Eating according to your blood type to lose weight. Nutrition according to the first blood group: preferred foods

Every person's blood belongs to one of 4 groups. Not everyone knows that belonging to one of them determines a person’s predisposition to certain diseases and affects the absorption of food. Products that are contraindicated for some people will benefit others. The blood type diet for weight loss was developed based on information about historical origin and the initial predisposition of a person to better absorption one food or another.

The method has no contraindications and allows you to effectively lose weight. Let's talk further about the foods that are best consumed if you have a certain blood type, the benefits and harms of foods, and the speed of weight loss with the help of a diet. The first connection between blood type and food absorption was discovered by the American doctor Peter D'Adamo. The man was treating patients and noticed that some products have a beneficial effect on the health of some people, while others are absorbed much worse. Continuing the study, the doctor discovered that patients with different predispositions to food have different blood. The man turned to history and managed to connect the differences in ancient people’s living conditions and diet with their blood type.

Scientists have found that at first the inhabitants of the primitive world had one blood type - 1. It is still widespread on Earth. Ancient man ate exclusively meat, and his body was adapted to digest only this product.

With the development of civilization, other groups of people began to appear on Earth:

  • pastoralists,
  • nomads,
  • farmers.

The human diet has undergone significant changes. The body has managed to adapt to digesting other types of food. Vitamins contained in plant foods began to strengthen immune system person. Disease resistance has increased. However, the predisposition to certain foods remained.

Pay attention! Dr. D'Adamo divides food into 3 types based on blood type: healthy foods that do not affect the digestive system and harmful ones. The diet takes into account the characteristics of the owners different types blood and prescribes the consumption of foods that have a positive effect on the immune system.

According to D'Adamo's theory, to lose weight and maintain health, you need to eat the food of your ancestors. It is better absorbed and brings more benefits. Based on the scientist’s findings, a diet was developed that takes into account the characteristics digestive system different people.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The main negative feature of the diet is its slow effect on the body. If a person wants to try losing weight based on blood type in practice, then he must remember in advance that the diet will not give quick results. Using this method you cannot lose weight in 1-3 months. Eating foods that are beneficial for blood type cannot continue for certain period. It won't do any good. For the effect to become noticeable, you must follow the diet constantly.

Pay attention! If a girl begins to constantly eat foods that match her blood type, she will notice an improvement general condition body. Stomach problems will disappear and metabolism will improve. The diet will help normalize the functioning of the immune system.

Nutrition according to blood type has healing effect on the human body. The diet will not only help you lose weight, but also strengthen your immune and digestive systems.

Diet for blood type 1

Having thought about how to choose a diet based on blood type, a woman must find out exactly which category she belongs to. Otherwise, the diet will have no effect. Owners 1 negative or positive group blood, according to Dr. D'Adamo, were hunters in ancient times and were the first people to appear on Earth. The basis of the group's diet was meat.

Pay attention! Descendants of hunters must adhere to the diet of their ancestors. Eating foods high in animal protein will benefit their health. They will improve the functioning of the immune system.

Owners of blood type 1 have a strong digestive system. However, this does not save them from a predisposition to gastritis. The disease causes increased acidity gastric juice. Hunters have difficulty digesting food that goes beyond their usual diet. For the blood type diet to bring results, use healthy products should be combined with sports.

Owners of blood type 1 who decide to follow a diet should give preference in nutrition to:

  • red meat,
  • fish,
  • liver,
  • leafy greens,
  • olive oil.

A protein mono diet can harm the body if it does not receive essential microelements and vitamins that are required to strengthen the immune system. Hunters can make up for the lack of required substances by eating sprouted grains, figs and prunes. The blood type diet, although it takes into account the characteristics of the food consumption of ancestors, but assumes balanced diet.

According to the ancestral diet, hunters should not consume:

  • food containing gluten
  • milk and products made from it with high fat content,
  • legumes

The foods slow down your metabolism, don't benefit your immune system, and can lead to weight gain. Hunters should not eat food that is too salty or causing fermentation I'm going. According to the diet of our ancestors from apple juice should also be abandoned. Owners of 1 blood will benefit from tea made from rose hips or mint. The drink will strengthen the immune system, protect against viruses and help normalize stomach function.

Detailed table for owners of blood type 1:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton,


sea ​​fish Som,



Milk products None Oil,
Vegetables Green, Cabbage,




Fruits Figs,




Drinks Herbal drinks Wine Black tea,

Diet for blood type 2

Blood type appeared when people began to engage in farming and began to consume plant foods. 38% of the world's inhabitants are blood group 2.

According to the diet of the ancestors, the basis of the diet of farmers is:

  • cereals,
  • vegetable oils,
  • fruits,
  • fish.

Consumption of the products will have positive influence on the body and normalizes metabolism. The digestive system of farmers is hardy and not prone to disease if fed properly. New foods are well absorbed.

