Estrus in dogs: stages, duration and possible complications


How long does a dog's heat last? This question is asked by many owners of adult bitches who are seriously thinking about getting healthy puppies that fully meet breed standards.

The physiological processes occurring in the body of an adult bitch are in many ways similar to those occurring in the body of any female.

At a certain period of puberty, the bitch begins to have discharge, which is the main sign of her readiness to mate and bear offspring.

To determine estrus, veterinary medicine uses a term such as estrus.

When should you expect your first heat?

The timing of the onset of the first heat depends on the age and breed of the dog. In bitches small breeds(both dachshunds and) discharge appears at 7-9 months; in medium breed bitches (and fox terriers) it can linger and begin no earlier than 12-15 months.

When planning to mate a bitch, you should not count too much on the first heat. It may occur a little earlier, or, on the contrary, later; its symptoms may be completely invisible to the unprofessional eye, which in some cases leads to errors associated with the falsity of this phenomenon.

False discharge is often diagnosed in young bitches

In this case, symptoms may appear for a short time, then fade away, only to return with new strength, also for a short period of time.

It is very difficult to guess when exactly such a bitch will be ready to accept a male; any attempts to do this can lead to unwanted and even false pregnancy.

The intensity and time of onset of discharge largely depend on individual characteristics bitches, therefore, only the veterinarian when conducting a thorough study.

There is no need to make diagnoses on your own and panic.

Signs of heat

The main and clearly visible sign of estrus is the appearance of blood on the floor, carpeting and furniture in the places where the dog sits. Blood is released from the so-called loop.

For a bitch, such discharge is absolutely painless, but the animal’s mental system can react in a way that is most unexpected for the owners.

Large dogs at this time become extremely aggressive and stop obeying basic commands, so moving around the city with them should be limited.

Small breeds of dogs may experience an unexpected surge of strength; the bitch will begin to feel the need for a minute-by-minute change of environment.

The animal may exhibit:

  • irrepressible joy;
  • to be sad;
  • possible drooling;
  • dilated pupils;
  • violation of orientation in space.

During the first heat, dogs begin to ask to go to the toilet more often, and after that they carefully lick the loop. For many bitches, the onset of discharge coincides with the first shedding. The dog begins to mark its territory while walking, which immediately arouses interest on the part of males.

Duration and periodization of estrus

Estrus in dogs, regardless of breed, lasts at least 20-22 days, twice a year in young dogs and once in old dogs.

In order not to make a mistake with the day of mating, you should remember that the bitch becomes ready for fertilization only by the 9th day after the appearance of the first blood.

Until this time, she may show all the signs of hunting, but attempts by males claiming to mate are usually rejected.

The peak of sexual activity occurs on days 10-17, after which the bitch becomes more and more inert to the encroachments of males and by the 23rd day she finally stops responding to them

There is the following periodization of estrus, generally accepted among dog breeders and veterinarians, which helps even a beginner understand the issues of upcoming mating:

  1. Proestrus. Initial stage. Period from 1 to 8 days. At this time, the bitch begins to show signs of heat, but, as mentioned above, is not yet ready to accept a male, therefore she behaves aggressively, or, on the contrary, is overly shy. At this stage there may be abundant spotting, it is recommended to limit the dog’s movement around the room, or use special panties. You need to wear panties for as long as your heat lasts.
  2. Estrus. The active period of estrus lasts from 9 to 16-17 days. The dog feels desire, moves its tail and shows other obvious signs readiness for mating - squats, lies on his stomach, whines. This time is considered the best for mating and producing healthy offspring.
  3. Metaestrus, or diestrus. The passive period of estrus is 17-23 days. Mating is possible in principle, the female allows the male to approach, but the discharge becomes less and less noticeable, and the desire disappears. The bitch becomes lethargic and stops responding to the opposite sex. Mating is not recommended; it is better to wait until next time, especially if we're talking about on the preservation of breed qualities of such breeds as German shepherd, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Labrador, or Jack Russell.
  4. Anestrus. The period between heats. The usual state of a bitch, hormonal background which is normal.

Important! To make your dog more obedient during heat, you need to firmly teach her such commands as: “fu,” “come to me,” and “near.” The dog must follow these commands flawlessly.

If the dog does not react, you need to stock up on the animal’s favorite treats; they will help attract the pet’s attention in case it breaks off the leash and rushes towards new acquaintances.

