The body after childbirth. Proper recovery after childbirth: where to start, what to consider

Recovery after childbirth is no less serious than pregnancy, preparation for childbirth and childbirth itself. From successful recovery female body everything depends - the health of the baby, the health of the mother, the opportunity to give birth again, and even peace and harmony in the family.

Childbirth, even if it is the second (and subsequent ones), inevitably has a strong impact on both the physiological and psychological state women. And successful recovery after childbirth is only possible with a whole range of measures. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a huge number of factors.

During the first few days after birth, the following symptoms are most often observed:

  • bloody discharge from the genitals;
  • pain during contractions of the uterus, which indicate the return of the organ to its previous shape and size;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • difficulties with the administration of natural needs.

The first days after childbirth

Postpartum recovery of a woman’s body during the first weeks is accompanied by bloody discharge from the genitals, which strongly resemble menstruation. They are completely normal. Doctors call them the term "". Restoration of the cervix and the uterus itself after childbirth cannot be painless.

The main external difference between lochia and ordinary bleeding during menstruation is that lochia is observed for several weeks, and sometimes more. These uterine discharge begin immediately after birth. During the first 2-3 days they are very abundant; during one day a woman has to change 5-6 special pads.

What changes occur in the mammary glands? During the first few days, the breast secretes large quantities colostrum is the very first type mother's milk, very useful in its composition. A newborn baby needs at least a few drops of this invaluable substance.

After about 3 days, the breasts become fuller regular milk. With the beginning of lactation (regular breastfeeding (BF)), the mammary glands become more sensitive.

All first medical care mother and her child receive in the maternity hospital. If the body’s recovery after childbirth proceeds normally and without deviations, then after 3-4 days in case natural birth(and approximately 7-10 days after the cesarean section), the mother and baby are discharged from the maternity hospital.

Postpartum period from 4th to 14th day

If at gynecological examination 2 months after giving birth, the doctor did not find any abnormalities; he can allow the woman to have intimacy with the man. In this case, the doctor must give his recommendations regarding the choice of contraception, as well as recommend drugs to improve the quality of sexual intercourse, if necessary. For example, if there is dryness, the use of lubricants may be recommended. These drugs are considered absolutely harmless.

It happens that during the first intimate contacts after childbirth, a woman experiences severe discomfort. At this time, a sensitive, gentle, loving and caring attitude on the part of the partner is very important. In more detail, how to restore libido and restore sexual desire after childbirth in ours.

Long-awaited baby was born, and his mother’s body enters a new, very specific period - postpartum. Instead of creating optimal conditions for fetal development, a woman's body must now adapt to the conditions of nursing a baby, while at the same time restoring strength and healing the damage caused to it by pregnancy and childbirth. It is very important for a young mother to understand the features of this process in order to correctly assess her condition, distinguish normality from pathology, and know in which cases it is worth seeking qualified help.

How long does it take for the body to recover after childbirth?

A woman’s condition in the postpartum period varies individually, but in almost every young mother one can notice following points body changes after childbirth:

  • The heart rate, very intense during labor, decreases to normal over the next 1-2 hours;
  • By the time the baby is 2-3 weeks old, cardiovascular system his mother loses those features that helped organize the fetal blood circulation process;
  • A woman's blood plasma volume decreases by approximately one liter;
  • During the postpartum period, the uterus, which weighed 1-1.5 kg at the time of delivery, decreases to 70-75 g;
  • About 2-3 weeks after birth, gradually weakening bloody vaginal discharge. So the uterus, contracting, cleanses itself of residual blood and membranes. The activation of this process is evidenced by cramping spasms that occur when the baby is breastfeeding;
  • Colorless discharge (lochia) may continue for 4-6 weeks;
  • After childbirth, the female body is focused on feeding the child. The mammary glands begin to work. Colostrum is released within a few hours after delivery, and full milk is released on days 2-3;
  • Microtraumas of the surface of the uterus and birth canal disappear within 5-7 days. Large stitched lacerations and perineal incisions may take several weeks to heal;
  • Some women giving birth for the first time experience urinary retention within 4-6 hours after birth. Sometimes this condition requires medical help. After repeated births On the contrary, urinary incontinence is often observed;
  • Many young mothers in the postpartum period encounter symptoms of hemorrhoids for the first time;
  • Within a few weeks after the birth of the baby, he returns to normal condition musculoskeletal system, changed in order to adapt to gestation;
  • Abrupt change hormonal levels often causes excessive dryness skin, brittle nails and hair.

