganisms located on the skin and mucous membranes.

Antimicrobial agents that decontaminate environmental objects are called disinfectants.

The appearance at the beginning of the 20th century of systemic antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs for internal use and in the 40s, antibiotics created an incredible stir. It seemed that the “golden bullet” had been found that kills a microorganism and does not harm the body’s cells. And as often happens in life, a lack of sense of proportion, a tribute to fashion and distrust of old, proven remedies unreasonably narrowed the scope of use of antiseptics.

Wide, not always rational use antibiotics led to the spread of nosocomial infections, a sharp increase in wound infections and postoperative complications. Low concentrations of active antimicrobial substances, long courses of antibiotic therapy, etc. have led to the spread of numerous antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms.

Compared to antibiotics, antiseptics, as a rule, have a wider spectrum of action (including fungicidal and virucidal), and microbial resistance to them develops more slowly.

The skin and mucous membranes are more resistant to the damaging effects of antiseptic drugs in comparison with the internal environment of the body, therefore, more high concentrations antiseptics.

Infectious diseases of the skin, eyes, nasopharynx, external auditory canal, female genital organs, rectum, etc. in most cases, they can be successfully cured with antiseptic external agents, without the use of antibiotics.

Depending on the purpose, it is customary to distinguish the following categories of antiseptics:

  • preventive hygienic hand antisepsis, surgical hand antisepsis, preoperative antisepsis of skin, mucous membranes, wounds; preventive antiseptics for fresh traumatological, surgical, and burn wounds;
  • therapeutic destruction and suppression of populations of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms during infectious processes in the skin, soft tissues, mucous and serous cavities in order to prevent the generalization of the process.

Disinfection destruction of microorganisms during external environment: disinfection of patient care items, patient secretions, linen, dishes, medical equipment, tools; disinfection of wards, operating rooms and other hospital premises, disinfection of the source of infection, air, soil, water supply and sewerage networks, as well as disinfection of premises at medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industry; public institutions, kindergartens, schools, gyms, etc.

Antiseptics and disinfectants are divided into:

  • chemical elements and their inorganic derivatives (iodine, chlorine, bromine, silver, zinc, copper, mercury, etc.), acids, alkalis, peroxides;
  • bioorganic compounds (gramicidin, microcide, ectericide, chlorophyllipt, lysozyme, etc.);
  • organic substances of abiogenic nature (derivatives of alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, acids, alkalis, surfactants, dyes, derivatives of nitrofuran, quinoxaline, quinoline, etc.).

Main classes of antiseptics and disinfectants

Alcohols and phenols

The antiseptic properties of alcohols have long been used in medical practice. Alcohols lead to denaturation of structural and enzymatic proteins of microbial cells, fungi and viruses. 76% ethanol has the greatest antiseptic activity. The disadvantages of alcohols are: lack of sporicidal effect, ability to fix organic contaminants, rapid decrease in concentration due to evaporation. Modern ones do not have these shortcomings. combined agents based on alcohols sterillium, octeniderm, octenisept, sagrosept.

Phenols form complex compounds with polysaccharides of the cell wall of microorganisms, disrupting its properties.

Phenol preparations: resorcinol (diatomic phenol); fucorcin, feresol, tricresol, polycresulen (vagotil); thymol. Phenol preparations are not currently widely used in practice. Phenol (carbolic acid) as a disinfectant is prohibited for use due to toxicity and persistent odor.


Aldehydes are highly active compounds, strong reducing agents, and irreversibly bind proteins and nucleic acids. Preparations containing aldehydes: formaldehyde, lysoform, citral, cimesol, cyminal are used for purulent wounds, phlegmon, 1st and 2nd degree burns, trophic ulcers, for douching in gynecology, cidipol (cyminal + dimexide + polyethylene oxide 400) are used for the treatment of genital organs for the prevention and treatment of syphilis, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. Formaldehyde (formic acid aldehyde) as 40% aqueous solution(formalin) has been successfully used for sterilization of heat-labile items for many years medical purposes(cystoscopes, catheters, laparoscopes, endoscopes, hemodialyzers, etc.) in gas sterilizers using the “cold method”, for disinfection in steam-formalin chambers of things, linen, mattresses, etc., as well as in morgues and forensic stations for processing cadaveric material.

Disinfectants containing aldehydes: Gigasept FF, Deconex 50 FF, Desoform, Lysoformin 3000, Septodor Forte, Sidex are widely used for various types of disinfection and sterilization of medical equipment.

Acids and their derivatives

Disinfectants pervomur, dezoxon-O, odoxon, divosan-forte contain formic and acetic acids. They have a pronounced bactericidal (including sporicidal), fungicidal and virucidal effect. Their disadvantages include a strong odor, the need to work in respirators, and corrosive properties.

Group of halogens and halogen-containing compounds of chlorine, iodine and bromine

In medicine, the bactericidal properties of halogens, which oxidize the most various structures microbial cells, primarily free sulfhydryl groups (-SH).

Preparations containing chlorine: chloramine B (25% active chlorine), chloramine D (50% active chlorine), chlorsept, sterolova, aquatabs, dichloranthine, chlorantoin, desaktin, septodor, lisoformin special, neochlor, chlorhexidine.

Modern chlorine-containing disinfectants - clorsept, sterolova, neochlor, chlorantoin, etc. - do not have a strong irritating odor or effect on the skin, are highly effective and are used for various types of disinfection. Aquatabs is used primarily for disinfecting water in swimming pools. Aquasept and pantocid are used to disinfect drinking water.

Desam (contains 50% chloramine B and 5% oxalic acid) is used for current and final disinfection.

Iodine preparations: alcoholic iodine solution 5%, iodoform, iodinol (iodine + polyvinyl alcohol) are used for cleaning and disinfecting the skin, surgeon’s hands, treating wounds, trophic and varicose ulcers.

Alcohol solutions of iodine have a pronounced bactericidal and sporicidal effect, but they have a number of disadvantages: they are irritating to the skin and can cause burns and allergic reactions.

