Mulberry, or mulberry: healing properties. Useful properties and contraindications of mulberry tree

I noticed that children especially love it. But adults also adore it and use it as a filling for delicious pies, manufacturing without alcoholic drinks, as well as wine and vodka-mulberry. The berry is stored for a long time, it can be dried and made into wonderful jams, delicious compotes and others useful preparations that can please you in winter. And the topic of my story will be: mulberry: benefits and harm to health.

What kind of berry is it?

Its size is approximately 2-3 centimeters and it has a pleasant smell. It is a fleshy and overgrown perianth, and looks a little like a blackberry or, only more elongated, rounded and large.

What color is mulberry?

If anyone doesn't know yet, there are several types of it. The berry can be white and black or dark purple: they are more common, but there is also a red mulberry. Black is somewhat more common in Russia. It has a sweet taste, a little sour, which many people like, and pleasant aroma.

The berry is native to the southern and western regions of Asia. But I heard that red varieties were brought from North America. The disadvantage of black ones is, perhaps, their corrosive juice, which can seriously stain clothes, which are then extremely difficult to wash. But the white one doesn’t get dirty at all. Moreover, they say that its juice perfectly cleanses the skin of black mulberry stains.

Where does mulberry grow?

I most often saw trees with the fruits of this berry on the outskirts of cities, where private houses were comfortably located. They are planted near the road, and everyone who passes by can eat the berries.

What difficulties may you encounter when harvesting mulberries? The difficulty is that its fruits ripen gradually. Some of them have already filled with juices and are ripe, so they quickly fall to the ground, while others are still hanging green on the branches and are too early to collect.

When is it time to eat?

It all depends on the region. In the southern parts of Russia it can be fully ripened by the beginning of June. And hundreds of kilometers to the north, as far as I know, it ripens several weeks later.

Medicinal properties of mulberry berries and leaves

Mulberry trees come from the southern regions, but today, through the efforts of breeders, more frost-resistant varieties have been developed. That is why we all got the opportunity to enjoy berries in middle lane having fun delicious product regardless of climate zone.

Initially, the trees on which this berry grows were used to raise silkworms. This is a special type of caterpillar that feeds on the leaves of this tree. This is where its name comes from. The plant was also famous since ancient times for its healing properties, which were successfully used in folk remedies for the treatment of a huge variety of diseases. The fruits of the tree are not only tasty and juicy, but also incredibly healthy, containing vitamins, valuable substances and rare trace elements.

What exactly are the benefits of berries for humans?

Simply huge! The substances it contains have a most beneficial effect on almost all organs of our body.

Mulberry is an excellent antidepressant. Decoction of dried berriesexcellent remedy to remove nervous tension which helps with stress. And in difficult periods of life, using it gives you the opportunity to collect your thoughts.

The berry is an excellent remedy for insomnia, influencing the strengthening of all organs. Mulberry practically has a rejuvenating effect on the aging body, can improve vision and helps with retinal lesions.

The berry perfectly cures heart diseases. It can reduce shortness of breath, lower blood pressure, and stimulate blood circulation. Mulberries have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, bringing invaluable benefits for intestinal diseases. Ripe berries relieve constipation, having a laxative effect. A green fruits, on the contrary, they are strengthened.

In addition, berries perfectly treat colds and relieve inflammatory processes for sore throat, no worse than raspberries. And from the leaves of the tree itself you can prepare an excellent decoction, which helps relieve fever by lowering body temperature.

Contraindications and harm to the body

Having listed so many advantages of mulberry, in the end I would like to note that it has practically no harmful properties and restrictions for use.

So there's no harm? Not really. Despite its undoubted advantages, it is also necessary to warn about its unpleasant features. You should not overeat yourself with this berry, because such intemperance can cause stomach upset and have the most disgusting effect on the functioning of the intestines, causing diarrhea.

At the same time, it is better to immediately take into account the characteristics of the body of the one who decided to thoroughly enjoy this delicious gift of nature. Fruit mulberry tree quite capable of causing allergies. In addition, doctors advise not to abuse the product if you have diabetes and hypertension. And since the berry reduces blood pressure, as already mentioned, for those who already have low blood pressure, it is better to be especially careful.

And I also want to warn you that special attention It is better to turn to the place where the berries are collected. If you collect mulberries from trees that grow near busy highways or within polluted cities, instead of enjoying the beautiful fruits, you can get a decent dose of toxic substances.

Mulberry is really healthy and delicious berry, but it is better to use this wonderful gift of nature in moderation.

In conclusion, I would like to say goodbye and thank you for your attention. I really hope that the story about the wonderful mulberry turned out to be interesting and that you liked it. Subscribe to blog updates, share your impressions and news that you learned today with your friends and acquaintances in social networks, and also leave your comments. All the best!

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Growing in the garden. These are apple trees, pears, cherries, plums and cherries. However, the mulberry tree is quite rare in it. But in the recent past it was very popular and affordable. The older generation of gardeners can tell a lot about useful plant, which has now become exotic.


