Healthy teeth are the key to a slim figure

Consultation for parents

“Healthy teeth are the key to health.”

Helps prevent dental disease proper care behind the oral cavity.

Dental caries- This pathological process, in which focal demineralization and softening of the hard tissues of teeth occurs, followed by the formation of a defect in the form of a cavity that appears after teething.

Caries most often affects the teeth of children. Premature destruction of milk and permanent teeth leads to improper formation dental system and can lead to the emergence of chronic foci of infection, which in turn can cause such serious diseases in children as rheumatism and pathological change cordially- vascular system. What should you do to keep your teeth snow-white and healthy? Even three year old baby confidently answer: brush your teeth regularly! You should also visit the dentist in a timely manner and eat less sweets.

Parents play important role in preserving the child’s teeth. They are the ones who begin the first oral care for the child. It is very important to support your child’s desire to take care of their teeth.

Children's teeth occupy a certain space in the mouth, and an early lost tooth can cause the permanent tooth that replaces it to grow crooked. Between the ages of 6 and 12-13 years, children's teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Since the process of changing teeth is gradual, keeping all teeth clean is important. Infected baby teeth can cause early illness permanent teeth. In addition, larger permanent teeth grow next to smaller ones, resulting in many uneven areas and areas where food debris can accumulate. Therefore, it is important that children brush their teeth twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. Parents should monitor how the child brushes his teeth and help him brush those areas of the teeth that he missed.

There are following rules which must be observed:

You should brush your teeth 2 times a day - in the morning and before bed.

The teeth brushing procedure should take 2 minutes, paying special attention to the chewing surfaces of the teeth and back teeth, where cavities form first.

Use a pea-sized drop of children's fluoride toothpaste.

Make sure your child spits out any remaining toothpaste and rinses his mouth thoroughly.

Do not allow children to use other people's toothbrushes.

The child's teeth should be brushed with brushes with very soft bristles, which are specially designed for children.

Make sure you choose a brush size based on your child's age.

Replace your child's toothbrush every three months, or sooner if the brush shows signs of wear.

A well-organized meal, with a careful selection of appropriate products, is the basis for a snow-white smile for your sons and daughters in the future.

First aspect proper nutrition-its regularity and lack of snacking. The next condition is the presence in the diet of foods rich in substances necessary for the healthy state of enamel and dental tissue. These include: raw vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed juices;

Cereal products - bread, oatmeal and other non-sweet cookies, various cereals;

Milk and its derivatives - sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese;

Meat - beef, lean pork, poultry.

Do not overuse sauces, seasonings, confectionery products.

Under no circumstances give your child only soft food: porridge, rolls, etc.

It is better if the child ends each meal with solid food: an apple, carrot, hard crust of bread, which will cleanse the teeth of soft plaque, but will also contribute to the formation of a correct bite.

A snow-white, brilliant smile always attracted attention and delighted. A person whose teeth shine makes you want to communicate with him. But healthy teeth is not only beauty, but also a guarantee of health. Because dental problems always affect the human body. You need to take care of oral hygiene and teeth cleanliness constantly.

If you have problems with your teeth, then you should go to the doctor and get examined for vascular diseases, anemia, heart disease, kidney disease, digestion or breathing.

So, healthy teeth are the key to health.

But what is the connection between the heart and teeth, you ask?

Taking care of your teeth and regular brushing will help prevent various diseases. This prophylactic heart diseases. Because there are many different microbes in the mouth and on the teeth, they need to be removed. If you don't take good care of your teeth, the microbes that are on them can enter the body through the gums and circulatory system. This may interfere with blood circulation. The risk of heart attack increases.

Tooth decay is also bad for the heart because it is an infection that is located in the oral cavity. People with tooth decay often have sore throats because the germs spread to the tonsils. And in turn, sore throat has negative impact to the work of the heart.

If your smile is not as perfect as you would like, your teeth are destroyed or they simply are not there, then very soon gastritis, colitis, and abdominal discomfort may occur.