Pay attention! According to the diet, it is better for farmers to completely exclude meat from the diet.

Consumption should be reduced to a minimum:

  • milk,
  • mango,
  • citrus fruits,
  • potatoes,
  • melon,
  • bananas

Foods prohibited by diet slow down metabolism and lead to weight gain. Excessive consumption of meat and milk can lead to diabetes mellitus. To avoid problems, you should carefully monitor your diet and stick to a diet.

Detailed table for owners of blood type 2:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish None Chicken All other types of meat


Fish that is not prohibited for consumption Herring,


Milk products None Yogurt,

Goat milk

All other products that are not neutral
Vegetables Carrot, Vegetables not included in the list of prohibited consumption Tomato
Fruits Pineapple, Fruits that are not included in the prohibited section Melon,


Drinks Coffee,

Red wine,

Herbal drinks

Black tea,


Diet for blood group 3

Owners of blood group 3 are descendants of nomadic tribes. They are able to eat and assimilate any food, the nomadic body is unpretentious, the immune system resists diseases well, and the stomach is easily able to digest unusual food. However, owners of blood type 3 may suffer individual intolerance lactose.

Pay attention! Although the body of nomads has endurance and the ability to effectively digest unusual foods, the immune system of those with a blood type is less resistant than others to the effects of rare, unstable viruses. Following a diet will help protect the human body from diseases.

Nomads will benefit from:

  • meat,
  • fish,
  • cereals,
  • vegetables,
  • fruits.

The body of nomads reacts neutrally to alcohol, chicken, nuts and pork, but you should not abuse them.

Nomads who stick to a diet should avoid:

  • wheat,
  • buckwheat,
  • tomatoes,
  • corn.

Nomads are rarely prone to obesity. If blood type owners do not need to lose weight, the diet will be useful for promoting health and maintaining immunity.

Detailed table for representatives of 3 blood groups:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton, All types of meat except those that are prohibited for consumption Chicken,
Sturgeon, All other fish that are not prohibited for consumption shellfish,


Milk products Yogurt, Dairy products that are not prohibited Ice cream
Vegetables Leafy greens All vegetables not on the prohibited list Corn,
Fruits Banana, Fruits that are not included in the prohibited section Persimmon,
Drinks Drinks not classified as prohibited Drinks containing alcohol


Diet for blood group 4

People belonging to group 4 have the most rare blood. Only 7% of humankind are carriers of this mysterious type. The group appeared as a result of mixing 1 and 2 types of blood. Scientists conventionally call the owners of species 4 citizens.

Those with blood type 4 according to their ancestral diet should consume:

  • fish,
  • milk and products made from it,
  • fruits,
  • green,
  • dry red wine.

The diet of city residents must be balanced. It must contain vitamins and minerals. To avoid diseases, you must adhere to a diet.

To strengthen the immune system, the following should be removed from the diet of city residents:

  • red meat,
  • buckwheat,
  • mushrooms,
  • mango,
  • beans,
  • wheat,
  • corn.

City dwellers have weak digestive and immune systems. They get sick often. For this reason, they should carefully monitor their diet and follow a diet. However, blood type owners easily adapt to rapidly changing conditions and know how to adapt to new things.

Detailed table for owners of blood group 4:

Name Allowed Neutral Prohibited
Meat and fish Mutton, Meat that is not prohibited for consumption Pork,


Pike, All other fish that are not prohibited for consumption Halibut,


Milk products Yogurt, Products not classified as prohibited Ice cream
Vegetables Beet,



All vegetables that are not prohibited for consumption Olive,
Fruits Kiwi, Fruits that are not prohibited for consumption Mango,


Drinks Drink made with herbs Not related to the prohibited section Black tea,


One of the main medical problems modernity is considered overeating and related problems. That is why the popularity of various diets and new nutrition systems is growing. After all, many people want to lose excess weight and maintain it at the proper level without unnecessary work, problems and negative consequences for health.

Idea proper nutrition according to human blood type appeared a long time ago and during its existence it has acquired a huge number of myths and advice. Most doctors are very skeptical about the blood type diet, but this does not decrease the number of people who trust it. Let’s try to figure out what kind of diet this is, what grounds it has, and whether it should be trusted.

Creation and essence of the blood type diet

The blood type nutrition system was created by naturopathic doctor Peter D'Adamo. He observed his many patients for many years and came to the conclusion that human blood was the key to understanding his nature. The doctor combined medicine and history in his work and made conclusions (not confirmed by official science) that our common ancestor had only one blood type - the first. The remaining blood groups, according to Naturoplata, appeared later as a result of evolution.

According to the creator of the diet, blood groups were formed in the process of evolution under the influence of nutrition. The oldest is the first, and the fourth is only about 1.5 thousand years old.

