A tooth fell out and needs a crown or implant. What is better to install - an implant or a bridge (crown) if one tooth is missing, and how do they differ? The conclusion is simple in theory, but complicated in practice...

In modern dental clinics, services for installing crowns and implants are in demand. What are they?

What is a crown?

Dental crown is a dental microprosthesis that imitates top part tooth Typically installed:

  • in order to eliminate defects that cannot be corrected with a filling or inlay;
  • to adjust the shape, position, color of teeth.
  • the tooth is damaged by more than 60%;
  • it is necessary to supplement prosthetics carried out using bridge elements;
  • periodontal treatment is carried out through splinting;
  • installation of a crown is required for aesthetic reasons.

There are 2 stages of crown manufacturing:

  • clinical;
  • laboratory.

At the first stage, the doctor examines the patient’s teeth and takes impressions to make crown models. Also carried out pre-processing teeth using the method that is optimal for installing a specific type of crown. At the second stage - in the laboratory - the impression is examined and a crown is made based on it.


The finished prosthetic element is then transferred to the dentist and installed on the patient’s tooth. In this case, the crown can be preliminarily examined to ensure compliance with the patient’s wishes and the dentist’s recommendations regarding color and shape.

As a rule, after the doctor has selected the optimal parameters of the crown, it is returned to the laboratory for revision and glazing, and only after that it is placed on the patient’s tooth.

What is an implant?

Dental implant is an element of dental prosthetics used to replace the root of a real tooth. It is thus implanted by the dentist into the patient's jawbone.

Implants are divided into removable and non-removable. The first denture elements are presented:

  • the implant itself;
  • abutment.

This implant is usually installed in 2 stages. First, it is implanted into the jaw tissue by immersion under the mucous membrane. After some time - approximately 4-6 months - an abutment is placed on the implant.


A non-separable implant involves installing the corresponding element of dental prosthetics for the patient in one stage. In this case, the part of the implant that replaces the root and the abutment are usually made of the same type of material. This design can subsequently be supplemented with a crown, bridge or other prosthetic element.


The main difference between a crown and an implant is that the first element of dental prosthetics replaces the upper part of the tooth, the second - the root. As a rule, implantation involves the further installation of a crown or its equivalent - for example, a bridge - on the patient's tooth. However, a crown can also be placed on the actual root of a tooth.

Having determined what the difference is between a crown and an implant, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.

Our teeth don't last long. Depending on the load, health and quality of care, a person may lose some specimens at a young age. If this happens, dentists are ready to help by inserting non-removable structures that perform similar functions.

But there are several types of such structures. Which of them are better, more affordable and look more aesthetically pleasing, we will consider below.

Crown concept

This design is not removable; the patient does not have to bother constantly taking it off and putting it on, as is the case with some orthodontic devices.

A crown is needed to eliminate the defect of a destroyed anatomical crown. These artificial structures protect the surface of natural teeth from decay, help give them strength and perform their functions.

To the main functions performed by crowns, include:

  • Changing the appearance of teeth that are not aligned correctly or have lost their alignment anatomical shape.
  • Covering a tooth to strengthen it.

Crowns are made from different materials, depending on the patient’s capabilities and the degree of tooth damage.


There are several classifications for these permanent structures.

According to its purpose they are divided into:

  • Supporting crowns are necessary as a support for installing a prosthesis. These are elements of bridge-like prostheses fixed to healthy teeth located on both sides of the lost specimen.
  • Restorative– it’s on its own installed crowns necessary to restore the anatomical shape and function of a damaged tooth.

Also, many experts share these designs, depending on material manufacturing:

  • Non-metallic- do not contain metal elements, are made of porcelain, ceramics or plastic. They are used if the patient wants the artificial tooth to be the same color as the natural tooth.

    The first two materials, which independently exist in the dentition, are too fragile and can crack or be damaged very quickly from the load on them. Plastic ones are short-lived, so they are used quite rarely.

  • Metal– which contain various metal alloys. They can be cast (prepared according to a mold template) or stamped (stamped from blanks).

    Such designs are not popular due to their low aesthetics.

  • Composite(combined) - consisting of metal alloys and other related materials, for example, metal-ceramic or metal-plastic.

Fixed devices also divided by design:

  • complete – completely replace the tooth;
  • equatorial - around the tooth during splinting they are fixed in the form of a strip, they are only metal;
  • stump - due to deepening in the tissue, they replace anatomical ones in order to restore the functions of partially or completely destroyed teeth;
  • half-crowns – do not cover the tooth only on the tongue side, often used as a support when installing bridge prostheses;
  • telescopic – equipped with the ability to select device height parameters;
  • pin;
  • fenestrated;
  • jackets
  • and others.

What to consider when choosing an option? Watch the video for expert recommendations:

Pros and cons

Like any orthodontic device, crowns have their advantages and disadvantages.