Very often, viruses and microbes enter the oral cavity. But if you constantly brush your teeth and tongue, rinse your mouth, this will help destroy viruses.

People who do not take good care of their teeth and oral cavity are more likely to get colds and viral diseases. They may often have bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis and pneumonia.


It has been observed that people with dental problems most often suffer from diabetes. Infections of teeth and gums enter the pancreas and disrupt carbohydrate metabolism.

Pregnant woman's teeth

Dental health also affects pregnancy. During pregnancy, the immune system is noticeably weakened, the metabolism minerals is violated. Teeth can decay and harm the baby.

Dentists are confident that they are properly caring for the unit’s teeth. Because you need to brush your teeth morning and evening for 3-5 minutes. But, if you want your teeth to be healthy for a long time, follow these instructions:

  • After each dose, rinse your mouth with water and chew gum or cheese for a couple of minutes.
  • Brush your teeth morning and evening, not forgetting your gums and tongue.
  • Use dental floss to remove food debris.
  • Don't forget to visit your dentist, go to him once every six months.
  • Sometimes it’s worth changing your brush rather than using a years old one.

It's no secret that what makes a person attractive are many traits, including openness snow-white smile. It is pleasant to have a conversation with a person who smiles sincerely, showing off healthy teeth.

But healthy teeth do more than just make us look beautiful. In addition to this, they bring considerable benefits to our body. You should know that teeth are part of the dental organ in the human body, and if they begin to hurt or begin to look worse, then this also affects the condition of the human body.

If we provide regular oral care, we will keep our teeth healthy and be able to avoid most diseases, which will help us live much longer.

A few truisms

Throughout life, teeth show how healthy a person is. And this is the true truth, since our body makes a lot of efforts to keep our teeth smooth, snow-white, with even color and strong enamel, so that we can show our smile to others.

If problems arise in the oral cavity, then this is a clear sign that you have developed heart disease, anemia, or have difficulties with your kidneys, digestion or breathing.

Heart and teeth - what is the connection?

If you regularly brush your teeth and take care of your entire oral cavity, you can get rid of most health problems. First of all, this concerns the prevention of heart diseases.

The mouth and teeth are the habitat of countless different microbes, among which there are quite a few that do not benefit, but harm our body.

If you do not regularly care for your oral cavity, this will allow microbes to move into the vessels of the gums, through which they can penetrate into the gums. common system blood circulation All this leads to damage to the walls of the arteries, the development inflammatory processes and their thickening, resulting in poor circulation, especially if we're talking about O coronary arteries.

arise favorable conditions for the manifestation of myocardial infarction. If you limit yourself to brushing your teeth once a day, you increase your risk of developing heart disease by 70%.

Teeth with signs of caries pose a serious threat to the heart: without treatment, they will penetrate into the oral cavity chronic infection. There are often cases when people with similar problems get a sore throat: this occurs due to the spread of microbes from carious cavities to the tonsils.

One of the possible negative consequences of angina may be disruption of the heart and the occurrence of joint problems. If a person often suffers from a sore throat, this can lead to the development of rheumatism, joint damage (arthritis), and in addition to microbial-allergic damage to the heart (defect).

Gastritis and smile

In case you can't brag perfect smile, you have decaying teeth or you had to see a doctor to have them removed - you risk experiencing digestive problems. This will lead to the fact that you will have to treat gastritis, colitis, and abdominal discomfort.

The main reason for this is a violation of chewing food, thereby the teeth cannot perform their function correctly. If incompletely chewed food enters the stomach and intestines, this leads to irritation and tension of these organs, as well as disruption of enzyme activity. Can't decide this problem and with the help of implants, which are not able to become an adequate alternative to teeth: while chewing food, the teeth create pressure, the force of which is about 100-120 kg per 1 square meter. cm area. The force created by a diseased tooth or crown is much less and equals about 20-50 kilograms.

Teeth and colds

There are often cases when pathogenic viruses and microbes penetrate into the oral cavity. You can create unbearable conditions for their existence only by regularly brushing your teeth and tongue, rinsing them special solutions and applying dental floss- in this case, the secreted saliva and secretions of healthy mucous membranes will have an effect on them negative impact, causing their death.

