Veronica officinalis (herb) - description, medicinal properties, application. Veronica officinalis herb photo - properties of the Veronica plant

Veronica officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant with unique properties. Place of growth - forests and fields mainly in the European part of the Russian Federation, in humid areas. Flowering begins in May and continues until the onset of cold weather. The flowers of this plant are a pleasant soft blue (less often bright blue) color. If the grass experiences a lack of moisture, the flowers take on a jagged shape.

Veronica officinalis is a creeping plant that belongs to the shrub family. The stem usually reaches no more than fifteen centimeters in height. In some areas, Veronica officinalis literally covers the surface of the earth, providing a thick and dense soil cover.

It will not be difficult to find a clearing in which this plant grows in early spring. Veronica officinalis inflorescences have a bright, sweet aroma.
This plant occupies a special place in cooking, alcohol production, cosmetology, as well as the medical field. It is used as a seasoning for main courses, and veronica also adds a special piquancy to home-made liqueurs. Veronica is often added to various cosmetics.

Domestic traditional medicine does not use this plant in the pharmaceutical industry. Dietary supplements and homeopathic preparations are prepared based on the plant.

Useful properties

The above-ground part of the plant has more medicinal properties. Although its roots also contain tannins which are widely used for medicinal purposes.

To the main beneficial properties Veronica officinalis includes:

  1. Has a positive effect on general condition body. It is often used for various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Tinctures based on this herb help in short term improve the functioning of the small intestine.
  2. Products based on this herb effectively fight gastritis and ulcers (in the initial stage). The plant has pronounced tannic, astringent and bactericidal properties.
  3. Relieves lingering pain. Veronica officinalis softens the throat and eliminates inflammation in the upper respiratory tract.
  4. Helps in the fight against stress and that lead to nervous tension. Particularly popular are infusions made from this herbaceous plant used in women over fifty (during menopause).
  5. The herb may be beneficial for gout flare-ups.
  6. Helps improve sleep in children and adults.

As medicinal substance Veronica is most often used in the form of dry preparations. They are stocked up for future use, mainly in the summer.

Indications for use

The main diseases that Veronica officinalis helps to cope with include:

  • 1. colds;
  • 2. various diseases bronchi: prolonged dry cough, tracheitis, asthma and even tuberculosis;
  • 3. gastritis (with a decrease in acidity);
  • 4. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including loss of appetite, sharp pain in the abdominal area, diarrhea, colitis, to some extent gastric cancer);
  • 5. kidney pathologies;
  • 6. urolithiasis;
  • 7. overwork;
  • 8. nervous exhaustion, prolonged stress;
  • 9. increased excitability;
  • 10. pronounced insomnia;
  • 11. migraine;
  • 12. bleeding of the uterus;
  • 13. disorders characteristic of menopause in women;
  • 14. numerous diathesis;
  • 15. minor abrasions, scratches, hematomas, boils, fungal infections dermis, eczema.


We can conclude that the Veronica officinalis plant is truly unique. Moreover, it is impossible to select special contraindications to its use. The main thing is not to give such drugs to children under three years of age and people suffering from severe heart disease. Also, you should not use this medicinal plant for those who have increased stomach acidity or a tendency to allergic reactions(individual intolerance).

Traditional medicine

This plant has long been used in their practice by many healers and healers. Today you can find many recipes for using it. And this is not surprising. The unique elements included in its composition successfully cope with internal diseases and with their external manifestations.

Very often a mixture of herbs is used in treatment. For example, a combination of speedwell, sage and chamomile will help you quickly cope with colds. These inflorescences complement each other’s properties and help achieve maximum effect. This mixture simultaneously strengthens the immune system and forms reliable protective armor for the entire body.

A decoction based on Veronica officinalis is suitable for the treatment and prevention of most diseases. The recipe for making it is very simple. You will need:

  • dry plant extract – four, maybe five tablespoons;
  • water - one liter.

Cooking algorithm:

  • The water must be brought to a boil. Pour boiling water over veronica.
  • The resulting liquid should be allowed to brew for three to five days. The infusion is ready for use.

It is consumed in strict accordance with the recommended dosage: one teaspoon once a day. The best option- do this before bed. During exacerbations, the dose can be increased. But you should not do this without consulting your doctor.

Veronica officinalis can provide invaluable assistance in cases of poisoning. In this case healing decoction used as an enema. For greater effect, you can add Chernobyl extract or. In such cases, the proportion is one to two.

Decoctions and infusions based on Veronica officinalis

There are several options for the use of Veronica officinalis in medical purposes. It all depends on the severity and type of illness.

