Diet protein, vegetable, fruit menu. What is a fruit-protein diet? Harm of fruits when losing weight

Effective protein diet: menu for 14 days

Every woman, even an enviably self-confident woman, tries to keep own body, and with it, your desires are in good shape. The pace of modern busy life forces many to dig in the direction of material wealth, while forgetting about the rules of nutrition and the systematization of physical activity. Consequence quick food, sitting for many hours in front of alluring screens and chatting on newfangled phones leads to significant weight gain, loss of already substandard skin elasticity, as well as chronic dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s own world.

Enterprising marketers and charlatans offer lazy ladies a whole range of instantly active drugs, capable of not only removing food accumulated on the sides and stomach, but also developing a strong immunity in the body to new accumulations. Any doctor with real knowledge and solid work experience can easily blow away all these advertising tirades into atoms, but often overweight women believe in a well-designed PR campaign, fencing themselves off from the arguments of reason or the advice of loved ones.

Protein diet

Help rebuild metabolic processes(and it is in them, in fact, that the seed of the problem sits) only a complete reboot can do it own life. Household fats are the result of a monotonous life in terms of physical activity and a frantic pace in terms of eating junk food. With a magic wand A protein diet can help you lose weight. The menu for 14 days is quite varied, but it completely prohibits the consumption of junk food.

About the benefits of protein nutrition

This question is still the most popular reason for debate among women seeking to restore slimness and youth in their bodies. The main factor that helps women reduce in size is a clearly defined diet in tandem with physical activity designed for each diet. An emergency reduction of such beloved carbohydrates and ubiquitous fats is based on a protein diet; we will consider the menu for 14 days below. Two weeks is optimal time any restrictions for the body, which it perceives at the proper level and develops habits. If changes in the image level out to the level of a normal rhythm, the cells stop actively burning accumulated calories, which means that the entire process of losing weight proceeds more slowly.

Useful properties

It's no secret that fresh fruits contain a lot of minerals and vitamins that are simply necessary for our body in general, and for healthy skin, nails and hair in particular. Therefore, a fruit diet for weight loss allows you to combine the process of getting rid of extra pounds with vitamin support for our body from the inside and forget about the problems of falling hair, dry skin and peeling nails.

In addition, by deciding to use fruits for weight loss, we provide our body with fiber, which helps eliminate toxins and other harmful substances from the body, thereby cleansing it. Fresh fruits also contain substances that can prevent the development of rotting processes in the intestines and stomach, and fiber slows down the process of food absorption and the feeling of hunger comes much later.

The main liquid in any diet menu– water. Drink 2 liters per day. But, besides this, you can pamper yourself with the following drinks:

  • tea, unsweetened coffee;
  • herbal infusions;
  • fresh vegetable juices.

Avoid alcohol, sweet fruit juices (with high content carbohydrates), carbonated water.

Protein Diet Options

The enormous popularity of the protein diet has given rise to many variations of this nutritional system. The basis for each of them was a protein diet in its pure form, but with some additions.

Among the most popular protein diets:

  • protein-vegetable;
  • protein-carbohydrate;
  • vitamin and protein;
  • Dukan diet;
  • Atkins diet;
  • protein express diet;
  • Maggi egg white diet;
  • Japanese protein diet;
  • protein diet Osama Hamdiy.

In addition, there are special options for dietary systems. For example:

  • protein diet for vegetarians;
  • protein diet for athletes;
  • protein diet for pregnant women.

If we talk about protein nutrition for athletes, then there are also several variations (and separately for women and men):

  • protein diet for weight gain (by building muscle mass);
  • protein diet for cutting (usually resorted to before competitions).

Pure protein option

Pure protein diet perfect choice For fast weight loss, because it is the most effective protein diet. Doctors attribute short-term nutrition exclusively to proteins to people with excess weight caused by hormonal problems. Balanced Diets in such cases are ineffective, so at least initial stage To lose weight, it’s a good idea to resort to a protein system, ideally with a combination sports activities. By the way, as some say, one of the most effective protein nutrition options is the Japanese protein diet, popular all over the world.

