Causes of appetite fluctuations. Lack of Appetite: Possible Causes

At the same time, he has food preferences, but no aversion to certain types of food. And servings that give a feeling of fullness weigh at least 300 grams. If at least one of these points is violated, it is considered that a person has reduced appetite.

Why did you lose your appetite

The most trivial reasons for lack of appetite are as follows.

Hot weather. At elevated air temperatures, there is often no appetite. The reasons are simple: when food is digested, heat is released, and the body thus tries to protect itself from overheating.

Insufficient fluid intake. Digestion of food and removal of waste products (products of the breakdown of nutrients) require a lot of fluid. If there is little fluid, the body may not be able to cope with the load, and intoxication will occur. Therefore, it is easier for the body to refuse food than to cope with such consequences.

Low physical activity. With low physical activity, a person expends little energy and does not require additional calories. Therefore, poor appetite in this case is an absolute norm.

Lack of fresh air. If you sit locked up all day and breathe in house fumes, hypoxia (or lack of oxygen) will inevitably occur. This pathological condition disrupts the normal course of all processes in the body, and the process of digestion is no exception. The result is a reduced or completely absent appetite.

Taking certain medications. Before you start taking any medicine, even prescribed by a doctor, you should definitely read the list of possible side effects. Decreased appetite is the most common side effect.

The initial stage of pregnancy. Usually from the 6th week of pregnancy they begin to appear various disorders appetite, including its complete absence. This is normal unless accompanied by debilitating vomiting.

When all obvious reasons are ruled out

4 main reasons for lack of appetite

A good appetite has always been considered a sign of good health. Correct work mechanism responsible for satisfying the need for nutrients and getting pleasure from it, indicates that the body functions without any special deviations. However, a person's appetite is a variable value. It depends on the food culture instilled in childhood, taste preferences (which can change more than once during life), weather, mood and many other factors. Therefore, a periodic decrease in appetite is the norm. A complete lack of interest in food, especially when it lasts long enough, can be a sign serious problems with health.

Body intoxication

Appetite is regulated by a special food center located in the brain. When toxins enter the body, the functioning of this structure is temporarily blocked, since the main work of all systems at that moment is aimed at trying to get rid of dangerous substances. Intoxication can be caused by:

  • food poisoning;
  • an overdose of nicotine or alcohol;
  • impact chemical compounds, which are part of household chemicals, cosmetics or perfumes, as well as paint used in the manufacture of fabrics, and other harmful components contained in objects with which a person has frequent direct contact;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • the use of drugs;
  • acute infection (influenza, SARS, hepatitis, etc.).

As a rule, after the removal of toxic substances from the body, the appetite returns.

Diseases of the digestive system

Patients with pathologies gastrointestinal tract, often experience unpleasant symptoms of dyspepsia: abdominal pain, belching, flatulence, nausea. In such cases, the disappearance of appetite is associated with a reflex fear of eating.

Of course, it is impossible for such patients not to eat at all: this will only aggravate the painful condition. The way out is a special diet that excludes spicy, salty, sour foods, fried and smoked foods, fast food and canned food. Food should be semi-liquid and have an enveloping effect (for example, mucous porridges and mashed potatoes are useful).

Hormonal disruptions

fluctuations hormonal background have a strong effect on appetite. This is especially noticeable during pregnancy, when serious changes in a woman's body can lead to very specific nutritional needs and a change in taste preferences.

Pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the endocrine glands usually cause a decrease in appetite. This process is characterized by gradualness: for example, with a decrease in the function thyroid gland(hypothyroidism) the desire to consume food decreases or disappears completely over a long period, in parallel with the general loss of body tone, the development of fatigue, the appearance of drowsiness, tearfulness and other signs of the disease.

Nervous disorders

Decreased appetite can also be explained by psychogenic causes. So, with depression, food ceases to give a person pleasure; often even the smell of food causes nausea. At the same time, patients complain of a feeling of fullness in the stomach, too rapid saturation. People who are in severe depressed state Sometimes you have to force feed.

Anorexia is one of the most common psycho-emotional disorders characterized by a lack of appetite. Young women who suffer from an inferiority complex and are dissatisfied with their body, the desire to lose weight at any cost leads first to following unreasonably strict diets, artificially emptying the stomach of ingested food, and then to absolute rejection of any food. This is the hardest neuropsychiatric disorder, which should be treated by specialists; often it requires hospitalization.

In all cases of prolonged lack of interest in food, a doctor should be consulted. If no pathologies are found in a person, but a persistent decrease in appetite threatens his health, the desire to eat can be increased through moderate sports (for example, swimming), walking. In some situations, taking decoctions and tinctures helps. medicinal herbs: wormwood, centaury, calamus, mint, high elecampane, three-leaf watch, fenugreek, barberry. Medicinal teas made from the leaves of strawberries, black currants and raspberries are also useful.

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Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, specialty "Medicine".

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A good appetite has always been considered a sign of health and normal functioning of the body. The feeling of hunger is a natural phenomenon that signals that a person needs to “recharge” and restore the spent energy. Accordingly, a lack of interest in food may indicate a number of diseases or malfunctions. internal organs. What does the lack of appetite in adults mean, and in what cases should you see a doctor?

No appetite: causes in an adult

What is a healthy appetite?

The signal that the body needs to replenish its reserves of proteins, carbohydrates and other substances is formed in the brain. Through the neuron endings, it is transmitted to the digestive organs, as a result of which secretion is activated. gastric juice, the level of insulin in the blood rises, and the person feels a feeling of hunger.

The mechanisms of our appetite

Lack of appetite indicates failures in this process - these can be diseases digestive tract, hormonal disorders, oncology and much more.

Causes of loss of appetite may be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The reasons for the loss of interest in food are divided into pathological, that is, those that are the result of malfunctions in the body, and non-pathological - they do not pose a threat to health and do not require medical intervention.

Non-pathological causes of loss of appetite

Non-pathological causes can be distinguished from health-threatening conditions by a number of features. In this case, there is no appetite for 3-5 days (maximum a week), after which the body's work returns to normal on its own. Such episodes recur no more than once a month, do not cause serious weight loss, and are not accompanied by nausea, weakness, fever, or other symptoms. TO similar reasons refers to the effect on the body external factors and some changes in his work that can be corrected without medical intervention.

  1. Accommodations. Lack of appetite can be observed in certain conditions - for example, in very hot weather or a sharp change in climatic zones.

In hot weather, most people lose their appetite.

Chronic fatigue and lack of appetite

Loss of appetite due to stress

Eating disorders

In pregnant women, lack of appetite can be caused by toxicosis

Decreased appetite is often observed in older people, which can also be considered a variant of the norm - in adulthood, metabolic and digestive processes slow down in the body.

Pathological causes of lack of appetite

The reasons for the loss of interest in food, which are associated with various diseases, pose a serious health hazard. Vitamins, trace elements and nutrients cease to enter the body, which over time can lead to general exhaustion and even death. These include:

  • infectious diseases and exacerbations of chronic ailments;
  • work disruption endocrine system(especially those associated with pancreatic dysfunction);
  • diseases of the digestive tract;

In this case, loss of appetite is usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, etc. With the development of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, since such a condition threatens with serious consequences.

Of particular concern should be cases when a person feels sick from one type of food, or he begins to experience an aversion to once-favorite foods (for example, meat dishes) - this phenomenon often accompanies cancer.

If you feel sick from food, you need to seriously think about the state of health

What to do with loss of appetite?

If the lack of appetite is not accompanied by additional symptoms, you can try to restore it by following simple rules. If you are disgusted with food, you should not force the body - it is better to eat when you want, in small portions, but at the same time it is advisable to streamline your meal and eat at about the same time. Dishes should be tasty, healthy and beautifully presented - so that interest in food wakes up only from one kind.

Decorate dishes with fresh herbs

In addition, with a decrease in appetite, you should drink as much as possible. more water to prevent dehydration, go for walks more often fresh air engage in physical activity and fully relax. It is recommended to use vitamin complexes, especially those that contain vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid.

