Features of the fruit-protein diet. Fruit diet for weight loss: menu for the week, reviews and results Fruit protein diet for weight loss menu

How the diet works

It cannot be said that it is fruity protein diet It is seasonal, but nutritionists recommend sticking to it in the summer and autumn, when there is unlimited access to fresh, and most importantly healthy, fruits and vegetables not treated with harmful chemicals. For effective weight loss you don’t need to count calories for 14 days and limit yourself in everything: just exclude some foods from the menu and follow the recommendations of nutritionists.

How does this diet work?

  • The basis of the diet is proteins - this is the building material for the cells of the human body. They do not participate in the creation of adipose tissue - it is “built” by fast carbohydrates and fats. A well-chosen menu for 5-14 days allows you to quickly lose weight without side effects like cellulite, stretch marks or sagging muscles.
  • The source of carbohydrates are various fruits, their benefits are undeniable: citrus fruits help eliminate toxins, apples improve the condition skin. Grapes, pears, plums, peaches, apricots are sources of iron, fiber and antioxidants. Protein-grapefruit diet normalizes work digestive system and improves metabolic processes– results will be noticeable on the third day.
  • Recommended fractional meals: You can eat 6-7 times a day, but little by little. The last meal is 2 hours before bedtime, it should be as light as possible - a glass of kefir or an apple.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables contain not only vitamins and microelements, but also water, which perfectly cleanses the body. However, this does not mean that the amount of fluid consumed needs to be reduced: drinking water, green tea, fermented milk drinks, unsweetened compotes and fruit drinks - drink 2-2.5 liters a day. Carbonated drinks and alcohol are strictly prohibited on the menu.

The condition for effective weight loss is to consume the following products:

  • Sea fish and lean meat are an excellent source of protein, amino acids and polyunsaturated fats. Sometimes you can treat yourself to seafood (shrimp, squid). We steam, boil or stew dishes without adding fat. To improve taste qualities, experiment with seasonings, but you will have to do without dressings and sauces. Salt is not best friend weight loss, we use it in minimal quantities.
  • Fruits - citrus fruits, persimmons, pineapples, seasonal apples, pears, berries and others. They contain many vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber and macro- and microelements. It is advisable to alternate their use: for example, the first day is an apple-orange diet, on the second day we eat grapes, on the third - apricots, and so on.
  • Dairy products - hard cheese, cottage cheese, low-calorie yogurt, eggs, etc.
  • Vegetables. You can diversify your diet with tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, lettuce and herbs. Sometimes we make salads and potatoes - only on the last day of the diet. Vegetables can be eaten raw, stewed or baked in the oven, but it is preferable to eat foods without heat treatment.

We exclude fat-containing foods, flour, sweets, smoked foods and canned foods from the menu. By the way, not all fruits are allowed either: bananas, dates, figs contain a lot of saccharides and are not suitable for weight loss.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The benefits of a fruit-protein diet are:

  • It is a gentle type of diet; you will not experience debilitating feelings of hunger or weakness.
  • The body is provided with a complex of vitamins and macro- and microelements; there is no need to take auxiliary supplements.
  • The condition of the skin and muscles improves, metabolism accelerates, and a comprehensive cleansing of the body occurs.
  • The protein-grapefruit diet allows you to lose up to 10 kilograms.
  • You can choose the number of days yourself: 5,7, 14 or 20.
  • At the right way out The weight does not return from the diet for a long time.

Disadvantages of the diet:

We create a menu for every day

Daily ration for 14 days

Day Diet
1st 200 g boiled chicken, fresh fruits, vegetables
2nd A glass of low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, 2 hard-boiled eggs
3rd Two glasses of apple-carrot juice, fresh carrots, one apple, a glass of kefir
4th 200 g boiled lean meat, a glass of low-fat yogurt
5th 150 g of cottage cheese and low-fat sour cream, two hard-boiled eggs, one fresh carrot
6th One fresh apple and banana, 150 g of vegetable salad, several sprigs of herbs
7th 200 g boiled chicken (beef) with vegetables, apple and tangerine
8th Banana, kiwi, apple, orange, fresh carrots and 180 g of boiled beet salad
9th Two hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of boiled lean meat, 150 g of vegetable salad
10th 200 g boiled fish, whole grain bread (70g), fresh carrots
11th Two glasses of kefir, two hard-boiled eggs, 200 g of steamed meat, vegetables
12th Fresh vegetables, fruits, low percentage yogurt
13th 200 g boiled chicken, 150 g cottage cheese, vegetables
14th 150 g boiled potatoes, 2 cups kefir, fruit