  • I. Decoctions

One option is a decoction based on this herb. It is often used in complex treatment for diabetes. The remedy is no less effective in the fight against dermal problems (wounds and pustules). To prepare it you only need one tablespoon of leaves. The workpiece is poured with boiling water. Let it brew. The holding time is one hour.
This infusion is great for compresses. Cotton swabs are generously moistened in the healing liquid and treated with them on the affected areas.

  • II. Infusions

In cases where it is necessary to improve the condition of the upper respiratory tract, it is better to opt for infusions.

Those who suffer from various types of disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are recommended to use the infusion. It is prepared according to the following recipe.


  1. Veronica officinalis extract - three to four tablespoons;
  2. water - one liter.

Bring the water to a boil and pour it over the veronica. The resulting liquid should infuse. Exposure time: two to three days. Readiness can be determined by the color of the liquid. If the tincture has been purchased dark brown color– it’s time to start therapy. To improve taste qualities Add honey or one-half teaspoon of sugar to the infusion.

  • III Herbal infusions

Veronica officinalis can help get rid of such ailments as arthritis. But in this case, the grass should not be used pure form, but as part of the collection. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  1. string - one teaspoon;
  2. burdock - two teaspoons;
  3. violet - two teaspoons;
  4. wheatgrass root - two teaspoons;
  5. Veronica officinalis - two teaspoons.

The resulting collection is poured with five liters of water. Boil over low heat for at least thirty minutes. Next, let the liquid cool and then filter. Use the decoction on an empty stomach. One glass three times a day.

How to treat inflammatory gynecological diseases with the help of Veronica

For effective treatment and prevention gynecological problems a number of measures are needed. Reliable and effective assistant Veronica officinalis will be used in such therapy.
To prepare a special collection, you need to take (in equal volume) the following herbs:

  1. Veronica officinalis itself;
  2. Chernobyl;
  3. chamomile (preferably flowers);
  4. (inflorescences) - this ingredient should be five times less than all the others;

Five tablespoons of the resulting mixture are poured with boiling water. The liquid must sit for at least thirty minutes. Next it is filtered. The resulting infusion is used in the form of enemas. The volume required for the procedure is one hundred and fifty milliliters. Can also be taken orally. In this case, the volume must be at least 500 milliliters. Treatment should be carried out immediately before bedtime. The course lasts two months. The frequency of procedures is three times a week. You should avoid intimacy with your sexual partner during this time.

Will Rotiv help foot fungus and cracked heels?

The answer is definitely yes. To treat fungal diseases with the help of veronica, you need to prepare an infusion.

Required ingredients:

  1. alcohol - half a liter;
  2. plant preparation - ten spoons.

The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place and left for fourteen days. Next, wipe the fungus-affected areas with the infusion. This must be done twice a day: in the morning and evening. When the skin dries out, you need to put on clean socks (made of natural material). The course of treatment is ten days.

Pathologies of the respiratory system

Our ancestors also widely used medicinal plants for treatment. various pathologies respiratory tract (cough, bronchitis, etc.). And nowadays traditional medicine is no less popular.

Algorithm for preparing one of the popular remedies:

  • Four small spoons of chopped herbs are poured into four cups of boiling water. Leave for at least two hours. The resulting liquid is carefully filtered.

The infusion must be drunk in one day, in four doses. The course is at least two months. For tracheitis, an infusion is prepared from one tablespoon of herb and one hundred and fifty milliliters of boiling water. The holding time is at least two hours. Take one tablespoon immediately before meals.

Polyarthritis and gout

Veronica officinalis is used in the form of juice in the fight against these diseases. It should be consumed strictly on an empty stomach, forty milliliters twice a day. As a rule, when treated for summer season exacerbations of the disease pass. If the disease manifests itself in winter period, you can drink the infusion.

This life-saving drink is prepared from a liter of boiling water and four tablespoons of dry herbs. This mixture is infused for two hours and carefully filtered. Use one hundred milliliters four times a day. When it is possible to relieve the exacerbation, you can refuse the infusion.

Excessive sweating of the feet

In this case, the treatment method is as simple as possible. Dry grass is crushed and placed in socks while sleeping at night. To achieve the desired effect, the procedure will have to be repeated at least ten times.


To prepare a remedy that can cope with this problem, you must follow the following recommendations. Ten milliliters of juice are poured with twenty grams of fresh goat milk. The resulting solution is taken on an empty stomach.

Menopause period

Women who have already encountered this condition know that surviving it is not very easy. Relieve unpleasant symptoms An infusion of Veronica officinalis will help.
To prepare it you will need two tablespoons of the plant preparation. The leaves are poured with half a glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused (at least an hour). Next, the liquid is carefully filtered.

In addition, this remedy helps to cope with anxiety, excessive irritability and bouts of insomnia.

Improved appetite

The above recipe also works great for this problem. poor appetite. In this case, it is necessary to consume one hundred milliliters of infusion. This should be done four times a day. The course is four months.

