How much heh is in semolina porridge? Bread units or how much to weigh in grams

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus along with drug therapy It is very important to adhere to the basic rules of balanced nutrition and control the amount of carbohydrates consumed. At first glance, for a person suffering from diabetes, the issue of calculating carbohydrate content looks very difficult. However, this is not as scary as it seems. All that is needed is knowledge about grain units. Let us try to figure this out.


Bread units is a conditional measure for calculating the amount of carbohydrates in food. This recalculation technique was first used by German nutritionists and soon spread throughout the world. Today it is universal scheme not only for people suffering from diabetes, but also for those who watch their diet and figure.

It is believed that one unit of bread contains 12 grams of carbohydrates. In order for the body to absorb just one such unit, it will need to use almost 1.5 (1.4) units of insulin.

Many may have the following question: “Why exactly bread units, and not dairy units, for example, or meat units?” The answer is simple: nutritionists chose as a basis the most common and standardized food product, regardless of the country of residence - bread. It was cut into pieces 1*1 cm. The weight of one was 25 grams, or 1 bread unit. In addition, this particular product, like no other, can be called carbohydrate.

Counting bread units

The basic rule of nutrition for diabetics is to control the amount of carbohydrates eaten and their correct redistribution throughout the day. It is this component that is the most important, since it is mainly carbohydrates, especially easily digestible ones, that cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Correctly determining bread units in type 2 diabetes is just as important as in the first.

In order to maintain sugar levels in the required range, this category of people uses insulin and hypoglycemic drugs. But their dosage should be selected taking into account the idea of ​​the carbohydrates eaten, since without this it is difficult to adequately reduce sugar levels. If there is a discrepancy, you can even cause harm by driving yourself into a hypoglycemic state.

In order to create a menu based on the amount of carbohydrates contained in certain products, you need to know how many bread units are in them. This value is individual for each product.

On at the moment counting algorithms are simplified as much as possible, and along with table values There are online diabetic nutrition calculators. They are not only easy to use, but also take into account a number of associated factors (the patient’s weight and height, gender, age, activity and severity of work performed during the day). This is really important, because if a person moves little, then he daily requirement in bread units should not exceed fifteen, in contrast to patients with heavy physical labor (up to 30 per day) or average (up to 25).

Important: one unit of bread increases the amount of sugar in the bloodstream by 1.5-1.9 mmol/l. This ratio helps to more accurately select the required dose of insulin based on the amount of carbohydrates eaten.

Tabular presentation of grain units

The easiest way is to determine the number of bread units in a meal of finished factory products. Each package indicates the total weight and carbohydrate content per 100 grams. Thus, this quantity must be divided by 12 and converted to full dose in packaging.

Bread units for diabetics should be distributed evenly throughout the day, according to the physiological norms for insulin production. Considering the recommended five meals a day, the scheme has next view based on the number of bread units per meal:

  • morning: 3-5;
  • for second breakfast: 2;
  • for lunch: 6-7;
  • afternoon snack: 2;
  • for dinner: up to 4;
  • at night: up to 2.

For one meal, it is permissible to take seven bread units. More than half daily dose It is better to consume before noon. Next, let's look at how grain units are calculated when diabetes mellitus. The table of milk and dairy products is presented below.

Milk and dairy products must be present in the diet, since they are an irreplaceable source of animal protein and a number of vitamins and microelements, primarily calcium, vitamin B (B2) and vitamin A. It is better to use skim or low-fat milk. If you're not a fan of this product, then by adding just a few pieces of your favorite fruit or berries, you will get a tasty and healthy cocktail.

It should be clarified why the table of bread units for diabetes does not contain cheese and cottage cheese. The fact is that if they are consumed without sugar and sour cream, then they do not need to be taken into account.

Bread and bakery products

Two to three spoons (15 grams) of raw vermicelli (corns, noodles), depending on its size, contains one bread unit.

Many people have probably noticed that the table of bread units for diabetics does not contain data for such integral products in the human diet as meat and fish. These products contain a small amount of carbohydrates (or do not contain them at all), so it is necessary to pay attention and count bread units of products in the preparation of which other carbohydrate-containing components were used (eggs, flour, milk, crackers, etc.).

In the diet of patients with diabetes, porridges occupy a dominant place. The amount of carbohydrates in the finished dish does not depend on the cooking method (boiled or steamed porridge). The number of bread units in both crumbly and liquid porridge will also be equal. Consistency only affects the rate of absorption of carbohydrates. Therefore, if a person experiences hypoglycemia, it is better to eat liquid semolina porridge, and if the blood sugar level is elevated, then preference should be given to crumbly. The following is a table of bread units contained in cereals.

Quantity containing 1 bread unit (in grams)

buckwheat (1 tbsp)

boiled corn (half a cob)

canned corn (3 tbsp)

corn flakes (2 tbsp)

semolina (1 tbsp)

oatmeal (1 tbsp)

pearl barley (1 tbsp)

millet (1 tbsp)

rice (1 tbsp)

flour (1 tbsp)

Recalculation is given for raw cereals. If it is porridge (boiled), then one unit of bread is equal to 50 grams of product, or 2 tablespoons.

One medium boiled potato (65-70 grams) contains 1 bread unit. The same amount is determined in two tablespoons of mashed potatoes (75 grams) and 35 grams of fried potatoes (2 tablespoons).

Bread units for diabetes. Table of berries and fruits

1 grain unit in grams of unrefined and pitted product

apricots (3 pcs.)

quince (1 pc.)

pineapple circle (1 pc.)

orange (1 pc.)

orange slice (1 pc.)

half a banana

grapes (12 pcs.)

cherry (15 pcs.)

pomegranate (1 pc.)

pear (1 pc.)

piece of melon (1 pc.)

8 tbsp. raspberries

7 tbsp currants

half a persimmon

One hundred milliliters of natural freshly squeezed juice without added sugar contains an average of 10 grams of carbohydrates, so it is better to eat fruits rather than make juice from them. If you want to drink vitamin drink, then it’s better to squeeze juice out of vegetables. Carrot, beet, cucumber, cabbage, etc. juice are very healthy. To improve the taste of a vegetable drink, you can add large number juice from your favorite fruit.

Please note: despite the fact that beets and carrots are quite sweet vegetables, they are not only possible, but also necessary to eat, since they consist mainly of fiber.

It is more convenient to count berries not in pieces, but in glasses. One glass contains on average 200 grams and is equal to one unit of bread.

It should be noted that the variety of fruits and berries produces only different taste qualities(sour, sweet, bitter), but does not affect the carbohydrate content in them. Therefore, it is a mistake to assume that one sweet product is equal to several sour ones.