How to restore the body after childbirth?

The postpartum period lasts 6-8 weeks. During this time, the uterus returns to its previous size and the discharge stops. For women whose children are on artificial feeding, is being restored menstrual cycle.

Even if the baby is born via cesarean section, doctors consider the young mother to be healthy enough by the end of the postpartum period to engage in physical exercise that will help get rid of excess weight, stretch marks and other cosmetic defects. Promotes rapid recovery of the body after childbirth proper nutrition, adherence to daily routine, good rest, regular walks fresh air. Equally important is the constant support of other family members and their help in caring for the baby.

Some experts claim that the female body rejuvenates after childbirth. In a sense this is true. No one will deny that the hormonal surge characteristic of pregnancy and lactation has a beneficial effect on the functioning of many organs and systems of a woman’s body. Thus, excess estrogen helps optimize blood cholesterol levels, improves skin condition, tones, strengthens bones, and normalizes blood pressure.

However, it makes sense only for those expectant mothers whose age has passed the 35 years mark to talk about how the body rejuvenates after childbirth. Indeed, what kind of rejuvenation can we talk about if a woman is 20-25 years old, which is optimal for the birth of her first child? We should not forget that the first birth in middle age, when “rejuvenation” is quite relevant, carries quite large risks for expectant mother, and for the child. Therefore, such a property of pregnancy as the possibility of renewing the body cannot become the main motive in making a decision to conceive in women over 35 years of age. In such a situation, it is necessary to weigh all the circumstances, assess the state of your own health, consult with doctors, and only then competently and responsibly approach the issue of procreation.

What happens to the female body after childbirth? How to quickly recover after childbirth? These questions concern all mothers.

Behind and after childbirth, you have to take care not only of the baby, but also take care of your own health. And there is a lot of “work” here - while hormonal levels are restored, it is necessary to maintain normal work intestines, take care of sutures after childbirth, if there were any, fix breast-feeding. Where to start?

An important process that affects future health. In the first hours after birth, complications may appear - bleeding, elevated temperature, change blood pressure etc.

The postpartum period consists of 2 periods - early and late. Early lasts 2 hours after birth and is supervised by maternity hospital staff. The late period lasts approximately 6-8 weeks, during which the restoration of all organs and systems that were involved during pregnancy and childbirth occurs. Full recovery It can take up to two years after birth. Especially if the child was born by caesarean section. Some changes are irreversible, but outwardly they are invisible (except for stretch marks); they can be determined by gynecologists during an examination of the genital organs (the shape of the cervix and external pharynx, the size of the uterus and vagina changes).

Postpartum recovery in other countries

IN different countries the attitude towards women in labor is different. Yes, in Sweden maternity leave Not only mom can take it, dad can also join her (but not longer than three months). And in Australia, mothers often return to work very quickly, since maternity leave is not paid in this country. Even infants are accepted into the nursery, so girls rarely stay on maternity leave for long. This in turn affects the body's recovery process.

In former times in Africa, mothers from nomadic peoples also quickly began their everyday affairs. This was due to their lifestyle. In China, on the contrary, they tried to protect young mothers for 100 days after the birth of the child. In Japan, doctors relied on the temperature of the armpits - as soon as it began to coincide, it was believed that the body had returned to normal. In Rus', midwives helped women in labor, they took birth, and also helped with postpartum period, which lasted 40 days. Their task was to protect the young mother from illness and stress at home, take care of her health and ensure that recovery goes as usual.

Some sources mention that recovery after childbirth lasts for 40 days. This theory has its origins in Orthodox church rules, according to which during this period a young mother is prohibited from entering the temple. This is due to postpartum discharge.

