A lump on the forehead from a blow, what to do. There is a bone bump on the forehead. What to do to reduce forehead bumps

A lump on a child's forehead represents quite a common occurrence. Many little playful girls often encountered similar phenomenon. Some parents fundamentally do not pay attention to this phenomenon, while others, on the contrary, consider this a reason for panic. But what should really be the correct reaction if a big bump appears after hitting your forehead? Let's try together to find answers to such pressing questions.

Causes of lumps

In fact, the appearance of a bump is not always accompanied by a blow. In some cases, it happens that there was no blow, but there is a big bump on the baby’s forehead? How to remove a bump on the forehead in this case, and in general, why did it appear? Lumps on the forehead and other parts of the head can occur for a number of other reasons. For example, this phenomenon occurs after the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, and often tends to grow, harden and become painful. What to do in this case? Under no circumstances should you puncture the bladder to get rid of a lump, as this may cause an infection.

If your baby did not hit his forehead, but a bump appears, then immediately contact a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

You can get rid of a lump by applying cold to it; this method is quite effective, and at the same time completely safe. To prevent the occurrence of wen, you should care for your baby's skin carefully.

In some cases, the appearance of compactions and redness of the skin may indicate the presence of an abscess, and a fairly deep one. In this case, it is not recommended to do anything on your own; only a surgeon can get rid of this problem: in some cases, it will be enough to use suction ointments combined with vitamin therapy, restorative measures and antibiotics. Only in extreme cases can a lump be removed through gentle surgery.

And finally, although it is very rare, a bump on the forehead can occur after the development of such serious illnesses, like melanoma or hemangioma, in this case only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and tell you how to get rid of it and what to do in your specific situation.

How to avoid the consequences of a blow

If after a blow to the forehead the baby develops a lump, what to do in such a situation? Most often, large or small bumps occur after hitting your head on a fairly hard object. First of all, after an impact, the vessels are affected, they are injured with further rupture, resulting in a hematoma, and at the site of swelling, the tissues have a bluish tint.

The formation of a bruise occurs quite quickly, within a couple of minutes after the impact. But if measures are taken very quickly, the lump will not have time to grow on your baby’s forehead. The easiest way is to apply something cold to the site of injury: a rapid constriction of blood vessels will occur, which will relieve swelling. Even better, take the ice straight from the freezer, just apply it not to the skin, but through a cloth so that it doesn’t become too sharp drop temperature. If your baby gets a bump on his forehead, you can wet a napkin or towel by placing it on the bump site, but it is strictly forbidden to just pour water on your head.

Another main point is that all the actions described above can be performed only if during the bruise there was no damage to the child’s skin, that is, there is only a bump, without scratches, through which pathogenic microorganisms can enter during manipulation.

How to treat a lump?

True, it does not always happen that adults are nearby, and even in this case it is not always possible to find suitable means. It happens that mom simply rushed around, panicked, and time ran out. The child has already developed a lump on his forehead and it needs to be treated. For example, you can use such a popular product for these purposes as “Aibolit”, it is created on the basis of beeswax. There are also homeopathic remedies, such as Traumeel S and heparin ointment, or medicinal preparations such as Lyoton and Troxevasin.

There are also many different proven folk ways, the most popular of which is thistle - you can buy such a prickly flower in every pharmacy. It needs to be brewed and lotions made from it. If we talk about purely home remedies, then in this case you can use grated potatoes as a compress, or a small piece of chilled raw meat. Cabbage leaf is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic plant, and in summer time You can add a freshly picked plantain leaf or buy it dried at a pharmacy.

Moreover, it has been proven more than once that large size a lump resulting from blows can go away much faster if you make a mesh of iodine. After such a “grid” is absorbed, you need to draw it again, and so on until the lump completely disappears.

Don't miss alarms

Even if initially the child’s fall did not cause any particular concern, it is still recommended to observe certain time for the baby. If the child’s forehead hits a hard object, then it may well be that the bump will be the lesser of the evils in this situation. It is especially necessary to be as careful as possible if there are other symptoms indicating the possibility of a concussion:

  • blue lips, pallor skin;
  • drowsiness, unexplained weakness;
  • difficulty breathing, in some cases with temporary loss of consciousness;
  • the lump grows enough large sizes or, conversely, a dent has formed at the site of the impact;
  • the child has vomiting and nausea;
  • Bleeding from the ears and nose, convulsions, painful sensations while moving your head;
  • appear under the eyes dark circles, there is an increase in pupils;
  • child long time unable to calm down, behaves very strangely.