How to prevent unwanted consequences of estrus

One of undesirable consequences the first discharge is an unplanned pregnancy of the bitch

To prevent this from happening, bitch owners are advised to:

  1. Before each walk, large and small dogs wear special panties outside. They can not only relieve the owner from the unpleasant task of wiping floors and other surfaces after the dog, but also prevent unwanted covering of the dog by a male dog encountered on a walk.
  2. Regularly monitor estrus periods, especially in dachshunds and small breed dogs. From the first heat, you should start keeping a calendar, noting the first and last days in heat. Such a calendar will help you prepare in advance for estrus also in small breed dogs, by finding a suitable male. In addition, keeping a calendar will help to detect health problems in your dog in a timely manner.

If estrus occurs more than 2 times a year, or is delayed for an indefinite period of time, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian

The main problem of any heat is not the nervous behavior of the dog, but the presence of discharge, forcing the owners to clean the carpets, constantly clean the house and bathe the dog.

You can significantly reduce the time it takes to put your house in order by teaching your dog to lick dirty fur around the loop.

In addition, owners of dogs with early or delayed discharge will have to take a progesterone test, the level of which will determine the most favorable days to mate and reveal possible violations female sexual health.

If natural estrus does not occur for a number of reasons, the veterinarian can induce it artificially, which is a completely routine procedure that does not in any way disrupt the normal functioning of the dog’s body.

Important! Unwanted heat should never be prevented using contraception. Any medicines, having this kind of impact, can cause serious oncological diseases, which will develop over time pet.

It is important for the dog owner to know how long the pet’s heat lasts, what measures the dog owner can take to prevent unwanted pregnancy dogs. When to contact the veterinarian, can the visit be postponed if the dog is behaving normally, or should the dog be in heat under the supervision of a veterinarian?

Estrus (estrus) appears when the follicles in the female's ovaries mature. It indicates that the animal is ready to mate and conceive. Experienced dog breeders keep relevant entries in their diary. This will help not only to get high-quality offspring, but also to monitor the health of the bitch.

This is what a beginner needs to know about how long the empty space lasts.

The emptying is divided into four stages:

  • Proestrus is the first 7-10 days. The female's genital loop swells and a bloody secretion is released. She is not yet ready for mating - the egg has not descended into the uterus. Although the excitement in her behavior is already noticeable, she still does not allow the opposite sex to approach her.
  • Estrus - ovulation occurs, the secretion becomes transparent or disappears. Now the bitch is ready for mating, which she makes clear to the male dogs through her behavior. Conception usually occurs during these 5–12 days.
  • Metestrus – the next 8–10 days of the cycle, during this period the discharge gradually disappears.
  • Anestrus is a time of calm. The ovaries stop active phase and go into sleep mode. They remain in this state from 1 month to 2 years.

How many days the heat lasts and how much time passes between them depends on the habitat. For street dwellers, it appears once a year (this is called monocyclicity). This frequency is associated with adaptation to environment. Most favorable period for conception - late winter, because newborn puppies will have enough time to get stronger before the cold weather arrives.

Pets are characterized by polycyclicity (up to three times a year), because they do not depend on natural conditions and can afford to reproduce more often.

The first heat in some animals occurs as early as six months, but this period can be later - one and a half years. It is the shortest, has blurred manifestations and can pass unnoticed by the owner of the animal. You need to try to prevent this from happening in order to study the cycle for future matings.

First time with small breeds

So how long does heat last in small breeds? The first heat in small breeds (Bolognese, Welsh Terrier, Mudi, Pekingese, Pinscher, etc.) usually occurs earlier than in others - at 6–8 months.

But this does not mean that maturation is complete. Therefore, after the first such manifestations, the pet is not bred - they do it the second or third time: the bitch will reach required weight, she will have a clear cycle. This rule applies to all breeds.

The emptying lasts from 2 to 3 weeks with an interval of up to 12 months, which depends on the breed and heredity. Small dogs have about 10 cycles during their life.

Differences in estrus in medium-sized dogs

These pets experience about 20 cycles in their life. The first heat in medium-sized breeds (Bobtail, Basenji, American Staffordshire Terrier, Dalmatian, Bull Terrier, etc.) occurs at 7–8 months and is repeated at intervals of 6–8 months.

Its average duration is 16 days. The first mating is carried out no earlier than the bitch reaches 15 months of age.

The first in large pets

First heat large breeds(Great Dane, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, etc.) occurs in the 8th–16th month of life.

With age, in large breeds its duration increases: if at 2 years it passes on average in 20 days, then by 5 years this period increases to 22 days, which is not observed in small and medium-sized breeds.

Duration, number of days for bitches

Below are data on the duration of emptying for some popular breeds.