Protein diet for 2 weeks: sample menu

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Day 1 Coffee Boiled eggs – 2 pcs.; salad; tomato juice Fish
Day 2 Coffee Fish; salad Veal; kefir
Day 3 Coffee Zucchini; apple Boiled eggs 2 pcs.; veal; salad
Day 4 Coffee Egg; salad; hard cheese Some fruit
Day 5 Carrots with lemon juice Fish; tomato juice Unsweetened fruits
Day 6 Coffee Chicken fillet; salad Boiled eggs – 2 pcs.; carrot juice
Day 7 Tea Fish; unsweetened fruit Veal
Day 8 Menu 7 days
Day 9 Menu 6 days
Day 10 Menu 5 days
Day 11 Menu 4 days
Day 12 Menu 3 days
Day 13 Menu 2 days
Day 14 Menu 1 day

Protein-vegetable diet

The protein-vegetable diet is a variation of the classic protein diet. A protein diet for 5 days will help get rid of 5 extra pounds weight. As in the basic version, you should drink plenty of fluids throughout the entire period. Except chicken fillet, cottage cheese and eggs, the menu contains vegetables (stews, salads, soup), not large quantities– fruits, yogurt, bread, honey.

Menu by day

  • fresh tomato – 2 liters, salad, vegetable soup or stew, 2 slices of bread.
  • Morning:
    a slice of bread (maybe a little butter), a little honey.
  • Dinner:
    lean chicken broth, boiled beans, a slice of bread.
  • Snack:
    tea with honey.
  • Dinner:
    boiled eggs – 2 pcs., curd mass or chicken fillet.
  • Breakfast:
    yogurt, fruit.
  • Dinner:
    vegetable soup, a slice of bread.
  • Snack:
    unsweetened fruits.
  • Dinner:
    vinaigrette, cottage cheese, slice of bread.
  • breakfast – milk or kefir – 1 glass, crackers;
  • second breakfast – carrot salad (100 g);
  • lunch – boiled fish (150 g), boiled potatoes(2 pcs.);
  • afternoon snack - vegetable salad(150 g);
  • dinner – boiled lamb (low-fat) - 100 g0
  • breakfast - tea or coffee;
  • second breakfast – egg – 1, crackers – 2;
  • lunch – boiled meat (100 g) and rice (100 g);
  • afternoon snack – 1 apple or 2 kiwis;
  • dinner - boiled fish(100 g) and rice (100 g);
  • before bed – a glass of orange juice.
  • for breakfast - unsweetened coffee or tea;
  • second breakfast - a slice of bread with sausage;
  • lunch – vegetable salad (150 g) and rice (100 g);
  • afternoon snack - cabbage and green peas (100 g);
  • dinner – boiled lamb or chicken (200 g);
  • before bed – a glass of tea or kefir.

Weight loss on this diet is up to 5 kg per week.

Protein diet menu for 14 days

Exists effective option two week weight loss program high protein foods. His menu indicates three meals, but in practice the amount of food should be divided into 5 - 6 meals.

  • breakfast: fruit salad, juice;
  • lunch: salad, water;
  • dinner: vegetable soup.

Nutritionists recommend using the following nutrition plan on a fruit diet. For breakfast, choose the densest types, which saturate well and speed up the metabolism. For lunch, you can add boiled chicken fillet to the fruits, which will fill the protein gap and give you strength. Light fruits are best for dinner.