What happens to the body during the recovery period after childbirth?

Reproductive system

After childbirth, the uterus is enlarged, and as the body recovers, it shrinks in size. Depending on the type of delivery and feeding, this process may take place with at different speeds. If labor has passed naturally and the mother breastfeeds the baby, the uterus will quickly accept its normal size. Contraction of the uterine muscles is stimulated by the hormone oxytocin, which is released during sucking movements. The feeding process may be accompanied by pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen, and a slight increase in blood discharge may occur. But discomfort will only be felt at first.

Immediately after the birth of the child, the weight of the uterus reaches about 1 kilogram. And after 2 months, during which it is actively shrinking in size, the weight of the uterus is about 50 grams

40 days after birth

Lochia. They last approximately 4-6 weeks. There is no need to be scared - this is not a sign that something is wrong with the body. On the contrary, this is a consequence of the gradual healing of the wound surface on the walls of the uterus, which formed after childbirth. During the entire recovery period, the nature of lochia changes. The discharge goes from moderate bloody to scanty and then becomes mucous with streaks of blood.

During this time, you should refrain from using tampons and shower regularly to prevent infection in the genital tract from developing.

A young mother should monitor her discharge. Warning signs are too profuse bleeding, sudden increase in discharge, sharp bad smell, changed color, too large clots blood, cheesy or purulent discharge. If at least one of these signs is observed, you should urgently see a gynecologist.

Even during pregnancy, doctors recommend doing Kegel exercises. The same exercises help to quickly restore the tone of the vaginal muscles after childbirth.

Hormonal background

Hormone levels change during pregnancy. They are led by progesterone, estrogen and HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), as well as prolactin and oxytocin. After childbirth, the hormone prolactin is responsible for the initiation of breastfeeding. Prolactin levels gradually increase during pregnancy, and by the time labor occurs, they reach the required level for breastfeeding. Oxytocin is responsible for emptying the mammary glands.

Hormonal imbalance after childbirth is common. Basically, things will stabilize for some time without outside intervention. But if, several months after giving birth, the hormonal levels have not returned to normal, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist so that he can tell you how to restore it. As a rule, in such cases, they are prescribed hormonal drugs. They are selected individually for each girl.

Signs of hormonal imbalance:

  • increased sweating;
  • depression, irritability, apathy;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased libido;
  • active s/excessive hair growth;
  • sudden change in weight.

Urinary system

On the first day after giving birth, you may experience problems with urination. The reason that the mother cannot urinate may be the pressure of the fetal head on the bladder during childbirth, which leads to swelling, or sphincter spasm bladder. You can induce urination using a reflex from the sound of pouring water; in extreme cases, a catheter or diuretics are used for this.

There is also the opposite problem - urinary incontinence. It usually occurs in those who give birth not for the first time. This is due to weakening and stretching of muscles pelvic floor. The incontinence problem may go away on its own after a few days. But to improve muscle tone, it is recommended to do Kegel exercises.

Digestive system

The first stool after childbirth comes on the 2-3rd day. This is due to the fact that an enema is given before childbirth. Doctors in the maternity hospital ensure that women in labor have bowel movements regularly and, if necessary, provide special stimulating suppositories (for example, glycerin suppositories). With proper nutrition, intestinal function is usually restored quite quickly. After cesarean section to restore motor skills gastrointestinal tract may take up to several weeks. Also at this time, liver function normalizes, which is reflected in the normalization of indicators biochemical analysis blood.

Nervous system

After childbirth nervous system mothers are faced with new unusual sensations. Depending on life circumstances, irritants are different. Those who have a first child worry about how they will take care of the baby, the realization of motherhood comes and a huge responsibility comes upon them. For those who already have children, there are also plenty of reasons to worry - how older children will react to the new family member, how to manage everything, when to rest...

The process of giving birth to a child, inevitably accompanied by pain and strong emotions, is always stressful for a new mother. It is not surprising that during the postpartum period, many mothers are on the verge of a breakdown, while others cannot stand it and break down. Relatives, especially the husband, can help in this situation. And also, which can be obtained for free at antenatal clinic or in the maternity hospital.