An amazing long-liver from China. It has long been grown as a fodder crop. The leaves of the tree served as food for the silkworm, a producer of raw materials for making unique fabric. Gardeners grow the mulberry tree, which belongs to the genus Morus, not for silk production, but as an ornamental and fruit crop. The genus consists of twenty-four species. Of these, the fruiting ones are white and black mulberry, the distinctive characteristic of which is the color of the bark of an adult plant. Many gardeners mistakenly believed that mulberries are distinguished by the color of the berries. However, this is not at all true.

White mulberry has a light-colored bark. But the berries can be white, cream, pink, purple or completely black. The numerous genus Morus is represented by dioecious and less commonly monoecious trees. Most of them are heat-loving plants that can be grown in southern regions. Only white mulberry in the middle zone does not freeze, grows well and bears fruit.


Not every fruit plant can boast of its longevity. Over the course of two hundred or even three hundred years, the mulberry will give birth, without changing its qualities over time. The spreading tree reaches a height of twenty to thirty-five meters. It is often formed in the form of a two- or three-meter bush. The bark is light. The spherical crown is densely covered with oval foliage.

The cola-shaped inflorescences of the mulberry tree are small. They have a light green color. Dioecious or less commonly wind pollinated. The fruits of the drupe are formed in the form of small fruits. They have a pleasant sweetish taste. Depending on the variety, the berries can be painted in different colors. White mulberries ripen between May and July. It bears fruit in the fifth year after planting. Productivity is high. The berry picking period is somewhat extended due to unfriendly ripening. They are non-transportable and poorly stored; they are used immediately after removal.

This mulberry tree is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. These qualities characterize the plant as quite hardy and unpretentious. It is suitable for areas with any type of soil. In addition to these advantages, the mulberry tree is medicinal plant. The fruits have high content vitamins In addition, they contain flavonoid, morin, carotene, fatty acids, iron salts. Medicinal properties It’s not just berries that have it. The bark and leaves of the tree are also used in medicinal purposes.

Mulberry varieties

White mulberry can act as a fodder, fruit and ornamental crop. They are presented in various varieties, differing in individual properties.

Thus, among the fruit-bearing varieties, white honey mulberry is quite attractive. It is characterized by relative frost resistance and unpretentiousness, resistance to diseases. A tall deciduous tree with a wide crown. The simple oval leaves are light green. Inflorescences are spike-shaped. Juicy fruits are white in color.

Taste qualities good. The long harvest begins at the end of June. Uneven fruit ripening lasts until early August. Fresh berries are stored for no more than six hours. They practically do not tolerate transportation.

White mulberry of the Baroness variety is deciduous. The dense, well-leafed crown has a spherical shape. Flowers are dioecious. They are light in color and form a spike-shaped inflorescence. Large berries, 3.5 cm in size and 1.5 cm in diameter, are densely colored black. The aromatic complex drupe has a sweet good taste. Unlike the previous variety, the fruits are relatively transportable. The shelf life is twelve hours. The variety is high-yielding.

The berry picking period is June-July. This mulberry is an unpretentious plant with high frost resistance. Mulberry winters well.

Mulberry Smuglyanka is a tall spreading tree that has a pyramidal crown. Large fruits reach three centimeters. Black berries are very juicy. The taste is excellent. The slightly acidic taste does not spoil the berries. This variety is less winter-hardy than Baroness. IN winter period branches may freeze. An unpretentious plant with high productivity. The fruits ripen at the beginning of July.

In addition to fruit species, there are more than four hundred decorative forms. Mulberry varieties differ in shape and color scheme crowns and foliage. These are spectacular plants that are used in landscape design. The tree and shrub compositions, alleys and which include mulberry trees are beautiful. Their openwork crown goes well with evergreens.

Weeping white mulberry

A low-growing tree or shrub reaches a height and width of up to three meters. It has a very decorative appearance. The elongated mulberry branches hang down. This form is indispensable in landscape design and will decorate any garden.

The dark green large leaves, which can be from eight to twenty centimeters long, are heart-shaped. In autumn they turn yellow. The flowering period occurs in May-June. The mulberry bears few fruits. They are edible and have a pleasant sweetish taste.

In addition, there are spherical, dissect-leaved, Tatar and golden forms of white mulberry. Each of them has its own advantages and is widely used for single or group plantings.


Often, summer residents do not dare to plant mulberry trees, since space is limited in a small area. “Is my garden suitable for fashionable exoticism?” - this is the question that arises among gardeners when choosing one or another variety of long-lived giant.

Growing mulberries involves several ways to shape the plant, which will limit the height. A tall, powerful, spreading tree requires a larger feeding area. Mulberries are planted according to a pattern of 5 x 6 m. When the height of the mulberry is limited and grown as a bush, the pattern is different and is 2 x 3 m. White mulberry is unpretentious. It grows equally well in unfavorable urban conditions and in suburban summer cottages. The corner of the garden in which the mulberries will grow should be well lit. Planting and caring for mulberry trees follows generally accepted rules for fruit trees. Seedlings are planted in early spring. The planting location should be such that it does not damage. For better rooting, a mixture of humus and sand is added to the hole. Water the planting hole generously and sprinkle it with soil. The soil around the trunk of the seedling is mulched with peat. In the autumn, planting is carried out one and a half months before the onset of frost.

