Suppositories for restoration of microflora in gynecology. Restoring vaginal microflora - the best drugs, proven folk remedies. Prevention of vaginal microflora disorders

Restoration of vaginal microflora - in what cases is it necessary and how is it carried out? Let's talk about this topic.

When a girl is born, her vagina is sterile. But within a few days it is populated by various microorganisms - anaerobes, staphylococci, streptococci. And during puberty, lactobacilli are added to them, due to which the vaginal environment becomes acidic. Doctors say that the vaginal microflora is disturbed when the pH of the environment is more than 4.5. The smear reveals the so-called “ key cells", and the woman herself experiences unpleasant symptoms. Such as itching, copious discharge, the mucous membrane of the labia and the urethral area may turn red.

Why does this happen? By the way, not only among women leading sex life. And the reasons are multifaceted, including douching, the use of various spermicides and other drugs vaginally, sexually transmitted infections, immune disorders, etc. It’s worth mentioning separately about douching. Many women consider them a panacea for everything, and even more in a great way maintaining personal hygiene. Doctors are in a hurry to convince women: the vagina does not need such cleansing, this will only lead to an imbalance of microorganisms, and as a result, the appearance of pathological symptoms.

How to restore vaginal microflora and where to start? From a visit to the gynecologist, because you have unpleasant symptoms for a reason. This is due to some pathogen or infection. And it is impossible even for a doctor to determine them visually. You'll have to take a smear test. But based on the results, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Moreover, most likely, these will not be drugs to restore the vaginal microflora. If a woman has vaginal candidiasis (thrush), she will be prescribed antifungal (antimycotic) drugs. If the culprit is a pathogenic microorganism, then an antimicrobial. Both this group of drugs and the other are undoubtedly very effective, but when long-term use cause imbalance. A woman may feel burning, dryness, pain during sex, and in such cases she may be prescribed another group of medications - suppositories that restore the vaginal microflora, these include Gynoflor, Atsilakt, Bifidumbacterin, Lactotsid, Lactozhinal. etc. Their cost fluctuates around 300-500 rubles. Those who want to save money on these medications practice restoring the vaginal microflora with folk remedies in the form of kefir or natural yogurt(without various additives). Some doctors of the old school advise women to insert a tampon soaked in kefir shallowly into the vagina at night and wash it with water with the addition of kefir (1 tablespoon per glass). This is especially recommended after treatment with strong antibacterial drugs.

But it cannot be said with certainty that the vaginal microflora needs restoration after antibiotics. Some drugs may disrupt it, but the balance of microorganisms is quite short terms recovers on its own. In addition to drugs that restore microflora, drugs that stimulate the immune system are prescribed, since women’s health also depends on it.

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Vaginal microflora is an important component of the woman’s immune system. This is normal acidic environment which prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. Disturbance of microflora is called dysbiosis.

The most common reasons are external factors:

  • Hypothermia;
  • Inadequate regimen for taking hormonal medications;
  • Irregular sex life;
  • Climate change;
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis;
  • Infections and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • Incorrect use of tampons and pads during menstruation, untimely replacement of personal hygiene products.

Normal immune system is able to independently regulate the ratio of bacteria, and restoration of the vaginal microflora occurs without help medicines. If a woman constantly faces one of the risk factors, normalization of the vaginal microflora is carried out with special preparations.


Symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis manifest themselves clearly only in cases where the flora is seriously disturbed and requires complex treatment. Often the same symptoms initial stages almost invisible:

  • The discharge becomes white-yellow;
  • During sexual intercourse and calm state discomfort and dryness are felt, which are temporarily eliminated with hygiene products;
  • The discharge smells unpleasant.

Many women associate these signs with the approach of menstruation, taking medications. If observed additional symptoms, talk about complicated dysbiosis, which led to infectious diseases. Additional symptoms:

  • Burning and hyperemia of the vaginal walls;
  • Redness of the labia;
  • Dryness in the vagina;
  • Delayed menstruation;
  • The discharge takes on a distinct ammonia or musty odor.

The complications that dysbiosis causes when long absence treatment:

  • Infection cervical canal and uterus, leading to endometritis;
  • Spread of infection to the appendages, adnexitis;
  • Inflammation bladder And urethra, cystitis, urethritis.

Complicated forms of any infectious diseases are quite difficult to treat.