If you notice several or even one of all the signs described above in your child, this should be a signal for you to call an ambulance, and the sooner this is done, the better. Even if there is a false alarm, consultation with a professional will not be superfluous: only a doctor can correctly assess the situation and advise best option, which can help your child in this particular situation. In any case, we recommend showing the child to a doctor, even if, at first glance, he feels quite normal, in order to rule out possible concussion brain

A child hits his forehead - a big bump is inevitable

Alarming symptoms

There are also some warning signs, having discovered which parents should not hesitate to visit the pediatrician:

  • The child cries constantly.
  • The child has seizures.
  • There is bleeding from the ears and nose.

Symptoms such as these indicate severe brain injuries. If you observe any of the above signs, call the children's emergency room. Remember that these symptoms may not appear immediately, but within 24 hours or later after the incident, so do not leave your baby unattended. Yes and in medicinal purposes The reaction and behavior of the baby after a bruise is more important, and not the bruise itself.

If the lump on the child’s forehead is not from a blow

A child has a lump on his forehead - first aid

Which is hard to even imagine without healthy baby? No movement! And endless jumping and running often end in the same way - with abrasions, bruises and bumps. Usually, after a fall, all you need is a damp cloth to tidy up your palms and knees, but sometimes the consequences are more serious - a bump appears on the child’s forehead. How dangerous is this? This article will help you make sure everything is okay with your baby. So, we suggest first considering what causes a bump on the forehead, in what cases you need to see a doctor, and how parents can help the baby.

A child hits his forehead - a big bump is inevitable

If a child gets a bump on his forehead, there is nothing wrong with that. As a rule, this phenomenon does not require contact with pediatricians or special treatment and preventive measures. This injury consists of small changes in soft tissue in the area of ​​the bruise. From burst vessels, these tissues fill with blood and turn into a hematoma protruding above the skin. And the largest bumps form on the forehead, because there are many small ones located there. blood vessels. Nevertheless, parents should not panic, because hitting this part of the head is less dangerous than hitting the temple or the back of the head. This is explained by the fact that the frontal bone is the most durable.

Alarming symptoms

Regardless of whether the child has a bump on his forehead or not, after the injury we recommend showing the baby to a specialist. At a minimum, you should call your doctor and discuss what happened. In the future, it is necessary to monitor the baby very carefully.

Actually, these are the actions you need to start with if a child hits his forehead and gets big shot. That is, if you see that the baby just hit himself hard, but the situation does not pose any danger, then simply apply it to the place of the injury cold compress and keep watching. Keep in mind that the bruise is more dangerous the younger child. Accordingly, if this infant, there is no need to observe - immediately call a doctor at home for a full medical examination.

There are also some alarming signs that parents should not hesitate to visit a pediatrician if they discover them:

  • At the site of the bruise, not a lump, but a depression appeared.
  • The child cries constantly.
  • The baby started vomiting and felt sick.
  • The baby behaves in a way that is unusual for him: he is too calm or, on the contrary, too irritable.
  • The child is very weak, his skin turns white or his lips turn blue, he is drowsy and breathes heavily in his sleep.
  • The pupils are different in size, the eyes squint.
  • The child hit his forehead, and the lump rapidly increases in size.
  • The child lost consciousness (even if it only lasted a few seconds).
  • The child has seizures.
  • The child is disoriented: speaks with difficulty, is inhibited.
  • The child cannot move normally and experiences pain when trying to turn/tilt his head and stand up.
  • There is bleeding from the ears and nose.

Symptoms such as these indicate severe brain injury. If you observe any of the above signs, call the children's emergency room. Remember that these symptoms may not appear immediately, but within 24 hours or later after the incident, so do not leave your baby unattended. And for medicinal purposes, the reaction and behavior of the baby after a bruise is more important, and not the bruise itself.

If the lump on the child’s forehead is not from a blow

Some parents notice bumps on their children's forehead and other parts of the body that appear without apparent reason. Such formations usually do not pose any danger and are associated with the characteristics of the individual anatomical structure skulls In this situation, a lump on the child’s forehead may simply be hereditary form skull and become almost invisible as they grow older.