One bread unit is contained in three medium carrots (200 g), one beet (150 g), seven tablespoons of fresh peas (100 g), three tablespoons of boiled beans (50 g) and 70-90 grams of nuts.


People suffering from diabetes understand the meaning of the phrase “the forbidden fruit is sweet” like no other. It is this category that is most often prohibited for them. Although, knowing the content of grain units in individual products, you can also treat yourself to a delicious dessert, such as ice cream. This is one of the delicacies that contains only two units of bread per 100 grams. When choosing which ice cream to eat - fruit or cream, you need to remember that the former contains more juice (frozen water), and, therefore, is absorbed faster and causes an increase in blood sugar levels. While creamy ice cream is richer, carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly and do not cause a spike in blood glucose.

Sugar and its equivalent in grain units

1 bread unit contains twenty grams of dark chocolate, one tablespoon of honey and fruit jam. Bread units in the amount of one piece also correspond to 20 grams of dried apricots, prunes, raisins and dates. And the volumes of drinks of a similar composition, equal to 1 XE:

  • kvass - 1 glass;
  • soda (sweet) - 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable juices - 2.5 cups;
  • fruit juices - 0.5 cups.

Any table of bread units for type 1 and type 2 diabetics is the same.


This category of drinks is extremely undesirable for consumption by people suffering from diabetes. But if you still have to drink alcoholic drinks, then you need to know which ones are less harmful and contain fewer carbohydrates. Undoubtedly, the lower the strength of the drink, the better for health. For diabetics, it is important to pay attention to the sugar content of the drink. Thus, it is not recommended to consume champagne and other types of wines containing more than five percent sugars.

It is better to give preference to dry table wines. Single dose consumption of such alcohol should not exceed 150 grams. But it is better to avoid beer altogether, since it contains a large amount of maltose, which is quickly absorbed by the body and causes a hyperglycemic state.

It is necessary to strictly dose the intake of strong alcoholic drinks. Extremely permissible dose is 75 grams. Large doses are strictly prohibited, since this not only puts an additional burden on the diseased pancreas, but can also lead to an uncontrolled hypoglycemic state. Scientifically proven and confirmed by many life situations that a person suffering from diabetes, having consumed an excessive amount of alcohol, falls into a hypoglycemic coma a few hours after the feast. The danger of this condition also lies in the fact that it usually happens outside the home (on the street, in public transport or at a party), and it is even more dangerous in a dream.

Example of XE calculation

To correctly calculate the bread units in a finished dish, you need to know the recipe (all ingredients included in the composition) and have a table of bread units with a calculator on hand.

  • 9 tablespoons of flour (one spoon contains one bread unit, therefore, there are also nine of them in this volume);
  • 1 glass skim milk(one bread unit);
  • a tablespoon of refined oil (no bread units);
  • egg (does not contain XE).

Having made the dough from this set of ingredients, you have baked ten pancakes, i.e. one pancake contains one bread unit.

You should also pay attention to what kind of carbohydrates are contained in the foods you eat. There are two main types of carbohydrates: sugars and starches. The first type includes easily digestible sugars, since they consist of small molecules and are absorbed quite quickly during digestion, thereby rapidly increasing the level of glucose in the blood. Sugar, honey, juices, and beer are rich in such carbohydrates. But starches are found to a greater extent in cereals, flour products, corn and potatoes. They have a lesser sugar-increasing effect.

The bread unit table is most important for type 1 diabetics, but this does not mean that patients with type 2 diabetes cannot use it. By counting the amount of carbohydrates eaten per day, they can adjust their diet in accordance with the conversion to bread units, and after a few days they can feel the results of proper nutrition.

The process of counting bread units may seem complicated, but everything becomes clear when you begin to put the knowledge into practice. After just a few days, you will not notice how you will begin to convert products into bread units, without even using tabular data, because, in fact, the diet will consist of familiar and repeating ingredients.


The norm of carbohydrates (in bread units) depending on age:

  • 5 years - 12-13 per day;
  • 6-9 years - 15 per day;
  • 10-15 years old - 20 per day (for boys);
  • 10-15 years old - 17 per day (for girls);
  • 16-18 years old - 21 per day (for boys);
  • 16-18 years old - 18 per day (for girls);
  • older - up to 22 per day.


Thus, carbohydrates, being the main element that contributes to increasing the level of glucose in human blood, must be constantly monitored by people suffering from diabetes. For convenient calculation of their absorption, bread units are used. Knowing how many of these units you consumed, you can easily calculate the amount of insulin or glucose-lowering tablets that is needed to compensate for your glucose level and maintain it within the required limits.

In addition, bread units will help make your diet not only balanced, but also varied. You can easily replace some foods with others, knowing their carbohydrate equivalence.

To make it easier for a patient diagnosed with diabetes to control the amount of carbohydrates consumed, to correctly calculate the dosage of insulin injections and the calorie content of meals, there are special conventional bread units that were developed by German nutritionists.

Calculation of bread units allows you to control the level of glycemia in diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, normalize carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, correct composition The menu for patients helps to achieve compensation for the disease and reduce the risk of complications.

What is 1 bread unit equal to, how to correctly convert carbohydrates into this value and how to calculate it for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, how much insulin is needed to absorb 1 XE? One XE corresponds to 10 g of carbohydrates, without dietary fiber and 12 g including ballast substances. Eating 1 unit causes an increase in glycemia by 2.7 mmol/l; 1.5 units of insulin are required to absorb this amount of glucose.

Having an idea of ​​how much XE a dish contains, you can correctly create a daily balanced diet, calculate the required dosage of the hormone to prevent sugar spikes. You can diversify the menu as much as possible; some products are replaced by others that have identical indicators.

How to correctly count bread food units for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, how much XE is allowed to be consumed per day? A unit corresponds to one small piece of bread weighing 25 g. Indicators for other food products can be viewed in the table of bread units, which should always be on hand for patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Patients are allowed to eat 18–25 XE per day, depending on total body weight and intensity of physical activity. Meals should be fractional, you need to eat up to 5 times a day in small portions. For breakfast you should consume 4 XE, and for lunch and evening meals you should consume no more than 1-2, since a person spends more energy during the day. It is unacceptable to exceed 7 XE per meal. If it is difficult to abstain from sweets, then it is best to eat them in the morning or before playing sports.

Online calculator

Calculation of grain units in ready meals and food products for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus can be done using an online calculator. Here you can select dishes, drinks, fruits and desserts, see their calorie content, the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and count total quantity XE for one meal.

When counting bread units for compilation using a calculator, it is necessary to take into account the oil that is added to salads or when frying foods. Don’t forget about the milk you use to cook porridge, for example.