Treatment regimen

Since it is difficult to restore the vaginal microflora, especially with complications, without identifying the cause of dysbiosis, the treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Detection of the cause of dysbiosis;
  2. Elimination of pathogenic bacteria in the vagina;
  3. Restoration of natural microflora;
  4. Immunostimulating therapy to consolidate the result in the future.

To detect the causes, the gynecologist will prescribe laboratory tests urine, blood, microflora smear. If pathogenic bacteria are suspected, both partners should take a smear.

If the reason is not pathogenic bacteria, vaginal probiotics are immediately prescribed. Among the forms of drugs there are tablets and ointments, but suppositories are the most effective for restoring microflora in women.

If dysbiosis has caused complications, the pathogenic microflora and complications are first eliminated, and only then treatment is started in order to normalize the microflora.

Elimination of pathogenic flora

It is useless to restore the microflora as long as the pathogenic infection continues to destroy it. The most common cause of dysbiosis is thrush.

In this case, the following suppositories are prescribed to restore the vaginal microflora:

  • Clotrimazole;

  • Nystatin;

  • Pimafucin;

Treatment with these suppositories should be prescribed by a doctor after identifying the Candida fungus in a smear for microflora. The active ingredients can cause itching and redness, and some of the drugs are prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

If the cause is more serious pathogens: ureaplasma, trichomonas, chlamydia, a restorative course is carried out complex therapy with antibiotics. In this case, according to doctors, the use of lactobacilli can only aggravate the situation, creating favorable environment for the propagation of infections and viruses.

Recovery phase

After eliminating the root cause, a smear is taken again for microflora. If pathogenic microorganisms not detected, restoration of microflora in gynecology begins.

Used the following drugs to restore microflora:

If the problem is a decrease in acidity, treatment is carried out using suppositories with lactic acid:

The drugs are prescribed taking into account the age, weight of the patient, her sensitivity to the components of the drug, taking into account the conditions of pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and lactation.

Use of suppositories

Most often, treatment is carried out local drugs, suppositories with lactobacilli and hormones are popular.

  • Vagikal - suppositories for normalizing microflora and suppressing the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, have a mild anti-inflammatory effect, treatment lasts ten days.
  • Gynoflor - due to the content of lactobacilli, they promote the reproduction of natural microflora with the necessary acidity, available in the form of vaginal tablets.
  • Estriol - restores fungal-damaged epithelium with a mild wound-healing effect. The duration of treatment is 7 days, the suppository is inserted into the vagina once a day before bedtime.

  • Kipferon - strengthens both local and systemic immunity, the course of treatment is ten days, then a break of 5 days and another course. For complete treatment, repeat two or three courses.
  • Bifidumbacterin - suppositories that are used both to restore vaginal microflora and to treat intestinal dysbiosis. The suppositories are placed twice a day for ten days; the effect of the drug is quite mild, therefore it is not prohibited during pregnancy.
  • Vaginorm - normalizes the acidity of the vagina and suppresses the proliferation of pathogens, the duration of treatment is no more than a week.

If dysbiosis and candidiasis have developed against the background of long-term use of antibiotics, it is necessary to use drugs that restore and intestinal microflora: yogurt in capsules, Linex, natural homemade yogurts with pharmacy starters.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional methods of restoring microflora can be a successful addition to drug therapy, enhancing its effect. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist and choose this method. traditional medicine, which would be combined with the used active substance drugs.

  • You can cook it yourself medicinal tampons. To do this, brew a chamomile decoction according to the prescription on the pharmacy packaging for the collection of chamomile officinalis. Then dip the tampon into the broth, wring it out lightly and insert it into the vagina.
  • You can use a purchased tampon, or make your own from sterile cotton wool and gauze.
  • Tampons with kefir and honey are also used. Make sure first that no allergic reactions for honey - a drop of honey is applied to the wrist, rubbed into the skin, and the reaction is observed for six hours.

  • To prepare a tampon, you need to soak it in honey and insert it into the vagina in the morning. In the evening, a tampon with kefir is inserted - it is better to purchase bio-kefir or prepare it yourself using pharmaceutical bacterial starter cultures.
  • The tampon can be wetted and sea ​​buckthorn oil, leaving it for several hours.
  • Among douching procedures, douching with chamomile with calendula and kefir is popular. The doctor may also prescribe douching medicinal solutions, for example, Furacilin.

Tampons should not be kept in place for longer than four hours. Before douching, consultation with a doctor is required, since the procedure is prohibited during pregnancy, endometritis, and fibroids.


IN for preventive purposes Personal hygiene products should be reviewed, excluding cheap products with dyes, fragrances, and allergens.