Menu for 5 days

For accelerated weight loss It is not necessary to adhere to a 14-day diet; it is quite possible to lose 3-4 kilograms in 5 days

Is it possible to stay slim, healthy and beautiful without strict mono diets? According to the latest fashion trends in amateur nutrition, this is absolutely unthinkable. But, for example, a protein-fruit diet allows you to remove unattractive folds and swelling, remove waste and toxins, and restore freshness and elasticity to the skin. And all this without masochism in choosing a diet, without suffering or harm to the body!

Do you have any doubts? But in vain! The conviction that you can lose weight only through severe fasting - dangerous myth. A tasty and healthy protein-fruit diet for weight loss works no worse than barn castle on the refrigerator. At the same time, the body receives almost everything it needs for normal operation without experiencing acute shortage in any nutrients. Psychologically, such a diet is easier to tolerate, and this important point: no temptation to empty reserves, sudden weight gain after finishing the diet is less likely, quality of sleep is high, mood is excellent! The fruit-protein diet lasts 14 days, and it’s easy to endure even more stringent restrictions for just two weeks. But why, if you can lose weight deliciously?

From the name it is generally clear what is allowed to eat - fruits and protein. Of course, the protein must be complete, i.e. of animal origin. We purchase high-quality fish (low-fat sea fish) and meat (rabbit, poultry, lamb and beef). Ocean fish is a source of valuable omega acids, fluorine and phosphorus, bromine and iodine. Offal and meat are the only source of a complete set in the human diet. essential amino acids and easily digestible iron. To make the protein-fruit diet as effective as possible, avoid frying: fish and meat are steamed, stewed, baked, boiled with the addition of herbs, spices and a minimum amount of salt.

Read also: Low Carb Ketogenic Diet

In addition to proteins, we need carbohydrates, the deficiency of which can lead to lethargy. Bad mood, excitability, insomnia and stress. The role of carbohydrate supplier in a protein diet is played by fruits - sweet grapes and bananas. In addition, your diet must include honey. Apples, pears, berries, pineapples, kiwis and citrus fruits are a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, saccharides and other useful and necessary for the body substances. Fruits should be different; it is wrong to eat only your favorite peaches or persimmons.

To maximize the effectiveness of the fruit-protein diet, the menu is composed alternating protein and fruit dishes. Three times a week, one meat meal must be replaced with cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt or eggs of your choice. You need to eat in small portions, 6 times a day. Fruits can be whole, in the form of salads or purees, juices or smoothies. For example:

First meal– boiled poultry or 2 eggs;
Second appointment– banana, a glass of tea with a spoon of honey;
Third appointment– a piece of stewed fish;
Fourth technique– salad, orange or glass of fresh juice;
Fifth technique– stewed lamb;
Sixth reception- apple.

The day starts with protein and ends with a light snack. Therefore, dinner can be quite late, but no later than 21-00. Before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of filtered water - this stimulates the intestines, helping the body cleanse itself of toxins accumulated from the day before. In addition to filtered and mineral water, weak white or green tea, milk, and fermented milk drinks are allowed. And no lemonade, canned food, buns and sweets, sausages and other harmful products.

Against the background of various rigid power systems protein-fruit diet for weight loss differs in that it allows you to get rid of a significant amount of excess body weight in a short period of time.

Such a diet can only conditionally be called “fruit-protein”, since the diet also contains various vegetables. One of the main advantages is that it is absolutely safe for human health. If you strictly follow all the recommendations of nutritionists, you can become lighter up to 10 kg in 2 weeks.

What is the essence of the fruit-protein diet?