In recent years, more and more wide application find iodophors - complex compounds of iodine with surfactants or polymers. Iodophors do not have an irritating or allergic effect and retain high bactericidal activity in the presence of organic matter protein, blood, pus.

Iodophor preparations include: iodonate (an aqueous solution of a surfactant complex with iodine) - widely used for disinfection of the surgical field; iodopirone (a mixture of iodopolyvinylpyrrolidone iodine with potassium iodide) in the form of a solution is used to treat surgeon’s hands, purulent wounds, in the form of an ointment for the treatment of phlegmons, abscesses, bedsores, fistulas; suliodopirone (iodopirone + surfactant) for disinfecting the surgical field, the surgeon’s hands, for disinfecting baths in the form of a 50% solution in patients with extensive burns; polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine called “betadine” is produced in the form of an ointment for the treatment of dermatitis and wounds, in the form of suppositories for the treatment of bacterial, fungal and trichomonas vaginosis, in the form of solutions for rinsing the mouth, cleaning and disinfecting the skin. In Ukraine they produce the drug polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine iodovidone for complex treatment wounds and treatment of the surgical field and the surgeon's hands.

Oxidizing agents

Oxidizing agents cause destruction cell membrane bacteria.

Hydrogen peroxide remains an effective and affordable disinfectant and antiseptic, the main disadvantages of which include the instability of aqueous solutions and short duration of action. 3% and 6% solutions of hydrogen peroxide in combination with detergents are widely used to disinfect premises, furniture, dishes, and honey. products made of metals, polymers, rubber, glass. These solutions are odorless and do not damage furniture or metal. A 3% aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide is used to treat purulent wounds and mucous membranes for tonsillitis, stomatitis, and gynecological diseases.

Hydroperite (35% aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide + urea) in dilutions with water is used to wash wounds, gargle and gargle.

In practice, complex preparations based on hydrogen peroxide are widely used:

  • pervomur (a mixture of peroxide and performic acid) is used to treat the surgical field, the surgeon’s hands, and to sterilize products made of polymers, glass, and optical instruments;
  • persteril (10% peroxide solution, 40% performic acid solution and 1% sulfuric acid solution) are used for various types of disinfection. In a 1% persteril solution, all naturally occurring microorganisms and their spores die;
  • Dezoxon-1 (10% peroxide solution, 15% acetic acid solution + stabilizers) is also used for most types of disinfection.

Potassium permanganate has not lost its effectiveness as an antiseptic. It is used to treat wounds, burns, erosions, gastric lavages, douching and rinsing in gynecological and urological practice.

Derivatives of quinoline and quinoxaline

Dioxidine, dioxicol, quinozol, quinifuril are used to treat purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin, soft tissues, osteomyelitis, etc.

Nitrofuran derivatives are active against many Gr+ and Gr- microorganisms, Trichomonas, Giardia. Microorganisms slowly develop resistance to them. Furagin, furazolin, nifucin remain effective antiseptics for the treatment of purulent wounds, stomatitis, otitis, douching and rinsing.

Surfactants (detergents)

Currently, surfactants, which include compounds that change surface tension at the phase boundary. These substances carry either positive electric charge(cationic surfactants), or negative (anionic surfactants). They disrupt the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of microbial cells, inhibit membrane-associated enzymes, and irreversibly disrupt the function of the microbial cell.

This group includes quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs), guanidine derivatives, amine salts, iodophors, and soaps.

Antiseptics of the CHAS group are widely used, have a wide spectrum of action, low toxicity and low allergenic effect, and do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. These include:

  • decamethoxin and medicines based on it: aurisan (ear drops), oftadec ( eye drops for the treatment of various conjunctivitis, including chlamydial origin, prevention of blenorrhea in newborns and treatment of contact lenses); palisept ointment (for the treatment of periodontal disease, pustular and fungal skin diseases), amosept (0.5% alcohol solution for disinfecting surgical gloves), dekasan (a broad-spectrum antiseptic), deseptol suppositories (for the treatment of trichomonas, fungal and bacterial diseases female genital organs, prostatitis, hemorrhoids), aethonium in addition to the bactericidal effect, has the ability to neutralize staphylococcal exotoxin, local anesthetic activity, stimulates wound healing;
  • degmin and degmicide are used to treat surgeon’s hands;
  • diramistin has a wide spectrum of action, destroys multidrug-resistant staphylococci and streptococci. Used for external treatment of purulent-inflammatory infections, including for the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

Disinfectants from the CHAS group (Mikrobak Forte, Bio-Clean, Hexaquart S, Deconex 51 DR, Blanisol, Septodor) have high bactericidal activity, in addition, good cleaning properties, low toxicity, and no pungent odor. They do not discolor fabrics or cause corrosion. They are used to disinfect rooms, linen, plumbing and medical equipment made of glass, metal and plastic.

The disadvantages of these drugs include low antiviral activity and lack of sporicidal effect. To expand the spectrum of action, alcohols, aldehydes and other components that affect viruses, mycobacterium tuberculosis, and bacterial spores are added to them.

TO combination drugs include: Sanifect-128, Septodor-Forte, Terralin, Sentabik, Virkon.

The guanidine derivative chlorhexidine has bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal activity (including against HIV and hepatitis B virus), is effective antiseptic for processing the surgical field, surgeon's hands, honey. instruments, etc. Based on it, many combined antimicrobial drugs have been created: plivasept and plivasept-N for treating the surgeon’s hands, citeal solution (chlorhexidine + hexamidine + chlorocresol) for the complex treatment of bacterial, fungal and trichomonas infections of the skin and mucous membranes, Erudril solution (chlorhexidine + chlorobutanol + chloroform) in addition to the bactericidal effect, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, sebidine (chlorhexidine + ascorbic acid) is used for oral infections, inflammatory diseases gums, ascorbic acid increases local tissue immunity and protects against periodontopathy.

Metal salts

Metal salts (mercury, silver, copper, zinc, bismuth, lead) irreversibly block the sulfhydryl groups of microbial cell enzymes.

Mercury preparations are now practically not used due to their high toxicity.