To strengthen the immune system, the doctor may prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes:

  • Kvadevit.

It is necessary to visit a gynecologist once every three months in order to promptly recognize the manifestation of dysbiosis and prevent chronic disorder vaginal microflora. If no relapse occurs within a year, you can visit a gynecologist every six months.

Grooming is an important part women's health, but, unfortunately, many women are not sufficiently aware of the rules for its implementation. Violation of the rules of intimate care can lead to disastrous consequences - dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) of the vagina, which, in turn, can be the cause of many inflammatory processes in the female genital organs.

Every woman should know how to properly care for herself intimate area, how to distinguish violations of the vaginal microflora, and how to restore and maintain the correct balance of intimate microflora.

Taking a shower correctly

Disturbances in the balance of intimate microflora can lead to various reasons. One of the most common is incorrect water procedures. Under no circumstances should you bathe too often - no more than 2 times a day. In addition, there is no need to wash the vaginal opening itself with soap - it is enough to treat only the external genitalia with soap. You need to use delicate soap, and best of all, a special intimate soap, gel or other product designed specifically for these purposes.

It is advisable to use boiled water to cleanse the genitals. It should be warm, but not too hot and certainly not cold. There is no need to use a washcloth, as the skin of the intimate area is very delicate. The direction of movement during this intimate procedure- front to back. Other movements may cause bacteria to enter the area. anus in the vagina.

Other causes of vaginal dysbiosis

Very often, dysbiosis is a consequence of taking antibiotics, decreased immunity, and poor hygiene during sexual intercourse. A man should also take very good care of his intimate hygiene, because many bacteria are introduced into a woman’s vagina by her partner. Both participants must wash themselves before sexual intercourse. For men, it is also enough to use warm clean water and mild soap without a washcloth.

If you are using disinfectants for the intimate area, do not resort to their help too often. Ordinary antibacterial soap with triclosan, for example, can completely kill everything beneficial bacteria, getting into the vagina. Adhere to reasonable limits, because very often women, in pursuit of cleanliness, upset the balance of intimate microflora, and, as a result, pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms colonize there.

One more common reason- abuse of tampons. If you experience discomfort in the vagina, a strange smell and color of discharge, an increase in its quantity, or discomfort during sexual intercourse, then you should avoid using tampons altogether. They should not be used in last days menstruation, and also change less frequently than every 4 hours. In any case, using pads is much safer if we're talking about about maintaining proper balance in the vagina. During menstruation, you should refrain from sexual activity, visiting the pool, sauna and taking baths.

It is very important to wear the right underwear. Panties made from synthetic non-natural fabrics, thongs and tight trousers are reasons that can also lead to disorders in the intimate sphere. Ideal underwear should be made from pure natural fabric, preferably cotton. Panties should not pinch or “cut” into the skin.

How to restore the normal balance of intimate microflora?

Natural environment for the vagina - sour. Soap is an alkali, so excessive washing with soap only harms our intimate area. Lactic acid, which is secreted by special “friendly” bacteria living in the vagina, is aggressive for various microbes, but at the same time it is gentle on sperm. That is, disturbances of the intimate microflora in some cases even prevent the desired pregnancy from occurring.

Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis involves the use of special suppositories with lactobacilli and ascorbic acid. Be sure to consult with your gynecologist and take a flora smear at the beginning and end of treatment. Stimulation is also very important protective properties immunity, correct and balanced diet nutrition, consumption of fermented milk products, taking vitamin supplements.

You can also get rid of microflora disorders using folk remedies. Fermented milk products help fight the occurrence of dysbiosis not only from the outside, but also directly at the site of its occurrence. An excellent folk remedy that is absolutely safe and time-tested is washing with kefir. Simply take any kefir, dilute 2 tablespoons of it in a glass of warm boiled water, and wash with this solution for a week. Can also be used with the addition of kefir or natural whey.

Intimate hygiene is necessary for every person. Proper care for delicate parts of the body provides comfort and convenience. If you follow all the recommendations correctly, there will be no discomfort, smells and various diseases caused by dysbacteriosis.

When wondering how to restore intestinal microflora, you should remember that treatment is selected based on the causes of existing symptoms and disorders. Mainly used are pre- and probiotics, enzymes, anti- and symbiotics, diet and some folk remedies.

The course of therapy should include a complex of drugs to restore digestion, ensure the supply of vitamins and beneficial microorganisms. That is why, when dysbiosis appears, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.