What did it look like? Something like this: at first, all people had the same blood type and ate mainly meat, which they obtained by hunting. Gradually, there was less game in the forests, and people reached the point where they began to cultivate the land and sow cereals. This led to the transition to new look food and appearance new group blood - the second.

Gradually the climate changed, people migrated, the diet also gradually expanded, domestic animals appeared and, as a result, milk, eggs, etc. This led to a new change in diet and the appearance of a third blood group. And just one and a half thousand years ago, according to the scientist, the second and third blood groups mixed, and the last one was formed - the fourth.

According to this theory, the owner of each blood group needs to eat what his ancestors ate, since his body is maximally adapted to digesting just such food. If a person takes food characteristic of a different blood group, then his body may not accept it or consider it “foreign” and fight with it.

Archaeological evidence does not support this theory.

Unfortunately, no medical or archaeological data confirm this theory; in addition, it is not entirely correct to talk about the group, forgetting about the Rh factor and more than 120 antigens that are present in the blood. But, nevertheless, this theory deserves a more detailed consideration of the analysis of each of the diets proposed separate groups blood.

Diet for the first blood group

The diet of the oldest blood group, according to Peter D'Adamo - the first, should mostly consist of meat and fish. It is believed that hunting and fishing were the main activities ancient people and their most direct descendants have the ability to easily digest such complex food. Blood of the first group is observed in approximately a third of the world's population and all of them should be united by such features as good health and strong immunity.

The basis of the diet for people with the first group is red meat and liver, but you can diversify it with the help of everything that wild man I could easily get it by gathering - vegetables, herbs, fruits. But you need to avoid grains, so dough and cereals are not recommended. Also prohibited are legumes and cabbage, which, according to the creator of the diet, can slow down metabolism.

It is strictly forbidden for this group of people to consume milk, as it can cause problems with their blood. Fortunately, official medicine No negative consequences of drinking milk by people with the first blood group have been recorded, but adherents of this diet abstain from it. If such a diet leads to an imbalance intestinal bacteria, then you can use special acidophilus and bifidobacteria.

Diet for those with blood type II

Those with the second blood group are “genetic vegetarians.” The creator of the diet believes that they have low stomach acidity, which prevents them from fully digesting meat foods. That is why they are recommended to almost completely stop eating meat, with the exception of large number turkey or chicken. It is believed that meat for people with the second blood group can also become a source of problems because it leads to slow digestion, obesity and intestinal dysbiosis.

In addition to meat, owners of the second blood group are recommended to refrain from eating any types of spicy and sour foods, these can be spices, seasonings, sauces, sour vegetables and vegetables, especially ketchup and even tomatoes. It is also necessary to abstain from salty and fermented foods, cabbage, cucumbers and potatoes.

Cereals and other plants are the basis of the diet of those with the second blood group.

What should a person with a second blood group eat? The basis of the diet should be porridge, as well as a variety of plant-based dishes. You can eat eggs, but also in limited quantities. In no large quantities x milk and dairy products are allowed, and protein is supposed to come from soybeans and other protein-rich plants.

Diet for the third group

People with the third blood type, according to Peter D'Adamo, come from the first farmers or nomads. Taming livestock led to an abundance of milk and dairy products in the diet, which led to the formation of the third blood group. That is why those with blood of this type are encouraged to use milk as the basis of their diet.

People with the third blood group are considered quite hardy, their body easily adapts to different foods, but some dietary restrictions will still be necessary. It is better to refrain from eating buckwheat porridge, corn, peanuts and sesame seeds, as they lead to excessive weight gain. You should not eat foods made from wheat or wheat flour. It is also important to eliminate excess sugar.

Many people with blood type O have stocky figures and a tendency to gain weight. excess weight, this must be carefully monitored. But given the very meager diet proposed by the creator of the diet for people with this blood type, it will not be possible to gain much weight.

Diet for the fourth blood group

The fourth blood group is the rarest on earth and the youngest according to Peter D'Adamo. People with the fourth blood group are considered the descendants of all other groups, so they can eat almost everything except meat in large quantities, since they inherited a weak digestive tract from their ancestors - farmers and farmers. But even meat is acceptable in small quantities.

Holders of the fourth blood group - the descendants of the other groups - are practically omnivorous.

To support good shape, it is very important for people with blood type IV to limit their consumption of meat, using tofu as a source of protein. They should also not eat buckwheat, legumes and corn, which can also lead to excess weight gain. In fact, people with the fourth group are those who are suited to the most normal, proper and balanced diet without excesses and with normal amount different products.

Why the Blood Type Diet Shouldn't Be Taken Seriously

Whatever one may say, the fashionable blood type diet is more a myth than a real scientific development. Why is this so? Because the data of official science, including medicine, have little in common with this theory. Even the main idea of ​​the theory - the gradual emergence of blood groups due to evolution - no longer stands up to criticism, since, according to anthropologists, all blood groups arose at approximately the same time. In addition, not only humans, but also animals have blood groups. This once again proves that blood type does not depend in any way on lifestyle and nutrition, because all animals of the same species live and eat the same.