Each person is individual and everyone’s feelings are different. For some, everything suits and it is comfortable to wear crowns, but for others they constantly interfere, pinch, and create pain.

Among the advantages this non-removable structure highlight:

  • high aesthetics;
  • comparative durability, depending on the material of manufacture;
  • accessibility;
  • minimum amount of preparation when installing cast structures;
  • excellent combination with gum tissue and ground tooth, thanks to chemical composition some of these designs;
  • opportunity to prolong existence oral cavity tooth with removed nerve.

For an informed choice, it is also important to know what disadvantages these designs have.

To the main disadvantages identified by patients and doctors include:

  • Possibility of injuring people nearby healthy teeth, if they are used for support when installing a bridge.
  • Fragility of non-metallic fragile structures;
  • Unaesthetic metal crowns.
  • Possibility of developing complications after installation, inflammatory process.

Possible complications

Complications after prosthetics can lead to medical errors or poor hygiene oral cavity:

  • Insufficiently fitted crown Over time, the gum begins to rub, which can lead to the development of inflammation.
  • Gap between crown and gum is a place where food debris accumulates in which bacteria multiply.

    It cannot be cleaned, since the gap is minimal, but it does its destructive work - gradually destroying the tissue with the accumulated products of decay.

  • Lack of rehabilitation. Before prosthetics, the patient must be examined by a dentist and treated for carious teeth.

    This is especially true for specimens adjacent to the prosthetic, which gradually deteriorate and can deprive the structure of support.

  • Allergic reaction. Sometimes patients become allergic to the material used to make the crown. In this case, you only need to replace the device.
  • Galvanic syndrome– if there are dentures made of various alloys in the oral cavity, then the person feels a metallic taste, headache, metal crowns can oxidize and change color.

Implant concept

Everyone strives to restore lost teeth as soon as possible. IN lately More and more patients prefer implants to other prosthetic methods.

An implant is a part of a structure that is inserted into the gum. After healing, an abutment is screwed into the implant, onto which the crown is attached. The implant acts as a tooth root, but unlike the latter, the artificial structure is more durable.

Pros and cons

Installation of implants has large number positive points :

  • They are durable. Metal implants have long term operation. They are not exposed to temperature and can withstand the stress of chewing.
  • When installing implants, there is absolutely no need to touch adjacent teeth.
  • The bones of the lower and upper jaw do not deform over time. Due to the fact that metal “roots” are inserted into them, the bones continue to maintain their shape without being subject to resorption, deformation or reduction.
  • This is an aesthetic way to restore teeth, since crowns on implants are practically indistinguishable from real teeth.
  • You can restore several lost units at once.
  • Does not exclude the possibility of using solid food without damaging the condition of the jaw and teeth.
  • With just a few implants, you can install a prosthesis on the entire dentition, it will not look unnatural.
  • Hygiene rules will not differ from caring for natural teeth.
  • The artificial structure will not break and will withstand significant loads.
  • They are easy to use, there is no need to remove them for care, the survival rate is high, and visits to a specialist are extremely rare.

Besides all the positive aspects, these devices They also have negative sides:

  • There is a risk that the implant will not take root. To ensure this is avoided, you need to use only structures made of high-quality titanium and see a trusted specialist.
  • Implantation process – surgery, pain is possible.
  • The likelihood of complications.
  • Duration of the procedure. 4-6 months must pass before the final stage of installing crowns on implants - the time for them to fuse with the bone tissue.
  • Cost of structures. Not everyone can afford this procedure.

Possible complications

When an implant fuses with bone tissue, inflammation of the tissue around it may occur. Also in some cases, it may be rejected, but this complication is extremely rare.

At the second stage of installing artificial teeth, the following complications occur:

  • The root implant may come out along with the plug.
  • During the installation of the abutment, the implant may pass into the maxillary sinus.
  • Bone tissue can cover the root implant.

What type of prosthetics should I choose?

Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of these types of prosthetics, you have to make an important decision - which one to choose, since artificial structures are installed for more than one year?

Indications and contraindications

Indications for implant installation, in addition to dental problems, is:

  • The patient does not agree to grind down adjacent specimens.
  • It is not possible to make a bridge.
  • The patient does not agree to the installation of a bridge.

Crowns are installed in case of:

  • Complete destruction of the enamel.
  • Destruction of the crown part of the tooth due to disease.
  • Significant abrasion.

But there are a large number of contraindications to the installation of these structures.

The specialist approaches each case individually, determining the possibility of surgical intervention and crown installation.

To the main absolute contraindications include:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Nervous and mental disorders.
  • Diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Tone of the masticatory muscles.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Inadequate oral care.

When installing implants, the amount of bone tissue and its condition are taken into account.

Which method is better?

