Why do gaps appear between teeth as we age? How to remove gaps between the front teeth: the pros and cons of modern methods. Modern ways to solve the problem

Gaps between teeth are a common deformation of the dentition. Approximately 20% of adult patients are diagnosed with gaps between the front and other teeth.

In children, this problem occurs in an even greater percentage of cases, but with age it may disappear. Whether such anomalies need to be treated and how to do it, read on.

In dentistry, the free space between the central incisors is called a diastema. The dimensions of such a gap can reach 10 mm, but for most people they range from 2 to 6 mm. Abnormal arrangement of incisors is not only aesthetic, but also functional deficiency, which may manifest as speech impairment.

Diastemas can be true or false. False diastemas are formed in children due to the fact that baby teeth fall out ahead of schedule, and the bite is not yet formed. With age, the gap closes without any treatment. True diastemas can only be removed with the help of a dentist.

The gaps between the side teeth are called trema. In addition to causes related to excessive jaw development, they can occur due to tooth loss. In this case, the remaining teeth are shifted to the vacant space.

Causes of diastema

Experts believe that the main reason responsible for 50% of the formation of diastemas is hereditary predisposition. Other provoking factors of this pathology are:

  • The rudiments of “incomplete” teeth in the jaw bone.
  • Overdeveloped bone septum.
  • Low bridle upper lip.
  • Defects in the shape and location of the lateral and/or anterior incisors.
  • Alveolar cleft.

Correcting gaps between teeth is recommended not only for aesthetic reasons. As a result of treatment, speech defects associated with diastema, malocclusion and others are eliminated undesirable consequences. For some people, this noticeable flaw in appearance causes emotional discomfort and decreased self-esteem. In such cases, you should not hesitate to visit the dentist.

How to remove gaps between teeth

Elimination of diastemas depends on the cause that caused them, so at the first consultation the dentist conducts an examination. Based on the results obtained, the optimal treatment regimen is selected.

In case short bridle An obligatory stage of treatment will be its pruning. Frenumplasty is a bloodless procedure that is performed using a laser. The next stage is the immediate closure of the diastema. The most effective option dentists believe orthodontic alignment using braces. If the bite anomalies are minor, you can do without installing braces. In this case, correction is performed with transparent aligners.

If an interdental gap has formed due to overdevelopment of the bone septum, surgical intervention may be necessary.

Diastema restoration

A quick way to eliminate diastema is prosthetics of the front teeth. This can be done by installing crowns or modern techniques vining. Veneers are thin ceramic plates that are attached with outer surface teeth.

In most cases, eliminating gaps between teeth is not difficult. The prognosis for treatment of diastema is favorable not only in children, but also in adult patients.

Many people suffer from gaps between their teeth. Unpleasantness not only affects the aesthetic perception of one’s appearance, but also creates discomfort in everyday life. Fortunately, modern medical approaches include a number of tools and methods to eliminate this defect. However, is this feature an imperfection?

Different approaches to one issue

While some say that the gap between a child’s teeth looks extremely cute and touching, while in an adult it adds zest to the appearance, others are convinced that this is an important imperfection, in order to hide which one can completely abandon the habit of smiling openly. In science, this structural feature of the jaw is called a diastema. Dentists urge it to be assessed not just as a cosmetic feature, but as an important defect that needs to be corrected. The fact is that such a structure becomes the reason increased load on certain teeth. They are destroyed quite quickly, and periodontal disease appears.

Where did the problem come from?

There are several reasons why there is a gap between teeth. Most often, this feature is due to genetic reasons, a hereditary factor. Sometimes cracks appear in people if their baby teeth lingered longer than the average period, and their replacement with permanent ones was accompanied by complications. The reason may be an abnormal structure, development of the incisors, or a too low-set upper lip.

Even habits can play a role - for example, many people bite pencils and nails, which leads to the formation of a gap between the teeth. The reason may be other factors of a psychosomatic nature. The likelihood of gaps appearing in the absence of any tooth is increased, since gaps lead to the spreading of existing ones.