There is no medical or anthropological evidence to support the theory of proper nutrition based on blood types. Most modern scientific data refute it.

There are other inconsistencies. For example, all indigenous people of the American continent have the first blood type. At the same time, it was they who created the world's oldest agricultural civilizations. Both the Aztecs and Mayans, who actively cultivated the land and the tribes of hunters and cannibals, have the same blood type. But the indigenous population of Australia has the second “agricultural” blood type, which does not prevent them from being hunters and gatherers to this day. It also doesn’t fit with Peter D’Adamo’s idea. It is also interesting that the majority of representatives of the Mongoloid race have a third blood group, and it is they who most often experience lactose intolerance. This once again says that the whole theory of nutrition in groups there's blood coming out at odds with reality.

This theory can cause geneticists to laugh almost hysterically. The fact is that a single gene is responsible for blood type, and many are responsible for digestion. Everyone knows that there are people with intolerance to certain things. So, the gene responsible for blood, and the genes responsible food intolerance These are completely different genes. Thus, Peter D'Adamo's theory has absolutely no scientific justification or confirmation and is a pure hoax. It's kind of like a diet lunar calendar or an astrological diet is a matter of pure faith.

Why does it still help? (Video)

After we have examined the complete failure of the “scientific” theory of proper nutrition based on blood type, questions may arise as to why it still helps? There may be several answers. Firstly, the placebo effect. If a person really believes in something, it can really help. This has been repeatedly tested and proven by official science, so even all medications undergo placebo-controlled studies to distinguish self-hypnosis from the real effects of the drug.

The second reason why the diet helps is that some people place too low demands on it - for example, just to lose weight. This nutritional system will really help you lose weight, as it imposes very serious restrictions. Almost all blood types are asked to completely switch to one specific food group with the complete exclusion or noticeable limitation of others. Of course this leads to a disadvantage nutrients and losing weight, because this is practically a mono-diet, and a long-term one.

The blood type diet is nothing more than a myth supported by faith, and following it too strictly can be dangerous to health.

It’s worth dwelling on this issue a little - the blood type diet can be dangerous if you stick to it for too long. Exception certain products from the diet can lead to serious illnesses, since, contrary to the opinion of Peter D’Adamo, our body is adapted to receive the most varied food possible. In other words, if you want to try it for yourself fashionable diet– try, but without fanaticism.

The idea that blood type affects the body's ability to digest different types food, cope with stress and respond to physical activity, came to the mind of the American naturopath Peter D’Adamo (Dr. Peter D’Adamo).

Based on this, in 1996, D'Adamo created diets for people with different groups blood:

  • Type O (blood group I). The diet should contain a lot of protein from meat, fish, and poultry. It is necessary to limit the amount of carbohydrates, grains and legumes. Recommendations are close to .
  • Type A (blood group II). People digest carbohydrates well and poorly digest animal proteins and fats. You can eat plant foods: vegetables, fruits, legumes, gluten-free grains. Eliminate dairy, meat, coffee and alcohol.
  • Type B ( III group blood). You can eat vegetables and fruits, dairy, most types of meat, except chicken. Eliminate wheat, corn, legumes, tomatoes and some other foods.
  • Type AB (blood group IV). You can eat vegetables and fruits, meat except red meat, seafood, dairy, legumes and grains. Eliminate beans, corn, beef, alcohol.

At one time, D’Adamo’s book became a real bestseller, and the diet still has many followers around the world.

What Science Says

There are many studies on the blood type diet, but their quality leaves much to be desired. In 2013, scientists tested Blood type diets lack supporting evidence: a systematic review. 1415 studies on this diet. Only one thing deserved trust. And it did not confirm the effectiveness of the diet.

Big study Theory behind popular blood-type diet debunked with 1,455 participants also found no benefit from D’Adamo’s brainchild.

So is it worth following a blood type diet?

In principle, this diet is quite healthy. D'Adamo instructs everyone to avoid processed foods and simple carbohydrates, choose natural products and take supplements. This is enough to lose some weight and improve ABO Genotype, ‘Blood-Type’ Diet and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors health, regardless of blood type.

The blood type diet is as effective as a regular healthy diet.

In general, you can follow a diet, but without fanaticism, focusing primarily on your goals and preferences.

The topic of the article is nutrition according to blood type. We will tell you what foods you can eat with a certain blood type to lose weight and improve your well-being.

The essence of nutrition according to blood type

D'Adamo is the author of a weight loss system called the “blood type diet.” To function optimally, each person must eat foods that are appropriate for them. By eliminating foods that are incompatible with your blood type from your diet, your functioning improves. internal organs, systems, excess weight loss occurs and toxins and waste are removed from the body.