If you do not pay proper attention to your teeth, this can result in a weakened immune system, which will lead to an increase in the incidence of colds and purulent infections. Along with this, a person will often be bothered by bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as chronic forms tonsillitis and sinusitis.

Diabetes and smile

As a result of observations, dentists came to the conclusion that people with unhealthy teeth are more susceptible to diabetes, since the presence of infection in the area of ​​​​the gums and teeth over time causes damage to the pancreas, as well as impaired carbohydrate metabolism.

Naturally, about work this mechanism There is little evidence, but it is certain that oral health has a direct impact on susceptibility to diabetes.

Teeth and pregnancy

In addition, doctors were able to establish the following relationship: dental health directly affects the course of pregnancy. The presence of a focus of chronic infection, represented by carious cavities, always led to negative consequences. This is much more pronounced in pregnant women.

During pregnancy, there is a physiological weakening of the immune system and a violation of mineral metabolism. In addition to tooth decay, this can negatively affect the baby’s health. The worst case scenario is that the infection spreads from the oral cavity through the blood to the baby, which leads to damage to the placenta and miscarriage.

How to keep your teeth healthy

Alas, according to dentists, today even many adults have little idea of ​​how to properly care for their teeth. What can we say about children then? Not many people have enough patience to find 3-5 minutes to brush their teeth every morning and evening.

If you want to ensure the health of your teeth so that they delight you with their whiteness for many years, then you need to follow following rules:

  • Train yourself to finish every meal and snack by rinsing your mouth with water; it is also useful to chew a piece of cheese or gum, and these procedures should be performed for several minutes;
  • Every morning and every evening, brush your teeth regularly, spending at least 3 minutes on this, remove all accumulated plaque from your cheeks, gums and tongue;
  • Be sure to use dental floss - threads that are used to remove food debris between the teeth;
  • You should not refuse to use mouth rinses; first of all, they are necessary for those who have problems with their gums;
  • Visit the dentist regularly - this must be done 2 times a year, regardless of whether your teeth bother you or not.

In addition, it should be remembered that proper hygiene starts with the right toothbrush. Approach your choice with great responsibility, try to change them as often as possible. Only if these conditions are met will you be able to keep your teeth safe and sound and provide them with attractive appearance and health and thus maintain your health for many years.

Collection of poems. Volume 1

"Dentilux". Healthy teeth are the key to the health of the nation

Compiled by Grigory Fleisher

ISBN 978-5-4485-4286-2

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero


“You need to take care of your teeth early childhood“, in this case, children grow up healthy, cheerful, beautiful and get more chances in life.”

George Eastman.

This monograph includes a collection of poems for children about teeth, toothbrushes and other oral organs by various authors. The collection is aimed at promoting and promoting the author’s Dentilux methodology for improving oral health, rational individual (group and collective) oral hygiene, teaching children and adolescents how to brush their teeth and a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation. It is believed that the main diseases of the oral cavity (dental caries and inflammatory diseases periodontal disease) are manageable and in many cases can be prevented.

The goal of the project “Dentilux. Healthy teeth are the key to the health of the nation":

give children the information necessary to improve their health;

Based on the knowledge gained, develop the necessary hygiene skills and habits.

However, these diseases are among the most common diseases child population our country. It is also known that the health of children largely depends on the participation of parents in the development of rational hygiene skills. Due to the fact that the awareness of the population may change over time, it is legitimate to assume that both the level of sanitary culture and the degree of parental responsibility in relation to teaching rational brushing of teeth and prevention of major diseases may change. dental diseases in children. Their parents can play a significant role in the implementation of primary dental prevention in children. Developing parents' belief in the need to follow rules healthy image the lives of their children based on poems, as well as the development modern methods preventing them and maintaining the body in healthy condition is the goal of health education work among parents. The importance of children’s teeth brushing skills from the very beginning early age is enormous, since individual oral hygiene skills are among those that are best learned early childhood. Moreover, children most often acquire such skills by copying adults. If the family does not have the correct ideas and skills in oral hygiene, then one should not expect that children will have them differently than their parents. Few children like to brush their teeth. Usually boys and girls begin to protest as soon as they see the brush. There is no need to insist, let alone force little “unwilling” people to brush their teeth against their will. It’s best to lead by example and turn brushing your teeth into a fun game: for example, make a brush for your child’s favorite toy and let the baby brush its teeth, or play a “talking brush” that will ask the baby for permission to visit his teeth. . You can watch cartoons or books where children and even animals brush their teeth, or make up a story yourself. You can also read poetry to make brushing your teeth fun!