The essence of this diet is

so that protein meals alternate with the intake of carbohydrates obtained from fruits and vegetables that ripen at the time of year when the diet is applied. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out during the harvesting period of agricultural crops zoned in the region of human residence. This approach makes it possible to obtain nutrients from the freshest foods.

How does the protein-fruit diet work?

  1. 1 Proteins (proteins) are building material for the formation of body cells. A significant part of them are cells muscle fibers. Proteins do not take part in the construction of adipose tissue, which is the body's energy depot. It contains excess unspent calories. The main source of these energy reserves is fat and “fast” carbohydrates. With a fruit-protein diet, the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, which go towards the accumulation of adipose tissue, is practically eliminated. Thanks to this it is possible to short time reduce its volume, especially if you exercise regularly physical exercise.
  2. 2 This diet is good for achieving rapid weight loss. Almost anyone can easily tolerate this diet, since it rarely makes anyone feel hungry. This diet is gentle and does not harm the body. Nutritionists advise using a fruit-protein diet for 7, 10 or 14 days. All this time you need to eat only protein foods, fruits and vegetables.
  3. 3 Any food should be taken at intervals of approximately 2.5 hours. Thanks to such a short interval, a person losing weight practically does not feel hunger. The daily number of meals is 6-7 times.
  4. 4 The functioning of the digestive system, subject to the rules of this diet, is completely normalized. At the same time, the metabolic processes occurring in the body will only improve. Since fruits and vegetables contain fiber, there will be no problems with digestion. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for any diet. Large quantity Protein of animal origin in the diet will maintain muscle tone at a normal level.
  5. 5 Start every day with a glass of water, which will start the process of cleansing the intestines. Breakfast is the main meal of the day, so during it you eat foods containing proteins.

Contraindications for the fruit-protein diet

This diet is not suitable for people with food allergies for some products used in it and having serious illnesses kidneys or gastrointestinal tract. It should not be used by adolescents, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, this diet should not be used by diabetics. Before starting, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Limitations of a protein-fruit diet for weight loss

Fat-containing foods are completely excluded from the diet. In addition, you will have to stop adding various sauces to your dishes to improve their taste. Occasionally, a small amount of salt (preferably sea salt) can be used. Any product that can be consumed on a fruit-protein diet should be eaten separately from other foods. In other words: protein foods are consumed separately from fruits and vegetables containing vitamins and minerals. Also unacceptable simultaneous eating fruits and vegetables recommended for this diet.

Completely excluded from the diet following products: figs, dates, bananas, sugar, baked goods, canned food of all kinds, smoked meats. Potatoes are allowed to be consumed only on the final day of the diet. Boiled carrots and beets can be consumed occasionally. It is best to replace them with stewed or baked zucchini, eggplant, white and cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. The use of spicy greens is encouraged. Only vegetables that are not eaten raw should be cooked. Potatoes are allowed only on the final day of the diet.

When switching to this diet, you must completely limit the consumption of soda, sweet green or black tea, coffee and alcohol. Most often, the duration of such a diet is 14 days.

Products for a fruit-protein diet

When switching to this diet allowed to use clean water, mineral water and unsweetened tea of ​​all types and varieties. Moreover, their consumption is not standardized by nutritionists, although the most optimal norm for healthy person is 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day.

The source of carbohydrates in this diet are various fruits: apples, grapes, pears, berries. Such “overseas” fruits as kiwi, citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pomelo, sweetie), pineapples, and persimmons can also be consumed. Fruits are suppliers of vitamins, microelements and fiber. Moreover, the constant alternation of one or another of their types only increases the effectiveness of the diet.

The source of protein is high-quality sea ​​fish with a small amount of fat and lean meat (poultry, beef, lamb). Ocean fish are best suited for this diet. This is due to the fact that it contains a lot of Omega acids, bromine, phosphorus, iodine and fluorine. Seafood such as squid and shrimp will also allow you to diversify your diet.

Meat is a source of essential amino acids. It also contains easily digestible iron. Such a diet will be effective when fish and meat are consumed only boiled, steamed, baked or stewed. These products should never be fried in any fat. To improve the taste of protein products, you can add a little salt and aromatic herbs.