XE content in vegetables and fruits

It is recommended to add as much as possible to a diabetic's diet. fresh vegetables, since these products contain large amounts essential vitamins, minerals, plant fiber, some carbohydrates. Unsweetened fruits are rich in pectin, micro, macroelements. In addition, these products have a low glycemic index. To find out how many bread units are contained in 100 g of watermelon, melon, cherries, blueberries, gooseberries, tangerines, raspberries, peaches, 100 g of blueberries, plums, serviceberries, strawberries, you need to look at their value in the XE table of products for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus . Bananas, grapes, raisins, figs, and melon contain large amounts of carbohydrates, so patients should refrain from eating them.

Table of bread units contained in fruits for creating a diet for type 1 and type 2 diabetics:

List of products Carbohydrate content XE in 100 g
Strawberry 8 0,6
Peaches 9 0,75
Raspberry 8 0,6
Cherries 10 0,83
Gooseberry 4 0,8
Blueberry 5 0,9
Watermelon 5 0,42
Melon 7 0,58
Plums 9 0,75
Tangerines, oranges 8 0,67
Apricots 9 0,75
Cherry 10 0,83
Irga 12 1
Apples 9 0,75
Pomegranate 14 1,17
Banana 12 1,75

The most complete vegetable table of bread units of all products:

Products Carbohydrates XE in 100 g
Potato 16 1,33
Eggplant 4 0,33
Champignons 0,1 0
White cabbage 4 0,33
Broccoli 4 0,33
Chinese cabbage 2 0,17
Carrot 6 0,5
Tomatoes 4 0,33
Beet 8 0,67
Sweet pepper 4 0,33
Pumpkin 4 0,33
Jerusalem artichoke 12 1
Onion 8 0,67
Zucchini 4 0,33
cucumbers 2 0,17

XE content in dairy products

If you have diabetes, you need to consume low-fat dairy products that do not contain sugar. One glass of milk is equal to 1 XE. You can find out how many bread units are contained in cottage cheese, cheeses, and yogurt from the table for calculating carbohydrates, XE for diabetics.

Table of bread units of fermented milk products:

Products Carbohydrates XE in 100 g
Kefir 4 0,33
Cow's milk 4 0,33
Goat milk 4 0,33
Ryazhenka 4 0,33
Cream 3 0,25
Sour cream 3 0,25
Cottage cheese 2 0,17
Yogurt 8 0,67
Butter 1 0,08
Dutch cheese 0 0
Processed cheese 23 1,92
Serum 3 0,25
Homemade cheese 1 0,08
Curdled milk 4 0,33

Milk is useful product nutrition, as it contains proteins, vitamins and minerals. These substances are necessary for the body to grow muscle tissue, strengthen the structure of skeletal bones and teeth. Children especially need it. Diabetics are allowed to consume low-fat product. It should be noted that goat milk much fatter than cow's. But it is useful for normalizing intestinal motility and strengthening the immune system.

Another useful product is whey, which helps normalize glycemia, regulates metabolic processes in the body. Consuming whey helps reduce excess weight.

Best cheese to eat soy product tofu. Durum varieties should be eaten in limited quantities and ensure that the fat content does not exceed 3%.

If your glycemia is unstable, it is better to completely avoid cream, sour cream and butter. But low-fat cottage cheese You can and even need to eat, but in small portions.

Meat and eggs

How many bread units are there in an egg? In chicken quail eggs does not contain carbohydrates, so this product corresponds to 0 XE. Boiled yolk contains 4 g of carbohydrates per 100 g, its XE value is 0.33. Despite low value, eggs are quite high in calories, they contain fats and proteins, this should be taken into account when creating a menu.

Lamb, beef, rabbit, bacon pork and turkey have a zero XE indicator. Diabetics are advised to cook less fatty varieties meat and fish. Preference should be given to steamed dishes baked with vegetables that are not fried in oil. Cannot be combined meat products with potatoes. Count bread conventional units necessary taking into account oil and spices.

One sandwich with boiled pork and white contains 18 g of carbohydrates and the XE calculation corresponds to 1.15. This amount can completely replace a snack or one meal.

Various varieties of cereals

What is a bread unit, how much is contained in cereals and porridges, which of them can be eaten with diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2? Most healthy cereal is buckwheat, you can cook porridge from it or add it to soup. Its benefit lies in the content of slow carbohydrates (60 g), which are gradually absorbed by the blood and do not cause sharp jumps glycemia. XE=5 units/100 g

Very useful oatmeal, flakes (5 XE/100 g). This product is boiled or steamed with milk, you can add pieces of fruit, nuts, and a little honey. You can't add sugar, muesli is prohibited.

Barley (5.4), wheat (5.5 XE/100 g) cereals have a large amount of plant fiber, this helps normalize digestion processes, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, and reduces appetite.

Prohibited cereals include rice (XE=6.17) and semolina (XE=5.8). Corn grits (5.9 XE/100 g) are considered low-carbohydrate and easily digestible; they prevent weight gain. excess weight, while containing useful composition vitamins and microelements.


Alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks are strictly prohibited for diabetics. These products cause sharp decline glycemic level, which can lead to coma because the person, being in a state alcohol intoxication, cannot provide himself with timely help.

Light and strong beers contain 0.3 XE per 100 g.

For patients with diabetes, it is important to control the amount of carbohydrates consumed and the calorie content of food, so it is necessary to calculate XE. Violation of the rules of nutrition, non-compliance with the diet can lead to severe consequences. Are developing various complications from the heart, vascular, nervous and digestive system. Hyperglycemia can cause coma, which can lead to patient disability or death.

The most important component of treatment for patients with diabetes is nutrition. Its basic rules for diabetes are regular meals, exclusion of quickly absorbed carbohydrates from the diet, and determination of the calorie content of foods. To solve these problems, endocrinologists created the term bread unit and developed tables of bread units.

Specialists in therapeutic nutrition It is recommended that the daily menu for this category of patients be composed of 55%-65% slowly absorbed carbohydrates, 15%-20% proteins, 20%-25% fats. Bread units (XE) were invented specifically to determine the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Tables of bread units for diabetics reflect the carbohydrate content of various foods. When creating this term, nutritionists took rye bread as a basis: a piece of it weighing twenty-five grams is considered to be one bread unit.

Why do we need tables of bread units?

The goal of therapy for patients with diabetes is to imitate the natural release of insulin by selecting doses and lifestyle so that the glycemic level is close to accepted norms.

Modern medicine offers the following insulin treatment regimens:

  • Traditional;
  • Multiple injection regimen;
  • Intense.