IN modern literature For young parents, more than one method of teaching a child how to care for his or her body is described. Despite this, mothers and fathers of small children often wonder: when should you start teaching your baby to brush his teeth?

To find the correct answer, you need to delve a little deeper into physiology. Remember your children at the age of one year and evaluate their intelligence and independence during this period. A young mother, sitting on a bench next door, constantly complained to me that her one-and-a-half-year-old son could not control a spoon well. In fact, young children do not yet have well-developed coordination of movements. But they can already hold a spoon in their hands and operate it without the help of adults! Therefore, such an adult baby can be entrusted with a serious tool - a toothbrush.

Let it be just entertainment for him at first, but closer to the age of one and a half years he will learn to brush his teeth like mom and dad. If a baby does not know how to use a brush at the age of one and a half years, then you need to start teaching him to take care of his mouth as soon as possible, otherwise health problems will not be avoided.

Until the baby turns 1 year old, parents will have to very strictly monitor the condition of his teeth. Mothers need to follow these recommendations:

Gauze swab. From birth to 6 months, it is necessary to wipe the gums and tongue with a sterile gauze swab soaked in cool water. boiled water. This procedure ensures the maintenance oral cavity clean and stimulating correct height teeth.

Silicone brush. Remember the rule: “First tooth, first brush.” Finally everything sleepless nights, ointments on the gums and constant temperature behind. As soon as your child has teethed, buy him a special baby brush made of silicone. An adult puts it on his finger and cleans the baby’s mouth in the morning and evening without using toothpaste. We must not forget about wiping the mucous membranes with a gauze swab. With the advent of a silicone brush in your home arsenal, it is enough to do this once a day.

Children's brush. When your baby starts eating solid foods, you can buy a real toothbrush. But parents will still have to clean their child’s mouth themselves before breakfast and before bed.

Teaching children any skill can be challenging. According to own observations, children of different ages differ significantly in functional indicators intelligence, memory, speech, motor skills of small muscles of the hand. Children from three to 4-5 years old learn information and skills according to the principle of emotional perception: “like - don’t like”, “want - don’t want”. By the age of 6-7 years, approximately 70% have functional maturity to acquire knowledge and skills in the form schooling. But the importance of motivation based on emotional perception (“beautiful - not beautiful”, “like - don’t like”, “I’m afraid - not afraid”) remains high. At the age of 4-5, a sense of duty begins to form. The simplest ideas about it are inseparable from the corresponding action, as well as from what was previously designated by the words “you must.” This age period Children are capable of replaying the upcoming situation in their imagination; they accumulate enough ideas on the basis of which generalizations will later be built. The formation of a sense of duty is facilitated by switching from interesting game for an obligatory task. This requires special training. The teacher must explain why and what “we must now.” In the fifth year of life, the vocabulary is significantly enriched. At this age, children learn to count within five, the ability to compare the size of objects, and determine the spatial location of objects relative to themselves (front, back, left, right, above, below). Therefore, when teaching, one should widely use life situations. Children of this age are very proactive and overly hasty in answering questions. They are very responsive to praise and become very upset when dissatisfaction with their responses or behavior is expressed. Girls and boys at the age of five prefer to communicate with peers of the same sex. In the system interpersonal relationships boys are less advantaged than girls. This fact must be taken into account when organizing group games. When choosing the plot of a collective game, in which the mandatory participation of boys and girls is required, it is important to rely on the sympathies of both. Children over six years old are active, quite disciplined, and show signs of strong-willed qualities. Their ability to concentrate attention in class increases somewhat. Such children are characterized by caring for the younger ones, the desire to teach them, and to show patronage towards them. It is helpful for these children to have oral hygiene explained to younger children with appropriate assistance. Teachers and educators need to be shown rational methods of oral hygiene, taught proper implementation hygiene measures, introduce modern means prevention. One of the tasks for children preschool age is the formation of their attitude towards the means personal hygiene oral cavity, how to mandatory component environment. This is of particular importance in the process of dental education for children. younger age when dental education is limited vocabulary they also lack an abstract-logical component of the thought process.