Agricultural technology

Care consists of removing weeds, loosening the soil and regular watering. It is especially important to monitor newly planted plants. Weeds that are destructive to plants are not allowed. Regular weeding and mulching with humus or peat will contribute to their normal and rapid growth. For summer season apply organic and mineral fertilizers. This agricultural technique is very important for normal development mulberries and obtain good harvests. Fertilizers are applied during bud break. Fifty grams of nitrophoska are needed per square meter. After applying the fertilizer, water the soil vigorously. At the beginning of July, watering is stopped. Feeding should also not be carried out during this period. Increased nutrition will promote the growth of young shoots, which will freeze out in winter.


To prevent the tree from growing tall and looking well-groomed, its crown is shaped, limiting its growth to three meters. In addition, last year's young growths may freeze slightly in winter. They need to be removed. Mulberry pruning has no individual characteristics. Sanitary and rejuvenating techniques are carried out, which are carried out following generally accepted recommendations for mulberry trees that tolerate pruning well. This intake should be regular. The crown is thinned annually. In this case, diseased, damaged and weak branches must be removed. Crossing shoots are also trimmed.

Obtaining seed material

White mulberries ripen in summer. Ripe fruits are suitable for obtaining seeds. After harvesting, some of the berries are left in the sun. They are slightly overripe. Then they are placed in a container for several days.

Juicy fruits should sour. Next they are ground in water. Full-bodied seeds sink to the bottom of the container. This mass is rubbed through a fine sieve. The resulting seeds are dried. They must be used within a year. They quickly lose their viability.

Seed propagation

Several methods are used to obtain young plants. Seed propagation is possible. This method begins with stratification. The seeds are kept at a temperature of zero or five degrees for a month. The greenhouse is pre-prepared. In early April, mulberries will be sown in it. Reproduction in this way allows you to have forty-centimeter seedlings already in the autumn.

Grafting on frost-resistant rootstock

To preserve the maternal characteristics of a particular variety, vaccination will be more effective. This method is more complicated. It requires careful selection of material for propagation. Winter mulberry grafting is quite often used. Young plants of frost-resistant mulberry varieties grown from seeds are used as a rootstock. They are dug up and stored in damp sawdust. The storage temperature should be zero degrees. Scions are also stored in damp sawdust. After grafting, the planting material is placed in boxes and kept at a temperature of twenty-five degrees. After this, they are stored in damp sawdust at zero temperature until spring.

Mulberry grafting in the spring is carried out on last year's rootstocks. This event occurs during the period before bud break. Cuttings taken in the fall are used. They are stored throughout the winter in damp sawdust at zero temperature.

You can also vaccinate in the summer. To do this, use the current year's blanks.

Propagation by green cuttings

Planting material is harvested in the second decade of June. Suitable green shoots are at least fifteen centimeters long. They are cut from non-lignified branches. The blanks are processed by removing the lower leaves and shortening the upper ones by half. Before rooting, the cuttings are kept for six hours in aqueous solution heteroauxin.

Or they are placed in a mixture of sand and peat, which is moistened with this solution. Green cuttings are rooted in closed ground. The main condition is high air humidity. To create greenhouse effect cover with plastic film.

Diseases and pests

Like any crop, white mulberry is susceptible to infection. It can be affected by diseases such as bacteriosis, powdery mildew and root rot.

In the spring, preventive spraying of the tree with special preparations is carried out.

The mulberry tree also has a lot of pests. Khrushchev, mole cricket, mulberry longhorned beetle, wireworm and spider mite damage various parts of the plant. To combat them, mechanical and chemical methods. In autumn, fallen leaves must be removed and burned.

Features of harvesting

White mulberry is characterized by an extended fruiting period. The berries ripen unevenly. On the one hand, this is good. More long period The mulberry tree will delight you with ripe juicy fruits. However, ripe fruits should be removed in a timely manner. Almost all varieties of white mulberry are poorly stored. They are not transportable. If there is a delay in picking, the berries fall off, which leads to their spoilage. After picking, the fruits are immediately processed or consumed. fresh.

Beneficial properties of white mulberry

The medicinal properties of mulberries have been known for a long time. Eating fresh berries helps improve general condition person. White mulberry helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system. It is included in diets for weight loss. The low-calorie berry perfectly normalizes metabolism. In addition, the plant cleanses the intestines and promotes the removal of toxins. Mulberries are most often consumed fresh. It is also subjected to culinary processing. It is suitable for preparations for future use. You can make juices, syrups, jams and marmalades. Wines and liqueurs have an exquisite taste. It is also dried. In this form, it is used instead of sugar. White mulberry is indispensable in cosmetology. It is included in various masks for hair, face and body.