Vitamins of group B and PP

Vitamins C, E, D, K

What should the menu for loss of appetite in adults consist of? The key rule is that the diet should be balanced, contain all the trace elements and nutrients necessary for health. In addition, there are a number of products that increase appetite - first of all, these are spices, spices, spicy and salty dishes, as well as marinades. True, it is categorically not recommended to abuse them - in large quantities, such food can cause digestive disorders, gastritis and even an ulcer.

Spices improve appetite, but do not abuse them

You should also not eat a lot of fatty and heavy foods - after eating, there should be a feeling of fullness, and not heaviness and overflow of the stomach.

Do not abuse foods that are heavy on the stomach

Before eating, you can drink a gram of dry red wine or other light alcohol with a bitter aftertaste - aperitifs in reasonable quantities contribute to a good appetite.

Weak alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, the purpose of which is to slightly quench your thirst and stimulate your appetite. They serve snacks.

Classic Venetian aperitif

Foods that improve appetite include:

  • black radish juice - take a tablespoon for several days, washed down with a spoonful of clean water;

The rule of such treatment is as follows: from potent means (horseradish, mustard, onion, radish) you need to choose one, and it should be used no more than 20 days in a row.

Medications to increase appetite

Medicines that increase appetite should be used only in extreme cases after consulting a doctor. Each of them has a number of contraindications and side effects, and if used incorrectly and dosage can cause serious harm to the body.

With neurosis and psycho-emotional disorders associated with loss of appetite, patients are recommended to take antidepressants and sedatives in combination with psychotherapy and other methods of treatment. The most common drugs include Amitriptyline, Fluoxetine, Cipramil, Paxil, but their appointment and dosage should be made by a doctor.

Video - "Elkar"

How to improve appetite folk remedies?

To increase appetite, you can use folk remedies that are no less effective than medical preparations but do not harm the body.

  1. Coriander. The fruits and seeds of the plant contain essential oils, which have an antispasmodic and antiseptic effect, and also have a beneficial effect on the digestive process. They can be added as a seasoning to dishes, or as a medicine. Steam a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for 10 minutes, then strain and drink half a glass 2-3 times after meals.

Any means to improve appetite can be used only in cases where the underlying cause of the disease is known - without appropriate therapy, loss of appetite will become chronic, and the condition of the body can worsen significantly.

Video - What to do if there is no appetite

Decrease or lack of appetite (anorexia): causes and treatment

What is appetite

Appetite is an emotional expression of a person's preference for food of a certain quality (desire for a certain food). Appetite is subjectively different from hunger. The occurrence of hunger is based on the body's general need for nutrients and is usually experienced as an unpleasant condition.

Causes of loss or lack of appetite

Appetite arises from a nutritional need associated with ideas about future food intake, and includes pleasant emotional sensations that usually accompany the intake of a particular food. Appetite is formed as a result of excitation of certain departments of the central nervous system(including the hunger center in the hypothalamus) and is accompanied by conditioned reflex salivation and secretion of digestive juices, increased peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby preparing the digestive organs for eating.

Appetite is associated with the physiological needs of the body, as, for example, in the case of cravings for salty foods after the body has lost significant amounts of salt. But such a connection is by no means always traced; appetite often reflects an innate or acquired individual propensity for certain foods.

Thus, preference, as well as aversion (often very persistent) to certain other types of food, is determined by the availability of a given variant in a particular region and is modified by special features of an individual culture, usually rooted in religion, although later, perhaps rationalized. In light of this, the “appetiteness” of a dish, the main elements of which include smell, taste, texture, temperature, method of preparation and serving, strongly depends on our affective (emotional) attitude towards it.

Under the influence of strong external stimuli, for example, a particularly tempting and abundant choice of dishes, almost everyone eats more from time to time, this is required to replenish their energy reserves. This means that the biological mechanisms for regulating food intake are overcome. Overeating, in principle, is compensated by the subsequent restriction of nutrition, however, in modern society, not everyone resorts to restriction. Decreased appetite may be due to overwork, nervous situation at work and at home.

Pronounced selectivity of appetite is often observed in women during pregnancy, in patients. Changes in appetite can accompany various diseases. It should also be noted the important place of nutrition in behavioral disorders. They can be accompanied by both excessive food intake and refusal of it. A striking example is anorexia nervosa, a form of abstinence from food most common in girls in adolescence; this disturbance of the development of the psyche can be so profound that it leads to death from exhaustion.


The term "anorexia" means lack of appetite in the presence of a physiological need for nutrition. This common symptom disorders in the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system. It is also characteristic of severe mental disorders.

Possible causes of anorexia

This symptom is seen with anxiety, chronic pain, poor oral hygiene, increased body temperature due to heat or fever, and changes in taste that often accompany growing up or aging.

Anorexia can be a consequence of certain medications or their abuse. Short-term anorexia practically does not threaten the patient's health. However, with prolonged anorexia, the body's resistance decreases and its susceptibility to various diseases increases. Chronic anorexia can result in life-threatening exhaustion.

In children early age anorexia develops more often with force-feeding, violation of the rules of complementary feeding.

Disorders in the endocrine system

  • Adenocortical hypofunction. In this disorder, anorexia develops slowly and sluggishly, causing gradual weight loss.
  • Hypopituitarism (insufficient function of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus). In this case, anorexia also develops slowly. Associated symptoms vary depending on the degree of the disease, as well as the number and type of missing hormones.
  • Myxedema. Anorexia is usually a sign of a lack of thyroid hormones.
  • Ketoacidosis. Anorexia develops, as a rule, slowly, accompanied by inflammation and dryness of the skin, fruity breath, low blood pressure, increased heart rate, abdominal pain and nausea.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Appendicitis. Anorexia is accompanied by general or local abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. Anorexia develops on early stages and may be accompanied by weakness, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, dull pain in the abdomen. Anorexia continues after the onset of these early signs, which are complemented by drowsiness, slow speech, severe itching, bleeding, dry skin, liver enlargement, jaundice, swelling of the legs, and pain in the right hypochondrium. Chronic anorexia in Crohn's disease leads to significant weight loss.
  • Gastritis. In the case of acute gastritis, anorexia develops suddenly, and in chronic gastritis - gradually.
  • Hepatitis. In viral hepatitis, anorexia develops at the initial stage of the disease and is accompanied by fatigue, malaise, headache, pain in the joints and throat, photophobia, cough, rhinitis, nausea and vomiting, enlargement of the liver. Anorexia can also occur later, leading to weight loss with dark urine, jaundice, pain in the right hypochondrium, and possibly irritability and severe itching. In non-viral hepatitis, anorexia and its accompanying symptoms are the same as in viral hepatitis, but may vary depending on the cause of the hepatitis and the degree of liver damage.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • Chronic kidney failure. Usually accompanied by chronic anorexia and, very importantly, changes in all body functions.

Other diseases

  • Pernicious anemia. In this disease, comorbid anorexia can lead to significant weight loss.
  • Cancer. Chronic anorexia is observed along with possible loss weight, weakness, apathy and general exhaustion.

Mental disorders

  • Alcoholism. Usually accompanied by chronic anorexia, eventually leading to exhaustion.
  • Anorexia neurosis. Gradually developing chronic anorexia leads to life-threatening malnutrition, skeletal muscle atrophy, loss of adipose tissue, constipation, amenorrhea, dry skin, sleep disturbances, changes in appearance, shortness of breath and decreased sexual desire. Paradoxically, at the same time, a person retains increased excitability and tone, and is actively engaged in physical exercises.
  • depressive syndrome. In this case, anorexia is observed along with shortness of breath, inability to concentrate, indecision, delirium, insomnia, frequent mood swings and gradual social degradation.

Medications and procedures

Anorexia develops as a result of the use of amphetamine, as, in principle, and other psychostimulants, including caffeine. Chemotherapy drugs, sympathomimetics (eg ephedrine) and some antibiotics. Anorexia can also indicate intoxication (poisoning caused by the action on the body of toxic substances that have entered it from outside or formed in the body itself). Anorexia can be caused by radiation therapy, possibly due to a metabolic disorder. An increase in blood glucose as a result of intravenous infusion of solutions can also lead to anorexia.