Menu for 7 days

The seven-day diet method has also gained great popularity in pure form. In essence, it consists of seven one-day mono-diets. On a certain day, you can eat only one type of fruit, for example, on Monday - apples, on Tuesday - pears, on Wednesday - oranges, etc. But this diet option is considered very strict. You can choose another menu for 7 days:

  • breakfast: strawberries, cherries without sugar, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. A glass of juice or a cup of tea. Toast with yogurt.
  • lunch: vegetable puree soup, 200 g dietary meat, portion fr. salad A glass of fruit juice.
  • afternoon snack: salad of grated carrots with apples, seasoned with 1 tsp. sour cream.
  • dinner: salad dressed with low-fat kefir or yogurt. Juice.

Breakfast: low-fat yogurt.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs.

Dinner: fish soup without potatoes.

Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: boiled chicken.

Ninth day

Breakfast: oatmeal with water.

Lunch: omelette.

13.00 – fish (200g) 15.30 – orange (2 pcs)

This diet includes the exclusion of such foods as animal fats, salt, sugar, beets, potatoes, carrots, rice, flour products. Drinking alcohol is also prohibited.

Drink 2.5 liters of water daily.

Sample menu for Elena Malysheva's diet day

Pros and cons of the fruit-protein diet of Elena Malysheva

The ability of fruits such as orange or pineapple to remove toxins from the body.

First phase "attack"

The duration of the first phase depends on your own weight, so if you need to lose 10 - 20 kilograms, the duration of the first phase will be 3-5 days, if more than 20-30 kilograms, the first phase will last 5-7 days, and the longest phase will be from 5 to 10 , if you need to lose more than 30 kilograms of weight.

Protein diet menu

The diet will consist of: fish (steamed), seafood, chicken, lean ham, calf liver, turkey meat. Eggs and low-fat dairy products are allowed. When preparing dishes, you are allowed to add spices: seasonings, vinegar, onions, garlic. And definitely 1.5 tbsp. spoons of bran. Sugar can be replaced with honey.

The second phase of the Cruise diet

The duration of the diet depends on how quickly you reach your desired weight. Warp diets - alternation two diets: protein and vegetable. Therefore, if you want to lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight, you should eat proteins + proteins + vegetables a day, or maybe 3/3 or 5/5. If you need to lose more than 10 kilograms, then you need to alternate 5/5 days.


Should you take vitamins while on a diet, and which ones?

Nutritionists do not give a definite answer to the question of whether it is necessary to take courses vitamin preparations when on a diet, or you can be content with the amount contained in food products. Vitamin diet in all variants it contains just a horse’s dose of vitamins and microelements, which allows you not to waste time taking synthetic pharmaceutical vitamin complexes.

What vitamins can the body enrich with a diet for 7 days (option No. 1) and with a diet for two weeks (option No. 2)? Fresh vegetables, especially cucumbers, cabbage, sweet pepper, salad contain a significant amount of vitamin C, which improves immunity and is rightfully considered a health vitamin. Some berries and fruits are rich in it - black currants, strawberries, wild strawberries, oranges, grapefruit. Tomatoes, spinach and lettuce are excellent suppliers of vitamin K. Vitamins A, PP and D are found in carrots, white cabbage, cauliflower and many other vegetables and fruits.

Thanks to the presence of buckwheat, oatmeal and rice cereal, the two-week diet menu contains B vitamins, choline, vitamin A, PP, H and E. The latter, by the way, is found in large quantities in vegetable oils, especially those obtained by cold pressing.

The protein-vitamin diet, thanks to protein products, is distinguished by a diet with high nutritional and energy value and contains large amounts of all vitamins and mineral salts.

Against the background of various rigid power systems protein-fruit diet for weight loss differs in that it allows you to get rid of a significant amount of excess body weight in a short period of time.

Such a diet can only conditionally be called “fruit-protein”, since the diet also contains various vegetables. One of the main advantages is that it is absolutely safe for human health. If you strictly follow all the recommendations of nutritionists, you can become lighter up to 10 kg in 2 weeks.

What is the essence of the fruit-protein diet?