However, with all the advantages, one should not forget about individual characteristics body. Like any medicine, the use of mulberries also has contraindications. Excessive use may cause harm. The berries are not recommended for diabetics. Dried mulberry leaves will be healthier for them.

Mulberry, also known as mulberry, as well as the “king berry” - a tree that reaches 20 meters in height - is widely used in traditional medicine recipes. All parts of this plant have medicinal properties: bark, rhizomes, young buds, leaves and fruits. Invaluable benefits tinctures, decoctions and ointments prepared from mulberry components provide benefits to our body. But do not forget that the use of mulberries for medicinal purposes also has contraindications. It is worth familiarizing yourself with them in advance so as not to harm your body.

Mulberry is popularly called the “Tree of Life” for its beneficial properties.

Berries help cleanse the blood, restore metabolism, and remove phlegm; used to treat diabetes, diseases bile ducts, atherosclerosis. Juice from the berries helps in the treatment of sore throat, pneumonia, and bronchitis. Black fruits are used in cooking; all kinds of fillings for pies, desserts, jam, and delicious wine are prepared. Dry berries are used as a natural sugar substitute, and frozen berries are used as the basis for compotes.

Mulberry bark has wound-healing and disinfectant properties and is used for heart, pulmonary and kidney diseases.

The leaves are used to prevent diabetes, relieve headaches, and treat fever. A decoction of the leaves perfectly softens hair.

Mulberry root helps with hypertension and treatment of pathologies various organs. Also in folk medicine used to treat worms.

Agree that this is a godsend for our body; not every plant can boast of its versatility in use.

Mulberry is unpretentious in cultivation, easily tolerates frost in winter and heat in summer

Mulberry composition

Mulberry or mulberry fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. Below are just the main useful components:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • folic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • glucose;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • fructose;
  • vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, PP, K;
  • resins;
  • iron salts;
  • carotene;
  • pectin;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins

Harvesting mulberries for use in folk medicine

The bark is harvested in the spring, the fruits of the plant are harvested in July - August, and the roots are collected in the fall. The raw materials are thoroughly dried in the sun in within three days, then dried in a room that must be ventilated during drying. In order for the raw material to dry well, it must be stirred periodically. The preparations can be stored in a rag bag: bark - for 2–3 years, buds - 1 year, and fruits and leaves - from one and a half to two years.

Mulberry fruits are not suitable for long-term fresh storage; this berry has a very sweet and juicy taste, it contains a lot of sugars and few acids. Food coloring is made from mulberries.

Video: medicinal properties of mulberries

Areas of application of mulberry dosage forms

It must be kept in mind that all of the following treatment methods should be used as aids to combat the disease, consultation with a specialist is necessary before treatment.

Methods for preparing mulberry-based medicines

There are a huge number of recipes based on mulberry components.

Root based tonic

  • 1 tsp. crushed root or bark;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

Leave for an hour. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

For hypertension and heart disease

  • 200 g chopped mulberry roots;
  • 4 liters of cold water.

Place the roots in an enamel pan, add water and leave for an hour. Boil for 15 minutes. Cool and refrigerate. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day for three days, then take a three-day break. Repeat treatment 2–4 times.

For cataracts

  • 2 tbsp. l. fresh or dried crushed mulberry leaves;
  • 500 ml water.

Pour boiling water over the raw materials and cook for 20 minutes. Let it brew for an hour, strain and drink in the morning, lunch and evening. The course is 1–3 months without a break.

Mulberry branches for headaches

  • a handful of chopped mulberry branches;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the branches and cook for 10 minutes, let it brew for 1 hour. Drink one glass three times a day. Course - 2 months.

All parts of the mulberry tree are used: root, bark, branches and berries

For pancreatitis (diseases of the pancreas)

  • 1 tbsp. l. fresh chopped mulberry leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. water.

Brew like tea. Drink without limiting the quantity, and also eat fresh black berries. Follow the diet indicated for pancreatic disease. There is no course.

To reduce temperature

  1. Mix the fruits with sugar.
  2. Add warm water. Take the medicine until the fever subsides.

Berry juice for a runny nose

Pipette juice from freshly squeezed berries into your nose no more than six times a day.

All-purpose expectorant, diuretic and decongestant (decoction)

  • 1 dessert spoon dried leaves mulberry tree, previously crushed;
  • 500 ml water.

Pour water over the leaves, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Let it brew for half an hour. Take 50 g warm, drink half a glass at night for swelling. You can wipe wounds with this decoction.

Ointment that relieves purulent wounds, burns, ulcers, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema

  • 100 ml boiled sunflower oil.

Mix the bark with oil. Leave in the refrigerator for three days. After time has passed, mix again and use on problem areas of the skin.

Video: how to lower blood sugar

Berry tincture for heart and kidney problems

  • 2 tbsp. l. mulberries;
  • 250 ml boiling water.