Peter D'Adamo believed that people with the same blood type have something in common, or rather:

  • tendency to the same diseases;
  • similar sleep and rest patterns;
  • identical stress resistance;
  • the need to eat the same foods;
  • similar biorhythms.

According to the American doctor Peter D'Adamo, the body's absorption of nutrients and their effectiveness in using them depends on genetics and blood type. If a person does not eat “his” food, then this negatively affects his health and causes a malfunction in the digestive system and metabolism. It also leads to obesity.

Food contains glycoproteins that connect carbohydrates. Each blood group is able to absorb only certain of them. When a person consumes foods with glycoproteins that are unsuitable for him, they are not absorbed, but accumulate in digestive tract. In this case, the body perceives them as foreign substances. According to this theory, there are healthy, harmful and neutral foods.

Below in the tables we present foods that can be consumed for each blood type.

Nutrition table for blood group 1

The first blood group, according to scientists, is considered the most ancient. 33% of the world's population have this blood type. Such people have leadership abilities, strength and influence. Their main food is meat.

People with this blood type should take B vitamins and vitamin K, as well as food additives, which contain calcium, iodine and manganese.

A characteristic feature of people with blood group 1 is a slow metabolic process. For this reason, to lose weight you must follow certain rules:

  • eat more liver and red meat - these products will help speed up metabolism;
  • eat more foods that contain iodine;
  • eat radishes, radishes, as they activate the production of thyroid hormones;
  • Completely remove wheat and all products made from it and legumes from your diet, as they prevent the production of insulin and stop metabolism.
Healthy ProductsHarmful productsNeutral products
Beef, veal, lamb, turkey, liver, heart, minced beefPork, lard, ham, bacon, ham, goose meatRabbit meat, broiler meat, duck and chicken meat, eggs
Seaweed, pike, fresh herring, halibut, sturgeon, fresh herring, cod, mackerel, trout, hake, salmonidsCatfish, caviar, smoked salmon, catfish, pickled and salted herringCarp, pike perch, squid, smelt, perch, eel, tuna, crustaceans, flounder
Food casein, any types of cow and goat milk, kefir, processed and cow cheese, yogurt, whey, ice cream, sour cream, creamHomemade cottage cheese, curd and sheep cheese
Flaxseed oil, olive oilCottonseed oil, corn oil, soybean oil, peanut oilCod liver oil, margarine, butter and sunflower oil
Walnuts, pumpkin seedsPeanuts, pistachios, poppy seedsHazelnuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds
Soy milk, spotted beans, cheeseNavy beans, lentilsGreen peas, white and black Eyed Peas, soybeans and black beans, green peas
Wheat bagels, semolina, buns, pasta, corn flour, muesli, corn, wheat, corn porridge, crackers, oatmeal cookies, oat and wheat flakes, wheat and corn bread, durum wheat flour, wholemeal breadCereals: pearl barley, buckwheat, barley, rice; rye, millet, rice wafers, buckwheat and rye flour, barley, rye bread and bread
Parsley, curry, pepperKetchup, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper, pickles and marinades, vinegar: apple, wine, whiteCloves, mustard, jam and fruit jelly, coriander, bay leaf, granulated sugar, caraway seeds, dill, horseradish, chocolate, fennel, honey, paprika, mayonnaise
Broccoli, sweet potato, kohlrabi, leek, parsnip, watercress, chard, hot pepper, turnip, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, chicory, spinachCabbage: leaf, red, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower, white cabbage; rhubarb, potatoes, champignonsZucchini, oyster mushrooms, rutabaga, carrots, sweet pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, beets, celery, radishes, lettuce, radish
Herbal tea: parsley, linden, dandelion, rosehipTea: St. John's wort, coltsfoot, burdock, strawberry,Tea: hawthorn, licorice, mint, chamomile, echinacea, yarrow, raspberry, thyme, valerian, ginseng
Cherries, figs, apples, cherry plums, plums, prunesBlackberry, avocado, orange, coconut, melon, olives, strawberry, tangerinePineapple, watermelon, banana, barberry, grapefruit, lingonberry, kiwi, grapes, gooseberry, raisins, pear, blueberry, cherry, pomegranate, lemon, raspberry, blueberry, currant, persimmon, nectarine, peach, cranberry
Vodka, cognac, liqueurs, coffee, Coca-Cola, lemonade, black teaWine: white, red; beer, green tea

Nutrition table for blood group 2

Almost 38% of all people terrestrial planet 2nd blood group. The recommended diet for them is vegetarian.

Take B vitamins ascorbic acid, vitamin E. Retinol, also known as vitamin A, can be taken in a small dose.

Elements that are beneficial to health are selenium and chromium.

A distinctive feature of representatives of blood group 2 is reduced secretion of gastric juice. For this reason, digestion of meat is complicated. But it is permissible to consume meat and chicken in small quantities.