What is better to install: crowns or implants, many people take a long time to decide. In this matter, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

If the adjacent teeth are intact, a bridge can be placed on them. Then he will hold on for a long time.

But the patient must understand that the supporting teeth are not durable, so over time this bridge will have to be reinstalled. In addition, depending on the load, the structure may become loose.

The installation of crowns is justified if the patient does not have the opportunity to install an implant, the adjacent teeth next to the affected one are intact, or there are direct contraindications to implantation.

In the case when several teeth in a row have lost the ability to perform their functions, for example, one is crumbling, the second has a damaged root, the third has suffered too much from caries, in this case it is better to install several implants.

They will preserve the width of the bone tissue and restore chewing functions.

Comparison of installation results of two designs

Durability Difficulty of care Function restoration Appearance
Combined crowns according to WHO 7-8 years They do not require special care; it is recommended to rinse your mouth after eating and clean with regular toothpastes. Do not overload artificial structures: open lids, crack nuts, chew bones Perfectly matched in color, practically indistinguishable from natural teeth
Implants from 15 to 25 years when using high-quality titanium They do not require special care, it is important to prevent reproduction pathogenic bacteria Functions are restored to 100% Cannot be distinguished from natural


There are many types of prosthetics with crowns and implants from different companies and materials.

More information about prices can be found in the clinic from a specialist, in the table we give average values:

Crowns Price (RUB) Implants Price (RUB)
Cast crowns (colbato-chrome) 3500 Implant and metal-ceramic crown 12000 – 16000
Metal-ceramic bridge (3 units) 18,000 and 3,000 for temporary plastic crowns Implant and porcelain crown 25000
Metal-ceramic crown on a gold-platinum alloy From 17000 Zirconium dioxide implant and crown Up to 45000

After the loss of teeth, the question of prosthetics arises. How it will be carried out is not always clear in advance. People are not very familiar with dentistry, so they often listen to opinions. When doing prosthetics (of course, depending on the situation), doctors usually advise installing one of the following elements: or an implant. Let’s try to figure out how a crown differs from an implant and which is better.

is a mechanically created tooth root. It is made from quality materials. An implant is artificially implanted into the site of a lost tooth. The number of implants installed is equal to the number of lost teeth. Once in the bone mass, the implant provides reliable adhesion to it. Next, the crown is placed on the implant. In this case, different crowns are used.

Features of implant installation

  • To properly distribute the load evenly in the oral cavity, a separate crown is installed on each implant.
  • Most often, prosthetics are performed with separate crowns rather than a bridge supported by implants.


  1. The implant fully replaces the natural tooth. Chewing function is not impaired.
  2. The implant installation procedure ensures the reliability of the structure.
  3. The installed implant does not harm the surrounding teeth.
  4. After installation of implants, there are no restrictions on the products consumed.
  5. No teeth grinding required.
  6. Once installed, implants can serve a person for the rest of his life.


  1. There are contraindications (there are many of them).
  2. A mandatory visit to the dentist is required.
  3. High cost of implants and installation procedures.
  4. After surgery, an unpleasant postoperative period begins.
  5. The procedure for installing implants takes a long time.
  6. There is a risk of the structure being rejected.

In what cases are implants used:

  • If a bridge cannot be made.
  • If the patient at the appointment categorically refuses to have a large structure in the form of a bridge in his mouth.
  • The patient is opposed to grinding down adjacent teeth.

Possible complications and contraindications

A complex prosthetic operation is not without possible complications:

  • The stitches placed may come apart.
  • Further difficulty in prosthetics, which is directly related to incorrect and non-functional installation of the implant.
  • Infection in the implant area, subsequent inflammation, which quickly leads to rejection of the implanted element.
  • If there is a lack of bone tissue, perforation of the maxillary sinus occurs.
  • During the implantation operation, the nerve located below the jaw is affected and damaged.
  • In case of poor blood clotting, heavy bleeding begins.

The listed complications can occur during the implantation procedure and after the operation.

Before installing implants, you need to familiarize yourself with a fairly large list of contraindications. , which are divided into types.

Absolute contraindications

  • Tumors, both malignant and benign. The operation to install implants will dramatically worsen the patient’s condition. Contraindications apply to any cancer.
  • Any blood diseases. For example, poor clotting will certainly lead to quite serious consequences during the operation.
  • Tuberculosis and any complications that arise after the illness.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Serious nervous disorders. This applies to both acquired and congenital diseases. A patient with this particular condition may behave inappropriately during surgery and during subsequent treatment.
  • Any diseases of the oral mucosa.
  • Increased tone of the masticatory muscles.
  • Connective tissue diseases.
  • Poor state of human immunity (may be caused by earlier past diseases). The patient's body may simply not cope with the subsequent rehabilitation period. After the operation you will need hard work all organs. It will be necessary to fully recover.