Stitches after childbirth

Depending on the circumstances, doctors apply different suture materials to the tears or incisions: absorbable, non-absorbable and metal staples. The first, as the name suggests, resolves on its own after 5-7 days and does not entail further medical intervention, and the remaining two require subsequent removal after 3-6 days.

Caring for sutures on the cervix does not require any special manipulation; it is enough to follow the usual hygiene described below. Nurses in the maternity hospital begin to treat the sutures with brilliant green or potassium permanganate, and then after they are removed or absorbed, the mother herself monitors the healing at home. To speed up the healing of stitches, it is also useful to take air baths.

If there are stitches, it is forbidden to sit for several days, or sit in a certain position with support on the side where there are no stitches. Although this is unusual, some mothers will have to lie down, recline or stand for some time.

How to recover quickly after childbirth

Every mother wants to return her body to normal as quickly as possible. Rushing and turning a blind eye to suspicious phenomena is not the best solution, since these tricks can subsequently greatly affect health in the future, even years later. Restoring strength after childbirth is different for everyone. individual rhythm, the main thing is to set yourself up for success and think positively. All difficulties associated with childbirth are quickly forgotten, and attention switches to caring and raising the child. The effectiveness of recovery is influenced by proper nutrition, intimate hygiene, time for rest, Kegel exercises, help from loved ones and a positive attitude.

Childbirth is a serious shake-up for any mother’s body. No matter how long they last, several hours or days, the result will be a fundamental change in a woman’s life, a restructuring of all systems and organs for subsequent feeding and raising the baby. And this restructuring cannot happen instantly. The woman will feel some changes immediately, but quite significant changes will occur over the course of several more weeks.

What needs to change?

    The uterus returns to its original size. The mucous membrane in the uterine cavity is restored. All this is accompanied by the discharge of postpartum discharge - lochia.

    All internal organs, pressed by the baby on latest dates pregnancy, should take their usual places. Some of them return to their normal, pre-pregnancy sizes.

    All the organs that worked “for two,” such as the mother’s heart, liver, and kidneys, gradually get used to working in the old way.

    After a sprain, the ligaments that were pulled apart during childbirth heal, lose their mobility, and, possibly, will take a new position.

    All microtraumas, cracks and other soft tissue damage to the mother heal.

    On the spot serious breaks scars form.

    Major changes affect the endocrine system.

An organ of the endocrine system, the placenta, which supported the required level not only the baby's hormones, but also regulated the hormonal balance in the woman's body. The woman's remaining endocrine glands also change - they decrease in size, as they worked under heavy load during pregnancy and childbirth. However, the work of hormones that should ensure lactation remains at a high level.

    The mammary glands change.

They seem to adapt to feeding exactly the baby that was born to this mother. Starting with a few drops of colostrum, the body gradually learns to produce milk appropriate to the age and needs of the baby. The process of establishing lactation takes quite a lot long term and should end with the onset of mature lactation.

As stated above, all this cannot happen quickly. The transition period, the time for restoration of all functions and stabilization of the new state - lactation, lasts about 6 weeks. However, how successful it will be depends very much on what the birth was like.

Biologically normal childbirth implies that mechanisms are activated in a woman’s body that help her recover easily and without problems. These mechanisms are activated if childbirth corresponds to the natural scheme, i.e. take place in a reliable, safe place - a “nest”, where there is no interference or intrusion, where a woman feels protected and gives birth for as long as she and her baby need. As a rule, during such births, there is no pain during contractions, and the body manages to adapt to each stage of labor.

Normally, a woman’s level of endorphins, pleasure hormones, increases throughout childbirth, reaching its peak at the time of birth. Exactly high level A woman’s own endorphins help activate the maternal instinct, which allows her to experience tremendous pleasure from the process of caring for her baby.

The quality and comfort of breastfeeding is influenced not only by the level of endorphins, but also by the timely first attachment to the breast. And it will be complete only after the child exhibits a search reflex, which occurs 20-30 minutes after birth. And the baby suckles when applied on time, not for 10-15 minutes, but for 1.5-2 hours!