Nuances of the problem

A gap between the front teeth can appear in both children and adults - no age restrictions there is no defect to form. IN adolescence and at a more tender age, the prerequisite for the formation of diastema is the change of teeth from temporary to molars. Genetics plays a role individual characteristics growth. But for the adult population, the cause is more often gum pathologies, psychosomatic factors, and removal operations. permanent teeth.

If a gap appears between your front teeth, you should not delay going to the dentist, since this feature is associated with certain dangers. The most primary is aesthetic. It would seem that it does not deserve mention, but many of our contemporaries, having once discovered a diastema, not only refuse to smile, but gradually plunge into the abyss of complexes associated with appearance. This becomes the basis for serious depressive disorders, which can lead to the most negative consequences. Psychological problems caused by a simple gap between the teeth can cause extremely difficult social adaptation.

Danger factor

A large gap between the teeth can cause caries and lead to periodontitis. People who do not take measures to combat the defect more often suffer from destruction of the enamel covering their teeth.

The presence of a gap can cause malocclusion. This often leads to incorrect diction. Over time, this factor becomes the foundation for jaw deformation. The process occurs gradually, slowly, so it is often very difficult to notice.

See a doctor for help

The doctor will tell you how to fix gaps between teeth at your appointment. Modern people have access to an abundance of different technologies to eliminate the defect, however, the best option must be selected by a qualified specialist, otherwise there is a risk of harming oneself. When determining the best approach, the doctor identifies why the defect was formed and evaluates all the features of the situation (number of cracks, their size). Additionally, the oral cavity is examined to evaluate general condition all tissues and organs. Of course, the doctor will take into account the client’s wishes.

Telling how to remove the gap between the front teeth, the doctor may suggest performing a restoration operation, resorting to plastic surgery, frenulum adjustment. You can make a cosmetic correction of the defect and take advantage of the possibilities of orthodontics.

What is what?

The simplest method to remove a gap between teeth is cosmetic correction. In terms of financial costs it will also cost much less blood than other options. The doctor will put a special filling that can attract the teeth to each other, and the defect disappears. True, you cannot do without shortcomings. Cosmetic correction is only suitable for people with healthy, strong gums. Only a small gap can be corrected in this way. Finally, a filling is a relatively short-lived solution, and over time you will have to either repeat the procedure or correct the teeth in another way.

Another common method of eliminating gaps between teeth is restoration. It costs a lot, and the event itself is troublesome, but productive. The doctor uses special technologies and equipment to fuse dental tissue. Typically, a composite material is used in the work, the shade matching the natural color tooth enamel. The procedure requires pain relief and in most cases is completed in one approach. There are practically no disadvantages, but restoration is applicable only to healthy gums and teeth.

There is an option

If a gap appears between the teeth, the doctor may suggest resorting to surgical plastic surgery. This technology has proven itself for for many years active use. At a fairly affordable price, the result is high quality if you manage to make an appointment with a qualified doctor. To make adjustments, the doctor uses crowns. The method gives long-lasting results and allows you to correct not only a crack, but also some other dental problems. No shortcomings have yet been identified.

In some cases, lumineers and veneers are used. Gaps between teeth can be eliminated with dentures. The patient puts on masking systems when needed and removes them as needed. Veneers are recommended to be used if the gums are poor condition. Removable dentures Elderly people are more often chosen, but in some cases the doctor recommends that young people also resort to this option, if there are indications.

Orthodontists will help

One option for eliminating gaps between teeth is braces. The technology is completely safe, its use is not associated with any additional risk for oral cavity. Currently, the technology is widespread for correcting the position of teeth in children and adolescents, since the effectiveness is observed if the teeth are still growing. For an adult patient, braces are often pointless and inconvenient to use. They are noticeable, so it’s hesitant psychological problem complexes due to external shortcomings. To correct the gap between teeth, you should use the system for a long time, which is not always possible in adulthood.

Relatively recently it was developed new approach to eliminate gaps between teeth. It is based on familiar braces, but optimized. It's about about invisible systems, kappas. These are transparent covers that are attached to the incisors. The elements can be removed as needed - for example, before eating.

When is it relevant?

For adult patients, braces (including improved models) are recommended if the problem progresses. The system is useful if a person suffers from bite problems or develops other pathologies affecting the jaws. Equally important affordable price. On the other hand, doctors recommend using braces and similar systems only if there are obvious indications for using such a method. But for young patients, this option is the only approach universally approved by dentists.