IN lately There has been an increased interest in silver preparations (silver nitrate: protargol (contains 8% silver), collargol (70% silver), dermazin), which, in addition to a pronounced bactericidal effect, stimulate tissue regeneration and have no side effects.

Copper sulfate and zinc sulfate are used for conjunctivitis, urethritis, vaginitis, and laryngitis.

Bismuth preparations - xeroform, dermatol, etc. - have antiseptic, astringent and drying properties and are included in various ointments and powders.

Preparations of plant and animal origin

The antimicrobial activity of plants is due to the presence in their composition of organic acids, phenols, essential oils, resins, coumarins, and anthraquinones. Many plants have antiseptic properties: celandine, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, sage, thyme, eucalyptus leaves, walnut, birch, lingonberry, plantain, aloe, colanchoe, juniper fruits, etc. Preparations from herbal antiseptics: recutan, rotokan, befungin, vundekhil, calendula ointment, altan ointment, essential oils coniferous trees, thyme, etc. have no side effects, combine antimicrobial properties with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties.

Beekeeping products (propolis, apilak, etc.), mumiyo have a multifaceted antimicrobial and wound-healing effect.


Dyes that have the property of inhibiting the growth of bacteria due to blocking the phosphate groups of nucleoproteins have not lost their relevance: methylene blue, brilliant green, ethacridine (rivanol), etc.

The arsenal of antiseptic and disinfection agents is huge. Unfortunately, the antiseptics with which our medical and sanitary institutions are equipped do not meet modern requirements. The “National List of Essential Medicines and Medical Products” includes in the group of antiseptics: preparations of boric acid, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, ethanol, brilliant green, chlorhexidine bigluconate, i.e., for the most part, those drugs that have already been used in Lister's time. Until now in many medical institutions Furacillin is used, which is not only inactive against many microorganisms, but is also an excellent medium for the proliferation of some pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria.

The issues of providing chloractive drugs have been largely resolved. In Ukraine, drugs such as desaktin, neochlor, and chlorantoin are produced. However, there remains an urgent need for production modern means based on QAC, aldehydes, guanidines.

However, in the last decade, the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry has developed and introduced various modern effective antiseptic and disinfectants: miramistin, decamethoxin, etonium, chlorophyllipt, chlorhexidine, biomoy, vitasept, gembar, dezoxon-O, odoxon. The issues of providing chloractive drugs have been largely resolved.

The trend in the development of disinfection methods in the world is in the direction of expanding application complex drugs. Modern combined disinfectants: steradine (iodoplex + surfactant + phosphoric acid), terralin (chlorine + propanol + surfactant), Septodor forte (glutaraldehyde + quaternary ammonium compounds), sagrosept (propanol + lactic acid), decotex, sterillium, etc. low toxicity , are easy to use and have high activity against viruses, microbes and fungi.

Ideally, the rational use of disinfectants, antiseptics and antibiotics should minimize the number of postoperative complications, cases of nosocomial infection and sepsis.


  1. Disinfection. In 3 parts. Part 1. Disinfecting methods and their stagnation / A. M. Zaritsky Zhytomyr: PP “Ruta”, 2001. 384 p.
  2. Antiseptics in the prevention and treatment of infections / Paliy G. K. Kyiv: Health, 1997. 195 p.
  3. Doctor's Directory general practice/ N. P. Bochkov, V. A. Nasonov, N. R. Paleeva. In 2 volumes. Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 2002.
  4. Medical microbiology / Pokrovsky V.I. Moscow: Botar Medicine, 1998. 1183 p.

Antiseptics, translated from Greek as “anti-putrefactive”, are means of destroying putrefactive bacteria, as well as preventing their decomposition. Almost all the inhabitants of our planet have encountered the suppuration of small wounds and cuts, so it makes no sense to explain the need for antiseptics in everyday life. However, they are useful not only in medicine, and many have not heard about this. So what else can antiseptics be useful for?

Medical uses of antiseptics

Antiseptics are anti-putrefactive drugs that prevent the process of decomposition on the surfaces of wounds, as well as stopping inflammatory processes that have already begun. Antiseptics are also used by medical personnel to treat hands before contact with a patient. Antiseptic agents accompany us throughout our lives from birth, and even newly born babies have their umbilical cord treated with these agents. Let's look at the most common antiseptics:

    Alcohols. Ethanol, propyl, isopropyl alcohol or mixtures thereof are used to disinfect the skin before injections;

  • . Used to cleanse and deodorize wounds. Less concentrated solutions can be used to treat minor abrasions and scratches;
  • Boric acid. Used to treat some fungal infections and is an ingredient in some burn creams and contact lens solutions;

    Diamond green. Zelenka is used to treat minor wounds and cuts;

    Iodine solution. Used as an antiseptic for postoperative wounds. Thanks to its broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity, iodine destroys all major pathogens;

    Carbolic acid. Used by medical personnel to clean hands before operations. In addition, it is also included in baby navel powders, as well as mouth rinses.

Non-medical uses of antiseptics

Antiseptic agents have found their application in other areas of human activity:

    In the food industry, antiseptics help preserve food;

    Various antiseptic impregnations are also used in the construction industry, for example, to protect wood from rotting;

    Detergents used in everyday life by all housewives also contain antiseptics;

    Antiseptics are also used to treat waste water and water in swimming pools.

The use of antiseptic solutions can be prophylactic or therapeutic. Their main task is to have a detrimental effect on most microorganisms without harming healthy tissues.

Without antiseptics, all efforts to treat and care for sick patients are nullified. The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on several principles: disruption of oxidative processes, denaturation and dehydration of protein directly in the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, inhibition of their enzymatic activity. In this way, the main goal is achieved - bacteria, fungi, viruses die or freeze in their development and reproduction.

Any antiseptic substance must meet several important requirements:

  1. Combine antimicrobial activity and harmlessness to human tissues.
  2. The action must persist in all liquid media (blood, pus) and spread against bacteria, bacilli, protozoa and fungi.
  3. During storage, their pharmacological activity should remain unchanged.

In practical medicine, broad and narrow spectrum antiseptics are used.