Other sources of protein in this diet include: cottage cheese with reduced content fat, feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, mozzarella, low-fat kefir, sour cream or yogurt. Its obligatory component is boiled chicken eggs. Many nutritionists recommend including natural honey in this diet.

Sample menu of a protein-vegetable-fruit diet

Nutritionists do not restrict too strictly

consumption of certain products in a fruit-protein diet, but still, they recommend sticking to a sample menu developed taking into account the needs of the human body.

To get the maximum effect from this diet, the menu should constantly alternate between protein and fruit dishes. Three times a week one meat product should be replaced (optional) with products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt, eggs. Fruits can be consumed whole, crushed in the form of purees, salads, and freshly squeezed juices.

Approximate daily intake of a protein-fruit diet:

  • 8-00 (1 breakfast) – 2 eggs or boiled chicken breast;
  • 10-30 (2 breakfast) - grapefruit, a glass of unsweetened tea with 1 tsp. honey;
  • 13-00 (lunch) – a piece of stewed fish;
  • 15-30 (afternoon snack) – vegetable salad, a glass of juice or an orange;
  • 18-00 (dinner) – boiled beef or stewed lamb.
  • 20-30 (snack) – apple.

Protein-fruit diet menu for 14 days

The diet includes healthy and quite nutritious foods that provide the body with nutrients. In this ratio and quantities, they can give noticeable results after only 5 days of following the diet.

Fruit-protein diet menu for 7 days

This diet allows you to quickly get rid of 3-5 kg. If it is not possible to stick to a fruit-protein diet for 14 days, you can create a similar menu for just a week.

Fruit-protein diet menu for 10 days

This diet option refers to a strict diet. It is designed for 10 days, but if desired, it can be repeated three times during the month.

Sample menu per day (optional)

  • 8-00. 2 eggs / omelette in a dry frying pan / 6 boiled whites
  • 10-30. grapefruit / pomelo / sweetie / 2 oranges
  • 13-00. 200 g of meat, boiled or grilled (chicken, veal, lamb)
  • 15-30. 2 apples / 2 pears
  • 18-00. 200 g baked or boiled fish
  • 20-30. orange / half a sweetie or pomelo

Fruit and protein diet of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva, whose authority in the field of medicine and health is beyond doubt, has developed her own fruit and protein diet. It not only promotes weight loss, but also heals the body. This diet can reduce the symptoms of hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes.

The diet lasts 5 days,

but if desired, it can be used for more than a month. It differs from other regimes in not being too strict in its dietary restrictions. Thanks to fractional meals (5 times a day), metabolism accelerates. At the same time, a person almost never experiences a strong feeling of hunger.

The calorie content of Malysheva’s diet is 1200 kcal. If a person is playing sports or driving at this time active image life, calorie content is increased to 1500 kcal.

This diet includes the exclusion of such foods as animal fats, salt, sugar, beets, potatoes, carrots, rice, flour products. Drinking alcohol is also prohibited.

Drink 2.5 liters of water daily.

Sample menu for Elena Malysheva's diet day

  • 8-00. 50 g oatmeal, poured boiling water with berries or grated apple, 100 g of cottage cheese
  • 10-00. grapefruit / apples / sweetie / oranges / tangerines (to choose from)
  • 12-00. 100 g meat (chicken, veal) / 100 g fish / 3 eggs; any greens
  • 16-00. apple / orange / grapefruit / tangerine (optional)
  • 19-00. vegetable salad and a glass of kefir

Pros and cons of the fruit-protein diet of Elena Malysheva

The ability of fruits such as orange or pineapple to remove toxins from the body.

The presence in the diet of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

The presence of fiber in fruits helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to it, cellulite is reduced, complexion and skin condition are improved.

Simplicity of the menu, which does not require much material costs, nor complex preparation dishes.

No feeling of hunger thanks to frequent appointments food and freedom to choose fruits.

presence of contraindications for use;

possible allergies to certain foods (especially citrus fruits);

limited duration of the diet.