Treatment of anorexia

With a sharp weight loss, inpatient treatment is necessary, since there is real threat life from exhaustion and severe metabolic and endocrine disorders. It is necessary to assign fractional 6-7 meals a day in small portions under the supervision of staff, introduction to the diet variety of dishes, in children infancy- normalization of feeding.

prescribe vitamins, large doses insulin and drugs to increase appetite. In severe depletion, multivitamins and hormones are indicated. With the neurotic nature of anorexia, tranquilizers, small doses of antipsychotics, explanatory psychotherapy about the dangers of fasting, the consequences of the disease with a reorientation of values, and in some cases hypnosis are indicated.

For the treatment of anorexic syndrome in schizophrenia, neuroleptics are of great importance. Drugs and their dosages are selected individually, taking into account the tolerability and severity of the condition. In special cases apply artificial nutrition with the introduction of nutrient solutions into the vein.

Anorexia nervosa

A special place is occupied by neuropsychic anorexia. This is a pathological condition that manifests itself in the conscious restriction of food in order to lose weight. It occurs in adolescents 15 years of age and older, more often in girls. There is an obsessive idea of ​​​​excessive fullness and the need to lose weight.

To achieve this goal, patients limit themselves to food up to a complete refusal of food, apply intensive physical exercise, walking or running long distances, take large doses of laxatives and diuretics. If it is impossible to endure prolonged fasting, patients eat, even overeat, but cause artificial vomiting.

At first, the appetite is not disturbed, at times there is a feeling of hunger, and in connection with this, periodic overeating. Weight falls quickly, mental disorders appear; mood swings from “bad to good” (from extreme to extreme), an obsessive desire to look at oneself in a mirror, etc.

Anorexia nervosa is very closely related to another pathology - dysmorphomania (this disorder is deeper, psychotic level when a painful conviction in the presence of an imaginary physical defect acquires an overvalued or delusional character, i.e. cannot be corrected and is accompanied by a lack of criticism from the patient). Painful conviction in excessive fullness leads patients to the idea of ​​getting rid of this deficiency.

This belief can arise on real grounds, that is, in the presence of a certain overweight, as a rule, psychogenic (offensive remarks addressed to the patient - “fat as a barrel”, “fat”, “you need to eat less”, etc.). In other cases, fullness is imaginary, and the thought of losing weight is overvalued or delusional, and the condition itself is initial stage in the development of schizophrenia.

At first, patients very carefully hide from their parents both the motives of their behavior and the methods of losing weight. They try to feed their portion of food to the dog, hide the food, and then throw it away, discreetly transfer the food to other people's plates. They try to stick to the most low-calorie diets. Even having achieved significant weight loss, they are not satisfied with this.

Persistently continue to lose weight using other methods (enemas, laxatives, exhausting physical activity). After 1.5-2 years, the diseases lose from 20 to 50% of their previous body weight and look extremely emaciated. The most typical manifestation of anorexia nervosa is amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), manifesting either immediately or after a period of scanty infrequent menstruation. Such patients, at the insistence of their parents, turn to gynecologists, not knowing the true cause of menstrual irregularities.

Only proper nutrition and weight gain up to a certain critical mass (usually kg) will help get rid of this. For such patients, the desire to overfeed other family members is typical: mother, younger brothers and sisters. They take great pleasure in watching others eat and gain weight (like a recovered alcoholic enjoys getting others drunk and watching them get drunk).

Decreased Appetite in Adults: Possible Causes and Diagnosis

By a decrease in appetite, doctors understand a partial or complete refusal to eat. This happens for various reasons, including serious illness and, in the absence of qualified assistance, leads to serious consequences.

General information

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of hunger and appetite. Hunger is a reflex that manifests itself if in certain time the body does not receive food. The mechanism of its development is as follows: the level of glucose in the blood decreases, after which a signal is sent to the centers of hunger. At this moment, a person may feel an increased secretion of saliva, an aggravation of the sense of smell, a pulling sensation "in the pit of the stomach." This area is a projection of the stomach, so it always lets a person know about the feeling of hunger.

note! When hunger appears, a person does not have a desire to eat only certain products. He eats everything.

Appetite is special manifestation feelings of hunger, in which individual favorite foods are selected. It is affected by the time of day emotional condition, the national identity of a person, religion, finally.

Decreased appetite refers to a state where a person does not want anything. There is a concept of a change in appetite when habitual taste needs are violated. Physicians also diagnose complete absence appetite leading to anorexia.

Causes of loss of appetite

Decreased appetite is usually preceded by:

  • Intoxication of the body due to inflammation or poisoning. Due to the fact that at such moments he spends all his energy on removing toxins, digestion of food fades into the background.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by pain, discomfort.
  • Malfunctions of the organs of the endocrine system in diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance.
  • Oncology (cancer of the stomach, colon or blood).
  • Autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Depression, neurosis, neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Side effects after taking pain medications - morphine, ephedrine.
  • Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Excess fatty foods in the diet.
  • Metabolic disorders due to malnutrition.
  • Adaptation of the body during physical exertion, to which it lends itself for the first time.
  • Little mobility and sedentary work.
  • Individual lactose intolerance, celiac disease.
  • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs.

Important! A dullness of appetite can also be caused by quite harmless habits, namely: the abuse of chocolate, coffee, and powerful energy drinks.

It should be noted that there are diseases in which a person also loses the desire to eat.

  • Bronze disease, or Addison's disease, is an endocrine disease associated with dysfunction of the adrenal glands.
  • Still-Chaufer disease - juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Typhoid.
  • Dementia.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux - when the contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Schizoaffective disorder.

Associated symptoms

There is an opinion that a good appetite- a sign of health. Due to the fact that during the day the feeling of hunger and appetite replace each other, a person saturates his body, while remaining at the same weight. This is a kind of balance that ensures normal life.

If this balance is disturbed for psychological or other reasons, the appetite may disappear. Along with it, the feeling of hunger sometimes disappears.

Note! The lack of desire to eat for several hours is not a reason for frustration. This happens when a person eats a too high-calorie dish at the previous meal. In other words, at such moments the body is provided with energy for a longer period of time.

The lack of hunger for 5 - 8 hours makes you think. By the time they expire, the level of glucose in the blood will certainly decrease, and the person will feel a breakdown, weakness. After the stomach is full, full of food, will stretch, the concentration of glucose will increase and a signal will go to the brain and the need to stop saturation.

Interestingly, scientists have found that a person subconsciously chooses those products that his body needs in order to given time. Athletes prefer to eat salty foods after training to make up for the loss of salt due to sweating.


In case of loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor. He will appoint full examination organism, including:

What to do if you lose your appetite

If diseases that could cause a decrease in appetite are identified, therapy is prescribed to eliminate them. In parallel, doctors recommend adjusting the schedule and portioning of meals. In other words, they advise eating 5 - 6 times a day in small portions. The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime. For one absorption of food, you need to spend about 30 minutes, chewing the pieces slowly.

Snacks should be avoided. Sweets should be replaced with fruits, sauces and marinades with spices, as they whet the appetite. For some patients, doctors prescribe vitamin B, zinc, which enhance the sense of smell. It is also important to observe the drinking regimen, especially when playing sports.

Note! Nausea during this period is removed with Promethazine and other similar drugs. To improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, hormone substitutes are prescribed. Dementia is treated with high-calorie nutrient mixtures, inflammation with antibiotics.

Food must be taken in sufficient quantities. Food is strength, health, mind, endurance. By skipping meals, we deprive the body of those substances that it needs so much. Where else to take strength, except from food? Unfortunately, man has not yet learned (and is unlikely to ever learn) to draw energy from sunlight for his body.

The reasons for which may be different - the problem is very common. In some cases, a person seems to understand that he will feel bad without food, but he cannot force himself to eat. This is not about any mental disorders (for example, anorexia), but about the state when there is no urge to eat.

In adults and children, it can appear completely unexpectedly. In some cases, the cause is not always easy to determine. What to do if the reason is clear? You just need to remove it, and everything will return to normal.