Due to the fact that people with a similar blood type have a delicate gastric mucosa, it is forbidden to eat spicy food, sour fruits and berries, salty foods. If you want not only to improve your well-being, but also to lose excess weight, then try it, especially since this fruit can be eaten by people with blood type 2.

Healthy ProductsHarmful productsNeutral products
Beef, veal, lamb, turkey, liver, heart, minced beef, pork, lard, ham, bacon, ham, goose meatBroiler and chicken meat, eggs, turkey
Salmon, fresh herring, carp, cod, mackerel, pike perch, mackerel, troutCrustaceans, caviar, halibut, catfish, flounder, smoked salmon, pickled and salted herring, squid, catfish, eelSmelt, seaweed, pike, tuna, sturgeon, perch
Milk: skim and whole; ice cream, cream, whey, cow cheeseGoat milk, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, processed cheese, curd and sheep cheese, homemade cottage cheese
Olive and linseed oilCoconut, butter, peanut, cottonseed and corn oilsCod liver oil, soybean and sunflower, margarine
Soy and black beans, soy milk and cheese, spotted beans, lentilsNavy beansCapsicum and green peas, white and green beans
Flour: oatmeal, rye and buckwheat; rice waffles, buckwheat, rye, rye breadSemolina, bagels, pasta, buns, muesli, rye gingerbread, crackers, wheat, durum wheat flour, wheat flakes, wholemeal and grain breadCorn and corn starch, pearl barley, corn flour and porridge, oatmeal cookies, millet, rice, wheat and rye bread, barley, corn and oat flakes
MustardVinegar: wine, apple, white; ketchup, mayonnaise, black pepperFruit jam and jelly, vanilla, bay leaf, cloves, parsley, coriander, granulated sugar. dill, curry, horseradish, chocolate, cumin, paprika, fennel, honey, nutmeg, pickles and marinades
Cabbage: kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, oyster mushrooms, leeks and spring onions, onions, watercress, carrots, turnips, parsnips, pumpkin, spinach, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, chardCabbage: cauliflower, red, white, Chinese; champignons, sweet and hot peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarbCucumbers, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, celery, lettuce, rutabaga, beets, asparagus, radish
Pineapple, cherry plum, lingonberry, cherry, blueberry, grapefruit, fig, cranberry, lemon, blueberry, cherry, plum, appleOrange, banana, barberry, melon, olives, coconut, tangerineWatermelon, pomegranate, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, persimmons, peach, nectarines, currants, gooseberries, pears, kiwis, avocados, grapes
Tea: hawthorn, valerian, burdock, ginseng, St. John's wort, echinacea, chamomile, rose hips Tea: raspberry, linden, strawberry, mint, dandelion, licorice, mint, thyme, parsley, yarrow
Red wine, green tea, black coffeeVodka, liqueurs, cognac, beer, lemonade, black tea, Coca-ColaWhite wine

Nutrition table for blood group 3

There are about 20% of people with the third blood group on earth. Representatives of this group have good nervous system, strong immunity. A mixed diet is recommended for such people.

People with blood type 3 need to take nutritional supplements including magnesium, lecithin and licorice. Representatives of this blood group are prone to gaining excess weight.

Healthy ProductsHarmful productsNeutral products
Rabbit, lamb, eggsHam, chicken, pork, heart, duck, bacon, goose, ham, broilerLiver, veal, turkey, beef, lard, minced beef
Pickled herring, river pike, cod, mackerel, pike perch, hake, trout, salmon, flounder, sea bass, halibut, sturgeonCrustaceans, seaweed, smoked salmon, eel, caviarFresh and salted herring, tuna, catfish, carp, river perch, smelt
Sheep and curd cheese, sour cream, yogurt, homemade cottage cheese, kefir, goat milk and low fatIce creamProcessed cheese, cheese, edible casein, cheese from cow's milk, whole milk, whey
Olive oilCoconut oil, peanut oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, margarineFlaxseed and butter, cod liver oil
PoppyPumpkin and sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, peanuts, hazelnutsWalnuts, almonds
Soybeans and navy beansLentils, spotted beans, black beansSoy milk, green peas, soy cheese, asparagus and white beans, green peas
Oatmeal cookies, rice, wheat bread, millet, rice wafers, oat flakes, oat flourCorn and rye cereals and flour, wheat, muesli, buckwheat flour, grain bread, barley, wheat bagels, wholemeal bread, corn and wheat flakes, bread and rye crispbread, corn starch, barley and pearl barley, corn, buckwheatCracker cookies, durum wheat flour, rye gingerbread, semolina, pasta, buns, black pepper, marinades and pickles, granulated sugar
Horseradish, curry, parsleyMayonnaise, ketchup, cinnamonVinegar: white, apple, wine; dill, cumin, vanilla, chocolate, fennel, jam, cloves, mustard, fruit jelly, bay leaf, coriander, nutmeg, honey, paprika
Cabbage: Chinese, collards, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, cauliflower; carrots, watercress, sweet and hot peppers, sweet potatoes, chard, rutabagaTomatoes, pumpkin, radish, radishes, rhubarb, potatoesTurnips, cucumbers, parsnips, beets, lettuce, celery, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke, champignons, chicory, oyster mushrooms, spinach, kohlrabi, leeks, onions, onions, zucchini
Plum, apple, cherry plum, coconut, banana, pineapple, lingonberry, cranberry, grapesOlives, pomegranate, persimmon, barberry, avocadoKiwi, strawberry, fig, lemon, raspberry, gooseberry, peach, nectarine, cherry, currant, prune, blueberry, watermelon, orange, cherry, blueberry, pear, grapefruit, melon, pear, raisin, blackberry
Tea: licorice, ginseng, rose hips, parsley, raspberriesTea: linden, coltsfootTea: chamomile, dandelion, thyme, yarrow, echinacea, valerian, hawthorn, St. John's wort, mint, strawberry leaves
Green teaLemonade, vodka, Coca-Cola, liqueurs, cognacBlack coffee, beer, white and red wine