Mash the berries, pour boiling water over them and leave for four hours. Strain, take half a glass four times a day.

Berry tincture will help well with various problems

Tincture with honey during menopause

  • 1 kg of fresh mulberries;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 300 g honey.

Pour water over the fruits and cook over low heat for half an hour. Add honey and bring to a boil again. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day an hour after meals.

Treatment for worms

  • 0.5 tsp. dry mulberries;
  • 0.5 tsp. carnations;
  • 0.5 tsp. flax seeds;
  • 1 glass of carrot juice.

Grind berries, cloves and flax seeds in a coffee grinder. Wash this mixture down with carrot juice.

For primary glaucoma, for “fog” in the eyes and tearing

  • a handful of dried mulberry leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. water.

Pour water over the leaves and cook in a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool and drop five drops into each eye, and warm leaves from the decoction are placed on the eyelids for about 20 minutes.

Blood thinner infusion

  • 50 g mulberry roots;
  • 1 liter of cold water.

Pour water over the roots and let stand for an hour. Then boil and cook for 15 minutes over low heat, cool. Take 200 ml 3 times a day before meals. Course - 5 days, break 3 days. Repeat the procedure for 2–3 courses.

For insomnia

  • 1 kg of fresh or 0.5 kg of dry mulberries;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 300 g honey.

Cook over low heat for half an hour, pour the infusion into another saucepan. Add another 0.5 liters of water to the remaining mixture and boil for 30 minutes. Pour the mixture into the first saucepan (where the infusion is), grind through a sieve, add honey for viscosity. Bring to a boil again, cool and place in a glass container. Drink 1 tsp. three times a day, only in the afternoon.

For prostatitis and impotence (also for menopause in women)

Take 3 tsp. three times in the afternoon. Store the drug in the refrigerator.

The antimicrobial properties of honey are used in the treatment of the genitourinary system

Dried mulberry leaves for diabetes

  • 2 tbsp. l. mulberry leaves;
  • 400 ml boiling water.

The leaves are brewed with boiling water, left for an hour, and filtered. Drink 1/2 glass four times a day before meals.

At initial stage For diabetes, hot dishes are seasoned with powder from dry mulberry leaves.

Useful recipes for type 2 diabetes

Recipe No. 1:

  • 1 tbsp. l. with a pile of dried white mulberries;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over dry berries and cook for five minutes, seal tightly. Leave until warm state and strain. Drink 1/2 glass in the morning and evening before meals.

Recipe No. 2:

  • 2 tbsp. l. young mulberry shoots (chopped);
  • 200 ml boiling water.

Pour water over the shoots, bring to a boil, leave until warm. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe No. 3:

  • 2 tbsp. l. white mulberry leaves;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Brew the leaves in a heat-resistant container and leave for two hours. Take half a glass three times a day before meals. The drug lowers blood sugar levels.

Recipe No. 4:

  • mulberry root (whole);
  • 1 liter of water.

Pour water over the root and boil for 10–15 minutes. Drink 0.5 liters of decoction throughout the day.

For dietary nutrition

The diet is designed for 3 days, you can lose 2 kg.

  • Breakfast: boiled chicken breast, veal or lean pork (200 g), fresh mulberries (50 g);
  • Lunch: mulberries (50 g), 3 boiled eggs;
  • Afternoon snack: mulberry (100 g);
  • Dinner: 500 ml kefir.

Bekmes (doshab) from white mulberry fruits

White mulberry fruits are thoroughly washed, placed in a canvas bag, and pressed. The resulting juice is filtered and boiled until reduced in size by 3 times, stirring and skimming off the foam. If foaming goes to the center of the dish and there are large bubbles, then the doshab is ready. Mulberry doshab helps to normalize work digestive tract, will eliminate severe cough.

You can make not only tasty but also very healthy doshab from mulberries.

Anti-acne lotion based on dried bark

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed mulberry bark;
  • 500 ml boiling water.

Leave and strain. Place in the refrigerator for storage. The lotion is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. If you mix crushed mulberry bark with vegetable oil(2 tbsp/100 ml), you will get an ointment for acne. Can be applied to problem areas of the skin as a mask, 4 times a day.

Recipes for home cooking

Mulberries are happily used in cooking. It turns out delicious jam, compote, tincture, wine, various pies - any dish turns out tasty and very healthy. When cooked, mulberry does not lose its beneficial properties.

Black mulberry compote

  • 1 kg mulberries;
  • 400 g sugar;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • lemon juice or 2–3 g citric acid, to taste.

Place a pan of water on the stove and wait until it boils. When the water boils, add sugar to it, and after three minutes pour in the berries (washed). Cook for 10 minutes and strain.

Reduces appetite and has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.

Mulberry jam

  • 1 kg mulberries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 3 g citric acid.

Wash the mulberries, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 6 hours. Pour the candied berries into a saucepan and cook over low heat for 5–8 minutes. Then remove the jam from the heat for 10 minutes and cook again for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 6 times. At the end of cooking, you can add citric acid, but this is optional.