Abstract directly educational activities: “Healthy teeth are the key to health”

« Healthy teeth – healthy body»

Program content: introduce children to the rules of dental care; give an idea of ​​the factors contributing to the occurrence and development of caries; explain the need ongoing care behind them; teach children technology proper cleaning teeth; expand children's ideas about the profession of dentist. Develop coherent speech, attention, memory, general and fine motor skills. Cultivate the desire to have beautiful and healthy teeth.

Preliminary work: educational health-related activities, breathing and movement exercises, didactic games, familiarity with external and internal structure the human body, with the capabilities of his body, reading fiction.

Vocabulary work: to activate children’s speech words: enamel, caries, dentist, toothbrush.

Methods and techniques: conversation, teacher's story, reading, encouragement, riddles, developing caring skills own body, use of visualization, display of actions.

Equipment: diagram of the stage of tooth decay, model of teeth, mirrors and tennis balls for each child, object pictures for didactic game, TSO products, gum rinse, children's toothbrush, toothpaste, cup, teeth brushing algorithm for each child.

Integration of areas: OO "Cognition", OO "Communication", OO "Reading fiction", OO « Health» , OO "Socialization", OO "Safety".

Children enter the group behind the teacher and stand up at random.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us. Let's go with them let's say hello.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, let's say it again wonderful word "Hello!" (children again greet guests) . You felt how our spirits lifted. The point is that the word "Hello!" special, when we say it, we not only greet someone, but also wish him health. This word has healing power. Guys, I want to tell you riddles, listen:

It costs two stakes,

There is a barrel on stakes,

There is a bump on the barrel,

And on the hummock there is a dense forest. (HUMAN).

The pot is learned,

Seven holes in it. (HEAD).

Red doors in my cave

White animals sit at the door,

Both meat and bread are all my spoils,

I gladly give it to white animals.

What do you think this riddle is about? (children's answers).

Clever girls! Right! Today we will talk about teeth. Now let’s sit down on the carpet and I’ll tell you a fairy tale, and then you tell me what this fairy tale is about. Let's listen carefully.

Once upon a time there were teeth. They lived and did not grieve in the mouth of the boy Vanechka. At first they lived well, they were white, beautiful and healthy. They were only happy for a very short time. They got a bad owner, just a slob. He hardly cleaned them at all. Vanechka really didn’t like to wash himself. The teeth were sad and offended by Vanechka. They had a sad life, and they fell ill from frustration.

We heard, said those in front teeth, - what if the owner doesn't brush his teeth, then they may be offended and leave him completely.

How so? – Vanya didn’t believe it. -Where should I go? How am I going to eat candy? How to bite apples? Can't be!

And he ran to the old wise grandmother. Grandmother was old and knew a lot of things.

“Grandma,” Vanechka asked, “is it true that teeth can get offended and leave?”

Of course it’s true,” said the grandmother. – Teeth are always offended if they are not brushed. They begin to hurt and fall out.

Fall out? – Vanechka was surprised. - How is that?

- And so: They jump out of the mouth and run away to look for another owner.

Vanya thought, and then asks:

Granny, what about me? I can’t live without teeth!

Then you need to make peace with them.

Yes,” the teeth screamed, “let’s make peace, come on.” Cleanse us, and we will no longer be offended by you. Just don’t forget, we love to wash ourselves morning and evening.