Is surgery necessary?

In some cases, the gap between the teeth can be eliminated by slightly adjusting the frenulum. It is shortened by cutting off a small piece. The approach is relevant if the problem is secondary, arising due to the incorrect size and structure of the frenulum of the upper lip. After surgical intervention And recovery period the teeth will not come together instantly - it takes some time. True, none special events no need, just wait, and after some time the jaw will return to normal.

I don't want to see a doctor!

Many people suffering from the described deficiency are panicky about visiting the dentist. Of course, I would like to believe that you can get rid of lye at home, but in practice this is impossible. Home manipulations recommended by traditional healers are variations of the braces described above, but often involve the use of some kind of independent systems, which can only worsen the situation. The best option- visit a specialist doctor who will advise which braces to choose, tell you how to use them at home, and also give general characteristics situation, will explain why the problem arose and which of the other correction methods in this case will be most successful.

Strictly prohibited

There is an opinion that you can tighten your teeth yourself, and this will completely solve the problem of the gap. What they don’t use! However, the most common option is to use floss to connect teeth. Such an event will not give any positive effect, but can provoke a disruption in the functionality of the protective coating, the tissue that forms the tooth. Ultimately, this leads to diseases of both teeth and gums.

Such homemade dentures become a place of accumulation of food residues, which means that putrefactive processes begin almost immediately and a focus of inflammation is formed. The technique is truly barbaric, and its results will sooner or later force you to go to the doctor for full dental treatment. It will cost much more than easy installation braces, which would help at the very beginning.

And I feel so good!

Some people read that a gap between teeth adds a special charm and makes a person more sweet and attractive. This opinion undoubtedly has its place, but it does not eliminate the need to adjust the position of the teeth. Sooner or later, the diastema will begin to grow, causing secondary problems, disrupting the health of the oral cavity. It’s not just about the aesthetic component: fan-shaped spread of teeth and loss due to buoyancy threaten.

Traditional medicine

With diastema traditional healers It is recommended to use some special compounds, compresses and infusions, which should improve the condition of the teeth. Most often, medicines are prepared using oak bark, calendula and chamomile. Having visited the doctor, it is worth clarifying whether such measures are necessary in a particular case? Usually the doctor gives a prescription for herbal tea, which should be used for regular rinsing of the mouth.

Infusions bring the greatest effect in the long term if you practice rinsing regularly. They improve the health of the oral cavity, help eliminate the tendency to minor bleeding, and make the dental tissues denser. Over time, the looseness of teeth disappears, and small gaps may even disappear on their own. This is explained by an increase in the density of teeth. Compresses come to the rescue if a person feels as if his teeth are not sitting tightly and his gums look loose. True, this is only effective for mild manifestations of the problem. If the symptoms worsen, you need to urgently make an appointment with the dentist to determine the cause and deal with it, and not with the manifestations of the problem.

What's the right way?

Normal condition teeth - contact individual elements side by side. In this case, gaps are formed, but they are microscopic in size. Such a row of teeth will not be a problem to clean during hygiene procedure. If there are microscopic gaps, the load is distributed evenly throughout the row. The problem can be not only gaps between the teeth, but also a too tight fit, when neighboring specimens literally rub against each other.

A dental defect in the form of a narrow gap between the front incisors will not please every owner.

How to close the gap between the front teeth? In addition to aesthetics, patients are justifiably concerned about the very presence of the gap and the associated inconveniences.

Gap between the front teeth - what does it mean?

In medical language, the phenomenon is called diastema. Translated from Greek language- "distance". In childhood, the diastema is already noticeable; the child’s teeth do not always shrink during the process of changing milk teeth to molars, and the gap remains. In adults, gradual formation of the lumen is possible.

In essence, diastema is a pathology. The gap between the incisors can reach 1 cm and form on both the upper and lower dentition. Its shape most often resembles a triangle, but can also be parallel or narrowed. Often accompanied by pathologies.