Veronica officinalis for real unique plant which will help cope with various diseases. It is important not to forget that before turning to traditional medicine methods, you should consult with medical specialist. Self-medication is especially dangerous during the period acute forms diseases.

(Veronica officinalis) is a perennial herbaceous long-leaved plant that belongs to the Norichnikov family. It has a height of fifteen to thirty centimeters, very rarely growing up to half a meter.

The root system is presented in the form of a thin rhizome. It is tortuous and creeping, with small roots located on it.

The stem of Veronica officinalis is also creeping and has ascending shoots. It has a round shape and pubescence, which consists of short hairs.

The leaves of this affectionately named plant are arranged oppositely. Their shape is obovate, and the edges of the leaf blade are serrated. The leaves are attached to the stem by short petioles.

The flowers are collected in racemes, one in each bract axil. The arrangement of inflorescences is lateral, but not opposite.

Pedicels are erect and short, hairy. The bracts are lanceolate and pubescent. The calyx of the flower is glandularly pubescent, four-parted. The corolla of the flower has a bluish or lavender color with dark veins.

The fruit is represented by a two-locular capsule with pubescence. Veronica blooms from June to August, and seed ripening begins in July.

Habitat Veronica officinalis are light forests, edges of clearings and meadows. It grows in the European part of Russia and the CIS countries, as well as in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

IN chemical composition The herbs of this plant include organic acids: acetic, citric, tartaric, lactic, malic. It also contains carbohydrates and essential oils, triterpene saponins, tannins, flavonoids and phenolcarboxylic acids.

Medicinal properties and uses

Characteristics of medicinal properties medicinal speedwell quite varied. It acts as a hemostatic and analgesic, has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect. When used internally, remedies from this plant act as expectorants, diaphoretics, mucolytics, i.e. thinning mucus respiratory organs. Healing uses Speedwell increases appetite and stimulates the secretion of various glands.

This medicinal plant is used in accordance with its medicinal properties. Preparations from it are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, colds, bronchitis and sore throat, as well as tuberculosis. Good action Veronica has a hand inflammatory processes V gastrointestinal system. IN folk medicine it is used for diarrhea, gastritis with low acidity gastric juice, at urolithiasis, other kidney and bladder diseases. This remedy is used for diseases of the liver, gall bladder and other indications.

Preparations from Veronica officinalis provide positive impact on the nervous system. They are used for nervous exhaustion and insomnia. Medicines help with joint diseases: gout and rheumatism.

In some cases, preparations of their veronica are used for external use. It helps with skin diseases, both chronic and temporary, for example, sunburn.

Harvesting plant during flowering. Collect the entire above-ground part, without roots. Dry on outdoors, but not in the sun or in well-ventilated areas. Properly dried grass has pleasant smell, while fresh has no smell.

No contraindications found.


At purulent wounds ah out fresh leaves make a paste and apply to sore spots.

  • For internal use prepare an infusion. To do this, take two teaspoons of dry crushed herbs and brew with two glasses of boiling water. Leave for two hours, then filter. Take half a tablespoon an hour after meals.

The herb Veronica officinalis is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of a number of diseases. This use is due to the fact that the plant contains glycosides, saponins, essential oil, tannins and bitter substances, organic acids, flavonoids, vitamin C.

Veronica officinalis has analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, wound healing, antitoxic, hemostatic, and antibacterial effects.

Treatment with Veronica officinalis:

1. Veronica is used for colds and various bronchopulmonary diseases: acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, acute tracheobronchitis, bronchial asthma,.

2. Veronica officinalis is prescribed digestive organs: chronic gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Veronica herb is used in combination with other similar medicinal plants for diseases of the liver and biliary tract: gallbladder dyskinesia, and chronic hepatitis.

4. Veronica is included in some renal and anti-inflammatory herbal teas, which are recommended for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, and spine, as well as for rheumatism.

5. Apply grass Veronica officinalis for treatment with some women's diseases, for example, heavy periods, as well as climacteric syndrome.

6. Veronica is used, especially with other soothing medicinal plants, for functional disorders of the central nervous system : asthenia, sleep disturbance, irritability.

7. Veronica is used for some skin diseases: skin rash, dermatitis, eczema, fungal infections.

2 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials pour 1 liter of water. Boil for 15 minutes in an enamel pan with the lid closed on low heat, leave for 45 minutes. Drink ½ glass 3-4 times a day, regardless of meals.

Course of admission: 2-3 or more months.

Veronica officinalis decoction for external consumption

4-5 tbsp. spoons of herbs pour 0.5 liters of water. Boil over low heat with the lid closed in an enamel pan for 30 minutes. Leave for 40 minutes. Use on leather for various skin diseases.

Like this healing herb widely used in folk medicine to treat various diseases.