Areas of application of connections:

  1. Disinfectants for instruments, premises, and patient care equipment.
  2. External antiseptics for skin, wounds, cavities, mucous membranes.
  3. Chemotherapeutic agents for oral administration. Participate in the resorption of toxicants, prevent the growth and development of pathogens in foci.


The degree of activity of any liquid antiseptic depends on the concentration of the main active ingredient in it and the level of sensitivity to it pathogenic microorganism. Medical practice uses liquid dosage forms 10 groups:

  1. Halides – alcohol, aqueous iodine solutions. Used as antiseptics for primary skin treatment.
  2. Salts heavy metals– sublimate, mercuric oxycyanide, silver nitrate, zinc oxide. Used for disinfection of medical instruments and linen.
  3. Alcohols, aldehydes (Formalin, Lysol). Used for preoperative treatment and disinfection of intact skin.
  4. Dyes – solutions of Diamond green, Methylene blue, Fukortsin. External remedies for pyoderma, minor damage to the skin.
  5. Acids – boric, salicylic. In solutions they act as antimicrobial, local irritating and distracting components. Used for rinsing, washing, irrigation, douching.
  6. Oxidizing agents – water peroxide, potassium permanganate. Used for disinfection of purulent-aseptic wounds.
  7. Cationic soaps – Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.
  8. Uroantiseptics – Nitrofural, Furazidin, Furazolidone. Scope of application: genitourinary tract infections.
  9. Solutions based on nitromidazole (Metronidazole).
  10. Herbal products - St. John's wort, calendula flowers, chamomile, lingonberry leaves, bearberry.

Antiseptic solutions are used not only in medical institutions, but also at home. They serve effectively auxiliary in the treatment of purulent inflammations.

To the home medicine cabinet

The ability of liquid forms of antiseptics to act on the causative agent of infection without harm to the body is actively used for irrigation and rinsing of the nose and sinuses, for treating the oropharynx, douching, and disinfecting skin areas.

Hydrogen peroxide

The simplest and most versatile liquid form for primary antiseptic treatment of wound surfaces.

Also used to remove sulfur plugs, removal of pus from otitis for turunda 0.5% solution (12 drops of 3% Peroxide per 1 tablespoon of water).

For gargling with sore throat, the following proportion is used: 1 part 3% Peroxide to 11 parts boiled warm water

Furacilin solution

The dosage form is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria - the main causative agents of sinusitis, but is unstable in dissolved form. Therefore, it must be prepared immediately before the procedure according to the classic recipe from the Pharmacopoeia: the concentration of the main active ingredient is 1:5000, i.e., 1 tablet of Furacilin (0.2 g) must be dissolved in one liter of purified boiled water at 40 °C.


Antiseptic on plant based Eucalyptus extract is approved for use in pediatric practice, pregnant and lactating women.

Dosage forms:

For intestinal dysbiosis and staphylococcal carriage, enemas with an alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt are indicated at the rate of 20 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. To rinse the nasal cavity and throat, take 1 tbsp. l. and dissolve in 200 ml of water.


A wide-range antiseptic with bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal effects. The drug is also active against pathogens of sexually transmitted infections.

Pharmacological action:

  1. Prevents further infection.
  2. Stimulates the protective properties of cells.
  3. Activates the regeneration of affected tissues.
  4. On the wound surface it has the ability to absorb purulent exudate, relieves inflammation, does not damage granulation and stimulates epithelization.

The solution is used to cleanse purulent wounds, for douching for genital infections, in the treatment of burns, pyoderma, candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes, inflammation of the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Miramistin solution is applied topically by irrigation or application.

Modern pharmaceutical market offers more than 250 combined antiseptics of various brands. When choosing a remedy, of course, it is necessary to focus on the recommendations of the attending physician, indications, contraindications and possible side effects. Prolonged, uncontrolled use of antiseptics can lead to undesirable consequences.

2.3. Chemical antiseptic

Chemical antiseptics is the prevention of infection of a wound and the destruction of microbes in it, in the pathological focus and in the body as a whole through the use of chemicals that must meet the following requirements.

They must have a pronounced bactericidal or bacteriostatic effect.

They shouldn't provide harmful influence on the cell, tissue and the macroorganism as a whole.

They, other things being equal, should not suddenly lose their activity in the blood, pus and living tissues of the body.

Availability, ease of use and not too high cost.

Only those products that are officially approved by the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia and have Certificates of approval can be used in medical institutions. state registration, Certificate of conformity of the GOST system and guidelines by application.

Chemical antiseptics include the following groups of drugs.


Iodine preparations: alcohol iodine tincture 1% - 5% and 10% - for treating the edges of the wound, iodoform in the form of powders and ointments, Lugol's solution for lubricating the pharyngeal mucosa.

Alcohol solutions of iodine have provided invaluable assistance in medical practice in the fight against infection, but at present it is not recommended to use them for treating the surgical field and the surgeon’s hands (prohibited by order No. 720 of the Ministry of Health). A fairly large number of iodine-resistant strains of microorganisms have been formed. Iodine practically does not suppress fungi and yeasts, is not active enough against some viruses, and does not destroy spores.

Other drugs in this group include iodonate, iodinol, iodopirone, and povidone-iodine. These drugs are low toxic and are used mainly as skin antiseptics.

Chlorine preparations.

When used, chlorine-containing preparations release active chlorine into the air. Along with the antimicrobial effect, damage to skin tissue, mucous membranes, pungent odor annoys respiratory tract Therefore, respiratory and eye protection is required. In addition, chlorine-containing preparations have a strong corrosive effect. Unfortunately, in Russia the use of chlorine-containing preparations still predominates, while in Western Europe less toxic complex preparations are used for disinfection.

Chloramine B- used for disinfection of non-metallic instruments, washing wounds and for treating hands in the form of a 0.5% solution.

Bleach(active principle calcium hypochlorite) contains active chlorine in a concentration of 28 to 36%. It is used in the form of 0.5–10% solutions as a disinfectant for disinfecting water, dishes, premises, and patient secretions.

Neutral calcium hypochlorite contains 60% active chlorine and is more stable during storage than bleach. It is used in the form of 0.25, 0.5, 1% solutions. Calcium hypochlorite solutions are used for the same purposes as bleach solutions.