If a gap appears between the incisors, this is a reason for dental treatment, because in addition to external unseemlyness, diastema is fraught with some consequences:

  1. Development of periodontitis.
  2. Speech impairments - dyspalia (impaired pronunciation of certain sounds), lisp, whistling, hissing.
  3. Psycho-emotional discomfort.


Factors influencing the development of the deficiency are speculative. Without reasons and accompanying conditions, diastema does not develop. Why does it occur?

  • Hereditary or genetic cause. The lumen is formed according to the parent type. It is noteworthy that as the child grows up, he may part with the pathology.
  • Presence of pronounced interdental papillae.
  • Low attachment to the lips of the bridle, both upper and lower.
  • Excessive compaction of the cord of the frenulum of the upper lip.
  • Late shift permanent teeth dairy
  • Partial, which, in turn, is provoked by improper care and other conditions.
  • Amputation of anterior tooth and long absence prosthesis. At the same time adjacent teeth shift, closing the void, gaps are formed.
  • The bad habit of “pulling” the tongue, stretching it, gnawing objects, which leads to jaw deformation.
  • Periodontal pathologies.
  • Pathologies of tooth position.
  • A certain way of eating that is unusual for many.
  • Some food items are also accepted alcoholic drinks, smoking, causing oral pathologies.
  • Microdentia, or the patient's teeth are too small, is a genetically determined process.
  • Supernumerary teeth.
  • Congenital anomalies accompanied by slow growth of incisors and others.

Treatment of diastema should not be delayed. Dentistry offers therapy, orthopedics, orthodontics, in rare cases a prompt solution is required.

Photos before and after

Types and classification of the phenomenon

  • False diastema - pathology early age, observed in children when the bite is not yet fully formed. When changing teeth, it can go away on its own without leaving a trace.
  • True - the one that was preserved after the replacement of teeth and the formation of a bite, or developed in adulthood. Without timely treatment does not pass.
  • Symmetrical diastema, a phenomenon in which the central incisors, most often the front row, change position symmetrically to each other with the formation of a gap between them.
  • Asymmetrical diastema is a case in which one of the incisors deviates in any direction, while the second incisor maintains its natural position. The gap between the upper or lower teeth unequal to each of them.

Classification by tooth position:

  • Only the crowns of the incisors are deviated, the roots are motionless and retain their natural position. This position is called body shift. Common reason– supernumerary teeth. The diastema is rather small than large.
  • The crowns of the incisors are not just inclined, but displaced in space, the roots are motionless, but curved. This is the lateral deviation of the crown.
  • Both the crowns and roots of the teeth are displaced, or there is lateral deviation of the roots. The reason for this phenomenon is supernumerary teeth, congenital or genetic pathologies.

Important: all classifications of the phenomenon are conditional.

How to remove diastema?

The dentist can offer the patient several ways to solve the problem. The need for correction is determined by the type of diastema.

The main methods of correction: artistic restoration, surgical plastic surgery, orthodontics, surgery.

Artistic restoration (aesthetic camouflage of a defect)

Therapeutic techniques are used for such restoration. The interdental tissue is built up using a kind of filling insert, applied in several layers, hardening under ultraviolet radiation. In addition, veneers are used. The procedure has a number of advantages:

  • The patient can choose the shade of the composite material from which the inlay will be made.
  • Filling will completely fill the lumen of the diastema.
  • The procedure does not last long; all manipulations will take about an hour.
  • The restoration is performed without any anesthesia; the use of anesthesia is not indicated in all cases, depending on the specific situation.
  • The technique has no contraindications.
  • Post-treatment care is routine.
  • No complications.
  • The procedure is not prohibited if pregnancy has occurred, if the patient has cancer and in a number of other cases.
  • The restoration is suitable for children.

Of the minuses: traces of treatment are visible to the patient.

Surgical plastic surgery (installation of veneers or crowns)


  • the defect can be visually corrected completely;
  • there are no visible signs of treatment;
  • the patient chooses from metal acrylic, all-ceramic, metal-ceramic crowns or ceramic veneers;
  • the patient can also choose the shade of the veneers;
  • the technique takes longer than cosmetic restoration, but does not require long-term adaptation;
  • the risk of relapse is minimized.

The downside: the cost of such an orthopedic procedure for the patient can be high.