When calculating the dose of insulin, you need to know the amount of XE based on the carbohydrate foods being calculated (fruits, dairy and grain products, sweets, potatoes). Vegetables contain difficult-to-digest carbohydrates and do not play a significant role in raising glucose levels.

In addition, you need constant monitoring of blood sugar (glycemia), which depends on the time of day, nutrition and level physical activity diabetic patient.

The intensive insulin therapy regimen provides for the main (basic) administration of long-acting insulin (Lantus) once a day; against this background, doses of additional (bolus) injections are calculated, which are administered immediately before the main meals or thirty minutes before. Insulins are used for this purpose. short acting.

For each bread unit contained in the planned menu, it is necessary to enter (taking into account the time of day and glycemic level) 1 unit of insulin.

Requirement by time of day on 1XE:

It is necessary to take into account the initial level of sugar content; the higher it is, the more dose drug. One unit of insulin action is capable of utilizing 2 mmol/l of glucose.

Physical activity matters - playing sports reduces glycemic levels every 40 minutes physical activity additional 15 g required easily digestible carbohydrates. When glucose levels are reduced, the insulin dose is reduced.

If a patient is planning a meal, intends to eat 3 XE worth of food, and the glycemic level 30 minutes before a meal corresponds to 7 mmol/l, he needs 1 unit of insulin to reduce glycemia by 2 mmol/l. And another 3 units - to digest 3 bread units of food. He must administer a total of 4 units of short-acting insulin (Humalog).

The diet of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus who have learned to calculate the dose of insulin according to XE using tables of bread units may be more free.

How to calculate bread units for diabetes

With a known mass of the product and the carbohydrate content per 100 grams, the number of bread units can be determined.

For example: a package of cottage cheese weighing 200 grams, 100 grams contains 24 grams of carbohydrates.

100 grams of cottage cheese - 24 grams of carbohydrates

200 grams of cottage cheese - X

X= 200 x 24 / 100

X = 48 grams of carbohydrates are contained in a pack of cottage cheese weighing 200 grams. If 1XE contains 12 grams of carbohydrates, then a pack of cottage cheese contains 48 / 12 = 4 XE.

Thanks to bread units, you can distribute the required number of carbohydrates per day, this allows you to:

  • Eat a varied diet;
  • Do not limit yourself in food by choosing balanced menu;
  • Keep glycemic levels under control.

On the Internet you can find diabetic nutrition calculators that can be used to calculate daily ration. But this activity takes a lot of time; it’s easier to look at the tables of bread units for diabetics and choose a balanced menu. The amount of XE required depends on body weight, physical activity, age and gender of the person.

Required daily amount of XE for patients with normal body weight

Obese patients need low calorie diet, individual expansion of physical activity. The daily caloric intake of food should be reduced to 1200 kcal, and the number of bread units consumed should be reduced accordingly.

For overweight

It is generally accepted that the average number necessary products per day can be 20-24XE. You need to distribute this volume over 5-6 meals. The main meals should include 4-5 XE, the afternoon snack and second breakfast – 1-2 XE. It is not recommended to eat more than 6-7XE products at one time.

If you are underweight, it is recommended to increase the amount of XE to 30 per day. Children 4-6 years old need 12-14 XE per day, 7-10 years old are recommended 15-16, from 11 to 14 years old - 18-20 bread units (for boys) and 16-17 XE (for girls). Boys from 15 to 18 years old need 19-21 bread units per day, girls two less.

The diet should be balanced, adequate to the body's needs for proteins and vitamins. Its peculiarity is the exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates.

Requirements for the prepared diet:

  • Consumption of products containing dietary fiber: rye bread, millet, oatmeal, vegetables, buckwheat.
  • The daily distribution of carbohydrates, fixed in time and quantity, is adequate to the dose of insulin.
  • Replacement of easily digestible carbohydrates with equivalent products selected according to tables of bread units for diabetics.
  • Reducing the proportion of animal fats by increasing the amount of vegetable fats.

Patients with type 2 diabetes also need to use bread unit tables to prevent overeating. If it is noticed that products containing bad carbohydrates, there is more in the diet acceptable standards– you need to reduce their consumption gradually. You can do this for 7-10 days, 2XE per day, bringing it to the required norm.

Tables of bread units for type 1 and type 2 diabetes

Endocrinological centers have calculated tables of bread units in popular products based on the content of 12 grams of carbohydrates in 1 XE. We present some of them to your attention.


Product Volume ml HE
Grapefruit 140 1
Red currant 240 3
Apple 200 2
Blackcurrant 250 2.5
Kvass 200 1
Pear 200 2
Gooseberry 200 1
Grape 200 3
Tomato 200 0.8
Carrot 250 2
Orange 200 2
Cherry 200 2.5

Juices can be consumed in compensated forms of diabetes of the first and second types, when the glycemic level is stable, no sharp fluctuations in one direction or another.

Product Weight g HE
Blueberry 170 1
Orange 150 1
Blackberry 170 1
Banana 100 1.3
Cranberry 60 0.5
Grape 100 1.2
Apricot 240 2
Pineapple 90 1
Pomegranate 200 1
Blueberry 170 1
Melon 130 1
Kiwi 120 1
Lemon 1 medium 0.3
Plum 110 1
Cherry 110 1
Persimmon 1 medium 1
Cherries 200 2
Apple 100 1
Watermelon 500 2
Black currant 180 1
Cowberry 140 1
Red currant 400 2
Peach 100 1
Mandarin 100 0.7
Raspberry 200 1
Gooseberry 300 2
Strawberries 170 1
Strawberry 100 0.5
Pear 180 2

Product Weight g HE
Sweet pepper 250 1
Fried potatoes 1 tbsp 0.5
Tomatoes 150 0.5
Beans 100 2
White cabbage 250 1
Beans 100 2
Jerusalem artichoke 140 2
Zucchini 100 0.5
Cauliflower 150 1
Boiled potatoes 1 medium 1
Radish 150 0.5
Pumpkin 220 1
Carrot 100 0.5
cucumbers 300 0.5
Beet 150 1
Mashed potatoes 25 0.5
Peas 100 1

Dairy products should be eaten daily, preferably in the afternoon. In this case, you should take into account not only the bread units, but also the percentage of fat content. Low-fat foods are recommended for diabetic patients fermented milk products.

Product Weight g/Volume ml HE
Ice cream 65 1
Milk 250 1
Ryazhenka 250 1
Kefir 250 1
Syrniki 40 1
Curdled milk 250 1
Cream 125 0.5
Curd mass sweet 200 2
Dumplings with cottage cheese 3 pcs 1
Yogurt 100 0.5
Curd casserole 75 1

When consuming baked goods, you need to pay attention to the weight of the product and weigh it on an electronic scale.