Helps with colds, relieves fever.

Mulberry jam is an excellent remedy for colds

Mulberry tincture

  • 400 g (2 cups mulberries);
  • 0.5 l of vodka;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 200–400 g sugar.

Grind the berries. Mix water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for three minutes, cool. Mix berries, vodka and syrup in a jar. Close the lid tightly and place in a dark place for 14–20 days, remembering to shake once every three days. Before use, strain through cheesecloth or a sieve and pour into bottles.

It is an excellent tonic and expectorant.

Features and conditions of use during pregnancy

Pregnant women are recommended to eat up to three hundred grams of mulberry per day, as it contains riboflavin, which has a positive effect on the development of the embryo. Also, taking mulberries in the third trimester will help get rid of swelling, which often occurs during pregnancy. Digestion of food improves. The iron contained in this berry reduces the risk of anemia, and phosphorus strengthens bone tissue and the nervous system. But excessive consumption of mulberries can cause allergies and increased gas formation.

Berries can and should be eaten during pregnancy, but in limited quantities

Harm from the berry, possible side effects when using mulberries and contraindications

Dried or raw mulberries have not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. Raw berries should not be combined with milk and cold water, since this type of intake can cause stomach upset and flatulence. Diabetics should take it with caution, because taking mulberry increases blood pressure, you need to adhere to a certain proportion in the composition medicinal prescriptions. Today, there are no contraindications to taking the fruits of the plant, unless you are allergic to this product.

As you can see, there are many ways to use this miracle plant. Probably each of us will find the recipe that suits him. And this sweet and very tasty berry will not leave a single person indifferent; it’s not for nothing that dried berries are given to children instead of candy!

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Mulberry fruits, shaped like blackberries, are extremely useful and are used as a natural antiseptic.

Mulberry in medicine: benefits and contraindications of fruits

Mulberry- a genus of deciduous trees of the mulberry family. In culture for more than 3000 years. People breed them for their leaves, the main food for silkworms, and as a fruit crop. There are about 10 species in the genus, but three are most often used. The berries are a cluster of juicy grains with skin, pulp and small grains.

There are many types, shapes and varieties, among which black, white and red mulberries stand out for their fruits. All species are fast-growing deciduous dioecious plants, distinguished by a variety of leaf shapes, which, even on one branch, can be three-, five-fingered or whole heart-shaped.

All parts of the mulberry tree contain milky sap, which is released when the plant tissues are injured. The fruits resemble berries or, in some cases, contain seeds, in others they are seedless.

As you can see in the photo, mulberry berries have the shape of drupes and reach 2-3 cm:

The fruits are juicy, sweet, and have a pleasant aroma. The first fruits begin to ripen in mid-July. The main ripening period occurs at the end of July - beginning of August.

The first to use mulberry in medicine was the medieval Persian scientist, physician and philosopher Abu Ali ibn Sina - Avicenna, who was one of the first to draw attention to the benefits of using this plant.

All parts of the tree are used for treatment - roots, bark, leaves and fruits. This plant is an excellent natural antiseptic and can be used as an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic, and astringent.

It is used in the production of sugar, citric acid and vinegar. In folk medicine it is unique plant can bring tangible benefits in the treatment of many diseases. The berries, when fully ripe, are an excellent laxative and are suitable for constipation. Green fruits are used for diarrhea. Juice, diluted boiled water, used for rinsing the mouth for throat diseases. An infusion of mulberry bark and berries is effective for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma.

As a diuretic, decoctions of the bark and roots are used for hypertension. The leaves are infused and taken in infusions for fever to reduce the temperature. It is recommended to consume berries in large quantities with heart disease and myocardial dystrophy. A healing powder is made from the bark; if it is mixed with oil, you get a remedy for healing wounds, cuts, and ulcers. This ointment quickly eliminates bruises.

Eating it helps in the treatment of prostatitis and impotence, with uterine bleeding and to relieve menopausal syndrome.

The main contraindication for mulberries is individual intolerance. Excessive consumption of this berry can cause side effects. digestive system. In addition, people suffering diabetes mellitus or hypertension, you should consult your doctor before eating berries.

Black and white mulberry: photo and description

There are about 24 species of mulberry, native to East and Southeast Asia, the Sunda Islands, India, southern North America, parts of Africa and southern Europe. There are 2 common types of mulberries in culture - white and black mulberries.

They are grown for their fruits and for producing leaves for feeding silkworms. To feed the silkworm, white, silkworm and multi-stemmed mulberries are cultivated, and black mulberries are also cultivated to produce fruits.

White mulberry can have not only white, but also pink, yellow and even black fruits - this variety got its name thanks to light color tree bark.

White mulberry is native to Asia Minor and East Asia. This is a fast-growing, tall, long-lived tree with a dense spherical or spreading crown. The leaves on one tree grow in various configurations; in summer they are dark green and yellow in autumn. The berries of this type of mulberry deserve a special description - they have a surprisingly sugary taste.