Indications for intervention are:

  • abnormal tooth size leading to diastema;
  • abnormal shape of teeth;
  • massive, low-set bridle.

Surgical correction is carried out by excision of soft tissues - frenulum, lips, tongue, depending on the type of pathology, with accompanying tooth extraction if necessary. Afterwards, orthopedic and orthodontic treatment methods may be required.

Orthodontic methods

This type of correction has a number of advantages over others.

  • Orthodontics is safe for the patient and occurs without the removal of teeth and tissue.
  • to correct diastema they have attractive appearance, like other modern products that pursue similar goals. The mouthguards are transparent and also unnoticeable.


  • Orthodontic treatment methods are the longest lasting of all.
  • Removable products can be created using electronic technology.
  • Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age (with caution).

Braces, modern barely noticeable products made of plastic, ceramics, metal or a combination, are prepared based on a cast of the jaw. They solve problems of abnormal bite and tooth alignment. Some systems are attached to the back of the dentition, some - from the side of the tongue. The course of treatment takes different time periods, which depends on the age of the patient - the older, the takes longer treatment.

They differ favorably in that they are removable. These are original bags for several teeth or the entire row. Selected with advanced technology anatomical shape tooth (row) of the required size, the tooth displacement function allows you to cope with the phenomenon of unnecessary gaps between teeth.

Such products can only be worn before bed, which is important for active adult patients. In addition, the special material from which the product is made allows you to whiten your teeth from the inside. Before eating, the mouthguards are easily removed and do not cause discomfort.

Important: the cost of the chosen treatment method varies greatly. The most affordable technique is cosmetic filling. It will cost more to fill the gap when choosing orthodontics, while metal braces cheaper than expensive sapphire ones.

What can you do at home?

Some patients are not suitable for one or another method of getting rid of the defect with the help of specialists. Exists folk method corrections using regular sewing thread. Cut a thread up to 30 cm long, tie it around the incisors and tighten it tightly, leaving it in this state overnight. This may cause discomfort.

This method takes from a year to a year and a half. It helps partially solve the problem. However, if the patient wants to do without braces due to the aesthetic side of the issue, or surgical intervention, it is better to get a detailed consultation with an orthodontist and choose available methods treatment.

Video: gap between teeth - how to get rid of it at home without braces?

Additional questions

How do you know if your child will have a gap between his teeth?

What is clear is that it is worth conducting a genealogical analysis and studying the frequency of occurrence of the defect in the family. When replacing baby teeth, be sure to wait until the canines are replaced. Then, if anomalies are excluded of various etiologies, make a decision on the choice of treatment, preferably no earlier than the child is 7-10 years old.

Small gaps between teeth are a cosmetic defect and do not cause special harm health. But if the distance between the teeth is too large, a person may have problems with diction and gums. In this case, the gap between the front teeth should be removed.

In dentistry the gap between the front incisors is called a diastema, between the other teeth - a trema. This pathology occurs in almost 20% of the population.

From Greek, diastema is translated as “interval”, and trema is translated as “hole”. The defect can be noticed even during the formation of the primary occlusion in the child.

Types of gaps between front teeth

There are two types of spaces between central incisors:

  • false;
  • true.

False diastema appears at the stage of development of baby teeth and goes away on its own after the lateral incisors erupt, “pushing” the central ones to the desired position. The formation of true pathology begins after the eruption of baby teeth.

Only a dentist can decide how to remove a hole between teeth. Without his intervention, getting rid of the gap is impossible.

Diastemas are classified according to their location. The following options are possible:

  • deviation of both roots and crowns;
  • displacement of only one of the teeth;
  • normal location of roots, tilt of crowns;
  • complete displacement of the crowns;
  • mirror movement of the central teeth.

In rare cases, a hole between the front teeth appears in adulthood, when the permanent bite is already fully formed.

Types of gaps between other teeth

There are three types: pathological and physiological. The first arise after the completion of the formation of the permanent dentition. Their formation can be caused by an incorrect bite or abnormal jaw size. This defect requires immediate correction.

Physiological trema occurs during the period when baby teeth begin to be replaced by permanent ones. At this time, active growth of the jaw bones occurs, which leads to the formation of interdental gaps. Such a defect is not a cause for concern; over time, the cracks will decrease on their own.