General information about microflora

Intestinal microflora are living organisms that live in the body of every person. There are more than 500 types of them, and there are both useful and harmful.

The inhabitants of the human intestine can be divided into mucosal and luminal flora.

The first is localized on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, where it multiplies safely. The second species lives in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, its vital activity is supported by dietary fiber, to which microorganisms attach.

Flora is classified according to its usefulness to the body:

  • The facultative subtype consists of microorganisms that are necessary for humans. They do not cause disease.
  • Obligate flora belongs to the opportunistic species. In small quantities it has positive influence to your health. Such microorganisms participate in metabolism and help fight infections. Call pathological process may weaken the immune system, which entails the development of an infectious environment.
  • Transient organisms are occasional residents of the intestine. They can get into it by eating dirty food or by insufficient heat treatment of foods. Since it is unusual for it to be inside the body, the pathogenic type does not live long, but during this time a favorable environment is created for the further development of the infection.

The correct ratio of microorganisms in the intestines determines the health of the organ. If an imbalance occurs, a person’s well-being worsens. Beneficial microflora serves as a barrier to pests In addition, it is involved in the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients.

The formation of flora begins from the moment of birth, when a newly born baby is laid on the mother’s stomach and given a drop of colostrum to taste. Subsequently, the human body accepts both healthy and pathogenic environments. When there is an excess of harmful organisms, dysbacteriosis begins.


The following can lead to the development of imbalance:

Dysbacteriosis often occurs after suffering from certain diseases or exposure of the flora to certain unfavorable conditions. These include:

  • Long-term use of antibiotics, when the drugs destroy not only pathogenic flora, but also beneficial bacteria.
  • Poisoning. At the same time, toxins quickly spread in the body, which leads to dehydration of the body and the death of good microflora.
  • Diarrhea as a consequence poor nutrition or presence viral infections. Rapid bowel movements wash away all beneficial flora.
  • Weakening of the immune system when vitamins enter the body in insufficient quantity or there are problems with digesting food and absorbing nutrients.


Symptoms of microflora disorders can be quite clearly observed in both adults and children. In men and women, the main manifestations are the following:

  • Abnormal stool. Most often, diarrhea begins, but the condition may alternate with constipation.
  • Pain localized in the lower abdomen.
  • Bloating, flatulence.
  • Fatigue, apathy, depression.
  • Dizziness, headaches.
  • Brittle hair and nails, dryness and sickly look skin.

The main causes of imbalance in a child are malnutrition and illness. internal organs: liver, gallbladder and its ducts, pancreas, stomach and intestines. They can be either congenital or acquired under the influence of a number of factors.

Parents should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Bloating, flatulence.
  • Pain in the intestinal area.
  • Abnormal bowel movements, alternating constipation and diarrhea.
  • The presence of nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite.
  • The baby spits up more than normal.
  • The presence of undigested food residues in the stool.
  • Availability unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Drowsiness, fatigue, lethargy, decreased performance.
  • Putrid smell of feces.


In order to restore the balance, drugs are used to normalize the microflora; they use a number of methods that together give good effect. In general this is:

Drug treatment

Medicines for dysbiosis provide several ways to approach the problem. Usually prescribed:

  • Antibiotics. Recommended in severe cases of pathology to eliminate pathogenic flora.
  • Prebiotics. They create a favorable environment for the life of beneficial bacteria.
  • Probiotics are analogues of intestinal microorganisms.
  • Symbiotics help create the right microflora by colonizing bacteria and provide a suitable environment for their development.
  • Enzymes. Helps normalize the process of food digestion.

When choosing a remedy, they are often based on symptoms. For diarrhea, probiotics help, after constipation, prebiotics; for unstable stools, it is recommended to take symbiotics.


Means for eliminating harmful microorganisms help cope with fungi, E. coli, and staphylococci.

The most common is Metronidazole, it comes in capsule form. When wondering how to restore the intestinal flora, for the greatest effectiveness, before prescribing drugs, it is necessary to conduct an examination for the presence of pathogens and their resistance to drugs.


Helps eliminate colon discomfort and create the stage for probiotics to start and grow. For this purpose, you can take inexpensive but effective drugs:

  • Duphalac in suspension.
  • Lactofiltrum tablets.
  • Lactusan in the form of syrup.

Drugs in this group are often prescribed after diarrhea or a course of antibiotics. In this case, the body needs them to reduce gas formation, improve the digestion process, and heal affected areas of the intestinal mucosa.