Bakery products

Product Weight g HE
Butter buns 100 5
White savory bread 100 5
Pancakes 1 1
Black bread 100 4
Bagels 20 1
Borodino bread 100 6.5
Gingerbread 40 1
Crackers 30 2
Bran bread 100 3
Pancakes 1large 1
Crackers 100 6.5
Dumplings 8pcs 2

Product Weight g HE
Pasta, noodles 100 2
Puff pastry 35 1
Popcorn 30 2
Oatmeal 20 raw 1
Coarse flour 4 tbsp 2
Millet 50 boiled 1
Barley 50 boiled 1
Dumplings 30 2
Rice 50 boiled 1
Fine flour 2 tbsp 2
Manna 100 boiled 2
Baked dough products 50 1
Pearl barley 50 boiled 1
Rye flour 1 tbsp 1
Wheat 100 boiled 2
Muesli 8 tbsp 2
Buckwheat 50 boiled 1

For diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to replace animal fats with vegetable ones.. This product can be consumed in the form of vegetable oils - olive, corn, flaxseed, pumpkin. Oil is squeezed from nuts, pumpkin seeds, flax, and corn.

I hope this article helps someone!

What are Bread Units and what are they “eaten with”?

When compiling a daily menu, you should consider only those foods that increase blood sugar levels. U healthy person the pancreas produces required quantity insulin in response to food intake. As a result, blood sugar levels do not rise. For diabetes mellitus, to maintain optimal level blood sugar, we are forced to administer insulin (or glucose-lowering drugs) from the outside, independently changing the dose depending on what and how much a person has eaten. That’s why it’s important to learn how to correctly count those foods that increase blood sugar.

How to do this?

You don't have to weigh your food every time! Scientists studied the products and compiled a table of their carbohydrate content or Bread Units - XE for people with diabetes.

1 XE is the amount of product that contains 10 g of carbohydrates. In other words, according to the XE system, those foods that belong to the group that increase blood sugar levels are calculated - these are

Cereals (bread, buckwheat, oats, millet, pearl barley, rice, pasta, vermicelli),
fruits and fruit juices,
milk, kefir and other liquid dairy products (except low-fat cottage cheese),
as well as some varieties of vegetables - potatoes, corn (beans and peas - in large quantities).
but of course, chocolate, cookies, candies are certainly limited in the daily diet, lemonade and sugar in pure form- should be strictly limited in the diet and used only in case of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Blood sugar levels will also be affected by the degree culinary processing. For example, mashed potatoes will raise your blood sugar levels faster than boiled or fried potatoes. Apple juice gives a faster rise in blood sugar compared to eating an apple, just like polished rice than unpolished rice. Fats and cold foods slow down the absorption of glucose, and salt speeds it up.

For the convenience of preparing a diet, there are special tables of Bread Units, which provide data on the amount of various carbohydrate-containing products containing 1 XE (I will give it below).

It is very important to learn how to determine the amount of XE in the foods you eat!

There are a number of foods that do not affect blood sugar levels:

these are vegetables - any kind of cabbage, radishes, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, red and Green pepper(except potatoes and corn),

greens (sorrel, dill, parsley, lettuce, etc.), mushrooms,

creamy and vegetable oil, mayonnaise and lard,

as well as fish, meat, poultry, eggs and products made from them, cheese and cottage cheese,

nuts in small quantities (up to 50 g).

A slight rise in sugar is given by beans, peas and beans in small quantities as a side dish (up to 7 tbsp. l)

How many meals should you have during the day?

There must be 3 main meals, and intermediate meals, so-called snacks from 1 to 3, are also possible, i.e. There can be a total of 6 meals. When using ultra-short insulins (Novorapid, Humalog), it is possible to avoid snacking. This is acceptable if there is no hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) when skipping a snack.

In order to correlate the amount of digestible carbohydrates consumed with the dose of short-acting insulin administered,

a system of grain units was developed.

  • 1XE = 10-12 g of digestible carbohydrates
  • For 1 XE, 1 to 4 units of short (food) insulin are required
  • On average, 1 XE requires 2 units of short-acting insulin
  • Everyone has their own need for insulin per 1 XE.
    Determine it using a self-monitoring diary
  • Bread units should be counted by eye, without weighing the products

To do this, we need to return to the topic “Rational nutrition”, calculate daily calorie content of your diet, taking 55 or 60% of it, determine the number of kilocalories that should come from carbohydrates.
Then, dividing this value by 4 (since 1g of carbohydrates gives 4 kcal), we get the daily amount of carbohydrates in grams. Knowing that 1 XE is equal to 10 grams of carbohydrates, we divide the resulting daily amount of carbohydrates by 10 and get the daily amount of XE.

For example, if you are a man and work physically at a construction site, then your daily caloric intake is 1800 kcal,

60% of it is 1080 kcal. Dividing 1080 kcal by 4 kcal gives you 270 grams of carbohydrates.

Dividing 270 grams by 12 grams, we get 22.5 XE.

For a woman working physically - 1200 - 60% = 720: 4 = 180: 12 = 15 XE

Standard for adult woman and in order not to gain weight - 12 HE. Breakfast - 3XE, lunch - 3XE, dinner - 3XE and snacks 1 XE

How to distribute these units throughout the day?

Considering the presence of 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), the bulk of carbohydrates should be distributed between them,

taking into account the principles rational nutrition(more in the first half of the day, less in the evening)

and, of course, taking into account your appetite.

It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to eat more than 7 XE at one meal, since the more carbohydrates you eat at one meal, the higher the rise in glycemia will be and the dose of short-term insulin will increase.

And the dose of short-term, “food” insulin, administered once, should not be more than 14 units.

Thus, the approximate distribution of carbohydrates between main meals could be as follows:

  • 3 XE for breakfast (for example, oatmeal- 4 tablespoons (2 XE); sandwich with cheese or meat (1 XE); unsweetened cottage cheese with green tea or coffee with sweeteners).
  • Lunch - 3 XE: fresh cabbage soup with sour cream (do not count according to XE) with 1 slice of bread (1 XE), pork chop or fish with vegetable salad in vegetable oil, without potatoes, corn and legumes (we do not count according to XE), mashed potatoes - 4 tablespoons (2 XE), a glass of unsweetened compote
  • Dinner - 3 XE: vegetable omelette of 3 eggs and 2 tomatoes (do not count according to XE) with 1 slice of bread (1 XE), 1 glass of sweet yoghurt (2 XE).

Thus, the total is 9 XE. “Where are the other 3 HE?” - you ask.