Precept- a composition that includes sodium salt dichloroisacyanuric acid, adipic acid and sodium carbonate. Available in the form of tablets containing 0.5, 2.5 and 5 g of the drug. The shelf life of tablets is 2 years, working solutions are no more than 5 days. It has bactericidal activity, sporicidal and fungicidal action, destroys tubercle bacilli and viruses. Has a mild irritating effect on the skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory organs. Used for current and final disinfection.

Neutral anolyte– colorless clear liquid with the smell of chlorine, is produced in the STEL-10 N-120-01 installation by electrochemical treatment of a solution of sodium chloride in drinking water. Depending on the purpose, anolyte is obtained and used with an active chlorine content of 0.01, 0.02 and 0.05% and a pH from 7.2 to 8.4. Anolyte has antimicrobial and detergent properties. It is used without dilution, once for disinfection of various objects (rooms, patient care items, sanitary equipment, etc.). It is active against bacteria, viral and fungal infections. It is used for pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of products made of glass, rubber, metals (titanium alloys).

Sodium hypochlorite. The drug is used in a concentration of 0.125-0.5%. A 0.125% solution of the drug is less toxic and is used with a 0.5% solution of detergents.

DP - 2T(Russia) - tablet product contains 40% active chlorine. When working with the drug, it is necessary to protect the skin of your hands with rubber gloves.

Sanojin– has 7 times greater antimicrobial activity compared to other chlorine-containing drugs; Class 4 low-hazard substances, eliminates odors.

“Javel”(France), contains GPCN, produced in the form of a liquid concentrate and tablets. It is used for disinfection of premises, equipment, patient care items, and medical products. It has an antimicrobial effect, destroys viruses, Candida fungi, and dermatophytes.

Septabik(Israel) - a highly effective remedy. Available in powder form white, odorless, satisfactorily soluble in water up to a concentration of 0.5%, non-corrosive, does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes. Used in 0.15% concentration, disinfection time 30 minutes.

Deochlor tablets (France). Universal remedy for general disinfection, for disinfection of surgical instruments. It has no odor, does not damage the processed products, and is not corrosive.

Oxidizing agents

Hydrogen peroxide It is produced industrially in the form of an aqueous solution of 29–30% concentration called perhydrol. Used as a 3% solution. It breaks down in tissues with the release of free oxygen. Creates unfavorable conditions for the development of anaerobic and putrefactive infections. It has weak bactericidal properties, but it cleanses wounds well of pus, dead tissue, bacteria, makes it easier to remove bandages, and accelerates blood clotting in a fresh wound. In 3 – 4% concentration with detergents it is used for blood washing and disinfection. 0.5% solution with 0.5% solution detergent used for pre-sterilization treatment at a temperature of 45 - 50 o C.

In recent years, derivatives of hydrogen peroxide – perborates – have become widespread. They contain hydrogen peroxide in solid form and are easier to transport and store. Diluted in water without noticeable decomposition. These include the following drugs.

Virkon(Slovenia) – powder, 0.5% working solution of which is used once. 1 - 2% solutions are used repeatedly within 1 working day. Top quality disinfectant. Has bactericidal and fungicidal effects. Effective against all viruses dangerous to humans. It is used for simultaneous cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, equipment, glass objects, instruments, endoscopes. Belongs to class 3 of medium toxicity. Work with gloves and avoid contact with eyes.

Perform(Germany) – white powder for disinfection of surfaces, equipment, and inventory. Method of application: wet cleaning. Suppresses bacteria, fungi, viruses. Has high cleaning power and pleasant smell, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, working solutions are stored for 24 hours.

Potassium permanganate– an energetic oxidizing agent. Bactericidal effect is weak, strong deodorant. Used in the treatment of ulcers, wounds, bedsores in the form of a 2-5% solution, for washing bladder and urethra - 0.01 - 0.1% solution.

Acids and alkalis

Boric acid in the form of a 2-3% solution is used to wash wounds, wet dressings and powders mainly when a wound is infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Formic acid- used in a mixture with hydrogen peroxide in the form of the preparation “S-4” (pervomura) to treat the surgeon’s hands.

Sodium carbonate (sodium carbonate, soda)– white powder, highly soluble in water. Soda solutions have a weak antimicrobial effect; when heated, their activity increases. In 1 - 2% concentrations they are used for soaking dirty linen, dishes and other materials. In 1–3% concentrations, soda is added to water during disinfection by boiling linen, dishes, and patient care items.

Dezoxon- colorless liquid with a pronounced vinegar odor, containing 5 - 8% peracetic acid, which is actively active substance. Aqueous solutions of dezoxon containing the drug within 1-2% are used to disinfect various objects. 10 - 20% solutions of dezoxon are recommended for sterilization of products made of plastics, rubber, glass and corrosion-resistant metals. They are also used for pre-sterilization treatment of medical products in combination with synthetic detergents.

Quaternary ammonium compounds and their analogues

After chlorine-containing preparations, this is the largest group of disinfectants, most often used in Western Europe, and is increasingly being used in Russia. Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are cationic surfactants (surfactants). HOUR at pure form are rarely used due to their slow and weak action. Used in combination with other preparations for the disinfection of instruments and antiseptic treatment of the skin. Among the drugs in this group are used septodorus, septabic(Israel), Bromosept 30%.

Antiseptics of composition composition

Many modern antiseptics include several active ingredients, i.e. they are multicomponent.

Alaminol(Russia) - blue liquid, odorless, low current. Has an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes. You should work with gloves.

Veltolen (Russia) - liquid universal antiseptic, refers to Class 4 low hazardous substances.

Dulbak DTB/L ( France) - liquid concentrate dark - blue color, odorless, diluted with water, does not cause corrosion of metals, and does not damage the surfaces being treated. It has a detergent effect, bactericidal (except tuberculosis) and virucidal activity. Used as a 2% solution. Exposure for bacterial infection is 15 minutes, for viral infection – 45 minutes.

Ethanol widely used in surgery in the form of 70 and 96% solutions for treating the surgeon’s hands, disinfecting instruments, silk.