The essence of this diet is

so that protein meals alternate with the intake of carbohydrates obtained from fruits and vegetables that ripen at the time of year when the diet is applied. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out during the harvesting period of agricultural crops zoned in the region of human residence. This approach makes it possible to obtain nutrients from the freshest foods.

How does the protein-fruit diet work?

  1. 1 Proteins (proteins) are building material for the formation of body cells. A significant part of them are cells muscle fibers. Proteins do not take part in the construction of adipose tissue, which is the body's energy depot. It contains excess unspent calories. The main source of these energy reserves is fat and “fast” carbohydrates. With a fruit-protein diet, the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, which go towards the accumulation of adipose tissue, is practically eliminated. Thanks to this it is possible to short time reduce its volume, especially if you exercise regularly.
  2. 2 This diet is good for achieving rapid weight loss. Almost anyone can easily tolerate this diet, since it rarely makes anyone feel hungry. This diet is gentle and does not harm the body. Nutritionists advise using a fruit-protein diet for 7, 10 or 14 days. All this time you need to eat only protein foods, fruits and vegetables.
  3. 3 Any food should be taken at intervals of approximately 2.5 hours. Thanks to such a short interval, a person losing weight practically does not feel hunger. The daily number of meals is 6-7 times.
  4. 4 The functioning of the digestive system, subject to the rules of this diet, is completely normalized. At the same time metabolic processes, occurring in the body, will only improve. Since fruits and vegetables contain fiber, there will be no problems with digestion. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for any diet. A large amount of animal protein in the diet will maintain muscle tone at a normal level.
  5. 5 Start every day with a glass of water, which will start the process of cleansing the intestines. Breakfast is the main meal of the day, so during it you eat foods containing proteins.

Contraindications for the fruit-protein diet

This diet is not suitable for people with food allergies for some products used in it and having serious illnesses kidneys or gastrointestinal tract. It should not be used by adolescents, during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, this diet should not be used by diabetics. Before starting it, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Limitations of a protein-fruit diet for weight loss

Fat-containing foods are completely excluded from the diet. In addition, you will have to stop adding various sauces to your dishes to improve their taste. Occasionally it is allowed to use large quantity salt (preferably sea salt). Any product that can be consumed on a fruit-protein diet should be eaten separately from other foods. In other words: protein food consumed separately from fruits and vegetables containing vitamins and minerals. Also unacceptable simultaneous eating fruits and vegetables recommended for this diet.

Completely excluded from the diet following products: figs, dates, bananas, sugar, baked goods, canned food of all kinds, smoked meats. Potatoes are allowed to be consumed only on the final day of the diet. Boiled carrots and beets can be consumed occasionally. It is best to replace them with stewed or baked zucchini, eggplant, white and cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. The use of spicy greens is encouraged. Only vegetables that are not eaten raw should be cooked. Potatoes are allowed only on the final day of the diet.

When switching to this diet, you must completely limit the consumption of soda, sweet green or black tea, coffee and alcohol. Most often, the duration of such a diet is 14 days.

Products for a fruit-protein diet

When switching to this diet allowed to use clean water, mineral water and unsweetened tea of ​​all types and varieties. Moreover, their consumption is not standardized by nutritionists, although the most optimal norm for healthy person is 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day.

The source of carbohydrates in this diet is various fruits: apples, grapes, pears, berries. Such “overseas” fruits as kiwi, citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, tangerine, pomelo, sweetie), pineapples, and persimmons can also be consumed. Fruits are suppliers of vitamins, microelements and fiber. Moreover, the constant alternation of one or another of their types only increases the effectiveness of the diet.

The source of protein is high-quality sea fish with a small amount of fat and lean meat (poultry, beef, lamb). Ocean fish are best suited for this diet. This is due to the fact that it contains a lot of Omega acids, bromine, phosphorus, iodine and fluorine. Seafood such as squid and shrimp will also allow you to diversify your diet.