  • Yorkshire terrier – 14–21 days (longer in young individuals);
  • German Shepherd – 18–20 days;
  • Labrador – 20–22 days;
  • Chihuahua – up to 21 days;
  • dachshund – 20–23 days;
  • Pekingese – up to 21 days.


False heat and other surprises for a beginner

Young bitches have false empty spots. It's called that because it has everything external manifestations except for the main thing – ovulation. This condition is not dangerous. In some cases, it is interrupted for several days and then resumes, but now with ovulation.

There are hidden (dry, white) estrus. The difference is that follicles are formed in the normal manner and eggs are released. However no external signs– swollen genital loop, bloody secretion. Dry heat is not a deviation; a female dog can still become pregnant and produce a healthy litter.

Prolonged discharge is a cause for concern. If they are observed for longer than 30 days, contact your veterinarian. This should be done especially if yellowish or greenish inclusions appear in the secretion, decreased appetite, elevated temperature bodies.

Often, new dog breeders, due to lack of knowledge, cannot distinguish estrus from diseases. It is important to remember that the dog is ready for mating 1-2 times a year, and the rest of the time any discharge is an anomaly.

Main signs of estrus

How does estrus manifest itself? You can determine when a dog is in heat by its behavior, and it changes significantly. The female becomes more active, becomes overly playful and may ignore commands. This is all the result of a hormonal surge. Among the main signs of estrus are the following:

  • the dog begins to sit down to urinate more often (it marks its territory so that potential suitors are aware that it is ready to accept advances);
  • bloody discharge oozes from the noose;
  • she often licks the area under her tail;
  • the bitch begins to flirt with the males, in turn they show active interest;
  • Often estrus is preceded by molting.

At first, dogs do not allow members of the opposite sex to approach; they may even show aggression when courtship is too intrusive; their body is not yet ready for mating.

After one and a half to two weeks, the structure of the dog’s discharge changes, it becomes similar to mucus yellowish color. During this period, the female feels a strong sexual desire, especially if she notices male dogs nearby, her tail moves to the side, and her body takes the stance necessary for sexual intercourse. The loop increases significantly in size.

The bitch can remain in this excited state for 5 to 7 days. If the owner wants to breed a dog, then he must mark these days. The right time for mating animals is between the 9th and 17th days, less often on the 21st. Everything is individual and depends on the breed of the pet.

Step-by-step passage of heat

The entire animal cycle is divided into four stages:

  1. Proestrus (or called proestrus). Duration 1-1.5 weeks. At this time, the process of blood circulation in the genital area increases significantly, the loop swells, and the first, initially scanty, bloody discharge appears. During this period, the dog is not yet ready for mating; ovulation has not yet occurred. But external signs are already evident - she becomes playful, may not obey the owner, and run away. On a walk longer time spends sniffing out the surroundings and constantly crouches to leave marks. Males are already experiencing increased interest, however, when trying to copulate, the bitch growls and snarls.
  2. Estrus (active sexual heat). During this period of time, more precisely the first two days, the process of ovulation occurs. But the bitch can keep the gentlemen away for a few more days. A little later, when she sees a potential groom, the female raises the back of her body, tightens the noose and moves her tail to the side to facilitate the penetration process. She freezes and patiently waits for action from the male dog. Discharge from the loop may vary, but normally the appropriate period for mating occurs when it becomes light pink or disappears completely. The vulva swells significantly.
  3. Metaestrus ( final stage estrus). The duration of this period is several days. The discharge stops, the noose returns to its previous size, and the bitch again does not allow gentlemen to approach her. If fertilization does not occur, then the female again becomes calm. However, the dog still experiences hormonal changes– the level of progesterone increases, which is not without reason called the pregnancy hormone. Moreover, this happens regardless of whether the female becomes pregnant or not. This condition becomes the cause of such a phenomenon as false pregnancy, which mostly passes without outside help and negative consequences.
  4. Anestrus (phase of sexual tranquility). The duration of this stage is approximately 100-150 days and allows the animal’s body to recover before the next heat.

The frequency of estrus varies among dogs due to several associated factors. For example, in domestic dogs it occurs twice a year - in autumn and at the end of winter. In some cases, estrus is limited to once a year.

Dogs kept at outdoors, including pets from the north, breed once a year in early spring to give birth to puppies in the warm season.

How to avoid mating

This question is most often asked by owners of dogs who do not plan to breed. But it is not alien to people who keep breeding dogs, because an unplanned mating can become an unpleasant surprise.