Nutrition table for blood group 4

Those with the fourth blood group populate only 8% of the planet. It is generally accepted that they have weak immunity and sensitive gastrointestinal tract. Optimal nutrition for them it is moderately mixed.

People with this blood type should take B vitamins, zinc and selenium.

Problems with overweight may occur if you consume prohibited foods. For this reason, their consumption should be minimized or eliminated altogether.

Healthy ProductsHarmful productsNeutral products
Rabbit, lamb, turkeyHam, chicken, pork, heart, duck, beef, ham, minced beef, bacon, veal, broiler, gooseLiver, eggs, lard
River pike, cod, pike perch, mackerel, tuna, caviar, trout, mackerel, salmon, sea bass, sturgeonPickled and salted herring, hake, eel, flounder, squid, smoked salmon, crustaceans, halibutRiver perch, fresh herring, carp, catfish, catfish, smelt, seaweed
Sheep and cottage cheese, homemade cottage cheese, sour cream, goat milk, yogurt, kefirProcessed cheese, whole milk, cream, ice creamCow's milk cheese, whey, skim milk
Olive oilMargarine, oil: corn, sunflower, butter, coconut, cottonseedCod liver oil, flaxseed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil
Poppy, walnuts, peanutsPumpkin and sunflower seeds, hazelnutsAlmonds, pistachios, pine nuts
Lentils, spotted beans, soybeans and navy beansBlack beansSoy milk and soy cheese, asparagus and white beans, green peas, green peas
Bread and rye bread, rice cereal, rice wafers, rye and oat flour, milletCorn grits and flour, buckwheat, corn flakes, corn starch, buckwheat flourOatmeal cookies, crackers, rye gingerbread, rye, wheat, grain bread, bagels, wholemeal bread, wheat flakes, barley, wheat bagels, semolina, pasta, pearl barley and barley, muesli, durum wheat flour
Parsley, curry, horseradishVinegar: wine, white, apple; marinades and pickles, black pepper, ketchupMayonnaise, bay leaf, nutmeg, honey, paprika, granulated sugar, dill, cumin, chocolate, fennel, cloves, vanilla, mustard, fruit jelly, jam, cinnamon, coriander
Cucumbers, watercress, sweet and hot peppers, parsnips, chard, celery, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and collardsRadish, rhubarb, radish, saladCabbage: Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, red cabbage, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi; potatoes, onions, onions, leeks, turnips, carrots, beets, head lettuce, tomatoes, asparagus, pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, champignons, chicory, spinach, rutabaga, zucchini, oyster mushrooms
Gooseberry, cranberry, kiwi, coconut, lemon, cherry, plum, cherry plum, apple, lingonberry, grapes, pineapple, grapefruit, fig, cherryBarberry, banana, pomegranate, persimmon, oranges, avocadoPeach, nectarine, olives, blueberries, prunes, currants, blueberries, watermelon, melon, blackberries, pear, strawberries, raisins, raspberries, tangerines
Tea: chamomile, licorice root, rose hips, echinacea, ginseng, hawthorn, burdock, strawberry leavesTea: linden, coltsfootTea: parsley, dandelion, thyme, yarrow, valerian, raspberry, St. John's wort, mint
Green tea, coffeeLemonade, Coca-Cola, black tea, vodka, cognac, liqueursWhite and red wine, beer

Is there a difference in nutrition for different Rh factors?

According to D'Adamo's theory, the Rh factor does not affect the diet in any way, so you can ignore this parameter when creating a menu.

Diet menu by blood type

If you adjust your diet according to your blood type, you can improve your health, increase your body's resistance to disease, and even lose weight. Weight loss on a diet developed according to this method occurs due to normalization of nutrition, improvement of the functioning of wastewater treatment and excretory systems. There is also an increase in metabolism, which leads to effective burning of fat.