However, there are cases when the appearance of a lump in the frontal part of the baby’s head is explained as a tumor under the skin. It could be benign tumor, growing in size over time and not changing its structure. Such formations most often turn out to be wen - atheroma or lipoma, which arise due to blockage sebaceous glands. They differ in growth rates and in that atheroma can fester and become inflamed. Similar tumors are removed surgically.

To the same benign formations This also includes fibroma, which appears both on the face and on other parts of the body. The causes of fibroids are not completely unknown, but if they are not too large and do not bother the child, then it is not necessary to remove them. However, most bumps are simply the result of a bruise; they pass without a trace.

A child has a lump on his forehead - first aid

If a child hits his forehead and a lump appears at the site of the injury before your eyes, then you can take certain measures and not allow it to “grow” at all. What should I do? As mentioned earlier, it is enough to apply a cold compress to the injured area. The main thing is to apply it tightly and wrap it in cloth to protect the skin from hypothermia. Remember, if a child has a lump on his forehead or the back of his head, then under no circumstances pour cold water on his head! With this action, you are more likely to give your baby a cold, but will not get rid of the lump. Also, cold compresses are not used if the baby has damaged the skin (wound, torn edges, bleeding). In such cases, it is necessary to disinfect the impact site, or better yet, seek medical help.

If you don’t have anything cold at hand, buy an ointment at the pharmacy (“Traumel S”, “Rescuer”, “Aibolit”, “Sinyakoff”, etc.), which will relieve swelling. If it is not possible to purchase these medications, then you can use a leaf of burdock or cabbage. Just apply them to the site of the bruise and secure with a gauze bandage. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of these plants will help relieve swelling of the bruise.

We don’t think it’s worth reminding parents once again that little children need an eye and an eye. Of course, it is better to try to avoid such dangerous situations, but since vigilance has already been lost, and an unpleasant incident has occurred, then just try not to panic or get scared appearance injury received by the child. Calm down, use the tips given in the article and try to explain to your baby the rules of safe games and entertainment.

The baby's first steps are a long-awaited joy for parents. At the same time, the worry and excitement for the child becomes several times stronger. The little man is so agile and fast that his mother simply does not have time to catch him. It would seem that just now he was running and laughing and now he hit the corner and gave himself a bump.

Little children are so restless. They are constantly on the move: running, jumping, fooling around. One awkward move and it won’t take long for a bump on your forehead to appear.

What to do first if a child falls and hits his forehead?

If a child hits his forehead, do not attack him or scold him. This will only worsen the process, since the baby’s hysteria will lead to an even greater increase in the hematoma. The first thing you need to do is:

When a huge lump appears on the baby’s forehead, parents do not need to panic and try to make spontaneous decisions in the hope of helping effective assistance. Watering a large abrasion cold water will not give the expected effect, but will only contribute to hypothermia. The consequences of such “first aid” will need to be treated in a hospital.

Warning symptoms that should prompt you to see a doctor

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Often, a bump on a child’s head caused by a fall on the asphalt does not cause any consequences dangerous to the baby’s health (see also:). If you immediately apply a cold compress and then systematically smear the area of ​​impact wound healing agents, the bruise will go away as soon as possible.

It happens that a child gets a bump on his forehead and after the blow complains of feeling unwell. Parents should monitor him and when identifying uncharacteristic symptoms go to the first aid station. Suspicious phenomena include:

  • lethargy and drowsiness of the baby;
  • the pain does not go away, but, on the contrary, becomes stronger;
  • a dent is visible on the forehead instead of a bump;
  • the appearance of blood from the ears and nose;
  • pallor of the skin can be seen, with cyanosis occurring in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • using ointment does not help in the fight against hematoma (we recommend reading:).

Upon receipt strong blow Head after some time the child may lose consciousness, nausea and vomiting are possible. These symptoms may indicate a concussion and will require immediate hospitalization. The doctor will conduct necessary for the child diagnostics, will refer you for an x-ray or ultrasound examination heads.

If a child is diagnosed with a concussion, treatment will be required in a hospital. Sometimes the bruise on the forehead lasts for a long time, while the lump is soft and does not dissolve. In this case, doctors may refer the patient for a puncture to get rid of the contents of the lump.