Relative contraindications

  • Caries and other diseases.
  • Inadequate oral hygiene (in this case, removable dentures are recommended).
  • Arthrosis.
  • Periods of pregnancy and lactation.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Any defects of the jaw and bone tissue.
  • Serious inflammation of the gums.
  • Pathological bite.
  • Availability bad habits. These mainly include three: drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking.

Some types of contraindications overlap with each other depending on the group.

Temporary contraindications

  • Period of acute illness.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • Addiction.
  • Alcoholism.
  • After irradiation (about a year later).
  • The patient's stage of recovery after illness.
  • The stage of rehabilitation after an illness.

General contraindications

  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system and mental disorders.
  • Immuno and antidepressants, cytostatics, anticoagulants and some other medications used before the start of prosthetics, which seriously affect the recovery process after surgery and the further safety of the installed implants.
  • Stress for a long time.
  • Exhaustion of the body.

Local contraindications

  • The patient does not try to take care of the oral cavity.
  • The distance to the maxillary region does not correspond to the standard value.
  • The quality and quantity of bone tissue does not meet the requirements for implantation of a foreign implant.

Implant attachment

The implant and crown are secured using a material such as cement. It provides strong and 100% grip. IN dental practice There are situations when temporary crowns are initially installed on the implant. After some time, they are removed and permanent ones are attached.

The crown on the implant tends to wear out and become loose over time. In this case, it is not worth restoring it; it is better to resort to complete replacement.

The implant is installed with mandatory use anesthesia. It is done locally. Next, the prosthesis is slowly implanted into the gum and internal suturing is performed. After a long time (about 3-6 months), the implant grows into the jaw. Then the gum former is installed. Afterwards, an impression of the gum is made, on the basis of which a crown is made. It should be noted that on lower jaw dentures take root faster than on the upper one.

What is a crown

A crown is simply the shell of a tooth that is attached to the top of a damaged tooth. The crown can also be attached to neighboring teeth.

There are:

  • Plastic crowns that are installed temporarily.
  • Metal crowns.
  • Gold crowns.
  • Ceramic crowns.

Advantages of installed crowns:

  • The cost is several times lower than that of implants.
  • Short production time.
  • Short installation time.

Disadvantages that encourage you not to install crowns:

  • They are short-lived compared to implants.
  • To install a crown, you need to grind down your teeth.
  • There is a risk of damage to adjacent teeth.

In what cases do you need to install crowns:

  • Complete destruction of the tooth shell.
  • Severe destruction of the tooth crown due to dental diseases.
  • Increased tooth wear.

Like implants, crowns have their own contraindications:

  • Possibility of a negative reaction to anesthesia.
  • Diseases of the jaw bones (for example, osteoporosis or osteomyelitis).
  • Exhaustion of the body.
  • Age restrictions: crowns cannot be placed on persons under 16 years of age.
  • Neglect of oral hygiene.
  • Malocclusion.
  • A complete contraindication to surgery.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of such systems as the nervous, immune, endocrine and cardiovascular.
  • Periodontitis and its consequences.

Which is better: crown or implant?

Definitely, judging by the advantages, it is much better to install an implant. But they are much more expensive than crowns. The price for installing one implant varies between 10-20 thousand rubles, depending on some factors (region, district, clinic). Thus, a temporary crown for an implant will cost about 6 thousand rubles, metal ceramics - 15 thousand rubles, zirconium - 25 thousand rubles. Ordinary temporary crowns cost 1 thousand rubles, metal ceramics - 4 thousand rubles, for gold crowns the price is individual.

It turns out that having paid quite a lot cash, the patient receives a reliable design that can last a very long time. If there are no funds for implants, then you can resort to installing conventional crowns. Just remember that you need to treat crowns with great care and not neglect hygiene. Then they will delight the patient for a long time.

The price for implantation is announced immediately. The installation of the crown is carried out in several stages. Initially, they pay for the crown itself, then they pay for the treatment of the tooth itself, the installation, as well as the impressions made.

There are recommendations regarding changing crowns. It is better to change them every five years. While the implant can last a lifetime, the crown will have to be replaced twice a decade. It turns out that the cost of implantation ends up being lower than installing a crown. It turns out that the price of the procedure and implant should not play a significant role.

What better crown or an implant, a person must decide for himself. Only in this sensitive issue is it necessary to take into account the words spoken by the doctor. Looking at the situation with professional side, he will definitely give good advice. But it is necessary to restore teeth. The problem of tooth loss has always been considered very significant. After all, lost teeth are not only a threat to health, but also an unsightly external defect. Not only is chewing ability impaired, but it is also distorted nice view faces. Oddly enough, but external factors Often a person worries much more than health problems. Therefore, it is very important not to delay the installation of elements.