Ideally, the first hour is the natural end of labor, the very reward for which the mother tried so hard and waited 9 months, and she should receive confirmation that everything is fine using all her senses - touch, stroke, squeeze, see, smell, press it, put it to your chest. A powerful release of her oxytocin and prolactin gives the first impetus to the all-consuming feeling of maternal love, which will help her overcome all subsequent difficulties.

So, endorphins: prolactin and oxytocin help the mother not only survive a successful birth, but also recover just as safely after it. And indeed, all these 6 weeks, all processes occur spontaneously and do not require any special measures or procedures from the mother. All she needs is peace and a baby under her tits!

In the first three days, the mother simply lies with the baby. This allows all the organs to gently begin to fall into place, and the mother to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast. In the first days the baby also does not require great care. Therefore, mom is able to do everything she needs without getting out of bed.

Uterine contractions occur regularly due to the baby's full sucking. As an auxiliary measure, the mother can periodically lie on her stomach and lie on a cold heating pad with ice a couple of times. Tonic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic or uterine contracting herbs are needed in exceptional cases. Special attention deserves only hygiene measures.

According to historians of obstetrics, it was the neglect of hygiene standards that contributed to such a high mortality rate after childbirth among our ancestors. Despite the new opportunities to treat almost any infection, the modern mother should once again take care of herself before such problems arise.

Regular and thorough washing, followed by treating the genitals with an infusion of disinfectant herbs will not only prevent the occurrence of postpartum infections, but will also help heal wounds and abrasions. No less effective measure is to simply ventilate the “affected” areas. And this will be possible if you stop using panties for a few days and lie down quite a lot, placing a pad under the woman, and not pressing it between her legs.

Only women with severe tears need a special diet these days. And for an ordinary mother, no restrictions are needed either in the area of ​​food or in the area of ​​drinking. To establish full lactation, a woman should not feel thirsty, so you can drink as much as you want.

In the week following these days, mothers usually begin to move much more actively.

Firstly, they are pushed to this by the increasing activity of the child. The baby begins to adapt to the world around him, and all the time he expects help from his mother, even with his simplest needs. Timely learning of practical child care skills gives mother many pleasant moments and fills her heart with pride every time she begins to succeed at something.

That is why a competent mentor in the first days is the same necessary means For quick recovery women in labor, like sleep or, for example, water. From time immemorial, a young mother was taught, instructed, helped, and modern woman also needs training. This preserves the psycho-emotional peace of the postpartum mother, helps her understand the needs of her baby and allows her to correctly distribute her time and efforts.

Secondly, the mother’s well-being allows her to do much more, although not everything. Feeding while lying down seems to be the most convenient form. That's why mommy still lies with her baby for a long time. However, this mode can rather be called semi-bed rest. Because the mother begins to move around the house more and more confidently, albeit together with her baby.

When moving around the house with a baby in your arms, you should not wear a bra yet. The skin on the chest adapts to the sucking process in just 10-14 days, and during this time it needs contact with air. A simple loose T-shirt or shirt will cover the outside of your breasts, and it’s best to leave a bra for going out. The exception to this rule is women with very massive and heavy breasts, for whom moving around the house without a bra can be very uncomfortable.

It should be noted that after a biologically normal birth with breasts, except for the adaptation of the skin, nothing extraordinary happens. Neither a change in the composition of colostrum, nor the arrival of milk, as a rule, does not cause a woman any inconvenience, except for a feeling of slight heaviness. The breast and baby adapt to each other. And this adjustment does not require additional pumping, milking or any other unpleasant actions. As a rule, one day after the strongest tide, discomfort subside. Therefore, after a while, the milk will come exactly as much as the baby needs, no more!

The remaining time before the end of 6 weeks usually passes by the mother unnoticed. Every day brings so many new things that she simply does not have time to keep track of time. Mom is gradually mastering the art of combining household with child care. Due to the fact that the baby is growing all the time and the mother is still just learning to navigate his immediate needs, she still takes a lot of time for both.