Treatment of a bump from a blow

A lump that appears on a child’s forehead requires immediate action on the part of the parents. Cold must be applied as soon as possible for this procedure to have an effect. Half an hour after the injury, compresses are no longer useful and even harmful, since the healing of the bruise may be delayed.


Help to cure a bump on a child’s head pharmaceutical ointments having a resolving effect. Such drugs include:

The ointment must be applied to the affected area thin layer. Then, without using force, distribute the product over the entire surface of the cone and beyond. The procedure must be repeated several times a day. In general, therapy using medications should last no more than five days.

In some cases, the ointment does not bring the desired result. Then, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can use another remedy. Iodine mesh has proven itself well for hematomas. Iodine stimulates the movement of blood through the capillaries, which helps remove excess fluid from the site of the bruise.

When the bump resolves and only a bruise remains, you can use warm compresses. Heat will help speed up the healing process by activating metabolic processes. Resorption of a lump on the forehead can last from several days to a month, depending on the degree of the bruise.

If a child has a bleeding wound from a fall, the affected area needs to be treated antiseptics. In some cases, a doctor’s examination is a mandatory measure, since with deep lacerations stitches are required. After this, you will need to treat the seam with special means and make dressings.

Folk remedies

If your baby hits his forehead on a corner or simply falls, you can resort to folk remedies. A well-known way to heal wounds and bruises is to apply the plantain directly to the bump and hold it for some time until the pain decreases.

Fights swelling well and is simple white cabbage. A cabbage leaf should also be applied to the bruised site and left for several minutes. The table shows other common traditional medicine recipes:

NameHealing propertyApplication
BadyagaContains large number silicon oxide, which helps relieve swelling, hematomas, and resorption of cones. Accelerates blood microcirculation.The gel based on badyagi is already ready for use. The powder must be combined with water in equal proportions. The product is applied in a thin layer to the affected area. After 20 minutes, wash off warm water. The frequency of use of the product is 1-2 times a day.
NettleThe plant contains many vitamins and tannins, which allows you to quickly deal with bruises and bruises.A bandage soaked in a decoction of the leaves of the plant is applied to the cone several times a day.
Bay leafRich in vitamins and various microelements. Helps with bruises of soft tissues and ligaments.A few leaves need to be poured with water and boiled for 5 minutes. Make compresses with warm infusion.
StarchIt has a softening and enveloping effect, relieves pain and inflammation.2 tbsp. Dilute tablespoons of the substance with water to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the bruised area. Repeat the procedure several times a day.
Laundry soapThe soap contains natural ingredients: animal fats, sodium salts, fatty acids, kaolin, alkali, salt, soda. Soap has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.Grate the soap and mix with egg yolk 1:1. Apply the composition to the affected area every three hours. At night you need to wash off the mixture.
ButterContains vitamins, selenium, iodine, lauric acid. It is an effective antioxidant and has antimicrobial properties.Melt a piece of butter and lubricate the pine cone with it.
Banana peelThe peel of the fruit contains resistant starch and is rich in potassium and vitamins.The peel is applied inside to bruise for 10 minutes.
SagebrushContains cadinene, selinene, thujone, flavonoids, vitamins, ascorbic acid, tannins. Characterized by the presence of saturated carbohydrates, relieves inflammation and is a bactericidal agent.Collect the herbs and chop finely. Squeeze the juice from the plant and apply it to the bruise.

Prevention of head injuries in children

Young children are particularly mobile, which often leads to head injuries. Adults need to keep all the baby’s movements under control, because it is better to prevent a fall than to treat a huge bump on the forehead later.

You can prevent a child's head injury by:

  • do not leave the baby alone in the stroller, on the sofa or changing table;
  • when walking along asphalt sidewalks, you need to hold the baby’s hand;
  • provide the child with funds personal protection(helmet, knee pads) when riding roller skates, scooters, skateboards or bicycles;
  • on staircases, when going up or down, you need to hold the child’s hand;
  • on swings and carousels, constantly be near the baby and monitor him;
  • Cover furniture corners in the house with special protective silicone pads so that the baby does not hit himself;
  • At home, the baby should wear socks with rubberized soles.