Fine, - Vanechka was happy.

Since then they no longer quarreled and lived together.

So what is this fairy tale about? (children's answers)

The teacher shows plaster jaws or a picture of teeth.

This is what they look like healthy teeth. Let's look at our teeth in the mirror (the teacher invites the children to go to the tables and look at them).

Educator: How many teeth does a person have? (children's answers).

An adult has 32 teeth. First, little ones grow milk teeth. They have no roots and therefore fall out easily. But in their place permanent ones grow teeth. For what need teeth? (children's answers). Amazing! Teeth perform very important work, they chew food.

Now let's do exercises for the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics.

Our children got up early, (mouth parted in a smile,

Let's go brush our teeth "clean" tongue behind the lower ones

Right - left, right - left and upper teeth 4 – 5 times)

We brush our teeth skillfully.

We'll rinse your mouth with you. (imitation mouth rinse)

Like a neat cat.

Our cat took the comb (lightly bite your tongue with your teeth)

And he began to comb his hair. (moving tongue back and forth)

We are keeping up with him

We do exercises together (bend "back" and hold for a count of 5).

Well done! Take a napkin and wipe your mouth, put the mirror aside. Now let's play with our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

A toothbrush floats

Like a boat on the sea,

Like a steamboat on a river,

She goes by the teeth

Up and down, there - back.

We will remove plaque and stains.

So that your teeth don't hurt,

So that they turn white like winter snow.

Look, you have tennis balls on your tray, take one ball in your hands. Try it on strength: squeeze it, tap it on the table. Ours are just as strong teeth. Teeth covered with enamel. She is very hard. But if you don't take good care of your teeth, they start to hurt. They become sick if they chew seeds and hard nuts, bite threads, pick their teeth with a fork, eat a lot of sweets and chocolate, chew for a long time chewing gum. What if you don’t clean it for a long time? teeth, a plaque appears on them. Changes due to plaque white teeth, they become yellow. And it doesn't look nice. Then maybe black stone will form who does teeth are brittle and sick. Plaque and black stone are friends of caries. Cracks appear in the tooth, microbes get there, the tooth begins to turn black and collapse. (The teacher shows the children a poster "Stages of tooth decay").

Such teeth treated by a special doctor - a dentist. What is the name of the doctor who treats teeth? (children's answers). Say it again, Veronica. Amazing! Repeat, Katya. Good girl! Repeat, Sasha. Well done! He bets on damaged teeth filling, this is a special mixture with which he will cover the hole in the tooth so that it no longer hurts.

Guys, is no one here sick? (children's answers). Tell me what you do to avoid getting sick? (children's answers). What a great fellow you are, how much you do to avoid getting sick. But I have a friend and he got sick, and when you get sick, you Bad mood and no strength.

Do you want to be cheerful, vigorous and strong? Then let's do some exercises together. Whoever does the charging is the one health is gained.

Physical education minute.

Early in the morning we go to the clearing one after another (walking with knees high)

And let’s all begin the exercises in order (accept original position: legs together, arms along the body).

I have a head turning my head

Right-left, right-left,

one or two. head tilts.

She sits on a strong neck, turning her neck in a circle.

Turned and turned.

Then the body goes, hands on the belt,

Bend back, bend over,

Lean forward

Turn-turn. turns.

Everyone has skillful hands, hand jerks

Up and down, up and down, up and down

We need legs, running in place,

to run

Jump, squat, jump, squat.

This is what our body is like!

You can do anything with him "five"!

Someone's crying is heard.

Educator: I hear someone crying. Sit down on the chairs, and I’ll go and see who’s there. Oh, and here Drakosha himself came to visit us. Hello, what happened to you? Teeth hurt? May I take a look? Everything is clear, you have caries. Perhaps you didn't take care of your teeth?

Dragon: Cared. I fed them candies and chocolate every day, treated them to seeds, and cracked nuts with my teeth. He chewed the threads teeth: once - and you're done! And if something gets stuck in my teeth, I pick it out with a fork and everything is fine. I also chew pencils and lollipops and chew gum for 2 hours. Oh - oh - oh! What a toothache!