The main condition is to carefully monitor the dog while walking, not let go of the leash and not allow strangers to get too close.

Can be purchased special remedy in veterinary pharmacies or pet stores, eliminating the odor that attracts male dogs. Processed by him rear end pet's body before each walk.

Care features

On the eve of the first heat, the female may experience discharge from the loop, the so-called juvenile vaginitis, containing a small amount of pus. There is no need to worry, this phenomenon is normal. Everything will return to normal as soon as the heat passes. If this does not happen, then it is worth undergoing an examination to identify various pathologies.

To make the estrus period more hygienic (especially for estrus in dogs kept in an apartment), you can purchase special elastic panties for one-time use. They will prevent your dog from leaving bloody spots around the house. But still, you should not wear them all the time; veterinarians advise allowing the female to remove the discharge on her own by licking it.

During the first heat, the dog may not understand how to behave, so it is worth teaching it to clean up its spots. And to do this, be sure to remove carpets and rugs from the floor.

During the period of heat, the dog requires special care:

  • You should avoid long walks in the cold season so that your pet does not catch a cold;
  • there is no need to take her out to places where other dogs gather;
  • Walks are strictly on a leash.

If suddenly it was not possible to prevent an unwanted mating, then it is strictly forbidden to give the dog drugs to help terminate the pregnancy. This can cause significant health problems for the pet, which often lead to infertility in the dog.

The beginning of a dog's heat is new period in her life when she is ready to bear puppies. The time of estrus will require maximum attention and care from the owner for his pet.

When does a dog go into heat?

The dog owner cannot prepare in advance and determine the moment when estrus (estrus, hunting) begins. For different breeds the time when they are ready to bear children comes at at different ages. Estrus in small breed dogs can occur at the age of 6 months, in larger breeds from 1 to 2 years.

At six months of age, small dogs are not yet ready to give birth. Their emptiness can manifest itself in different ways and last only a few days. It can suddenly appear and just as suddenly disappear, without even causing a reaction from the males.

In representatives of large breeds puberty occurs between the ages of one and a half years and can also proceed inexpressively. Formation of the organism large dogs ends by 2–3 years.

How to determine the onset of heat?

The exact duration of the sexual cycle, the start time and the end time can only be established laboratory methods. To do this, blood is taken to check the level of the hormone progesterone and a smear. But it will not be difficult for an owner who knows his dog well to determine that he is in heat.

Characteristic signs will help him:

  • behavior changes, the animal becomes more active, playful, and behavior can change from aggressive to lethargic;
  • Discipline decreases, a once obedient pet may not follow commands and obey poorly;
  • frequent urination, often leaves marks when walking;
  • interest in the opposite sex, increasing day by day;
  • blood discharge appears, traces of which can be found in the dog’s resting place;
  • when you carefully touch the loop, the bitch moves her tail to the side and freezes;
  • bitches of some breeds begin to shed.

Phases of the sexual cycle

Estrus in dogs (sexual cycle) is divided into 4 periods:

  • Phase 1. Start of estrus (proestrus)- the phase averages 6–9 days. During this period, the bitch changes her behavior, she shows interest in male dogs, but she does not let them get close to her. Dogs try to lick up bloody secretions, so it can be difficult to track them.
  • Phase 2. Hunting (estrus)- this stage, which lasts from 4 to 9 days, is characterized by the dog being completely ready for intercourse. Bitches that had heavy bleeding in the first phase become weaker and more fluid in the estrus stage. Ovulation can occur at the beginning of this phase or on days 2–4.
  • Phase 3. Recovery (diestrus)- This period takes 8 to 10 days. This is the time when the bitch does not want to accept any more males. Swelling of the vulva is subsiding. Bloody discharge stops, but mucous discharge may appear. It is during this period, whether the animal is fertilized or not, its level of progesterone, the so-called pregnancy hormone, increases. In this regard, some bitches show signs of false pregnancy, which, as a rule, disappear on their own after a few days.
  • Phase 4. Period of sexual rest (anestrus). It continues until the next start of the hunt. Its duration depends on many factors: time of year, feeding conditions, maintenance, breed itself, etc. In most cases, hunting takes place with a break of 6 months.

The intervals between the phases of the reproductive cycle are stable for 6 years, then the rest period and the time interval between estrus increases.

After the age of eight, dogs no longer tolerate pregnancy and feeding puppies well. For a breeding bitch, the eighth year of her life is the last when she is bred to produce offspring. Frequent childbirth are harmful, so it is believed that she should have no more than 6 litters.