The most effective foods are bananas, garlic, and onions.


They populate the intestinal flora with beneficial microorganisms. The best probiotics contain bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Representatives of this group may contain either one type of beneficial microorganisms or a complex of bacteria. The most popular:

  • Bifidumbacterin powder.
  • Linex in capsules.
  • Lactobacterin suppositories.
  • Acylact in the form of rectal suspensions.
  • Acipol.

Healthy foods include cottage cheese, kefir and homemade sauerkraut.


Preparations in this group combine the properties of pre- and probiotics and contribute to the creation comfortable conditions for the development of beneficial microorganisms, while at the same time populating the intestines with the necessary bacteria.

The most popular symbiotics are:

  • Biovestin Lacto.
  • Bifidoback.
  • Hilak Forte.


They help normalize the digestion process. Recommended to use:

  • Mezim Forte.
  • Kreazim.
  • Creon.
  • Festal.

Prescribing medications after a course of antibiotics and poisoning

To cope with imbalance after microflora disturbance, it is recommended to select medicines for their intended purpose:

After antibiotics, it is recommended to use mash. For this purpose for 500 ml warm water put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and sugar, 2 g of yeast. After stirring, leave to ferment for about 2 hours in a warm place. The product is divided in half and drunk between meals.

Restoration of microflora in children

At a young age, problems with microflora are observed quite often. Treatment of pathology must be carried out with age-appropriate drugs. The baby only needs milk from the mother, who adheres to a special diet.

For older children the following is prescribed:

  • Linex powder.
  • Plantex.
  • Hilak Forte drops.
  • Fennel seeds.

The latter is used to make tea for children. At 3 tbsp. spoons of seeds need 500 ml of boiling water. After brewing the product, keep it in a water bath for 10 minutes. After cooling, filter and give to the baby to drink throughout the day.

Home treatments

You can restore microflora using folk remedies. They are able to effectively combat flatulence, bloating, and pain. For dysbacteriosis, the following are most often used:

  • Herbal infusion of St. John's wort, medicinal chamomile and flax seeds. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, then filter and drink 150 ml daily before meals.
  • Burnet drink. 300 g of bark is peeled and crushed, then pour 350 ml of boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes. After straining, drink 2 tbsp. spoons every 2 hours.
  • Infusion of elecampane. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed root is poured into a glass cold water and insist overnight. After straining, take 50 ml before meals.
  • An infusion of 5 parts of eucalyptus, one - dill seeds, three - peppermint. After mixing the herbs, take 1 tbsp. spoon of raw material and pour 1 liter hot water. It is necessary to insist for at least an hour, then drink 1 glass before meals.

Nutritional standards for dysbiosis

Very important role when microflora is disturbed, they play proper diet And balanced menu. It is the adjustment of the foods consumed that can normalize the digestion process, eliminate problems with stool and gas formation, and also help the body obtain the missing vitamins and bacteria.

The diet should be selected depending on the symptoms:

  • For constipation, it is recommended to eat oatmeal, beets, sour fruits, bran, and flaxseed.
  • For diarrhea, it is useful to eat puree from boiled cauliflower, carrots and zucchini, baked apples. From drinking you can lingonberry juice t blueberry jelly. Porridge - mainly rice and oatmeal. You can eat steamed meat and fish dishes.
  • In case of flatulence, it is advisable for the patient to exclude legumes, whole milk, sweet dishes, and baked goods from the menu. It is necessary to increase protein levels in daily diet. It is useful to prepare light broths, steamed omelettes, and baked potatoes.

If the microflora is disturbed, nutrition should be supplemented with prebiotics to maintain immunity. Their highest content is found in chicory, garlic, onions, dandelion greens, asparagus, banana, and bran.

For recovery optimal level It is useful to include lacto- and bifidobacteria in the menu daily fermented milk products. They activate the gastrointestinal tract and promote the synthesis of vitamin K and B.

A gradual restoration of microflora is observed when consuming buckwheat and rolled oats. They normalize metabolic processes, promote the removal of toxins and waste.

Sour berries and fruits contain organic acids that eliminate intestinal problems. It is useful to eat cranberries, cherries, rosehips, cherry plums, and apples.

Rules for following a diet

In addition to selection necessary products, it is important to organize your meals correctly.

  • Consume only freshly prepared food.
  • Eat warm food.
  • Avoid overeating, as this slows down the digestion process.
  • Periodically arrange fasting days.
  • When cooking, steam or boil foods.
  • Eliminate salt or use it in limited quantities.
  • In nutrition, focus on mucous porridges.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber.
  • Eat meals in small portions, at least 5 times a day.