Educator: But it’s harmful to your teeth. A you brush your teeth?

Dragon: I don’t like brushing my teeth.

I don't take vitamins

I eat only sweets.

This is very tasty.

I can't clean teeth.

Educator: Well, okay, now I’ll take you to the doctor, and when you return, the guys will tell you how to take care of your teeth. Drakosha leaves.

Educator: And so that our teeth don’t hurt, we will be friends with a toothbrush and toothpaste. The length of the brush head is equal to the width of two to three of your teeth. It should have soft bristles and should be stored in a special glass or case. The brush is changed every 2 - 3 months.

And now I'll show you how to clean it properly teeth.

(Display with explanation is made on the layout).

Practical part.

Who will show you on a model how to clean it correctly? teeth? (showing by a child)

Great! Now listen to advice from « Healthy teeth» :

Eat sweets once a day. After you eat sweets, rinse your mouth or chew chewing gum for 10 minutes.

Rinse your mouth with warm water after eating.

It is useful to eat an apple or carrot after breakfast, lunch and dinner. They help cleanse teeth from small food debris (dental plaque).

Eating hot or very cold food is harmful to your teeth. Tooth enamel is more damaged.

You must not gnaw hard objects or pick your teeth with sharp objects.

You cannot chew nuts with your teeth or open bottle caps.

It is good for teeth to eat cottage cheese, milk, oatmeal, eat vegetables and fruits.

Be sure to visit the dentist 2 times a year (even if they don't hurt teeth)

Teeth clean morning and evening. Change the brush every 2-3 months, and do not let anyone use it.

Store the brush in a special cup, with the bristles facing up. Then the brush will dry quickly, and this is very important, since germs remain on a wet brush for a long time.

(you can set mnemonic signs)

Educator: I suggest you play a game "Benefit - harm".

Object pictures are placed on the floor. Participants are divided into two teams and distribute the pictures into two groups: in one - what is useful for preserving teeth healthy, and in the other - what harms the teeth. Then each team justifies its choice.

Summary of the lesson. Drakosha appears.

Dragon: Here Great! The tooth doesn't hurt at all. This doctor is simply a magician.

Educator: I know, I know, he removed the plaque and black stone from your tooth and put a filling. And to prevent this from happening again, you must follow the rules. Then you won’t be afraid of any caries.

Dragon: What are the rules?

Educator: Now the children will tell you. (Children use mnemonic tables to tell the rules of dental care).

Dragon: These are not difficult rules at all, they are easy to remember and follow.

Educator: And so that you and other children don’t forget that you need to take care of your teeth, listen poem:

Children read poetry.

Hurry up to save yourself

From plaque on teeth.

It's so easy to fix

If you have a brush in your hands.

Exactly three minutes

Clean top and sides

Fight the raid from within,

Co evil enemy your teeth.

And the work is finished -

Rinse with warm water, and then

From a nasty raid

There will be no trace left.

Every tooth needs to be brushed

Upper tooth, lower tooth,

Even the farthest tooth

A very important tooth!

Once you've eaten, brush your teeth.

Do this twice a day.

Prefer fruit to candy

Very important products.

So that the tooth does not bother you,

Remember this rule:

Let's go to the dentist

Twice a year for appointments

And then smiles light

You will save it for many years! (all together)

Dragon: Thank you, friends. It's time for me to return to my home. (says goodbye, leaves)

Educator: Well done, children, now we will be with you healthy and strong. After all, if teeth will always be healthy, then the mood will be good. You will always be cheerful and joyful. If you find even a small hole on your tooth, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible. If treat teeth in a timely manner, then you won’t feel any pain during treatment. It is necessary to cure the tooth, otherwise you may lose it completely. And without teeth bad: It’s difficult to chew food, it’s difficult to talk, and the smile is unattractive. And I want to give you a diagram "How to properly clean teeth» .

But first, let's tell our guests "Goodbye!".