The remaining XE can be used for so-called snacks between main meals and at night. For example, 2 XE in the form of 1 banana can be eaten 2.5 hours after breakfast, 1 XE in the form of an apple - 2.5 hours after lunch and 1 XE at night, at 22.00, when you introduce your “night” extended-release insulin .

The break between breakfast and lunch should be 5 hours, and the same between lunch and dinner.

After the main meal, 2.5 hours later there should be a snack = 1 XE

Are intermediate meals and nighttime meals required for all people taking insulin?

Not required for everyone. Everything is individual and depends on your insulin therapy regimen. Very often we have to deal with a situation where people have had a heavy breakfast or lunch and don’t want to eat at all 3 hours after eating, but, remembering the recommendations to have a snack at 11.00 and 16.00, they forcefully “stuff” XE into themselves and increase their glucose levels.

Intermediate meals are required for those who are at increased risk of hypoglycemia 3 hours after eating. This usually happens when, in addition to short-acting insulin, long-acting insulin is administered in the morning, and the larger the dose, the more likely hypoglycemia is at this time (layering time maximum action short-acting insulin and the onset of action of long-acting insulin).

After lunch, when long-acting insulin is at its peak of action and layers on the peak of action of short-acting insulin administered before lunch, the likelihood of hypoglycemia also increases and to prevent it, taking 1-2 XE is necessary. At night, at 22-23.00, when you administer long-acting insulin, have a snack in the amount of 1-2 XE ( slow-digesting) for the prevention of hypoglycemia is needed if glycemia at this time is less than 6.3 mmol/l.

When glycemia is above 6.5-7.0 mmol/l, a snack at night can lead to morning hyperglycemia, since there is not enough “night” insulin.
Intermediate meals intended to prevent hypoglycemia during the day and at night should be no more than 1-2 XE, otherwise instead of hypoglycemia you will get hyperglycemia.
For intermediate meals taken with for preventive purposes in an amount of no more than 1-2 XE, no additional insulin is administered.

Much is said about grain units in detail.
But why do you need to be able to count them? Let's look at an example.

Let's say you have a glucometer and measure your blood glucose before meals. For example, you, as always, injected 12 units of insulin prescribed by your doctor, ate a bowl of porridge and drank a glass of milk. Yesterday you also administered the same dose and ate the same porridge and drank the same milk, and tomorrow you must do the same.

Why? Because as soon as you deviate from usual diet, your glycemic indicators immediately change, and they are not ideal anyway. If you are a literate person and know how to count XE, then changes in your diet are not scary for you. Knowing that for 1 XE on average there are 2 units of short-acting insulin and knowing how to count XE, you can vary the composition of the diet, and therefore the dose of insulin at your discretion, without compromising diabetes compensation. This means that today you can eat porridge for breakfast for 4 XE (8 tbsp), 2 slices of bread (2 XE) with cheese or meat and inject 12 units of short-term insulin into these 6 XE and get good result glycemia.

Tomorrow morning, if you don’t have an appetite, you can limit yourself to a cup of tea with 2 sandwiches (2 XE) and inject only 4 units of short-acting insulin, and still get a good glycemic result. That is, the system of bread units helps to administer exactly as much short-term insulin as is necessary for the absorption of carbohydrates, no more (which is fraught with hypoglycemia) and no less (which is fraught with hyperglycemia), and maintain good compensation for diabetes.

Foods that can be consumed without restrictions

all vegetables except potatoes and corn

- cabbage (all types)
- cucumbers
- leaf lettuce
- greens
- tomatoes
- pepper
- zucchini
- eggplants
- beet
- carrot
- green beans
- radish, radish, turnip - green peas(young)
- spinach, sorrel
- mushrooms
- tea, coffee without sugar and cream
- mineral water
- drinks with sweeteners

Vegetables can be consumed raw, boiled, baked, or pickled.

The use of fats (butter, mayonnaise, sour cream) in cooking vegetable dishes should be minimal.

Foods to eat in moderation

- lean meat
- Not fatty fish
- milk and dairy products (low-fat)
- cheeses less than 30% fat
- cottage cheese less than 5% fat
- potato
- corn
- mature legume grains (peas, beans, lentils)
- cereals
- pasta
- bread and bakery products(not rich)
- fruits
- eggs

"Moderate amount" means half of your usual serving.

Products that need to be excluded or limited as much as possible

- butter
- vegetable oil*
- salo
- sour cream, cream
- cheeses with more than 30% fat content
- cottage cheese with more than 5% fat content
- mayonnaise
- fatty meat, smoked meats
- sausages
- fatty fish
- poultry skin
- canned meat, fish and vegetable in oil
- nuts, seeds
- sugar, honey
- preserves, jams
- candies, chocolate
- pastries, cakes, etc. confectionery
- cookies, pastry products
- ice cream
- sweet drinks (Coca-Cola, Fanta)
- alcoholic drinks

If possible, avoid cooking food such as frying.
Try to use cookware that allows you to cook food without adding fat.

* - vegetable oil is a necessary part daily diet, however, it is enough to consume it in very small quantities.

Calculation of the amount of XE in the finished product:

Calculation of bread units of a product in factory packaging is very simple.

All factory products indicate the amount of carbohydrates in 100 g of products,

which must be divided by 12 and multiplied by the weight of the package.

Let's get the amount of XE in a given product package. Then simply divide by XE

To calculate bread units in a restaurant or in the home kitchen you need: a recipe for a prepared dish, a table of bread units, a calculator.

For example, we took 9 tablespoons of flour (1 tablespoon = 1 bread unit, 9 in total), 1 glass of milk (1 bread unit), 1 tablespoon sunflower oil(no XE), 1 egg (no XE). We baked 10 pancakes. This means 1 pancake = 1 unit of bread.

Or, for example, one cutlet (70 g) consists of meat and bread, rolled in flour and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. It turns out that one cutlet = 1 bread unit.

Thus, to summarize, we can draw the following conclusion that nutrition for diabetes mellitus is not the maximum restriction of everything edible, as it seems at first glance.

Such food can be not only healthy and dietary, but also tasty and varied!