As a rule, emptying lasts 3 weeks and includes the first 3 phases of the cycle, but cases from 9 to 30 days are possible.

Cycle disorders

The reproductive cycle is the main indicator of an animal's health. Because how long a dog's heat lasts, owners can judge their health. Any deviations serve as a signal about the presence of diseases.

Violations may be the following:

  • Pustovka occurs more often or less often than 2 times a year (with the exception of breed predisposition).
  • The protracted phase of the onset of heat - the discharge continues for more than 3 weeks, but the bitch is not yet ready for fertilization. Most often, the cause is associated with a deficiency of hormones that regulate the functioning of the sex glands.
  • Split estrus is characterized by repeated manifestations of symptoms. The bitch shows all the signs of estrus and quickly disappears, but after a few days they appear again. This is due to insufficient synthesis of the hormone that stimulates the release of eggs from the ovaries. This phenomenon is typical for young animals under 2 years of age. But it can also be a consequence of inflammatory diseases.
  • Aggressive behavior with male dogs during hunting.
  • A prolonged stage of estrus lasting more than 3 weeks, when ovulation does not occur and pregnancy does not occur.
  • There is such a thing as dry or hidden estrus. In this case, there are no manifestations of external signs of readiness for mating: bleeding and a swollen genital loop. But the bitch can still get pregnant safely.

If the discharge is prolonged (more than 30 days), and even more so if it contains greenish inclusions, and the dog has lost its appetite and there is an increase in temperature, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

What should the owner do?

A dog's first heat does not mean she is ready to breed. Moreover, mating an animal at this time is strictly prohibited. Early matings will only slow down the development of the body. Moreover, the mammary glands are not yet formed, so puppies from young mothers will not receive proper nutrition.

You need to watch the animal very carefully while walking. Accidental mating should not be allowed. This can harm the ward not only physical injury, but also psychological. The dog must not be let off the leash. You can protect her from being chased by cables by wearing special diapers so that they do not smell her secretions.

If the dog is a show dog, then it is better not to attend exhibitions during the hunting period or to use medications in the form of sprays during this period that remove the odor.

During heat, the bitch must be protected from hypothermia. Reduce time spent walking in rainy, cold weather. Do not overload with active physical exercise.

The opinions of dog breeders, breeders and veterinarians are divided on the question of whether it is possible to bathe a dog during heat. Some people think that estrus is quite common and normal. physiological process, the loop is open no more than calm state, and therefore there is no need to change the animal’s life. Others argue that swimming, especially in open water, can lead to genital tract infections.

The question of sterilization during estrus also remains open. Some veterinarians believe that sterilization surgery does not pose a threat to the animal. The other part points to possible risk bleeding and further hormonal imbalance.

If the owner decides to breed a dog, then 2 months before breeding it must be dewormed. Veterinarians and livestock specialists recommend starting to feed the animal with vitamins and minerals 1–2 months before the third estrus. This will strengthen not only her immunity, but also future puppies.

After intercourse, continue walking on a leash, since the dogs' heat is not over yet, and they will continue to attract males.

Hunting suppression

When kept in apartments, dogs in heat can cause significant inconvenience to owners. Pills that prevent or stop hunting are seen by them as the best way to eliminate inconvenience. But to prevent empty space or stop it, only hormonal drugs. There are phytotherapeutic and homeopathic remedies, but they are ineffective.

Tablets and injections saturate the body with synthetic sex hormones and suppress the processes that cause estrus. There is an effect, but you need to remember the consequences. Giving a dog such contraceptives means increasing diseases of the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and provoking various tumors and cysts.

Hormonal pills, as a one-time measure, implying that the animal will still have offspring, can lead to disruption of the reproductive cycle, infertility, difficult childbirth, and stillborn puppies.

But still, if a dog is acquired not for breeding, but as a pet, then the owner should think about sterilization.

The operation is carried out in two ways:

  • tubal ligation;
  • removal of the uterus and ovaries.

In the first case, dogs go into heat in a normal cycle: there will be mating, mating, but they will not be able to get pregnant. In the second case, estrus stops completely.

It is impossible to accurately answer when dogs come into heat, since the body of each animal is individual. Moreover, puberty depends on the constitution of the dog, breed, living conditions (food, temperature regime content, etc.). In most cases, estrus (or estrus) occurs after the teeth are replaced, at the age of six months to a year.

Attention: if it is intended to produce offspring in the future, then the owner needs to pay close attention to the first estrus in order to know what heat to breed the dog for. The first mating takes place on the 3rd empty space.