Missing one or more teeth can be a real disaster. A person is ready to spend on his appearance a larger amount of funds than for the improvement of the body.

Such decisions are completely justified. After all, the absence of teeth leads to the loss of their chewing and aesthetic functions. A dental unit, like any organ in human body, you can use prosthetics, that is, partially restore its lost functionality.

To do this, experts offer many options for resolving the problem. Most often, patients have to choose between a crown and an implant. We will consider which design is better, cheaper and more durable in this article.

All about artificial root

A person who has lost a tooth has a choice: get used to this problem, resort to the help of a prosthesis, or get a dental implant.

Undoubtedly, you can not contact the dentist and leave everything as it is, but nature provides that each of the units should take part in the process of chewing food. If, as a result of caries or other diseases, one or more functions are destroyed digestive system are seriously violated.

An implant can replace a tooth root. It is a titanium structure that is implanted into the patient's jaw. Over time, the product fuses with bone tissue and takes on a completely natural appearance.

The human body perfectly accepts a structure made of durable metal, but successful engraftment directly depends on the surface structure of the product. The stage of merging an exact copy of the tooth root with hard tissues in medicine it is called osseointegration.

To speed up this process, implants are manufactured with porous surface, which is achieved using diffusion metallization (gas-thermal coating with a plasma jet), anodizing, cold abrasive treatment, and acid exposure.

The microporosity of the surface of the artificial root allows it to grow together with the jaw bone structures within 3 months. If the patient's history includes individual intolerance titanium, he is implanted with a zirconium dioxide implant.

Pros and cons

Today, patients increasingly prefer implants. And this is not surprising, because the design was distinguished by a number of positive features:

  • Durability. Products made of high-strength metal have a long service life. Their surface is quickly covered with an oxide film, which provides protection against corrosion.

    Titanium has no competitors among metals in terms of strength and stability, it is biocompatible and safe for the body. Withstands increased chewing loads and does not change its structure from exposure to temperatures.

  • Maintaining the integrity of other elements. At the stages of implantation, there is no need to involve neighboring units, which distinguishes the technique from other methods.
  • Deformation bone structures on the movable and upper jaw is excluded. The installed implant prevents the bone from changing its shape. Over time, it does not undergo resorption and retains its original volume.
  • Perfect aesthetics. Restoring the dentition through the implantation of artificial roots can improve the aesthetic functions of teeth. A crown installed on an implant cannot be visually distinguished from a real tooth.
  • It is possible to recreate several lost teeth at the same time, which is not always possible with other prosthetic methods.
  • Withstands increased chewing loads. The patient can safely eat solid foods without causing damage to the jaw apparatus and teeth.
  • Possibility of installing a removable denture on the entire surface of the jaw. This will require several implants.
  • Habitual hygiene care . Daily cleaning of artificial structures is no different from procedures carried out with natural elements of the dentition.

Besides, titanium rod does not break, it has a high survival rate, there is no need to remove the structure for maintenance and does not require frequent visits dentist

The negative points of the device are as follows:

  • Risk of rejection. The implant does not take root in cases where low-quality titanium alloy was used in its manufacture or its installation was carried out by an incompetent specialist.
  • Pain syndrome. Implantation - surgery, therefore the presence painful sensations is not excluded.
  • In some cases, complications are possible.
  • Duration of implantation. Before a specialist installs a crown on the system, at least 3 months must pass - the phase of fusion of the product with the jawbone tissue.
  • Price of the procedure. Not every patient can afford an implant.

Indications and prohibitions

As a rule, implantation is indicated for patients in the absence of one or more teeth, as well as in cases of significant destructive processes. In addition, dentists recommend installing artificial roots in the following cases:

  • the patient is against grinding down adjacent units;
  • the possibility of installing a bridge is excluded;
  • the patient does not want to have a bridge installed.

Prosthetics using crowns is indicated in cases where:

  • the protective layer of the tooth is completely destroyed;
  • the coronal part of the unit is damaged by caries or other dental disease;
  • increased tooth wear.

Unfortunately, there are a large number of restrictions on the installation of implants.

The dentist considers each case individually and determines the possibility of implanting a metal specimen using surgical intervention followed by installation of a prosthesis.

Absolute contraindications:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • disturbances in the metabolism of water and carbohydrates in the body (diabetes mellitus);
  • tuberculosis;
  • malfunctions of the nervous system;
  • blood diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • infectious inflammatory diseases oral mucosa;
  • decline protective functions body;
  • persistent increase in the tone of masticatory muscle structures;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;

When implanting an implant into the jawbone, the specialist takes into account the amount of hard tissue and their condition.

Relative contraindications:

  • poor oral hygiene;
  • untreated caries and other dental diseases;
  • pathologies of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • jaw defects, malocclusion;
  • periodontitis;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse.