Lack of appetite: causes

Problems with eating can arise due to some kind of disease. It's not just about indigestion or any other digestive organs - a common cold can lead to loss of appetite. When sick, a person cannot eat, but in order to recover, he needs to eat normally. So it turns out that in such a situation it is necessary even through force.

Loss of appetite, the causes of which we are considering, can be caused by severe stress. This is quite understandable, since severe stress affects the state of the whole organism. Also, the causes include mental disorders like depression and apathy. They are directly related to the fact that a person loses the desire to live, move and seeks to move away from the outside world in every possible way. The mood in such cases is always bad. Refusal of food can last for a very long time, and the consequences will be that you will lose weight and weaken. Without healthy food, it is very difficult to beat a mental disorder.

Loss of appetite, the causes of which are not always easy to determine, often occurs in people who move very little. Try to work physically - you will instantly want to eat, and very much. Moving, a person burns a large amount of energy, which, in turn, receives from food. Hunger is a signal that it's time to eat. What can a person who sits at home all day long expect? Yes, problems with appetite are guaranteed to him.

Periodically, the appetite disappears in pregnant women. This is quite normal and there is nothing abnormal in it.

How to increase appetite?

First of all, I would like to advise you to move as much as possible. Sports are encouraged. No one forces you to become athletes - even a banal run will have a lot of benefits.

Loss of appetite caused by stress can only be cured with rest. Take a vacation and go somewhere where you really feel good. It is important to unwind and move away from the gray everyday life as much as possible. The same can be recommended for depression. New experiences will help you fall in love with life again and restore your appetite.

Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes is recommended. Force yourself to eat fruit, meat, fish. Be sure to drink milk - it's really a wonderful product. Healthy food, consumed even through force, will help you quickly return to normal.
If there is a suspicion of any disease, be sure to go to the doctor and do all the necessary tests. Remember that health issues are very important. Give them maximum attention, and no ailments will cause you trouble.


General information

A healthy appetite is considered to be nothing more than a clear sign of excellent health, general well-being and moods. The term " appetite"derived from the word" appetite", which is translated from Latin means " pursuit" or " a wish". Appetite is a sensation that is directly related to the body's need for food. Plus, it is also a physiological mechanism that regulates the intake of various nutrients. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good appetite, which indicates directly a malfunction in the work of one or another organism. Considering given fact, this problem should be taken very seriously. In no case do not leave this fact without due attention. Right now we will tell you how the reasons loss of appetite as well as methods by which the current situation can be corrected.

Appetite - what is it?

Appetite is a rather ambiguous concept that is directly related to the functioning of a number of brain structures, which are called the food center. This center is located mainly in the hypothalamus and hemispheres. Immediately, we note that both the presence and absence of appetite are determined by a number of very diverse factors.

Their list can include:

  • the quantity and quality of food;
  • nutritional conditions;
  • the speed of assimilation of food;
  • the amount of water contained in body tissues;
  • fat storage level.
During the meal, the appetite gradually dulls. This is not surprising, since the food eaten stretches the walls of the stomach, after which they are digested. Then the cleavage products are absorbed by the body, causing in turn a feeling of fullness.

Types of disorders

Modern experts distinguish 2 types of appetite:
1. general or “I want to eat!”: in this case, a person does not care what to eat;
2. specialized forms: in this case, a person wants to eat something specific, which indicates a lack of some substance in his body. The body may lack both fats and carbohydrates, minerals, proteins or vitamins.

Any appetite disorders are often referred to as one single term, namely dysrexia . There are certain subgroups of this pathological condition.
Among them can be counted:

  • hyporexia: deterioration or poor appetite;
  • anorexia : complete lack of appetite;
  • hyperrexia: pathological increase in the desire to eat;
  • bulimia : uncontrolled gluttony;
  • parorexia: various perversions of appetite.

Causes of disorders

The list of reasons that can lead to loss of appetite is huge.
Here are the most common ones:
  • dementia ( dementia due to disease or damage to the brain);
  • hypothyroidism ( a condition characterized by a prolonged and persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones);
  • chronic liver pathologies;
  • lack of zinc in the body;
  • ulcerative colitis ;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • anxiety states;
  • nervous disorders;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • thalassemia ( blood pathology resulting from genetically determined insufficient or completely absent synthesis of hemoglobin by the body);
  • Crohn's disease ( recurrent chronic illness affecting various parts of the digestive tract);
  • acute viral hepatitis;
  • course of therapy medicines, including chemotherapy drugs, morphine, codeine, or antibiotics;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • drug use, including heroin, amphetamine and cocaine;
  • cancer of the stomach, colon, blood, lung, pancreas, or ovaries;
  • hypervitaminosis ( excessive amounts of vitamin D in the body);
  • kidney inflammation ;
  • flu condition;
Significantly worsen appetite can and some bad habits. So, for example, between meals it is not recommended to consume sweets or soft drinks. Often, appetite worsens against the background of anorexia ( loss of hunger associated with a neurological disease, hormonal dysfunction, or malignant tumors).

How dangerous is it?

Poor appetite is enough dangerous phenomenon. The thing is that the food that we eat is, in a way, a link between our body and the external environment. In addition, numerous functions are assigned to food, namely energy, bioregulatory, plastic, protective, and many others. It is thanks to these functions that the body manages to both synthesize and build new cells. In addition, food provides the body with the necessary amount of energy, takes an integral part in the formation of hormones and enzymes, improves the functioning of all organs and systems, and also significantly increases the body's resistance to various pathological conditions.

Food products have another important function, namely signal-motivational. It is with its help that the appetite is stimulated. Experts say that the feeling of hunger occurs at times when there is a decrease in the level of nutrients in the blood. Simply put, appetite controls intake. the right amount both vitamins and proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fats. It follows that poor appetite can cause nutritional imbalance ( ratio of food components).

What are the consequences of prolonged lack of appetite?

If a person does not want to eat for several weeks, this can lead, first of all, to the exhaustion of the whole organism, which is due to a lack of nutritional components that are so necessary for the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Often the consequences are determined by the very cause that provoked a deterioration in appetite. So, for example, in people suffering from diabetes, malfunctions of both the nervous system and the kidneys, liver or eyes may occur. If the patient has cancer, prolonged lack of appetite can lead to his death.

Other consequences include:

  • decreased brain activity;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness;
  • disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system.

loss of appetite during pregnancy

A fairly large number of pregnant women notice that in the first months of gestation, they lose all desire to eat. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is in the first 3 months that the formation of both internal organs and fetal systems takes place, so high-quality nutrition in this period is simply necessary. Only food can enrich the baby's body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Loss of appetite in the first months of pregnancy is most often due to a lack of vitamin B in the body. AT 9 , i.e. folic acid, and iron. These trace elements are considered to be essential for the body as future mother and her child. To enrich the body with these components will help eating a large amount of buckwheat and apples. folic acid can also be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of tablets. It should be taken strictly according to the prescription of the doctor, so as not to be mistaken in the dosage. Most often, patients are prescribed from 400 to 800 mcg of this drug per day.

If you lose your appetite during pregnancy, experts recommend using the following tips:

  • walk outdoors as often as possible. After such walks, you will certainly want to eat;
  • make a meal schedule for yourself and strictly follow it;
  • buy new dishes that you will like. It is best to opt for red dishes. It's no secret that the red color stimulates appetite;
  • the table should be served beautifully so that it is pleasant to sit at it;
  • try not to eat alone. It is best to find yourself a company among which you will be pleased to sit at the dinner table.