Sometimes owners wonder when their dog stops going into heat. Estrus continues throughout life and does not end at any particular age. With old age, periods of rest increase, the frequency of empty nests per year decreases, but the dog is still capable of conceiving and giving birth to puppies.

What symptoms can you use to determine when you're in heat?

The onset of estrus can be determined by a number of signs:

  • increased activity and playfulness of the pet;
  • the dog “forgets” many commands and refuses to obey the owner;
  • asks for a walk more often due to increased urine output;
  • vulva (loop) swollen;
  • Traces of discharge appear on the litter.

Estrus in dogs conventionally occurs in 4 phases, which are repeated cyclically throughout life and have characteristic symptoms.



1. Proestrus

The loop swells, the discharge is noticeable and dark in color. The animal pays attention to the opposite sex, but does not allow it to approach itself.

1-2 weeks

The discharge changes color to pinkish. The dog takes the appropriate instinctive position when a male appears, stroking the back. Allows the male dog to come to him.

3. Diestrus

The swelling of the loop disappears, the discharge stops. The dog becomes calmer.

2-3 months

4. Anestrus

Rest phase

3-5 months

How long does estrus last in a dog?

You can determine how many days your pet's heat lasts by observation, since the data can vary significantly among different animals. On average, the duration of empty space varies from 20 to 30 days. The shortest is the first heat, which can last about a week. In this case, the owner is required increased attention to the animal in order to be able to plan mating in the future.

Differences in estrus among different breeds

Features of estrus in dogs are determined by the animal’s belonging to a particular breed. So, if a dog has large sizes, then the first pregnancy can be up to 13 months or more, while in representatives of small breeds it occurs earlier.

Estrus lasts longer in large bitches than in small dogs. And the intensity of discharge in the latter is more pronounced than in its larger counterparts.

Features of discharge

Discharge during estrus is caused by hormonal changes and is normal. In the first phase of the cycle, they are bloody and can have different intensity - from insignificant, hardly noticeable, to abundant. The appearance of an odor is also considered normal, but it should not be too strong. A few days later, in the second phase of the cycle, the discharge becomes lighter, and then completely colorless.

Experts advise teaching your dog to lick discharge from the first estrus. You can purchase special underpants for your pet. If the animal flatly refuses “underwear,” it is better to remove carpets from the floor in advance and cover the furniture with fabric.

General condition of the dog during estrus

A dog during estrus experiences hormonal stress, which manifests itself in changes in its general condition. Most of the manifestations are normal and disappear as estrus ceases.

Psyche and behavior

Each animal reacts differently to changes in physiology. Some dogs become overly affectionate and friendly, others fall into depressive state(howl, whine, avoid others), others, on the contrary, begin to show aggression towards their brothers, other animals, and people.


Most often, an appetite disorder manifests itself in “whims”: the dog chooses what to eat, eats less than before. Some bitches may refuse food completely. Experts do not advise force-feeding an animal, since its entire body during estrus is aimed at conceiving and bearing puppies. Gradually your appetite will return to normal.

Body temperature

Quite often, dogs’ body temperature rises during emptying. An increase of up to 0.5˚C is considered normal. With more high rates thermometer, you need to contact your veterinarian.


Because of high level estrogen innervation of the sphincter bladder decreases. The result is involuntary loss of urine. Incontinence goes away when the dog's hormonal levels return to normal.

Features of the first heat

The first heat in dogs can proceed unnoticed: the discharge is mild, the duration is not long, changes in behavior may stop suddenly, and the release of the egg may not occur. At the same time, the owner must mark such a void for further mating planning.

Other symptoms will help determine whether there is a heat or not. For example, the dog will often begin to sit down to urinate and lick the noose. Even before the onset of estrus from the genitals, minor purulent discharge which are considered the norm. If you pay close attention to your pet, you may notice “oddities” in behavior.

Sometimes the first heat occurs with virtually no obvious signs. However, fertilization is quite possible, so you can’t relax: you need to carefully monitor the dog and not let him off the leash.

Vaccination during estrus

There are mixed opinions regarding vaccinations for dogs during heat. Some experts claim that it is possible to vaccinate an animal during this period. The procedure does not harm health, and estrus does not affect the development of immunity to any disease.

Others, on the contrary, argue that during emptying, additional effects on the body are undesirable. It is believed that immune system the animal is weakened at this time, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The owner must decide whether to vaccinate or not together with the veterinarian. In this case, many nuances must be taken into account, for example, the dog’s health condition, chronic diseases, features of estrus and others.

When is the best time to breed?