Possible complications

Negative consequences may occur during the implantation procedure and during the recovery stages. Experts identify the following complications:

  • Pain. Normal reaction nervous system for surgical intervention. Normal pain syndrome lasts no more than 3 days.
  • Edema. Consequence of soft tissue damage. For the first 2 days after surgery, the complication becomes increasingly severe. After 7 days, the swelling completely disappears.
  • Sensory impairment accompanied by tingling and numbness. The consequence is caused by increased blood circulation in the operated area or nerve damage. IN in rare cases similar symptoms may appear as residual effects of anesthesia.
  • Bleeding. As a rule, it is observed for 1-3 hours after the procedure. The manifestation is considered normal, since an incision in the gum cannot be made without affecting the blood vessels.

    The complication is considered partly useful, since along with the blood they come out of the wound. pathogenic microorganisms that can provoke inflammatory processes.

  • Seam divergence. May end prolonged bleeding and infection of the entire operated area. Occurs due to mechanical damage or injury to the sutured area.
  • Hematoma. Indicates deep injury to soft structures. Over time, the undesirable consequence of muscle hemorrhage decreases in size and completely disappears.
  • Damage to the nasopalatine bundle. The length of the rod was incorrectly selected.
  • Trauma to the bottom of new cavities. Threatens perforation of the mucous membrane respiratory organ with subsequent infection of the tissues in the lower part of the metal root.
  • Damage to neurovascular bundles in the area of ​​conical teeth. There is a risk of numbness and paresthesia of soft tissues.
  • Rejection. It happens extremely rarely at the stage of adaptation of bone tissue to the product or due to a long-term inflammatory process.

Overgrowth of the implant with hard tissues and incorrect position implant in the bone makes further prosthetics difficult.

Service life and manufacturer's warranties

The service life of implants is much longer than that of crowns. Most well-known manufacturers guarantee that the product can serve its owner throughout his life.

As a rule, these are brands with an impeccable reputation, long-term practice and excellent reviews. Products from Swiss companies and German manufacturers have a shelf life of at least 65 years.

Products from lesser-known companies have a service life of 18 to 25 years. The service life of any dental device will depend on the competent actions of the doctor during installation and the quality of subsequent hygienic care.

Factors influencing the durability of the product are as follows:

  • adaptation period;
  • stage of fusion of the implant with bone tissue;
  • care.

The service life of a dental structure can be increased by observing simple recommendations dentist

Prosthetics and bridges

Not removable dentures(bridge, crown) are firmly attached and completely replace the lost units. They exactly follow the shape of the teeth and provide a snow-white color.

A bridge is a structure that consists of two crowns connected by artificial units.

Crown - outer shell tooth, which is installed on a destroyed or supporting bony organ of the oral cavity. The design is a non-removable orthopedic product, so there is no need for regular removal and donning.

The product fully eliminates defects in the anatomical crown and provides protection from further damage.

Crowns perform the following important functions:

  • change the appearance of the unit, which spoils the aesthetics of the entire dentition or has a pathological shape;
  • serves as a covering for the tooth, increasing its strength.

In appearance, the crown resembles a cap that covers the tooth and is fixed in the root area. If a tooth is missing, the product can be installed on an implant or adjacent units.

Types of crowns

Fixed devices are classified by purpose:

  • Supporting. Serve as a support for the subsequent installation of the prosthesis. These are components of a bridge structure that are installed on healthy specimens located in the vicinity of the lost unit.
  • Restorative. Independent products. They return the anatomical shape of a damaged tooth and restore its functions.

Crowns are made from various materials. Here experts identify the following representatives:

  • Porcelain, ceramics, plastic. The material of such products does not contain metal alloys.

    The structure is installed to achieve high performance aesthetics, as visually it is practically indistinguishable from natural teeth. A crown made of ceramic or porcelain can function independently in the dentition.

    A plastic product is fragile and rarely withstands heavy chewing loads, so experts do not accept it for its fragility and rarely use it in practice.

  • Metal. They are made by casting metal alloys using a ready-made template or by stamping blanks. Such designs have lost their relevance due to poor aesthetics.
  • Composite. For their manufacture, not only metal alloys are used, but also other additional materials. For example, the product can be metal-ceramic or metal-plastic.

In addition, experts distinguish crowns according to their design features:

  • full- fully replace the lost unit;
  • equatorial- cover the tooth up to the most convex part of its equator (crown), used for splinting the jaw and installing bridges;
  • stump- consist of an artificial stump with a pin and a crown covering it, are perfectly fixed in the root canal, and are used to restore not only the anterior, but also the lateral units;
  • half crowns- used as a part of a prosthesis that restores the dentition, covering the tooth exclusively from the outside.
  • telescopic- the structures contain a fixed and removable part, they are put on each other according to the telescope principle, which ensures strong and effective fixation;
  • pin- applied to the roots of the front teeth;
  • jackets- made of porcelain and ceramics and installed on the front teeth.