The little man's rhythms are still very short. Therefore, the mother must have time to serve herself and the child in small dashes. On the one hand, this provides her with a lot of time for rest, which she still needs so much, because... at each feeding she rests, sitting comfortably with the baby. On the other hand, it encourages her to more actively master various ways child support and various masterful feeding positions. This takes up almost all of her time, so it doesn’t even occur to her to do any special physical exercises or go for a walk! But such activity allows her to manage her life better and better. own body which is gradually returning to normal.

By the end of 6 weeks, a woman after a biologically normal birth is usually completely accustomed to her new position, masterfully feeds the baby from any position, is well versed in his needs, and she has time and the desire to communicate with someone else. For all this trouble, she did not even notice that during this time she not only learned something, but also completely physically recovered.

In principle, this scheme should correspond to the behavior of a woman after any childbirth. However, childbirth that deviates from the natural pattern takes place differently, which affects the woman’s hormonal balance and introduces its own characteristics and adjustments to the recovery processes after it.

First of all, childbirth that does not occur in the “nest” represents more severe stress. From the point of view of nature, a mother who has not found her “nest” is in extreme situation, therefore, it is necessary to mobilize all reserves!

Unfortunately, first of all, adrenaline is released from reserves, increasing tension during contractions, increasing pain, and as a result - reducing general level mother's own endorphins. Following endorphins, the levels of all other hormones that promote spontaneous childbirth and normal recovery after it decrease. This primarily affects a woman’s well-being and the ability of her tissues to regenerate and restore. To this it should be added that the absence of a “nest”, i.e. a habitable place with a bacteriological environment familiar to the mother is a factor that increases the likelihood of infection.

In addition, hormonal imbalance affects the establishment of lactation processes. IN stressful situation There may be much more milk than the baby needs, or there may be a delay in its arrival. Not to mention the fact that such phenomena increase the risk of mastitis and other breast problems, unstable lactation greatly interferes with the establishment of interaction between mother and baby. Since these processes are in no way related to the condition of the baby, caring for him becomes more difficult and Instead of joy, it causes great inconvenience to my mother, even to the point of irritation.

Well, to top all the troubles, all this ( increased level stress hormones, low level endorphins, problems with wound healing, difficulties with lactation) can lead to postpartum depression. If the mother, on top of everything else, is separated from the child or even gives birth surgically, then the difficulties may even increase.

To protect yourself from all these consequences, it will not be enough for mommy to simply do general recommendations. There are several rules that will have to be taken into account to ensure that the recovery goes relatively smoothly.

    A disrupted hormonal balance dictates to a woman during this period not entirely logical actions that can directly harm her health, therefore, in the absence of a biologically normal birth, a woman CANNOT BE ORIENTED BY INTUITION. It is better to act based on knowledge of the normal biology of these processes, and if there is none, contact specialists.

    It should be remembered that the likelihood of developing an infection before complete completion recovery of the body after clinical childbirth is VERY HIGH, therefore, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CREATE FAVORABLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR INFECTIONS, i.e. appropriate care is needed, first of all for the uterus, for all wounds, and subsequently for the breasts.

    IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO GO OUTSIDE until 6 weeks after giving birth or at least 1 month after! Any hypothermia, even very mild, can lead to infection. For the same reasons, during this time you should not walk around the house barefoot, undressed, or take a bath or swim in open water.

    DO NOT WEAR A BANDAGE OR DO PHYSICAL EXERCISES UNTIL THE END OF 6 WEEKS. Any effect on organs abdominal cavity, which have not yet taken their “rightful places,” can provoke both a change in the position of these organs and inflammation, which can spread to the uterus or chest.

    For the first 2 weeks after childbirth, you need to REGULARLY TAKE UTERUS CONTRACTIONS. The fastest contraction of the uterus is the first means of combating possible infection And best prevention its occurrence. IN general case it could just be herbs - shepherd's purse, yarrow, nettle. But it is also possible to use homeopathy or even medications prescribed by a doctor.

    Starting from the 6th day after birth, it is necessary to PREVENT POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION by taking sedative tinctures or appropriate homeopathy for at least 2 weeks!