Causes of formation of interdental gaps

Can lead to the appearance of clefts between teeth various factors. These include:

  • Children's habits. If a child cannot refuse the pacifier for a long time, this can negatively affect the formation of the bite. The pacifier touches the front teeth, causing a gap to appear between them.
  • Prematurely removed or fallen out tooth. Premature loss or removal of teeth leads to the fact that the remaining teeth try to fill the empty space, which is why gaps appear.
  • Small size of the front incisors. Small teeth cannot fill all the space intended for them in the jaw row and limit the position of other dental units.
  • Individual characteristics. Some people have congenital problems with the formation of the dental apparatus.
  • Incorrectly formed frenulum. The bridle is located with inside lips and attached to the gum. If the frenulum is too large, then the crowns of the front teeth cannot meet; the distance between them is called a diastema.
  • Swallowing reflex disorder. When swallowing, the tongue should rest against the roof of your mouth, but in some people it rests against the front teeth, which can cause a gap to form between the teeth.
The appearance of interdental gaps in adults with fully formed dentition can provoke periodontal diseases. With such pathologies, the gums become loose, and bone tissue weakens. As a result, the teeth begin to shift different sides, which provokes the formation of crevices between them.

Possible complications

A small interdental gap does not cause discomfort and can be perceived as a unique highlight of appearance. If the diastema does not cause problems, there is no need to get rid of it. An accurate conclusion about whether it needs to be eliminated interdental gap, can be given by an orthodontist.

A huge distance between teeth can provoke numerous periodontal diseases and lead to the development of speech defects. During chewing, the area of ​​gum between problem teeth is often injured by hard food. Constant injury is fraught with the formation of periodontal pockets. Food particles accumulate in them, in which microbes actively multiply. Bottom line - inflammatory process And bad smell from the mouth, which causes a person even more discomfort than the gap itself.

Doctors note that patients with malocclusion are more likely to develop caries and develop tartar. Hardened plaque must be removed, and it is recommended to do this every 6–8 months. In addition, the curvature of the dentition always leads to improper distribution of the chewing load, which causes the development of periodontitis and other complications, including pathological mobility of the tooth and possible exposure of its root.

Incorrect alignment of teeth often leads to problems with the temporomandibular joint. At TMJ dysfunction intense pain syndrome while opening the mouth. An additional consequence of the disease is a large gap between the front teeth.

How to remove a gap between teeth

Treatment methods for diastema and diastema depend on the patient’s age, the size of interdental clefts and the general condition of the teeth and gums. The following methods of dentition correction are used:

  • orthopedic therapy;
  • prosthetics;
  • surgical intervention;
  • artistic restoration.
The dentist decides what to do if large gaps have formed between the teeth. The patient can only choose optimal method corrections suggested by the doctor.


If the distance between the teeth is small, you can limit yourself to artistic restoration. This is not a treatment, but a way to disguise cosmetic defect. On to the pros this method corrections include painlessness and simplicity of the procedure, but it is suitable only for adult patients who have already formed a bite.

Before artistic restoration The doctor should examine the problem teeth. If you have caries, periodontal disease or problems with enamel, preliminary treatment will be required. If there are no contraindications for restoration, the doctor selects the optimal material, the color of which does not differ from the natural color of the patient’s enamel, and begins the procedure.

The crown of the tooth being restored is built up layer by layer by applying plastic photopolymer materials, each layer is dried and polished. A septum is then formed to separate the teeth. You can remove gaps between teeth using this method in one visit to the dentist.

Veneers and crowns

You can disguise the hole between the teeth using special onlays. The most budget option - ceramic crowns. They are made according to an individual impression of the jaw of a particular patient.

The materials used to make crowns are strong, durable and do not require special care. But this method of correcting diastemas and threes has a number of disadvantages. In order for the material to fit tightly to the tooth, you will have to grind off its crown part, which increases the risk of damage to the dental unit and the development of caries. In addition, crowns can injure the gums during chewing, which is fraught with the periodic development of an inflammatory process.