Before using prescriptions, do not forget to consult your doctor!

Attention! Before use folk recipes for the treatment of various types of diseases, - consult your doctor, herbalists, to prevent negative consequences!

Veronica officinalis is a herbaceous perennial plant of the genus Veronica, family Plantain. The plant can be found almost throughout Europe, Transcaucasia, Turkey, and the Azov Islands. Veronica officinalis grows on forest edges, among bushes and in meadows.

Features of Veronica officinalis

The height of the plant is 20-30 centimeters (sometimes 50), the rhizome is creeping with small roots. The stem of Veronica officinalis is creeping, rooting at the nodes. The leaves are opposite, serrated along the edges. The flowers grow from the upper axils of the leaves and are collected in multi-flowered racemes. Flowering occurs in June-August. The fruit is a two-locular, multi-seeded capsule. Fruit ripening occurs from July. Veronica officinalis reproduces vegetatively and by seeds.
Veronica officinalis herb contains carbohydrates and related compounds (mannitol), organic acids (acetic, lactic, tartaric, citric, malic), essential oil, 0.5 - 1.2% iridoids, sterols, triterpene saponins (5 - 9%), nitrogen-containing compounds (choline), phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, coumarins, tannins (0.6%) and bitter substances, flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, cinaroside), fatty oil, vitamin C. Speedwells are known to contain aucubin glucoside (rinatin), traces of alkaloids, and carotene.

Veronica was used in dermatology for eczema, urticaria, neurodermatitis, itching in anus, fungal diseases, theodermitis. Veronica herb infused with vegetable oil, and water infusion are good remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds, fungal skin infections and sunburns.

In cosmetics, bactericidal, wound-healing and soothing properties are used (for example, for sunburn, itching, fungal skin diseases). In addition, Veronica extract has astringent action, reduces sebum secretion, relieves itching.
Veronica officinalis herb contains carbohydrates and related compounds (mannitol), organic acids (acetic, lactic, tartaric, citric, malic), essential oil, 0.5 - 1.2% iridoids, sterols, triterpene saponins (5 - 9%), nitrogen-containing compounds (choline), phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, coumarins, tannins (0.6%) and bitter substances, flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, cynaroside), fatty oil, vitamin C. Speedwells are known to contain aucubin glucoside (rinatin) , traces of alkaloids, carotene.

Veronica was used in dermatology for eczema, urticaria, neurodermatitis, itching in the anus, fungal diseases, and theodermitis. Veronica herb infused with vegetable oil and water infusion are a good remedy for the treatment of purulent wounds, fungal skin infections and sunburn.

In cosmetics, bactericidal, wound-healing and soothing properties are used (for example, for sunburn, itching, fungal skin diseases). In addition, Veronica extract has an astringent effect, reduces sebum secretion, and relieves itching.
Properties of Veronica officinalis

The herb Veronica officinalis has analgesic, hemostatic, expectorant, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic effects.

Decoctions of Veronica officinalis are used in the treatment of burns, eczema, purulent rashes, fungal diseases, for washing wounds, for scrofula and sweating of the feet. Also, decoctions of the plant are used for stones and sand in bladder and kidneys.

An infusion of Veronica officinalis herb can increase appetite, improve digestion, and help with stomach ulcers, diarrhea, and gastritis with low acidity. Infusion of the plant treats respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and as an expectorant.

In addition, Veronica officinalis is used for rheumatism, insomnia, liver diseases, for washing wounds, and for itching of the genitals.

Mix together 4 parts of the herb Veronica officinalis, wheatgrass roots, string roots, 6 parts of tricolor violet, 5 parts of burdock roots. Take 2 tsp from the resulting collection. spoons and pour boiling water in a volume of 200 mg, to water bath put and boil for 20 minutes. Drink a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Allergy, diathesis

Take 1 tsp. Veronica officinalis herbs, string herbs, tricolor violet. Leave for 20 minutes, pour 200 mg of boiling water, strain. Take three times a day, 1 tsp for children, 50 g for adults.

Fungal skin diseases

Squeeze 200 mg of juice from fresh veronica grass and pour 200 mg of 90% alcohol. It should infuse for 10-14 days. Lubricate problem areas with the resulting tincture.

Stomach cancer

Pour 200 mg of boiling water over 15 g of Veronica officinalis herb, leave in a thermos for 3 hours and then strain through cheesecloth. Take half a glass 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment should be at least a month.

Chronic pyelonephritis

Squeeze 30-40 ml of juice from Veronica officinalis and mix in the same amount with goat milk. Take twice a day half an hour before meals.

Decreased appetite

Take a tablespoon of dry veronica herb and pour 500 mg of boiling water, leave for two hours and strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day an hour after meals.
Veronica officinalis contraindications

There are no contraindications for the use of Veronica officinalis.