Pros and cons of crowns

Each patient is individual in his own way, so the sensations while wearing orthodontic structures Everyone is different.

Some experience discomfort and pain from crowns, while others, on the contrary, forget about the presence of the device in the oral cavity.

Experts and patients include the following advantages of crowns:

  • high aesthetics;
  • relatively long service life, depending on the material used in manufacturing;
  • affordable cost;
  • when attaching cast devices, dental tissues are ground to a minimum extent;
  • The chemical composition of some crowns allows for excellent compatibility with soft tissues and prepared tooth;
  • the possibility of extending the life of a tooth with removed pulp.

To make a choice, it is important to familiarize yourself with the design flaws.

Main disadvantages:

  • frequent injuries to neighboring units, especially if they serve as a support when attaching a bridge structure;
  • short service life non-metallic products;
  • bad aesthetics for metal devices;
  • risk negative manifestations And inflammatory processes after installation.

Possible complications

As a rule, complications after the installation of dentures are provoked by specialist errors at the stages of prosthetics and poor hygienic care.

The consequences may be as follows:

  • Poor crown installation. A poorly fitted product rubs the gum tissue over time, which leads to an inflammatory process.
  • Formation of a gap between the device and gum tissue. The minimum gap cannot be properly cleaned of food debris, so it gradually becomes a place for intensive growth of bacteria, which have a destructive effect on healthy tissue.
  • Allergic manifestations. In rare cases, the patient may be allergic to the material of the product. In such circumstances, the crown is replaced with another device.
  • Galvanism(education electric current in the oral cavity). If a patient has a device made of metal alloys of different potential installed, he may experience headaches, a taste of iron, and over time the prosthesis undergoes oxidation and changes its original shade.
  • Destructive processes. If the dentist did not complete the treatment before installing the product carious cavities on the teeth adjacent to the prosthetic specimen, they will gradually deteriorate and will cease to be a support for the structure.

Service life

If you provide a crown proper care, it will serve its owner for a long time.

This factor is influenced by the correctness of root canal treatment and the frequency of inflammation within the patient’s body. Any violations internal organs may provoke re-prosthetics.

After fastening orthopedic prosthesis dental clinics issue a warranty on the product. Typically, the period of effective operation under the warranty card is no more than 12 months from the date of prosthetics.

This means that during the warranty period the patient receives the right to free services for device reconstruction or replacing it.

Manufacturers also provide a guarantee for their products:

  • metal ceramics, cast ceramics, zirconium dioxide - 12-17 years;
  • noble metal - 18 years;
  • base metal - no more than 10 years;
  • porcelain, ceramics - 7-8 years;
  • solid plastic - 3-5 years;
  • metal-plastic - 8 years.

The service life of the crown is significantly increased if it is perfectly sized.

Making the right choice

Do right choice When considering an implant and a crown for installation, it is quite problematic. In this matter, it is important to evaluate the candidates from all sides and take into account individual characteristics.

If there are healthy units near the lost tooth, a bridge structure can be installed. It is able to restore full chewing functions for a long time.

At the same time, we should not forget that supporting units cannot function forever, so re-prosthetics may be required after a few years. Besides this, permanent increased loads may lead to structural failure.

You can choose to install crowns if the patient is financially unable to afford an implant, has healthy teeth near a damaged tooth, or has a history of absolute contraindications to implantation.

If the patient visited the dentist with complete or partial edentia, he will be offered to give preference to implants. They preserve bone tissue in full and restore chewing functions to the dentition.

Let's compare the results of installing both devices using the example table.

Construction type Service life Care Functions Aesthetics % Installation cost


Composite crown About 8 years Routine cleaning

twice a day using classic toothpaste, rinsing the mouth after meals.

Increased chewing loads are prohibited 80 From 13,000 rubles
Titanium implant Average 20 years Care is not difficult; it is important to exclude the production of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity Completely restores chewing functions 100 From 37,000 rubles

The video details the difference between crowns and implants.

After tooth loss has occurred, a person is faced with the question of prosthetics. To do this, a specialist usually suggests installing an implant or crown or removable dentures. What is better than a crown or an implant and how they differ, we need to understand this in more detail.

What is an implant

A dental implant is a mechanically created artificial root. It is made from hypoallergenic high-tech materials. The implant is artificially implanted into the socket of one lost tooth. You can place exactly as many structures as there are missing units in the dentition. The implant securely adheres to the bone tissue. Later, after the device has healed, a dental bridge can be installed on top of it (if there are several implants). Removable structures, in particular clasp dentures, can also be fixed to implants.