A less traumatic, but more expensive way to eliminate gaps between teeth is to install veneers. Veneers are thin plates made of composite material or high-strength ceramics. The thickness of each pad is less than 0.7 mm. Using a special composition, they are glued to the cleaned and dried surface of the teeth.


Get rid of the diastema that has formed due to the large frenulum of the upper or lower lip, you can use a simple surgical operation. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia; during the operation, the frenulum is excised with a laser or scalpel and stitched.

The recovery period for the operated soft tissues takes several days. It will take some time for the teeth to return to the correct position, so the problem will not be completely eliminated immediately.

Orthodontic structures

Eliminate diastemas and trema between baby teeth formed due to malocclusion, orthodontic plates help. They are made according to an individual impression and are plastic structures with metal hooks and arches. If minor correction of the dentition is required, removable plates can be installed - they need to be worn only during the daytime.

Both children and adults can correct their bite with mouth guards. They are a kind of “cases” made of soft transparent material that can be worn at any time. convenient time. If necessary, the structure can be easily removed.

Mouthguards are recommended to be used if you need to remove a small diastema between the front teeth.

Braces can help correct a noticeable hole between teeth. The braces system consists of clasps that are attached to the tooth surface using a special adhesive solution. A flexible metal arch is attached to these grooves, which puts pressure on the teeth, forcing them to move in the desired direction.

Even large gaps between the front teeth can be corrected with braces. Correction can last from several months to two years, depending on the complexity of the defect. Periodically it is necessary to visit the dentist, who will tighten the arch to correct the pressure on the dentofacial apparatus.

Is it possible to fix a gap between teeth at home?

Some people are confident that they can get rid of gaps between teeth at home, without visiting the dentist or using orthodontic appliances. The effectiveness of home methods for straightening teeth is controversial, but it is up to the patient to decide whether to undergo such “procedures.”

To fix a hole between your teeth at home, you can make something similar orthodontic design using regular sewing thread. It is used to tie and tightly tighten the incisors, around which there are gaps.

It will take a long time to correct the diastema in this way - at least a year. The process will be accompanied unpleasant sensations In addition, the risk of spoiling the bite will increase - therefore, resorting to home methods for correcting the dentition is not only undesirable, but also extremely dangerous.

Gaps between teeth bring not only aesthetic discomfort, but also affect diction, disrupt the chewing process, and also contribute to the development of problems with soft tissues. Minor gaps are not dangerous, but large discrepancies must be corrected.

There are two types of clefts between teeth:

  1. Diastema is the distance between the teeth on the upper and lower jaw. Its size ranges from 1 mm to 1 cm.
  2. Trema is a large gap between the teeth in the far row - molars and premolars.

Important! Often in children there is a gap between the primary incisors. This is the so-called false diastema. When replaced with molars, it disappears. If this does not happen, they speak of a true diastema.

This is what a diastema looks like.

A gap between teeth appears in several reasons:

  1. Low location or increased size of the frenulum of the upper and lower lips.
  2. Microdentia is the growth of too small incisors and fangs.
  3. Bad habits: long weaning of a child from a pacifier, thumb or pencil sucking.
  4. : curvature, crowding.
  5. Long-term change of teeth.
  6. Excessive number of teeth: an anomaly occurs in 2–3% of people, characterized by the growth of additional canines, incisors and molars, most often on the upper jaw.
  7. Complication of gum disease.
  8. Loss of teeth: the remaining units are pulled together in place of the removed one, as a result, the integrity of the row is disrupted.
  9. Swallowing dysfunction: 5 - 7% of people, when swallowing, rest their tongue not on the palate, but on the upper incisors.

Important! To prevent the development of diastema in babies, they need to be weaned off the pacifier from the age of one and a half years.

Restoration methods

Depending on the cause of their appearance, as well as the size of the spaces between the teeth, gaps are eliminated in one of the following ways: orthodontic treatment, composite restoration, prosthetics, or surgery.

This is trema.

Important! If a gap between the front teeth appears due to a non-standard size of the frenulum, first surgical plastic surgery. Only after this they begin restoration.

Bracket system

Braces are used for severe malocclusions. They are usually installed on children and adolescents. But with the help of the design, curvature is also corrected in adults. Average duration therapy – from 6 months to 2 years.