Loss of appetite in the baby

When a newborn stops eating, young mothers are very worried about this. This is not surprising, since babies cannot yet tell what the true reason for their refusal to eat is. Do not panic ahead of time. In the very first place, the baby may refuse to eat due to the onset of a cold. Often, such little children refuse to eat due to the stress that they had to endure.
The thing is that even the most ordinary change of scenery can become a very stressful situation for them. Do not assume that the crumbs do not understand anything at all. They are especially acutely experiencing a change in both the climate and their environment. In such cases, try to give the baby as much attention as possible. You should visit a specialist only if the loss of appetite is accompanied by a significant decrease in total body weight.

loss of appetite in children

Babies' eating habits change all the time. Sometimes the child eats more, sometimes refuses to eat at all, and throughout the day, and sometimes for several days. In most cases, children refuse to eat when they do not feel hungry or do not feel well. Fatigue can also cause a child to refuse to eat. Often they eat sandwiches all day instead of eating three full meals. Children also have their own preferences regarding how exactly food is prepared and presented to them. So, for example, they are happy to eat raw carrots, but steamed carrots simply cannot be forced to eat them.

Possible causes of loss of appetite in a child

One of the most common causes is the onset of a cold or any other pathology. In such cases, there is no need to force the baby to eat. The best thing to do is pay close attention to how he behaves. It is quite possible that in a few hours he will complain of pain in some part of the body, or you will notice a fever or a rash in him. Sick children should be given as much liquid as possible in the form of juices, tea, water or broths. All food should be easy to digest. The body doesn't need any more stress. As soon as the child recovers, his appetite will immediately return to him.

Often, babies refuse to eat due to the use of a certain amount of sweets. It can be both cookies and carbonated drinks, sweets or juices. All of these foods tend to suppress appetite. If dinner is not ready yet, and the child asks for food, then instead of sweets, offer him a few vegetable sticks for a snack.

Emotional stress is another pretty common cause loss of appetite. In such cases, the most important thing is to find an approach to the child. Soothe him, caress him and help the baby get rid of the problem with joint efforts. If nothing can be done on your own, then show the baby to a specialist who will definitely help you.

Factors affecting the baby's appetite

1. Intensity of hormone synthesis: the child grows unevenly. So, for example, in children under one year old, as well as in adolescents, there is a production of a very large amount of both sex hormones and parathyroid hormones, as well as the thyroid gland. This is not surprising, since it is during these periods of life that the child grows and develops especially rapidly. Given this fact, his appetite, as a rule, increases;
2. Seasonal patterns: since in winter period the body produces much less hormones, the child eats less, but in the summer everything happens the other way around;
3. Individual features of metabolic processes: surely many of you have noticed more than once how two well-nourished children have different body weights, i.e. one of them is recovering, but the other is not. In this case, a special role is given to the amount of not eaten, but digested food;
4. Level of energy costs: regular consumption of food allows you to enrich the body with both all the necessary nutrients and lost energy. It's no secret that children are especially mobile, therefore, every day their body loses a fairly large amount of energy. The more energy they expend, the better they eat.

Diagnostic methods

To reveal true reason poor appetite of the patient is most often referred to a number of examinations. To the number diagnostic methods, which are used in such cases, include:
  • HIV test;
  • Assessment of kidney function;
  • Assessment of hepatic function;
  • barium enema ( x-ray analysis of the colon);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate test;
  • Study of the thyroid gland;
  • Colonoscopy ( visual inspection lower divisions digestive tract from the inside);
  • Sigmoidoscopy ( examination of the sigmoid colon).
The last two studies are carried out only if the specialist suspects the presence of cancer. In some cases, it can not do without the help of a psychotherapist.

Appetite Loss Therapy Methods

The course of therapy for the loss of normal appetite is determined, in the very first place, by the cause that led to the development of this condition. If some pathological condition is to blame, then the appetite returns immediately after it is cured. By itself, appetite is restored during pregnancy, so expectant mothers most often do not need special treatment. If a person stops eating normally due to nausea, then you can’t do without special medications. In most cases, these patients are prescribed promethazine or ondansetron.

Surgical intervention is performed in patients who have a deterioration in appetite caused by appendicitis. If a person suffers from dementia, then the course of treatment involves the use of special high-calorie nutrient mixtures. In extremely severe cases, artificial nutrition is prescribed directly through the gastrostomy tube.

Deterioration of appetite due to a decrease in the total amount of thyroid hormones is treated with special drugs that tend to replace the missing hormones. If the appetite worsens against the background of an infectious disease, then it can not do without antibiotic drugs. And finally, at oncological diseases undergo chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery.

Tips for those who have lost a good appetite

1. Forget about breakfast in bed and snacks in the bedroom or nursery;
2. Clearly follow a certain schedule for eating, and do it in rooms designed for this;
3. Sitting at the dinner table, in no case do not rush. Meals should last from 20 to 30 minutes;
4. Between meals, drink as much liquid as possible in the form of coffee, unsweetened tea, or mineral water without gases;
5. Minimize the consumption of both chocolate and many other sweets;
6. Consume regularly cabbage juice, which tends to perfectly stimulate the appetite;
7. Eat meat broths or broths as often as possible;
8. Various sauces also help to improve appetite, so add them to any dishes;
9. Learn the concept of the norm and never overeat;
10. You need to eat often, but at the same time in small portions;
11. Review carefully medications that you accept;
12. Exercise regularly;
13. Eat only those foods that suit your taste.

medicinal plants

1. Recipe #1: take 20 gr. herbs centaury umbrella, pour it with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then we filter the infusion and take it 2-3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. From the same plant, you can also prepare a special tincture, which should be taken 40 drops three times a day. Both remedies will help both improve appetite and restore the normal process of digestion;

2. Recipe #2: mix 1 part of calamus roots with 2 parts of wormwood, put everything in a bottle and fill it with good vodka. After 10 days, we filter the tincture and use it for oral administration, 25 drops three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals;

3. Recipe #3: excellently increases appetite and gentian yellow. We take 20 gr. root of this plant, carefully grind it, pour vodka and leave to infuse. Then we filter the tincture and take it 1 glass 3 times a day. Before use, the required dosage should be diluted with a small amount of water;

4. Recipe #4: 1 tsp crushed parsnip roots, pour 400 ml of water and let it boil for 10 minutes. Then we leave the broth to infuse for another 30 minutes, filter it and take it according to the following scheme: 1st week - 0.25 cup 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals; 2nd week - three quarters of a glass immediately before meals;

5. Recipe number 5: pour 200 ml of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. chopped melissa herb. After 4 hours, we filter the infusion and take it orally in half a glass four times a day before meals. Every day we prepare a new infusion;

6. Recipe number 6: you need to take 1 tsp. anise fruits and pour them with 200 ml of hot boiled water. After 60 minutes, we filter the infusion and use it for oral administration in half a glass 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals;

7. Recipe number 7: steam 1 tbsp. l. blue cornflower flowers in 2 cups of boiling water. As soon as the infusion is infused, we filter it and take it in 3 divided doses 30 minutes before meals;

8. Recipe number 8: take 4 tsp. raspberries and pour them with 400 ml of boiling water. After 3-4 hours, the infusion is ready for use. It is recommended to take it in half a glass four times a day. It is very important to use it exclusively in the form of heat;

9. Recipe number 9: carefully grind the rhizomes of calamus, after which 1 tsp. Pour the resulting raw material with 2 cups of boiled water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. All this time the pan should be covered with a lid. Then we filter the broth, add a little sugar to it and take half a glass inside 3 times a day before meals. This remedy is especially effective if the appetite has worsened against the background of the development of some kind of gastrointestinal disease;

10. Recipe number 10: grind 2 tsp. dandelion roots and pour raw materials with 1 cup of boiled water, after cooling it. After 8 hours, we filter the infusion and use it for oral administration, one quarter cup four times a day. Usage this tool will improve the process of digestion, and, consequently, restore appetite.

Herbal preparations

1. Collection number 1: mix 1 part of wormwood herb and dandelion officinalis with a half part of common yarrow herb and the same amount of white willow bark. 1 st. l. pour the resulting collection with 1.5 cups of hot boiled water and leave to infuse for 30 - 40 minutes. After that, we filter the infusion and take it orally in half a glass three times a day 10 minutes before meals;

2. Collection number 2: take 20 gr. centaury herbs and fragrant rue leaves, 10 gr. leaves of sage officinalis and the same amount of angelica roots. To prepare this remedy, pour 3 cups of boiling water 3 tbsp. l. received fee. After 30 minutes, we filter the infusion and take it 1 glass three times a day. It is very important that this infusion be taken before meals;

3. Collection number 3: we immediately note that it can be given even to children. We mix 15 ml each of burdock tincture, anise seeds, vegetable glycerin, chamomile root and ginger, after which we place the resulting mass in a dark, cool place. Before each use, the product must be shaken thoroughly. It is recommended to take it in 1 tsp. before every meal;

4. Collection number 4: it can also be given to a child. We take 7 mg of sassafras, sarsaparilla, as well as chamomile roots and mix it all with 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger root and 400 ml of boiling water. The resulting product is placed on fire and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then we filter the broth, add a little honey to it and take 1 tsp. before eating.