To determine the day of estrus on which mating can be carried out, the owner needs to know the date of its occurrence. The period from the 11th to the 15-16th day is considered the most favorable. Also currently available in veterinary pharmacies and clinics is a special test that shows ovulation.

Estrus and spaying

Dog breeders have many questions regarding animal sterilization and estrus. Can intervention be performed if the dog is in heat? Experts do not recommend performing surgery during this period - you must wait until the emptying period is over. The female dog can be spayed 14-20 days after the end of her heat.

Another question: can there be a heat if the dog is sterilized? With complete spaying, when the bitch's ovaries and uterus are removed, estrus does not occur. If during the operation the tubes were only cut or part of the ovary was left (accidentally or intentionally), estrus with all its manifestations remains.

Estrus after childbirth

The onset of estrus after giving birth in a dog can be expected in approximately 120-150 days. This period depends on the number of puppies born and the duration of their feeding. Sometimes it drags on for up to 6 months or more. Signs of estrus after the birth of puppies are the same as usual. It is not recommended to carry out mating, since the animal’s body must recover.

False heat

It manifests itself in young dogs and is characterized by the absence of ovulation with obvious manifestations of empty stomach. Mating the dog at this point will not lead to fertilization, since there is no egg. A special “sign” of false estrus is its abrupt cessation. This estrus is within normal limits and does not pose a threat to the dog’s health.

Hidden heat

This type of emptying in dogs also refers to normal phenomena, although rarely observed. Hidden estrus is characterized by the absence of discharge. However, the egg matures and is released from the ovary, so if mated, fertilization will occur.

If there is a hidden heat, the dog should be shown to a veterinarian. In some cases it is a consequence of malfunctions thyroid gland– hypothyroidism. With this disease, not only discharge, but also other signs of estrus may be absent.

Anxiety during heat: what to do

Sometimes changes in a pet's behavior during estrus lead owners to state of shock. The dog may howl, mark walls, furniture, whine, not listen to commands, and so on. It is useless to scold her. Experienced way Dog breeders have developed several ways to help calm a dog during heat.

  • Walk longer.
  • Distract with a game.
  • Dip into water.
  • Give a sedative.

The latter option can go in two directions. The first is to use hormone-based products, the second is to give the dog a drug plant origin. Among hormonal drugs, directly affecting estrus, we can note Sex Barrier, Sex Control. Among herbal plants, preference is given to motherwort or valerian.

Does a dog's stomach hurt during heat?

Dog breeders often wonder if a dog experiences pain during heat? Concerns are caused mainly by the restless behavior of the pet, whining, lethargic state, apathy. Experts have different opinions on this issue. Some believe that you should not attribute human sensations to an animal, others recommend giving antispasmodic, for example, no-shpu. In any case, if the dog does not allow you to touch its belly, squeals at the same time, often hides and whines, you should show it to the veterinarian.

How to control your dog during heat

To prevent accidental mating, avoid health problems, and get healthy offspring at the scheduled time, the owner must control the dog's estrus. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • enter each estrus into a special calendar, noting the features of the course (how often, what kind of discharge, etc.), the start and end date;
  • do not let the dog off the leash while walking;
  • make sure that males do not approach your pet (you can buy special drug, neutralizing its odor);
  • use special underpants;
  • it is advisable to choose places for a walk with a minimum of animals;
  • exclude visiting exhibitions;
  • Avoid swimming in ponds.

Dog pants

Special products help to maintain order in the apartment - underpants for dogs. Among positive points These devices are noted not only for the absence of “marks”, but also for the prevention of infection in the bitch’s genital tract. On the negative side is the fact that most animals do not like to wear “underwear”: in an attempt to remove them, the dog can chew or swallow them. In addition, during licking (which occurs instinctively), the panties will quickly become wet, which will require frequent changes.

Pants for dogs vary in models, fabrics, and designs. For example, there may be products with a hole for a tail, with pockets for pads, cotton, synthetic or nylon. Before purchasing a dog, you need to take several measurements: hips, tail circumference and others. It’s great if the product can be tried on. When purchasing, you need to carefully inspect the panties to exclude tight elastic bands and straps, thick seams and other nuances.

In what cases should you contact a veterinarian?

When dogs are in heat, the owner must be extremely careful attentive attitude. Situations may arise when you need to show the animal to a specialist:

  • frequency of estrus – more than 2 times per year;
  • before the age of 2 there was not a single heat;
  • estrus has become more frequent compared to previous years, the intensity and volume of discharge has increased;
  • no estrus long period time;
  • estrus does not stop (especially in an adult animal);
  • during a period when there should be no estrus, purulent discharge with blood and a pungent odor is observed;
  • presence of dark discharge after estrus.