An important measure to prevent injury is talking with your child. Parents should inform their child about the rules of behavior on the street and at home, about personal safety while playing on playgrounds, in public gardens and parks. The health of the child is the most important thing. While he is small and fragile, parents should protect their child from possible injuries and bruises.

Most often, children suffer from lumps on the forehead. Hitting hard against a corner, closet or sofa is a favorite pastime for little fidgets. But sometimes an adult runs into some kind of joint and breaks his forehead.

A lump on the forehead is a hematoma, when blood vessels are injured, ruptured and blood accumulates in the resulting space. A bruise after a blow after some time acquires a bluish, and sometimes with a purple tint.

Typically, such injuries do not require medical care. Over time, they will go away on their own or you can speed up the recovery process with special means both medicinal and folk.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

IN in rare cases self-treatment cones are prohibited.

If, in addition to a bump on your forehead, symptoms such as:

  • inability to turn your head;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • enlarged pupils;
  • blurred vision;
  • severe pain in the forehead;
  • retardation of movements;
  • confusion;
  • pale skin, blue lips;
  • convulsions.

These signs indicate a concussion and require urgent medical advice.

If, in case of a bruise, you immediately provide first aid to the patient, then the next day there will be no trace of the bump.

  • Carefully treat the impact site with hydrogen peroxide (or Chlogexidine, Miramistin), especially if, in addition to the bump, there is a bleeding wound.
  • Attach to sore spot cold object. This could be: a cold towel, a bottle of ice water, large silver spoon. You can take a piece of frozen meat or fish out of the freezer, but before applying it to your forehead, be sure to wrap it in a clean cloth.

If there are no contraindications, then treatment of a bruise on the forehead can be successfully treated at home.

  • Iodine network. With the help of iodine, the hematoma resolves very quickly. But it has one drawback - it wears out quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly update the “iodine pattern”.
  • Bodyaga. Bodyagi lotions are very effective. In the pharmacy you can see various lotions and creams based on it.
  • Heparin ointment effectively relieves inflammation and treats the effects of hemorrhage.
  • If necessary in short terms to get rid of the lump, then homeopathic ointment “Traumel S” will help. Eliminates bruise marks in 1 hour.
  • The following ointments have shown their effectiveness in the fight against hematoma on the forehead: “Troxevasin”, “Leoton”, “Rescuer”.
  • Aibolit ointment based on beeswax also quickly gets rid of the bump.

From folk remedies A compress made from raw potatoes is very popular. Grate 2-3 medium potatoes on a fine grater and, wrapped in gauze, apply to the sore spot for 20-30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day: morning and evening.

Arnica herb ointment applied to the sore spot before bed helps a lot. Cabbage leaf Great for removing swelling from the forehead. To do this, you can simply apply it to your forehead for a few minutes or prepare a mixture. Finely chop the cabbage leaf and boil in milk. Apply 2 times a day for an hour, after wrapping it in gauze.

Plantain relieves pain and inflammation. Many of us in childhood, having received a bruise while walking on the street, simply applied a leaf of a plantain growing by the road to it. For greater effect, you can crush it and put the resulting pulp on your forehead for 10 minutes.


  • If a bump appears on the forehead or other parts of the body, but you can say with certainty that you could not have hit yourself, then you cannot do without a medical examination. Do not ignore this dangerous symptom.
  • This can be a very deep inflammation, an abscess or an accumulation of subcutaneous fat. In rare cases, a lump in the forehead area may indicate the presence of a tumor.
  • Bruises in the forehead area go away quite quickly. On average, in 1-3 days, depending on the severity of the injury and the size of the hematoma. But if the lump has not gone away within 5-7 days, then you need to immediately visit the surgeon’s office.
  • Especially if they appeared additional symptoms: vomiting, nausea, weakness. The doctor will prescribe treatment and, using tests, diagnose this disease.

Conclusions and conclusions!

A bump on the forehead can be either harmless or a symptom of a serious illness. If the lump has not disappeared within 305 days, then you should definitely consult a doctor for help.

He will order an examination and prescribe medications. In emergency cases, it can be carried out surgery to remove the lump. Take care of your health and do not joke with serious symptoms of deterioration in your health!