Complete loss of appetite or anorexia

Anorexia is an eating disorder, and most often of a mental nature. Characterized this disorder predominantly increased attention to both food and body weight, which pushes people to extremely severely restrict themselves in food.
We note immediately that this condition is observed mainly in adolescents. So, for example, almost 50% of girls, whose age ranges from 13 to 15 years old, are of the opinion that they need to get rid of extra pounds. All anorexics are haunted by the fear of getting fat, which is why they can not eat for weeks, despite a number of problems directly related to their health.

Signs that indicate the development of anorexia include:

  • general malaise;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • fainting states;
  • excessive fragility and dullness of hair;
  • blueing of the skin;
  • pain and constipation in the abdomen;
  • increased sensitivity to cold;
  • the appearance of a large amount of hair in the form of a fluff on the body and face;
  • complete cessation of menstruation;
  • malfunctions of both the digestive and central nervous, as well as the cardiovascular system.
As for the course of treatment of this pathological condition, it provides, first of all, for psychotherapy, since this disease occurs against the background of mental disorders. Certain medications are prescribed to patients in limited quantities. Most often, this medication is called cyproheptadine, which tends to increase overall body weight, as well as act as an antidepressant. Equally important is the special medical nutrition, which also contributes to a gradual increase in total body weight.
Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

The human body's need to obtain energy through food can only be stopped due to a violation of its condition due to illness, sleep problems or severe stress. If a person does not enjoy life, then his appetite disappears over time. Food in his eyes begins to look like a way to continue an uninteresting life, and therefore its reception loses its meaning for him. How does the reluctance to eat appear? Apathy to food, along with indifference to the whole world, occurs in a person during depression. If a person in a stressful situation cannot find a place for himself and uncontrollably absorbs food, then with depression the situation is diametrically opposite.

Forms and types of aversion to food

The feeling of disgust for food or nausea is very similar to the usual loss of appetite, but their manifestations are more pronounced. Lack of appetite means not wanting to eat at a particular point in time, while aversion to food is negative emotions arising from the sight, taste, smell of food or ready meals, or even the mere recollection of them, followed by nausea or vomiting. Gastronomic disgust is reflected through several forms obvious symptoms: change in attitude to certain products or loss of interest in a once-favorite food; nausea from any food, in which you can find the strength to eat at least something; complete refusal of food due to the occurrence discomfort accompanied by fasting. The last point attracts special attention, because it can cause the greatest damage to women's health. Its consequences can be various diseases, including anorexia and cancer. A conscious rejection of good nutrition, eating in small quantities, entail both physical (in the form of weight loss), and moral exhaustion, depressive states and mental disorders. Along with this, the risk of the appearance of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, systemic diseases increases.

Causes of aversion to food, why there was an aversion to food, nausea and vomiting ?

If the problem has ceased to be one-time and brings you frequent discomfort, worsening general condition body, to search for the cause of the ailment, you should contact medical institution and undergo an examination recommended by the doctor. In some cases, a comprehensive medical examination is required with the following sequence of specialists: therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist, psychotherapist. If possible, it will also not be superfluous to consult a nutritionist.

A change in appetite for the worse is provoked by many factors. Among them:

- toxicosis; occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, food poisoning, drug and chemical origin;

- malfunctions digestive system: gastritis, colitis, duodenitis, abnormalities in the liver, pancreas and gallbladder;

- infectious diseases;

Allergies to food, household items or medical preparations;

- worms (especially if there are animals in the house);

- a number of internal diseases, for example, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis;

hormonal imbalance(disturbances in the functioning of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland);

- metabolic and immune pathologies, including diabetes, hemochromatosis, gout;

viral diseases(from the flu to cancer and HIV);

- neurotic and psychotic disorders, clinical depression etc.

If the symptoms of the pathology do not manifest themselves in a complex way, there are no additional symptoms in the form of a sharp weight loss, elevated temperature, rashes, dizziness, etc., most likely, the reasons for concern are insignificant. Trying to determine the diagnosis yourself is not worth it. Any deviation must be diagnosed under appropriate conditions by qualified specialists. At the same time, in order to normalize their condition and get rid of unnecessary worries, when an aversion to food appears, each person should know how to act in such a situation.

Aversion to food in a child, causes, symptoms and signs of what problems and diseases?

The unwillingness of the child to take any food may take a separate topic for discussion. First of all, because baby food has its own nuances. The baby's taste preferences, as well as loss of appetite or refusal to eat healthy foods that he does not like, can greatly affect the health and development of the child. Many parents wonder why a little person is so picky about food? The answer lies in the age characteristics of the child's body. The first years of the life of a small person are associated with the restructuring of the intestines, the formation of immunity, the appearance of milk teeth, the definition of the boundaries of his taste and smell. Such changes, together or separately, are accompanied by frequent pain, apathy, irritability. Because of the discomfort, the child loses his appetite and refuses to eat. The monotony of the dishes offered, the compulsion to eat, the lack of attention to his tastes, stale or poorly prepared dishes can also push the baby to unpleasant associations with food. Prevention of indigestion in a baby requires attention and patience from parents, as well as efforts to prepare not only healthy, but also attractive food.

Preschoolers often experience nausea when eating certain foods (eg, onions, carrots, certain cereals, dairy products). Changes in taste preferences in this case can be perceived by parents as pampering or whim, while many mothers admit that after transforming food to the taste of the child, his discontent passes very quickly. Children who attend kindergarten and school eat in the canteen, where they have to eat dishes developed by the chef for everyone, according to a single technology and without taking into account the tastes of each individual eater. In this case, lunches and snacks taken from home come to the rescue. Educators, in turn, should not force the child to eat the entire portion intended for him if he does not like the food.

What can I do to get disgusted with food?

Girls who consider their weight and figure far from ideal dream of getting rid of the desire to eat more often than others. Not every lady is able to cultivate the willpower in herself to refuse only those foods that contribute to the accumulation of calories eaten in the form of body fat. Since the human body is in all nutrients, if you have thoughts about losing weight by refusing it, you should contact a nutritionist to discuss this issue. It is possible to use special diets that will not harm and at the same time help the girl achieve the desired result. Before you seriously engage in forcing yourself to refuse food, you should think about why this needs to be done and whether you are ready for the sacrifices that you are going to make in order to approach the standard of beauty. If, in order to obtain the given physical parameters, a person is ready to sacrifice healthy eating, his wish demands psychological analysis. Currently, more and more doctors agree that the desire to lose weight at any cost is a psychological problem.

How to achieve a decrease in appetite?

Among women who seek to cause an aversion to food in the name of another diet, there is a violation of the balance of nutrients in the diet, minimizing fats, enzymes, trace elements and vitamins in it. To prevent the unpleasant consequences of malnutrition, before starting a diet, you need to consult a nutritionist about its appropriateness. Stimulating a decrease in appetite by forcing yourself to hunger is unacceptable. The optimal solution in this case, there will be a moderate diet healthy foods good quality, separate meals and physical activity, diverting attention from the desire to have a snack once again. Nature has made sure that the balance is maintained in the human body, and the work of the internal organs is well-coordinated. Any coercion can cause malfunctions in their functioning.

A healthy and toned body shape can be achieved by eating right and exercising regularly. Attempts to turn aggression on yourself lead to a change in eating behavior. To provide mental health children, from early childhood, it is necessary to make them understand that they are important for the world, to provide care and love. In this case, they will not feel guilty towards other people for any differences from them and look for ways to success only in a beautiful appearance.