Meat is the source essential amino acids. It also contains easily digestible iron. Such a diet will be effective when fish and meat are consumed only boiled, steamed, baked or stewed. These products should never be fried in any fat. To improve the taste of protein products, you can add a little salt and aromatic herbs.

Other sources of protein in this diet include: cottage cheese with reduced content fat, feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, mozzarella, low-fat kefir, sour cream or yogurt. Its obligatory component is boiled chicken eggs. Many nutritionists recommend including natural honey in this diet.

Sample menu of a protein-vegetable-fruit diet

Nutritionists do not restrict too strictly

consumption of certain products in a fruit-protein diet, but still, they recommend sticking to sample menu, designed taking into account the needs of the human body.

To get the maximum effect from this diet, the menu should constantly alternate between protein and fruit dishes. Three times a week one meat product should be replaced (optional) with products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt, eggs. Fruits can be consumed whole, crushed in the form of purees, salads, and freshly squeezed juices.

Approximate daily intake of a protein-fruit diet:

  • 8-00 (1 breakfast) – 2 eggs or boiled chicken breast;
  • 10-30 (2 breakfast) - grapefruit, a glass of unsweetened tea with 1 tsp. honey;
  • 13-00 (lunch) – a piece of stewed fish;
  • 15-30 (afternoon snack) – vegetable salad, glass of juice or orange;
  • 18-00 (dinner) – boiled beef or stewed lamb.
  • 20-30 (snack) – apple.

Protein-fruit diet menu for 14 days

The diet includes healthy and quite nutritious foods that provide the body with nutrients. In this ratio and quantities, they can give noticeable results after only 5 days of following the diet.

Fruit-protein diet menu for 7 days

This diet allows you to quickly get rid of 3-5 kg. If it is not possible to stick to a fruit-protein diet for 14 days, you can create a similar menu for just a week.

Fruit-protein diet menu for 10 days

This diet option refers to a strict diet. It is designed for 10 days, but if desired, it can be repeated three times during the month.

Sample menu for the day (to choose from)

  • 8-00. 2 eggs / omelette in a dry frying pan / 6 boiled whites
  • 10-30. grapefruit / pomelo / sweetie / 2 oranges
  • 13-00. 200 g of meat, boiled or grilled (chicken, veal, lamb)
  • 15-30. 2 apples / 2 pears
  • 18-00. 200 g baked or boiled fish
  • 20-30. orange / half a sweetie or pomelo

Fruit and protein diet of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva, whose authority in the field of medicine and health is beyond doubt, has developed her own fruit and protein diet. It not only promotes weight loss, but also heals the body. This diet can reduce the symptoms of hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes.

The diet lasts 5 days,

but if desired, it can be used for more than a month. It differs from other regimes in not being too strict in its dietary restrictions. Thanks to fractional meals (5 times a day), metabolism accelerates. At the same time, a person almost never experiences a strong feeling of hunger.

The calorie content of Malysheva’s diet is 1200 kcal. If a person is playing sports or driving at this time active image life, calorie content is increased to 1500 kcal.

This diet includes the exclusion of such foods as animal fats, salt, sugar, beets, potatoes, carrots, rice, and flour products. Drinking alcohol is also prohibited.

Drink 2.5 liters of water daily.

Sample menu for Elena Malysheva's diet day

  • 8-00. 50 g oatmeal, poured boiling water with berries or grated apple, 100 g of cottage cheese
  • 10-00. grapefruit / apples / sweetie / oranges / tangerines (to choose from)
  • 12-00. 100 g meat (chicken, veal) / 100 g fish / 3 eggs; any greens
  • 16-00. apple / orange / grapefruit / tangerine (optional)
  • 19-00. vegetable salad and a glass of kefir

Pros and cons of the fruit-protein diet of Elena Malysheva

The ability of fruits such as orange or pineapple to remove toxins from the body.

The presence in the diet of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

The presence of fiber in fruits helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to it, cellulite is reduced, complexion and skin condition are improved.