It is unpretentious to soil and growing conditions - it grows successfully in city conditions, and its long roots help stabilize slopes and ravines. At a young age, it easily tolerates transplantation. This species can withstand significant frosts (up to -30 degrees), and when young branches freeze after pruning, they quickly grow back and restore fruiting.

Grown by gardeners and how ornamental plant: There are many garden forms with weeping, pyramidal, spherical, multi-stemmed, dwarf crowns and a variety of leaves. Decorative forms are propagated by grafting and vegetative methods.

Pay attention to the photo - white mulberry is used for single, group planting and for creating a dense hedge, as it tolerates regular trimming well.

Black mulberry originally from Iran and Afghanistan. In nature and in hot countries, it is a large tree up to 15 m high. The wide spreading crown is covered large leaves. The shiny black fruits are very juicy and tasty, sweet and sour.

Summer green deciduous tree with a low, very wide and spreading crown. The tree is usually much larger in width than in height. The trunk is often twisted, curved or crooked. The bark is dark brown or orange-brown, fissured. The leaves are 7-18 cm long and about 8 cm wide, broadly oval and heart-shaped, with a short slender apex, deeply notched at the base, irregularly crenate, serrate-crenate or slightly lobed along the edges; on the upper side they are rough, pubescent, light green to bright green, on the lower side they are light green, with soft pubescence.

The plant is monoecious. Men's earrings are short and thick, pale green. Female inflorescences are even shorter. Fruits develop not from carpels, but from elements of the flower cover. Blooms in May-June.

Below are descriptions of black and white mulberry varieties.

Black Baroness. Deciduous dioecious tree with a moderately dense spherical crown. The flowers are dioecious, collected in spikes. The leaves are simple, 3-5 lobed or entire. The fruit is a large one-dimensional edible, juicy, sugary complex drupe of thick black color. The taste is very sweet and pleasant, almost without acid. The aroma is insignificant. Fruiting is abundant and regular, the berries ripen in June-July. Productivity is high. Transportability of berries is satisfactory. The shelf life of fresh berries without spoilage is 6-12 hours. The variety is unpretentious to soil and living conditions. Withstands frosts -30°C and above.

Dark-skinned girl- a variety of white mulberry. A large deciduous tree with a dense spreading crown. Productivity is high. The fruits are almost black, up to 3.5 cm in length and 1.2 cm in diameter, juicy, sweet, ripen in June-July. Transportability is good. When describing this variety of mulberry, it is especially worth noting the frost resistance, drought resistance and unpretentiousness of the trees.

Black mulberry Istanbul. One of the largest-fruited mulberry varieties. The tree is tall, up to 7 m high. The crown is dense, spherical. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year.

Look at the photo - this black mulberry has small flowers, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences:

Leaves are ovoid. Blooms at the end of April. Ripe fruits are almost black in color, large 3 cm in length. The ripening period is long from the second ten days of July to August - the third ten days.

Unpretentious to soil and living conditions. Withstands frosts down to -30°C

Planting and caring for mulberries in spring and autumn

The plant is easy to grow, its unpretentiousness allows it to be planted on any soil. The plant loves moderate watering and mulching of the soil. The tree tolerates pruning well, which results in the crown becoming denser and more spherical in shape. In winter, no shelter is required - it can withstand frost well. In summer it can easily withstand drought. Propagated by cuttings, seeds or separating offspring from the mother plant.

There are two main planting methods: seedlings and seeds.

For planting and subsequent care of mulberries, use a sunny place; the soil should be loose to make furrows easier to make. These furrows need to be well watered; it is advisable to add fertilizer for fruit and berry crops to the water.

Sow seeds as rarely as possible - this will make it easier to plant the seedlings. It is necessary to sow the seeds at a depth of 3–5 cm; after sowing, water them thoroughly and mulch them so that the soil does not dry out. When planting in the fall, take care of insulation so that the seeds do not freeze.

After the seedlings sprout, they need to be watered and weeded periodically. Seedlings can be fed with fertilizers to better growth. At proper care Mulberry seedlings will be strong and large by autumn. They will need to be seated - the distance should be from 3 to 5 meters.

Seedlings should be planted in early spring in the sunniest place. After digging a hole, add compost or nutrient soil to it, pour in plenty of water with fertilizer diluted in it for better rooting of seedlings, and cover with soil. Water and mulch the soil around the seedling again.

Caring for mulberries in spring, summer and autumn consists of weeding and watering. Seedlings can also be planted in the fall, but this must be done a month and a half before frost. To prevent the tree from growing too large and looking well-groomed, its crown must be periodically trimmed and shaped.

Pruning mulberry trees (with video)

Mulberries should be pruned only during the period of complete dormancy from early to mid-winter. In older trees, however, intensive sap flow may already occur at this time; A red-hot poker is traditionally used to cauterize wounds.

Prune old trees only when necessary - remove infected and damaged branches in the summer. Juice is also released through wounds in the roots; do not cut them off when planting.