How to make yourself refuse food? First of all, you need to ask yourself if you need it at all. When overeating, you should talk to a psychologist about possible unknown reasons for the lack of a sense of proportion in food, which causes a set of extra pounds. For a healthy person, eating brings pleasure and does not affect the change in well-being for the worse.

What causes aversion to food?

When there is a need for food, a person feels hunger. In a modern civilized society, the food consumed by people is usually of good quality and always available, and therefore they may not have real hunger. If the feeling of hunger has not come, it is better to refuse an extraordinary meal, as this can cause nausea, vomiting, the development of diseases and weight gain.

Decreased appetite with severe anxiety. Prolonged depression, manifested through lethargy and apathy, anxiety and fears, lead to biochemical changes in the body that cause reluctance to eat. Indifference to the world, people, events happening around, indicates a long-term depression. In some people, it occurs periodically, in others it may not stop for months and even years. One of the adverse consequences of the condition described is the rejection of certain or most available products nutrition.

Reluctance is with autoaggression. Decreased appetite is a common occurrence in stress and depression. This symptom manifests itself mainly in patients prone to self-flagellation and excessive self-criticism. To analyze the beliefs that prevent a person from eating normally, his desire to arouse in himself an aversion to food, you need to seek the advice of a qualified specialist. This will make it possible to understand whether it is possible to realize your desires and overcome fears without deprivation in a balanced, wholesome diet.

What to do if you feel an aversion to food?

If you find a prolonged lack of appetite, to find the cause of this condition, first of all, you need to contact a therapist. If the patient does have a health problem, he or she will be referred to another specialist who can examine their case in more detail. Reasons for the appearance of aversion to food. Decrease in appetite can be observed after smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, drinking coffee, stress, pain and an increase in body temperature. At the beginning of the meal, a person should experience a slight feeling of hunger, while not eating to satiety. It is better to eat in a quiet environment, in a place where there are no unnecessary external stimuli that distract from a measured meal.

An increased load on the nervous system causes a refusal to eat, since all the energy of the body has already been spent on overcoming stress. He simply does not have the strength to accept and process food. IN similar situations You can help the body redistribute energy with the help of a short fast. When deciding to stop eating, you need to undergo an examination and get advice from a specialist. He will be able to help the patient choose a diet based on the characteristics of a particular case and the needs of the body, in order to optimize the process of restoring the body's lost strength and energy.

You should listen to the signals of your body, and if it does not require food, it is better not to try to fill the stomach by force. Fasting is often prescribed for patients who need to reduce weight to improve their well-being, and sometimes reduce the load, for example, on the back. People who have experienced the positive effect of therapeutic fasting become more picky about food, giving preference only to healthy and high-quality food in the future.

Aversion to food, accompanied by nausea and refusal to eat

Unpleasant symptoms in the form of unwillingness to eat and nausea are most often accompanied by weakness. If you find them in yourself, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor. To identify the causes of malaise, the patient is prescribed diagnostic procedures. To stop the patient's lack of desire to eat, he is prescribed a special diet that has foods in the diet that minimize the risk of nausea or reduce it. If the feeling of disgust for food and nausea turn into vomiting, this condition can have various sources. Nausea occurs with stuffiness, hunger, lack of sleep and excess nervous tension. Vomiting is preceded by a breakdown and blanching of the skin, discomfort in the throat. Refusal of good nutrition is also observed in the early stages of pregnancy, accompanied by toxicosis. In this case vomiting reflex provoke specific odors or dishes. Thus, the body tries to protect itself from unwanted substances.

Nausea is not typical healthy people, so it rarely affects those who eat right, play sports and follow the regime of their day, devoting enough time to sleep and rest. Dizziness with nausea is a sign of the disease. To maintain the vitality of the body in this case, one should not refuse food, however, the food should be dietary (boiled beef, fruits and vegetables, the minimum amount of salt in food).

Why do pregnant women refuse food?

At the stage of pregnancy planning, a woman should already gradually adjust her habits. To bring the body to readiness for conception and bearing the fetus as soon as possible, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking, devote enough time to sports and outdoor recreation, include more useful products. Aversion to food in pregnant women occurs most often in the first trimester. Nausea sets in in the morning, so the best way to replace breakfast and overcome unpleasant symptoms is a glass of water and a biscuit. To avoid nausea, it is advisable for pregnant women to give up coffee and other tonic drinks. Preference should be given to juices, fruit drinks and dairy products.

Lack of appetite in children. The sudden refusal of a child to eat causes panic in his parents. However, it should be borne in mind that the volume of the stomach in children is much smaller than in adults, so babies sometimes have only a very small amount of food to recuperate.

What to do if there is an aversion to food, how to treat?

Almost every woman carrying a baby is faced with such unpleasant phenomenon like toxicosis. It usually appears during the first three months of pregnancy, but sometimes it can make itself felt later. Insomnia, fatigue, slow weight gain can disrupt appetite and cause nausea. Gagging bothers a woman after eating and even from the smell of food. You can cope with this condition on your own: first of all, during pregnancy it is better to refuse products that are aggressive for the walls of the stomach, exclude acidic juices, cocoa, strong tea or coffee. You should eat fractionally. It is important to start the morning with breakfast, as its absence also provokes nausea. Expecting the birth of a child, you can have breakfast right in bed. This will suppress the manifestation of nausea in the early hours. You can prepare a snack in the evening and leave it near your bed, or ask your family to provide you with a fresh breakfast every morning. To prevent the onset of a nauseating state, the first meal should be dry. It can be fat-free cookies, crackers, nuts or seeds. Every woman can pick best option breakfast according to your tastes.

With an appetite disorder and unwillingness to consume certain foods, the body makes us understand the need to change our daily routine, lifestyle and diet. healthy image life and proper nutrition will give you the opportunity to feel better and easily overcome situations that others find difficult.

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At first glance, it seems that stress and depression cause disorders only of the nervous system. Any nervous disorder provokes a malfunction of all body systems, the autonomic nervous system.

  • 55% lose their appetite, food seems less tasty.
  • In 30%, an emotional disorder provokes functional disorders of the intestines and digestion.
  • 10% have unpleasant thoughts about life problems distracted from eating.
  • Less than 5% develop nausea or vomiting due to nerves.

Lack of appetite can result in undesirable consequences with stress, which already negatively affects the body.

What to do if a person has experienced a mental disorder and refuses to eat? We'll tell you in the article.

You will need:

Why is there no appetite when stressed?

  1. Any disorder provokes nervous exhaustion, emotional overload, overwork.
  2. Under stress, the autonomic nervous system, which controls the functioning of internal organs, suffers.
  3. Neurosis and depression are a provoking factor in general tension, spasm of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by loss of appetite and an altered perception of the taste of food.
  4. Being, the metabolism and secretion of hormones changes.
  5. Low levels of leptin and estrogen, sharp drops cortisol on the background of stress is one of the main causes of nervous loss of appetite.

Negative thoughts and experiences completely fill thoughts, pushing into the background the need for a regular meal.

What could be the consequences

Without treatment, the risk of rapid weight loss and nervous exhaustion very large.

  • Prolonged lack of appetite can result in sleep disturbance, insomnia.
  • A frequent complication of nervous weight loss in women is menstrual irregularity.
  • In childhood and adolescence, the risk of beriberi is high, sharp decline immunity, impaired formation of the musculoskeletal system, susceptibility to colds and viral diseases.
  • A dangerous consequence of neurosis and depression - with rapid weight loss to exhaustion.
  • Loss of appetite is accompanied by headache, severe drowsiness and weakness, muscle pain, arrhythmia, muscle spasms, impaired intestinal motility.

In any nervous disorder, nutrition is an important factor in maintaining bodily functions.

How to recover from an eating disorder

Appetite regulates the function of intake of nutrients, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The hunger and satiety center is located in the hypothalamus. If the blood glucose level drops, a signal is given to eat and increase energy balance.

With an unbalanced diet and the habit of snacking on sweets, the body does not receive the necessary amount of nutrients.