Important! The duration of treatment directly depends on the size of the pathology and the age of the patient. The younger the client and the shorter the distance, the less time it will take to remove the chip.

Types of bracket systems.

TO pros bracket systems include:

  1. Saving natural look and integrity of the dentition.
  2. Safety.
  3. There is no need for depulpation and grinding of enamel.

Design disadvantages:

  1. Expensive.
  2. Duration of treatment.
  3. Painful sensations at the beginning of therapy.

Made from metal, ceramic and sapphire. The cost depends on the materials of construction, the manufacturer and the pricing policy of dentistry. On average, installing a turnkey bracket system will cost from 20,000 to 75,000 rubles.


Invisalign is a transparent aligner for correcting teeth.

Invisalign system– a new word in orthodontic treatment. A transparent mouth guard made of high-strength plastic is placed on the patient’s jaw. The design gently and gradually tightens the teeth, eliminating the gaps between the teeth. Thanks to this, minor curvature or chipping can be eliminated.

The Invisalign system is used as an alternative to braces. Compared to orthodontic braces, it has a number of advantages:

  1. Gentle effect on the jaw, no severe pain.
  2. Convenient – ​​the mouthguard can be removed while brushing your teeth and eating.
  3. High aesthetics - the transparent design is almost invisible.

Important! The mouth guard will have to be changed every 3 to 4 weeks. This “ties” the client to dentistry.

The disadvantages of the system are its high cost and the impossibility of installation in case of severe curvature and crowding. Prices for Invisalign start at 200,000 rubles.

Composite restoration

Dentists often recommend reconstruction when patients ask how to close the gap between their front teeth. composite materials. This method is used only to eliminate gaps between incisors, canines and slight curvature.

Result after correction.

Composites are elastic photopolymer materials. They are applied in layers and harden under a special lamp - a photopolymerizer. At the end, the dentist must remove excess fillings, polish and grind.

Pros composite restoration:

  1. Fast: recovery takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  2. The procedure is carried out in one visit.
  3. Painless.
  4. No need to grind down the enamel.

Important! retains the opportunity to correct the bite in other ways at any time. The method gives time to think about what to do next in case of serious defects.

Composites have significant cons:

  1. Average service life is 5 years.
  2. Restored teeth will need to be polished and fluoridated regularly.
  3. Fragility.
  4. Due to their porous structure, composites change color within 2–3 years.

The price of a composite restoration depends on the complexity of the restoration and how many units need to be fixed (one or more). On average, the cost varies between 5,000 – 7,000 rubles.


Large gaps between teeth are preferably corrected with veneers – ceramic plates. Their thickness does not exceed 0.7 mm, they are attached to the enamel and completely restore the aesthetics and functionality of the jaw.

Important! Veneers are made from individual impressions by a dental technician. The color and size of the plates fully correspond to the patient’s natural bite.

Veneers are one of the methods for correcting gaps between teeth.

Advantages of veneers:

  1. The plates are indistinguishable from natural teeth.
  2. Long service life - from 10 years.
  3. Increased strength.
  4. Allows you to correct many crooked teeth at the same time.


  1. The enamel is ground down.
  2. The duration of the procedure is 2 – 3 weeks.
  3. After the installation of the plates, restoration using other methods other than prosthetics is impossible.

The cost of veneering varies from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.


Another way to close gaps between teeth is dentures. single crowns. They are made from medical porcelain using impressions and installed on a pre-ground incisor or fang.

Important! Only crowns made of ceramics and zirconium dioxide are installed on incisors and canines. Metal ceramics do not convey the required transparency and are translucent.

Crowns are often used when it is necessary to restore one tooth or severely damaged incisors. They are durable, identical to the natural bite and shade. However, they have several disadvantages:

  1. The tooth is severely ground down and depulpation is carried out.
  2. Duration – the procedure takes from 2 weeks to a month.
  3. Once a crown has been installed, restoration by other means is not possible.

One crown costs about 15,000 rubles.

Gaps between teeth can be filled with composite restorations, orthodontic treatment, or dentures. The method of restoration depends on the financial capabilities of the patient and the clinical picture.