What is the difference between a crown and an implant, what is the difference between these designs? The implant is a pin that is screwed into bone tissue. Installed on top of it single crowns or bridges. A bridge or implant with a crown fixed on it can completely replace the original ones chewing teeth. A crown is only a shell that can be installed on a damaged tooth (the dentist first treats it, fills it, or removes the nerves). It can be installed to ensure that the tooth can withstand high chewing loads.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing implants or crowns, it should be noted that an implant can completely replace a tooth. In this case, there is no disruption of the chewing function, and no discomfort is created when chewing. This is a reliable design that does not harm neighboring molars or incisors. If a bridge-like prosthesis is installed, for the manufacture of which metal-ceramics are used, then the supporting teeth for it are significantly ground down. After implantation there are no restrictions on any food. Dental implantation or prosthetics is done once, the products do not wear out. When choosing an implant or a crown, you should also note such a difference between the products as durability. The latter serves certain time, since the tooth underneath may be destroyed, after which it will need to be replaced.

The disadvantages include:

  • the presence of certain contraindications;
  • expensive procedure;
  • long adaptation period;
  • installation duration;
  • danger of rejection.

They prefer to place an implant in cases where a bridge cannot be placed for various reasons.

Contraindications and consequences

When choosing implants or crowns, you need to consider not only the advantages, but also contraindications, as well as the consequences after the operation itself. The sutures may come apart, infection may enter the intervention area and inflammation may develop as a result. The nerve may also be damaged during installation and bleeding may occur. To place an implant, you need to remove a tooth; for a crown, this does not need to be done; it is fixed on top of a ground tooth; this may also differ in designs (the exception is the fixation of a crown onto the surface of a previously implanted pin structure).

Contraindications to dental implants include:

  • tumor processes in the body;
  • disorders in hematopoiesis and blood circulation;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • mental or neurological disorders;
  • oral diseases;
  • weakened immune system.

With such contraindications, installation is prohibited. There are also relative contraindications, which include:

  • dental diseases;
  • lack of proper oral hygiene and the impossibility of its implementation due to diseases of the gums, mucous membranes, individual characteristics structure of the dentition (in this case, the doctor will recommend choosing removable prosthetics);
  • arthritis or arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint;
  • period of gestation and breastfeeding(in this case they do not use prosthetics; an alternative is chosen in the form of a temporary crown, which the doctor will select);
  • the presence of periodontitis, jaw defects, serious inflammatory processes in the gums, improperly formed bite;
  • bad habits.

In such cases, an alternative is chosen. If not absolute contraindications, the doctor will recommend other designs, most often removable. Some patients are also interested in what is the difference between a pin and an implant? To install the pin, tooth extraction is not required. The pin is placed, even if only one root remains from the tooth, into a previously prepared root canal. The doctor then restores the tooth's shape with either a filling or a crown. This is how the installation of a plug-in structure differs from a pin.

Fixing the device

The crowns are fixed using dental cement. Thanks to it, the fastening will be strong and durable, the product is well secured. During implantation, a structure is installed in place of the removed units; a temporary crown can be fixed on top, which is removed after the implant has healed, and a permanent prosthesis is placed in its place.

The crown tends to wear out and will need to be replaced with a new one over time. The implant is installed in the jaw with mandatory anesthesia. This is an operation that involves stitches. And the crown is installed without the use of anesthesia. After its manufacture, it is simply put on top of the previously ground tooth. For prosthetics of the front teeth, the best solution would be to use structures such as metal-ceramic dentures.

What is a crown

This product is a tooth shell; it is attached on top of the damaged unit. It can also be connected to neighboring units. The following products are distinguished: plastic (temporary), metal, ceramic, metal-ceramic. The advantages of the device include low cost Compared to implants, fast manufacturing, quick installation procedure. The disadvantages of installing the product include: fragility, the need to grind teeth, and the risk of damage to neighboring units.

Indications for installation are: complete destruction of the tooth crown, severe destruction of dentin due to caries, increased enamel abrasion, severely damaged core inlay. TO possible contraindications include:

  • osteoporosis of the jaw bones;
  • exhaustion;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • lack of oral hygiene;
  • the stump tab is too low;
  • malocclusion;
  • absolute contraindications to any operations;
  • periodontitis.

What is better to choose

Based on the advantages, it is better to install an implant. But such products are much more expensive than crowns, regardless of the material from which they are made. When installing conventional crowns, it is necessary to observe certain rules, because careless hygiene or eating too hard food can damage the product.

Choosing what better implant or bridge, it is important to keep the durability of the structure in mind. The first one is installed, as a rule, for life, and the bridge can wear out and become damaged. Crown replacement is required every five years. Therefore, the choice is up to the patient. Usually the doctor recommends looking far ahead; in the end, although the crown costs less, the overall cost is more expensive.