It will be possible to restore an eating disorder by observing three simple rules:

  1. You should eat at least three times a day.
  2. In nutrition, you need to adhere to the formula of 50% carbohydrates, 25% proteins and 25% fats.
  3. Sweets should be consumed in small amounts (up to 100 g) as a snack between main meals, and never consumed on an empty stomach.

Replenishing amino acid deficiencies

Cause bad sleep and appetite, fatigue and malaise may be lack of amino acids. For humans, tryptophan is an essential amino acid, which is involved in the regulation of the synthesis of vitamin B3 and appetite. You can fill the gap with certain products:

  • Soy and legumes, lentils, chickpeas, peas.
  • Dairy products, yogurt, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir.
  • All nuts contain tryptophan. It is enough to consume up to 50 g of almonds per day, walnuts, cashew, hazelnut.
  • Mushrooms and dried fruits, dates, raisins, figs.
  • Meat and fish, especially marine.

B vitamins

Essential vitamins in food:

  • Walnuts contain a sufficient amount of vitamin B1, B5 and B6.
  • Bananas are rich in vitamin C and B5-6.
  • Almonds, cashews are the source of the whole complex of group B - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9.
  • Avocados and oats are rich in vitamins B1, B5 and B6.
  • Spirulina, spinach, asparagus and pumpkin are rich in vitamins B12 and B6.

Foods rich in zinc

In the body, zinc takes part not only in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and enzymes, but also contributes to sexual development, the functioning of the immune system and the work of the pancreas with the synthesis of insulin.

You can make up for the lack of zinc with the following products:

  • barley and buckwheat;
  • lean meat of turkey, rabbit and duck;
  • peas beans and chickpeas;
  • low-fat cheese and cottage cheese;
  • pine nuts, peanuts.

Medications to increase appetite

First of all, you need to make sure the cause of the eating disorder, since the methods of treating a psycho-emotional disorder are extremely different from the treatment of somatic diseases.


    Restore appetite in the syndrome of anorexia nervosa, depression and neurosis.

    Drugs with antiserotonin action

    Indirectly affect appetite and improve psycho-emotional state.

    Hepatoprotectors and tonic

    Regulate metabolism and increase tone.


    Participates in metabolic processes and restores the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, thereby regulating eating behavior and appetite.

The Importance of Diet

Regular nutrition not only enriches the body with essential nutrients, but also sets the rhythm for the functioning of all digestive and metabolic organs. At the same time, it is important to eat regularly and balanced, observing the rate of intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Optimally four or five meals a day.

  • Breakfast should be in the first 2 hours after waking up, in a 2:1 ratio of carbohydrate and
  • The first snack can be between breakfast and lunch. Fruit will do light salad, dairy products.

  • Lunch should contain at least 40% protein, 30% fat and 30% carbohydrates. The proportion of simple carbohydrates - flour and sweet, should be one third less than the amount of complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, legumes).
  • The optimal second snack is protein products (eggs, cottage cheese), nuts, 1 fruit of your choice, vegetables in any form.
  • Dinner should be light, mostly protein with enough vegetables and fiber. Carbohydrates before bed are not recommended.

Appetite stimulants - spices and seasonings

Some foods especially increase hunger and appetite, and can rightfully replace drugs.

  1. Marinades, pickles, canned and lightly salted cucumbers and tomatoes.
  2. Herb-based spices - basil, cilantro, dill, red paprika and chili.
  3. Ground black and white pepper.
  4. Horseradish, mustard, ginger and wasabi.
  5. Fresh sour berries or fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, lemon and pomegranate juice.

However, if there is a disease of the stomach, gastritis or peptic ulcer- stimulate the appetite with peppery, salty and sour foods is prohibited. This can provoke inflammation of the gastric mucosa and exacerbation of the underlying disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Why do you want to eat when you're stressed?

    During constant, prolonged stress, the adrenal glands increase the release of the hormone - cortisol. The more of this substance in the human body, the more he wants to eat. When a person is in a sudden stressful situation (life threatening, severe pain), then a large concentration of another hormone, adrenaline, is released into the plasma, which, on the contrary, discourages a person’s appetite.

    What to do during nervous hunger?

    Rapid weight loss during nervous exhaustion - bad sign and can lead to anorexia. To prevent this, you should reduce your normal portion, in no case "shove" food into yourself by force, but eat regularly light food: soup, broth, fruits, vegetables. You can support the body with sedatives or antidepressants. Walking in the fresh air and sunlight also help - vitamin D. After two to three months, the appetite should return.

    Why do they lose weight on nerves?

    During stress, the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine are released into the blood. As a result, metabolism is enhanced, and the connection fatty acids on the contrary, it decreases. Norepinephrine is also responsible for blood pressure, which rises on a nervous basis, forcing the systems in the body to work more actively, and therefore nutrients are consumed faster. As a result, the person loses weight.

    What can cause loss of appetite?

    Loss of appetite the following reasons:
    This may be the body's reaction to nervous fatigue and stress, when more adrenaline enters the bloodstream, thereby accelerating metabolism, so a person loses appetite and loses weight;
    Appetite can decrease from a decrease in the body's needs for calories due to old age, heat outside, an insufficiently active lifestyle;
    Also, you don’t want to eat during ARVI, flu, and other diseases.

    Weight loss with nervousness, why?

    A strong shock or frequent stressful situations lead to a greater consumption of calories by the body. Nervosa negatively affect metabolism. Stress causes spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, which interfere with normal digestion and reduce appetite. Therefore, a person does not want to eat, any food causes a gag reflex and, thus, a person rapidly loses weight.

    Is it possible to lose weight on nerves?

    During nervous stress, the body is saved by the release of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood. All systems begin to function faster, more energy is used up, metabolism increases. Since the body is not accustomed to such a pace of work, it digestive functions are disturbed, appetite decreases, and as a result, a person loses weight.

    What to do with anorexia on a nervous basis?

    Anorexia nervosa is defined by an obsession with losing weight and not eating. To treat the disease, the doctor determines a personal diet, taking into account the missing amount of nutrients. The patient is also prescribed drugs that support the human body as a whole: vitamins, if brittle bones, hormones from amenorrhea, antidepressants. From the very beginning, psychologists work with the patient.

    What to do if there is no appetite after the operation?

    After the operation, the body will use up its energy and it does not have enough strength to normalize the digestive system, metabolism is disturbed. Often a person loses his appetite after taking antibiotics, which are prescribed after surgery. These drugs disrupt the intestinal microflora. To return the desire to eat, the doctor makes a personal menu and diet for the patient. Various herbal decoctions are prescribed to stimulate appetite. Moderate physical activity and walks on the street restore normal metabolism and restore appetite.

    What is psychogenic loss of appetite?

    Psychogenic loss of appetite is associated with psychological problems a person that lead to the disease - anorexia. This disease is more common among young girls and teenagers who think they are too fat. Nervous appetite loss leads to excessive weight loss in a short time.

    What to do if you feel sick on a nervous basis?

    A stressful situation forces the body to turn on all systems. The alarm signal is transmitted to the nerve endings, and the organs, defending themselves, try to get rid of the excess - hence the gag reflex occurs. In general, when the stressful situation passes, then the malaise will pass. This will help breathing exercises to calm the nervous system, also light exercise will force the hormones to be redirected to the work of the muscles. Taking sedatives and drinking herbal teas will calm the nerves.

    Why does increased appetite and drowsiness occur during stress?

    Constant prolonged stress causes the body to release the hormone cortisol into the plasma, which increases appetite. Drowsiness, by its very nature, occurs when the brain needs oxygen, but the body does not produce it. Stress leads to spasms of muscles and blood vessels, which causes tension, and it does not allow blood to pass to the brain. Often in stressful situations, blood pressure decreases, which also causes sleep.



Loss of appetite may not be the only manifestation of emotional overstrain and stress. In order to prevent nervous exhaustion and anorexia in a depressive state, it is not worth resorting to methods of increasing appetite without the advice of a doctor. At present, an experienced neuropsychiatrist can easily identify the causes of poor appetite, and prescribe the most appropriate treatment and remedies that will not harm the body.

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