It must be remembered that during estrus in reproductive organs dogs can infiltrate microorganisms. Due to changes in the condition of the animal during the emptying period inflammatory process can develop unnoticed, and subsequently become threatening. Therefore, in case of any deviations, you should immediately contact the clinic.

Estrus in dogs is a natural, psychophysiological process that is characteristic of most female mammals. The presence of estrus indicates that the female is ready to mate and bear offspring.

How long does a dog's heat last (duration)? How does a dog behave during heat, before and after it, does the animal’s behavior change? What should an owner do if a dog has frequent heats or a long heat? How to determine? Can I use underpants for dogs in heat? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

All dog owners, without exception, have to deal with the phenomenon of estrus (other names: estrus, estrus). Owners of female dogs face this directly, and owners of male dogs, so to speak, indirectly, since their pets come into contact with the opposite sex during walks.

In bitches, puberty occurs at the age of approximately 7 months - 1.5 years (depending on whether the dog is a small or large breed), and is expressed by the fact that the bitch begins to shed heavily.

The first heat, unlike the next ones, is the shortest. Often only a weak manifestation of it is noted, the so-called hidden empty space is a slight discharge of blood, which attracts little male dogs.

In young bitches who are close to puberty, there is a possibility of a false estrus; therefore, allowing mating, the estrus may suddenly be interrupted without ovulation. But after a few days, the bitch can go into heat again and this time with ovulation. Signs of a female dog being in heat are bloody discharge from the loop, which makes her attractive to male dogs.

Estrus in small breed dogs

Estrus begins after about 6 months of life. Usually the first heat occurs between 6-12 months, for example, the Yorkshire Terrier begins to heat about a year.

But strict rules does not exist. Each animal is individual. At this time, owners of small dogs on walks need to be especially vigilant so that a huge male does not “drive up” to the bitch, otherwise this can cause serious damage to health.

Estrus in large breed dogs

Estrus in large breed dogs usually begins between 12 and 18 months of age. But the time of onset of estrus is purely individual and there is no specific deadline.

The favorable time for conception in large breed dogs is considered to be 10-15 days of estrus. The female's sexual arousal during this period is at its maximum level and it is at this time that it is recommended to pair her with a male.

Signs, symptoms, dog in heat

How to determine if a dog is in heat? A dog's behavior changes during heat. The dog becomes more active, playful, and disobedient. Hormones begin to “play”, and instinct pushes her towards free behavior. Estrus can be determined by the following signs:

  • At this time, the dog begins to urinate much more often;
  • attention from male dogs increases significantly;
  • on the bedding or floor you can notice blood droplets coming out of the loop;
  • females periodically lick the loop.

At this time, females do not allow males, since they are not ready for the fertilization process.

As a rule, by days 9-15, the discharge becomes mucous and straw-colored. This is the period of so-called “unfavorable” days. The females experience maximum sexual arousal at this time, when they notice males, move their tail to the side and take a stance. The loop swells greatly.

This period lasts approximately 5-7 days. The owner, if he wants to breed a dog, is obliged to mark these days. Depending on the breed, favorable time fertilization may occur on days 9-17, for some even on days 21.

To prevent your pet from leaving characteristic red droplets in the house, you can use special underpants for dogs in heat. However, most dog trainers advise teaching her to lick herself from the very first heat. Be that as it may, it is recommended to wrap the carpets during emptying.


Estrus occurs in 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 – proestrus– minor bleeding, but marks remain wherever the dog has been. For this purpose, special absorbent panties are used;
  • Stage 2 – estrus– begins 10 days after the first signs of bleeding. At this time, the bitch allows the male to come to her for fertilization. This stage continues for 7 days. To obtain purebred puppies, after fertilization, it is better to protect the bitch from other males;
  • Stage 3 – diestrus– the final stage, at this time the bitch still attracts males, but does not allow them to approach. The period lasts up to 10 days, after the end of the stage, estrus occurs only after six months.

By taking a blood test for progesterone levels, you can avoid mistakes. If there was no heat, you need to look for the reason for the interruption of the cycle. If necessary, the veterinarian can induce estrus artificially.

How many days does it last and how many times does a dog go into heat (frequency)?

Typically, estrus occurs twice a year and lasts 20-28 days (3-4 weeks). If its frequency is 3-4 times a year or more, then it is advisable to contact a veterinarian. Most likely the dog has harmonic disturbances.