The mechanism of action of alcohols consists of irreversible coagulation of proteins and membranotropic action. Alcohol-based products are mainly skin antiseptics. In recent years, widespread alcohol solutions chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Carbolic acid used only in Krupenin solution (triple solution) for disinfection of cutting tools and plastic items.

Tar is part of Vishnevsky's ointment, which is used in the treatment of wounds.

Phenol preparations are used to disinfect floors, walls, furniture, and disinfect objects that do not come into contact with patients. Among modern phenol preparations we can note Amocide(Germany). It is a green liquid concentrate that dissolves well in water and has cleaning properties. Working solutions - 1-1.5%. You can work with them with obligatory protection of the skin of your hands with rubber gloves and avoid contact with eyes.


Diamond Green– in the form of 0.1 – 2% alcohol or aqueous solution is used in the treatment of pyoderma and burns.

Methylene blue– a weak antiseptic, in the form of a 1-3-5% solution is used for the same purpose.

Rivanol (ethacridine lactate) in a concentration of 1:500, 1:2000 is used for washing cavities and the bladder.


This is a great class chemical compounds, the active principle of which is glutaric or succinic aldehyde. A limited number of aldehydes are used in medical practice due to their high toxicity. The simplest aldehyde is formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde in the form of a 37% aqueous solution ( formalin) is used for sterilization of rubber products and urological instruments. It is not recommended to use the drug in paraformalin chambers. The drug is toxic and very unstable.

Glutaraldehyde has pronounced sporicidal activity. Widely used for sterilization of products made from thermolabile materials - rubber, plastics, etc., as well as for products equipped with optics and instruments. When sterilized, it does not corrode.

Lysoformin – 3000 (Germany)- transparent liquid concentrate of blue color with faint odor fragrances The working solution is prepared by diluting the concentrate with water and used repeatedly for 14 days. Belongs to class 3 moderately toxic agents. Disinfection of premises is carried out in the absence of patients.

Bianol (Russia) – The liquid is a bright blue concentrate. Working solutions 0.25 – 20%. Moderately toxic. Irritating to skin and eyes. It is recommended to work with the solution wearing rubber gloves, avoiding contact with eyes.

Sidex. Used for disinfection and sterilization of instruments that cannot tolerate heat (devices equipped with optics, etc.). It has a bactericidal and fungicidal effect, destroys spores and viruses.

Steranios 20%(France) is intended for disinfection and sterilization of medical products. It has bactericidal, sporicidal, virusicidal and fungicidal effects. Working solutions: 1% - used for disinfection, 2% - for sterilization.


Detergents are synthetic substances that have high surface activity, have a bactericidal and detergent effect, enhance the effect of antibiotics, and help liquefy pus. Cationic-type drugs: cetylperidinium chloride, which is part of the preparations “diocide” and “cerigel”, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride (rokkal), degmin, chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Rokkal used for disinfection of the surgeon’s hands (0.1%) and the surgical field (1%), for the prevention and treatment of wound infections (1:5000, 1:10000).

Degmicide used for treating surgeon's hands (1% solution).

Zerigel When applied to the skin it forms a film. Used to treat surgeon's hands. 3 – 4 grams of the drug are applied to dry skin of the hands and rubbed for 8 – 10 seconds. After drying, a film is formed, which allows for minor surgical intervention. After work, the film is washed off with ethyl alcohol.

Chlorhexidine digluconate (hibitan)– bactericidal, antiseptic and fungistatic agent. Available in the form of a 20% solution. Used in the form of a 0.5% aqueous-alcohol solution for treating the surgeon’s hands, the surgical field, and sterilizing instruments. An aqueous solution of 1:400 is used to treat wounds and burns.

Yodonate– has high bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and has a fungistatic effect. It is used to treat the surgical field in the form of a 1% solution, which is diluted 3 times with distilled water before use.

Septustine- a domestic disinfectant that has an excellent cleaning effect. Working solutions remain effective for 7 days. Can be used many times.

This group of antiseptics also includes manusan and disteril. They are used to treat hands and the surgical field.

New generation chemical antiseptics

Vegasept forte– colorless transparent liquid with a specific odor. It has high antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungi, viruses, including hepatitis virus and HIV. It has pronounced cleaning and deodorizing properties. It is used in the form of a 0.025% solution for disinfection of indoor surfaces, linen, dishes, patient care items, and for pre-sterilization cleaning of medical products.

Diamond(concentrate) is used for disinfection of surfaces in premises, carrying out general cleaning, disinfection of medical products, including dental and endoscopic equipment. Has a wide range antimicrobial action, shelf life for repeated use is 14 days.

Microcide - liquid- “instant disinfection”. Available in the form of a ready-made solution. Designed for disinfection of objects, equipment and surfaces in hard-to-reach places. Method of application - spraying and irrigation. Suppresses bacteria, viruses, including HIV and hepatitis. It has a pleasant smell, dries quickly, leaving no residue.

TRN 5225 (teramine)- designed for disinfection and cleaning of surfaces and equipment at the same time in medical institutions. Suppresses the activity of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Has cleaning properties.

Means for processing medical products

Gigasept FF- (concentrate, dilution 1:30) is used for disinfection and sterilization of endoscopes, instruments, objects for anesthesia and resuscitation. Method of application: soaking by immersion. Suppresses the entire spectrum of microorganisms, including spores. The prepared solution is used repeatedly for 16 days. Does not have a corrosive effect.

Lisetol AF(concentrate, dilution 1:50) - intended for disinfection and pre-sterilization treatment at the same time. Method of application: soaking by immersion. Active against fungi, viruses, bacteria. Can be used repeatedly (at least 7 days). Does not have a corrosive effect. Environmentally friendly, has a pleasant smell

Antiseptics for treating skin and mucous membranes

A fundamentally new qualitative level of solving the problem of disinfection of the skin and mucous membranes and other human tissues is the use of antiseptics, the active ingredient of which is octenidine. Based on octenidine, Schalke and Mayr produces three mucocutaneous antiseptics - octeniman, octeniderm, octenisept.