When following the proposed nutritional plan, toxins, fats and wastes leave the body. You will not be able to lose a large amount of excess weight in a month, since the presented diet is focused on high-quality weight loss. You will be able to see the first results within a few months, and the lost weight will not return to you if you continue to adhere to the diet according to your blood type.

1 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - 0.2 kg of vegetables, 0.2 kg of meat or fish;
  • lunch - 0.4 kg, 0.15 kg of meat, a portion of porridge (0.2 kg);
  • dinner - porridge with dried fruits.

2nd group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - 0.15 kg of lean meat or fish, unlimited vegetables, 150 ml of fermented milk drink;
  • lunch - 75 g of low-fat fish, legumes, a portion of porridge (150 g);
  • dinner - 1 tbsp. jams, vegetables, meat.

3 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - juice and fruit;
  • lunch - 0.2 kg of meat, 0.2 kg of porridge;
  • dinner - fruit, 2 egg omelet, 0.2 kg of liver or heart.

4 group

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - fruit and a mug of tea;
  • lunch - 0.1 kg of tofa and 0.25 kg of mashed potatoes;
  • dinner - 250 ml of kefir and stewed fish.

Blood type diet - video

In nature, there are four human blood groups, and therefore four types of nutrition. Thus, the same product can be ideal for one person, be useless for another and “neutral” for a third, and at the same time be the main pest in the food system of a fourth.

Each blood group interacts in its own way with lecithins, the most important building blocks. cellular substances. Lecithins are found in all tissues human body and are regularly supplied with food. But at the same time chemical composition lecithins contained, for example, in meat, differ from lecithins in buckwheat. The blood type diet helps you choose exactly those lecithins that your body needs for happy and harmonious functioning. And most importantly: the “correct” lecithins are excellent helpers in such a difficult task as losing weight.

In his research, the legendary doctor also relied on the evolutionary theory, according to which each blood group appeared in different times. Thus, their first bearers had a certain occupation, and hence their taste habits. Together with Cosmo, look for “blood ancestors” and determine which products are necessary and important for you.

Diet for the first blood group

The first blood group is called “hunting”. Proper diet for the first blood group is predictable and involves foods high in meat protein.


Say yes:

  • red meat
  • offal
  • protein vegetables (choose broccoli, beans and artichokes)
  • fatty varieties of sea fish and seafood
  • olive oil
  • walnuts

Say no:

  • foods high in gluten (wheat, oats)
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat content
  • legumes
  • any cabbage (including Brussels sprouts), as well as cauliflower

Diet for the second blood group

Representatives of the second group are characterized as “farmers” and adherents of vegetarianism and fruit eating. Consequently, meat products are not the most welcome guest in the diet for the second blood group.

Say yes:

  • any vegetables
  • vegetable oils
  • cereals and cereals (with special caution - gluten-containing ones)
  • fruits such as pineapples, apricots, grapefruits, figs, lemons, plums

Say no:

  • dairy products
  • wheat dishes
  • beans (difficult to digest due to high content squirrel)
  • drinks like soda

If you haven’t thought about giving up meat, choose dietary varieties: chicken, turkey, veal. And, despite vegetarian instructions, any food will benefit you. low-fat varieties fish.

Diet for the third blood group

The third group was called “nomads”. Representatives of this group can be considered almost omnivores: their body perceives almost any product adequately.

Say yes:

  • sources of animal protein (preferably meat and sea ​​fish)
  • eggs
  • any dairy products
  • cereals (except buckwheat and wheat)
  • vegetables (except corn and tomatoes)
  • various fruits

Say no:

  • pork and chicken meat
  • nuts, especially peanuts
  • olive oil
  • alcohol

“Nomads” quite rarely suffer from excess weight compared to others, so the diet according to the third blood group becomes, first of all, a way to regulate metabolism and maintain good health.

Diet for the fourth blood group

D’Adamo called those with the fourth blood type “mysteries.” This group is considered the youngest of all, and it was formed as a result of the merger of the first and second, therefore it combines both their pros and cons.

Say yes:

  • soy in various forms (especially tofu)
  • fish and caviar
  • dairy products of any fat content
  • green vegetables and fruits
  • berries
  • dry red wine

Say no:

  • red meat
  • offal
  • beans in any form
  • buckwheat, corn and wheat
  • fruits such as oranges, bananas, guava, coconuts, mangoes, pomegranates, persimmons
  • mushrooms
  • nuts

“Mysterious” people are characterized by nervous instability, as well as a weak gastrointestinal tract. But the immune system of the owners of the rare fourth group is distinguished by sensitivity and adaptability to any conditions.

According to D'Adamo, if you follow the blood type diet, weight loss will definitely come after metabolic processes will be established and the cells will begin to receive building material.

Text: Yulia Demina