    When separated from the baby, it is necessary to organize regular BREAST EXPRESSION. This will prevent mastitis from developing and will contribute to the further establishment of lactation. Expressing during separation is done approximately once every 3 hours. When milk comes in, it is necessary to strain the breast if the baby is not with the mother and constantly attach the baby if he is nearby. During the entire high tide, you will have to limit your fluid intake to 3 glasses per day.

    IT IS NECESSARY TO ORGANIZE NORMAL LACTATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Properly organized breastfeeding restores maternal hormonal levels, therefore, in the end, it will not only make life easier for the mother, but will also contribute to her quick recovery.

As for psychological rehabilitation, our long-term observations show that mothers after clinical childbirth feel it only 9 months after birth. Alas, this is the price one has to pay for violence against one’s own nature.

Carrying a baby has a great impact on a woman’s body. During pregnancy, a complete reconstruction of absolutely all systems is carried out to fully supply the vital functions of the fetus. Key metamorphoses affect the mother’s hormonal background, and after childbirth everything gradually returns to its previous state.

Young mothers who have given birth for the first time are often interested in the question: “How long does it take the body to recover after childbirth?” It is impossible to answer with certainty, since it depends on many external factors and maternal health status, but there are general criteria, which can be used to navigate. Let's look at the problem in more detail.

A woman’s body works differently after the birth of a child, since preparation for birth lasted more than one month and the organs were gradually prepared for future stress. It will also take a lot of time to restore their activities. For a healthy non-breastfeeding mother, this takes 2 to 3 months.

The recovery period after childbirth is called involution, which is the regressive formation of organs that changed during pregnancy. Mostly experience metamorphosis:

  • pelvic organs;
  • heart and vascular system;
  • hormones;
  • mammary glands.

The last to be rebuilt are the breasts and endocrine system, but provided that the mother stops lactation.

Heart and lungs

The respiratory system will recover instantly, since the fetus no longer puts pressure on the diaphragm and does not interfere with the respiratory system.

The cardiovascular system changes greatly during pregnancy:

  • The increased volume of blood during the postpartum period provokes edema. Over time, its volume will become the same as before pregnancy.
  • Blood clotting increases. This is normal physiological process, because the body needs to cope with the bleeding on its own.

The formation of blood clots is especially increased after cesarean section. To avoid complications, women in labor should definitely take care of the first few days after surgery.

Restoration of the female reproductive system

It takes from one and a half to 60 days after the birth of a toddler to restore the uterus. During this period, lochia is formed - postpartum discharge. For two or three days they look more like heavy menstruation, but then the bleeding decreases. After seven days, the discharge becomes lighter and consists of mucus and blood clots.

How long does bleeding last, if done? C-section? The body recovers after childbirth with surgical intervention much longer, so the bleeding may be prolonged.

The uterus weighs approximately one kilogram and is shaped like a ball. By the end of involution, she has approximately the same size and weight as a girl who has never given birth. The pear-shaped uterus also returns. The production of the hormone oxytocin is activated. It is responsible for contraction of the uterus. This happens every time a mother feeds her baby with her milk. Often during feeding there is pain in the lower abdomen.

Contraction of the uterus depends directly on breastfeeding. Thus, the more often the baby is applied to the breast, the faster it decreases.

During this period, bleeding may occur due to weak tone uterus. This can also cause stagnation of lochia, which will cause inflammation. Often.

Cycle normalization

How long after childbirth does the menstrual cycle resume?

  • In non-lactating mothers after 45-60 days.
  • With mixed feeding after six months.
  • During full feeding, the period may vary from six months to two years.

But these are average data. How quickly the cycle stabilizes for a particular woman depends on individual characteristics bodies.

The muscle tone of the perineum and vagina decreases to natural parameters, but will not return to its original form. Due to decreased hormone production, dryness may occur. During lactation, prolactin suppresses sex hormones, which causes a lack of lubricant secretion. This lasts up to six months or longer.

After pregnancy, the cervix takes a long time to resume its functioning. During natural delivery, the shape of the external pharynx becomes slit-like. Before conception, the cervix looks like an inverted cone, after which it looks like a cylinder.