Simplicity of the menu, which does not require much material costs, neither complex preparation dishes.

No feeling of hunger thanks to frequent appointments food and freedom to choose fruits.

presence of contraindications for use;

possible allergies to certain foods (especially citrus fruits);

limited duration of the diet.

If you follow all the requirements of this diet, you can expect a weight loss of up to 1 kg per day. Although this indicator is purely individual, most people who have used this diet confirm its effectiveness in rapid weight loss.

More information

The essence of the fruit-protein diet is to alternate meals of protein foods with carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables), and in no case mix them. Due to this, you lose weight. The advantage of this diet is that your body will receive required quantity useful substances, and fractional and frequent meals normalizes metabolism and. At the same time, you will not experience a strong feeling of hunger.

With such a diet, the risk of consuming fats and the wrong carbohydrates, which are then deposited in unnecessary places, is eliminated. Thanks to proteins, this diet helps maintain muscle tone, which is important for those who work out in the gym (we recently wrote about that).


Fruit and protein diet Contraindicated for those who:

allergy to one of the products used in the diet;
people with kidney and liver disease;
people with gastrointestinal diseases;
pregnant women and women during lactation;
for diabetics.


Nutritionists advise using a fruit-protein diet for 7, 10 or 14 days. Proteins, fruits or vegetables should be taken every 2.5 hours. The number of meals is 6-7 times a day. Water and green tea You can drink in unlimited quantities. At strict adherence fruit-protein diet, you can lose up to 10 kg in up to 2 weeks. Below is an approximate plan for a fruit-protein diet for 14 days.

1st day: 2-3 eggs, fruit and 1.5 liters of milk.

2nd day: 500 g of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, 1-1.5 liters of kefir, 3 pears.

3rd day: 200 g fish, 1 liter kefir, 4 apples.

4th day: 500g chicken breast, 1 liter of kefir.

5th day: 1 kg of apples, 1.5 liters of kefir, boiled chicken fillet.

6th day: 400-500g cottage cheese with sour cream, 1-1.5 liters of kefir, 4 apples.

7th day: fruits and vegetables.

8th day: 300g chicken, 1 egg, vegetable salad.

9th day: fruit, 150g beef, salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetable oil).

10th day: 150g fish, 2 pieces rye bread, salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetable oil), 0.5 liters of kefir.

11th day: 150g beef, 4 slices of rye bread, 2 eggs, vegetable salad, 0.5l kefir.

12th day: 1 liter of kefir, fruits and vegetables.

13th day: 300g chicken, 2 eggs, vegetable salad.

14th day: fruits, 4 boiled potatoes, 1 liter of kefir.

We told you all about the fruit and protein diet. Try it and share your successes and results in the comments! And don’t forget that only a positive attitude and the right goal will help.

A fruit-protein diet makes it possible to achieve simply amazing results in a very short term and with the least harm to the body. If you follow all the recommendations this method, by the end of the weight loss course you will certainly lose up to 10 kg.

Method of protein-fruit diet

The protein-fruit diet takes 2 weeks. During this time, you will eat mainly fruits, vegetables, and protein foods. It's not that complicated. In addition, it allows certain concessions. For example, after the first few days, you can add a salad dressed with lemon juice to the main menu a couple of times. You can also add a little seasoning to make it more interesting.

During this diet, it is also advisable to drink regular drinking water (can be hot), mineral water, herbal infusions and tea without sugar (green is especially recommended). You can use them in unlimited quantities. But you must give up all other drinks. Yes, you won’t have to try lemonade, alcohol, juices and soda while following a proper fruit-protein diet.

This method is based on alternating carbohydrate and protein days. Carbohydrates in this case are obtained from fruits and vegetables. In this case, it is advisable to use those whose ripening period falls precisely on given time year. After all, it is always better to eat more affordable and fresh foods.