Prohibited Products

  • Fatty meats and fish.
  • Smoked meats, salt, seasonings and spices.
  • Canned
  • Grain bread.
  • Muffins.
  • Confectionery products with added chocolate.
  • Pearl barley, eggs and millet.
  • Gribov.
  • Bobovykh.
  • Ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise.
  • Coffee, cocoa.


If dysbacteriosis is not treated in a timely manner, the process can progress and develop into:

  • Iron deficiency anemia.
  • Inflammation of the rectum.
  • Lack of vitamins - vitamin deficiency.
  • Intestinal infection.
  • Chronic enterocolitis.
  • Sepsis.

Preventive measures

The development of the disease can be avoided by following medical recommendations:

  • Give up bad habits.
  • Watch your diet.
  • Try to avoid stress.
  • Take medications only as prescribed by a doctor and do not exceed recommended doses.
  • If gastrointestinal pathologies occur, treat the disease in a timely manner.
  • When treated with antibiotics, take agents to stimulate the growth of normal flora.

Recovering from imbalances of bacteria in the intestines is a rather long and difficult task. To avoid health problems, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, monitor nutrition, active image life and give up bad habits.

Only a doctor can prescribe the most suitable suppositories for restoring microflora in women. Modern pharmaceutical companies offer large number different drugs and try to somehow stand out from others. For example, some produce suppositories with an applicator, others shorten the course of treatment due to dosages.

Important! The information presented in the article is useful not only for restoring the vaginal microflora after thrush, but also for restoring it after other conditions. It could be long-term use antibiotics, general decline immunity, various infections.

Suppositories for the purpose of restoring microflora are prescribed to women only after she has completed the main course of treatment for the disease described. Restoring the vaginal microflora, especially after prolonged vaginal candidiasis, is important stage treatment. Pay attention to the material about. With the help of suppositories, you can strengthen the immunity of the mucous membrane so that it can perfectly perform its functions of protecting the body from pathogenic bacteria.

Specifics of using candles

IN in good condition The environment in the vagina is acidic. It prevents harmful bacteria, even if they have entered the mucous membrane, from spreading further throughout the body. To restore microflora it will be necessary to reduce natural level pH to reading 3.5-4.5. Lactobacilli will help. They are ways to isolate the amount of organic acids that will help achieve the goal.

But, it is quite logical that a decrease in the acidity level of the mucous membrane will lead to the fact that yeast fungi feel at home. Therefore, suppositories are needed to restore microflora in women. They contain additional lactobacilli, but this type of medicine can be used only after the main course of treatment has been completed.

Important! To confirm recovery, you will need to get tested by a gynecologist. We have already discussed in detail what ANALYSIS tests are taken. In particular, you will need to additionally take a smear for flora.

How to start restoring microflora

What drugs are used

We have established that suppositories for restoring microflora in women and general preparations systemic action important. First of all, for those who suffer from chronic thrush. Since the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge selection of drugs of this kind, only a gynecologist can prescribe the ones that are suitable for a particular lady. For full recovery useful to carry out .

Of course, there are a number of drugs that have worked well. Among the most popular and effective drugs highlight:

  • “Vagilak”, “Ecofemin”. They have an excellent effect on restoring the vaginal microflora after candidiasis. These drugs have a gentle effect on the body as a whole. The course of treatment is 10 days, the composition contains herbal components;
  • "Bifidumbacterin" - suppositories for restoring microflora in women, which normalize the balance of beneficial microorganisms;
  • "Lactobacterin" . One more vaginal suppositories, normalizing the balance of those microorganisms that should protect the body and local immunity;
  • "Vaginorm S" . Available in tablet form and the drug is necessary for recovery normal level acidity;
  • "Genferon" . These are suppositories that can be inserted vaginally or rectally. They help clean both the vagina and genitourinary system from pathogenic bacteria;
  • "Pimafucin" . Many gynecologists prescribe these suppositories due to the fact that they do not have side effects, suitable even for pregnant women.

It is extremely important to select suppositories for restoring microflora in women and other medications with your doctor. After all, for a specific medical history, the medicine is selected individually. A course to restore microflora after thrush can cost a pretty penny, but once you start treatment, you should complete it. Once again, we present statistical data that shows that after the described course of recovery, the risk of relapse is reduced by 12 times.