Differences between lochia and bleeding

Often, inexperienced women in labor do not distinguish lochia from bleeding, and therefore waste precious time going to the hospital, which results in death. Every representative of the fairer sex should know the first signs of bleeding, by which it will be possible to distinguish it from normal discharge:

  • At uterine bleeding sanitary pad changes every 40-60 minutes.
  • The blood is bright scarlet.
  • The discharge is copious and comes out in spurts.
  • Sometimes there is a pulling or pricking pain in the lower abdomen, in the areas of the coccyx or sacrum.
  • Dizziness and fainting occur.
  • In some cases, nausea and vomiting occur.

Signs of normal discharge during the period after the birth of a child:

  • The hygiene product is filled within 2-4 hours.
  • The color of lochia is dark red or brown.
  • The discharge is smeared.
  • They do not cause any pain or ill health.
  • Sometimes it occurs slight nausea, but this is rare.

Involution of the breast and endocrine system

Unfortunately, after lactation, the shape of the breast loses its elasticity and beauty. Stopping feeding occurs gradually. The baby is put to the breast less and less often. As a result, prolactin levels decrease and milk production decreases.

Deterioration occurs in the chest glandular tissue. It is replaced by fat. This reduces its elasticity. It takes its final form one and a half months after the last application.

As prolactin levels decrease, active production of estrogen and progesterone begins, and hormonal levels are completely restored after 30-60 days.

When the milk in the breast almost completely disappears, you need to stop feeding the baby. Since periodic breastfeeding provokes sharp jumps prolactin and because of this it is not possible to adjust the hormonal levels and other vital systems.

When lactation is completed within 30 days, the menstrual cycle normalizes. If critical days no within 2 months, you should contact an endocrinologist.

A girl changes after pregnancy not only internally, but also externally. May appear:

  • excess weight;
  • stretch marks;
  • loose skin;

These changes do not please any representative of the fair sex. To this. As a result, recovery after childbirth takes longer. But girls who become mothers also change their outlook on life. With the advent little man in their life, all external metamorphoses that occur to them become less important.

Hormonal background

After pregnancy, recovery should be seamless. The organs return to an almost normal state. The reasons for prolonged stabilization of hormones may be:

  • difficult delivery;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • problems with lactation, lack or excess of milk;
  • taking strong drugs;
  • diet food that does not contain vitamins;
  • illnesses of the mother in labor in the first months after pregnancy;
  • power failure;
  • addiction to cigarettes or alcohol.

A woman must take care of her own health. Hormonal imbalance can occur if a girl quickly returns to normal life. Hormone levels are constantly changing, which negatively affects your well-being. Unfavorable for hormonal balance The mother’s complete dedication to the child will also be reflected.

Signs of hormonal imbalance

The first manifestations of malfunction appear 3-4 months after the birth of the child. Hormonal changes have a negative impact on the mother's well-being, as they can spoil the joy of motherhood. Mommy can make an assessment of her physical and emotional state herself.

The first symptoms of improper hormone production are:

  • irritability;
  • tearfulness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • frequent mood changes throughout the day;
  • increased sweating;
  • Often there is a feeling of guilt;
  • depression;
  • intense hair loss;
  • for short time weight loss or gain;
  • changes in facial skin pigmentation;
  • lack of desire for intimacy;
  • painful menstruation;
  • pain during sex.

The following will have a beneficial effect on the mother’s health:

  • consumption;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • in case of problems with bladder and weakening of the vaginal muscles, you are allowed to do Kegel exercises;
  • To make your breasts look attractive even after lactation, you need to use special creams and lotions for stretch marks;
  • put away extra pounds is possible only with the help balanced diet And physical exercise(fast walking, gentle stretching and pumping the abs).

After birth, young mothers try to return to their normal lives as quickly as possible and take on too much. You shouldn't do this.

To recover without negative consequences you should not forget about yourself. Every new mother should have proper rest. Don't be afraid to give your loved ones some responsibilities around the house. The better the quality of rest, the faster body is being restored. Every woman should remember this.