Fats will have to be completely eliminated from your diet for a while. The products indicated on the menu must be consumed without any sauces, ketchup, seasonings, mayonnaise, etc. Salt food in very moderate quantities. And consume protein and vitamin components separately, always during different meals.

Vegetables should also be eaten separately from fruits.

Fruit-protein diet menu

  • First day - 2-3 eggs, fresh vegetables, fruits.
  • Second day - About 500 g of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, 1 liter of kefir.
  • Third day - Fresh fruits and vegetables, 1 liter of juice, 1 liter of kefir.
  • Fourth day - 500 g chicken breast, 1 liter of kefir.
  • Fifth day - Fruits and vegetables.
  • Sixth day - About 450 g of cottage cheese with sour cream, 1 liter of kefir.
  • Seventh day - Fruits and vegetables.
  • Eighth day - 300 g chicken, salad fresh vegetables, 1 egg.
  • Ninth day - Fruits, salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, dressed vegetable oil, 150 g beef.
  • Tenth day - 150 g of fish, a salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with vegetable oil, 2 slices of rye bread, half a liter of kefir.
  • Eleventh day - 2 eggs, 4 slices of rye bread, half a liter of kefir, 150 g of beef, fresh vegetable salad.
  • Twelfth day - 1 liter of kefir, vegetables and fruits.
  • Thirteenth day - 300 g of chicken, 2 eggs, fresh vegetable salad.
  • Fourteenth day - 4 boiled potatoes, 1 liter of kefir, fruit.

As you can see, the diet is not too complicated. At the same time, her menu contains very healthy and satisfying products. Thanks to this well-thought-out weight loss method, you will notice the first results within five days.

Number of meals - 6-7. This should be done approximately every 2.5 hours. This is especially important so that during the time from one meal to the next, feelings of hunger do not arise.

The main thing is not to eat too much. Remember that this is still a diet. Otherwise, we still advise you not to eat food after 18.00. Carefully calculate the amount of food and meal times. This is the only way you will achieve real success!

So your menu could be something like this:

  • 8.00 - breakfast - 2 boiled eggs.
  • 10.30 - second breakfast - 1 grapefruit.
  • 13.00 - lunch - 200 g of boiled lean meat.
  • 15.30 - afternoon snack - 2 apples.
  • 18.00 - dinner - 200 g of boiled fish.
  • 20.30 - second dinner - 1 large orange.

As you can see, the described menu option for the day alternates between vitamin and protein products for different meals. They are not mixed. This is especially important. Remember that proteins are not only found in fish, meat and eggs. They are also found in low-fat cottage cheese, boiled sausage and feta cheese (and other low-fat white cheeses).

And beets, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, tomatoes, and almost all fruits are suitable as vitamin components. You should only refrain from eating fruits that are too sweet, such as grapes, apricots, bananas, and persimmons. They contain too many carbohydrates. For the same reason, you should also somewhat limit your potato consumption.

The benefits of a fruit-protein diet

As you know, fruits contain a fairly large amount of vitamins, fiber and minerals. All this has an exceptional positive impact on digestive system and metabolism.

Protein will help your muscles stay toned.

The protein-fruit diet is especially suitable for those who need rapid weight loss in a very limited period of time. The body easily tolerates it, because you will not feel any feeling of hunger. The prescribed diet is gentle and therefore absolutely safe for health.

And when combining diet with physical activity(especially in protein days) the effect will be much better. You will not only reset overweight faster, but you will also train your body.

There are a huge number of diets, all of them are designed for healthy and strong body. A fruit-protein diet allows you to quickly lose weight, while the body easily reacts to it. If you follow all the rules of the diet, you will never feel hungry. This method of losing weight is considered gentle and does not harm a woman’s health.

Stay for a long time Every woman wants to be beautiful, slim and healthy. But is it possible to stay in shape without dieting? As research and practice of nutritionists show, this is almost impossible.

What is the fruit-protein diet based on?