Table of bread units

Dairy products
Product name Quantity per 1 XE Volume, weight per 1 XE
Milk 1 glass 200 ml
Baked milk 1 glass 200 ml
Kefir 1 glass 250 ml
Kefir bifidok 1 glass 250 ml
Acidophilus sweet 1/2 cup 100 ml
Natural unsweetened yogurt (bio) 1 glass 250 ml
Fruit yoghurt 75-100 g
Cream 1 glass 200 ml
Buttermilk 1 glass 300 ml
Curdled milk 1 glass 200 ml
Ryazhenka 1 glass 200 ml
Milk ice cream (without glaze and waffles) 65 g
Creamy ice cream (in glaze and waffles) 50 g
Condensed milk without sugar (can volume 400g) 1/3 can 130 g
Powdered milk in powder 1 tbsp. spoon 30 g
Cheesecake medium (with sugar) 1 piece 75 g
Sweet curd mass (without glaze and raisins) 100 g
Children's glazed cheese curds 2/3 pieces 35 g
Curd mass with raisins (sweet) 35-40 g
Cereals, cereals, flour products
Product name Quantity per 1 XE Volume, weight per 1 XE
Rye bread from wholemeal flour 1 piece 1.5 cm thick 35 g
White, gray bread (except butter bread) 1 piece 1 cm thick 20 g
Black bread 1 piece 1 cm thick 25 g
Bran bread 1 piece 1.3 cm thick 30 g
Borodinsky, Riga, aromatic bread 1 piece 0.6 cm thick 15 g
Rye bread 1 piece 1 cm thick 25 g
Crispbread 2 pieces 20 g
Breadsticks quantity depends on size 20 g
Unsweetened crackers 2 pieces 20 g
Unsweetened dryers 1.5-2 pieces 20 g
Crackers - large
2 pieces
5 pieces
15 pieces
20 g
20 g
20 g
Pita 20 g
Butter bun 20 g
Frozen puff pastry 35 g
Frozen yeast dough 25 g
Damn thin 1 large 30 g
Frozen pancakes with cottage cheese 1 piece 50 g
Frozen empanadas 1 piece 50 g
Frozen dumplings with cottage cheese 4 pieces 50 g
Frozen dumplings with cottage cheese 4 pieces 50 g
Cheesecake 0.5 pieces 50 g
Wafers are small 1.5 pieces 17 g
Flour 1 tbsp. heaped spoon 15 g
Gingerbread 1/2 pieces 40 g
Pancakes 30 g
Breadcrumbs 1 tbsp. heaped spoon 15 g
Butter cookies 1-2 pieces depending on size 15 g
Any raw cereal 1 tbsp. heaped spoon 15 g
Any porridge 2 tbsp. heaped spoon 50 g
Oatmeal 2 tbsp. heaped spoon 15 g
Wheat bran 12 tbsp. spoons 15 g
Pasta depending on the shape from 1 to 4 tbsp. spoons 50 g
Boiled pasta depending on the shape from 2 to 4 tbsp. spoons 15 g
Potatoes and mature legumes, some types of vegetables
Product name Quantity per 1 XE Volume, weight per 1 XE
Dried beans 1 tbsp. spoon 20 g
Boiled beans 3 tbsp. spoon 50 g
Jacket potatoes 1 piece 75 g
Frozen potato pancakes 60 g
Potatoes, raw, boiled 1 piece (the size of a large chicken egg) 65 g
Mashed potatoes 2 tbsp. spoons 75 g
Fried potatoes 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons depending on the cut 35 g
Potato chips 1 sachet small 25 g
Corn(cob) 0.5 pieces 100 g
Canned corn 3 tbsp. spoons 70 g
Boiled corn 3 tbsp. spoons 50 g
Cornflakes 4 tbsp. spoons 15 g
Boiled beans 3 tbsp. spoons 50 g
Boiled lentils 2 tbsp. heaped spoons 50 g
Fruits and berries
Product name Quantity per 1 XE Volume, weight per 1 XE
Apricot 4 pieces 120 g
Avocado 1 piece 200 g
Quince 1 piece 140 g
Cherry plum 4 pieces 140 g
Pineapple 1 slice with peel 140 g
Orange 1 piece with peel 130 g
Watermelon 1 slice with peel 270 g
Banana 1/2 piece with peel 70 g
Cowberry 7 tbsp. spoon (1 glass) 140 g
Grape 10 pieces 70 g
Cherry 15 pieces(1 glass) 90 g
Pomegranate 1 piece 170 g
Grapefruit 1/2 piece with peel 170 g
Pear 1 piece 100 g
Melon - "collective farmer" 1 slice with peel 100 g
Blackberry 8 tbsp. spoon (1 glass) 140 g
Strawberries 8 tbsp. spoon (1 glass) 150 g
Figs 1 piece 80 g
Kiwi 1 piece 110 g
Strawberry 10 pieces(1 glass) 160 g
Cranberry 1 glass 160 g
Gooseberry 6 tbsp. spoon (1 glass) 120 g
Raspberry 8 tbsp. spoon (1 glass) 150 g
Mango 1 piece 11 g
Tangerines 3 pieces 150 g
Nectarine 1 piece 120 g
Peach 1 piece 120 g
Papaya 1/2 pieces 140 g
Blue plums 4 pieces 90 g
Currant 7 tbsp. spoon (1 glass) 140 g
Feijoa 10 pieces 160 g
Persimmon 1 piece 70 g
Cherries 10 pieces(1 glass) 100 g
Blueberry 7 tbsp. spoon (1 glass) 140 g
Rose hip 3 tbsp. heaped spoons 60 g
Apple 1 piece 100 g
Juices 1/2 cup 100 ml
Sweets and other products
Product name Quantity per 1 XE Volume, weight per 1 XE
Sugar jam 1 tbsp. spoon 120 g
Kvass 1 glass 120 g
Kissel 1 glass 120 g
Compote 1 glass 120 g
Chocolate candy. 1 piece 120 g
Dried fruits 15 g
Honey 1 tbsp. spoon 120 g
Pudding 120 g
Marmalade 120 g
Lump sugar 2 pieces 12 g
Granulated sugar 1 tbsp. spoon 12 g
Chocolate 1/5 tile 20 g
Pizza 1/6 pieces 50 g
Cake pie 1 piece 3-8 XE

These are just the basics! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

A bread unit (XU) is a measure used to calculate the amount of carbohydrates in food when preparing a menu for a diabetic. 1 unit is equal to 10-12 g. digestible carbohydrates, 25 gr. bread One unit gives an increase in glycemia by approximately 1.5-2 mmol/l.

The patient is required to keep track of consumed foods containing carbohydrates and remember which carbohydrates quickly (sugar, sweets) and which slowly (starch, fiber) raise blood sugar levels.