Octeniman– ready-made solution for gentle and reliable disinfection of surgeons’ hands and medical personnel. It has a rapid bactericidal effect (within 15 seconds), destroying bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Duration of bactericidal action is up to 6 hours.

Octeniderm- in its composition it is practically adequate to octineman, but is intended mainly for disinfection of the skin of patients, wounds and sutures in order to disinfect the skin before operations, punctures, injections and other manipulations. Octeniderm is active against bacteria, including tuberculosis, fungi, and viruses. Available in the form of a solution in bottles of 250 ml and 1 l. Method of application - spraying, smearing with a swab or rubbing. The bactericidal effect occurs within 15 s and lasts up to 6 hours. Does not irritate the skin even with eczema, promotes wound healing.

Octenisept– has a bactericidal, virucidal and mycocidal effect, suppresses Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, herpes, pathogens of hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E, HIV, protozoa. Today there is no microorganism resistant to this drug and there is no drug equal in its characteristics in Russia. It is a ready-to-use, colorless, transparent solution with a slight odor. Designed for hygienic, surgical treatment of hands, skin, washing of cavities, treatment of wounds, burns. Does not lose activity in the presence of protein and pus. Begins to act after 30 seconds. Duration of action is up to 1 hour.

Other modern antiseptics include:

Zagrosept - used to disinfect the hands of surgeons and medical personnel. Active against bacteria, including tuberculosis, fungi, viruses (including HIV and hepatitis B). Method of application: rubbing. The disinfecting effect occurs within 30 seconds and lasts up to 6 hours. Softens and disinfects the skin, non-toxic. Produced and used in the form of a solution (bottles of 1 liter and 450 ml).

Veltosept – a product used for the hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel, the treatment of surgeon's hands, the skin of the surgical field, the skin during injections and other manipulations, for the disinfection of surfaces, the disinfection of instruments, flexible endoscopes. Acts on bacteria (including tuberculosis, viruses (including hepatitis A,B,C, influenza, parainfluenza, herpes, HIV), OI (plague, cholera), spores, mushrooms.

When performing hygienic treatment of the hands of medical personnel, 3 ml of the product is applied to the skin of the hands and rubbed in for 30 seconds.

Cleaning the surgeon's hands before surgery includes: washing hands under the tap, drying with sterile gauze pad, applying 5 ml of the drug to your hands (at least 2 times) and rubbing it in for 5 minutes.

Treatment of the surgical field is carried out by wiping the skin twice with gauze swabs, generously moistened with the product for 2 minutes.

Release form: ready-to-use solution in containers of 75 ml, 1 l and 5 l.

Manopronto(“Johnson-Johnson”, USA). Effective against bacteria, viruses, mycobacterium tuberculosis, fungi. Doesn't call allergic reactions and skin irritation, contains protective and skin-nourishing components. Available in bottles of 100 and 500 ml.


Nitrofurans - drugs wide range actions, are characterized by low toxicity. Effective against gram-positive, gram-negative flora, Trichomonas, Giardia, spirochetes, large viruses. Drugs in this group: furadonin, furazolidone, furagin-K, furazolin - applied internally solafur or furagin - K- intravenously, furacillin externally. They are excreted mainly in urine, which allows them to be used for infection urinary tract. Furacillin is used externally for the treatment and prevention of purulent inflammatory processes in the form of an aqueous solution 1:5000, alcohol 1:1500 and ointment 0.2%. To rinse the cavities, a solution of furacillin 1:1000 is used. To increase antiseptic properties solution, per 1000 ml of furacillin solution 1:1000 add 1 ml of 20% chlorhexidine solution.

Sulfonamide drugs

Sulfonamide drugs: sulphaethidol, sulfadimethoxine, sulfalene etc. They have a bacteriostatic effect. In surgery they are often used in combination with antibiotics.

Other chemotherapy drugs

Metronidazole (Trichopol) and its derivatives: metragil, flagyl– used to treat anaerobic infections, combine well with sulfonamides and antibiotics. Effective for giardiasis and amoebiasis.

Fluconazole (Diflucan)– thiozol derivative. Effective against various fungal infections.

Quinoxaline derivatives:

Quinoxidine– a broad-spectrum drug, effective against Proteus, Pseudomonas and Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and gas gangrene pathogens. Apply 0.25, three times a day

Dioxidin – very effective antibacterial agent wide spectrum of action. Used to treat pleurisy, peritonitis, phlegmon. Effective against anaerobic infections and infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

2.4. Biological antiseptics

Biological antiseptics the use of biological agents to prevent infection and combat infection in the human body. Such agents include antibiotics, enzymes, bacteriophages and immune drugs.


Antibiotics are substances of microbial, animal, and plant origin that have an antibacterial effect. They are characterized by the following properties:

Most of them are in therapeutic doses non-toxic or low toxic.

Many of them, having a strong antibacterial effect, at the same time, in therapeutic doses, do not damage the tissues of the macroorganism.

They have a specific effect only on certain types microbes Moreover, their range of action, the so-called spectrum, is quite wide.

In the presence of pus and blood, their activity does not decrease.

They do not have a cumulative property.

Depending on the nature of the effect on the microflora, antibiotics of narrow, broad and intermediate spectrum of action are distinguished. In addition, there is a concept - reserve antibiotics (fluoroquinolones, carbopenems). They are used in cases where the sensitivity of the pathogen to infection is unknown; when the flora that caused the infectious process is insensitive to traditionally used antibiotics and in case of nosocomial (nosocomial) infection.

Penicillin group drugs have a bactericidal effect, effective against gram-positive flora and spirochetes. In surgery, benzylpenicillin sodium salt is most often used.

Long-acting drugs: bicillin -1, bicillin - 3, bicillin - 5 are administered intramuscularly once a week, once every 3 days, once every 4 weeks, respectively. They are used in cases where it is necessary to create a long-term therapeutic concentration of penicillin in the blood.