The diet will be based on fruits and foods that contain large quantities of protein. It’s worth noting right away: everything that will be eaten must be home origin. Buy only high quality sea ​​fish low-fat varieties, meat of domestic origin: rabbit, lamb, poultry. All these products are saturated not only with protein, but also with healthy omega acids, bromine, iodine, fluorine, amino acids, and iron. The diet involves steaming meat and fish, stewing, baking or boiling. At the same time, avoid excess spices and large amounts of salt.

For the body to function properly, it needs carbohydrates. They help avoid stress, insomnia, increased excitability, sharp changes moods. Suppliers of carbohydrates to the body will be fruits and berries: apples, pears, grapes, kiwi, pineapples, oranges, lemon. It is necessary to eat a variety of fruits, this will allow the body to get enough of all the necessary microelements.

Protein-fruit diet: features

The fruit and protein diet lasts 10 days. At this time, you should not consume sour cream, mayonnaise and ketchup. The amount of salt in cooked dishes should be minimal. Drinks you can drink include purified water, herbal and green tea.

To obtain the maximum effect, along with receiving useful microelements, toxins must be removed from the body. To do this, you need to drink a glass of clean water on an empty stomach.

Breakfasts with this diet should be as filling as possible, lunches should be healthy, and afternoon snacks and dinner should consist of fruit. For maximum weight loss, it is not recommended to eat after 19.00. You can drink water. You can feel the effect of a protein-fruit diet on the fifth day. Experts recommend not combining protein sources and fruits in your diet at the same time, but rather creating a menu so that they alternate. To lose a lot of weight, nutritionists recommend repeating the diet after one week.

As you know, eating citrus fruits helps to remove toxins from the body as much as possible and saturate it with vitamin C. Apples help get rid of cellulite, improve skin condition and complexion. To keep your muscles toned, you need to have more protein in your diet. All products consumed must be natural. You can get rid of 5 kg in 5 days without feeling hungry. Experts advise, do it daily hiking so that weight loss occurs even faster.


  • allergic reaction to citrus fruits and fruits;
  • malignant formations and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • adolescence;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus.

Any diet requires a preliminary examination of the body and consultation with a nutritionist.

What rules must be followed when eating a protein-fruit diet?

  1. Any diet requires sufficient amounts drinking water(at least 2 liters per day). Green or herbal tea, still mineral water. All liquid consumed should be at room temperature or hot. Do not drink coffee, soft drinks, soft drinks, juices or alcohol during this period.
  2. Throughout the entire diet cycle, you should not eat bread of any kind or sweets.
  3. Do not combine in one meal protein food and fruits, eat them all separately.
  4. You should not eat dried fruits, apricots, or persimmons during this period: they contain a lot of carbohydrates. Eat bananas and grapes with caution and in minimal quantities.
  5. Give preference to natural and homemade products: low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, fish, meat, chicken breasts, low-fat cheeses.
  6. In one meal you can eat two fruits or 200 g of protein food.
  7. Meals should be eaten at least every 2 hours, so you need to eat 6-7 times a day.
  8. Consult your doctor and combine a complete vitamin complex with your diet.
  9. To avoid constipation, you need to eat oatmeal once a day.
  10. If during a diet you feel a loss of strength, then you need to add bananas and honey to your diet. If the foods you consume are not well tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract, stop the diet immediately and consult your doctor.

Sample menu that you can use as a basis

To achieve good results, make a menu:

  • Before eating, drink a glass of clean water a few minutes before eating;
  • breakfast - 2 boiled eggs or oatmeal porridge;
  • second breakfast - 1 grapefruit;
  • lunch - 200 g of boiled or steamed meat;
  • afternoon snack - 2 apples;
  • first dinner - 200 g of baked fish;
  • second dinner - 1 orange or glass of water.

Any diet works great if it is correct execution. Do not experiment with your body, be sure to consult a doctor.