Later, pruning of a properly formed tree can be kept to an absolute minimum.

For a young tree, clear branches from a trunk to a height of 1.5 m so that the spreading branches of an adult plant do not fall to the ground.

Unwanted shoots on the developing trunk are shortened in the first year, and completely removed in the second.

To form a structurally sound tree, try to keep the main shoot to a height of about 6 m, tie it up if necessary and remove competing leaders, otherwise give the crown the opportunity to develop naturally.

To make harvesting easier, low-growing compact trees can be formed.

Trim the apical shoot directly above the top 3-4 powerful side shoots, at a height of 1-1.5 meters. Form a skeleton of 8-10 branches, like a low-standard apple tree.

Then allow the crown to develop naturally, keeping pruning to a minimum. Unwanted shoots must be quickly plucked or trimmed.

Young trees are easy to form. Seedlings slowly form side shoots, so pruning them to clean the trunk may only be required after 3-4 years, as with some ornamental standard trees.

Once the trunk is formed, allow the crown to develop naturally or, to form a more compact tree, prune the top and upper side branches, like a low-bole tree, this year and next.

Watch the mulberry pruning video to better understand how this procedure is performed:

Mulberry grafting rules

If for some reason the plant produces low-quality fruits, or you want to grow several varieties on one tree at once, then the grafting procedure will help you.

The first step is to ensure that the cuttings are prepared in advance. Annual shoots are cut from the top of the crown fruit tree on the well-lit side in early spring or late winter, when there are no longer severe frosts. Store them in a damp, cool place, wrapped in a damp cloth. It is very important that the cuttings are prepared correctly and are not frozen.

Most often, mulberry grafting is done in the spring, in early or mid-April. The period of spring grafting begins with the beginning of bud break on the tree and lasts until the end of flowering. At this time, the circulation of sap in the tree trunk reaches its peak, which means there is a high probability of fusion of the scion and rootstock.

Vaccination in the summer is also welcome; it can be repeated after an unsuccessful procedure in the spring. For summer grafting by budding, shoots of the current year are used, rather than prepared in advance. To do this, you should choose vegetative shoots: elongated, fruitful and with large leaves. It is also important that the buds on them are well developed.

It is very important to follow the rules for mulberry grafting:

  • The work must be done with clean and well-sharpened tools to ensure high-quality cuts the first time.
  • The cut areas quickly oxidize, so the work must be done quickly enough.
  • The wounds, after the procedure, must be treated with a special putty - garden varnish or oil paint.

Mulberry- a plant of the Mulberry family. These fruits grow in countries with temperate and subtropical climates. For the first time they learned about black mulberry in the countries of South-West Asia, and white mulberry in China. The fleshy fruits, which consist of small drupes, reach a length of approximately 3 cm (see photo). The berries are juicy and very sweet in taste.

Useful properties

Mulberries contain a huge amount of potassium, which is necessary for normal functioning cardiovascular system.Berries act on the body as a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Due to the pectin content in mulberries, the berries resist the occurrence of digestive problems. Due to this, it is recommended to consume the fruits during the treatment of enterocolitis and gastritis. In its unripe state, mulberries are usually used for heartburn.

Use in cooking

Mulberries are a wonderful delicacy that can be consumed simply by picking them from the tree. The fruits are also used as a filling for various baked goods, and dumplings are also made from it. Juice is extracted from the berries, compote and jelly are prepared, and they are also used to make alcoholic beverages, such as wine and liqueur.

In addition, mulberries can be canned, boiled, made into syrup and jam, jam, etc. A very tasty dessert is marshmallow and sorbet made from these berries. The fruits are also dried, crushed and subsequently used to prepare a variety of baked goods.

Mulberry benefits and treatment

The benefits of mulberry are appreciated not only in folklore, but also in official medicine. For example, doctors recommend that their patients who have edema and biliary dyskinesia add this product to their diet. It was experimentally determined that regular consumption of mulberries helps get rid of shortness of breath and improve heart function.

Traditional healers advise eating berries for stomach upsets. Unripe fruits will help with diarrhea, and on the contrary, I use ripe ones as a laxative. In addition, the juice or infusion of the berries has a bactericidal effect, which makes it possible to gargle with it during illness. Also drinks made from mulberry have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.

Mulberry infusion will help with nervous disorders, which are triggered by overwork. Besides this similar drinks will help cope with insomnia. Fresh berries are useful for treating anemia. To get rid of lichen, you need to lubricate the affected areas of the skin with juice more than 10 times during the day.

In folk medicine, it is customary to use not only berries, but also mulberry leaves. In Vietnam, they produce a drug that is useful for rheumatism and various skin diseases. In addition, it has the ability to increase protective forces body.

Harm of mulberries and contraindications

Mulberry can cause harm to people with individual intolerance to the product. If you have hypertension, you should limit the amount of berries you consume, as berries can cause an increase in blood pressure. blood pressure. People with diabetes should treat mulberry with caution. You don't need to eat a lot of berries at once, as this can cause severe diarrhea.