Semi-synthetic penicillins: oxacillin sodium salt (oxacillin), ampicillin, methicillin sodium salt (methicillin), carbenicillin, ampiox. They are effective against strains of mycoorganisms resistant to benzylpenicillin. Ampicillin and carbenicillin are active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms

Inhibitor-protected penicillins: amoxacillin/clava-

lant, ampicillin/sulbactam (ampisid), ticarcillin/clavulant - have an extended spectrum due to PRSA producing betalactamases; piperacillin/tazobactam has a broad spectrum of action, covering most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, and is used for nosocomial infections.

Cephalosporins represent one of the most extensive classes of antibacterial drugs. There are 4 generations of cephalosporins, with the first three being for oral and parenteral use. Indications for the use of drugs of each generation depend on the characteristics of their antimicrobial activity.

1st generation cephalosporins: cefazolin (kefzol), cephalexin (keflex), cephalothin - have high antistaphylococcal activity, effective against streptococcus and gonococcus. The level of activity against gram-negative bacteria is not high.

11th generation cephalosporins: cefamandole, cefuroxime, cephalothin, cefoxitin - have a wider spectrum of action against gram-negative microorganisms.

111th generation cephalasporins: cefaperazone (cefobid), ceftazidime (fortum), cefataxime (claforan). More active than 1st and 11th generation drugs, especially against gram-negative flora.

Cephalosporins: 1st generation: cefepime - along with the properties characteristic of 111th generation cephalosporins, they have greater activity against non-fermenting microorganisms, against microorganisms that are hyperproducers of class C beta-lactamases, and are more resistant to ESBL hydrolysis. They are used mainly for severe nosocomial infections caused by multidrug-resistant microflora, infections associated with neutropenia and other immunodeficiency conditions.

Inhibitor-protected cephalosporins(cefaperazone/sulbactam) have a wider spectrum of action due to activity against anaerobic microorganisms; the drug is also active against most strains of enterobacteria producing broad and extended spectrum beta-lactamases.

Carbopenems are extremely broad-spectrum antibiotics, belong to the reserve group and are intended for the treatment severe infections different localization when antibiotics of other groups are ineffective, since they have unsurpassed resistance to beta-lactamases, while the release of endotoxins is minimal. They are prescribed in cases where in a patient with a severe infection the resistance of the flora to antibiotics is unknown, and in the case of hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infection. This group includes: tienam, meropenem, ertapenem.

Tienam - imipenem in combination with cilastatin in a 1:1 ratio.

Meropenem is a new carbapenem that is 2 to 4 times more active than imipenem against aerobic gram-negative microorganisms, but has less activity against staphylococci, some streptococci and enterococci. Its activity against gram-positive anaerobic bacteria is similar to that of imipenem.

Ertapenem It has a spectrum of antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, is convenient in dosage mode (1 g once a day) and the ability to choose between intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Macrolides: erythromycin, spiramycin, clarithromycin and others – are active against gram-positive cocci and intracellular pathogens. Low toxic. They have a bacteriostatic effect, but in high concentrations they can act bactericidal on some types of hemolytic streptococcus and pneumococcus. They have a slight anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect.

Lincosamides(lincomycin, clindamycin). Lincomycin-highly effective antibiotic, especially against streptococci and pneumococci. Clindamycin lincomycin is 8 times more active against aerobic gram-positive cocci, its spectrum of activity is wider against many gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, as well as protozoa.

The history of the development of antiseptics began quite a long time ago. When conducting surgical interventions several centuries ago, most patients had significant complications, even fatal outcome, due to infection in the body. In the second half of the 19th century, Joseph Lister began to use the first antiseptic– carbolic acid, thanks to which he revolutionized the world of surgery. Since then, disinfectants have been used for every surgical procedure.

Antiseptics are anti-putrefactive agents that prevent decomposition processes on wound surfaces, as well as prevent inflammatory changes in the blood. The antiseptic effect of these agents has found its application primarily in medicine.

The purpose of using such drugs is to disrupt the growth and development of pathological agents. In this case, the development of a suppurative process does not occur, since the microorganism does not exert its harmful effects. It is customary to take the phenol coefficient as a unit of the drug’s power indicator, which made it possible to identify the most and least effective drugs.

Types of antiseptics

Another classification is based on chemical characteristics substances. Let's take as an example next list antiseptics:

  • halogens - such antiseptics include iodine, pantocid, chlorogenium, iodinol, Lugol's solution, iodonate;
  • oxidizing agents - this group is represented by hydroperite, potassium permanganate, perhydrol (hydrogen peroxide);
  • acids – boric and salicylic acid, boric alcohol, Teymurov pasta;
  • alkalis - sodium borate, ten percent ammonia solution;
  • aldehyde compounds - lysoform, formaldehyde ointment, hexamine, urosal, ethyl alcohol, calcex;
  • salts of heavy metals – sublimate, calomel, collargol, diocide, zinc oxide, zinc ointment, galmanin, Lassara paste;
  • phenol – carbolic acid, resorcinol, lysol;
  • dyes - brilliant green, methylene blue, rivanol, Novikov liquid, Konkov ointment.

Some plants, resins, essential oils, natural salts, tars, and petroleum products act as antiseptics.

The use of antiseptics in medicine and in everyday life

Modern medicine cannot be imagined without the widespread use of antiseptics. These products are used to clean the premises and hands of surgeons before performing an operation. Antiseptics are used to treat the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, they are placed on wounds, applications and tamponade are made with them. Some antiseptics in medicine are administered inside the body, while others can be rinsed in the mouth or inhaled with them. They are also used for sterilization biological fluids. You can’t do without antiseptics in beauty salons, beauty salons, wherever there is a need to protect yourself from pathological microorganisms. To make skin antiseptics more convenient to use, products are now available in the form of foam and spray in small bottles. Disinfection with such means is carried out very quickly, since the bottle is convenient to transport and use.

They can be used to treat a sudden scratch or cut, or to wipe your hands after touching places where bacteria accumulate (banknotes, public transport, etc.). It is not difficult to treat the skin with antiseptics - you just need to apply antiseptic solutions onto the surface of the skin and rub, and if the integrity is damaged skin– carefully treat the wound and the area around it.

In addition to the medical field, antiseptics are widely used in the food industry, in the production of household chemicals, to protect wood from decomposition.