If you follow all the requirements of this diet, you can expect a weight loss of up to 1 kg per day. Although this indicator is purely individual, most people who have used this diet confirm its effectiveness in rapid weight loss.

More information

Text: Olga Natolina

Fruit and protein diet promises weight loss of up to 5 kilograms in 5 days. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? By adhering to this diet, you will not suffer from hunger and will not harm your health, as with other express diets.

How does the fruit-protein diet work?

When following a fruit-protein diet, you should only eat protein food, alternating it with fruits. Foods containing fats and carbohydrates are excluded from the diet for the entire duration of the diet. Therefore, you cannot even add any sauces or seasonings (not to mention side dishes) to a dish made from protein products. Even the amount of salt should be kept to a minimum.

Power is being built as follows. At one protein meal you eat no more than 200 grams of protein, and one or two fruits at the next meal. At the same time, be sure to drink two liters of water a day. The main rule of the fruit-protein diet: you need to eat proteins and fruits at different meals. For example, protein for breakfast, fruit for lunch. And then again protein products - for dinner, without adding any carbohydrate products as a side dish, and no bread.

The fruit-protein diet is based on the principle separate power supply, and limiting the consumption of high-carbohydrate foods. Which leads to weight loss. But precisely because the food should be low-carbohydrate, not all fruits can be eaten. For example, dried fruits, bananas, and grapes are strictly prohibited. One more thing important rule in a fruit-protein diet, this is a meal every two and a half hours. This way you will eat 6 times a day, but always in small portions.

Which products to choose?

For the menu you can take the following protein products: low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish, chicken breasts steamed, without olive or other oil, low-fat cheeses. For fruits, eat apples, citrus fruits, pineapple, kiwi. But, under no circumstances, do not start eating sweet fruits. Eliminate apricots, pears, persimmons. During a fruit-protein diet, drink mineral water, tea and herbal infusions no added sugar. Eliminate coffee and carbonated sweet drinks, lemonades, juices, and alcohol.

When on a fruit-protein diet, start your day with a glass of water. It will start the cleansing process gastrointestinal tract. Breakfast in a fruit-protein diet - main reception food, so eat protein for breakfast. If you are feeling hungry and cannot wait two and a half hours before next appointment food, then eat another piece of fruit. There is no need to endure the feeling of hunger.

Benefits of a fruit-protein diet

Pros of a fruit-protein diet:

  • Fruits like orange and pineapple help remove toxins from the body, plus you get vitamins in kind, besides, you don’t need to use food additives to compensate for the lack of fiber.

  • Fiber, which apples and citrus fruits are rich in, has a beneficial effect on the skin, reduces the problem of cellulite, and has a good effect on complexion.

  • It's simple, delicious diet, in which you don’t need to plan a complex diet and count calories.

This light diet will a good helper, if you want to quickly lose 3 to 5 kilograms, for example, before a vacation. It is good to combine it with simple physical exercises to jump-start your metabolism. For example, do 20 squats a day, and do abs 30 times in the morning. And also add hiking, at least 30 minutes a day. And you will see fast positive result, in the form of losing the desired kilograms.

A fruit and protein diet is easily tolerated by the body, you will not feel hungry. But the diet is not suitable for people suffering from stomach or intestinal diseases. And also for those who are allergic to citrus fruits.

Sample menu for a fruit-protein diet

A fruit-protein diet menu might look like this:

  • First meal after you wake up: 2 boiled eggs.

  • After two hours and thirty minutes: 1 grapefruit 1.

  • After another two and a half hours: boiled meat 200 g.

  • Then, after two and a half hours: apples 2 pcs.

  • After two and a half hours: steamed fish 200 g.

  • After two and a half hours: orange 1 pc.

Thus, you eat 6 times a day, in small portions every two and a half hours.

If you want to lose more than 3-5 kilograms, you can carry out such five-day cycles, taking a break of two weeks between them. Or increase one cycle to 10 days, but no more. But before you go on a fruit-protein diet, consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of gastrointestinal diseases. This diet is definitely contraindicated for people with chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating women, as well as adolescents and children.