A lump on a child’s forehead can be either an ordinary bruise that goes away on its own in a few days, or a symptom of dangerous injuries. This formation appears from a blow or fall on the head and is the result of a soft tissue bruise. If the child feels well, there is no reason to worry. However, if the victim complains about headache, nausea and dizziness, you should urgently seek medical care.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

If a child hits his head and a lump quickly begins to form at the site of the injury, you need to remain calm and provide first aid. The most dangerous areas on the skull - these are the temporal and occipital lobes. In these places, the bones are thinner, and a large number of nerves and blood vessels pass through here. Strikes in frontal bone are less dangerous and in most cases pass without consequences.

A large bump on the forehead can frighten any parent, so it’s worth knowing in advance how to give your child first aid:

  • the best method to relieve pain and prevent the appearance of extensive hematoma - cold compress(you can put ice, but not on the skin, but on a piece of fabric);
  • You should not pour cold water on your child’s head - the effect of this procedure is low, and it can cause inflammation of the ears;
  • if an abrasion occurs during an injury, it treated with hydrogen peroxide or other available antiseptic;
  • you need to monitor the child’s well-being - decreased coordination of movements, nausea and drowsiness are the first signs concussions.

Falls are especially dangerous for infants, since the bones of the skull are not yet strong enough and cannot fully protect the brain from a concussion.

The first aid scheme does not differ from that needed for older children. A head injury in a newborn must be shown to a specialist. In order to make sure there is no serious damage, the doctor may prescribe encephalography.

Main and accompanying symptoms

A lump on the forehead can be detected immediately after injury or within the first few hours. Initially, the skin will acquire a red tint, then subcutaneous tissue Fluid will begin to accumulate, which will form a dense edema. This fluid enters the intercellular space from blood vessels - their walls are damaged when bruised. The contents of the lump can be dense or liquid, and when palpating the impact area, the patient complains of pain.

A lump can appear on the forehead even after a minor bruise; it goes away with the use of special ointments in a few weeks. If a child is hit hard and feels severe pain, it is necessary to monitor his well-being. A number of symptoms may indicate concussion, and they can appear a few days after the injury:

  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • blurred vision, appearance of black dots in the visual zone;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • fainting.

If the lump does not go away for a long time and becomes dense, this should be a reason for a full examination.

A mobile or inactive formation that does not change in size and causes pain on palpation is often encapsulated hematoma- a clot of coagulated blood in a capsule. Some patients are diagnosed post-traumatic osteomas- benign bone spurs, which are formed after severe bruise. Such pathologies can only be cured surgically.

Methods for treating a bump on the forehead

The treatment for a bump on the forehead is to use various drugs for external use, which relieve pain and inflammation, and also accelerate the resorption of hematoma. On the first day the patient is prescribed complete rest and cold compress. When the local temperature in the bruised area drops to normal, you can begin to use medicines. Among them are several of the most effective:

  1. Troxevasin is a gel that relieves inflammation and swelling. It contains troxerutin, a substance that strengthens the walls of capillaries.
  2. Traumeel is a homeopathic combination of 14 herbal ingredients in ointment form. This drug has anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic effects, which is useful for treating hematomas.
  3. Rescuer is another herbal ointment based on natural ingredients. It relieves pain and promotes the resorption of cones, and also soothes and moisturizes the skin. If you treat a bruise with this remedy, it begins to gradually decrease after a few days.
  4. Bruise-OFF - gel that contains extract medical leech. It penetrates the skin, reduces blood viscosity and resolves hematomas.
  5. Iodine mesh is a proven remedy for treating bruises and bumps. It irritates the skin, stimulates the movement of blood through the capillaries, which is why excess liquid quickly removed from the site of impact.

Recovery may take from several days to several months, depending on the severity of the blow and accompanying symptoms.

Except drug treatment, you can pass course of physiotherapeutic procedures. They improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and also eliminate fluid accumulation under the skin.

You can remove a bump on your forehead yourself if the bruise was not severe and there are no symptoms of a concussion. To do this, parents must understand what products and in what order to apply to the damaged area. In the first few days, cold is indicated, then anti-inflammatory ointments or creams are prescribed.

You can get rid of a small bump within a week, but more serious and large damage may take several months.

Consultation with a doctor is required if a child under three years of age has been injured.

What to do if a child hits his head? Recommendations from an experienced mother