Bakery products

Product name Amount of product in 1 XE
White bread or wheat bread for toast 20 gr
Black bread 25 gr
Rye bread 25 gr
Wholemeal bread with bran 30 gr
Rolls 20 gr
Crackers 2 pcs
Breadcrumbs 1 tbsp. spoon
Crackers 2 pcs large size(20 gr)
Unsweetened dryers 2 pcs
Crispbread 2 pcs
Pita 20 gr
Damn thin 1 large size (30 g)
Frozen pancakes with meat/cottage cheese 1 piece (50 g)
Pancakes 1 piece medium size(30 g)
Cheesecake 50 gr
Gingerbread 40 gr
Fine flour 1 tbsp. heaped spoon
Coarse flour 2 tbsp. heaped spoons
Rye flour 1 tbsp. heaped spoon
Whole soy flour 4 tbsp. heaped spoons
Raw dough (yeast) 25 gr
Raw dough (puff pastry) 35 gr
Dumplings, frozen dumplings 50 gr
Dumplings 15 g
Starch (wheat, corn, potato) 15 g

Cereals, pasta, potatoes

Product name Amount of product in 1 XE
Any cereal (raw) 1 tbsp. heaped spoon (15 g)
Pasta (dry) 4 tbsp. spoons (15 g)
Pasta (boiled) 50 gr
Raw rice 1 tbsp. heaped spoon (15 g)
Boiled rice 50 gr
Oatmeal 2 tbsp. heaped spoons (15 g)
Bran 50 gr
Boiled or baked potatoes 70 gr
Jacket potatoes 1 piece (75 gr)
Fried potatoes 50 gr
Mashed potatoes (water) 75 gr
Mashed potatoes (with milk) 75 gr
Mashed Potatoes (Dry Powder) 1 tbsp. spoon
Dry potatoes 25 gr
Potato pancakes 60 gr
Potato chips 25 gr
Ready-made breakfast cereals (cereals, muesli) 4 tbsp. spoons

Dairy products

Product name Amount of product in 1 XE
Milk (any fat content) 1 glass (200-250 ml)
Kefir (any fat content) 1 glass (200-250 ml)
Yogurt, Ryazhenka 1 glass (200-250 ml)
Curd mass without additives 100 gr
Curd mass with raisins 40 gr
Condensed milk 130 ml
Cream (any fat content) 1 glass (200-250 ml)
Natural unsweetened yogurt 1 glass (200-250 ml)
Fruit yoghurt 80-100 gr
Children's glazed cheese curds 35 gr
Cheesecake (medium size) 1 piece (75 gr)
Ice cream (without frosting and waffles) 65 gr
Creamy ice cream (with glaze) 50 gr

Bean products


Fruits and berries

Product name Amount of product in 1 XE
Apricot 120 gr
Quince 140 gr (1 piece)
Pineapple 130 gr
Orange 170 g (1 piece medium with peel)
Watermelon 270 g (1 small piece with crust)
Banana 90 g (half a large fruit with peel)
Cowberry 140 g (7 tablespoons)
Elder 170 gr
Grape 70 gr (10-12 berries)
Cherry 90 gr (12-15 berries)
Pomegranate 180 g (1 piece)
Grapefruit 170 g (half a fruit)
Pear 90 g (1 piece medium fruit)
Guava 80 gr
Melon 100 g (small piece with crust)
Blackberry 150 gr
Strawberries 150 gr
Figs 80 gr
Kiwi 110 g (1 piece large fruit)
Strawberry 160 gr (10 pieces of large berries)
Cranberry 160 gr
Gooseberry 120 g (1 glass)
Lemon 270 gr (2-3 pcs)
Raspberry 160 gr
Mango 80 gr
Mandarin (with/without peel) 150 g / 120 g (2-3 pcs)
Papaya 140 gr
Peach 120 g (1 piece medium fruit with stone)
Blue plums 90-100 g (3-4 medium pieces)
Currant 140 gr
Feijoa 160 gr
Persimmon 70 g (1 medium fruit)
Blueberries (blueberries) 160 gr
Apple 90 g (1 piece medium fruit)

Dried fruits


Sweets and sweeteners

Drinks, juices

Product name Amount of product in 1 XE
Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, etc. 100 ml (0.5 cup)
Kvass / Kissel / Compote 200-250 ml (1 glass)
Orange juice 100 ml (0.5 cup)
Grape juice 70 ml (0.3 cups)
Cherry juice 90 ml (0.4 cups)
Grapefruit juice 140 ml (1.4 cups)
Pear juice 100 ml (0.5 cup)
Cabbage juice 500 ml (2.5 cups)
Strawberry juice 160 ml (0.7 cups)
Redcurrant juice 90 ml (0.4 cups)
Gooseberry juice 100 ml (0.5 cup)
Raspberry juice 160 ml (0.7 cups)
carrot juice 125 ml (2/3 cup)
Cucumber juice 500 ml (2.5 cups)
Beet juice 125 ml (2/3 cup)
Plum juice 70 ml (0.3 cups)
Tomato juice 300 ml (1.5 cups)
Apple juice 100 ml (0.5 cup)

Ready meals

Bread units at McDonald's, fast food

Product name Number of XE
Hamburger, Cheeseburger 2,5
Big Mac 3-4
Royal Cheeseburger 2
Royal deluxe 2,2
McChicken 3
Chicken McNuggets (6 pcs) 1
French fries (standard portion) 5
French fries (children's portion) 3
Pizza (300 gr) 6
Vegetable salad 0,6
Ice cream with chocolate, strawberry, caramel 3-3,2
Cocktail (standard portion) 5
Hot chocolate (standard portion) 2

Calculation and use of XE

A patient with diabetes needs to count bread units in order to calculate the correct dosage of insulin. The more carbohydrates you plan to consume, the higher the hormone dosage. To absorb 1 XE eaten, you need 1.4 units of short-acting insulin.

But basically, bread units are calculated using ready-made tables, which is not always convenient, since a person must also consume protein food, fats, minerals, vitamins, so experts advise planning your daily calorie content according to the specific gravity of the main foods consumed: 50–60% are carbohydrates, 25–30% are fats, 15–20% are proteins.

A diabetic's body should receive approximately 10–30 XE per day, the exact amount directly depends on age, weight, and type of physical activity.

The largest portion of food containing carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day; the division of the menu should depend on the insulin therapy plan. In any case, no more than 7 XE should be consumed per meal.

Absorbed carbohydrates should mainly be starches (cereals, bread, vegetables) - 15 XE; fruits and berries should account for no more than 2 units. On simple carbohydrates no more than 1/3 of total number. At normal level glucose in the blood between main meals, you can consume a product that contains 1 unit.

Glycemic index of foods

In diabetes, not only the presence of carbohydrates in the specific product, but also how quickly they are absorbed and enter the bloodstream. The smoother the carbohydrate is digested, the less the increase in blood glucose occurs.

GI (glycemic index) – impact factor various products nutrition on blood glucose levels. Products with great glycemic index(sugar, candy, sweet drinks, jam) should be excluded from your menu. It is allowed to consume only 1-2 XE of sweets to relieve hypoglycemia.